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/FlutterRape/ 1: Operation Dollop

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2020-10-22 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-09 17:43:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Fluttershy
  2. >You've been visiting the Ponyville hospital a lot this last month, mostly to buy surplus supplies for animals that end up hurt from playing too hard
  3. >But for another reason too
  4. >You most certainly were not keeping track of the right time, but now was ideal to finally talk to him
  6. >There he is
  7. >The mysterious man you know as Anon
  8. >He's wearing a set of scrubs, so you know for sure that he must be a very respected member of the healthcare field
  9. >Oh my, and with him is your good friend Rainbow Dash!
  10. >They're always hanging out
  11. >It's enough to make you blush with the most mellow sense of jealousy
  12. >She belts out the next line, trotting at his side
  15. >Both of them strike action poses with invisible weaponry and cry out at the same time
  16. >"THE E.V.S. DEPLOYS!"
  17. >It sounds like something they've practiced dozens of times before
  18. >They hold the pose for a few seconds too long
  19. >Long enough that they notice you explicitly watching them
  20. >Stuck like a pony staring down a stampede, you lift yourself up and clap with your hooves
  21. "O-Ohh.. uh... yay. That was amazing work!"
  22. >Anon awkwardly tries to play off of the compliment with a bow while Dash laughs at him
  23. >"You dork, Fluttershy totally saw you!"
  24. >"Good, it means that she can see how you were off key."
  25. >"Wha-off key!? Screw that, you were too quiet!"
  26. >"I was not!"
  27. >Such tenacity and skill
  28. >It's enough to make you swoon
  29. "Excuse me, but, um, I certainly enjoyed it."
  30. >Anon smiles at you
  31. >It's enough to make your heart skip a beat
  32. >"And that's why you're the best, Buttershy."
  33. "Fluttershy."
  34. >"Right on, senorita."
  35. >Without giving you another thought, they start to stroll off
  36. >"Alright nerd, you remember the second verse, right?"
  37. >"Do losers wear scrubs?"
  38. >"I'll take that as a 'no'. Alright, follow my lead."
  39. >"No one could follow your lead even if yo--"
  41. >Anon belts out line after line, matching his syllables with his stride
  42. >He has such an even tempo
  43. >You find yourself humming the tune while you prance to the hospital
  44. >You completely forgot to ask him if he would like to spend some time with you, though
  45. >But that's ok
  46. >You know when he usually takes his lunches since Rainbow Dash is usually around him when he's available
  47. >Again, you are just a teensy bit jealous
  48. >Later today you'll have to remember to ask him
  49. >You still need to get those supplies, anyway
  50. >Not wanting to make it seem like more than a coincidence, you take a stroll around Ponyville for the morning
  51. >You see Rainbow Dash skilfully skate across the sky
  52. >That tiny tinge of jealousy fades
  53. >Not that you're jealous of her
  54. >Oh my, no
  55. >You just want to be friends with Anon like she is
  56. >You're friends with nearly every creature known to pony
  57. >Except the one human in Equestria
  58. >The one man
  59. >He is a male
  60. >You made sure of that
  61. >Like you do with all of your more mysterious finds, you've researched and watched him extensively
  62. >He doesn't like hayburgers, but he does enjoy putting everything in burger form
  63. >He eats a ton too, compared to any pony
  64. >He's strong, too
  65. >You once saw him run faster than Spike chasing Rarity because he saw a spider!
  66. >You spend so much time walking around with your mind focused on him that you don't even realized it's past noon
  67. >That means Anon's at lunch!
  68. >In mid-step your wings spread and you launch off the ground to a blistering speed of... a light jog
  69. >You aren't in that big a rush and it's a straight line when you're in the sky
  70. >When you make it to the roof of the hospital, you know for a fact that you aren't late
  71. >"God damn it Dash, every day you take my yogurt. It's exhausting!"
  72. >"Blame yourself for making it so good, dork."
  73. >Oh my
  74. >You can't help but fly faster at the sound of that
  75. >"Get off of me, you already got it!"
  76. >"No way fag, I know you got more!"
  77. >"You're insatiable, it's insane!"
  78. >Your entire body burns at the sound of what could only be described as a struggle
  79. "Hold it right there, Rainbow Dash!"
  80. >You belt out your softest, sternest voice and point your hoof at the assault in progress
  81. >Popping into their view like a yellow ninja, you see that... it's just Anon bracing himself against the pegasus while holding a picnic basket
  82. >Both of them look at you
  83. >You silently huff, glancing over the scene
  84. >His pants are on
  85. >There's white stuff all over her mouth
  86. >A jar is on the floor
  87. "...huh?"
  88. >Both of them look at you
  89. >"Fluttershy?"
  90. >Anon's eyebrows raise
  91. >He doesn't look like he's being... attacked
  92. >"Why are you breathing so hard?"
  93. >Thick, fluffy white drips off of her mouth, which ignites something almost too strong to bear inside of you
  94. "I... um... th-that doesn't... I mean..."
  95. >You tremble in place, your mouth dry
  96. >For being his hero, you sure aren't saving him from any sort of embarrassment
  97. >Taking your distraction as a chance, he shoves Dash away from him, nursing his basket
  98. >"Freaking maniac... can you talk some sense into her? Every single day this little pain in the ass steals my yogurt! Do you know how hard it is to make this sort of stuff just right?"
  99. >Dash gives you a lecherous leer, her tongue lapping over mouth to clean herself up
  100. >You know she knows what you're thinking
  101. >"It's good. Poor guy just gives it up to the first pony that demands it. I'm always first so I always get it."
  102. >"I do not! You steal it from me and the one time you paid me I felt even dirtier for having sold it to begin with... my poor stuff... I have too much respect to keep letting you get away with it..."
  103. >Anon nurses his violated jar, crushed that yet another batch had been taken from him
  104. >You stay, frozen in place
  105. >Dash smirks at you, her face finally clean
  106. >"You gotta try it Fluttershy. I bet a pony like you would do anything for it."
  107. >She flies off, the force of her departure knocking you over like a plastic toy
  108. >Anon eventually collects himself and leaves, too overcome with sorrow to pay attention to you
  109. >You stay in position despite laying on your side
  110. >You could've sworn it was something else
  111. >But then your eyes pick up something
  112. >A dollop of white
  113. >A tiny piece of shrapnel borne from Anon's yogurt container
  114. >Your eyes dilate to the needlepoints
  115. >The fire inside burns so brightly that it melts your joints enough to move again
  116. >You slide toward it with your wings, your legs useless
  117. >Unable to help yourself, your tongue leaves your mouth and touches the smidgen of Anon's yogurt
  118. >Just like that, the answer to every question you ever had is revealed
  119. >You gotta have more
  120. >You need to have more
  121. >You WILL have more
  122. >After coming down from your high
  123. >And after letting the inferno inside die down to a mere simmer
  124. >You finally enter the hospital to pick up what you needed
  125. >You play it cool and nice like normal but internally you're alert
  126. >With a saddle bag full of goodies, you linger around for just a few minutes
  127. >No sign of Anon
  128. >Or his yogurt containers
  129. >He's wearing pants, so of course you wouldn't see any containers
  130. >Oh my, the thoughts are coming back again
  131. >You sneak out before you make a mess or cause a scene
  132. >You think of what you need to do to obtain more than a dollop of Anon's manly yogurt
  133. >In fact, you're so devious and serious about this that you've even made a name for it!
  134. >Operation Dollop
  135. >You want to ask Rainbow Dash for assistance but you don't want her to make fun of you
  136. >Or worse, you don't want her to tell Anon
  137. >If he finds out, he may not want to share some with you
  138. >If he finds out, he may even stop churning out such gloriously cream
  139. >Yogurt counts as a cream, doesn't it?
  140. >While patching up a poor iguana that got in a fight with a big bird, a thought comes into your head
  141. >What if you were to visit Anon when he's at home?
  142. >If Rainbow Dash wasn't around, you could be alone with him
  143. >And you could ask him
  144. >And maybe you could even offer something in return
  145. >The iguana squeaks out
  146. >It turns out you've wrapped him up into a giant ball of gauze!
  147. "Oops... I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was doing so much."
  148. >The iguana looks at you with a judgmental glare, as if it could tell what you were thinking
  149. >A flicker of it's tongue in the air leads you to blush and awkwardly smile
  150. >It surely can't taste what you've been thinking, can it?
  151. >Or how your body has been reacting to your thoughts
  152. "For helping you out... could you help me maybe?"
  153. >The iguana replies only with a blink
  154. "Once your wounds heal... could you visit a really good friend of mine? I... um, I want to learn of when he comes home."
  155. >The iguana, skilled in subterfuge, watches you without comment
  156. "If you do, I'll give you some of the yummiest berries I found! I promise they're the best I've found all spring!"
  157. >You smile with a squee
  158. >The iguana of masterful mercantilism remains stoic
  159. "...and I'll give you some honey."
  160. >It's tongue darts out
  161. >Thus, the deal is struck
  162. >Anon's privacy is now forfeit
  163. "Yay. Thank you, I appreciate it so much."
  164. >Operation Dollop is going swimmingly
  165. >It might even succeed by tonight!
  166. >Rainbow Dash won't be able to tease you once you show her that you've taken all of Anon's yogurt for yourself
  168. >Be iguana
  169. >Be a loyal soldier of fortune and spy of unintelligible mental acuity
  170. >The yellow pervert of abundant honey deposited you outside of the target's home
  171. >Outskirts of Ponyville, in a home big enough for six ponies
  172. >Target isn't rich by any means but the ponies are quite charitable to build appropriate accommodations without gratuitous debt
  173. >With windowsill captured, you scan the current room
  174. >A kitchen
  175. >Indeed, a place of dairy-focused alchemy
  176. >Muscles twitch and spasm, leading you to a counter
  177. >Four jars, slotted into a sort of clay container
  178. >Using skill passed down through incalculable generations, your tongue flicks out and tastes the air
  179. >Twice
  180. >Thrice
  181. >Five times over
  182. "Holy shit, a lizard!"
  183. >Subject acquired
  184. >Head rotates to the right angle to view subject: Anonymous
  185. >A lazy looking specimen, compared to a minotaur or creature of similar size
  186. >You activate a secret skill and your eyes slowly space apart until you look like a fellow comrade known as Gummy
  187. "Aw look at you, derpy little bud! How'd you get hurt, anyway? Looks like you got bandages on you or something."
  188. >Eyes space apart as much as possible
  189. >Must distract from oversight and mending injuries
  190. "Actually... probably a friend of Fluttershy, right? She's a goofy gal, I tell you hwhat. Lemme guess, yogurt fan too? I actually traded a jar for more ingredients. It's the type of hobby that feeds itself and then some!"
  191. >Eyes redirect to the jars that are laying in stasis
  192. >Legs scamper and slide with skill until a jar is in front of your face
  193. >Eyes derp out once more
  194. "I see... interested in how it's made, huh? Well, lucky for you I got just the stuff! Check this shit out."
  195. >One eye focuses on Anonymous while the other focuses on the jar
  196. >Data collection is such a chore but the sexually repressed equine obviously wanted instructions on yogurt creation
  197. >When he 'comes home' seems to vary given the variety of dirt, mud, and rock dust that has collected on his boots
  198. >Given his focus on brewing such a concoction, it is the true target
  199. >Eyes dart and record every motion and ingredient
  200. >Occasional 'cute' grunts are given as responses to questions and commentary made regarding ingredient mixing and blending
  201. >Time passes and subject Anonymous presents a jar full of ingredients
  202. >The jar is placed into the clay container
  203. >Mission completed, legs start to scamper into overdrive
  204. >Except the escape route has been closed!?
  205. >Too much forward momentum leads to collision
  206. "Whoa now there, guy. You really going to leave before trying some? You know, you're a really good listener. Lemme grab a spoon and give you a taste."
  207. >Scampering intensifies
  208. >Escape must be found
  209. >Human hands capture your body
  210. >Abort
  211. >ABORT
  213. >ABORT
  214. "You like blueberries, yeah? Try this out. I got three more types you could like too."
  215. >NO ESCAPE
  217. >Being the friend to all animals is quite a time taking task!
  218. >After sending Iguana off to... not spy, but watch Anon without his knowledge, you return home
  219. >Or you intended to
  220. >Evidently a lot of animals have been complaining of getting terrible, terrible tummy aches
  221. >You took a detour into the woods, following a wild field mouse that was white all over
  222. >It led you to a... jar?
  223. >Whoever might be silly enough to abandon a jar that... isn't empty?
  224. >You land beside the evidence
  225. >It's mostly gone but there's some white stuff at the very bottom of it
  226. >You bend over and hug your face against the grass, sniffing at the jar opening
  227. >That scent
  228. >Your eyes dilate and you stuff your snoot into it
  229. >Before you even know what had come over you, you cleaned the jar of any evidence!
  230. >It was most certainly from Anon
  231. >You would recognize his fluffy white stuff anywhere
  232. >You visibly tremble as you swallow, greatly confusing the field mouse
  233. >The poor thing was coated in Anon's yogurt
  234. "Oh.... oh my... Ms. Field Mouse, are there more jars like this? Just how are all of the animals here getting sick?"
  235. >You stuff the now-cleaned jar into your saddlebag and follow the mouse
  236. >You see the mouse leading you almost back to Anon's house
  237. >He does live partially out in the wilderness, like you do
  238. >She stops, in front of a large bowl
  239. >It's almost a cauldron
  240. >Large enough that you could sleep in it!
  241. >You peer inside and see dozens upon dozens of berries, fruits, nuts and more!
  242. >Flanking the cauldron is two jars of yogurt!
  243. >You divebomb them, slurping down every drop
  244. >In a blur off gooey, warm delight, you end up with two now empty jars
  245. >You stare up at the oh so beautifully blue sky
  246. >This is what heaven feels like
  247. >In an instant, as if it all catches up to you, you shudder
  248. >Hard
  249. >And you hear yourself spray
  250. >You really feel like you're flowing now
  251. >Anon's love
  252. >In your mouth
  253. >In your belly
  254. >All of it is just so...
  255. >The field mouse looks down at you from the cauldron
  256. >Even though it's only a mouse, you can't help but feel a judgmental glare
  257. >You try to mumble out an excuse, that you were just excited
  258. >Or that you were just tired
  259. >But you can't bring yourself to care
  260. >The strong, lingering scent of your mare juice mixing with the immediate scent of anon's yogurt on your lips makes you shudder again
  261. >You giggle
  262. >Oh Fluttershy, you are such a mare
  263. >Eventually, you stumble back to your hooves
  264. >You place the empty jar that had in your saddlebag next to the other two
  265. >You would hate for Anon to not have any jars for him to pump full of his yogurt
  266. >His masculine, delicious, perfect yogurt
  267. >The heat on your face and the way your breathing turned to faint heaving and gasping might lead to somepony mistaking you for being in estrus
  268. >Glossy-eyed and unable to stop smiling, you look at the field mouse
  269. >"Oh... I think I know what you mean by having a tummy ache now..."
  270. >Your tummy is more full yet it also feels so empty
  271. >"I will investigate this immediately!"
  272. >You look off into the distance
  273. >Anon has probably gotten off work already
  274. >And you really would not want to bother him, especially since Iguana is there
  275. >"S-starting tomorrow, I mean... I wouldn't want to bother him and... with all of that bad... naughty... thick..."
  276. >You can hear yourself starting to pant again
  277. >"Um... with all of it gone, no pony else, or animal, will get another tummy ache!"
  278. >The field mouse doesn't buy it
  279. >You do your best to smile but given your current mindset and heart rate, it comes off as a sleazy, satisfied grin
  280. >"I... I gotta go! Please let me know if you find anymore!"
  281. >Not wanting to linger any longer, you take to the skies and fly straight home
  282. >You have to clean yourself up
  283. >And with the taste of Anon's yogurt on your tongue still, you're going to need both hooves to calm down
  284. >Thank goodness Angel tends to stay outside during the spring season
  286. >Be yogurt master
  287. >Be the most important employee of Ponyville's hospital
  288. >The one
  289. >The only
  290. >Anonymous
  291. >You stand proud, watching the iguana you fed your fresh, hot yogurt to
  292. >It kinda struggled at first but it tired out before you did
  293. >After feeding it some of the strawberry, it mellowed out pretty well
  294. "Now tell me that ain't the shit, homestar."
  295. >It's eyes fully derped out, it falls over to it's side, belly distended
  296. >It lets out a wheezy "eugh"
  297. "Exactly. Now here's a secret between you and I..."
  298. >You lean down and into the iguana
  299. >It barely pays you any mind
  300. "If I didn't waste time making this, I'd have gone crazy by now. And if everyone really likes this, I may actually start selling it. Don't tell R.Dash."
  301. >You retreat, smirk on your face
  302. >The lizard couldn't give half of a fuck
  303. "Speaking of going crazy, I gotta check out what I got going for me. Building an empire, my guy!"
  304. >You go out the kitchen door into the back of the house
  305. >You've been striking a deal with the local wildlife
  306. >You were always a cool guy with animals before you came to Equestria, and the ones here are far smarter
  307. >Less violent too
  308. >The only worry you had was a squirrel that kept coming after your nuts
  309. >Pants are a glorious thing
  310. >Your plan, such as it was, involved a fair trade
  311. >You couldn't spend your free time buying fruits and crap, especially because that would start to raise questions
  312. >So you give some of your yogurt to the local wildlife
  313. >And they pick the landscape clean for the best ingredients
  314. >You give them a quarter of your yields every other day, and that keeps them happy
  315. >You don't really regulate who gets how much, but all of the goods keep coming in so you don't worry about it
  316. >Who knew that the honor system worked so well?
  317. >You enjoy your stroll to your supply point
  318. >The cauldron cost you a pretty penny but keeping finances in Equestria is pretty easy
  319. >Just took you a few weeks of working things out
  320. >Having fingers and a human physique leads to a lot of pony-focused labor getting done in a fraction of the time
  321. >Maybe that's why it feels like you don't do anything at work
  322. >After a good ten minute walk, you find your cauldron
  323. >And... three empty jars?
  324. >Didn't you only leave two?
  325. >Well, you were missing one from last week but still
  326. >You also notice that part of the cauldron looks... wet?
  327. >It looks a bit like glistening slime
  328. >Honey?
  329. >You kneel down and slide your finger over the liquid
  330. >It smells...
  331. >Well let's put it this way, it smells like anything except honey
  332. >You stick your finger in your mouth
  333. >It tastes very much different from honey
  334. ...
  335. >You swipe your finger across more of the mess, tasting it
  336. >Not like anyone could judge you
  337. >And live
  338. >The gears in your head turn at the rate of a mile a minute
  339. >This taste
  340. >This scent
  341. >The empty jars
  342. "RAINBOW DASH!"
  343. >The bitch found out about your gig!
  344. >Bitch ate your yogurt!
  347. >You scream up into the sky, shaking your fists
  348. >Erection aside from tasting the evidence she left behind, you would have your revenge!
  349. >No one steals from the gurtmeister
  351. >You had a dream
  352. >That you, Anonymous, had become a professional dairy slime slinger
  353. >Everyone in Ponyville cheered for your products
  354. >You even created a product that you could consume on the go
  355. >Yogurt on the go
  356. >Gogurt, even
  357. >No one from home can copyright sue you when you're in Equestria
  358. >There was only one issue
  359. >One pony
  360. >One mare
  361. >One that never left your side, yet wasn't willing to join you
  362. >She was a shadowy figure
  363. >Her name was...
  364. "Anon! Hey, Anon wake up! Wake up wake up wake up!"
  365. >You bolt upright, to hug that mare
  366. >Instead, when you realize you're up, you're strangling Rainbow Dash
  367. >She's in your home
  368. >Your room
  369. >Again
  371. >She gargles something out
  372. >You can vaguely hear the word 'nerd' burp out
  373. >You let go of her, letting your head fall back onto your pillow
  374. "I'm tired, man... and you already stole more of my yogurt."
  375. >Dash, unrestrained, stands on your chest and looks down at you directly
  376. >"You think I stole more from you? What, are you missing jars?"
  377. >You close your eyes again and yawn
  378. "If not you, someone found a jar I had been missing and brought it back. And then two I had out were taken and emptied out. I know I got a thief somewhere..."
  379. >"Hm... where were the jars?"
  380. >You scoff
  381. "I'm not telling you of all ponies! I know you'll just swipe it all for yourself."
  382. >Dash's ears flatten, hurt at the accusation
  383. >As if she hasn't already bullied you into giving her free helpings of pure creamy goodness
  384. >"I wouldn't do that! Not when you aren't there to shout at me, anyway. That's half the fun."
  385. >You frown, not convinced
  386. >But
  387. >There is one way to tell
  388. "...Hey Dash..."
  389. >Dash leans down
  390. >"Yeah?"
  391. "Rainbow..."
  392. >You sound serious
  393. >Her tone grows more concerned
  394. >"...something up?"
  395. "Would you ever cum on my stuff?"
  396. >You get a hoof stomped into your face for your question
  397. >"N-no way! What makes you think I would do that?!"
  398. >She practically squeaks at the end of her rebuttal
  399. >But you aren't convinced
  400. >Not that you can speak with your face full of hoof
  401. >You grab her leg and pry it off of your face, immediately grabbing her other front leg with your other hand
  402. >You know she'd try that move again
  403. >She's faster but you're stronger
  404. >Your eyes open and stare her down
  405. >She has a serious blush on her face, and a panicked expression
  406. "I know it was you, Dash."
  407. >She struggles against you, unable to stop herself from getting more and worked up
  408. >"I-it wasn't me, promise! I wouldn't do that!"
  409. "Own up to it, featherbrain, I know no one else would do it!"
  411. "YES YOU DI-wait what."
  412. >The struggle ends right there
  413. >You stare at her
  414. >She stares at you
  415. >This was about a cauldron
  416. >Not soap
  417. >She came on your soap?
  418. " body soap?"
  419. >She doesn't answer
  420. "The soap I scrub my entire body with?"
  421. >She looks away from you
  423. >"I-IT WAS A JOKE! A PRANK!"
  424. >You whip her around and hug her torso
  425. >Hard
  426. >Her legs give out
  427. >She's left facing away with you, with her hind end facing you
  428. >From here, the scent is different from what was on the cauldron
  429. >But such evidence is inconclusive
  430. >"A-anon, I'm sorry, don't do it!"
  431. >You lean your face forward
  432. >It's dark out but you can make out a pony butt when it's in front of you
  433. >And what is exactly under the pony butt
  434. "Rainbow Dash..."
  435. >You grumble
  436. >Are you really going to go through with this?
  437. >You need to know
  438. >And she's sat on your face before, for various reasons
  439. >Intimacy was never taken seriously with her, but it has been undeniably there for a while now
  440. >"C-come on, let me go and I'll let you go back to sleep! Promise!"
  441. "No chance. I'm getting to the bottom of this."
  442. >You dive in
  443. >Rainbow Dash yelps out into the darkness, her wings spreading into full bloom
  444. >It isn't long before you get more than enough evidence
  445. >More than enough scent and taste to count for breakfast
  446. ...
  447. >She wasn't the one who marked your cauldron?!
  449. >After flying home and exercising hard enough to make you dizzy, you had the most pleasant sleep
  450. >It was good indeed that Angel wasn't around to see his mama go at it like a filly that just got her first compliment
  451. >Not that you did that when you were younger
  452. >You awoke to a bright and shiny new day, full of wonder and beauty!
  453. >Surely that iguana friend you helped would be back soon to tell you all about Anon's schedule and when he came home
  454. >You would very much like to visit him
  455. >And perhaps
  456. >Maybe
  457. >Ask him for a direct dose of his creamy stuff
  458. >No, focus Fluttershy
  459. >You can't go at it again in the early morning, the other ponies will think an animal had an accident on you
  460. >Again
  461. >While making breakfast for yourself, you see your informative friend waddle up to your window!
  462. >He looks awfully full, and kinda out of it
  463. >Or was his eyes always so... spaced out?
  464. >"EuEuGh."
  465. >Oh my
  466. "O-oh... Mr. Iguana! Are you ok?"
  467. >You hurry over to him
  468. >It's a wonder he can still climb up your house
  469. >He looks like he ate a duckling, or three!
  470. >"E e e e u g g g"
  471. >He opened his maw
  472. >And vomited
  473. >It came out like he hacked up a hairball
  474. >Except it was all white
  475. "Oh no... don't tell me you didn't get distracted?!"
  476. >The iguana, now purged with acceptable means, glares at you
  477. >It is not pleased
  478. >It slowly blinks at you, grimacing the way only an iguana can
  479. >You rush to wipe up the spitball of a mess, too focused on gaining information to notice that what he spat up was suspiciously familiar to what sent you into overdrive yesterday
  480. >You have more than enough rags and cloths for that sort of accident
  481. >Sometimes it is a little challenging to take care of so many sick critters
  482. >When you finish, you bring your face up to the friendly, yet professional reptile
  483. "What time does he come home? What time does he leave for work? Was Rainbow Dash or any other pony with him?"
  484. >The iguana stares at you, displeased with his experience
  485. >You had not told him that there would be risks
  486. >His expression says it all
  487. >He was captured
  488. >Made to talk
  489. >Things
  490. >Happened to him
  491. >You hang your head
  492. "Oh... I didn't think Anonymous kept his home so secured..."
  493. >You look at the clock
  494. >It's still early but surely it must be time for him to go to work!
  495. >You begin to trot in place
  496. >You want to help your little informant
  497. >But you want to meet Anon too before he goes to work
  498. >The longer you contemplate your action, the closer he is to work!
  499. "S-sorry, please excuse me!"
  500. >You sprint out of your home and glide off, going to Anon's house
  501. >If you're lucky you can surprise him by 'accidentally' bumping into him and then striking up a conversation!
  502. >After chatting and visiting him for lunch over the next few weeks you might be able to go out on a date and after the first date he'll offer to splatter your tongue with his yogurt and before you know it you'll be his marefriend and have access to all of his yogurt at any hour, every day!
  503. >This makes you fly harder
  504. >Faster
  505. >All the way until you see him in the distance
  506. >This is the chance!
  507. >You divebomb down below, only to miss him
  508. >He's carrying something in his arms
  509. >Someone
  510. >You turn around, preparing your speech of 'fancy meeting you here'
  511. >Only to see him carrying Rainbow Dash
  512. >She looks like she's absolutely blessed
  513. >She's looking up at him in a very special way
  514. >You have enough animal sense and empathy to know what that look is
  515. >It's love
  516. >You open your mouth to speak but your ears listen faster than you can speak
  517. >"-again, that was... I don't even know what. I've never flew so fast before..."
  518. >Anon smirks down at her
  519. >"Consider this a warning: you steal another jar, you know exactly what I'll do to you."
  520. >Rainbow Dash squirms in his arms
  521. >"C-come on, don't say it like that! If you do..."
  522. >Anon stops
  523. >He just now notices you
  524. >"Oh, hey Buttershy. Good morning."
  525. >"Yeah. Hey Buttershy."
  526. >Dash doesn't even look at you
  527. >The only creature in her eyes is the one carrying her
  528. >Your jaw drops and you watch him walk right past you
  529. >He's in his scrubs so you know he's going to work
  530. >But
  531. >The way they were looking at each other
  532. >You're gobsmacked
  533. >Even after they've long left your hearing range, you can hardly believe it
  534. "...Eee..."
  535. >You squeak out a sound of defeat and fall over, like so many fainting goats have done before you
  536. >Operation Dollop... was not a success
  538. Operation Dollop: F A I L U R E
  539. Jars Returned: 1
  540. Orgasms Had: 7
  541. Wages Paid: twenty strawberries, six ounces of raw honey
  542. Hearts Captured: N/A
  543. Human Friends Made: N/A
  544. Human Dicks Sucked: N/A
  545. Rank: Floozy

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon