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>You are Sunset Shimmer
>Sellsword and spellsword extraordinaire, practitioner of arts both martial and magical
>The blood of demonkind courses through your veins, making you part of a race called ‘tieflings’
>Not so long ago, you had looked into your past and wished to tap into your heritage for power’s sake
>This led you down a dark, hazardous road that would have cost you your life, after forsaking your time as a student of the Princesses
>At least, were it not for the intervention of one merry band of best friends
>They stopped the demon-worshiping cult you found yourself a part of, and at first, you hated them
>Hated them and the fact that they had robbed you of your chance to fully unlock the power of your bloodline
>Spending some time with them had changed you, however
>You went from being a power-hungry woman on a path to destruction to a generally kind, helpful soul
>Alas, your time with your new friends was temporary, as they all had different paths to follow in life
>And so, now on your own, you find yourself wandering towards Canterlot, where umpteen opportunities to amass wealth and prestige supposedly await the next hero-to-be
>Wandering through the forest near the city, you find yourself pondering on what to do when you get there
>Will you do mercenary work? Join a guild? Study and write books? Perhaps set up shop to peddle your magical wares?
>While you’d have to wait until you got there before anything could come to fruition, it didn’t hurt to have at least a rough idea in mind
>The entire time, however, something is nagging in the back of your mind
>Your intuition is telling you that you’re being watched, like there are eyes on your back
>Seeing as it’s the ass-crack of dawn at the moment, there is yet to be much light, perfect for those trying to hide from you
>Unfortunately for them, they apparently didn’t realize that seeing in the dark is no problem for you at all
>The occasional snap of a twig or rustle of leaves is clearly audible, as much of the forest had yet to awaken
>After a time, the out-of-place noises stop, and the sound of nature begins to grow
>You don’t entirely relax, but the sensation of being watched disappears
>Nearing the edge of the forest, you can just make out the horizon
>Canterlot may not be visible yet, but you can practically taste the smell of the old city
>Or at least you think of what it would be like, you’ve always had an active imagination
>Said imagination almost costs you a limb as four little men with faintly green skin, heads that look like a football, and more sharp, jagged teeth than anything their size has any right to have jump from the underbrush
“Ugh, of course it had to be goblins...”
>One of them makes a slash at you with a sword that looks like it’s more rust than not, but misses clumsily
>Him being so close leaves you with a perfect opportunity to strike back
>You don’t have your scimitar drawn yet, so you tear at his face with one claw, and grab him by the throat with the other
>Sparks of electricity arc down your arm and into the goblin’s body, and the little bastard goes limp (-1 SP)
>Dropping him, you now have space between the remaining three goblins, all of whom are wielding crude weapons, and you turn to face them
What do you do?
>Go after the nearest one with your two claws
>Draw your sword and start hacking away
>Cast a spell
>Ditch the little blighters
>You decide that now is the perfect opportunity to bust out your favorite trick for some crowd control
“Taste the rainbow,” you say with a devilish sneer
>From your hand bursts a prismatic wave, washing over the goblins (-1 SP)
>They all give a collective scream, and fall to the ground
>It seems that they were weak enough creatures that the spell didn’t stun them
>Your spell full-on knocked them the fuck out
>Making sure not to waste time, you drag them all next to each other, bind their arms, and leave some rope between them to link them all together
>By the time they wake up and have recovered, they’ve all been tied up neatly
>The goblins all stare up at you with fear in their eyes
>Before you can leave with them, however, you feel that you’re being watched again
>You are given little time to wonder as three more goblins, led by a taller, more menacing hobgoblin, approach you from behind
>It seems these first four were not the only members of the hunting party
>Deciding to end things quickly, you move close enough for your spell to have an effect, and cast Color Spray again (-1 SP)
>The three little guys all collapse, but the hobgoblin shrugs it off
>He roars and brandishes a giant warhammer known as an earthbreaker as he moves in
>From about thirty feet behind him, you notice a dark, hooded figure skulking about in the bushes
>They’re too slight of build to be another hobgoblin
>A wide range of blades can be seen hanging off of them
>You aren’t given much time to wonder about that, seeing as the hobgoblin is ready to smash you like an overripe watermelon
What do you do? (Current HP: 20/20, current SP: 2/5)
>Engage him in melee (sword or claws, your choice)
>Try another spell
>Call for help from the mysterious figure
>The stranger gets a quick glance from you, only looking in their direction with your cyan eyes once
>They don’t give any sign that they understood you acknowledged them, though
>As you see them dart across the path into some bushes that are closer to the fight, you draw your scimitar and give it a little twirl
>The sharp blade glows with the magic you channeled through it (-1 arcane pool)
>A step forward, and a grunt as you swing, and your sword bites into the hobgoblin’s flesh
>Your confident smile disappears when the hobgoblin’s eyes roll into the back of his head and he gives a roar not of pain, but of anger
>A rather violent response comes in the form of a wild scream and the head of his gigantic hammer nailing you in the side (-8 HP)
>It certainly wasn’t enough to kill you, but holy shit
>You’d certainly still be feeling that tomorrow morning
>Now that you’re close enough, you make to hit him with your scimitar and claw at him as well
>Both attacks land, and he’s bleeding heavily, but still far from done
>A rather heavy blow smacks you square in the chest (-10 HP)
>Staggering to your feet, you make another attack at him
>This time it digs into his leg, but it’s still not enough to take him down
>The hobgoblin raises his earthbreaker above his head and gives a mighty, mindless cry of rage, ready to strike you down
>Just as you close your eyes, awaiting your impending doom, you hear a sharp, wet noise
>You feel hot blood gently splatter on your face
>Looking up, you see that the point of a cusped sword is jutting from the hobgoblin’s throat
>The dead-as-a-doornail hobgoblin drops his hammer and falls to his knees, and you see the dark figure roughly kick him off their sword
>Of course, you know you’re in no shape to fight this person either, especially if they were able to finish off a raging hobgoblin like that
>You stay on your feet, and aren’t sure whether you should run or not
>But the figure grabs your arm, wipes the blood off of their sword on the hobgoblin’s clothes, and sheathes their weapon
>Their other hand free now, they lower the scarf that had obscured their features, revealing a soft, somewhat round face with a somewhat large nose, clever eyes, and some of the most delightful little freckles
>Their hair is a distinct, shaggy mess of green, and combined with their brown eyes, makes you think of a vegetable garden
“Who… are you?”
>“That… that, er, doesn’t matter much,” they say in a feminine, yet gritty voice
>She reaches into one of the pouches on her leg, and pulls a small vial from it
>“Drink up, you must hurt like a son of a bitch after taking two hits like that,” she says
>If she wanted to finish you off, she’d have probably done so by now, so you trust that it’s not poison inside
>The blue elixir is light blue, syrupy, and tastes like amaretto without the alcohol
>There is some sharp pain as you feel ribs pop back into place and other wounds you sustained mostly heal up (+10 HP)
>While you were fighting, the tied up goblins were curiously silent, and now that the hobgoblin is dead, they’ve started muttering to each other in their bestial language
>Your savior walks up to the remaining goblins, who are just beginning to stir, and gives each of them a solid kick to the head, knocking them out again
>She then proceeds to draw a longer, heavier sword that she holds in both hands before lopping off the hobgoblin’s head
>You stare a bit as she holds the dripping mug after cleaning off this sword as well
>“...I need proof that the mark is dead,” she says a little bashfully
“Thanks for your help, I don’t think I would have made it if not for you. Would you like to accompany me into town? I was going to bring these other goblins in to the local authorities.”
>“Um…” she says, looking unsure
What do you do?
>Reason with her to follow
>Intimidate her into coming with you
>Charm her with your seductive, demonic wiles
>Give up and leave without her
>You’ve had plenty of girls fall for you from your teeth alone
>Apparently, chicks dig other chicks who are so far on the ‘bad girl’ end of the scale in terms of looks that their smile is dangerous
>And so you make sure to show off your fangs a bit with a smirk as you walk up with a confident swagger
>That you sway your hips a little with each step and make sure your bosom does a little bounce certainly doesn’t hurt anything
>Getting directly in her face, your grin gets a little wider as the lurk gets redder and redder, so much so that her skin almost matches your own crimson hide
“Surely you can take the time to come along,” you say, tracing one of your talons over her chest, protected with a shirt of maille
“Wouldn’t want to leave a pretty maiden like me to venture all by her lonesome, now would you?
>As you say all this, you press your bodies together, your own fantastic breasts smooshing and practically engulfing her modest chest
>“NOw kISs!”
>It seems that one of the goblins is at least smart enough to know Common
>His call almost killed the mood, but you manage to salvage it
“Look, even the little guys know that coming with me would do you well.”
>You finish it off by giving her a soft kiss on the forehead
>You’ve done it, she blushes so hard that her nose starts to bleed
>“Mmph!” she sputters as she slaps one hand to her face
>You back off a little to give her some space, and the goblins whistle and hoot in approval
“So, I take it that’s a yes?”
>The young woman gives a nod, trying to keep her nose from bleeding too bad
“It’s settled then!” you say with a cheerful nod as you grab the earthbreaker, and then take hold leading goblin in the line by a length of rope that was hanging in front of him
“Come on, you hooligans. Time to go.”
>The rest of the walk to town is quiet, but pleasant enough
>The sneaky warrior’s eyes are boring into you from behind, you can feel it
>Your ass especially, and so you make sure to strut in a way that swings your booty almost hypnotically
>Finally, you approach the city gates, and are greeted by guardsmen who ask about the goblins
>You explain everything to them, that they attacked you on your way here and the lady behind you saved your life
>She came forward and said that the hobgoblin was a mark she was given by the Adventurer’s Guild, presenting the contract papers, and getting some nods
>“We’ll take care of the goblins from here,” one of the guards says
>“You take these to the guild and get some compensation for your efforts.”
>He hands you three tickets before opening the gates
>“Welcome to Canterlot.”
What do you do?
>Follow the contracted killer to the Guildhouse
>Look for a place to get a bite to eat and rest up
>Find a smith you can sell the earthbreaker to
>See what’s popping at Canterlot Palace, maybe get into the Royal Library for some study
>With little else to do, you decide that going to the Adventurer’s Guild with the assassin would be the best course of action
>Redeem your tickets, get to know this girl, maybe get laid
>As she tries to hurry off with the hobgoblin’s head, which has thankfully stopped bleeding everywhere, you give chase
>When she sees you jogging after her, she falters for a moment
>As do about half of the other passerby, one guy staring so hard that he smacks into a lamppost
>All it took to catch up to her was a moment though, and she turns her head away when you’re at her side
“Where do you think you’re going, cutie? You haven’t even told me your name yet.”
>“I told you, it’s not impor-”
“Of course it’s important, I should get to know my fellow co-workers, shouldn’t I?”
“I plan on joining the Adventurer’s Guild. It’s a way to get paid for putting my talents to good use, and also to get a girlfriend,” you say, muttering the last part under your breath.
>“What was that?”
>She finally sighs after a few seconds of awkward silence
>“…It’s Wallflower Blush.”
>You smile toothily at her, and put one arm around her waist, holding her close
“You certainly live up to the last part of your name.”
>Sure enough, bumping your hip against hers cast a reddish tinge over her freckled cheeks all over again
>“S-stop it…!”
“Not so used to flattery, are we?”
>“No, not really…”
>She looks at your claws, teeth, horns, and red skin
>“…I don’t imagine you are, either?”
>Your smile falls; that one hit a little too close to home
“Well, I don’t usually get any real flattery, it’s mostly just stares and some of the weirdos who have a fetish for succubi but can’t be bothered to learn how to summon one.”
>“Um, for what it’s worth, I th-think you’re p-pretty. Kinda, uh, scary too, but… pretty.”
>That was close enough in your books
>You lean forward and kiss Wallflower on the cheek this time, and you can feel her warm cheeks under your lips
>The poor thing is absolutely stunned by the affection
“You’d better get used to it then,” you say gently, “because I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.”
>“You probably should, though.”
“Why’s that?”
>“We’re at the Guildhouse now, and the dormitories are on the far side of the establishment.”
“What do you plan on doing with the head, then?”
>“I’m dropping it off at the counter along with the paperwork, and then I’ll get paid in the mail tomorrow.”
>The two of you find yourselves in front of a building that looks more like a small castle than a guildhouse
>The heavy double doors in the front are pushed open, revealing a very busy establishment, with lots of people chatting, discussing contracts, or messing with papers
>Wallflower walks you up to a counter, lays down the hobgoblin’s head and the rolled up paper her contract was written down on
>A nod of affirmation from the clerk later, and she’s off
>“It’s been nice talking to you…?”
“Sunset Shimmer.”
>“Yeah. See you later?”
“Of course.”
>She disappears by the time you turn in your own tickets, and the clerk hands 60 gold pieces for your efforts with the goblins
>From here, you have a few places to go
What do you do?
>Follow Wallflower to her dorm
>Ask the clerk for any available contracts
>Chat around with some of the other adventurers here
>Go to the mess hall to get something to eat
>Do some shopping in town
Suggestions of your own are also welcome.
>While you may not know where Wallflower’s dorm is at the moment, you suspect that will change soon enough
>In the meantime, you decide that now is as good a time as any to register in the guild and get a couple of jobs
>Getting directions from the clerk to whom you’d exchanged the tickets for gold, you find yourself standing in front of a young sylph woman
>She’s pretty enough, with pale skin and straw blond hair
>Closer inspection reveals a pair of eyes that would normally just be crossed, but it looks like they can’t even do that right
>You at least have the courtesy to not laugh or stare, but she smiles when you approach her desk, her tongue poking out of her mouth as though she’s thinking really hard
“Uh… hi there, I’m Sunset Shimmer, and I’d like to register with the guild.”
>“Fantastic! We can always use more guild members. Adventuring is a high-risk, high-reward profession, so we tend to have a lot of free spaces.”
>The admittedly silly-looking woman digs around through a drawer in her desk before pulling out three pieces of paper
>“Here! What you do is take these three entry-level tasks, and when you come back with at least one of them finished, you can join. If you have more than one when you return, you’ll get some extra money for your effort!”
>Giving a nod, you look at your first quest
>A farm about halfway between here and some podunk, middle-of-nowhere village was having trouble with their sheep disappearing
>According to the one who wrote the request, it’s “a huge stinking bug that looks like a cockroach and a centipede had kids and its spit can make stuff melt and it almost took Granny one night but my brother got her inside afore it could eat her”
“Granny…? Her brother…?”
>Taking a look at the address, you recognize it as Apple Acres
>A few bells go off in your head; if Applejack hasn’t already dealt with the monster, what’s happened to her?
>You look at the second quest
>An alchemist who lives in the Everfree Forest is having some trouble acquiring particular ingredients
>They’re too expensive for her to buy, and she can’t deal with the monsters on the path to the nearest location for it by her lonesome
>She also has the strange habit of writing in rhymes
>You figure that you’ll find out about that soon enough, and it sounds like an easy enough job
>The last quest sounds the hardest, but also has the biggest reward
>There’s a picture of a halfling woman in a hooded cloak
>Wanted for multiple counts of theft, burglary, mugging, skullduggery-
>A lot of this stuff is redundant as heck, making you wonder who has what kind of grudge against this person in particular
>Regardless, you know that she goes by Sticky Fingers, and has a den somewhere in the city
>Your three jobs secured, you turn to leave, but the sylph’s voice stops you
>“Not to be rude, but you’re looking a little beat up. You can rest in the guest rooms if you want; they’re no dormitory, but at least they’re not the stables.”
>You give her a nod of thanks, and go to the mess hall to get some food before you rest up
>Not that you’re super beat, but it would help to be at your best when you get to work tomorrow
>A hot and a cot later, and you find yourself feeling as chipper as ever
>Even better than the last time you woke up, actually
>You slept like a rock, since it’s almost dawn again the next day, and you were asleep before high noon
>A quick breakfast, and then you’re on the road
Since y’all are less than a goblin away from your next level, I decided that it would be best for you to just get your next level now.
Okay, so levelling up is going to work a lot like it did with Pie. I’ll list of some options, you guys vote, and the first to three votes wins. Feel free to ask about stuff that’s not listed.
For spells, I’ll list off three kinds of spells, and then put one or two that fit the category into your spells known.
As a Magus, you get a new arcana every three levels. Here are what you have to choose from.
>Arcane Accuracy (spend an arcane point for a to-hit bonus)
>Arcane Redoubt (spend an arcane point for an AC bonus)
>Familiar (get a magical pet, duh)
>Metamagic (pick one: Elemental, Enlarge, Extend, Piercing, Silent,or Still; you can spend an arcane point to apply the metamagic effects to a spell)
On top of all that, you can pick one of your other abilities to improve.
Going with the majority vote here, so Sunset’s gotten the Metamagic I arcana, and learned the spells Celestial/Infernal Healing (fast healing 1 for 1 minute, register as good/evil respectively), Duelist’s Parry (negate an enemy’s attack with an attack roll of your own), and Obscuring Mist (surround yourself with fog). Now, where to?
>The giant bug on the Apple estate takes priority
>The alchemist in the forest really needs your help
>The thief needs to be brought to justice
>Other (give your own suggestions)
>Concern for your newfound friends drives you to head to the farm first
>However, while you don’t have any real fear of bugs, giant ones sound a little too dangerous
>Some help would be nice, you decide
>Needing some directions, you walk up the sylph again, who’s apparently stuck with the early shifts, seeing her in the same spot as she was yesterday morning
“Hey, could you tell me where Wallflower Blush’s dorm is? I need to speak to her.”
>You stare blankly
“...Wallflower Blush. Assassin, wears a lot of dark earth tones, bristling with weapons?”
>“Can’t say I’ve heard of her. You can try your luck in the dormitories or the mess hall, but I don’t know if you’ll find someone who doesn’t exist.”
>Both curious and frustrated, you follow the advice you were given, and decide to go to the mess hall first
>It would be easier to have a look around there first quickly before heading to the dorms, which would take more combing
>At least, so long as it wasn’t full, which it probably shouldn’t be at this hour
>You don’t even get to the hall before you find who you’re looking for
>Wallflower passes you by in something of a hurry, looking a little on the gloomy side
>Quickly, you catch up to her and put your hand on her shoulder
>She turns around with a surprised expression
“Wallflower? Just who I was looking for.”
>Her face wears a look of bewilderment
>“Wait, you… you remember me?”
>You look rather puzzled
“Erm… yes? Is that strange?”
>Wallflower looks away with what appears to be embarrassment
>“Well, yeah. I joined the Adventurer’s Guild because the Assassin’s Guild declared me ‘too forgettable’ to join.”
“Wait, what?”
>“They have rules there based on not only aptitude in killing things, but also a strict dress code, because presentation is everything.”
>Wallflower took a breath and recited, “Members of this guild are not assassins, but Assassins.”
>You can even hear the capital ‘A’ in her voice somehow, with the emphasis she put on it
>“To be an Assassin separates those cuts who go around murdering people for money from the ladies and gentlemen who are occasionally consulted by other ladies and gentlemen who wish to have removed, for a consideration, any inconvenient razor blades from the candyfloss of life.”
>Wow, those guys sound uptight
>Then again, if professional killers like that wanted to stay in good graces with the law, you suppose, they would be pretty strict in almost all regards
>She continued, “Then there’s ‘You are to have a silver-backed, full-length mirror in your room because it is a terrible insult to kill someone without looking your absolute best.’ I can’t even afford the mirror, and look at this!”
>The young woman gestured at her clothes; quite drab, in all honesty, and while it would make for some great camouflage, it certainly didn’t look fashionable in the slightest
>“If this is my best, I’ve got no chance.”
“Well,” you say, a certain suggestiveness in your voice, “I’ve got a proposition for you. See, one of my friends happens to be an unparalleled seamstress. If you’d be willing to help me out, I’ll see what I can do about getting her to fix your look. Deal?”
>“You’d do that for me? You barely even know me.”
“True, but that’s something I’d like to change, if you know what I mean.”
>There came the blush again, and you managed to suppress a giggle
“It’s settled then. Come on, we’re headed to another friend’s place,” you say, dragging her out of the guildhouse
>Wallflower in tow, you head to the city gates, and follow the main road into the countryside
>After telling her what you planned to do, Wallflower agrees to at least help you with baddies along the way, although the big bug at the farm would have to be yours alone to make it count
>The trip would be less than a week on foot, and you’re no stranger to walking long distances
>As the days go by, you learn more about Wallflower, and how she got to where she is
>Raised by a single mother who was too busy trying to keep a roof over everyone’s head to pay much attention of her own daughter
>The lack of family time got Wallflower into gardening
>She accidentally began growing highly toxic plants, but when she found out, she didn’t stop
>Instead, she turned to extracting and selling poisons to sell
>When her mother found out, she was kicked out for ‘stoppering death,’ as her mom put it
>With little else to do, she turned to mercenary work, and found that being so hard to notice suited her perfectly as a Slayer
>As she explained earlier, her lack of presence and style made her unfit for the actual Assassin’s Guild
>That seems kind of counterintuitive to you, but whatever floats their boat, you suppose
>Five days into your journey, and things finally get exciting
>The early afternoon sun has warmed the earth quite well, making all kinds of creatures be more active
>Unfortunately, some of the creatures aren’t as kind as the others
>You and Wallflower initially notice a slight rumble underfoot
>The vibrations grow stronger, and you notice a pair of cracks in the earth traveling towards the two of you
>Just before they reach you, you both jump to the side, barely avoiding a pair of giant insects bursting from the ground
>They match the description in the request, looking like a cross between a roach and a centipede, except that they’re only about the size of wolves
>You have your scimitar out, and Wallflower has her two short swords in hand, and the both of you ready yourselves for battle
What do you do? (Current HP: 31/31, current SP: 8/8, current arcane pool: 4/4)
>Engage in melee
>Bust out some spells
>Both (Spell Combat or Spellstrike)
>Other (make a suggestion!)
Since there’s no majority vote here, I’mma just go with what suggestion I like the most.
>Giving a jerk of your head, you signal Wallflower to sidle away
>Just as she does so, your free hand crackles with arcane fire
>A large burst of flames fan over the two bugs, and they give ear-shattering screeches of pain (-3 SP)
>A quick step inward, and you strike at the nearest ankheg with your scimitar
>You hit, but the creature is still alive
>Wallflower takes the opportunity to move in on the ankheg’s opposite side and sinks her blade into the beast’s carapace
>With a sickening crunch, the sword pokes out the other side of the bug, and it gives a feeble shriek before collapsing
>The other ankheg howls angrily, and then attacks Wallflower, first using its forelegs like scythes and then biting at her
>One claw hits, but does little more than scratch damage (-2 HP)
>The bite is far worse, digging into Wallflower’s arm and latching on, with acidic spittle oozing into the wound (-7 HP from the bite, -3 HP from the acid)
>The ankheg’s mandibles refuse to let go of Wallflower, whom the insect has grasped onto with its forelegs as well
>“Aaah! Help!”
>Seeing your new friend in trouble, you bellow like a berserk war goddess as you coat your scimitar in ice crystals and go in swinging (-2 SP)
>Your sword cuts neatly into the ankheg, but you’re not finished yet
>You make a vicious swipe with your free hand, your own claws proving just as nasty as the ankheg’s
>Those black, ironhard talons rip into the ankheg, and with a yank, you tear off one of its forelegs and a big chunk of the rest of the bug
>It wails and chitters as it dies, relinquishing its hold on Wallflower
>It takes a bit of doing, but you manage to pull your scimitar free of the frozen bugflesh, and then immediately tend to Wallflower, who is obviously in a lot of pain from the bite and acid burn
“Hold on, I can help with this one-”
>“No, d-don’t worry, I have some potions-”
“Stop it, I’ve got this,” you half-bark at her
>She does as she’s told
>You mutter a few words in Abyssal, the tongue of demons, your voice sounding far more menacing and malicious than usual as you do so
>Once the incantation is spoken, you bite your lip, just hard enough to draw blood, but not enough to really hurt yourself
>You top it all off by leaning forward and kissing Wallflower, making sure to use your tongue to force some of your blood into her mouth
>At first, Wallflower looks disgusted, but after the brief, yet intimate kiss, you pull away and put your hand over her mouth
“Swallow. Now.”
>Wallflower follows your orders, not sure whether she should be blushing at the kiss or feeling queasy that she just drank some of your blood
>Naught but a few seconds after she swallows, the more severe wound on her arm begins to glow with reddish light (-1 SP)
>Slowly but surely, her flesh mends itself, leaving only a tender spot on her arm that’s still an angry red color, not unlike a far more mild acid burn
>After about a minute, the spell has done all it can do (+10 HP)
>It’s quite apparent that Wallflower’s still hurt, but only a little, and is healthy enough for travel again
“Feeling better?”
>“Uh… yeah? But… why did you have me d-d-drink your blood!? That’s gross!”
“I have a spell that lets me heal people over time through contact with the blood of a fiend. I’ve never gotten the chance to actually use it though, so I, um… wasn’t sure my own blood would suffice.”
>“You made me drink your blood and didn’t even know if it would do anything!?”
“...Yeah, I guess. All’s well that ends well, though. Come on, we still have a day before we reach the Apples’ farmlands.”
>Wallflower still looked kind of disturbed by the whole thing, but takes your hand as you stand up and pull her to her feet
“Sorry that out first makeout session had to be under circumstances like that,” you say, genuinely apologetic
>Wallflower is silent, but blushes again
>Licking your lips, you lean towards her and kiss her on the cheek instead with a smile
“We can try again later.”
>A nosebleed just as bad as the first one after the goblin fight streams down her face, and you laugh as you make your way down to Apple Acres
>Thankfully, the rest of the trek is less eventful, making for a good day of proper recuperation
>By the time you reach the border of the estate, it is already sunfall
>You can see two figures outside, both of them finishing up the day’s work
>One is a tall, burly man, bigger than most half-orcs
>Stronger too, by the look of it
>He’s just finished unloading bales of straw into the stables, and brushes his sweaty, strawberry blond hair out of his face before looking up at you
>The other one is a short girl with hair that’s even redder than yours, and is surprisingly pale for a farmgirl
>She’s about to head inside when she notices the man looking in your direction, and follows his gaze
>You recognize the two of them almost immediately as Big Mac and Apple Bloom, Applejack’s siblings
>As you draw nearer, Big Mac gives a genial smile and a wave
>Apple Bloom, on the other hand, looks antipathetic
>You’re curious about this, but pay it little mind as you walk forward
“So, I heard you have a bug problem?”
>You always did find the Apples’ unique accent funny, but still pleasant to hear
“Well, that’s why I’m here. My friend Wallflower-” you say, gesturing in her direction- “tagged along for the journey here, but going by the Adventurer’s Guild’s rules, she can’t help me with the ankheg if I want this to count for my record.”
>Big Mac nods in understanding, but Apple Bloom scowls at you instead
>“Why’d they think *you* would be the best one for the job? Ah’m never trustin’ them again,” she grumbles before stomping inside
>You and Wallflower look on in bewilderment
“I take it she still hasn’t gotten over when I fought her sister and everyone, has she?”
>You sigh defeatedly
“I guess it can’t be helped. Would it be alright if Wallflower and I stay the night so I can have a plan of attack by tomorrow morning?”
>Big Mac gestures for you both to follow him inside their surprisingly quaint abode
>Indoors, the only thing that isn’t warm and cozy is Apple Bloom’s icy glare
>The old, decrepit, yet surprisingly strong for her age Granny Smith is sitting by the fire, and at her behest, you and Wallflower take a seat near her while Big Mac goes to the kitchen
What do you do?
>Ask Granny Smith about the ankheg, since she’s the one who was attacked by it
>Try to apologize to Apple Bloom
>Openly flirt with Wallflower
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>Deciding to get down to business, you pour into questions about the monster from Granny Smith
“So, where did you first see the ankheg?”
>“He was diggin’ ‘round the flatter part o’ the animal pastures, Ah could tell, ‘cause he was leavin’ big ol’ cracks in the ground,” she explained
>“Next thing Ah know, he’s gone ‘n snatched up a goat like it was nothin’! Crawled back into the hole, and Ah ain’t seen ‘im ‘til three days later.”
>“That time, the varmint killed a whole durn horse, the poor thing looked like he’d been half-eaten by the time the bug dragged ‘em into a hole. Ah went to have a looksee, but the hole collapsed on itself as it went back down.”
>Wallflower looked vaguely horrified at the thought of something able to haul an entire horse underground
“Wow, a horse?”
>You’re starting to get kind of worried about the task at hand yourself
>However, you thought better of abandoning the mission
>It would probably help get you in good graces with Apple Bloom again, at least
>You listen as Granny continues
>“The third time the li’l bastard appeared was, oh, ‘bout a week ago, when Ah was gettin’ some eggs back at the chicken coop. He popped up outta nowhere, swallowed two hens in a single bite, then plumb near took mah head off. Still got a burn from ‘is slobber when ‘e missed.”
>Granny Smith undid her bun and bent her head down for you to see
>There was a bald patch that she was hiding with her hair having been pulled back, but now it was plainly visible
>The scalp was still raw and red where it wasn’t scabbed over
“Um, would you like some help with-”
>“Nah,” Granny interrupted, waving off your offer
>“Ah’m a tough ol’ bird, it ain’t nothin’ but a thang.”
>Big Mac came from the kitchen with four tankards of cider just as Granny Smith finished, and he offered one to everyone but Apple Bloom before heading back into the kitchen and coming out with something else you can’t determine right off the bat
>Taking a drink, you can tell it’s some good stuff
>A little dry, but it barely registers as being alcoholic
>It’s pretty easy to see why Applejack would talk about drinking a gallon of it after every worknight
“So, do you have any ideas as to why it shows up?”
>Granny shakes her head
>“Nothin’ much, just that he seems to like critters he can grab up and skedaddle on home with. Ah think he might figure out what’s what by the noise they make walkin’ around, though. If’n he hears either a lotta footsteps or a buncha li’l ones, it seems like he goes after those.”
>You take a long draught and stroke your chin thoughtfully at this information
>It’s big enough to kill and drag around a horse, snatch up a goat, and swallow two chickens at once
>It burrows underground and leaves trails as it goes
>It has corrosive spittle that can do some serious damage alongside its bite
>It follows footsteps on the ground to find prey
>From this, you think you can make a plan
>After finishing your drink and spending some time talking with Granny, Big Mac, and Wallflower while trying to not notice the daggers that Apple Bloom is staring at you, you retire in the guest room
>Much to your disappointment, Wallflower opts to sleep downstairs
>She’s been on the hard-to-get side for the whole journey, especially after you helped her out with that weird healing spell of yours
>A matter for later, you suppose
Morning time! With a decent breakfast, you, Walflower, and the rest of the household are ready to go at dawn. What do you do?
>Wander around in search of the ankheg
>Use an animal as bait to draw it out
>Use a person/yourself as bait
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>After eating and giving yourself a stretch, you ponder on what exactly to do
>Baiting it out seems like an effective, if morally questionable idea
>If you didn’t get rid of it though, it would probably eat a lot more than just the one animal
>Or maybe…
>You walk up to Wallflower with a devilish grin
“Hey, cutie. I’m wondering, is it that you just can’t engage the ankheg, or do you have to stay out of it entirely?”
>“W-well, I guess I can help a little… what did you have in mind?”
>You shimmy a little closer, and put your hand around her waist, even toying with her belt buckle a little
>She begins blushing again
“I was thinking that I would be more than willing to help out a friend if they got hurt by a giant bug. I’d take good care of them, and make sure to keep them *happy* while they recovered, if you know what I mean…”
>A look of alarm passes over Wallflower’s face
>“Are you suggesting-”
“I’m saying that if you agree to be bait, I’ll screw your brains out.”
>Big Mac gives a ‘think of the children’ kind of glare before clapping his large hands over Apple Bloom’s ears
>Wallflower is sputtering out of both shock and embarrassment
>“What- I don’t- how could you even say that!?”
“Just kidding, don’t worry. Although the sex offer still stands, whether you draw the ankheg out or not.”
>Ignoring Wallflower’s continued objection, you get back to thinking
>The bug seems to prefer the flatter, open areas of the farm, especially where there are lots of animals
>Whether that would be an advantage to you or not depends on the ankheg’s behavior after you draw it out
>The problem of drawing it out still hasn’t been addressed though
>You can’t use a person as actual bait, and the Apples would probably appreciate not having to lose another animal
>A thought occurring to you, you turn to Big Mac
“Hey, Big Mac, are you able to fight decently?”
>“He was a militiaman for a spell,” Apple Bloom says indignantly, now that Big Mac let go of her ears
>“So uh-huh, he can fight! Bet he’d kick your sorry butt, too!”
>“You stop it this instant, Apple Bloom,” Granny Smith warns with a frown
>“Keep insultin’ our helper here, and Ah’ll tan yer hide.”
>Apple Bloom promptly shuts her mouth, but still scowls at you
>You give a disappointed sigh
>It seems you still have a long way to go with the young girl
“Do you still have your gear, Big Mac?”
>He jogs inside and comes back about five minutes later
>He’s wearing some cheap leather armor, but it’s not in too bad of condition
>As for weaponry, he’s got a spear, a short sword, and a battleaxe
>Not bad, most militiamen don’t really get kitted out much
>You turn to Wallflower, asking for confirmation on this being okay
>“I don’t see why not, I just can’t help you with qualifying because I’m a guild member.”
“Alright. So what we’re going to do is have Wallflower, Big Mac, and I walk around the pastures where some of the livestock are. With us stomping around along with the other animals, that should get its attention, and we strike as soon as it rears its ugly head.”
>Wallflower opens her mouth to protest, but you interrupt her
“You’re mostly coming along in case of emergencies. I’d rather forfeit the job than have anyone get killed if something goes awry, understand?”
>“Oh. Sure, then.”
“Granny, you and Apple Bloom stay behind. We can’t have anyone who can’t reasonably defend themselves getting hurt, okay?”
>Apple Bloom just sulks irritably, but Granny nods
>“Don’t you worry, you li’l rascals, Apple Bloom ‘n Ah’ll be just fine. Now get out there ‘n show that varmint why no bug should go messin’ with the Apples, ya hear?”
>You give a nod, and then the three of you head out
>The next hour of wandering around the farm is absolutely banal, yet nerve-wracking at the same time
>You know that it’s going to show up eventually, but it’s so boring
>Neither Big Mac nor Wallflower are super talkative, so it’s not like you can even conversate to pass the time
>It isn’t until you’re about to call it quits and come up with something else that your efforts finally pay off
>There’s the same rumble that came from the two smaller ankhegs that you and Wallflower fought on the way there
>Unfortunately, by the time you can see the lines in the distance, the vibrations have gotten a lot stronger
>You brace yourself as it approaches, and when you recognize that it’s about to jump out, you signal everyone to dive out of the way
>Just in time as well, as the ankheg bursts from the cracked earth with a deafening screech
>Looking at the thing, you see it’s bigger than a godsdamned bull moose, not the size of a horse
“What the actual fuck, Apple Bloom?” you angrily growl, annoyed by her having undersold the ankheg’s description
>Sword at the ready, you see Wallflower backing off but ready to spring into action, and Big Mac has his spear in hand in a more defensive pose
What do you do?
>Run in and hack away
>Hurl spells at it
>A bit of both
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>Deciding to take advantage of your magic to hopefully make an opening, you hold your hand out in the ankheg’s direction
>A burst of multicolored light nails the bug in the face, and it gives a screech (-1 SP)
>It seems to have been briefly stunned by the blast
>Big Mac seizes the opportunity, and takes a quick step forward to make a jab at the ankheg
>The spear sinks in neatly, but the hardness of the ankheg’s shell keeps it from going too deep
>Your own time to move in comes, and so you close the gap to take a good swing with your scimitar
>You hit it, but are about as successful as Big Mac in terms of dealing out damage
>Big Mac gets in another jab, but is given a painful reprimand
>There is a gurgling noise coming from the ankheg, and it spits a stream of yellowish fluid at Big Mac, who takes the full brunt of it (-16 HP)
>He’s knocked to the ground, and you watch as his leather armor dissolves, the acid soon leaving heavy burns on his exposed skin
>”Big Mac, nooo!”
>From behind, you hear the distressed cry of a young, horrifyingly familiar voice
>Turning around, you see Apple Bloom running forward with a pitchfork in hand
>She hurls it in the ankheg’s direction, but it glances off of the robust carapace
>The ankheg at first pays her little mind, biting at you instead
>There is a loud grinding noise of chitin on metal as you move with supernatural speed to jam your scimitar between its mandibles, fending off its attack (-1 SP)
“Apple Bloom, get out of here! You’re going to get yourself killed!”
>Your warning falls on deaf ears as Apple Bloom picks the pitchfork back up and tries to stab the ankheg with it
>Again, she does little damage, but this time she draws the ankheg’s attention
>There is a telling gurgle again as more of its caustic drool gathers around its mouthparts
>Just as the stream of acid erupts from the ankheg’s mouth, Wallflower pushes Apple Bloom to the ground
>Wallflower is able to avoid most of the acid, but it still breaks down enough of her armor and clothing to make it fall apart
>She sits on the grass, her nude form exposed to the gods and everybody, and you take a quick look, at first making sure she’s okay, but are briefly distracted by her body
>She’s lean, toned, and has a modest chest, but still looks hot enough for you to let her sit on your face all day
>Your reverence is short-lived, however, as the ankheg pushes you aside with a foreleg before darting forward and grasping Apple Bloom in its jaws
>Apple Bloom’s high-pitched wail drowns out any other noise you could have been hearing, and your blood runs cold
>Its prize in tow, the ankheg darts into the burrow again, leaving a trail that you can follow
>There is little time spent thinking as you make a snap decision
“Wallflower! Give Big Mac a potion or two, and get him back on his feet! I’m going in!”
>“Are you crazy-”
“Shut up and do it!”
>Without waiting for a response, you utter an incantation, and you feel like your legs can move so fast that you can fly, having cast the Fleetfoot spell (-1 SP)
>Your enchantment in place, you switch out your scimitar for the earthbreaker before dashing after the ankheg
>Your strides are fast, enough so that you find yourself catching up to the nimble insect
>Though you feel that you’re getting closer, Apple Bloom’s screams are growing weaker
>Desperation overcomes you as you move ever faster
>After a good two minutes of chasing, you finally reach a large chamber, circular in shape, about thirty feet across and twenty feet high
>There are numerous white, sticky orbs about the place
>Eggs, you assume
>You see the ankheg spit Apple Bloom to the floor before it turns to you
>The girl is bleeding at the sides, the ankheg’s acidic saliva having burned most of her clothes away and taken to burning her as well
>Coupled with the puncture wounds from the ankheg’s bite, it doesn’t look like she has much more than a minute or two left in her
>Your goal in mind, you give a battlecry, and the ankheg matches it with a shriek of its own before the two of you charge at each other
>As soon as you come within range, the ankheg makes to bite you, but you fend it off with your magical burst in speed again, blocking it with the head of the earthbreaker (-1 SP)
>You wind up, and then give as hard of a swing as you can muster in return
>There is a loud crunch as contact is made, the heavy bludgeon smashing into the ankheg’s side
>The ankheg yowls before rearing back and spraying yet another burst of acid, covering your face and chest, but there was far less acid this time around (-10 HP)
>It seems as though the ankheg has run out of its corrosive spittle
“My turn,” you say with a savage growl
>First, your earthbreaker takes on a faint glow of magic (-1 arcane point)
>Then, before you take another swing, the weapon crackles with electricity (-1 SP)
>An especially powerful blow nails the ankheg in the side, and the electric shock courses through its body
>It gives a long screech, falling forward
>The thing still refuses to give up, clawing at you (-2 HP) twice (-1 HP) and giving a bite (-6 HP), but your toughened skin prevents enough of the damage to keep things from being too bad
“Time to die, you filthy cockroach!”
>One last swing with your earthbreaker, and you crush the ankheg’s head and thorax, and it dies quickly, its legs curling inward
>Your first mission complete, you rush over to Apple Bloom’s side
>She’s breathing, but her breaths are shallow, and she’s not moving
>You know how you can help her, but it’s going to be super awkward
>Biting your lip again, you follow through with the same procedure you did for helping Wallflower after fighting the ankheg nymphs from before (-1 SP)
>Your mouth touches hers, and you let some of your blood drizzle over her tongue
>Her sides glow, and her eyes flutter open as she comes back to consciousness
>You pull back as soon as you hear her voice, putting a finger to Apple Bloom’s lips and telling her to swallow
>She absentmindedly does as she’s told, and it isn’t until her wounds begin to close that what just happened dawns on her
>“S… S-Sunset, did you… did you just kiss me?”
“I saved your life, that’s what I did. Now come on, let’s-”
>Apple Bloom’s eyes go wide as saucers
>“You did! You did kiss me! Ah-Ah-Ah don’t even know what to say-”
“Apple Bloom, stop for a second, we need to get out-”
>“Mah first kiss, and it had to be with you-”
“Would you stop it!?” you shout, some of your demonic heritage coming forth with an Abyssal accent
>Apple Bloom promptly clams up
“What’s important is that you’re not dying anymore, now get out of the way, because I need to make sure that these vermin don’t come back.”
>She does as she’s told, and so you stand up, your hands covered in flames that shoot out over the ankheg’s eggs (-1 SP)
>They sear and pop as they readily catch fire, destroying them completely in little time
>Your objectives all completed, you guide Apple Bloom out of the ankheg’s nest
>The fresh air and sunlight are a welcome presence, as is the sight of Big Mac on his feet, albeit with some mild burns, and Wallflower able to cover herself with naught but her cloak and boots
>Big Mac immediately runs forward and picks up Apple Bloom, looking her over to make sure she’s alright
>Despite the bloody, shredded remains of her clothes, she looks like she’ll be okay
>He turns to face you, his eyes welling with tears; he doesn’t need to say anything to convey how thankful he is
>Apple Bloom looks at you as you mutter your Abyssal incantation once more, licking your bleeding lips, and the acid burns on your body disappear over the next minute (-1 SP, +10 HP)
>She seems unsure about what she thinks of you now, but at least she doesn’t seem so hostile, instead giving an awkward blush
>A victory, however small, for you
>Now that Apple Bloom doesn’t hate you anymore, you can turn your attention to other matters
What do you do? (Current HP: 22/31, current SP: 0/8, current arcane pool 3/4)
>Talk with Big Mac to see how he’s doing
>Flirt with the half-naked Wallflower
>Head straight for the house to rest up
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>You shoot a glance in Big Mac’s direction
“Hey do you think you’ll be alright?”
“Okay. I’ll catch you later, Wallflower and I need to talk about some guild stuff.”
>Wallflower grumbles at the lack of recognition
>As Big Mac heads back to the house to deliver the good news, you walk over to Wallflower and put an arm around her waist
“So, what did you think? Beating down giant bugs, saving lives, all-around heroism… do you think I’m guild member material yet?”
>Wallflower starts blushing again
“Is that doubt I’m hearing? Surely, you must think better of me than that,” you say coyly
“I’m certain someone with the kind of wit, strength-”
>You slide your hand down and wrap your fingers around one of her firm buttcheeks
“-and sheer charm I have could join by this point?”
>Wallflower gives a squeaky yelp at the sensation of your claws gently poking into her skin through the cloak
>“A-ah, um, r-right!”
>You whip around to her front, stopping her in her tracks, and look her in the eye
“Going above and beyond the contract like I did,” you continue, “deserves a reward all its own, I say.”
>“Y-you think so?”
“Of course. Who wouldn’t have earned a little something extra for saving a little girl’s skin?”
>As you say this, you press your breasts into hers again, like you did when the two of you had first met
>Wallflower’s starting to go beet red by now, unable to make eye contact anymore
“Oh, what’s the matter? Getting a little… distracted?” you say, bumping your chest into hers again
>“N-n-no!” says Wallflower, perhaps a little to quickly
>You give a short, sensual laugh
“I know a liar when I taste one.”
>“Wait, what are you- mmph!”
>With no more warning than your words, you push your lips to Wallflower’s, and her eyelids flutter while her face darkens even more
>You get a little aggressive, putting your tongue in her mouth and snaking it around with abandon
>She shows less enthusiasm, but that’s probably from her being a nervous wreck more than anything else
>By the time you finally come up for air, Wallflower is already weak in the knees
>The thin rope of drool between the two of you snaps, and you grin widely
“Delicious… but we’re not done yet, don’t think I haven’t seen you staring at two of my biggest assets.”
>By now, Wallflower is able to do little more than gibber incoherently
>“Bah-buh-buh, hub-hubbah, wah-wah…”
“You know you want to,” you say, teeth bared in a mischievous grin
>Impatiently, you roll your eyes, grab the back of Wallflower’s head, and cram her face into your cleavage
>There’s a brief gasp, cut off by a mouthful of titty, and replaced by a contented groan
“Oh, so the pervy little assassin loves my tits that much, does she?” you coo at her
>All Wallflower does in response is grope at your breasts and start to turn blue in the face
“Well, she can have as much of them as she wants…”
>You jerk Wallflower’s face out of your bosom, and she gulps down fresh air
“…if she’s willing to work for it.”
>Wallflower looks positively stunned, sexually frustrated, and slightly betrayed
“Like I said, Wallflower. The offer still stands.”
>At that, you turn around and walk back to the house, with Wallflower awkwardly following and cursing the whole time
>You drop your smug grin as soon as you walk inside, trading it for a friendly smile at the sight of Big Mac and Apple Bloom being tended to by Granny Smith
>The two elder Apples greet you with a smile as well, although Apple Bloom looks bashful and turns away
>You just hope that Applejack doesn’t take it too hard when she finds out that you made her little sister drink your blood and kinda make out with you to save the girl’s life
>Speaking of whom, that brings another question to mind
“So, I’ve been wondering, where’s Applejack?”
>Granny straightens out and turns to you; you’re pretty sure you can hear her joints creaking, thanks to your heightened perception
>“Oh, Applejack? She said she was gonna be off doin’ some Harmony business with Princes Twilight, planned on gittin’ gone fer a month or so.”
“A whole month?”
>“Yeah, Ah dunno what she’d be gone so long fer, but Ah don’t question it when a Princess is askin’.”
>She sits down at the kitchen table, and drinks down a mug of coffee
>“Ah s’pose ye’re wantin’ to discuss yer payment?”
>You scratch your head confusedly
“What? The guild is supposed to give me the reward.”
>“The guild is payin’ you fer killin’ the ankheg, not fer savin’ mah granddaughter.”
“Really, you don’t have to. Any decent person would have-”
>Granny interrupts you with a stern glare
>“Any ol’ person woulda hightailed it outta here ‘n left Apple Bloom ta be bug food, but not only didja kill the bug, you saved Apple Bloom at the same time. Nothin’ Ah have could compensate fer what you’ve done fer me ‘n mah family.”
>You cross your arms and begin thinking for a bit before walking up to Granny Smith
“Well… I have something in mind that should work just fine, now that I think about it.”
>“You do?”
“Let me and Wallflower stay the night again to rest up, and I’ll consider your debt paid in full.”
>Granny’s eyes well with tears, and she wraps her gnarled limbs around you
>“Done,” she says, her voice muffled slightly by your collar
>You spend the rest of the day recuperating from your completed task
>Thankfully for Wallflower’s armor, only a few key parts of it had been destroyed by the acid, and so you have little trouble fixing it with your Mending cantrip (-0 SP)
>The entire time, Apple Bloom always falls silent in your presence
>The awkwardness is almost as bad as when she openly hated you
>It all comes to a head when you’ve finally started going to sleep
>In the middle of the night, you hear your door creak open
>Your drowsiness keeps you from reacting as fast as you would like, and by the time you open your eyes, the intruder is already upon you
>Soft lips press against yours, which jolts you to full consciousness, and you get a look at who’s kissing you
>To your horror, it’s Apple Bloom
>Taking care to at least not hurt her when you break away, you push her off of you by putting your hand on her shoulder and giving a light shove
>Bolting up, you look the young girl in the eyes, which are filled with guilt, confusion, and mortification
“What do you think you’re doing!?” you whisper harshly
>“Ah… Ah… Ah don’t…”
>She can’t even speak properly through the embarrassment
>She turns to run away, but you grab her arm before she can escape
>“Ah’m sorry, Ah’m sorry, please don’t hurt me, Ah just wanted-”
“Apple Bloom, I’m not going to hurt you, now calm down this instant. What’s wrong with you?”
>The poor thing starts crying, doing her best to not wake anyone up
>“Y-you saved mah life, an’-an’-and you kissed me, even though I hated you, and-”
>You press one taloned finger to her lips, silencing her
“Hush. Tell me, how old are you?”
>“A-Ah’m turnin’ fourteen in a month, AJ should be home just in time fer mah b-birthday.”
>You sigh through your nose
“How old do you think I am?”
>“Uh… Ah’d say… twenty?”
“Try ninety.”
>“What? That’s… that’s older than Granny!”
“Yeah, and even if I was only twenty, that’s still too old for me to be getting kisses from girls your age.”
>“Th-then why didja-”
“It was either I make things awkward between us or I let you bleed to death, and I would *never* consider allowing you to die, Apple Bloom. That’s not the kind of person I am.”
>She plants her face in her hands, now painfully aware that a strange crush she has is going to be unrequited, probably forever, so far as she knows
“…Look, right now is just not the time, alright? Give it a few years, and maybe thing will change between us. Maybe you’ll lose your infatuation, maybe I’ll reciprocate when you’re an adult, or maybe I’ll end up being your sister-in-law, I dunno. But right now? That’s a no go, and I hope you can understand why.”
>You give her a small hug
“You get to bed now, okay? I’ll always be ready to help you, but you’ve still got to take things one step at a time.”
“Good night, Apple Bloom.”
>“G’night, Sunset.”
>At that, she leaves for her room again, and you can get back to sleep
>Much to your disappointment, your slumber wasn’t interrupted again, albeit this time by Wallflower
>Come morning, you curse your luck that you still haven’t managed to get her to lay you yet
>What’s she waiting for, a wedding ring or something?
>She needs to spend less time making poison and more time making love
>At the very least, it would probably help with her antisocial nature to get laid once in awhile
>And it would certainly help with your equally thirsty nature
>C’est la vie
>You get out of bed, are given another hearty breakfast, and profusely thanked again for your efforts
>As you and Wallflower leave, the sneaky warrior tugs on your arm
>“I’m going to head back to Canterlot, I think. If you can take on an ankheg as big as that one pretty much entirely by yourself, you really don’t need me to come along with you to finish the rest of your initiation quests.”
“What do you mean-”
>“Escorting an alchemist through the woods? Catching a petty thief? Child’s play.”
>You forlornly kick at the dirt a little
“So… I guess that’s it for now?”
>Wallflower shrugs
>“Yeah, for now. I’ll see you back at the guildhouse, okay?”
“Okay then.”
>Wallflower dashes off to the horizon
What do you do? Y’all are at 5,100/6,000 XP now, so I won’t bother with updating the sheet, since that’s the only difference at the moment.
>Go to the alchemist in the Everfree Forest and see if you can get the ingredients and/or under her slip
>Go midget hunting and/or midget fucking in Canterlot’s slums
>Go to the Adventurer’s Guild to turn in your assigned quest and/or convince Wallflower that she is for sexual
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>Deciding that the alchemist was your next priority, you let Wallflower and yourself go your separate ways
>The path there, you realized, would take some time
>About another week, you surmise
>The lady apparently didn’t live too deep within the forest, but was still far enough to get some privacy
>In the back of your mind, you can hear the voice that says the both of you will be thankful for the seclusion
>All the better for being able to fuck so hard you’re both screaming and not attract undue attention from passerby
>You lick your lips at the thought, and begin imagining what she might look like
>Maybe thick and pillowy, a real titty monster with ass for days
>Or maybe a skinny thing, someone you can split in half
>Perhaps even a petite lady, and you can make her voice soar so high that her phials and beakers all shatter
>Even if you’re a demon-blooded Good Guy™, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a horny li’l devil
>Your goals in mind, you head towards the forest
>Time and landscapes pass you by, and rather boringly at that
>You just wish you’d gotten down some kind of spell for flight
>It’s more fun seeing the world from high above it
>The sore feet would surely not be missed, either
>Banality eventually wins you over, and you barely pay attention to anything but the road until dusk on the fourth day
>There is a loud rustling from bushes in the rather sparse woods the road passes through
>Unsure of what exactly it is that you’ve found, you give both pause and a studious glance in the direction of the noise
>It soon goes from rustling leaves to gruff voices and a loud guffaw
>“We gonna git summa da gud snu-snu tonight, boss!”
>Snu-snu? Wait a godsdamned second, what the fuck?
>Continuing down the road a little bit so as to get a better look, you see three orcs standing over someone in a small grove
>Looking a little harder, you’re shocked and a little aroused at what you see
>Sitting there, bound and gagged, is the figure of a plump young woman
>A pillowy tummy
>Child-bearing hips
>Tigass bitties
>Long, raspberry hair with violet streaks, and the top of it pulled into a bun
>Decorated with a big pair of glasses, some piercings, and occult-looking markings, you realize what you’re looking at
>The last thing anyone like her deserves is to be raped by some orcish brutes, and so you decide that you’re going to play hero yet again
>For a second, you get the sneaking suspicion that this is going to be a recurring theme throughout your career
>Not necessarily the stopping-orc-rapists part, but certainly the saving-dames-you-wanna-fuck-really-bad part
>Regardless of the train of thought you were just having, you have a situation to address that is dire indeed
What do you do?
>Charge in, spells a-blazing
>Be sneaky (you took Vanish for a reason)
>Try to talk the orcs into letting her go, whether through diplomacy or intimidation
>Ignore your instinct for saving ladies to smooch, and leave her to her fate
>Time to get spooky, you figure
>Making sure that each of your hits will count, you draw the earthbreaker again
>A couple of words in Sylvan, and you disappear (-1 SP)
>It only lasts for about twenty seconds as of now, but that’s all you’ll need
>You decide to go for the targets that you’re pretty sure you’ll oneshot
>Two of the orcs don’t look quite so big and strong as the one they called ‘Boss’
>Stepping quietly behind one of the lackeys, you channel some raw magic into the weapon, and proceed to smack him over the head, leading into a second hit that crackles with electricity (-1 SP, -1 arcane point)
>The combo finishes off the first orc with no trouble
>However, attacking made you visible
>You take advantage of their confusion to get the spell up again
>Another Sylvan chant, and you become invisible once more (-1)
>Following the same process as before, although at least you don’t have to spend more from your arcane pool since that lasts awhile, you assume the position behind the other subservient orc
>That time, you didn’t even need to use any magic, you just caved in the back of his head
>As he falls to the ground and you appear again, the tied-up woman finally gets a good glimpse of you, eyeing your form
>You take notice, and give a confident grin before returning to the matter at hand
>A two-hundred-and-fifty-pounds-of-angry-muscles matter
>The orc’s leader is ready for you this time, and moves in with a surprisingly well-made falchion, big enough to hold in two hands
>You ready yourself for the fight, but you weren’t ready for his weapon
>A couple of swings are traded between you two, nobody really getting an opening good and proper
>The skill of this guy is rather concerning; most orcs you’ve met are wild brutes, but this guy has had a lot of training, and is a skilled, practiced fighter
>He doesn’t let you have the breathing room for the time to cast a spell, always keeping the gap between you closed
>Finally, he sees an opportunity and takes it
>The blade digs into your chest, and the impact of it is utterly visceral, rocking you to your core (-15 HP)
>It tingles and burns on top of the pain too
>Taking another look at the sword, you see why t hurt so bad
>The dark metal tells you all you need to know
“Cold iron… dammit!”
>The orc smirks at your realization
>“Hah! Dis wuz far hunten fairies, but I guess it wurks far demon wimminz too!”
>If you want to beat this guy, you’re going to have to be faster
>You drop the earthbreaker and draw your scimitar, giving it a twirl to fill it with arcane energy
“I’m not a demon, you asshole!”
>You dart inward and land a good hit with your own sword, and throw in a slash with your free claw for good measure
>They may not have done the damage that his weapon did, but now you’ve got him on the defensive
>Putting the pressure on him keeps him from being able to attack quite so effectively, enough so that the next opening he hacks at is thwarted by you tapping into the supernatural speed granted by Duelist’s Parry (-1 SP)
>“A she-devil, den! Ya gots da horns, da teef, da skin!”
>He gets in one more attack, nailing you in the side (-11 HP)
>“You’s a fiend ennyway ya lukken at it!”
>You just yell angrily in response
>Another hit on him with the scimitar, but he still seems to have so much more left in him than you do
>Seeing this as the opportunity to turn the tables again, the orc gets in one more attack, and it crosses with the first one he hit you in the chest with (-12 HP)
>You collapse to the ground, giving a pained moan of defeat
>“Such a pity,” the orc says as you lay there dying, “a gurlz like you woulda med sum gud snu-snu. Too bad ya gotta die.”
>Your world slowly fades into ever darker blurs, and you can hear the muffled screams of the woman and the grunting chortles of the orc
>As you feel yourself begin to perish, you hear a sinister voice in the back of your head
>The voice is male, certainly not your own thoughts speaking to you, but he sounds very charismatic
>“It would be a real shame for you to perish here, would it not, child?”
>Whoever he is, he makes Abyssal sound more elegant than Prench could ever hope to be
“Child…? What are you talking about…?” you wearily think to yourself
>“You know that you have a demonic heritage, but have you ever considered just what kind of demon it was, exactly?”
“No, not really…”
>“Let the power in your blood take hold in your most dire moments of need, and it will serve you well, child.”
“What do you mean…?”
>“Submit to the fiend within, and you shall see.”
>The voice fades away with cold laughter, and you can feel a recognizably demonic presence within, but the power it exudes is so much greater than what you had felt when you were defeated by the Elements of Harmony
>In a moment of desperation, you let it pour into you, and you suddenly are brought back to the world of the living
>Grotesque squelching noises, painfully strong heartbeats, and a burning within your muscles like white-hot fire overwhelm your senses as you rise to your feet
>You curl over, clutching your sides and give an agonized scream as a sensation not unlike fans of knives bursting from your back overcomes your willpower
>As soon as the feeling in your back goes away, you straighten out and feel the popping of many joints and vertebrae, and the pain is replaced with an ecstasy the likes of which you’ve never felt before
>Your wound have healed, you notice, and you can feel that you have such strength that the world could be compared to something so frail as paper and cobwebs in relation to your might
>An unearthly cackle escapes your throat at the power that you’ve unlocked
“I’m GoInG tO hAvE sO mUcH fUn TeArInG yOu ApArT,” you say in a voice that sounds like an entire chorus of demons singing and shouting at once
>The orc has a look of disbelief and abject terror, the latter so strong to your demonic perceptions that you can taste it in the air, and you give a lick of your lips
>He immediately bolts, his prize forgotten, but he doesn’t get far when you spring after him, carried by a magnificent pair of wings that look more like they belong on a succubus queen than yourself
>You turn him around, take hold of his wrists, and kick him in the chest so hard that he flies back about ten feet while his arms remain in your hands
“I cAn’T wAiT tO fEeL yOuR gUtS sQuIsHiNg BeTwEeN mY fInGeRs.”
>The orc is wailing, sobbing in pain and despair at his dismemberment, but you aren’t fazed in the slightest
>You stand over him, lifting him by the throat
“DiE wItH sOmE oF yOuR sTuBbOrN oRcIsH pRiDe InTaCt, WiLl YoU?” you hiss as you thrust your free hand into his abdomen
>Twisting his innards around your talons, you give a tug, and most of his guts leave his body alongside your hand
>You drop your gruesome work to the ground and flick most of the blood off of your arm as you leave him to bleed out, heading back to the grove where the woman is
>When you turn to her, her face is white as a cloud from terror, but her eyes betray a sense of arousal, and you can even smell that she’s warm and wet from twenty feet away
>Your first reaction is to grin at her, but when you catch a look at yourself in the polished glass of her spectacles, you’re kind of terrified yourself at what you see
>Your skin has gone jet black, you have a crown of six horns circling your head,, and your eyes are a solid, luminous, acid green
>You stagger backwards at the sight, and are filled with a sense of dread, and more importantly, failure
>How could you possibly explain this to any of your friends? You’re a monster all over again!
>The voice from before returns to you, however
>“Calm down, now,” he says, almost as would a father to his weeping daughter
>“Remember your true self, the *real* Sunset Shimmer. The redeemed villainess who would never betray her friends, the aspiring adventurer, the seeker of glory and bringer of justice.”
>Doing as you’re told, you picture in your head what you looked like before the transformation
>More pain shoots through you as you metamorphose to your original state, wings and horns alike melting away and buckling you over from the intensity of such torment
>When it’s done, you fall to your hands and knees in lethargy
>It takes a minute, but you’re soon able to hobble back to your feet, and approach the woman, who you unbind and ungag
>Your deed done, you sit cross-legged in front of her, your breathing still heavy
>There is an awkward silence as you catch your breath and she continues to stare
>You finally break the silence
“What… happened to me back there?”
>The woman is hesitant to say anything, but does eventually reply
>“You turned into… I don’t really know what, but it certainly wasn’t very pleasant for anyone involved, by the look of it.”
>Great, you’ve found out that you can turn yourself into a monster, and now have someone who’s going to tell the whole world about it
>You put your head in your hands as the shame rolls off of you in waves
>Your fears are quashed by what she has to say next, though
>“That was totally wicked.”
“ …*Huh!?*”
>“Are you a cambion?”
“A what now?”
>“A cambion,” she says with a roll of her eyes, “someone directly descended from a demon prince.”
>You scoff at the very thought
>There’s no way that could happen, you remember your mother and father very clearly
“No, I’m not that special,” you say, brushing it off
>“You could have fooled me, what with how easily you killed the orcs.”
>Her statements are somewhat concerning, and although they are meant to be thanks and praise, being congratulated for mauling someone so viciously does not sit well with you
>You decide there and now that not biting off more than you can chew is your top priority in a fight
>You really don’t want to have to do that again
“What are you even doing out here, anyway?”
>“I was on my way back to Canterlot,” she explains, “when I was attacked by those orcs.”
>You sniff the air, and can still pick up the scent of her arousal in the air between you
“Do you have a fetish for being kidnapped or some-?”
>“Nope, nuh-uh, not me, you’ve got the wrong girl for that kind of sick stuff, why don’t we talk about the weather or something?” she squeaks out way too quickly with a blush
>You give a snort and a smile before standing up and helping her to her feet again
>Looking around the remains of the battlefield, you find your own gear, and take the orc leader’s falchion, feeling that it’s vaguely magical
>You figure that it may come in handy sometime soon
>“Where are you headed, anyway?”
“To the Everfree Forest, an alchemist there wants my help.”
>She looks a little dejected, and when she crosses her arms, you can’t help but lick your lips at the sight of her rotund bust squishing around in her woolen top
“You can come along if you want, you know.”
>“N-no,” she says, her blush darkening slightly, “I have business at the Royal Library that I need to attend to, and it can’t really wait much longer.”
>She wills herself to make eye contact again before continuing
>“You seem like an intelligent woman yourself. If you ever want to visit and study together, you’re more than welcome to stop by…”
“I’ll take you up on that. But it would certainly help if I had something to remember you by.”
>“Like what?”
“Like your top.”
>Her cheeks are positively aflame at that suggestion
>“A-are you serious?”
“I’m always serious when it comes to cute girls.”
>You can tell that she really wasn’t expecting the ‘cute’ part there
“A little memento to remind me of the pretty maiden whose life I saved would do me a world of good.”
>She bashfully pulls her top off and hands it to you, and you stare in awe at her great, honking titties
>Contrasting with the wan skin is a pair of rosy areolae at the end of each one
>“H-here you go,” she quietly forces out
>Stuffing the garment away in your backpack, you can’t resist grabbing at the massive mammaries before you
>The woman yelps in surprise, but soon gives a moan of pleasure as you squeeze and massage them
>You pinch her pierced nipples, giving each one a soft twist and a pull
>The smell emanating from between her thighs is practically intoxicating at this point
>“I s-s-swear, you’re almost as b-bad as the orcs…!”
“And yet you seem to like it anyway. Am I wrong?”
>“Mmrph… no, you’re not.”
>You let go of her breasts and kiss her lips gently before licking her forehead
“You ought to be more in the mood by the time I get back to Canterlot myself. After all, it’s not like anyone could *possibly* be horny after trauma like being kidnapped, right?”
>The woman is fidgeting around in an effort to not begin masturbating at this point
“By the way,” you say nonchalantly, “I never caught your name.”
“Sunset Shimmer. Glad to meet you, Moondancer.”
>You give one of her breasts another good squeeze, making sure to dig in your nails a little, but not enough to make her bleed
“I’ll catch you later, then,” you say tauntingly
“Just be sure to watch your back, though. You never know when someone decides you’re due for a little… surprise.”
>You can almost see the steam coming from her ears at your parting words
>She snatches up a cloak from one of the dead orcs and wraps it around herself before heading off in a different direction than yourself
>Moondancer… the name has a nice ring to it, you admit
>She’ll definitely be lots of fun
>You still have the alchemist to get to though
>That little encounter has you so riled up that if your next client happens to be a cutie, you’re relatively certain that you’ll end up pouncing like a feral beast in heat
>You figure that’s a good thing, it should make it all the sweeter when you fuck her silly
>Or get fucked silly
>Whichever, you just wanna get laid really bad now, regardless of who does the fucking
>At least it’s only another two days to the Everfree, one if you hustle
>Making camp at nightfall, you decide to get some rest so as to have the energy for the remainder of your journey
>Waking up, you feel more energized than ever, and somehow even stronger; good, you figure you’ll need it
Level up! At this level, some of your abilities improved, and you picked up the Spell Recall ability. Also, you get to add 1 point to any single one of your ability scores, and have access to 2nd-level spells. Same as before, you choose what kind of spells you want to learn at this level, and I’ll pick a few that fit the category.
Ability score:
>Strength (attack and damage with two-handed weapons/one-handed weapons in two hands)
>Dexterity (AC, attack and damage with light/natural/one-handed weapons, Reflex saves)
>Constitution (HP, Fortitude saves)
>Intelligence (Casting stat, arcane pool, Knowledge checks, spell DCs, SP)
>Wisdom (Some skills, Will saves)
>Charisma (Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate checks, and/or charming the panties off of every girl you meet)
Went with a boost to Dexterity, since that was the first one to get multiple votes, last I remember.
>Your strength renewed and then some, you begin your trek onward
>The first day brings little to no troubles, although by dusk, clouds have started to gather
>The second day starts out a dreary, overcast gray
>By noon, it’s already started to rain, and even though you have a hood around the collar of your armor, it only does so much
>At least your armor was made to withstand less-than-optimal weather, and so while you’re irritatingly wet, it’s not going to affect the leather much
>Small blessings
>Eventually, the roads have picked up puddles
>The earth is too hard and packed to turn into mud just yet, but it’s just getting all the more annoying to deal with
>About two hours into walking in the rain, you finally reach the fork that leads to the Everfree Forest
>There’s always been something of a foreboding presence that emanates from the place, but what you’re worried about right now is dealing with the flora and fauna
>You don’t know exactly how far into the forest the alchemist lives, but you don’t figure that it’s too far
>Far enough for some privacy, but not far enough for total seclusion, if she’s close enough to be sending letters to the Adventurer’s Guild
>With the forest floor being so much more soft and loamy, it’s already become a squishy mess
>Trudging through the mud and the muck, you get bored enough to start thinking about the potential girlfriends you’ve already picked up
>Wallflower is a real cutie, and a total sub at that
>She’ll be a lot of fun to boss around in the bedroom, that’s for sure
>Moondancer, on the other hand, you’re less sure about
>That she was aroused at the idea of you kidnapping her, or giving her a surprise fuck out of nowhere, and was so willing to give into your demands to give you her clothes and let you play with her tits gives you the impression that she’s one of *those* nerds
>The kind that have so many kinks and fetishes that they could almost definitely fill a large tome with them
>And you’re pretty sure that you hit, like, ten of them for her to be so willing to be lewd after she just watched you turn into a demonic monster and brutally murder her kidnappers
>Either way, whether she tops (doubt it) or bottoms (pretty sure), you know you’re going to have a lot of fun playing with Big Titty Goth Girlfriend™
>The thought of burying your face in her chest, sucking and biting so much that her breasts are covered in bruises has already banished most of the chill that the cool rain has soaked into your skin
>You can even feel a bit of moisture between your legs that certainly didn’t fall from the sky
>Such thinking has its consequences, unfortunately
>The longer you keep thinking about lewd things, the louder the forest seems to get
>A number of animals begin hooting and howling as you venture deeper
>It’s probably that they can smell your arousal wafting through the air, even in the rain
>Problem is, you can’t get the image of a fucked-silly Moondancer out of your head, try as you might, which just makes everything worse
>It isn’t long before a couple of timberwolves lurch from the underbrush, staring at you rather confoundedly with their glowing eyes in their wooden skulls
>The two of them start circling you, and a third one joins in
>You can’t tell whether they’re studs or bitches, nor do you really want to find out, and so you draw your fancy new falchion, giving it a quick brandish and coating it in flames (-1 SP, Flaming Burst property)
>Though they may have been initially interested for sexytiemz, the fire on your sword makes your intentions very clear, and they take a hostile position
>These things are admittedly pretty big, but they seem rather afraid of your fiery blade
>A couple of fake swings at them, and they soon dash off into the woods again, staying well away
>You can still hear them following you, which leaves your nerves prickling
>The sooner you can get to the alchemist’s hut, the better
>The falchion’s temporary fire enchantment fades soon, but the animals still give you a wide berth, even though they keep making lots of noise
>At least you’re not super horny anymore
>Finally, at long last, you smell smoke, and follow the trail to a clearing
>There stands a still-living tree, with a door and windows carved into it, and smoke rising from between the branches
“Ugh, thank the stars, I’m finally here.”
>You walk up to the door and give a weary knock
>“Ah, an agent, I reckon? Hold on, I’ll be but a second.”
>There are some light footsteps, and the door opens, a friendly warmth rolling over you from the doorway
>Upon seeing the one who answered the door, you give a surprised blink
>A little over six feet tall, slender, yet chiseled, standing before you is a drow with a striped mohawk and a genial smile
>Her long ears have large rings hooked in them, a series of golden rings spiral around her neck, and she wears clothing that seems far too simple for an elf
>Naught but a tied-on top that covers her modest, firm chest, a skirt that wraps around her hips and her upper legs at an odd angle, and a large, worn cloak with a spacy hood
>“I see the rain has brought pain from soaking you to the bone; come inside, you may dry, and warm yourself in my home.”
>At such a kind welcome, who would you be to refuse?
>Besides, you have work to do anyway
>Stepping inside, you get a better look at the place
>Myriad objects line the walls, everything from masks and fetishes to glass containers and reagents
>A large hammock hangs in one corner
>In the very middle is a large cauldron, beneath which a gentle fire smolders
>The smell inside is one of smoke, herbs, spices, and a faint, balmy odor, not unlike harsh medicine
>“Greetings, friend, and welcome to my abode. I imagine you seek some succor from the trials of the road?” she says, her rhyming ever present
“Er… yeah, to be honest. I’m not too cold, really, just sopping wet.”
>The drow gives you a wry grin
>“Wet indeed, if the noise of the wildlife is anything to go by! They are not so loud when between the legs of those who tread here… is dry.”
>It takes but a moment to understand what she’s getting at
“I, uh… what?”
>“The creatures of the forest could smell your arousal, and assumed you were a beast in heat,” she explained
>“I can only imagine their disappointment when it was not a mate they did meet.”
>She’s just getting better and better at embarrassing you
>“Please strip down, so I can dry your armor and clothes. Running your boots dry leaves them offensive to the nose,” she says while stringing up some twine
What do you do?
>Do as you’re told
>Striptease for the alchemist
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>You decide that if she wants you naked, the both of you should enjoy it, and so you rise, waiting for her to turn around before you start
>Your bags and weapons go first, rather unceremoniously falling to the floor so you can get to the actual fun bits
>The buckles and straps of your armor are next, and you make sure to take your time, using your claws and fluid movements to slowly disassemble it
>The bracers, boots, belts, and chaps drop as you undo them, and you kick them aside
>As you’re doing all this, the alchemist’s eyes follow your every move, and she gives a knowing grin
>She’s well aware of what you’re doing, but it seems she wants to play along
>When it comes to your top, you hold it closed with your clenched fists, and roll them around, squishing into your large breasts and moving them along with it
>There’s the occasional ‘accidental’ nip slip, and you begin to smile in return as the drow’s own smile grows
“So, I imagine you’re Zecora?” you say, making small talk while keeping your tone seductive
>She gives you a nod
>You respond by finally letting your breasts show in full, the leather garment sliding down your shoulders and off your arms
“Must be lonely out here, having no one to talk to over some coffee in the morning.”
>With your top fully exposed, you start swinging your hips back and forth, letting your contrastingly hard abs twist around with your sensual movement
>“Discriminatory feelings you inspire as a tiefling are something that I know, it is not often someone will soften their deep fear of the drow,” she informs you
>Zecora saves the mood in the nick of time
>“Though their feelings I do not blame, it is still such a shame, for my kind can set aflame the cheeks of many a dame.”
>Zecora struts forward, making sure to move almost the same way you do
>One of her spidery hands cups one of your breasts, and her fingers sink right into that soft flesh
>“So soft, how oft, I wonder, do you have pleasure at your own leisure with these tits that make my heart thunder?”
>You moan into your words as she fondles you with her deft hands
“Nnnngh… nowhere near as often as I’d like. I’m usually busy saving the lives of other pairs of tits, I don’t usually have the time to play with myself.”
>”Rather than merely play with yourself,” Zecora suggests, “give in to the ministrations of this elf.”
>She jerks down your breeches, exposing your ass and growler to her
>She’s surprisingly strong for someone who’s otherwise so scrawny
>Your pants still being around your ankles makes it easy for her to push you onto your back, landing on the hammock, which has a thick pad on it
>It feels like it must have been filled with feathers, it’s so soft and comfy
>Nowhere near as warm as the drow woman who’s standing over you though, her eyes looking over your body as though examining a fine steak
>She’s not even touching you, and you can still feel the heat radiating from her
>“Stretch your hands over your head, and let me see how fun you are to bed.”
>You do as you’re told, with a broad, toothy grin on your face, shivering with anticipation at what Zecora may do next
>She leans down and gives you a passionate kiss before moving her mouth elsewhere
>A few licks to your ears, even playing with your piercings with her teeth
>Kisses are planted all over your neck, chest, and breasts
>You get a surprise when you feel her drag her warm, wet tongue into your armpit and up to the base of your upper arm
>That, uh… felt a lot better than you thought it would, although it tickled a little bit
>Zecora’s attention is soon drawn elsewhere though, and she starts running her nails along the crevices of your abdomen and hips
>When she reaches your valley, she hesitates not even half a second before gently grazing your nethers with her nails
>Not enough to be a painful scratch, but you certainly feel it
>She toys with your labia relentlessly, her smirk broadening as you begin to squirm
“Mmph… my puss is going to eat your hand if you don’t put some fingers in there…”
>Zecora says nothing, but happily obliges, starting with just her middle finger, and soon slips the index in there as well
>Pumping her digits in and out, you can already feel an orgasm steadily approaching; it’s been so long since your last lay that your womanhood trembles over something so small as a couple of fingers
>You grit your teeth and clench your fists around the edge of the hammock, taking short, gasping breaths
“Ah… ahh… haaah…!”
>“About to come so soon? I thought you were stronger; well, just tell me when you want it no longer.”
>Zecora’s singsong voice echoed in your hand like the taunt it was, and your contrariness immediately responds with a surge of confidence
“Is that a challenge?” you say with a defiant sneer
“You must not know me very well.”
>Zecora laughs, “The night as of yet is young still; know you well by its end, I will.”
>Your pride kicks in, and through naught but willpower you force the oncoming orgasm back to where it came from
>Clamping your legs shut, you hold her arm in place, your knees passing her elbow
>Her expression betrays her surprise, and you look her square in the eyes as you use your hips alone to grind yourself on her fingers
>Taking it up another notch, you reach up to put one arm over Zecora’s neck and pull her down to meet your lips to hers in a fiercely passionate kiss
>In one final display of strength, you perform the ultimate power move...
>[spoiler]You reach with your free hand to grasp Zecora’s, entwining her fingers in your own[/spoiler]
>You’re too busy making out to see it, but Zecora’s eyes shoot open, and she begins to quake slightly at the sheer audacity over breaking such a strict taboo
>The smell of arousal grows thicker, and you know for a fact that it’s not all yours anymore
>“You would resort to the Forbidden Touch™? You undersold your nerve so very much,” Zecora says, breaking away briefly
>You stick out your tongue with a toothy smile and giggle softly
>Pulling her back down again, you lick inside the rim of her ear, and you can feel it swivel almost like that of a cat’s
>Zecora gives a heavy shudder at the attention to such a sensitive spot for her
“The tides have turned, elf.”
>“Though it may seem that way, there is a fact you still miss: my hand is inside you, and can do things like this.”
>She wriggles her fingers back and forth, and brings her thumb into the equation, rolling over your hard, wet clit
>The orgasm’s approach comes back in full force, and nearly overtakes you
>Not to be outdone, you [spoiler]hold her hand even tighter[/spoiler], and loll your tongue all around in her ear, drawing a sharp moan and a blush that you can even see even on her dark cheeks
>Both of you are on the cusp of coming, you can feel it
>Just as she gives your pearl a pinch, you lick-bite her lobe with your sharp teeth
>There is a deafening silence in the wake of both of your wailing in climactic splendor
>The entire forest has gone quiet, and the only sounds are your shared heavy breaths alternating with hers
>You weakly release her [spoiler]hand and her[/spoiler] arm, and she in turn withdraws her fingers from your valley
>“Though this night has been so sweet, I did not think that you would cheat,” she pants
“Rules are great when they help, but there are times when they get in the way, and if you‘re fighting a villain, you sometimes just gotta kick ‘em in the balls to win.”
>Zecora scoffs
>“Now I am a villain to you? Something about that does not ring true.”
>You wave it off
“Nah, you aren’t a villain, those dastardly hands of yours are,” you say jokingly
>The both of you pause for a minute, basking in afterglow, before you turn to look at each other
“Wanna go for round two?”
>“Oh yes, every last yes. Tonight has been just the best.”
>Your pieces said, the two of you get back into it, and by the time you finish, the canopy of the forest is bathed in the light of dawn
We have reached a point now where I would like to offer a change in perspective. Sunset is… busy at the moment, and so we can build up the world a bit more by spending some time as another character. There are three choices available to you, and the first to five votes (or whoever has the highest at the end of the day, if nobody hits five votes) is who we play with for awhile. Sunset is still the main protagonist, but through these separate quests, we can make other characters with whom she can forge friendships, swear to be bitter enemies, or fall deeply, madly in love.
>Lightning Dust
A half-elf Chaotic Neutral Swashbuckler, a guild member and gloryhound out to get drunk, get laid, and get rich, not necessarily in that order; as a Swashbuckler, there will be an option available in all your choices to just be a total cunt, or otherwise show off the size of your metaphorical balls, which carries risks, but can also reward you greatly.
>Tempest Shadow
A tiefling Lawful Neutral Inquisitrix, and the head of a division of Canterlot’s law enforcement, placed into such a position by Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. Inflicted with a Wild Magic curse, any magical scenario can become unpredictable and outrageous. Dominate your foes/girlfriends! Uproot conspiracies! FIGHT CRIME!
>Wallflower Blush
The human Neutral Slayer we all know and… well, the one we all know. Though lacking in confidence when it comes to being able to join the Assassin’s Guild, she’s not lacking in confidence in her ability to kill things before she’s caught, and these adventures will be all about taking on tasks that require her deadly brand of stealth.
>You are Tempest Shadow (to all but Princess Twilight Sparkle, the only person with the privilege of calling you by your original name, Fizzlepop Berrytwist)
>Commanding officer of the investigative branch of Canterlot’s law enforcement, Inquisitrix and bringer of cold, hard justice
>Just as all other tieflings, the blood of fiends runs through your veins
>Unlike most others, who are typically born with demonic genes, you are instead descended from devils
>A fact of which you are quite proud; devilkind is known for its great cruelty, but also for its orderliness and strict organization, traits which have served you well over the years
>Even during your time spent with the Storm King, a now-dead nascent demon lord, you found yourself to be a good leader, commanding troops and terrifying enemies
>It took betrayal from the Storm King and witnessing him about to deal an unfair, finishing blow to Princess Twilight for you to have a change of heart
>Since then, you have served her well, and in turn she has granted you station
>As well, she has tried to help you with your strange Wild Magic curse, but even her great knowledge and immense power seem to have no effect on it
>It seems even the gods themselves would curse your name, and for what? The supposed misfortune of bearing an infernal heritage?
>A pox on them, says you! They have no right to judge, not when they live so grandly in the Upper or Lower Planes while everyone else suffers their fates as mortals. The only divinities you answer to are the Princesses
>Speaking of whom, there has been a series of crimes related to the ones you serve
>Specifically, there is a string of murders, all of the victims being nobles or other people of status who have either voiced great displeasure with the Princesses or taken action against them
>As well, the cause of death seems to be the same in all cases as well; blood leaking from the ears and eyes, and many of the victims’ vitals are falling apart when autopsies are performed
>In particular, their lungs are collapsed and heavily ruptured
>Using magic has proven fruitless when looking for things such as poison or disease, and by the time the bodies are discovered, any chance for detecting and identifying a residual magic aura has passed
>Even the necromancers who ‘speak’ with the corpse find their efforts yield little, as the dead have no idea what it is that killed them, aside from there being a sudden burst of noise, pain, and then death overcomes them immediately
>Though true it may be that the Princesses are to a degree thankful for a lack of opposition, they do not appreciate that it follows in the wake of the deaths of their followers
>Indeed, such suspicious killings could only draw further ire, painting the Princesses as iron-fisted tyrants who have no qualms with forever silencing their enemies
>And that is where you come in
>As Princess Twilight’s trusted lawbringer, you have been appointed with the task of ending this ordeal as swiftly and efficiently as possible
>You are, after all, very good at making people regret… well, basically anything and everything they’ve done ever
>So, first and foremost, there are two possibilities for motive: either doing the Princesses a ‘favor’ by eliminating potential threats, or attempting to sully their names by portraying them as totalitarians who will not have their judgement questioned
>You have yet to discover the method of killing, nor do you have the foggiest idea of who could be doing it
>Magic is likely involved, but there is no actual proof of this
>If the culprit is in fact a spellcaster, that will make things very complicated
>There is little that you can do about things at the moment, aside from gathering further information
>At least there are several sources available to you
And so, we come to the first decision of our mono-manual Inquisitrix: whose cages are you going to rattle until some helpful info falls out?
>Talk to those who regularly work with dead bodies for an idea on what could possibly kill in such a manner
>Pry at some of the upper class to dig up any other commonalities between the victims
>Interrogate people who are regularly around the crime scenes for things like any odd happenings or suspicious activity
> Other (make a suggestion!)
>You decide that it would be wise to look for those who might be the next target, and so arrange a meeting with a couple of nobles and politicians
>One in particular draws your concern, that being Chancellor Neighsay
>That one who stoops so low as to use his station to enforce racist laws and traditions is a leader and lawmaker in such a cosmopolitan city makes you sneer in disgust
>Your suggestion to Princess Twilight of having him thrown in prison for hatecrimes was turned down by her, as well as Princesses Celestia and Cadance
>Princess Luna sided with you on the matter, or at least so far as feeling that he should be removed from his station
>You and the Princess of the Moon always seem to get along whenever you meet, however seldom such meetings may be
>The other Princesses may wish for something more gracious to sweep that annoying bishop from the political chessboard, but you and Luna feel that this is one case where the most direct method is best
>Perhaps the others will see the light in time
>Even you would not consider murder to be the best solution, however, and so will offer him at least some warning that his head my be next on the killer's plate
>Letting the gravity of the situation sink in ought to get him to at least loosen his tongue, though whether it convinces him to change his ways is another matter entirely
>The darker part of you wants to see his changes be too little and too late, and find his bleeding-eared corpse on the floor, but you chastise yourself for such thinking
>Slaying people out of such pettiness as disagreement over politics is something you had left behind a long time ago
>Your morbid thoughts are stowed away as you approach his estate that morning
>Giving the guards at his gate a cold glare, they open the iron bars for you, knowing both your position and that you would not be here without having important business
>Your dislike of Chancellor Neighsay is no secret, after all
>After giving the heavy front door a loud rap with your knuckles, the door is opened by one of his manservants, and you demand to be taken to see the Chancellor at once
>"I'm sorry, but Chancellor Neighsay is busy, and would like to be left alone in his study-"
"I don't rightly care about how busy he may be, for I am here on behalf of Princess Twilight Sparkle, however begrudgingly that may be so, and have matters to discuss that bear relation to something that may be a threat to his life."
>As the manservant is about to open his mouth to protest, you look him in the eye and frown deeply, making him wilt
"The Chancellor's study, now," you say tersely, and your request is not denied
>Upon reaching the door, you open it yourself without bothing to wait for the manservant, and enter the room with a scowl
>Neighsay turns around with a start, as well as a scowl that matches your own, but his expression fades upon seeing you; he knows exactly why you’re here
>“Ah, Inquisitrix Tempest Shadow! What a pleasant surprise.”
“There is nothing pleasant or surprising about this.”
>The Chancellor shook his head and sighed
>“Impertinent as ever, I see,” he grumbles before offering a seat
>You accept it, but never take your eyes off of him
>“What are you here to ask me?” he says, waving off the manservant who was still standing by the doorway
“There have been brutal murders recently,” you explain, “and the victims have all been those with an agenda against one or more of the Princesses.”
>“Surely then I could not be your suspect,” Neighsay says with a raised brow
>You shake your head
“And you are as self-important as ever, Chancellor. There’s no reason to assume you would ever be so competent as whoever is committing these crimes.”
>Neighsay squints at you, but strokes his goatee, putting on a show of being in thought
>“So you feel that I may be a potential victim?”
>You nod
“I need a more detailed understanding of your dealings outside of the office, because anything that might be painting a bigger target on your back will help us catch the mongrel robbing people of their lives before it happens. Contacts, organizations, activities, locations. I need them.”
>“And just why would I reveal such secrets to you? For all I know, you would just use them to fuel your grudge and find a way to get me out of office.”
“Because stopping the killer means that lives will be saved. You still have a right to live, even if you’re a dissenter.”
>“Pshaw!” scoffs Neighsay
>“Me? A dissenter? Preposterous! My loyalty to the Princesses is-”
>You slam your hand onto Neighsay’s desk, your talons digging into the hard oak like the spikes of a mace
“Your loyalty bears all the integrity of dry sand,” you counter with a snarl
“That you are a racist bastard who detests Princess Twilight’s love of educating all the masses out of xenophobic paranoia is known to virtually everyone with a head on their shoulders and at least one seeing eye, and though I have no desire to see you in a position of power, I also have no desire to see you in a casket. Unfortunately for you, someone out there doesn’t share my sentiment, and would just as soon put you in a grave as look at you.”
>Your outburst makes Neighsay clam up
“I normally would keep this confidential, but maybe a description of the bodies would help convince you to talk,” you say, your voice softening
“Blood oozing from the eyes and ears, like macabre tears. Their mouths, open in a soundless, agonized scream. And their innards?”
>You grind your nails a bit into the wood, take the handful of splinters, and sprinkle them over the rest of his desk’s surface
“Falling to pieces.”
>Cold beads of sweat appear on his forehead
“Again. Contacts. Organizations. Activities. Locations. I need them.”
>“ …A tavern basement.”
>You raise your hand to strike the desk again
>“The Empress’ Lock, we meet there every other night, tonight included, and… discuss things.”
“What things?”
>Neighsay is still reluctant to give many other details, and said reluctance is written on his face
>“I’ll let you see it for yourself. The password is ‘widdershins,’ and that’s all I can tell you.”
>You growl in frustration at his refusal to further divulge, but at this point you would probably have to resort to violence, and that would just get you in trouble
>After all, you aren’t above the law
>You ARE the law
>You stand up and take your leave
>It’s not much to go on, but it’s a lead, at least
What’s your next course of action?
>Continue interrogating (morticians, nobles, locals)
>Go to this meeting that Neighsay is due to attend
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>The meeting is your greatest opportunity at the moment, and so you decide that it will be your best bet for making progress
>Especially if the killer knows about the meeting and those they will find there
>It would practically be like shooting fish in a barrel with such a huge number of potential targets
>However, rather than simply go to the Empress’ Lock and wait, you decide to scope out the surrounding area first, looking for anything the killer might use to their advantage
>There are a few spots that would be great for sniping someone on the way out of the front door, numerous alleys, nooks and crannies to snatch someone away into, and other such things
>That is less important than anything to do with the building itself; the killings have mostly been indoors, and so you take note of features of the tavern’s architecture
>Most interestingly, there is a shed connected to the back of the building, but the door is locked from the inside
>Your suspicions grow at such a discovery, but unless you were to rip the door off its hinges—which, frankly, is far from beyond your capabilities—what lays inside will largely remain a mystery
>None of the passerby seem to be engaging in any suspicious behavior, but then again, civilians are typically very careful around you
>Both your appearance and reputation combine into a very nasty deterrent for many
>Having done all the scouting that you can, there is little else to do but wait, and so you enter the building
>Inside is a warm, bright atmosphere, with the smell of booze, roasting meat, and pipeweed smoke
>You have been here before, albeit only on occasion
>After all, Princess Twilight’s castle offers far better comforts
>Better victuals, better chambers, and typically better company
>There are times when you feel like what you are afforded at the castle is far more than you deserve; you have not forgotten who you used to be, and in some ways still are
>And thus, you decide to exercise some humility and dine and drink amongst the commonfolk once in awhile
>The barmaid who serves you this time around must be new, as you have never seen her before, and her awkwardness about serving you is apparent
>A pretty thing, but she is of little interest to you, except taking your order for some meat, vegetables, and mulled wine
>The eating is good, nice and hearty, and surprisingly light on the salt compared to most other bar food
>By the time you finish, you still have seen neither hide nor hair of Neighsay or any other nobles or politicians, and so have little to do but wait
>Though you consider yourself to be patient, the boredom tests even your will
>The boredom is shattered by the entrance of a particular individual, though they are certainly not amongst those you are waiting for
>A shock of shaggy blue hair, almost ghastly pale skin covered in tattoos that resemble sheet music, and a build that almost passes for human
>Combined with her smile being *just* too wide for her face, you recognize her as an elan
>An off-human race with a natural talent for psionic abilities, they have a reputation for being unintentionally disturbing because of how they are so close to looking like humans, but having a few traits that betray them and make others uncomfortable in their presence
>She notices you through outrageous spectacles with lenses made of a plum violet crystal, and waves
>Her slender form only makes her seem more alien, even as she tries to present herself in a friendly way
>You give a nod in return, and she does not seem to press the matter of getting to know you, for which you are thankful
>She is horribly out of place here, her exotic look making her stick out like a sore thumb, but seems to not mind
>You take great care to keep an eye on her as the evening approaches, and thus the time when you are to partake in the meeting
>The elan moves to a corner, and from a bag comes a staggering number of blue crystal shards, as well as four discs of magenta crystal, all of which float in the air
>She takes a position as though sitting down on a chair of nothing, standing on one foot while the other leg crosses over her knee, and the crystals all fan out in front of her
>Placing her fingers on a few of them, they light up at her touch, and emit a noise that is odd, but strangely pleasant
>Her digits make a dance over the crystals, flicking them to make harmonious music of the otherwise discordant sounds they give off
>You find the music, made of hums, echoes, hissing beats, and rumbling screeches to be even weirder than the elan herself
>In fact, you find the music so interesting that you almost miss it when Chancellor Neighsay enters the tavern
>You do catch yourself in time however, and turn your eyes to him, watching him not even give the bartender so much as a nod before heading to the stairs that lead down to the basement
>Waiting for a half a minute, you then follow him downstairs
>You find a door with a slot covered by a sliding panel, so as to let someone from the other side see through
>It opens, and the eyes that appear through the opening are confused, as well as a little scared
>”Inquisitrix Shadow? What brings you here?”
“I have business here that concerns the welfare of you all. The one who has been murdering those who would be in attendance of this meeting may well strike tonight, and I want to be there to prevent further deaths.”
>”Um, well, we aren’t-”
“Widdershins,” you say with a threatening squint
>There is conflict written all over what of this person’s face you can see, and they shut the slider before moving away
>Your keen senses catch through the door that the person is asking Neighsay what to do, and they return to open the door and allow you in
>Inside, the room is a little small, most of the space taken up by a large table
>Lamps keep the room alight quite well, making for good illumination
>Not that you need it, as you can see in the dark just fine, but it helps the others be plainly visible to one another
>Besides, your darkvision doesn't sit well with colors anyway
>Rather than sit, you decide to stand in a corner near the door, eyeing it as the flow of nobles and other upper-class people enter
>Gods, they're almost all just a bunch of grouchy, old, rich men
>You blink startledly at the sight of one particular attendee
"Prince Blueblood? What has possessed you to come here?"
>The prince is something of a distant relative of the Princesses, but royal blood still courses in his veins, enough so for him to be entitled to such a position
>As does the blood of celestials; the young man is an aasimar, although you are uncertain of which celestial he is descended from
>Despite your opposing bloodlines, he has always been rather sympathetic to your plight as a tiefling, suffering some level of discrimination and an immense amount of stereotyping because some otherworldly being decided to put their dick in a mortal, the only real difference being that he's rich enough that he can just throw money at people until the problem goes away
>He was even a very vocal supporter of your pardoning and acceptance into Canterlot law enforcement, which has you reeling and wondering what in all nine Hells he's doing here
>He gives a sly, charming grin
>"One could ask the same of you, Inquisitrix Shadow," he says casually as he takes the seat nearest to you
>"But if you must know, and I'm sure you do, I'm here for some catharsis. I love Auntie Celly and Auntie Lulu very much, but that hardly means I agree with them on everything. And what of yourself?"
"I came here because I aim to stop a serial killer who targets the wealthy, specifically naysayers-"
>The chancellor shifts in his seat uncomfortably at that
"-towards the Princesses. I have no love for them, but being a crotchety, salty old man who clings to every last copper doesn't necessarily mean you should die for it."
>Blueblood nods in understanding
>"Thankful I am that I'm not the avaricious type," he says with a small laugh
>You can tell that he's hiding something, you're just not sure what it is exactly
>The prince is very good at obfuscation and intrigue, both of which make for an interestingly effective combination in the political world
>As curious as you are, you are not here to investigate Prince Blueblood, and know you would drive yourself mad if you think about it all evening
"Indeed," you tell him simply before turning your attention back to the meeting
>Quite frankly, you would be less bored if you were in Princess Twilight's study and discussing arcane theorems rather than stuck here
>And you don't even cast arcane spells
>Everyone is at first very nervous at your presence until Blueblood and Neighsay reassure them that you're here to help, not arrest them all
>Now that that particular matter has been settled, they all dive into disgustingly petty complaints about the way things are run in Canterlot
>At least Blueblood keeps his bitching and moaning to being just about Celestia's frustrating love of contingencies and Luna's mildly terrifying love of combat
>He is also apparently quite disturbed from when he found out a week ago that Luna wants to fuck Dragonlord Ember, once the dragoness reaches maturity
>You decide not to question Luna's taste in bedmates ever again
>The hours drag on, and you're resisting the urge to snore when you notice something in the corner of your eye
>One of the magenta crystal discs has somehow gotten inside the room, and is floating in the air near the door, unseen by all but you and Prince Blueblood
>The disc begins to shudder briefly, then turns to make it look like a vertical blade about to slice into one of the attendees
>The air seems to ripple around it for half a second, and then…
>/WUBBA DUB-DUB, MOTHERFUCKER/ echoes in your head before a wave of sonic energy flies towards the target before you can do anything about it
>There is a loud crash and a pained scream from Blueblood as he leaps in front of the one the deadly soundwave was meant for, flinging both him and the one he was protecting against the wall
>Blueblood is alive and on his hands and knees, wheezing as blood leaks from his ears, eyes, and mouth, but it looks like the target, an older fellow who did not do much talking during the meeting anyway, didn't survive the blast, despite Blueblood's efforts
>The disc glides to hover just above the ground and slips under the bottom of the door before disappearing
>You quickly survey the room, trying to see through the chaos and panic who has been hurt
>It seems that Blueblood and the other man are the only ones who are hurt
>The others don't seem to have realized just what it was that unleashed the attack, but you have no doubts as to who the perpetrator is
>There's something of a dilemma at hand, however, and you need to decide what to do fast
What do you do?
>Chase the elan
>Help Prince Blueblood
>Calm everyone down
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>Saving Prince Blueblood's life takes priority here
>The elan shouldn't be too hard to spot later anyway, she stands out like a raspberry wine stain on a white silk shirt
>You dash over to him, and lay your hands upon his back
>His injuries are largely internal, so mundane methods will be of little use
>Risky though it may be, your only option is to use a healing spell, and so you mutter a few words in Celestial before your hands and Prince Blueblood are bathed in white light, pumping all the mana into it that you can (-8 SP, +30 HP)
>Though the prince is almost completely healed, when the light fades, his clothes don't seem to fit him quite right anymore
>Instead of a broad chest and shoulders, he has a somewhat slim hourglass figure and the features of a beautiful, pampered noblewoman
>Wild Magic has struck again, and Prince Blueblood has become Princess Blueblood
>Even through your stoicism would you find him? Her? Pretty enough to stare at, were the current situation not so dire
>Blueblood wipes the blood from her face and tells you, "Catch the culprit if you can, I can handle things from here- excuse me, can you explain what's become of my voice?"
"Look in the next mirror you find. In the meantime, you keep the situation here under control, and I shall return with that murderer in tow."
>Your piece said and instructions given, you bolt out of the room as fast as your legs can take you
>The elan is standing at the doorway, apparently waiting for you
>She gives you a taunting raspberry and thumbs her nose before whipping around and dashing away
>You will not stand for such mockery, and growl as you follow in hot pursuit
>The elan is unsurprisingly nimble, and quickly leads you down an alleyway
>Upon turning into the alley, you see that she has disappeared
>A curse falls from your lips in a bout of frustration, but a whistle from above catches your attention
>On the roof of one of the buildings is the elan, teasing you with a grin
>But then, she demonstrates how she perched herself on the roof in the first place by disappearing with a deep *WOOBH* noise and a flash of light
>The same sight and sound signal her reappearance several rooftops down the way
>She beckons you forth with a "Come and get me"gesture, and you begin to follow
>You are aware that this may well be a trap, and is in fact the most likely outcome, but there is little choice but to follow
>Trailing the elan’s erratic path, you find yourself slowly working your way deeper into the slums, with which you are not so familiar as the busier parts of town
>Eventually, you are lost entirely, and are essentially at the elan's whims in this maze of scum and detritus
>Even those who have never seen you or know who you are avoid you though
>It would seem that simply being a tall, one-armed tiefling woman with a variety of weapons and who's lone hand is big enough to wrap around their face is an effective deterrent from any who might think you a potential target
>Quite wise of them, so far as you're concerned, and at least it keeps you from running into too many distractions
>Even without being sidetracked by thugs looking to make a quick gold piece, the elan is infuriatingly difficult to follow
>You finally grow tired of this game, stop, and load your crossbow by holding its stirrup with your foot and loading the box of bolts
>Gripping the weapon with your one hand, you use your teeth to pull the lever back… and wait
>It takes a minute, but the elan eventually returns when she finds that you are no longer following her
>Quickly, you point the crossbow at her and shoot before she realizes what you're doing
>The bolt sinks into her shoulder and she buckles over, falling off of the rooftop upon which she was standing
>You drop your crossbow and catch her before she hits the ground
>Curiously, she has been silent the entire time, with not even so much as a yelp of pain
>With her in your grasp, you push the elan to the ground and sit atop her to keep her from escaping
>She tries to teleport away again, but your Wild Magic kicks in once more; you've known that it works just as well on psionic powers as it does on spells, and you give her an amused smirk as her skin is covered in crystal dust that shimmers in the light of the moon and streetlamps like glitter
>You jerk the bolt out of her shoulder—and still she does not scream, only drawing a deep, gasping breath at what had to be an agonizing experience—and hold both of her wrists in your hand, helping prevent her from fighting back too much
"So, would you care to tell me what your plans are, or need I beat an answer from your wretched lips?"
>The voice you heard at The Empress' Lock echoes in your head again
>/I'm trying to lead you back to my place,/ the voice says, sounding like that of a young woman who had been smoking from a pipe since she was old enough to eat solid food
>/I can explain everything when we get there, I promise! The others, too!/
>Your eyes narrow dangerously at her words
"Others? What do you mean, *others*?"
>The elan's face expresses reluctance
>You in turn grip her wrists painfully hard
>/Please, stop! Just let me stand up, I'll even let you keep holding me if you promise to let me take you, okay?/
What do you do? (SP: 28/36)
>Accept her offer, and follow her to get some answers
>Refuse her offer, and haul her off to jail to drill the information out of her
>Other (make a suggestion!)
>This whole situation smacks of deceit, but…
>There is no denying that you have an intense desire to know what the elan is talking about
>If there are others like her, the potential danger is immense
>You really can’t allow that sort of thing to stay hidden right under the Princess’ noses
“...Very well,” you say with a snort
>The elan grins relievedly
>You turn her over roughly, and she hisses in pain as you jostle her around and make a loop around her neck before using the same rope to bind her hands as well; if she struggles much, she’ll choke herself
>If you weren’t so angry at having to chase her, you’d have thought it was kinda hot to see her tied up
>You at least take some satisfaction in her pained expression as you manhandle her
>Serves her right
“Walk,” you bark at her, holding her not unlike a dog with a two-foot leash
>/Alright, I’m moving. Just don’t pull too hard okay?/
>The elan takes you along through winding streets and alleys even you were unaware existed
>As you walk, she tries to lighten the mood a little with some casual banter
>/So, got any hobbies?/
“Not particularly, no.”
>/Any way to kill time that isn’t your job?/
“I’m married to the job.”
>/Married, huh? Ever thought of getting married to a person instead of an occupation?/
>You blush, and jerk the rope a little
>/That’s bullshit if I’ve ever heard it. Who’s the lucky one?/
“Shut up.”
>/Ooh! I bet it’s one of the princesses, seeing as you’re around them so much. Is it Princess Twilight?/
>You let go just long enough to clap her over the back of the head with your hand, then grab the rope again
“I told you, shut up!”
>/What the Nine Hells do you have against fun?/
“Just be quiet and go, dammit!”
>Your prisoner is blessedly silent for the rest of the walk, only giving you directions as you go
>After being led to an alley that’s barely wide enough to accommodate your shoulders, you walk down a set of stairs that ends with a door into a decrepit building
>The elan stops at the door, and a few tense seconds pass
>The door opens on its own, and the room inside is faintly lit by a few oil lamps
>You go in, but as soon as you clear it, the door shuts behind you
>/Not to sound threatening or whatever, but you might wanna untie me. I know that I’m not in a lot of danger, but the others might not think that at the sight of a rope around my neck, y’know?/
“Who are these others, anyway?”
>/Well, we have a Seer and a Telepath who’ve known about you coming here for the past half an hour or so, and a Shaper who’s kinda paranoid. I really think you need to meet them before you make any judgements, okay?/
>The mention of whoever this group is having a half-hour headstart on you is highly unnerving
>You’ve gotten this far, though
>Turning back would be a failure and a total waste of time
“If only for civility’s sake, then yes,” you say concedingly, and undo all the rope before putting it away
>As you do so, you get the terrible feeling that you’ve made a howling error in letting her go
>You fears are only slightly lessened when she doesn’t bolt on you or anything, instead walking up to another door, and gesturing for you to come closer before she opens it
>When she does, she pulls you inside, and you are greeted by an interesting sight
>Three others are inside, two of them also elans, but another looking to be just a normal human
>One elan is examining a harp; her mint green-gray hair has white stripes that make it clash with the rest of the place’s atmosphere, and her golden eyes glow in the somewhat dim light of the room
>The second elan, or third if you count the one you were chasing, has her thick curls split down the middle, one half being bubblegum pink and the other being a slightly faded indigo
>Her unnaturally cerulean eyes quickly move from some chocolate she was making on a nearby stove and lock with yours
>Sternness twists her irritatingly familiar visage, her stare being even more suspicious of you than you are of her
>Finally, the only human in the room is an ironically glaring contrast compared to everyone else because of how plain and unassuming she is
>Dark, ash gray hair, the fair skin of a woman who stays inside most of the time, and a garb that tells of her day job as an orchestral musician, her only striking feature being her dusty orchid eyes
>Everyone except your former prisoner looks at you with a dangerously questioning expression
>You may be able to overpower any of them physically, but unless you happen to get *very* lucky with your Wild Magic curse, fighting them would likely be suicide, and so you stiffen, keeping up an imposing posture
>/Tavi! I’m back, and brought her with me!/
>The human woman blinks as she turns to look at the bespectacled elan
>/Vinyl Scratch, what happened to you?/
>The one apparently named Vinyl Scratch runs up to give this ‘Tavi’ a hug, but is fended off with a drawing bow for a cello
>/I may love you so, but I refuse to let you bleed all over my clothes if I don’t have to. Who hurt you?/
>Vinyl Scratch gives a wave, saying /Ah, don’t worry about it! Tempest was just doing her job, and knows how to be tricky enough to catch me. I’ll patch it up in a bit, it’s just kinda painful, nothing serious./
>You give a small cough
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but… Vinyl Scratch, was it? Had mentioned ‘others…’ that I presume would be you three?”
>Tavi gives you a polite nod
>/Octavia Melody, at your service./
>The green-haired one gives a cheerful, almost dopey grin when she says, “Lyra Heartstrings!”
>The one who was making chocolate merely has to step closer for you to recognize her
“...Officer Drops?”
>”Good to see you again, Inquisitrix Shadow. It’s ‘Bon Bon’ while I’m in public, by the way.”
“Of course.”
>”And I trust you’ll be quiet about this? I really don’t want to have Octavia rewrite your memory and everyone else’s.”
>You give a raised brow to Octavia
>/I would rather not, but yes, I can manipulate your thoughts and memories. That I am so good at it makes me uncomfortable, and I would quite dislike having to use my powers on one such as yourself. I have heard many good things about your aptitude in law enforcement, and hold you in high regard./
>Your hand goes to your hip
“While I would normally chastise all of you for your stupidity in revealing your names, I find myself at a disadvantage. What do you want from me?”
>/Vinyl, Lyra, Bon Bon, and myself request your aid in rooting out impostors./
“I ask that you speak with your mouth, hearing someone’s voice when it skips the part where it goes through my ears first never stops being unsettling.”
>Octavia nods, saying, “As you wish, but I’m afraid Vinyl cannot comply. Her throat had been slit by a thief when she was... young, and so speaking without telepathy for her is impossible.”
>Vinyl Scratch grins her uncanny grin, and draws a line across her larynx with a finger
>Looking closely, you can see a long, thin scar right across the middle of her throat, but she shrugs and says, /We all have scars, some are just easier to find than others./
>You give Vinyl a nod of understanding, and then address Octavia again
“You mentioned impostors. Care to enlighten me on this subject?”
>”We have discovered changelings are attempting to infiltrate Canterlot, and we believe they may be doing so to dethrone the Princesses,” she explained
>Your eyes widen at such a preposterous claim
“Changelings? But Chrysalis-”
>”Queen Chrysalis and King Thorax aren’t the only changelings to rule over a hive,” Octavia continued, “and King Thorax’s hive hardly speaks for the majority of their kind. Many other changeling hives remain, filled with black, ravenous doppelgangers.”
“If those you’ve been killing are changelings, why don’t they revert when they die?”
>”We haven’t figured that one out yet,” Lyra piped in
>”They’ve discovered how to make their shapeshifting permanent, and you can’t really detect it without super-powerful, specialized abilities. Go to the morgue next time you can, and dispel any magic that you can on the bodies of the nobles who’ve died. You’ll see it.”
“And I’m to simply assume you have no plans to turn on me when I take my leave of here?”
>”I mean, that’s about all you can do,” Lyra says with a shrug
>”It’s not like you have much of a choice, and besides, why would we tell you all of this if we were just going to kill you when you leave?
“Villains only divulge their plans when they think they’ve already won.”
>”…Okay, so you have a point there. But really, we’re not villains! Promise!”
>Your hand leaves your hip, and instead rests on the hilt of your arming sword, albeit in a non-threatening manner
“I suppose you’re right about my lack of options here. Officer Drops, how aware of the situation are the Princesses?” you ask before turning to leave
>”They’re oblivious, or at least Twilight and Cadance are,” Bon Bon responds
>”You can never tell with Luna and her own psychic powers, and Celestia is even worse about it. I think that, if they know anything, they don’t know enough to act. Luna would probably be hacking people to pieces if and when she found out they were hostile changelings, and seeing as she’s not going that route, it’s safe to say that she’s not in the know.”
“And I suspect that you want them to be in the dark about it all?” you ask after pondering on this information
>Bon Bon nods
>”Twilight would panic, and Cadance would either go paranoid or fly into a rage, and neither of those two Princesses being in such a state would be conducive to stopping the threat.”
>You nod in understanding
“I can promise to keep it as far on the down-low as I can, at least so far as circumstances will allow.”
>”That’s all we ask. Now get moving, we only have so much time. The sooner we get this done and over with, the better.”
>Your meeting with the psionicists done and over with, you leave, and must make a plan of attack as to how you handle things
What do you do?
>Go straight to a morgue to investigate the bodies
>Go check on ‘Princess’ Blueblood
>Go to the authorities and report the psionicists for what may or may not be bullshit
>Other (make a suggestion!)
by ManlyMan
by ManlyMan