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Fae's Party Adventure

By Castafae
Created: 2022-12-25 21:33:34
Updated: 2022-12-27 16:50:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >You and Ari walk down a frosty forest path, surrounded by evergreens.
  2. >It was always so nice this time of year, even if it wasn’t as snowy as you’d like.
  3. >Hopefully there will be a few more flurries before spring, that would certainly liven things up!
  4. >But, snow or no snow, your excitement was palpable.
  5. >You never thought you’d get invited to a party!
  6. >Well, it wasn’t *that* big of a deal, just a little gathering your friend Mossy planned before Hearth's Warming, but still!
  7. >You've never really been to a party before, does it have some sort of etiquette?
  8. >Well, whatever happens, you're sure it'll be great!
  9. >You hum a tune as you trot along, but it fades as you start pondering something.
  10. “Hey Ari? Didn’t you say you got Mossy a gift?”
  11. >Ari nods and rummages through a particularly fuzzy looking satchel she brought along.
  12. >She produces what you at first assume is a potion of some sort, but it’s not as… potiony as usual.
  13. >”It’s Peppermint Eggnog.”
  14. “Eggnog? I don’t remember you going to the store.”
  15. >Ari smirks. “I figured out that with enough patience and drive, I can make drinks rather handily through the wondrous avenue of potion mastery!”
  16. “So it’s… normal?”
  17. >”More or less. It still has a lingering effect that makes you a tad sleepy though.”
  18. “Sounds like regular old eggnog to me.”
  19. >Ari chuckles and puts the eggnog back in her satchel.
  20. >She glances over to you and points to your hat. “I see you're still wearing that.”
  21. “Heh, jealous? I still have the other hat in my bag, we can match!”
  22. >”Hmm, maybe when we get there, I’m not exactly feeling very ‘hatty’ right now.”
  23. “Well, It’ll be here until then!”
  24. “...”
  25. “Do… Do you think there will be a lot of ponies?”
  26. >”Oh, *now* you’re worried?”
  27. “I-it didn’t really sink in until now, with all the excitement, so um, yeah…”
  28. >”Fae, it’ll be fine. Besides, didn’t you want to make more friends?”
  29. “I know, I just… I’m not very good at it yet…”
  30. >”I don’t think anypony needs to be good at making friends, sometimes it just sorta happens, ya know?”
  31. “I guess? I kinda just… asked Mossy. I mean, I didn’t actually expect her to *want* to be my friend, so it was pretty surprising.”
  32. >”You know, I feel like you sell yourself short, Fae. If you put yourself out there more, I’m sure you'll make friends in due time.”
  33. “I… I guess this would be step one, huh?”
  34. >”I think you’ve had a few more steps than that, but this’ll be a step regardless.”
  35. >You smile, if a bit nervously.
  36. >You… You’ll figure this out.
  37. >It just takes time.
  38. >You adjust your hat, and take a deep breath.
  39. “Party time?”
  40. >Ari gives you a pat on the shoulder and grins.
  41. >”Party time!”
  44. >As you both walk along, the forest slowly thins and the dirt path underhoof gives way to cobble.
  45. >Soon enough, you find yourself on the outskirts of town once more.
  46. >The snow from the previous day's flurry is still fairly fresh, attracting the local foals, who were attempting to build an extra large snowpony.
  47. >They look like they’re having quite the debate, chattering away about various aspects of the build.
  48. >”I can’t think of anything else to add, whaddya say, Primmy?”
  49. >”I say it’s perfect!
  50. >”Not until we put on its hat, it isn’t!”
  51. >”But… we don’t have an extra hat.”
  52. >”Sham! Did you bring that hat?”
  53. >”Nuh-uh, my dad didn’t want it to get wet.”
  54. >A filly with a grass green mane raises her hoof.
  55. >”I can use my hat!”
  56. >You observe the gray filly take her toque off and gingerly place it on the snowpony’s head.
  57. >She turns to the others and grins.
  58. >”See! *Now* it’s perfect!”
  59. >Her cohorts mumble among themselves for a moment before they all nod in agreement.
  60. >A mare’s voice calls out from somewhere nearby and the foals all exchange farewells before bounding out of sight, leaving the now be-hatted snowpony to stand valiantly in the middle of the street.
  61. >Its craftsmanship could use some work, but it certainly wasn’t bad! They did a pretty good job.
  62. >Sure it’s in the pathway, but it kinda brings it all together, ya know?
  63. “Hah, I th-”
  64. >You catch yourself from commenting on the snowpony out loud and resume walking.
  65. >As much as you want to talk about it, you feel… embarrassed.
  66. >Everypony would probably think you were a total weirdo!
  67. >You glance at the snowpony as you walk past, although Ari stops and admires the crude sculpture.
  68. >She’s just going to look at it and move on, right?
  69. >”You know Fae, you used to love making snowponies! Do you think you still got the spark?”
  70. >You freeze up, not really expecting Ari to say anything.
  71. “I uh… D-don’t be silly! That’s… Immature! I uh… I’m an adult!”
  72. >Well, you weren't exactly great at ‘adulting’ but it was technically true…
  73. “If… If you want an actual answer, It’s not really something I do anymore so uh, I don’t know?
  74. >Ari tilts her head for a moment before looking at the snowpony again.
  75. >”I see… You know Fae, I’m not so sure myself. I used to be pretty good at snowball fights…”
  76. >Ari scoops up some snow from the ground and eyes it intently.
  77. >”All those hectic snow days seem so long ago. Time certainly does fly, right? Hmph… I wonder…”
  78. >You’re not exactly sure what she's going on about, so you tune her out and wrack your brain as to where exactly you had to go.
  79. >You peer further into town, looking for a house with a pair of green banners, like Mossy said.
  80. >Huh, what’s that sound? It sounds li-
  81. “Eep!”
  82. >You squeak out a noise as something cold hits the back of your head.
  83. >You turn back to Ari who is currently smirking at you with a snowball in her hoof.
  84. “Wuh-what was that for!”
  85. >”An extension of challenge I suppose.”
  86. “Ari, We don’t have time to play around! What ab-” You scramble to the ground, narrowly dodging another snowball. “S-stop that! I-i I’m not good at these!”
  87. >Yet another snowball grazes the side of your flank and you end up cowering on the ground.
  88. >You stay like that for a moment, until you realize that no more snowballs are flying.
  89. >When you look up at Ari again you notice that she has already made several more snowballs.
  90. >She’s got a worryingly focused look to her.
  91. >You doubt you’ll be lucky with dodging the next set of snowballs.
  92. “Hold on! Ju-just, um… T-truce! Please…?”
  93. >Ari blinks and then looks down at all the snowballs and her expression softens.
  94. >She rubs the back of her neck, red faced.
  95. >”I… I guess I had it in me after all.”
  96. >Ari shakes her head. “I’m sorry Fae, I got caught up in the mo- Oh dear… Are… Are you alright?”
  97. >You shake off some snow and do your best to smile, despite how much you want to curl up into a ball right about now.
  98. “Y-yep! Just a little… surprised.”
  99. >’Terrified’ would be the better word, in all honesty.
  100. >Ari doesn’t seem all too convinced by your sorry attempts at staying calm, either.
  101. >”I’ll make it right, don’t you worry! I… uh…”
  102. >Ari scoops up a snowball and offers it to you.
  103. >”Hit me!”
  104. “I’m not doing that! It’s fine, really!”
  105. >Ari pouts. “Fae…”
  106. “Ari, no!”
  107. >Ari’s pouting intensifies. “Fae.”
  108. “I…ugh, fine!”
  109. >You take the snowball from her and hold it aloft.
  110. “...”
  111. >”...Fae?”
  112. >You shakily throw the snowball and it barely hits Ari in the foreleg.
  113. “There! We’re even.”
  114. >Ari lifts her foreleg up and brushes the minuscule amount of snow that got on her off. “That was subpar, Fae.”
  115. “Didn’t I just say I wasn’t good at this?”
  116. >Now that you had your memory thoroughly jogged, Ari used to be pretty great at snowball fights to the point that other foals didn’t really like playing with her.
  117. >It didn’t help that she was incredibly competitive when it came to that.
  118. >...And kinda scary.
  119. >Luckily, she usually left you out of her various winter shenanigans.
  120. >Key word being ‘usually’.
  121. >You vividly remember her coaxing you with the promise of juice boxes to take her usual station when she got sick.
  122. >It turned out just as well as you’d expect.
  123. >Once she got better she doled out extra payback for all the snowballs you had to endure, but you're pretty sure she skimped out on a juice box or two…
  124. >Jeez, how in the world wasn’t *that* her cutiemark? Guess it’s a good thing she had more of an interest in potions.
  125. >Ari trots up and gives you a hug, which you accept without complaint.
  126. >”I promise not to throw snowballs at you again, alright?”
  127. “...Are you sure?"
  128. >Ari hugs you a little tighter. “As sure as you are.”
  129. “That's… that’s not very sure! But… I guess I'll accept that.”
  130. >You become suddenly aware that you were in fact In Public and look around to make sure you weren't causing a scene.
  131. >Luckily, nopony was around at the moment, despite the usual hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
  132. >Thank Celestia for small favors…
  133. “So, can we move on? I’m sure you don’t want that eggnog to go bad.”
  134. >”It’s all accounted for! But... I think it's best we hop to it.”
  135. >Now sufficiently reconciled, you both resume your trek to the party.
  136. >Wherever that may be…
  137. >Could Mossy have been more vague?
  138. >Eh, you’ll figure it out eventually, not like you're strapped for time.
  139. >Even if your sister just assaulted you with snowballs for a few minutes.
  140. >But you're over it.
  141. >...Mostly.
  142. >She totally owes you *another* hot chocolate though! She's not getting out of that one, no siree!
  143. >Your dumb thoughts amuse you enough to keep a level head, seeing that you still have to deal with a party.
  144. >No idea how *that* will turn out…
  145. >Guess we’ll find out soon enough, right Fae?
  147. >Town proper was much busier than the outskirts, everypony was running to and fro preparing for Hearth’s Warming.
  148. >You’re pretty sure there's also some sort of pinecone festival around this time of year too, by all the meticulously painted pinecones strewn about the place, but the last time you participated was back when you were a filly, so the memory was fuzzy.
  149. >Goes to show how little you went into town, you barely even knew anyone except for a few store clerks and acquaintances.
  150. >But that’s gonna change! You’re gonna make more friends, ya hear?
  151. >A-and you’ll do great! This party will be great! Everything will be just… uh… great!
  152. >Hmm, maybe that’s one too many ‘greats’?
  153. >”Hyping ourselves up, are we?”
  154. >You half expected her to notice your mumbling, but it didn’t change how profusely you blushed.
  155. ”I, uh… yeah.”
  156. >”Well, I think you’ll do great!”
  157. “(That’s what I've been saying, hehe!)”
  158. >”What was that?”
  159. “Nothing! L-look! We’re here!”
  160. >You gesture towards the place with two green banners, and funnily enough, you recognize it almost immediately.
  161. >Isn’t this Mossy’s place? Gosh, you feel a little dumb now, worrying about nothing!
  162. “So… you ready?”
  163. >”Are you?”
  164. “Probably not, but I certainly can try, right?”
  165. >”That’s the spirit! Don't push yourself too hard though.” Ari goes on ahead and you follow close behind.
  166. >Alrighty Fae, you got this! You are a sociable and likable pony!
  167. >Maybe if you keep telling yourself that, you’ll slowly start to believe it.
  168. >You adjust your hat once more and knock on the door.
  170. >After a painfully long minute, the door opens and Sweetroll steps out.
  171. >She’s wearing a gaudy sweater themed around bread, with dancing croissants and baguettes scattered about the whole thing and her mane was done up in a bun with a hollyleaf barrette bringing everything together.
  172. >”Hiya fellas! I knew you’d get here early!” Once she realizes how cold it is outside, she steps back inside with a shiver.
  173. >”Phew! Chilly, ain't it? I heard we’re gonna get even more snow before the day ends.”
  174. >Ari nods. “It wasn’t all that bad. I suppose a little more snow never hurt no one?”
  175. “I wouldn’t be against more snow either, as long as it doesn’t wind up in my face, at least.”
  176. >Ari snickers and you stick your tongue out at her, an exchange that seems to confuse Sweetroll, but she ushers the two of you inside nevertheless.
  177. >The house was small and cozy, an array of moss and lichen displays were scattered throughout the house, you even spotted a pair of bonsai.
  178. >It was a little weird to be in Mossy’s house, seeing that you’ve only even been in the storefront. From what you can see, it is about as you’d expected it.
  179. >Sweetroll twirls around in a circle and theatrically gestures around the house. “Behold! The Moss Den!”
  180. >”Sweets! What are you doing?”
  181. >Mossy walks in from the storefront, looking her usual self, albeit with a slight festive flair with a wreath pin on her black sweater and a dinky pair of antlers atop her head.
  182. >”Just introducing the guests to the other residents, like ol’ Mossaccinno over here!”
  183. >Sweetroll lightly pats a mossy rock with a tiny red stocking hat carefully placed atop it.
  184. >”D-don’t touch him! You could damage the moss!”
  185. >Sweetroll smiles innocently. “I was *hovering*, don’t worry, I ain’t gonna hurt ‘em.”
  186. >Mossy rolls her eyes before turning her attention to you. “Hey Fae, this your sister, right?”
  187. >You nod and Ari steps forward.
  188. >”Good afternoon, Miss Knoll. A pleasure to meet you.”
  189. >Mossy shakes hooves with Ari, who starts rummaging through her satchel.
  190. >Mossy gives you an amused smirk. ”I see that formalities run in the family.”
  191. >Ari pulls out the eggnog and offers it to Mossy, who accepts it readily.
  192. >”A gift for the host! I’m sure we’ll get along swimmingly.”
  193. >”Aw, thanks! …What is it?”
  194. >Ari tilts her head. “It’s eggnog, peppermint eggnog to be exact. I made it myself!”
  195. >She seems pretty proud of that.
  196. >Mossy ponders the decanter of eggnog, which, now that you think about it, was a weird choice of bottle…
  197. >You don’t think Ari has any ‘normal’ bottles.
  198. >”Huh, a bit early to drink, but I’m sure this’ll be great later! I'll put this away, make yourself at home!.”
  199. >Mossy gingerly trots into what you assume is the kitchen and disappears.
  200. >So far so good! Although you expected there to be way more ponies, so far it’s just Sweets and Mossy, both of which you can handle without issue.
  201. >Speaking of Sweetroll, you wonder where she wen-
  202. >”Hi.”
  203. “Bwuh!”
  204. >Sweetroll appears next to you, apparently just coming from the kitchen with a tray of pastries, which from the smell of it, are filled with something fruity.
  205. >”Oop, sorry! I forgot you scare easily.”
  206. “Whu- No I don’t!
  207. >Ari giggles a little before making some ghost noises. “OoOo! FaAe! Haha.”
  208. “That doesn’t work anymore! I’m way better at keeping my pomcosur- um, I mean composure!”
  209. >Sweets sets the tray on a long table and looks over to the two of you. “Hey, mind lending a hoof? I’m a little behind on getting things set up.”
  210. >You and Ari exchange glances and start helping out as best you can.
  211. >You go over to Sweets and help her set up some utensils, while Ari eyes the punch bowl with curiosity, attempting to figure out what combination of fruit powder to add.
  212. “So uh, how many ponies are you guys expecting anyhow?”
  213. >”Not a lot, maybe five or six, give or take? Depends if anypony isn’t too busy with their own holiday preparations. Hey, can you pass those sporks?”
  214. “Oh! Sure.”
  215. >Maybe you should try some small talk. It's worth a shot, right?
  216. “...Um, sporks are nice! Very… versatile.”
  217. >Wow, that was abysmal. You feel like you can do better small talk than that, think Fae!
  218. “H-how’s the bakery?”
  219. >Sweetroll adjusts a few utensils before turning to you.
  220. >”Super busy! Especially with Hearth’s Warming coming up soon, I’m glad I got all my orders done quick enough to help Mossy.”
  221. “I’m surprised she wanted to do this, seems a tad sudden.”
  222. >”I might have convinced her, seeing that she kept complaining about how she’s going to be swamped with her family visiting soon. You know, sorta as a breather beforehand!”
  223. “Seems stressful for a breather.”
  224. >”Well, once all the prepwork is finished, all that’s left is to have fun! …And keeping things orderly of course, but I’m here to help her with that part!”
  225. >You look over to Ari, who has somehow made a swirling enigma of a punchbowl.
  226. “Does it taste any good?”
  227. >Ari nods and offers a glass to Sweets. “One eighth apple, a dash of sugar, three eighths blu-”
  228. >Sweetroll sets the glass down and smiles. “Good stuff! Don’t worry about the ratio, it’ll be fine.”
  229. >”The ratio is the least of my worries. Does it seem fitting?”
  230. “I like it, but maybe I’m a bit biased…”
  231. >”Hah, thanks Fae.”
  232. >Sweetroll sticks a ladle into the punchbowl. “Trust me, it’s not about presentation, it’s about taste, and this tastes pretty great!”
  233. >Sweets surveys the table and nods to herself. “Looks like we’re all set! Thanks for the help fellas!”
  234. >“You're welcome! It's always nice to help! Right, Fae?”
  235. ”Mm-hm!
  236. >As you all finish up, Mossy pops her head out the kitchen with a mildly annoyed expression. “I have a stowaway.”
  237. “A… stowaway?”
  238. >A gray filly bundled in an oversized coat enters the room with a beaming smile.
  239. >”Hiya!”
  240. >You’re pretty sure it’s the same one from outside.
  241. >”Atoll, how’d you get in here?”
  242. >”I walked in from the front!”
  243. >”...Alright. Why are you raiding my kitchen?”
  244. >”You’re pretty easy to raid, Mossbee.”
  245. >Atoll punctuates this by pulling an apple from her coat pocket, much to Mossy’s chagrin.
  246. >”I was saving that!” Mossy sighs. “I’ll call your mom, I mean it this time!”
  247. >”Hey now, I’m just here to say…”
  248. >Atoll drums a little on the counter next to her and then strikes a pose.
  249. >”Happy Hearth’s Warming!”
  250. >Sweetroll waves at the filly. “Hey Atoll! Your sneaking skills are improving!”
  251. >Mossy pouts as Atoll strikes yet another pose. “Please don’t encourage her.”
  252. >Atoll turns her attention to you, surprisingly. “Didn’t you get hit with a buncha snowballs outside?”
  253. >You feel your face flush.
  254. “I-i guess?”
  255. >Sisters Divine, somepony was actually watching that fiasco…
  256. >Atoll then switches her gaze to Ari. “Can you teach me how to make snowballs that quick? Pretty please?”
  257. >Ari shuffles in place. ”I… I’d rather not?”
  258. >Atoll gives another smile. “Aw c’mon, I’m great at listening!”
  259. >”I can attest to that being a downright lie.”
  260. >Atoll turns to Mossy and sticks her tongue out at her, while Sweetroll snickers.
  261. >”Anyway! How about it? C’mon, I doubt it’ll take long! I'll pay you!” Atoll proceeds to pull out a wad of candy from her coat pocket. “See? I’m loaded!”
  262. >Ari glances pleadingly over to you.
  263. “Um… I don’t think she wants to… Sorry.”
  264. >Atoll kicks a hoof out in a dejected manner. “Oh… Okay… I’ll just go then…” She slowly makes her way out of the room, occasionally looking back with a pitiful expression.
  265. “Did… Did I say something wrong?.”
  266. >Mossy waves a hoof dismissively. “Nah, she’s just trying to get her way, ignore it.”
  267. >”You know Mossy, I’m pretty sure she lifted that candy from your stash.”
  268. >”I honestly expected as much. …Wait. How do you know about my stash?”
  269. >Sweetroll whistles a little while Mossy glares at her.
  270. >You take it that what just happened was a normal occurrence…
  271. >Ari lets out a sigh. “I promise I’m better at expressing myself than that, I assure you!”
  272. ”Woah! A promise *and* an assurance?”
  273. >”Hush, Fae.”
  274. >Sweets pipes up. “You want me to bring her back home, Mossbee?”
  275. >”She’ll be fine, she'll leave when she's bored.”
  276. “Mossbee?”
  277. >Mossy groans. “Just a dumb nickname, nothing too special.”
  278. >”I mean, it’s kind of a funny stor-”
  279. >As Mossy renews her glaring at Sweetroll, the doorbell is rang.
  280. >”Well, won’t you look at that! I’ll go get the door.”
  281. >Sweetroll strolls around Mossy and beelines for the front door.
  282. >Mossy looks over to you and beckons you towards her.
  283. >”Thanks for the help, Fae. Sorry that things are a bit hectic, we've had a few hiccups along the way.”
  284. “No problem! Sweetroll and Ari did most of the work though, I mostly just helped with the spread.”
  285. >”Glad you got along with Sweets, she can be pretty overwhelming at times.”
  286. “Well, I can tell she cares! Besides, I’m sorta used to being overwhelmed haha.”
  287. >Ari looks over to Atoll, who is poking her head out of an adjacent room, staring at Mossy.
  288. >“Is the little one… yours?”
  289. >”She’s my sister’s bundle of joy and apparently she finds it amusing to mess with me.”
  290. >Mossy glances over to Atoll, who darts out of sight once she’s spotted.
  291. >”I’m gonna go talk to her, maybe I can convince her to behave.”
  292. >Mossy chuckles lightly. “As if that’s even possible.”
  293. >Mossy waves towards the new arrival before going after Atoll.
  294. >...Which reminds you that somepony else is here.
  295. >You observe a tired looking unicorn chatting with Sweetroll.
  296. >Her mane is a little on the wild side, but overall she has a weirdly professional aura.
  297. >The unicorn notices you and waves.
  298. >You wave back, not really intending to approach at first but muster up the courage to go say hello.
  299. “Mar- um, Happy Hearth’s Warming!”
  300. >You could never remember the proper phrasing…
  301. >”Season’s greetings to you too!”
  302. >Huh, her voice is familiar… wait a minute!
  303. “You’re the mare from the post office!”
  304. >”Yeah, I uh, work there.”
  305. >Oh, you said that out loud.
  306. “T-the post office is um… n-nice.”
  307. >You feel the sudden need to disengage, but Sweetroll gestures a hoof at you.
  308. >”This is Fae!” She then pats you on the shoulder. “Fae, meet Pinto!”
  309. >You guess that means you can’t back out now.
  310. “H-hello!”
  311. >Calm down! First impressions are super important, Fae!
  312. ”It’s nice to meet you, Pinto.”
  313. >That’s better.
  314. >”Likewise, Fae. Are you still waiting on that book order or whatever it was?”
  315. “I um, actually found one at Saucer’s Bazaar! You know, the shop with the flying saucer sign?”
  316. >That place is a bit weird, but you felt better going there than Book Marqette, even if you were unbanned…
  317. >Pinto opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by a knock on the door.
  319. >Sweetroll opens the door again and a light purple mare marches on in.
  320. >On her back is a pair of bags, filled to the brim with little pouches.
  321. >She’s frowning up a storm.
  322. >”Pinny, What the hay! I said I’d only be a minute!”
  323. >Pinto shrugs. “It was a pretty long minute.”
  324. >The new mare scoffs and turns to Sweetroll. “Sorry I’m late, lazybones over here decided she didn't want to help carry these!”
  325. >"I've been swamped with work all week! My back is friggin' killing me, Bell!"
  326. >The two mares bicker momentarily, but ultimately bury the hatchet with the promise of apology cookies.
  327. >Or at least that’s what you think they're saying. You might not have paid close enough attention.
  328. >Sweetroll waits for them to finish up before responding. “Not a problem Bauble! Although you’re not really late.”
  329. >Bauble lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia! If that’s the case, ahem!” She rummages through one of the bags and pulls out a pouch. “Anyone up for a knish?”
  330. >”Aren’t you supposed to be delivering these?” Pinto inquires.
  331. >”I’ve got some extras, so I told Mossy I’d stop by and give some out.”
  332. >Sweetroll opens one of the pouches and grins. “These things look pretty good! It’s always nice to see some savory pastries rolling around the market."
  333. >"Heh, I might even have competition.”
  334. >Bauble snickers. “I ain’t that good, but the compliments are nice regardless, thanks Sweets!”
  335. >Things got lively pretty quick, maybe you should go hang around with Ari by the punchbowl…
  336. >As you attempt to back out of the gaggle of chatting ponies, Bauble waves at you.
  337. >”Hey Faint!”
  338. >She knows your name?
  339. “Hey! Y-you…”
  340. >You wave back and Bauble starts approaching you.
  341. >She pulls out a poach and offers it to you, which after a moment's hesitation, you slowly take it from her.
  342. “Thanks… What exactly is a knish?”
  343. >”It’s kinda like a pierogi.”
  344. “...What’s a pierogi?”
  345. >"Well it's kinda like a..." Bauble pauses momentarily to chuckle to herself. "Sorry, ahem!"
  346. >"A knish is a dumpling of sorts that's usually baked or fried, these puppies in particular got sweet potatoes in em!”
  347. >She adjusts her bags slightly. “And some other stuff. They're good, I guarantee it! Haha, their knishness is off the chart!”
  348. >You nod, now fully aware of the knishness of this knish… whatever that might mean.
  349. “Thanks again! Um, sorry but where do I know you from?”
  350. >”We went to school together! We helped out the librarian a bunch, remember?”
  351. >Oh, now you recognize her. You frequently volunteered at the school library and you remember her helping out a few weeks after you started. You never tried to talk to her, unfortunately. Mostly due to you not really needing to.
  352. >...Which was dumb.
  353. “It’s nice to see you again, I guess I forgot …sorry.”
  354. >”Eh, it happens, tell your sister I said hi! I’m gonna skedaddle, gotta do deliveries and such, seeya Faint!”
  355. >Bauble trots off to hand out the other pouches, leaving you with a mildly nostalgic feeling, despite how little you remember of her.
  356. >You wish you weren’t such a recluse back then. Maybe you would have made some lasting friendships.
  357. >But, that’s why you're here, right? You’ve still got plenty of opportunities to make friends!
  358. >”Fae?”
  359. >You turn to Ari, who’s approach went unnoticed until just now.
  360. >”You alright?”
  361. “Yeah, just thinking.”
  362. >You open the pouch and take out the knish.
  363. >”Do you want some?”
  364. >”Sure! It’s a knish, right?”
  365. “How’d *you* know when I didn’t?”
  366. >”Dad’s cookbooks, he’s got a bunch of neat recipes in there, never had one, though.”
  367. >Have you really never looked at his cookbooks? Then again, you didn’t do much cooking to begin with.
  368. >You halve the knish and give a part to Ari.
  369. “I guess it’s a new experience for the both of us then!”
  370. >You and Ari bump the two halves together in a toast of sorts and chow down.
  371. >Well, it certainly tastes like sweet potato, but you’re not so sure what else is in there, seeing how well it’s blended together, it’s good though. Bauble certainly knows her way around a pastry!
  372. >The day’s still young, and the party's just getting started.
  373. >You almost feel... confident.
  374. >That's certainly new of you.
  375. >You hold on to that. Maybe you'll hit this day outta the park!


by Castafae

Letters for Gray Garden

by Castafae

Novel Pursuits with Radio Star

by Castafae

Fae Green Archive

by Castafae

Fae's Party Adventure

by Castafae