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Duties of the King

By Tuesday
Created: 2024-11-16 07:47:06
Updated: 2025-01-07 23:54:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Duties of the King part 1.
  3. >You are Anonymous and it's your 1st day back to school after winter break. The sky is overcast and it might rain this afternoon. But right now you are on your way to lunch from Art with Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Rarity Chatting away.
  4. >Normally your fellow students would be paying almost no attention to you, but today is decidedly different! There are 2 reasons for this. First You are wearing one of the shirts Rarity made for you that exposes your well-formed midriff. Today's shirt happens to be in Sunset's colors and symbol with the caption "All according to plan!". Second, there's a very accurate rumor going around that you are dating 7 girls at the same time.
  5. >Fortunately Canterlot High's student population has a positive and understanding outlook in general so no major disagreement break out when distracted students walk into each other or even walls because they were looking at you instead of where they were going.
  6. >You're actually spending a fair amount of time trying to prevent collisions when Sunset grabs your attention. "So how are you holding up so far Anon?" She asks.
  7. "Pretty good, all things considered." You reply. "A lot of going between classes has me trying to prevent accidents because I worry we're only a concussion away from the school dress code being revised." you say with a half-hearted chuckle. "Also there's been the huge amount of queries about me dating 7 beautiful ladies. Which I'm sure you're getting too."
  8. >"OH yeah we are!" she said. "But we have a plan for that at lunch today." she said with a sly grin and offers you a folded paper. "Sorry but we may end up rushing our actual eating."
  9. You take the proffered paper, unfold it, and examine the contents. "Woah. Normally I'd ask if you're serious, but I know better now. Also, I have to find some guys to help me?"
  10. >"Yeah at least 1, but 2 or more would be better." She said. "Do you see anything else that may be a concern?"
  11. "Just need to know the time I suppose." Trying to look composed.
  12. >"10 minutes from.." talking as she tapped on her phone "Now!" as she hit send and a message with a timer counting down appeared in your group chat. And with that, you entered the cafeteria and spread out to your marks.
  13. >Then it happened. These.. words.. flashed in front of you just long enough to read them.
  15. >Not really knowing what to make of it, you kept going to your mark. Time was ticking after all!
  16. >You were on the far side of the cafeteria mentally running through your expected performance when, as luck would have it, Flash Sentry approached you. "Hey Anonymous. Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked a bit formally.
  17. "Absolutely!" I said. "And I can probably guess what you want to know, but I'll let you say it in a way you're comfortable with ok?"
  18. >"Thanks Anonymous." he said a bit more at ease. "Honestly, there's rumors about you dating a lot of different girls and I don't like talking about stuff I haven't heard from a reliable source. Anything you could tell me?"
  19. "Sure can!" I said with a big smile. " I AM, in fact, dating 7 girls at the same time and they agreed to share me before they confessed to me. The girls in question are, in no particular order you could tell, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. As you can see I'm wearing Sunset's colors and symbol today and across the next 6 days I will wear the colors and symbols of all my ladies."
  20. >"Woah." Flash said looking a little stunned. "That is impressive! No wonder so many folks are talking. Might be hard to set them all straight I'm thinking though."
  21. "Well as it happens, we are about to make the big announcement in a musical way. But I could use some guys on my side of it. Can you help me out please?"
  22. >"I think so." he said with a smile. "Show me what you've got." And I showed him the paper Sunset had given me and highlighted where I needed help.
  23. "Basically they re-worded that popular karaoke duet song from the movie Grease and we start in about.. 5 minutes." I said.
  24. >"Ok yeah I see where you're going. Sounds fun." he said smiling. Then he looked around for potential volunteers. "Hey Microchip. And you guys." pointing to a group of guys. "Come on over. Got something special happening."
  25. >"Ok here's what's up. We're going to." and then the chatter faded in the manner of a TV show going to commercial.
  27. {Author's note. Ok I have to create a break here to explain what's coming next a bit further. The short answer is a musical number. I have yet to see a greentext that does this and for some very good reasons! Among them being it has to many parts for just 2 colors of text. I mean, I've got 10 individuals plus a chorus on just the girls side (HuMane 7 and Crusaders). Additionally describing the movements of the characters breaks the flow of any song attempted, so I'm going to cheat and ignore that while hand waving you in the general direction of the original video except for the ending pose. There's other issues like this not really matching the tone of the rest of what I've written so far. But darn it all, doing a musical number here makes SENSE for these characters. And we all know EQG has a history of singing in the cafeteria. So please bear with me and even if this part isn't to your taste, please give the other parts a try. Now I just need to present the original video link and character keys to show who's singing. Thank you for your attention!}
  28. >[S] Sunset, [P] Pinkie, [AJ] Applejack, [F] Fluttershy, [R] Rarity, [T] Twiggles, [RD] Rainbow Dash, [AB] Apple Bloom, [Sc] Scootaloo, [SB] Sweetie belle, and [Chorus].
  29. [A] Anonymous, [FS] Flash Sentry, [M] Microchip, and [Chorus].
  31. [A] Winter lovin', happened so fast
  32. >[P] Winter lovin', had me a blast
  33. [A] I met some girls crazy for me
  34. >[RD] Trained a boy cute as can be
  36. >[Chorus] Winter days drifting away
  37. >To uh, oh those winter nights
  39. [Chorus] Oh well, oh well, oh well, uh
  40. Tell me more, tell me more
  41. [FS] Did they get very far?
  42. >[Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
  43. >[Sc] Like does he have a car?
  45. >[S] All together, we set a plan
  46. [A] I was nervous, when it began
  47. >[AJ] We'd start easy, joshin' around
  48. [A] It got real, love notes were found
  50. [Chorus] Winter sun, something's begun
  51. But uh, oh those winter nights
  53. >[Chorus] Oh well, oh well, oh well, uh
  54. >Tell me more, tell me more
  55. >[AB] Was it love at first sight?
  56. [Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
  57. [FS] Did you put up a fight?
  59. >[F] Put a movie, on the big screen
  60. [A] Got intense, on the kiss scene
  61. >[T] We sang songs, hearts unafraid
  62. [A] Each song sung, was a serenade
  64. >[Chorus] Winter fling, it's a big thing
  65. >But uh, oh those winter nights
  67. [Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
  68. [M] But you don't gotta brag
  69. >[Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
  70. >[SB] 'Cause he sounds like a drag
  72. >[R] We surprised him, I made him clothes
  73. [A] I spun around, feeling exposed
  74. >[S] Made our move, from the plan weaved
  75. [A] From one to seven, never conceived
  77. >[Chorus] Winter heat, boy and girls meet
  78. >But uh, oh those winter nights
  80. >[Chorus] It turned colder, that's where it ends
  81. [A] So I told them we're more than friends
  82. >[Chorus] Then we made our true love vow
  83. [A] I see what their doin' now
  85. >[Chorus] Winter dreams, now we're a team
  86. >And, oh, those winter nights
  88. [everyone] Tell me more, tell me more, tell me more
  90. >During the last 4 line verse, Anon and the girls met in the center of the cafeteria. Anon faced front and held his arms outstreched at downward angles. Rarity posed on his left shoulder with Rainbow Dash beside her. Sunset posed on his right shoulder with Applejack next to her. Fluttershy knelt by his left leg, Twilight by his right. And Pinkie hopped on his back with her knees latching onto his ribs and her shins atop his hips.
  91. >They held the pose while Photo Finish took pictures for the yearbook.
  92. "Hello everyone and thank you for watching and helping with this number! My name is Anonymous, and I would like it to be known that I am dating all of these lovely ladies who will now introduce themselves."
  93. >"Sunset Shimmer."
  94. >"Pinkie Pie."
  95. >"Applejack."
  96. >"Fluttershy."
  97. >"Rarity."
  98. >"Twilight Sparkle."
  99. >"And Rainbow Dash."
  100. "We knew there was going to be folks talking and asking questions so we arranged this to help give everyone the answers and same basic understanding. We'd like to thank everyone that helped us as well as thank you for your time! And now we return you to your previously scheduled lunch already in progress."
  102. >There was a big round of heartfelt applause and several students filed by to offer congratulations. With comments like "About time!" and "Finally did it eh?" being the most common to the girls. There was also a sprinkling of "And he can sing too!"
  103. >From the guys to Anonymous there were many variations of the following conversation.
  104. >"Dude. Seven?"
  105. "Yeah seven."
  106. >"No really, SEVEN?"
  107. "Yup. Seven."
  108. >"You're a legend man!"
  109. "Thank you."
  111. Duties of the King part 2.
  113. >You are Anonymous and it's your 3rd day back to school after winter break. It's a fine Wednesday with a strong breeze and partial cloud cover by the time lunch rolls around.
  114. >You've just sat down with your seven (7!) girlfriends between Pinkie and Sunset at your usual table, somewhat grateful for the increase in visual cover this provides you with.
  115. >That's because Rarity had provided you with a new wardrobe for school that showed off your attractive midriff with crop top shirts. Each one with the colors and symbols of one of your girlfriends.
  116. >Today your shirt reflected Applejack's orange skin tone with a picture of an apple over each nipple. It also had the words "Putting in the work!" just over the apples.
  117. >Less obvious was the fact Rarity had also made you matching briefs, without words but with the symbols on the front. The only time this was an issue was when brightly colored underwear was noticed in the locker room as you changed for PE.
  118. >"Oh hey Nonny! I forgot to ask! How did changing in PE go yesterday?" Pinkie asked with a bright smile. Yesterday you had worn HER colors.
  119. "Well Pinkie, not gonna lie, a guy wearing bright pink underwear in a high school locker room is GOING to get a reaction." You replied. "That said, once I explained AGAIN that seven (7!) of the sexiest and most desirable girls in the ENTIRE school wanted to mark my junk as THEIR territory and I wasn't going to take any guff from any guy that didn't have at least one (1!) girlfriend, most of them calmed their tits."
  120. >That got a round of giggles from all of the girls.
  121. >"And what did the guys with girlfriends say?" Asked Sunset.
  122. "Pretty much nothing. Those guys think I'm either a legend that walks among them or crazy. And they aren't terribly sure those are exclusive. Although one guy DID hit me with a Bruce Lee quote. 'Do not fear. For in great attempts it is glorious even to fail.'"
  123. > "Sounds like overall they're adapting pretty well then." Sunset said sporting a wicked grin. "How are girls reacting to you?"
  124. "That's going a bit weirder honestly." Which causes the girls to suddenly perk up and listen. "The incidences of girls walking into other folks or objects when they see how I'm dressed is down overall, but it seems to drop to zero if one or more of you are around me. That info is setting alarms off in the back corners of my brain that I'm just not sure how to interpret. But given my past tendencies towards being clueless it seems the best thing is to report it to all of you. Maybe it's nothing but I don't feel I have enough data to make an informed judgement. Does that make sense?"
  125. >"Coming from you it makes perfect sense Anon. It shows you're trying your best to make this a committed relationship by asking for help in areas you might be weaker in. And as we all know, understanding female intentions hasn't always.. been your best area. We'll all help keep an eye out and thanks for bringing it to our attention." Sunset says with a genuine smile.
  126. >The rest of the girls murmur their assents as they eat and you start to dig in too.
  127. >The conversation moves to more normal topics and you begin to ponder something quietly. Sunset wants you to become "King" of Canterlot High, but what IS that even? And how do you get there? She also mentioned King Arthur before he drew the sword from the stone, but most of what you knew about King Arthur came from that Monty Python movie and that's pretty much useless.
  128. >There was also that Disney film where a young Arthur was educated by Merlin who taught him by changing him into different animals. Hadn't the girls done exactly that on the night of the sleepover? You had started out as a man with Sunset. Pinkie treated you like a feast. Applejack said you were a stud to be wrangled. Fluttershy said you were a good boy. Rarity said you were a werewolf. Twilight said you were a bad boy, and Rainbow dash had treated you like a conquest.
  129. >The girls were your Merlin! Not really a surprise at this point honestly.
  130. >Wait, there WAS that one line from Monty Python. How did it go? "Supreme executive power is derived from a mandate from the masses!" That was it! Therefore the student body of Canterlot High had to want YOU to be their King. Defining it was a small step, but it put you closer to your goal by letting you direct your efforts without waste.
  131. >How to get there was still a mystery of course. And you shouldn't ever forget a King has duties too. And not all of them pleasant. One had even flashed before your eyes a couple of days ago.
  132. >Suddenly you were back at the cafeteria. Fluttershy had just asked you a question and you missed it!
  133. "I'm so sorry Flutters. I was off in my own head and missed your question. What did you want to know?"
  134. >"That's ok Anon. I was just making sure you remembered you volunteer at the animal shelter on Wednesday after school." She gently said.
  135. "Oh of course Flutters! And if, by some chance, you have ideas for after that, I'm down for that too." You answered her in a quiet and sincere tone.
  136. >"Yay." Fluttershy said so quietly that if you didn't know her it would be hard to understand it as a cheer. She was not only happy you would be helping her at the animal shelter, but you had also removed any need for her to mention more intimate plans while still at school.
  137. "Just remember we still have to get our homework done too alright?"
  138. >She just nodded while smiling.
  139. >Man you can get lost in her smile.
  140. >"OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" shouted an angry female voice.
  141. >That had come from the other side of the cafeteria behind you.
  143. >By the time I had turned around on my seat towards the outburst, my view was obscured by students nearest the incident rising from their seats with angry tension in their shoulders.
  144. >This was starting to remind me of some ugly memories from Bullworth. I didn't want ANYTHING at this school to remind me of Bullworth.
  145. "Ladies," I said as I got up out of my seat, "We need to check this out." I stated. King Anonymous was in the house now and on the move.
  146. >The girls were a little surprised but hastily got up and fell in behind me as I excused us through the growing crowd with commanding tones and thanked folks for letting us pass. The angry yelling was starting to repeat itself now, more interested in conveying raw angry emotion than new information.
  147. >As I got past the front of the crowd and came forward enough for the girls to spread out behind me I took in the scene.
  148. >Snips and Snails were both on their knees with their hands and arms covering their heads cowering. Above them stood 4 angry looking girls whose names didn't immediately come to mind. One of them was still actively yelling. Nearby on the ground was a small camera. And encircling this scene were a LOT of visibly upset Canterlot students.
  149. >The students were starting to slowly move closer, in part because me and my girlfriends had broken through the previously established circle. Oh THAT was NOT good!
  150. >Then it happened again as it had a couple of days ago. Several words appeared in my head.
  152. >Ponder it later, act on it now I thought. Step 1 is stop the yelling.
  153. "Pardon me?" I asked the yelling girl when she paused for a breath. "Hey I was over on the other side of the cafeteria. What happened?" I said in a politely curious tone.
  154. >Her head snapped towards me and she was clearly ready to yell at me too. And then, she.. didn't yell at me. She just sort of.. stared for a bit?
  155. >Twilight would probably call this "The Anonis factor at work." I hadn't been counting on this but I wasn't about to waste it.
  156. "Let me guess then. These two made the bad decision to take upskirt photos of you and your friends and you caught them in the act. Am I right?"
  157. > She nodded and finally said "H-How..?"
  158. "How could I know that?" I asked? "Oh that's easy. Last semester they made the bad decision to do it to my girlfriend Rarity." Jerking my head to the left to indicate her while hoping desperately that she WAS on my left. "Seems these boys have a history of making bad decisions. But you know what?"
  159. >"What?" she asked.
  160. "You don't have to make bad decisions just because they did." I told her. "Right now I bet you feel violated, hurt, and angry. Am I right?"
  161. >She nodded.
  162. "And everyone here COMPLETELY understands why you would feel that way. But I have to say that most people don't make the best decisions when they're hurt and angry. Am I right?
  163. >Again she nodded. One last push and step 1 is done!
  164. "Thank you. I know that wasn't easy. I just have 1 more thing to ask you. Why don't you let me take over here so you and your friends can go sit down and support each other?
  165. >She looked at her friends, then me for a moment and jumped in to hug me while she started sobbing "Thank you!" She said between sobs.
  166. >I put my right hand on her back and patted her lightly and held up my left hand for my girlfriends to see.
  167. >Just as suddenly she broke the hug and backed up a step, saying "Sorry!" over my left shoulder. "He's your boyfriend. I'm sorry. I just.. You got a good one!" and then she went off with her friends.
  168. >I smiled at her as she left as cover for doing a quick assessment of the crowd. A few folks had sat back down. Some to offer more support to the victim and others had lost interest. But not enough. They had stopped moving closer but we weren't in the clear yet.
  169. >Step 2 is talk the crowd into dispersing.
  170. I went over to where Snips and Snails were still cowering and knelt down to talk to them quickly. "Boys, the good news is I think I can get you out of here with your skin intact. And all I need for you to do to help make that happen is to stay still. Just stay right there. If you happen to make a false move this mob WILL tear you apart. And boys? I mean tear in a VERY literal way." I stood back up and said "I'll talk to you again in a bit." Then I turned to face the crowd.
  171. "Ok. Now where were we?" I asked the room." Ah yes. Violated, hurt, and upset. Folks, you have every right to be upset at the bad decisions these two have made. They have been demeaning, deplorable, and despicable! There is no question about that!
  172. "'But Anonymous?' you might ask "If you're going to say that then how can you POSSIBLY defend them?'" The crowd started to look at each other and nod.
  173. "To which I say 'That's the wrong question. I'm not defending THEM! But in fact I'm defending all of YOU!'" And that got me some quizzical looks.
  174. "Look these boys are GOING to be punished. Nothing can stop that now. But the big question is are you going to let THEIR bad decisions cause YOU to make bad decisions?" I said with a sweeping shrug.
  175. "I mean, I GET how you feel." I said as I brought my fist up from my hip by bending it at the elbow and let it shake. "I just want to POP him a good one, that's all. But anger like that is tricky! It will urge you to do just a little more because you're caught up in the moment."
  176. "There's an old saying about this that goes 'None of us is as cruel as all of us' and it means that mobs will commit acts of much greater violence than the individuals that made up the mob would ever have done on their own. And THAT's what I'm defending all of you from."
  177. "Because it starts with 'I want to punch him!' and then it's 'Break the finger that took the picture!' and that becomes 'Dammit! Someone else got his testicles first!' It can even go as far as 'He doesn't need both eyes does he?'"
  178. "So please. Make better decisions than these boys have! Please lower your hands and unclench your fists. Not because they deserve it, but because YOU deserve it! What do you say?"
  179. > The energy in the room seemed uncertain. Students were looking at each other and trying to determine what everyone else was going to do. And then Sunset started a slow clap.
  180. >My other, wonderful girlfriends, took up the cue and started slow clapping as well. Soon enough it started to spread and then the clear majority was clapping. And then it was everyone and then everyone except Snips, Snails, my girlfriends, and myself went back to their seats as I bowed in thanks to my girlfriends, noting that Rarity HAD been on my left.
  181. >Then the words came again.
  183. >Well being a King is going to take more practice I guess.
  184. I turned to face Snips and Snails. "Ok boys, I told you I'd get back with you and I like to be a man who keeps his word. And if I'm being honest, I don't get why you would do this even once, let alone twice. There are just so many better ways you could have spent your time is what I want to say!
  185. >I took out my phone, opened my browser and started typing.
  186. "I mean, no offense to your victims, but what you were after was hardly some legendary prize out of say, Greek mythology. It just doesn't compare to something like the mad titan Prometheus stealing fire to give to mankind. But your punishment? Well THAT almost did."
  187. Then I walked over to my girlfriends and said in a quieter voice "I'll have parts for the rest of you soon. But for now, Twilight and Rarity, could I ask you to read this to the room in the style of the witches from Macbeth please?" And handed them my phone and backed away, indicating they could start when ready.
  188. >In voices both screechy and not quite in sync they said "To punish Prometheus, Zeus declared that every morning he would be tightly chained to a rock so that he could not move or cover himself. Then an eagle would swoop down, open up his belly and eat a part of his liver! Then every night, because he was immortal he would heal and his liver grow back. And then it would start again the next morning for days beyond counting!"
  189. "Thank you ladies. That was wonderful." I said and then turned to the boys. "Well boys, that's the kind of thing the fast and easy path of your bad decisions has earned. Those are the wages of your sins, if you will. So with that in mind, I would like to ask you just ONE question. A Simple yes or no question. And that is, 'Would you like to start making GOOD decisions?'"
  190. >The boys nodded energetically with wide eyes. In response I put my hand behind my ear to get them to say the words.
  191. >"We want to make good decisions." they said in a conversational tone.
  192. "Boys." I said in response, "You really want the entire room to hear you on this."
  193. >"WE WANT TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS!" the boys said loudly enough for all to hear.
  194. "Wonderful!" I said clapping my hands together. "I'm SO happy to hear that! Now boys, the honest truth is I have no power or authority to punish you." I said. "BUT, like anyone else I can express an opinion or a suggestion. And my first suggestion is that when you find yourselves in the office, tell them everything you did. The whole truth. And when they give you your punishment take it without protest."
  195. "But honestly? That's only the start." I said as I started pacing back and forth. "In my opinion, a real problem you face is that you have deeply damaged Canterlot's ability to trust you. And if you leave it at the official punishment you're only one misstep away, even if it's an honest accident.. whoops!" I pretended to stumble while spinning around and flailing my arms. Eventually I stopped myself by landing both of my hands.. on Fluttershy's shoulders!
  196. In a quiet voice that only her and the surrounding girls could hear and with as little lip movement as I could manage I said "Look upset at me and move slowly toward me in an angry fashion please."
  197. >And then the impossible happened. Fluttershy looked PISSED at me! I spun away to my right!
  198. As I spun I said "The next time.." And when I ended my spin Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were both scowling at me! I looked afraid having stopped on my tiptoes with my knees bent with my arms splayed out. Then I did a double spin to my left (Taking care to easily miss Fluttershy) "You find an angry mob..". When I finished the double spin Applejack and Sunset were ALSO looking upset at me when I stopped, leaning back with my shoulders down and a surprised look on my face.
  199. I took three quick steps back, stopped in place, threw my hands on top of my head and started waving my body as if wailing "Who KNOWS what will happen?"
  200. >Then the girls surrounded me as I did an exaggerated collapse in pausing stages.
  201. Quietly I then said "Thank you ladies. You were amazing!" They moved back to where they had started from and as soon as they were clear of me I did a forward summersault into a standing position in front of Snips and Snails.
  202. "So something I want to suggest to you boys is that some of your good decisions are aimed at showing your fellow students you are repenting. You might start with sending an open letter of apology to the school paper detailing steps beyond the official punishment you might choose to take. Something like highly visible community service that doesn't leave either of you alone with a girl. Please give it due consideration."
  203. >They looked at each other and then looked back at me and gave a slow nod.
  204. "Very good boys." I said "Now I was honestly hoping someone from the office would be here by now" and then I was interrupted.
  205. >"We ARE here Anonymous." Said Principal Celestia.
  206. Naturally I looked towards the voice and saw not only Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, but also pretty much the entire staff by the wall with the main entrance to the cafeteria. (Because how many would you bring if you thought a riot might happen? Yeah, ALL OF THEM is the proper answer.) "Oh thank goodness!" I said, suddenly feeling a bit tired and weary.
  208. >The teachers and staff were mostly lined up against the wall with the main entrance to the cafeteria with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna taking center of the lineup. Next to them was Flash Sentry, who had probably done the "proper" thing and informed the office.
  209. >Nearby Nurse Redheart and Ms. Harshwinny were talking to the victim and her friends. That was reassuring. It was good to know they were getting better help than you could give.
  210. >Yeah Flash had done the most correct thing from the perspective of the rules, but that left the students still in the cafeteria in danger if mob violence broke out while staff reacted.
  211. >Principal Celestia spoke "Coach Soarin. Would you please escort Snips and Snails to the outside of Vice Principal Luna's office and wait with them until she arrives please?"
  212. >"Yes Ma'am." the coach said as he approached the boys with a professional air. "Alright boys, you heard the Principal. Let's go." And they walked out of the cafeteria together.
  213. >Then the Principal addressed the rest of the staff. "Ok folks, thank you for coming! Nurse Redheart, Ms, Harshwinny, the Vice Principal, and I will stay. The rest of you can go back to what you were doing. And thank you again." She said with a gentle smile.
  214. >As the staff filed out, the Pricipal's gaze turned to me. "Anonymous. The Vice Principal and I would like a word with you over here please." Her smile seemed a little more forced when talking to me.
  215. "Yes ma'am." I responded and started walking towards them. While I did so I turned my head and gave my girlfriends a smile and a thumbs up to indicate I would be ok on my own. They seemed to have gathered around Twilight for some reason. Weird. Then I arrived in front of the Principal and Vice Principal.
  216. >The Pricipal started "Anonymous, we should start by saying that was a most impressive display. You gave an oration under pressure, showed sympathy to those that needed it" she said glancing over to the victim and her friends. "You also displayed knowledge of Greek mythology and theatrical presentaion, along with some dance and tumbling. An incredible performance.
  217. >Then the Vice Principal chimed in "You also showed knowledge of mob psychology that we don't teach here. In fact I don't think any high school teaches that. Could you tell us how you know that?"
  218. I said "Thank you ma'am." to Principal Celestia. To Vice Principal Luna I said "Yes ma'am. I researched it after several.. incidents occured at my last school. I hoped that gaining some knowledge would help me better come to terms with what I saw there."
  219. >"Could you remind me what your last school was again Anonymous?" the Vice Principal asked.
  220. "Of course ma'am." I replied. "My last school for 3 years before coming here was Bullworth Academy ma'am."
  221. >A brief look of shock passed over both of their faces before resettling into more neutral and professional expressions. It was understandable that they had forgotten as they were both responsible for over a thousand students and I hadn't gotten in any trouble to make it worth bringing up before. Bullworth had a well-earned reputation, but all they knew here WAS the reputation. And while the rep was bad, it didn't really convey how bad the experience of attending had actually been. They probably were also unaware of the corollary.
  222. >"I've heard of it Anonymous." The Vice Principal said. "But I have to tell you that putting yourself in front of an angry crowd like that is dangerous! Do you know how badly that could have gone?"
  223. "Ma'am, I have to say that I know far better than most how it might have turned out. But I had to do it. I just HAD to. I couldn't turn and walk away. Not again.."
  224. Principal Celestia spoke up with an earnestly supportive expression "Anonymous, do you need counseling?"
  225. I involuntarily chuckled. "Sorry." I said. "No, but let me see if I can find the words to explain why a bit better."
  226. "Bullworth has a bad rep to be sure." I started while looking down at the ground. "But that doesn't really do a good job at conveying how much worse it actually IS. And I don't really want to tell anyone here how bad it was either. I'd feel like I was doing them harm if I did. But the thing is, the corollary is also true in my opinion."
  227. "You see, perhaps it takes coming from a school as bad as Bullworth, but I'm also not sure anyone here REALLY knows how wonderful THIS school is!" I said with a brightening and rising face. "The staff, the teachers, my girlfriends, and the ENTIRE student body are all AMAZING. And I see that every minute of every day I'm here. Sorry it took an incident like this for me to tell you but, well, just attending this school is counseling enough, in my personal opinion."
  228. Then my stance hardened as my voice grew firmer, "And so, when I saw a crowd threatening to turn unruly, something in me said 'NO. Bullworth will NOT happen HERE! Not one little bit! I won't LET it!' And so I acted, but in a way that would never happen at Bullworth." Then my tone and stance softened, "I gave the angry girl understanding instead of screaming with her. I gave the crowd knowledge of why they would regret those actions instead of encouraging them. And I gave the boys reason to not end up like this again, so that they might do better in the future. And I did it without threatening anyone in word or deed."
  229. "When I was younger, I had to walk away from things like this. And I regretted that deeply. But now I'm older and have had better guidance in a better environment. After graduation, I'll be recognized as a member of the adult community and expected to act as a responsible part of it. Thanks to this school I'm finally able to look forward to that. Thank you for all of the help I've been given. It's really appreciated!"
  230. >The Principal gave a gentle smile "You're very welcome Anonymous. And while we don't do this job for the praise, every so often it doesn't hurt to hear it. But I would like to remind you that YOU have chosen how you react to the environments you have found yourself in, and that seems every bit as amazing to us."
  231. >Then it was the Vice Principal's turn. "Also I think you overlooked something. You were able to get people in distress to listen to you by displaying empathy for how they felt. That is an incredible gift young man. And it seems like it will continue to serve you well. That said, I have to ask that you please not put yourself in harm's way like that again. You've obviously managed to become a great asset to this school and community so we'd prefer it if you avoided the risks that you can."
  232. I know they're sisters, but just how in sync ARE these two? "Thank you both for your kind words and guidance. I promise I'm really not generally looking for excuses to put myself in danger. That particular situation just resonated with me in a way I couldn't ignore. But on the plus side there's no reason to think it will ever happen again." I said with a smile. And they seemed satisfied with that.
  233. Then I turned to Flash, still smiling, and said "Hey Flash! I'm guessing you did the thing that students are actually supposed to do and went to the office and managed to convince them to respond?"
  234. >"Yeah." Flash said with a tiny bit of bashfulness. "Doesn't seem like a lot compared to what you did though."
  235. "Woah woah," I said while waving my hands in front of my in a pattern of negation. "What you did was IMPORTANT. Not every student in this school could manage to get the office to listen, let alone get the response that actually happened. What you did MATTERED man. You had my back and I appreciate that! Brofist!" I said as I held up my fist.
  236. >Flash smiled as we did the fistbump. "Anytime man. Anytime."
  237. >Then a small voice came from behind the Principal, obscured by her hair. "M-Miss Celestia? Is it ok if I talk now?"
  238. >For once, the Principal seemed surprised "Billy!" she exclaimed, "I'm so sorry I got distracted by the situation at hand! Yes of course you can talk now." She said smiling again. "Step out in front of me and I'll introduce you properly."
  239. >My jaw DROPPED when I saw the boy step out! That's because, aside from being a slightly paler shade of green, he looked almost EXACTLY like I did about 3 years ago!
  240. >The Principal cleared her throat and I straightened up my posture in response. "Anonymous I would like to introduce to you Mr. Billy Blanks. Our newest freshman here at Canterlot High who just transferred in. I had a feeling you two might be able to find a connection." she said with a warm smile.
  241. "Hi Billy!" I said earnestly while holding my hand out for a handshake. "I'm Anonymous, but you can call me Anon if you like. And last semester I was the new guy at school! Glad to meet ya!"
  242. >"H-hi. My name's Billy and my family just moved here. V-very pleased to meet you!" He said a little nervously as he stiffly shook my hand. In fact he was holding his body stiffly too.
  243. Whoops. I had come on to strongly for the poor kid! He was starting to freeze up. So I dropped my voice to a low conversational tone and said "Sorry. I forgot I'm not performing for the room anymore. Welcome to Canterlot High Billy. Can I introduce you to some folks?"
  244. >"S-sure." he said. The boy was still shy, but the stiffness had gone away mostly. Calm and easy was the way to go here.
  245. "Alright, come this way then please. I want to introduce you to my girlfriends and I'm positive they would like to meet you too."
  246. >The girls WERE obviously interested in Billy with Pinkie jumping up and down rapidly while holding her shaking fists near her shoulders and the others having broad smiles. I just couldn't help but imagine the word "SQUEEE" appearing above Pinkie.
  247. >"Your girlfriend? For a moment it sounded like you had more than one. Gosh, could you imagine?" He said with a smile.
  248. "Sure could." I said. "But to be more clear, I DO have more than one girlfriend. In fact I have 7. But I'm the only guy at school with more than one."
  249. >"How did THAT happen?" he asked with genuine curiosity.
  250. Good. He was loosening up. "I'll tell you the PG version sometime. But for now lets not keep them waiting." At that point I also noticed some shuffling footsteps behind me. I'd get to them in due time. We were now in front of my girlfriends.
  251. "Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Canterlot's newest freshman, Billy Blanks." I said still in a low conversational tone.
  252. >"Hello Billy." they all replied in unison.
  253. >"H-Hi." Billy said with a small wave.
  254. "Ladies, Billy is a lot like I was when I first got here, so I'd like to introduce you in the order of quietest first so we don't overwhelm him before he even gets to class, ok?" To which they all nodded.
  255. "And Billy, you're the first person I've been able to introduce my girlfriends to that didn't already know them, so I'm going to have some quiet fun with it." I said.
  256. "So first up is Fluttershy, our queen of quiet."
  257. >"Hi" she said quietly, but with more volume than I remembered when I first met her. Billy replied with a "Hello" of his own.
  258. "Billy, I should ask, do you have any pets?" I asked him intending to highlight Flutters specialty.
  259. "Not yet. Mom said maybe after the move though." Billy replied.
  260. "Cool." I said. "The reason I asked is Fluttershy volunteers a LOT of time at the local animal shelter and would love to help you get a pet that's right for you. I'll be volunteering there today after school for a couple of hours if, say, your parents wanted to meet the guy who looks so much like you."
  261. >Fluttershy handed him a flyer without prompting. "This has the address and hours on it." she said.
  262. "Moving this right along, up next is Applejack. Our tough and humble farmgirl."
  263. >"Howdy." Applejack said.
  264. >"Hi." Billy returned the greeting with a little more brightness in his voice.
  265. "Say Billy, did your family happen to get a welcome gift of some apples when you moved here?"
  266. >"Umm.. Yeah. Yeah we did." he said, starting to crack a smile.
  267. "I remember my family got some too." I said. "They came from Applejacks's family's farm, Sweet Apple Acres. Have you tried one just yet?"
  268. >"Oh, uh, no not yet. Sorry."
  269. "That's ok Billy. I remember when I first tried them, I thought they were the juiciest, most tasty apples I'd ever had. So whenever you get to it is fine." I said with a warm wistful smile.
  270. >"I'll try one soon. I promise!" Said Billy with a smile.
  271. "You won't regret it Billy." I said with a genuine smile. "Next I'd like you to meet Twilight Sparkle, who is basically the smartest person in school and our class valedictorian."
  272. >"Hello Billy." She said with a big smile.
  273. >"H-hi." Billy said. quite obviously impressed with those titles.
  274. "Now we come to Sunset Shimmer. She's head of the yearbook committee and an amazing graphical artist as well."
  275. >"Hello new boy." Sunset said with a sultry smile.
  276. >"H-hello." Billy said with a bit of confusion evident.
  277. "Wait a minute. You're giving him MY old nickname?" I asked her.
  278. >"Yup. Didn't do you any harm and it might just be a lucky charm for him." She said.
  279. "Let me explain." I said to Billy. "She called me that EVERY day of the last semester, but that stopped on the night all these lovely ladies confessed their feeling to me. So I'm not using it anymore. She must really like you if she wants you to have that nickname though. A lot of the other guys in school might be jealous."
  280. >"Oh." Billy said. "Well in that case, thank you very much!" he said to a smiling Sunset.
  281. "Now to continue, we have Rarity." I said upping the enthusiastic energy just a hair. "She's a well known seamstress with a real passion for fashion."
  282. >"It's simply lovely to meet you darling." Rarity said with a gently beaming smile.
  283. >"It's a pleasure to meet you too." He said. Seemed like he was finally relaxing enough to go with the flow. Excellent!
  284. "Fun fact, Rarity made this top I'm wearing. She made more in all of my girlfriends colors and symbols. Today is Applejack's colors of course."
  285. >"I DID see that." Billy said. "But I really don't know much about clothes to talk."
  286. "That's perfectly fine Billy." I said with a warm smile. "You're young and your time in this amazing school is only beginning. Trust me you can learn SO much here. But I'll tell you this for nothing. If you ever get a girlfriend who gives you clothes, you wear them. Period."
  287. >Billy nodded his head in response. Apparently very willing to take romantic advice from the guy with seven girlfriends.
  288. "Next up is Rainbow Dash." I said adopting a light sportscaster tone. "She's the star of our winning soccer team and something of a rockstar to boot."
  289. >"'Sup dude?" she said while grinning at the details of her introduction.
  290. >"'Sup." Billy said grinning widely at our resident tomboy.
  291. "And last but not least." I said going for a light circus ringmaster vibe. "She's an energetic and ebullient extrovert and also a perfectionist party planner. I present to you, Pinkie Pie!"
  292. >"Hi Billy!" Pinkie said, demonstrating that she knows how to tone it down based on the person she's talking to.
  293. >"Hi!" Billy said with an equally big smile.
  294. "And that," I said proudly," is all seven of my girlfriends. Now if you ever need to reach me and find one of them before you see me, they can probably tell you exactly where I am. Right girls?"
  295. > They all nodded affirmative responses.
  296. "Thank you." I said to them. "Just one more request ladies and then you can get back to lunch while I set young Billy up for success. Could you all take a pic of me and Billy on his first day? Oh Billy, you can hand any one of them your phone so you can have one too of course."
  297. >Pinkie stepped forward and volunteered while three sets of footsteps behind me went to the side. I also pretended to not notice Twilight still had my phone. A few shutter clicks later and that was done and Pinkie gave Billy his phone back. and then went back to our lunch table with the rest of the girls leaving Billy and I almost alone.
  298. "Ok Billy, now comes the important part." I said. "As you've seen I already had seven girlfriends before you got here. Even one girlfriend is a serious time investment as you may already know. So I'm afraid I can't directly mentor you as I'd like."
  299. "With that said, I will be keeping tabs on you and I promise I will find time to spend with you as I can. I've also already told you how to contact me if something comes up. And that's the bad news."
  300. "The good news, on the other hand, is I know some of your fellow freshman who would like to be your friend and help show you around. They've been waiting very patiently to meet you and they are right behind us." I said as I invited Billy to turn around. "Isn't that right girls?"
  301. >"That's right Anonymous." the Crusaders said in unison.
  302. "Girls it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Billy 'New Boy' Blanks."
  303. >"Hello Billy." The girls said in unison again.
  304. >"Hi." Billy said while smiling and not quite believing his first day was going THIS well.
  305. >Excellent. Introducing him to my girlfriends had let him warm up to the idea of meeting new people. And the Crusaders were obviously willing to have a new friend too. A win for all involved.
  306. "Billy, starting on the right is Apple Bloom. The younger sister of my girlfriend Applejack."
  307. >"Hello Billy." Apple Bloom. "It's nice to meet you." she said with a charming smile.
  308. >"Hi Apple Bloom." Said Billy. "It's very nice to meet you too." he said while still sporting a dumbstruck smile.
  309. "In the center is Scootaloo. Friend and big fan of my girlfriend Rainbow Dash."
  310. >"'Sup new boy?"
  311. >"Well Scootaloo, so far it looks like I'm having the BEST day. Pleasure to meet you."
  312. "And on the left is Sweetie Belle. Younger sister of my girlfriend Rarity."
  313. >"Hi Billy." Sweetie Belle said. "It's great to meet a new friend." with a big smile.
  314. >"Hello Sweetie Belle." Billy said while looking visibly more relaxed. "Yeah it really is!"
  315. "Ok looks like you folks are almost all set. I just want to say something real quick to you girls please."
  316. >"Yes Anonymous?" They said in unison again.
  317. "Pretty sure you already know this, but Billy reminds me a lot of how I was when I first got here. I'm hoping you can guide and nurture him like how your friends and family did for me. Also there could be girls out there looking at him just because they can't have ME. I would like to ask that you protect him from girls that don't have his best interests at heart. Can you do that for me please?"
  318. >The Crusaders exchanged silent glances and then looked at me and said in unison "You got it Anonymous!"
  319. "Thank you. All right then you're all free to go off and start making memories together. Have fun you crazy kids." I said with a smile. Looking at them as they turned and left full of energy.
  320. >Then I turned and hustled back to the table my girlfriends and I used and took my saved seat between Pinkie and Sunset to a chorus of various forms of "Welcome back".
  321. >We were all rushing to finish our food before the bell for the end of lunch sounded when Rainbow said "Anon, I gotta ask. Do you have ANY idea what you just did to that boy?"
  322. >Pinkie suddenly said "NOPE!"
  323. >Twilight chimed in with "Not a clue."
  324. >Applejack, Sunset, and Fluttershy just shook their heads.
  325. >Rarity just chuckled.
  326. >Aaand the king has left the building. Thankyouveramuch.
  327. "So do any of you want to explain what I'm missing by chance?" I asked.
  328. >The girls exchanged silent glances, turned to me and said "No Anonymous" in perfect unison.
  330. > I reeled back at the rare rejection. Well whatever it was, it couldn't be BAD or the girls would move to correct it.
  331. "Ouch. Well my ego is now a much more manageable size thank you."
  332. >That got a round of hearty giggles.
  333. "Oh, before I get distracted again, I really need to thank and apologize to you girls." I said in a suddenly somber tone. "You amazing ladies helped save my bacon by tipping things in my favor with the crowd. I wasn't at all sure how the crowd was going to go before that slow clap started. Thank you!"
  334. >"You're quite welcome of course Darling." Rarity said. "But whatever is it you think you need to apologize for?"
  335. "I selfishly brought all of you ladies close to danger because I had to settle with demons from my past. I don't think that was right of me to do. I'm sorry."
  336. >Sunset spoke up "Anonymous, you're wrong on two counts."
  337. "Oh?" I asked.
  338. >Applejack took the chance to speak now. "Firstly, exposing yourself to risk for the benefit of others isn't selfish. It's one of the definitions of selfLESS. A selfish person would have run away from danger. That ain't what you did."
  339. "But still" I started..
  340. >"Anonymous." Fluttershy said, and I stopped talking. "Secondly, if Applejack ran into a burning building to save someone. Would you follow her?"
  341. "Of course!" I said without hesitation.
  342. >Rainbow chimed in, "That goes both ways dude."
  343. >Pinkie then said "Because we're all of us a team!"
  344. >"You're just not used to this part of it yet because this is the first time you took the lead." Twilight said. "And you did THAT because you saw a path to the best outcome that no one else did BECAUSE of your past. No one can change your past, But YOU decide how you react to it. Today you used your past to do something amazing and you let us see it all up close. So no apology needed."
  345. "I'm not sure I can thank you ladies enough." I said.
  346. >"I'm sure we can come up with some ways to help you express that." Sunset said with a wicked grin. "So feel free to take the lead when the situation demands it Anon. We can play rounds of 'Hide and go Fondle' after if it helps."
  347. "What I say at this point will not matter. I could say 'Ms. Cherilee is 3 penguins in an elaborate costume.' and it would not stop you from explaining that game." I said dryly.
  348. >Sunset continued "It's like normal Hide and Seek except Anon hides and the first one to find him gets to tag him as they see fit."
  349. "I will admit, that was a good way to talk around an adult topic. I think I would enjoy that game and play it straight." I said and then polished off the last of my lunch.
  350. "Switching topics," I said with a wide-eyed expression. "I think I've just had an outlandish idea. Several of you have compared me to mythological characters like Superman, Adonis, a werewolf, and young Arthur Pendragon. I think young Billy could be our ticket into mythology."
  351. >"You're going to have to explain that." Rainbow said.
  352. "Of course." I said without concern. "We start by defining mythology as stories repeated over time to new generations. Now Rainbow, may I ask what your first thoughts were when you saw young Billy?"
  353. >"He looks like a young Anonymous." Rainbow said.
  354. "Right! And if you said that in front of an incoming freshman next year, they would ask?.."
  355. >"Who was Anonymous I guess?" Rainbow said.
  356. "Correct again!" I said "And then they get an answer. Now do you remember how we defined mythology?"
  357. >"Stories repeated-- OH, that's pretty clever." Rainbow said as she smiled.
  358. "Well it's really just a matter of spotting a target of opportunity in this case. We can fan the flames of legend once a few more good stories are under the belt. 'Anonymous the Canterlot success story! He climbed up from the worst school in America to lead us! The seven most desirable girls in school agreed to share him as a boyfriend! And when his fellow students formed an angry mob, he put himself in front of them and stopped them.'"
  359. "Speaking of stories to fan the flame of, let's talk about my phone for a minute." I said.
  360. >"Oh I've got it right here Anonymous." Twilight said as she held it up.
  361. "I know Twiggles." I said with a smile. "Hold on to it for a minute more please ok?"
  362. >"Sure." she said in a slightly confused tone. The other girls were paying close attention as well.
  363. "Now I'm not the best expert when it comes to the behavior of ladies who would approach me while knowing I already have seven lovely girlfriends, but if y'all were to bring attention to the detail where I publicly gave Twilight my unlocked phone and walked away without a care, it might give them some pause."
  364. > There was a round of thoughtful nods. Apparently my guess held merit.
  365. "Furthermore I would like to tell all of you, and you might choose to spread this too, that if you ever want to see my phone I will hand it over, time and circumstances permitting of course. I never really used my phone for adult material, so we'll circle back to that topic in a minute."
  366. "With that said, Twilight could you access my gallery please and tell me if anything sticks out to you?" I asked with a smile.
  367. >There was a tension in the air as Twilight did as I asked and I was enjoying it with a quiet glee.
  368. >"There's a folder titled 'Hello Twilight'. I'd say that sticks out." she said with a smile on her face.
  369. "Indeed." I said. "Before you open it, I'd like to ask you to do something please. Arrange a time delay so that, after school, you and the others get a copy of that folder."
  370. >"Why after school Nonny?" Pinkie asked as Twilight tapped away.
  371. "Because, as unfun as it might sound, I shouldn't distract you from paying attention in class." I said with my own wicked grin.
  372. >They were begrudgingly agreeing with that logic when Twilight said "Done."
  373. "Ok now open that folder, check out the contents, and pass the phone around please." I asked of her.
  374. >Twilight opened the folder and let out a sharp gasp while also sporting a wide smile. Seeing that reaction, the others didn't wait for the phone to pass around but instead gathered behind Twilight. Once they saw what was on the phone, their reactions were similar to Twilight's.
  375. >Inside of the folder were front and back pics of me standing in the tops and briefs that Rarity had given me. Each of those combos were in the colors of a specific girlfriend and had their symbols on them, both top and bottom. The tops also had a unique phrase for each girl.
  376. "So, as you've heard, you'll all get copies of those pics after school. I hope I've managed to do that right because I'm in new territory on this." I said with a smile.
  377. >"I think you did just fine Anon." Applejack said. "When did you even do this anyway?"
  378. "Last week when Rarity delivered the clothes." I said. "Basically my thought process here is that I've noticed I'm in the habit of gratefully thanking you girls a LOT. So I wanted to have something on standby for the next time I was in that position. It also gave me an idea for an activity the next time we do a purple drink party."
  379. >"Oh this I NEED to hear!" Pinkie exclaimed.
  380. "Well it's just a sketch of an idea right now," I said, "but the basic idea is a photo shoot with each of you while I wear your colors in whatever poses we come up with."
  381. >" Oooh spicy!" Pinkie said approvingly.
  382. "If we do it right, yes." I said with a broad smile. "Speaking of spicy, it's time to circle back to the topic of the adult material in my possession. Needless to say, I haven't had much use for it recently. And I had considered just deleting it outright, but I had another thought to propose to all of you.
  383. >"What's that Anonymous?" Sunset asked.
  384. "Well, deleting it is still on the table of course, but I remembered several of you have a strong sense of curiosity and I thought maybe some of you might want to see it? If so we can arrange a time for you to come over and take a look on my PC..."
  385. > I stopped talking because ALL of the girls had wicked grins and I was at a loss for why. Best find out how and how badly I had just stepped in it.
  386. "Ok, I wasn't sure entirely on the reaction that would get but it feels like I missed something again."
  387. >Fluttershy spoke up. "Anonymous, your computer is in your room." she said with a smile.
  388. "Well.. yeah." I said with confusion still visible.
  389. >"Anon, none of us have been in your room." Applejack said while still smiling.
  390. "Wait, really?" I asked, immediately searching my brain for a time they had and coming up empty. "I think you're right. I'm sorry girls. I didn't mean to be rude like that. Of course you're all welcome to come over!"
  391. >"It's ok Anon." Sunset said "This one is not entirely upon you. We actively avoided being in your room to so we wouldn't risk being tempted before the sleepover."
  392. "Thanks Sunset." I said. "At this point I'm just really glad to find out I wasn't being rude and insulting."
  393. >"Silly Nonny." Pinkie said with a smile. "And there's no more risk of accidental temptation either!" she brightly declared.
  394. "Oh? Why's that?" I asked while knowing I was playing comedic straight man for her.
  395. >"Because it won't be accidental Nonny!" She declared with a bright smile and VERY intense eyes.
  396. >That got some chuckles from the girls I could only describe as disturbing. Still if it made them happy then I was all for it.
  397. >"Let me explain it this way Anon," Rainbow said with apparent sympathy for my confusion. "Your room is going to see more traffic than a train station."
  398. >"All aboard." Twilight deadpanned.
  399. >"For the Anonymous express!" Pinky said excitedly.
  400. >"Toot toot!" Sunset said with a wicked grin.
  401. >"Indeed!" Rarity said, "But if I may offer a suggestion?"
  402. "Please do." I said hoping some of this quiet energy from the girls might diffuse a bit.
  403. >" You might want to purchase some more bedding to accommodate the increase in activity darling." she said. "I'd be happy to text you some suggestions on what to look for if you like."
  404. "Rarity I always end up being thankful for your suggestions and I'm sure this will be no exception." I said with genuine gratitude. "It could well be time to retire the Jar Jar comforter at this point."
  405. >That reference didn't land with most of the girls, but Rainbow said "Really dude? Jar Jar?" and looked for an explanation.
  406. "Yeah. It's easy to explain actually." I said, glad to back on a comfortable topic. "It was a gift from my late grandma who didn't know much about Star Wars and certainly didn't know Jar Jar was the most hated character in the prequel trilogy. She passed a few months later so I kept it. And it's not like anyone but my parents was likely to ever see it before I came here."
  407. >That got a few "Aww's" from the girls and Rainbow relented with "Ok dude. I can see that."
  408. >"Speaking of your parents Anonymous," Fluttershy said, "When will they be home tonight?" she asked with an incredibly innocent smile.
  409. "Let's see, tonight?" I mused out loud, "Oh yeah. Mom said since I was doing my own laundry now that her and Dad had time for a date night tonight. Normally they don't get home from those until after I'm asleep."
  410. >"Then can we go back to your place tonight after the animal shelter?" She asked. Suddenly her smile was not QUITE as innocent.
  411. >This girl who had taken an entire WEEK to say an audible sentence to me at first was now able to play me like a fiddle apparently. And here I was, happy to be played.
  412. "Sure." I said. "In fact, tell ya what. Why don't we stop at the store on the way to my place and we can choose dinner together for me to cook?"
  413. >"Oh Anon, that sounds wonderful!" she said with a bright smile.
  414. "I only have one disclaimer aside from getting our homework done."
  415. >"What's that Anon?" she asked. Not disturbed one bit.
  416. "Well, I offered my room as available and I'm sticking to that of course. But while I've kept it clean enough to keep my parents happy, I'm not 100% sure it's what I'd call girlfriend ready. I just wanted to put that out there real quick is all." I said.
  417. >"Oh Anon," she said in her trademark gentleness, "I'm certain it will be fine. I work with animals so I'm sure I can handle a few boy smells."
  418. "Glad to hear it." I said. Not showing discomfort at the mention of boy smells. "And at the end of the evening, assuming you leave me able, I'll walk you back to your place as a gentleman should." I said with a smile.
  419. >"No promises" she said while still smiling.
  420. "I already know I should not be surprised by that, and yet I am." I said.
  421. >Then Fluttershy leaned forward with an eager smile and said "Choo-choo green boy!" and the rest of the girls chuckled approvingly.
  422. >After she finished chuckling, Sunset said "Wow Anon. Doing laundry, cleaning your room, and insisting homework is done? Look at you go!"
  423. "Well it just made good sense to me to start doing that as part of being a good boyfriend." I said.
  424. >"Not positive I follow." Sunset said.
  425. "Ok. Speaking in broad terms, we're all aware we have an uncommon relationship and that I'm kind of central to it as a starting point here." I said "Therefore I'm the big vulnerability to outside forces if you look at it in tactical terms as I tend to do. So I'm making sure I do all of my chores to my parent's satisfaction and getting all of my homework done with best effort to doing well on it."
  426. "In that way, neither my parents or teachers have reason to say that my girlfriends are getting in the way of what I'm supposed to do. And so they can't use that as an excuse to disapprove of our relationship and stop me from seeing any of you. The laundry though was because I didn't want my mom suddenly asking why I suddenly had some VERY colorful underwear without any warning if I'm being honest."
  427. >"Pretty solid logic there Anon." Sunset said approvingly. "In fact, those are good tips for all of us."
  428. >The girls nodded along , except for Rainbow who let out a dramatic groan and said "Seriously?"
  429. "Well yeah." I said. "I mean, if I get affected, it affects everyone else. So I HAVE to take it seriously to be a good boyfriend. But you aren't worried about homework Rainbow, because you have to maintain a certain GPA to play soccer. So it's only half of the challenge for you. You might even call it easy mode." I teased.
  430. >"Ugh. Darn it Anon." She groaned "Why do you have to make such good sense?"
  431. "Because you and the others are worth it of course." I replied. "Simple as."
  432. >"Fiiiine." Rainbow said. "But I'm not saying everything's gonna be perfect ok?"
  433. "Fine by me Rainbow." I said. "I'm not doing my chores to perfection either, the goal is to keep the parents from complaining and stepping in. That doesn't require perfection from most parents. Most are happy with a decent effort and not having to keep pushing their kid on it. If your mom comes in to yell at you to clean your room and you're already in the middle of cleaning it without being told, she will likely just back out quietly. Then all you have to do is notify her when your done so she can inspect it when she's ready."
  434. "Ideally you might say something like 'Hey Mom, I think my room is clean but could you check and see if I missed anything so I can fix it please?' and then invite her back when the fixing is done. And after the initial cleaning, maintaining it is MUCH easier. Also your parents will be happier and easier to get along with most likely. At least that's how it's been working out for me." I said with a smile.
  435. >Rainbow's reply was cut off by the bell signaling the end of lunch.
  436. >Lunch was over, but the semester had now started in earnest.
  438. Duties of the King
  439. Interludes
  441. >You are Anonymous. It's still Wednesday but school has just let out and Sunset just spotted you by the Wondercolt statue. The one that seems to be a little beyond what your senses are used to processing. Right now it's helping you keep your ego in check by reminding you there are things that aren't easily apparent or understood. Today has been wildly fantastic but you know overconfidence could be disastrous. And there are costs still to be paid.
  442. >"Hiya Nonny!" Sunset said cheerily. "How did your last two classes go?"
  443. "A bit weird if I'm honest." I said. "I'm not sure I'd ever get used to teachers gushing over what happened at lunch today."
  444. >Both Coach Soarin and Mrs. Harshwinny had found some time to take me aside and offer praise for what had happened at lunch. Mrs. Harshwinny also told me the girls that had been victimized were pretty much recovered by the end of lunch when I asked. She seemed rather proud of what I thought of as a basic concern for others.
  445. >"Oh that doesn't surprise me." She said with a smile. "You've always had some resistance to being praised, so a bit of modesty pushing back after what happened at lunch sounds very much like you."
  446. >She understood me so well.
  447. >Then she took my chin in her hand and looked me directly in the eyes and said "But Anon, you need to know that you did a LOT of good today. And others are naturally going to want to tell you that. It's OK to accept some praise for today. Sure you weren't doing it for praise, but you managed to EARN it anyway. The girls and I are proud of you too by the way."
  448. >That last line made me smile. It was a lot easier to accept praise from my girlfriends.
  449. "Thank you my Queen." I said while starting to get more comfortable with the idea of being praised. "You always seem to know what I need to hear."
  450. >"You're welcome my King." she said with a sincere smile. "Any other issues?"
  451. "A couple of small touches of guilt that I should be able to manage."
  452. >"And there's the stoicism." She said while still smiling. "Share with me Anon. It will help." she commanded.
  453. "Well, with the sudden rush of memories from Bullworth came some survivor's guilt." I said. "You know how that one goes. The basic 'How am I worthy to have escaped that place and come somewhere so wonderful?' It will fade as I focus more on my present and less on my past."
  454. >"Ok and what else?" she asked.
  455. "This one's a bit more silly." I said with a small smirk. "Almost everything I did at lunch today I did with the goal of becoming King of Canterlot. I mean, I know I did good and didn't harm anyone, but I feel a little guilt for wanting to profit off of the situation. Probably part of growing into the role?"
  456. >"Yeah, I'd say that sounds about right." She said. "You made a big swing towards becoming King today, but you know that's what you need to do. You have a bit over half a semester left and most of your potential competition has been here for three and a half years already."
  457. >"Talk of what happened today will probably die down by next week, so I don't think this on it's own is enough to get you elected yet. BUT no one will deny you earned a place on the ballot even if they don't want to vote for you yet. So that alone is great progress, and that's by just the third day of the semester!"
  458. >She was positively beaming! And yeah it felt pretty good that she was proud of me.
  459. >"Anything else?" she asked, probably sensing I was still holding onto something.
  460. "A small confession." I said. "Twilight is obviously the go to for Greek mythology. And Rarity's flair for having a dramatic streak made her a good pairing, but honestly I was thinking Rarity deserved a chance at some payback. That's everything."
  461. >"You mean, in the middle of ALL of what happened, you were thinking of your girlfriends too?" She asked while starting to bite her lower lip. "Oh the girls are ALL going to work you for that!" she said with a sinister smile. "To bad it's not my day today. But the weekend is coming up my King. I hope you're ready!"
  462. "Me too." I said with some nervousness. "But in the words of the great Mel Brooks, 'It's good to be the king!'" and then I leaned in to give her a peck on the lips.
  464. >You are Billy Blanks, the surprise younger backup main character to Anonymous. As Anonymous is kissing Sunset Shimmer, you are coming in your front door. You had exchanged information with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, including where each of you lived, but as this was your first day of school, you didn't have any parental permission yet to have guests or go anywhere.
  465. >Oh well, at least that would be solved soon after Mom got home.
  466. >In the meantime, you went to your room, threw your backpack on the bed, and turned on your computer, and plugged your phone into it.
  467. >You logged into your old school's website. They were allowing you student access for the rest of the school year so you could keep in contact with old friends and ease your transition between schools. Pretty nice of them honestly.
  468. >You HAD to tell folks how AWESOME Canterlot High was! How you had met a guy that looked like a maxxed out level version of YOU. He had seven (7!) girlfriends!
  469. >And when an ugly situation in the cafeteria was threatening to turn into a riot, he put himself in front of the mob and talked them down! In the process of that, he gave one of his girlfriends his unlocked phone and walked away!
  470. >Afterwards the Principal and Vice Principal had called him over and he stood proud and tall before them as he answered their questions.
  471. >And best of all, you could PROVE this had happened because you took video of everything you just described and you proceeded to upload it.
  472. >Just then you heard the front door open. It was your Mom coming in.
  473. >"Hello? Billy are you home? How was school?" She asked.
  474. Billy grabbed his phone and went to meet her. "Hi Mom! Do you need any help carrying anything in?" you asked.
  475. >"Not this time. Thank you though!" she said while approving of his manners. "You seem pretty happy. I take it something good happened?"
  476. "Oh a whole lot happened Mom!" I told her. "But first thing's first. Are we related to anyone in Canterlot I didn't know about?"
  477. >"Hmm. Not that I know of honey. Why?"
  478. As I was calling up the pic on my phone I said "Because the Principal introduced me to this guy." and showed her the pic of Anonymous and I standing together. "His name is Anonymous."
  479. >"Woah." she said, "Well I can certainly see why you'd ask! And you say the Principal introduced you? She must think highly of him then."
  480. "Everyone thought highly of him today Mom!" I said excitedly. "Let me set the stage and then I'll show you the video I took."
  481. >"Ok Billy."
  482. "So by the time I got to school it's lunchtime, but the Principal still sees me to give a quick orientation. As that's happening, the Vice Principal bursts in and says 'Sister! We have an emergency in the cafeteria! I've summoned all staff but we need to go too!"
  483. "Then the Principal is all like 'I understand. Billy please stay close to me and stay quiet until the situation is resolved.'" And the I showed Mom the video which showed Anonymous stepping in front of an angry mob of students and talking them into dispersing and his following interview with the Principal and Vice Principal.
  484. >"Wow." she said, "I can certainly see why it was exciting to meet him. Now Billy, you heard the part where they all agreed that what he did was DANGEROUS right?"
  485. "Yes Mom." I said, understanding the implied warning.
  486. >"Ok." She said and then asked "Do you happen to know who those girls were that were helping him?"
  487. "Actually yes." I said, "Those are his seven (7!) girlfriends. He introduced me to them right after I met him."
  488. >"S-seven you say?" she said sounding more than a little shocked.
  489. "Yeah! One of them, the head of the Yearbook, even gave me a new nickname!" I said.
  490. >"Really?" she asked, recovering slightly.
  491. "Yup!" I declared wit a smile. "At Canterlot High I am now Billy 'New Boy' Blanks."
  492. >"'New boy' huh?" she mused. "Well it's not stunning but it could have been a lot worse. How did they decide that I wonder?"
  493. "Anonymous said she had called HIM that every day of last semester." I said. "But that stopped the night all of his girlfriends confessed to him, so he isn't using it any more."
  494. >"Confessed to him you say? "She said as if she wasn't certain she believed it. "Well his love life is less important. Tell me what else happened please."
  495. "Sure Mom." I said. "After he introduced his girlfriends and took pictures like what you just saw, he told me since he already had seven (7!) girlfriends he couldn't spend as much time mentoring me as he might like. But said he would keep tabs on me and spend time when he could. That was the bad news he said."
  496. "The good news is he knew 3 freshmen that wanted to meet me and show me around. They had been waiting patiently and were right behind us. They were friends and family of his girlfriends and they were REALLY easy for me to talk to! They're names are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. And I basically spent the rest of the day with them."
  497. >"Oh honey." she said with a big motherly smile. "You met a lot of people and made friends on your first day! Oh that IS good news! I was so worried about that since you tend to be shy."
  498. >"But if this Anonymous is going to mentor you in any way, it seems like I should meet him. Why are you smiling?"
  499. "Because he predicted that too!" I said, sort of amazed. "He said if you wanted to meet him today, he was going to be volunteering at the animal shelter for a couple of hours after school with his quiet girlfriend Fluttershy. And she handed me a flyer with the shelter's info on it. Let me go get it." and I hustled off to my bedroom and got the flyer as the computer pinged a couple of times in the background.
  500. "He also said Fluttershy could help us pick out a pet that would be a great fit for us." as I handed Mom the flyer.
  501. >"Did he now?" Mom said with a look of curiosity. "Well I'm not promising we'll get a pet today. But we can look after I talk with Anonymous for a bit, alright? Now let's get in the car and meet this guy."
  502. >And so they drove off and couldn't notice Billy's computer pinging with increasing frequency..
  504. >You are Vice Principal Luna. And as the end of your workday nears the partition between your office and your sister's is open so you can talk freely.
  505. "Sister it looks like I'm missing some of the orientation paperwork on our new student Billy Blanks." I said.
  506. >"Oh yes, that." she said. "I'm afraid when we were interrupted at lunch, we forgot to bring him back here to finish. I'll send a note to his first period teacher so he can come in and finish that tomorrow."
  507. "I suppose that will have to do." i said. "If it ever comes up, being distracted by a near-riot should be an acceptable reason for the delay. It's not as if we're in the habit of not filling out the needed forms anyway. This is a one-off for us."
  508. >"Certainly true dear sister." she said with a look of recalling the day on her face. "And to think I was going to use Billy as a chance to check on Anonymous and we walk in on him giving a command performance! I think the girls chose well."
  509. "So do I." I said thoughtfully. "And those girls deserved a chance at romance even if they chose an unusual arrangement. I have to wonder if sharing a boyfriend, and doing it successfully at that, is a side effect of their 'friendship magic?'"
  510. >"We may never know." Celestia said, "But on that topic, I don't think Anonymous knows the girls have powers either."
  511. "Interesting." I said, my curiosity piqued. "Why do you say that?" I asked.
  512. >"He spoke to us as if he believed he was in real danger if he couldn't pull off that speech. I think he really was putting everything he had into it and holding nothing back. That's not the action of someone who knows almost any one of his girlfriends could have protected him." Celestia proposed.
  513. "I must agree with you there." I said. "I also appreciated the more subtle points of his actions. Like how he immediately ceded all authority back to us instantly. He knows how to wield authority, but he doesn't crave it or make it part of his identity."
  514. >"Or his interaction with Flash Sentry?" Celestia asked.
  515. "Yes. That's a good point too." I said. "So many guys wouldn't have acknowledged or valued his actions like Anonymous did. The girls have obviously helped him understand the value of multiple viewpoints."
  516. >"Yes that's something I've inferred from Twilight," Celestia said, "he has listened to them and eagerly learned everything they wanted to teach him. He might not be in the top 10% of our students by GPA, but when you consider all of the other subjects the girls were teaching him at the same time, being in the top 15% is an accomplishment not to be dismissed."
  517. > Just then, both of their phones vibrated with an incoming text message. It was to late in the day for it to be something official was the first thought. Then Celestia's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and answered.
  518. >"Hello Twilight." she said. "Oh don't worry about the time please. But what is it you're sending us? A video.. showing what happened at lunch? Thank you Twilight. We will look at it and determine what, if anything, needs to be done."
  519. >We watched the linked video and it was obvious to us it was taken by Billy Blanks from the perspective. We couldn't see anything that needed to be done in response to this, but we forwarded the link to the Superintendent just in case.
  521. Duties of the King
  522. Does Whiskey make you Tango or Foxtrot?
  524. >You are Anonymous. It's the second Monday of the spring semester at Canterlot and you are wearing Twilight's colors today. The caption on your crop top reads "See the possibilities!" and right now you are under guard in the Crusader's club meeting after school.
  525. >In the meeting room with you are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and the Crusader club's newest member, Billy Blanks.
  526. >And why YOU are here with them is something of a story. It had started last Wednesday with you talking down an ugly mob of your fellow Canterlot students. And you had been pretty sure any fuss about that should have pretty much died down by now.
  527. >That was before you learned Billy had taken video of the event and posted it online. Now the fuss was still growing and it's impact was spreading as well. Twilight had raised a flag about it within a couple of hours of the posting, but by then it had been reposted enough that she couldn't stop it all.
  528. >The main issue issue was that a small portion of girls who saw the video decided they REALLY liked me. And that had set my girlfriends on edge.
  529. >Not with me of course. They knew I only had eyes for them. THEY had seen the potential in me and worked with me. I wasn't about to act in bad faith to all they had already done for me.
  530. >I even offered to abstain from the internet until it blew over. They were pleased that I would do that for them, but annoyed by the ones that made such actions wise. I just wished there was somehow more I could do to put them at ease.
  531. >It had taken time to build up to this point of course. Thursday and Friday weren't to bad but Twilight was reporting that flags were being raised. We listened to her but honestly it was hard to know how to interpret the info she was giving us.
  532. >Saturday was the wake up call at Sugarcube Corner.
  533. >There were three cars full of older high school girls circling the block Sugarcube Corner was on. All of them were loudly playing sexually suggestive inappropriate music and hooting and hollering when they saw me and the girls. It was very disruptive to our casual hangout.
  534. >Suddenly Pinkie (I was traditionally sitting between Pinkie and Sunset) covered my eyes after she twitched a couple of times that I sort of saw.
  535. "Pinkie sense?" I asked while staying still and not making any motion to uncover my eyes.
  536. >"Yeah." Pinkie said flatly.
  537. >Pinkie NEVER talks flatly.
  538. >Then there were sounds of Applejack, Rainbow, and Sunset getting up out of their chairs.
  539. >I could practically TASTE the anger of my girlfriends saturating the air.
  540. >"Wait." Twilight said in a calm and commanding tone, and the girls that had gotten up stopped in place.
  541. >Then there was the short burst of a police car siren and what light I could vaguely detect through Pinkie's hand was suddenly bursts of alternating red and blue lights.
  542. >The girls quickly calmed down in a collective sigh of relief and the three that had stood up sat back down.
  543. >In about a minute, the loud music from the single car outside of Sugarcube Corner stopped.
  544. >The music from the other two cars circling the block stopped within the next two minutes.
  545. >The girls were silent aside from Twilight tapping away at some devices.
  546. >Pinkie was still covering my eyes. And I was still not trying to dodge past that.
  547. "Um, ladies?" I asked, "I'm not entirely sure what's happening but I can tell you're all upset. I'd like to help if I can."
  548. >The tension in the air around me lessened and I could tell the girls were exchanging glances in silent conversation. Finally Rarity took an audibly deep breath..
  549. >"Thank you Anon." She said, "YOU are behaving wonderfully of course! I assure you Pinkie is quite correct to cover your eyes. Those girls are NOT from Canterlot and they were behaving MOST shamefully to plainly try and attract YOUR attention."
  550. "What? Why?" I immediately asked, "I'm known to be in a committed relationship! I have EVERYTHING I could possibly want! Sounds like a stupid thing to get into trouble with the police over."
  551. >"Quite correct darling." Rarity said. "And rest assured none of this is your fault of course. But we don't know why yet. We just don't have any information of that sort, or any sort really."
  552. "Ok." I said. "Just please let me know if there's some way I can help. I know there are times when I have to sit and do as I'm told though."
  553. >"And that sucks." Sunset said, finishing my unspoken thought. "We know Anon, but for the moment, let us protect you alright?"
  554. "If that's the best way to help you girls then it's fine." I said. "Hey Pinkie?"
  555. >"Yes Nonny?"
  556. "I'm going to lean my head back because keeping it in one position is getting tiring ok?"
  557. >"Sure thing Nonny." she said happily. And I leaned my head back as promised.
  558. >Rainbow spoke up "It looks like the coast is clear but I'm going to stick my head out real quick to be sure."
  559. >I got the sense that everyone else nodded, so I gave a thumbs-up.
  560. >Moments later Rainbow reported "Coast is clear!" and then said "Oh hello officers!"
  561. >After Pinkie uncovered my eyes, I raised my head, blinked a few times, and saw Rainbow sitting back down and 4 heavily uniformed police officers stopped in front of our table. Above their badges it read CPD SWAT.
  562. >"Hi kids." One of them said with an easy smile, "Can we ask you some questions?"
  563. "Absolutely officer." I said. "We're very grateful for your timely arrival."
  564. >The officer kept smiling "Do you know what that was about?"
  565. "Officers, we've been asking ourselves that question and the factual answer is no. BUT we do know that we participated in an event at lunch on Wednesday. Said event was recorded and the video posted after school that day. That video has been continually reposted and has been gaining in popularity to my understanding. I also understand a small percentage of female commenters have been rather lascivious in said comments."
  566. "Twilight can provide you with either a copy of the video or several links to it." I said while nodding in her direction. "But that's really the only thing we've been involved in that's reached beyond the walls of our high school."
  567. >"Here you go officers." Twilight said while holding up a USB drive. "This has the video and about 20 links to places it's been posted. Please feel free to keep the drive."
  568. >"Thank you Miss Twilight." the smiling officer said while graciously taking the drive. Then he addressed Mr. Cake behind the counter "Sir can we get four coffees please?"
  569. >"Four coffees coming right up!" Mr. Cake said, and then turned to Pinkie and asked "Hey can you send me a link to that too?"
  570. >Twilight spoke up "I got you covered there Mr. Cake. I already have it up after all."
  571. >"Thank you Twilight." Mr. Cake said as he brought the coffees to the officers.
  572. >The officers started watching the videos and discussing it amongst themselves while we returned to our normal hangout session. Pretty soon nature started to call.
  573. "Pardon me ladies." I said, "I need to use the little boyfriend's room." and got up to a round of giggles.
  574. >I was halfway across the small lobby when Pinkie suddenly said "Nonny, STOP!" rather loudly. She then got up and headed to the bathrooms saying "Pinkie sense." as she passed me.
  575. I turned to the attentively curious officers. "Pinkie sometimes knows when something is about to happen. She calls it her 'Pinkie sense'. We don't understand it but we all accept it." I said.
  576. >Meanwhile Pinkie went up to the boys bathroom door, knocked on it loudly and said "Maintenance!", waited five seconds, and repeated the knock and call. Then she went in.
  577. >Suddenly we hear Pinkie scream "GET OUT OF HERE! GET OUT RIGHT NOW! YOU! ARE! BANNED!!"
  578. >Then time seemed to slow as several things started to happen at once.
  579. >ALL of the girls got up.
  580. >The officers got up.
  581. >I saw Mr. Cake was moving towards the bathrooms in a window's reflection.
  582. >I heard a pair of feet scrambling from the bathroom to the door.
  583. >Then they stopped and started heading towards ME!
  584. >I started to turn to face what I assumed was a threat, noting that the footsteps sounded like they were lighter than me, which I would use to inform my stance. I would deal with the threat if I needed to and make sure Pinkie was OK.
  585. >Then there was a soft 'pop' and an electric sizzle. I thought it sounded like a TASER and when I completed my turn a very lightly dressed young lady was collapsing.
  586. Seeing she wasn't a threat anymore, I sidestepped a table and headed to the bathroom, calling out "Pinkie! Are you ok?" to no response.
  587. > I arrived in the bathroom a half step ahead of Mr. Cake to find Pinkie squatting on the floor in a fetal position with no obvious injuries, shaking. Her hair though..
  588. >About the top third of Pinkie's hair above her hairline was a much lighter shade of pink. As if it had been washed out. Furthermore, the dividing line between normal pink and washed out was absolutely flat. It also looked like it was creeping downward very slowly.
  589. >Mr. Cake and I somehow moved and spoke in perfect unison, each of us taking one of her hands and helping her stand up while saying "Pinkie are you ok? Are you hurt?"
  590. >We were both to focused on Pinkie to care about our mirrored behavior and speech. There were still no obvious injuries and no blood on the floor. The washed out section of her hair was confirmed as growing though.
  591. >Then Pinkie turned to look at me with dead eyes and said in a flat voice "Annie."
  592. >Annie? That wasn't one of her nicknames for me! What could she mean?
  593. "Annie? Are you ok? I asked again.
  594. >The edges of her lips made the faintest flicker upwqrds and she said flatly "You ok Annie?"
  595. >Those were song lyrics! Did she want me to sing to her? Fine.
  596. "Annie, are you ok? So, Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?"
  597. "Annie, are you ok? So, Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?"
  598. "Annie, are you ok? So, Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?"
  599. "Annie, are you ok? So, Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?"
  600. >As I sang to her, her eyes became more lively and she managed a tight grin. And the washed out portion of her hair was shrinking!
  601. >The girls AND Mr. Cake joined in on the chorus!
  602. >"Annie, are you ok? Will you tell us that you're ok?
  603. >"There's a sound at the window that he struck you, a crescendo, Annie."
  604. >"He came into your apartment, and left the bloodstains on the carpet."
  605. >"And then you ran into the bedroom, you were struck down, it was your doom."
  606. >"Annie, are you ok? So, Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?"
  607. "You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal!"
  608. >"OW!" The last line was sung by Pinkie Pie herself!
  609. >There were no more washed out colors and she looked to be acting like herself again!
  610. >Then Pinkie hugged both me and Mr. Cake very tightly. "Thank you Thank you Thank you!" she said "I was so scared! It's like I was there, but losing control!"
  611. "All of us are here now Pinkie." I said. "No way we'll let you go!"
  612. "Whatever that was, you were brave, strong, and clever!" I said to encourage her. "Of course we've always known you were."
  613. >"I'd like to go sit for a bit, and you still need to use the potty." Pinkie said with a weak smile.
  614. >That got a round of small chuckles as everyone filed out.
  615. >After I came out of the restroom, I noticed that the lightly dressed girl was now seated on a chair with the officers with her hands cuffed in front of her. She was talking with them and answering their questions. I found that odd as she was basically nonverbal earlier. I gave her a wide berth as I went back to my seat with the girls.
  616. >When I sat down between Pinkie and Sunset, Pinkie immediately rested her head and body on me. I adjusted and put my arm around her.
  617. "Do we know anything new? I asked.
  618. >"Depends." Applejack said, "Did you see anything different with Pinkie's hair in the privy?"
  619. "Yes I did." I replied and proceeded to describe the washed out effects.
  620. >"Oh thank goodness." Twilight said, "Apparently you and I were the only ones to see that, including Mr. Cake. Did you see anything similar with that girl?" motioning to the handcuffed girl.
  621. "Afraid I didn't get a good look at her earlier." I said, "The officer tased her as I was turning to face her, so I went to help Pinkie." That got me a quick hug.
  622. >"Well when she was charging at you, she looked like her entire body was washed out. But when we came back, her color was normal." Twilight said.
  623. "So we hit two targets with one song I'm guessing?"
  624. >"We guessed the same." Sunset said.
  625. "Hey Pinkie?" I asked quietly.
  626. >"Yeah?"
  627. "I'd love to let you just rest right now, but I have to ask. What did that girl do to you that left you squatting on the ground?" I asked as the information seemed vital to understanding.
  628. >"She just brushed past me honestly. Didn't even think she meant it as an attack. Just trying to move past me in a tight space."
  629. "Thank you Pinkie." I said smiling. "That info helps a lot."
  630. >"Does it?" Rainbow asked.
  631. "When you put it with other info we have it does." I said. "The cops outside weren't affected like Pinkie. From that, we know that ALL of us are being targeted. AND we know direct contact isn't in our favor. You, Sunset, and AJ got up in anger earlier. THAT could have been a disaster since you didn't know about the danger of direct contact."
  632. >Sunset asked "What else do you read about today Anon?"
  633. "So far" I said while gripping Pinkie a little tighter "It looks like we are being attacked by a loosely organized enemy group, from outside this area. Not disciplined enough to be military and not intended for outright combat. They have at least a basic ability to gather intel as they knew we would be here today."
  634. "They brought three carloads, which seems like enough to just overwhelm us. But they also left an ambush as well. That says either they know they aren't well organized, that we are, or both. The main target seems to be me, and they know you girls won't let me go."
  635. "But the weakness to singing is telling." I said. "If you have a weakness like that, Canterlot is the LAST place you should attack!"
  636. >The girls looked a little confused by that last statement.
  637. I sighed. "Ok, as an aside, I never wanted to tell you girls this, but I also never imagined it mattering. The truth is, compared to the rest of the world, folks in Canterlot sing a LOT. You all just see it as normal though. And it's kind of wonderful if you ask me. But that can be discussed later as we have more pressing issues."
  638. >Sunset asked "So what's our next move?"
  639. "We need to move." I said, "But before that, we need a plan and we're short on info for that."
  640. >Just then Twilight gasped loudly, drawing our attention to her. She held up a finger to us in a request that we wait.
  641. >"Officers." Twilight asked for their attention. "I think I've made a breakthrough. Do you see the tattoo on this girl's back left shoulder? It's a corkscrew horn. She's been branded by an international criminal organization from Columbia called the Changelings. Among other things, they do sex and child trafficking. I'll send you links to police files on them." And then alerts sounded from their phones after Twilight did some more typing.
  642. >Sunset then moved over to Twilight and had a hushed conversation with her as the officers confirmed what they had been told.
  643. >"Hey Nonny?" Pinkie asked.
  644. "Yes Pinkie?" I responded.
  645. >"Could you make me a milkshake please?" she said as she pressed her boobs into me.
  646. "Assuming it's ok with Mr. Cake, sure." I said.
  647. >Mr. Cake nodded and let me behind the counter where I donned an apron and went to work. Apparently I wasn't supposed to notice that Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow went outside for a stroll. So I acted like I didn't. They were back by the time I finished.
  648. "Here ya go Pinkie." I said handing her the shake, "It was made with appreciation and love."
  649. >She took it gratefully and snuggled back into me as I sat down.
  650. >"Ok we have a workable plan." Sunset said "But it has some costs. With an international criminal group after us, we need police protection, simple as. But that means our parents need it too and we have to tell them why. In other words we all have to tell our parents that us seven girls are sharing Anon as a boyfriend. Twilight will be putting in some overtime on our information security and the school will need to be told too.
  651. >So that was the rest of our evening. The Cakes and the Apples had already known about our dating situation, but we still needed to explain the police protection to the Apples. Mr. Cake came along with us to help explain what he had seen to the surprised parents, Both on the dating and the threats we now faced.
  652. >To be fair, the parents already suspected their kid was dating someone, so that helped. Showing up with the police made it a harder sell however, but we managed. I was invited to a LOT of family dinners!
  653. >As we were making the parental rounds, Twilight took each of our phones and made adjustments for security before giving them back.
  654. >The police also agreed to shuttle us back and forth on demand which was surprising. We would later learn that the town of Canterlot did NOT like their prized kids being threatened and they were basically circling their wagons around us.
  655. >Sunday basically went as we had already planned except I had Dinner at Rarity's place. I was relieved to have Sweetie Belle there as well as an ally. For some reason, Billy had been invited too, so it was even more fun than I had hoped. The parents were won over the moment they heard Principal Celestia thought enough of me to want me to mentor Billy. So the rest of the dinner was fun and I helped Billy get through it without to much trouble.
  656. >On Monday morning, we were driven to school by police instead of walking. And there were notices up all over the school warning against sharing school information with anyone unkown, either in person or online. The school website went down for 'updates'.
  657. >And during the first break between classes, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna led a sing-along on the PA system
  658. >Naturally most of the students joined in, so the school exploded in song. Then during second period the police quietly did a sweep of the building's 'unoccupied' areas. Netting three isolated suspects and rescuing seven students. The song was also routed through the holding areas at the police station with some success on isolated suspects.
  659. >However when suspects could touch each other during the song, they seemed unaffected.
  660. >Attempts to hack the school's computer returned inaccurate results thanks to Twilight's security updates. Thus school continued uninterrupted for the rest of the day.
  661. >After school the girls had jobs and hobbies today so that left me with time to spend with Billy and the girls in the Crusaders clubroom.
  663. Duties of the King
  664. What's Past is Prologue.
  666. "..And that is the short version of what happened on Saturday." I told Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Billy Blanks.
  667. >We were in the Crusaders club after school on Monday since my girlfriends were all occupied with their jobs and hobbies.
  668. "Which is why we'd appreciate it if you ladies could work with Billy on his singing as it's suddenly important to know." I told them
  669. >"I'll work with him on that Anon." Sweetie Belle said. "Do you have any requests?"
  670. "Actually I do." I said as I started scribbling on a piece of paper and passed it to her. "Please teach him those songs when you think he's ready. Sadly I only started singing myself fairly recently so I'm not sure I could teach anything yet."
  671. >Sweetie Belle accepted the paper, looked over the list, and said "Oh no problem."
  672. >Scootaloo piped up "I know Rainbow has been working with you on singing, but why hadn't you been singing before that?" she inquired.
  673. "Since you asked the direct question, I'll answer it." I said with a frown "But it's not something I would have ever volunteered to tell you. Plain truth is most people in the rest of the world don't sing as much as folks in Canterlot do. And it takes someone from outside of Canterlot to notice that. For my part, I think Canterlot's singing habits are really rather wonderful and I don't want to change them. Seems like I've 'gone native' in that sense."
  674. >"Yeah that singalong earlier today was .. something else." Billy said. "I've never seen anything like it before."
  675. >"Did you have fun with it?" Apple Bloom inquired brightly.
  676. >"I was in awe at how comfortable folks seemed with it mostly. This being the first time seeing anything like it, I wasn't confident enough to join in today." Billy said. "Sure seemed like folks were having fun though."
  677. >"It's ok Billy." Apple Bloom reassured him, "It's going to take time to build confidence, but we'll get you there and you'll be having fun singing along before you know it."
  678. "But right now, we need you to know singing as a first aid measure." I said. "The rest will come in time though."
  679. >"So how did the girls get you to sing even once then?" Scootaloo asked, "They didn't threaten to beat you up or anything right?"
  680. >Billy chortled "Like a girl could beat up a guy!" he said.
  681. >I held my hand up before the girls could respond to let them know I would take this one.
  682. "Billy" I said in a somber tone "I know that passes for 'conventional wisdom' among many boys your age, but I'd rather trust in brutal and unflinching honesty myself. And I know for a fact that many of my girlfriends could beat me in a fair fight. Now while I go over this list of 'dark assessments' I get the feeling that Apple Bloom would like to challenge you to arm wrestling."
  683. >Apple Bloom offered her hand in an arm wrestling pose. "C'mon Billy." she said sweetly "I'm just a girl."
  684. "Take yer medicine boy." I said. "They're letting you off easy so far, but DO pay attention."
  685. >Billy accepted the arm wrestling challenge and Scootaloo covered their hands and suddenly released them and said "Go!"
  686. "Now like her sister, Applejack was raised working on a farm." I said, "And I will tell anyone, anywhere that she is stronger than me. To make it worse, since we're going the dark route, she has a talent for grappling that I do not and wicked accuracy with a lasso. So if she gets in close, I'm dead meat. And staying at range might not help either.
  687. >The arm wrestling match had not budged. Billy was showing signs of intense effort while Apple Bloom was just smiling.
  688. "Now I should mention these 'dark assessments' were a leftover survival habit from before I came to Canterlot and I'm glad to say I've grown out of the need to do them." I said. "But moving on."
  689. "Rainbow Dash is also stronger than me." I said. "As well as faster and more agile. But I have weight and reach on her so it's not impossible to fight back. But without a plan, she beats me about seven out of ten times. So those are not dice worth rolling.
  690. "Now those two are intimidating on their own. Wouldn't you girls agree?" I asked of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.
  691. >"Yeah" they said. The arm wrestling was still in starting position I noted. Billy was starting to sweat.
  692. "So in the same vein as them being intimidating, Rarity can be terrifying. While she's not afraid to throw hands, as the most beautiful girl in school she has other cards she can play." I said to Sweetie Belle. "Like say what happens if she suddenly says 'Anon STOP! You're making me uncomfortable!' , how many guys respond to help her?"
  693. >I dunno." she said. "A lot?"
  694. "Close!" I said. "It's almost a trick question. The correct answer is 'all of them'. So like I said, terrifying."
  695. >Sweetie Belle seemed reasonably pleased with that.
  696. "Now Billy." I said "That doesn't seem to be working does it?" referring to the one-sided playful stalemate his arm wrestling match had turned into with Apple Bloom clearly holding an overwhelming advantage.
  697. >"No sir." Billy said in a grunt.
  698. "Do you remember how you got into this?" I asked.
  699. >"I chose to say something which I now understand was in error." he said.
  700. "Not a bad start Billy." I said. "Now what was the effect of what you said?
  701. >" I upset all of my friends." he said, realizing as he said it that was one of the things he REALLY had no intention of doing. During this, he stopped trying to push in the arm wrestling.
  702. "So do you know what you should do next?" I asked.
  703. >"I should apologize!" Billy said with real emotion behind it. But I held up my hand, stopping him. Which confused him AND the girls.
  704. "Very close, and you're certainly on the right track." I said. "What you want to do is a SINCERE apology, and I'm stepping in to offer you guidance on how to do that. You see kids, expanding the focus to all of them, a lot of folks just use an apology to get out of trouble and don't have any real meaning behind it. But a REAL apology involves taking action so you don't keep making the same mistake after you apologize. Try your best to be a person of your word and others will give you more respect for it. So Billy, please think properly before you speak ok?"
  705. >"Yes sir and thank you." Billy said before taking a deep breath, "Girls I said something ignorant which I have since learned is untrue. Worse, I upset everyone that was kind enough to offer to be my friend when I got here. You didn't deserve that. I was wrong and I will try to do better. I'm sorry."
  706. >The girls made a show of exchanging glances this time and drew it out a bit. Then they broke into smiles and said "Thank you." in unison. Apple Bloom then gently 'won' the arm wrestling contest.
  707. >Billy looked VERY relieved!
  708. "Now to answer Scootaloo's original question," I said, "As part of the sleepover activities the girls planned for everyone to do karaoke and I participated. And like everything else that night, there was more to it than I first thought."
  709. >"Ooh! Now THAT sounds like a story hook Anon." Sweetie Belle said with a smile which was rapidly mirrored by Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.
  710. "A fair point." I said. "Tell ya what, let me do one more dark assessment, and then I had already told Billy I would give him a PG rundown of the sleepover night. Would you girls like to hear that too?
  711. >They all eagerly nodded.
  712. "Ok good. Then up next is Pinkie Pie." I said and held up three fingers, then two, then one, and then my phone rang and I said "Hi Pinkie!.. Yeah I'm still here with the kids and you're name came up is all...Ok, cool.. Say, in a few minutes I'm going to send you and the girls a new group text that will have a yes/no question. I don't really think any of you will say 'no' so I'm using it as a chance to give another lesson... Ok see you soon! Bye!" and hung up.
  713. "First thing to understand about Pinkie when doing this type of exercise is no one can predict how she moves. Oh and she's good at sneaking up on me undetected too." I said. Now do you girls remember her hobbies?"
  714. >"Party planning." Apple Bloom said.
  715. >"And cooking." Scootaloo said.
  716. "Right!" I said. "And for this, we're going with the cooking. Cooking means she knows how to handle fire and knives. Be very glad she such a nice person! Because before where we had 'intimidating' and 'terrifying', Pinkie comes in with 'nope!'"
  717. "Ok, now before we get into the sleepover story, I have a condition and a lesson." I said as I started typing on my phone. "As I recall, Sweetie Belle proved to me twice during that event that sometimes sisters like to get under each others skin. Naturally I don't want to be caught in the crossfire, so my condition is this: What I tell you here stays between all of us UNLESS you can prove you learned it somewhere else. Is that acceptable kids?"
  718. >They all looked at each other (including Billy) and said "Yeah."
  719. "Thank you." I said. "Now the lesson is something of a personal demon for me, but no reason I can't turn it into a positive for you kids." I said as I finished typing and hit send. "I've just asked all of my girlfriends for permission to tell this story, because it's their story too."
  720. "The reason and lesson is this. Your girlfriend is worth your respect." I said. "You kids are approaching the point where you might take an interest in dating. When you do, make sure the person you choose respects you. If they don't, walk away."
  721. "Back at my last school, I overheard to many conversations from guys bragging about how their girlfriend was limping, or had her arm in a sling, or was getting real good at covering up black eyes with make up." I said with obvious regret. "I don't want that for my girlfriends. And I don't want it for you. Everyone deserves better."
  722. >The kids didn't really know how to respond until Sweetie Belle said "Thank you Anon. Thank you for caring enough to share that with us." And the others nodded.
  723. >Within two minutes, the girls had all responded "yes".
  724. "Ok then," I said, " The story of the sleepover starts more or less when I came to Canterlot, except I should mention that I didn't really have any friends at my last school that I was at for three years. Then I get to Canterlot and within a month I have these seven AMAZING friends that want to spend time with ME of all people!"
  725. "And so instead of spending my days and nights alone in my room, now I had the chance to learn everything they wanted to share with me! To DO things I hadn't ever THOUGHT of doing before and having a blast! They showed me a different and BETTER way to live my life and I was ALL over it! I was making up for lost time by being the BEST friend I could think to be!"
  726. "BUT," I said, "There was a growing downside. All of my friends here were girls and I was noticing they were ALL attractive and beautiful! Each of them in their own unique and special ways. The plain fact is I was developing crushes on ALL of them."
  727. "And that's where the fear creeps in as fear likes to do." I said. "These were the best friends I had ever had in over three years. I worried that if I confessed to one of them and got rejected, it could wreck the friendships that I now knew were so very important to me."
  728. "And so I made the decision," I said, "To push down those feelings and not act on them. My fear had made romance to big a risk to take. Much to my regret."
  729. "And now you young ladies are probably wondering 'But Anon, how did you not notice they liked you too? It was SO obvious!'" I said. "Am I right?"
  730. >The girls simply nodded. Not willing to interrupt more than that for the answer to the BIG question they had been wondering about for quite some time.
  731. "To make the answer understandable, I have to step back from storytelling for a minute and explain a couple of concepts from human psychology real quick. The subconscious mind and the conscious mind." I said.
  732. "The subconscious mind takes in all of the information our senses tell us. Every scent, every sound, and every sight." I said. "It deals with ALL of it."
  733. "But that's to much raw information for a human to deal with and be able to think." I said. "So what the conscious mind does is filter out all of the information you aren't concerned with and leaves you room to think. Now one of the fun parts is the conscious mind can choose topics to filter out and not see. And also sometimes the subconscious mind will actually but in and say something like 'You are smelling a LOT of smoke. There could be a fire big enough to be a danger near.' And this comes through as a sudden idea or perhaps a nagging feeling."
  734. " Now class," I said with a smile to my young audience "Do you broadly understand what I mean here?"
  735. > They all nodded.
  736. "Now of course my subconscious mind saw all of the signals the girls were sending along with everything else." I said. "But I had made the decision to not pursue romance. And in so doing had set up a filter to keep my conscious mind from noticing the signals the girls were giving!"
  737. >" Ooooh! NOW I get it!" Apple Bloom said.
  738. >"THAT makes sense! Finally!" Sweetie Belle said.
  739. >Scootaloo looked at me, smiled, and said "You sir, are an idiot."
  740. "That's entirely true and fair." I responded to Scootaloo with a smile of my own.
  741. "So now we resume the story before school on the morning of the last day of the semester." I said. "I'm out in front of the school by the Wondercolt statue that always gives me weird vibes."
  742. >"You too?" Billy interrupted and the girls shushed him.
  743. I nodded as I said "Sunset comes over and we start talking. She mentions that her and the girls are having a sleepover tonight and lists off some of the planned activities. So I tell her "That sounds great! I hope you girls have fun!' And she says 'It should be. Are you going to be able to make it?'"
  744. "I'm stunned." I said. "'She can't be serious. She's GOT to be messing with me!' is what I'm thinking. 'That's a scenario right out of.... a type of movie I'm to young to know anything about.'"
  745. >That line got a bunch of snickers.
  746. "Eventually I manage to say 'What?'"
  747. "She says 'You're invited, that's what.'"
  748. "And we spoke a little more, but that was the essential gist before the bell cut us off." I said.
  749. "Then I was off to my history final which I breezed through because Twilight had insisted i study for it." I said. "But because a test was taking place, I couldn't contact any of the girls that period. And I couldn't stop thinking about what Sunset had said. To be honest I still wasn't 100% certain there WAS a sleepover OR that I was invited."
  750. "In between classes I found Pinkie Pie and started up a conversation as we got hugs out of the way. As we were bemoaning the last day of the semester not being cancelled due to any variety of reasons we could accept, she said 'At least we've got that sleepover tonight to look forward to!' And I said that Sunset had mentioned that and even told me I was invited?"
  751. "She said 'That's because you are, silly!', followed loosely by 'Why wouldn't you think you'd be invited?' And as I started to fumble together an answer, she said 'Whoops! Gotta get to class! See you at lunch!' and dashed off towards the corner.' But just before she got to the corner, she turned around and said 'Don’t work yourself too hard on your tests today, Nonny! You’re gonna need your energy for tonight~'. And then she was off before I could respond."
  752. "Mysterious comment aside, I had managed to confirm the existence of the sleepover and that I was invited."
  753. >Scootaloo asked "Am I going to have to call you an idiot every time you do something like that?"
  754. >Apple Bloom said "That may be on the excessive side."
  755. >Sweetie Belle added "Plus Anon isn't a bad storyteller, so interrupting him for a running gag doesn't feel like the best form. Is there a way we can do the gag without stopping him every time?"
  756. >Billy pitched in with "Maybe do tally marks on a paper with different dramatic flourishes?"
  757. >"Oh I like that Billy!" Scootaloo said. And the other girls nodded their approval.
  758. >Scootaloo then produced a blank sheet of paper from her backpack and put two tally marks on it. "Please continue." she said.
  759. "Second period is Physics." I said, "A class I share with Applejack and a subject I've been tutoring her in most of the semester. We had actually gotten ahead of schedule in that class and already had our graded final waiting for us on our desks."
  760. "AJ had gotten to class before me and was VERY happy to share that she had gotten an A on her final! She hugged me and gratefully thanked me until the teacher made a comment and I had to go to my own desk. Since we had completed the course already, the teacher put a loud movie on and basically left us to our devices as long as we behaved."
  761. "AJ and I did a little texting during that class and I found out a few more details about the sleepover. She told me it would be at Rarity's and you three girls had a seperate sleepover over at Sweet Apple Acres, so the eight of us would have the place to ourselves. Oh and apparently I was to pick two movies for the evening. Rainbow wanted me to have that task."
  762. "Next up is Art class with Rarity." I said. "We chat about various topics for a bit and I notice she's wearing new earrings before the topic turns to the sleepover. Naturally I ask our school fashionista about the expected dress code. She tells me to just bring comfortable sleepwear and a bathing suit. The part about the bathing suit has me confused but it's time to focus on the class at that point.
  763. >When I mention the bathing suit the girls suddenly are working very hard to suppress laughter and Billy has no idea why. Sorry man, I told you it would be PG so some details are gonna get skipped.
  764. "After Art class, Rarity and I are joined on the way to the cafeteria by Sunset and Twilight." I said. "And talk immediately turns to how excited they are for the sleepover. After I ask, Twilight tells me I should show up at 7PM at the earliest.
  765. >Sweetie Belle can't contain herself at this and says "Umm"
  766. I hold up a hand to stop her and say "Yes, you're right. But that becomes obvious to even me once I get there. So don't worry, I'll cover it at the right time ok?"
  767. >"Ok Anonymous. Sorry." Sweetie Belle says.
  768. "No worries." I say. "So once we join the rest of the girls for lunch, they're all talking about how I helped Applejack get an A on her Physics final. So I'm trying very hard to maintain some modesty and humility about everything and eventually the topic wanders to something else and I have a chance to think and ponder."
  769. "The girls have clearly been planning this sleepover for some time, but I only got told about it today. Ergo it follows there is something they aren't telling me." I say. "But I'm only going to find out once I get there. It's the waiting that sucks."
  770. "Lunch ends and next is PE with Rainbow Dash." I say. "The big activity for that session is the pacer, and while we're chatting before that, it veers off in a weird direction. Suddenly Rainbow seems like she doesn't want to face me and I'm having a hard time reading what she's feeling. I mean, she's not angry or pissed at me because THAT'S pretty easy to read. But whatever it is, it's not something I normally see."
  771. "But before I can look deeper into it, the pacer is happening. I manage to score 89, which is a personal best, and exhaust myself doing so. Rainbow is still going strong though! She manages to get to 146! I manage to compliment her by telling her that watching her run is like seeing poetry in motion. Which she also has an unusual reaction to."
  772. "Then Coach Spitfire tells us to haul our butts and don't forget to clear out our lockers for winter break. And Rainbow Dash is off like a shot! First one in the girls locker room and when I get out of the boys locker room she's already halfway down the hall! 'Seeyalateratthesleepoveranongoodluckonyourlastfinal!' is what she yells at me as she fades into the distance."
  773. "So I trudge to my last class of the day on my least favorite subject, Geometry. But Fluttershy surprises me just outside of class." I say. "She's concerned about me because I had seemed a little worried about the sleepover during lunch. I try to reassure her but then she realizes no one had properly asked me, and she'd feel terrible if I wasn't having fun on my special night!"
  774. >Scootaloo holds her hand out to the girls, palm up. Apple Bloom hands her a pen and Scootaloo adds a tally mark while looking me dead in the eye. Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle nod as she does it. Scootaloo returns the pen.
  775. "Fluttershy says 'Anon, you don’t have to come to the sleepover tonight, but… it would make me really happy if you did…' like she had felt guilty. And I respond with 'Fluttershy, I would never lie to you. I’m really glad I was invited, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be tonight than with you and the girls.' And Fluttershy gives me a soft 'Yay!' and a heartwarming smile.
  776. "Say what did you mean by 'my special night'?" I ask. And she responds with 'Uh, w-well… o-of course it’s a special night! It’ll be special for everyone! Just like Pinkie said, best night ever!' And I decide it's not worth worrying about and get to class.
  777. "Class goes well even if I waste a lot of time because I can't get the sleepover out of my head. The girls are plainly planning something and I can't figure out what. I mean it can't be anything BAD because the girls wouldn't do that. Eventually I buckle down and get my last final finished just before the bell rings.
  778. "And then, school is OUT for the winter! Suddenly the halls are a madhouse of running teenagers! I have to time my entry into the halls carefully and then match everyone else's pace until I'm outside. Then I get over by the Wondercolt statue and start to catch my breath.
  779. "And that's where Sunset finds me. We strike up a conversation and talk about how we did on finals And I ask if she's seen Rainbow recently because I'm still concerned. In a sly tone she says 'Yep, ran into her in the hall after she got out of gym. Whatever you said to her in there really got to her.' And I ask if she's doing alright and Sunset responds with 'You know her, she’s trucking along just fine! More than a little flustered, sure, but she’s handled worse!
  780. "Flustered?" I wonder to myself "Maybe that's why I couldn't get a read on her?"
  781. "Then Sunset hits me with one of the most pivotal lines of the day."
  782. "'Hey, word of advice for tonight: Just focus on having a good time. Don’t stress your cute little head about anything, just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~' she says."
  783. "And then, for all intents and purposes, she was off and I headed home too."
  784. Getting together the physical needs like pajamas and such wasn't a real issue until it came time to pick 2 movies. I don't know if you kids know this, but I have QUITE a collection at home to choose from, so the problem wasn't a lack of actual choice, but rather that the girls WIDE array of preferences."
  785. Looking at my audience I said "I'm sure you three girls have had to agree on a movie to watch from time to time right?"
  786. >All three of them nodded.
  787. "Takes some time doesn't it?" I asked.
  788. >More nodding.
  789. "Choosing for 8 takes even longer even just by yourself. The easiest to please would be Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset. If I could pick something the others would like it was extremely likely it would work for them too. Fluttershy wouldn't like anything scary or gory. Rarity and Twilight had a STRONG preference for romance, And Rainbow Dash needs a certain amount of action.
  790. "In a way, choosing a movie was a good 'boyfriend test' I've since thought. To make the best choice, I had to have paid attention to each of the girls to know what they like and don't like. AND I had to care enough to make the effort! Just as a good boyfriend is expected to do! So failing to pick a good movie would not portend well for me." I said.
  791. >"I see what you're saying. Not bad!" Apple Bloom said.
  792. >"Might be overthinking it a bit, but yeah, not bad!" said Sweetie Belle.
  793. >"What do YOU think Billy?" Scootaloo suddenly asked.
  794. > Billy was plainly surprised by the sudden turn of attention to him as both of the other girls looked at him as he tried to come up with a reply "Well, as you girls know, I've never had a girlfriend. And honestly I haven't thought on it much in that way. BUT I mean Anon here has seven (7!) girlfriends. I'm just willing to assume he knows what he's talking about as at least a starting point. Sounds good at the very least!"
  795. >The girls apparently found his answer acceptable and smiled.
  796. "So with the movie chosen I moved onto my hygiene." I said.
  797. >"Wait!" the girls all said in unison. "What movies did you pick?"
  798. "Well the girls all asked that almost the moment I got there, so I figured I could handle the reveal along with their reactions at the same time." I said.
  799. >The girls said in unison again "...Fine."
  800. "So I moved onto my hygiene." I said again "It wouldn't be a great hangout if I stank up the place after all! I showered twice! Brushed my teeth three times! And put on more deodorant than I had ever considered before. Double checked everything I had packed and then looked at the time. It was 6:43 and it would take 15 minutes to walk to Rarity's. I texted my parents that I was going on a sleepover at a friend's house and left."
  801. "7 o'clock sharp and I was in front of Rarity's place."
  802. "Showtime."
  804. "I knocked on the door three times and waited politely." I said. "I had noticed on the way up that there were lights from the second floor and muffled sounds of music. And as I waited I had time to reflect on the snowy weather as well. I was doing my best to wait patiently but I also had to consider I wasn't dressed to survive the entire night in this weather and knocked a few more times."
  805. "Having no luck after more time I decided to knock three more times, only to get two of them done before Sweetie Belle here opened the door." I said. "And of all the possible things I had considered for that evening since hearing about this sleepover, this wasn't even on the list. Pretty sure she felt about as awkward about a boy attending a sleepover with seven girls as I had most of the day."
  806. "'Oh, hey, Anon. What’re you doing all the way out here?' she asked. I tried to sound confident when I replied '“Well, uh, Rarity… invited me here.' but the cold interfered. 'You mean for the sleepover?' she asked with a mix of confusion and suspicion in her voice.
  807. "'...Yeah, that.' I say after gulping. Then Sweetie Belle arches an eyebrow and says 'So, what, are you Rarity’s boyfriend or something?'"
  808. "I really don't see how I can blame her for asking at that point, so with an awkward laugh I say 'N-No, we’re just friends, is all.'' and she responds with '”Oooookay.'"
  809. "Then Rarity comes down the stairs, grabs my wrists , invites me in, and checks on my condition real quick." I say. "Now I'm choosing to gloss over the exchange that Sweetie Belle and Rarity had next because I was raised to believe a gentleman does not say anything to sully his girlfriend's virtue. You can call me old-fashioned or a prude if you like, but before you do please remember that the reputation of close friends and family often impacts YOUR reputation as well. Which is to say, by protecting my girlfriends reputation, it also has the effect of protecting you girls' reputation."
  810. >"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, right?" Billy asked.
  811. "Yes Billy. Exactly right!" I said.
  812. >"I knew it!" he said, happy to have gotten it right. "I mean I've heard it a lot growing up, but it really helps to have some examples, so thank you."
  813. "One other detail worth mentioning is it's easy to believe Sweetie Belle still being there was an oversight on the girls part. Basically, for all of the obvious preparation they put into the sleepover, 'make sure Sweetie Belle has left before Anon gets here' was not on a checklist. It SHOULD have been of course, but it wasn't."
  814. "Meanwhile, back at the sleepover," I said, "Rarity brings me upstairs and into her room where the sleepover is happening and announces my arrival. Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, and Twilight are playing Mario Kart while Sunset and Fluttershy are having their own discussion. Everyone else is in pajamas and there's pizza, soda, and punch available. At a comment from Sunset, Rarity realizes she's STILL holding my hands and releases me."
  815. "Pinkie exclaims that she won and Rainbow mentions it's her fourth time in a row. So yes, as Sweetie Belle wanted to mention before, they were all there much earlier than they told me to arrive. Next, as promised, they ask about what movies I've brought."
  816. "Sunset dives into my duffle because I can't get out of Pinkie's hug quick enough and holds up The Princess Bride and Spirited away. Now let me ask you kids real quick, have you all seen The Princess Bride?"
  817. >All of the kids nod.
  818. "Great!" I say "And almost all of the girls had too, and loved it. The one holdout was Rainbow Dash. And the reason she hadn't seen it was because the title sounded more girly than she liked. But after some back and forth, she agrees to give it a fair chance."
  819. "Pinkie Pie points out that before we can watch it, I need to change into my pajamas and Rarity directs me to a bathroom down the hall. I also take about 10-20 seconds after I change to examine the self care products in the bathroom. Figuring that since we all know Rarity takes excellent care of herself, I might find some worthwhile tips. Then I get back to the room and I notice something."
  820. "Something that changes EVERYTHING."
  821. "Now once again I'm going to step back from telling the story and talk about psychology again." I said. "You girls were VERY happy earlier to learn how exactly I failed to see that my friends were interested in me romantically. But I don't think you've come up with the NEXT logical question yet, have you?"
  822. >The girls were caught by surprise by this and did an extended version of their normal 'silent conversation through exchanged glances routine', and said "No Anonymous" in unison."
  823. "The NEXT question!" I said, enjoying the chance to go a little over the top. "The question whose answer changes EVERYTHING! The question hidden in plain sight! I had a block preventing me from seeing them romantically and they are now my girlfriends! So I ask you again. WHAT is the NEXT question?"
  824. >Billy pipes up in a casual tone and says "How did they get past the block?"
  825. >The girls are stunned but recover quickly and say "Good work Billy!" in unison.
  826. "But is he right?" I ask. "Are you SURE that's the correct answer girls?"
  827. >They barely glance at each other and look slightly annoyed at me while saying "Yes." in unison.
  828. "Gotta keep my kohais on their toes!" I said with a devilish grin. "Ready for your next bombshell? You girls already know the answer, but Billy arrived two days to late, so he can't help you this time."
  829. >Apple Bloom said "Billy got here last Wednesday, so two days before was Monday.
  830. >Scootaloo said "That's when we sang."
  831. >Sweetie Belle said "That's when we ALL sang. I'm guessing it was one of Anon's lines!"
  832. "While you girls discuss it, I'll tell Billy what we're talking about." I said and turned to Billy. "Last monday, being the first day back from winter break, we decided to announce I was dating seven (7!) girls at lunch, before rumors could grow out of control. We did this by rewording a song from the movie Grease and singing in the cafeteria during lunch. Sunset gave me ten minutes notice. If you HAD been here, I would have invited you to help me though."
  833. >Billy said "Would have been glad to man. Still getting used to the idea of how common singing is here in Canterlot though."
  834. "I hear ya." I said. "And I'm sorry we had to push you on learning to sing for what it's worth. Artistic pursuits should happen more naturally in my opinion, but this is a case where it could save someone near you."
  835. >"Oh I get it." Billy said. "And I'm not going to turn down the chance to learn something of course."
  836. "Good man." I said.
  837. >"We got it!" the girls said excitedly. "'Love notes were found!'"
  838. "Ding ding ding!" I said. "We have a winner! When I got back to the room there was a folded piece of paper with a heart sticker sticking out of my duffel bag. And what it said rocked my world! Now for our next surprise, I brought them with me today."
  839. As I fished them out of my inside jacket pocket, I told everyone present "Now I'm sure you all understand these are VERY precious to me. I'd like to keep them as long as I'm alive so PLEASE be gentle with them. The only thing I've done to them is write a circled number on the outside for the order I got them."
  840. "And so love note number one reads 'I have a crush on you'." As I display it to them. "And all of a sudden my world has shifted! One of these amazing ladies is into me! The filter that keeps me from seeing that girls might be attracted to me is GONE from that point!"
  841. "I'm lost in thought as new possibilities present themselves for consideration." I say as I put the first note back in the zip lock bag I was keeping them all in. "I've never had ANY girl express interest in me before, so I've never considered how to handle it."
  842. "And as I stand there, deep inside my own head, Sunset suddenly asks me 'Whatcha got there?' and I darn near jump ten feet!" I say. "Sunset's another of my girlfriends that is ridiculously good at sneaking up on me, by the way. And I shakily respond 'Oh uh, n-nothing.' which doesn't seem to really convince the room."
  843. "There's a lot of attention on me and I'm close to being overwhelmed, so I deflect and say 'Hey, Pinkie, you still think you can beat me in Mario Kart?'" challenging her.
  844. >"I sure do!" she answers and pats a seat on the couch to her right. Rainbow joins in on my other side and after asking the room, Sunset joins and stands behind me.
  845. "Now Mario Kart isn't my best game, but that doesn't matter because I have some time to calm down while thinking about that note. I also reflect on the day with my newfound perspective, trying to figure out which girl might be interested in me. The problem I encounter there is there are signals from ALL of the girls just today! I just don't have enough evidence to narrow it down yet. I can't even manage to rule out any of the girls!" I said in frustration.
  846. "And as I'm dealing with THAT, another issue develops." I say. "The girls are REALLY into the game and they're all beating me, which is fine as my mind is elsewhere anyway. But Pinkie and Rainbow are both leaning forward hard enough to nearly crush me. And I can tell Sunset is ALMOST resting her chest on my head. Any other time I would really enjoy all of that but I can't put that note out of my mind!"
  847. >"I saw there was more than one note," Scootaloo said "But before I forget, who gave you that first one?"
  848. "Oh that was Sunset." I said. "For all I've been talking bits about human psychology tonight, I'm pretty certain she knows more about it than I do. She KNEW what that note would do in a broad sense anyway. That's why her note was first. It got me to lower my defenses and SEE the girls as sexual beings. Hardly a surprise in retrospect as the first thing she did was study my brain."
  849. >Sweetie Belle cautiously asked "I don't really know that I want to ask this, but what do you mean by she studied your brain?"
  850. "Sorry, it's sort of a metaphor." I said. "My first day here at Canterlot I got through my first three classes without being bullied, threatened, or teased, which was a win based on what happened at my last school. But I hadn't yet made any friends either and I was on the way to the cafeteria and it looked like I would be eating lunch alone. Then Sunset cornered me and said she would be my first friend."
  851. "She stayed with me through the lunch line and took me to an isolated table and asked me all about myself." I said. "I spilled forth every answer she wanted. It was my first time talking to a pretty girl and I just had no will to resist. I was putty in her hands. That's what I meant by that."
  852. >"Oh I see." Sweetie Belle said. " More psychology stuff."
  853. "Yup" I said. "Meanwhile back at the sleepover as I'm losing at Mario Kart badly and the girls are leaning into me, I recall Sunset's pivotal line from earlier. 'Just focus on having a good time. Don’t stress your cute little head about anything, just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~'. And I end up paraphrasing this as 'The whole night is a trust fall and I REALLY want to trust.'"
  854. >"The night is a trust fall?" Apple Bloom asks.
  855. "Absolutely!" I say. "Remember those dark assessments?"
  856. >All the kids nodded.
  857. "Those were the results of living with compulsive paranoia for three years to survive before I got to Canterlot." I said. "And it takes time for stuff like that to fade away, but the girls kept working with me, bless them. And pretty soon I was developing the ability to trust again. And that felt GOOD. I liked trusting and I liked being trustworthy! It was a basic part of the human experience I had been denied and I was taking it back."
  858. "So that's a big part of why I always made the effort to be the best friend I could be." I said "My needs to trust and BE trusted were asserting themselves. And when the sleepover came up I had the chance to push a new trust boundary. Could I trust enough to sleep around others? At Bullworth the answer would have been no with a lot of swearing attached. But at Canterlot, if it was with these girls I thought I could trust them that much. Just innocently sleeping would be good for me and my mental health."
  859. >"So.. you came to the sleepover.., to actually SLEEP?" Apple Bloom said while struggling to process it.
  860. "Well, a part of me did anyway." I said smiling. "Humans are complex creatures after all. And I did eventually get to sleep, so mission accomplished! Sunset had made me an offer I couldn't refuse."
  861. "So anyway, my attention returns to the game just in time to come in last." I say. "Rainbow wants a 6th rematch and Pinkie is up for it but the rest of us talk them out of it. Pinkie also thanks me for being such a good sport about coming in last. Then I switch the topic and we banter about my preference for old-school games. Then Fluttershy suggests that it's time for the movie and we all agree."
  862. "As I move to get up from the couch to get the DVD, I hear a crinkle sound." I say. "There's another, externally identical, love letter on the cushion beneath me!"
  863. >"Oooooh!" all the girls say and patiently wait for me to display it.
  864. >"Sometimes I get lost in your eyes." is what it says.
  865. >Sweetie Belle says "I know at that point you don't know who sent it, but can you tell us anyway please?"
  866. "Sure" I said. "Turns out that note was from your sister Rarity."
  867. >"I had a hunch it was." Sweetie belle said.
  868. >"I wonder if I'll recognize Applejack's note?" Apple Bloom mused.
  869. >"Pretty sure I'll know which one is from Rainbow." Scootaloo said.
  870. I had to keep a straight face on that. "I try to get lost in thought thinking about this new note, but Applejack hustles me to get the DVD and help her move the couch. Then my stomach rumbles and I realize getting some pizza and soda is a good idea."
  871. "By the time I've got food sorted, the girls have set everything up and saved me a spot. Pinkie asks me to get the lights since I'm the last one up. I flick them off and notice the spot they've saved me is in the middle of all of them."
  872. >At this, the girls break out into wicked laughter, much to Billy's confusion.
  873. "Let them get it out of their system." I say quietly to Billy.
  874. I waited for their laughs to dissipate and then I said "Girls, you're going to realize soon enough that my soon-to-be girlfriends had me dancing in the palm of their hands all night, so maybe consider pacing yourselves?"
  875. >"You're making it hard to promise anything, but we'll try.' Sweetie Belle said.
  876. "As the movie starts, I notice the girls are all fairly close to me." I say "But initially a fair amount of attention is on Rainbow as she starts to enjoy the movie, much to everyone's delight."
  877. "As the love between Buttercup and Westley is retold, I notice you don’t have as much wiggle room as I thought." I say. "It’s impossible to prove, but it really feels like the girls around me got a tiny bit closer to me."
  878. "When the identity of the Dread Pirate Roberts is revealed to Buttercup and they seal their reunion with a kiss, the atmosphere in the room changes." I say. "Fluttershy’s breathing heavier and she looks down at the floor when I glance at her. Applejack and Pinkie have scooched a little back, closing me in even more. It seems like Rarity and Rainbow have gotten closer to Sunset on the couch, who’s leaning over me."
  879. "Twilight’s hand brushes over yours, but when you turn to face her, she sputters 'Oh, sorry!' and quickly retracts her hand." I say. "Paying attention to the movie becomes more difficult. And I'm not getting any closer to which girl is giving me notes."
  880. "In the movie, the two leads venture through the fire swamp, encounter rodents of unusual size, but Westley is separated from Buttercup and taken to the Pit of Despair." I say. "The separation of the two lovers alleviates some of the tension in the room, much to my relief."
  881. "When the torture of Westley begins, Fluttershy clings to my arm with both hands." I declare. "And I freeze up a little at the sudden close contact. 'S-Sorry, I never liked this part… Do you mind?' She whispers to me."
  882. “'No, not at all.' I whisper back to her. I feel Fluttershy smile and lean into my shoulder. And I can’t look around to verify what I'm feeling, but it feels like the girls around me are leering at me." I say. "I feel that eerie sensation of being watched in the darkness burn into the back of my neck. But I'm feeling it in the least threatening environment I've ever been in."
  883. "The rest of the movie is just as gripping as I remember it being." I say. "Then comes the ultimate climax of the film."
  884. "The kiss."
  885. "Not just any kiss."
  886. "The most passionate and pure kiss in the entire history of the kiss, according to the film."
  887. "Buttercup and Westley and draw closer to each other."
  888. "Suddenly, it’s harder for me to breathe."
  889. "It’s like the air pressure doubled."
  890. "Fluttershy’s gripping my arm even tighter."
  891. "Twilight’s leaning against my other shoulder."
  892. "Rainbow is off the couch, kneeling on the carpeted floor and suspiciously close to me."
  893. "Sunset’s hands are firmly attached to the space on my shoulders that haven’t been taken by Twilight or Fluttershy."
  894. "Rarity is leaning over me, I can tell."
  895. "Applejack and Pinkie are sitting right up against my legs."
  896. "Everyone's breathing heavier."
  897. "The temperature is rising."
  898. "And then, finally, Buttercup and Westley kiss."
  899. "Twilight’s hand finds its way onto mine."
  900. "Fluttershy and Sunset dig their fingernails into my arm and shoulders."
  901. "I’ve never been trapped like this before."
  902. "I'm struggling to breathe when trapped like this."
  903. "The movie ends soon after."
  904. “So… What should we do now?” You ask the group.
  905. "'Oh, Anon, I have just the outfit I’ve been waiting for you to model, if you’ll have me!” Rarity says as she leaps up from the couch."
  907. "The rest of the girls look confused. " I say."And I express some slight hesitation but all of the others encourage me so I agree. Rarity grabs me by the wrist and starts to dr, to guide me out into the hall. On the way I notice another note sticking out of my duffel so I stealthily snag it on the way."
  908. "Once in the hall, Rarity hands me a paper bag from the hallway closet. I peer into it and verbally note there isn't much in there." I say. "Her response involves a sinister giggle, tracing her finger across my chest, batting her eyes at me, and asking me to trust her. So yeah, I agreed. As I enter the bathroom she asks me to knock on the door of the bedroom before entering so I can make an 'entrance'."
  909. "Once inside the bathroom I open the love letter first thing." I say as I hold the proper one open for the kids to read. "'I could listen to you talk for hours.' is what it says. And it's a sweet sentiment, but NO help on figuring out which girl is sending me notes. (It was Twilight.) Then I turn my attention to the contents of the bag."
  910. "The clothes Rarity made for me were black denim pants and a dark green long sleeve shirt styled like an athletic jersey with white lettering. Except the shirt doesn’t come down past my chest, leaving my midriff exposed. I've never worn anything like this before and honestly I'm feeling a bit on the vulnerable side."
  911. "Stepping back from the story for a minute." I say, "You girls probably already know this, but not a lot of teenage guys pay a great deal of attention to how they look."
  912. >The girls just nod at this non-revelation.
  913. "And honestly I had counted myself among that number." I say. "I mean, sure I used the grooming tips that Rarity gave me. And those FELT nice, but I hadn't really made the mental connection that they were improving my overall appearance. The same applied to the physical training Rainbow had done with me or the weekends spent helping at Sweet Apple Acres. So if you had asked me before I walked into that bathroom, I would have told you my overall appearance was maybe on the lower side of average."
  914. "But looking in that mirror, well I had to change that opinion." I say. "And now I'm starting to notice that I have definition in my abs and pecs. I'm not completely without flab but I have less than I thought I did. And now I have to show this to my friends and I just don't know how they'll react. But I can't stay in the bathroom forever."
  915. "So with some trepidation, I head back down the hall and nervously knock on the bedroom door." I say. "I hear Rarity quickly shush the chatter on the other side of the door, and she warns the girls 'Now, I’m going to have to warn all of you, what I’ve given Anon is a fairly significant departure from his usual wardrobe, so it would be polite if you didn’t stare.'
  916. "I turn the knob and enter and Rarity quickly whisks me to the center of the room and encourages the others to comment." I say. "But the girls have all gone silent the moment I came into view. So Rarity encourages them again by saying 'Sooooo, what do you think? Be honest, now!'"
  917. "Applejack and Fluttershy avert their eyes and look towards the floor. Twilight and Rainbow awkwardly chuckle. Pinkie and Sunset just keep staring." I say. "So Rarity says 'Oh, come on, don’t leave dear Anon hanging! He’s awfully self conscious, you know!' Rarity reminded them while idly stroking my chest and leaning against me."
  918. "One by one, most of the girls give a very positive comment on what I'm wearing," I say, "The one holdout is Pinkie, who can't seem to stop staring silently. I’ve never been stared at like this before. These girls weren’t staring at me because I've done something stupid. They were staring at me because they wanted to keep looking at me. It’s a new feeling.
  919. "Then the conversation turns and Applejack brings out a box with a dozen bottles inside." I say. "'What's that?' I ask. And the answer comes back that it's cider. HARD cider. Applejack had apparently gotten permission from Big Mac AND Granny Smith after many promises we would not get ourselves into any trouble."
  920. "I had to give this some real thought." I say. "Of all the things that happened that night, this may have been the most complete surprise because even my subconscious hadn't seen this one coming. I had never had alcohol before, nor had anyone ever offered, and not everyone reacts the same. Some people are lightweights. Some can drink an entire room under the table. And some folks get MEAN when drunk. So, yeah, I needed to think this one through.
  921. "My friends being there was reassuring though." I say. " Rarity told Fluttershy and I '”I’ll personally see to it that none of us go too far with our merriments. I’d be a terrible hostess if I allowed any of you to make a drunken buffoon of yourselves!' Plus I knew Applejack and Twilight would also step in if needed as well. Ultimately it was my prior decision to treat the entire night as a trust fall that helped me make the call, and I agreed to drink with my friends."
  922. "Pretty much everyone else is down for drinking until the last holdout is Pinkie. Actually it's been a rather long time since I've heard from Pinkie, so I turn to face her while starting to ask and I realize she's right behind me. Literally an inch away with eyes wide as plates and totally silent."
  923. "'..Pinkie?' I ask, and she blinks twice and comes out of her trance." I say. "Then I ask if she wants to drink hard cider with the rest of us and she eagerly agrees. As the bottles are being passed out Pinkie drapes her arms around me from behind. Her body is pressing into me more intimately than she ever has before and it's becoming difficult to focus on anything else.
  924. "'Hey Nonny, did I tell you how good you look in your new outfit?' Pinkie asked me right into my ear."
  925. "So Sunset said 'No you didn't.' to egg her on."
  926. "'Aw, darn! Because you look super-duper hot~' Pinkie whispered into my ear."
  927. "'I could just eat. You. Up.' Pinkie continued, gripping my shirt." I say. "Suddenly it occurs to me Pinkie probably wouldn't use a subtle method like love notes. It's an understatement to say she's being direct!"
  928. ”'I just wanna taste you a little~' Pinkie breathed in my ear. And I could feel her tongue draw closer to my neck."
  929. "'Pinkie!' Twilight scolded her." I say. "Pinkie freezes in place with her tongue still sticking out as she snaps to face Twilight with widened eyes. 'Huh?' she says."
  930. '”We’re focused on something else right now!' Twilight reminds her."
  931. "Pinkie lets go of her grip on my shirt and says 'Hehe, sorry! Guess I got a little carried away…' and sits back down with everyone else."
  932. "Now that I'm feeling more able to choose what to focus on, I start to examine the bottle that Applejack has handed me." I say. "It's an unlabeled bottle with a twist off cap filled with a brown liquid. Frankly if it wasn't handed to me by Applejack I'd be a lot more suspicious of it. Then something catches my eye. There's another note on my sleeping bag!"
  933. "I excuse myself for a moment under the pretext of checking a text message and open the note." I say.
  934. >The girls lean forward in anticipation as I display the note which reads 'You feel like a big teddy bear when we hug.'
  935. "Would any of you ladies like to guess who sent this one?" I ask.
  936. >"You haven't asked us that before. We've had to ask you." Scootaloo says.
  937. >"That means it's likely either Rainbow or Applejack." Scootaloo says. "And that didn't come from Rainbow."
  938. >"Which leaves Applejack. And I can believe that note came from her." Apple Bloom says.
  939. "Clever girls." I say with a smile.
  941. >Billy raises his hand. "Anon?" he asks.
  942. "Yes Billy. What's up?" I reply.
  943. >"Is now a good time for a bathroom break?" Billy inquires.
  944. "Yeah, might as well." I say. "We wanna do that before it's to urgent in case we have to run. Do you girls need to do the same?"
  945. >The girls hold a quick conversation of glances and Apple Bloom says "It's probably a good idea for us too."
  946. "Alright. Silly as it seems to talk strategy for a bathroom visit, our enemy seems to like bathroom ambushes." I say. And I felt the swell of confidence building, meaning that King Anonymous was here again. "So we will do what it takes to get through this without losing anyone. Understood?"
  947. >"Yes sir." They all quietly but energetically replied. It wasn't wise to make a large amount of noise and they knew that. Twilight's computer security upgrades meant the enemy couldn't just hack our location. And somehow drones in the area were being suppressed as well even if I didn't know the particulars of that. But boots on the ground still had ears.
  948. "Alright let's run through our checklist." I said. "We don't want any needless mistakes. Everyone got their backpacks?"
  949. >"Yes sir." they all replied.
  950. "Scootaloo, why do we need them?" I asked, picking someone at random.
  951. >"The enemy needs direct contact for their attack. The backpacks are held in our hands so we can prevent that by either blocking with them to defend or using them to attack." Scootaloo says.
  952. "Excellent." I say, praising her answer. "Sweetie Belle, do you know a better form of attack?" I asked with full confidence she knew the answer.
  953. >"Singing." Sweetie Belle said with a wide smile because it was a specialty of hers.
  954. "Right." I said grinning. "Does everyone have a song at the ready?
  955. >"Yes Anonymous." the girls said in unison.
  956. >"uh.." Billy said.
  957. "It's ok Billy." I said. "The song doesn't need to make any grand statement. Something like 'Row Row Row your Boat' should be just fine. Can you work with that?" I needed HIM in particular to have a song because he would be the only backup in the boy's room with me in case I got hit.
  958. >"Y-yeah. I can do that Anon." Billy said with growing confidence.
  959. "Good man." I said. "Now it's important to say, if anyone hears singing from the other bathroom, alert your partner(s) and go help. Might be embarrassing, but we'll take that over being kidnapped. Everyone sees their families tonight."
  960. >"Right." they all said in unison.
  961. "Last thing on the checklist is the plan since making more noise than needed in the hall isn't good." I said. " Once we get to the bathrooms on this floor, which should be empty, the girls will scout the boys room first, then the girls room and if it's ok, one of you sticks your head out to give us a thumbs-up. Then we all use the respective facility, all meet up in the hallway and head back here as a group. Understood?"
  962. >"Understood." they all replied. They were good kids. Ready to deal with a situation as ridiculous as this without protest.
  963. "Ok, let's head out." I said.
  964. And soon we were back in the classroom. Mission completed! "Ok, now where were we?" I ask.
  965. >Billy said "About to drink some hard cider."
  966. >Apple Bloom said "Pinkie just released you."
  967. >Scootaloo said "Fourth note just read."
  968. >Sweetie Belle finished with "And no closer to knowing who sent them."
  969. "Right." I say. "I rejoin the girls and we toast to the sleepover and start drinking. Most of us take it fairly slow but soon we're all bantering up a storm of silliness. Sunset and Pinkie are starting to get touchy and almost all of the other girls seem to scooch closer with every sip."
  970. "Then I accidentally spill some cider on my chest and waist." I say. "As Rarity lightly reprimands me to take better care of my new clothes, Twilight is grabbing a napkin from her bag."
  971. "'I got it!' Twilight says as she basically leaps forward and pushes me on my back. Her breathing deepens as she wipes up the cider. She loses contact with the napkin and doesn't seem to notice as she keeps wiping my abs. I have to pull her out of her trance verbally and she sits back down.
  972. >The girls are having a giggle fit and Billy doesn't seem to know how to react.
  973. "Then Fluttershy audibly sets her empty bottle down and says 'Hic… Y’ Know, Anon, it’s a real shame you don’t have a girlfriend.' and starts leaning towards me.
  974. “'...Well, at least I have you girls.' I say with a smile. Meanwhile said girls are kneeling closer to me."
  975. "Fluttershy says 'Trust me, if one of the girls gave you a shot, you would rock their world~.' And she's now close enough I can feel her breath on my face.
  976. “Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?” I ask her in a lower tone.
  977. "Fluttershy bites her lip and says 'Nobody could wear that outfit like you, Anon. Your lovely body with your charming smile, the girls at school won’t be able to keep their hands off you~'"
  978. "It's impossible not to notice her hands on my stomach as she said that. So I said 'You're telling me.' And since it's Flutters I'm thinking she'll probably back off at this point."
  979. "She's NOT backing off. Her eyes trail up from my stomach to my eyes as her head gets closer."
  980. "Her eyes flutter shut."
  981. "She purses her lips."
  982. "Am I about to have my first kiss I wonder?"
  983. "Suddenly Applejack pulls her back while saying 'Okay, seems like you’ve had enough, sugarcube. Let’s settle down now.'"
  984. >"Awww!" the girls say.
  985. "As I get back up into a sitting position I notice Pinkie reaching for me, but she backs off after eye contact and sits on her hands with a guilty smile and a giggle."
  986. "Then, with lips loosened by alcohol, I say 'I appreciate it, Flutters, but I have a feeling my future girlfriend’s in this room, leaving me notes to find.'"
  987. "It takes a moment for my brain to catch up to what just came out of my mouth as the girls all gasp."
  988. "Fluttershy says 'Really?'"
  989. "The girls suddenly ALL have poker faces and I can't read any of them. But love notes are obviously going to be the topic of conversation for a bit. And I end up bringing out the four I've gotten while unsuccessfully looking at the girls for clues."
  990. "Eventually Pinkie says 'Ooh, how exciting! Who do you think’s your secret admirer, Nonny?'"
  991. "That gets a monologue from me about my theory that the sleepover is a pretext for that one girl to confess to me her feelings. Since love notes are a bit indirect, that means the more direct girls Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are out of consideration at this time."
  992. "Sunset goads me with 'Alright then, boy detective, who IS your prime suspect?'"
  993. "Skipping over some of the back and forth, I tell them that at that time my list was Rarity in first, Rainbow in second, and Applejack in third."
  994. "Sunset fake pouts and says 'Aww, does that mean I’m in last place?'"
  995. "And I respond 'Hey, come on, you’ve been weirdly flirty with me since we first met. I ruled out the possibility of you being into me like that a while ago.'"
  996. "With a giggle, Pinkie says 'That’s some serious sleuthing, Nonny!'"
  997. "Sunset teases me back with 'Aww, you didn’t think I had any genuine feelings for you? You wound me, new boy.'"
  998. "So I logically ask her 'Then how come you haven’t said anything the whole semester?'"
  999. "Sunset rebuts with 'Because I wanted to make the moment memorable? What, you think I’d just confess my fiery attraction to you in between classes? And by the way, that could be why Twilight, Pinkie, or Fluttershy had to be stopped from leaping on you and giving in to their lust earlier. We could’ve spent all week planning just the moment where you two would share the most beautiful and romantic first kiss ever shared in Canterlot, can’t you imagine how disappointing it would be for your secret admirer to spoil that by tearing off her clothes and begging you to take her right here in the middle of the sleepover?'"
  1000. "Twilight interjects with 'H-He gets it, Sunset, you don’t have to be so descriptive.' And the rest of the girls seem to be a bit flustered as well."
  1001. "And I realize Sunset has a fair point. I don't know how much planning has gone on for this. I have four love letters, but by no means am I holding all the cards. '...You're right.' I say"
  1002. "Sunset countered with 'You don’t know that! You could’ve been right on the money when you said Rarity’s the one you’ve inflicted many restless nights upon~.'"
  1003. "Rarity objected with "That's not what he said!'"
  1004. "Sunset then got close to me and placed her hands on my shoulders while reminding me 'It’s like you said, the night’s still young, anything could happen~.'"
  1005. "I squint at Sunset, lean in close, and say '...You know who’s been leaving the notes, don’t you?'"
  1006. "Sunset gives me a sinister giggle and says 'Maybe~.' But before I could answer, she put her finger on my lips and said 'But wouldn’t that take the fun out of the whole thing? Wouldn’t you rather spend the night getting close to each of us, looking deep into our eyes, trying to find the truth we’re trying to hide from you~?'"
  1007. "Taking a quick aside for a moment," I said, "It had been obvious for some time that Sunset had been the mastermind of the whole event. Which is a good part of the reason she functions as the head girl in our eight way relationship."
  1008. >At this, Apple Bloom raised her hand and said "Excuse me, but what do you mean by head girl? I thought you liked to treat all of the girls equally." And Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded along.
  1009. "Fair questions." I said. "The head person is some knowledge that Sunset possessed due to her cultural heritage, which gave her the advantage of knowing it was needed and what it entailed before any of us. Basically, when an intimate relationship involves more people, the more it needs one person to be in charge to manage everything so that everyone is looked after. It's a fair amount of extra work honestly."
  1010. "So she's in charge of seeing to my schedule with the girls." I say. "Making sure everyone feels they are getting a fair amount of my time is rather important as you might imagine. She also sees to the mental health of everyone involved, so that minor frustrations don't grow out of control. But the girls have been friends for so long that I get most of the attention there."
  1011. >Apple Bloom spoke up again "I'm sorry Anon, but I'm not sure I'm following. Could you give an example?"
  1012. "Oh sure." I said. "Let's see. Oh after what happened at lunch last Wednesday I was having some issues with folks like teachers wanting to praise me for those events. After all, at my core I like to think of myself as fairly modest and a bit of an introvert. So large amounts of praise are not my best area. So when I was able to next see Sunset after school she insisted on picking my brain to keep me stable."
  1013. "So I told her about the praise issue and she took my chin in her hand and looked me in the eye and told me the following. 'But Anon, you need to know that you did a LOT of good today. And others are naturally going to want to tell you that. It's OK to accept some praise for today. Sure you weren't doing it for praise, but you managed to EARN it anyway. The girls and I are proud of you too by the way.'"
  1014. "And that helped me get in a headspace to solve the issue." I said. "Now yes it's also true I like to treat the girls equally, but that gets in the way when I have to make choices. Like say two of the girls are ready for some nice PG rated hand holding. Well I tend to worry that choosing one will make the other feel rejected in some way and I don't want to do that. I become paralyzed and unable to make the call."
  1015. "But Sunset can step in, make the call, and no one feels that I rejected them. And as long as both girls get their hand holding in, everyone is happy."
  1016. >Billy looked a little confused as he said "But.., couldn't you hold two girls hands at once?"
  1017. >Scootaloo responded "He meant it as a euphemism for something that's not PG new boy."
  1018. >Apple Bloom spoke up "Thank you Anon. That's a lot to think about." And again, the other girls nodded along.
  1019. > Billy still looked a bit lost, but he would have to deal with it.
  1020. "Meanwhile, back at the sleepover," I said, "The next planned activity was the promised karaoke. So Pinkie tells us that while she and Sunset construct the stage, the rest of us have 10 minutes to pick a song from our phones. Now to be honest, I'm having some trouble focusing on the upcoming karaoke thanks to the last ten minutes. Pinkie was so lewd! Twilight looked hypnotized by my body! And Fluttershy almost kissed me!"
  1021. "But I don't want to be empty handed when they call me." I say "So I start scrolling through my playlist, hoping something will jump out at me as a good choice to try to sing."
  1022. "And then Pinkie says 'And one more thing. It's gotta be a love song!'"
  1023. "'Darn it!' I think to myself. And as I struggle to choose a song, something that qualifies as a love song. Preferably without any higher notes. And the girls all have such lovely voices! How the heck am I going to compare to them, I wonder?"
  1024. "So as I get myself more and more frazzled, Pinkie announces 'Three more minutes!'"
  1025. "I'm coming up short." I say. "So I look around the room at how the girls are doing and they're just lounging around and not looking stressed at all."
  1026. "Then I remember Sunset's advice for the night." I say. "'Don't stress about anything, just go with the flow,' And that makes GOOD sense here. This is just a fun hangout with friends! There's no prizes to compete for. No one will throw things at me if I'm bad at singing. Everyone here just wants me to have a good time."
  1027. "Then Pinkie announces 'Time’s up! Hope you’ve all picked something good!'"
  1028. "Oh, God." I say. "Time for the Hail Mary! So I shut my eyes, scroll the list, and bring my finger down when it feels right."
  1029. "Meh." I say. "I could have done much worse. It will have to do. (And I'll circle back to the psychology involved there at the appropriate time.)"
  1030. "And as Pinkie is up on the stage doing final checks, Applejack notices I'm a bit nervous about singing and her and Rarity try to reassure me, but I still have doubts."
  1031. "Then Pinkie goes into her number."
  1032. "And several of the girls enjoy joining in on the chorus as she's excitedly dancing and bouncing around on the stage."
  1033. "After Pinkie finishes, Rainbow is quick to be the next one up."
  1034. "Rainbow is a rockstar in her element. Singing and strumming air guitar like a pro." I say. "But something in her performance is sticking out to me. Every now and again she's making eye contact with me, but it seems to be during some, ah, 'choice' lyrics like,"
  1035. >”Down the street, I'm the girl next door”
  1036. >”I'm the fox you've been waiting for”
  1037. "Then, later in the song"
  1038. >”I'll give you somethin' to live for”
  1039. >”Have you and grab you 'til you're sore”
  1040. "The I realize Pinkie was making eye contact too. Mostly when singing 'If you wanna be my lover.'"
  1041. "I wonder if they're trying to throw off my investigation, but I really don't know enough to say."
  1042. "When Rainbow finishes and gets her applause and compliments, then Applejack says that she'll go next and Rarity says she'll go after that.
  1043. "Applejack is singing both parts and doing a great job at it." I say. "And once again eye contact is being made, this time during the chorus."
  1044. >”Ain’t no mountain high enough”
  1045. >”Ain’t no valley low enough”
  1046. >”Ain’t no river wide enough”
  1047. >”To keep me from gettin’ to you, baby”
  1048. "Her song is the most overtly romantic one so far." And I wonder "Is this what their plan is? To have each girl serenade me? This is getting more and more intense!"
  1049. "After her song ends and applause is enthusiastically given, my turn to compliment her comes and I say 'You were… amazing, Applejack. I never knew you could sing like that.'"
  1050. "Applejack gently laughs and teasingly says '”Yeah, well, I don’t really let a lot of folks see this side of me. Consider yourself lucky, city boy.'"
  1051. "And with a smile I say 'Oh, I do, don’t worry.'"
  1052. "As Rarity takes the stage, Applejack sits back down next to me. And it seems she's sitting a little closer than last time."
  1053. "As Rarity is entering her song into the machine, I have a moment to think." I say. "I'm pretty certain I've deduced their plan for karaoke. Now I'm prepared and it's not gonna keep working. I got this!"
  1054. "Then the intro plays, Rarity makes eye contact with me and starts moving with the music."
  1055. "Oh, God."
  1056. "It's working!"
  1057. "I am NOT prepared!"
  1058. >The girls start laughing hysterically.
  1060. >While the girls are laughing, my phone rings and caller ID says it's Sunset.
  1061. "Hi Sunset." I say as I answer the phone. "Yeah we're doing fine.... Oh that's the girls laughing. Apparently my side of the sleepover is comedy gold to them.... We're at the karaoke portion and I was starting with my reaction to Rarity's number.... Ok sure."
  1062. "She wants me to put her on speakerphone" I say to the room as I lay the phone down.
  1063. >Sunset says "Now girls, can you share what's so funny please?"
  1064. >The girls manage to calm down a bit and Apple Bloom says in a deep voice "Hi. I'm Anonymous. I'm cool, calm, and collected."
  1065. >Then Scootaloo picks it up, also in a deep voice "I'll jump in front of an angry crowd and talk them down!"
  1066. >And Sweetie Belle, also in a deep voice, goes in for the kill "WAIT! NO!.. Don't... SING at me!" and the girls are stricken with laughter again. Sunset has some healthy chortles herself.
  1067. >Even Billy is chuckling now.
  1068. "Et tu Billy?" I think to myself. Then I say "Look, I told them pretty early in this story that you ladies had me dancing in the palms of your hands basically that entire night."
  1069. >Apple Bloom said "Yes he did, he did. Gotta be fair. Throughout the story he's been fairly clueless and vulnerable. And that's been great!"
  1070. >Scootaloo then adds "But he thinks he's spotted a pattern in karaoke that might allow him some bit of control..."
  1071. >Then Sweetie Belle says "And my sister comes in and says NOPE! And we don't even know what she sang yet!"
  1072. >Sunset then says "I see you girls are paying proper attention. That's very good. Did he tell you I'm the head girl yet?"
  1073. >Sweetie Belle suddenly stiffened up her posture and said "Yes ma'am, he did."
  1074. >Scootaloo added "He said you see to his schedule with the girls."
  1075. >Apple Bloom concluded with "You also see to the mental health of everyone, so that minor things don't get out of control."
  1076. >Then Billy spoke up, which apparently surprised the girls. "I admit I was surprised that Anonymous wasn't the head person, but he listed off a lot of reasons that made sense. I can see that the head person needs to be the most qualified in order for the relationship to have the best chance. And he's smart enough to know you were better qualified."
  1077. >Sunset said with a smile we could hear through the phone "Very good new boy! Sounds like Anon has been mentoring you VERY well! Or did something happen?"
  1078. >Billy replied "Both actually. Girls, is it ok if I tell her? I don't want to hurt your feelings again."
  1079. >With barely a glance at each other the girls gave gentle smiles and Apple Bloom said "Yes Billy. Telling Sunset is fine and you plainly are trying NOT to make the same mistake as you promised."
  1080. >With visible relief Billy said "Thank you." and went on to describe the earlier incident while leaving out nothing. "And throughout it all, no one yelled at me, called me any names, or did anything that would make it harder for me to apologize. And when I realized I had hurt the girls... well that hit me harder than any punch."
  1081. >Billy continued on with "Pretty sure everyone here knows how shy I can be, so it's NEVER been easy for me to make ANY friends. But these girls just up and offered! AND they've been great to me ever since! Anonymous told me almost immediately that Canterlot was an amazing place. And I've seen that every day so far. But I don't think anything is ever going to be more amazing to me than these girls wanting to be my friends!"
  1082. >Scootaloo said "Ok new boy, yer getting hugged for that!" and the girls moved towards him with gentle smiles.
  1083. >Billy visibly gulped while looking nervous. But he couldn't run with kidnappers at large and Anonymous watching. "O-ok." he said and stiffly held his ground as the girls surrounded him and gently enveloped him in a warm hug. With some silent prompting from Anonymous, Billy lightly and stiffly embraced them back as well.
  1084. >After about 30 seconds, the girls released him and said "Thank you Billy" in unison.
  1085. >Billy, in something of a daze, said "You're welcome." pretty much on autopliot. He had little idea of the manners expected in this situation, but he had to try with Anonymous watching. He was completely unaware of how big a smile he had just then.
  1086. "Sorry for leaving you hanging there Sunset," I said, "But I think that was their first hug."
  1087. >Sunset responded "Oh that's fine then. Wish I could have seen it."
  1088. >Apple Bloom spoke up "Kinda wish you could have too, since it took both you AND Anonymous to make it happen. Was Anonymous that shy during his first week?"
  1089. >Sunset said "Oh he was MUCH worse! If he wasn't sitting down, then he was constantly moving around the space in a self defense habit. But lucky for us, we had Pinkie Pie to help bring him out of his shell." Then to me she said "Hey babe?"
  1090. "Yes dear?" I replied.
  1091. >Sunset went on. "I know you have them under a bit of a gag order, but I want you to tell them it's ok to talk to me about what you're saying there ok?"
  1092. "Yes dear." I said. "You heard her kids. It's fine to talk to Sunset about all of this."
  1093. >In unison the girls said "Thank you Anonymous." with big smiles.
  1094. >Half a beat later, Billy said "Ok." He still seemed a bit dazed honestly.
  1095. >Sunset said "Ok, Pinkie's calling. Gotta let you go! Later folks!" and she hung up without waiting for a response.
  1096. "Seems like a good time to get back to the sleepover story." I said. "You still with us Billy?"
  1097. >With some visible effort, Billy refocused his eyes, shook his head a bit, and said "Yeah I'm good. Lets get back to someone else being embarrassed please."
  1098. "Can do!" I said. "So Rarity was starting her set of
  1099. And unlike the others, she's making half-lidded eye contact the ENTIRE time! She's also crafted a persona for this performance and it's WORKING on me! She's sultry, sexy, and seductive! "
  1100. "And it's not ONLY that." I say. "There's a LOT of other factors amplifying the effect she's having on me. I'm in her home, no scratch that. I'm. In. Her. Bedroom! And she made the clothes I'm wearing. Clothing is like a second language to Rarity so it's easy to get the impression she's looking at me with X-ray vision!"
  1101. "Then there's ALSO the fact that somehow it's ME here." I say. "At the beginning of the semester, if I had looked up 'out of my league' in the dictionary, Rarity's picture would have been there. Chatter in the lockerroom says she is the most beautiful girl in the school. She could very literally have her pick of ANY guy! And for reasons far beyond my understanding, she's looking at ME! She's daring me, inviting me. And when I try to think of how to respond my brain stops working on me.
  1102. "Then the song ends and everyone else applauds, but my brain isn't up to that task right now." I say. "The girls start complimenting her and then Twilight asks 'What did you think, Anon?' And then Sunset steps in and amps it up with 'I bet it was your favorite of the night~'"
  1103. "All of a sudden I feel like I'm in an interrogation room under a spotlight." I say. "Rarity leans forward and bats her eyes at me. '“I… Well…'"
  1104. "I'm sweating as I shakily exhale." I say. "And I can FEEL Rainbow and Applejack looking at me as well."
  1105. "...It- It wouldn’t be fair to say it was my FAVORITE. I mean, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow did their own thing, it’s not really a fair comparison to make." I say as Sunset giggles.
  1106. "'But… That was incredible.' I say to Rarity. She slyly covers her mouth as she responds with a flirty giggle."
  1107. "Rarity says 'Why, thank you, Anon!'"
  1108. "Then I switch the topic, out of a desire to regain some sanity and composure, to me being nervous about singing in front of so many folks so great at it. They all reassure me and discussion moves to deciding who's next. Twilight steps up for that.
  1109. "While Twilight sets up, Rarity has sat down next to me. She leans over and whispers into my ear 'You were a wonderful audience~.'"
  1110. "I can't look at her. If I do, I might not be able to look away." I say "And that would not be fair to Twilight." So I say 'T-Thanks…' And I'm just grateful I could form that word instead of gurgling like a baby."
  1111. "Soon Twilight starts her song."
  1112. "Twilight has a wholesome girl next door vibe with her performance." I say. "She does make eye contact a few times, but mostly she just seems to be enjoying singing and performing. It's easy to enjoy the song along with her. She's also the first girl to be visibly exhausted when she finishes."
  1113. "She gets her applause and compliments from everyone including me." I say. "Then Sunset announces she's going next. Once she's up on stage, she makes the suggestion that I should go last as a fun way to end. This prompts some discussion from Fluttershy who has read my nervous tells. They realize they never did properly ask if I wanted to sing after all. So the question is asked."
  1114. "I respond with 'Don’t worry, I’m gonna sing, and I don’t mind going last. Besides, I’d hate to disappoint a bunch of pretty girls like you all.'"
  1115. "That must have been the alcohol talking." I say. "The girls respond with a variety of giggles and blushes."
  1116. "From up on the stage, Sunset says 'Well, save the charm for your song, Anon. As for now, just sit back and enjoy the ride~'"
  1117. "Sunset is singing like there's an award for being as sexually charged as possible." I say. "Like Rarity she never breaks eye contact. But Rarity was inviting me and beckoning me forward. Sunset is cornering me instead. It's what she's best at. But this is a LOT more charged than her normal teasing and flirting."
  1118. "I can't break eye contact." I say. "And it's having a.. noticeable effect on me. I'm positive Sunset notices and I'm pretty sure Rarity and Applejack do too."
  1119. "Also this whole approach to karaoke isn't making much sense." I say. "I've got ONE secret admirer, so why are ALL of them serenading me? I'm completely lost on that part."
  1120. "So Sunset finishes her song and asks me 'What’d you think, Anon?'"
  1121. "After clearing my throat, I say '...You were hypnotic.'"
  1122. "She says 'Why, thank you~', then she loosens and tugs down her sweats an inch to show me she's wearing lavender panties and says 'I love the way you look at me, Anon~."
  1123. "My anatomical reaction is getting more severe and I'm worried about damaging Rarity's handiwork. The other girls are closing in as well."
  1124. "Fluttershy announces that she is going to sing and the girls voice their encouragement. Sunset sits back down, but not where she was. No she chooses to sit right behind me! I can feel her breath on my neck. And I KNOW she's playing with the idea of touching me."
  1125. "But that's not fair to Fluttershy, who deserves just as much attention while singing as I gave the other girls. So I skootch forward away from Rarity, Sunset, and Applejack. I can feel their disappointment but I need to be fair. Meanwhile Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight adjust and close me in."
  1126. "I look up at Fluttershy, expecting she might be upset by how the others are acting, but instead she looks like she'd rather be down on the floor with us instead of missing the 'fun' the others are having! What the heck is with all of them tonight? I've never seen them act like this! And it's ALL of them! They aren't acting like they have a crush. They're HUNGRY!"
  1127. "Fluttershy clears her throat and starts to sing."
  1128. "Fluttershy's singing is soft and gentle." I say. "And it's easy to get the idea she's expressing her feelings with it. But she's not trying to seduce me. It has more of the sense that she's confessing her feeling to me. She's struggling to maintain eye contact, but she does.
  1129. "When she finishes everyone applauds and I tell her ' Fluttershy, that was beautiful.' and she thanks me."
  1130. "Now it's my turn!" I say. "The girls are all being very supportive and encouraging and I'm very grateful for it. But again I'm going to back away from the story for a minute to talk about psychology like I said I would."
  1131. "Do you kids remember how I picked my song?" I asked.
  1132. >"Hail Mary." they all said in unison."
  1133. "Right you are!" I said. "But was it truly random?"
  1134. >Billy spoke up and said "No."
  1135. >The girls are plainly caught by surprise at this. Scootaloo says "But how?"
  1136. >Billy teasingly said "Would you like me to explain?"
  1137. >The girls had no choice but to say "Yes please."
  1138. >With a smile Billy said "Remember that Anon said the subconscious can interfere? And it knows the exact contents and order of Anon's playlist. It ALSO knows the speed Anon was scrolling at when he finally chose something 'at random'"
  1139. "VERY good Billy!" I said! "Is that it?"
  1140. >Billy kept smiling and said "Nope, there's more. Anon's subconscious ALSO knew the girls were ALL, in fact, interested in him and he felt the same. Otherwise he could have ran away at any time or not come at all. So it picked a song Anon could sing that the girls had a high chance of liking."
  1141. "Great work Billy!" I said, "Do you girls have anything to add?"
  1142. >Sweetie Belle looked at the others and said "No I think Billy got it all. Good work Billy!" as the other two nodded with smiles on their faces.
  1144. "So I take the stage and Fluttershy hands me the mic while saying 'You’ll be great, I just know it.' and I thank her as she goes to sit down. Then I take a moment to examine the rest of my audience."
  1145. "Pinkie’s looking at me like she’s expecting me to start tossing out candy."
  1146. "Twilight’s giving me a warm, reassuring smile and a thumbs-up to match."
  1147. "Rainbow’s sitting back with her hands behind her head, expecting something entertaining from me."
  1148. "Applejack’s leaning forward with her hands on her knees, showing a surprising amount of excitement."
  1149. "Fluttershy’s still giving me that soft smile that makes me feel all warm."
  1150. "Rarity’s leaning forward and batting her eyes at me."
  1151. "Sunset’s leering at me with her signature wicked grin."
  1152. "And I'm hoping the cider pulls it's weight as I hit play."
  1153. "I'm in it now," I say, "So I sing."
  1155. “I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me”
  1156. “And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me”
  1158. "I'm happily surprised that I don't sound terrible." I say. "But I'm holding the microphone close and singing with my eyes closed. It's very much like I'm just singing in the shower with no other audience."
  1160. “Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two”
  1161. “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’”
  1163. "The atmosphere in the room changes." I say. "It doesn't feel as tense anymore. In the short instrumental between the refrain and the bridge, I open my eyes."
  1164. "The girls are listening to me sing intently, sitting forward and watching me with wide eyes. Even Rainbow and Sunset are swept up in the moment. This gives me the confidence to sing with my eyes open, facing my audience."
  1166. “I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before”
  1167. “And though it's just a line to you, for me it's true, and never seemed so right before”
  1168. “I practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true”
  1169. “But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late, and I'm alone with you”
  1170. “The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue”
  1171. “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’”
  1173. "I'm not thinking about who my secret admirer is," I say, "I'm just enjoying singing to all of them. And they've all taken turns at serenading me, so now it's MY turn to be the romantic one. I'm feeling good! And as the instrumental break plays I take a good look at my audience."
  1174. "Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight are absolutely enthralled." I say. "Applejack and Rainbow are putting up greater resistance to showing such mushy emotions, but their wide eyes and rose-tinted cheeks give them away. And Sunset looks… strangely proud of me. Like this is something she’s been expecting from me all night. The song is approaching its end. Time to really stick the landing."
  1176. “The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue”
  1177. “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’”
  1178. “'I love you' I sing to Fluttershy and Twilight."
  1179. “'I love you' I sing to Pinkie and Rainbow."
  1180. “'I love you' I sing to Applejack and Rarity."
  1181. “'I love you' I sing to Sunset."
  1183. "I'd had a sudden flash of inspiration and decided to swing for the bleachers on the outro, but was it to much? Sure I have ONE secret admirer and I certainly got her covered, whoever she may be, but am I risking a jealous reaction?"
  1184. "Before I got any farther into a downward spiral I was met by the most enthusiastic applause I've ever seen! They LOVED it! And I can admit I liked getting complimented too."
  1185. "Before long," I say, "Fluttershy said she would like to hear me sing more and Sunset seconded the motion. Rainbow declared SHE would pick the song and I agreed."
  1186. "After Rainbow thumbed through my playlist on my phone for a bit she came up with this"
  1187. "It's a cheesy song that's honestly a better fit for what was supposed to be a 'casual hangout with friends'. It's got a lot more energy and it's easy to move to so I do my best to rock out. And when I finish, the girls are covered in sweat and breathing heavily and staring at me silently."
  1188. "While the nonverbal cues they are giving me are enough to swell my ego on their own, I prompt them to give me some verbal responses too. Which they do, to extremely positive effect. Then Sunset says it's time for the hot tub!"
  1189. "And I'm going to pull back from the story for a moment here." I say. "So I can let you know that I'm going to skip large portions of what happened at that time."
  1190. >Scootaloo asks "Aww, why? Seems like you've told us almost everything so far."
  1191. "A fair question indeed." I say."And it's because a large part of what happened was the girls ogling me and encouraging me to ogle them. And quite frankly I'm not terribly comfortable discussing that with their younger friends and family. Or would you like to hear me talking about Rainbow's backside as a for instance?"
  1192. >Scootaloo promptly said "No, thank you."
  1193. "I don't blame you a bit." I said.
  1194. "Now before we can all get changed for the hot tub, I spot another note. " I say as I hold the original out for them. "'Your smile makes me feel all warm inside.' and this one was from Pinkie."
  1195. "We discuss this fifth note for a minute and head down to the hot tub after changing." I say. "During this part, about the only things not being skipped over are Rainbow offering to help me learn to sing and me being sent up to get two more bottles of cider. The idea with the cider being we would each have about a quarter of a bottle for social lubrication."
  1196. "And while I'm fetching the cider I take a moment to reflect on the events that brought me to this moment and what is likely to follow. I ask myself if this is what I want? Am I really worthy? Am I ready? I decide the answer to all of those is 'Yes.'"
  1197. "So with my resolve settled, I head back down to the hot tub filled with my seven best friends and we drink our portions of cider."
  1198. "Then Pinkie points and says '”Woah, what’s that?'
  1199. "It's another love note and it says 'I want to hold you close and make you feel loved.' (Fluttershy)"
  1200. "After that, Sunset directs me to verbally appreciate each of the girl's bodies, and this makes all of them pretty happy." I say. "Now for whatever reason, Rainbow is the last one in this cycle. And we all know that Rainbow has a talent for turning things into a competition and this is what she does with the back and forth of compliments."
  1201. "But I get creative and my compliments hit her harder than she expected."
  1202. "Eventually Rainbow clutches her head and says 'God, I can’t take this anymore!' She then marches over to a chair where a folded piece of paper was hidden and throws the last love letter at me. Then she says 'There, he’s got his stupid note, can we [hold hands with] him now!?'"
  1203. "As Sunset slyly chuckles, I look at Rainbow and ask '...You’re my secret admirer?'"
  1204. "Sunset interjects with 'Now, now, first things first: open your love letter!'"
  1205. "I say '“But I already know who-'"
  1206. "Sunset interrupts and says 'Rainbow put a lot of love into that letter, you’d really let her down if you didn’t get to read what her soul’s been hiding all this time!'"
  1207. "I say 'Alright, alright…' and, I mean, it IS good form I suppose."
  1208. "The note reads 'You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.' (Rainbow Dash)"
  1209. "I say to Rainbow in a complimentary tone 'Aww, Rainbow!' And then I think and say '“...Wait, what did you mean ‘we?’"
  1210. "Sunset suddenly sways in front of me with a seductive look in her eye and says 'Oh, Anon, your detective work this evening’s been very impressive…' And then she steps in closer and whispers '...But what made you think only one of us was leaving you those love letters~?'"
  1211. "No." I'm thinking. "It CAN'T be! But then I realize, there were SEVEN love letters, and I'm surrounded by seven of my best friends."
  1212. "Sunset is grinning wickedly."
  1213. "And I decide I'm calling that bluff '“...No.'"
  1214. "Sunset cackles at my disbelief 'Oh, yes!'"
  1215. "I say firmly 'You’re messing with me.'"
  1216. "Sunset says 'Say it, boy detective~.'"
  1217. "I quickly reflect on the events of the night. Every signal the girls have given me. And there's only one thing I can say. '...All seven of you left a love letter.'"
  1218. "Sunset isn't done yet. And she presses me further with 'Which means…?'"
  1219. "Once again there is only one thing I can say '...Which means… all seven of you have a crush on me.'"
  1220. "And that's where the story is ending tonight." I say. "Hope you all enjoyed it."
  1221. >The kids all applauded and gave thank yous.
  1222. >Eventually we all noticed there was another person giving a slow clap from a dark corner of the classroom "...That was great.." a voice said.
  1223. "Billy! Backpack!" I said as I brought mine up in front of me and stood up, ready to move."
  1224. >The girls started to harmonize.
  1225. >Billy got his backpack up too.
  1226. I pointed my phone at the dark corner and said "Lumos." Because someone at android thought it would be a hoot to put a Harry Potter voice command in for the light.
  1227. >The girls and I said "Maud!" when we recognized her.
  1228. >Billy asked "Who?" as everyone else was relaxing.
  1229. "She's ok Billy." I said. "But you obviously haven't met her yet. Billy, I would like to introduce you to Maud Pie. She's the sister of my girlfriend Pinkie Pie."
  1230. >Billy said "Hi." with a weak smile after being scared.
  1231. "And Maud, I would like to introduce you to Billy 'New Boy' Blanks. The newest freshman here at Canterlot."
  1232. >Sweetie Belle added "AND a Crusader."
  1233. >Maud just said "Hello Billy."
  1234. "Maud, I'm sorry we reacted like that." I said. "We were just surprised is all. Let me guess, is this where the geology club normally meets?"
  1235. >Maud said "...Yes.."
  1236. "And no one told you that Twilight switched up meeting rooms for better security." I said. "I'm sorry about that. But I will talk to Twilight and Pinkie and make sure you get told of any other changes from here on out ok?"
  1237. >Maud said "...Thank you.."
  1238. "That aside, I'm glad you enjoyed that story." I said. "Normally I'd have a different reaction to someone else hearing it, but you're the sister of one of my girlfriends. And as such, you were just as entitled to hear it as these girls."
  1239. "And on that topic," I said. "These girls sure grilled me when they found out I was dating their family and friends. And as I said, you have equal rights there too, so I'll ask if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about me dating your sister and her friends?"
  1240. >Maud said "...You saved her.."
  1241. I was not prepared for her to say that. "Well she guided me and I had help from all the others and Mr. Cake too. But I suppose yeah I did." I said rather bashfully.
  1242. >Maud said "...And you're still protecting her.."
  1243. "Well, Canterlot is really, but yeah I agreed it was the best idea we had." I said.
  1244. >Maud then said "...Don't tell them I said this, but my parents like you too.."
  1245. Outwardly I said "I'm very pleased to hear that." with a big smile. Pinkie's biological parents were darn near Amish in their values and lifestyle. They were easily the parents I feared meeting the most! If I had to guess, their approval would be based on my protecting their daughter. It would make some sense that they would value that pretty highly as something a man ought to do for his woman.
  1246. >Then almost everyone had a phone alarm go off to indicate club time was almost over. We would be expected to leave campus very soon after.
  1247. "Say Maud, can we escort you downstairs?" I asked. "It really would be safer with us."
  1248. >Maud said "...Ok.."
  1249. "Great!" I said as we cleaned up what little mess we had made. "Billy and Scootaloo, are you kids ready for dinner with Rainbow Dash's parents tonight?" This would be one of my easiest dinners with a girlfriend's parents. They already loved me for getting Rainbow to do her chores!
  1250. >They both said "Yes" in unison.
  1251. "Alright then," I said. "Let's head out."
  1253. Interludes the Second
  1255. You are Twilight Sparkle. It's Wednesday night and the eighth day of the semester has come and gone already. Yesterday Anonymous had had dinner with you and your parents. And while they were a bit nonplussed at the eight-way arrangement, they had to admit it left less time for the relationship to interfere with Twilight's studies. Also they did, at least, like Anon.
  1256. Tonight he would be having dinner with Fluttershy and her parents. Hopefully that went well too.
  1257. Meanwhile you were doing homework and research for homework on your PC and about 4 other devices at just this moment when a message popped up in the middle of your PC's screen.
  1258. >"Hello Twilight. May we talk to you for a bit?" It asked. This text window didn't conform to anything Twilight used or knew of, aside from bad 90's movies about computer users. There was a blinking cursor where she expected her reply would go.
  1259. "That depends." I typed. "Who, may I ask, am I talking to?"
  1260. >"I'm afraid I can't give you a very specific answer. But I CAN tell you I'm with an organization that monitors extra-normal activity. If you must give us a title, I might suggest 'Absent Friends.'"
  1261. "That makes it sound like you're trying to play on our love of friendship." I typed.
  1262. >"I understand why you might think that. But we HAVE been friends to you, and quite recently too. Didn't you wonder how your request for police protection was approved basically instantly? And you MUST have wondered why the police offered to drive you and your friends EVERYWHERE? I assure you simple research will say neither of those is normal."
  1263. "Assuming I believe you," I typed, "Why would you do either of those?"
  1264. >"Many reasons! But the easy summation is that the past behavior of you and your friends has basically been to the highest standards and worthy of some trust. You don't go out looking for trouble. But when trouble finds you, you generally take care of it quickly and efficiently with very little to no collateral damage and almost no harm to innocent bystanders!"
  1265. "I see." I typed. "So why contact ME, and why now?"
  1266. >"You, because it's easy to do without risky direct physical interaction. And now because for the first time, we have a small issue with something you and your friends are doing and hoped we could talk it out the way friends do."
  1267. "We're doing a LOT right now because we were attacked." I typed "Could you be more specific please?"
  1268. >"We fully acknowledge that you were provoked. That's a big part of why we're approaching you in an understanding way. But we have concerns about every drone in Canterlot being downed. We have other operations in the area that don't involve you or your current conflict and said operations are being hindered without drones. Is there any way we might operate drones in these areas perhaps?"
  1269. >Another window with a map of Canterlot opened. Three different areas were high lighted that weren't near the school or any of my friend's homes.
  1270. "Ah, I see." I typed "Yeah maybe we DID go a bit overboard now that you gave me those examples. Sorry about that. I'm willing, but I need to figure out the how. It seems like it would be difficult to communicate these exclusion areas to the animals. Wait. We don't need to focus on areas! How about we mark your drones in a way the animals can recognize instead?
  1271. >"What are you thinking?"
  1272. "What about scent marking?" I typed. "Like the apple based perfume Sweet Apple Acres sells? Using that would give us both the common scent base to communicate to the animals."
  1273. >"Sounds like that might work. Thank you."
  1274. "Now it might take some time to get the word out though." I typed. "Can you give us two days please? Sorry but Fluttershy is having dinner with her parents and our boyfriend right now and I can't really disturb her. But I can get Applejack to ready some perfume for her and she can get on it tomorrow."
  1275. >"Let's say three days, It's a big area to cover. Oh and thank you again Twilight.
  1277. It's a few hours earlier on the same Wednesday and you are Sunset Shimmer. You are doing last minute tidying of your apartment in anticipation of your guests. The tea is made and the snacks are prepared and all is looking well when the knock on your door comes.
  1278. "Hello girls." You say with a smile as you open the door. "Come on in. I've got tea and snacks already made."
  1279. >The girls in question are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. "Thank you Sunset." They politely say in unison as they enter and sit down on the couch as directed. Sunset serves them tea and lays out cookies on the coffee table in front of them before sitting down in a stuffed chair next to them.
  1280. "I'm so glad you girls called sooner rather than later." Sunset said. "It speaks well of your resolve."
  1281. >Apple Bloom asked "Then you know why we're here?"
  1282. "Oh most certainly." Sunset said with an easy smile. "But as part of the process, I need to hear all of you say it. Words have power you know."
  1283. >The three looked at each other. A bit uneasily at first but you could see their resolve growing. In unison they said "Sunset, we want to date Billy like how you and the girls are dating Anonymous. Please teach us how to do that."
  1284. "Excellent girls!" I said. "A good first step indeed! But I should ask up front, what do I get out of this?"
  1285. >Sweetie Belle holds up her hand to the other girls and they pause "Wait," she says "This feels familiar. That's the wrong question isn't it?"
  1286. I burst out laughing and when I recover I say "Oh he IS good!" despite myself. "Yes you're quite correct. This isn't about what I want. It's about what Anonymous wants."
  1287. >In confusion they said "Huh?" together.
  1288. "Anonymous has been the biggest supporter of you girls getting together with Billy out of everyone." I said "And we support what Anonymous wants. But I suppose that's phrasing it to simply. It might be more accurate to say there's a perception of an imbalance between what us girls want and what Anonymous wants."
  1289. >Scootaloo said "I don't think we get it. Sorry."
  1290. "Ok then, one disclaimer and then I think I can explain it better." I said. "Now Anon is a nice guy, but he can come across as a bit of a prude when he talks to younger girls. But what we're having here is an adult conversation, And I will use adult words and topics as I feel they are needed. Understand?"
  1291. >In unison they said "Yes ma'am."
  1292. "So back at the night of the sleepover," I said, "after where he left off, he started having fun with the girls. Now of course the girls each been looking forward to this for some time and each of us had an idea, or twenty, of what we wanted to do with Anon. And he went along with every one of our ideas enthusiastically and without reservation. But in the course of that, we noticed something."
  1293. "We noticed that Anon didn't seem to have any ideas or scenarios of his own to contribute. Now it was easy for me to figure out WHY that happened, but we still felt a little bad about it. Fast forward to last week, a couple of minutes after he introduced Billy to you three and came to sit back with us. Anon shared a wild hair of an idea about using Billy to enter into mythology, and eventually it dawned on us."
  1294. "Anonymous wants to leave a legacy here and be remembered. And you girls deciding to date Billy is a step along that path."
  1295. >Apple Bloom said "Because if we manage to all date Billy then folks will naturally compare us to Anonymous and you girls. Is there anything else Anonymous wants from us?
  1296. "Oh yes." I say with a sinister grin. "Put simply, if you girls manage to have a solid relationship with Billy, then Anon would like you to keep your eyes open and pay it forward."
  1297. >Scootaloo asked "How do you mean?"
  1298. "Take some notes on this please." I say "Because it may be years before you need to remember it again."
  1299. >The girls all take out notepads from their backpacks.
  1300. "The timeline in my head goes something like this." I said. "Once you all bed Billy, he gives up the nickname of 'new boy'. Then at some point, another scared and shy green boy appears and a group of well established female friends takes an obvious interest. Billy offers, or is asked, to mentor this kid and he introduces them to all of you right away."
  1301. "One of you gives him the nickname of 'new boy' and then Billy introduces him to his prospective girlfriends." I say "You all support them as best able and when you think the girls might be ready, you send them all to see me. And I offer them knowledge and material support. And then the cycle repeats with the next green boy."
  1302. >Scootaloo says "That's a pretty long range idea."
  1303. >Sweetie Belle says "A really impressive idea."
  1304. >Apple Bloom asks "And that's everything you want? I mean, we can stand ready for it sure. But we might feel bad if no other green boy comes."
  1305. "That's just fate at work." I say "We can't predict it, but you girls standing ready is enough for us, yes."
  1306. >The girls, aware they were making a multi-year commitment, took longer than average for their silent conversation of glances before saying in unison "We agree Sunset."
  1307. "Thank you girls." I say with a wide smile "Now I'm willing to bet you girls have some questions based on what I've been saying here right?"
  1308. >The girls looked a little confused as they went over what was recently said. Then Apple Bloom said "You said 'having fun with the girls', by which you mean fucking them right?"
  1309. "Yes I did!" I say with a big smile.
  1310. >Scootaloo then said "We were there the morning after and none of the girls acted like they got left out. Plus Anon had all of those marks but..
  1311. >Sweetie Belle added "Rarity told him she just wanted him to go home and rest.."
  1312. "Say it girls." I said with a wicked grin. "What does the evidence you saw tell you?"
  1313. >In unison they said "Anonymous fucked all seven girls in one night! But how?"
  1314. "I'll tell you, but first you NEED to understand this is dangerous knowledge. There are many that would want this VERY badly. Many who would pay ANY amount, DO anything, so you absolutely cannot tell anyone who doesn't already know, excepting Billy on the night you bed him. Other than that, I'm the only one who decides who gets told. Are we agreed?"
  1315. >"Yes ma'am!" in the expected unison.
  1316. "Thank you." I say "I know that's a severe restriction but I'm literally the only one that knows how to get the ingredients." Then I produce a thick four inch vial from my bra of purple liquid. "We call this ambrosia. And about this much will energize a man as good as any energy drink, with the added benefit of being able to get hard again and shoot a full load to boot."
  1317. "Now the energy fades when he cums and he feels the exhaustion of recent efforts at that point too. And while it won't actually heal anything, it can give a man strength enough to ignore some injuries. But that is a double edged sword. You need to make sure Billy is actually well enough to continue. Our farmgirl was pretty hard on Anon's hips that night as I recall."
  1318. >Apple Bloom blushed as she said "Duly noted." The other two had complicated smiles.
  1319. "Also it might occur to you to test this before you give it to Billy." I say smiling with an amusing memory. " Twilight did that and became what I can only call a horny mess. She excused herself from her study session with Anon before she ended up throwing herself at him before the sleepover. You're free to verify that with her of course."
  1320. >Scootaloo said "Moving on from that, you said Anon was our biggest supporter? It feels like a may have missed a few things there?"
  1321. I gave a hearty chuckle and said "Oh he has SUCH a light touch. I mean I get the rep as a schemer, and to be fair I earned it, but watching him work has been a treat! But to start to answer your question, I'll ask you why you're here to see me again?"
  1322. >Scootaloo answered with "Because you're the head girl and have the knowledge we need."
  1323. "Correct!" I said with a gleeful grin. "And how do you know that?"
  1324. >Scootaloo said "Because Anon... holy crap."
  1325. "Indeed!" I said with a wicked grin. "But you're missing the best part still! Me being head girl wasn't even a part of the portion of the story he was telling you! It wasn't in play until he had to decide which girl to fuck next. And he didn't talk to you about the fucking. Yet you still know because he jammed it into the story so you would come here today."
  1326. >Sweetie Belle had a bit of a dazed look "And WE laughed at HIM..."
  1327. "Oh Anon isn't laughing at you at all!" I said "Like I said, he's been your biggest supporter. But for all he's done, make no mistake, you girls made the choices that brought you here today. He would never talk to you about fucking Billy, for instance, but here you are unfazed when I mention it. All he's done is give you info that would help if you were interested in those choices."
  1328. "Here's a more obvious question," I say, "Who gets to decide who Billy can date? And who said so?"
  1329. >Apple Bloom replied "We do. And it's.. because Anon said so?"
  1330. "Yup!" I said "And he wanted you to nurture Billy like..?"
  1331. >Sweetie Belle said "Like how you girls, who had the hots for him, did for him? And now we know a little bit about the wild sex that caused to happen? This is a lot to take in."
  1332. "Then here's another one to blow your mind." I say. "As we know Billy is a lot like how Anon used to be. So no one will be able to get inside Billy's head better than Anon. That's why he introduced Billy to his girlfriends FIRST. And he tried his best to put our best features forward to help ease Billy's natural shyness. Fluttershy could help him get a pet and Applejack had already given him some epic apples and so on."
  1333. "By the time he was done with that," I say "Anon had won Billy's trust. And so Billy was able to trust when Anon said you girls wanted to be his friends. Without Anon, you girls might still be hard pressed to get two sentences out of Billy. But Anon had learned how vital having friends is, so he didn't want Billy to struggle there. And since you girls also wanted more friends, everyone benefitted. And if you girls decided you wanted more.. well then you would have the choice open to do that."
  1334. >Scootaloo said "Thank you for telling us all of this Sunset. This is a LOT to chew on.
  1335. "Meaning you're brains are almost at the limit of what they can handle." I said "Ok then I just have one more thing I need you to be aware of. Us girls all fucked Anon in front of each other and you might have to do the same with Billy. So get comfortable with that before it happens."
  1336. >In unison the girls said "Yes Sunset." and excused themselves.
  1338. You are FB. The second in command of the Changelings cartel. You are deep in the heart of your HQ which is in an allegedly abandoned building in Bogota, Columbia. And you are about to deliver bad news to your boss.
  1339. You are waived inside by the drone guard because you are expected. Inside the office is sparsely appointed and the furniture is clearly focused on being durable as opposed to fancy or elegant. Your boss doesn't personally care for opulence or excessiveness, preferring instead for a more simple approach.
  1340. You put your electrolarynx to your throat so you can speak. These days there were versions available that could mimic a variety of voices with the press of a few buttons and a trackball that let the user control their tone. Naturally you had one of the very best.
  1341. "Hello boss." I said. "I'm here with the report on our progress in Canterlot and it's not good news. Normally after a week we could expect over fifty percent infiltration at all levels in a town this size, but we are sitting at about three percent and even that is in flux. Further, when they manage to cancel our brainwashing, that person naturally tends to tell everything they know."
  1342. "The ability to break our brainwashing is rare, as is the knowledge of how to do it." I said "But apparently one of the first affected was some kind of low level psychic who figured out the 'how' and was right next to Anonymous, our main target, who 'could'. Even worse is there appear to be several more in that town that can do it and are actively helping our target. We've lost many drones to this as a result."
  1343. "We haven't been able to break their computer security, even with the best black hat hackers available for hire." I said. "The police, government, and even people of that town would much rather take a bullet than give up any of the town's children. We're also suddenly having difficulties with the levels of government above the town and several of our people in place either are, or suspect they are, under investigation and can't help us while that's happening."
  1344. "And as a result of THAT," I said "We have had to cut several other operations loose. We are actually in danger of starting to lose money every day. We are WELL beyond the point where any mildly competent advisor would say to give up on getting Anonymous for now ma'am. The fact is, our organization is taking heavy, but not yet irreversible, damage and eventually our rivals will notice and that won't be pretty."
  1345. >The boss mused "So the stakes are appropriately high then." With a smile. "As you well know, if I manage to sacrifice the green boy with enough love for seven, I will be able to take on an army. And if I manage to properly 'season' him first by torturing and killing all of his lovers in front of him beforehand, then no power on earth will be able to stop me. This has been promised. But if he become a legal man, it all goes away. We can't wait."
  1346. >"So it's time to take matters into our own hands" she said. "Will you come with me to Canterlot Commander Tempest? We shall ride into either glory or oblivion!"
  1347. "You can count on me boss!" I said.
  1349. >You are Anonymous and it is late in the afternoon on Friday, the tenth day of the semester. You, the girls, the Crusaders, and a few others have been working on a promotional charity video for the animal shelter this week. The reasons to do this are many. For yourself, you want to stay in the eyes of your classmates so you can run for Prom King. Others want to pad their college applications with charity work, and at the very least, everyone involved enjoys it.
  1350. >In a pleasantly surprising twist, it was Trixie who came up with a 'great and powerful™' idea for the video using the two age groups present to create the impression of a time lapse of several years to great effect. While there are other images mixed in, the main sequence is this.
  1351. >It starts with an exterior shot that shows the building's full signage and then tightens and zooms in to a shot of the front door and Fluttershy. Fluttershy has a welcoming smile as she opens the front door and welcomes you inside. Public domain music is playing over the entire video.
  1352. >Inside we see rows of cages with happy dogs inside them reacting to Billy who is here to get a pet and trying to narrow down a decision. Next we see Billy in a walkable space with a collie puppy for some one on one time to see if they like each other. The puppy is eager to play with Billy and licks his face repeatedly. We have a winner!
  1353. >Next Billy is at a counter with Fluttershy filling out paperwork. A computer graphic above Billy and Fluttershy is used to help show Fluttershy is making sure Billy has the supplies his new pet will need like dog food, a bowl for dogfood, water dish, shots, and bedding.
  1354. >Then a short montage of other folks at the counter with Fluttershy and listing out needs for other pets. Rarity gets a cat, Twilight gets an owl, Rainbow Dash gets a tortoise, Trixie gets a rabbit.
  1355. >Cut to an exterior shot in a park where Billy is walking his puppy and is approached by three girls. And despite the lack of actual dialogue, everyone KNOWS the girls are saying "Oh how ADOARBLE! Can we pet him please?" And Billy happily nods. The puppy seems to favor one of the girls above the others, but you'd have to know the girls to understand that Apple Bloom is made up to resemble a younger version of her sister Applejack, Stetson and all.
  1356. >Then the camera dissolves to an empty shot of the same park with a caption that reads "Three years later." Anonymous come into view walking an adult collie. He pauses so Applejack can catch up and hold onto his arm lovingly. The dog comes back to them for some attention and they both kneel down to pet the dog, wedding rings clearly visible.
  1357. >Oddly enough, I had been the only sticking point in getting this made, and then only for a couple of minutes as I considered something. When pressed I explained that I was wary of showing Billy as a 'before' picture of me because kids can be cruel.
  1358. >Phrased like that, even Trixie said she could understand where I was coming from. Seems she was a bit sensitive to feeling ostracized herself. She also said Billy was lucky to have someone looking out for him like that.
  1359. >But as I said, it was only for a couple of minutes because I realized with this idea, Billy could clap back "This 'before' picture has helped get thousands for charity. What has your face done?" And then I agreed to the idea.
  1361. >The next day, Saturday, me and my girlfriends, all 4 Crusaders, and a few others had gathered inside the Canterlot High gym for a self defense course overseen by a few CPD officers. And I had asked to do the first demonstration and cleared it with the officers.
  1362. "Hello everyone and welcome." I said "I'd like to start this off with an unscripted demonstration. Applejack could I ask you to join me down here on the mats please?"
  1363. >Applejack was plainly surprised by the invitation and maybe a little reluctant as she made her way down from the bleachers. "What do you have in mind here Anon?" she asked a little warily.
  1364. "Well the basic idea is I'm going to ask Pinky to time us for 30 seconds as you try to hit me." I said with a smile. Then the words came back, DUTIES OF THE KING: SEE TO THE COMMON DEFENCE. This was weird and I should probably tell someone about this.
  1365. >Applejack instantly responded with "Anon, I'm really not sure about this."
  1366. >Rainbow followed up with "Dude, we KNOW you have guts and aren't afraid to take a hit, but how is getting laid out by AJ going to help anyone?"
  1367. >Billy then chimed in "Uh yeah, you told us she was better than you in a fight. What are you doing man?"
  1368. "Look I get it. And none of you are particularly wrong." I said. "And under most conditions this wouldn't even cross my mind. But the fact is we find ourselves under attack and they may send in better fighters at some point. We have to be ready. We can't afford to fold just because someone is better at fighting. I could TELL Twilight and Fluttershy they can survive for 10 seconds with some practice, but they'll believe it more if I SHOW them."
  1369. "And that will also take some pressure off of our more capable fighters if they know folks can handle it for a bit. You girls told me we're all a team. Well this is how I can contribute to keeping our team up and swinging. Like I told the Crusaders, we're all going to survive to see our families."
  1370. Then I turned back to Applejack "So you can see that I've put proper thought into this. It's not really about the two of us. It's about helping our less combat capable friends be less scared should they get attacked. So it will help if you treat this seriously."
  1371. >Applejack was still a bit unsure, but said "Ah see what you're going for and it has some worth. Ok I'll help. Say when Pinkie." And she took up a position.
  1372. "Thank you." I said with a tight smile as I took up my own position and gave Pinkie a nod.
  1373. >Pinkie gave us a "Ready! Set! GO!"
  1374. >30 seconds later Pinkie called "TIME!"
  1375. >Applejack and I were both breathing heavy, but I was untouched!
  1376. >Rainbow was the first to ask "Dude, how?"
  1377. I bowed to Applejack respectfully and turned to face the bleachers. In between gulping down air I said "Good question. Thank you for asking! Does anyone in the peanut gallery have a guess first?"
  1378. >No one did.
  1379. "Alright, then I'll explain." I said. "First off Applejack is still a much better fighter than me, but I used cleverness in a couple of different ways here. First off, I put her directly up against the fighting talent I DO have of dodging and running away. Because that's what works for me. But there was more at work here. Billy, do you remember what I said about Applejack's fighting ability?"
  1380. >Billy recited "You said she has a talent for grappling that you don't."
  1381. >Folks nodded their heads at this fair assessment.
  1382. "That's correct." I said with a smile "Well done. Now in case someone doesn't know, grappling is like moves used in wrestling with holds and pinning and such. And if she had tried any of that, I'm basically toast."
  1383. "So I played dirty and told her to hit me instead. Which basically was telling her not to grapple." I said and watched folks perk up at that. "That meant she was having to ignore her first or second instinct which gave me a hair more time to react. And the lesson is this. If you are fighting for your life, don't play fair! Use anything you can to give you an advantage! We all want you to come out alive and intact."
  1384. "By the way, that trick would not have worked on Rainbow because she is not really a grappler, but rather a striker, someone who uses punches and kicks directly, so it would not slow her down in the same way. The lesson there is being able to properly assess your opponents strengths can also help you."
  1385. >Rainbow got a smug grin as I explained this. I could tell she had been thinking of asking me to give her a 30 chance as well. But now she understood my choice had a purpose for the training and she could accept that.
  1386. >Pinkie asked me "Wow Nonny. You put a lot of thought into this, so why did I get to hold the timer?'
  1387. "Well Pinkie, you already move around with a grace and fluidity that amazes many folks. The goal of this exercise was to show folks that moving around can help you survive much longer in a fight. So basically you got the timer because I don't think I can teach you much about movement."
  1388. "Alright that concludes my planned demonstration," I said "Please give Applejack a round of applause for her help as well and then we turn it over to the CPD."
  1389. >Everyone gave Applejack some applause and then the CPD ran us through some self defense drills for a couple of hours. That helped keep everyone's mind off of what was happening tonight.
  1390. >My parents had rented Sugarcube Corner out for a private party and invited my girlfriends and their families to attend. The Crusaders were going to help out as wait staff. The girls were as nervous about meeting my mom as I had been about meeting their dads.
  1391. >Sunset in particular was a bit more nervous than the others, which I put down to being an orphan in a family atmosphere. But that was my translation. What she had actually said was her parents weren't around and she had been on her own since she arrived in Canterlot. She also felt a bit more under the spotlight because she was the leader of the group and the head girl. And all I could do was tell her I was sure she would impress my parents as she had me.
  1392. >Billy was also a little nervous about tonight because it would be his public singing debut. We had decided to perform the announcement song we had done at the beginning of the semester, and I couldn't find it in myself to ask my dad, who should really just enjoy the show, or any other dad the lyrics that suggested the girls were sexually aggressive. So Billy was elected to voice the male supporting lines as well as help me with the chorus. The other Crusaders were diligently practicing with him to help when the chance arose.
  1393. >Pinkie took me aside to explain that I had made Maude really really happy. Seems she doesn't get exposed to many romantic stories and she really did enjoy all the surprise twists as well as the fact I didn't get to racy. Plus I told her she had equal rights with the other friends and family and stuck to it. Maude feels like an outsider a lot so she really enjoyed being included to a higher level than others.
  1394. >At least after tonight we could get back to what was a more 'normal' schedule for us. Meeting the parents had basically put sex on hold for the week for most of them and the girls were starting to get a little antsy about that judging by the increased attention I was getting as I passed any of them. The tweaks, pinches, unsubtle sliding of the hands on my body and such were all getting more common. The girls also understood that I was yearning for their affection in the same way when they had the chance to notice my continuing erection.
  1395. >But at least we should get that sorted soon enough and we also had a date night at the movies next Friday to look forward to. I didn't really care about what movie we were seing because I didn't think I was going to get much chance to watch it judging by how much the girls were grinning when it got brought up. Felt a bit bad for Billy though because the Crusaders were being sent along as chaperones and he probably WOULD have to watch the movie, whatever it was.
  1397. Mid Terms
  1399. >You are Anonymous and it's Friday night after the 15th day of school. You were wearing Sunset's colors underneath a jacket and some new pants Rarity had made for you. The weather wasn't horrible, but it wasn't the best either. There had been continuous light rain for the last several hours and it showed no sign of changing. Off to the East there was a thunderstorm actively creating quite a show with bursts of light suddenly appearing in sections of clouds and thunderclaps appearing many seconds after.
  1400. >Tonight was movie date night with your seven (7!) girlfriends. And while you were positive they all were looking great, the simple truth is their beauty was pretty well hidden by the jackets they had chosen to wear in case the weather turned worse. This made it harder to notice individual details aside from things like Pinkie's pockets being stuffed with handwrapped candy from Sugarcube Corner.
  1401. >As we all arrived I dutifully greeted everyone and made special effort to tell my ladies how good they looked and that I was looking very forward to their company this fine stormy evening. I made sure to greet the Crusaders as well and make sure they were all doing acceptably well in turn.
  1402. >The four Crusaders were here to act as chaperones. They couldn't actually stop any activity my girlfriends and I got up to, but whatever they reported would be believed by our newly networked parents, so that sounded effective enough to me. I didn't really think there would be any problems on that front though.
  1403. >And everyone of us had backpacks on in case we needed to fend off an ambush. We had all been surprised to hear that Crystal Prep had felt the need to do a 'Sing and sweep' with Principal Candace leading a singalong over the PA and the CPD doing sweeps after. Seven ambushers had been found and sixteen students rescued! Afterwards the CPD had conducted raids based on information gathered and another twelve young people were rescued as well.
  1404. >I was horrified things had gone this far even though Twilight assured me that impressive progress was being made. She also said it was being kept out of the news so other criminal organizations didn't go to war over newly available territory. Hopefully those areas would have a chance to heal, even in some small way, from the corruption the Changelings cartel had wrought.
  1405. >But there didn't seem to be anything I could do to thwart them other than remain free. For now, that would have to be enough.
  1406. >The movie theater complex we were going to was attached to an indoor mall. The mall would be closed by the time our movie ended, so we'd have to exit out the back. The movie chosen was the Mean Girls musical remake. It had a listed 8:20 start time and you had all arrived by 7:50. It took until about 8:10 to get the tickets and snack bar sorted with this many folks. Didn't help that the theater seemed to be understaffed. Now that I looked around, us and our two CPD escorts seemed to be the only customers.
  1407. >Unfortunately that made some sense. Covid and the rise of streaming services had hit movie theaters hard. In addition Hollywood studios were not making films a lot of folks wanted to see. It honestly would have made some actual sense to shut this theater down, but clauses in it's contract with the mall forbade that option except in extreme circumstances like the theater company declaring bankruptcy.
  1408. >Still, it presented an opportunity for the twelve of us to gather in a public place, yet enjoy relative isolation. Which was great for our date night situation.
  1409. So as we slowly moved down the large hallway towards the theater from the snackbar, I spoke up. "Hey ladies I wanted your opinion on something. As you know I voluntarily removed myself from the internet a hair over two weeks ago. Do you think it would be ok if I got back on the net?"
  1410. >Sunset said "Hmm. Give us a sec on that. Girls let's huddle up."
  1411. >The girls formed a huddle as I stepped back a couple of paces to give them some privacy. After about thirty seconds they all came up and Sunset said "Ok Anon. We'll add that as another prize in passing your tests tonight." with a wicked grin.
  1412. "Tests?" I asked. Her tone and facial expressions hinted at the kinds of thing we did in private, so I checked the other girls and their expressions did too. But whatever they had in mind couldn't be to excessive as we had four small talkative witnesses. "Sounds like it could be fun." I said, not wanting to back down or show fear.
  1413. >Sunset said "Well 'test' might be to strong a word. But it is safe to say we have a variety of activities planned." as she leaned in on my shoulder.
  1414. >Fluttershy added "Fun activities with our boyfriend." as she patted my butt from behind me.
  1415. >Twilight's voice appeared in my left ear saying with a smile "Just a few scenarios to play out."
  1416. >Applejack then said "And all you need to do mostly, is sit still." as she took a playful squeeze of my other buttcheek.
  1417. >Rainbow chimed in from in front of me with a big grin and said "Well not TO still. This isn't that 'Clerks' movie."
  1418. >Then Pinkie was in my right ear saying "We are going to have SO much fun!
  1419. >From my other shoulder, Rarity said with an impish grin "By the way Anonymous, now that you've worn them for a bit, how are those new jeans fitting you?" as she batted her eyes and traced a finger across my chest.
  1420. >Before I could reply, all of my other girls chorused "They look good to me!" and laughed.
  1421. "Rarity I'll say it again. These may be the best jeans I've ever worn. They fit nicely at the areas you ladies like to look, but they don't restrict my movement at all! I can't thank you enough." I said with a genuine smile.
  1422. >Rarity said "You're so very welcome Anon." with a grin and then added "And I may well remember you said that."
  1423. With a chuckle I said "Something tells me you absolutely will. Alright folks, it's a lovely hallway but I think it's about time we moved into the theater before we miss any more car insurance ads."
  1424. >Apple Bloom then said with a grin "Oh by the way Sunset, the girls and I wanted to thank you again for all of your help and support."
  1425. >Sweetie Belle said with a bright grin "Yeah it's really appreciated!"
  1426. >Billy said "She got me a mat for playing Go and I'm going to teach the girls!" with a wholesome smile.
  1427. >Scootaloo said "Yeah it's gonna be fun."
  1428. >Then while Billy was digging in his backpack for something, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all suddenly got wicked grins on their faces, looked at me, and said in unison "Good luck Anonymous!" while thunder cracked in the background!
  1429. >Those little backstabbers! They had no intention of reporting anything we did and my girls had made PLANS already to exploit that! Had to give them full marks for those preparations though. They had probably made arrangements with the CPD escorts as well. My instinct to pack extra underwear into my backpack seems to have been well placed. Now if I could just keep Twilight from snatching it somehow.
  1430. >Still there was nothing for it but to plunge ahead. Worrying about it would only waste energy I could be using to pay attention to my lovely girlfriends. This was still our first date night and I was committed to making it a success!
  1431. >So we made our way into the theater. My girlfriends and I sat in the center section in the third row from the back. We put our backpacks in the seats in front of us and our jackets in the seats behind us, taking full advantage of there being no other customers.
  1432. >The CPD officers each took a corner seat on either side section in the back row. Which afforded them a full view of the theater and some time to react if something hostile came through the entrance.
  1433. >The Crusaders went down all the way to the floor in front of the front row and laid down what looked like two emergency camping blankets on the floor which gave the impression of them being on a picnic. Their backpacks were beside them but they put their jackets in the front row.
  1434. >It was now 8:20, which was the listed start time, so we still had at least 20 more minutes of ads before the movie. Then I noticed something.
  1435. "Hey isn't the volume on those ads a little low?" I asked.
  1436. Sunset sported a wicked grin while answering "Yeah. It's one of the things we asked the girl at the snackbar to do for us tonight."
  1437. "'One of' huh?" I observed. "What did you have to do for her?" I asked.
  1438. >This time it was Twilight that answered. "We told her she could ogle our himbo boyfriend when we send you out for refills."
  1439. "Ah.. I see." Was the only response I could muster "Well anyways, the reduced volume on the ads works out nicely. You girls aren't the only ones that were working on a surprise after all."
  1440. >They all perked up at that and Rainbow replied "Oh really?"
  1441. "Yeah." I said with a grin of my own. "Billy and I have been working on a little something for tonight. It's pretty simple, but I'm hoping it's fun. Twilight can you link all of our phones to start when I hit play please?" I said as I handed her my phone.
  1442. >Twilight gave a simple "Yup." as I handed her my phone and ten seconds later I had it back and was heading down to the front of the theater.
  1443. "You ready Billy?" I asked, and got an affirmative nod. Then I set my phone down on a front row armrest, hit play and said "Five seconds." and got to my mark.
  1444. >All of the girls gave us a standing applause as we bowed and went back to our respective seats.

Duties of the King

by Tuesday