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/spg/ Escape into the Wild (AJ, RD)

By ponke
Created: 2020-12-18 08:18:04
Expiry: Never

  2. > Slave ponies have been a thing for almost a year now, but you quit being overly enthusiastic about this thing. You used to give a damn before, but you just didn't have enough money or the will to buy one, then make it happy, buy all her friends and send them back to wherever they came from.
  3. > You know, standard procedure. Like a ponified regular shitty plot from those chinese harem cartoons.
  4. > All the slaves that you could have saved had already either disappeared, been beaten to death, ripped apart by stray dogs, or gone somewhere where you couldn't find them. Not that you had the will to do so anyways. That's usually what happens when you do the same stuff over and over again without changing anything in your life. Can't really get excited for anything and truly care for anyone. Or anypony. All the money for their lives already spent on booze and expensive gaming gear. Bad endings just keep happening here and there. Still have two kidneys though.
  5. > Happy thoughts aside, today was your 25th birthday, and you decided to go on a camping trip to fulfill your boring-ass life or whatever. Alone. Because all of your nearby smelly neet friends has decided to just bump their cheap beers on the computer screen to celebrate. Not like it was the first time that happened. But whatever.
  6. > After parking your car not far away from some decent looking piece of wasteland, you spend about half an hour setting your camp and preparing something that looks like soup on an open fire.
  7. > What better to do in the woods, alone with the mother nature in the middle of the night? Getting drunk and surfing the web on your cheap-ass chinese tablet, of course!
  8. > SergeantHorseFucker64 is now online and horny. Feels like you were in your old apartment on a dusty office chair again, and no fresh air and calm nature sounds can take it from you.
  9. > But while trying for the third fucking time to send a world changing shitpost, you noticed something.
  10. > Two dark figures were slowly heading your way.
  11. > Holy shit. Take a photo and send it right away! They won't believe it! Screw you, I've read creepypastas! I can read your every move minutes away!
  12. > Two silhouettes that look like wolves were only about 20 feet from you.
  13. > "Hey…"
  14. > *flash*
  15. > "Whoa! What gives?" - said skinny, blue talking wolf thing.
  16. > They approached your camp with wide eyes. Both of them notice the thing that is definitely actually soup simmering on the fire and you see the orange one lick her lips. As they edge closer, the firelight spreads over them and you can see how thin they both look.
  17. > "H-Hey there, fella", she says with a small smile.
  18. > "Y'all wouldn't mind sharin' perhaps, would ya?"
  19. > Damn, wait… send* *send* *send*
  20. "Uh-huh. Sure. What would you like? If you can wait a bit and I'll make you a salad. Well, “salad”..."
  21. > They start slowly surrounding you.
  22. "Some canned corn, korean carrot, a few apples... uh... some bread?"
  23. > "No can do, sugah. Ah’m mighty sorry, but we'll have sum of these, with everythang ya got on top."
  24. > "Yeah, we’ll take your stuff. And we’ll do horrible things to you. The same horrible things that you bald alien motherbuckers did to us and all of our friends and families!" - the blue one shouts.
  25. > Gee, first time ever you're talking to ponies who aren’t somebody's property and they're trying to kill you for a birthday cake. But, uh... like, really now? You most likely weigh more than them combined, and you're too drunk to be scared now. Or maybe not quite drunk enough, but still you remember one myth that alcohol can't make you more pumped up for awhile. Not believing that bullcrap for a second.
  26. > You're still sitting dumbfounded.
  27. "Lovely. But can we talk about this? Just for a sec?"
  28. > In response, the cowpony turns around, ready to buck you in the face.
  29. > Jesus Christ on a gyroboard, pony, don't show me that.
  30. "Yeah, sure, It's in my favor, I get it. Maybe later."
  31. > "Ya-a-a-ah!" - a sudden adorable warcry comes from behind.
  32. > Blue pony has wrapped her hooves around your neck, presumably trying to keep you in place.
  33. > "Now, AJ!" - she shouts in your ear as she presses her head into the back of your neck.
  34. > Aww.
  35. > With all your drunken might you cover your face with both of your arms and jump back, carrying the light pegasus with yourself on the way. Her connected buck hurts a bit on your elbow. And by a bit you mean a lot. Your reflexes kick in in time and you press your arm on the ground while landing, avoiding falling on a blue pony.
  36. > The orange one immediately closes the distance and prepares to buck again. You grab the pegasus from behind by her hooves and stand up, throwing her over your shoulder, but get bucked in the chest by the almighty redneck horse. Ignoring the pain, you try to protect both of you again and grab her mid-air, to avoid her getting hurt by landing, but then trip on your own junkie tablet and softly land with her on a cowpony, sandwiching her between you two.
  37. > Pomf!
  38. > After the longest 3 seconds of your life, you pinched her ear and whispered in it:
  39. "Not gonna work."
  40. > "Get off!!"
  41. > And immediately you do, raising your arms in defence, feeling a bit disappointed. But she is still laying on top of orang... AJ and giving you a death stare.
  42. "You ok, pony?"
  43. > God, you need a camera right now.
  44. > "Uhm... hint-hint?"
  45. > Her expression suddenly reddens.
  46. > "Oh..."
  47. > It feels like a broken ribs cliche in your chest kicks in. Everything is worth seeing guilty looking ponies later, hopefully.
  48. > One awkward positions changing later.
  49. > "I got'im good, Rainbow. Ah think."
  50. > Yeah, that ^
  51. > So she's a "Rainbow". Those weird red indian names, man. And what does AJ stand for? Acres Job?
  52. > "Nice job, AJ. Let's finish off this smelly pony rapist!"
  53. "Charmed."
  54. > She sighs slowly.
  55. > "One by one. "
  56. > "You n' me, gal."
  57. > After a brief scuffle of some horse mma, headbutts, bucks, and trying to choke you to death from them, and some retarded wwe from your side, including just catching, holding, pushing and throwing them around, the two seemed to finally exhaust themselves, barely standing and panting loudly. Well, you too, covered in bruises and hyperventilating, but... trying to do it quietly, to make them think that you're not tired. And keepin' it cool.
  58. > "Ha! *pant* C'mon, AJ. We got it!"
  59. > "R-ra... *pant* ...bow, ah... don... *pant* thi...k... think... *pant* that..."
  60. > "Just... a final push *pant* one... two..."
  61. > oh ffs
  62. "Listen, pony."
  63. >You said, still facing back.
  64. "I don't want to hurt you. While you were trying your hardest to kill me, I didn't even land a single punch on you."
  65. > "It's... it's cause you can't!"
  66. "You seriously thi-"
  67. > "..and too slow!"
  68. "...You seriously think that I was fighting back for real?"
  69. > “Don't try to save…”, she panted before saying - “...your monkey ass!"
  70. > "D-dash... *pant* s-s... uh..."
  71. > "Face it, buddy, you're screwed!"
  72. "Oh, well. Let me show you, then. Have you heard about pepper spray?"
  73. > You can hear her gulp, while heading to your backpack at the tent. You've picked your handy metal bat from a small section. Always bring a metal bat.
  74. "Also I have this. Can you see that thing? I could knock down a bear with it."
  75. > You duck and hit a nearby rock with it for demonstration. And nothing happens. You roll it in your arm for some reason, like you were holding it wrong. Then you hit it again and the rock cracks in half.
  76. "Yeah, I've never hit a bear with it, but... that can happen."
  77. > Now she look terrified, as you start walking towards her.
  78. "Now step closer to me so I can prove it."
  79. > "Eh... em..."
  80. "Not feeling like it? That's fine. But you can always run away, not like me."
  81. > You throw your bat away, but not too far.
  82. "Well, technically, you can outsprint me, but not outrun. Its because we have superior buttcrac-"
  83. > "Three! Ya-a-ah!"
  84. > You turn to face a pony bum banshee again, jumping on you and throwing her skinny hoofsies around, while you just sidestep her and do while standing 2, ewgf, df+1, double hellsweep into... you catch her by the ribs and try to push to the ground, while her back legs connect with surface and she pushes back, making you both land on your butts.
  85. > Now you’re holding her from behind, arms wrapped around her belly and torso, while she is jiggling and shaking in your grasp, trying to get free. Those pony ribs. This fluffy dirty belly. Good lord.
  86. > ...
  87. > A rainbow toilet brush hitting you in the chin has turned you back to reality. Seems like she hurt herself more than you with that headbutt. Just pet it.
  88. > "Applejack!"
  89. > Oh shit, wait! Her! You immediately turned your head around, while Rainbow was still kept in place.
  90. > ...
  91. > Well, shit. Countryside down. She must have fainted just now. Shit. Uh-h...
  92. > "AJ, what's taking you?! Just buck this ape! What are you waiting for?!"
  93. > You stand with her and turn, gently placing her on the ground. Without a single word she sprinted to her friend and started shaking her on shoulders.
  94. > "Hey, hey! What happened?! AJ?! What..."
  95. > Now she's looking at you, teary - eyed.
  96. > "You monster! What did you do to her?!"
  97. "You're a bit of a dummy, aren't ya?"
  98. > You said, getting back to your supplies.
  99. > "What did you do?!"
  100. "She did that to herself. Getting into a slapstick fight on an empty stomach might be not the brightest idea ever. When was the last time she ate something?"
  101. > "Few days... maybe. Or five."
  102. > ...
  103. > "She always... was giving me a bigger part from what we could find. What... u-u-u-h-h... what we do now?"
  104. "M'sorry? "We"?"
  105. > You're being an evil ass and enjoying the hell out of it. Not in a bad way, though. Or was it?
  106. > "I... It's... ..."
  107. > So desperate. Oh man.
  108. > So, what do we have for the occasion? There’s a full bottle of pineapple juice, not like 100% fresh, but cheaper and with a shitload of sugar in it. That's kinda what we need right now. Green apples. Quite sweet, despite being green. Slice some.
  109. > "AJ... Wake up..."
  110. > Shit, this is getting out of hand. K, yogurt... how old is it?
  111. > "You're... you're scared her!"
  112. > You give her an "are you shittin' me?" look, then get back to digging.
  113. "Neh."
  114. > "She was scared..."
  115. "Not the case."
  116. > "Why would..."
  117. > Why would I care? Like she doesn’t want me to care? Choosing sides, eh? She's so lost and confused. Not lovely. Fuck yogurt, also. Gotta need some ammonia to wake her up. Or just choke her with juice while she's... oh fuck that's definitely sounds like sobbing.
  118. > Rushing to the first aid kit under the driver seat, you've picked everything you need and quietly approach her from behind. Rainbow stepped towards you to protect her friend, still giving you that unsure look.
  119. > Alright, time to talk. You should try to explain it to her. You should be careful. Tell her what you're gonna do. Tell her that you're just trying to help. Tell her... or she might not be that smart. Like, what are you doing approaching her with sugar goodies and an aid kit? Like, shit, can you stop fucking around? Explain it... Tell her that everything will be ok...
  120. > You looked straight in her teary eyes that were impossible to not feel pity for. And waved a napkin covered in ammonia in front of her dirty cyan muzzle.
  121. > "Ackgh!! Au-ugh!!"
  122. "Shoo."
  123. > Good enough. Then do that to her friend.
  124. > She's gonna do that? The first thing that's gonna... yup, she definitely scrunched her muzzle.
  125. > "Acho-o!"
  126. > Eww
  127. > Rainbow was already sitting beside you, not caring about anything, just wanting to make sure that her friend is ok. Gotta give it to her. A juice bottle, that is.
  128. "Take it. The deadliest pony poison ever created."
  129. > ...
  130. "Don't drop it, give it to her."
  131. > "The hell do you want with it, psycho?!"
  132. > Sigh...
  133. "Rainbow, when she's gonna wake up, I don't want her seeing my ugly bruised ape face first. Give that juice to her, she might use some sugar right now. Then we gonna feed her something, starting with these apples. She likes apples, right?"
  134. > She took it. And just held it, unsure of anything. God fuck!
  135. "Look, I already told you that I don't want to hurt you both, even if I did by accident, but you need to trust me right now. AJ needs..."
  136. > ...
  137. > "Needs... my help?"
  138. "Well, actually, she's gonna be fine. Nothing life threatening, just exhausted. Yup. Why do we even start this drama?"
  139. > "M-m-p-h..." - orange pony finally woke up.
  140. "Oh, wow! Its... definitely not a miracle. Just give her that, gonna be easier."
  141. > She's still Looking at it. Like, what the...
  142. > "Drink it."
  143. "Uh... me?"
  144. > "Drink it."
  145. "I'm fi... oh, for fuck sake, Rainbow!"
  146. > You grab your bottle, took a few glugs and gave her back.
  147. "Au-ugh, damn, why would I do-o that?! The pain! Lord, forgive me for.. I... Are you gonna give it to her or not?"
  148. > She was about to, but... that cowgirl was already chewing on an apple slice from the plate. And got hugged hard. Just a speechless hug. And some quiet sobbing.
  149. > ...
  150. > Well, that was definitely a lovely sight. You could admire it endlessly. Come to think of it, you're really glad they escaped from whatever they've been. Just a two loyal friends trying to survive in that pure concentrated stinkiest hangover toxic green shithole we proudly call home. Needless to say, you want to take care and won't give up on them. You're gonna stick together. Blah - blah - blah, feelings, tears, heart attacks, smell of burned food, it's burned soup, god fucking dammit.
  151. > Oh look, she hugged back. And you still feel like you can put Hitler to shame. Oh well... gotta fix it, gotta hit the desserts earlier. Gotta unpack the cake. Gotta slice it. Gotta serve it.
  152. "Hey, girls, want some cake?"
  153. > "A cake?!" - they asked simultaneously and stared at the plates hypnotically.
  154. "Yeah, not home made. I didn't bake it myself. Enjoy."
  155. > "Wait... hold on fer a sec, how come yah... uh..."
  156. "The only Human Prince Ernesto, the great man-army wanderer legend! Battle type."
  157. > "Holy pony feathers!"
  158. > "Rainbow, what's..."
  159. "Name's Anonymous."
  160. > "Oh..."
  161. > "Just... land sakes, what the heck happened when ah was out? Ah thaught yer g'na kill us. Why are we still alive n' breathin'?”
  162. > Shit. Like, really? Why would they think of that? Maybe because their previous experiences? Like, pony is being beaten to half death over a broken dish. Or because they did tried to kill YOU. For food. You gotta tell them truth.
  163. "Dunno. Maybe you're just... too damn cuddly to kill."
  164. > You mentally slap yourself.
  165. > "A what now? Why is he feedin' us, Rainbow?"
  166. > Yeah, why, Rainbow?
  167. > "Ehm... Dunno."
  168. > "A... Ah don' get it..."
  169. > "Hmph, whatever..."
  170. > What a stupid tsundere horse.
  171. "Girls. I am mad at you for trying to kill me for this food. And this... is not decent of me. Listen, I'm not gonna hurt you, nor do anything bad to you and this is not a trap. If you don't believe me, then you can go. Heck, you always can, I have no right to even mention about holding you, I'm not. For now, just enjoy the cake and give me some time to wrap my head around it. If you need anything, I would be nearby. Is that ok?"
  172. > "Gosh darn... I dunno what tah say..."
  173. > "Cool by me!"
  174. "Right..."
  175. > As you are about to walk away, you are suddenly tapped from behind.
  176. > "Ah... wait, ah don..."
  177. > "Applejack! Are you crazy?!"
  178. > "No, Dash, ah'm not. Listen, ah mighty... ah’m really, truly sorry 'bout assaultin' you, Mr. Amani-mouse. I ah’m very honest. We had no choice, it's been either that, or dyin’ from hunger. Ah don' 'spect yah tah understand, but..."
  179. > You put a finger on her lips.
  180. "Hush."
  181. > "That's right, AJ! Snap out of it! He's pretending to be nice and all, but don't you forget you can't trust no human!? You just relax for a minute, and you're sleeping in a cage again!"
  182. > "Now, Rainbow, I know that yer..."
  183. "She's right."
  184. > "Hu-uh?"
  185. > "Huh..."
  186. > "So ya tryin'... to..."
  187. "No, wait... you're not giving me time to properly think about it after all, but that's fine. I, uh..."
  188. > Or maybe you need one. Just a bit.
  189. > "Yeah, spit it out!"
  190. > Dumb horse.
  191. > What do I want these two to know? Or rather, what they need to know?
  192. > "And you, come back here! Stop being so close!"
  193. > There's gonna be one of the longest roads. A road to their trust. And trust is always gained.
  194. > "Back away from him!"
  195. > "Ah..."
  196. > From all the victims you've seen, they seemed quite normal. There were so many broken ones. Doing anything they were asked to do without a hint of hesitation. Doing horrible things.
  197. > "He din' kill or hurt us, Rainbow!"
  198. > "So?! He might use us later!"
  199. > Cleaning the house, do all the work around it and getting beaten for flaws was considered a decent place for a pony to stay.
  200. > You're weak. You are bad example of a human being. You know that. There might be even longer road for you to forgive yourself, because...
  201. > "Can you just step away from him for once?! AJ! Are you still dizzy?! Snap out of it! Eat the darn cake!"
  202. > You knew it was wrong. You could barely believe that humanity can lower the plank that much. Reach resources? Wildlife? Refuse to share technologies, secrets? Magic can wipe out humanity? A threat?
  203. > "Aint nothin' to do with taht! Yer the one who should open yer eyes!"
  204. > You had friends who owned them. Relatives, co-workers. And you had a habit to avoid them. To not witness their suffering by accident. Because there's not much that you can do. And still...
  205. > "Always blinded by yer ego! This fella is tryna help and yer makin' it hard for him!"
  206. > You felt pity. You felt terrible when you saw them. And you're not alone. There's a lot of people organizations doing anything to change it. And even then, you just ignored everything. One of the reason you started drinking. Like that's gonna make it any easier for you.
  207. > "Are you lost it? Me, blind? Have you forget everything that happened last year?"
  208. > So many times you wanted to help. Those only times you see them getting abused. You're angry. You want to change it. Then it all dies out. You never had been able to keep it. Which has never failed to constantly drive you insane.
  209. > "It's not being blind, it's being self-conscious! They're a threat! Every last..."
  210. > But for now, you had these two. A godsend. A small beginning, the first step. A tiny push. A little snowflake to roll down the hill. And not melt away instead like it always does.
  211. > "One of em'? That's what yer g'na say? He's a threat? Heck, if ah would be captured again by s'mone, a'd like it ta b' him!"
  212. > You have to be careful. Take small steps. Do everything you can to protect them, make their lives easier. It will never even close to the life they had before, that's beyond your reach. But still... do your best and make at least something...
  213. > Alright... Tiny steps.
  214. > This fucking booze, man...
  215. > "Are you kidding me-e-e, AJ?!
  216. "Listen here, you donkey cunt!"
  217. > "He-e-ey!!"
  218. "It's pretty damn clear that you don’t and won’t ever trust me, and that's not even close to being unreasonable. It's an obvious thing to do! After all they've done... no, not gonna touch that. I don't know anything. I have no goddamn idea what you've been through. Look, I know you won't believe me, but I'll spill it anyway. *Sigh* ... I... I never wanted..."
  219. > uh...
  220. > You feel a hoof placed on your thigh.
  221. > "It's ok, mister. Ya don' have ta."
  222. > That's kinda heartwarming, but you don't deserve it yet. Just carefully lift her and place close to Rainbow.
  223. > "Whoa there!"
  224. > Dash just holds her and looks at you angrily.
  225. "I'm... Truth is, I'm ashamed of my species. I'm ashamed to be a human..."
  226. > "Sheesh..."
  227. "...All this dimension opening - resource war, enslaving - I never wanted it! Many people don't. It's just happened too fast. And... It just blows my mind to this day! How could anyone treat an another intelligent being as a talking pet? I still can't believe it. This is wrong at so many..."
  228. > "*Ya-awn!*"
  229. > "Why of all the..."
  230. > "What? I've heard this conversation a gazillion of times before! Another human, another traitor. You think you're telling us something new?"
  231. > Actually, yeah... she might have.
  232. "Right..."
  233. > "Ugh... hold it right there, gurl. Now, Amanee-mos..."
  234. > Those eyes...
  235. > "Are ya being honest with us right now?... *gulp* Do you?"
  236. "I... Yes. I am. I understand your actions. I can take care of you. I can take you to my place and give..."
  237. > "Pf-f-ft... hell no!"
  238. > "Ah, ya have somethin' better in mind, Dash?"
  239. > "How can I know If he's not trying to to trick us? Willingly going with him just like that? Nice try!"
  240. > ...
  241. > "After all, It's just wo-ords..."
  242. "Actually, she might have a better idea, Applejack."
  243. > "Huh?!"
  244. "That's right. I can't think of something better, at least for now. So I'll let you do that for me. What do you two want me to do so I can help you?"
  245. > "Ya already doi-"
  246. > "Heh... now we're talking!"
  247. > "Rainbow..."
  248. > "Say..."- she said, scratching her chin - "Can you, like... I dunno, kill another human?"
  250. > That's what you've been afraid of, sending huge chills down your ass. Please, oh please. Anything, but this…
  251. > Your screen's definitely got fucked during that aggressive cuddle session. The web of cracks could put any spider tree colony to shame, and the touchscreen was ignoring your touches harder than your ex. Well, it will cost around 30 beer bottles to fix this.
  252. > "Now there, nelly. How 'bout ya jus' chew on that and be quiet fer a second?"
  253. > But who needs a repair service, when you can just turn it off and on a few times, smash it on your knee and swear on it? *pat* *pat* *pat*
  254. > "*chew* *munch* Whaht? u-u hewd hemm!"
  255. > AJ was a pure blessing. Really calm and polite. While the other one was fucking bloodthirsty moody teen horse, not in a bad way though. Maybe. Still, they both deserve to be happy equally, still.
  256. "'Hooman killin'? Why, yes, I'm sure anybody could become a decent serial killer if they work hard enough. Follow your dreams and all. Why, this asshole is living nearby?"
  257. > "Uh... who do you mean, Mr. An.. ampht!"
  258. > "Ha - ha!"
  259. > Guess that was her turn to be deepmuzzled real hard by the icing. Few pieces landed on a floor, immediately picking all the dirt. The sky blue ass was laughing loudly, face covered in cheap chocolate.
  260. "Hey, stop it. You want to keep ants in you fur? And I meant that magnificent human being who kept you. You want him to be killed?"
  261. > "Yeah!"
  262. > Just like that. Forcing you to choose between getting prison-raped on a daily basis or disappointing a lil' ungrateful brat. Or aim for the 3rd option - a happy ending, including a custom body bag down the river.
  263. > *pat* *smash* *pat*... Holy shit, that actually worked! Tablet is alive again.
  264. > Applejack with a pretty serious tone starts whispering something about staying out of trouble to her. And she just squeezed her eyes shut, grins and sarcastically nodded, giving her expression like It wasn't a big deal.
  265. "You want me to rip his dick off and feed it to him? Dress him as a pretty maid with the huge horse dildo up his ass, throw his body down the village shitter and told the police that we found him like this?"
  266. > "*Snicker*"
  267. > "That's... not g'na happen. This place if pretty far away from here. Ya see, back in the day... a few months ago if ah remember it correctly, ah was kept in a small cage outside of the..."
  268. > And then again, you still have to be careful and don't force anything.
  269. "I..."
  270. > You interrupt her.
  271. "Thank you, Applejack. I'd love to hear your story, but I don't want you to remember any of that. At least, not now."
  272. > Rainbow raises her brow on that.
  273. > "Good boy..."
  274. "Thank you, Mistress."
  275. > "Ha! Bwa-ha-ha! Did you hear that?!"
  276. > "Shucks..."
  277. > "That's it, he's our obedient monkey boy now! How awesome is that?!"
  278. > Painfully slow, but finally browser has opened and you tapped on the previous link in the viewing history.
  279. > "Heh! Dance now! I had supper, now we demand entertain... ow!"
  280. > Pinching on her ear, you kept swiping up on the screen with the other hand, searching for your dumb post on the thread. And judging by the page size, it made a huge ruckus on the board.
  281. > "Hey! Lemme go, you creep!"
  282. "It's not like I'm mad or anything. But you make it hard to resist."
  283. > You said, letting go of her ear and tossle her mane, while she tries to bite you like a retarded owl.
  284. > "Screw you!"
  285. "Hey, screw YOU, moody teen. I'll boop ya nose."
  286. > "I'm not a teen, you blind ape!"
  287. "Definitely sound like one."
  288. > "Uh-huh, more likely older than you!"
  289. > Seems like Applejo... je... the adequate one has finally switched her attention to the juice bottle, trying to unscrew it with her teeth.
  290. "Yeah? I'm 25 today, how about you?"
  291. > "I... well... you humans might outlive giant turtles. 25? Like, where is your mom, kid? Did she allow you to... hey, hey! HEY!"
  292. > {Mane tousling intensifies}
  297. "I'm an old fuck deep inside, trust me."
  298. > You said, approaching AJ and unscrewing a bottle for her in one motion.
  299. "Here. Thirsty?"
  300. > "Thank you."
  301. > "Well, that explains the smell! Do you have any apples left, gramps?"
  302. "Lemme see, young'-"
  303. > "Amani-mouse..."
  304. "A-na-ni. What is it, sugar?"
  305. > "Ya said you're 25... today?"
  306. "Uh-huh, why do you think I would bring a damn cake with me? Eating cakes casually in woods in the middle of the night might be overly creepy... and hilarious."
  307. > ...
  308. "Heh... heh. Uhm..."
  309. > And thus, the sounds of uncomfortable silence started playing.
  310. > AJ giving a sad look down the juice bottle, while Rainbow just sits closely to her, avoiding an eye contact with you.
  311. "Again, I haven't expected you two, so I grabbed some food just for myself, sorry. But there's still plenty left."
  312. > ...
  313. > Oh well. Sitting by the fire and throwing more wood in it, you continue browsing your thread.
  314. > …
  315. > It’s too tense.
  316. “So… don’t mind me asking, what you two were doing before, you know... the humans happened?
  317. > “Ah was a farmer.”
  318. > No fucking way
  319. “Uh-huh.”
  320. > “And I was the greatest flyer in all of Equestria!”
  321. “You don’t have to try to impress me, girl.”
  322. > “Hey, shut up! You don’t have any idea who we are!”
  323. “Well, I’m all ears.”
  326. “... but that was not her choice to become a princess, right?”
  327. > “Well, no, but…”
  328. > “Heh. He’s one of those crazy weirdos who thinks that she was better without wings!”
  329. “Well, I hope she was happy. I hope she’s happy.”
  330. > “You don’t know her, dude.”
  331. “She seem to be a good pony, good leader.”
  332. > “Well, she is. Dunno about the leader thought.”
  333. > “Ah miss her.”
  335. ....
  338. “Well, that was great to know.”
  339. > You switch your attention back to internet. Pretty bad habit to be honest.
  340. > Archived. Already?! The photo is too dark, but someone has already done an edit of it. And these two is definitely not friendly-looking. And most importantly, not wearing a shock collars. Which is a crime of both master and slave. Some thinks that you made your ponies look that terrible just for a prank and suggesting you to kill yourself. Some thinks that you're a photoshop god and suggesting you to kill yourself as well. Some thinks that it was real and suggest everyone to stfu because you might be already dead. And there this fucker.
  341. > [*Shocked anime character.png* Whoa, shit! My friend went camping today alone and he's not responding to his phone! Should I contact the police? Because I've never~] ... bla, bla, bla...
  342. > Fu-uck! What a fucking retard! No! You left your phone at home! These dipshits is gonna show it to the police, and another sadistic dipshit might recognise... fuck!
  343. > Chill! Take a fucking selfie and send it! Ha, didn't see that one coming, huh? Photoshop? Please, I don't need that. MS paint is enough to fool you all autistic angry virgins!
  344. > And the only camera is all scratched and shitting out a blurry mess. Fuck, fuck, FUCK! SHIT! AGAIN! Never, NEVER go on the net while drunk again! How many times-
  345. > "Ah... Ahnon!"
  346. > Crap, thinking too loud?
  347. "M-m-h?
  348. > "Ah don't know how many times ah'm g'na say it today, but we sorry... for giving ya the worst birthday of yer life."
  349. "Uh... hold on."
  350. > "Yeah, dude, that sucks. But happy birthday, I guess."
  351. "Whoa! H-hold on a minute here! Girls, you did not. You did. Not! Ruin my day. Okay? I've got far more... boring birthdays than this, trust me. Meeting you two-"
  352. > They both raised their eyebrows.
  353. "... well, encountering you two is... how do I put it... "
  354. > "Sorry we hurt ya, fella. Sorry we ate yer food."
  355. "No - no! It's ok, I... Look, I'm happy for how everything turned out. I really do. I'm glad we stopped in time and I could help you. This garbage is not proper food. You need to eat up alot more and you need a medical check-up. I have a friend who can provide It undercover, and... you need a lot more than that. It's night, so nobody could see you on the back seat."
  356. > Why do they look so sad?
  357. "I have a spare room, I could show you all the luxuries of the-"
  358. > "Dude, forget about it. There's gonna be a lot of consequences. And besides, we're not trusting a human. Ever."
  359. "Aww, cut it, Rainbow! You like living like a wild animals? I bet you two are eager to start the rescue mission shenanigans, ain't that right, AJ?"
  360. > Averting her gaze from the distance, she gave you that sad look again, then dropped her head.
  361. "A-applejack?..."
  364. > She just keeps staring at the ground. And now your heart is racing again.
  365. "Oh no. No, no, no! Girls... please, don't give me that! Nobody's ever gonna hurt you or make you do horrible things again, I promise! Just come with me!"
  366. > "They can't if they can't catch us. Duh."
  367. "No... Applejack, please, speak to me! It's a risk too, but my place is far less dangerous! AJ!"
  368. > "I-It ain't that easy, and ya know It."
  369. "I, uh... of course it's not! But we can get through! You see that I have the best intentions, right? You can trust no human, but you can trust me, right? Right?"
  370. > "Ah..."
  371. > "And now he's talking like them again."
  372. " 'Them'? Rainbow, please..."
  373. > "We know you for a few hours."- she said, still avoiding an eye contact - "And your friend, your neighbors, your... pony owners we don't know at all."
  374. "Yeah, of course, but... "
  375. "Let's face it girls, you really need help. Anything can happen here - wolves, stray dogs, hunters, like... literally, anyone could see you at any point and just inform the authorities. And they could easily catch you both if they need to. And then things can get really ugly."
  376. > "We've been mighty fine on our own fer months."
  377. "Doesn't look like it to me. At all. Girls..."
  378. > Rainbow finally looks straight into your eyes and locks her gaze on you.
  379. > And then you lost in thoughts.
  380. > Little ponies. Why would you do this to me? If only I could know what's going on in your heads, If only I could know what you're thinking about. If only I could see all the suffering you've been through, then maybe I could see clearly on how big of an idiot I am. Hate to admit, but they're right. You can't trust the first one to offer you his help in the alien world, where everybody is against your kind. But it hurts. Risk of losing them is the scariest thing that could happen right now.
  381. > After one eternity of staring in ner big magenta eyes, you finally broke it, wiping away a tear in your eye.
  382. > "AJ, we're leaving now."
  383. > "Ah... do believe." - she said, approaching you and placing her hooves on your shoulders. "Thank you, sugarcube. For everythin'. Ya'll did show us that not every of them is evil. Ah'll sure remember it."
  384. "I'll... I'll keep celebrating in the morning. I'll bring a lot more stuff, and I hope to see your company again soon."
  385. > "Ah'm afraid that's not g'na happen."
  386. > And the time has stopped. While everything was in myst before, now you clearly can't think straight.
  387. "W-wha, what do y-you mean?!"
  388. > "It's a farewell, partner."
  389. > "Yeah, thanks and all, but... how would we know if nobody knows where you are, or be hiding in the bushes with a syringe throwing stick? Or anywhere in this area. We've been in tartarus, and we sure don't wanna visit it again. Now share your goodbye kisses and we're off."
  390. "No..."
  391. > "Take it easy, sugarcube. And take care of yerself, ya hear? Time's gone by and things change. Ah hope we could see ya again in a better days."
  392. > Her words were repeating themselves like an echo in your head. You can't risk anything happening to them, but you simply can't afford to never see them again. Your only hope to overcome your guilt and start changing things for better was skipping away. Your path can't end right at the beginning, like it usually does. You want to see these two ponies happy and clean, along with their families and friends. There's simply nothing more that you could wish for right now.
  393. > With a sudden breeze, fire extincts, and while you've been staring at your hands, everything became dark. You lift your gaze up, and they was gone.
  394. "No-o-o-o, wa-a-ait!! Applejack!! Rainbow!!"
  395. > You grab your tablet for a light source and sprinted like a madman in their direction. But there was already no sight of them.
  396. "Girls, plea-ase! We need to ta-alk! I'm not gonna try to change it, I just want to talk! Please, sto-op!"
  397. > Left and right, stumbling over sticks and stones, you run like there's no tomorrow. And still you can't catch up with it.
  398. "Rainbow Da-a-ash!! Appleja-a-ack!! Don't leave me! It's dangerous, I don't want you to die he-ere! You need he... p-please, *pant* stop... don't make... oh god..."
  399. > Flipping through the pictures, you look at your photo of them.
  400. "Ah..."
  401. > ...
  402. "It's...It... It's ok-a-ay!! Everything will be ok, you hea-ar?!! I'm sorry-y!! Just stay strong, gi-irls! Please be strong for each other!! And you'll be fi-ine!! I'm always gonna be there for you-u! I'll bring you everything! I'll make sure that no bastard with weapons is gonna come to this place! Everything is gonna be at this hill! Any day! Take care of each other, gi-irls! Everything's gonna change, everything is gonna be better, you he-ear?! I'll never forget you!"

/irt/ ScootaTwin

by ponke

/irt/ Little sis Sweetie

by ponke

/irt/ Shirtless cousin Applejack [prompt]

by ponke

/spg/ Alone in the woods (CMC)

by ponke

/spg/ Escape into the Wild (AJ, RD)

by ponke