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Abuse story: A tear fell upon the dough

By ThebigN
Created: 2025-01-20 23:24:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >A tear fell upon the dough
  2. >Fluttershy let out a sigh, her body too heavy for her to carry
  3. >She sat on the floor, and fell in slow motion on her own back.
  4. >She stared at the ceiling, her mind completely blank.
  5. "Why?"
  6. >A single word echoed through her mind
  7. >She lifted a hoof and felt her cheek
  8. >With her ever-changing neutral expression, she stared at her hoof, it was wet.
  9. >Tears are coming out
  10. >Her hips move, as she feels herself sit down
  11. >And she watches as her body dries her tears
  12. >And goes back to cooking.
  14. >With a tight heart, she cowered in front of Anon's room door
  15. >She closed her eyes and tightened her lips
  16. >Knock, Knock Knock
  17. >She was breathing heavily, her heart racing.
  18. >"A-anon...?" She whimpered
  19. "Flutters?" A warm, masculine voice, replied from behind her
  20. >She instinctively lowered her head
  21. >Then turned around to face anon
  22. >"Anon...The food..."
  23. "It's ready? Cool"
  24. >She stared down in silence
  25. >He stared at her for way too long.
  26. "Fluttershy, I'm getting tired of your bullshit."
  27. >Her head fell lower, as tears began to fall.
  28. "You know how hard it is to keep all this bullshit together, Fluttershy?"
  29. >She kept silent
  30. "I'm working my ass off day and FUCKING night-"
  31. >Anon stomped his foot on the hard floor, sending Fluttershy into a trembling, crying ball.
  32. "and what do I get in exchange? What the FUCK do I get in exchange Fluttershy?"
  33. >He towers over her, finger pressing against her cheek
  34. "A fucking thankless whore, is what I get. Do you think that's fair, Flutters?"
  35. >With quivering lips, and tears falling down, she shook her head
  37. >"No, no no It's not fair!" She said between sobs
  38. >"Noooo, it's not fair!! It's not, not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair it's not faaair" She cried behind tears and sobs.
  39. >Without further word, Anon left fluttershy to her own devices.
  40. >"It's not fair..." She mumbled to herself, between tears, with her cheek pressed against the hard ground.
  42. -- -- --
  44. >Tears kept rolling down her cheeks
  45. >Until her head hurt, and the tears dried.
  46. >She hugged her teddy bear tightly against her chest
  47. >All alone in her room
  48. >With utmost care, she lifted the plushie and faced it tenderly
  49. >"Mister Bear... You're-" She sobbed
  50. >"You're my-" She curled up, her chest burning
  51. >"You're my only friend-" and she succumbed to her sorrows.
  52. >But alas, her head ached so, leaving her unable to soak the pillow with more tears.
  53. >"M-Mister Bear...I-I...I want to die"
  54. >Her whole body trembled like a cold wave had hit her back.
  55. >"I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry!" She sorrowfully cried.
  58. Two weeks ago:
  59. >Angel bunny squirmed under Anon's hand, as he pinned the little bunny against the ground.
  60. "Fluttershy, come here and help me hold it down!"
  61. >Fluttershy stood, paralyzed. The only movement in her body was that of the tears falling, and her head bobbing as she took shallow gulps of air.
  62. >She took two reluctant steps, and placed her hoof on the bunny's coat
  63. >Its warmth, the texture of its fur
  64. >She could feel its panic beneath it all.
  65. "Hold it right, damn it, I need to cut right at the base of the column"
  66. >Anon lifted the knife
  67. >Her face painfully contorted, and she recoiled; fell on her back, let out a distressing cry, and panicked away.
  68. >She did not stop until burrowing her face in a pillow
  69. >And crying inconsolably until running out of tears, and running out of voice
  70. >She did not stop until passing out.
  72. -- -- --
  74. It's early noon, and the birds are chirping outside.
  75. >A small mound of earth houses what was once a fluffy bunny.
  76. >Back in the dining room, Anon and Fluttershy share a meal in silence.
  77. >Anon ate without restraint
  78. >Meanwhile, Fluttershy nibbled at a carrot, ignoring every other bit of food.
  79. >She now sat in silence, looking down, as Anon finished his meal.
  80. "What, you won't say a word now?"
  81. >She threw him a mournful look
  82. >"I...Sorry..."
  83. "You better be. It's your fault, you know?"
  84. >She lowers her head
  85. "I told you to do the groceries, but no, you had to forget, as you always fucking do."
  86. >"Sorry...I...I forgot..."
  87. "Sowwy, sowwy I forgot! I will forget to fucking bring money into this fucking house, how's that? Wanna fucking starve with your damn pests?"
  88. >She sobbed to herself
  89. "I asked you a FUCKING QUESTION"
  90. >Anon slammed his fist on the table, startling Fluttershy.
  91. >"N-No, no, I- I don't want to, sorry, sorry I'm sorry!"
  92. >Anon stared at her, both elbows on the table.
  93. "Why you looking at me like that, huh?"
  94. >She looked down, tears rolling down her cheeks
  95. "I bet you want to fucking hit me, don't you? I would fucking kill you if you tried"
  96. >Her lips tightened, a spark of pain traversing her chest
  97. >"A-I would never...A-Nonny..."
  98. "You fucking bitch, don't you ever look at me like that"
  99. >"N-Nonny..."
  100. >She held her chest with a hoof and curled into a ball
  101. "LOOK AT ME"
  102. >...
  104. >Anon slammed his fist on the table
  105. >Fluttershy got up, trembling.
  106. >Her trembling form panicked out of the room in a fast walk.
  108. >She buried herself under the covers, and held her teddy bear tightly
  109. >"M-Mr. Bear... I-I... My mind...Is...There's something wrong..."
  110. >She mumbled between breaths, afraid of anyone hearing her.
  111. >"I...I-I forget...I- I don't know why...My mind- I... need help..."
  112. >She hugged the teddy bear tightly
  113. >"I need help...I need help, beary please I need help"
  114. >Her mumbles became wails.
  115. >And thus proceeded another afternoon.
  117. -- -- --
  119. Four years ago:
  120. >"Fluttershy!"
  121. >"Oh, hey, Pinkie!"
  122. >"Hey! I've got a new super-duper-awesome friend to show you! He's a new species!!"
  123. >Fluttershy's eyes sparkled
  124. >"A-A new species?" she stammered, leaning forward eagerly, her hooves clasped together near her face.
  125. >"Yes! I knew you'd love to meet him!"
  126. --
  127. >"Fluttershy, meet Anonymous. Anonymous, this is Fluttershy. I hope you two form a great friendship."
  128. >Fluttershy's gaze traveled upwards to the towering figure before her. He reached out his hand to her.
  129. >Handling it delicatedly, she quickly noticed the absence of claws; it resembled that of an ape!
  130. "Uhm, sorry...?"
  131. >Anon stared with a puzzled expression, as the little pony, pressed and explored his hand.
  132. >"Hehe," Twilight interjected awkwardly, stepping in to gently pull Fluttershy back
  133. >"I'm sorry, she- She just really loves animals-" she shoved a hoof on her own mouth as her eyes flicked to Anon.
  134. >Anon laughed
  135. "Haha, it's fine. I guess I am an animal here, aren't I?"
  136. >"Oh my, Twilight, can I please take him home?" Fluttershy asked with gleaming eyes.
  137. >"That is exactly why I called you here, Fluttershy!"
  140. Three years ago:
  141. >Soft sobs seeped through the wooden door, reaching Anon, who stood on the other side with a concerned expression.
  142. >He knocked on the door softly, causing a whole ruckus on the other side.
  143. >"I-Coming!"
  144. >Moments later, the door creaked open, and Fluttershy peeked through.
  145. >"O-Oh, hi Anon! Is something the wrong?"
  146. >She gave the kindest of smiles despite the dark streaks of dried tears.
  147. "Hey, Fluttershy, is everything alright?"
  148. >"Uhm..." she hesitated, looking away, "Yes..."
  149. >Anon sighed and knelt to meet her eye level.
  150. "Fluttershy, what's wrong? You can tell me, come on."
  151. >The mare looked away, her eyes filled with worry.
  152. >"I'm..." She broke into sobs. "It's just... This year we had a bad yield, and I don't have enough bits... And..."
  153. "Fluttershy... Come here,"
  154. >Anon extended his hand.
  155. >After a brief hesitation, she placed her hoof in his hand. Anon pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly.
  156. "It's going to be alright, okay? Everything is going to be alright,"
  157. >he reassured her as she cried on his shoulder.
  159. Two years ago:
  160. >The warmth of summer permeated even the shaded refuge under the grapevines where Anon lay, his collar popped open. Fluttershy rested her head on his belly, her mane cascading over him.
  161. "You know, Fluttershy... I never thought I could be... Happy"
  162. >Fluttershy smiled, placing a hoof on his chest.
  163. >"I never thought I'd find such a handsome ape," she teased with a smile.
  164. "Hey, what do you mean by 'ape,' you little horse!"
  165. >Anon teased back, laughter in his voice.
  166. >"I'm not a little horse!" she retorted, snuggling closer into his belly.
  167. "Stop, you know I'm ticklish!"
  168. >he protested, trying to fend her off with his hands.
  169. >"No! I will tame you, Nonnymousse!"
  170. "Noooo!" Anon's laughter filled the air.
  172. A year ago:
  173. >"Hey... Uhm... Nonny... It's late, and... I was worried,"
  174. >Anon sighed.
  175. "Yeah, I know... I just got a lot of work at the farm... You know?"
  176. >"Oh, uhm, yes... But..."
  177. "What is it?"
  178. >"It's... I got you a present," She revealed a stick of chocolate-covered strawberries.
  179. "Fluttershy, what the hell?"
  180. >She flinched.
  181. "How much was that damn thing?"
  182. >"F-five bits..." she admitted with tears welling up in her eyes.
  183. "Five fucking bits? Fluttershy, we can't be wasting our money on this, I never asked you for a present!"
  184. >"But- I-, I just wanted to..."
  185. >"God damnit, Fluttershy, you eat that thing. I don't want it. I'm off to sleep,"
  187. -- -- --
  189. >"And what happened to the human?"
  190. >"The princess is looking into that, but..." Twilight sighed, "he technically committed no crimes, so..."
  191. >"Oh, come on! You know what he did to her!?"
  192. >"Rainbow Dash, I am well aware of Fluttershy's situation, but-"
  193. >"Don't worry, Dashie. Mac and the boys are spreading the word."
  194. >Twilight pouted. "Applejack, I-"
  195. >"Twilight..." Rarity stared at her.
  196. >Twilight's eyes slid towards the floor as she recoiled. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that..."
  198. >"We're here...I think..."
  199. >What was once Fluttershy's thriving acre of land, full of beautiful vistas and carefully arranged flowers, now lay as a desolate background of wild plants and animal tracks.
  200. >Were it not for Fluttershy's hut, sticking out from the wilderness, it could easily be mistaken for part of the Everfree.
  201. >The five ponies stood in front of her hut, surrounded by broken birdhouses.
  202. >"Is...Is she really in there?"
  203. >"Where else would she be, silly?"
  204. >After a knock and some waiting, the door slightly opened. "Nonny...?"
  205. >"Ehm, no..." Twilight interjected. "We...We just wanted to check on you, Fluttershy! We haven't heard from you in a while now." She tried her best to sound upbeat.
  206. >"Oh..." The door closed, and after a few seconds, it opened again.
  207. >"Uhm...Sorry...I haven't cleaned..."
  208. >"Oh, please, darling, we can help with that!" exclaimed Rarity, as she walked through the doorframe.
  209. >Upon entering, she quickly noticed the thin layer of dust covering just about everything, as well as the cobwebs, stains, and rotten food thrown to the corner.
  210. >"I'm sorry..." Fluttershy's voice cracked.
  211. >Rarity turned to face her, and covered her own mouth.
  212. >They both began to cry inconsolably.
  214. /end/

Abuse story: A tear fell upon the dough

by ThebigN