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Mare-Order Bride

By pentapony
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2022-07-12 10:19:36
Expiry: Never

  1. "EARTH?"
  2. >No no no
  3. >This can't be happening
  4. >Peeking out from behind your front door, you stare in shock at the nonchalant mare with a clipboard standing on your porch
  5. >"Yeah, says so here. Floor Bored, right? You got matched up with some human."
  6. >This is impossible
  7. >There has to be some mistake
  8. "H-How?"
  9. >"Hon, you've been listed on our service for a while now. It's clear no stallion's gonna take you, and protocol says after eighteen months you have to get placed on the human waitlist."
  10. "I-I can't go to Earth."
  11. >You can barely muster the courage to go down to the grocery store every two weeks
  12. >How are you going to survive in a completely different WORLD?
  13. >"Listen, you signed a contract. You're already paid for. Now we're not slavers, you're free to back out of it, but then it comes down to damages. And judging by the state of your house," she peers behind you into your dilapidated home, "you can't afford to breach contract. Either you suck it up and go to Earth, or the bank will take your home. No offense, honey, but I'd hate to see a poor thing like you living on the street."
  14. >The street?
  15. >No no no no NO
  16. >You CANNOT live outside
  17. >You can barely handle going out biweekly as it is
  18. >Having to suffer through that 24/7?
  19. >You'll die your very first night
  20. >You're feeling the onset of panic just imagining it
  21. >The mare stares at you apathetically. "Well whatever you decide, swing by the service Monday morning. Bring a suitcase or the deed to your place."
  22. >With that, she turns and leaves.
  23. >You slam your door shut. Back pressed against it, you slide down to the floor, hyperventilating.
  24. >You never should have signed up for this service to begin with
  25. >Maybe you should have at least read the fine print
  26. >You didn't think anypony would actually take you as a mare-order bride
  27. >You registered because it was the only way to preserve your NEEThood
  28. >Becoming the doting wife to some handsome stallion
  29. >It's the only thing you ever wanted in life
  30. >Of course that dream was totally impossible
  31. >You are, perhaps, the most undesirable mare in Equestria
  32. >Not a single stallion would want you
  33. >That's why you got bumped down to the human list
  34. >Those humans are fucking crazy, you've heard the stories
  35. >They're creeps and weirdos and lunatics who are obsessed with ponies
  36. >Sure, the service says they thoroughly vet all the humans before letting them on the waitlist
  37. >But they're humans, they're all psychopaths
  38. >Who knows what this human will do to you
  39. >He'll probably keep you tied up in his creepy sex dungeon
  40. >Fuck, why is that so hot
  41. >You're supposed to be disgusted by that
  42. >This is so fucking hard
  43. >You don't want to do this
  44. >You CAN'T do this
  45. >You feel the panic attack coming on
  46. >Panting more and more as your chest constricts
  47. >Your head feels faint, the world goes fuzzy
  48. >And you pass out
  50. >The weekend seemed to fly by
  51. >Usually you don't keep track of the days, you've never really had appointments or schedules to keep to
  52. >But this particular deadline snuck up on you
  53. >Any time you thought about the situation the anxiety got to you
  54. >So you frittered away with the usual activities
  55. >Video games. Manga. Lots of masturbation
  56. >But here you lie in your bed, early Monday morning, in sheer terror
  57. >You pull the covers over your head
  58. >It's safer inside
  59. >But soon you'll have to make a choice
  60. >One way or another, you're being forced out of this safe space
  61. >Either you travel to an entirely different world, where you'll be at the mercy of a rabid creature
  62. >Or you get evicted onto the streets, forced to endure NEET life outside, or worse
  63. >Get a job
  64. "EEP!"
  65. >The concept terrifies you, being forced to wear some starchy uniform, interact with ponies day in, day out
  66. >That's it
  67. >You can't do this
  68. >At least in Earth you'll be able to preserve your NEEThood
  69. >You'd rather be locked in some human's basement than forced to live that kind of life
  70. >Shuddering, you flip the blanket off yourself and climb off the bed
  71. >Digging through your closet, you pull out a never-used relic you inherited from your parents
  72. >A suitcase
  73. >What would they think, if they were still around to see you like this?
  74. >You've shamed their memory, lost the house they left you, and gotten yourself into such a mess
  75. >You mindlessly throw various possessions into the luggage
  76. >Too stressed to rationally consider what you may actually need
  77. >Just some random clothes, toys, personal effects
  78. >Will your daki fit?
  79. >If you have to be some monster's wife, you're at least bringing your secret horsebando
  80. >Desperately, you try to cram the pillow into the suitcase
  81. >No such luck
  82. >You resign to take the cover off and leave the pillow behind, it will have to do
  83. >Oh fuck the pillow reeks
  84. >You actually washed the cover a few times but the pillow must hold years of accrued sweat and cum from you desperately humping it
  85. >It's probably best you're not bringing it
  86. >Humans have pillows, right?
  87. >You don't know anything about them
  88. >Just a vague idea of their menacing shape
  89. >Once the suitcase is packed to the brim you squeeze it closed, sitting on it so you can actually zip it back up
  90. >You peek through your ever-closed blinds
  91. >It's so sunny out
  92. >You return to your closet, and dig out your favorite hoodie and some shorts
  93. >The hoodie is like a security blanket, hiding your unkempt mane and obscuring your peripheral vision
  94. >The outside world feels a little smaller when you can't see it surrounding you
  95. >The shorts are for covering up your blank flank, so you can at least pretend you're a normal mare in public
  96. >But that's just a comforting lie, everypony can see, plain as day, that you are anything but normal
  97. >Pulling the clothes on, you tighten the hoodie strings and pick up your suitcase
  98. >You steel yourself for the nerve-racking trip you are about to embark on
  99. >And step past your front door into the blinding sunshine
  101. >This has been
  103. >Let's recount how it went down
  104. >You somehow braved the long walk to the bridle service across town
  105. >Checked in with the receptionist
  106. >Gave her your name. "F-Floor B-Bored." Had to repeat it twice just so she could hear past your stutter
  107. >She raised an eyebrow when she saw your file
  108. >You don't know whether it was because of how long you've been registered, how dreadfully plain your bio is, or how you're being sent to Earth
  109. >Maybe all three
  110. >She asked you to take a seat
  111. >You waited in the lobby for maybe 30 minutes before your caseworker came out
  112. >She brought you to her office and explained how it's going to go down
  113. >You are under contract to cohabitate with your designated human for at least one year
  114. >Nearly all mares who register for the service are perfectly happy with who they get paired up with
  115. >60% start planning the wedding immediately, 99% get hitched within the first three months
  116. >The rare few who got matched with humans over stallions did so because they chose to
  117. >It's like every thing she says is a point about how abnormal your case is
  118. >She keeps dropping reassurances like "he's such a sweet guy" and "I'm sure you'll love him!"
  119. >You'll get to write your caseworker at most once a week
  120. >Once a month, she'll be dropping by for a random spot check
  121. >She stressed it's just a precaution but it still made you nervous
  122. >Is there really a big enough risk that they'll need to do random inspections?
  123. >Will he threaten you? Hurt you? Abuse you?
  124. >You're so scared, it takes everything you have to not break down in that meeting
  125. >"Of course, before we send you off we'll have to do something about that appearance."
  126. >You stared at her blankly
  127. >"Honey, you look like a mess. Now, he's seen your picture, but that doesn't mean you have to meet him looking like a cave-dweller."
  128. >She called her receptionist in and asked her to pull some strings for a last-minute salon appointment in Canterlot
  129. >Canterlot?
  130. >Yes, Canterlot
  131. >"That's where the portal is. To Earth."
  132. >That's how your bad day got worse
  133. >You panicked the whole trip to the capital city
  134. >You thought you felt stressed out walking around in your backwoods hometown
  135. >Walking around the fashion, financial, cultural capital of Equestria?
  136. >If there was ever a place you didn't fit in... it was there
  137. >At least the escort to the salon was relatively brief
  138. >But the respite was short-lived
  139. >Because there, the world's most premier manedressers (apparently) descended on you like vultures
  140. >Immediately you were shunted into a chair by three different ponies, your hoodie and shorts yanked off, poked and prodded with different utensils
  141. >One started combing out your tangled mess of a mane, another got to work on your hooves, the third trimming your overgrown fluff
  142. >Apparently you were too much of a fixer-upper so they crammed in as many simultaneous treatments as time (and physical space around you) permitted
  143. >You spent nearly an hour attacked from all angles, clipped, trimmed, brushed, combed, shampooed, polished, washed, styled, and scrubbed
  144. >Paralyzed the entire time by the sheer sensory overload of it all
  145. >By the time it was finally over, you barely even recognized yourself in the salon mirror
  146. >The mare that looked back was prettier, sure, but it wasn't you
  147. >It was all just a costume
  148. >You weren't granted any time to dwell on it, because straight from the salon you went to the castle
  149. >Yep
  150. >The royal fucking castle
  151. >If you knew just how daunting this whole experience would be, you'd have never left the safety of your house
  152. >You'd have let them bulldoze it with you inside
  153. >Finally, it was time to go
  154. >Your escort entourage had finally disbanded, leaving only you and your caseworker in front of the portal
  155. >And that's how today went down
  156. >Here you stand, in Canterlot Castle, with the mare who basically sold you off to some random monster, about to leave your home world forever
  157. >Because, face it, Floor.
  158. >You're never going home.
  159. >"Hey, hon, I know you must be scared, having to up and leave all of a sudden like this. But once you meet him, you'll see what a wonderful guy he is, and you'll realize there's nothing to fear. If you really don't like him, and I doubt that will be the case, you can come home after a year. This may be a bridle service, but you don't have to marry him if you don't want to. I'll stop by sometime within the next month, and if you want to contact me before then, remember, you can send me a letter a week."
  160. >You stare into the portal, seeing your shimmering reflection gaze back
  161. >You feel so exposed without your hoodie and shorts
  162. >They shoved them into your suitcase after giving you this insane makeover
  163. >Probably got a glimpse of all your embarassing possessions too
  164. >But in the mess that was today, that's probably the least of your concerns
  165. >You turn back to your caseworker, shaking with anxiety, and whisper your only question
  166. "W-What's his name?"
  167. >Surprised, she pulls up her clipboard. "I didn't tell you? Look at me, giving you every little bit of info but his name! Let's see, let's see... ah! Here it is. His name is..."
  168. >She says it with a warm smile
  169. >"Anonymous."
  171. >This is insane
  172. >Two minutes in this world and you're already freaked out
  173. >You're standing in front of his door, and you're barely keeping it together
  175. >Calm down, Floor, humans can probably smell fear
  176. >You don't know how you can possibly endure a year of this
  177. >It takes every ounce of strength you have to knock on that door
  178. >You hear shuffling on the other side
  179. >Lumbering footsteps, he's coming to eat you
  180. >The door swings open and HOLY CRAP THIS THING IS HUGE
  181. >He's like twice the size of you!
  182. >He's a predator
  183. >And you're what's for dinner
  184. >Instinctively, you shrink away, practically cowering in front of him
  185. >"Oh, hey! It's you!" He greets you excitedly
  186. >"I couldn't see you through the peephole, I thought the neighbor kids were pulling a prank again."
  187. >You have no idea what he's talking about, you just want it to be over
  188. >"Come in, make yourself at home."
  189. >Apprehensively, you step inside his place, dragging your suitcase behind you
  190. >It's very neat and organized
  191. >Completely pristine
  192. >You won't last a week in here
  193. >He takes a seat in the living room and motions you over invitingly
  194. >With a nervous gulp, you shut the door behind you, sealing yourself inside
  195. >Walk over and take a seat on his sofa
  196. >"So, I'm Anonymous, and I'm guessing you're Floor Bored?"
  197. >You nod tensely
  198. >"I have to say, you look a little different from your picture. Not that I'm complaining, of course! You're... really pretty."
  199. >He thinks you're pretty?
  200. >No
  201. >It's only because you have this costume on
  202. >This isn't your real mane, or your real coat
  203. >Your true self is an ugly mess
  204. >"Are you okay?" he asks, looking concerned. "You want some water or something?"
  205. >Suddenly your throat feels very dry
  206. >Again, you nod, and he gets up to get you a drink
  207. >He brings back a glass of water
  208. >You take it and quickly gulp down the whole glass, setting it down on the table in front of you
  209. >"Wow."
  210. >Stupid Floor, you just acted like a total pig
  211. >He sits back in his chair
  212. >"So, I have to admit, I don't really know how this is supposed to work."
  213. >What?
  214. >"It feels weird, the idea of getting married to a stranger just like that. Much less a pony."
  215. >You look at him uncertainly
  216. >"Don't get me wrong, there's nothing I ever wanted more than a mare of my own— I mean, not that you're MINE, but—"
  217. >He's stammering, finding himself getting very flustered
  218. >This isn't the vicious beast you imagined
  219. >...Maybe it's just an act to get your guard down
  220. >He sighs. "I'm sorry. Maybe we forget the whole marriage arrangement thing for now?"
  221. >Immediately, you nod in agreement
  222. >You can't imagine being his wife, the best you can stomach is reluctant roommates for a year
  223. >"Okay. Good."
  224. >He pauses awkwardly.
  225. >"You want me to show you to your room?"
  226. >Your room?
  227. >He's not going to make you sleep at the foot of his bed?
  228. >Or tie you up in his basement?
  229. >"Come on," he says, getting up. "Want me to grab your suitcase?"
  230. >You scramble off the sofa to get to it before he does
  231. >No way you're risking him seeing all the embarrassing things inside
  232. >"Oh. Okay then." He goes down the hall, motioning for you to follow
  233. >You drag your suitcase along, noting all the little details of his home
  234. >Tastefully appointed
  235. >It doesn't seem like a monster's lair
  236. >But it could all just be a facade
  237. >He stands in the doorway to a bedroom
  238. >"This one's yours."
  239. >You peer inside
  240. >It's actually kind of... nice?
  241. >A big bed, compared to your tiny body
  242. >A cute little desk
  243. >Even some shelves to hold your—
  244. >Wait, Floor, what are you talking about
  245. >This isn't your home, this is a prison cell
  246. >And he's the warden
  247. >Anything you put up, he's going to see
  248. >He's going to mock and taunt your interests
  249. >You slink inside, setting your suitcase down
  250. >Oh good, a closet to hide in
  251. >"You want something to eat? I'm sure the trip took a lot out of you."
  252. >You shake your head, instead climbing up onto the bed
  253. >"Well, my room is just across the hall if you need anything, and the bathroom's at the end.
  254. >He leaves and shuts the door for you
  255. >Finally alone
  256. >You dig through your suitcase and pull out your daki cover
  257. >Switch out one of the pillowcases for your horsebando
  258. >You curl up under the covers, squeezing him
  259. >He will protect you in this unfamiliar land
  260. >Finally, your racing heartbeat begins to slow
  261. >These sheets are so clean
  262. >So soft
  263. >You'll ruin them in time
  264. >Just like you ruin everything
  265. >Maybe if you're lucky the human will get sick of you and kick you out
  266. >Then you'll have to go back home
  267. >But it's weird
  268. >This bed doesn't feel safe like the one back home
  269. >But it does feel pretty comfy
  270. >Maybe...
  271. >It won't be all bad?
  273. >You awake not too long later
  274. >Apparently you are hungry after all
  275. >You can see the light from the hall spilling under the door
  276. >What do you do?
  277. >He must be out there
  278. >At least you're safer in here
  279. >But not totally safe
  280. >You feel anxious, exposed
  281. >You flip open your suitcase and dig out your hoodie and shorts
  282. >Sliding them on, you feel slightly assuaged
  283. >But the rumbling of your stomach interrupts you
  284. >You're going to have to leave at some point
  285. >Shakily, you climb out of bed and go to the door
  286. >Pressing your ear against it, you can hear muffled sounds
  287. >He's out there
  288. >But the primal urge to eat is drowning out your fear
  289. >Slowly, you open the door
  290. >Human doors are so hard to open
  291. >Crack it open just a bit and peek outside
  292. >You can see him down the hall in the living room
  293. >Sitting on his sofa, watching TV
  294. >Take a deep breath
  295. >Here goes
  296. >Step outside and over to him
  297. >"Floor Bored! Hi!" he looks over and greets you warmly.
  298. >"You hungry yet?"
  299. >Thankfully he guessed it, you won't have to ask
  300. >You nod shyly
  301. >"Cool, I'll make you something."
  302. >He gets up and walks around to the kitchen
  303. >"Your bio didn't have a lot of info, but it said your favorite food was ramen, so..."
  304. >He opens a pair of cabinets to reveal the treasure within
  305. >Your jaw drops when you see the mountain of ramen packets
  306. >"I stocked up. Didn't know what kind you liked so I got them all."
  307. >You start to salivate as your eyes dart between all the different flavors
  308. >Humans have so many
  309. >Shit, you're drooling, you bimbo
  310. >"You got a preference?" he asks.
  311. "S-s-spicy."
  312. >You stutter out your first word to him
  313. >"Alright, a mare after my own heart." He reaches into the cabinet before turning back to you. "Not that you're— I didn't mean—"
  314. >He quickly shuts himself up and digs out two packs of spicy noodles
  315. >He puts on a pot of water while you sit at the table
  316. "Y-You can call me Floor."
  317. >"Huh?" He turns to you, not quite catching what you said
  318. "You don't have to keep calling me Floor Bored."
  319. >"Oh, right, sorry, pony names are just a little different, I wasn't sure what to call you."
  320. >He sits at the table across from you while he waits for the water to boil
  321. >"Is your room okay? I can redecorate if you don't like it."
  322. "I-It's fine."
  323. >He eyes you up and down, trying to make conversation
  324. >"I really like the clothes. They're cute."
  325. >Cute?
  326. >"You don't normally see ponies wearing casual stuff. Just, like, dresses and junk, on special occasions."
  327. >You absentmindedly play with strings on your hoodie
  328. >He won't stop watching you
  329. >Smiling
  330. >Why?
  331. "I like to wear clothes. They're c-comfy and they hide my body."
  332. >"You don't like your body?"
  333. >You stop avoiding his eyes and look at him with baffled skepticism
  334. "Why would I?"
  335. >"Well, 'cause you're... pretty?" he smiles nervously
  336. >He did not just say that
  337. >What game is he playing?
  338. >He doesn't think you're pretty
  339. >Does he?
  340. >You whisper a stifled thanks and involuntarily shrink into yourself
  341. >It's weird
  342. >You don't feel safe here
  343. >But for some reason you don't want to stop talking to him
  344. >You look around his home, trying to think of a conversation topic other than your looks
  345. >Your ugly, disgusting, hideous—
  346. >Focus, Floor!
  347. >What do normal ponies ask each other about when they meet somepony new?
  348. >Weather? Politics? Favorite type of porn?
  349. >Wait, yes!
  350. "W-What's your job?"
  351. >He rubs his neck awkwardly. "Well, I was in school for a while, but that didn't really work out. I guess I'm... between jobs? For now at least, I'm... a NEET."
  352. >Your ears perk up instantly, as well as they can underneath your tight hood
  353. "You're NEET?"
  354. >"Yeah. Not 'neat,' but 'NEET'. Like, I don't mean—"
  355. >You know what he means, and he has your attention piqued
  356. >"I don't mean to brag, but I'm basically good-for-nothing."
  357. >Ugh why is that so hot
  358. >What the fuck why do you find ironic self-deprecation sexy
  359. "Me too."
  360. >You whisper your response tensely, all the while thoughts racing through your head
  361. >They have NEETs here on Earth
  362. >You could be trapped with somepony worse
  363. >Some normie wageslave loser drone
  364. >But instead you got... Anonymous
  365. >"Water's boiling." He gets up to stir the ramen in
  366. >You watch him as he works
  367. >So tall, so big
  368. >And his legs poking out through his shirt
  369. >Or is it arms when it's on a human?
  370. >Such strange anatomy
  371. >Strangely intriguing
  372. >After a bit he brings two bowls over
  373. >You look down excitedly at the ramen floating in a reddish broth
  374. >As soon as he sets it down in front of you, you instinctively bring your muzzle down and start guzzling away
  375. >It's a full ten seconds before you remember what you're so used to doing is NOT normal
  376. >You freeze and sheepishly look back up at him, your cheeks turning as red as the broth staining your snout
  377. >He grins and says "That's nothing!" before picking up a forkfull and slurping up a ridiculously long noodle
  378. >Up the length of his tall body it goes, from the table all the way to his mouth
  379. >That makes you snort, getting little flecks of soupy water everywhere
  380. >At least he has a sense of humor
  381. >You chat a bit over dinner, with your appetite sated you feel more at ease
  382. >But after a while, you can feel your introvert tendencies creeping in along the urge to withdraw
  383. >You decide to quit while you're ahead and go back to bed
  384. >As you climb down from your chair, you look back up at him
  385. "Thanks for the meal, Anonymous."
  386. >He smiles at you
  387. >"Anon, Floor. Call me Anon."
  389. >That night, you find it hard to go back to sleep
  390. >You're clutching your daki, nerves racked
  391. >That Anonymous— Anon— isn't what you expected him to be
  392. >Isn't it just like you to never be wanted by anypony, and then the first time a creature actually picks you, you're terrified and just want it to be over
  393. >But he doesn't want you, not really
  394. >Anypony who wants somepony like you must be fucked-up in the head
  395. >And he seems... okay
  396. >So what did he pick you for?
  397. >Who in their right mind would want you to be their bride?
  398. >But he doesn't want you as a bride, he practically said so himself
  399. >You're so fucking conflicted
  400. >You don't even want to marry him, why does it feel so bad for him to reject you
  401. >He hasn't even rejected you yet, what the hell are you talking about?
  402. >Your mind is swimming in a discordant, stormy sea of thoughts, nothing is making sense at all
  403. >Just focus on one thing at a time, Floor
  404. >What do you want? More than anything?
  405. >Okay
  406. >Easy
  407. >You know the answer to that
  408. >You just want to be loved
  409. >You want to devote your life to making somepony happy
  410. >Making him eggs over ramen for breakfast, servicing him sexually, making him ramen for dinner
  411. >Mmmm... ramen
  412. >You don't want to have to worry about working, or adjusting to normal society, or trying new things (new things are scary)
  413. >All you want is to be loved for who you are
  414. >...
  415. >What a stupid dream
  416. >Nopony will ever want you
  417. >You feel like such a normie for wanting those things
  418. >It's such a dumb little schoolfilly fantasy to have
  419. >Getting swept off your feet by some handsome mysterious figure
  420. >As if that'll ever happen
  421. >You wish you didn't have dreams
  422. >You wish you were okay with your shitty life
  423. >...the life you don't have anymore
  424. >No, now your life is this
  425. >Curled up in some stranger's bed, terrified, not knowing what tomorrow will hold
  426. >You squeeze your daki harder
  427. >Horsebando will protect you
  428. >Horsebando will love you
  429. >Horsebando will... touch.. you...
  430. >...yes...
  431. >Holding him is not enough
  432. >You want to melt away at his touch
  433. >You wrap your hind legs around him as well
  434. >The pillow feels good between your legs
  435. >So soft, so delicate
  436. >Gently stroke him, up and down
  437. >He loves and appreciates you like no other
  438. >Slide your hips against him
  439. >That feels so go good
  440. >You plant a big kiss on his muzzle
  441. >He loves it when you lick his face clean
  442. >That night you accidentally spilled salsa on him while eating chips in bed turned into a fun adventure
  443. >He doesn't find you gross
  444. >To him, everything about you is sexy
  445. >So you'll do anything to please him
  446. >Grinding against him, your hot, wet breath beating against his face
  447. >You stare into his bedroom eyes while you fuck him
  448. >He's so fucking hot, you want him to use you
  449. >To pin you down and fuck your brains out
  450. >Grinding faster and faster, you coat his body in your juices
  451. >Pure ecstasy, you don't want it to ever end
  452. >You're winking like mad, your clit begging to be stimulated
  453. >You release one hoof from him and bring it down between your legs
  454. >Start rubbing away and pretending it's his touch
  455. >Oh, he handles you so vivaciously, sensitive and rough at the same time
  456. >Panting hard against his face while you hump him
  457. >No one gets you wetter than him
  458. >You sink your face into the pillow and moan deeply
  459. "Fuck me, sweet prince! Mount me and make me yours!"
  460. >You can feel the deeply-needed sensation building in your loins
  461. >Holding your breath, with a powerful squeeze, you clench him between your thighs and give a mighty buck
  462. >It sends you over the edge into utter bliss
  463. >You pull him into a kiss as you orgasm all over him
  464. "Fuuuuck..."
  465. >Only when the twitching in your crotch stops do you finally pull away and suck the air back into your lungs
  466. >Lying back on the bed, a bit of drool dribbling out of the corner of your mouth, letting your brain bathe in the endorphins
  467. >After a minute of catching your breath you finally regain your senses
  468. >And realize you're lying in a puddle of your own sweat and cum
  469. >The sheets, the blanket, your pillow, all soaking wet with your bodily fluids
  470. >That's when it hits you
  471. >This isn't your bed
  472. >Oh fuck oh shit oh man
  473. >You completely drenched Anon's bed, he's going to find out
  474. >He's going to kill you, or hit you, or yell at you like you're a crate-training puppy
  475. >The anxiety had left just long enough for you to rub one out, and now it was back in full force
  476. >Clinging to your daki once again, you give up and resign to your doom
  477. >You pull the blankets over your head, deciding now to never come out
  478. >Hopefully Anon doesn't notice the smell when you curl up and die in here
  479. >Or the stench from the shlick session you just had
  480. >Or any of the thousand other odors seeping out of your body at any given moment
  481. >No
  482. >The only way you're ever leaving this bed...
  483. > if Anon drags you out
  485. >You awake some time the next morning
  486. >The curtains are drawn so it's still nice and dark in here
  487. >But the masturbatory shame hasn't left
  488. >Curled up under the blanket, you can still smell the remnants of last night's session
  489. >You don't want to leave
  490. >To leave is to expose your shame to him
  491. >To show him the messy, hopeless degenerate that you really are
  492. >You feel the onset of panic creeping in
  493. >So you clutch your horsebando in your hooves and sink into the pillow
  494. >Before you know it, you've fallen back asleep
  495. >Only to be awoken some indeterminate time later by a knock at the door
  496. >But of course, you don't answer
  497. >Instead, paralyzed by fear, you watch the door and pray he leaves
  498. >And he does
  499. >He's polite like that, at least
  500. >You stay there, not knowing what to do
  501. >Crippled by your anxiety
  502. >The minutes turn to hours
  503. >All the while, too afraid to even set one hoof off the bed
  504. >Eventually he comes back
  505. >Knocks again
  506. >A little firmer this time
  507. >He even speaks
  508. >"Floor?"
  509. >But you don't reply
  510. >You're scared he'll come in
  511. >You don't want to look him in the eye when he does
  512. >So you dip your head under your blanket, nestled in the safety of your smelly cocoon
  513. >Once again, he leaves
  514. >But you don't
  515. >Even more time passes
  516. >You have no way of telling how much
  517. >It must be late afternoon, early evening, judging by how long the light has been spilling in through the gaps in the curtains
  518. >You're so hungry, stomach is rumbling
  519. >You desperately have to piss, there are no bottles in this room
  520. >But this is what you deserve
  521. >You filthy, perverted wretch
  522. >Splaying yourself all over somepony's clean sheets
  523. >Ruining them like you ruin everything in your life
  524. >If there was a noose in this bed, you'd use it
  525. >It's been so long, you're getting light-headed
  526. >You lose all track of passing time, nothing has meaning anymore
  527. >For the third time, Anon comes and knocks
  528. >"You okay in there? You haven't come out all day."
  529. >You try to choke out an affirmative reply that will get him to leave you alone
  530. >But no sound escapes your throat
  531. >He knocks just one more time, and you hear the door open
  532. >You instinctively cower in your hiding place underneath the sheets
  533. >"Floor, what's going on?"
  534. >You hear his voice much more clearly now, he's in the room
  535. >"I can tell by the lump in the bed that you're sitting up."
  536. >Reflexively, you sink lower, partly from fear, partly from humiliation
  537. >Even against the plush carpet you can hear his footsteps
  538. >And then the edge of the blanket lifts up
  539. "EEK!"
  540. >A surge of cool air seeps in, while the stagnant blanket air rushes out to meet him
  541. >Just as the stench hits his face you can see his concerned expression falter slightly
  542. >He can tell what you did in here, you just know it
  543. >You lock eyes with him, frozen in fear
  544. >Don't move a muscle
  545. >He can't see you if you don't move
  546. >"Are you okay?"
  547. >That's what he asks?
  548. >Not "what the fuck are you doing in here?" or "why does my guest bed reek like the aftermath of a pigeon orgy atop a mountain of crap?"
  549. >Are you okay?
  550. >You don't answer
  551. >You don't know how to answer that
  552. >"Can I come in?"
  553. >Again you're struck with disbelief
  554. >Not only is he not repulsed... but he's asking to come closer
  555. >It takes you a moment, but you nod tensely
  556. >He climbs into the bed and sits under the duvet beside you
  557. >Your nest gets a little bigger as he props up the blanket with his head like a tent pole
  558. >"Neat little blanket fort you've got here."
  559. >This is insane
  560. >There's no way he can't smell it
  561. >He has to know
  562. >He must be practically suffocating
  563. >So why is he so chipper?
  564. >"Missed you today. You didn't want to come out?"
  565. >You look down in shame and shake your head
  566. >"Oh... because of me?" he asks, a hint of dejection in his tone.
  567. >You lift your head back up
  568. "N-No!"
  569. >He pauses.
  570. >"You don't like it here, do you?"
  571. >You struggle to meet his gaze
  572. >There's nothing he did wrong, this place was perfectly fine, it was practically spotless, you just...
  573. >You don't feel at home here
  574. >You don't feel safe like you did in your old house
  575. >Sure it was lonely, and gross, and run-down, but it was yours
  576. >It was familiar
  577. >This world is too scary for you, and you'll never fit in somewhere like here
  578. >But you're too terrified to articulate any of that to him
  579. >"I won't stop you if you want to go back home."
  580. >Wait, what?
  581. "Really?"
  582. >"Yeah, of course. You're not my slave. If you aren't comfortable here, you shouldn't stay. I'm sure we could talk to the agency and cancel the whole thing. They probably won't give me my money back, but I don't give a shit about that, as long as you're happy."
  583. >This is it
  584. >This is your out
  585. >This is your ticket home
  586. "...I just want to go back to my old life."
  587. >"I get it. It's getting late, so maybe we should try to get you home before everything closes and you're stuck here another night."
  588. "Okay."
  589. >"Hey," he says, sliding your pillow over, "cool daki. I was gonna get one, but I couldn't choose which pony to get."
  590. >You look at him, his hand resting on your horsebando, still crisp with your dried marecum from last night
  591. >A bead of sweat rolls down your cheek
  592. >W-Why is that so hot
  593. >Okay, it's burning you up inside, you have to ask
  594. >You blurt out the question unnaturally loudly
  595. "Do you really not smell it?"
  596. >He glances back to you and visibly sniffs the air
  597. >"All I smell is a pretty good time," he says with a wink
  598. >Okay, that definitely elicits a certain sensation in your loins
  599. >Or maybe it's the swollen bladder pressing against your pelvis
  600. >He notices you clenching your hind legs together uncomfortably
  601. >"You really have to pee, don't you?"
  602. >You nod vigorously
  603. >"Come on. Let's take a trip to the bathroom."
  604. >He starts to leave when he turns back to see you still frozen
  605. >"What's wrong?" he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed and holding the blanket up
  606. "I..."
  607. >You're still ashamed
  608. >Too afraid to leave your cocoon
  609. >The anxiety's paralyzing you
  610. >"Come on," he says, patting his back. "Climb up."
  611. >You look back at him, confused
  612. "S-Seriously?"
  613. >"Hey, if you won't walk yourself to the bathroom, then I'll just have to carry you. Get up here."
  614. >Nervously, you step up to him and drape your hooves over his shoulders
  615. >"That's it, now wrap your legs around my sides."
  616. >He turns his head towards you
  617. >"Ready?"
  618. "Y-Yes."
  619. >Suddenly, he rises from the edge of the bed, thrusting you out from under the blanket into the open air
  620. >You clench your grasp around him, frightened beyond belief
  621. >He walks over to the door, supporting you with ease
  622. >So... this is what it's like to be a human
  623. >They're so tall, the world seems so far down
  624. >You duck your head under the door frame when he steps out into the hall
  625. >As your muzzle softly grazes his neck you catch a whiff of him
  626. >You recoil in surprise, but soon lean back in curiously
  627. >It doesn't smell like the cologne you sometimes spray on horsebando
  628. >No... he smells much more natural
  629. >Almost... musky
  630. >Before you can take in any more of his scent you find yourself shrinking back down
  631. >Or rather, him lowering you to the ground
  632. >You climb off his back, delivered to the bathroom with care
  633. >"How was that?" he asks, towering over you once again
  634. >Indescribable
  635. "G-Good."
  636. >"Now go on and pee, and we'll get you home."
  637. >You shut the bathroom door and climb onto the toilet
  638. >It's big, but so is everything else in this world
  639. >Once in position you unleash the torrential stream you've been holding back
  640. >The pressure release in your bladder feels almost as fantastic as the orgasm last night
  641. >...if only there was a way to combine the two
  642. >(But that's for another day)
  643. >After a minute, the forceful stream reduces to a trickle
  644. >You wiggle your rump a little to expel the last of it, a cute image even if not anatomically plausible, and climb back down
  645. >Flush it down and open the door, as always forgetting to wash your hooves
  646. >Only to smack right into Anon's legs on the way out
  647. >H-He was here the whole time
  648. >You thought he'd just leave but he stayed
  649. >He definitely heard the flood you just unleashed in there
  650. >Fuck why is that so lewd
  651. >Everything that should not be making you hot is making you hot lately
  652. >It's like there's a million wires crossed in your head, and they all lead directly to the horny center of the brain
  653. >While your mental short-circuit unfolds, he stares down at you
  654. >"Ready to go?"
  655. "Huh? Oh, yeah."
  656. >You head back to the bedroom with him
  657. "Just have to pack."
  658. >"I'll help," he offers
  659. >Truthfully, there isn't much to pack
  660. >Because you haven't unpacked
  661. >You toss your hoodie and shorts inside, and slip your daki cover, stained with your collective juices, off Anon's pillow
  662. >Cramming the suitcase back down again, you sit down on top to zip it up
  663. >"Hey, you don't have to do that," Anon says, quickly dipping out of the room, "I'll get you something bigger to take back."
  664. "No, you don't have to, I... almost... got it..."
  665. >"It's no trouble, really," he calls out from the living room, "I have a— shit!"
  666. >You hear a long, drawn-out crash from his direction
  667. >Scrambling out of the room, you run over to find him standing ankle-deep in an avalanche of junk
  668. >"No, please, don't come here!"
  669. >He clutches his head in frustration, mortified with embarrassment
  670. "W-What's this?"
  671. >You look at the cascade of items that poured out of his closet
  672. >Random tools, trinkets, papers, toys, tapes, boxes, devices, pictures, any sort of personal item you could think of lay in a heap on the floor
  673. "Anon?"
  674. >"I— You weren't mean to see this."
  675. >You come over and pick up a little action figure
  676. >He's old and battered, but still kinda neat
  677. >This pile, it almost reminds you of—
  678. >"I'm sorry," he sighs. "This whole apartment is a facade, it's not me. I don't actually live like this. I paid someone to completely scrub down every inch of the place before you got here, and crammed all my gross, old stuff in here. I— I didn't want to throw it away."
  679. >You were right
  680. >This place wasn't what it seemed
  681. >He tricked you
  682. >Deceived you
  683. >It was all an illusion from the start, just like you knew it was
  684. >You put the action figure down while he reaches in the back for the suitcase he was digging through this mess for
  685. >"Let's just get you packed up and out of here before I make things worse."
  686. >Still processing it, you whisper your answer
  687. "Yeah."
  688. >He brings the suitcase to the bedroom, and you follow
  689. >Silently, you pull your possessions out of the old suitcase and into the new
  690. >A tense air hangs between you
  691. >But you won't acknowledge it
  692. >Shit, you called it, Floor
  693. >He is a liar and a monster
  694. >But not in the way you expected
  695. >He lies to make you feel better
  696. >He is the kind of monster that you are
  697. >The kind that makes its den out of old soda cans and empty noodle cups
  698. >He isn't the pony-eating beast you imagined
  699. >No, he's more like a dragon that just wants to sit atop his hoard
  700. >You zip up the suitcase and carry it out of the bedroom
  701. >You share no words as you head for the door
  702. >This world is foreign and scary
  703. >Its inhabitants weird and confusing
  704. >You were never ready for this
  705. >So it's time to go back where you belong
  706. >Back to the mess you know and love
  707. >It may be a broken home
  708. >But it's yours
  709. >You step out the front door and turn back to face him
  710. >"I'll call them and let them know you're coming. They should be able to send you through the portal."
  711. "Thanks."
  712. >"Yeah. Take care, Floor."
  713. >He starts to close the door
  714. >And you don't know why, but for the first time ever, you act impulsively
  715. >Maybe it's the fact that this is not the kind of goodbye you want
  716. >Maybe the Earth air is getting to you
  717. >Maybe you're actually changing
  718. >But for reasons you'll never be able to explain
  719. >You rush forward
  720. >And hug him
  721. >Throwing your hooves around his legs and squeezing with all your might
  722. >He kneels down to reciprocate, placing his hands on you, and you move your hooves over his shoulders
  723. >Again, you can smell his neck
  724. >The intoxicating aroma of his musk
  725. >But now it's not just catching a whiff, it's something much more powerful
  726. >You sink your muzzle into him and inhale deeply
  727. >You've never smelled a boy before
  728. >Now you have a face full of... Anon
  729. >After a moment you finally pull back
  730. >"Goodbye, Floor. Have a safe trip home."
  731. >Too shaken to say anything, you don't respond
  732. >So, he just stands back up
  733. >And shuts the door
  734. "...bye."
  735. >But it's too late, in your broken voice, you whisper far too softly for him to hear
  736. >You turn around, facing the hallway, the first step back to your freedom
  737. >And that's when it sorta clicks in your head
  738. >Here you have somepony...someone...who isn't just not repelled by your gross behavior, but actually finds it amusing
  739. >Someone who revels in the NEET lifestyle and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon
  740. >Someone who likes living in a mess and is willing to go to insane lengths to give that up for YOU
  741. >And you want to walk away from all of it, just because you're afraid of change?
  743. >Be Anon, for the first time
  744. >Leaning back against your front door, so many thoughts run through your head
  745. >That was certainly a fun 24 hours
  746. >She came, you made her ramen, you both slept, she hid from you, and she left
  747. >Just as well, though
  748. >You look down at the mess spilling out of your closet
  749. >She would have found out eventually
  750. >Mares are such beautiful, sophisticated creatures
  751. >You aren't fit to take care of one
  752. >It was a fun dream, but it's not realistic
  753. >You know that now
  754. >Better to send her home before she resents you
  755. >Just as you reach for the phone to let the agency know the arrangement's over, you hear a knock
  756. >So you open the door once again, to see Floor still standing there
  757. >And she's wearing an embarrassed, nervous smile
  759. >"So... no cutie mark, huh?"
  760. >You glance up from your plate
  761. >Anon is sitting across from you at the dinner table
  762. >It's your fifth day here
  763. >"Sorry. Didn't know if it was okay to address it. It's just, you weren't wearing your shorts today, and... I didn't know it was possible. Unless you're a kid, in which case, I'm in big trouble."
  764. >You swallow a bite of your sandwich
  765. "It's possible. Not exactly common, but possible."
  766. >"How does that happen?"
  767. >You hate talking about it, but it's best to just get it over with now
  768. "I just never had a special talent. That's how I became a NEET."
  769. >Anon leans his elbows on the table curiously
  770. >"But don't all ponies have talents? There's got to be something you're good at."
  771. >You take another bite and answer him while chewing
  772. "Nope, not unless you count rubbing myself raw."
  773. >He pulls away just a bit
  774. >STUPID Floor, don't talk about masturbation, people don't want to hear about your gross habits
  775. >"What kind of cutie mark would that even be? A vibrator?"
  776. >You almost choke on your food before swallowing
  777. "HA! Imagine that, a vibrator on my ass instead of in it."
  778. >Now you're both laughing
  779. >This is weird
  780. >He seems cool
  781. >It's fun talking to him about this stuff
  782. >He doesn't judge you like a normie would
  783. >"You wanna watch something before bed?"
  784. >He's started showing you all kinds of Earth shows and movies
  785. >They're all so different from Equestrian media
  786. >Lots of violence and sex, which is exciting
  787. >But also really interesting, the stories aren't just 100 different versions of the same old fairytales like they are back home
  788. "Maybe some X-Files."
  789. >You've been digging those scary monsters with crazy powers lately
  790. >There have even been a couple you've wanted to fuck, but Anon's not ready to hear about any of that
  791. >You finish up your dinner and join him on the couch
  792. >Three feet apart, as usual
  793. >Better to be apart than close
  794. >The last time you were close was that hug
  795. >He smelled so nice
  796. >You want to smell him again
  797. >But you don't want him to know that you want that
  798. >You're not even completely sure you want that
  799. >Because when you're close enough to smell him
  800. >He's close enough to smell you
  801. >And you don't want that kind of intimacy, you're too afraid of it
  802. >You have a half-decent thing going here
  803. >Why risk it?
  804. >You don't pay much attention to the episode
  805. >Something about ice and a group of people arguing
  806. >Out of the corner of your eye you're watching Anon
  807. >You don't know why, but he's starting to grow on you
  808. >You like spending time with him
  809. >He's funny, and cute, and not that bad-looking
  810. >Hey, if you can be a monster-fucker, you wouldn't be opposed to whatever the hell he is
  811. >Shit, Floor, are you really thinking about him that way?
  812. >You're barely friends as it stands
  813. >Don't screw it up now just because you're a horny bitch
  814. >The episode ends and Anon stretches his arms
  815. >Giving you a glimpse of that human midriff
  816. >Humans wear clothes all day, every day
  817. >It leaves so much to the imagination
  818. >"Y'know, that episode was based on a pretty famous movie."
  819. "Really? Can we watch?"
  820. >Why'd you ask that?
  821. >You didn't even pay attention to the episode
  822. >Now you're just sucking up to him, feigning interest in the stuff he likes, just like those sluts do back home
  823. >"Sure, I'll try to find it tomorrow."
  824. >He gets up
  825. >"Think I'm done for the night. I'll be in my room if you need anything."
  826. >With that, he heads down the hall
  827. >You wait until you hear his door shut before getting off the couch
  828. >His place isn't as neat as it was when you first arrived
  829. >It's still relatively clean, but the disorder is starting to build up
  830. >Sometimes he'll show you something and not put it back, leaving stuff out on the tables and counters
  831. >You're well-versed in mess-making, that's how it starts
  832. >You wonder just how messy this place was before you got here
  833. >If the hoard in his closet's any indication, it wasn't too far off from your own home
  834. >You miss that chaos
  835. >It was your nest
  836. >But it looks like you're sticking around... for now
  837. >You return to your room and flip on the light
  838. >Anon was kind enough to change the sheets after your incident
  839. >He didn't even judge when he climbed under the blanket with you
  840. >He was so close to you then
  841. >You miss the closeness
  842. >Not even because of him specifically
  843. >You just miss having another living being in your personal space
  844. >You've closed yourself off for so long because you prefer the solitude
  845. >But it must have had the opposite effect, because once you got a taste of company, you realized how deeply you craved it
  846. >Yet somehow, the concept of being known still scares you beyond belief
  847. >You'll never be able to understand what it is you really want
  848. >You're a mess, Floor Bored
  849. >You get in bed and stare down at your luggage
  850. >You're still living out of your suitcase
  851. >The closet is right there, but it doesn't feel right
  852. >It's like you're keeping one hoof out the door
  853. >There's some small comfort in knowing you could escape at a moment's notice
  854. >The past few days have been okay, but the anxiety remains
  855. >Because it could easily get so much worse before it gets better
  857. >"You know you can unpack, right?"
  858. >It's the next day, and Anon's hanging out with you in your room
  859. >You're reading a manga on the bed and he's lying on the floor, throwing a ball against the wall
  860. "Y-Yeah. I know. Just been lazy, that's all."
  861. >That's not it
  862. >But it's an easy excuse
  863. >"'Cause I saw you got some toys and figurines and junk in your bag."
  864. >You wince at the mention of it
  865. >Your stuff's embarrassing, way too spaghetti to show anypony
  866. >You wish they were invisible to everypony but you
  867. >"And I was thinking they'd look pretty cool on the shelves."
  868. >He tosses the ball again
  869. >"Not to brag, but I built that thing myself. Those Swedes make some damn intuitive furniture."
  870. >You stare at the spot on the wall he's bouncing the ball off of
  871. >He doesn't think your stuff is cringe
  872. >It's like every time you expect him to resent you, he surprises you
  873. >At a certain point, it should stop coming as a surprise, right?
  874. >But the surprises don't seem to stop, because the next one is the question that comes out of your own mouth
  875. "Will you help me set them up?"
  876. >He sits upright and smiles at you, visibly pleased by your request
  877. >"Sure."
  878. >You take the random assortment of clothes you brought and shove them haphazardly into the closet
  879. >It's not like you have enough of a wardrobe to warrant organization
  880. >With his help, you take the personal effects in your bag and set them on the shelves and desk
  881. >Whenever something catches his eye, he asks for the story behind it
  882. >You didn't anticipate genuine, unprovoked curiosity, but you indulge him regardless
  883. >Besides, it's kind of fun infodumping about your favorite collectibles and series from back home
  884. >Is that what normal ponies get to do all the time?
  885. >You loathe talking about yourself, but you could go on all day about your favorite manga
  886. >As he helps you arrange your possessions, you tell him all about them
  887. >It's kind of a weird collection you brought, but you seem to recall packing random junk
  888. >You had a panic attack over the notion of coming to Earth, after all
  889. >In your fugue state, you didn't really give any thought on what to bring
  890. >Only now are you finding out what various items you threw into your bag a week ago
  891. >"Whoa, I'll let you handle that one."
  892. >You return to the suitcase to see what he's talking about when your eyes land on one of your dildos
  893. >Immediately, you swipe it up and shove it under your bed while he delivers an amused whistle
  894. >"Do stallions really look like that?"
  895. "I wouldn't know..."
  896. >You mumble the response as you try to get back to unpacking
  897. >But Anon stays kneeling in front of your suitcase
  898. >"Hey, nothing wrong with being a virgin. Wait, horse virginity is a thing, right?"
  899. "Yes, Anon..."
  900. >You're starting to get flustered over this topic of conversation
  901. >Cracking jokes is one thing but casually discussing your (lack of) sex life feels uncomfortable
  902. >Ironic self-deprecation and being reminded you're forever alone are leagues apart
  903. >"What's this?" he asks, picking up a small booklet
  904. >You come back over to check it out
  905. "My caseworker's info. From the service that set us up."
  906. >As you read through it, you remember that you get to send her a letter a week
  907. >Should you write one?
  908. >You don't have any complaints about Anon
  909. >And it's not like she can do anything for the complaints you have about yourself
  910. >But maybe she can send some of the possessions you neglected to pack
  911. >It would be nice to have that statuette of horsebando again
  912. >Soon, your suitcase is finally empty
  913. >You and Anon take a look around the bedroom
  914. >It used to be a soulless, bare facade
  915. >But your decorations have introduced a bit of color
  916. >Once again, you're surprised
  917. >Because you didn't expect how much of difference it would make
  918. >It really is starting to feel like your room now
  919. >It's slow going, sure
  920. >But you're beginning to warm up to the idea of building a new nest
  922. "Damn it, Anon, I don't know how you expect me to do this."
  923. >He smirks as you fumble around with it in your hooves. "It really is fun watching you struggle like that. You're so inexperienced."
  924. >You frown at him
  925. "Are you going to help or just make fun of me?"
  926. >"I can't help it, you look so helpless and cute."
  927. >You roll your eyes
  928. >There he goes again calling you cute
  929. >You are NOT CUTE
  930. "I'm just doing this because you wanted me to try it. If you're going to taunt me the whole time I'm gonna lock myself in my room."
  931. >"Okay, okay. Obviously it's hard handling it in your hooves. Maybe try using your mouth?"
  932. >You stare at him in disbelief
  933. "No way in hell I'm putting my mouth on that thing. I don't know where it's been."
  934. >"Ouch. Just try it, will you? Don't you ponies handle things with your mouths all the time? You'll be a pro at it, trust me."
  935. >You give in to his suggestion pretty quick
  936. >Frankly, you kind of like how invested he is in you
  937. >This is what friendship is? Doing weird stuff that he wants you to try from time to time?
  938. >You lean down and open your jaw wide
  939. >Carefully, you take his joystick in your mouth
  940. >And wouldn't you know it, he was right
  941. >It's much easier to manipulate it this way
  942. >"There you go, now you're getting the hang of it!"
  943. >Much more encouraged, you go faster
  944. >Okay, this is kind of fun
  945. >Now you see the appeal
  946. >"Almost there..."
  947. >But it's quickly getting tiring
  948. >A few minutes in and you can feel your jaw getting sore
  949. >Just a bit more and you can finally unclench
  950. >"There you go! Yes!"
  951. >He finishes and you immediately unwrap your mouth, pulling your head back up
  952. >Still sputtering from the taste, you give him a sour glare
  953. "Your controller tastes worse than my dildo, Anon."
  954. >"Aw, come on," he jeers. "Cheer up. You finally beat me in Mario Kart. Only took you three days."
  955. "Fine. You were right, it worked. Cramped the hell out of my jaw, though."
  956. >You rub the spot below your chin tenderly
  957. >"Poor baby," he says, in a half-taunting, half-sincere voice
  958. >Suddenly he reaches over and grips the underside of your muzzle between his thumb and fingers
  959. >"Want me to massage it for you?"
  960. >The moment he grabs ahold of you, you go wide-eyed, staring down at his hand
  961. >Watching him push your cheeks in, squeezing your face like a toy as he massages your jaw
  962. >Alarm bells are going off in your head
  963. >Anon's touching you again, for the first time in a while
  964. >But never before like this
  965. >You feel unnerved, you want to swat his hand away
  966. >But the panic locks your body up, and you simply look on in shock
  967. >And maybe you don't care to admit it, but it actually feels...
  968. >...really good
  969. >You feel so tiny and powerless in his hand
  970. >It only lasts a moment before he catches onto your stunned expression and realizes the boundary he unwittingly crossed
  971. >As quick as it came, his hand snaps back and he mumbles a jilted apology
  972. >But your first thought when he releases is three simple words
  973. >Don't let go
  974. >It pops into your head inexplicably
  975. >Immediately, you push it out of your mind
  976. >You refuse to entertain any craven desires that enter your twisted thoughts
  977. >The reality of physical touch terrifies you and nothing will ever change that
  978. >So just
  979. >forget
  980. >about
  981. >it
  982. >"I, uh, promised to show you the internet, didn't I?"
  983. >You glance back up at Anon
  984. >You were having trouble getting your mind off the subject, and fortunately, he just did the work for you
  985. "Right. We should totally do that. Now."
  986. >That didn't come off weird, right?
  987. >"Cool, computer's in my bedroom."
  988. >Oh okay let's g—
  989. >Wait, where did he say?
  990. >You've been here a week and a half and still haven't seen Anon's room
  991. >You've caught glimpses here and there when he goes inside
  992. >But you've never set hoof in there
  993. >Why would you
  994. >Anon values privacy
  995. >He always keeps the door closed
  996. >Which totally means he's keeping something fucked-up in there, like a sex doll, or a kraken
  997. >Because of course that's what it means
  998. >"Floor?"
  999. >Shit
  1000. >Anon is standing there waiting for you and you're internally panicking, looking like an idiot
  1001. >Silently, you get off the couch and follow him down the hall
  1002. >He pushes the door open, and with a gulp, you step inside
  1003. >And the sight that awaits is quite the surprise
  1004. >Because damn it if this place doesn't remind you of home
  1005. >It's nothing like the rest of his apartment
  1006. >The walls are lined with movie and band posters
  1007. >His bed is in the corner, same size as yours, a heap of blankets and pillows forming a veritable nest
  1008. >All his shit is lying around, clothes strewn about on the floor
  1009. >And his desk, oh, his desk
  1010. >Every square inch occupied with clutter
  1011. >Some figurines as decorations, office supplies, and loads of papers in messy stacks
  1012. >All you can do is look around the room in awe
  1013. "Damn, Anon, you live like this?"
  1014. >He follows your eyes, the shame slowly dawning on him
  1015. >The same shame you saw in him when his closet hoard was unearthed in front of you
  1016. >Clearly, he didn't think twice about the state of his room until you pointed it out
  1017. >You couldn't help it, the transition from the rest of the apartment to here was just so jarring
  1018. >Not just because of the mess, but because this place actually looked lived-in
  1019. >The rest of his place was decorated so blandly, you figured that was just the way he was
  1020. >But evidently, he changed a lot more for your arrival than he let on
  1021. >And that just leaves you feeling... lied to
  1022. >"I'm sorry, we don't have t—"
  1023. "Why didn't you tell me?"
  1024. >He gazes at you, unsure of what you mean
  1025. "All of this, you collect things like me, you have posters of the shit you like, and you keep it all in here, hidden away from me? Why?"
  1026. >"I was trying to play it safe, I didn't know much about you before you came, I— I didn't think you'd appreciate it."
  1027. "But you helped me unpack. You saw what I brought. You have so many similar things here, and you never thought to bring it up?"
  1028. >"I-It's not the same," he stammers, getting flustered. "All your interests are from Equestria, I figured you wouldn't care about anything from Earth."
  1029. >He pauses, upset with himself more than anything else, clearly debating whether to say this next part
  1030. >And it takes a few seconds, but he does
  1031. >"I didn't want to surround you with my belongings. I didn't want this— this whole arrangement— to be you living as a guest in my home. I wanted to make this our place. Both of us. Together."
  1032. >Stunned for the second time today, you don't respond
  1033. >How do you even begin to respond to something like that
  1034. >That's why his apartment looks like a default model unit?
  1035. >Not because he's a normie with no taste, but because he wanted to build upon it... with you?
  1036. >That's not possible
  1037. >None of this makes any fucking sense
  1038. >Nopony has ever given a shit about what you want
  1039. >Dad impressed it on you that no one would ever want a piece of shit like you
  1040. >Fuck, don't open that door, Floor
  1041. >(Not yet at least)
  1042. >Anon keeps claiming to do all these things for you
  1043. >And you don't even know if you want them
  1044. >Everything is so complicated
  1045. >It never ends
  1046. >You just want life to go back to being simple
  1047. >Back to the way it was
  1048. >Before you ever met him
  1049. >You look up at Anon, he looks back at you
  1050. >He can see the ambivalence on your face and you can see it tearing him up inside
  1051. >Neither of you knowing what to say to one another
  1052. >So you just...
  1053. >Let it go
  1054. "You still want to show me the internet?"
  1055. >And just like that, everything is back to normal between you
  1056. >As normal as can be expected, anyway
  1057. >He lets you sit at his desk chair while he hunches over beside you, teaching you how to operate the computer
  1058. >He shows you the streaming sites with all his favorite TV shows and the message boards where you talk about them
  1059. >And you just listen to him go on and on, occasionally glancing up at him, leaning over your shoulder
  1060. >He's so close, his hand casually resting on the seat back behind you
  1061. >While you're very interested in the subject, you also like just listening to him explain it
  1062. >But fuck if this internet doesn't have everything
  1063. >You throw out a random topic, and sure enough he digs up everything on it
  1064. "Fuckin' internet, how does it work?"
  1065. >He smirks down at you
  1066. >"I don't know, tubes and shit."
  1067. >You sit there forever, listening to him explain all the different aspects
  1068. >He clearly spends a lot of time on here
  1069. >This must be what he's up to every time he's holed up in his room
  1070. >"...and then, there are the rules of the internet."
  1071. >Of course there are rules, nothing this glorious could come without a price
  1072. >"But the only one you need to remember is Rule 34."
  1073. >You look back up at him
  1074. "What is it?"
  1075. >"It's, uh..."
  1076. >He hesitates a moment
  1077. >"How about I just show you?"
  1078. >He pulls up some site called paheal
  1079. >"Give me a character, anyone, doesn't matter which."
  1080. >You give him horsebando's name
  1081. >He's always the first to come to mind
  1082. >So pure and sweet, he is
  1083. >Anon reaches over to the keyboard and punches his name in
  1084. >As soon as he hits enter, you gasp
  1085. >Pages upon pages of lewd images of that hunky stallion
  1086. >A collection of smut unlike any you could have ever imagined
  1087. >You instinctively clench your legs together as you feel The Quivering come on
  1088. >Anon keeps scrolling, amused by your zealous interest
  1089. >There's art of every conceivable position, starring him in all his hung glory
  1090. >Uggghhh
  1091. >You're finding it difficult to (quite literally) contain yourself
  1092. >But you really don't want a repeat of your first night here
  1093. >So, with great resolve, you tear your eyes away from the screen, to Anon leaning over you
  1094. "How's that even possible? He's from an Equestrian manga!"
  1095. >He stands upright once again and shrugs
  1096. >"The internet is, like, 80% porn. They have everybody."
  1097. >Absentmindedly, you turn back to face the screen
  1098. >Earth just got a lot more interesting
  1100. >The next few days fly by
  1101. >You get really into the internet
  1102. >It's a little strange, because the computer is in Anon's room
  1103. >And you feel a little guilty asking to use it all the time
  1104. >But he agrees like it's nothing
  1105. >It's hard to tell, but he seems a little... giddier, having you spend time in his room
  1106. >Especially when he's there with you
  1107. >But you're shit at reading social cues so it's probably nothing
  1108. >Who has time for face-to-face interaction anyway, when the internet is waiting to be explored
  1109. >Anon even let you print some pictures to put up in your room
  1110. >There's so much fan art out there, the mind boggles
  1111. >Especially the lewd stuff
  1112. >The stuff that gets you ridiculously horny, and makes you want to enjoy it in private
  1113. >But you didn't want to ask Anon to print you some porn, and you didn't know how to do it yourself
  1114. >Plus, you can't exactly rub one out in front of Anon's computer like some lunatic
  1115. >So you've resorted to banking your favorites in your memory, to be recalled later in bed each night
  1116. >It's not ideal, but compartmentalization is key
  1117. >Today is just like any other, you're clicking away, browsing the imageboards
  1118. >You love posting random shit, the people on the other side having no clue you're actually a pony
  1119. >Without fingers, though, typing is a chore
  1120. >You have to use an unsharpened pencil in your mouth
  1121. >When your jaw gets tired, you simply type with your tongue
  1122. >(Only when Anon's not watching)
  1123. >You just have to remember to wipe the keyboard dry each time when you're done
  1124. >You're in the middle of crafting an elegant shitpost when you hear a knock at the door
  1125. >Which confuses you for a second, because this is Anon's room
  1126. >He pokes his head in
  1127. >"Hey."
  1128. >You return a soft "hey" accompanied by a tiny involuntary smile
  1129. >"I was going out to get us dinner, and I had an idea. You want to come with?"
  1130. >Oh wow
  1131. >Outside
  1132. >You loathed it in Equestria, and in Earth?
  1133. >Well, you really can't imagine what such alien terrors await you
  1134. >All you know is that you can't possibly handle it
  1135. "No thanks, I'm— I'm good."
  1136. >You feign nonchalance
  1137. >He pushes the door open and steps inside, clearly also acting casual
  1138. >"Hey, uh, Floor?"
  1139. "Yeah?"
  1140. >He stands there awkwardly. "Well, it's been two weeks since you got here..."
  1141. >Has it really been that long?
  1142. >It feels like two days
  1143. >"And, well, I've sorta noticed..."
  1144. >He keeps pausing
  1145. "Come on, spit it out already."
  1146. >"You, uh... You haven't showered yet."
  1147. >Oh shit
  1148. >"I can show you how to use it if that's the problem."
  1149. >In an instant, the tables have flipped, and now you're the bumbling awkward one
  1150. "No, no, I-I can do it."
  1151. >"Okay, well, the place is on the other side of town, so if you hop in now, you should be done by the time I'm back with dinner."
  1152. "Sounds good."
  1153. >Sounds not good
  1154. >He heads out, leaving you sitting there like a fool
  1155. >He thinks you're a dirty pig
  1156. >You ARE a dirty pig
  1157. >Too ashamed to admit the truth
  1158. >That your lack of bathing is not because you're in a new world
  1159. >After a minute, you hear the front door open and shut, leaving you home alone
  1160. >You climb down from the desk chair
  1161. >Okay, Floor, a shower
  1162. >You can do that
  1163. >You go down the hall to the bathroom
  1164. >It was hard enough going from the convenience of bedroom bottles to this weirdly-shaped toilet every time you needed to piss
  1165. >Now you have to start showering regularly?
  1166. >You never really noticed your musk, having long since grown used to it
  1167. >But for Anon... it must be nauseating
  1168. >You turn the dials and let the hot water run
  1169. >Standing outside the tub, you stare at the stream
  1170. >You can't remember the last time you showered
  1171. >You never exercised or went out, so it wasn't like you ever got THAT dirty, right?
  1172. >It just always felt like a waste of time
  1173. >But more than that, it felt uncomfortable
  1174. >You didn't like getting pushed out of your comfort zone
  1175. >You took comfort in everything familiar
  1176. >And standing under the water spray, choking on the steam
  1177. >It may as well be drowning and suffocating to you
  1178. >Slowly, you step back from the tub, feeling almost claustrophobic
  1179. >You leave the bathroom, the shower still running
  1180. >Anon will be gone for a while, you can put it off a bit
  1181. >You go back into Anon's room
  1182. >You'll need a towel
  1183. >Of course, he gave you a towel when you arrived, but you can't remember what the hell you did with it
  1184. >Probably used it to contain the aftermath of one of your masturbation sessions
  1185. >Looking between his closet, and the dirty laundry piled on the floor, you see two towels
  1186. >One clean, one used
  1187. >And instinctually, you select the one that suits you
  1188. >Because you hate yourself
  1189. >...
  1190. >Just shut up already
  1191. >You lift the towel in your mouth
  1192. >As you do, you catch a whiff of Anon
  1193. >For a split-second, your brain registers it as him back home early
  1194. >In surprise, you drop the towel and stumble backward, colliding with his bed
  1195. >You step on something round poking out from underneath and trip, falling flat on the floor
  1196. >As you open your eyes, you see the object lying directly in front of your face
  1197. >At the end of your nose there's an elaborate horse pussy
  1198. >Holy shit
  1200. >I mean, so do you, but that's no surprise
  1201. >And it's not like your toys are human-shaped
  1202. >...oh
  1203. >You can see why Anon failed to mention it
  1204. >Sitting upright, you glance down between your legs for a comparison
  1205. >Whoever the hell made this got everything right
  1206. >There's even a cute little button clit
  1207. >After you finish examining it, you screw the cap back on and shove it back under his bed
  1208. >On your way out, in a moment of weakness, you dip your head and bury your muzzle in Anon's towel again
  1209. >You haven't smelled this since you hugged Anon two weeks ago
  1210. >It felt almost... safe
  1211. >Is that possible?
  1212. >Can you smell security?
  1213. >Whatever it was, it calmed you
  1214. >It was natural
  1215. >It was his
  1216. >Then, as always, you realize the optics of what you're doing and shame yourself into stopping
  1217. >Why are you like this, you creep?
  1218. >You drag yourself out of Anon's room, into the hall
  1219. >The shower is still running
  1220. >Not now
  1221. >Go across the hall into your own room
  1222. >How has it been two weeks
  1223. >It felt like time was dragging on at first, and then everything flew by
  1224. >You got comfortable
  1225. >You started having fun
  1226. >You even began to trust Anon
  1227. >Two weeks
  1228. >That means you get to send a letter
  1229. >You never wrote one for the first week
  1230. >Didn't your caseworker say she'd visit, too?
  1231. >She might ask why you haven't wrote
  1232. >So maybe you should now
  1233. >Just have to say you're fine so she doesn't have an excuse to poke further into your life
  1234. >You go to your desk and take a pencil between your teeth
  1235. >May your colorful little desktop figurines inspire you as you write the first thing in who knows how long
  1236. >Probably since you first sent your application to the bridle service
  1237. dear
  1238. >Oh fuck what was her name
  1239. >Where did you put that booklet with her info
  1240. >Oh forget it you're not looking for that thing right now
  1241. ive been here, living with anon for two weeks now
  1242. i know its your job to make sure im fine and stuff, so im alright
  1243. we arent getting married or anything, sorry
  1244. we arent even dating or anything just living together
  1245. i know your service likes to brag about its perfect match rate or whatever
  1246. but its just too weird for me to be with a human
  1247. sorry if that bums you out
  1248. i mean theres nothing wrong with him personally
  1249. if he was a stallion i might even want to jump his bones
  1250. its just like weird i guess
  1251. because hes actually pretty cool when you get to know him
  1252. i dont know how you did it but we are kinda similar in ways that you couldnt have known
  1253. like i first came here and his home was really normal and boring
  1254. but it turns out hes neet so thats cool
  1255. still i didnt really like it here so i was gonna leave
  1256. and it was even his idea which i didnt expect, i thought id be trapped here
  1257. but before i went i found out his clean boring home was just an illusion
  1258. cause he paid someone to make it clean before i came because hes really messy
  1259. and he wanted me to feel comfortable which was kinda sweet
  1260. even tho it did the opposite but i dont blame him because he didnt know
  1261. so i said fuck it and gave him a shot which was very cool and brave of me
  1262. he helped me get all set up and we hung out together
  1263. but hes still so normal and im so weird
  1264. and THEN i finally see his room and guess what
  1265. hes weird like me, hes into some really cool stuff like manga
  1266. he was just hiding it because he thought i wouldnt want to know
  1267. and he isnt boring he just took down all his decorations so he could start over with me
  1268. which is crazy right because why would he care what i like
  1269. but i also really like that he cares because nopony ever has
  1270. its like he keeps trying to hide his real self to not scare me off
  1271. but every time i peel back another layer i find something new and cool
  1272. but when it comes to him peeling me i feel the opposite, he won't like me
  1273. and its so weird because all these things in common say we are compatible right
  1274. but... i dont feel that way
  1275. i mean i feel lots of things when i think about him
  1276. i think about him lots
  1277. like about his human smell and the nice way he talks to me
  1278. and all that stuff feels really good to think about
  1279. but its also really scary
  1280. its fun getting to know him but i really dont want him to know me
  1281. cause once he knows me then its all over
  1282. he wont like me anymore
  1283. i dont even know how i feel, its all so confusing
  1284. im having fun with him and sometimes i think about wanting more
  1285. but then i think about actually getting more and then im like no way
  1286. him knowing me and him touching me and him being close with me
  1287. that shit is so terrifying i dont know how other ponies do it
  1288. i crave intimacy and its all i ever wanted since i was little but im scared of letting him get close and i think i want him but im broken and ill always be broken and im afraid ill never be hap
  1289. >You drop the pencil from your mouth, trembling too much to hold it steady
  1290. >As you lean back from the page, you wonder what the fuck just happened
  1291. >This was supposed to be a simple letter telling your caseworker you're fine
  1292. >How did you end up here?
  1293. >You take a minute to steady your nerves, in awe of the emotional outpouring that just occurred
  1294. >Of course there's no way you're mailing this mess to her
  1295. >You crumple the page up and toss it into the trash can brimming with soda cans and empty noodle cups
  1296. >You were just brutally honest with yourself, and you don't like feeling so vulnerable
  1297. >Besides, you don't actually like Anon, he's great, but he d—
  1298. >The sound of keys rattling against the front door
  1299. >He's back? How long have you been writing?
  1300. >Oh shit, the SHOWER
  1301. >You sprint out into the hall and dive into the bathroom, shutting off the water as the front door swings open
  1302. >"Floor!" he calls out, "I've got dinner! You out yet?"
  1303. >You meet him in the kitchen, struggling to hide that you're out of breath from a four-second sprint
  1304. >"Hey," he says, setting down the bag, "how was your shower?"
  1305. >It's pretty obvious that you didn't shower
  1306. >So you don't know why you said this
  1307. "Good."
  1309. >You went to bed early tonight
  1310. >That stupid letter
  1311. >You didn't know how you really felt until you spilled it all out on the paper
  1312. >Before all this, you were never uncomfortably honest with yourself
  1313. >You never had to be
  1314. >You could live in denial and nopony paid any mind
  1315. >Now every day you have to face a stranger
  1316. >And in doing so, face the truth
  1317. >Because you like him but also you don't
  1318. >And it's so complicated and it's not getting any easier
  1319. >So after dinner you just said goodnight and locked yourself in your room
  1320. >Now you're lying in bed pretending nothing's wrong
  1321. >And how do you usually cope?
  1322. >You rub yourself raw until you end up passing out
  1323. >That sounds really tempting right now
  1324. >So you grab your dildo from the depths of your closet and return to bed
  1325. >Horsebando will give you a good rutting until you're good and sleepy, just like he always does
  1326. >Lying beside him, you carefully guide the toy down to your pussy
  1327. >He might just be a picture on a pillow but he can fuck like no other
  1328. >Especially after the pictures you saw on the internet
  1329. >Closing your eyes, you eagerly recall them as you press it against your pussy
  1330. >It feels so tangible with the porn fresh in your mind
  1331. >You can practically sense him leaning over you, propped up by his two front hooves on either side
  1332. >And his girthy cock slowly pressing into you
  1333. >His hot, wet breath against your face, the stallion claims you as his own
  1334. >You're happy, because you've only ever wanted to be his, and nothing more
  1335. >You are a good wife to him and all is well
  1336. >It soothes you instantly
  1337. >Now he's inside you, pumping away slowly, using your body gleefully
  1338. >He has such cute grunts when he fucks you, you can hear it so clearly in your head
  1339. >Eyes squeezed shut, you stick your tongue out and lick his face, lapping at it lovingly, leaving a long, wet stain on the pillow
  1340. >That always makes him smile
  1341. >Your dirty little habits are adorable to him
  1342. >He appreciates you like nopony else will
  1343. >One hoof draped around horsebando, the other guiding his cock in and out of your pussy
  1344. >Getting him slick with your juices just the way he likes it
  1345. >Each thrust delivering a burst of ecstasy, lying back obediently while he mounts you
  1346. >He is so tender, so affectionate
  1347. >He leans into you and kisses, making you feel so loved
  1348. >The object of his affections, the apple of his eye
  1349. >You've never felt safer than you do under him
  1350. >Eventually he finally breaks away to breathe, but he doesn't stop the love there
  1351. >He brings his hoof down up to your face and runs his fingers through your mane
  1352. >Wait, what?
  1353. >Your eyes open and your pumping slows a beat as you catch yourself
  1354. >You meant hoof, not fingers
  1355. >As the tension begins to slip, you fight to keep it, shutting your eyes and continuing to slide the toy in and out
  1356. >Horsebando is not as clear anymore, his shape is fuzzy and hard to visualize
  1357. >To compensate you start pumping faster, pretending he's getting more forceful
  1358. >You love the gentle stuff, but when he gets going he's an unstoppable fuck machine and it feels amazing
  1359. >Trying to remember all the lewd pictures you saw to get the reference poses back in your head
  1360. >You go back to when you were sitting at the computer, scrolling the art sites
  1361. >But that was when Anon poked his head in
  1362. >Anon?
  1363. >Suddenly horsebando isn't on top of you anymore
  1364. >Anon is
  1365. >But— no—
  1366. >Suddenly you feel your muscles clench unbelievably tight around the dildo and
  1367. >FUCK does that feel incredible
  1368. >Immediately you stop resisting it
  1369. >You don't know why he's here, you just want it to keep going
  1370. >In and out his cock slides, each thrust in sync with your winks
  1371. >As soon as he buries himself balls deep inside you, the walls of your pussy constrict around him like an anaconda around its prey
  1372. >Except in this scenario you're the snake, which is kind of a mixed metaphor
  1373. >But fuck internal logic because you're building to an orgasm faster than you ever thought possible
  1374. >Clear as day, Anon's on top of you, pounding you into tomorrow, and you're letting it happen
  1375. >His arms wrapped around you to hold you safe while he fucks you, his giant human body weighing you down
  1376. >It's a different sensation, one you've never felt before
  1377. >It's all too good for you to hesitate, you don't want to think, you just want to cum all over him
  1378. "Yes... Anon... yes..."
  1379. >His pace speeds up almost as if he knows what's coming
  1380. >Of course he knows, he's in your head
  1381. >He's using you like his little fuck toy
  1382. >You know the one
  1383. >The one he keeps under his bed and looks just like your own pussy
  1384. >That's why he likes it so much
  1385. >That's why you're his favorite
  1386. >That's why you want him to cum inside you
  1387. >And that's when it hits in full force
  1388. >The best orgasm of your life, sending shudders throughout your body
  1389. >The dildo buried deep inside you, with your legs wrapped around it, clenching it in place
  1390. >Squeezing every last drop of sensation out of it as your hips will allow
  1391. >After a good twenty seconds, your muscles start to get sore, and your thighs finally unclench
  1392. >Your tightly-wound body collapses as you sprawl out on the bed
  1393. "Holy shit."
  1394. >You just masturbated to Anon
  1395. >And that's... weird
  1396. >Feeling ambivalent, you look over to your left
  1397. >And your stomach sinks
  1398. >Horsebando witnessed the whole thing
  1399. >You've never felt more guilty in your life
  1400. >For reasons you can't explain you're on the verge of tears
  1401. >You hate what you just did and you hate yourself for doing it
  1402. >But it felt good so you just let it happen
  1403. >Like those sluts from high school you've resented all your life
  1404. >You're no better than any of them
  1405. >You betrayed your one true love
  1406. " you hate me?"
  1407. >Of course he does
  1408. >You're such a fucking mess
  1409. >Look at yourself
  1410. >You're crying because you mentally cheated on your daki and now you're begging for forgiveness
  1411. >How much more screwed up can you get?
  1412. >You pull the pillow out from under your head and smother your face with it
  1415. >FUCKING
  1416. >KILL
  1417. >YOURSELF
  1419. >You scream into the pillow, drowning out your cries in memory foam
  1420. >You're so broken you're so broken you're so broken
  1421. >Just like dad always said, right?
  1422. >The tears won't stop flowing
  1423. >You just mop them up with the pillow, slowly suffocating yourself
  1424. >It's what you deserve
  1425. >Whatever sliver of denial you sheltered in before was gone now
  1426. >You pretended you didn't actually like Anon because you couldn't be attracted to a human
  1427. >Maybe that was a delusion but it was safe
  1428. >Now?
  1429. >Now you have nothing
  1430. >Nothing but the hideous truth
  1431. >The proof is in the stained sheets
  1432. >You're a pathetic loser with no standards
  1433. >You can't even stand to look at horsebando anymore
  1434. >All you see on his face is disappointment
  1435. >Because you can't even be a good wife to your fictional husband
  1436. >So how the fuck can you ever expect someone to love you back?

The Recruiter

by pentapony

Music Therapy

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Mare-Order Bride

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Cozy Apple Wife Green

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Tea For Two

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