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All By Her Lonesome

By Castafae
Created: 2024-10-24 06:37:29
Updated: 2024-10-25 07:25:17
Expiry: Never

  1. >Just… a little longer.
  2. >If you keep staring at the keys, sooner or later you’ll figure out *something* to write.
  3. >Right?
  4. “Ugh…”
  5. >You lay your head on your desk with a defeated groan.
  6. >You’ve been coming up dry for days now.
  7. >Every single plot point, every single interaction or joke…
  8. >None of them feel right!
  9. >You were on a roll for a while there, banging out updates like it was going out of style.
  10. >But then you hit this *stupid* wall…
  11. >You rub your temples with your hooves and let out a frustrated sigh.
  12. >Not only were you unproductive, you were bored as well.
  13. >Among… other things.
  14. >You feel your face flush as you begin to realize that the warm tingle in your nethers hasn’t gotten any better.
  15. >It… usually goes away by now.
  16. >W-when… When was the last time you… touched yourself?
  17. >It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
  18. >Ever since you got caught by the mailmare, you haven’t felt a single pang up until, well…
  19. >Now, you guess.
  20. >Why is that?
  21. >You blame dumb biological processes…
  22. “S-stupid heat…”
  23. >Your wings ruffle a little as you continue to rest your head on your desk.
  24. >M-maybe…
  25. >You bolt upright and shake your head.
  26. >N-no no! You’re stronger than that!
  27. >You went this long without doing it and you were *fine*. Just because your body is whining about how much it wants a foal pretty please with sprinkles on top doesn’t mean you need to indulge it!
  28. “Mmn…”
  29. >B-but… You kinda wanna…
  30. “S-stop it! You just- You just need a shower, Middy.”
  31. >A nice cold one.
  32. >It’s like spraying a misbehaving pussycat with water but instead of an actual cat it’s your-
  33. >You squish your face between your hooves.
  34. >N-no thoughts! Only shower.
  35. >Luna knows you need one anyways…
  36. >Slipping off your chair and into your bat slippers, you shuffle over to your door and give it a push.
  37. >The creaking is a clear indicator that you might need to oil the hinges again.
  38. >With a soft sigh, you lazily make your way down the stairs until you make it to the ground floor.
  39. >Just left of the kitchen was the bathroom door, which you tug open with little fanfare.
  40. >The inside was spacious and rather comfy for something so old.
  41. >You can feel the salty sea breeze gently waft in through the little window near the sink and you take it in with a deep breath.
  42. “I’m feeling… Apple shampoo today.”
  43. >That’d be-
  44. “Wait… what’s that?”
  45. >You notice an awfully familiar piece of fabric draped over the shower curtain.
  46. “How’d that get there…”
  47. >You trot over and gently tug it off the curtain, letting it flop to the floor with a quiet ‘fwip’ sound.
  48. “H-hey… I know this thing!”
  49. >It’s… the delivery guy’s shirt.
  50. “W-wow… It’s pretty big.”
  51. >But why is here and not on his weird muscly body?
  52. >He left like… a day ago.
  53. “Did he forget it?”
  54. >Maybe he took a shower and never grabbed his old shirt…
  55. “...I wanna put it on.”
  56. >You bet it’d look like a dress on you.
  57. “H-hehe…”
  59. >You pick up the massive work shirt and pull it over your head.
  60. >It takes a bit of flailing, but as you sit on the bathroom floor in a shirt that is more akin to a wearable blanket than anything else, you feel quite proud of yourself.
  61. >You get up and walk over to the sink so you can get a good look at yourself in the mirror.
  62. >You stifle back an awkward laugh as you see how silly you look.
  63. “S-serves him right for leaving his stuff in my bathroom… Now it's got pony hair all over it.”
  64. >A fitting punishment for his transgressions against you.
  65. “Ehe… h-heh… nnh…”
  66. >...It smells like him.
  67. >L-like… a lot.
  68. >You give the shirt collar a tentative sniff.
  69. >Is that what a stallion smells like…?
  70. >It’s… odd.
  71. >N-not a *bad* odd, just…
  72. >Odd.
  73. >It's sweaty and almost sweet a-and makes you feel r-really really…
  74. >You bury your nose into the fabric with a quiet whimper.
  75. >G-gosh…
  76. >For a brief moment your eyes glance up and you see just how much of a weirdo you look in the mirror, so you pull your snoot away from the alluring scent with a nervous laugh.
  77. >T-that’s enough, Middy! You barely even know the guy…
  78. >Sure, he was nice to you a-and played his guitar f-for you a-and said you mattered, b-but…
  79. >But…
  80. >You fidget with your hooves, your ears burning with shame.
  81. >Would… Would it really hurt if you just… got it out of your system?
  82. >A-after you finish you can just, you know, clean up the evidence and take that shower…
  83. >N-nopony would know! It’d just be between you and, uhm…
  84. >Anon’s shirt.
  85. >You nuzzle into the fabric with a soft sigh.
  86. >You feel… fuzzy.
  87. >And warm.
  88. >Like your body was wrapped up in the softest blanket this side of Equestria.
  89. >Sure, the shirt warmed you up quite a bit, but it shouldn’t feel *this* good…
  90. >You may not be physically near him right now, but all these hormones swimming in your head is making this dumb shirt the next best thing…
  91. >You shuffle over to a standing mirror covered with an old towel, which you pull off and set aside.
  92. >You swallow dryly as you come face to face with your blushing reflection once again, but unlike last time… your intentions were much more clear.
  93. >You brush a bit of mane out of your face and stifle back a nasally chuckle.
  94. “G-gee… You sure are a uh- a really cute mare, miss! M-mind… giving me a peek of what’s underneath that… t-tail… h-hah…”
  95. >Immediately, your face turns beet red at your horrible attempt at emulating Anon’s voice.
  96. >H-how about we… don’t do that.
  97. >You plop down in front of the mirror, your wings wriggling anxiously under the shirt’s soft cottony fabric.
  98. “Y-you can do this… You’ve done it tons of times!”
  99. >...That’s kind of a pathetic thing to admit, isn’t it?
  101. >You give yourself a shaky smile.
  102. >It- It doesn’t matter if it’s pathetic. You- You’re a mare with needs! A-and…
  103. >And it’s nothing to be ashamed of!
  104. “Y-yeah…”
  105. >Without anything holding you back anymore, you lean back a little and hike up the shirt until your belly is visible.
  106. >You spread your trembling legs, letting you get a good look at the damp undies that stood between you and your troublesome marehood.
  107. “H-hello… me.”
  108. >It’s been a while since you checked yourself out…
  109. >You let out a frustrated sigh.
  110. “Still itty bitty…”
  111. >Y-you’re sure there’s a stallion somewhere out there that’d think they’re cute…
  112. >Right?
  113. >You bring a hoof down to one of your small teats and give it a hesitant poke.
  114. >You heard that touching them felt good, but you’ve never been able to make it work…
  115. >Maybe it has something to do with the nipples?
  116. >With a curious spark in your eye, you begin to nudge one of the stiff little nips visible through the stripey fabric.
  117. >It’s… a funny feeling.
  118. >Not exactly what you expected at all, but… You keep going.
  119. >You bring your other hoof down to tease your other nipple as you awkwardly bury your snoot into Anon’s shirt once more.
  120. >As you breathe in his scent, you can feel a warmth begin to rise within your body.
  121. >Together, your hooves continue to swirl around the sensitive little nubs until you can’t stand it any more and you let your forelegs fall limply to your sides.
  122. “H-hah… mmn…”
  123. >Your breathing is heavy as you stare at your lewd reflection in the mirror.
  124. >Your glasses were steamy and you had tears in the corners of your eyes. The damp spot in your panties has grown larger and unmistakable…
  125. >It’s all so… intense.
  126. >It’s never felt like this before.
  127. >You don’t understand why, but…
  128. >It didn’t matter.
  129. >Your mind was a woozy mess and you’ve just been making yourself more pent up.
  130. >It’s… time to finish up.
  131. >You lie down on your back and stare up at the bathroom ceiling.
  132. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  133. >You… you wonder what it’d feel like.
  134. >To have the love of your life lay you on a soft bed…
  135. >Y-you’d be nervous, of course.
  136. >You’ve never done something like that before, but…
  137. >He’d run his hoof through your mane a-and say t-that you’re the prettiest mare in the w-world…
  138. >And then you’d feel it.
  139. “Buh-buck…”
  140. >His stallionhood, right there.
  141. >P-pushing up against your virgin entrance...
  142. “G-gently… pl-please…”
  143. >You can almost see his warm smile as he cups your cheek with his hoof.
  144. “D-don’t t-tease muh-meEe…”
  145. >Your voice cracks as your hoof slips further into your panties.
  146. >You bite down on the shirt’s collar, stifling back a pleasured whine as your hoof makes contact with your winking button.
  147. >E-even if it hurts a little when he puts it in…
  148. >it wouldn’t matter because you love him.
  149. >And…
  150. >And he loves you, too.
  151. “Mmf~!”
  152. >You sink your fangs further into the soft fabric as you stifle back a soft moan.
  153. >You’ve never been so vocal before… It almost makes you feel self conscious.
  154. >Something about this combination of wishful fantasy and the scent of a very real stallion just drove your estrus-addled body mad.
  155. >You tug at your panties with your free hoof, pulling them around your legs and leaving your marehood vulnerable to the elements.
  156. >You bring your free hoof down to your teats and feel a jolt of pleasure as you begin to tease one of your nipples, now without a barrier of cotton to dull the sensation.
  157. >Your hind legs twitch and tremble weakly as you feel yourself inch closer and closer to climax.
  158. >Your grip on Anon’s shirt loosens and his collar falls from your mouth, wet with drool.
  159. >The heady, fresh scent of your own arousal is much more prevalent now. Almost to the point that it overpowers the stale sweat of his shirt.
  160. >J-just…
  161. >Just a little m-more…
  162. >The lewd shlicky sounds that come from your hoof’s movements were embarrassing, but at this point you’ve grown past shame and were fully committed.
  163. >Your ears prickle.
  164. >’Go on~’
  165. >You shudder, the imaginary encouragement of your mystery lover almost tipping you over the edge.
  166. “Nnh- N-no…”
  167. >You want to grab his dumb stubbly handsome face and give him the biggest grin. Any pretense of shyness melting away.
  168. “Wh-with… With me!”
  169. >Please…
  170. >All you want to do is look him in the eyes as he makes you a mare.
  171. “H-hahhn…”
  172. >A desperate whine is all you can manage as your hips begin to buck and you come.
  173. >Hard.
  174. >A hot spurt of pent up juices gets all over the bottom of the mirror before the stream finally settles into a lazy dribble that soaks into the underside of your tail.
  175. >The throes of orgasm slowly subsiding, you fall limp and lay there on your back.
  176. >A panting, trembling mess of a mare with the dumbest smile of contentment on her face.
  178. - - -
  179. “Phew… I really needed that…”
  180. >The shower and the uh- the other thing.
  181. >You side eye the laundry hamper sitting near the sink as you dry off your mane with a towel.
  182. >Anon’s shirt is hanging limply on the side.
  183. >You wonder if he'll notice the fang marks…
  184. >What do you even say when he asks about them?
  185. >Let's… put a pin in that for now.
  186. >You’ve got a few weeks before you gotta make up an excuse for that.
  187. >You let out a soft sigh and smile at your sleepy reflection in the mirror.
  188. “All I gotta do is some laundry and freshen up the bathroom. Sounds easy, right?”
  189. >You nod to yourself.
  190. “Totally. He’ll never suspect a thing!”
  191. >You stifle back a giggle.
  192. >You never knew you could feel so refreshed after giving into your lonely urges…
  193. >Usually you just feel worse.
  194. “Well… I’m not *that* alone anymore…”
  195. >You’ve got a friend who’s gonna visit you from time to time!
  196. >Sure, it’s technically his job, but that’s way better than sitting in your room for months on end without a single meaningful interaction with another sapient being…
  197. >No, dad doesn’t count.
  198. “He doesn’t really care anyways… He just wanted you out of the house.”
  199. >Or at least that’s what your gut is telling you...
  200. >Maybe he didn’t mean for it to feel that way… But you can’t exactly ask him right now, can you?
  201. >You vigorously shake your head and then do the same for your tail, making them both fluff up rather nicely.
  202. >It’s… probably best if you don’t dwell on it.
  203. >You’re feeling pretty okay right now. No need to spoil things by having daddy issues.
  204. “Wuh- I don’t have daddy issues! I-I just…”
  205. >You frown as you can’t find the words to defend yourself and wave a hoof dismissively as you start for the bathroom door in a huff.
  206. “W-whatever!”
  207. >You’ve got better things to do then argue with yourself.
  208. >Like…
  209. “...Oh! My novel!”
  210. >Isn’t the whole reason you did any of this was because you couldn’t think of anything to write?
  211. >Well… how about now?
  212. >Are there any ideas ping ponging around in that afterglow addled brain of yours?
  213. “U-uhm…”
  214. >You stamp down a hoof.
  215. “I got it!”
  216. >You could practice romance!
  217. >W-writing romance, you mean…
  218. >It doesn’t have to be anything big or overarching, but you think it couldn’t hurt to give your main girl a bit of flavor…
  219. >M-maybe give her a crush on her mysterious hooded companion who *might* not be a pony…
  220. “That could be fun…”
  221. >Y-yeah… And once it’s all over they would, like… kiss a-and hug and stuff…
  222. >You stifle back a dorky laugh.
  223. >Gosh, you can just *feel* your creative juices flowing again!
  224. >You probably should run up to your room so you can write things down before they slip from your mind!
  225. “Alright Middy, let's get this show on the- W-wah!”
  226. >...But before you can even make it out the door, you trip up on the flowing tip of your tail and fall back on your nakey rump.
  227. “O-ow…”
  228. >You guess this means you probably should tie up your tail before you leave, huh?
  229. >You always forget to do that...
  230. >You rub the back of your neck as you let out a nervous laugh.
  231. “S-silly me! Eheh…”
  232. >You sit on the cool tile floor for a while, tunelessly humming to yourself as you put a scrunchie in your troublesome tail.
  233. "Just ball it up at the end and watch it descend~ It's easy as pie so why don'tcha give it a try~"
  234. >With your tail flail now remade, you get to your hooves and check it out in the mirror.
  235. >Haha! It looks *just* like that mare's did in the tutorial your read!
  236. >Last time around you made it too light and it kept whacking stuff when you turned around...
  237. "My poor succulent... At least it gave me a reason to re-pot him."
  238. >You wonder if dad kept his promise and has been watering Bartleby...
  239. "Hmph... He better have!"
  240. >As you turn to the mirror again and have a gander at your freshly showered self, you give yourself a slight confidence boosting wink.
  241. "L-looking good, Middy!"
  242. >You're sure your hypothetical coltfriend would just eat you up!
  243. >...Wait, what do ponies mean when they get 'ate' by their partners?
  244. >Is it like... nibbling?
  245. >It wouldn't hurt, right?
  246. "I guess I wouldn't mind having my ear nibbled a little... h-heh..."
  247. >Yeah... And then he'd whisper in your ear a-and touch your hooves and stuff...
  248. >Your velvety wings ruffle against your back, making your snap out of your daydream and realize that you were *very* naked right now and that it was rather nippy out.
  249. "H-how about we uh- we go get dressed..."
  250. >Wait, do you have anything clean right now?
  251. "Well I have my- wait, no those are dirty..."
  252. >At least you have your slippers, right?
  253. >Glancing over to your bat slippers, you are embarrassed to notice that you might have uh...
  254. >Gotten love juice on them.
  255. >I-It's a very noticeable stain...
  256. >If mom were here, you have a feeling she'd probably be very disappointed to see what you just did to her old slippers...
  257. "I... I guess that means I gotta do some wash, huh?"
  258. >Not like you have anything else better to do...
  259. "B-but I wanna write my noveeel..." You whine with a pout.
  260. >Want all you uh- you want, you still have things to do! Important things!
  261. >Like getting rid of evidence! And uh- And also getting a PB&J!
  262. >...You're kinda hungry.
  263. "How about we just put in all my favorite stuff in the wash real quick and then do some writing while we wait for it to finish? Pretty sure there's a egg timer in the kitchen we could use..."
  264. >Ooo... Good idea, me!
  265. "H-heh... Why thank you, I thought of it myself!"
  266. >With your plan for the day established, you pick up your soaked panties and shame-covered slippers from up off the floor and throw them into the laundry hamper, which you proceed to drag to the bathroom door.
  267. "Alrighty Middy... This is the start of a new day!"
  268. >Well, it's technically somewhere around midday, but it's close enough, right?
  269. "L-lets go do some laundry and agree to never speak of this again!"
  270. >You glance back to the standing mirror for a brief moment, almost expected mirror-you to respond.
  271. "...G-good talk! I'll uhm... I'm gonna go now."
  272. >Before you grab hold of the hamper again, you awkwardly push Anon's shirt down into the hamper with the rest of your dirty clothes so as not to tempt a round two out of you.
  273. "Just gotta -hnng!- get this dumb thing outta here..."
  274. >With a deep breath, you push open the bathroom door with your flank and begin your arduous journey to the laundry room.
  275. "Maybe I could, like... Make a scene where they do laundry? Would ponies wanna read that? Hmm..."


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