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>fuckin stupid ass stoplight, main street is dead this late, why even have it running?
>happen to glance to one side, locking eyes with.... holy shit, a lifesize chrysalis???
>blow the light, take the back street to the other side of the alleyway
>leave car running, rush over to the-
>she's looking at me
>she's /looking/ at me??
"y-you're /real/?"
>"of course I am. seems being a statue wasn't enough of a punishment."
"I... you can't stay /here,/ would-"
>she's already standing, and nearly as tall as me
>I rush to the car, shoving plush mares from the back to the front, clearing off the whole back seat
>she climbs in, laying across the entire back seat with a faint sigh
>didn't seem so dangerous now....
>keep checking mirror on the way home just to make sure I haven't finally lost it and hallucinated the entire thing
>at the house, she still doesn't say a word as I unlock the front door and let her inside
>she waits until she's in the living room to burn herself over with green fire, and now she isn't wet anymore
>but still just as gorgeou-
>"you seem to know about ponies"
>look at the plush mares scattered about the room
"ah... Yes... In this world you guys are just fiction, but..."
>"more importantly... I can feel your love for me"
>she was starting to smile, but it wasn't exactly a happy one... suddenly I started to understand what prey might feel like
>"show me where you sleep, I'm tired"
"ah... uh... back here then"
>lead her to the bedroom... Lifesize Celestia is unceremoniously tossed across the room with a flick of her magic, and fluttershy is tossed a bit more gently atop her
>then she climbs into the bed herself
>"well? I'm hungry, and tired"
>didn't seem like I had a choice...
>may as well go through the usual routine- turn on the CD changer, lay shirt across the amplifier so it will be warm in the morning, climb into the bed...
>she's just watching
>it's unnerving, really
>summon some confidence, move to the middle of the bed, and pull the mare close with one arm, just like I do with fluttershy
>her body is /cold,/ yet surprisingly smooth and soft-ish
>she wriggles to get closer, seeking out my warmth, her cheek coming to rest against mine
>there's no way she doesn't feel how warm my face is getting, but I close my eyes and try to act normal
>cock is also hard enough to cut diamonds, but hopefully she never notices that either
>"this will work..."
>she's asleep within minutes...
>join her in sleeping, wondering faintly what will happen when she's well-rested and well-fed on my love for pony... and /her/...
>it'll probably be fine.
>wake up to the shrill clanging of the wind up alarm clock
>only thing that can rouse me out of bed anymore
>before I can move, Chrysalis sits up with a snarl and the ringing stops amidst a sudden shimmer of magic, crumpling metal, and shattered glass
>okay, now I'm awake
>manage to peer over at the cd changer, and the crumpled-into-a-ball alarm clock above it
>"never set one of these off in my presence again"
"I... You could've just turned that off, it's an antique..."
>her glare speaks stronger than words, and I give up on it
>slowly sit up on the bed with a groan
>chrysalis sits next to me again, even leaning against me a bit
>hesitate a little before putting an arm around her and hugging her to my side, like one of my plushies
>she doesn't object, at least
>eventually get up, turn off music, and put on shirt
>time for breakfast
>head to kitchen, Chryssi follows
>just hovering (metaphorically) nearby the entire time I'm making food
>eventually get tired of it
"do you need to like... be this close?"
>"no. but either I absorb your love passively, or I can take it by force, so..."
"o-oh, well..."
>"if only you had love in your heart for this lonely queen..."
>she's saying it on purpose, I can tell it's not genuine
>and yet, every fic or image I've ever seen involving the bug suddenly floods my mind
>want to slap that sneer off of her face as she drinks in the increased emotions
>well, I did this to myself, didn't I
>Chryssi follows to the living room once breakfast is done
>sit on the recliner, and she's in my lap before I can pull the table up to the chair
"Chryssi... You're in the way..."
>she says nothing, settling into loaf position and using magic to set the plate on her forelegs
>well, an egg sandwich isn't impossible to eat one-handed...
>resume last night's unfinished Jerma VOD, settling with one hand resting on chryssi's midsection
>use the other hand to eat, and eventually start petting her with the right one
>she eventually leans into the petting, which is a bit amusing
>once the food is done, I let out a sigh, and I recline the chair back
>look over to the pinkie I usually cuddled while watching TV....
>wrap both arms around the bug, pulling her close until her head was on my shoulder
"if you're gonna replace them... then you're getting their hugs"
>hours later, I'm out back, getting some work done, unbothered for now
>can hear voices nearby, but I don't think it's the TV anymore
>crack open back door to listen in a bit better
>it's just Chryssi talking to my mom in the living room
>Chryssi talking to my mom in the living room
>slink my way into the house again, terrified of whatever I'd be walking into
>I didn't really need mom finding out I'm a literal horsefucker today
>oh, she's just disguised as a human
>disguised as a human
>mom obviously assumes I got a GF and never told her
>she's tall, curvy, wearing nothing but booty shorts, a sports bra, and black makeup
>I didn't need mom knowing my tastes either but too late for that as well
>and how the fuck did chryssi know??
>they notice me immediately of course
>"so... when were you gonna tell me?"
"I... s-soon..."
>"seriously, we were starting to think it would just be you and your plushies for another decade!"
>they both laugh
>why can't I just ragdoll and clip into the crawlspace under the house already
>"well, he's been lovey, sorry you're finding out this way though..."
>"oh, no worries! Just don't forget to give me the wedding invite...~"
>they laugh again- dear Celestia chryssi knows how to design a good disguise
>I'm still processing as mom leaves, and Chrysalis wears an expression of smugness that no creature should be capable of as she drops the disguise
"d-dude, really??"
>"would you rather she see my actual form?"
"errgghh... I guess not..."
>"good to know I was spot on with the disguise though"
>she's sneering again, but I don't have it in me to be annoyed this time
"yeah, yeah, of course, you probably just saw something on my phone..."
>"I'll make sure to disguise whenever we go out then"
>oh dear.
"I am NOT taking you out with me"
>"I wasn't asking".
>the chances of me ever finding a gf have dissolved into nothingness
>truly all I will ever have left is my queen, as she seems intent on feeding the small town rumor mill with our 'romance'
>in other words, we're at Walmart
>I needed some groceries, and Chryssi needed some clothes for her human disguise...
>problem was, she refused to obey the societal rules of PDA
>hugging me from behind whenever someone else was in the isle, kissing my cheek at the worst of times, 'accidentally' smooshing her chest against me
>as the type to blush profusely at the tiniest inkling of a flirt, it was torture
>stammering my way through anything I tried to say only made her giggle, which made it all worse
>at first I could tell she was just fucking with me, delighting in my despaired embarrassment
>but now I'm not so sure- when she isn't looking at me, it really does seem like she's enjoying herself
>it's... adorable
>oddly enough, she cut it out when it came time to try on clothes, which was a relief
>not being suspicious of this was mistake #1
>once she had a few outfits she liked, nearly all in black, she went back in the dressing room one last time
>"egh... anon, I need you to come undo my bra for me, it's stuck..."
>oh, for the love of...
>the changing room attendant isn't even here, so whatever
>mistake #2, not looking at her as I went in
>she lied
>she had in fact managed to remove her bra
>and everything else
>she puts her hand over my mouth, sneering like usual but this time it's a bit diluted by... anticipation?
>"anon, you're the human here, you really didn't realize I was only trying on shirts?"
>oh right
>I am robbed of my pants within moments
>she sits me down on the changing room bench
"Chryssi, someone's gonna-"
>"Not if you're quiet~"
>I don't even consider resisting as she climbs onto me
>I didn't want to, either
>trying to drive home like I wasn't just robbed of my human-to-human virginity (sorta) in the walmart changing rooms
>"you're STILL blushing?"
>bite my lip for a moment
"O-Of course!"
>"my, if I knew you enjoyed my disguise this much, I'd have been wearing it this whole time..."
>mouth opens before I have time for second thoughts
"Oh, well, I really like your normal-"
>oh no
>no taking that back now
>"you know, I could feel your thoughts angle towards my normal form before you even said anything"
>"You can't hide anything from your queen~"
>stop at a red light, and look over at her with a frown
"s-so do you LIKE me or something, or do you just enjoy fucking with me?"
>she turns away, face scrunching up, and I can see her glaring out the window in the reflection on the glass
>"Shut up".
>I can also see her blushing
>no way she actually...
>oh shit the light's green now
>as soon as we're in the house, she drops the disguise, stretching herself out with a moan
>try to ignore her as I put away groceries and clear a spot for her clothes
>why does she need them anyway?
>her disguise had clothes already!
>"yes, but these clothes can be removed~"
>heart nearly stops as she nuzzles up to my side
"S-Stop reading my mind! It's creepy!"
>she scrunches her snout, and shakes her head
>"I can't control it, the more I tune in to someone, the better I can read their emotions"
"Well... It's..."
>"It's also a much better connection when the creature in question feels love for me, and not just one of my disguises"
>she's looking at the floor as she says this
"I... Yeah, I figured you'd sniff that out..."
"But like, tons of people here are obsessed with you-"
>"no. maybe across this world, sure, but I wandered this town for days seeking out the faintest whiffs of love..."
>"and then you show up, and even your love for a stuffed animal in my likeness was..."
>she goes quiet, and I set my hand on her head, gently rubbing behind one of her ears
>" was beautiful"
>"my kind never cares for physical appearance, I'm aware you're not among the best for your kind, but when a queen locates someone that may love them, it's just in our nature to keep them around"
>okay, well, ouch.
"So.... you DO like me?"
>"Infatuated. Yes. Were you to decide you want me gone, I would have no choice but to restrain you for myself"
>okay, cool, didn't know it was possible to feel simultaneous romance and fear
"let's... Go lay down, instead of having this conversation in front of the deep freezer"
>"can you do without the outfit? The cloth between us is driving me mad"
>deep breaths as I head to the bedroom....
>strip, then climb into bed
>she's smiling as she climbs overtop of me, laying down and resting her head on my chest
>immediate erection, naturally, but she somehow has the self control not to crack a joke
>seems content to just leave it rest between her teats
> really does make me happy seeing her smile
" how did you end up here, anyway?"
>there goes the smile
>"The time came to unfreeze us from that damned statue...."
>"the brat was sent to the empire to make friends with the Alicorn brat, since they were the same age..."
>I suppose it makes sense that time would keep moving in Equestria after the end of the show...
>"tirek, of all fucking things, founded a gym with that blue scam artist and the most freakish Pegasus I've ever seen, something about getting his muscle back the normal way"
"....and you...."
>she takes a deep breath
>"Discord told them he had plans for me. He tells me that I need to find a pony that genuinely loves me, and I told him to fuck off"
"I'm sure there's ponies that-"
>the glare she gives me is enough to cut me off again
>"...anyway, he says he's going to send me somewhere that I "deserve", and I wake up in the forest next to this town of yours..."
>this time, both of us sigh
>I know shit's kinda fucked, but it's still sad knowing that to Equestria, my world is a punishment
>"and then I find you"
>she licks my nose
>oh good, my face is burning again
"I just.... I uh..."
>"shut up, anon...."
>cock, meet bugpussy
>what am I gonna do other than just let her have control?
>I'm starting to enjoy it, even
>we end up going right from using the bed to sleeping in the bed, and my dreams are much more vivid and "real" than they usually are
>I'm in Chryssi's hive, it looks like
>I'm alone, and she has me tied down to a table
>blood is splattered across her snout, and I'm screaming as she breaks my bones one by one
>I can't die, but I'm in agony the entire time
>she's just laughing, her laughter growing more twisted and warped the longer it drags on
>how long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years?
>as I start to approach a genuine breakdown in the dream world, everything starts to go dark, and I'm ripped from my sleep
>the moment I open my eyes and try to suck in a breath I gag on slime, convulsing a little bit
>I'm in one of those fucking bug pods???
>oh you big black bitch
>Chrysalis is there, tenderly stroking the outside of my translucent green prison
>"Shhhh, it'll all be over soon...."
>I try to scream again, but her horn begins to glow and I'm put back under
>a new dream, or maybe the last one was a dream? What is real and what isn't?
>I'm in the Walmart again, but there's no roof
>no walls, either
>the sky is black, ominously so
>nothing but rows and rows of empty clothes racks, no rhyme or reason to the layout of the store
>the next time I look up at the sky, Chryssi's giant eye opens like a massive moon
>this time I'm able to scream as I try to run for the exit, but the store never seems to end
>I trip, hitting my head on the way down, one rack cuts my back open as well
>again, it all fades to black
>this time when I wake up, the green pod is open, and I'm laying in it
>try to sit up, but everything feels wrong
>look down at my hooves
>sorry, my hooves
>my hooves?
"You fucker!" I hiss, glaring at chrysalis, barely Recognizing my own voice
>she simply smiles
>"what? It's an improvement, you can just disguise as your old self whenever you want!"
"that's not the- you didn't even ask!"
>"I don't need to"
"Yes you-"
>I touch my hooves together, taking as deep a breath as I possibly can
>Chrysalis slides her way into the opened cocoon with me, cuddling up to my side
>I notice that I'm nearly as tall as her, and my hair and midsection resemble hers as well
>almost panic, but after reaching a hoof down, I'm still very much a stallion
>in the reflection of the mirror, it looks like I have her eyes, too
>"oh, I can only convert other creatures into kings, but don't worry, we'll have plenty of drones to-"
>I try to hold myself back, I really do, but my hoof acts before I can say anything and shuts Chrysalis up with a smack across the snout
>blissful silence, but only for a few moments before she's on top of me
>"you wanna try that again, anon? You wanna find out what happens when you-"
>you know what? Yes I do
>smack her again, glaring up at her defiantly
>feel something brush against my belly
>holy Ovipositor batman
>"I was going to let you decide when we start, but you've earned it, anon"
"W-Wait! I-I'm the stallion though!"
>she flips me over
>"And I'm your fucking queen!"
>it seems that today has been a day of learning
>for example, a changeling king may have a stalllionhood, but they also possess a marehood
>also, eggs feel really weird
>oh, and Chrysalis gets really horny if you hit her
>I'm laying on the couch now, trying really damn hard to ignore the bulge in my belly as I watch Jerma
>Chryssi is spooning me from behind, trying to be nice
>after turning me into a bug and filling me with eggs
>yeah, it's gonna take more than some mane brushies to make me feel better
>I hoped she would keep quiet, but it doesn't last
>"......I'm sorry about the eggs"
>I want to be angry, but she just sounds... broken
>start to realize she's probably been unable to ignore the hurricane of negative emotion I've been stewing in
>I take another deep breath...
"I mean, everyone who likes the show wants to be a pony, but did it have to happen like that?"
"like, if you told me that you could turn me into a changeling, I'd probably be like, "Dude, Chryssi, sign me the fuck up!", but you didn't!"
>"even if you said no, I would've had to-"
"No, because if someone loves you and you just start forcing them through an entire relationship, you're gonna ruin it!"
>she doesn't answer
>I feel a tear land on my cheek from above
>ah, shit...
>muster the courage to look up to Chryssi, but she's got her eyes closed
>open mouth to speak, but
>"You're right"
>"I wanted you because I wanted a source of genuine love, but I've ruined it trying to force the love instead"
>"I can't even turn you back, so now I've ruined yet another-
>taking a page from every cheesy shipfic, I clumsily hug her with one arm and pull her down into a Brief kiss
"...I still love you, Chrysalis, you haven't ruined that..."
>she finally looks at me, her expression softening as she senses the love starting to flow
>"I... I didn't hurt you too much, did I...? It's hard to read emotion while breeding..."
>I crack a weak smile
"Chryssi, I've never cum that hard before in my entire life"
>she bursts out into tearful giggles, and it's the most beautiful sound in the world
>before my very eyes, I watch as my living room is unzipped by the Skype killer himself
>"Twilight says you've passed, so you and your new... 'friend' get to come home"
>"you've been WATCHING?"
>a rainbow dash plush is hurled at Discord's head, but he manages to avoid it by turning into a (much smaller) plush version of himself for a few moments
>"yes, we have. Now come on".
>before my very eyes, the house is returned to the state it was in pre-chrysalis, and my human self is dropped into the recliner, snoring
>"how sad for him, he caught covid and barely remembers what he did for that entire week"
>Chrysalis hugs me tighter, and everything turns white
>holy shit, Twilight's stupid castle is actually really beautiful in person
>I'm standing at Chryssi's side, across the table from discord, twilight, and spike
>Chrysalis, of course, is pissed
>"why did you bring me back? I thought you sent me off to die because I don't look like Thorax and his band of faggots!"
>me and twilight both flinched, one due to the slur, me due to the anger
>twilight decided to try to answer
>"....because you found love, and... uh, discord couldn't let you start a hive in that world"
>Chrysalis rolled her eyes so hard her head moved too, and she was about to say something when I nervously leaned against her a bit
>seemed to calm her a little...
>discord spoke this time
>"You need anything, anon? I know this is a bit sudden, but call it the price of having your big wish granted"
"I.... I'm... pregnant"
>he shrugs, and twilight and spike give each other a look
>she speaks, much to chryssi's annoyance
>"Look, you guys are free to start a hive wherever you want as long as you have permission, we'll make sure you're fed too-"
>chrysalis looked like she was about to stab someone, so I clumsily laid a wing over her back in another attempt to calm her down
>"you know what? Fuck you, fuck your dragon, fuck you too discord, I don't need your help"
>before I can do anything about it, I'm dragged by the hoof out of the castle
>we don't make it far before I finally fuck up the art of three-legged walking and collapse, nearly pulling Chrysalis down with me
>the sight of me hitting the ground and nearly squashing the eggs in my belly seems to snap the queen out of her anger somewhat, and she pulls me up rather gently
>"I... Sorry, I can't stand being around them"
>I look over at Ponyville for a moment
>here I am, finally in Equestria, and I'm already basically married to Chrysalis of all ponies
>it could always be a lot worse I suppose
"I... It's okay, but... the hell do we do now? Not even 24 hours ago I was trying to figure out how many tomatoes I need to buy, and now..."
>chrysalis quietly giggled, then she said, "don't worry, I know the perfect spot for a hive"
>she takes to the air, wings buzzing
>I just look at her
"do you honestly think I am gonna know how to fly?"
>it's a long walk to the edge of the everfree forest, but I seem to have way more stamina than I did as a human
>"I have plenty of experience with this place, don't worry"
>comforting, sure, but throughout our entire expedition into the woods I continue to jump and yelp at even the smallest of sounds
>the sun is beginning to set as we emerge from the treeline, and the castle of the two sisters is framed by the orange light
>chrysalis rubs up against my side affectionately
>"what do you think? Claiming their old ruins for ourselves?"
>I can't help but grin, and I use a hoof to pull her into a brief kiss
"I love it, let's go"
>I'll admit, it was very romantic wandering the castle with Chryssi, planning out which area we would use for each part of the hive
>I never even knew that changeling hives had a dedicated room for assorting clothes stolen from ponies
>what was a bit less romantic was when we finally found a suitable location for our private chambers, and chrysalis began to make the bed
>as in, she literally began to create a bed by exuding green too everywhere
>the "I'm going to puke" face must have been hilarious, because her giggles chased me out of the room as I left before I actually did throw up
>wait, we don't even eat food, what happens when a changeling throws up?
>chrysalis eventually coaxes me back to the room, and once she gets me to lay on the weird looking green substance, I have to admit it's very soft
>and... warm, which was a bit weird
>she steps over me, sitting down in my lap
>I can feel the call of the bugpussy pressed against my sheath-
>oh, right, pony bits
>and I can't even see-
>"...are you okay?"
>no, I'm not okay, I finally get to have pony sex and I don't get to SEE IT because I'm PREGNANT
"eheh, y-yeah, sorry, it's all been a lot..."
>she starts slowly rubbing my egg-filled belly, and it actually feels really good for some reason
>"awww.... Just let momma bug take care of you..."
>mission "contain erection" is failed within seconds
>I'm being toyed with, again, and I can't do anything about it
>even worse, I'm enjoying it
>damn this bug
>I wake up to excruciating pain, blinding sunlight, and Chryssi drooling into my ear
>what a fucking way to begin the day after a full night of lovemaking
>my pathetic pained whimpers rouse Chryssi within moments, and she gasps
>"Anon! The eggs!"
>I'm rolled onto my back, and the pain doubles as Chrysalis reaches into my body with her magic and does.... something?
>suddenly I feel a completely new muscle I had no idea was even there flex inside of me
>the pain converts into indescribable pleasure so fast it gives me whiplash
>Chryssi's only concern is gently retrieving every egg as my body squeezes them out through my poor bugpussy
>the last one shoots out into her waiting hooves
>cum so hard I almost pass out
>eventually recover from the experience
>slowly sit up to see Chrysalis arranging the eggs into fresh goop
>at least this time I don't feel like puking
>I suppose with time I'll see it as normal
>she glances over
>"Sorry anon, I didn't realize you wouldn't know about opening your egg chamber..."
"....oh... Is it supposed to feel..."
>"good? Oh, of course, every part of breeding does"
>"you'll see, I'll be gentle with breeding the next batch, and you'll know how to lay them!"
"w-wait, why the hell do they need to go inside of me anyway?"
>"well, I make the eggs, you fertilize them, I put them inside of you, and you lay them!"
>oh, well when you explain it like that, it sounds completely normal
>"Don't worry, once we have some broodnymphs, they'll be handling the eggs and I'll only give you some when you want them!"
"I... yeah..."
>thankfully, we do not move onto the second batch yet
>Chrysalis leads me outside, and she has me open my wings and try to make them buzz properly
>judging by her giggles, I seem to be doing a horrible job at it
>eventually I figure out how to operate my own wings, and Chrysalis takes me flying around the castle a few times
>it's... a lot easier than I thought it would be
>I fall in love with the sensations of flight almost immediately, and it only reinforces my love for Chrysalis
"Hey, chryssi, you feel my love for you and all, right...?"
>"of course, anon...!"
"but... How does it feed you when we're both changelings?"
>she opens her mouth
>closes it again
>my eyes widen
"you didn't plan for that??"
>"I-I had so much love from your human self I kinda forgot!"
"you forgot".
>"......stop laughing!"
>well that only makes me laugh harder, much to chryssi's annoyance, but she eventually joins in
>she also starts flying in a new direction, towards ponyville
>"it's fine, I need to show you how to gather love anyway"
"oh no... we're not gonna kidnap somepony, are we?"
>"not yet! That's only if we need to!"
>oh boy...
"if we get arrested by the ponice, I'm blaming you"
>"they can't touch us anyway, I'm 'reformed' now"
"do you have any idea who we should go after?"
>"you're the one who's seen our world through fantasy, who do YOU think we target?"
"I... I don't know, I would probably just find someone who has a huge thing for changelings and like, exploit that"
>"like I did with you?"
>she's smirking again
"don't make me-"
>smacking her doesn't work
>how the hell do I threaten this creature
>"you don't, hun~"
"stop doing that!!"
>she's laughing again, which gives me time to think
>well, we could...
>no, that's insane
>they'd kill each other
>"oh, I really want to know what you're thinking of this time"
"you really don't"
>"arousal, concern, worry, and excitement all together...."
"okay, fine, if you must know, I had the idea of asking twilight, because we could disguise it as wanting to prove your goodness"
>"'re hiding something"
>damn it
".....and she's my favorite pony"
>cool, everypony below us in town is staring now
"I mean, yeah?? You're my favorite villain, but like, she's-"
>"let's do it"
>nothing about her expression tells me that being in the same room as twilight sparkle would be a good idea right now
>is she.... jealous?
"I don't think we should really-"
>chrysalis starts flying off
>well fuck me I guess
>follow her all the way to the castle
>no choice but to follow her inside
>straight to the map table room thing
>she opens the doors without bothering to ask
>Twilight isn't even in the room
>can't help but snort to myself
>chryssi swipes at me with a wing
>surprise myself by dodging under it
>step closer and return the attempted smack with a kiss on her cheek
>she blushes
>see, I can do teasing too, you big bug
>still, she looks annoyed as she starts wandering deeper into the castle
>we eventually find Twilight in the library
>of course
>she looks suspicious of us, especially when Chrysalis closes the door behind her
>"we need some of your love"
>oh, fantastic opener, my beloved bug
>decide to try to explain before Chrysalis can escalate this to a fight
"We, uh, with me also being a changeling, we have no source of food"
>she's oddly quiet
>"how would I um...."
>wait, I feel something
>it's like a smell, but not coming from my nose
>I can't tell what part of me is even sensing it, but I can tell it's from Twilight
>"How do you think, hon? Discord told me you were watching, don't you think you want to be involved at least once~?"
>suddenly the room starts to reek of... this is lust, I think?
>with undertones of anxiety or something?
>I drop to a whisper
"w-we're just gonna try to seduce her like this?"
>before chryssi can even answer, Twilight surprises both of us
>"I-I'll do it..."
>we look to the princess, and she's laying on the nearby couch, wings splayed out, face red and hind legs spread wide open
>"I'm taking her face"
>chrysalis is halfway there before I can even pick my jaw up off of the floor
>well shit, I'm not gonna miss out on princess pussy
>I think I can already taste the love too!
>if only we had known that we were simply two bugs flying right into a well-laid trap
>hours later
>perhaps days
>time has ceased to exist
>Twilight is laying on her bed, snoring quietly, looking cute and innocent despite the fluids coating basically all of her
>me and chrysalis, meanwhile, are glowing with stored love
>literally glowing
>it almost hurts a little bit
>she's splayed out on her back at the end of the bed, still trying to recollect herself, and I'm hanging off the edge of it
>"....fuckin.... Princesses are hard to handle... bad idea... but tons of love...."
"oh really...? you think so?"
>"we need to get home and store this, but we can't fly like this"
"fantastic, even"
>"shut up"
>I limply wave my hoof in her direction, and that movement is enough to dislodge me from the covers
>I whine halfheartedly as I slump to the floor
>slowly stand up, feeling like every part of me is overweight and full of water
>does love collect itself as water inside of us?
>help Chrysalis out of the bed, slowly
>give her a kiss
>we GTFO of the damn castle before another fucking princess can get us drunk on love and wring us for every drop of stamina we had left
"really, that's a massive weakness, you know"
"we need love, but if we get too much, we get wasted and can't control ourselves"
>"for normal ponies, it's not a problem"
"then why did we go after twilight??"
>"if you tell this to anyone I'll get discord to turn you into a little green faggot like the other human, but I just really wanted to sit on her face so I could feel superior over her"
"Chryssi, she nearly ate your soul out through your-"
"other human??"
>"....oh, yeah, discord introduced her to me before I left, she told me if anyone was retarded enough to take me home I could basically do whatever I want to them"
>I bite my tongue
>the little asshole was right, sure, but I still hate them for it
>"you wanna pay her a visit on the way back? Might be fun, I bet she'll be jealous"
>she's grinning again, and this time I join her
"you know what? Sure, why not"
>be nonny
>troll horsefuckers all day on /mlp/
>they really are pathetic
>their resident clusterfuck shows up in my house
>tell him to GTFO
>try to run as he hits me with his faggot magic
>wake up trapped in the body of this tiny green fuck
>I swear he did something to make me unable to grow up, it's been years and I'm not even an inch taller
>fuck him
>he did give me a computer with access to the human world, but it can only get to /mlp/
>spend all day shitposting like I used to because I refuse to learn whatever retard lesson he wanted me to learn
>I went to their stupid school for ONE DAY and the silver and pink whores shoved my face in a mud puddle
>never again
>halfway through telling the Linkyspammer to KYS when something bangs on the door
>make my way to the door and pull it open, scowling up at the culprit
>takes me a few seconds to register what I'm looking at- queen fuckin' chrysalis sneering down at me, standing aside some bastard that looked just like her but more stallionlike and a bit shorter
>be me again
>grin down at the filly as she gapes up at us in shock
>she tries to close the door but I jam my hoof in the way
>"g-go away!"
>Chryssi shoves her way into the house
>follow her in and shut the door
>nonny is cowering in the corner already
>Chryssi wraps herself in flame and comes back out as her human disguise, but without any clothes
>oh dear
>Following her example, I reassume my former body, amused by the look on Nonny's face as she stares up at us
>Lay myself down on the couch and drag the filly into my arms
>cradle her like a foal as I brush my hand through her mane
"Awwww, you're just the most adorable little filly..."
>she's squirming, face redder than a tomato
>"f-fuck off! put me down! I'm not one of your faggot ponies!!"
>"Sure look like one to me~"
>Chryssi settles herself down on top of me and nonny, placing the filly squarely between her tits
>start to feel a faint trickle of lust from the filly, who never even got to feel the touch of a girl's tits in her former life
"We uh, we have enough love already..."
>"Oh no honey, this is just for fun, she used to visit me as a statue just to insult me"
>"You could hear me!?!?"
>"And now I'm going to fuck my husband to really rub in what you never got to experience~"
>I was never a masochist in my former life but the only thing I can feel in this moment is a rush of love for my psychotic bug wife
>I guess she senses the strong emotion, because she lunges for me, pulling me into a kiss as nonny is smothered between us
>I can hear nonny begging, but her words are lost on me as Chrysalis sits on my cock
>after we were done ruining her couch, me and chryssi took nonny to the shower
>we gave the filly a bath
>then we styled her mane
>and now we were dressing her up like a proper little filly
>really rubbing it in that we were humans and she was a defenseless little green horse
>she hated every moment of it
>me and chryssi had a blast
>nonny eventually starts to get into us petting her and dressing her up like she's our pet
>we even drop our disguises, getting bored of the human form
>, that didn't take me long, did it?
>she's like, really into it, actually
>sitting there, redfaced, dolled up with a comically large bow in her mane...
>then the realization hits us
>oh shit, she's starting to give off love
>we're full of love
>stumble our way out of the building with a hasty goodbye
>"w-wait! Hey! You can't just fucking leave!"
"Too much love, sorry!"
>Chryssi looks like she's gonna puke
>leave Nonny standing on her doorstep, full of new fetishes she never even knew she had
>lol, lmao
>maybe now she'll finally take cheerilee up on that offer for a makeover or something
>head back to the hive with Chrysalis, avoiding other ponies this time
>resist urge to make fun of her for looking so queasy
>it almost looks like the love was making her ass bigger...
>"The longer we're together, the better I get a read on your emotions, anon~"
>she waves her ass in my face to make it clear she knew what I was thinking
>I gotta learn how to read her thoughts sometime
>trying to think of how to get her to sit on my snout without letting her sniff it out of me when we hear a sound
>a loud crack, like a twig snapping but if the twig was an entire tree
>bigass timberwolf crashes through the shrubbery and snarls at us
>would've shit myself, but changelings don't eat food, so I'm good
>Chrysalis smirks over at me
>"Oh good, I need to burn some of this off before my ass gets any bigger"
"w-wait, so it actually-?"
>the timberwolf lunges for me
>a blinding beam of green magic cuts through the beast, tearing it in half and setting all of its smaller components on fire
>burning wood rains to the ground around us as my hearing slowly returns
>chryssi is grinning at me as a wisp of smoke trails from her horn
>"I feel WAY better now! Anyone else want a piece of me!?"
>she spins around, challenging all of the everfree
>well, I sure do, but I hope nothing bigger and scarier does
>eventually we're at the castle again...
"so like... where do we put all the love?"
>"we're royals, hun, it gets stored inside of us"
>"...mostly around here, though"
>I get zero warning as she slaps my ass with a hoof, almost knocking me over
>goodness, I can feel the jiggle, my ass really is bigger than it used to be
>it's even bigger than HERS
>"hey, be glad you're not a drone, those guys store it in their balls"
"why the hell would they-"
>"so they can give it to us!"
"chryssi, I am NOT sucking any of our children's cocks"
>"why not?"
>the fucking audacity on this bug
>"well, I mean, they can also just cum inside your-"
"Y-Yeah, I get it!"
>she flashes me a knowing grin, like a mare looking at her colt who is entirely convinced that the blue flames on the stove are cold
>"just wait until you see what love tastes like..."
"....I'm married to a crazy pony"
>"not yet~!"
and then thread died rip in piece
by Prince_Polaris
by Prince_Polaris