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Twilight's Treatment P2

By Nehem
Created: 2020-12-18 21:24:02
Expiry: Never

  1. "So, you only had a short time left, and the rest of your days were full, I take it?"
  2. >She nods.
  3. >You pinch the bridge of your nose, going over the situation.
  4. >Both of you are pretty unlucky, then.
  5. "Well, how's about we just get this over with, and try to pretend it never happened, okay?"
  6. >Yeah right.
  7. >You would have fapped to your experience with her from the other day about sixteen times by now if she didn't have a shitty, sore infested asshole.
  8. >Yes, you are a pervert of the highest degree, and you regret nothing.
  9. >She sighs with a bit of an annoyed look on her face.
  10. >"I guess that's all we can do."
  11. >You stand up.
  12. >"Welp, let's get on with it, then. Could you turn around?"
  13. >With a sigh of defeat, she gets to her hooves, and turns around.
  14. "Okay, I'm going to examine your mammary glands now. You're going to feel me move your tail, but only enough to get access to your breasts; then, I'll just feel around a bit."
  15. >Twilight swallows, then affirms your words.
  16. >You go to move her tail, but notice her body language.
  17. >She's still a bit tense and shaky.
  18. >Exasperatedly, you place a hand on her back, which humorously enough, keeps her from leaping through the ceiling.
  19. "It's going to be fine, just try to think happy thoughts, and I'll do the rest, okay?"
  20. >Nervously, the pony looks back at you, completely failing at hiding her uneasy emotions.
  21. >"Uh-huh..."
  22. >There's got to be a way to calm her down... You could always just go through it with her being near the verge of a mental breakdown the whole time, but that's just not you.
  23. >You can't stand seeing your friends like this.
  24. >Think, Anon...
  25. >...
  26. >An idea pops into your head.
  27. >You take the hand from her back, and raise it to behind her ear.
  28. >Twilight has always hinted at liking this, though she'd never admit it straight out.
  29. >At first, she tenses up, but to your relief, she comes back down and relaxes almost completely soon enough.
  30. >Normally, you'd never do anything like this to a patient, at risk of losing your job, but Twilight is a different case.
  31. >"I'm sorry, Anon... I just haven't been touched like that before. The last time I was here was the most I've ever experienced in that department."
  32. >You wear a gentle smile.
  33. "I understand. I get plenty of patients like this."
  34. >Actually, you never got anyone as bad as Twilight here.
  35. >Hell, even Fluttershy was less of a wreck than this bookpone during her first time visiting you.
  36. "So, are you ready?"
  37. >This time, Twilight's tone is more sure and relaxed.
  38. >"Yes, I am..."
  39. >For extra measures, you keep scratching behind her ears and petting her head as you reach between her two back legs.
  40. >You push a few fingers into her left breast, feeling around for anything out of the ordinary.
  41. >Your fingers continue along in a small circular pattern, going around the diameter of her left glands.
  42. >The process is finished when you pinch her nipple.
  43. >Twilight lets out a small grunt of surprise at this, but is ultimately calmed down by your other hand's work.
  44. >When you are sure everything checks out okay, you test the other one.
  45. >Same process as last time, feel around the surrounding area, pinch the nipple, and visually observe for anything unusual.
  46. >You bring your hands away.
  47. "Okay, that's it for that part, now it's time for the worst part."
  48. >"W-worst part?"
  49. >You've already turned to get out your next instrument.
  50. "Well, at least according to most mares I've talked to."
  51. >Calling it "the worst part" may not have been that great of an idea; most of them said it was the worst part, but still not terrible.
  52. >Words never were your strong suit, though you still like to think you have the best bedside manner.
  53. >By this time, your bookworm friend has turned back to observe what you are doing.
  54. >You turn back to Twilight, holding up an instrument that looks like a really long duck's bill.
  55. >A small bowl of warm water is in your other hand.
  56. >Her pupils shrink, and she stammers.
  57. >"A... A s-speculum..?"
  58. >Here we go again...
  59. "I'll be gentle, I promise. Now here, try to relax while I do this."
  60. >You approach once more, her worried eyes watching you the entire time.
  61. >"I-I read about this... I'm... I'm nervous..."
  62. >Neither of those statements are a surprise.
  63. >You set the speculum down in the water as you form a plan.
  64. >Will petting work again?
  65. >Only one way to find out.
  66. >You place your hand on her head again, and start to stroke down her neck.
  67. >She leans into your hand almost immediately.
  68. >When you are sure she is entranced enough, you clasp up her tail to keep it out of the way, then begin the examination of her outer genitals.
  69. >Her outer labia are fine, medium sized, with only a slightly darker shade of purple fur covering them.
  70. >Next, you spread them to gain access to her slightly deeper parts.
  71. >Surprisingly, you see a little bit of light reflect off of her inner labia.
  72. >Twilight is moist? That's a little odd, considering how close to a panic attack she was five minutes ago...
  73. >Could it be that the breast exam stimulated her a little?
  74. >Whatever, probably no big deal.
  75. >Everything looks fine in there, so all that leaves is her anus.
  76. >You place your index and middle finger on it, and spread it open enough just to check for anything out of the ordinary.
  77. >It's clean, and free of any sores or the like.
  78. >Nothing here, good.
  79. >You grab the speculum out of the water.
  80. "Okay, Twilight. I'm about to insert the speculum.
  81. >Though she is more relaxed than normal, you sense some tension in her response.
  82. >"Alright..."
  83. >Her eyes shut in anticipation.
  84. >Slowly, you press the spreading instrument into her vaginal entrance.
  85. >Twilight's breath hitches when she feels it's touch.
  86. "Is this too hot, or too cold?"
  87. >She replies hesitantly.
  88. >"I-It's fine..."
  89. >You add more pressure.
  90. >She whimpers as it slides in.
  91. >The squelching noises it makes as it makes her way down her canal doesn't help her nerves, either.
  92. >Sensing her relaxation wavering, you bring her a bit closer, doing your best to give her a hug while still in this position.
  93. "Shh shh shh... It'll be alright..."
  94. >The pony's breathing is shallow and quick.
  95. >You pause, waiting for her to regain composure.
  96. >She presses her face into the crook of your elbow; her voice is muffled when she speaks.
  97. >"Go on..."
  98. >With her permission, you slide it the rest of the way in, the start to open it.
  99. >You start with one click.
  100. >Then two.
  101. >Then three.
  102. >And so on, until she is completely opened.
  103. >By the second click, Twilight had begun gripping your arm with her front hoof.
  104. >It's like a vice grip, you can hardly move it.
  105. >A few tears fall from her clenched eyes onto your arm as you swab her uterus with a wooden spatula type tool.
  106. >Once you get the samples onto the respective lab slides, you get to work removing the speculum.
  107. >Even after it's out, Twilight keeps her death grip on your arm.
  108. >The last part of the exam is next, then this will all be over.
  109. >It took about three minutes to finally get detached from Twilight's iron grip.
  110. >You take the lubricant from your drawer, and squeeze a large amount onto your fingers.
  111. "Now, after that last part, this should be pretty simple, right?"
  112. >The mare looks at you, still maintaining a hint of uncertainty in her gaze.
  113. >"Yeah, I think so..."
  114. >Good, she's getting easier to work with now.
  115. >You sense something else in her gaze as you look into her eyes.
  116. >...
  117. >"You want me to keep doing what I've been doing..?"
  118. >For the first time in a while, a smile, though a bit sheepish, makes it's way onto her face.
  119. >"If it's of no trouble..."
  120. >You smile and chuckle.
  121. >"Alright."
  122. >Her tail is still pinned back, so you have no need to deal with that.
  123. >You stoke her mane as you begin to insert two of your fingers into her vagina.
  124. >It's easy to gain access this time around, she's a lot more relaxed.
  125. >Your fingers dance around her insides as you try to get the best angle to feel her inner organs.
  126. >Twilight begins to let out a few moans, and her face starts turning red as you do this.
  127. >You can't really get a good read on things without your other hand during this portion of the exam.
  128. >"Could you lie on your back, please?"
  129. >This time around, she actually does as she's asked with no fuss.
  130. >You put your fingers back in, and press down on her abdomen.
  131. >The mare's moans come back full force.
  132. "You doing okay, Twi?"
  133. >You subconsciously keep feeling around as you ask her this.
  134. >The moans increase in intensity, and you swear you feel something tap the hand that you have partially inside of Twilight right now.
  135. >You are about to stop and see just what the hell is going on, when you feel an influx of moisture pour over your gloved hand.
  136. >What the...
  137. >You look down and see Twilight's pelvic area shaking, and her clitoris winking out of it's hiding place.
  138. >She...
  139. >She was turned on by this.
  140. >And she came all over your hand.
  141. >This is definitely a first for you.
  142. >You look up, only to see a heavily blushing unicorn, with a look of utter horror on her face.
  143. >You have no words.
  144. >In your few short months of working here, you've had a few compliments thrown your way when you've had your fingers inside some of the local mares, but you've never fully gotten them off.
  145. >Well, until now, that is.
  146. >Though this is really not the time, you feel an almost overwhelming sense of pride at what you've managed to do by accident.
  147. >At the same time, however, you really aren't surprised.
  148. >While asking her the typical questions about her health at the beginning, the topic of sexual activity had been brought up.
  149. >When you asked if she had ever gotten it on with anyone, she simply shook her head.
  150. >The next few seconds go by with no words as you pull out your fingers and remove your gloves.
  151. >You can't avoid getting the mare juice all over your hands, there's just too much covering the one glove.
  152. >Unintentionally, you look up at Twilight's face.
  153. >She's covering up her face, chocking back sobs of humiliation.
  154. "Twilight, are you okay? Don't worry about it, I'm sure that plenty of ponies do this during their appointments."
  155. >You're pretty sure that it doesn't actually happen all that often.
  156. >That was really just a poor attempt to make her feel better.
  157. >"I-I just... Want t-to go home..."
  158. >You have no clue how to deal with this.
  159. >It might just be best to just go on with your business, and let her have some alone time once you're done.
  160. >After quickly tossing out the gloves and washing up your hands, you go over the checklist that you keep for yourself.
  161. >Something pretty shitty catches your eye.
  162. >Pretty literally, in fact.
  163. -Proctology Follow-up-
  164. >Fuck.
  165. >Sometimes, you think you take your job a bit too far, even if it is for the patient's own good.
  166. >So, traumatize your friend even more for her own good, or let her go for now?
  167. >Honestly, it wasn't too bad of a case, but you don't really know if it could come back again soon; especially seeing as you didn't tell her to change her diet.
  168. >Fuck it. White Knight doctor mode activate.
  169. >Even if she disowns you, at least she'll be okay.
  170. >Totally not being an anal probing pervert.
  171. >Even you don't know your intentions anymore.
  172. >Alright, here we go; let's go ruin a friendship!
  173. >You look at Twilight, laying on the table in shame.
  174. "I need to do a quick follow up on your exam from the other day to be sure you are recovering okay back there."
  175. >She half groans, half sobs.
  176. >"F-fine..."
  177. >Uh.
  178. >You might have broken her with that bi-manual exam.
  179. >Losing no time, you slip on a new pair of gloves, and lube up your fingers.
  180. "You ready?"
  181. >A wordless nod is your response.
  182. >You probe her anus with your fingers.
  183. >This time, they slip in with relative ease.
  184. >Twilight makes her typical grunts and moans as you palpate her rectum.
  185. >You add pressure to multiple sides of her inner walls, and don't find anything bad.
  186. >It looks like she's clean, and fully healed; at least for now.
  187. >Having finished your duty, you pull out, and dispose of your hand ware.
  188. "Well, that's all... Uhh... Here, you can wipe yourself off with these."
  189. >You hand her a box of tissues.
  190. >She takes one out with her magic, and wipes herself while still covering her face.
  191. >Trying to come out of your confusion, you keep talking.
  192. "You appear to be healthy, no problems as far as I can tell. The exam is over, and you are free to go."
  193. >A bright light fills the room as Twilight teleports away.
  194. >You peek outside the door to see a purple streak running down the hall and out the door.
  195. >The rest of the day goes by normally for the most part.
  196. >A few of the remaining co-workers asked just what the hell happened between you and Twilight in that room.
  197. >You never told them what really happened, out of respect for your friend's privacy.
  198. >Doctor-Patienr Confidentiality wouldn't allow you to, anyway.
  199. >As much as you don't want to, you feel that you should go talk to Twilight.
  200. >Since she's had some time to cool off, maybe you could settle any uneasy feelings between you and her.
  201. >You leave the office at around 8 PM, and start heading directly to Twilight's library.
  202. >As you round a corner of a house, you become aware of a faint violet glow coming from the direction of your destination.
  203. >Finding this a bit out of the ordinary, you pick up your pace.
  204. >Not too long later, you find yourself standing in front of the source of the light.
  205. >Surrounding Twilight's house is a large, magenta colored bubble.
  206. "What's this..?"
  207. >You walk up and press your hand into it.
  208. >Thankfully, it's just a solid mass, and not something like an electric fence.
  209. >Those things always gave you trouble back on earth.
  210. >What? You had places you needed to get to!
  211. >You knock on the barrier a few times as if it were a door.
  212. >Then you wait for a response.
  213. >It takes about half a minute before a small, purple lizard opens the front door and comes out to you.
  214. >This lizard's name is Spike.
  215. >You think it is, anyway. Half of the town could give less of a shit about the bastard.
  216. >"Oh, hey Anon! What's up?"
  217. >You take your hands off the magic shield and speak.
  218. "I was going to ask the same thing, actually. What's with the extra security?"
  219. >Spike crosses his arms.
  220. >"Twilight came running through the door crying earlier today after her appointment. She flew up the stairs, and made this barrier spell a few minutes later."
  221. >Well, you could have guessed that.
  222. >If what he says happened like it did, then he probably didn't get any info out of her that you could use.
  223. >"I'm really worried about her, Anon. She won't answer anything I ask, and just asks me to leave her alone. I know she goes to the same office you work at. Do you know what's wrong?"
  224. >You scratch the back of your head.
  225. >Should you tell him? He is kind of just a kid.
  226. >Ah screw it. You enjoy corrupting innocence.
  227. "Well, yeah, I do. Here's what happened..."
  228. >After giving him a quick rundown on how your exams work, you tell him exactly what happened to Twilight.
  229. >And now here he stands, bright red in the face, sweating bullets.
  230. "You uh... You alright?"
  231. >You say this while trying to hold back a grin.
  232. >"U-uh, yeah, just... just fine! Heh heh..."
  233. >Looking down further, you notice a bump forming just below his scaly belly, just between his legs.
  234. "Spike... You've got a little..."
  235. >You are rudely interrupted when he shouts.
  236. >"IT'S NOT LITTLE!"
  237. >And then he storms back into the house, slamming the door.
  238. >You are left out in the mild summer night trying not to laugh your ass off.
  239. >Nobody likes kids, anyway.
  240. >Well now, looks like someone's insecure about certain parts of their body.
  241. >He kind of reminds you of yourself when you were younger.
  242. >Who knows, you might be able to get along with him if you try to put some time in.
  243. >For now, though, you need to think of a way to catch Twilight.
  244. >You aren't busting through that shield any time soon.
  245. >Perhaps you can catch her tomorrow.
  246. >It's about time that you got some rest.
  247. >...
  248. >Four days have passed.
  249. >You still never got the chance to talk to Twilight again.
  250. >Fucking work schedule is strict, bro.
  251. >At least your damn clinic isn't understaffed anymore.
  252. >You're in the hallway, looking at the list that contains who you have to attend to next.
  253. >Let's see, you've already had Bon Bon, Big Macintosh, Bulk Biceps, and Berry Punch.
  254. >You didn't expect to see Berry back that soon.
  255. >The places that mare can get a beer bottle stuck in never ceases to amaze you.
  256. >Your eyes scroll further down the list.
  257. >A new name catches your eye.
  258. -Evening Twinkle, Room 2C, 3:00 PM-
  259. >Something about that name sounds familiar.
  260. >Having new patients always freshens up the workday.
  261. >This one also appears to be the next in your queue.
  262. >Wasting no more time, you head for the room that the nurse put this new patient in.
  263. >After your routine knock and entrance, you get to see what this new patient looks like.
  264. >A young unicorn mare with deep blue fur, and a mane with a slightly more purple tint to it is sitting on the table.
  265. >The aforementioned mane is tied up in the back, setting it into a ponytail.
  266. >You giggle internally.
  267. >Her cutie mark is that of an open book with a bookmark in the middle of it.
  268. >The colors really don't do it for you.
  269. >Hairstyle could be better, too.
  270. >5/10 might bang if drunk.
  271. >What? You always rate your new female patients!
  272. >Just a little tradition.
  273. "Hello there, Miss Twinkle, it's nice to meet you! How are you feeling today?"
  274. >You extend your hand for a hand/hoofshake.
  275. >The mare grips it with her hoof and you shake it.
  276. >You start pressing down a bit above your fingers, trying to feel for any abnormalities in her internal organs.
  277. >While doing this, you look back up at her face for any signs of discomfort.
  278. >A blush starts to fade into her face as you maneuver your hands around.
  279. >Ignoring her demeanor, you continue your job.
  280. "Do you feel any discomfort or tenderness when I do this?"
  281. >A deep breath, and then a reply comes from the mare.
  282. >"Nothing there..."
  283. >You twist your fingers.
  284. "And here?"
  285. >Another response, but this one sounds more like a sigh more than anything.
  286. >"Mmm-mmm..."
  287. >Next, you start feeling at her cervix.
  288. >Nothing out of the ordinary here, either.
  289. >You start retracting your fingers, when you suddenly get stopped by the feeling of resistance.
  290. >"I-I think I feel something t-there!"
  291. >Caught off guard, you start pressing your fingers in different directions, looking for the area you just touched.
  292. "Here?"
  293. >"No..."
  294. "What about here?"
  295. >"Not there..."
  296. "This spo-"
  297. >"YES, RIGHT THERE!"
  298. >This is weird, she's complaining about this spot, but you don't feel anything...
  299. >You press a little harder on the suspected area.
  300. >"Ooooh... right there..."
  301. >This might be a job for an ultrasound...
  302. >In one final attempt, you stroke and probe the area to be sure you haven't missed anything.
  303. >That's when the familiar sensation of fluid running down your gloved hand hits you.
  304. >Her vagina muscles tighten with three times the grip than they already had.
  305. >Out of panic and confusion, you try to pull your hand out to no avail.
  306. "What in the-"
  307. >Then she begins to glow.
  308. >Her fur starts emitting magic particles as the glow's intensity rises.
  309. >This isn't how you want to die.
  310. >Sure, you wanted to die in an explosion while covered in pussy, but not like this!
  311. >You have to close your eyes from how bright it is.
  312. >Is this it? Is this what it will be like to die?
  313. >Two fingers deep in some alien horse that you've never met?
  314. >You just stand there, eyes clenched shut, waiting for the end.
  315. >But it never comes.
  316. >By some miracle, the glow starts to die down, until you can open your eyes again.
  317. >You can't make out Evening's features until the glow is completely gone.
  318. >But something's off about her.
  319. >Her coat is purple.
  320. >So is her mane but it's slightly darker, and more blue.
  321. >It has a two slightly different shaded pink stripes running down to her bangs.
  322. >Where her cutie mark is, there is a pink and white starburst in place of the book that once adorned her flank.
  323. >You can't be fucking serious.
  324. "...Twilight?"

Suddenly, Fluttershy Part 1 (OLD)

by Nehem

Suddenly, Fluttershy Part 2 (OLD)

by Nehem

Tale of a Traumatized Pegasus

by Nehem

Twilight's Treatment

by Nehem

Twilight's Treatment P2

by Nehem