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Feral Regression

By HornyDerp
Created: 2021-12-14 02:00:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are an Earth Pony stallion
  2. >You are on your way back from a run to the market. Businesses tend to close early in a given area when most mares are synched and at there most severe cycles.
  3. >As well as the early spring estrus near Hearts and Hooves day. That one is a bit more drawn out, but almost never results in pregnancies even without precautions
  4. >Right now, it's two weeks from the Summer Sun Celebration. The more spiritually inclined, you included, believed it was a combined surge in the magical connection of love and life between ponies with the increasing power of the sun that allowed Ponies to create life
  5. >Of course nowadays, everypony learns the actual biology of estrus and reproduction in sex ed. Turns out the ponies of old were right about the sun. The increase in sunlight triggers hormonal glands blah blah blah
  6. >For those of a more spiritual bent, Hearts and Hooves and the Summer Sun Celebration both have ceremonies with elements dedicated to fertility and love overseen by Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia, and various local temples
  7. >Anyway, you/re almost home, and your cock is already slightly poking out of your sheath from ambient pheromones and anticipation
  8. >You've managed to mentally train yourself to stay in control if it's not your mare's scent
  9. >Your adorable little Unicorn. Well, not so little. She's a tall, spindly thing. Somewhat like Fleur-des-lis. She's not a supermodel like her, but you don't love her just for looks
  10. >She's great with potions and cooking, is one of the most outgoing and warm ponies you've ever met
  11. >and of course, she's always horny
  12. >that one still gets you a lighthearted kick to the side
  13. >You've been together for four years now. And you've decided that it's time to start a family.
  14. >And it's going to be quite the experience
  15. >Many couples trying to conceive, and even some who are not, like to let themselves go by letting their hormones and pheromones run wild
  16. >Some others take it a bit further and basically hot box their bedroom with potions to increase their mare's pheromone output
  17. >Of course, your lover has done this, as well as a potion for you to boost semen production. You're going to need it.
  18. >As you walk in the door and put your groceries on the table, you notice something on the floor. It's a small puddle.
  19. >This is where things get less common. Some ponies let themselves go, but you and your mare are part of a smaller subset
  20. >You like to let yourselves fully succumb to her estrus
  21. >Ponies haven't changed much in some ways from their ancient ancestors. One of the symptoms of estrus in mares is increased urination.
  22. >Before ponies were bestowed with the gifts of knowledge and discernment, one of the ways they would communicate was through smell. The most obvious being during estrus.
  23. >The increased urination was to allow the mare to leave a trail of her pheromones. Any stallions passing through would be able to tell if it was left by a healthy mare and which race.
  24. >Ponies today can still do this, but obviously take potions, stay home, or carefully time their sexcapades and bathroom breaks to deal with the need to piss more and other symptoms
  25. >Some however, are madly turned on by the idea of fully letting go and letting their mare communicate their need in the most ancient of ways. You often get conflated with some odd ponies who just like piss, regardless of their season or gender.
  26. >Unlike them, you don't do anything really nasty like getting peed on or.....drinking it. Some ponies...
  27. >Her peeing is just a vehicle for her pheromones alongside her vaginal juices and vapors
  28. >When you were younger, your family was a frequent visitor to the town's local shrine. You weren't affiliated to any larger temples, just believers in local elemental spirits and the ancestors.
  29. >As you reached adolescence, however, you found yourself drawn to the Temple of Princess Cadance. It was recently reorganized from the Temple of Empress Amore after the young Pegasus's ascencion.
  30. >You had always aspired to a larger family yourself, maybe even a herd. Though you later changed your mind on that second part. The Temple drew you, though not to the point of considering priesthood
  31. >One year, during the local Hearts and Hooves festival, you found some....interesting publications. Clearly an amature publication by unaffiliated stallions and mares
  32. >It changed your life....mainly by awakening your fetish and it's spiritual dimension
  33. >Of course, not all ponies who are into pheromones see it that way. They just see it as losing control and breeding like animals
  34. >For you, you and your mare are letting yourselves go. Channeling the spirit of your most distant ancestors and the primal fires of Love and the Sun. Potentially welcoming a new soul into your family.
  35. >Only this time, it won't be potentially
  36. >You were worried when you first explained to your mare that she might reject you, finding it too gross. Understandable, but disappointing. You assured her it would only be during some of her cycles and during the last two days, when she was most likely to ovulate. The first time, she nervously agreed to give it a try.
  37. >After all, you already had to do some extra cleaning from her weeping, winking horsepussy. What's a little extra cleaning?
  38. >Back in the present, that whiff from her pee has hit your vomeronasal organ. And your cock rapidly snakes the rest of the way out of your sheathe. From something so primal and lowly, you can almost smell her soul. Aside from instinctively knowing she's in good health, you can tell she's a Unicorn.
  39. >Since you first hit puberty, you've noticed the specific quirks of scent from the different tribes. Earth ponies smell....Earthy, like a foggy or damp field or forest. along with a stronger hit of the musk that all mares put out
  40. >Pegasi smell something like a sea breeze or the scent of fresh rain
  41. >Unicorns smell like ozone or lightning. You've never met any bat mares, but apparently they smell like a mix of Pegasi with fruit or flowers. Crystal ponies reportedly smell somewhere between Earth Ponies and Unicorns
  42. >Individual mares will have some slight difference to their Tribal scent. Your mare smells slightly herbal or minty along with the electric scent of the most magical Tribe, plus the musk of fertility that unites all mares
  43. >At least, that's how you'd explain it in a clear mind. Right now you can barely think. Your cock is repeatedly swinging up as you climb the stairs and smacking your belly, leaving drops of precum as you go
  44. >The door is cracked open. You both had anticipated trouble with something that normally simple. Your wild plains ancestors had no use for doors. Her potion has clearly done its job. You can already smell a thick fog of her scent and unknowingly step in another puddle.
  45. >Without thinking, you again raise your lip, take a whiff, and raise your head to the sky as you take in you mare's essence, letting it flow through your nose and lungs and effusing your body and mind with the ancient call of Life
  46. >you reach out with your hoof and open the door. There stands your mare, your lover, soon to be the mother of your foals.
  47. >With your fading sapient thought, you attempt to say "Hey horny"
  48. >Whinny
  49. >Yep. You are no longer a modern Equestrian Earth Pony, sophisticated and civilized
  50. >You are a wild horse. The spirits of all your ancestors, going back to those ancient, barely thinking days on the prehistoric fields course through you. Following the intense spiritual fires engulfing both of you, calling out to a new soul seeking a body and a family
  51. >So is your mare. She gives a tense snort and nicker before raising her tail painfully high, raising her rump, pushing it toward you, and winking intensly
  52. >the sight of her clitoris poking out to say hi draws your attention hypnotically. You stick your snoot under her tail, and take another deep whiff. It's not going to affect your consciousness any deeper. You are truly drowning in HER
  53. >You give her a few bites on the flank and messily lick her vulva and her vaginal opening. There's no finesse here, just instinct
  54. > she gives a short whinny and pushes you back
  55. >She spreads her hind legs further apart, squats slightly, and sustains a wink
  56. >There's a noise of water hitting the floor.
  57. >You bend your neck down and take one last whiff. Your cock is completely tense and weeping against your belly. There is nothing but you, her, and her most basic primitive signal
  59. >You are more than happy to oblige
  60. >you rear up on your hind legs, wrap your forelegs around her barrel and start blindly trying to thrust into her
  61. >On the fourth try, you find her searing, overflowing entrance mid wink
  62. >as her vulva drop back down, you slide past her folds and slightly up to her vaginal entrance
  63. >a tight ring of muscle that clenches and tightly grabs your penis once you're in. It almost jerks you off along with her tight, rippling muscular convulsions. Mares are instinctively able to contract all their muscles, but you swear she must practice
  64. >You overcome the resistance in one hard thrust and are engulfed in an overwhelming, tight, wet, smooth heat
  65. >You hear a squelch as her off-yellow fluids are forced out around your cock.
  66. >Now the only thing about letting go is that you don't tend to last long. As ponies evolved, they became able to last longer and find techniques to extend things. Wild ponies had to mate fast. They lasted a few thrusts at most and often would cum just from the action of their mare's vagina. Fast breeding allowed fast escape from predators or other dangers.
  67. >That's what your potion was for. It increases your semen production and conversely decreases your refractory period. You both took your potions two hours before you left for the market.
  68. >Right now, you already have bitten down on your mare's neck. You only give four hard, deep thrusts into your wife's intensly, turbulently churning and rippling vagina. Her entrance is tightly jerking you off with every wink
  69. >You are prodding slightly into her dilated cervix before you flare and open up her womb
  70. >Seconds later, or maybe an eternity, you feel your cock kick upwards as your seed pours into her womb. She instinctively clamps down and humps back into your short, jabbing thrusts.
  71. >Your consciousness has fully broken down. You are one being of light, pulsing together. You are countless Ponies of ages past, going all the way back to those most ancient fields preparing the way for another life to enter your world
  72. >Another eternity of pumping and thrusting, your cock flops out and you drop down to the floor. Within a couple minutes you're rock hard again
  73. >This will be a long night
  74. >You are a modern Equestrian Earth Pony again, tightly holding your Unicorn potion mare in bed. She has her hindquarters in the air, partly resting on pillows and partly on you
  75. >Thanks to your semen potion, you were able to achieve five or six quick, animalistic mating rounds
  76. >about as long as two sessions had you been able to think more clearly.
  77. >You opened your windows and ran some fans to mostly clear the scent out of your room. You hope there weren't any stallions overhead. Nopony likes flying into a surprise, rock hard boner
  78. >You also cleaned up your lover's little messes yourself so she could keep all your seed deep inside
  79. >You swear you can almost feel a third presence with you, or maybe that's just your anticipation for finally getting to know your foal in eleven months. You would be surprised if this cycle wasn't the one given all the mating you've done even before going feral. Tomorrow you'll be running on the plains some more, but something tells you it will be a formality at that point. A fun, cosmic, erotic formality. You do wish it didn't involve cleaning up pee, but that's the hand Ponies were dealt at creation. And you chose to embrace it.
  80. >You and your mare drift into Princess Luna's realm, you with a slight tear in your eye, as you look forward to another day of the most intimate love between two Ponies
  81. >"I love you so much, my horny little ma- ow!"

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Feral Regression

by HornyDerp