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Rainbow doesn’t come first by >>33709776

By AnonymousDashfag
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-06-01 14:07:32
Expiry: Never

  2. >"Nnn... N-no..."
  3. >Rainbow Dash tosses and turns in her sleep, bumping you awake.
  4. "Mmm... Dash? Dash whats wrong?"
  5. >"No, no!" She tosses again, kicking the blanket off of you, "No! It can't be! Impossible!"
  6. "Dash! Rainbow, wake up! You're having a bad dream!!"
  7. >You grab her by her withers and shake her up.
  8. >"Uhbwuh.... huh?"
  9. "You were having a bad dream!"
  10. >"Oh... I'm sorry..." She says, wiping the sweat from her head, "Didn't mean to wake you up."
  11. >She smiles sheepishly.
  12. >You brush her mane behind her ear.
  13. "Its okay, Dash. It was only a bad dream."
  14. >Dash leans off the side of the bed and picks up the blanket.
  15. >"Yeah... a dream."
  16. "What happened?"
  17. >She looks at the floor.
  18. "Dash..."
  19. >She huffs.
  20. >"Okayyy. Well, there I was; a filly in Cloudsdale, about to win first prize in the young fliers race! Zooming SUPER fast, everypony cheering me on!"
  21. "Okay."
  22. >Sounds typical so far.
  23. >"And then..."
  24. "Did-did you lose?"
  25. >"NO!"
  26. >She blurts out angrily.
  27. "Okay! Okay, chill! What happened next?"
  28. >"Well, I won! It was awesome... but when they started the trophy ceremony..."
  29. >She trails off.
  30. "And when they started the ceremony?" You twirl your hand.
  31. >"We..." Tears well up in her eyes, "We all got trophies!!"
  32. >Wot?
  33. "Wot?"
  34. >Its true! The announcer said that they appreciate everyone participating, *sniff* and that were all getting a trophy, so nopony's FEELINGS gets hurt!!" Tears now stream down her face, "It was awful! So awful! I won and I didn't get credit for being awesAHHHAHHHAWWWWMM!!"
  35. >She is now crying in true pony fashion. Two massive waterfalls of tears from each eye.
  36. "Hey, hey... Dashie, cmon now." You pull her in and hug her, "Its okay, everyone knows your the best."
  39. >She sniffles, "Mm-hm."
  40. "There, there." You pet her, holding her in your arms, "You don't get trophies for 'participating', not you. You're Rainbow Dash!"
  41. >"Yeah..."
  42. "The fastest flier alive!"
  43. >Yeah!" She wipes away her tears.
  44. "Saviour of Equestria, Wonderbolt, -super- hot, young, AND you have the best friends in the world!"
  45. >"YEAH!!"
  46. >She springs up from the bed, her wings buzzing in mid-air.
  47. >"I knew I was AWESOME!"
  48. >With a deep breathe, she slowly hovers back down and in your arms.
  49. >"Thanks, Anon. Even somepony as awesome as me could use a reminder sometimes."
  50. "Anytime, Rainbow."
  51. >You kiss each other and pull the blanket back over you.
  52. >With her cuddled up in your arms, you fall back asleep.

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