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Gryphanon - [RGRE] Anon Shenanigans in Minotaur land

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-18 08:18:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: Gryphanon
  2. Pastebin URL: Pqm2fFEj.html
  3. Date: Jan 13th, 2015
  5. ----------
  7. Anon Shenanigans in Minotaur land Mk.I Mod.I
  9. Be Anon
  10. >And be out on the road travelling to the Minotaur kingdom to see the sights.
  11. >Beautiful land from what you’ve heard, good food, art, history, ect.
  12. >That and well you could use a good long break from these ponies.
  13. >Those crazy ponies, mares mostly, were just not leaving you alone.
  14. >You would go to Gryphonia but you’ve seen a few around and you wanted an even more exotic experience.
  15. >So you threw together a rucksack full of the necessities and headed out for the Minotaur kingdom.
  16. >Some of the mares insisted they go with you and even made plans to.
  17. >Good thing you bullshited them about your timeline and left 3 days prior to what they thought.
  18. >You still made sure to leave before the sun rose and start out fast to put some distance on
  19. >You passed through a small town not too long ago and stayed the night.
  20. >First night in 3 days in a bad, so you got to wash up.
  21. >Got some stares as you rolled in but nothing too much, might have been the smell, you needed that shower.
  22. >According to the map you bought you should be approaching the border soon.
  23. >Actually you just crossed it, huh, must have good relations to have open borders like that
  24. >Time to keep moving on, according to your map you can reach one of their cities tomorrow afternoon.
  26. >It’s been a week of travel and you have enjoyed it a lot more than you thought
  27. >That dude who said something about the journey being the vacation was right, kinda.
  28. >But the thing he didn’t mention is that the Minotaur women have tits.
  29. >Tits Lee, tits!
  30. >They wear clothing too, mile mostly simple trousers and women also wear a sports bra looking thing.
  31. >They were also about your height, with a few being inches taller.
  32. >Couldn’t stop and stare too much, don’t want a bad first impression.
  33. >Got to keep moving, almost there.
  34. >You reach the city and wow; they were right when they said it was grand.
  35. >First order of business is find a place to sta…
  36. >And your growling stomach and dry throat beg to differ
  37. >City map out and time to search.
  38. >Let’s see what kind of establishment you can find that can satisfy those needs
  40. Be Saanvi the Minotauress
  41. >And be going to your favorite dive after work, hell yeah its Friday.
  42. >It’s not like you didn’t like your job, it was fulfilling and gave you that sense of accomplishment.
  43. >But carpentry can be tiresome.
  44. >The day was done though, and the only thing that can make it better than good beer and good food
  45. >Is a good man to relieve a week’s worth of stress.
  46. >Wait what is that?
  47. >Interrupting your merry thoughts running through your head you need your full attention.
  48. >It’s about your size, wearing a rucksack and looking through a map.
  49. >Hiking through the country? Most likely female
  50. >But its flat chest is very masculine.
  51. >Interested but not fully committed, hmm, just walk by for a closer look
  52. >Just when you start to pass It
  53. >”Excuse me Ma’am”
  54. >Oh that masculine voice took you a bit off guard.
  55. >Uh oh, the stakes suddenly got higher
  56. >You are sure enough that its male that you are willing to hit on him
  57. >Now the jackpot question: is he a normal just rough male, or one of those hippy-dippy pro-masculinists.
  58. >He is asking for your assistance so, hell you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
  61. Anon Shenanigans in Minotaur land Mk.I Mod. II
  63. You are Anon
  64. >And right now you are…ugh…. Asking for directions.
  65. >Yes you feel a little girly for this but you don’t feel like winding up in a bad place and getting culturally enriched.
  66. >Out of the corner of your eye you see a minotauress walking in your direction
  67. >About your height, D cup maybe, hmmmm
  68. >Nah not right now, priorities of work: Food, beverage, bed, and then sex.
  69. >As she gets closer you notice she’s got that “not looking at you so hard I’m looking at you” expression.
  70. >Right before she passes you it’s time to speak up.
  71. “Excuse me Ma’am”
  72. >Be polite, first impressions are the lasting ones.
  73. >She freezes in place for a bit before turning to face you.
  74. >Did you interrupt something complex she was thinking about? Oops.
  75. >Nice ass though
  76. >”Yes, sir?”
  77. “I uh.. need some help finding some things”
  78. >You give half the map for her to hold as you keep hold of the other half.
  79. “I’m looking for a place to stay and a place to eat”
  80. >She furrows her brow while scanning over the map
  81. “I’m looking for something cheap, and if you have any recommendations I’m listening”
  83. You are Saanvi
  84. >And you have been stopped by this strange male requesting directions.
  85. >Oh shit this might be hard to make work, you weren’t ready for this.
  86. >There is nothing to work with though, gimmie something else to work with.
  87. >”I’m looking for something cheap, and if you have any recommendations I’m listening”
  88. >Yes, there’s a break you needed.
  89. >Make some good suggestions, i.e. the bar you are on your way to.
  90. >”Sounds good, what’s it called?”
  91. “It’s called The Millstone”
  92. >He smiled a bit, stay on target.
  93. “It’s a few blocks down the way; I was already on my way there. Why don’t you come with me”
  94. >He nods in thought a bit before smelling himself.
  95. >It wasn’t too bad in your opinion; it was like some of the others after a hard day’s work.
  96. >”It’s been a while since I’ve had a shower, I don’t want to knock the place out”
  97. “Many go there after work, you’ll blend right in. Be sides I can tell you about lodging while we eat.”
  98. >”Alright lets go”
  99. >Nice, now you can get to know him better.
  102. Anon Shenanigans in Minotaur land Mk.I Mod. III
  104. Be Anon
  105. >And be sitting in a booth at The Millstone
  106. >Enjoying a hearty stout and roast chicken as you and Saanvi, as you found out, talk
  107. >You were here for at least a week before you started the trek back.
  108. >And you were just telling her some of your plans for said week.
  109. “After that I plan on visiting the Art museum, check out the historic district and hit up the Bazaar”
  110. >Drink some stout, eat some chicken, chew, swallow.
  111. “And finally round it out with a walk through the shipping district.”
  112. >”Sounds like you lined up a hell of a time”
  113. “Yeah, well I’ve never been here before, so I want to see a lot”
  114. >”I’d be happy to show you around some of those areas, on the weekends at least”
  115. >She takes a heavy swing of her drink, gurl can knock em’ down.
  116. >”Still need to make a living”
  117. >Thankfully you weren’t so tied down by your working hours.
  118. >One of the pros of your own small enterprise, flexible hours.
  119. “Understandable; now you said you knew about affordable lodging?”
  120. >She perks up a bit at that
  121. >”Why yes, while it may seem sudden or too convenient; I have a room in my house for rent if you’re interested.”
  122. >”Has everything you’ll need for your stay, and I don’t charge too high”
  123. >Interesting, well she does seem trustworthy enough
  124. >And this is for the sake of the plot
  125. >Ah what the hell, all you really need is a bed and a place to store your shit anyway.
  126. “I’ll take you up on that offer, Saanvi’
  127. >You extend your hand.
  128. >She reaches out and shakes it.
  129. >”Please, call me Vi (pronounced ‘vee’), I’m sure you’ll love it, follow me.”
  130. >You both pay your bills and leave.
  132. Be Saanvi the Minotauress
  133. >And be in a booth at the bar as Anon, as you found out, talks about his week’s plans.
  134. >He’s gonna visit some museums, historical spots, and of course the bazaar
  135. >A lot of sightseeing, sounds a bit fun actually.
  136. >You just hope none of the bazaar vendors try to take advantage of him
  137. >The bargaining can get fierce and sometimes very stressful, especially on males.
  138. ”I’d be happy to show you around some of those areas, on the weekends at least”
  139. >You drink heartily from your glass and he follows suit.
  140. >Thank goodness his tolerance is as much as his size would suggest, didn’t want to have to deal with a drunk him
  141. ”Still need to make a living”
  142. >“Understandable; now you said you knew about affordable lodging?”
  143. >Here goes nothing
  144. ”Why yes, while it may seem sudden or too convenient; I have a room in my house for rent if you’re interested.”
  145. ”Has everything you’ll need for your stay and I don’t charge much
  146. >He seems to be thinking it over carefully
  147. >“I’ll take you up on that offer, Saanvi’
  148. >He extends his hand, so you reach out and give it a shake.
  149. >A good firm shake, just like momma taught you.
  150. ”Please, call me Vi (pronounced ‘vee’), I’m sure you’ll love it, follow me.”
  151. >After paying your bill you lead him down the street to your modest little home.
  152. >Ah that guest room never really got used anyway, might as well use it to make some dosh
  153. >Lods of emone!
  154. >And have a pretty good looking male residing very close.
  155. >You know what they say “closeness breeds…comfort?” or something like that.
  156. >He’s quite the adventurous type; you find it pretty charming.
  157. >”So what’s it like living in the city?”
  158. >He seems really interested in this place, good
  159. >”I just come from a small town in equestria and am curious to how different it is”
  160. >This will take awhile to explain; at least the walk home won’t be so awkwardly silent.
  161. “Well since we have some time let me explain as best I can the whole thing.”
  164. Anon Shenanigans in Minotaur land Mk.I Mod. IV
  165. Be Anon
  166. >And you are a good listener; Vi’s explanation of city life was lengthy, but well detailed.
  167. >She also gave out some minor cultural tips that would make you not so blatantly an outsider
  168. >That and it made sure the walk to her house wasn’t awkwardly silent.
  169. >”Here is where I call home”
  170. >Her house was a very pretty hybrid of stonework and masonry, cozy, and two stories.
  171. >The small garden seems to comfort you somewhat, and it feels good to see a house that isn’t pony sized.
  172. >She opens up the door for you, how nice of her.
  173. >”Welcome to my adobe, it’s not much but I wouldn’t have it any other way”
  174. >It was very open and awash in warm colors. Thought sparsely furnished everything seemed to fit.
  175. >Very good craftsmanship and design.
  176. >You stop looking around when you notice she’s just standing there like she’s waiting for you.
  177. “Oh, sorry about that, your house is gorgeous”
  178. >”Thanks, I know it’s kind of bare but I enjoy the simplicity”
  179. >Does she think you don’t mean what you said? Is she a bit embarrassed? Why?
  180. >Ergh, women! So difficult to read their emotions.
  181. “I really like it, who built it?”
  182. >”I designed and built the whole thing”
  183. >It looks as if her shirt’s going to burst. Not from her (quite nice) tits, but from pride.
  184. >Damn, this gal can get shit done. Beautiful house and she built it. good on her.
  185. >”Here let me show you around”
  187. Be Saanvi
  188. >And be probably talking Anon’s ear off about the city, life in it, and culture
  189. >Hopefully he’s listening, males sometimes space out after they have to listen to chatter for awhile
  190. >But none the less he should be listening so he doesn’t stick out so much in his touring.
  191. >Man time flies when you’re talking, you’re already at your house.
  192. “Here is where I call home”
  193. >And you love your house; you built it yourself after all.
  194. >Mini garden, comfortably sized, he should enjoy it.
  195. >Open up the door, males first just like momma taught you
  196. “Welcome to my humble adobe, it’s not much but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  197. >No you wouldn’t, you designed it with cultural tradition in mind
  198. >Wide open enclosed spaces, arches, lightly stained furniture and warm colors.
  199. >You’re sure he would appreciate the aesthetics of it all, but normally males are more vocal about their feelings.
  200. >Does he not like it?
  201. >Does he think it’s too sparse? Does that imply I’m not financially stable?
  202. >”Oh, sorry about that, your house is gorgeous”
  203. >Does he mean that? Gah! Males, why do they have to be emotionally fickle.
  204. >Still, hide the confusion, put on a happy face
  205. “Thanks, I know it’s kind of bare but I enjoy the simplicity
  206. >”I really like it, who built it?”
  207. >Trying not to let your chest burst with pride
  208. “I designed and built the whole thing”
  209. >And to top it off he looks genuinely impressed, hell yeah
  210. “Here let me show you around”
  211. >He grabs his things
  212. >”Alright, can we go to the guest room first, I wanna drop my stuff off first”
  213. >This week is definitely going to be fun experience

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