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Dashie Dress Up (Separate Thread) by >>34522619

By AnonymousDashfag
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-11-14 01:08:27
Expiry: Never

  2. >You tie the last bunch of Dash’s mane up and sit back.
  3. >She tilts her head from side to side as the delicately-arranged manestyle leans one way and then the other.
  4. >Her bright red earrings sway from her ears.
  5. >”Okay. Now... uh... the eyeliner.
  6. >She leans towards you and shuts one eye at a time as you carefully draw along the edge of the lids.
  7. >She’s already blushing like crazy.
  8. >If anyone else saw this she’d die of embarrassment.
  9. >She flutters her newly-defined lashes your way, showing off her deep purple eyeshadow and your heart almost stops beating.
  10. “You are beautiful.”
  11. >”H-Hey! Stop it! I told you I don’t go for that girly stuff.”
  12. >Sure she doesn’t.
  13. >You hold onto her hooves and her mouth retracts, bashful.
  14. >Soft, warm, perfectly trimmed and manicured.
  15. >You playfully tap them both together and her blush turns two shades darker.
  16. >”A-Anyway... are you gonna get the dress on me or... are you just gonna sit there?”
  17. >She’s avoiding eye contact; your pretty little girly mare. The makeup really brings out her features.
  18. >You assist Dash in fitting the dress Rarity made onto her; it’s a little tight, and the knots and buttons seem to be endless, but eventually it seems to be on.
  19. >She does a 180 to see how it looks, glancing to the mirror.
  20. “God, you’re pretty.”
  21. >”Hey! I said quit it, Anon! Don’t go lumping me in with all that froo-froo junk! I’m not Rarity, y’know?”
  22. >Even Rarity isn’t this pretty.
  23. >She sits back down and you attend to her face again, this time waiting for her to shut her eyes tightly so you can pad the blusher against her cheeks - not that she needs it.
  24. >She coughs a little, wafting the dust away and opening her eyes again, staring back at you like a helpless puppy.
  26. >You hold one hand at the side of her head and use your thumb to stroke her cheek, feeling the chubby exterior yield to the strong cheekbone beneath.
  27. >She could win Canterlot’s most prestigious beauty contest hooves down.
  28. “You are my beautiful, pretty, feminine little mare.”
  29. >Once more she blushed and throws her gaze awkwardly away from you, but she can’t stop that little appreciative smile playing at the sides of her mouth.
  30. >”I’m warning you, Anon.”
  31. >Her voice carries an elated tone, even if she’s trying to hide it.
  32. >Her voice cracks; almost giddy from happiness. She loves it when you compliment her, even if she won’t admit it.
  33. “What are you gonna do?”
  34. >”I’ll... kiss you!”
  35. “Oh yeah?”
  36. >”Uh huh, so you better stop!”
  37. “Pretty.”
  38. >”Hey!”
  39. “Little.”
  40. >”Anon!”
  41. “Mare!”
  42. >She leaps forward and tackles you to the ground with all that pent-up athletic strength she has.
  43. >That beautiful face lowers towards yours; those eyes gracefully shut with a waft, lashes dark and defined against the shadow on her lids.
  44. >She presses her mouth into yours and forces her tongue past your lips and between your teeth.
  45. >It skirmishes with your own tongue, exploring your mouth in a wet, passionate frenzy.
  46. >Even if she looks like a dainty countess she’s making out with the aggression of a feral lion.
  47. >You throw your arms around her as she continues her aggressive kissing.
  48. >She breaks away to giggle girlishly and then sinks back for round two, this time planting kisses down all over your neck.

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