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[AiEG]Anon lord of DARKNESS

By DarknessAnon
Created: 2020-12-18 04:46:36
Updated: 2022-11-09 07:51:26
Expiry: Never

>"why does Anon sit all alone"

"maybe it's because..."

>Sunset Shimmer is you and you don't know
>thankfully Rainbow draws everybody's attention off of you
>"obviously he's one of those self-consuatious people"
>"and what exactly does consuatios mean?"
>"Come on twi it's when somebody feels bad about their body, that's probably why he always wears that heavy black coat that covers his face everywhere by the way"
>thinking back you realise you've never actually seen his face
>how odd
>the conversation proceeds to devolve into twilight and Rainbow arguing over the correct form of conscious
>You are anon you've been tasked to save this specific world from darkness
>long story short a bunch of old people want to use you and have given you many gifts
>from the techniques of controlling darkness to a coat that shields you from said darkness
>and of course the angriest looking of the old men sat you down to explain what the fuck is going on
>and why you can summon a fuckhuge key
>you wern't paying much attention but you are now vaguely aware that you have the capacity to do good things
>or very bad things which is why you are here now.
>hopefully though you don't ruin everything like you did last time
>your inner-monologue is cut off by an orange girl talking at you
>"-nset shimmer, what's yours?"
>context-clues.exe activate

"Anon, it's nice to meet you"

>"so Anon, me and my friends over there-" she jestures to a group of girls chatting behind her "are wondering why you sit by yourself?"

"because i don't know anybody here"

>"Why not?"
>because there's a 50/50 chance of everybody here getting their hearts ripped out

"because I move around alot and i'm not really interested in getting to know people that i probably won't see again after i leave"

>"Hmm... that's kind of depressing, so uhh new question, why do you always wear the coat?"
>well you can't really tell the truth here either and you don't really have a good lie ready.

"well you see...

>you call upon your minion of darkness

[spoiler]"What do you want"[/spoiler]

>could you please cause a distraction while i come up with something here?
>you feel a sigh in your brain as a little shadow slinks over to the fire alarm
>not exactly what you had in mind but it'll work
>mass panic ensues as the alarm blaires with all the exits being flooded by excess amounts of colorful humans(?)
>"well it was nice talking to you Anon"


>something shimmer runs back over to her friends
>within 3 minutes everybody had left the building
>after 5 minutes the fire department arrived
>30 minutes later and the firemen conclude that there are absolutely no fires in the building
>and about 10 minutes after that class resumes
>you already went home though


>a few hours later
>your dark minion Fiz manifests onto your table
>he's bored most of the time so you let him handle your phone
>[spoiler]"i took a couple interesting pics today, also phone is dead[/spoiler]
>you set your phone on the charger check the time and head out for the night
>you are a very angry pink girl
>you have set up over 89 surprise parties for Anon and he has evaded all of them
>Everyday since he appeared on the school roster he never shows up where you anticipate him to be
>You have to get it right this time or you lose all credibility as the top party planner in the entire west coast
>gotta keep up them stats ya know
>Utilizing the fire alarm you sneak into The Principals office to get more info on anon
>it took you about 5 minutes but you pulled up everything the school has on the Mous which is his current place of living and nothing else.
>The address is the only thing you need honestly, now you just need to have Sunny send out the bait
>after the second time you were arrested you realized that breaking into people's homes was not the way to get the reaction you were after so
>You return to class brainstorming...
>you spend enough time making up different plans for every possible situation that could possibly occur (Including getting attacked by literal zombies) that the sun is starting to set.
>You go to call home but you realize you left your phone back at home this Party situation has got you actin all sorts of ways
>you start the long walk back home.


>You are as of right this moment Anonymous
>every night you go out to fight the heartless that manifest in the world
>creatures that steal and store hearts within them, only certain types of heartless don't actually have hearts stored in them
>Those are pure bloods Fiz is a prime example [spoiler]not for lack of trying [/spoiler]
>the flavors of the night happen to be blue hooked bat and imp like dogs.
>no threat to you but to the uninitiated a incredibly slow and painful death.
>they rarely show up in areas with high foot traffic so you're condemned to back alleys or the outskirts of town during your patrol
>Sometimes the Bats are read instead of blue which has meaning you guess.
>either way your oversized key dispatches the monsters in a single swing
>as you walk from dank alley #46 to back road #52 you feel something nagging at your senses

[spoiler] that pink girl from school is stalking you [/spoiler]


"Hey pink why you out so late? don't ya know monsters prowl the streets at night"

>pink responds without missing a beat
>"Why are YOU out so late huh? Why do YOU ditch school so much? WHY DO YOU NEVER COME TO MY PARTIES!!!"

[spoiler]i don't really know why she's yelling at you but you probably deserve it donglord[/spoiler] ??? "You have never invited me to a party before"

>you can literally see the anger drain from her face
>"Oh well in that case I'm throwing a party tomorrow after school wanna come?"


>"Alright i'll be in touch cya moosie"
>you decide you've taken enough for the night and go back to your studio apartment
>you awaken to glass shattering and Crashing noises as fiz turns on the light
>a white flash streaks through the window as you summon your weapon
>if it is what you think it is you're probably going to die in the next few minutes
>you start going through your mass of items seeing what you should take into this,
>you might be able to wait them out, but chances are they'll come to you if you try
>You slide on your garnet and sardonyx rings, clip on a fencers earring, and tie an elven bandana around your arm
>fiz looks out the window while you stuff as many potions into your pockets as you can

[spoiler] it's only dusks dude we're fine [/spoiler]

>that's a great reason to stop stressing honestly
>dusks are the weakest of the nobodies and the powerlevel of this world suggests that this won't be any problem for us at all

[spoiler]oh and a berzerker but there's only one of em[/spoiler]

>you take a moment just staring at your weapon and briefly reflect on what lead up to this moment and how you could have avoided most of it
>a memory of an old man who looks like he rides motorcycles asking you if you wanted free dark powers flicks into your brain.
>your jacket inhibits darkness and that's where your strength lies so off it goes
>fiz climbs over and fades into you
>you leap out of your broken window.
>Berserkers are pretty slow until you piss them off so the ideal strat is to focus on the dusks
>the dusks slither toward you leaving the big guy in their [spoiler] dusk [/spoiler] shut the fuck up fiz
>your main method of attack is repeatedly slamming your hunk of steel into the head of whatever is assailing you
>Which fits with the fact that these guys almost always open up with crazy fast headbutts
>the first of the four is dispatched in five strikes
>you set your sights onto the one that went to the left of you
>it does alot better than the first in the fact that it keeps dodging.
>your frustration builds as the slippery thing stabs you in the arm for the fucking fifth time
>you look to see the other two dancing around you, you're forgetting something very important
>you realize that the berserker is nowhere to be seen so you raise your blade quick enough to stop a giant club from ending your career prematurely
>the force raddles through your body and the berserker proceeds to lay into you again
>and again
>and again
>you sidestep the next blow which makes a big dent in the concrete of the sidewalk
>your swing directly between the nobody and it's weapon and to your suprise it actually lets go.
>you throw your blade at one of the dancing dusks and grab the club.
>Suprisingly the weapon is incredibly light so you start wildly swinging it at everything around you.
>the berserker gets launched and the dusks vaporize immediately
>as you rush over to the berserker the club dissapears
>and reappears in the hands of the enemy who proceeds to slam it into your face at incredibly high speeds
>after the second hit fiz emerges and jumps onto the monsters face and starts clawing fervantly
>within seconds you get up and shove your rematerialized blade into the creatures chest vanquishing it

[spoiler] that went better than i expected honestly [/spoiler]

>thanks dude yah saved my life

[spoiler]i can't steal your heart if you're dead bruv [/spoiler]

>whatever you say bud
>you go back inside check your phone and go to bed.
>you wake up an hour later to your alarm and a stiff breeze
>you send a text to your landlord telling him some hoodlums broke your window last night as you get ready for another day in hell (school)

[spoiler]Today you are Fiz maybe not the best thing you could be, but here you are anyways Anon gave you his phone during first period and you've just been going around taking fun pictures you got a good one of mint macking on bonnie you think mint called her purple dweeb brought a dog to school it's really fucking weird that they talk in this world honestly fuckin dollhouse worlds you fuckin miss being alive fuck this gay earth you ghost out of the school, you're connected to anon's heart so as long as his dumb ass doesn't die you'll always be able to find him on your way out you feel something eminating from the weird ass horse statue like a whole new world fuck that bullshit it'll probably turn you into a fucking horse or some other such bullshit you fade back into the ground and crawl away about 30 minutes of traveling later you end up next to a convenience store you crawl inside and begin to feel something vibrate inside of you you start freaking out thinking your going to explode and that this will be your legacy then you realize it's the phone. the screen displays 12:25 along with "this is sunset" that's pretty neat you walk around the store until you notice it the ultimate weapon[/spoiler]

>Sunset is sitting with you again which makes you anon
>she's been trying to get to know you
>which brings you back to where you are now
>"You never told me why you always wear that jacket"
>you have something for this now

"It's a statement about how trying to keep up with fashion trends ends with everybody being the same"

>"Wow anon that's actually really deep"
>she took the bait
>"Rarity would disagree whole heartedly, she'll probably ask you about it at the party tonight"

"yeah that is something i agreed to do today"

>she can hear the discomfort in your voice
>"don't worry Anon i'm sure you'll enjoy it"

"Seriously though why do you keep coming here?"

>"Well honestly it's because I thought you looked lonely, I've been there you know and it doesn't feel good"

"You know what you're a cool guy Sunny don't go to school tommorow

>her face takes a ghastly pale color
>"why? what are you planning?"
>you pull down your hood revealing the (hopefully) joking smile plastered on your face (which turned green when you came to the world no clue why)

"Because it's saturday ya goof"

>her face turns from pale to a blush in the second it takes her to comprehend your joke
>you don't notice everybody looking at you as you slip your hood back up
>School's over and fiz is still mia, you're pretty sure he's fine
>you've formulated a plan for the party.
>Talk to enough people to confirm that you were there
>then go to a secluded location and abuse your dark powers to get the fuck out of there
>the last time you went to a party you litterally caused the end of the world,
>that was then
>and this is now


>10 minutes into contemplating your life choices and sunset shows up on a mudda fukken modocycol
>she beckons to you
>you come
>"Pinkie sent me to escort you to the party"

"kinda figured she'd send somebody otherwise i'd be home right now"

>you feel Fiz meld back into you as you say this
>"hey anon it's pretty obvious that you don't feel comfortable going to this party don't worry i won't ditch you, i mean what are friends for right?
>plan is failing damage control activate

"i'm sure you have other friends who would want to hang out with you, i'll be fine"

>she can tell you're lying
>"Maybe, i'll introduce you to some of them"
>you could probably sneak away
>"I'll even drive you home"
>she looks really happy about this
>fuck, any ideas fiz

[spoiler] you can have her bring you to a random house and DC home after she leaves [/spoiler]

>not a bad idea at all

"alright lets go"

>she tosses a helmet at you, and you push it on over your hood

"hey, thanks for making an effort"

>"yeah of course Anon"

[spoiler] she's blushing she digs you dude she want's the mega-non™ [/spoiler] "shut the fuck up fiz"

>god damnit

"I talk to myself when I'm nervous, I've never been on a motorcycle before, I'm actually kind of excited"

>"Don't worry Non I'll treat you well"

[spoiler] I'm telling ya dude she's got a fever for [/spoiler] seriously stop

>you can feel his smirk in your brain
>she adjusts your grip before taking off
>You are Flash Sentry the absolute Baddest dude in the school
>you're kind of jealous of the new kid moving in on your ex, sure it was all just a status symbol for her at the time
>but you felt a real connection, and if some freak in a stupid jacket thinks he can take your girl he's got another thing coming
>you walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder
>"What do you want?"
>he turns to look at you

"what do you think you're doing here freak"

>"well that's super rude my dude what's with the attitude?"

"why don't you tell us why you were the jacket? to hide your hideously disformed body? huh freak?:

>Sunset chimes in "Flash why are you being such a jerk?"
>"Yeah dude what's your deal you autistic or something?"
>some of your friends come over and start defending you saying things like "No you're autistic" "Flash is way cooler than you, loser" and "Flash is way more jacked than you"
>"See sunset the reason why i don't like going to parties is because somebody always ends up in the hospital"

"What does that mean"

>the room goes black
>and then Anon slams his fist into your head


>You are anon and you just lost your cool at a party
>You instantly open a DC and step through (DC Stands for dark corridor and it's an exclusive darkside mode of travel via portals)
>you appear in your shitty apartment and close the corridor behind
>3 minutes later fiz throws your phone at you and you see you have multiple texts from Sunset
>reading as such
>"where did you go?"
>"What did you do to flash?"
>"Is he going to die?"
>"Should I call an ambulance"
>"Do you still need a ride
>and the ...
>you send

"Flash is fine, I'm fine everything's fine, i don't need a ride anymore."

>you're not sure why but you feel like you could trust Sunset with your secret, maybe even apprentice her...

"I'll explain during lunch on monday"

>It's saturday and you are at the school
>you have to meet with the vice principal
>and so you are anon
>"have you made any progress?"

"not really, fiz mentioned something about the statue but i didnt see anything upon investigation"

>"it's a gateway to an alternate world they might need your services eventually"

"Assuming that I can actually stop the world from falling"

>You like to play it straight
>"Yen sid would not have sent you if he did not believe you could"
>That's a fair point

"So is there anything else you wanna ask me before i go hunting some more?"

>"That is all, remember though most of us don't know it we depend on you"
>"alright bye luna"
>Fuckin magical keys n bull shit


>You've decided to aquire milkshakes
>you need as many distractions from the thought of failure as possible
>And fiz demands satisfaction in the form of milkshakes lest he unleash his weapon of mass destruction
>What that is you don't know, probably a mixture of bluff and bravado but what do you know
>you decide a full lunch at this place is better than just milkshakes
>and what do you know pink is your waitress
>"HI welcome to the sweet Shoppe how can i help you today sir"

"yeah i'd like 2 chocolate milkshakes and the chicken club"

>"alrighty i'll be right back with your drinks"
>who woulda thought that pink was more proffesional than you are

[spoiler]actually nobody dipshit[/spoiler]

>yeah well

[spoiler]you got nothing[/spoiler]

>no you


>alright ya got me idiAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>your conversation gets interupted by something Ice cold being dumped on you
>worlds will end for this
>she's still rambling
>Forcing your self to say things that aren't implying homicide

"it's alright pink i'm gonna go clean up" ...

[spoiler] you're fiz again which sucks but hey it could be worse you could be green and have no real friends that's a little harsh actually damn you're not sure how it works without having a mouth an all but this milkshake is fucking delicious nobodies paying attention to you which is good except the yellow girl staring at you ahh fuck Anon's gonna be even more pissed she walks over to you[/spoiler]

>"uhhh hi there little guy"
>"I've never seen an animal like you before"
>"you shouldn't be drinking somebody elses milkshake

[spoiler]she picks you up, normally you'd be struggling but she has nice boopas so you're ready to see where today takes you[/spoiler]

>"don't worry i'll find your home little one"

[spoiler] i've found my home bby[/spoiler] ...

>you're returning to your table A noticibly cleaner Anon
>you see that yellow girl who's friends with sunset walking away from it
>fiz drank half his milkshake and dipped where to you don't know
>the Sandwich is delicious
>pink appears suddenly behind you
>"hey anon i don't want you to have a bad impression of me so would you like to help me with baking tomorrow"
>she looks legitimately upset about what she's done

"alright i've got nothing better to do, where's this going down?"

>she lights up like a flashlight in a dark room
>"great i'll get your number from sunset i'll see ya tomorrow
>with that she skates on by
>you glance around the room just to see fiz smothered in yellow tits
>he gives you a thumbs up as you feel like Screaming
>you leave
>you have decided to take out your blind rage on heartless
>so you've been going to the shadiest parts of the city wiping them like they're nothing
>taking no time to comfort the people who you've saved by your actions
>the flavor of the day is possesors and sometimes possessed gargoyles with red nocturnes
>after the eighth dark alleyway you calm down a bit
>you start practicing your magic despite how much you suck with it
>you know exactly two spells, fire and blizzard, and thanks to your brain you know that fire doesn't like being cold
>those fuckers don't even know what hit em
>after about 5 hours of grinding you start slowing down a bit more
>you keep going
>a nearby jogger looks into the alleyway while you're in the middle of fighting about 8 gargoyles
>she runs over and drop kicks the one closest to the alleyway.
>the sheer audacity of this blue lady causes all of the gargoyles to stop looking at you
>their mistake
>you slice three of them in half before they reset their sights on you
>god you can't even take your anger out on monsters without getting interrupted by some annoying bitch
>she proceeds to kick one of the statue's head off
>the possessor inside revealed you shoot a beam of concentrated energy into it
>an axe gets rammed into your shoulder, the jacket bounces it off but the force transfers through
>not as bad as the berserker but it still hurts

you insert your key into its chest causing it to stop existing

>three left
>two of them are keeping rainbow hair from getting offensive while the other one readies itself for your attack
>you rush forward feinting as you summon a whorl of fire around you slamming into and through the gargoyle, you hear screaming from behind you as the gargoyle seizes to be
>you assess the situation Rainbow has taken an axe in the midsection and is bleeding she's running toward you despite this
>you vault over her and deliver two swift blows to the Gargoyle with the bloodstained axe destroying it
>the last one throws the axe at you and pulls out a lance, you catch the axe by the hilt and rush towards it
>everyone knows axes beat spears
>it tries to block the incoming axe swing with the lance and you smash the stone into dust
>it gives you a pleading look before you chop it into stone bits
>rainbow hair continues to bleed out behind you
>you pull out one of the leftover potions from the nobody fight and give it her
>"what the heck was that"

"drink that"

>she chugs it and her wound seals up like it was never there
>"seriously what the heck, i mean did you see the hearts appear when we destroyed those Statuey things"

"yeah thanks for the assist but maybe you should leave the fighting to the proffessionals"

>"Wait you do this for a living? I just assumed you were some loser because of the coat but it makes so much sense now"

"yeah anyways I guess i owe you an explination ms..."

>"Rainbow Dash, what were those things?"

"those were heartless, monsters of darkness who steal the hearts of people with the sole intention of dragging everything into darkness"

>"Alright i'm in where do i get weapons to fight the dark?"

"first off you have to be chosen for the job, second and i can't stress this enough you can't tell anybody"

>"so does my weapon has to be like your... whatever that is?"

"my thing is a key, there are many variants and modifications that revolve around keychains you jingle the little insignia on your weapon

>"alright so how do i get a key?"

"you have to call upon it and it will come, as far as i can tell just about anybody can summon one if they have the will for it, i think"

>"what if i can't figure it out?"

"I know a guy who can get basic weapons until you figure out the key thing, here's my number call me sometime tomorrow and i'll have a list of his inventory"

>you open up a DC and go back home before she can say anything else
>you've always wanted to be a baker
>suprisingly you're anon
>and you've calmed down immensly from yesterday
>you've bought a basic sword for Rainbow
>and a staff for sunset
>and some other essentials
>"oi nonners git back to rowing"
>for whatever reason pink has been trying to endear herself to you by pretending to be a pirate
>it's kind of working

"aye captain my captain"

>you're giving them one last good mixin before they go under
>she's got you making cupcakes
>honestly it's really relaxing
>and you can tell already that they won't turn out bad
>maybe they'll even be good
>you've needed a break
>then suddenly music starts playing in the background
>for whatever reason people suddenly burst into song in this world
>when you open your mouth you are affected by the laws of the world as well

>"Thankyou so much for helping me anon, it really means something you know"

"oh are we done already? if so we should do this again sometime"

>"for sure Nonners"
>your phone goes off
>it's rainbow
>"alright what do you have for me?"

"i figured of all the weapons you'd want a sword"

>"Cool, meet me at the school"

"hey pink I gotta go now i guess, i'm meeting up with rainbow about something important, i'd invite you but it's a private matter

>you tacked on that last bit to try and shut her down
>"alright Anon i'll see you at school"


>"you exit the building and walk a bit before you DC
>you are The Most Awesome Student at CHS so you are Rainbow Dash
>today you're going to become a knight
>you're not sure what the right word is but Knight fits
>so you're a knight
>anon appears in the same Spooky Portal thingy he left in
>he has an actual sword instead of that lame hunk of iron he had last time
>he tosses it hilt first, you catch it easily
>"So,first things first these types of weapons can be sheathed magically, focus on it no longer existing"
>you do, and it disappears

"Woah that's really weird, how do i get it back?"

>"focus on it appearing in your hand"
>you do and it does
>really simple actually

"so when do we start fighting the monsters?"

>"before we do i want you to get acclimated with your new weapon, come at me"
>he brandishes his key
>you run over and swing at him
>he bats your sword away and bonks you on the noggin with his left hand
>"don't be so rash"
>he redistances himself and takes a stance
>you run over and try to stab him and this time he completely disarms you, and bonks you on the noggin again
>"you gotta try to read your opponent before you strike"
>you're pretty mad at this point
>you collect your sword and rush him again
>when he goes to block your sword you let go of it and try to kick him in the head
>he catches your foot and flips you onto the ground
>"that was pretty bold, i'd say a solid 7/10 nice thinking"
>you grumble under your breath as you recollect your sword again
>you've got an idea this time
>you rush at him again and swing you de materialize the sword as his key starts to connect with it and re materialize it earning you a solid strike across his chest


>"that was a smart move Rainbow, you're really getting a feel for your weapon, after school on tuesday we can go hunting, be sure to practice as much as you can before then"
>he tosses you a green pot and portals away
>you sheath your sword

[spoiler]Fiz is you and you have reached nirvana you've spent the last couple days getting pampered the first day there was an agressive rabbit, but nobody's going to find him except the guy who was driving that truck you've figured out that yellow is fluttershy and fluttershy has found out nothing about you you've thought about just slipping back to anon he's the only person who you can communicate to properly though he's not very affectionate so here you are just enjoying your vacation[/spoiler]

>"hi rainbow"
>"hey shy what's that thing in your bag?'
>she pulls you out and presents you to rainbow
>"that thing is serious bad news"
>rainbow pokes you in the gut
>"He's not dangerous, i've been taking care of him for the past couple days, he's just lost and confused"

[spoiler]whatever you say babe[/spoiler]

>"it's evil i know it is, and i know an expert who can confirm it is"
>you are anon and you're preparing your lesson plan for Shimmer
>you've realized your a pisspoor teacher
>you look around the cafeteria for her and spot Rainbow and her yellow friend marching toward you
>sunset's in the lunch line

[spoiler]hey anon, Rainbow thinks im pure evil for some reason, give me some backup[/spoiler]

>"anon i need you to tell fluttershy that this is going to steal her heart"
>she points at fiz

"He is evil don't get me wrong but he's not going to hurt anybody, he belongs to me" [spoiler]i belong to the Darkness you vile wench[/spoiler]

>fluttershy recoils abit
>"oh uhhh here you go then, what even is he?"
>she hands you Fiz

"he's a shadow, a special type of animal that perfers being in dark locations"

>Shy then launches into a huge list of questions about Fiz and his species in general
>you look over at Rainbow and she just shrugs

[spoiler]tell her i have a huge cock[/spoiler]

>thankfully sunset chooses this moment to show up
>"Hey Anon I believe you have an explanation for me"

"oh yeah hey uhh fluttershy was it? I'd love to answer your questions right now but i have some important bussiness with sunset right now"

>"oh... okay i'll go now bye anon"
>she starts walking away
>hmmm she'd make a great white mage, maybe you should bring her into the party? thoughts for later
>"So what are you and Sunset going to talk about?"
>you forgot dash was here

"samething i talked to you about, I still gotta break the important stuff so uhh could we have a bit of privacy?

>"oh uh yeah okay see ya tomorrow Anon"
>rainbow jogs off to catch up to fluttershy
>Sunset is thoroughly confused at the moment

"we should go to a private setting"

>"is it really that big of a secret?"
>"yes if this leaks to the rest of the students things will get really awkward for me"
>"okay I guess"
>she picks up her lunch tray and you both start walking away,
>as you're about to leave Pink pops up and gives you a cupcake, nods, and dissapears
>Anon is bringing you somewhere
>you're kind of nervous and also Sunset

"so where are we going anyways?"

>"The gym"

"what the gym's under construction right now"

>"actually it's infested, come on you'll see

"uh okay"

>you didn't realize it but nobody is around
>he pulls a giant key out of nowhere as you two approach the gym doors

"where did you even get that?"

>"that's a long story, maybe another time"
>he shoots a beam that opens the door, then tosses a staff at you
>you catch it and immediately feel the connection of magic flow through your body once again

"woah, this feels amazing, what is this?"

>"it's a conduit for magic, i sorta pegged you for the mage of the party"

"Party? like from that weird game twilight plays so much?"

>"Nope, that's fitted with all of my spells, provide back up"
>He rushes in and 3 Flying humanoid creatures fly towards him
>you point at one of them with your staff and try to cast a spell
>he fends two of them off but the third one kicks him in the back
>you Focus on the staff and feel the elements radiating in it, a freezing BLIZZARD at the tip, and a scorching FIRE surrounding the base
>meanwhile Anon has one of them backing off him while the other two are clawing him all over
>everytime he swings at them they fly out of range and the others retaliate
>You point at the one closest to you


>A block of ice shoots out and slams into the winged creatures torso, breaking and coating it in ice
>Anon takes the opening and shatters it
>the other two turn and start flying towards you


>You are Anon
>your mage is a natural sadly her fire wave only served to ward off the Air Soldiers
>You run over and finally get a good hit on one of them, knocking it to the ground for an easy finish
>>You throw your keyblade at the last one it dodges easily only for Sunset to freeze it
>you drink your last potion while walking over to break it
>Sunset walks over to you
>"I believe you were going to explain something to me?"

"There's a core in the world, the only way to get to is through small openings called a keyholes, the monsters, heartless, are trying to enter the keyhole and end the world"

>"There has to be a way to stop them right?"

"yeah that's where this comes in" you brandish your key "they can only be sealed with keyblades"

>"so you're here to seal the keyhole before the heartless end the world? That must be alot of pressure"

"ehh sealing it's easy you just point and it does the rest, the hard part is finding the keyhole, that's why i'm recruiting you because you know the area better than I"

>"alright i'll help, what do you need exactly?"

"first off i need to go over some things with you"

>you procced to tell her the things you told dash
>she stows her staff
>"alright but where do we go from here?"

"so i need a list of every memorable place you've been to then we investigate"

>"Alright, i'll get right on that"

"oh before you go i recruited your friend Rainbow Dash, and you can channel any magic through that staff"

>She opens her mouth right as the entire room goes dark, except for a few windows
>"Anon please tell me this is you just messing around"
>you hear the all too familiar sound of a barrier forming at the exits of the room

"Sunset we're about to be attacked by either a ton of heartless or One giant one, don't panic don't stop moving for longer than it takes to cast a spell and don't get hit"

>two red lights start illuminating the room shadows start stretching, fading, growing, shrinking, contorting all around the room, the lights snap together then seperate and break into four
>the lights shift colors and suddenly all slam together creating a blinding light for second
>A floating suit of armour is in the flames place

[spoiler] you are fizz, and your the parties assassin according to Anon you've tried to get him to buy you a dagger but he wont it would've come in real handy right now, since the guard armor is just kind of slamming him on the ground repeatedly Sunset is standing like 25 feet away spamming ice spells, they aren't doing too well honestly it's time to unvail your ultimate weapon a dart gun you shoot it in the face six times it stops and turns to look at you Anon's just hanging there flailing around the armour floats over and try's to slam you with the idiot you blend into the floor and go to collect your darts Anon starts throwing his keyblade at the things face as you reload eventually it drops him and he gets back to his feet he immediately starts striking the thing in it's hand it kicks him in the face and he gets knocked across the gym Sunset decides to try something different She runs up behind it and hits its torso it swings around to face her and she shoots fire all throughout its body it takes her staff out of her hands and snaps it in half Anon is still just lying on the floor while sunset sprints towards him you take aim and dart it in the head again it picks up sunset and throws her at you you fade into the floor again as she collides with the ground Anon gets back up and shackily walks towards the suit of armour he throws his coat onto the monsters helmet and starts trying to break its limbs it misses its next kick and he manages to create a nice dent in the body sunset stumbles over to her broken staff and picks up the upper half she tries to cast a spell and it explodes on her Anon gets stabbed in the gut by its claws you start firing into the thing again at this point it just ignores you[/spoiler]

>you're freezing and you're probably about to die
>so sunset you are
>Anon's been taking hit after hit, you've got no idea how he's still standing
>you pick up the remaining part of your staff and toss it at the monster
>it harmlessly bounces off
>Anon breaks its right boot only for the left to kick directly into his stab wound
>he gets knocked down and his key slides directly over to you
>Anons shadow climbs onto it and then gestures at you
>you're pretty sure he wants you to throw it directly at the helmet
>Anon starts heaving as he tries to stand
>you pick up his blade and it's alot heavier than you thought
>the creature starts gliding over to him
>you can't throw it far enough
>it stomps on him
>so you do the next best thing
>you channel as much magic as you can through it


>a lance of pure fire shoots through the monsters chest burrowing a hole through it
>immediately you collapse
>The Armour still stands err floats
>it stalks over to you
>Fiz jumps onto it and climbs into the hole you made
>it starts trying to remove him but it can't
>the bottom of the torso starts glowing
>Pure energy pulses through it
>and then it stomps on your head
>you are Anon and you are about to become kill or be killed
>you've managed to get back on your feet again
>just in time to watch your mage get shitstomped
>and you are furious
>you summon your blade to you
>and you throw it at the Guard Armor
>you strike it in it's helmet
>and you repeat the cycle until it's close enough to strike
>the armor is dented all over by the time it gets to you
>you backpedal as it tries to stab you again
>you get a heavy strike on its helmet causing it to recoil
>Fiz sticks his arms out of the torso and then vaults up to the helmet
>he grabs on and starts clawing the shit out of it
>it doesn't know how to respond so it starts trying to remove him
>you start slamming your blade into it's chest rending off chunk after chunck of metal
>fiz get both of his claws into the visor and pulls
>he rips the helmet in half vanquishing the heartless
>the darkness engulfs you both
>when it lifts Fiz looks different

[spoiler]thank the gods your alive, i'm not so sure about sunny over there though[/spoiler] "ohh fuck"

>you walk over to check on her she still has a pulse at the very least
>you consider calling your contact in this world but you decide against it instead your just going to bring her to a safe place while you wait for your next shipment of potions
>you open up a Dark corridor pick her up and walk in

[AiEG]Anon lord of DARKNESS

by DarknessAnon