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The Flutterrape Request Archive - Sorted by Date

By FlutterrapeGeneral
Created: 2020-12-18 06:47:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Requests that have been made in the Flutterrape thread starting as of November 30th 2013:
  2. Format: Status of request - Idea
  3. Last Updated: 03/30/2017
  5. ~~~Requested Characters~~~
  6. Mayor Mare
  7. Daring Do
  8. Octavia
  9. Vinyl
  10. Trixie
  11. Gilda
  12. Octavia
  13. Bon Bon
  14. Applejack
  15. Rainbow Dash
  16. Carrot Top
  17. Berry Punch
  18. Discord
  19. Sombra
  20. Coco Pommel
  21. Aloe and Lotus
  22. Fleur
  23. Discord
  24. Colgate
  25. Cheerilee
  26. Celestia
  27. Literally anyone other than Fluttershy
  29. ~~~Pre-existing Requests~~~
  30. 1. NOT TAKEN - Anon is a genetic engineer.
  31. 2. Completed by Lego - http://pastebin.com/QhdheM4A - Anon is an Atheist, and actively protests against the idea that Celestia is a god.
  32. 3. NOT TAKEN - Anon is brought to Equestria, but he has stage 4 cancer.
  33. 4. NOT TAKEN - Stereotypical 80's Anon.
  34. 5. Completed by Synergist - http://pastebin.com/5d9yhjJJ - Anon wants to get his dick wet, but just can't bring himself to do it with mares.
  35. 6. NOT TAKEN - Video-game characters
  37. 8. NOT TAKEN - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Equestria
  38. 9. NOT TAKEN - Anon tries to get rid of Twilight/Flutts, who is hopelessly in love with him. He constantly tries to push her on to stallions, wingmanning hard but can't seem to shake her.
  40. ~~~11/30/2013~~~
  41. 1. Completed by Synergist - http://pastebin.com/Se9zQSWM Master of Disguise / Catch me if you can / Fluttershy tries to fool Anon with disguises.
  42. 2. Completed by Slasher Science - http://pastebin.com/Ui4XTU6Z - Cadence keeps trying to drug Anon with tainted love-heart candies. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, not knowing about the obsession Cadence has with him nor the drugs in the candy, pressure him to be "polite" and accept the candy.
  43. 3. NOT TAKEN - Anon wears a Shining Armor mask for a joke, but when he's promptly tied up and gagged by Cadence, he has the best/worst six hours of his life. Afterwards, it turns out that being surprised, gagged, and tied up is Shining's fetish. Poor Anon was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  44. 4. Completed by Flutterpriest - http://pastebin.com/dYQkVX56 - Slime pony rape
  45. 5. NOT TAKEN - Anon friendzones Twilight after a long relationship of them reading books together and stuff. Then she rapes him. She'd forcibly ride him, drooling all over him and keeping him pinned with magic until he was out of cum.
  46. 7. Completed by Flutterpriest - http://pastebin.com/tjwU3Wms - Fem-Shining Armor rape
  48. ~~~12/07/2013~~~
  49. 1. NOT TAKEN - Christmas story where Anon and the mane six go to Canterlot Castle for a celebration. Fluttershy catches Anon under the mistletoe, but Anon refuses to kiss her. This then leads to a Scooby-Doo style chase all throughout the castle. How it ends is up to whoever decides to take on this autism.
  51. ~~~12/09/2013~~~
  52. 1. Completed by Synergist - http://pastebin.com/hWyQxY1r / http://pastebin.com/gfHTapjJ - Anon is some kind of scientist-man-thing who decides to clone himself to avoid Fluttershy.( Bonus: If Luna is Anon's pet kitty, then the writer will be rewarded with +30 cool points)
  53. 2. NOT TAKEN - Fluttershy Bunny Mare
  54. 4. NOT TAKEN - Yandere Pony rape. Maybe Gilda/Trixie/Lightning Dist/Rainbow Dash/Babs Seed as the rapist
  56. ~~~12/16/2013~~~
  57. 1. NOT TAKEN - Filly Funtasia rape
  58. 2. NOT TAKEN - a fit/buff Rainbow Dash overpowering anon and raping him. Put anon in all sorts of inversed positions, Dash ruts him like a woman, lifting him off his feet and holding his legs up and pushing him to the wall, also do include forced boners.
  59. 3. NOT TAKEN - Requesting a short Flutterrape filled with Faux News propoganda
  61. ~~~12/20/2013~~~
  62. 1. NOT TAKEN - Luna and anon now share the same mind.
  63. 2. Completed - Synergist - http://pastebin.com/2JATygY8 / http://pastebin.com/zHpvUqRP - Luna and anon switch bodies.
  64. 3. NOT TAKEN - Anon and x get charged with grand larceny
  65. 4. NOT TAKEN - Anon and Fluttershy sit at a table awkwardly for an indecipherable length of time and think about each other (maybe one isnt happy to be there?)
  66. 5. Completed - P0N - http://pastebin.com/DcMad1nD - Rarity and Fluttershy take Anon to lunch where he orders a salad. The salad contains mushrooms that are harmless and tasty to ponies, but cause Anon to trip harder than any man before or since. Now it's up to Rarity and Fluttershy to help Anon come down while he uses his love sword to stab the demons hiding under everyone's tail.
  67. 6. NOT TAKEN - After a night of drinking, Anon wakes up in bed with Cadence, ass naked. He panics, but is surprised when Cadence wakes up, gives him bedroom eyes. Freaked out, he rushes into the bathroom. And finds that a crude copy of Shining's Mark has been inked onto his ass, his hair is dyed, and he has a fake horn glued onto his forehead. That's when he notices the note taped to him: "Good luck! -SA." SA has done a runner, and Cadence is delusional - she sees him as Shining, the simple disguise fooling her. The rest of the guards and staff know that he's not SA, but are maintaining the delusion incase Cadence goes nuts. He has to find SA, while trying to dodge an amorous and over bearing Cadence.
  68. 7. NOT TAKEN - Anon loves politics. He invites Celestia round to his house for dinner so he can understand how everything works in Equestria. When Celestia tells Luna that she is going round for dinner Luna immeditely thinks that it is because Anon wants to have a relationship with her. She convinces Celestia that is his true purpose. Celestia is very pleased at still being able to be found attractive after thousands of years. She and Luna pick out fine dresses for her to wear and talk about how she is going to act around Anon etc. When she arrives at Anon's house, Celestia keeps trying to push the conversation towards the bedroom. Anon keeps trying to bring it back to politics. Addendum: she hasn't gotten laid in centuries; gagging for it.
  69. 8. Completed by Picklehead - http://pastebin.com/vTmL2Vyp - Anon is staying in the Crystal Empire. One day, he walks into his room to find Cadence sniffing his underwear. She blushes and says it's not what it looks like.
  70. 9. NOT TAKEN - Twilight brutally rapes Anon in an estrus-crazed rage after he denies her
  71. 10. NOT TAKEN - Anon is invited to join Applejack to visit her Aunt and Uncle Orange. Aunt Orange hasn't been rutted in ages and she's heard about Anon's "talents" from AJ's letters and sends him signals during the visit. - NOT TAKEN
  72. 11. NOT TAKEN - Luna, still shy about social interaction, has a "second" life with Anonymous in his dreams: her, disguised as a human, them having sex, having kids, etc. Aside from her looks, her personality is all her. She maintains the masquerade. Thing is, Anon doesn't know that she's real -- he thinks he's just a series of on going, pleasant dreams. Her cover gets blown, and he finds out. Thing is, he genuinely loves her, though he's as confused as fuck. Especially when she moves into his house without a howdy do, and plays the part of a doting wife... that's also an insecure, yandere Alicorn. - NOT TAKEN
  74. ~~~12/24/2013~~~
  75. 1. Completed by Picklehead - http://pastebin.com/XMT1jMJT - Flutterhulk
  76. 2. Completed by Flutterpriest - http://pastebin.com/7MXrGqSY - Flutterbat
  77. 3. NOT TAKEN - Cadence tries to hypnotize Anonymous with a pink dildo. She ends up hypnotizing herself, instead. She wakes up in a field in the ass-end of nowhere with a sarcastically written note on her chest -- "Nice try! Anon. x". She's just happy Anon left a kiss in the note. (Or, hypnotism in general)
  78. 4. NOT TAKEN - Fluttergape/unbirthing.
  79. 5. NOT TAKEN - Anon, through some convoluted and archaic laws interacting with old Equestrian/Imperial treaties, is being forced to marry Cadence. None of them are happy -- Shining and Anon especially. Unfortunately, Cadence has old fashioned views on love and marriage, and is trying to make a three-way marriage to her work... whether Anon and Shining want it to or not.
  81. ~~~1/1/2014~~~
  82. 1. Completed by Picklehead - http://pastebin.com/vTmL2Vyp - Drunk Cadence
  83. 2. NOT TAKEN - Everything about Cadence pisses Anon off; she believes it to be sexual tension, when Anon just wants her to fuck off.
  84. 3. Completed by Shiggler - http://pastebin.com/eKR60X9u Requesting a story where Fluttershy feeds Anon a loaf of bread made from her yeast infection. -
  85. 4. NOT TAKEN - Anon wakes up one day to find haggered-looking Luna in his kitchen, in a bathrobe and sipping coffee. He doesn't know why, but she's decided to move into his house and is acting like the doting, though somewhat yanderish, housewife. Anon is completely freaked out, especially since she acts like they've been married for years and wants husband-wife nookie. Alternately, it's Celestia -- she's finally had a psychotic breakdown, and Luna's keeping things together in Canterlot.
  87. ~~~1/7/2014~~~
  88. 1. Completed by Shiggler - http://pastebin.com/1jUbM0FL - Anon isn't attracted to ponies. He's quite open about this, and none of the ponies mind. He's also best bros with Dash. Enter... the Brojob. CHOO CHOO. Dash and Anon are constantly interrupted by other ponies who think Dash is raping him, because they all know Anon isn't attracted to ponies. Anon's furious because he's getting blue balls the size of Pinkie's flanks, and Dash is pissed because she just wants a good fucking.
  89. 2. NOT TAKEN - Fingerbang x Flutterrape Crossover. Two Times the rape!
  91. ~~~01/12/2014~~~
  92. 1. NOT TAKEN - In medieval times, it was thought that an apple soaked in a lovers armpit would act as a powerful aphrodisiac. hint hint applefags.
  93. 2. Completed by Picklehead - http://pastebin.com/2060WNPw - Silver Spoon rapes Anon in the comfort of her own mansion.
  94. 3. Completed - UVLight - A lot of UV's stories are Femanon, check out his bin: http://pastebin.com/u/UV_Light
  96. ~~~01/20/2014~~~
  97. 1. NOT TAKEN - Twilight fetish is magic and while she cuddles with Pinkie Pie she accidentally make Ponks butthole eat books. This hole can only be closed with a long fitting spear. Conveniently anons dick has the right size but he does not want to fill holes. They try to get Anon to save Pinkie.
  99. ~~~02/01/2014~~~
  100. 1. NOT TAKEN - Can you have Queen Chrysalis doing horrible things to Major Ocelot after the events of Operation Snake Eater?
  102. ~~~03/13/2017~~~
  103. 1. NOT TAKEN - (Be ready for a long one)
  105. Insert Waifu of choice and Anon, having spent many years together in this Equestrian hell hole, married or not, are at a stage where they were talking about kids/foals. Just talking about them. No plans for them, they don't know if Anon can knock up a mare or not anyway, and even if he could, he played it safe with condoms anyway because nobody wants a half breed abomination... Or he doesn't, anyway.
  106. But the more they talk about it, the more they both want it, but the kid's gotta be human or pony, no in-between monstrosity. So Anon gets an idea and goes to see Zecora, cause the bitch is way outside of town and can keep a secret. He wants some sort of potion or some shit that'll temporarily make him a full blown pony, stallion sperm and all, so he can do the deed and give choice waifu the pony child they both want. Zecora admires it and agrees, but lacks ingredients to make it, and they just happen to be super rare, and in locations that require an adventure. So Anon being the determined manly man he is, lies to his choice waifu about where he's going for the next week and sets off to get Zecora the items.
  108. Fluttershy (or if she was choice waifu (for whatever you sick fucks see in her), anti-waifu of choice) had caught wind of Anon's plan via spying. At this point, years of stalking and wanting sex has had her and Anon meet an agreement that Fluttershy's getting none, but she still stalks him for that time that probably won't happen where his relationship crumbles and can swoop in to comfort him... with her vagina.
  110. Still, the adventure sounds dangerous and his idea sounds lovely, so she can't help but offer assistance on it... it was mostly a trap to get them alone together and the adventure is met with many attempts of getting dick. The adventure is annoying, and despite how much he yells at her and kicks her in the butt, he knows why she does it, still after all these years, so he's kind of over faulting her for it. Especially since waifu of choice knows it as well and they're practically friends despite it.
  112. But eventually the adventure comes to an end, Anon has the rare items gathered (like the toe of a cammel or something). Anon brings them back to Zecora, she brews them, the potion is made and ready to go. And when he's ready, he eventually drinks it.
  113. Which then causes Fluttershy to spring her actual trap. The attempted raping during the adventure was just because she can't control her hormones and just wanted sex for the sake of sex. But this is Anon as a pony, with perfectly good pony jizz to give her. She takes all of the opportunity while he's not used to his new pony form, unbalanced and confused as to how his insert racial part here works (wings, horn, flower power hooves, crystal butt, whatever your shitty OC is).
  115. Unable to adequately stop and overpower Fluttershy, Anon gets overpowered instead by her, and his pony virginity is stolen by her. But with that deed done, she finds herself happy and lets him go to do the deed he wanted to do.
  116. Which he does, and he and choice waifu couldn't be happier. But knowledge that what Fluttershy's carrying as well is gonna forever be in the back of their minds, and their talks about their child are replaced with how they're gonna beat the shit out of Fluttershy.
  118. (Frankly, I don't know why the guy didn't just write the story himself.)
  120. ~~~03/21/2017~~~
  121. 1. NOT TAKEN - Anon is a totally new species to Equestria. Thus, the law doesn't technically apply to him. Lyra sees this as an opportunity, and manages to draft up some paperwork declaring Anon her property. Filthy, nonconsensual horse sex ensues while his friends try to find a loophole to get Anon his freedom back.
  123. ~~~03/28/2017~~~
  124. 1. NOT TAKEN - Shy is sad, and strangely, too sad to guess another fetish for Anon. Anon doesn't want to have a nuisance back in his life so he goes on without her, but to his dismay he finds that she is a far more integral part of his life than what he realizes.

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The Flutterrape Request Archive - Sorted by Date

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