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Demons and Dissertations (RGRE) (

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-19 00:19:18
Expiry: Never

  1. > You are Sotharia, third circle descendant.
  2. > Not for the first time, you wish you had manifested as an incubus, they get summoned all the time.
  3. > But no, you are a pony succubus for a world that is 70% mares.
  4. > The chances of you-
  5. > Whoa!
  6. > You feel a tug on your spine, and you follow it gladly.
  7. > You rise from a circle, red smoke billowing around you.
  8. > You strike a seductive pose for your summoner, who is a...
  9. >"Huh, it actually worked."
  10. > Minotaur? Thing?
  11. > You don't see any teats, so today is your lucky eon.
  12. "Yessssssss, I have answered your call. What is your name, succulent morsel?"
  13. > He flips through a book with his delicate fingers.
  14. > "Hold on, there's a bit before that. Ah, here it is. By the tree and stone, I abjure thee to bind thyself with thy name."
  15. > Drat, first time summoners are usually too flustered to get it right.
  16. "Very well, I bind myself to your will in the name Sotharia."
  17. > He smiles at you.
  18. > "That's a pretty name."
  19. "Th-thanks."
  20. > What is with this colt?
  21. > "Okay, next is, By my will and might, I bind you in my name, Anonymous. But you can call me Anon."
  22. > Well, so much for running rampant this time around.
  23. > Still, you have a job to do.
  24. "You have done well in binding me, master Anon. What do you say we enjoy the fruits of your competence?"
  25. > He sits down on a couch, grinning.
  26. > "Yeah, do what you like. I want to see what succubi do for foreplay."
  27. > You walk towards him, your hips swaying, your eyes and smile sultry.
  28. > You hop up onto the couch and lean against his shoulder.
  29. > Sulfur and Stars, this colt is tall.
  30. > And deliciously warm.
  31. > You slide a hoof down his arm, until you are holding his hand.
  32. > You gaze up at his no doubt flustered fa-
  33. > He tilts his head.
  34. > "Was that supposed to be lewd?"
  35. > He gives your hoof a squeeze.
  36. > Your legs buckle beneath you as a wave of heat crashes inside you.
  37. "B-buck yeah, you lewd colt, squeeze my hoof again!"
  38. > Master Anon is frowning now.
  39. "Is that all?"
  40. > You nuzzle his shoulder, mind fuzzy from all the energy you are drinking up.
  41. "Mmmm, if you want more..."
  42. > You lift your muzzle...
  43. > And give him a peck on the cheek!
  44. > The few stallions you've had all crumpled at this stage, but this colt, this colt,
  45. > "Looks like I'll have to do things myself."
  46. > What does he mean by th-
  47. > His lips meet yours, pressing and parting.
  48. > A hot, greedy tongue invades your mouth.
  49. > His desire pours into you, hotter than the fires of Tartarus.
  50. > You moan weakly, returning the kiss as best you can.
  51. > Then a hand slides over your hip, grasping at your flank, and you can think no more.
  52. ------------
  53. > Be Anon, poking an unconscious demoness.
  54. > Shouldn't she have bat wings?
  55. > Maybe there's a three tribes thing in Tartarus as well?
  56. > What writings you have found don't really go into much detail on that sort of thing
  57. > Regardless, this whole "summoning a succubus" thing is kinda disappointing, a little frenching and an assgrab, and she's out cold.
  58. > At least she's got a cute smile.
  59. > Still, you'd feel weird about sexing up a sleeping girl, or uh, mare.
  60. > So you flip through Torn Heart's Occult Tome and review the contract you made
  61. > Blah blah emotional energy, blah blah harm only on command, blah blah dismiss by this incantation
  62. > Nothing about what to do if she faints
  63. > A whole section on how to use a succubus' shapeshifting and seduction powers to sabotage rival stallions, and a small warning about getting addicted to their services
  64. > Another section for talking to the manager, but you don't want to resort to that before you get a handle on the situation
  65. > You look back at the succubus, and boop her snoot
  66. > She lets out a sleepy giggle, but otherwise doesn't react
  67. > Guess you'll finish grading homework while you wait
  68. ---------
  69. > Be Sotharia, emerging from the depths of dreaming
  70. > You feel unbelievably satisfied but also kinda fuzzy
  71. > You hear a susurrus of paper
  72. > That can't be, it would catch fire in Tartarus
  73. > You open your eyes and everything falls into place
  74. > The summoning
  75. > The torrent of desire
  76. > Blacking out
  77. > All of your contentment transmutes into shame as you stare at your master
  78. "Did we... do it?"
  79. > He looks up at your question, rolling up a scroll
  80. > How terrible would it be if you don't even remember your first time?
  81. > Master Anon chuckles, which does absolutely nothing for your state of mind
  82. > "No, I'm afraid not. Do you want to try again, or do you need to prepare yourself?"
  83. > You gnaw on your lip
  84. > On one hoof, you really ought to take charge and give him a bucking he will remember for decades to come
  85. > On the other hoof, you are pretty sure that's beyond your capabilities right now
  86. > Maybe, if you are lucky, you can get him off after your second or third climax, but you just know it will be disappointing for him
  87. > This is what you were born to do, yet...
  88. > Tears hiss down your cheeks, boiling away in the heat of your shame and embarrassment
  89. > Master Anon frowns in concern
  90. > "Hey, are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?"
  91. > He reaches out and strokes between your horns
  92. > You take a deep breath, letting the repetitive motion stabilize you
  93. > You swallow
  94. "I'm s-sorry for being too weak before, Master. This servant has yet to gain the experience necessary to grant you the full experience of summoning my kind."
  95. > You know Infernal policy, you know what you must do
  96. "For no additional sacrifice, you may bind an additional succubus, who will be guaranteed to have the necessary experience. If you choose to void our contract, that mare will be my substitute. If you permit me to stay, she will train me with your cooperation, as well as follow any commands you may have. How would you like to proceed?"
  97. > He leans forward, bracing his elbows on his knees
  98. > Master's face is impassive
  99. > "What would you like to happen?"
  100. > You blink, not expecting the question
  101. "I..."
  102. > This isn't a power-mad, vain wizard
  103. > Master Anon has been gentle to you
  104. > You get to your hooves, standing tall on the couch cushion
  105. "I want one more try at my own pace. After that, you should talk to my manager and she'll arrange for my trainer and your second servant."
  106. > To be honest, you doubt you could be so forthright with your wishes without the binding giving you a prodding to answer truthfully
  107. > He nods
  108. > "Then that's what we'll do."
  109. > Master Anon leans back and smiles at your surprised expression
  110. > "Whenever you're ready."
  111. > Okay, you can do this
  112. > Seduction manipulation techniques aren't going to cut it, and might not be necessary
  113. > You can still taste his desire in your soul
  114. > Now you just have to remember your cockwrangling training
  115. > ...
  116. > How long has it been since you took a refresher course?
  117. > ...
  118. > Well, maybe it'll come to you as you get into it
  119. > Your horns glow pink with motes of black as you gently levitate your master and unfasten his pants
  120. > They slide off easily, revealing... even smaller pants
  121. > Why
  122. > You pull those down too, half expecting another set of pants beneath that
  123. > But no, instead you are faced with a fully erect dick with no ball bra
  124. > Your magic falters at this display, and Master falls back to the couch with a soft 'pomf'
  125. > You look at his erection, then his face
  126. "Already?"
  127. > He smiles
  128. > "You're a cute mare."
  129. > Oh buck
  130. > You know your face is red
  131. > Well, redder
  132. > You take a deep breath and accidently get a noseful of his musk
  133. > You let out a little moan of need, but you are a professional, you need to stay in control of yourself
  134. > You reach out with your hoof and stroke the shaft
  135. > So smooth, and feverishly warm
  136. > You bring your other hoof up to cup his family jewels, gently massaging the most delicate and precious part of your master
  137. > He hums a little in appreciation, slowly thrusting his length against your hoof
  138. > You can't escape the scent of his lust now, it pulls you in
  139. > The tip of his cock boops your nose and instinct takes over
  140. > Your tongue wraps around the head, pulling it into your mouth and filling your mind with the first taste of ecstasy
  141. > Master Anon groans, grabbing your curved horns and tugging your head closer to his loins
  142. > You are all too happy to oblige
  143. > With each inch you take deeper into your mouth, you get a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment
  144. > This is what you were born to do, and it feels amazing
  145. > The cushion below your marehood is soaked with your arousal, each wink sending another spurt of marecum
  146. > At last, your nose is buried in his pubic hair and you instinctively suckle at the rod of pure desire in your mouth
  147. > "F-fuck!"
  148. > That's the last thing you hear
  149. ------
  150. > Be Anon, officially hot and bothered
  151. > Sotharia's eyes have rolled back, but she is still gently sucking on your dick
  152. > Of all the times to faint on you...actually, this is alright
  153. > You had sort of hoped she could finish the blowjob, but taking things into your own hands will work
  154. > It helps that her ram's horns make for really good handles
  155. > You thrust in and out of her mouth, shuddering at her relentless suction
  156. > You let go of a horn to reach over and grab a handful of her thicc ass
  157. > Soft, yet firm enough to grip, and slick with her splattered juices
  158. > Sotharia makes a muffled moan, and you can't help but pick up the pace
  159. > Your dick is practically melting in the warmth of her mouth, each thrust bringing waves of pleasure that surge and crash inside you
  160. > You cry out in ecstasy, jamming your cock as deep as it will go and coating her throat in your cum
  161. > Sotharia purrs, swallowing it all and relentlessly sucking until the last drop is gone
  162. > You lay boneless against the couch, trying to catch your breath
  163. > But she's still sucking
  164. > You whimper, prying her mouth from your cock with some difficulty, letting her chin rest on your thigh
  165. > Sotharia makes a mewl of discontent, but only nuzzles your leg
  166. > You lean back against the couch and let out a long sigh
  167. > Should you really summon another one?
  168. > Part of you feels sorry for Sotharia, but another part can't help but wonder how good a veteran succubus would be
  169. > ...
  170. > You'll think about it after a quick nap
  171. > As you drift off, you pat Sotharia's neck, her purring lulling you to sleep
  172. -------
  173. > Be Sotharia, waking up again
  174. > You get your bearings quicker this time
  175. > You feel more powerful, and you have the most delicious aftertaste
  176. > It's a bit of a disappointment that you fainted before the climax, but you are a little proud that you did well enough for him to finish the job with your mouth
  177. > Glancing up, Master is asleep
  178. > Maybe you can try again?
  179. > You try not to move too much, in case it wakes him up
  180. > Your tongue stretches as far as it can, a mere hairsbreadth from his flaccid stallionhood
  181. > You scooch a little closer, but that rouses Master
  182. > He absently strokes your neck, then looks down at your tongue, still elongated and reaching
  183. > "Not now, Sothi. We need to talk."
  184. > You pull it back into your mouth
  185. "About?"
  186. > He rubs his face one-handedly
  187. > "You seemed pretty upset about getting a trainer or whatever. Do you really want me to do that?"
  188. > You blush
  189. "It wasn't about getting a trainer, I was worried you'd void my contract. It's hard for virgin succubi to get training or even experience. It will help me a lot if you do summon a trainer."
  190. > He looks at you in surprise
  191. "Huh. Okay. Is there a time limit on this, or can we do the summoning tomorrow?"
  192. > You shake your head
  193. "No time limit, this is purely a matter of customer satisfaction."
  194. > Master Anon sighs in relief
  195. > "Then tomorrow it is. I still have to do some grading for tomorrow. While I'm doing that, feel free to explore the house."
  196. "Yes, Master."
  197. > With that, he gently pushes your head off his leg and starts getting dressed
  198. > You sit back on the cushion, then immediately get to your hooves at the feel of cold, damp marecum soaked into the fabric
  199. > You are a little curious about what Master does, that he is grading homework, but you must not distract him from his work
  200. > You hop off the couch and levitate the cushion
  201. > Hopefully you'll find the laundry room quickly
  202. --------
  203. > Be Anon, absently checking over the warding diagram drawn on the scroll
  204. > Looks like Pip opted for a malice operator and a hemisphere membrane
  205. > Points for increased mana efficiency, since pixies can't burrow, but points off for forgetting that mischief isn't always malice
  206. > Considering pixies are necessary to summon fae, that could be a deadly oversight
  207. > You write your comments in the margins, then roll up the scroll and toss it in the "graded" basket
  208. > The next scroll you pick up is a fair bit longer than the others
  209. > You don't even have to look at the signature to know it's from Gold Star
  210. > Let's see what she's cooked up now
  211. > Triskelion triangle format, contra-purpose operator, omission sub operator, memory wipe coda, and dome, box, and pyramid membranes
  212. > It is very close to the ideal warding formation for pixies, if it weren't for the power requirements
  213. > Of course, if Gold Star was making this for herself, that wouldn't be a problem
  214. > You make a note of that in the margin and pause
  215. > You know this is why she goes over and beyond the requirements of the assignment, but it's not like the work doesn't merit recognition
  216. > You sigh and draw a little eight-pointed star on the back of the scroll and retie the ribbon
  217. > About half an hour later, you have finished the last of the scrolls
  218. > You look up to find a pink unicorn mare sitting patiently, her wavy cherry-red mane in a loose braid over her shoulder
  219. > You frown, none of your wards alerted you to this intru-
  220. > Her eyes are wine-red, and her cutie-mark is a sword's sheath
  221. > You raise an eyebrow
  222. "Is that your preferred form for public outings?"
  223. > Sotharia nods
  224. > "There are enough windows in this house to require such measures. Would you like some dinner, Master?"
  225. > You glance at the clock, it is about that time
  226. > Guess the whole summoning, trial run, and nap took more time than you thought
  227. "That sounds great, Sothi."
  228. > You stand up and crack your back, following the mare to the dining room
  229. > Only one place at the table is set, with all the silverware, plates and bowls you would expect from a high society function
  230. > You frown as you sit
  231. "Please tell me you haven't prepared a full course meal."
  232. > Sothi nods
  233. > "It is only one course."
  234. > A tray is levitated towards the table, and the cover is lifted
  235. > Your nose is assaulted with the aroma of spaghetti, garlic bread, and parmesan cheese
  236. > Your mouth waters
  237. "This smells delicious, thank you Sothi."
  238. > She smiles slightly as she serves the food
  239. > "We are trained to serve in a variety of duties, for infiltration and our master's convenience."
  240. > You are a few bites into the meal before you frown at her
  241. "Aren't you going to eat?"
  242. > Sothi wears a satisfied grin
  243. > "You fed me quite well. I'll let you know when I get hungry, Master."
  244. > Fair enough
  245. ---------
  246. > Be Summit Seeker, one of the few stallions in Professor Anonymous' advanced conjuration class
  247. > You know why the mares are here, it's for only one thing and it's disgusting
  248. > Part of why you are here is because when you have a herd, you want to make sure none of them are summoning incubi when you are busy
  249. > The other part is the undeniable appeal of building an interplanar network of contacts, funneling secrets and capable allies into your sphere of influence
  250. > That's what Professor Anonymous did to reach such a lofty position in academia, and you hope to follow in his hoofsteps
  251. > Though perhaps in a different department
  252. > As much as you respect your professor, you want to be the head of whatever field you specialize in
  253. > "Good morning!"
  254. > You spare a smile for Pip, the other stallion in the class
  255. "Good morning, how was your weekend?"
  256. > Pip wiggles his ears, the thaumic tuner clips levitating his slate onto the table you share
  257. > "Great! Me and the girls had a wonderful time at the amusement park, and last night, I think I caught a glimpse of Luna in my dream!"
  258. > You feel bad for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon
  259. > The poor mares are stuck in some sort of pre-herd limbo until Pip either gives up on having Luna as his alpha, or actually manages to catch her eye
  260. > Given his unrelenting optimism, both outcomes seem equally unlikely
  261. > Still, you can respect his ambition, if nothing else
  262. "That sounds really nice of them, have you thought of how you're going to thank Diamond and Silver?"
  263. > Pip tilts his head
  264. > "Thank? We each bought our own tickets, though Diamond did try to pay for it all. But maybe I should bake them some cookies for coming up with the idea."
  265. > You smile and nod, having done what you can for the girls
  266. > Pip leans close and whispers,
  267. > "What about you? How did the...thing go?"
  268. > You grimace at the memory
  269. "A total bust. All the owl feathers burnt up, and the mushrooms practically exploded. It took me hours to clean it all up."
  270. > The old tome said the wisdom potion was tricky to brew, but you thought you had it under control
  271. > Then again, if a somewhat skilled amateur like yourself could brew it, it wouldn't sell for so much in alchemy stores
  272. > Though that might also be because of the cognitive addictiveness of the potion
  273. > You certainly wanted to at least try your first batch, using the clarity to figure out if your money making scheme was actually workable
  274. > "Aw, that's too bad, it would have been nice if you could have started paying off your student debt so soon."
  275. > You shrug, swallowing a bit of envy
  276. > Pip managed to get an "unnamed donor" ie, Diamond Tiara to pay for his tuition
  277. > You honestly can't tell if he really doesn't know it was her, or if he's milking her gently while dodging her advances
  278. "It's not like I have to make down payments yet, so there is plenty of time to overcome setbacks like this."
  279. > He looks at you seriously
  280. > "Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Us colts have got to stick together!"
  281. > You manage a half-smile
  282. "Thanks, Pip. Though I doubt it will come to that, I can always sell my bathwater or something."
  283. > Pipsqueak shudders and you can't help but laugh
  284. > For all the crazy stuff that goes on in Ponyville, he is awfully sheltered
  285. > The door at the front of the classroom opens with a clatter, and Professor Anonymous strolls in, followed by an unfamiliar pink unicorn mare
  286. > Pip stares at her, whispering,
  287. > "Do you think it's his marefriend?"
  288. > You roll your eyes and whisper back
  289. "More likely an assistant."
  290. > Dr. Anon claps his hands once, and the excited murmuring of the class dies down
  291. > "Good morning, class. I am pleased to say that you all have a decent grasp of warding techniques, though I would advise every one of you to review your schema and diagrams carefully before attempting anything."
  292. > You quickly levitate a roll of paper and a pen out of your saddlebags
  293. > You have a suspicion about what this lecture will be about, and you don't want to miss a thing
  294. > "But that brings us to today's activity. Your first summoning."
  295. > Dr. Anon grins at the excited noises from your classmates
  296. > "Before you get any funny ideas, you're going to be summoning a basic wisp."
  297. > There are more than a few audible groans
  298. > Professor Anonymous ignores them and sets a thick, white, and unlit candle on the table by his lectern
  299. > You have to admit, minor light elementals are something of a letdown, given the other possibilities
  300. > "That said, it's up to you how much mana you put into your side of the contract. Keep in mind, your assignment for the next week is keeping your contract with the wisp. You'll be responsible for its actions during that time."
  301. > You furrow your brow
  302. > While wisps are very weak, given enough mana, they can pull off some remarkable illusions and light shows
  303. > The catch is, that much of your mana reserves is continually syphoned to sustain their presence on this plane
  304. > "I've already put down some basic wards, so just focus on the words of the contract and the mana you are going to offer. Let's start in the front and work out way back. Secret Word, come up when you are ready."
  305. > The unicorn mare with a pale gray coat and mint-green mane nods, her eyes dropping to her notes
  306. > You follow her example, but prick your ears when you hear her hoofsteps a moment later
  307. > "Won't you abide through the night, gentle friend? I have much to share with you."
  308. > You look up at her anxious voice
  309. > The mare is frozen, her cheeks slowly reddening at the prospect of failure
  310. > Then the wick of the candle flares with golden light
  311. > Your eyes slide off the source of that light, no matter how much you try to focus on it
  312. > It's just as the book described, but it feels weird to experience it for yourself
  313. > At least you can track the wisp by its amber corona as it settles on Secret Word's nose
  314. > The mare stares wide-eyed, then looks at Dr. Anon
  315. > He smiles at her
  316. > "That's it. You should be able to share your thoughts with it to get it to move, wisps are pretty cooperative."
  317. > The wisp circles Secret's head a few times before streaking towards her table and settling on her pen
  318. > Secret nods at the professor and follows it
  319. > As the next student trots up, you review the words of the contract, making absolutely sure you have it memorized
  320. > You're just glad whoever established the working precedent kept the contract so short
  321. > Before long, it's your turn
  322. > You trot to the warding circle, but pause to read it
  323. > Unbound operator, dimming coda, sphere membrane
  324. > The operator isn't too intrusive, so the upkeep should be pretty small
  325. > Meanwhile the coda should make sure you don't get blinded on the off chance that it rejects the contract
  326. > "Well done."
  327. > You look up to see Dr. Anon smiling at you
  328. > "Once you're satisfied about the precautions, go ahead and do the summoning."
  329. > You nod, unable to stop a blush at receiving his praise
  330. > You double check the circle for imperfections, finding none
  331. > Satisfied, you trot to the edge of the circle and take a deep breath
  332. "Won't you abide through the night, gentle friend? I have much to share with you."
  333. > You offer up as much mana as you would use to light your horn
  334. > Rather than the dissipating sensation you were expecting, it feels like it was sucked away, leaving a feeling of something clinging to your horn
  335. > It reminds you of when you got your horn stuck in some mud as a foal
  336. > The candle wick flares with an emerald green light, and you call your wisp to your withers
  337. > It settles there easily enough, and you trot back to your table
  338. > Pip prances past you, an excited grin on his face
  339. > You keep an ear on him as you sit down, but most of your attention is on your wisp
  340. > Making it move is nearly effortless, as is changing the intensity of its light
  341. > You play around with it for some time before you hear "Gold Star"
  342. > You look up to see the mare trot by, head held high
  343. > You have to admit, she isn't bad looking, what with her bright yellow coat and fashionably messy short white mane
  344. > If only she wasn't such an insufferable show-off
  345. > Gold Star stands by the warding circle and clears her throat
  346. > "In brightest day, in blackest ni-"
  347. > Dr. Anon snaps his gloved fingers
  348. > A small explosion scorches Gold's horn and rocks her head back
  349. > "Ow!"
  350. > He scowls at her
  351. > "The only time you should summon a Guardian is when there is actual danger. Do you want to be blacklisted from that plane?"
  352. > Gold Star stares at the floor with a surly expression
  353. > ""
  354. > Your professor sighs
  355. > "Think before you cast, Ms. Star. None of my previous students have become wizards, and I will not have you be the first."
  356. > You glance at the poster of a wild-eyed unicorn dropping a shoulder cannon onto a kindergarten playground
  357. > It reads, "Wizards: No sense of right and wrong!"
  358. > Gold Star recites the wisp contract in a bored tone
  360. > The rest of the summonings occur without incident, taking up most of the rest of the class time
  361. > As the last pony returns to her seat, Dr. Anon claps his hands again, drawing the attention of the class
  362. > "Just a few last things. First, your homework,"
  363. > With a wave of his hand a flock of scrolls flies out of a basket, the mana in the ribbons seeking out their owners
  364. > You look over your scroll, smiling a bit to see perfect marks
  365. > "Second, something to think about for our next class. I'm sure you're all wondering about my lovely assistant here. Her name is Sothi, and she is a native of Tartarus. Come to class next week with any questions you may have for her. That's all, see you Wednesday."
  366. > You stare at the pink, fidgeting mare
  367. > Fulsome flank, rounded eyes, perfect shapeshifting
  368. > There's only one thing she can be, and there is only one thing Dr. Anon can be feeding her
  369. > You let Pip tug you along as your conception of your, not shatters, but shifts
  370. > Is he lonely?
  371. > Is it trust issues?
  372. > Your mind whirls with possibilities
  373. > Perhaps power has its price, no matter how careful you are
  374. -----------
  375. > Be Anon, eating lunch in your office
  376. > It's pretty cozy, with a wall dedicated to a huge bookcase salvaged from the library renovations, filled with texts and knick-knacks
  377. > A comfy chair for you behind a mahogany desk, and two M. College standard chairs for guests
  378. > Sothi is sitting in one of them, her eyes wandering your office while you eat your reheated curry
  379. > She noms on her tail hair, a nervous habit that never fails to make you smile
  380. > The succubus must have sensed your amusement because she scowls at you
  381. > "Do I really have to answer their questions? Can't you just teach them normally?"
  382. > You shake your head
  383. "You have to understand, a good 90% of those mares are going to try to summon an incubus, and some of them won't be using a safe contract. I want your expert witness for just what can happen in those cases. Besides, it will have more weight if it comes straight from the horse's mouth."
  384. > The door to your office clicks open, even though you know it was locked
  385. > You turn to see Silk Veil, Professor of Illusion, poke his head through
  386. > "What's this I'm hearing about whores? Are you putting together a birthday party for Point Missing? Can I help?"
  387. > You roll your eyes
  388. "Hardly. Silk, meet Sothi of Tartarus. Sothi, meet Silk Veil, expert illusionist, amatuer comedian."
  389. > Sothi nods pleasantly
  390. > Silk takes a few sniffs, then hops up in the chair next to hers
  391. > You discreetly put a lid on your curry, wondering if he is bothered by the smell just now
  392. > He grins at you
  393. > "You left out the part where she's your marefriend. How did you meet? Was it romantic?"
  394. > Sothi's eyes go wide
  395. > "M-marefriend?"
  396. > You tilt your head
  397. "Nothing like that, found a contract in a tome I had been looking for, and decided to try it out."
  398. > Silk raises an eyebrow
  399. > "Is that what they call it nowadays? I can smell her [i]all[/i] over you."
  400. > You facepalm
  401. "Knew I forgot something. How much for your silence?"
  402. > He chuckles
  403. > "It's free, because anypony with a nose can tell. Not too clever, bringing her along so we can match the scent to her."
  404. > You sigh
  405. "Oh well. What's done is done. Why did you come here, anyways?"
  406. > Silk shrugs
  407. > "I was going to tease you about disrupting every class for the rest of the week again, but now I have much better material. Stay safe, you kids, and if you have a happy accident, name it after me!"
  408. > He hops out of the chair and sashays out of your office
  409. > You know this is probably just his way of looking out for you, but he sure loves to lean into the "whimsical stallion" stereotype
  410. "Good riddance, you nosy nutter."
  411. > He winks at Sothi, then closes the door behind him
  412. > Sothi just blinks
  413. > "If I didn't know better, I'd have said an incubus managed to permanently manifest."
  414. > You snort good-naturedly
  415. "Sounds about right. He'll be happy to hear that."
  416. > You glance at the clock and sigh
  417. > Looks like you'll have to finish your lunch after the next class
  418. -------
  419. > You knew it was only a matter of time, but you suppose you should be grateful that Zibuyile decided to wait until after classes were over for the day
  420. > The zebra mare juts out her chest, her curly tuft prominently displayed
  421. > "I heard it's open season, let me in your herd for three reasons!"
  422. > Sotharia gives her a flat look, then turns to you
  423. > "Do you only know flirty ponies?"
  424. > You cross your arms
  425. "Seems like it, some days. Buzz off, Zibby. I'm still not interested."
  426. > The alchemist looks critically at Sothi, who is fluffing up in an adorable display of hostility
  427. > Zibby shakes her head
  428. "What a waste, there is no accounting for taste. When you want to become unencumbered, remember to call my number."
  429. > You're glad to see her go
  430. > Zibby has never been the most subtle of your suitors, and she is annoyingly persistent, but least she knows when she's outstayed her welcome
  431. > Sothi growls after her
  432. > "Filthy, stinking z-"
  433. -----
  434. > In another universe, a smol Twilight Sparkle perks her ears at the cry of a kindred soul
  435. > The alarm built into her helmet starts blaring again
  436. -----
  437. > You sigh
  438. "Careful there, Sothi. It would cause me some problems if they heard you say the z-word."
  439. > She bows her head to you
  440. > "Apologies, master. It's always infuriating, meeting the competition."
  441. > You blink
  442. "Competition?"
  443. > Sothi nods
  444. > "Far too many clients are lost to tight striped pussy. There is only so much casual sex to go around, and we succubi are at a disadvantage, being unable to interact outside of summonings and contracts."
  445. "Huh. Never thought of it that way."
  446. > You put the last of the scrolls in your basket and pick it up
  447. "Well, let's go home and get some reinforcements then."
  448. > Sotharia grins
  449. > "I like that plan."
  450. -----
  451. > You clear your throat, and recite the summoning incantation
  452. "By the silent tolling of the cracked brass bells, I call thee. By the grinding stone, I provide for thee. By the Yellow Jester's strings, I pull thee from the court of the Crimson King."
  453. > Smoke billows out once more from inside the circle, the color of garnet red
  454. "Heed my call, Cthoni!"
  455. > A truly impressive set of addax horns emerges, followed by a large succubus, her bat wings flapping to disperse the sulfurous smoke that accompanied her incursion into your lab
  456. > She kind of reminds you of Celestia, only crimson and malevolently sexy
  457. > Her reptilian eyes open and settle on you with the weight of centuries
  458. > "Cthoni, 9th district manager speaking. What is the nature of your complaint?"
  459. > You still feel kind of weird, being on this side of things
  460. "It seems I kind of overwhelm Sotharia. She mentioned a trainer as compensation?"
  461. > Cthoni smiles and nods
  462. > "It would be my pleasure to arrange a specialist for you. Would you prefer winged, horned, or barb-tailed?"
  463. > Huh, so there is a tribal thing
  464. "Barb-tailed. With big teats, if you have one."
  465. > Cthoni smirks
  466. "I have thousands, but I know just who to send. Do you have any other concerns or complaints?"
  467. > You shake your head
  468. "Nah, Sothi's a sweetheart."
  469. > The lesser succubus blushes, which only deepens as Cthoni chuckles
  470. > "I'm glad to hear that. Please feel free to contact me if you encounter any further problems with our service."
  471. > You nod
  472. "Will do."
  473. > Cthoni abruptly vanishes, replaced by a slightly disoriented succubus a few inches taller than Sotharia
  474. > The new mare has a cream coat and burgundy mane, her slender devil tail of the same color swishing back and forth
  475. > Her eyes flicker to you, then to Sothi
  476. > The trainer beams at her
  477. > "Aria, long time no see!"
  478. > Sothi's jaw drops
  479. > "Lelloth? Is that really you?"
  480. > The barbed one grins
  481. > "You bet! How've you been?"
  482. > Sotharia glances at you, her ears drooping
  483. > "So far so good, but there has been... complications."
  484. > Lelloth sobers, then formally bows to you
  485. > "Pardon this servant's distraction. I bind myself to your will in the name Lelloth."
  486. > You wave dismissively
  487. "It's not every day you meet an old friend, I understand. By my will and might, I bind you in my name, Anonymous. But you can call me Anon."
  488. > Lothric? Lelol? Hmm, you're going to have to think on her nickname
  489. > At any rate, she waves you towards the couch you keep in the lab
  490. > Still missing the cushion from before, but oh well
  491. > You sit down in the middle
  492. > Lel clears her throat
  493. > "The fundamental problem is that Sotharia's lust capacity is currently too small to process all the energy you are feeding her."
  494. > You frown
  495. "Is that dangerous?"
  496. > Lelo shakes her head
  497. > "As you've no doubt experienced, we succubi faint when that occurs, shutting down lust consumption. Now, the treatment is fairly simple. You're going to have to cum in or on her to increase her magical capacity, and thus her lust capacity."
  498. > Sotharia grins
  499. > "I like this plan."
  500. > Jell-Oth smirks at her
  501. > "I thought you might. What do you say, Anon, are you up for this?"
  502. > You scratch your cheek
  503. "Sounds fun to me, the only problem I'm seeing is having to do all the work while she's passed out."
  504. > Ellie (oh, you like that one) polishes her hoof on her tuft
  505. > "Don't worry, I'll pick up where she leaves off. Shall we start?"
  506. > You shuck your pants and boxers off in a single motion
  507. "Let's rock and roll."
  509. > After some adjustments, you are sitting back as Sotharia backs up
  510. > Her tail flicks and drapes over her back, baring her glistening marehood and puckered ponut
  511. > Lelloth is sitting on her haunches to the side, waving her hooves like she's directing a truck driver while he's backing up
  512. > She is even making beeping noises, to Sotharia's embarrassment
  513. > "Aaaaand stop."
  514. > Your erection is gently cradled between Sothi's buttcheeks, nudging her tail dock
  515. > "Now, lower your front and give him the ol' gluteal grope."
  516. > Sothi shifts, her cheeks clenching around your dick, gently squeezing and stroking it she rocks her hips
  517. > You groan, instinctively grabbing her rump, feeling the play of her muscles under the tender layer of fat
  518. > Sotharia makes a whimper, panting
  519. > Ellie draws closer, her pupils dilating at the scene
  520. > "You got this, Ari! Just hang in there and-"
  521. > The poor succubus faints, her ass releasing you from its grip
  522. > Ellie sighs
  523. > "Baby steps. We'll get there eventually."
  524. > You pat Sothi's flank
  525. "For what it's worth, it felt pretty good. So, what now?"
  526. > The barbed succu-
  527. > The BBQbus climbs up into your lap, her forehooves on your shoulders and a cocky grin on her face
  528. > "You wanted big teats, right? Well I'm going to show you what I can do with them."
  529. > You lick your lips
  530. "Fuck yeah."
  531. > Ellie turns around and sits on your lap, laying your cock between her teats, each a perfect handful
  532. > Her thighs tremble as they press together, smashing her crotchtits into a perfect sleeve for your pleasure
  533. > "H-how is that? L-like that, sl- oh mare, uh,"
  534. >
  535. > You look down to see her face deeply blushing, her mouth open and panting, tongue lolling out of her mouth
  536. > You thrust as an experiment
  537. > Her teats are silky-smooth around you and slick with sweat
  538. > Ellie leans back against your chest and croons in delight
  539. > You piston once more into her exquisite teatjob, and she shudders, eyes rolling back in her head
  540. > You sit still, with one passed-out succubus slumped on the floor, the other one unconscious and cumming vigorously on your lap
  541. > There is only one thing to say to encapsulate this whole situation
  542. "Hecc."
  543. > You shake your head in resignation and proceed to fuck Lelloth's teats to completion, careful to finish all over Sotharia's ass
  544. > This is getting out of hand
  545. > Now there are two of them
  546. ------------------------------------
  547. > You are Lelloth, waking up feeling more full than you have in decades
  548. > It takes a moment to figure out where you are and only a moment longer for your heart to sink
  549. > Not only did you fail to meet your master's needs, you can't even help Aria like this
  550. > At least she didn't see you pass out like a rookie
  551. > You hear the sounds of cooking from what you assume is the kitchen
  552. > You get to your hooves and hop down from the couch
  553. > No point putting off your dismissal
  554. > You resolutely trot towards the noise, the first hints of dawn filling the hall with a faint warm glow
  555. > You are surprised to find Aria in the kitchen, frying some eggs
  556. > Maybe master Anon is still asleep?
  557. > On one hoof, you have a little more time
  558. > On the other, now you have time to worry about what's going to happen to your contract
  559. "Good morning, Aria."
  560. > Sotharia turns to look at you and smiles, the spatula still held in her magic
  561. > "Good morning, Lelloth. Was the couch alright?"
  562. > You nod absently
  563. "Yeah, it was fine. Listen, is there anything you can tell me about Anon? Anything I can do to make him reconsider cancelling my contract?"
  564. > Aria rubs her chin
  565. > "It might not come to that. He's surprisingly sympathetic, I, uh..."
  566. > She blushes
  567. > "kinda cried a little."
  568. > You raise your eyebrows
  569. "Like a colt? Do you think it'll work if I try it?"
  570. > It would hurt your dignity, but it's hardly the most demeaning thing you've done for a master
  571. > Aria shrugs
  572. > "Maybe? I've only been here for a few days."
  573. > You frown
  574. > At least it sounds like you have a chance
  575. > Sotharia flips the egg onto a plate and covers it with a lid
  576. > She motions for you to join her at the table
  577. > "So, when did you get so much experience? Did you just get lucky, or what?"
  578. > You sit on a chair across the table from Aria, wrapping your tail comfortingly around your forehooves
  579. "It was about fifty years ago, I was summoned to sabotage some stallion's ball bras, to make sure he had a wardrobe malfunction at an upcoming social event."
  580. > Sotharia smirks
  581. > "Did you get to see it happen?"
  582. > You shake your head
  583. "Never got the chance. The night I sneak in, one of the herd mares was having some fun with an incubus. It turns out the herd stallion was a jealous sort, and had all sorts of wards up. The mare got a tongue lashing, not the fun kind, but the incubus was trapped. The stallion started ranting about making it so the incubus wouldn't be able to tempt anypony ever again, and grabbed a knife."
  584. > Sotharia grimaces
  585. > "Tartarus hath no fury..."
  586. > You chuckle
  587. "Pretty much. So I dash in and stomp on the tiles that the ward was written on, breaking them and setting Qetsifah free. After we escaped, Qet had his contract voided, and my master did the same when she found out how I failed. Back in Tartarus, Qet tracks me down and spends a week thanking me."
  588. > Aria raises her eyebrows
  589. > "And he didn't get summoned away the entire time? You lucky nag."
  590. > You grin
  591. "You betcha. Apparently, he was out on medical leave for the trauma, but he seemed fine for the most part. Only a couple of nightmares while he was with me. Once or twice a year when our schedules match up, he drops by. Says that my teats are calming to him."
  592. > Sotharia whimpers
  593. > "That's just not fair. All of my contracts are just fake marefriend stuff and a little kissing practice before they get cold hooves."
  594. > You shrug
  595. "Lord Luck just likes me better."
  596. ---------
  597. > Be Anon, strolling into the kitchen
  598. > Looks like your summons are having a nice chat
  599. > You smile a little in admiration of Cthoni's thoughtfulness in reuniting some old friends
  600. > Sothi looks up at your arrival, beaming
  601. > "Good morning, Master."
  602. > Her horns glow, setting a platter with your breakfast on the table
  603. "Mornin', Sothi, Ellie."
  604. > Ellie looks at you quizzically as you sit down and dig in
  605. > "Ellie?"
  606. > You swallow
  607. "You know, from the middle of your name. Don't like it?"
  608. > She shrugs, her tail moving restlessly
  609. > "It's fine. Um. Can we talk about my contract?"
  610. > You scratch at your scalp
  611. "Sure thing. Though, I was thinking that we should figure out what's going on before summoning a third succubus or something."
  612. > Ellie looks at you with wide eyes
  613. > "A third- you're keeping me on?"
  614. > You glance between her and Sothi, who is looking smug for some reason
  615. "Yeah? I figure whatever is going is on my end, since you have had sex before without fainting. Is that not the case?"
  616. > The BBQbus shakes her head
  617. > "No, that is the case. I guess I just expected... it doesn't matter. So, you clearly have an overabundance of desire stored up. I take it you recently moved here, and it's hard making new friends?"
  618. > You frown
  619. "Not really? I moved here about ten years ago, and I have a handful of friends."
  620. > Ellie raises an eyebrow
  621. > "Are they all a bunch of beta mares and dykes?"
  622. > You shake your head
  623. "Silk's a stallion, Point is fun to talk to, Bell is a hoot of an old coot, and...uh...Simmer always tries to get me to try on armor for her?"
  624. > She looks unimpressed
  625. > "At least tell me you and Silk have sleepovers every once in a while."
  626. > You furrow your brows
  627. "What? That's a thing? I thought Silk was just teasing me."
  628. > Sotharia frowns at you
  629. > "When was the last time you had a hug?"
  630. > You look at the ceiling, trying to recall and avoiding their concerned gazes
  631. > It wasn't after you were hired here, and it wasn't while you were studying magic
  632. > ...
  633. > You smile sheepishly
  634. "About twenty years ago?"
  635. > Sothi starts trembling
  636. > Ellie turns pale, running a hoof through her mane
  637. > You shrug helplessly
  638. "It's not that bad?"
  639. > Ellie glares at you
  640. > "Only because you're dead inside. Sombra's ballsack, Master, you're trying to pour a lake into a teacup."
  641. > You rub your chin
  642. "So, we're going to need more than three?"
  643. > Sothi snorts
  644. > "You could summon half of Tartarus and still knock them all out."
  645. > You glance at the clock and sigh
  646. "Well, I have to start getting ready for work. Whatever we decide, it will have to wait until we get home. At least this will give us some time to think on it."
  647. > Ellie and Sothi share a glance that makes you wonder if you should start thinking about non-lewd jobs for succubi
  648. ---------------
  649. > Be Summit Seeker on the way to your first class of the day
  650. > You have to admit, seeing all the wisps floating around is rather pretty, as if the air itself was polkadoted
  651. > Then you spy Pip strolling ahead, his flanks and undercarriage swarming with wisps
  652. > You scowl in disgust
  653. > Mares
  654. > You trot quickly to catch up
  655. "Morning, Pip."
  656. > He perks up
  657. > "Seeks, you're looking positively glowing this morning!"
  658. > Wha-
  659. > You groan
  660. "Don't tell me my rump has a bunch of wisps on it too."
  661. > He gives you a whimsical smile
  662. > "Okay, I won't."
  663. > You look behind you, finding a noticeable corona around your ass
  664. > You glare at all the mares you can see, but that changes nothing
  665. > You make an illusion of a marehood, to the leers and delight of no few of your watchers
  666. > Then you make an illusion of jagged shears
  667. > Your "admirers" pale, and more than a few wisps flee from your backside
  668. > An agonizingly slow snip later with plenty of gore, and you and Pip are free from summoned pests
  669. > Your friend shakes his head
  670. > "I understand how you feel, but you're never going to get a marefriend with displays like that."
  671. > You lift your chin and start walking
  672. "I wouldn't want a marefriend who needed to see displays like that to behave decently."
  673. > Pip shrugs
  674. > "Suit yourself. What do you think we'll be doing in combatives today? I hope it's not beam practice, I just had my mane done, and the mana discharge gives me the worst frizzies."
  675. > You relax at the change in topic
  676. "You're in luck! The syllabus says we're moving on to teleportation."
  677. > Pip whimpers
  678. > "That's worse!"
  679. > You nod solemnly
  680. "There cannot be power without sacrifice."
  681. > Pip just sticks his tongue out at you, before breaking down and giggling
  682. ----------------
  683. > Be Secret Word, practicing near Gold Star in a grid with distances marked clearly
  684. > You knew teleportation was in Combatives 120 for a reason, but it still frustrates you how fiddly the spell is
  685. > The mana cost is only roughly linear for short distances, increasing steeply until spiking at about the distance of a hoofball field
  686. > Maybe that's why hoofball fields are that long, so the refs and whatnot can get to wherever without too much trouble
  687. > Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of three successive bursts of magic, one of them close enough that you feel the heat of dissipating magic on your coat
  688. > You scowl at Star
  689. "Keep it in your grid."
  690. > She looks at you in confusion
  691. > "What are you talking about?"
  692. > A tiny pop, and suddenly Crisp Order is between the two of you
  693. > Between her white coat, the mithril cane holstered by her saddle, and tone of command in her voice, it's easy to believe the rumors that she's a former officer of the palace guard
  694. > You and Gold immediately sit at attention
  695. > Crisp glares at Gold Star, the larger mare slowly leaning into Star's personal space
  696. > "Why are you practicing assault teleportation, Student Star?"
  697. > Your friend swallows nervously
  698. > "It was just chain teleportation."
  699. > Crisp snorts, an invisible levitation spell discreetly moving you further away from what you suspect will be an impromptu demonstration
  700. > "This is a chain teleport."
  701. > Crisp's horn barely glows before she pops into and out of existence several times around Gold Star, mildly ruffling the student's mane with the wind of displacement
  702. > Your friend isn't terribly impressed, and you sigh
  703. > Crisp pauses in front of Star, and grins a humorless grin
  704. > "And this is assault teleportation."
  705. > You think you know what's coming, so you flatten your ears and plug them with your magic
  706. > You still hear the five successive thunderclaps fairly clearly, though it isn't painfully loud
  707. > Star isn't so lucky
  708. > She's covered in soot, the last teleport close enough to blast her off her hooves
  709. > Crisp waits for her to get back up before speaking again
  710. > "Can you tell me the difference between the two?"
  711. > Star twitches her ears
  712. > "What?"
  713. > Crisp blinks, then coughs awkwardly
  714. > After healing Star's ears, she repeats the question
  715. > Your friend chews her lip
  716. > "Combat teleportation is cast in parallel with an explosive spell?"
  717. > The Combatives teacher shakes her head
  718. > "It's just the teleportation spell cast with excessive mana. That's why you're supposed to be learning in these grids, to keep the jumps small and more easily calculated. It's certainly not so that you can disrupt your fellow students with showboating."
  719. > Gold Star has a surly expression
  720. > You raise your eyebrows at her, deliberately unraveling your ear plug constructs
  721. > Crisp gives you an apologetic smile before turning back
  722. > "That's my job. Now get back to practicing the basic teleport."
  723. > Star growls
  724. > "I've already mastered that!"
  725. > Crisp Order scowls at her
  726. > "Clearly not, if you are still accidentally using excess mana for jumps. You've got talent, kid, but it's worse than useless if you don't keep it under control."
  727. > With that, she teleports to another student, leaving your friend to glare impotently
  728. > You just sigh and get back to practicing
  729. > Not even five minutes later, Star starts complaining
  730. > "Why are all the teachers such killjoys? First Anonymous clamjams my awesome summoning, then Bell Graph gets on my case about light doodling with my wisp, and now this!"
  731. > You give her a dry look
  732. "You really want to know?"
  733. > Gold looks startled at your question, but nods
  734. "We're getting into higher magic. They want to be sure we can control it and use it responsibly before teaching us the really dangerous spells and stuff."
  735. > She doesn't look completely satisfied with your answer, but most of her anger is gone
  736. > "I'm plenty responsible."
  737. > You snort
  738. "How's that shoulder cannon coming along, wizard?"
  739. > Star rolls her eyes
  740. > "I stopped working on that once I learned spells that were stronger."
  741. > You give her a flat look
  742. "You were actually trying to make a shoulder cannon? Did you model for a certain poster around then?"
  743. > She opens her mouth to reply, then closes it
  744. > She gives you a sheepish smile
  745. > "Promise you won't tell Dr. Anon? Whatever slim chances I have of dating him will be sunk if he ever finds out."
  746. > You chuckle ruefully
  747. "Trust your clit to be more careful than your brain. Fine, I won't tell him as long as you actually try to follow the class activities and keep your summons under control."
  748. > Star groans
  749. > "If I wanted nagging and teat twisting, I'd go back home. Come on, be a sis."
  750. > You wonder how your dad is doing back home
  751. > The scholarship helps, and you send as many bits as you can spare, but you still worry
  752. > "-rd. Word? You in there?"
  753. > You shake your head and find Gold frowning in concern
  754. > "Sorry sis, I wasn't thinking. Are they..."
  755. > You force a smile
  756. "They were fine, as of the last letter they sent me. But enough talk, we should get back to work before Crisp decides soot suits us."
  757. > Gold snorts
  758. > "Speak for yourself, I'm going to get me a big-balled goth coltfriend."
  759. > You laugh and turn back to your grid
  760. > Gold Star may be a hassle to deal with, but she is pretty good at pulling you out of funks as well
  761. > Of such is the magic of friendship, you suppose
  762. ------------
  763. > Point Missing twitches her ears, the tuner clips flashing in the light of her office
  764. > The Enchanting professor has a tousled, chin-length slate blue mane, a brown pastel fur, and flat expression
  765. > She looks from Sothi to Ellie to you
  766. > "Congratulations on forming a herd."
  767. > You roll your eyes at her deadpan joke
  768. "Funny. I was actually hoping to get your opinion on whether or not Ellie's tuners should be different from an earth pony's."
  769. > Point's eyes brighten and she trots over to the BBQbus
  770. > Ellie leans away as the Enchanting professor circles her, ear, tongue and tail tuners fidgeting in arcane motions
  771. > "Is this really necessary, Master? I've gotten along just fine for a thousand years without these tuner things."
  772. > You shrug
  773. "I don't doubt it, but it might be convenient. Besides, it might be possible to make an array that shunts the desire you absorb, if we find the right metal and enchantments."
  774. > She seems mollified by your response
  775. > Point Missing chooses that moment to lick her cheek
  776. > Ellie's tail lashes and she gets a predatory gleam in her eyes
  777. > "If that's how you want to play, you should have said so!"
  778. > You sigh
  779. "Down girl. What was that about, Point?"
  780. > The mare sticks out her tongue, flashing the gold band of her tuner
  781. > "Taste-based analysis spells are quite efficient and effective. Specifically, it seems the best material for Lelloth is brass. The standard design should work for ear tuner clips. As for a grounding or dispersing apparatus, that will take considerably more data on the mechanics of succubi feeding. I should have some time this weekend if you want to get started on that."
  782. > You smile
  783. "Thanks, that would be great. I'll be heading over to Simmer’s shop next, want me to pass any messages along?"
  784. > Point shakes her head then pauses and stares at Ellie and Sothi
  785. > "Do either of you have any experience pleasuring female dragons?"
  786. > Sothi shakes her head immediately then looks to Ellie
  787. > Lelloth frowns
  788. > "Haven't tried it myself, but an incubus I know says biting the neck behind the head gets them in the mood. Might want to use magic for that so that you can do more on the fun end."
  789. > Point blinks, wiggling her ears experimentally, spellforms wavering in the air before her
  790. > You chuckle
  791. "And that's all we're going to get out of her. Come on girls, let's go."
  792. > Point Missing doesn't acknowledge your words at all, focused on her new project
  793. --------------
  794. > Forged Finery sits on the outskirts of Canterlot's merchant district, cut into the mountainside
  795. > Simmer took some pains to make it look like a natural cave, though with enough ornamentation to appeal to the typical Canterlotian
  796. > You find the black dragoness carefully breathing a jet of fire on where a loop of metal meets the rest of the tiara
  797. > Some other ponies are wandering around the shop, examining the weapons, jewelry and armor in the displays
  798. > Sothi and Ellie wander off to do the same, Sotharia checking out the rings, Ellie the chain necklaces
  799. > One mare is staring at an obnoxiously large codpiece in a set of armor unmistakably meant for a human
  800. > You frown and carefully move into her blindspot
  801. > "Anonymous! Welcome to my lair, brave hero!"
  802. > You sigh
  803. "Do you really have to display that armor? I'm never going to wear it."
  804. > Simmer smirks, buffing her claws on the pink scales of her underbelly
  805. > "Don't get me wrong, I would love to see you in it, but it actually draws enough customers that I'm thinking of branching out into erotic armor for other species."
  806. > Fair enough
  807. "Glad it's not wasted, I guess. Regardless, I have a commission for you. Do you have any brass, or will you have to order it?"
  808. > Simmer’s ruby-red eyes glimmer with interest
  809. > "Plenty, it goes into my cheaper wares. What's the project?"
  810. > You glance around conspiratorially and lean closer
  811. > The dragoness' wings extend in excitement
  812. "Ear tuner clips."
  813. > Simmer collapses with a groan
  814. > "More? Do you have any idea how many of those things I've made ever since you and Point invented the Tartarus-damned things?"
  815. > You pretend to think about it
  816. "A couple?"
  817. > She draws herself up to her full height, a head taller than yourself, and glares at you
  818. > "Try a couple thousand. Having the interns from your college carving each enchantment helps, but smithing something so intricate is a pain in the flank."
  819. > You raise an eyebrow
  820. "So don't make as many. No one is forcing you to do all that."
  821. > She huffs, a small puff of smoke escaping her maw
  822. > "It's only a matter of time before someone else starts selling them in Canterlot, and then I'll lose my main advantage. At least my hoard has nearly doubled from selling them."
  823. > You nod in mock sympathy
  824. "Yes, I imagine all that gold is incredibly soothing to your delicate flank."
  825. > Simmer snorts
  826. > "Try stabbing my ass with your sword, we'll see who's actually delicate. Point is, it'll be a month before I can get started on your commission. Of course, if you want it done sooner, I have some armor you could model for me..."
  827. > You frown, crossing your arms
  828. "Not going to happen. Knowing you, you'd have the pictures made into a calendar, then sold to half the dragons in Equestria."
  829. > She grins
  830. > "Already did that, just with empty suits of armor. Though I won't deny that there are some armors that would benefit from having some skin to show. Regardless, anything else you want?"
  831. > You shake your head
  832. "Not right now. I'll let you get back to making tuner clips."
  833. > Simmer growls
  834. > "You just had to remind me. Next time, invent something more fun to make, alright?"
  835. > You head towards Sothi as the dragoness retreats to her work area
  836. > Ironically, she might just get her wish, depending on how your succubi research goes
  837. ------------
  839. > Be Cthoni, lounging in your office
  840. > As advances in the overworld trickled down, the task of feeding your fellow pothophages has become significantly easier
  841. > Nowadays, the incubi and the particularly successful succubi syphon their harvest into vats, which funnel and distribute the liquid Desire into the Phlegethon fountains in each residential center
  842. > Admittedly, there will have to be an overhaul of the current infrastructure if the rate of manifestation increases as it has for the past several decades, but you have plenty of unoccupied succubi to devote to the preparations
  843. > It seems almost surreal, when you remember how you manifested all those millennia ago
  844. > Alone, on a barren chunk of floating rock, surrounded by the howls of the ravenous
  845. > You are pulled out of your reverie by a certain summons
  846. > You have a familiar, foreboding feeling about this
  847. > You cross over in the same circle as last time and put on your professional smile
  848. "Is something the matter, Mr. Anonymous?"
  849. > A quick glance tells you that Sotharia and Lelloth are more frustrated than distressed, while Anonymous is mildly sheepish
  850. > He scratches his cheek
  851. > "Well, it turns out I have gone twenty years without physical contact, so it's overwhelming the girls."
  852. > Oh buck, now you know who he reminds you of
  853. > He continues
  854. > "I'm going to try and make some equipment to dissipate that, but we thought we'd ask you first, in case you had a better idea."
  855. > You sigh
  856. "I doubt something inanimate will work, but stranger things have happened. The more traditional method is to deepen your relationship with somepony and cuddle it out."
  857. > Anonymous frowns at that, but before he can reply there is a knocking at the door
  858. > The summoner sighs
  859. > "I'll go see who it is."
  860. > You nod and watch him go
  861. > It's a shame about the build up, you'd love to see those long legs spread wide, revealing pendulous-
  862. > Lelloth smirks
  863. > Your gaze snaps to hers, your face carefully expressionless
  864. "I take it there hasn't been any other difficulties?"
  865. > She shakes her head
  866. > "None, though it can be boring following him around the school and such."
  867. > You nod, then turn towards Sotharia
  868. > She frowns
  869. > "I'll be answering questions in his summoning class tomorrow. Is there anything I should avoid talking about?"
  870. > You raise your eyebrows
  871. "That could be useful. Rather an avoiding any particular subject, make sure you talk about how to avoid proposing an unacceptable contract."
  872. > She bows her head
  873. > "Yes, ma'am."
  874. > You glance at the door to the room, wondering what is keeping the summoner
  875. > Then you feel an ethereal breeze begin to stir
  876. > Oh no
  877. > Not her
  878. > Anonymous strolls into the room, Princess Celestia not far behind
  879. > You resist the urge to facehoof
  880. > He waves his arm at you and your underlings
  881. > "As you can see, things are perfectly under control, and I am not plotting a demonic invasion."
  882. > Celestia, who you notice is not wearing her regalia, perks up upon seeing your face
  883. > "Cthoni, it's good to see you again. When was the last time..."
  884. > You try not to scrunch at the Deluge of Tartarus
  885. "I believe it has been eight centuries, Princess. You did quite a number on the incubi population, and we are grateful for your forebearance. We would appreciate it if you reminded your apprentice to be as considerate."
  886. > She looks concerned
  887. > "Has Twilight done something? I thought she had enough close friends and eligible stallions that she wouldn't turn towards infernal services."
  888. > You shake your head
  889. "No, not her. This apprentice, Mr. Anonymous. Things are fine as is, but I would rather things don't progress until half of the ninth district is crammed into this house."
  890. > The human turns an amused look upon Celestia
  891. > "How many did you summon?"
  892. > Celestia rolls her eyes
  893. > "About one thousand, by the end. Not that it made a difference, they all fainted at the slightest jostling."
  894. > You scowl at her
  895. "At least tell me you've gotten better, cousin Cadence should have made sure of that."
  896. > Celestia shrugs
  897. > "She's been a bit busy, ever since she got a husband and made two foals."
  898. > You smile at the news
  899. "Good for her, I'll have to drop by in a decade or two and see how she's doing."
  900. > Then you go right back to scowling
  901. "That's no excuse, you have a responsibility to your subjects to reduce your buildup. You may be a mare, but the increased whimsy can still be dangerous. Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't disastrously ruined a major social event or something."
  902. > Celestia laughs nervously
  903. > "Oh yes, I haven't done anything like that. And of course, now that Twilight has taken over the governance of the country, there is nothing to worry about."
  904. > ...
  905. > You narrow your eyes at her
  906. "Are you trying to turn into another Discord?"
  907. > She pouts
  908. > ""
  909. > You take a deep breath and let it out slowly
  910. > Then you glare at Anonymous and Celestia
  911. "Succubus doctor's orders. You two need some tactile therapy. Hugs, headpats, hoofholding, whatever, just touch somepony."
  912. > Celestia rolls her eyes like the menace that she is
  913. > Anonymous shrugs and rests a hand on Celestia's neck
  914. > You are hit with a blast of ethereal wind, nearly swamped under the desire radiating from Celestia, triggered by that simple act
  915. > Sotharia and Lelloth are already unconscious, and you doubt you will last much longer
  916. "Like that, yes."
  917. > Then you dismiss yourself back to Tartarus
  918. > You feel positively bloated as you make your way to one of the syphons
  919. > You kiss the prosthetic lips and let the Desire flow away in a burning torrent
  920. > Half an hour later, you are merely full and stumble to your divan to lie down
  921. > Buck that oblivious mare
  922. > Buck her
  924. -------
  925. > Be Anon, wondering why Celestia's mane and tail are flapping like crazy while she just sort of leans into your touch
  926. > It's kinda weird, but Celestia has been a little silly as long as you've known her
  927. > And it is rather nice, feeling her warmth and slow breathing
  928. > She stared at you blankly, barely blinking
  929. > Did you break her?
  930. > You pat her cheek with your other hand
  931. "Earth to Celestia, are you there?"
  932. > Her eyelids flutter and your patting hand is caught in her magic and pressed into cupping her cheek
  933. > Her eyes drift close, her breathing deepening
  934. > You can't look away
  935. "You okay?"
  936. > She doesn't answer or even move for long moments
  937. > Celestia leans forward suddenly, and trapping you under her, magic carefully cushioning your descent
  938. > She's too big a mare for you to budge, by brute force and/or magical might
  939. > At least you can move your head, everything else is under a warm, heavy blanket of princess
  940. > You are amused and exasperated to find that she still hasn't opened her eyes
  941. "Comfy?"
  942. > As if in response, she starts licking your face in slow, deliberate motions
  943. > You grimace at being covered in saliva and search for some method of deliverance
  944. "Ellie?"
  945. > Nothing
  946. "Sot-"
  947. > Celestia's tongue drags across your mouth, the unexpectedly intimate contact setting off unfamiliar tingling and a surge of...something
  948. > Then she moves on and licks the other side of your face
  949. > You sigh and resign yourself to whatever this is
  950. > The warm weight would be more comforting if you weren't on a stone floor
  951. > Then something odd happens
  952. > She starts licking your hair, gently nudging your head to get better access
  953. > In spite of yourself, you relax
  954. > It reminds you of getting a haircut
  955. > A simple intimacy, long forgotten
  956. > Your eyelids droop
  957. > After a few minutes, she finishes grooming you and stretches out her neck beside your head, resting her chin on the floor
  958. > You are drawn into a nap, inundated with the mild scent of vanilla
  960. -------------
  962. > Be Summit Seeker, waiting for the class to start
  963. > You don't actually have many questions for the succubus, it's not like you need to know much about them for your purposes
  964. > Next to you, Pip is smiling lightly, clearly daydreaming as he stares at nothing
  965. > Looking down at his slate, you see a doodle of his cutie mark, a carrot hanging by a rope, cradled in a crescent moon
  966. > You smile and shake your head
  967. > Pip is so cute about his crush
  968. > The classroom door opens and you look up
  969. > The pink succubus trots in, followed by a mare with a cream coat, burgundy mane, and... a long, narrow tail with a barbed spade at the end
  970. > Worryingly, there is no sign of Professor Anon
  971. > The class murmurs at that
  972. > The pink succubus glances at the clock then stomps on the floor with a loud crack that has you wondering about liability of property damage from the actions of intelligent summons
  973. > The class settles down, and she smiles
  974. > "I am afraid Professor Anon is temporarily indisposed, but he has decided to continue with your lesson. As such, my colleague and I will be answering your questions about infernal matters."
  975. > You frown
  976. > A second succubus, and Dr. Anon is missing?
  977. > You are going to have to check on him after your classes, just to be sure the demons didn't do something to him
  978. > The succubus continues
  979. > "My name is Sotharia, and this is Lelloth. After our contract with your teacher is complete, you will be able to summon us by calling our names and offering acceptable terms. Something to remember, for any demon, you must make an acceptable sacrifice and offer a fitting payment for a contract to be sealed."
  980. > You dutifully write that down
  981. > Sotharia licks her lips
  982. > "We succubi and incubi accept an unfertilized egg for a sacrifice, the species doesn't matter. But we must be paid in the semen or ovum of a speaking species. If we do not collect it in the course of our duties, we will require it from the summoner. In return, we will offer a wide variety of... services."
  983. > She smirks
  984. > "Any questions?"
  985. > Pip raises his hoof immediately
  986. > She nods at him, and he begins to speak
  987. > "Can succubi transform to look like another mare?"
  988. > Oh Pip, no, just... no
  989. > Value yourself more
  990. > Sotharia nods
  991. > "Yes, though it's easiest if we have a chance to observe the mare. But if you only have a picture, we can at least look pretty close."
  992. > You don't like the thoughtful look on Pip's face
  993. > The succubus nods to another student
  994. > "Who is the most powerful demon?"
  995. > You roll your eyes
  996. > Typical Gold Star
  997. > Lelloth gives him a grim smile
  998. > "If you don't know her name, you are nowhere near prepared enough to summon her. And you really, really, don't want to summon her unprepared. Next question."
  999. > Somepony behind you asks,
  1000. > "What are the other types of demons?"
  1001. > Sotharia trots to the board and levitates a piece of chalk, writing as she speaks
  1002. > "There are six types: Lust demons like me. Greed demons are known as rea and latro, who are paid with a treasure of great personal meaning. Wrath demons are known as Vastatrix, who are paid in blood. Fear demons are known as Cruciatrix, who are paid in tears of anguish. Envy demons are known as Proditrix, who are paid in a portion of what you desire. And lastly, pride demons are known as Susurratrix, who are paid in your worst secret. Honestly, I think we offer the best services for the least painful price."
  1003. > You can't help but remember your herd mothers, heaping all of their hopes and dreams for the future on your shoulders, just because only your mother had her an egg left to give birth to you
  1004. > It's why you moved out as soon as you could
  1005. > You raise a hoof and receive a nod
  1006. "How would one make sure a mare doesn't summon incubi?"
  1007. > Lelloth grins
  1008. > "Keep the mare satisfied. Or maybe brand them with a ward or something, if you refuse to trust them."
  1009. > You ignore the slightly fearful glances your classmates are sending you
  1010. > Your foals will grow up with siblings, one way or another
  1011. > Amid the mild chatter, a voice calls out,
  1012. > "What does dick taste like?"
  1013. > You resist the urge to facehoof
  1014. > /Mares/
  1016. -------
  1018. > After confirming that tomorrow night's slumber party with Pip is still on, you set off for Dr. Anon's house
  1019. > Ironically, he gave you his address in case you needed somewhere to stay, but now you're going there to support him
  1020. > You take your mind off your worries by making your wisp dance in pretty patterns in front of you, sometimes tracing passing flowers
  1021. > You should have plenty of time, the succubi should still be teaching the next two classes for most of the afternoon
  1022. > You find yourself at his particularly tall door, and knock
  1023. > Silence reigns for a few moments
  1024. > You knock louder and are rewarded with muffled noises, which sound rather distressed
  1025. > Thankfully, the door is unlocked and you dash inside
  1026. > You gallop towards the sound, which has resolved into "Help! Help me!"
  1027. > You burst into a magic workshop and stop in your tracks
  1028. > Professor Anon looks at you pleadingly from under Celestia's sleeping form
  1029. > "Get her off of me, I really need to pee!"
  1030. > You obey instinctively, leveraging all your magical might and bracing your shoulder against her barrel
  1031. > Even then, you barely roll her off of him
  1032. > The moment he's freed, he runs off
  1033. > You try to think about what to do as he moans in relief
  1034. > Was he raped?
  1035. > Or do they have a secret relationship?
  1036. > You look over the sleeping mare
  1037. > Is she even Princess Celestia, or is it yet another succubus, just in disguise?
  1038. > Dr. Anon jogs back into the room before you can come to any sort of conclusion
  1039. > "Thanks, you really saved me there."
  1040. > You attempt a smile
  1041. "Glad to help. Um. Do you want me to call the ponice for you, or..."
  1042. > He furrows his brows
  1043. > "Call the ponice?"
  1044. > Then he glances at Celestia(?) and chuckles
  1045. > "No, that's really not necessary. Just an unplanned slumber party, that's all. But enough about me, what brings you around?"
  1046. > You relax a little
  1047. "Two succubi showed up to teach, and I was worried things had gotten out of your control."
  1048. > He rubs his face
  1049. > "On one hand, thanks, your worries were kinda well-founded. On the other hand, if you suspect someone is captured or dominated or whatever, showing up alone is a bad idea. Well, it worked out fine this time, but keep that in mind."
  1050. > You nod
  1051. > It's kind of weird seeing your role model in rumpled clothes and positively reeking of a mare's scent
  1052. > ...
  1053. > You have to ask
  1054. "Did you really have to summon succubi?"
  1055. > He shrugs
  1056. > "I'm not into stallions, so succubi were the safest choice. And I had hoped... well, they have a certain reputation."
  1057. > He beckons you to follow him as he leaves the workshop
  1058. > You follow him into the hall, absently closing the front door with your magic
  1059. "But the payment, it's so degrading!"
  1060. > He leads you to his kitchen
  1061. > He pulls a pizza box out of the fridge and sets it on the table
  1062. > You sit across from him and shake your head at his silent offer of food
  1063. > Honestly, it makes you wonder if he was raised by mares or something
  1064. > Dr. Anon shrugs
  1065. > "Degradation is a relative thing. I grew up in a place where male chastity is almost worthless, so summoning a demon mare to have fun with has pretty much no downsides."
  1066. > You frown
  1067. > You've heard of sex positivity, but even the way he describes it makes it sound anti-masculine
  1068. > As he sets to eating the cold pizza, a drowsy Princess Celestia wanders in, her mane a kaleidoscope of messily overlapping colors
  1069. > You freeze, unsure of what to do in front of (admittedly retired) royalty
  1070. > She doesn't seem to notice you at all, and merely lays down on the floor by Mr. Anon
  1071. > She rests her chin on the table and levitates a slice of pizza to her mouth
  1072. > Then Dr. Anon absently pets her neck, and you blush
  1073. > Unplanned slumber party, your flank, this is...
  1074. > None of your business
  1075. > You get to your hooves
  1076. "I'm glad you're well, professor. I'll see you later."
  1077. > He salutes you with a half-eaten slice of pizza
  1078. > You hesitate, bow to Celestia, then try not to gallop on your way out
  1079. > You mostly succeed
  1080. > It's only when you are halfway to your apartment that you think of the possibility that the succubi used some sort of magic to seduce Celestia for their master
  1081. > You aren't sure how to feel about that
  1082. > On one hoof, surely Princess Celestia, of all mares, ought to be able to resist such magic
  1083. > On the other hoof, if it was merely accentuating his masculine charms, it would be a viable strategy to snare an influential mare
  1084. > If you could abide the cost
  1085. > You shudder, and resolve once more to find a different path than he trod
  1086. ----
  1087. > You are Cadance, checking in on Celestia after she missed raising the sun
  1088. > You sincerely hope that it's because she overslept, and not because she got sucker punched by a pathophage
  1089. > Again
  1090. > You can't really blame her, given her situation
  1091. > Which you really should get around to treating, but with two foals to take care of on top of managing the crystal empire...
  1092. > You always felt like there would be time later
  1093. > You are beginning to suspect that won't be true, unless you make time for it
  1094. > Shining bumps your shoulder
  1095. > "At least this gets us away from the foals for a little while."
  1096. > You smile at him
  1097. "It is nice to get a break from Glitter Dust's screaming. Not sure if a demonic invasion is worth it, though."
  1098. > You spy the house as you turn the corner of the suburban street
  1099. > It's a fairly modest one-story home that is notably not on fire, nor twisted into abyssal architecture
  1100. > Your husband's expression lightens at the sight, though his camouflaged shield does not drop
  1101. > "Maybe just an infiltrator, eh?"
  1102. > You shrug
  1103. "One way to find out."
  1104. > A short trot later, and you are knocking on the door
  1105. > Anonymous opens it, and you can't help but notice Celestia resting her chin on his shoulder
  1106. > The other thing you notice is Shining's shield popping and both of you are blasted with ethereal wind
  1107. > You brace your legs, instinctively funneling the chaotic wash of magic through your horn and out through your hooves to be grounded in the earth
  1108. > The human raises an eyebrow at your glowing horn
  1109. > "Can I help you?"
  1110. > Celestia, meanwhile, looks sheepish
  1111. > "Ah, I missed it this morning..."
  1112. > You nod
  1113. "We were worried. Dr. Anonymous, I am Princess Cadance, and this is my husband, Shining Armor. I hope you'll understand we have to check things out when a Princess doesn't return from checking on a security risk."
  1114. > He sighs
  1115. > "Sure, just don't you start licking my hair too."
  1116. > You raise an eyebrow at Celestia, who blushes and wordlessly retreats into the house
  1117. > You exchange a glance with your husband and follow Anon to his living room
  1118. > You and Shining settle on two nearby cushions on the floor while the human sits on the couch
  1119. > You raise your eyebrows as Celestia climbs on and drapes her hind legs across his lap and he just pats her haunches
  1120. "So, are you dating or something?"
  1121. > The two of them blush
  1122. > Celestia coughs
  1123. > "No, ah, not that I would comp- well. This is just an extended sleepover."
  1124. > You look to Anonymous
  1125. > He just shrugs
  1126. > "She's warm and soft. I'm not complaining."
  1127. > Shining snickers
  1128. > Celestia frowns at Anon
  1129. > "I am not soft! I am toned and firm, as a mare should be."
  1130. > He raises an eyebrow at her, then squeezes her flank, his fingers sinking noticeably into her flesh
  1131. > She makes a strangled noise that reminds you once again that behind all her maternal wisdom and long centuries, she is still a mare
  1132. > The ethereal wind rises to a gale, and all the magic that you have been funneling and shunting crystalizes into thousands of sand grain-sized gems
  1133. > Anon frowns at the sight
  1134. > "What's going on there?"
  1135. > You try to pick your words carefully
  1136. "You two are emotionally repressed and all this touching is releasing a lot of magic in the emotional spectrum. I'm grounding it, like how ambient magic grounds into gems with the soil of Equestria."
  1137. > He looks at his hand on Celestia's... cushioning and starts to move it away
  1138. > Celestia's magic envelopes his hand, halting it
  1139. > You frown slightly, but he doesn't seem to mind the touching
  1140. > Celestia smiles at him reassuringly
  1141. > "It's fine, this was what Cthoni was talking about."
  1142. > Oh yeah, Twilight did say Anonymous was summoning demons
  1143. "Speaking of, why have you been summoning demons recently?"
  1144. > He takes a moment to put his hand lower on Celestia's hind leg, then looks at you speculatively
  1145. > "Are you familiar with Torn Heart, the occultist stallion that rose from Baron to Duke about 300 years ago?"
  1146. > You frown
  1147. > The name is ringing some bells
  1148. > Hold on
  1149. "Did he have a pack of diamond dog studs to cover for when his plans failed and the succubi needed payment?"
  1150. > Anon nods
  1151. > "Say what you will about him, but he was pretty good at handling infernal resources."
  1152. > You smile a little at a memory
  1153. "At least the girls came back with some interesting stories, on top of a good feeding. So what about him? Are you looking to break into the ranks of nobility? Should I search the premises for captive diamond dogs?"
  1154. > You smile at him, but you are only partially joking
  1155. > Anonymous shudders
  1156. > "No thank you. No, what interests me is the contracts he wrote for demons, which historical accounts portray as particularly effective. So when I found a coverless copy of Torn Heart's Occult Tome in an estate sale, I took some precautions and tried the safest summoning he wrote about."
  1157. > You raise an eyebrow
  1158. "So your interest is strictly academic?"
  1159. > He smirks
  1160. > "I am an academic, but I can't deny the fact that I specifically summoned succubi for the obvious use. Speaking of, Cthoni called you 'Cousin Cadance', would you be comfortable telling me what that's about?"
  1161. > You shrug
  1162. "When the first demon and the first incubus love each other very much while summoned outside of Tartarus..."
  1163. > He blinks
  1164. > "Wait, really? I though demons manifest from emotional sinks in the thaumic dimensional reflection of Equestria."
  1165. > You nod
  1166. "Demons do, but I am somewhat of a special case. Mom and Dad have known each other for a long time, and have lived long enough to spread outside of their initial emotional alignment. Eventually, the love magic between them overcame their infernal sterility."
  1167. > Anon frowns
  1168. > "Are you even a demon? You don't seem to have any of their traits."
  1169. > You shrug
  1170. "I'm enough of a demon that I got summoned, but enough of a pony to be able to eat actual food."
  1171. > You notice Shining perk up and turn his head towards the door
  1172. > You extend your senses and feel two banked fires approach
  1173. "Looks like the girls will be back soon. Auntie, put up a shield so you and Anon don't knock them out."
  1174. > Celestia shrugs her wings and coats herself and the human in a shimmering golden aura
  1175. > You feel the ambient magic fall back to normal levels and breath a sigh of relief
  1176. > Not a moment later, the door opens and the succubi walk in
  1177. > You don't recognize them, but they clearly recognize you
  1178. > After a moment of shocked silence, they sit at attention and salute
  1179. > "It's an honor to meet you, ma'am!"
  1180. > You nod graciously and approach them
  1181. "At ease, girls. What has your summoner been having you do?"
  1182. > They look at each other
  1183. > The horned one says, "The Trade, cooking, and just now giving a lecture to his students."
  1184. > You look at the barbed one, and she shrugs
  1185. > "The same. I'm supposed to be coaching Sotharia, but well..."
  1186. > You glance over at Anon as he gossips with Shining Armor while auntie dozes on his lap
  1187. "How is he handling payment?"
  1188. > Sotharia grins
  1189. > "He's been investing in me himself."
  1190. > You raise your eyebrows
  1191. "Building up for something?"
  1192. > She blushes
  1193. > "Well, we thought I just needed more endurance to go all the way without passing out. I'm not sure what we will do now."
  1194. > You nod thoughtfully
  1195. > At least he is willing to pay himself, and Sotharia is technically paid already
  1196. > You turn back towards Dr. Anon and find him and Shining arguing about color schemes for a hyperwars figurine
  1197. > You share an amused and tolerant glance with Celestia and stroll over
  1198. "Anonymous, I hear you have been investing your semen in Sotharia. Are you planning on continuing? I honestly have no idea how long it will take for your build up to disperse enough for her to remain conscious to the end."
  1199. > The human scratches his cheek
  1200. > "Yeah? I mean, it beats just using my hand and it helps her."
  1201. > Then he blinks and looks at Celestia
  1202. > "Assuming you don't mind?"
  1203. > Auntie tilts her head
  1204. > "It's really none of my business, though I guess if we want to keep extending this sleepover... would you be alright with me watching?"
  1205. > He blushes
  1206. > "I'm alright with that."
  1207. > You smile in satisfaction
  1208. > You didn't even have to do much, and they are already showing some good signs
  1209. > That said, a little push wouldn't go amiss
  1210. "Why don't we all go out to dinner and talk some more? I know a restaurant that has a fascinating new dish called, uh, peetzer? Something like that."
  1211. > Yeah, this is a great idea
  1212. -------
  1213. > Be Secret Word, parting ways with Gold Star after Transfiguration 210
  1214. > You still aren't sure what you want to do for your project, but the idea of turning dirt into food seems really dumb
  1215. > Far too many complications in the source material and the target form, it's practically guaranteed to end up a mess
  1216. > Well, maybe Gold Star can pull it off, but you sure can't
  1217. > You sigh
  1218. > That said, all her talk about making sandwiches had made you hungry for lunch
  1219. > You find a nice patch of grass on the campus grounds and pull out your hay and clovers
  1220. > It's not the most tasty thing, but it's cheap, filling, and nutritious
  1221. > A shadow falls over you
  1222. > "Secret Word, right?"
  1223. > You hastily stuff your food back into your saddlebags at the male voice
  1224. > You turn to see Pip smiling at you
  1225. > You wonder what Summit Seeker's velvet glove could possibly want from somepony like you
  1226. "Ah, yes? What can I do for you, Pip?"
  1227. > He beams
  1228. > "You know my name? I'm flattered. Well, what I was wondering is if you could join me for lunch, and we could talk about the transfiguration project. I have some ideas, but I'm not sure if they will work out."
  1229. > You swallow
  1230. > There is no way you can turn down an invitation from one of the cutest stallions on campus, but letting him see your lunch...maybe you'll pretend not to be hungry
  1231. > You smile nervously
  1232. "It would be my pleasure."
  1233. > Pip claps his hooves and trots off
  1234. > "I know just the place! Follow me!"
  1235. > You get up quickly and only stare at his flanks a little as you draw up alongside him
  1236. > He leads you to a bistro where two mares are waiting for him
  1237. > The pink mare with a purple mane looks you over with a nonplussed expression, while the gray mare in light blue glasses merely gazes at you stoically
  1238. > Pip seems unfazed by their dour reaction
  1239. > "Girls, meet Secret Word, she's going to be helping me with a project for school. Secret, this is Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, my foalhood friends!"
  1240. > You manage a polite, if strained, smile
  1241. "Nice to meet you."
  1242. > Diamond Tiara approaches you and sniffs
  1243. > She then turns towards Pip
  1244. > "We can't have your project partner going on just hay and clovers. I'll buy her lunch."
  1245. > Your heart sinks
  1246. > Celestia, you must look pathetic to him
  1247. > Pip gives her a peck on the cheek and beams at her
  1248. > "That's a wonderful idea, you are so nice!"
  1249. > You swallow your pride
  1250. > Free food is free food
  1251. "Thank you, Diamond Tiara."
  1252. > She nods and leads the four of you to an outside dining table
  1253. > A waitress hands out menus and you immediately look for the cheapest item there as water is poured into glasses
  1254. > Pip sets his menu down and leans towards you
  1255. > "Do you know what you want yet?"
  1256. > You lower the menu slightly
  1257. "Not yet, this is my first time here."
  1258. > Silver Spoon speaks up
  1259. > "I would recommend the salted Hissilian sandwich. It's good brain food."
  1260. > You smile a thanks at her, and look down at the menu
  1261. > You pale at the price
  1262. > 30 bits for a sandwich?
  1263. > You cough
  1264. "Maybe I should pick something a little more reasonable..."
  1265. > Pip frowns slightly
  1266. > Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes
  1267. > "I'm hoofing the bill. Don't insult me by hesitating over a mere 30 bits."
  1268. > You put down your menu and lower your head to her
  1269. "I apologize. I'll have that sandwich then."
  1270. > She nods with a tight smile, then signals for the waitress
  1271. > Pip smiles encouraging at you and flicks his tail at your flank
  1272. > "See? They're nice girls once you get to know them."
  1273. > You wonder what world he lives in that such a power play qualifies as "nice"
  1274. "So I see."
  1275. > When the waitress comes back, Diamond Tiara orders for the entire table
  1276. > Pip doesn't seem to be bothered, so you mentally shrug
  1277. > He digs some papers out of his saddlebags, using only his tuners
  1278. > It's a fine and delicate bit of spellwork for an earthpony
  1279. > Then he scoots a little closer to you and shows you his notes
  1280. > It takes a feat of will to stop focusing on his proximity and how nice he smells and listen to what he is actually saying
  1281. > "-shouldn't be that complicated, since the source and the target form are both equine hair fibers. The part I'm stuck on is shortening or lengthening the hairs."
  1282. > You look over the notes and diagrams
  1283. "Shortening should be easy enough, just weaken the hair fibers at the desired length. Adding length... we can probably go to a mane styling salon and ask for their clippings for practice. In fact, you can probably ask for patronage in return for training their employees in these spells. You may very well revolutionize the industry with what you are trying to do."
  1284. > Pip looks at you in awe
  1285. > "Do you really think so?"
  1286. > He starts giggling to himself, and you can't help but smile
  1287. "You will be putting a lot of mane and coat dye companies out of business though."
  1288. > He huffs
  1289. > "Serves them right, charging so much for some simple cosmetics. So..."
  1290. > You quirk an eyebrow as he scoots a little closer
  1291. > "Will you work with me on this? We'll split the profits 40/60 in my favor, since it was my idea."
  1292. > You lick your lips
  1293. "Sounds good to me. I didn't have a project in mind anyhow."
  1294. > Pip squeals and hugs you
  1295. > You blush, hesitantly patting his back
  1296. > You look at the other mares
  1297. > Silver Spoon has a small smile on her lips, while Diamond Tiara is looking at you with a calculating look
  1298. > Finally, Pip lets go of you just as the sandwiches arrive
  1299. > You are glad for the interruption, you really don't know how to handle male attention, let alone affection
  1300. > Not to mention this sandwich is [i]amazing[/i]
  1301. > Lightly fried bread, delicately salted fresh tomato, potato, and bell pepper slices, and a creamy, tangy sauce
  1302. > You swallow the bite you took and nod gratefully to the mares
  1303. "Thank you for the recommendation, this is delicious."
  1304. > Silver Spoon nods back and Diamond Tiara has a smug smile on her face
  1305. > Near the end of the meal, Pip excused himself to "powder his nose"
  1306. > You unconsciously sit up straight as the two mares look at you
  1307. > Diamond Tiara sighs
  1308. > "Just so you know, he's saving himself for Luna. If you want in, it will be a long time before you can get frisky."
  1309. > You blink
  1310. "I-what? What are you talking about?"
  1311. > Silver Spoon shrugs
  1312. > "He was one of the first ponies to talk with her after her return. It was... formative to his romantic dreams."
  1313. > You shake your head
  1314. "That's not what I meant, what are you talking about with "if I want in"?"
  1315. > Diamond and Silver exchange a glance
  1316. > Diamond smiles knowing at you
  1317. > "You are interested in Pip, that's easy to see. You are already contributing to the herd, and we could use a unicorn we can trust for magical defenses. And I'm sure you noticed Pip has taken a liking to you."
  1318. > You blush
  1319. "Pip was just being...friendly."
  1320. > Silver snorts
  1321. > "We're from Ponyville. We know 'just being friendly' when we see it, and that wasn't it."
  1322. > You don't have an answer to that
  1323. > Luckily, you don't have to come up with one, Pip trots back to his seat next to you
  1324. > "What were you talking about? Anything interesting?"
  1325. > Diamond smirks at you
  1326. > "We were just talking about Secret's prospects. After all, we're going to see a lot more of her in the future."
  1327. > You are sure he can see your blush
  1328. > Pip bumps his shoulder against yours
  1329. > "Good for you! I'm glad you and my girls are getting along!"
  1330. > You smile cautiously
  1331. > Your folks are never going to believe your next letter home
  1332. ------

A Dazzling Christmas

by Uh-hmmm

A Dream Proposition

by Uh-hmmm

A Morning Ride

by Uh-hmmm

Adagio's Lullaby

by Uh-hmmm

An Acquired Taste (Scat)

by Uh-hmmm