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[Fingerbang][short] Apple Fisting

By ponke
Created: 2020-12-18 08:33:19
Expiry: Never

  2. > Applejack was always dreamed of saving her virginity for her future husband, but things didn't quite turned out her way
  3. > She already pre-sold her virginity when she was 17 to keep farm alive and to pay for Granny's surgery
  4. > And as she turned 18 and lost it on camera, she had a weird idea of stretching her insides, so "her future kid would came out easily and unharmed"
  5. > She started pushing bigger and bigger objects inside herself, to the point when she could easily put her entire fist inside her pussy, or maybe two.
  7. > Meanwhile Anon's life becomes more and more shittier after each passing day
  8. > He had lots of stress because of coming exams and arguing with drinking parents. And slept less than 4 hours per day
  9. > While compensating his growing depression with lots of beer and wanking to the soviet multi colored octopus cartoon
  10. > As a result, now he has an extremely low testosterone levels and no interest in living whatsoever
  11. > As the cleaning lady on med forums said, one of the ways to get his man health back together was eating healthy food, stop drinking, start working out and to sleep enough.
  12. > He started by offering his old friend to help around the farm, which she gladly accepted
  13. > And after hearing about his issue, she offered her help as well
  14. > "Wha, shoot. 'fcourse ah can help ya, sugarcube. Ya'll be back on yer feet in no time. Ain't nothing a good day of work and Granny's stew can't fix. We can go to the market to buy anythang you need, then ya can pull some weights with Mac later. And you welcome tah sleep in our place any day ya want, since yer folks, uh... ya know."
  15. "Yeah, thanks, Aj. You practically saved me from fucking hanging myself."
  16. > "Aww, don't say that, sugar. And since the, um... recent events, ah can... ya know, come again, how do ya fix yer tes... rone-steryon thingie?"
  17. "Well, there's a special diet, healthy lifestyle and no bad habits. And working out."
  18. > "Ah, 'kay. That's all, then?"
  19. "Uh huh. And having sex. Which is... not the possible scenario that I can-"
  20. > "Oh, ah see. Ya kno, since ah lost mah hymen anyway, think ah can give ya some ridin' as well. Go wash yer junk and meet me in mah room in a few mins."
  21. "W-wha... um, Aj, are you fucking with me?"
  22. > "Yup!"
  23. "No, shit... I mean, are you serious right now? This must be a joke, I-"
  24. > " 'fcourse ah am. Nothin' personal, jus' helpin' a friend out. Ya town folks really need tah be more casual 'bout some lovin'. Now move yer butt to the bathroom. An' grab some tissues."
  25. > When you arrived, her door was closed. Slapping yourself on the forehead, you decided to knock first.
  26. > "Ahnon, is that you?"
  27. "Y-yes, it's me."
  28. > "There's no one's around? Ah, wait... a lil... here, come in!"
  29. > The door unlocked and you saw that she was sitting on the side of her bed with her skirt and panties laying beside her, and covering her crotch with her hat.
  30. > "Close the door, loverboy."
  31. "Aw, crap. Sure, sorry."
  32. > Is this really happening?
  33. > She then stands, still covering herself with a hat and turned off the light. And you hear her throwing her hat away and crawling back at the bed.
  34. > "We can go doggie, but ah can stand beside the wall, too. Ah'm fine with both."
  35. "D-doesn't matter, Aj."
  36. > " 'kay, bed it is, then. Now ya can touch mah butt to aim yer thing properly, but don't go crazy with yer hands."
  37. "S-sure, but... I don't have any rubber at the moment."
  38. > You said, standing between her legs
  39. > "Why, yer sick or somethin'?"
  40. "N-no, but-"
  41. > "Then fuck 'em. Now get closer"
  42. > And you did. Pulling down your pants, you put your hand on her back.
  43. "So... are you really sure?"
  44. > "Don't hesitate, stud. And remember, no kissin', no touching breasts, no crazy talk, don't put yer fingers anywhere inside and don't make much noise. You can touch mah belly, mah legs and my butt, but that's it. Ah'm yer friend, not fiancee. No offence."
  45. "Yeah, I-I get it. Thanks."
  46. > You said, prodding at her buttcheek with your dick and searching for the target.
  47. > "Jus' to get it out of the way. And, ah... ya need to ger higher, and... a lil' bit to the left... good! Now put it in and just finish yer business."
  48. > In the darkness, you can feel a burning wetness around your head.
  49. > "Don't be shy, push already!"
  50. > She said, moving her hips back and swallowing your entire length in one go.
  52. > Your first experience was quite... embarrassing, to say the least. Not only you couldn't hear a single moan from her, but after 5 minutes in heaven you could feel yourself getting softer. And then you couldn't continue.
  53. > Applejack wasn't disappointed, but better, she offered to try again at the night.
  54. > And you tried. And tried.
  55. > In a week fucking her become a daily routine - in a barn, at the wall in the bathroom, at the apple tree when no one's around. And you can feel you man power getting back.
  56. > But still, as much as you tried every time, you could barely hear any changes in her breathing. Which is not a big of surprise, since she was... really loose.
  57. > And after another "therapy session" you finally decided to bring that up.
  58. > "Heh, well... don't get me wrong, you can pleasure any girl ya want, but... ya know, my cousin lost her baby due to asphyc... ficsia... asfinci... well, she was stuck and couldn't breathe. I don't want to lost mah future kid to this as well, so I began... stretching. Ya know what ah mean."
  59. "I see... sorry."
  60. > " 's fine. And ah'm doin' it just for you, not for me. Seriously, don't worry about it. Ah did it to my body myself. And If ya really want to make me feel good, then, heh... ah think you hawta put a big veterinary glove on yer hand and use my cervix as a punching machine."
  61. > ...
  62. > Was that a joke?
  63. > Guess there's only one way to find out.
  64. "Well, is that's so, then..."
  65. > While she was still laying on her belly, you put another condom on your hand and without warning squeeze your entire hand inside her with surprising ease, almost reaching to the elbow.
  66. > "A-ahnon! Hey!" - she shouts, jerking away.
  67. > Your hand feels so hot at her indides. You pull it out and slam back in. And again.
  68. > "Corsarnit, s-stop!"
  69. > You pull her weight back and kept fisting her with steady rhytm, while massaging her labia and clitoris with the other hand.
  70. > "Ah... A-non! What the f-f... ah... are you d... m-m-ph..."
  71. > The next minute everything you can hear is her moans and slapping of your hand in and out. And then she stands on her knees with her butt in the air and squeezed the bedsheets, while greeding her teeth. Felling yourself getting hard again, you kept going.
  72. "Oh yeah, Aj. You like it, don't you? I'm just... o-of, paying you back. Want me to go faster?"
  73. > "Mmph! I, f-f.. y-y... ye-a... ah!"
  74. > With you hand already getting tired, you gave all you got, and after another few minutes she suddenly squeezed your hand with her insides and fell back, spasming and arching her back.
  76. > When the orgasm finally faded and she calmed down, you gently put a thin blanket on her, then out of nowhere you can feel a strong slap on your cheek with a loud tinnitus coming with it.
  77. > "Fer fuck's sake, what is wrong with you?!"
  78. "I, uh..."
  79. > "Ah never asked for this, Anon, ah don't want! Ah told ya to keep yer hands for yourself!"
  80. > Still stunned, you can barely make out of what she was saying.
  81. > "Fer fuck's sakes, just when ya trying to be kind to people... Sigh... ya know what?" - said, standing up and approaching the door ass-naked.
  82. > "Ah think ya need to check your hormone level, ya might don't need to do it anymore already!" - she shouts, slamming the door shut.
  83. > "And yer welcome, by the way! Go visit yer parents, it's been a while!"
  84. > ...
  85. "Fuckin' hell..."

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