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The Rules of Flutterrape

By FlutterrapeGeneral
Created: 2020-12-18 06:51:32
Expiry: Never

  1. More an assortment of Flutterrape culture that's built up over the years than actual rules.
  2. Although you should probably memorise all of them, just to be safe.
  4. Rule #1: >rape
  5. Rule #2: Because magic
  6. Rule #3: Lee Sin is the best champion of the game.
  7. Rule #4: If you're not providing content, take your trip off.
  8. Rule #5: ...And your name too.
  9. Rule #6: Nebby is a butt.
  10. Rule #7: Rarity has an affinity for alcohol.
  11. Rule #8: [MOTHER] is watching.
  12. Rule #9: Rainbow Dash is a bro.
  13. Rule #10: If Rainbow Dash has feelings for Anon, Anon must be completely clueless about the situation. (The Rainbro Postulate)
  14. Rule #11: Pinkie Pie must throw Anon a party.
  15. Rule #12: The Circlejerk is a graveyard.
  16. Rule #13: Anon must black-out at some point.
  17. Rule #14: Hot Monkey Dick is comparable to Equestrian Horsecock in size.
  18. Rule #15: Human stamina makes Anon a superior lover to stallions.
  19. (Rules #14 & #15 are together known as the Sexual Superiority Theorem)
  20. Rule #16: U wan sum fuk?
  21. Rule #17: You gotta earn the right to Avatar-fag, and if you have to ask you haven't earned it.
  22. Rule #18: Twilight will do anything for science.
  23. Rule #19: Twilight will be interested in studying Anon...for science.
  24. Rule #20: Twilight may or may not be a gassy pony, but Fart-Anon is still a fuck.
  25. Rule #21: Applejack is frustrating as fuck to write well.
  26. Rule #22: You are less manly than Theseus.
  27. Rule #23: You are more manly than Lasagna.
  28. Rule #24: All Anon's are in some way a self-insert.
  29. Rule #25: Anon will arrive mysteriously in the Everfree.
  30. Rule #26: Fluttershy collects Anon's underwear.
  31. Rule #27: Lyra has a human and/or hand fetish.
  32. Rule #28 Flutterpriest is in fact a sixteen year old girl and has been for years
  33. Rule #29 No filly fiddling
  34. Rule #30 Exists to abolish rule #29
  35. Rule #31 Shit. Shower. Shave. In that order
  36. Rule #32 Blame the pony who raped you
  37. Rule #33 Acknowledge that it is always Fluttershys fault
  38. (#32 and #33 is known as the >Fucking Fluttershy clause)
  39. Rule #34 We don't fuck horses
  40. Rule #35 Pinkie rapes you without even being in the story
  41. Rule #36 No one must know you exist on this thread
  42. Rule #37 Lumberjack Anon is never raped, only harassed
  43. Rule #38 Requests are encouraged, but not expected to be fulfilled
  44. Rule #39 There are three known writers who will fulfill your requests if summoned correctly
  45. Rule #40 Slasher fights for your right to live
  46. Rule #41 The CMC try to get their cutie mark in human fucking, it never works
  47. Rule #42 Always have your special comfort blankie or plushie nearby
  48. Rule #43 UV provides the nightmare fuel
  49. Rule #44 We are not liable for wishing to commit suicide after reading a story
  50. (#44 protects us from #43 and #42 works to prevent #44 from being applicable. This is the UV chain)
  51. Rule #45 >Bump
  52. Rule #46 Puns, cats, and dogs all summon horrible things. Refrain from using them.
  53. Rule #47 Jchallo has never done drugs and is never allowed to
  54. Rule #48 That writer doesn't exist but is a decoy played by another writer
  55. Rule #49 The only esc-[REDACTED]
  56. Rule #49 The ride never ends.
  57. Rule #50 Drama. Drama never changes
  58. Rule #51 Circlejerk stories are just that and mustn't be done
  59. Rule #52 Fucking Alicorn's
  60. Rule #53 Cadance is her own loophole, allowing her to rape you
  61. Rule #54 Don't let the ponies team up, you won't survive
  62. Rule #55 The Anal Pulverizer is named for a reason
  63. Rule #56 Chasity belts
  64. Rule #57 Apple horse is stronger than you so don't fight
  65. Rule #58 Diamond Tiara will buy you
  66. Rule #59 Celestia and Luna can use the law to force you
  67. Rule #60 If you wake up with one in the bed, it's too late.
  68. (Rules 57-60 are known as the definite rape clauses)
  69. Rule #61 You can't, in fact, rape the willing
  70. Rule #62 Nebulus is the hero we need, but don't deserve.
  71. Rule #63 Zecora has a potion for what ails you.
  72. Rule #64 All Equestrian drugs and poisons work on Anon, different species be damned.
  73. Rule #65 Anon may or may not be resistant to magic.
  74. Rule #66 "The Stare" can and will be used in times for desperate rape.
  75. Rule #67 Changelings were born for this thread.
  76. Rule #68 All Cutie Mark talents can easily be swapped for raping talents.
  77. Rule #69 ...Heh 69
  78. Rule #70 Your waifu a rapist.
  79. Rule #71 Trixie will always be Tsundere for Anon.
  80. Rule #72 Go ahead and tattle, no one will believe you.
  81. Rule #73 Using another pony for protection only delays the inevitable.
  82. Rule #74 Sexual favors are the default currency in Ponyville.
  83. Rule #75 Wearing clothes other than those for formal occasions is considered weird and unnatural.
  84. Rule #76 When in doubt, assume Brownee is in the Hospital.
  85. Rule #77 No matter how many skills Anon has, he will eventually need to ask a pony for a favor.
  86. Rule #78 Equestrian alcohol is for lightweights.
  87. Rule #79 Princess Luna is always spying on your dreams.
  88. Rule #80 Tom is best rock.
  89. Rule #81 Anon's mere presence can shatter married relationships.
  90. Rule #82 Griffon's are the only means of acquiring meat.
  91. Rule #83 You can run, but you can't hide.
  92. Rule #84 Adoption is not an option.
  93. Rule #85 Answering the door is never a good idea.
  94. Rule #86 A human's favorite food is always bananas.
  95. Rule #87 If Discord is involved, give up; it'll hurt less.
  96. Rule #88 Locking up your house is merely a formality at this point.
  97. Rule #89 Trust no one.
  98. Rule #90 Pony stupidity can used to your advantage if done carefully.
  99. Rule #91 Your story idea has been done before, get over it.
  100. Rule #92 Humans can't get ponies pregnant.
  101. Rule #93 Magic can do anything.
  102. (Rules #92 & 93 are considered the "Satyr Paradox")
  103. Rule #94 Every pony has its own cereal.
  104. Rule #95 Estrus = Easy Mode
  105. Rule #96 If at first they don't succeed, cry cry again.
  106. Rule #97 Anon may only bring to Equestria whatever was in his pockets and/or hands at the time.
  107. Rule #98 Common sense is considered "optional" in Equestria.
  108. Rule #99 If Anon's fetish is revealed, he MUST submit to whoever offers it.
  109. Rule #100 Don't forget, you're here forever.
  110. Rule #101 Rarity is the only living being in Equestria that knows how to create human clothes.

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