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Dont Stand So Close to Me (RGRE)

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-19 00:24:23
Expiry: Never

  1. > Be Principal Celestia
  2. > You thought after the demon, the sirens, and the god-transfer-student, you were prepared for anything
  3. > You were wrong
  4. > "Good morning, Miss Celestia. Might I say your hair is looking quite lustrous today?"
  5. > You smile mildly at Anonymous F. Aggot, struggling to remain professionally distant
  6. "Thank you, a-"
  7. > You catch yourself
  8. "Mr. Aggot. Is there a particular reason why you are waiting outside my office?"
  9. > He gazes at you with a very earnest expression
  10. > "Yes, I was hoping to get your impressions on a club I want to set up. I know you are very busy, but it shouldn't take too much time."
  11. > Anonymous absently tugs at the hem of his shirt, pulling it taught across his lithe muscular torso
  12. > You tear your eyes away from the spectacle, focusing on unlocking your door
  13. "I suppose I can spare some time."
  14. > You glance to either side, the hallway is vacant except for the two of you
  15. > You open the door, holding it for him
  16. "Lords first."
  17. > He smiles at that, and slips into your office with a beguiling sway to his hips
  18. > You close the door behind you, feeling a little nervous at the prospect of being alone in a room with the nubile young man
  19. > You stride forcefully behind your desk and get settled, skimming a note you had left to yourself the day before, and moving some paperwork to the side
  20. > Only then did you meet his eyes again
  21. "Now, what is your idea for a club?"
  22. > He leans forward, elbows on his knees
  23. > The neckline of his unbuttoned polo shirt hangs loose, offering tantalizing glimpses of his pectoral muscles
  24. > "It's too easy nowadays to fall into unhealthy habits, be that eating, exercise, or what have you."
  25. > Anonymous clasps his hands together, the subtle chords in his forearms flexing
  26. > Your eyes jerk back to his earnest, impassioned face
  27. > You nod encouragingly, ignoring the bloom of heat in your stomach
  28. > "And while the physical education and health classes do teach good principles, they do too little to train good habits. What I propose is a life fitness club, with both a comprehensive curriculum and regular activities to cultivate a healthier lifestyle."
  29. > You lean back, considering the prospect
  30. "So, exercise, cooking, positive thinking, that sort of thing?"
  31. > He smiles
  32. > "Indeed. I was also thinking that there could be a sharing time, where we talk about what has been working for us. It'll help bring us all closer together."
  33. > What a typically boyish idea, but there is nothing wrong with it
  34. "It sounds like you have really thought this through. Do you have any prospective members, or do you need time to recruit?"
  35. > Anonymous pulls a paper from his backpack and sets it on your desk
  36. > "I believe the minimum requirement is five members, counting myself?"
  37. > You glance across the signatures
  38. > Rainbow Dash and Applejack, no surprise there
  39. > Big Mac, isn't he a senior?
  40. > The boy has some decent growth on him, you suppose he would be a good example for the group
  41. > Rarity, though, you have some suspicions about her motives
  42. > Well, it's not like you were completely innocent when you were their age
  43. > You set the paper aside and smile at the young man
  44. "Everything seems to be in order. We'll let you know by the end of the day what rooms and times are available after school. One last thing, do you have a club councilor in mind?"
  45. > Anonymous smiles shyly at you
  46. > "Honestly, I wish you could take that position. I've always admired how fit and toned your body is. I suppose I could ask coach Spitfire, but I know she has a lot of sports clubs to handle."
  47. > You are suddenly very aware of your body, and the way Anonymous' gaze is drifting
  48. > You lick your lips, crossing and uncrossing your legs under the desk
  49. "I'm afraid both she and I have little enough time for this sort of thing. Think about it, and I'll see if a faculty member will volunteer."
  50. > You stand up, your arm starting to swing forward for a handshake
  51. > In a fit of boyish whimsy, Anonymous stands and embraces you, his arms clasped behind your back, your now sensitive breasts pressed against the firm planes of his chest
  52. > "Thank you so much, Principal Celestia!"
  53. > You awkwardly pat him on the back, desperately hoping no one sees this compromising display
  54. "You are welcome, Anonymous."
  55. > He gives you a little squeeze, his warmth melting into yours for a brief moment
  56. > Then he pulls away, leaving you both warm and oddly cold, and unsteady
  57. > "Thank you once again for meeting with me. Have a nice day!"
  58. > You nod
  59. "It's no trouble. A good day to you too."
  60. > Anonymous grins and walks away, swaying a bit more noticeably than before
  61. > You sink into your chair, feeling loose and warm in all the right ways
  62. > No, you were not prepared for this
  64. > The afternoon sunlight drifts lazily through your office window, dust motes floating in its amber beams
  65. > The school is nice and quiet, once most of the students have left
  66. > You can feel yourself drowsing in your chair, the urge to take a nap rising
  67. > With a surge of will, you stand up and stride out of your office
  68. > You might as well check on the clubs, see how they are doing
  69. > The halls echo with the faint voices of students laughing and working
  70. > You smile at the sound, a reminder of why you come to work every day
  71. > One by one, you slip into classrooms and make small talk if the advisor isn't busy instructing
  72. > There are the occasional requisition forms and the like, and a proud demonstration or two
  73. > Inevitably, the physics club has fused with the paranormal club, and you sign off on their new charter
  74. > You pause outside the third floor music room
  75. > You see Anonymous worriedly checking his watch through the window in the door
  76. > He glances up and sags in relief
  77. > Before you can react, he opens the door and pulls you in
  78. > You find yourself facing nearly a dozen students, boys and girls
  79. > Anon beams at you
  80. > Too cute
  81. > "Thank goodness you're here, our guest speaker hasn't shown up, and we only have so much time for this part. Would you mind telling us about how you stay healthy?"
  82. > You shrug
  83. "There's not much to say. Eat slowly so you know when you're full, try to get all the food groups, things like that. Well, there is one thing. I like to take a walking break when I get too tired from working."
  84. > There is some polite applause, and you nod graciously
  85. > You move to leave, but Anon tugs on your sleeve
  86. > "Do you mind if I point some things out that you missed?"
  87. > You suddenly feel uneasy, but you aren't sure why
  88. > Still, what is the harm in staying just a little longer?
  89. "If you think it'll help, I don't mind."
  90. > Anonymous crouches down by your feet
  91. > A hand presses upward against the back of your knee and you stifle a squeak
  92. > Anonymous gestures towards your raised foot
  93. > "Note how she is wearing a short heeled shoe. When you are walking all day, it is important to have comfortable footwear with enough support."
  94. > He lowers your leg and stands up, startlingly close to you
  95. > He grasps your upper arm and turns you around
  96. "Mr. Aggot?"
  97. > You don't want to protest too much if he has a legitimate reason, however...
  98. > "Pardon me, Principal Celestia. Now girls, this is a good example of why high heels aren't essential for every outfit."
  99. > Rarity calls out,
  100. > "Nonsense Darling, the lift is essential for true fashion!"
  101. > You peer over your shoulder at the good natured laughter of the students
  102. > Perhaps this won't be too bad
  103. > Anonymous clears his throat
  104. > "In moderation, Rarity. Everyone, look at Miss Celestia's legs. Notice how the slight tension in her calf,"
  105. > Fingertips trail up your calf, leaving tingling in their wake even through your slacks
  106. > "and thigh muscles, and just the right amount of perk to the posterior."
  107. > You bolt away before his touch slides any higher
  108. > You scowl at the young man, your face flushed
  109. > Rarity wolf whistles and her neighbor elbows her
  110. "Mr. Aggot, that was quite inappropriate. I hope this sort of thing isn't the club's usual activities."
  111. > He raises his hands in surrender
  112. > "Sorry about that, I just got caught up in the moment. I assure you, this is a wholesome club, aside from Rarity."
  113. > "Please, I am the soul of propriety."
  114. > You frown at the assembled students
  115. "We shall see. I don't want to hear anymore of this sort of thing in the future, do I make myself clear?"
  116. > Anonymous bows his head contritely
  117. > "Yes ma'am."
  118. > You make eye contact with Mrs. Cake and jerk your head towards the door
  119. > She joins you out in the hallway
  120. "Does he usually do these sorts of hands on demonstrations?"
  121. > She smiles a little, before sobering up
  122. > "Not in this sense, no. Usually it's just cooking tutorials or modeling proper exercise posture and so on."
  123. > You sigh
  124. > You are beginning to have a suspicion, and you see Mrs. Cake shares it
  125. "Keep an eye on him anyways. Let me know if things get out of hand."
  126. > She nods, then pats you on the shoulder
  127. > "I'm sure it's just a harmless crush, it'll pass."
  128. "If only this sort of thing happened with men my age..."
  129. > The married woman chuckles
  130. > "I wasn't much younger than you when I got hitched. Give it time, you'll find someone."
  131. > You sigh once again
  132. "Perhaps. Well, until then I have my paperwork to keep me company, and I'll let you get back to the club."
  133. > She gives your shoulder a quick squeeze, then turns back to the classroom
  134. > You walk back to your office, trying to forget Anonymous' touch
  136. > Be Principal Celestia, who forgot her umbrella
  137. > The weather had been beautiful for most of the day, which made the afternoon rain a bit of a betrayal
  138. > You sigh, staring out from the entrance of Canterlot High
  139. > You can just see your car out in the parking lot, but it feels so far away
  140. > Bracing yourself, you push the door open and dash out into the rain
  141. > It's just as cold as you thought it would be
  142. > You're shivering in the car now, letting the heater work its magic
  143. > Once you can feel your extremities again, you pull out of the parking lot and cruise onto the mostly empty roads
  144. > Rain patters against your windshield, and you keep an eye out for deer
  145. > Goodness knows that's the last thing you need on a rain-slick road
  146. > You don't see any, but there is someone walking on the side of the street, huddled under a hoodie
  147. > From the backpack they are wearing, it's probably a student
  148. > A principal's job is never done, you suppose
  149. > You slow down beside the figure and roll down the passenger window
  150. "Do you need a ride? I'd rather not have one of my students catch a cold."
  151. > The kid turns to you, pulling back his hood slightly
  152. > Anonymous smiles in relief
  153. > "Oh yes, thank you, Principal Celestia."
  154. > Oh dear
  155. > He opens the door and clambers in, tucking his backpack between his legs
  156. > You try not to look at his buldge, prominently displayed in such a way
  157. > You roll the window up, and he quickly shucks off his soaked hoodie
  158. "Mr. Aggot!"
  159. > He just looks a little mystified as he pulls the seatbelt across a thin white T-shirt that clings to his every muscle
  160. > "Isn't that what you are supposed to do? Wet clothes only make it harder to warm up."
  161. > You gaze fixedly at the road as you put your foot on the gas pedal
  162. "That may be true, but you should be more modest, especially around women."
  163. > He pats you on the knee, the warmth of his hand awakening a different kind of warmth within you
  164. > Stars and void, you are getting hot and bothered from just this?
  165. > You have been single for too long
  166. > "It's alright, Principal Celestia. I trust you."
  167. > You glance at him, his earnest eyes, his warm smile, his damp hair
  168. > You snap your attention back to the road
  169. "Let's just get you home, alright? You'll have to tell me the way."
  170. > "Sounds good to me. Keep going straight, then turn right on South Street."
  171. > You keep the talking to a minimum on the way to his home, not wanting to encourage his crush
  172. > You pull into his driveway and come to a stop
  173. > He gathers up his things and smiles at you again
  174. > "Thanks for the lift, Ms. Celestia. See you at school."
  175. "I'm glad I could help. Do remember an umbrella next time, though."
  176. > He laughs at that, and gets out of your car
  177. > You wait for him to safely get inside, noticing that his parent's car isn't in the driveway
  178. > Anonymous tries to open the door to the house, but something seems to be wrong
  179. > Your heart sinks a little as he sheepishly approaches the passenger window
  180. > You roll it down, and he tentatively smiles
  181. > "I forgot my keys inside this morning, so I'll be locked out for a few more hours until Dad gets home."
  182. > He's already shivering, but trying to look brave
  183. > You should not be doing this
  184. > You really should not be doing this
  185. "How about you stay at my place until your father comes back from work?"
  186. > He sags with relief and gets in
  187. > "Thank you, Ms. Celestia. I wasn't looking forward to waiting outside until eight."
  188. > You back out of the driveway
  189. "Eight? Where does your father work?"
  190. > "At a survey center downtown. The only shift he could get started at noon."
  191. > You feel pretty good about yourself right now, you haven't glanced at his pectorals at all
  192. > And this is normal, teacher-student conversation
  193. "That's too bad. What do you usually do for dinner?"
  194. > "I make it, or eat some leftovers. Um, I can wait until dad gets back to eat, you don't have to worry about it."
  195. > You look at the clock
  196. > 5:28
  197. > Anonymous' stomach growls
  198. > You chuckle
  199. "Let's not add starvation to hypothermia. Don't worry, I may be a woman, but I know how to cook."
  200. > You drive home without incident, and open the door to your house
  201. > A gust of warm air billows around you
  202. > "Ohhh yeah, that feels good."
  203. > You really did not need to hear those noises from one of your male students
  204. > You stride inside, hanging up your blazer and dropping your purse on a nearby table
  205. > Anonymous follows soon after, taking in your living room
  206. > You are proud to note that it is completely clean, unlike a certain sister's house
  207. > "You have a beautiful home, Ms. Celestia."
  208. > You smile
  209. "Thank you, Mr. Aggot."
  210. > He shivers again
  211. > "Um, would it be alright if I take a shower? I really need to warm up, and these clothes aren't helping."
  212. > You choke, trying not to think lewd thoughts
  213. "Ah, of course. Down the hall, second door on the left."
  214. > He smiles gratefully at you
  215. > "I'll leave my clothes outside the door, so you can put them in the dryer. No peeking, alright?"
  216. > He winks at you and sashays towards the bathroom
  217. > You bite your lip, trying to ignore the growing heat of your womanhood
  218. > You need a distraction
  219. > Dinner! Yes, you need to make dinner!
  220. > You almost run to the kitchen and start pulling ingredients out of the cupboards and fridge, valiantly ignoring the fact that a nubile young man is getting naked in your house
  221. > "Alright, I'm done, you can put them in the dryer now."
  222. > Right, forgot about that
  223. > You feel unaccountably nervous, walking down that hallway
  224. > No reason for it, just gonna pick up some clothes, open the dryer, not think about naked boys
  225. > Damn it
  226. > Well, two out of three isn't bad
  227. > You pause, looking at the boy clothes in the dryer
  228. > You glance at the bathroom door, suddenly very aware of the hiss of water
  229. > You lick your lips and reach down into the machine
  230. > You pluck the boxers from Anon's clothes
  231. > So soft and silky, why are mens' clothes always more comfortable?
  232. > You feel like you are 13 again, looking at a Victor's Secret catalog
  233. > You rub your thighs together, an unconscious reaction to the blooming heat of your nethers
  234. > You really shouldn't be doing this
  235. > The boxers drop from your fingers, and you close the lid
  236. > A few button presses later, and you are in the kitchen, making chicken pot pie
  237. > It's good to be doing something, to let your arousal die down
  238. > You did say you can cook, after all
  239. > To be fair, almost everything in the recipe comes from a can, but a quick, warm dinner is best for days like today
  240. > You lay out the last of the biscuits on top of the soupy filling, and slide the whole pan into the oven
  241. > That leaves you with fifteen minutes to set the table you suppose
  242. > It's strange, setting another place at your lonely little dining room table
  243. > Abruptly, the sound of running water stops
  244. > A few seconds later, Anon walks into view wearing only a towel around his waist
  245. > Sweet Mother, that washboard, those perky pecs, those arms, unf
  246. > When you finally make eye contact, Anonymous is smirking
  247. > "If you are done checking me out, about how much longer until my clothes are dry?"
  248. > You cough, averting your eyes
  249. "Should be about ten more minutes. Mr. Aggot, would you please wear the bathrobe? It is not proper for a young man to show that much skin."
  250. > He grins
  251. > "Whatever you say, Ms. Celestia."
  252. > This boy is going to be the death of you, you know it
  254. > For all his whimsy, Anonymous is almost well behaved during dinner
  255. > Just the occasional moan of appreciation that borders on the risque
  256. > The conversation is pleasant, and he laughs at a few of your jokes
  257. > You knew when you got the job that you wouldn't meet a lot of single people your age
  258. > You had more or less resigned yourself to spinsterhood
  259. > Now, you find yourself keenly aware of how long it's been since a guy has shown interest
  260. > You glance at the clock, it reads 7:10
  261. > You find yourself a little glad Anon doesn't have to leave just yet
  262. > That's bad, right?
  263. > You shouldn't be thinking this way
  264. > You stand up, grabbing your plate and glass, bringing them to the sink
  265. > Hmm, you forgot about the other dishes
  266. > You set the hot water running and pour in some soap
  267. > Anon dutifully puts his dishes in, then stands beside you, ready and waiting
  268. "You know, you don't have to help with the dishes, you are a guest."
  269. > He smiles up at you
  270. > "But I want to help you. You've been very kind to me, it's the least I can do."
  271. > This kid
  272. > You sigh
  273. "Alright, suit yourself."
  274. > The two of you fall into a little domestic rhythm, washing rinsing and drying
  275. > It feels nice, his quiet warmth right beside you, your elbows occasionally touching
  277. > The dryer buzzes just as the last plate is put away
  278. "Alright, let's get your clothes."
  279. > Anon nods, happily following you to the machine
  280. > You open the door and pass them to him, trying to ignore the feeling you get when you handle his boxers again
  281. > "Thanks, Ms. Celestia."
  282. > He closes the bathroom door behind him and you can hear the rustle of cloth
  283. > You check your watch
  284. > 7:47
  285. > Anon opens the door, looking pretty comfy in his hoodie
  286. > He beams at you
  287. > "Ahhhh, this feels really good. I'm nice and warm all over."
  288. > You bet
  289. "Well, it's about time we got you home, we wouldn't want your father to worry about you."
  290. > He sighs
  291. > "All good things must end, I guess. Let me get my backpack, then."
  292. > You stride over to where you left your purse, and put on your jacket
  293. > The drive back is pretty quiet, with the rain little more than a drizzle pattering against the windshield
  294. > It seems Mr. Aggot Sr. Has returned, by the car parked in the open garage
  295. > Anon clears his throat as you pull into the driveway
  296. > "I had a lot of fun, Ms. Celestia. You have a great home."
  297. > You smile
  298. "Thank you, Anon. As good a guest as you are, let's not make a habit of getting caught in the rain, alright?"
  299. > He laughs
  300. > "Alright. See you tomorrow."
  301. "Until then."
  302. > He gets out of your car and jogs over to his door, giving you a wave before going inside
  303. > You wave back, a slight smile on your face
  304. > Boys are cute
  305. > Once he is safely inside the house, you back out and drive home
  307. > You stare at the towel and bathrobe
  308. > They are still a little damp, and smell slightly of boy
  309. > You need to wash them
  310. > You should just put them into the washing machine
  311. > The house is quiet, and your mind is filled with all the little suggestive movements Anon made
  312. > How firm his chest was
  313. > You are going to Tartarus for this
  314. > You scoop them up and bring them to your bedroom
  315. > You lay them on your bed, your heart beating fast at the thought of what you are going to do
  316. > You strip your clothes off quickly, nipples already hard and sensitive
  317. > You lay down on the towel, keenly aware of the damp places where it touched his body now touching yours
  318. > You drag the bathrobe over you, the soft fabric stimulating your almost painfully sensitive breasts
  319. > You bring the collar to your nose, inhaling his faint scent
  320. > Your other hand slides down your belly, to the heat of your loins
  321. > You writhe as your fingers tease at your lower lips, grazing your clit
  322. > You moan, imagining Anon naked and erect, sultry and sweet
  323. > You let go of the bathrobe collar, instead mashing it against your breasts, imagining two eager hands playing with your body
  324. > Your mind is in a feverish haze, your fingers dipping into your womanhood with increasing fervor
  325. > You imagine Anon on top of you, heavy, tender, firm, his cock sliding into your depths
  326. > This is so wrong
  327. > Your pussy clenches around your fingers
  328. > You moan, hips bucking
  329. > You squeeze your breast almost painfully, heat and pleasure building within you
  330. > You imagine Anon's sweet voice groaning in pleasure as he kisses your neck
  331. > You pump your fingers in and out of your pussy, only partly filling the hunger for his dick
  332. > Your breath hitches, and you imagine Anon thrusting, twitching inside you, unable to contain himself any longer
  333. > Your legs clamp around your hand as pleasure floods your mind and body
  334. > Your eyes roll back as the orgasm shakes you to your core, far more intensely than any you have had before
  335. > You collapse limply back into the bed, spent
  336. > As you stare the ceiling, you realize two things
  337. > You are going to a special circle of Tartarus
  338. > And you don't know how you are going to look Anon in the face tomorrow
  340. > Be Vice Principal Luna
  341. > It's pretty great being the Batwoman of the school, striking fear into the hearts of wrong-doers
  342. > You hear all the rumors through your contacts in the student body
  343. > They span a range of topics from the mundane "who likes who" to the more esoteric rumors about the true magical nature of the new student
  344. > You would be worried about how the students are viewing transfer students as likely villains, but they seem to enjoy being part of weird magical events
  345. > An acquired taste, you suppose
  346. > You have heard a rather amusing rumor that has you visiting your sister's sunny office
  347. > You find her frowning at her computer, no doubt sifting through the many e-mails that come her way
  348. > Not for the first time, you are glad you are only the vice-principal, and thus less a target for influence
  349. > Celly looks up as you enter, giving you a weak smile
  350. > "Volunteering to take over for me again?"
  351. > You shudder
  352. > You tried that once, and once was enough
  353. "I'm afraid not. I just thought I'd pass on some amusing bits of gossip."
  354. > She leans back in her chair, relaxing somewhat
  355. > "And what are the kids saying?"
  356. > You sit on the edge of her desk, a place she always keeps clear for you
  357. "They say Anonymous is actually an incubus, seducing the female student body with cooking and muscles. They expect a bid for world domination by the next dance."
  358. > That gets a chuckle out of her
  359. > "I would have thought they would be more creative than that. That was more or less Sunset Summer's plan."
  360. > You shrug
  361. "What's more interesting is that they think he isn't interested in any of the girls."
  362. > Celly raises an eyebrow
  363. > "They think he's gay?"
  364. "The think he has a thing for you, if you can believe it. Well, it wouldn't be the first time a boy was attracted to an older powerful woman."
  365. > She forces a laugh
  366. > "Haha, yes that is hard to believe."
  367. > ...
  368. > You raise an eyebrow at your sister
  369. "Is there something to this rumor after all?"
  370. > She buries her face in her hands
  371. > "He does like me."
  372. > Well
  373. "That sounds like a story. Should I be looking forward to a niece or nephew in the next nine months or so?"
  374. > Celly glares at you
  375. > "Give me some credit. It's entirely unrequited."
  376. > Something about the way she said it...
  377. > You hop off the desk and crouch by her, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder
  378. "It's okay to feel flattered by the attention of young men. Goodness knows I have a little fan club feeding my ego as well."
  379. > Your sister smiles wryly
  380. > "It's your own fault for playing the scary and stern older woman. But..."
  381. > She groans
  382. > "I can't believe I'm telling you this... did you ever masturbate while thinking about them?"
  383. > Oh
  384. > Well, truth be told
  385. "I've always wanted to be the center of a male gangbang, but it's easier to keep that kind of fantasy separate. Well, Anonymous is a senior, so you only have to wait about seven months before you can indulge in some nice young cock."
  386. > "Luna! Don't tell me you've really..."
  387. > You laugh
  388. "Not right after they graduate, but sometimes I meet one in a bar a couple years later."
  389. > Celly sighs in exasperation
  390. > "You really are such a man-eater. Meanwhile your poor sister is so loaded down with paperwork and board meetings that she can't even go to a bar in the evenings."
  391. > You scoff
  392. "More like if you do get drunk, you turn into an embarrassing lecher of a woman. Didn't you grope the bartender's pec's last time you went out?"
  393. > She groans, covering her face again
  394. > "Don't remind me. I'm just glad he didn't press charges."
  395. > What was it you were talking about?
  396. > Oh yes
  397. "Going back, it's fine if you fantasize about the students. Just keep it separate from reality."
  398. > Celly rests her hands in her lap and gives you a little smile
  399. > "Thanks, Sis."
  400. "Anytime. Well, I better get back to scaring the students and giving the unsuspecting masochists awkward boners."
  401. > Your sister laughs, shaking her head
  402. > "Pervert. At least do some real work while you're here."
  403. > You give her a salute and waltz out of the office, having done your duty as younger sister
  404. > Now to be the vice-principal this school needs, if not the one it deserves
  406. > Be Principal Celestia
  407. > The past few months have been relatively peaceful, and easy on your conscience
  408. > You only masturbated while fantasizing about Anon around once per week, the guilt in your heart lessening each time
  409. > The young man himself has been rather busy with schoolwork as well as the increased membership of his club
  410. > Meanwhile, the school is gearing up for this year's Fall Formal, this time with a noticeable lack of jewelry of any kind
  411. > You don't even have to worry about the siren girls, they seem pretty happy with their paid internship with your old novelist friend
  412. > All in all, things are going well
  413. > You open the door to your office to make the usual rounds, only to find a familiar face waiting for you
  414. > Anon grins sheepishly
  415. > You are at once slightly warmer and anxious
  416. "Mr. Aggot, how are you doing? I trust the club is going well."
  417. > He nods happily
  418. > "Quite well, on both counts. Big Mac is a great vice-president, I'm lucky to have him in the club. But I was hoping you could help with something else..."
  419. > You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow
  420. "And that would be?"
  421. > His face turns red and he looks at the floor
  422. > "Could you teach me how to dance?"
  423. > What
  424. "I find it hard to believe you can't find a better teacher."
  425. > He rubs his neck and sighs
  426. > "There were a lot of volunteers, but... I don't like the way the girls look at me. Like I'm just some piece of meat."
  427. > Ah
  428. > What do you even say to that?
  429. "Surely one of the teachers..."
  430. > He gazes at you with pleading eyes
  431. > "Please, Ms. Celestia. You're the only one I can trust."
  432. > Hnnngggg
  433. > That is unfair, boys this cute do not exist
  434. "Alright, I'll teach you. Come back here once your club is over, alright?"
  435. > He beams at you
  436. > "Yes ma'am! Thank you so much!"
  437. > He runs off down the hallway, his rump pert and
  438. > Look away, Celly, look away
  440. > The car ride home reminds you too much of the last time, even without Anon being soaking wet
  441. > It makes you irritated at yourself that you still feel flustered after months of getting used to being attracted to Anon
  442. > He doesn't even have to do anything, just sit in the passenger seat, legs splayed just enough to hint at something in the crotch of his pants
  443. > You fix your eyes back on the road, trying not to remember the times you fantasized about this very situation going rather differently
  444. > Luna is full of crap, you have decided
  445. > Keep it separate from reality, fine, but what do you do when reality makes it happen?
  446. > Anon coughs
  447. > "If you don't want to, you don't have to. I mean, it's not the end of the world if I don't know how to dance."
  448. > What is this boy talking about?
  449. "It's fine, I'll just push more work onto Luna. Executive privilege, eh?"
  450. > He smiles a little at that
  451. > "It is convenient. I was just worried because you looked stressed out about something just now."
  452. > It's so nice to have a sweet, attentive boy worried about you
  453. > You smile, platonic affection welling up in your chest
  454. "You're a good kid, Anonymous. Don't worry about it, I'm fine."
  455. > He gazes at your face for an extra second, trying to gauge how much he should really worry
  456. > Too cute
  457. > "Okay, but let me know if there is anything I can do for you. It's the least I can do."
  458. > ...
  459. > He really shouldn't have said "anything"
  460. > Oh good, there's your driveway
  462. > While Anonymous hangs up his coat in the closet, you look among your music collection
  463. > You suppose having so many CD's is a bit outdated nowadays, but you have a lot of fond memories tied to them
  464. > Now, where is some good music to dance to?
  465. > You browse down the shelves, leaning down to read the album names of the lower cases
  466. > Ah, here we go
  467. > You pick out Stunt, by the Bare Naked Lords
  468. > You turn and catch Anon staring at
  469. > Your ass?
  470. > No, that can't be right
  471. > Then you glance down at his crotch, and helloooo there big guy
  472. > Anon follows your gaze, then scrambles for one of the throw cushions on the couch
  473. > ...
  474. > You look over your shoulder at your butt
  475. > It's not that great, is it?
  476. > Anon is staring fixedly at the floor, his face utterly red
  477. > "I'm sorry, I just couldn't look away. Wait- I mean-"
  478. > You laugh, honestly relieved not to be the one flustered and overly aroused
  479. "It's fine, you're a growing young man. Why don't you go to the bathroom and take care of it, and I'll get things set up."
  480. > Your heart warms at your triumph
  481. > You are a professional, responsible adult, not taking advantage of a young, impressionable man
  482. > He nods mutely and flees your gaze
  483. > Wait
  484. > He's going to be masturbating in your bathroom
  485. > ...
  486. > You want to listen
  487. > You quickly put the CD in the player and cue up the first song you want to work with
  488. > Then you silently creep up to your bathroom door, ears straining to hear his cute little grunts
  489. > You lick your lips as you hear the desperate sounds of Anon's hand working his manhood
  490. > Your fingers twitch, longing to tend to your rising arousal
  491. > Wait no, you shouldn't be doing this
  492. > Just because he got a boner doesn't mean you can-
  493. > Anon groans, and all other sound abruptly stops
  494. > You bite your lip, your thighs pressed firmly together
  495. > You stealthily return to the living room as you hear the faucet turn on
  496. > You have a few precious moments to get yourself back under control, to focus on what you really should be doing
  497. > When Anon does return, you give him your best, professional smile
  498. "All better?"
  499. > He nods meekly, still visibly flustered
  500. > You could just eat him u-
  501. > Focus, Celly
  502. > You beckon him over
  503. "We'll start with the waltz. Your left hand goes here,"
  504. > You clasp his hand in you right, extending out to the side
  505. > "And your right goes behind my back like so."
  506. > You grab his other hand and place it on the lower part of your shoulder blade
  507. > It is at that point that you notice the precise difference in height between you and him
  508. > His head is just a few inches lower than your chin, which is to say the perfect height to rest on your pillowy slopes
  509. > Speaking of which, the girls are taking up most of the space between you and Anon
  510. > The poor boy is blushing and looking away
  511. > Why does this feel good?
  512. > You kinda want to fluster him some more
  513. > It's not everyday that an attractive guy is visibly affected by your sex appeal
  514. > "Um, Ms. Celestia? What do we do next?"
  515. > Oh, right
  516. "Staring with the downbeat, step to the side and..."
  517. > As you lead him through the steps, he tries to look at his feet
  518. > Unfortunately for him, your chest is sort of in the way
  519. > As a result, he hasn't stopped blushing
  520. > And you think you get it now
  521. > When he was just oblivious to his own appeal, or earnestly and innocently admiring you, you felt like a dirty old woman
  522. > But now that he is embarrassed and aroused, it's easier to resist the urge to do this and that to him
  523. > You bring him around for a turn, and he stumbles
  524. > Anon's full weight crashes into you, knocking you on your back
  525. > You hiss in pain as your head collides with the thankfully carpeted floor
  526. > You look down at your chest, where Anon's head is nestled
  527. "Well, at least your head was cushioned."
  528. > He jerks up, blushing furiously
  529. > "S-sorry! I just tripped and, uh,"
  530. > He tries to get up, but he stops short
  531. > "Could you let go of my hands?"
  532. > Hm?
  533. > Oh
  534. > You should probably do that sometime soon
  535. > There is something poking at your thigh though, and you are suddenly feeling very warm
  536. > Anon licks his lips, anxiously searching your eyes for... something
  537. > "Ms. Celestia?"
  538. > You let go of his hand, then lean slightly to release the other one pinned under your back
  539. > He scrambles back, his legs drawn up to hide his erection
  540. > Cute
  541. "Sorry about that, got distracted. Are you okay?"
  542. > You prop yourself up on your hands and smile
  543. > He looks down at his lap, frowning
  544. > Damn, have you been handling this wrong?
  545. > "I guess you already know, but I sort of lied before. It's not because I didn't trust anybody, I asked you because..."
  546. > He gives you a tentative smile
  547. > "I love you, Celestia."
  548. > Oh, you precious little child
  549. > "And I can't stand deceiving you when you've been nothing but helpful to me. Can you forgive me?"
  550. > You stand up slowly, rubbing where your head hit the floor
  551. > What are you supposed to do with earnest, besotted boys?
  552. > You sigh
  553. "Anonymous, I am well aware of your affection, you weren't that sneaky."
  554. > He nods
  555. "But you have to understand, I am a grown woman, and you are still a minor. No matter how much I do like you, it'd be a crime if we acted on it. Get back to me after you graduate, and then we can talk on more equal footing."
  556. > Your blue-beaned clit is disagreeing with you, but that's part of being an adult too
  557. > Anon slowly stands up, the light of hope glistening in his eyes
  558. > "So, when I graduate, we can start dating?"
  559. > You really shouldn't lead him on
  560. > He's too young, too nice, too pure
  561. "Yes."
  562. > You win this time, clit
  563. > He beams at you, rushing in for a hug
  564. > You gingerly return the hug, resisting the urge to push his head into your cleavage
  565. > Why does he have to make things so hard?
  566. > Especially your nipples?
  567. > After a long moment, he draws back, wearing a goofy grin
  568. > Boys are just too cute
  569. "So, do you still want to learn how to dance?"
  570. > He nods eagerly, then pauses
  571. > "Should I go to the bathroom to take care of my, uh, reaction?"
  572. > You eye his bulge
  573. > Yeah, that could be distracting
  574. "That would be a good idea. Dancing is hard enough with two legs, let alone three."
  575. > He blushes, his smile trembling with happiness
  576. > Anon takes a deep breath
  577. > "D-do you want to w-watch?"
  578. > Your womanhood convulses at the thought
  579. > Which is probably a good indicator
  580. "Don't tempt me, Anonymous. I want to stay out of jail."
  581. > He grins
  582. > "So you are tempted~"
  583. > You scowl at him
  584. "If you don't behave, I won't meet with you again."
  585. > He sobers at that
  586. > "Sorry, Ms. Celestia. I'll be more careful."
  587. > You sigh
  588. "Please do. Now go and masturbate like a good boy."
  589. > "I'll be thinking of you."
  590. > Then he runs away, the scamp
  591. > ...
  592. > Likewise, Anon, likewise
  594. > After a few more hours of dancing instruction, you drive him home
  595. > He gets out of the car, hesitating with the door open
  596. > "Could I get a goodbye kiss?"
  597. > You shake your head, exasperated
  598. "No kissing, no funny business until after you graduate. Got it?"
  599. > He nods firmly
  600. > "Yes ma'am!"
  601. > Anon salutes, then marches to his house
  602. > At the door, he turns and waves shyly before disappearing inside
  603. > Hnnngggg
  604. > You sit there, parked in the Aggot family driveway
  605. > Without a doubt, you are a terrible, dirty old woman
  606. > ...
  607. > You are going to schlick so much when you get home
  610. > Be Principal Celestia chaperoning the Fall Formal in a fairly plain white dress
  611. > It always makes you feel old, watching these teenagers dance to songs you haven't heard of
  612. > This year is a bit different, though
  613. > You glare at Rarity as she flounces around Anon
  614. > Girls these days are so shameless, and the boys don't seem to mind
  615. > You know your parents said that the new dances of your time were too lewd, and now you suspect they had a point
  616. > Still, unless groping or worse happens, you'll hold back
  617. > The song ends, and Rarity moves on after whispering in his ear
  618. > Almost immediately, Octavia pounces on Anon for the slow song
  619. > She at least knows how to dance, and they form a rather elegant pair on the dance floor
  620. > You feel rather proud of how well he's dancing, after all that practice
  621. > So why are you still irritated?
  622. > You refill your cup from the punch bowl, and down half of it before the taste registers
  623. > Damn it, someone spiked the punch while you were distracted
  624. > You flag down Luna while making sure no one else goes for a refill
  625. > "Trouble, sister?"
  626. > You grimace
  627. "Just some youthful high spirits, as it were. I just need you to keep an eye out while I replace the punch."
  628. > She nods, and you go get the little cart
  630. > The outcome of the vote isn't all that surprising
  631. > You open the envelope
  632. "The Fall Formal President is...Sunset Shimmer!"
  633. > The girl is all smiles as she makes her way up, her cheeks fetchingly rosy from all the attention
  634. "And the Fall Formal First Lord is... Anonymous Aggot! Please give a round of applause to the executive couple!"
  635. > Smile, Celly, it'll be over soon enough
  636. > Anon comes to stand by Sunset, the boy seemingly oblivious to the jealous stares sent Sunset's way
  637. > After the clapping dies down, you grip the sides of the podium, bracing yourself for what comes next
  638. "Thank you, my little students. It's been a long and delightful night, but all good things must come to an end. Please join the presidential couple in one last dance."
  639. > Sunset eagerly leads Anon by the hand down to the dance floor, while Ms. Scratch cues up the
  640. > In the crowd, you see many couples shyly coming together, while lone individuals turn from painful scenes
  641. > It is a bittersweet sight, one you would usually appreciate...
  642. > Except Sunset is pressing herself up against Anon for all she's worth
  643. > Thankfully the stage lights are turned off
  644. > You can scowl in relative obscurity, without fear of a student catching your expression and misunderstanding
  645. > This isn't like you
  646. > You're usually much calmer
  647. > You're going to blame this little mood swing on the spiked punch, that's clearly the only reasonable explanation
  648. > Sunset drapes her arms across Anon's shoulders, her eyes half-lidded and smouldering
  649. > Don't fall for it, Anon, it's a trick!
  650. > She just wants in your pants, nothing else!
  651. > You aren't sure what Anon says, but it gives the girl pause
  652. > Sunset tilts her head and says something
  653. > Anon shakes his head
  654. > Sunset sags a bit, then draws back to a more appropriate distance, a bittersweet smile on her face
  655. > Anon, you are such a good boy
  656. > You relax, glad to see one of your male students stand up for himself
  657. > The songs comes to an end, and Sunset gives Anon a little curtsy before joining the gaggle of her friends
  658. > Well, at least she's a good sport about it
  659. > Anon turns to you, swimming against the tide of exiting students
  660. > You meet him down on the floor
  661. "Congratulations, I wasn't aware you were actively campaigning."
  662. > He blushes
  663. > "I wasn't, to be honest. Say, could we have one last dance? Not here but, well, you're the only one here that I really wanted to dance with."
  664. > Flatterer
  665. > Still, your cheeks are rather warm when you respond
  666. > Must be the punch
  667. "Where did you have in mind?"
  668. > He grins
  669. > "Well, I'm always going to your house, how about we go to mine this time?"
  670. > You raise an eyebrow
  671. > Seems harmless enough, you suppose
  672. "I imagine your father wants to see the results of your practice. Very well, let's go."
  673. > Anon beams at you, seizing your hand and almost dragging you away
  675. > When you pull into his driveway, you notice his father's car isn't there
  676. "Anonymous, is your father working this late? It's practically ten o'clock!"
  677. > Anon fingers the cuff of his suit jacket
  678. > "He was promoted, so he's at a training conference in the next state over."
  679. > You turn off the car, trying to think and not to think
  680. > You have a feeling about what Anon is after
  681. > It's strange that such a good, wholesome boy is interested in an old Bachelorette like yourself
  682. > Maybe it's because he doesn't have a strong mother figure
  683. > Maybe it's because he is attracted to authority
  684. > Anon puts his hand on yours, whispering,
  685. > "You don't have to if you don't want to."
  686. > There ought to be a limit to how much a boy can pluck at your heartstrings
  687. > With a decisiveness you don't quite feel, you open the door and get out of the car
  688. "I've come this far. Shall we go in?"
  690. > It's a modest home, not that much different from your own
  691. > Maybe a little better perfumed, and showing signs of two inhabitants rather than one
  692. > Anon flips the light switches as he goes, beckoning you onward
  693. > As you follow him upstairs, you find your heart beating more quickly
  694. > You're also a little out of breath, and you resolve to add stairs to your workout routine
  695. > At last, he leads you into a neat little bedroom, with all the usual suspects
  696. > A teddy bear, a teddy shark, and a teddy alligator stand watch on top of a dresser
  697. > The walls are sparsely decorated with posters of shirtless women, most of which you recognize as the main characters of various action movies
  698. > A pair of dumbbells lay neatly in a corner, and a decent stereo player occupies a small desk
  699. > He presses play, a slow waltz filling the small room
  700. > Anon twirls around, arms wide, innocently smiling
  701. > "Are you ready?"
  702. > Who knows
  703. "Yes."
  704. > You come together as you had so many times this month, wondering at his firmness and warmth, a perfect counterpoint to your supple strength and hungry touch
  705. > He gazes up at you as you lead him through the initial motions
  706. > Such trust and affection in that gaze
  707. > Are you really worthy of that trust?
  708. > Well, it's not as though you are deceiving him
  709. > You're just... hiding some impure thoughts, that's all
  710. > The two of you turn, navigating the borders of the bedroom
  711. > Anon sighs happily
  712. > "Dancing with you is the best."
  713. > You feel his hand squeeze your own
  714. "Even better than with Octavia?"
  715. > It's partly a tease, partly...
  716. > Jealous, that's what you were feeling
  717. > Even though you really shouldn't be feeling possessive about Anon, he isn't for you to date
  718. > He grins
  719. > "She was good, but you're much better."
  720. > Damn it, why does that warm your heart?
  721. > Are you really this easily swayed?
  722. > ...
  723. > Yes
  724. > In all too little time, the song ends, leaving you standing there with a young boy in your hands
  725. > You let go, but instead of pulling away, Anon wraps you in a big hug, his arms tight around you
  726. > Your loins surge with heat as he presses his lithe body to yours, your breasts pleasantly wedged against the upper part of his pectorals
  727. > Tentatively, you return the hug, lightly stroking his back
  728. > The two of you stand there, drawing comfort from one another for several minutes
  729. > Anon's head rests near your heart, his slow breathing somehow calming
  730. > At last, he loosens his embrace and looks up at you
  731. > Your heart quickens at his timid expression
  732. > "Can you do one last thing for me?"
  733. > The house is silent, except for the beating of your heart
  734. "What would that be?"
  735. > He blushes
  736. > "Kiss me."
  737. > Oh no
  738. > At once, you are fully aware of how warm it is in here, of the heat of his skin, of the restless need in your womanhood
  739. > You should say no
  740. > You lean down
  741. > You should kiss him on the forehead, that would be the safest way to do this
  742. > His lips are soft against yours, parting slightly
  743. > Your hands cup his head, gently turning it as you deepen the kiss
  744. > He latches onto your shoulders, his tongue plunging into your mouth, earnestly exploring, tasting
  745. > Your skin tingles as you push back, writhing and sliding against his tongue, savoring his sweetness
  746. > He moans, his hands restlessly kneading at your shoulders
  747. > You instinctively press him back against the bed, then guiding him down onto it
  748. > At last, you break the kiss, staring down at his flustered face
  749. > Anon is breathing heavily, but his eyes are alight with joy
  750. > "More!"
  751. > There is no turning back now
  752. > You lower yourself onto his body, savoring the way he presses against your curves
  753. > Even as you ravage his mouth with your tongue, you can feel a certain prodding of tantalizing heat press against your thigh
  754. > You hum in pleasure, your hand roughly yanking his tie loose from his neck
  755. > Unbidden, he begins unbuttoning his shirt
  756. > You pull back, straddling his legs
  757. > He lies beneath you, his shirt open, revealing the smooth firm muscles of his chest
  758. > In the heat of the moment, you shuck off your dress, revealing your white bra and panties
  759. > Anon gazes at you in wonder
  760. > "Beautiful."
  761. > You smile
  762. "You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself."
  763. > He blushes, sitting up
  764. > His fingers are light as they trace across the sensitive skin of your breasts
  765. > You shudder under his touch, your panties becoming noticably damp
  766. > Gently, slowly, he explores your chest, tracing your sides, stroking your back
  767. > You knead at his biceps, marveling at how thick and strong they are
  768. > Then his hands find the clasp, and your bra loosens
  769. > You shrug it off, anxious to see Anon's reaction
  770. > He does not disappoint, his wondering gaze fixed upon your hardened nipples, his head drawing closer
  771. > As his hot breath washes over your skin, you almost feel dizzy from the stimulation
  772. > He gently cups your left breast, your nipple lightly pinched between his fingers
  773. > You gasp in pleasure, instinctively clutching at his head, his silky hair soft beneath your fingers as you pull him toward you
  774. > Anon kisses your other breast, his tongue playfully flicking at your nipple
  775. > Your back arches, instinctively trying to press harder against these pleasurable sensations
  776. > His hand slowly clenches, fingers plunging into your soft flesh
  777. > Enough is enough
  778. > If this continues much longer, you'll cum before he does, and that is unacceptable
  779. > You push him down, regretting the absence of his touch only slightly
  780. > You kneel beside his legs, unfastening his pants
  781. > As you tug them off, you contemplate his black boxers
  782. > Should you draw this out?
  783. > No
  784. > You seize at the waistband and pull
  785. > A monolith of an erection rises in the air
  786. > You stroke it lightly, impressed
  787. "That's some monster you got there, Anon. How many women have been slain by it?"
  788. > Anon smiles
  789. > "You'll be the first."
  790. > Hot damn
  791. > You shimmy out of your panties, breathing heavily at the thought of what's to come
  792. > You straddle his waist, your glistening womanhood hovering above his pristine cock
  793. > His smile may be mild, but you can see how nervous he is in the way his fingers are snarled in the sheets
  794. > You lean forward, hands braced above his shoulders
  795. > You dip down to kiss him, sweet and chaste on the lips
  796. > Your nipples drag against his chest
  797. > His hips buck, the head just brushing your pussy
  798. "Trust me."
  799. > You lower your hips gently, one hand grasping his firm manhood, guiding it
  800. > Anon gasps as the tip penetrates your folds
  801. > You shudder as you spear yourself on his cock, letting out a long, slow breath
  802. > Anon arches his back, his hips pressing hard against your own
  803. > He groans, clutching and grabbing at you, scrabbling at your back, mashing your breasts
  804. > You kiss his forehead, finding sweet amusement at being so chaste with his top half while you slowly grind against his hilted dick
  805. > Finally, he can stand no more, and seizes your hips in his hands
  806. > He pushes you up a little, only to start thrusting into you with wild abandon
  807. > You moan, your hips moving on their own as you pump up down his member
  808. > He gazes up at you with lust-addled eyes, his mouth parted open and moist
  809. > You respond to the feverish heat in your gut and plunder his mouth once more, even as he ravages your pussy
  810. > His arms wrap around you, crushing you against his chest
  811. > You melt against him, tingling and hot and out of breath
  812. > All the while, his strokes only get stronger and faster, sending waves upon waves of pleasure through your system
  813. > You clutch at his hair, whimpering into his mouth
  814. > He just holds you tighter, as if he will never let you go
  815. > All at once, he stops, his hips surging and bucking against you as he hits his orgasm
  816. > You feel a glow of pride and pleasure as he twitches and shoots inside you, filling you with his warmth
  817. > You did it, he came before you
  818. > Then, as his dick begins to slide out, you go over the edge
  819. > Your pelvis slams against his, jerking and grinding as your pussy convulses around his incandescent length
  820. > Your mind goes blank as you are drowned in waves of bliss
  821. > When you can finally think again, you find yourself collapsed against his chest, wrapped in his warm embrace
  822. > Anon gently strokes your hair
  823. > "That was amazing."
  824. > You nuzzle against his neck
  825. "Yeah, it was."
  826. > Slowly, he softens inside you, but you find yourself unwilling to remove the connection
  827. > Wait
  828. > You groan
  829. "We didn't use protection. I may get pregnant from this."
  830. > Which wouldn't be much of a problem for you, you can afford it
  831. > But is Anon ready to be a father?
  832. > He laughs
  833. > "That's fine, I was already intending to marry you."
  834. > You prop yourself up on your elbows and look down at Anon
  835. > He smiles, then darts up to kiss your nose
  836. > You start at the sudden motion, then start giggling
  837. "You are an impossible young man. What did an old woman like me do to deserve you?"
  838. > He squeezes you gently, kissing your lips
  839. > "You are beautiful, kind, and patient. Someone was bound to love you, I'm just glad it was me."
  840. > You sigh, melting against him once more
  841. "Me too."
  843. > Be Celestia, waking up on the Saturday morning after
  844. > You stare at an unfamiliar ceiling, patiently waiting for your brain to reboot and provide some answers
  845. > Beside you, you hear the blanket rustle
  846. > An arm flops onto your chest, a warm hand reflexively honking your boob
  847. > Your morning dew goes from spritzer damp to waterslide
  848. > Why are you so easy?
  849. > Fighting down your arousal, you slowly turn your head to find Anon's beatific sleeping face
  850. > Oh yeah, that happened
  851. > You stew in your shame and arousal, suddenly too hot under the blanket
  852. > What were you thinking?
  853. > Sure, Anon is a kind, earnest boy with an amazing body, and your vag is still tingling from last night...
  854. > Okay, you are not thinking clearly here
  855. > You slip out from under the covers, specifically not thinking of giving Anon Jr. a warm wake up kiss with your cave of wonders
  856. > ...
  857. > Anon doesn't stir
  858. > Right
  859. > Clothes
  860. > He said his dad was on a training retreat or whatever, right?
  861. > You eye your bra, discarded on the floor
  862. > Yeah, no, the girls are free right now, and you like it that way
  863. > You pull on your panties and consider your dress
  864. > You could wear it again, but right now you want to be comfortable, not formal
  865. > You root around his closet until you find a nice long sleeved forest green sweater
  866. > It's pretty soft, as you put it on, and the fuzz tickles pleasantly at your nipples
  867. > You tug it down, somewhat surprised it covers most of the curve of your ass
  868. > You know most of your height is legs, but Anon is shorter than you, is his torso really longer?
  869. > You glance at the bed, where the lithe form of Anon lies tangles in the blanket
  870. > Something to find out later
  871. > You check the clock
  872. > 8:05 AM
  873. > You do feel rather rested
  874. > Your stomach chooses this point to growl
  875. > Right, breakfast
  876. > You wander downstairs, finding the kitchen
  877. > It's pretty small, and a few minutes search nets you a little frying pan
  878. > Eggs sound good, boys like eggs, right?
  879. > You can almost imagine your sister's voice "Yeah they do~"
  880. > If only your pervert of a sister could see you now
  881. > Actually, no, that would be terrible
  882. > You put some bread in the toaster and turn on the stove top
  883. > As the first fried egg begins to cook, you wonder if the smell will wake Anon up
  884. > The domesticity of it all warms your heart
  885. > Then the door opens
  886. > "Jiunior! I have returned!"
  887. > That's the worst Shanon Connery impression you have ever heard
  888. > More importantly, that is Mr. Aggot
  889. > You want to hide, but the egg needs to be flipped soon
  890. > M-maybe you can bribe him with eggs...
  891. > Luna leers in your head, "Mmm yeah, bribe him with your eggs."
  892. > Damn it, she's making you into a pervert too
  893. > Meanwhile, Mr. Aggot pauses at the entrance to the kitchen, halfway out of his coat
  894. > Oh, that's where Anom gets his figure
  895. "Good morning, Mr. Aggot. Would you like a fried egg?"
  896. > You flip it, letting it sizzle on the pan
  897. > He licks his lips
  898. > "You're the woman Anon was talking about?"
  899. > Oh mercy, what has the boy been saying?
  900. > Are you going to lose your job over this?
  901. "I assume so. I am the one teaching him to dance."
  902. > He slumps his shoulders
  903. > "I thought so, but a man can dream, right? Is he blackmailing you?"
  904. > You casually tug the hem of the sweater lower, covering the bottom of your panties
  905. > Time for damage control
  906. "No, far from it. Things just got out of hand, I never intended to take advantage of your son, I-"
  907. > Anon scrambles down the stairs, clad only in his black boxers
  908. > You do not need this kind of distraction
  909. > "Dad! I thought you'd be gone until Monday!"
  910. > Mr. Aggot smirks
  911. > "I can see that. Why don't you introduce me to your girlfriend?"
  912. > Anon steps up beside you and wraps an arm possessively around your waist
  913. > "Dad, this is Principal Celestia. Celestia, this is Anonymous Sr. Fontleroy Aggot."
  914. "Nice to meet you."
  915. > He nods
  916. > "You too."
  917. > An awkward silence descends, and you try to tug your sweater down further
  918. > Mr. Aggot steps forward, grabbing Anon's shoulder, tears in his eyes
  919. > "Are you the shota?"
  920. > Wait, you know that from the niponography Luna sends you
  921. > Anon smiles back, eyes shimmering with pride
  922. > "I am."
  923. > Mr. Aggot crushes his son in a hug
  924. > "I am so, so proud of you, son."
  925. > "Thanks, Dad, it's everything you said it would be."
  926. > Are they talking about straight shota?
  927. > You think you are probably better off not knowing
  928. > Abruptly, Anon Sr. pulls back
  929. > "Well, I better let you two lovebirds have your weekend. I'll just stay with one of the ladies from the office."
  930. > You watch the man leave, not sure what to think, let alone say
  931. > Anon turns to you
  932. > "Yeah, dad's pretty great. By the way, I like the sweater, looks good on you."
  933. > ...
  934. "Thanks."
  935. > Then he grabs your ass
  936. > Two can play at that game
  938. > Be Mr. Aggot
  939. > As great as it was to act like a huge slut in this crazy world where men are the fairer gender, that changed when you had your son
  940. > You actually had to get a stable job and get responsible
  941. > It was a long road, and goodness knows being a guy made a lot of things easier, but it still fills you with pride to see how well your son has grown up
  942. > You had been worried about him during high school, he never seemed to show an interest in any of the girls he knew
  943. > You had thought he, you know, had shit taste
  944. > But no, he was actually a patrician, bagging a stunning milf after months of seduction
  945. > You may have to step up your game
  946. > ...
  947. > Maybe she has a sister?

A Dazzling Christmas

by Uh-hmmm

A Dream Proposition

by Uh-hmmm

A Morning Ride

by Uh-hmmm

Adagio's Lullaby

by Uh-hmmm

An Acquired Taste (Scat)

by Uh-hmmm