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The Nicest Sunset
By milfnonCreated: 2025-01-10 04:47:55
Updated: 2025-01-13 03:19:58
Expiry: Never
>Be of age anon.
>Be in bed, mentalling preparing yourself for the day as you scroll your phone.
>The schoolyears had not been kind to you but this was it, this was your year for sure.
>You'd managed to deal a deathblow to your plans for college this year by falling victim to senioritis and were being forced to repeat your senior year of school at Equestria High.
>Summerschool had also been a failure, but you were determind now.
>This was a new Anon, an Anon with experience and drive.
>This was an Anon with something to prove!
>This was an Anon who had a sister who would never let you live it down if she managed to graduate before you did.
>You checked your phone's clock, 6:45.
>Fifteen minutes to go time.
>You sigh, swinging yourself out of bed and planting your feet on the ground as you stretch your arms out.
>Time for the Triple S special.
>Who are you kidding even if there was anything to shave you wouldn't have time for it.
>You turn on the shower to get the water warm as you plant your cheeks on that wonderful porcelain.
>You'd had freezers on your ass that felt water.
>Alright that was a lie but Equestria that toilet was cold.
>You finish your business quickly and are rewarded by a warm shower.
>September had brought an early cold front this year, no snow or anything but the cold mountain air in the morning did little to motivate you out of bed.
>Keeping your shower short, you stepped out and quickly toweled off.
>Once dry, you dug into your dresser.
>Eventually you found some relatively comfortable clothes, nothing fancy but comfort is king here.
> Finally ready for the day you exit your room with five minutes to spare, necessitating a pat on the back.
>The self congratulation stops as you arrive in the kitchen, spotting her.
>"Morning." You venture, doing your best to be cordial.
>Sunset doesn't even look up from her phone as she continues to eat her breakfast cereal, wheatie-os or whatever retarded pony pun y'all want to make.
>You pay her indifference no mind, grabbing a bagel and a generous helping of strawberry cream cheese before grabbing your backpack off of its peg in the front entryway.
>As you do Sunset pushes past you without a word, her blue and purple friends waiting in a car outside.
>She waves her hands in greeting as she slides into the car which quickly speeds off.
>Not to be outdone the equally as cool method of transportation (at least you hope so.) of your local schoolbus pulls up at the stop on the corner where your house is.
>You waste no time, climbing aboard and waving at the friendly scruffy fellow who serves as your bus driver before finding a seat in the back.
>As the brakes squeal in protest from being released you take the time to reflect on your situation.
>There had actually been a time when you were kids where you and your sister Sunset Shimmer had gotten along but it seemed like those times were long gone.
>Between your inability to maintain her vision of you as her big brother and the influence of her friends as they pointed out your place in the social standing it had been some time since she'd even spoke to you.
>You sigh, it wasn't that you hated her and you don't think she even hated you but at this point things felt so set in stone it would take a miracle to change her opinion of you.
>One thing at a time though, first you had to graduate this year.
>As the bus arrived at its destination you stepped out into the parking lot and headed for the front entrance.
>Scruffy kept a tight enough schedule that you were here before most of the main bustle so you were quick to get inside and head to class.
>You arrive at your same locker, but a quick glance to the locker next to yours serves as a reminder that you are the only student from your previous classes that was still here.
>You hadn't made a ton of friends or anything but your boys had moved on to college leaving you alone and forced to either go it alone or branch and make new friends.
>You head to your first class, the bane of your existence.
>Frankly whoever had decided that math should be in the morning clearly had a thing for torturing poor high school students.
>The day passes quickly enough with little fanfare. The teachers introducing themselves, some recognizing you and giving disappointed looks before moving on to the rest of the class.
>You let it slide off of you as best as you can, you had no one to blame but yourself this time.
>But still, even at least one smile would've made the day easier.
>After your morning periods and lunch are over, you find yourself in your favorite class.
>You'd already done your share of electives and just needed some other credits so your time after lunch was basically a free period and you'd chosen to fill it with something you enjoyed.
>It seems like history was a common topic for dudes to enjoy but that wasn't going to stop you.
>You stepped into the classroom as your favorite teacher Ms. Harshwhinny wrote her name on the chalkboard at the front of the room.
>You were early so you grabbed a seat close to the front as other students began to filter in.
>As Ms. Harshwhinny finished her preparations she scanned the room, her eyes meeting yours.
>She cocked a questioning eyebrow but gave you a nod before she began to address the class.
>"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Ms. Harshwhinny." She said as she underlined her name on the chalkboard.
>"-and welcome to Government History. Let's start by going around the room, saying our name and something interesting about ourselves."
>God you'd missed that monotone voice that somehow sounded simultaneously completely exasperated and wholly uninvolved in the current topic.
>Truly best pony.
>The order goes around the room, you pipe up as it comes to you to say your name and also mention your extensive knowledge of Indonesian Sock Crocheting.
>There's some giggles around the room, apparently they thought you'd been joking.
>You would never joke about your precious kaus kaki.
>As the introductions continue, you begin to zone out until suddenly a familiar voice pierces through.
>"My name is Sunset Shimmer and I am captain of the Girls' Volleyball team."
>You turn to stare at your sister as she smirks to the room before sitting down.
>It was true, you'd actually gotten her into volleyball when you were younger and she'd stuck with it throughout middle school and high school.
>She was a deadly spiker and surprisingly effective blocker who kept a high tempo with aggressive hits and blocks to keep pressure on the enemy team.
>If she had realized you were in the classroom with her, she gave no indication of it as she sat back down and the intros continued.
>You returned your gaze to the front, paying attention as Ms. Harshwhinny began to explain the syllabus and assignments.
>You shouldn't be too surprised that you shared a class with her considering you were both in the same year but somehow it hadn't occurred to you that this could be a possibility.
>That said it made little difference. If she wouldn't talk to you at home, being in class together would likely be the same.
>Better to just concentrate on school that wondering about your sister.
>As the hour wrapped up Ms. Harshwhinny gave out assignments for the night, dismissing the class.
>Before you could leave however she approached your desk but thankfully her expression looked fairly neutral.
>"Mr. Anonymous, why are you in my class? I'd heard you'd run into some... trouble however you passed my class last year without issue. Why have you decided to take it again?" She asked.
>You explained the situation, your necessary credits are being taken care of however your free period after lunch served as an opportunity to take a class you enjoyed but didn't need.
>She listened and nodded to your explanation.
>"I see. I'm glad you still seem to enjoy History, however I don't want you to simply repeat the same material again."
>She looked away for a moment, staring out the window apparently in thought as she fiddled with her polo neck.
>"Very well. if you'll be in my class again this year I will expect a little more out of you than the others. Would you object to serving as my teacher aide for the year?"
>Your eyes widened at the question, but you had a quick answer.
>"I think that would be a good idea Ms. Harshwhinny, thank you."
>You still got it, Anon.
>Ms. Harshwhinny nodded, her features softening ever so slightly but still staying neutral.
>"Splendid. I expect you to help out your fellow students with questions if they have any and assist me with smaller things when you can. For today, do me a favor and please make me fifty copies of each of these practice sheets for tomorrow. Return them to me before you leave for the day." She instructed you.
>You nod, taking the two papers hands you and sliding them into your binder for protection as she returned to her desk to prepare for her next class.
>"Thanks, Ms. Harshwhinny!" You offer as you get up from your desk.
>"Thank you, Mr. Anonymous." She replied without looking up as she began to scratch some notes into a pad of paper on her desk.
>This was actually perfect timing, your next period was just homeroom and Mrs. Cheerilee was usually very open to allowing you to go to the library during the period.
>In the past it had been to use the school computers but now you had a legitimate reason.
>With a hall pass in hand you quickly found the library, using the printer to make copies of the practice sheets after explaining to the librarian your role as Ms. Harshwhinny's teacher aide.
>You slid the papers into a manilla folder, marking it as "History" in case you should need it again in the future.
>The rest of the day passed quickly.
>You finished your classes, dropped off the copies you'd made to your waifu and were now riding back home on the bus.
>You think again about Sunset, she'd be in the school gym for the next couple hours with volleyball practice and you likely wouldn't see her when she got home either.
>It was going to be a do your homework and then go to bed kind of day, your graduation demanded it.
>You waved goodbye to Scruffy as you stepped off the bus onto your front lawn.
>You called out a greeting to your mom as you stepped inside, who excitedly asked you how things had gone.
>You relayed the events of the day, new classes, your new role as Ms. Harshwhinny's teacher aide and the work you had now that you were at home.
>Your mom's concern was evident, repeating a grade wasn't exactly a great sign but you had promised to stay on the straight and narrow this year and she'd trusted you.
>You didn't plan to violate that trust either.
>You moved to the kitchen table as your mom started on dinner, moving through several mind numbingly boring assignments inbetween doing small things to help her.
>Thankfully with it only being the first day the assignments were fairly simple if they posed any sort of challenge at all.
> Hell your English homework was simply writing your name and a sentence describing you.
>How on earth had you flunked last year?
>You're broken out of your occupation with homework as the sound of screeching tires and shitty music blares from your front lawn signalling Sunset's return.
>"Welcome home, Honey!" Your mom says, greeting Sunset as she comes through the front door.
>You strain your ears a bit to try and catch some of their mumblings as she asks Sunset similar questions but can't quite catch anything concrete.
>You figure the small amount left can wait until after dinner and begin to pack up your books and binder back into your backpack.
>You pass your mom as you move back towards your room, catching a glimpse of Sunset going into he rown dark room before she disappears behind the slam of her door.
>You drop off your things in your room before moving back to the kitchen, offering your full attention to her as you finish preparing dinner.
>Dad was out of town as he often was, being a pilot kept him busy so you tried to help out your dear old Mom when you could.
>With dinner ready, you set the table for two, her and you.
>It was rare for Sunset to join you, usually electing to wait until after you and your mom had finished to grab whatever was left.
>Your mom notices the placements however and stops you.
>"Why don't you go see if your sister wants to join us, Nonny?" She asks, sounding hopeful to have dinner as a family.
>You try your best to not make a face, you didn't want to bother your sister if you didn't have to but you weren't gonna say no to your mom either.
>You simply nod, setting a third spot before walking over to Sunset's door.
>You knock a couple times.
>You knock a couple more times.
>"Hey Sunset you in there?" You ask.
>You hear a muffled "ugh" followed by footsteps before the door opens.
>"What do you want, dweeb?" She asks, her eyebrows narrowed in annoyance.
>Frankly it could've been a lot worse.
>"Mom wanted to see if you'd join us for dinner tonight. Lasagna." You answered, hoping to pique her interest.
>Her eyes narrow further and she looks past you towards the kitchen, obviously not overjoyed at the prospect.
>"...fine." She finally says, stepping out and closing the door behind her and moving passt you and into the kitchen.
>You follow her and sit across from her with your mom inbetween you who is clearly excited at having most of the seats at the table filled for once.
>Dinner is quiet.
>Your mom does her best to stimulate conversation but Sunset keeps her answers brief and doesn't even seem to acknowledge you.
>After a tense meal you feel relieved when your mom grabs the empty dishes, obviously a bit bummed at how little had been said but still somewhat excited at having both of you at the table.
>Sunset seizes the opportunity, disappearing back into her room where you do not see her again for the rest of the day.
>After helping your mom with dishes you retire as well, finishing up your homework before getting ready for bed, another exciting day ahead of you tomorrow.
>It's been a week since the start of school, your body slowly adjusting to the routine.
>You feel your inner garfield demon's rage pulse through you as your phone alarm interrupts your dreams of Harshwhinny.
>Is it too late to change focus and make this a steamy anon x harshwhinny fic?
>You groan, slowly removing your covers and allow the invading cold to eat away at you as you plod yourself to the bathroom and get ready for the day.
>Being Ms. Harshwhinny's teacher's aide had been surprisingly enjoyable, outside of the minutia of what was essentially gruntwork.
>Being able to support her and your classmates by answering questions on the side was really what had you stoked.
>As you finish your bathroom routine and step out fully dressed ou catch a fleeting glimpse of your sister exiting out the front door as you go for your usual bagel but any opportunity for reflection was lost as you hear your bus stopping outside.
>After a quick bustrip you're headed for your locker before you head to class.
>"Yooo, what's up Anon?" A dude's voice calls out to you.
>Holy shit it's Flash Sentry.
>You'd discovered you were lockermates last week, you had heard of him but were surprised at how pleasant he was to be around.
>"Morning, Flash." You respond, casually reciprocating his fistbump before closing your locker and answering his question. "Nothing much, man. Just headed to math."
>Flash nodded as he stuck his face into his locker. "Cool dude, see you at lunch?" He asked from the depths of Davey Jones.
>You'd had to make friends somewhere but this had worked out better than you'd imagined.
>"Sounds good, Flash." You answered.
>He poked his head back out to flash you a grin before closing his locker and shouldering his backpack.
>"Right on. Alright later, Anon I gotta go see a man about a horse."
>His eyes suddenly leave yours, looking at something behidn you with a piqued interest.
>You turn and follow his gaze to see Shining Armor and his sister Twilight Sparkle walking down the hallway while holding ha-
>"Yo Twilight, wait up!" Flash calls out.
>He flashes a peace sign to you as he jogs down the hallway towards the now waving Twilight as Shining Armor casually slides his hands into his pockets.
>Were they?
>You breathe a quick prayer to the wind for Flash and his chances with purplesmart while simultaneously breathing a sigh of relief.
>Your own waifu is safe, for now.
>The day passes quickly and before you know it it's already lunchtime.
>You find your seat beside Flash and some of the other guys on the school's football team.
>Unsurprisingly the chad Flash was the captain of the wonderbullets or whatever your school's team was called.
>"So dude, what are your plans for school since you got an extra year here? You doing any dual credit stuff?"
>Flash's question surprises you, nearly costing you one of your tater tots as you do your best to finish chewing it after nearly losing it from jumping.
>"I'm honestly not totally sure, Flash. I'm definitely going to college if I can though I haven't looked into any dual credit classes." You answer truthfully, no need for the usual fluff you give prying adults.
>"That's cool dude. I'm hoping to snag a scholarship myself. My old man's a civil architect, I've been thinking it might be cool to follow in his footsteps."
>How is this dude so cool?
>Your thoughts are interrupted as you spot a familiar black leather jacket sitting down several tables away from you alongside some familiar blue and purple girls but next to an unfamiliar blue leatherman jacket.
>Flash notices your lack of attention and subtle nostril flair as he follows your gaze to Sunset.
>"Oh dang dude, Sunset Shimmer? I don't know man, I think she and Thunder Lane have been talking."
>You turn to stare at Flash in confusion who quickly catches that his assumption had been wrong.
>"Sorry, thought you were staring cuz you liked her or something."
>"She's my sister, man." You respond.
>Flash's jaw drops. "Wait you two are related?"
>"Not by blo-"
>sike, just kidding
>had you going though didn't I?
>"Yeah, she looks like our mom and I look like our dad but we're related."
>Flash's look of surprise doesn't fade but he nods as you both return to staring at Sunset Shimmer and presumably Thunder Lane.
>"Don't worry dude, he's a nice guy. I can introduce you later if you want."
>What a bro, but it would probably just annoy her.
>"Nah I'm good, thanks Flash. I'm sure he's a nice guy like you said."
>Flash just nods and you return to eating though now you have another topic occupying your mind aside from your future.
>Those can wait for later as the bell rings and you wave goodbye to Flash as you head for history.
>Something inside of you was hoping Sunset might be closeby when you did so but no such luck.
> You step inside of Ms. Harshwhinny's class, making eye contact with her as you sit down.
>Her features soften into the closest thing you've ever seen to a smile from her as you unpack your backpack.
>All issues aside you can die a happy man now.
>As the rest of the class filters in Harshwhinny summons you to the front of the room with a "come thou" motion of her finger.
>She hands you a small stack of papers, some sort of quiz.
>"Go ahead and pass these out for me please." She asks before turning to the board and beginning to write something on it.
>You comply, walking down each row and depositing a paper to each student though you notice with some urgency that Sunset appears to be late.
>Maybe this Thunder Lane guy wasn't as nice as Flash thought.
>Just as you get to the last desk with two papers still in hand the door opens and Sunset steps inside the room just beside you.
>Before she can get a chance to go to her desk you quickly offer her a page.
>"Here." You state simply as you extend your arm holding a paper to her.
>She snatches the paper from you without a word before moving to one of the empty desks.
>You internally shrug it off and return to your seat, concentrating on the quiz as Ms. Harshwhinny gives instructions on filling out the quiz and bringing it to her desk once you're finished.
>You finish your quiz quickly, this is essentially review after all, and drop your test off at Ms. Harshwhinny's desk.
>She simply nods and hands you a worksheet.
>"Go make me some copies since you're done already please." She asks.
>A hallpass and a brisk walk later you find yourself in the library again, the librarian already familiar with you as you make your copies and return to the class.
>Ms Harshwhinny nods gratefully and then points to the classroom.
>"Do me a favor and distribute those to the students who have already finished their tests please and then come back so you can help me grade them."
>After a quick distribution, she hands you an answer key and half of the pile of turned in quizzes.
>You move to the Aide's desk off to the side and start grading.
>As you go along you come to Sunset's quiz.
>She's gotten nearly every answer wrong, much to your surprise.
>Sunset isn't dumb, quite the opposite in fact. You weren't sure how she could be getting a failing grade on a quiz this easy.
>You finish grading the quizzes and return to Ms. Harshwhinny, the classroom now empty aside from the two of you.
>"Thank you, Mr. Anonymous. You're making things much easier for me this year." She said appreciatively as you handed the papers to her.
>Anything for you my Queen.
>"You know that red haired girl seems fairly interested in you."
>Ms. Harshwhinny's comment cuts your inner simp monologue short.
>"...You mean Sunset?" You ask.
>"Yes, that's her name. She seemed to be staring a hole in the back of your head for most of the period.
>Well that was a surprise, why would she be doing that?
>Or maybe you'd pissed her off and she'd been trying to telepathetically induce a blood clot in your brain.
>"Oh, she's my sister." Her mouth opens. "Yes we're related."
>Her mouth closes and she nods in thought.
>"I see, I suppose that does make sense. Well carry on Mr. Anonymous, thank you again for the assistance and see you tomorrow."
>You give her a you too and make a clean exit before you get any marinara on her desk.
>More Sunset food for thought it seems, as if there wasn't enough questions being raised about her in your mind already.
>The day ends quickly and before you know it you're stepping off the bus and waving bye to scruffy.
>Your mom's car is absent and there's a note on the fridge inside explaining she'd gone to run errands and would be back after dinner so reheat leftovers or make something yourself.
>You check the inside of the fridge.
>About the only thing that catches your eye is a block of cheese.
>You glance at the counter and there are still some tortillas left.
>That's a recipe for quesadillas if you've ever heard one.
>You grab a pan and turn on the stovetop, tossing on some cooking oil.
>The secret to good quesadillas? Good oil and salt.
>After a while you have a respectable pile of quesadillas on a plate, probably more than you could eat.
>You hear the front door slam and see Sunset walk past the kitchen and to her room.
> Perhaps this was an opportunity.
>You split the pile in half onto a second plate and walk with it to her room.
>You give a quick knock on the door. "Hey, mom is gone so I made dinner." you call out.
>The door swung inside, revealing your sister who glances at you, down to the pile and then back to you.
>You just extend your arm with the plate towards her, after a couple seconds she takes it from you.
>"Thanks." She says as she moves to close the door, opportunity is slipping away quickly.
>"Hey I saw your quiz in Ms. Harshwhinny's class, everything going okay in school." You blurt out, trying to beat the door.
>She flinches momentarily but quickly starts glaring daggers at you. "What?"
>"The quiz, I saw your quiz when I was grading it and I was surprised at how much you missed. I just thou-"
>"Stay out of my business, dweeb!" She shouts, her finger jabbing accusatorily into your chest. "I don't want your help" Poke. "I don't need your help." Poke.
>Point taken.
>"Sorry, just thought I would offer to help if you needed it but you're right it's none of my business. I'll leave you alone."
>There is the slightest hint of regret in her eyes but it's gone before you can even register it and you quickly find yourself staring at a closed door.
>Not the best way to broach the topic but what's done is done.
>You resign yourself back to the kitchen, munching absentmindedly on quesadillas as you do your homework for the day.
>By the time you're getting ready to take a break your mom returns and samples some of your quesadillas.
>"Great job on these, Anon!" She says, giving you a quick side hug.
>Lova ya ma.
>Eventually though the hour grows late and you decide to retire for the day.
>Ms. Harshwhinny is waiting for you after all.
>You're now deep into October with the school getting ready for the Fall Formal next week.
>For your part, you've been doing well in school.
>Not a failing grade in sight.
>Sunset seemed to have taken your inquiry as a call to action and her grades in History had improved.
>They weren't amazing but improvement is improvement.
>You were just getting to your locker when Flash greets you.
>"Morning, Anon! You excited for the formal next week? He asked.
>You hadn't really given it much thought beyond helping set it up as one of the TAs.
>"I guess. You got a date yet?" You asked, trying to keep the conversation moving.
>"Yup! Finally got Twily to agree to go as my date! I'm so psyched for this man, this is my shot."
>"Nice." You give him a congratulatory brofist.
>"What about you man, found a date yet?"
>Ms. Harshwhinny had taken your invite to the formal as a joke and had instead offered the opportunity to chaperone with her.
>Close enough.
>"Nah I'm gonna be chaperoning with the teachers so no date for me."
>Flash grinned cheekily.
>"It's alright man, maybe she'll warm up to it after you graduate."
>Damn it Flash you leave my waifu out of this.
>You part ways and head to class, the conversation leaves a question in your mind however.
>Does Sunset have a date? Maybe that Thunder Lane guy?
>It didn't seem like Sunset was dating anyone as far as you could tell but with how little you interacted with her you wouldn't be surprised if she was.
>Speaking of you caught a glimpse of her along with her two friends you always see around, the purple and blue one.
>Ariana and Sonia or something like that.
>You don't quite remember when Sunset became friends with them but you know you've seen them around for quite some time.
>You hope they're positive influences.
>Altruisitc ideation aside you have a math class to survive.
>Eventually you get back to your favorite part of the day, History class.
>Today's a review day in anticipation of the first exam coming this Friday so Ms. Harshwhinny has you at the TA desk to help with classmate questions.
>The first few are easy, just confirming dates and offering various mnemonic devices to help with memorization.
>Most of the class is studying on their own with students lining up either in front of Ms. Harshwhinny's desk or your own.
>You work through the line quickly and eventually your line is empty and Ms. Harshwhinny has two left; Some student you don't recognize and... your sister.
>Ms. Harshwhinny appears to be in a deep conversation regarding the supply lines of Medieval Canterlot and Farasi in conjunction slavery as a commodity.
>You are thankful to not be part of that conversation.
>Wait isn't this a Govt History course?
>Sunset looks conflicted, the conversation in front of her doesn't seem to be going anywhere but the alternative is you.
>You try to appear as friendly and inviting as possible.
>With a huff Sunset seemingly swallows her pride and sits down across from you, pulling out her textbook.
>"I don't want to hear it just help me out." She says curtly as she sits down laying out her textbook.
>"How are you keeping this info down? It feels like I read and read and nothing quite sticks. Sometimes I'll keep some of what she lectures on but otherwise it feels like I'm sturggling."
>You're surprised.
>The question is sincere, lacking in malice.
>"You probably learn similar to me, Sunset. I know with other courses it was easy enough to learn concepts and apply them from there but there isn't anything like that here beyond learning how different types of governments function. It's straight memorization."
>"It worries me that you're saying the other classes were easy enough since this is the only one you did well in." Sunset comments.
>I mean she's not wrong but she didn't just have to go and SAY IT.
>"Fair point but considering this is the course I did well in let me finish." You say, not wanting to fight with her.
>She takes the cue and nods, letting you continue.
>"For me things clicked once I had a goal in mind. That part's up to you, could be just be something as simple as passing."
>You elect to decline to provide your own goal, you feel like mentioning you have the hots for your History teacher probably isn't going to advance the conversation in any meaningful direction.
>"Once I had that goal, what I found worked best was a combination of reading my textbook and listening to videos about what I was reading. Something about hearing and reading it seems to make it go down easy. Here I can send you a few that I used."
>You pull out your phone, pulling up some of your favorite history youtubers and their videos on the particulars the exam was covering and text them to her.
>"I would start with those. If you have other topics to go over try the channels for those videos, they're some of my favorites. Or feel free to text me and ask."
>Sunset is staring down at her phone not making eye contact, browsing through what you'd sent her.
>Eventually she stands up, grabbing her textbook.
>"Thanks." She mutters before exiting the classroom.
>You look up at the clock, class isn't even out for another ten minutes.
>Probably better to just leave it be.
>It was nice though, harkened you back to when you were younger and she would ask you questions about the world and take your word for it when you explained as best as you could.
>When had you lost this?
>You start to think back to when you got into middle school.
>You and Sunset had been quite close up until then but with the new focus on school and no longer being in the same building a natural divide had occurred.
>By the time she'd reached middle school the next year she had found new friends and you two were barely on speaking terms.
>High school had only furthered the gap.
>Maybe this had been your fault all along?
>Your self reflection and exposition are cut short by the sound of the bell, releasing everyone from their obligations.
>Ms. Harshwhinny gave you a wave as you departed, no tasks this time around so you went ahead to your next class, thoughts entangled with your sister but your attention forced elsewhere.
>It was the night of the fall formal
>You were sporting your dad's tux, with his permission of course.
>Only the best to woo ye fair maiden Harshwhinnifer.
>It was still a fairly lowkey event, more like a practice go at the true showstopper of the Winter Prom but you were excited anyways in spite of your earlier stance.
>Mom was letting you borrow her car for the event, she'd been disappointed when you said you didn't have a date but was proud of you for helping out the faculty.
>Don't worry Mom you'll bag that hag soon enough.
>Sunset was indeed going with Thunder Lane, who was going to be picking her up.
>You hadn't gotten to see her dress by the time you had to leave but you'd see it at the event anyways and you had to leave early in order to help setup.
>After a quick drive in a car with the sluttiest clutch you'd ever met you pull into the back of the school parking lot and walked inside.
>Ms. Harshwhinny along with the rest of the teachers would be gathered in the auditorium.
>Stepping inside you seek out the object of your affections ready to be wowed by her choice in formal attire.
>She's just wearing her normal outfit.
>Still 11/10 it's okay
>"You look sharp, Mr. Anonymous. Could help us move these tables, please?" Ms. Harshwhinny comments.
>Hell yeah.
>You spend the next half hour setting up and moving an assortment of chairs, tables and electronic equipment with some of the other guys there as everyone else focuses on the decorations.
>You see the vision.
>By the time the non commitment obligated students start to arrive the gym is barely recognizable.
>A series of red orange and yellow streamers accompanied with paper cutouts and leaves with a healthy helping of pumpkins leave the room feeling like an explosion of color.
>The Great Pumpkin would be proud.
>You're assigned to the front entrance, taking tickets and answering questions.
>Sadly you were stuck with one of the other TAs as the dedicated hand stamper, Ms. Harshwhinny was helping with the pictures at the photo booth the school had setup for couples.
>You had to remember to at least ask her for a dance later on.
>Time passes quickly, you've shredded dozens of tickets at this point but there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
>Thankfully Flash shows up to break up the boredom a bit accompanied by his date and...
>His date's brother?
>Probably best not to ask.
>"Good luck with Ms. Harshwhinny tonight man."
>Flash gives you a fist bump and in return you give him a fist bump and a prayer.
>Just as you're beginning to wonder, the question you would ask is answered.
>Sunset and her date Thunder Lane show up, time seems to slow down as they do.
>Sunset is in a beautiful dress, shades of fire giving way to a sea of magenta.
>All the beauty of a dying star given material form so close you can grab it.
>The decorations all feel as if they were done with her in mind, merely an extension of her beauty and fiery passion.
>Thunder Lane looks okay too I guess, nice suit.
>Maybe a little flamboyant but whatever.
>Sunset doesn't say anything as Thunder Lane hands you the two tickets but you're surprised to see she makes eye contact with you before moving to the photo booth.
>You check and make sure your head is still attached.
>Huh, maybe there's a chance after all.
>More students seeking entry demand your attention and you return to ripping tickets.
>Eventually the masses have been vanquished, the corpses of over a hundred tickets laid to waste as you were excused from monitoring the front desk.
>You were asked to simply observe the dance, snatch anything students shouldn't have, break up couples looking for somewhere private.
>The quintessential wet blanket.
>Well someone's gotta keep horny teens from doing what God intended for horny adults.
>You take a position on the wall facing the dance floor quietly observing.
>You see Flash in the middle of the room strutting his stuff with Twilight Sparkle, no brother to be seen.
>Thank goodness.
>Another check and you see Sunset unenthusiastically dancing with Thunder Lane.
>Both of them seem to be mentally preoccupied, simply going through the motions and not even in time with the music.
>Hopefully it's just a minor snafu and they resolve it before the end of the night.
>One last sweep and you see Ms. Harshwhinny alone at the photo booth, everyone's attention on the dance floor now that most people had gotten their pictures taken.
>You began to roll up your sleeves as you went to walk over, this may be your chance to get her out on the dance floor with no false pretenses.
>Your move is interrupted by the lights in the room going out in time with the current song ending.
>You stop in surprise as the next song is much slower.
>Several spotlights circle the floor as a shrill female voice greets the dancers.
>"Good even Equestria High! Woooo!"
>Some of the dancers on the floor start to cheer and clap.
>"It's time for our couples dance! Judges will be watching and will be crowning a couple as King and Queen of the Fall Formal! So strut your stuff and put on a show! Gooooooooo Wondercolts!" The voice calls out before the PA cuts off.
>The dance floor gets noticeably thinner as people step off leaving just some of the more known couples.
>The spotlight hovers over Flash and twilight momentarily, you decide it's a good opportunity to clap and cheer along with some of the other observers.
>Flash turns and gives you a smile and a thumbs up before resuming his dancing.
>The spotlight continue to peruse the crowd, stopping on couple long enough to get an idea of how well they're dancing.
>You fall silent however as the light descends on Thunder Lane and Sunset.
>Something about it doesn't feel right even as the observers around you cheer and clap all except for two.
>You and some kid named Rumble.
>The latter actually seems to be crying uncontrollably, heavy sobs wracking his chest as he watches his brother and your sister dance.
>Apparently it is too much and the sound of Rumble crying and running out the front door catches the attention of Thunder Lane and Sunset.
>Thunder Lane also looks very upset.
>With the spotlight still on them Thunder lets go of Sunlight just as she steps back for a rock step causing her to fall flat on her ass.
>"I'm sorry Sunset, I can't keep this up." He says loud enough for the crowd to hear.
>A gasp erupts from the crowd as Thunder Lane turns to run out the front door.
>The spotlight remains on Sunset, highlighting the moment for the entire crowd to see.
>You bite your lip and suck in air as her face changes colors several times in the matter of a few seconds.
>From orange to red to REALLY RED.
>She finally stands up and runs away from the spotlight deeper into the school, the song has ended at this point and the sound of heels clattering on linoleum echoes throughout the gymnasium as hushed whispers going around the room.
>"What the hell was that?" "Do you think she's okay?" "Wasn't that his brother?"
>You catch Flash's gaze and he subtly swings his head in the direction Sunset ran off to.
>You sigh, time to be the big brother.
>You jog after Sunset, thankfully the spotlight doesn't seem to notice you and the room begins to return to normal as the familiar shrill voice comes back on to announce the winner.
>The sound of clicking heels is considerably quieter replaced by the sound of sobs too powerful to be stifled by force.
>You follow the sound down the hall and to a flight of stairs where the sound echoes from above.
>You continue to follow it until you reached the roof access.
>You probably shouldn't be up here but if your ears are right your sister already is so oh well.
>You open the door to the left is a small alcove, barely protecting its sole occupant from the cold night wind.
>Sunsets face is red all over, a combination of blood from the cold, embarrassment and red eyeliner.
>She's seated on the ground, her legs held to her chest as she rests her eyes on her knees.
>You're not sure if she's shivering from the cold, the intensity of her emotions or both but it doesn't really matter.
>You take a seat next to her, not quite sure if your presence is acceptable right now or not but it's not like the situation can be made worse.
>She looks up at you as you sit down, rubbing her eyes in a vain attempt to hide her tears.
>"What the he-HIC hell are you doing here, a-asshole?" She manages around her tears.
>You weren't sure what to say so you decide to just be forthright.
>"I saw what happened and say no one went after you and didn't want you to be alone." You admitted.
>She glares at you, her tears stopping as she seems to fine a metaphorical leg to stand on.
>"You're right. I AM alone." She spats, catching you off guard with the venom in her voice.
>"My friends are fake and don't care about me, the guy I tried to ask out is gay, the entire fucking school is going to think I'm a laughingstock and-"
>She pauses for a moment to take a breath and find her words.
>"and it's all YOUR fault." She cries out hitting your arm with the base of her fist.
>You flinch from the hit. "My fault?" You ask in genuine surprise.
>"Yes! Your fault!" She shouts, hitting her other fist.
>You finally gain some survival instincts and hold up your arms defensively to block the blows as she continues.
>"You!" Punch. "Abandoned me!" Punch. "Without!" Punch. "Even a!" Punch. "Second!" Punch. "Thought!" Punch.
>What the hell is she talking about?
>Her will to fight finally seems to give and she goes back to sobbing into her knees.
>"You're my big brother and you just left! You stopped talking to me, stopped caring about me! You had more important things to worry about than your sister, you couldn't even afford a moment for me! When I tried to reach out you pushed me away, forced me to figure things out on my own!"
>It's all starting to make sense.
>You recall her frustration when you started middle school.
>You'd thought she was just being annoying and childish.
>When your friends came over you kicked her out.
>When she asked you to play you told her you were busy.
>When she asked you for help you'd told her to wait til mom got home.
>You stare at her as she sobs, feeling your own eyes grow wet as realization hits you harder than she could ever hope to.
>"I..." you start but you can't quite find the words.
>Sunset barely seems coherent, her eyes seem to have run out of tears to cry and yet still she weeps.
>This isn't something that can be fixed quickly but it's gotta start somewhere.
>You were still her brother.
>You scooch next to her, taking off your dad's peacoat jacket and laying it over her shoulders and hugging her from the side.
>"I'm sorry, Sunset."
>That was all you could say for now, but it seems to be enough to draw her back.
>She looks up, searching your gaze.
>You continue. "I shouldn't have done that, shouldn't have abandoned you. I didn't realize what I was doing to you, or I would never have continued to do it. I can't take it back, but I won't let it happen again. You're my sister, and I love you and I won't leave you again."
>Sunset's eyes find a fresh reserve of tears, this time she leans forward into your shoulder and sobs into your shirt.
>Your arms go around her, holding her close to you as you gently rock back and forth with her.
>Drops of water start to fall on her head.
>Were you crying?
>No, it was the rain.
>You feel frozen in time, the only thing in your world the girl sobbing in your arms.
>The girl you'd forgotten you cared about so much.
>It isn't until Sunset finally pulls away, her eyes trained on the ground as she avoids your gaze.
>"Thank you." She whispers as you rub her opposite shoulder comfortingly with your arm around her back.
>She takes a deep breath, steadying herself before standing up.
>You follow suit and she turns to face you.
>"Can you please take me home, Anon?"
>You simply nod, taking her hand in yours and going down the stairs.
>You avoid the gym, instead going to the parking lot and finding your mom's car.
>The ride home is silent save for the occasional sniff from the both of you.
>The emotion is heavy but you prefer to let it hang.
>You stop in the driveway, letting her out and walking inside with her.
>Luckily your mom seems to have already retired for the night, letting you enter without questions or bringing up Sunset's tear stained appearance.
>In front of her room Sunset stops and turns to you.
>She gives you another hug, letting you release the breath you didn't realize you were holding.
>"Thank you." She said before stepping into her room and closing the door behind her.
>You stand and stare at the door for a while, memories running through your head.
>You feel emotionally and physically exhausted, you hadn't realized how your actions had affected her and the extent of how they had affected you as well.
>This wasn't a good night, but you hoped it was a new beginning.
>You turned and walked into your own room, deciding removing your clothes wasn't worth the effort and simply crawling under your covers.
>As sleep takes you it's only then you realize.
>Dammit you never asked Ms. Harshwhinny to dance with you.
>Your rest is uneasy, you feel busy as if time has slowed down and yet nothing actually happens.
>No sugarplums, no dancing, even Ms. Harshwhinny evades your dreams.
>Just some murky awareness of being present and yet unable to concentrate on anything.
>Finally your alarm goes off and frees you from your dream prison.
>Despite the Fall Formal the day before you still have school today though it is a half day and starts a bit later.
>As you get ready the events of yesterday play in your mind again.
>You know you apologized to Sunset already but you feel like your sister owes a bit more focus after pouring her heart out to you yesterday on how your relationship has suffered.
>Once you're prepped, you head down the hallway to the kitchen.
>Passing by Sunset's room you don't hear anything; no shower, no music, no nothing.
>Maybe she's still asleep, school is skipping first period today.
>Deciding it's probably better to wait until after school to discuss anyways you shrug it off and head to the kitchen for your daily bagel.
>You spend your extra time browsing your phone, the sea of brainrot and autoplayed shitposts quickly whiling away your extra hour before you head outside to catch the bus.
>Still no sign of Sunset, or Sunset's friends for that matter.
>Going by her accusation of fake friends maybe they'd had some sort of fight and she wouldn't be riding with them to school today.
>You stare back at the front door, if that's the case she'd need to catch the bus with you.
>You check your phone, if Scruffy is on time like he usually is he should be here in just a couple minutes.
>You decide school ain't worth it, better check on Sunset in case she's sick.
>You head back inside, slumping your backpack as you close the door behind you leaving it on the floor and go and knock a few times on her door.
>To your surprise you hear the sound of covers shifting before her door opens, revealing a bleary eyed Sunset.
>She makes a poor attempt at hiding the tears from her eyes by rubbing her fist against them before addressing you.
>"What the hell do you want, dweeb?"
>There's some of that fire you're more used to as of late.
>"You going to school today? Bus should be showing up any second now." You say.
>She makes a gesture to her outfit with her hand, still in her pajamas.
>"Sick." She states simply to further contextualize her response.
>You glance at your backpack next to the door, further cementing your decision to skip school today.
>Sunset begins to turn away, avoiding your gaze as she tries to withdraw but you interrupt her retreat.
>"Anything I can do to help or make you feel better?"
>This catches Sunset off guard, freezing in place but still looking away.
>"...I wouldn't mind some tea." She replied after a few seconds.
>You simply turn and walk back to the kitchen turning on the hot water pitcher before going into the drawer to retrieve some throatcoat teabags.
>After a couple minutes you have some hot tea and bring it to Sunset's room.
>She's sitting on her bed, back against the wall and swaddled in her blanket forming a protective Sunset burrito.
>You set it down on her nightstand.
>"I'll be in the living room, just call or text me if you need anything okay?"
>She just nods, extending an arm out through the blanket barrier to retrieve the cup before blowing on it and taking a small sip.
>You make good on your promise and move to the living room, flicking the television on with the remote before taking a seat on your couch and pulling out your phone.
>You send a quick text to your mom, letting her know Sunset wasn't feeling well and you stayed at home to look after her.
>"Oh thank you, Anon! I'm sure your sister appreciates you looking after her, sounds like y'all had a great time at the dance last night! I'll be home in time for dinner, there's some ground beef in the fridge love you hun!"
>You send a quick acknowledgement and a "love you" back and then move to the kitchen.
>The ground beef is already thawed and cooked with a healthy pool of lard at the bottom of the container so it'll just need to be reheated later when it was time to eat it.
>That wouldn't be for a while though so you move back to the living room, only half paying attention to the Spanish soap on as you do some light reading for your classes to at least do something for school.
>Your studious task is interrupted by another text, this time from Flash.
>"Hey man, you all good after last night? Saw you didn't show up today and just wanted to check on ya."
>What a bro, you send him a quick response confirming you're fine and just looking after your sister.
>"Okay cool, how's she doing by the way? Whole school was talking about it and seeing as you didn't show back up after going after her sounds like it wasn't a great night for her."
>You confirm it was a rough night for Sunset but don't go into details and let him know you'll see him Monday.
>"Sounds good, let me know if I can help ya with anything."
>You drop the phone on your coach and lay back again pulling out your textbook to read.
>As if on a queue, a hulking mass of bedsheet and comforter with legs exits Sunset's bedroom.
>The creature sits on the couch next you, withdrawing its legs within the confines of it's comfort sphere and staring at the tv.
>"You feeling better?" You venture.
>"Little bit. Can't sleep." Sunset said simply.
>"You want me to back a cup of the sleepytime tea instead?"
>She shakes her head, content to sit on the couch and watch shitty daytime Spanish soaps with you.
>You just nod and return your attention to your book, content with her being willing to relax in proximity to you.
>The show is currently on an episode highlighting a souring relationship between two lovers after several miscommunications.
>You feel yourself cringing, never a fan at these types of storylines.
>"Remind you of anything?"
>Sunset catches you off guard with her comment.
>You turn to face her but she's still facing the tv, her face obscured by her blankets
>You sigh, moving your head to rest on your propped arm as you watch the sitcom.
>"Maybe a little bit." You reply.
>She doesn't seem to react to your comment, so you continue.
>"Without the whole lovers thing obviously."
>She giggled at that, something you haven't heard in some time.
>"Obviously." She replies.
>You just nod and things return to silence for a few moments before Sunset pulls back her blankets, turning to face you.
>"Hey, I appreciate you staying here and helping me today." She says with a pause before continuing.
>"And I appreciate you listening to me yesterday. I know it's not entirely fair to levy all of what happened on you, I have some part in it."
>You feel some heat rising to your cheeks, taken aback by her words out of seemingly nowhere.
>"No I'm just glad we got things out in the open. I hadn't realized how bad things had gotten until you brought it up. Also hadn't realized how much I missed you and how we used to be."
>Sunset's smile beams as you say that, bringing some color back to her face.
>"I missed you too." She replied.
>She slowly unravels her blankets, pulling them on top of the both of you and enveloping you in a side hug.
>You follow suit and return the hug, the warmth from her and her blankets spreading quickly through as the two of you share a tender sibling moment together.
by milfnon