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/FlutterRape/ 4: Operation Cider

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2020-10-22 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-09 17:44:08
Expiry: Never

  1. "What do I do... Rainbow Dash is getting so much bolder... I thought Anon returned my love. I mean... I think he loves me back. He said so, you know. But he just needs me to... I don't know what he needs me to do. But I can't do nothing..."
  2. >"Yeah huh."
  3. >THWACK
  4. >You've been so terribly sad over the last few days
  5. >You've cried as much as you have masturbated
  6. >You're sure Rainbow Dash is laughing at you too
  7. >She knows that you and Anon share a special bond
  8. >She knows that your love of his thick, creamy, warm yogurt is only the tip of the iceberg for why you love him so
  9. >You've tried talking to Rarity about this but as soon as you entered her parlor, she made a big panic about how she was in the middle of packing
  10. >There's going to be a really big fashion show in Manehattan
  11. >And she said she doesn't know how long it'll be, but she'll be gone and unable to help any further
  12. >Good for her
  13. >Your second option was to go to Applejack!
  14. >She's such a good listener
  15. >You don't know how she might help you with Anon but you need to get a friend's opinion
  16. "Have you ever felt this sort of anxiety, Applejack? I know you are such a hard worker and do not have as many opportunities to meet a nice colt..."
  17. >"Yeah huh."
  18. >THWACK
  19. >You've been walking with her for an hour now, talking to her while she goes from tree to tree
  20. >She bucks them so hard, you're surprised the trees haven't fallen over!
  21. >You wish you could buck Anon that hard
  22. >He would probably buck back
  23. >You clear your throat and flap your wings
  24. >Your body has been so terribly sore lately, but some things just don't want to quit
  25. "I'm so glad I'm not the only one... how can I make him and I work? It seems like Rainbow Dash is sticking to him harder and harder now... she still wears those bracelets. And one time, when I was... visiting them for a surprise, I heard them..."
  26. >"Yeah huh."
  27. >THWACK
  28. "She had that silly retainer on... and she was quite loud... I, I did not watch them. Not really. But Anon really liked that..."
  29. >"Yeah huh."
  30. >THWACK
  31. "I'm so jealous I, I could just..."
  32. >You stomp down with your hoof as hard as you can
  33. >But not too hard
  34. >You wouldn't want to disrupt any worms that are working hard to make the soil soft and healthy
  35. >You don't really know what worms to, to be honest
  36. >But they would not appreciate the racket
  37. >"Yeah huh..."
  38. >THWACK
  39. >"Listen, sugercube. Ah got sum stuff goin' on so ah ain't gonna be able to do a ton for ya."
  40. >You hang your head
  41. >You wish you wore your hoodie
  42. >It helps keep attention off your face when the hood is up
  43. >And Anon still likes that sort of thing
  44. "I understand... I appreciate you listening to me either way."
  45. >"But..."
  46. >Applejack stretches out her hooves, each one popping and crackling
  47. >She's so strong
  48. >And smart too
  49. >"Ah gotta work double quick on these here apples. Ahm gettin' a new shipment of cider in and ah gotta send them the best picks of the litter so next batch is even better. Why don't y'all come down here and try some out? Ahm gonna get everyone to show up. Rarity said that she could supply some of our tables with some fancy fabrics an-"
  50. "Rarity?"
  51. >You cock your head, eyes wide
  52. "Oh no, she told me that she would not be able to help. She has a really big fashion show in Manehattan! She's doing so well for herself this season!"
  53. >Applejack looks at you funny
  54. >"...right... well... in any case, it's gonna be a sorta... well it ain't a party. But there will be a lot of cider to drink, food to eat, and it'll be a downright hootenanny!"
  55. >You tilt your head the other way
  56. >Does Anon like cider?
  57. >He's never had it before, you don't think
  58. "Will Rainbow Dash be here too?"
  59. >"Well ah sure as shoot ain't gonna keep anypony out in the cold! Least of all ol' RD, what with her pushing cold clouds an' all."
  60. >She chuckles to herself with her mellow joke
  61. "Oh, I see... when will it be?"
  62. >"Ahdunno. Ah suppose... six or seven? Right before the sun sets. Big Macn' me'll set everything up so we won't be stompin' around in the dark. 'Specially not after a few mugs of the best cider in Ponyville!"
  63. >If you can bring Anon here
  64. >And if he enjoys cider
  65. >And drinks it
  66. >And if you are with Anon while he drinks the cider
  67. >You can talk to him!
  68. >And Rainbow Dash might even be around to stop you!
  69. >A smile spreads on your face
  70. "Oh Applejack, this is exactly what I needed! I'll return with my date right on time!"
  71. >You trot off into a glide before she has a chance to reply
  72. >Fluttershy isn't out of the fight just yet!
  73. >Rainbowdash may have won a battle but you'll win the war!
  74. >Brace yourself, Fluttershy!
  75. >Tonight is Operation Cider time!
  77. >You show up at Anon's work a few minutes before he's supposed to get off
  78. >You've been giving birds very special, very expensive birdseed to sing whenever Rainbow Dash is gone
  79. >Due to how lovely and loud they're singing, the coast is clear
  80. >Once she has enough cider, she won't be able to do anything well
  81. >Once Anon has enough cider...
  82. >Well, you will be able to express your love for him
  83. >And his yogurt
  84. >You giggle to yourself at how silly you've been feeling lately
  85. >At first it was idle adoration
  86. >But with every little adventure you've taken to become closer to him, the more you treasure him
  87. >And the more you see Rainbow Dash as a rival
  88. >She is a very nice, cool friend
  89. >But she can't have Anon
  90. >The giggle starts to turn into a louder laugh
  91. >It's just so funny that you're even thinking of it as a competition!
  92. >Anon is lonely and there isn't another like him in all of Equestria
  93. >It's only natural if he needed Rainbow Dash to take...
  94. >Care of him
  95. >In ways
  96. >That laughing grows louder and more joyous
  97. >It makes so much sense!
  98. >You just need to-
  99. >"Hey Flutbutt. Something funny?"
  100. >Your laughter catches in your throat
  101. >You carefully turn to the voice
  102. >It's Anon!
  103. "Oh my... you caught me in such a wonderful mood! I have the best news for you!"
  104. >"You found out a way to get me a computer?"
  105. "Even better! Applejack is getting a lot of fresh cider and she wants us all to have some! Every pony will be there and we can all drink and have fun!"
  106. >You hop onto your back legs and extend your front legs out for a hug
  107. "It will be amazing!"
  108. >"Eh... pass."
  109. >...what?
  110. "I-I'm sorry...?"
  111. >"Yeah, pass. I'm planning some things for our next O&O stretch."
  112. >The Operation couldn't end this early!
  113. >It simply mustn't!
  114. "B-but..."
  115. >You stumble over your words, unable to stop from feeling panic
  116. "R-Rainbow Dash will be there too!"
  117. >You blurt out without thinking
  118. >Anon looks you over
  119. >You hope he doesn't suspect anything
  120. >"Well... if she's going, sure I'll hang out too."
  121. >You sigh with relief
  122. >You feel bad using Rainbow Dash as bait
  123. >But that is something that will help you
  124. >And help him
  125. >And helping your friends is very much important!
  126. >"Oh yeah. Is the cider... alcoholic?"
  127. "Oh my... I believe so. A lot of it tends to be. I don't know how it's made that way but it is very yummy."
  128. >"Nice... definitely count me in then. Thanks for letting me know."
  129. >And just like that he walks past you
  130. >He's disengaging!?
  131. >You drop down to normal pony posture and gallop to close the distance between you and him
  132. "W-wait! Could I show up with you? I want to show Applejack that she doesn't have to wait for all of us to show up one by one to get things set up."
  133. >"Sure, I don't see why not."
  134. >Date confirmed, Fluttershy!
  135. >You truly do have a silver tongue
  136. >It is still pink, of course
  137. "Wonderful! Would you like me to wear my neat clothing?"
  138. >You watch Anon's face for any reactions
  139. >The twitch on his lips and the laugh he gives says enough
  140. >"Sure, why not? It looks nice on you. Makes me feel at home to see ponies wearing... well, what I consider to be normal stuff."
  141. "Especially if you find it appealing, right?"
  142. >"Well sure, of course. Seeing more beautiful ponies is always a pleasant sight for my sore eyes."
  143. >You squee at the compliment
  144. >You were modest but you did know that you were seen as attractive
  145. >But being seen as beautiful by Anon himself?
  146. >It's enough to make your legs weak
  147. >"Then I promise I will wear everything! I am proud of wearing those for you!"
  148. >You fail to contain yourself
  149. >A giggle comes out
  150. "Maybe after some cider, you could take them off of me?"
  151. >Your voice turns sultry
  152. >You've heard Rarity do that a lot to ponies when she wants something from them
  153. >And boy oh boy do you want something from Anon
  154. >His face turns red
  155. >"...yeah. Drinking cider could cause you to warm up to... sure. I don't see why not."
  156. "Oh my, thank you Anon. I know that I can trust you with my body any day of the week!"
  157. >You feel some excitement running down your leg
  158. >You are very happy that he is ahead of you by a human step
  159. >But you also would enjoy showing yourself all to him, regardless of if any ponies would be watching
  160. >You believe quite firmly that love should have no barrier
  161. >Some of your romantic novels focus on that!
  162. >He stops at a small branch in the road
  163. >Your home is more away to his than it is close
  164. >"What time will it all go down, anyway?"
  165. "Oh, don't you worry! I will go get dressed, and we can go immediately after! If we show up early, we can explore Applejack's land. You've never seen it, have you?"
  166. >He shrugs
  167. >"Can't say I have."
  168. "Then it'll be wonderful!"
  169. >You hug onto his leg, hiding a shivering whimper
  170. >Even his leg feels so strong and warm
  171. >You bet he could lift you like it were nothing and do anything to you
  172. >ANYTHING
  173. "I will be back soon, I promise."
  174. >"...right. You keep safe, alright?"
  175. >He ruffles your hair with his hand and distances himself before walking off
  176. >This is going swimmingly so far!
  177. >But being so close to him
  178. >And the pure satisfaction you feel by inviting him to a date before Rainbow Dash is even aware of it
  179. >It tastes so good
  180. >You'll have to be quick when you get home
  181. >If you don't squeeze and work your muscles, you'll make such a scene from even a kiss!
  182. >...Anon kissing you sends butterflies to your stomach
  183. >Maybe you can just...
  184. >Go behind some trees
  185. >Then go home and get dressed
  187. >You've heard of Applejack's famous cider and cider accessories but you've never actually tried it
  188. >Fluttershy seems excited for it
  189. >And Rainbow Dash will be there too
  190. >So you really have no reason not to go
  191. >Especially if it's free
  192. >After swapping out some of your jars and a few quick taste tests on something, you slip out of your scrubs and fit yourself into a bit more festive
  193. >It's really just a blue shirt and slacks that were tapered with you in mind
  194. >Rarity made a few pairs of those for you when you first popped up
  195. >You're not sure why some are striped or off-color
  196. >You think she once talked about how seasons had colors in the world of fashion
  197. >Or that colors had seasons
  198. >"Anon! Are you home? I'm coming in... if that's ok!"
  199. >Speaking of colorful
  200. >You stumble out of your room, tugging the sash-belt hybrid woven into your slacks
  201. "Yeah, yeah hold on. You know where her place is? Rainbow Dash talked about how she did some demoli...tion..."
  202. >You see that she's wearing another hoodie, with the hood up
  203. >Sky blue
  204. >With bunny ears
  205. >Those dorky glasses are on her too
  206. "...nice. Very nice."
  207. >She squees with a gigantic smile
  208. >"I just knew you would like it! Rarity wasn't able to make me a new one for when we go out so I went to another really good friend and she made this and look-"
  209. >She waggles her head back and forth
  210. >"Bunny ears like Angel!"
  211. >She's as goofy as usual
  212. >But the magnifying lens glasses really just make her come across as a cuter flavor of nerd
  213. >It's your weakness, what can you say
  214. >"-said that if tonight goes well, she can even start making baby clothes!"
  215. >That snaps you back to reality
  216. "Wait, what?"
  217. >She trots in place, giggling
  218. >"I'm so excited, let's go!"
  219. "Yeah, sure, lead the way."
  220. >You really gotta start paying better attention to these things
  223. >You follow the bouncing blue and yellow pegasus while she prattles on about how much she loves her neat fashion and that she has thought a ton on how she could be a better O&O player
  224. >She's really taken a shining to your things
  225. >You thought that she might've asked you about your yogurt recipes or something like that
  226. >Maybe you pegged her wrong
  227. >The farmland, animals, orchard and more come into view almost out of nowhere
  228. "Jesus...these trees cover up everything. How come I've never been here before if it's so massive?"
  229. >Think of the ingredients you could find here
  230. >Would apple yogurt even be good?
  231. >You don't even notice that Fluttershy has been tugging on her hand with her front hooves
  232. >"We're almost there! I would love to take you on a tour! There's hay to roll in, apple trees to buck until you're sore, and all sorts of animals!"
  233. >The notion of a pony owning farm animals both confuse and worry you
  234. "Like... cows and stuff?"
  235. >"Oh my, yes! They're the most adorable things for being so large!"
  236. "Weird. So, where do we go fro-"
  238. >Hey that sounds familiar
  239. >You feel something fly against your back, a pair of legs wrapping around your neck
  240. >"YOU MADE IT! I knew you wouldn't pass up a chance like this! Applejack's cider is the freakin' BEST!"
  241. >You like to think that you're more civilized than you actually are
  242. >But you did go between choked screaming and garbled threats
  243. >You manage to grab her by the wings and stomp forward, flinging her over your shoulders
  244. >She spins over a dozen times from your hurl, but corrects herself and dive bombs you
  245. >You feel a sense of zen calmness
  246. >Rather than panic, you take a solid stance
  247. >Hold out your hand
  248. >And extend your middle and index finger
  249. >Rainbow Dash's charge is stopped in an instant
  250. >You smile and nod to yourself
  251. >Until you realize that rather than poking her eyes out, Three Stooges style, your fingers went up her nostrils
  252. >"O... oh my..."
  253. >Fluttershy whispers
  254. >Rainbow Dash looks
  255. >Well she looks mortified
  256. >And confused
  257. >As confused as you, but you do your best to maintain your zen sense
  258. >You're not sure what to say to this
  259. >Rainbow Dash flaps in the air, staring you in the eye
  261. >That sudden nasally scream causes you to flinch and regain your senses
  262. >You pull your hand back, grimacing at your now glistening fingers
  263. >She lands and turns her head away snorting and coughing
  264. >"What gives?! Who said you could just stick whatever you like wherever you want?! The gall!"
  265. "I was aiming for your eyes you little freak!"
  266. >"You'd blind me?!"
  267. "As eagerly as you'd break my neck!"
  268. >You wipe your fingers clean and curl your fingers into fists
  269. >Before you and her can start another round, Fluttershy clears her throat with a tender yet stern 'ahem'
  270. >"Don't things usually turn out like this after everyone drinks cider?"
  271. >Oh yeah
  272. "Hey, what's her cider like, anyway?"
  273. >"Which type?"
  274. "She's got types of cider?!"
  275. >"Dude, she's got it all! Now I don't know for sure but I can smell it from here and it seems like..."
  276. >Going from hostile to friendly in an instant, you walk with the little blue hellion, discussing cider flavors all the way
  277. >Fluttershy tries to interject but Rainbow Dash keeps interrupting her
  278. >Which isn't the most civil thing to do but you are enthralled by gleaming what ingredients could be used
  279. >Applejack meets you at the 'entrance' of her property
  280. >"Well howdy y'all! Ain't you just the most energetic trio of troublemakers!"
  281. "Hey there cowpoke, what's on tap for today?"
  282. >"Only the finest darn cider this side of Equestria and further! RD sure knows what I'm talkin' about!"
  283. >RD?
  284. >Rainbow Dash gives a hoot and rushes off
  285. >"Well dad gum she moves like someone lit her tail on fire..."
  286. >The tall glass of southern lass focuses back on you and Fluttershy
  287. >But does a doubletake on Fluttershy
  288. >"Er... is it Halloween already?"
  289. >If she's trying to hide back a smirk she's failing pretty hard
  290. >"Oh no, not at all!"
  291. >She whips her head back and forth, swatting her own face with the hoodie's bunny ears
  292. >Giggling at the flappy fabric, she poses
  293. >"It's my neat fashion sense! Anon's favorite!"
  294. >Why did she say it like that?
  295. "Well I like it, sure, but..."
  296. >Applejack gives you a queer look
  297. >"...boy, that earlier conversation sure does make more sense now, huh."
  298. "Huh?"
  299. >The earth pony shakes her head
  300. >"Anyway, this way! Y'all give weird a run for it's money but you ain't gonna be able to run two hooves after you guzzle down this sweet stuff!"
  301. >You have no clue what she just said but you're sure it'll lead to you getting blitzed so you follow
  302. >Fluttershy follows closely, bobbing her head left and right to give the bunny ears more bounce
  303. >You'd have thought her glasses would've fallen off by now
  305. >Coming here was a good idea
  306. >Though you were surprised to see Anon and Rainbow Dash fight and make up without even apologizing to each other, you're glad that she ran off ahead
  307. >The upgraded clothing really helps too!
  308. >The ears are the cutest things you could imagine
  309. >The glasses are even sillier looking but they're actually like costume goggles!
  310. >Now you can see everything fine and capture Anon's heart!
  311. >Though you know you're early, you already see your other best friends, Twilight, Pinkie Pie
  312. And Rarity too!
  313. >As soon as you see her, you trot over to her, putting an extra bounce in your step to emphasize the ears
  314. >Rarity, once she realizes it's you, spits out her cider and looks around like she's in a tizzy
  315. "Rarity, you made it! I didn't know you would be able to fix your schedule like this!"
  316. >"O-oh, I, um... w-why yes, Fluttershy! I'm afraid I won't be long for my trip but I just thought that I might..."
  317. >She looks over your outfit
  318. >You beam at her
  319. >It really is an improvement from the initial design
  320. >"Darling... did you make this on your own?"
  321. >You giggle and whip your head to and fro
  322. >The ear tips harmlessly bounce off of your eyewear, making you all the more eager to flop them around
  323. "I haven't! I asked Pinkie Pie to help me make it a little more festive. The glasses are bigger and easier to see through. The sweater has the adorable ears and it has a color Anon likes more!"
  324. >Rarity
  325. >Doesn't look as happy as you thought she'd be
  326. >"And... he likes that blue?"
  327. "Oh my, yes he does!"
  328. >"That very shade?"
  329. "The one and the same!"
  330. >"The blue that looks oh so very similar to one of our friends?"
  331. >You blush and nod
  332. "It is. Now that I'm blue too, I'm almost certain to catch his eye!"
  333. >Rarity watches you, speechless
  334. >She sighs and gulps down the rest of her cider
  335. >"Oh Fluttershy... sometimes only experience will set you on the right path."
  336. >Well you are on the right path, you know that much!
  337. "Thank you for the advice, Rarity! I hope you cheer me on!"
  338. >You stick to Anon like glue, after meeting and greeting everypony
  339. >Some that you don't even know that well pop up too, just because they're aware of the new shipment of cider
  340. >You think it's rather clever that Applejack makes them pay while all of her friends get to drink for free
  341. >And Anon gets to drink too
  342. >You aren't sure if he's really Applejack's friend but she doesn't seem to mind it
  343. "Anon, how do you like Applejack's world famous cider? It sure is yummy, isn't it?"
  344. >You smile the best you can at him
  345. >He must've been thirsty, he chugged down two entire mugs of it in an instant!
  347. >He howls, towering above every pony else
  348. >Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash rockets down from on high and swoops into him from behind
  349. >They're going to crash!
  350. >Except... they don't?
  351. >Rainbow Dash slams against his back without a lick of sober grace and hugs him tight from behind
  352. >What are they doing?
  353. >Her wings spread out and Anon strikes a pose
  355. >He throws his head back and lets out a screeching "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
  356. >Rainbow Dash mirrors him with a just as hair raising "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
  357. >You aren't embarrassed by much
  358. >Certainly not when you're with your very best friends
  359. >But
  360. >You feel yourself shrinking and backing away from the duo, who is attracting awfully funny looks from every pair of eyes
  362. >Just like that, Anon takes off in a full sprint!
  363. >How did he get so fast?!
  364. "A-anon, wait! It's not safe to run and drink!"
  365. >You chase after him, in your own adorable attire, adding to the scene
  366. >Rainbow Dash flaps her wings once as Anon takes a lurching leap forward
  367. >Your jaw drops
  368. >Your pace slows as you watch, in slow motion, as Rainbow Dash propels Anon so high up that he clears an entire apple tree!
  369. >You listen, utterly shocked and in awe, as they screech a musical duet of "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"s
  370. "A-anon..."
  371. >You whimper
  372. "I could be a zord too..."
  373. >Whatever that is
  375. >Be a moderately blasted Anon
  376. >More importantly
  377. >Be a flying Anon
  378. >Kinda
  379. >After the third superhero-esque leap, you realize that you're not too sure how to land on a sloped surface
  380. >As such, you splat flat against an upward hill
  381. >The grass is soft, but Rainbow Dash's head is hard
  382. >It bonks into the back of your neck, further pressing your face into the mud
  383. >"...EeEeEeee..."
  384. >She sounds like a motor dying down
  385. >At least plunging into the earth slapped the sobriety back into you
  386. "Oh... shit..."
  387. >You groan and peel yourself off the ground
  388. >Rainbow Dash flops off of you, still out of it
  389. "Hey... hey! Check it out, I made an imprint!"
  390. >You look at Rainbow Dash and nudge her
  391. >She isn't responding
  392. >You think she won the drinking competition but that's only because you got the glorious idea to go flying
  393. "Psst... Dash. D-bash. D-bag."
  394. >You keep poking her with your finger while muttering until she looks at you
  395. >She looks kinda spacey
  396. >"Pfft..."
  397. "What?"
  399. >She slaps the grass with her front leg
  400. >"Did you see how everyone reacted? They thought you were crazy!"
  401. "Hey, they thought WE were crazy."
  402. >"No way, I'm innocent!"
  403. "You're loose enough to be squeezed under a door and rolled up into a newspaper!"
  404. >"N... am I?"
  405. "You totally are."
  406. >"Mm... we should have more cider."
  407. "I agree."
  408. >You lay on your side, facing her
  409. >You feel like you've been in a car wreck, no matter how soft the landing was
  410. "Hey Blue."
  411. >"Ha?"
  412. "Get me booze."
  413. >"What, why?"
  414. "Booze me, Blue baby."
  415. >"Why can't you get it yourself?"
  416. "Booze me part two: electric boozaloo."
  417. >That gets her to snort and burst into laughter
  418. >She wobbles to her feet, visibly off-balance but able to stand after
  419. >"Fiiiiine... you owe me big time."
  420. >You watch her swish and saunter off
  421. "Thank youuuuuuuuuu!"
  422. >You try to flop your arm as a wave but it doesn't want to move
  423. >You close your eyes for a moment so the world stops spinning
  424. >This cider shit is the good shit
  425. >"Anon! Anon, are you ok?"
  426. "Mm?"
  427. >You feel a wooden mug lower near your hand
  428. >With strength you didn't know you had, you lift it and bring it to your mouth to drink
  429. >"I saw you and Rainbow Dash fly off and... you were magnificent! But, uhm... you crashed! Are you ok? Where did Rainbow Dash go?"
  430. >What is this pony talking about
  431. >After letting the fresh batch of cider slide down into your stomach, you open your eye as well as you can
  432. >Blue pony
  433. "Blue!"
  434. >You exclaim and lurch over, grabbing your friend
  435. "That was fucking awesome, man! You even got me the drink... God I love you sometimes."
  436. >Your partner in crime freezes solid
  437. >"Did... did you just say...?"
  438. >You chuckle and give her an extra hard squeeze, your hand petting her flank
  439. >Man, her fur feels kinda weird
  440. "Oh don't you pretend! I will have you know that this is the goodest of good shit. And you know what? I'm gonna be upfront and bold. FFFFFfffffffffffffffffffuck anyone who say otherwise!"
  441. >You swipe your hand away as to dismiss any neigh-sayers
  442. >Only to slap the chops of the pony you confessed to
  443. >You snort and laugh
  444. "Oh fuck, I didn't mean that Blue."
  445. >You try to refocus your eyes on your target
  446. >She really is blue all over, just like remember
  447. >But her face is kinda weird and her eyes are really bugged out
  448. >You test your advanced theory of reality by poking one of her eyes
  449. >They're hard like plastic and she doesn't seem to mind
  450. "You got some freaky eyes, man."
  451. >"A-Anon, they're... well, you like them, don't you?"
  452. "Of course I do! Who could ever say otherwise? You dressing up like a complete fucking dork... God damn."
  453. >You pull her close
  454. >As close as you can, given your cider-induced excitement
  455. "You... are one sexy creature. And I'm gonna make you mine."
  456. >You hear a gasp and a whimper
  457. >"W-what, what?! Really!?"
  458. "Come on, you know you know I know you know it was gonna happen."
  459. >"A-anon! I... I had no idea!"
  460. "Oh you sure as sure know now."
  461. >You grind against her with a lewd chuckle
  462. "And before you know it, you're gonna be Misses A-"
  464. >Be Fluttershy
  465. >You're terrified, excited, confused, and worried all at once
  466. >Anon is moving so fast!
  467. >Granted, you wanted his babies and then a lovely date after, but this was a mix of both!
  468. >He's acting so... masculine too
  469. >In the midst of everything, you hear a slurred
  471. >Oh horse feathers, it's Rainbow Dash!
  472. >She can't see you making love with Anon here and now!
  473. >Anon reflexively drags his arms up to his face and screams in preparation of getting dive-bombed
  474. >You scramble over him, dipping into the Anon-sized crater in the soft soil
  475. >Rather than hearing a crash, you hear drunk giggling
  476. >"Buahahahaha! Look at you! You totally thought I was gonna crash into you!"
  477. >You peek out and over from Anon's side
  478. >Rainbow Dash is back, somehow balancing a full mug on top of her head
  479. >Oh my, she is dexterous
  480. >"I had to get a refill before I got some more for you so... yeah!"
  481. "My hero!"
  482. >Anon swipes the mug off of her head and guzzles it down
  483. >You're happy to see Anon so carefree and happy
  484. >And the feeling of him against you...
  485. >But he's drunk!
  486. >Impossibly out of it!
  487. >He's...
  488. >...vulnerablel
  489. >Oh but Fluttershy, you wouldn't!
  490. >Would you?
  491. >Could you?
  492. >Your arousing schemes are cut off by Anon gasping for air after gulping down the entire mug in no time flat
  493. >Your eyes would surely bug out of your head if not for your neat fashion glasses, when you see him grabbing Rainbow Dash
  494. >Except it's even worse than when he grabbed you!
  495. >His hand fluidly snakes down between her hind legs while his other arm wraps around her chest
  496. >"A-Anon, not here!"
  497. >"Yes here, Blue. You sexy little something."
  498. >"N-no way, what if someone sees? What if all of the cider is gone when we're done?!"
  499. >"Listen here, horse. I... am going to fuck you rabid. And Applejack's gonna be here and go 'wut in darnation' and act like this really bothers her."
  500. >You giggle at his impression of Applejack
  501. >Shocking you to your core, Anon turns his head back to you and nods
  502. >"Thank you, Blue. I always knew you found me funny."
  503. >While you're expecting the worse to happen, he goes back to the blue pony in his arms that's weakly writhing to escape his clutches
  504. >"And you know what I'm gonna say to her?"
  505. >"S-seriously, we can't!"
  506. >"I'm gonna say I love you and that I'm gonna filly a dozen little fathers from you. And fuck it, I've seen wide-awake nightmares. How bad could things really turn out?"
  507. >Despite the excitement and the voyeuristic rush you get from such a show, you feel your blood run cold
  508. >He couldn't have meant that
  509. >Rainbow Dash stops her attempts to escape
  510. >You can see the look in her glazed over, inebriated eyes
  511. >"W...wut? Really?"
  512. >"Really. Just wait until I...."
  513. >Anon goes limp, yawning
  514. >"Just wait until I... have another drink..."
  515. >"W-wait, don't just pass out! Say that again!"
  516. >Rainbow Dash looks very angry!
  517. >Oh my, you would be too if you were told such beautiful things yet it didn't actually commence!
  518. >You squeak and hunker down in the Anon crater as Rainbow Dash climbs on top of Anon
  519. >She stomps her hooves into his shoulder, trying to rouse him
  520. >"Don't just tell me that and pass out you moron! Make good on it at least!"
  521. >She sounds terribly angry
  522. >"Don't make me beat you up! I'll do it!"
  523. >Though it is kinda funny to see Rainbow Dash's face turn bright red, you think it may be time to escape
  524. >It would be terrible if you were found out!
  525. >"Wake up you big...!"
  526. >In the middle of slapping her hooves against Anon's shoulder, he turns over
  527. >But he turns over on the wrong side!
  528. >You panic and try to scamper out of Anon's hole but end up getting pinned!
  529. >You hear Rainbow Dash yelp as well
  530. >One of her hind legs kick into your flank, even!
  531. "Ow! Rainbow Dash, wake up Anon, I'm stuck un-"
  532. >You try to cry out for help but
  533. >Something
  534. >Jams against your mouth
  535. >"Anon, get your fat head off my chest!"
  536. >"Mmmm... blue chest..."
  538. >Be Rainbowdash
  539. >Be on your back with an intoxicated Anon snuggling your chest
  540. >You've had more than enough for it to not be safe to fly too
  541. >But he looks like he's having the time of his life
  542. "Ha... man, you're silly. You know that?"
  543. >Anon gives you a lustful look and shivers, pushing his hips down hard
  544. >As erotic as the sight is, you can't help but laugh again
  545. "Are you really so worked up a hole in the ground will work?"
  546. >He shakes his head
  547. >"No, it's not you."
  548. >Your eyes go wide
  549. >You wiggle your lower legs around until one goes free
  550. >It's around his chest
  551. "Nu uh... I'm not down there!"
  552. >Anon nods hard, rubbing his face into your fur
  553. >"Oh yes you are. And I'm gonna..."
  554. >He squeezes you into a hug so tight you squeak
  555. >His hips jut forward a solid inch, like he finally penetrated
  556. >The cider in your system makes you burst out laughing again
  557. >He's actually sticking his flag pole in the ground!
  558. >The pleased look on his expression looks hilarious
  559. >You've never actually seen his face while you were doing... these sorts of things, anyway
  560. >You don't look like this when Anon is doing things to you
  561. >You hope
  562. >You hear some muffled gurgling and spurt spittle out through your lips
  563. "Is that your stomach now too?"
  564. >Anon doesn't seem to focus
  565. >Instead, he looks like a possessed animal
  566. >You sigh and shake your head at his dirt pounding
  567. >From the way he's huffing against you, he must really be into it
  568. >Rather than feel awkward, you feel kinda proud that he's so worked up from what must be your scent
  569. >Doing a few loops through a storm cloud would make any pony smell awesome
  570. >And maybe charge them up to the point that you could make an apple explode
  571. >Applejack still hasn't accepted your apology for that fruity execution
  572. >You can hear a distinct wet noise from under him
  573. >It sounds like he's making an actual puddle in the dirt
  574. >But it's probably mud now
  575. >You wouldn't be surprised if he hit the ground so hard he'd cause a river to form
  576. "Geeze... Applejack ain't gonna be happy once she finds an Anon-shaped hole in the ground..."
  577. >As fun as this is to watch, you're still thirsty for more cider
  578. >You glance at the empty mugs and check a few
  579. >Yup
  580. >They're all empty
  581. >You stare up at the sky while Anon strikes the earth with genuine intent
  582. "A-Anon..."
  583. >"Mmm... Blue..."
  584. " time we have cider... you wanna do it to the real deal and not dirt?"
  585. >"Mmm..."
  586. >He nods, dragging his face against your fur
  587. >You're trying to play it cool but you can feel your face burning up
  588. >"Every time."
  589. >This is getting to be too intimate
  590. >The weird noises he's causing under him doesn't help the situation either
  591. >You like him
  592. >Obviously
  593. >But you really aren't good with this sort of thing
  594. "A-Anon... wanna let me go and I can get some more cider for us?"
  595. >He shakes his head
  596. >"Nnnoo... not yet..."
  597. >Not yet?!
  598. >Your eyes bug out
  599. "W-wait, seriously? Are you really gonna do that right now?"
  600. >He nods hard
  601. >The wet pounding noise under him intensifies
  602. >He's going to dig a hole to Manehattan at this point!
  603. >You freeze as he holds you and seizes up
  604. >He lets out a staggered breath
  605. >And another
  606. >And another
  607. >And a hard shudder
  608. "F-for Celestia's sake..."
  609. >You grin
  610. >He really did that because he was so worked up from your awesome fur!
  611. >Who else in Equestria could even claim something half as great?!
  612. "I sure hope you didn't just plant an Anon tree there."
  613. >You snort and chuckle at the pleased look on his face
  614. "Now you're all muddy AND soiled all over... you can't blame me on this, you know! I'm taking all of the blame and putting it on you!"
  615. >Anon's only answer is another shudder and a content sigh
  616. >"Oh man... I love you Blue."
  617. >That catches you off guard
  618. >You can't make fun of him while he's saying that!
  619. "S-shut up... you're just drunk..."
  620. >You finally manage to wriggle your way free of him
  621. "Let's... uh... let's go back. Last one to finish off another four mugs has to wear the retainer!"
  622. >You and Anon spend the rest of the evening partying it up
  623. >Even if no one else is really partying
  624. >Anon, clothing covered in mud of various densities, acts far more relaxed but it doesn't take long before both of you are back to mutually awesome antics
  625. >Including swiping an entire barrel and dunking your heads into it
  626. >It was fun until you lost your lunch in said barrel
  627. >But it was more than half empty anyway
  628. >By sundown, everything was spinning
  629. >Somehow, you and Anon didn't leave each others' sides
  630. >Even after being chased out of Sweet Apple Acres, there was no need to call it a night
  634. "THE E V S DEPLOYS!"
  635. >Between marching around Sugarcube Corner, visiting the hospital to steal bedpan helmets, and drunkenly scaring town guards, you somehow ended up in a ditch
  636. >Anon's in the ditch with you, of course
  637. >You don't hear a lot of stuff that makes sense but you hear a lot of angry shouting
  638. >You look at him
  639. >He looks at you and presents a large bundle of flowers that have been brutally yanked out from the ground, clumps of dirt still attached to their roots
  640. >Both of you cackle silently while the fuming and screaming continues
  641. >Everything swirls around and happens all at once until you finally wake up
  642. >In Anon's bed
  643. >By Celestia, let death come quickly
  644. >You squint and try to look around
  645. >Your head lolls from side to side
  646. >Why do you smell flowers and cider?
  647. >You spend a good few moments on a white box that's sitting on the edge of the bed
  648. >When your focusing pays off you notice it's not a box
  649. >It's a folded piece of paper
  650. >You drag your face against it until it opens up
  651. >It reveals a scribbled, nonsensical letter
  652. >"Blue hoers, I loove cider. And you. But mostly you with cider. Shit work time, alarm hurts. If murdered, wear my helmet with pride."
  653. >You start to laugh but the first snort causes your entire world to spin again until it blacks out into a blur
  654. >When you come to again, you see a pair of bedpans
  655. >One's on the bed, the other is on Anon's dresser
  656. >Where did those come from?
  657. >You weakly reach for the bedpan on the bed hug it close
  658. >The cold metal feels so nice
  659. >Anon feels nicer
  660. >If things keep getting better like this you might have to...
  661. >Might have to
  662. >Whether it's the sweetness of those thoughts or the intense amount of cider mixed with flowers and trace amounts of dirt, your stomach isn't as happy as your heart
  663. >You empty the contents of one of them into the bedpan
  665. >Be Fluttershy
  666. >A very quiet, hoarse Fluttershy
  667. >While you didn't partake in Applejack's delicious cider all that much, you did watch Anon have fun
  668. >And then he crashed, thanks to Rainbow Dash
  669. >And then you helped sooth him
  670. >And then
  671. >He showed you, in no uncertain terms, that he was indeed a man
  672. >After Anon got up and left, you were so dazed and close to leaving this world that you didn't know what to do!
  673. >Your jaw hurt
  674. >Your throat hurt
  675. >Your neck all over hurt
  676. >And you're pretty sure you might have had a misfire triggered from the sheer...
  677. >Brutal
  678. >Dangerous
  679. >Painful
  680. >Loving
  681. >With your hoodie stained with mud, your own fluids and Anon's VERY special yogurt, you opted to quietly leave the orchard and go back home
  682. >You were, for once, far too tired to self-sooth
  683. >You were, for once, also so unbelievably satisfied that merely thinking about how a big strong human used you like a cheap ragpony caused a series of stampeding quakes
  684. >By morning, your throat hurt even more
  685. >You weren't a loud mouth pony, of course, but even now you sound even quieter than ever!
  686. >But it didn't stop you from giving all of the animals around your home their yummy breakfasts
  687. >Seeds, petals, cut up fruits
  688. >Nuts
  689. >A lot of nuts
  690. >You think you added peanuts and cashews to almost everypony's meal!
  691. >You couldn't shake your focus on nuts for some reason
  692. >Oh Fluttershy, you absolute fanatic
  693. >You smile to yourself, shuddering and listening to your body excitedly spray yet another soon-to-be mess to clean up
  694. >Your poor, tender throat sure does hurt
  695. >Maybe you should visit the hospital
  696. >You're so very sure that Anon could help you out
  697. >Maybe you could bring him some special cider as payment
  699. Operation Cider: S U C C E S S
  700. Sore throats: 1
  701. Human Dicks Touched: ONE (1) ENTIRE HUMAN DICK
  702. Human Dicks Sucked: ONE (1) E N T I R E HUMAN DICK
  703. Marefriend Status: 'he doesn't know he's going to propose to me but I expect it any day now'
  704. Jealousy Percentage: -100%
  705. Rank: Mosquito

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon