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Do You Love Me? (RGRE)

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-19 00:22:05
Expiry: Never

  1. > Be Pinkie Pie, not the young filly you once were
  2. > Love does a lot of things to a mare, makes you settle down a little
  3. > Parties only once a month, playing games with just your hubba hubby
  4. > And he is the sweetest, most patient stallion a mare could ask for
  5. > The house you share is so clean, the food is delicious, the cuddles are amazing
  6. > You couldn't be happier
  7. > You remember when you first gasped in Anon's face
  8. > It was like, the single most exciting thing in your entire life
  9. > When you saw him, his mischief, his strength, his coltish whimsy
  10. > Anonie Pie was made for you, you know it
  11. > But sometimes, you felt a little odd
  12. > Like the only person at a party for two
  13. > You didn't realize what it was until Maud married that minotaur miner
  14. > The way her held her, the kisses they shared
  15. > It was different
  16. > Not in a "when Zecora first showed up" different
  17. > But...
  18. > As you climb the stairs of Sugarcube Corner, your heart feels heavy, like it ate too much pie
  19. > You didn't think that was possible, until the Cakes hoofed over management of the shop to you, and you tried to see just how many pies you could eat in one sitting
  20. > The answer is 613
  21. > You shake your head, feeling your curls loosen and straighten out
  22. > Enough distractions
  23. > You open the master bedroom door, to find your beloved Anonie
  24. > He's smiling, sitting on the bed, reading the new cookbook you got him on his birthday
  25. > You want to ask him, but that precious smile makes you hesitate
  26. "Find something good, Anonie?"
  27. > He slips a bookmark into the book and closes it
  28. > When he sees you, you can see his smile change a little, and the concern in his eyes
  29. > "Come here, Ponka, tell me what's wrong."
  30. > He opens his arms to you, and you can't resist
  31. > You gallop over and hop into his lap, nuzzling his chest
  32. > It feels so right, his arms are wrapped around you, full of a stallion's special warmth
  33. > You sigh, and try to hold back the tears
  34. > You have to be a mare about this
  35. > With a great effort, you pull back from his chest, his arms loosening around you
  36. > He looks you full in the eyes, and you feel it just as strong as the first time
  37. > Anonie strokes your mane just right, frowning in concern now
  38. > "Pinkie Pie, dear, please. Tell me what's wrong."
  39. > You sniffle
  40. "Y-you know, Maud and Rock Out sang a song together, that day."
  41. > Anonymous strokes your mane some more
  42. > "Was this... what, when they first met?"
  43. > You nod
  44. "And I was super excited, I mean not as excited as when I met you, but how could I ever be as excited as when I met you?"
  45. > He smiles at that, and nuzzles your cheek
  46. > How can one colt be so perfect?
  47. > You close your eyes, trying to keep the wobbly wibblies out of your voice
  48. "But, I think..."
  49. > He pulls back, giving you his undivided attention
  50. "You weren't as excited. I thought you just were excited in your super special human way, but you didn't sing. You hummed along."
  51. > Anonie sighs
  52. > "I think I know what you are trying to say."
  53. > You have to mare up
  54. > No more gagging on lollies
  55. "Anonie Mouse Pie, do you love me?"
  56. > "Pinkie, I had seen it happen before, and I talked to Twilight. I think it's amazing how ponies can recognize everything about each other, and find their special someone in a single glance."
  57. > You tremble, realization dawning on just why...
  58. "But you can't. Or didn't. I loved you at first sight, and you just... went along with it."
  59. > He sighs again, and gives you a sweet smile
  60. > "I did. I didn't really understand everything, but you were and are a fun, cute mare, and I decided to trust in the magic of love."
  61. > His arms tighten around you as the tears fall from your eyes
  62. > He never loved you
  63. > You lean against his chest, guilty at taking away so many years of his life when he could have been looking for-
  64. > "Pinkie, listen to me. We've been through good times and bad, we helped raise the cake twins into fine upstanding ponies, we've improved the Sugarcube Corner a lot, and played games for years. I have been to so many of your parties, and listened to all your fears, hopes, dreams, and desires. And you have done the same for me, helping me find my place is this new world."
  65. > You hear something in his voice that makes you look up at him
  66. > His eyes are full of the happy tears, the kind that make your heart want to burst with love
  67. > "To answer your question, Pinkamena Diane Pie, I love you. I have loved you for years, and I will keep on loving you forever."
  68. > You gasp, so excited!
  69. > You look into his eyes, and you still see it
  70. > More importantly, he sees it in you
  71. > Your mane inflates to full joy capacity and you burst forward, nuzzling his neck, getting your scent all over him again
  72. > He laughs, his beautiful laugh
  73. > He squeezes you so tight, rocking your back and forth
  74. > You give him a quick, shy kiss on the cheek, just like the first time
  75. > But this time, he turns his head, and kisses you right on the lips, passionately, lovingly, and with just the right amount of stallionish whimsy
  76. > Oooohh and tongue
  77. > When he finally breaks the kiss, both of you are breathing heavily, joyfully
  78. > You have to say it, as a mare, as his wife, as his Ponana Banana Cream Pie
  79. "And I love you, Anonie, from when we first met, now, and fore~ver!"
  80. > And then both of you began to sing

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