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The Journey

By HornyDerp
Created: 2024-11-25 00:44:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >You….are
  2. >You slowly…wake up?
  3. >You’re not sure how you’ve found yourself in this place
  4. >But now that you’re here, you feel vulnerable
  5. >It’s dark
  6. >But around you, you can feel warmth and light coming from different…things?
  7. >You cannot quite figure what they are
  8. >They aren’t all the same, and some are stronger
  9. >More attractive than others
  10. >Nothing around you feels right, and you keep moving
  11. >You wander in the darkness, noting the occasional light
  12. >Sometimes the lights get brighter, or two lights merge
  13. >You almost come closer to some, but ultimately decide to move along
  14. >Other times, a light strikes fear into you, and you dart off
  15. >You must find shelter
  16. >But then, you come across something new
  17. >In the distance, a group of lights close together
  18. >Some are particularly intense
  19. >You dart closer and closer
  20. >You come close to a particular light. It’s very intense, yet welcoming and warm
  21. >Suddenly, a second light
  22. >Different, yet very similar. It doesn’t quite draw you, it’s more….there?
  23. >You move towards the center of the light. It seems warm, and safe
  24. >You recoil as the two lights join and become even brighter
  25. >You can really feel the heat from where you are now
  26. >But it doesn’t overwhelm you
  27. >Instead, it calls to you even stronger than before
  28. >As if to say “it’s alright, you’re safe here. Come join me!”
  29. > You slowly move into the center of the light. The warmth is comforting
  30. >It makes you drowsy
  31. >The one light splits again, but you still feel warm and safe
  32. >You sometimes restlessly drift around, but never stray far from the reassuring call and warmth of the light
  33. >But then one day something changes
  34. >There’s a dim spot within the light
  35. >Curious
  36. >You draw closer
  37. >You already feel the warmth around you
  38. >But as you enter this dim space, the warmth spreads within you
  39. >The drowsiness returns
  40. >You feel like you could stay here
  41. >Sometimes you drift around, whether you mean to or not
  42. >You always make your way back to your refuge
  43. >But over time there’s more of a connection
  44. >Is this a refuge?
  45. >Or is it…you?
  46. >But it’s not just that
  47. >The other light isn’t as intense as when you found it
  48. >But there’s almost a sense that it notices you
  49. >There’s a back and forth…a sense that it’s glad you’re here
  50. >You’re not sure over how long, but you become dimly aware
  51. >Ear
  52. >hoof
  53. >but at the same time you also gradually get drowsy to the point of fading out amidst the warmth and the feelings of safety and care and….love?
  54. >You’re shocked back awake
  55. >Something’s moving you
  56. >Forcing you out
  57. >Eventually you pass from your space into a…passage?
  58. >It bares down on you again
  59. >And you wake up for a second time
  60. >You’re faintly aware you’re moving
  61. >Hooves?.... splayed in front and behind you
  62. >There’s lots of motion
  63. >Wherever you are keeps rising up, and then lowering and rolling over
  64. >But keeps pushing you forward
  65. >Push, push
  66. >From outside, struggle. Various other sounds you don’t quite comprehend
  67. >Eventually, with a powerful push, light
  68. >Breath
  69. >You fall and land on a soft surface
  70. >You’re wet all over
  71. >Wet and fuzzy
  72. >”Foal”? There’s other things with you. Like you, but bigger
  73. >And fluffier. Is this what you are?
  74. >But thought fades
  75. >A snout comes down
  76. >Snoof
  77. >Lick
  78. >There’s something special about this one you can’t place
  79. >Suddenly, another of the big ones cuts something off you
  80. >You pay it no mind, the special one has something hot coming from her….eyes?
  81. >She drapes her neck over you
  82. >Meanwhile, every instinct screams to use…your…..legs?
  83. >With some effort, and more than a couple tumbles, you stand
  84. >Another one comes in, slightly bigger than most of the others
  85. >You are slightly afraid, but he sniffs and rubs his snout to your neck, before turning to the special one
  86. >There’s something special about this one too
  87. >Meanwhile, you follow an urge to turn towards the first one’s rear
  88. >Thought has turned to instinct, you’re hungry
  89. >Welcome to Snowpitt

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