>Be Anon
>Live in Stable 2
>Horses say they found you at the bottom of the Reactor Core
>Just about shat their pants
>Overmare adots you as her own
>She loves you very much, even though most view you as a freak
>Other kids start to distance themselves from you because your so different
>Become an outcast to them
>They don't bully you because of Mum powers
>Feels gud man
>Become friends with a little filly 1 year younger than you
>Two of you bond over being outcasts and losers
>Two of you become fast friends
>Friendship formed out of that
Few years later, you're having your Cutie Mark Party
>Horses confused as to why you get a Cutie Mark Party even though you don't have one
>Mum insists that you at least have a party for turning ten
>Mum is awesome
>Other stable kids get invited to your party, they don't have gifts for you, only came for the cake
>Fuck them
>Littlepip bought you a present though, she's an awesome friend
>Gives you books of Magic and Repair (Stable Edition)
>The former seems useless, but you kept the latter for future purposes
>Mum gives you your Pipbuck and congratulates you for coming into her life
>Littlepip wants to check out your new Pipbuck, she tinkers with it for a few times before a white flash beams out her ass and in place is her cutie mark
>A Pip-buck
>why don't I have one?
>Littlepip seems happy about it though, and by happy, she was a sad horse
>Few more years later, you're walking with Littlepip to take your C.A.T exam
>Pass by an older looking pony
>Notice it was Volvo Remedial
>You hate her, she seems like a pissy princess
>But her voice is good, nice songs too
>She looks back at you and winks at you
>Two of you take the test and you land a position of being a Stable Guard
>Mum probably had a hoof in it too, she spoils you sometimes
>Littlepip has a job in the Pipbuck technician department
>Angry smol pony noises
>Two of you fuck off and watch the little league after the exam to forget about it
>Horses start to warm up and notice your ability with your hands
>You become a part-time repair pony on top of guard duties
>Thanks for the book, Pip
>Velvet starts to take an interest in you and asks how I got two jobs
>She probably wants to get inside your pants
>You try to avoid her, but she persists
>Few years later, you out here taller than the little horses and respected in the ranks of the Security horses
>Mum is so proud
>Drop by the technician office to say hi to Littlepip
>Ngl, she looks cute
>She's freaking out, is she having her horse period?
>Ask her what the matter is
>Says that Velvet the bitch dropped off her Pipbuck to be inspected 'cause it felt loose
>She deserves it
>Next day you come to the scene of Velvet's room
>She was gone
>Stable Doors are open
>mfy Litlepip shows up with bitchs Pipbuck
>Horses berate her and mum scares the living shit out of her
>You defend her fron them and escort her to her room
>Your heart cracks a little, so you boop her muzzle and reassure her
>She smiles and thanks you
>Littlepip is best pony
>Few hours later, taking a break from guard duty to cool off
>Horses are still mad at Pip
>Fuck them
>Alert sirens goes off and red lights start to strobe the Stable
>Another pony at leaving the stable
>Mum is alerting us to the pony
>You have fast legs and reach the stable doors in time to see Littlepip galloping out
>Notice a paper at the control panel
>'I'm sorry.'
>Fuck, now heart is extra cracked
>Another set of guards enter the entrance
>They're bitches and don't wanna go out to save Littlepip
>Guard one goes to close the Stable doors
>You enter S.A.T.S
>Target: Guard two
>Head: 99%
>Guard two is dazzed
>You knock guard one out too, now unconcious ponies
>Stable doors about to close
>Mum is begging for you not to leave over the intercom
>Hard choice, but you don't wanna leave Littlepip out there all alone
>Leave Littlepip's note for Mom
>'Sorry Mum.'
>Squeeze past the Stable Doors just in the nick of time
>Hear Mum's cries die out as you hear loud sents of hooves hit the floor
>Stable Doors clamp shut
>You look at Littlepip
>She stares back
>Both of you were silent for what felt like centuries
>The stable doors were clap shut as steam escaped outside towards you and Pip
>It was dark and damp and you take note that it looked as though it resembled that of a cave
>You open your Pip-buck light and so does Pip, providing a bit of light for you two
>After Celestia knows how long, You decided it was time to break the silence
"What in the name of Luna were you thinking!?"
>Your voice was amplified thanks to the hallowed cavern
>Your insane friend was sweating bullets as she stumbled to her hooves
>"A-anon! y-you weren't supposed to follow me out…"
>Her voice was almost quiet as she said it
>You let out a frustrated sigh
>Okay, now both of you are fucked. There is no way in hell that you or her will ever step hoof back in the stable
"What were you thinking, Pip? how'd you manage to unlock the doors in the first place?"
>"I… I wanted to get Velvet back… Her Pip-buck had the codes to open the stable…" She replied, sheepishly
>You stand up to your full length, towering over the small mare
>Celestia all mighty, you need to think of something now
>You check your Pip-Buck and shift to the Stable Radio station
>Then change to the Security Station
>You looked back at Pip, she was staring at a flimsy wooden door at the far end of the cavern
>Deciding that is was better to follow and keep an eye of her, you follow suit and stand next to her
>"Anon… I came out here to get Velvet back, it was my fault she got away in the first place. You weren't supposed to follow me"
>Looking down at her, her eyes were filled with a burning determination
>You shake your head
"Pip, you shouldn't have gotten in the way in the first place. It wasn't your fault, it was what's-her-face's fault"
>"Velvet Remedy" She corrected
"Whatever. Look, point is that it was Velvet's fault and not yours, you were played by a fool and took the brunt of it. Now look where we're at, we won't be able to come back now because of-"
>"Anon, you're either with me or not. I don't care what you say, I'm getting Velvet back with or without you"
"And what'll you do once you get her? we sure as shit can't return here"
>That shut her up
>"... I… I don't know…"
"Why did you do this in the first place?"
>She doesn't answer
>You sighed irritatedly
"Fine, I'll go with you and help you out… but you owe me one for this"
>She smiles a little
>"Thanks, Anon… well, let's get to it then"
>Taking point, you grip the cellar doors as you open up the gates to another world
Name: Anon
S - 8
P - 3
E - 7
C - 6
I - 3
A - 6
L - 7
Tag Skills
•Melee Weapons
•Built to destroy
•Wild Wasteland
Footnote: Level up!
New perk: Mare Killer
"A few of the mares in your stable find you attractive and you can't seem to find out why or how. You deal +10% damage to the opposite sex and unlock unique dialogue with certain mares"
Companion perk: Stable Technician
"Your foalhood friend roped you into this so might as well roll with what she has planned. Your repair and Arcane Science skills have an additional +5 points and your Magical Energy Weapons and small guns deal x2 damage whenever Littlepip is in your party"
>You were greeted with the darkness of the outside world
>Cocking your head up, you see thick and grey clouds looming over you and Pip
>Even with the combined light of Your Pip-Buck and Pip's own, it was still hard to make out shapes in the distance
>You looked down at your Pip-buck and suddenly 2 new locations have been marked in your map
>Stable 2 and Sweet Apple Acres
>Huh, neat
>You then stare at your little mare friend
>She was panicking, hyperventilating too
>You let out a suppressed sigh as you kneel down to her level
>You've seen photos and reports of how the outside looked thanks to your mother's overmare privileges, but you didn't think it would looks *this* bad
>You hold Pip and she stops her shaking
>She looks at you and then you reflexively boop her muzzle
>An old trick you used to do whenever she was nervous, and you can't help but think she looked cute while doing it. Still does
"Alright… it looks bad right now, but I'm sure there has to be some… ponies here who're willing to help us out"
>You weren't sure for certain, but you need to stay calm right now
>Quest objective: Finding Velvet
>▪Look for clues that hint of her whereabouts
>Littlepip was a nervous horse, but since she's got her B.F.F by her side, that soothed her nerves just enough for her to keep on track
>"Alright, Anon… I sure hope so too…"
>You pet her mane
>She hums in delight
>Yup, you're sure everything will be alright
>A new radio signal appeared in your Pip-Buck, looking back at it, you see that it was called 'Tenpony News Radio'
>Switching the station on, you were greeted with pleasant pre-war music
>Seems like they're on a commercial break
>"Well, look who we got ourselves, boys. A Unicorn and… whatever the fuck this is!"
>Fuck your life
>Holding up both your hands, you and Pip were in the middle of a stick up
>Three stallions, they're armed and look dangerous
>Shit, you got yourselves in a tight spot right now
>One of the earth pony stallions saunters over you and takes your custom 10 mm pistol
>"And it looks like he's got a pretty toy with him. Awe, is the monkey sad that I got his toy?" The pony said, mockingly. Waving your gun in front on you
"This monkey's got a few tricks if you don't give that back" you replied, glaring daggers into his soul
>He seemed to have been barely fazed
>"Try it, and we'll paint this camp with yer brains…"
>You say nothing, but continue to glare at the stallion
>The other one, the one with the Sawed-off shotgun, walks over to Pip with a maniacal smile
>She visibly shivers, dropping the bobby Pin and Screw as the stallion she was trying to save rolled his eyes
>"Look at you… one of them stable mares, you'll do fine with the others~"
>"Others?" Pip asked nervously
>The bound stallion spits out his gag sheet and gives both of you a deadpan stare
>"They're Slaver's you idiots."
>The pony behind you, the one with the coiled snake cutie mark, hisses with glee as he stares at Pip like a predator to its prey
>"She looks cute, why don't we give her a test drive and see how good she is"
>You don't like that idea, you've watched enough holotapes of adult films to know how this ends. Except this wasn't hot, this is fucked right up
>"I like that idea, Cracker.. Watch over the monkey while we have our fun with her"
>Pip was how shaking, beads of sweat roll down her brow as she fails to light up her magic. Her hooves weren't working as well, they were petrified with fear
>"N-no! get away from me!" Whined Pip, pushing back her attacker as he licked his lips
>"Save some more me, Sawed-off!"
>The pony with the cheese cutie mark looks at other direction with a blank expression
>Oh to hell with that
>"Get away! no! please!"
>You had to help her
>As the two stallions were busy laughing from your friends suffering, you took that time to enter S.A.T.S and target the pony in front of you
>Target: Cager
>Body: 95%
>You manage to daze the stallion for long enough to grab your pistol and use the hilt of it to knock out Cracker with a good strike to his head
>Two down, one more to go-
>Before you could react however, you feel the back of your head begin struck with a great force, making you see stars and fall down the ground with a heavy 'thud'
>"That's it! I'm killing this thing!"
>"Would you shut up and fucking relax?" The voice of Cracker became apparent again, looks like you didn't knock him out that well, "Celestia be damned, you'll attract a pack of Manticors if you don't quit it"
>You were starting to black out
>"He pulled a move on us, he deserves to die"
>"He's worth more alive to us than dead. If you used that head of yours, you would know that"
>"To tartarus with that, he'll pull something on us again and I just know it"
>"Let's just fucking pack up and move, this isn't safe here no more"
>As you begin to fade away to darkness, your friends voice enters your consciousness
>"Anon! please wake up! oh Luna, oh Luna, Anon-!"
>Then, a loud bang sounded off, echoing around you
>"Shut up, stupid bitch!"
>Son… of… a…
>You couldn't stay awake for much more longer, your head hurts and the pain overpowered your thoughts
>You are unconscious.
>You slowly open your eyes, you feel a numbness at the back of your head
>Your vision is cloudy, though you begin to come back to your senses
>You feel as if you were laying on some sort of cart as you hit bumps the road that makes your ass feel sore even more
>What happened?
>All you remember was getting jumped by a group of ponies and getting clocked at the back with something and get knocked the fuck out
>You don't even remember if you were doing a great job at putting up a fight
>You tentatively move one of your hands to the back of your head… only to discover that your hands were tied-up by rope and connected to the cart itself
>This ain't good
>"Anon, are you there?" came the small voice of a mare to your side. You crane your next to see Littlepip in shackles, along with that other stallion with a cheese cutie mark. "Oh thank Celestia's ass crack… you're okay…" she said with relief.
>You nodded, gently shaking your head as to snap out of your daze
"Yeah, I'm fine… I guess. Where are we?"
>You asked the grey mare
>She simply let her ears fall down to her skull and motioned her head to the front
>The three stallions were there, all three of them wielding their weapons and laughing about how they'll get a good price for all three of their newly captured slaves
>You even spot that the pony with the snake cutie mark has your 10mm pistol holstered on his left hind-hoof
"Fuck. What happened?"
>"Well… they knocked you out after you pulled that little stunt you did… it nearly cost you your head, you dumbass…" Littlepip said, sadly. Her face grew sad as her lower lip curved down. It was only then did you notice that her horn was covered in some sort of… magic suppressor. You remember this from the book that Littlepip gave you back when you had your cutie mark party
>Poor girl must be devastated by this
>"Look who's woken up over here," that voice. "Our lil' monkey's finally back from the dead, and here I was starting to think that you were a waste to bring here."
>Cracker looked back at you with a hungry look in his eyes, he smiles and detaches himself from the other two slavers. He slowed down just so he could be able to talk with you
>"Morning, monkey. Did ya have a good sleep~?" he said, humorously
>Your brow furrows as you glare daggers into his eyes
"You have no idea who the fuck you're messing with, shit head…"
>You replied, coldly. Spitting a wad of saliva directly into Crackers face, he dodged it effortlessly and continued on with his taunting
>"Still a piece of shit, ain't ya? y'know, we coulda left yer sorry flank back at the camp for the manticores. But that woulda been a waste of somethin' that'll net me loads 'o caps,"
>You find it hard to find the word to shot back
"Why are you doing this?"
>Was simply what you could muster
>The stallion smiles like a maniac and slaps your shoulder with a force of a thousand mini hooves of fillies
>"We gotta make a living out here some way, and wranglin' up slaves is somethin' that we're good at, ain't that right, boys?"
>He called back to his goons, they gave out a little chuckle in response
>Your lips begin to tighten as you glare with even more heat back at Cracker. All he did was have him off and trot back to two other company
>You breath out a sigh of discomfort, you tried to feel around your wrist but the tightness of the rope only made it hurt even more. You groan in displeasure
>"Anon… don't hurt yourself… please," Littlepip said silently, her head held low
>This time, the other captured pony spoke. His face is a mix of sourness and uncaring
>"Better listen to your stable friend if I were you, the more you struggle the more you only tire yourself out."
>Your eyes swap to him and so does Pip's
>Your grey pony buddy gave him a cautious stare
>"And… who is your name? I don't think you've introduced yourself to us," said Pip
>"Name isn't important, what's important is surviving out here. If we get out of this shit then I'll tell you who I am. For now though, it doesn't look like we'll be going anywhere."
>You tried to ask him where they were taking them, but out of nowhere, Cager pops out of your view and gives your already sore head a quick jab. You let out a sharp groan as your chin falls down the walls of the little cart used to tow you with them
>"Shut up and keep your mouth shut, you three'll fetch us a big load of caps," he pauses as he looks at you with sinister intent. "Especially you."
>It took you a second for you to realise that all of you were starting to come across a bridge. Your Pip-buck notified you of a newly marked location
>New location: Raider Toll Bridge
>As all of you were making your way to the bridge, Cracker and Sawed-Off stopped at two other ponies at the middle of the bridge. They wore what looks like old ragged clothes, one had a helmet while the other had spiked shoulder pauldrons; both have really messy mane styles that would make one of our stable mane stylist gag in disgust
>The four of them began to talk, you couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but with that you could make out, it sounds like they were discussing about a toll to pass the bridge
>While that happened, Cager was focused on your foalhood friend. He began to eye her up like a piece of food on a silver plate, Pip was quivering in fear, her lips trembling as he started berating her
>You wished you could do something to stop this, but your hands were tied and your legs could only do so much
>A loud clap of a firearm sounded off from a distance, you flinch at the sudden shock as a bullet pierced the air
>You close your eyes for a second and then open them back as quickly as you closed them as you see the bullet strike the side of Cager's heads killing the earth pony instantly as he fell down to the bridge with a loud 'thud', along with his sharpened shovel
>Your eyes leave the fresh body of Cager and then to Pip's blood soaked face. She looked horrified at the sight of Cagers dead body that she completely forgot about the residual brain matter that she wore
>Time stood to a crawl more and more ponies dressed up like the two on the bridge come out of wood work, Cracker and Sawed-Off looked back at their fallen comrade before the unicorn slaver abruptly shot two rounds of his Double-barrel towards the ponies they were conversing with
>Spiky maned pony and Spike shoulder pony drop on the bridge like a sack of potatoes as you stare on at the display before you, looking at both Pip and the other slave, you knew that all of you were in trouble
>Sawed-Off quickly reloaded his gun as Cracker shouted
>He dashed over to pick up Cagers weapon as a battle began
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by RichterRat