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Game Night 09: Anon Game Night (Twilight and Anon Epilogue)

By twilightgamenight
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-31 22:11:16
Expiry: Never

  1. "And by that you mean...?"
  2. >Twilight smiles at you lovingly.
  3. >"What do you think it means?" she says, putting her other forehoof over your hand, sandwiching it between them.
  6. >You point across the table to Fluttershy with your free hand, causing the little yellow pony to whimper in fear. Cheerilee gives you a nod, wrapping her forelegs around the pegasus’ mouth.
  7. >Twilight squeezes gently on your hand.
  8. >”I mean…” she says slowly, taking the time to find the right words, “… I mean… do you want to… well…”
  9. >She shuts her eyes tightly.
  10. >”DoyouwanttogotoCanterCon?” she blurts out.
  11. >Lyra stops shoving stuff into her bag, looking up at your princess with eyes wide.
  12. >”CanterCon?” she shouts. “YELL YEAH!”
  13. >”I’m pretty sure she wasn’t asking you,” Cheerilee snips, rolling her eyes at the unicorn.
  14. >Twilight’s cheeks glow bright red and she drops her head forward, her mane draping down to hide her face.
  15. >”I wouldn’t mind that,” she says to the floor. “But…“
  16. >”But it’s always impossible to get rooms,” Trixie finishes when your princess does not. “Everyplace is usually booked solid.”
  17. >Twilight jerks herself free from your hand, planting her forehooves on the edge of the table and half-standing in panic.
  18. >”No, no!” she shouts.
  19. >”Of course it is, Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie responds, copying your princess’s pose. “Trixie has tried to work the con before and if there is no room for *her*, there certainly wouldn’t be for the rest!”
  20. >”No!” Twilight repeats. “You can all stay at the royal castle!”
  21. >Lyra jumps up whooping, accidently spilling her half-packed saddlebags all over the floor.
  22. >”We’re going to CanterCon!” she yells, punching the air with one hoof.
  23. >”Are you sure…?” Berry Punch asks hesitantly. “I’m sure the princesses wouldn’t want the likes of us –“
  24. >”OF COURSE!” Twilight cuts her off. “No one ever wants to visit the royal castle during CanterCon – the city is too packed with ‘unsavory elements’.”
  25. >She manages to make air quote motions with her forehooves – how, you’ll never quite understand.
  26. >”But the princesses –“
  27. >”Don’t seem to mind the con,” Twilight answers with a smirk. “Otherwise they wouldn’t let it be held in their city, would they? I don’t see why they would mind you…”
  28. >Of course they don’t mind the con; Celestia probably wrote Burrows and Basilisks.
  29. >Berry Punch sighs, stuffing the rest of her things into her saddlebags.
  30. >”I’ll see if I can get time off from work,” she grumbles happily as she stands, “but right now I need to get home, get some sleep. This was fun, Anon – let me know if you plan to run something again.”
  31. >The Earth Pony’s departure spurs on the other mares and they begin packing their own things, Cheerilee clearing the table of empty plates and mugs. You can still hear Berry Punch over the rustling of papers and dice.
  32. >”Ready to go Pinchie?”
  33. >”Almost, mom,” her daughter replies. “Just need to finish putting this away.”
  34. >”I’ll do it!” Ponka tells the little filly. “You look *tired*.”
  35. >”I am,” Berry Punch acknowledges, “but that was fun. Thanks for cleaning up, Pinkie Pie.”
  36. >”My pleasure!” your little nutcase answers with her characteristic enthusiasm.
  37. >You hear the front door open and the clatter of feet on the wooden floor.
  38. >”Hey mom…?” Berry Pinch asks, her voice growing fainter. “If you could wish for anything, what would it be?”
  39. >”I don’t need to wish for anything,” the mare answers. “I already have you –“
  40. >The door closes, cutting off whatever else your friend was saying.
  41. >Fluttershy tries to stand, her backs packed with Twilight’s assistance, but her knees wobble and she lists to one side, like a capsizing boat. Only Trixie’s steadying hoof keeps the pegasus upright.
  42. >”How drunk are you!?” Cheerilee groans. “Do you need to crash on my couch?”
  43. >”Oh, no!” Fluttershy objects, shaking her head as vigorously as she can manage without hurling. “I wouldn’t want to impose…”
  44. >She takes a step – tries to. It’s more of a tumble, really.
  45. >”The Kind and Benevolent Trixie can carry her home,” Trixie sighs, half-pulling the drunk pegasus onto her back.
  46. ”Are you sure? She lives in the middle of *nowhere*”
  47. >”It’s not out of Trixie’s way,” she answers, collecting the last of her things.
  48. “Oh? So you live out there too?”
  49. >”I – “ she hesitates, turning away slightly in embarrassment. “It’s not out of Trixie’s way.”
  50. >”Fluttershy… are you okay with this…?” Twilight asks. “Anon and I can –“
  51. >The pegasus sticks out her tongue, blowing a raspberry at the two of you.
  52. “I think that means ‘yes’.”
  53. >Twilight opens her mouth to complain, but Lyra tackles her drunkenly.
  54. >”Don’t worry, Trixie has carried me home PLENTY of times!” the unicorn tells your princess. “Fairly certain she never murdered or raped me. Probably.”
  55. >Smirking in vindication, Trixie leaves without a word, carrying the barely conscious Fluttershy out with her.
  56. >”Besides,” Lyra adds, “Trixie has her wagon and it doesn’t look like Fluttershy can even walk right now.”
  57. >She pushes off of your princess, picking up her own saddlebags.
  58. >”See you around, princess,” the unicorn nods in farewell, “Oh, and Anon?”
  59. “Yeah?”
  60. >”I really enjoyed your plot.”
  61. >She slaps your ass with one hoof and runs out the front door giggling the entire way.
  62. >”Was… was that supposed to make me jealous…?” Twilight asks, gawking after the escaping mare. “It’s not like she’s seen you n-“
  63. >Cheerilee clears her throat pointedly, interrupting your princess. She jerks her head towards the entryway, where you can see Apple Bloom and Scootaloo talking with Applejack.
  64. >”Right,” Twilight grins sheepishly. “Sorry.”
  65. >You finish packing the last of your things and stand, running a hand along Twilight’s neck.
  66. “Ready to go?”
  67. >She looks at the mess Cheerilee still has to clean up, but the teacher shakes her head.
  68. >”No school tomorrow,” she explains. “I’ll take care of this in the morning.”
  69. “Sorry for bringing so many ponies over…”
  70. >She smiles at you, shaking her head slowly.
  71. >”It’s fine – more than fine,” she says. “Everypony had fun tonight, and that’s what matters, right?”
  72. “Yeah, I guess so.”
  73. >Cheerilee gives you a nudge with her hoof.
  74. >You take the hint, leading your princess towards the front door.
  75. “Thanks for letting me run a game, I had fun.”
  76. >The Earth Pony follows you partway, standing at the threshold to the dining room.
  77. >”And thanks for letting the fillies stay here,” Applejack adds, tipping her hat to Cheerilee and herding the two Crusaders out the front door.
  78. >”Not a problem,” she answers with a smile.
  79. >Pinkie Pie follows in your footsteps, shutting the door behind her, waving energetically to Cheerilee through the narrowing gap the whole time. You all stand around outside Cheerilee’s home for a few minutes, exchanging pleasantries and small talk.
  80. >Eventually, Pinkie Pie sidles up to Twilight, nudging your princess’s shoulder with hers.
  81. >”Soooooooooooooooo…?” Ponka asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
  82. >”Yes Pinkie, you’re invited too,” your princess answers. “And you too, Applejack. Everyone is.”
  83. >”Everyone?” Scootaloo asks hopefully? “It would be nice to… get away…”
  84. >Twilight leans down, nuzzling the filly’s nose.
  85. >”Of course,” she says. “But ask your parents, okay?”
  86. >Scootaloo snorts in disbelief, the corners of her face turning down in a frown.
  87. >”Why?”
  88. >”Because they’re your parents, Scootaloo,” Twilight answers softly. “I know you don’t get to see them often, but they might have something planned.”
  89. >”So what?” the filly scoffs, turning her back to your princess. “It doesn’t matter what they say.
  90. >”Hey!” Twilight reaches out with a foreleg to pull Scootaloo back around. “Even *I* ask my parents for permission sometimes.”
  91. >”But you’re a princess!” Scootaloo exclaims. “You can do anything you want!”
  92. >Your princess chuckles nerviously, glancing in your direction.
  93. >”Not… not always.”
  94. >Applejack pulls the filly from Twilight’s grasp.
  95. >”Ah’ll make sure she asks,” the mare says, “but right now, it’s time to get these two in bed.”
  96. >After saying your farewells, you part ways. Pinkie Pie bounces off cheerfully into the night as Applejack leads the two fillies back to Sweet Apple Acres. The little Apple trots alongside her older sister willingly, but the mare has to drag a frowning Scootaloo away.
  97. “Well…”
  98. >Your princess and you watch your friends depart, leaving the two of you standing alone in the dark street.
  99. “Want to tell me what that was about?”
  100. >Twilight walks over to you, then past you, heading home.
  101. >”I guess…”
  102. “So?”
  103. >”Well, CanterCon is in Canterlot…” she says, drawing the words out, expecting you to finish the thought.
  104. “I guessed that much, from the name and the royal castle everyone will be staying at.”
  105. >Twilight pauses, turning back to face you. She waits for you to catch up before answering, matching your pace.
  106. >”Do you know what else is in Canterlot?” she asks you playfully, flicking you with her tail.
  107. “Celestia?”
  108. >You honestly don’t have a clue what she’s getting at, but if you can’t sound smart, you might as well sound like a smartass.
  109. >”Oh, right. Her too!” Twilight smiles at you mischievously. You suddenly regret being a smartass. “But that’s not who I meant!”
  110. >She rubs up against your leg, almost knocking you off balance.
  111. >”I want you to meet my family…” she says longingly.
  112. >Twilight almost falls as you step away abruptly, turning down a side-street. The scarce streetlamps barely illuminated the main thoroughfares – almost none of the light reaches down this alley.
  113. “So while all of our friends get to have fun at the con, I have to spend the weekend with your family?”
  114. >”Don’t be like that!” she chides, rubbing up against you again. You drop your hand down, running it along her spine. “My brother will be in town, too!”
  115. “Despite CanterCon?”
  116. >”*Because* of CanterCon,” she answers with a smile.
  117. >You walk below and overhanging balcony, the structure blocking out the moonlight. Is it your imagination, or does Twilight shiver slightly in the encompassing darkness?
  118. “Oh, right. Cadence told me about that. We had a nice little talk earlier today…”
  119. >Twilight freezes up, looking up to you in worry. You can barely see her face in the darkness – only her eyes stand out, shimmering in fear.
  120. >”W-what did you two talk about…?”
  121. >You run your hand up her back to her shoulder, gently rubbing it and pulling her closer to you as the two of you step back out into the moon’s illuminating presence.
  122. “This and that. I have the feeling she doesn’t approve of our gaming…”
  123. >Twilight laughs nervously, eyes glancing around the alleyway, hovering over every deep shadow. It’s not the first time you’ve noticed this – ponies have never gotten over their fear of the dark. That’s probably why Ponyville usually seems so deserted at night. Not enough lighting – not enough *safety*.
  124. >”Shining Armor did tell me they’ve had a few fights about it,” she lets drop, trying to keep herself focused on something normal, something other than the rising panic.
  125. >You move your hand up her neck, applying more pressure than necessary. You let it linger ominously.
  126. >”I – “
  127. “Yes, Twilight?”
  128. >She gasps as the palm of your hand cups the base of her jaw.
  129. “Anything you’d like to say?”
  130. >Her head twitches in your grasp, but she says nothing.
  131. >You step back, dragging your yielding princess out of the moonlight – into the shadows.
  132. “I hope you and I never argue like they do.”
  133. >You lean down, wrapping the entirety of your left arm around her neck, hugging her comfortingly but firmly. With your right, you stroke down her back, letting the hand linger at the base of her tail for a second longer than necessary before bringing it back to start again.
  134. >”They – they don’t really argue about it…” she says, fidgeting slightly in your grasp. She’s not struggling against *you* exactly, but still she struggles. It’s dark, the streets are deserted. There are no other ponies around… just… you. “It’s more like…”
  135. >She cuts off for a second as you squeeze her tightly.
  136. “What about us? You were a little harsh on me back there…”
  137. >Twilight tries to turn to face you, but your hold on her is too tight, too unyielding. The most she can do is tilt her head back to look you clearly in the eyes.
  138. “What was all that about sacrifice and how cruel I am? Do you really have such a low opinion of me?”
  139. >”No, but –“
  140. “Am I just some plaything to you?”
  141. >”No!”
  142. “All I tried to do tonight was give you what you wanted, Twilight.”
  143. >You lean close, whispering into her ear.
  144. “That’s all I’ve ever tried to do, you know, ever since we became friends. And it usually seems to backfire, leaving us both hurt.”
  145. >Already on edge, your princess flinches at your words.
  146. >”It’s late – can we go home now?” she asks, trying to pull free of your arm. You let her go with only moderate resistance, letting your hand loiter meaningfully on her flank.
  147. “We can do whatever you want, princess.”
  148. >You kiss the tip of her nose.
  149. “But this time, you’re going to have to beg for it.”
  150. >”WHAT!?”
  151. “Quiet, princess. You wouldn’t want to wake anyone, would you?”
  152. >You kiss her again, this time on the lips.
  153. >”Beg for it?” she asks indignantly as you break off the kiss. “What does *that* mean?”
  154. “It means… I’m beginning to think you enjoy being… hurt.”
  155. >She stares at you in shock.
  156. “…that you *want* me to hurt you…”
  157. >Twilight’s mouth scrunches up in confusion.
  158. “Otherwise, why would it be so easy…?”
  159. >”Because I TRUST you, Anon!” she shouts, rearing up and shoving you in the chest with her forehooves. Caught off guard, you fall off balance, smacking into the wall behind you. “I trust you with all my heart. Why else would I want you to meet my parents?”
  160. >You pull yourself back up into a semi-dignified crouch, rubbing your shoulder where it smashed into the stone wall.
  161. “I *was* wondering that. I don’t know what that means for you ponies, but… well… we’ve only been dating for a week…”
  162. >Twilight laughs – LAUGHS – at you. You don’t know what reaction you were expecting, but this certainly wasn’t it. It’s her turn to stroke your face with her hoof. She hooks the foreleg around the back of your neck and pulls you down into her embrace.
  163. >Hesitantly, you return the hug, putting both arms around her neck – more gently this time.
  164. >”How long have we known each other?” she asks, nuzzling your cheek.
  165. “About a year…”
  166. >”And how much of that time have you spent with me?”
  167. >Barely a day has gone by without seeing your princess. Sometimes you’ve only spent a few minutes together in passing, sometimes… the whole day.
  168. “Not as much as I would have liked.”
  169. >You can feel her smile as she buries her face in your neck.
  170. >”Exactly,” she whispers.
  171. >Her chest rubs up against yours as she tightens her grip – you can feel it heaving with each breath, just as you can feel the rush of warm air on the side of your neck.
  172. >”I don’t *like* being hurt, Anon,” she says, squeezing even tighter. “No pony does. But it’s worth it to be with you.”
  173. “Oh.”
  174. >Oh. Oh fuck.
  175. “So last night –“
  176. >”Was very enjoyable,” Twilight giggles into your collar. “But let’s not make a habit of it, okay? Particularly not in public…”
  177. >OH FUCK.
  178. >”Not that I don’t…” she licks your neck “… ‘appreciate’ the thought.”
  179. >She giggles again, squirming in your grasp.
  180. >”Maybe…” another little laugh, nervous this time “… maybe someday I will beg for it. But not tonight.”
  181. >Your princess sighs, the exhailation full of regret and longing.
  182. >”Not tonight,” she repeats. “There’s a time and a place…”
  183. >Using your own words against you. Damn, you knew you made a mistake yesterday.
  184. >”… and I think – I think I’ve used up all my courage for today.”
  185. “Afraid of getting caught?”
  186. >Twilight shakes her head, her mane brushing against your chin.
  187. >”I’m only afraid of one thing, Anon,” she murmurs quietly. “Of losing you.”
  188. “And the dark.”
  189. >She snorts, pulling back just enough to look you eye to eye.
  190. >”Of what’s *in* the dark,” she corrects. “There’s been some… disappearances…”
  191. >Twilight flinches in imaginary pain.
  192. “Don’t worry, my little princess…”
  193. >You run a hand down her neck, through her mane, trying to comfort your little pony.
  194. “I’ll protect you.”
  195. >She smiles at you, amusement warring with fear on her face.
  196. >”I know…” she says sadly. “You promised you’d never leave me.”
  197. >You lean in kissing, kissing her again.
  198. “That I did.”
  199. >”That doesn’t mean you can’t be *taken* from me…”
  200. >Her body shudders involuntarily.
  201. >”I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she whispers, as if the mere words can make her fear a reality. “I don’t know if I could… if I could live without you.”
  202. “I promised –“
  203. >”You can’t promise things you can’t control, Anon,” she cuts you off, tears forming in her eyes. “One day –“
  204. “Yes. Yes *I* can.”
  205. >You cup her face with both hands, kissing her again.
  206. “No matter what the laws of life and death forbid, I will *always* be with you.”
  207. >She fakes a laugh at that, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes.
  208. >”You promise?”
  209. “I already have.”


by twilightgamenight

Game Night 01: Twilight Game Night (Part 1)

by twilightgamenight

Game Night 02: Twilight Game Night (Part 2)

by twilightgamenight

Game Night 03: Twilight Game Night (Part 3)

by twilightgamenight

Game Night 04: Twilight Game Night (Epilogue)

by twilightgamenight