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/kinder/ /mlp/ SCP-092

By Anonistrator
Created: 2020-10-22 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-01 20:11:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Item # SCP-092
  3. Object Class: Euclid
  5. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-092 is to be kept near SCP-064's containment room as much as possible, preferably in a specially-built play room filled with toys and other entertainment (See Incident-092-1). Whenever possible, SCP Ponysonnel should offer to share their candy and desserts with SCP-092 in an attempt to cheer them up. Interaction between SCP-064 and SCP-092 should be allowed if SCP-064 requests to see SCP-092.
  7. Description: SCP-092
  9. SCP-092 is an orange mare with a black mane, and no cutie mark. Attempts to get SCP-092's name have been unsuccessful. SCP-092 is in a constant state of sadness, and will cry non-stop and ignore all attempts to cheer them up, with the only known variation in this behavior being during interactions with SCP-064 (See Incident-092-1). SCP-092 will lay curled up in a ball on the ground, sobbing to herself
  12. SCP-092: *Sad horse noises*
  15. Incident-092-1: During a Containment Breach by SCP-064, SCP-092 was discovered by SCP-064 in SCP-092's personal playroom. SCP-064 was seen to approach SCP-092, and sit beside her, attempting to comfort her. SCP-092 responded with her first know deviation from her normal routine, by looking up at SCP-064, sniffling, and jumping unexpectedly at SCP-064; embracing SCP-064 in a hug and crying loudly into SCP-064's neck. SCP-064 attempted to calm down SCP-092, and the two sat in this position for several hours.
  17. After two (2) hours, SCP-064 stood up with SCP-092 in it's arms, who by this point had almost stopped crying. SCP-064 [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-092 on her muzzle, stating that it would "come back soon." SCP-092 was seen to nod her head in response, before SCP-064 left the room and left the facility. SCP-092 was seen to begin crying again after SCP-064 had left the area.

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