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[RGRE] RD's Dare by SadNonny

By TheGearMan
Created: 2020-12-19 01:17:53
Expiry: Never

  1. "RD's Dare" (originally an untitled greentext, a screenshot of the greentext was titled RD's Dare so I'm keeping that same name here)
  2. By SadNonny
  4. (see for his claim of writing the story
  6. Original Pastebin URL:
  7. Created on: Monday 23rd of September 2019 03:38:03 AM CDT
  8. Retrieved on: Saturday 31 of October 2020 05:14:28 PM UTC
  10. archive posts:
  14. >One night at a slumber party hosted by Twilight (and jazzed up by Pinkie) the girls get to playing a bit of truth or dare.
  15. >With plenty of hard cider running through them courtesy of Applejack, things start to get a little out of hoof.
  16. >Crushes are revealed, first times recounted, and plenty of humiliating stunts performed.
  17. >And Rainbow is crushing the competition.
  18. >"Huh! I'm not afraid of anything!" she boasts, having taken nothing but dares this entire time.
  19. >She runs a hoof through her new pixie cut mane, courtesy of a particularly brazen dare from Rarity wielding a pair of scissors, and smirks.
  20. >These girls ain't got nothing on Rainbow Daring Dash.
  21. >Not even Pinkie Pie, who's watching her with a smug look.
  22. >"Is that right, Dashy?"
  23. >"Yep," Dash responds, chest puffed out. "There's nothing you girls can dare me that I don't have the guts to go through with."
  24. >"Rrreaally..." she says, rubbing her chin with a hoof contemplatively. "So you're saying that you'd fly over to Anon's house and steal a pair of testicle bras?"
  25. >The other girls gasp.
  26. >"Pinkie! Are you nuts! Remember what he did to Lyra when she snuck into his house to cast molds of his hands!"
  27. >"Nope," she chirps. "No pony does cause she never said and Nonny didn't press charges."
  28. >"She was comatose for three days when after they found her on his porch! All she did was mumble about fingers and being deep," Twilight points out before turning to Dash. "You can't do it, Rainbow! That colt is crazy!"
  29. >"A crazy sloot, maybe," Applejack says with a roll of her eyes. "Besides dressin' like a tramp, he's a fine enough fellow. Bloom practically considers him an honorary crusader 'cause he watches 'em and keeps them out of trouble all the time."
  30. >"He is rather paternal with the girls," Rarity agrees. "Sweetie just adores him."
  31. >"But what about Lyra?"
  32. >"She did break into his house," Fluttershy points out. "He had a right to defend his nest."
  34. >"Bah, whatever!" Dash interrupts with a wave of her hoof. "Crazy or not, getting a pair of testicle bras will be a piece of cake. Really, Pinks, what a lame dare."
  35. >Pinkie just gives that knowing look.
  36. >"If you say so, Dashy. We'll be waiting right here for you to get back."
  37. >"Pff, you won't wait long, I'll be back in no time," Dash boasts before standing.
  38. >She stumbles a little from the cider, but quickly rights herself and takes flight.
  39. >Once she's gone, the rest of the girls turn to Pinkie.
  40. >"Just what are you planning, Pinkie?" Twilight's asks with a raised brow. "Besides being a crime, Anon is either nice or crazy. Either way, not the type of stallion to be raiding testicle bras from."
  41. >"Oh don't worry, Twilight, Rainbow will thank me for this later," Pinkie says mysteriously. "Now pass the cider. This Party Pony is looking to get crunked!"
  43. >Meanwhile, it took Dash a little over ten seconds to reach Anon's house, a fact she attributes to the alcohol, and only a couple dozen more to wrestle the top floor window to his room open.
  44. >"This is just too easy," she says to herself as she touches down on the hardwood, not bothering to lower her voice.
  45. >She did a quick fly around and looked though all the windows to determine that Anon wasn't home, and so didn't need to be quiet.
  46. >Looking around, she's surprised by how non-colty the room is.
  47. >The bed isn't even made, but she shrugs and goes over to what she assumes is a clothing drawer.
  48. >Opening the first, she sees piles of shirts, and rolls her eyes.
  49. >Stallions.
  50. >Why would he ever need that many shirts?
  51. >The next hold pants, and she's confused as she opens the third.
  52. >"More smaller pants?" she asks, pulling out the strange garment.
  53. >She looks back inside, but the only other type of clothing are lewd socks.
  54. >She looks back at the small pants, and begins to wonder.
  55. >"Are these some weird testicle bras? Must be, either that, or Anon really is such a big sloot that he doesn't own a testicle bra."
  56. >Before she can ponder this further, the lights in the room flicker on, causing spots in her vision and her heart to skip a beat.
  57. >"What the-?!" she starts, but snaps her mouth shut when she hears footsteps on the stairs outside the room.
  58. >But he wasn't in the house!
  59. >Where'd he come from!
  60. >These questions take a backseat as she frantically looks for a hiding spot.
  61. >The closet!
  62. > Having to resist slamming the drawers shut as she closes them, she scrambles over to the closet and slips inside, pushing suit tops away from her face.
  63. >So much clothes!
  64. >The door to the room opens, and Rainbow watches through the slits as Anon puts a flashlight down and sighs.
  65. >"I'm gonna have to have Twilight come over and see if she can't fix that magic converter. It keeps tripping the circuit breaker," he mumbles to himself as he moves over to the bed and picks up a magazine. "And always at the worst times, too."
  66. >Rainbow's thoughts of escaping are quickly derailed as Anon plops down and lays back on the mattress, his belt buckle jingling as he opens the magazine up.
  67. >Dash sees the cover, and her eyes widen.
  68. >Playcolt!
  69. >She had quite the collection of Playfilly magazines, but she'd only heard stories of the accompanying smut meant for stallions.
  70. >She thought it was a myth!
  71. >She gulps as Anon reaches down into his tinier pants underneath his larger ones, and pulls out his member.
  72. >Face practically smooshed against the paneling, she can't believe what she's seeing as Anon slowly strokes himself with that hand-thing, transitioning from half mast to full in less than a minute.
  73. >Dash licks her lips as a hoof runs down through her floof and onto her belly.
  74. >Being an ace flyer, she has excellent spacial awareness and size-determination at any distance, and runs the measurements in her head.
  75. >She would never admit it out loud, but she knows she's a bit on the shorter side for mares, and Anon already was a lot bigger than most ponies.
  76. >That size transfers other places too, it seems.
  78. >Her hoof stops just below her ribs, and she shivers.
  79. >If he were to fully hilt, this is how far he'd reach.
  80. >She can hardly imagine what being so full would feel like, but tries to as she sits down and her hoof starts trailing further down her belly.
  81. >Brushing past her teats, the tip of her hoof bumps into her winking clit, causing a spark to run down her spine as she bites her lip.
  82. >Meanwhile, Anon smears pre from the bulbous tip of his cock down over the rest of his shaft and picks up the pace, turning the page as he does.
  83. >Subconsciously, Dash moves to match his speed, now schlicking herself furiously.
  84. >The sound is thankfully muffles by distance and Anon's own grunts, and Dash feels the knot in her stomach tightening as Anon no doubt nears his own climax.
  85. >It comes upon her all to soon, however, and without the aid of Anon's own climatic moans as she starts coating her hoof in sticky marecum, a groan escaping her as her eyes flutter close.
  86. >Before she can come down from her orgasm, she hears a surprised voice, scrambling, and footsteps before the closet door swings open.
  87. >"Rainbow Dash?! What the fuck are you doing in- My suits!"
  88. >Dash blinks hazily up at the man, then behind her where several suit jackets now have slick cum staining them.
  89. >"Oh..." she starts. "Oops."
  90. >"Oops? Do you know how expensive clothing in Equestria is? That's like two hundred bits you just squirted on!" he growls. "And that still doesn't answer why you're in my closet masturbating!"
  91. >Dash's quickly clearing mind catches up to her and how dire her situation is as her eyes flick to the drawers.
  92. >Anon's eyes follow hers as he sees his clothes drawer, and the corner of underwear hanging out
  93. >"Were you... robbing me?" he starts, walking over to open the drawer and pull out the clothing. "... Of my underwear?"
  94. >Dash doesn't know what to say, though that doesn't stop her from blurting out, "No! I was gonna take a testicle bra, but you didn't have any! And I was gonna bring it back!"
  96. >Anon quirks a brow, face still stern as he silently judges the squirming mare.
  97. >"And tell me, was hiding in my closet, watching me masturbate while you did the same until you got marecum all over my suit jackets also part of the plan? Or maybe you were going to pull a Lyra and wait until I was asleep to have your way with me."
  98. >His fingers clench and unclench at the memory, drawing Rainbow's eye and making her gulp.
  99. >"No! Seriously, I was just here for the bra, a-and I didn't even know you were home! I did a fly around and everything and didn't see you!"
  100. >"I was in the basement flipping the breaker," Anon answers, stepping closer to the mare and blocking any possible escape routes. "Power went out just when I was about to blow, you know. Really blue balled me. Then you go and sneak into my closet. That's twice now."
  101. >She flinches back as his hand comes down, but it just gently runs through her short mane as he continues to speak.
  102. >"And to add insult to injury, you came when I still haven't. That's not very gentlemarely of you, right? Cumming first like that."
  103. >"W-well, I guess. Listen, I know I have no place to ask, but please don't go calling the guards. If I get taken in for something like this, I'll be kicked out of the Wonderbolts. So, I'll just get out of here and let you- Hey!-Ah!"
  104. >Anon grabs the scruff of her neck and lifts her off the floor like a toy.
  105. >"Leave?" he asks, bringing her to eye level as she swats at the hand holding her. "But you owe me a favor now. Especially if you don't want me to press charges. It's the same deal I made with Lyra."
  106. >Rainbow's eyes are wide and frantic as she remembers how the unicorn had been dead to the world for three days.
  107. >"No! Whatever it is! I've got a show in two days! I can't miss it!"
  108. >"Don't worry, I've got to be up early in the morning," Anon assures her with a grin. "So you should still be semi-conscious when I'm done."
  110. >His other hand trails down her belly as her hind legs kick pitifully, slowly making its way around her thigh and towards her tail.
  111. >"Whether you'll be able to fly straight for your show, however..." he trails off as he suddenly grabs the base of her tail and spins her to face the closet and away from him. "That I can't promise."
  112. >Though the mare can't see it, Anon's grip keeping her head straight, the man shimmies his hips, getting his hastily pulled up boxers to fall and his quickly re-hardening member be exposed to the open air.
  113. >"Anon! What are you-!"she starts, buts gasps as the hand on her tail readjusts so that its thumb is pressing against the base of her dock, holding it straight up while also putting pressure on her tight ponut.
  114. >"God I love tails," Anon says conversationally as he squeezes hers in his iron grip. "They make perfect handles to pick you little mares up and hold steady."
  115. >"H-hey! I'm not little!" she blurts out, her cider and arousal clouded mind focusing on the least important facet of the situation she's found herself in.
  116. >"Really Dash?" he responds. "Most of you mares are eye-level with my crotch- and boy dose that make my alone time after a long day of mingling with you lot all the more important- but you actually have to tilt your head back look at it."
  117. >She blushes even more furiously at this, wings flapping to pull her from the colt's grip so that she can spin around and tell him off.
  118. >Instead, the hand on her neck lets go and snaps down to wrap around the base of her left wing, holding it steady and throwing her wing beats off.
  119. >"Eep! A-anon! L-let go-ooOO!"
  120. >Anon squeezes and rubs the base of the wing, causing it to stiffen in his grasp as the other extends straight out.
  121. >"Oh? You like that?" he notes with a predatory grin. "Guess this just got a bit funner for you. Hopefully it'll make you enjoy this next part as much as I'm going to."
  123. >Still panting from the surprise stimulus of her sensitive wing, Dash can't say a word before Anon presses his swollen glans against her winking slit.
  124. >"Hope you don't mind the lack of foreplay," he tells her as he slides the head just within her barely parted folds. "It's late, and frankly, I think you got yourself nice and ready while you ruined my jackets. So..."
  125. >Then he thrusts, and Rainbow Dash squeals, legs going stiff and straight as her whole body tenses at the sudden, deep intrusion.
  126. >Her voice catches as he pounds into her cervix in one go, leaving only a couple inches on his hot flesh exposed to the open air.
  127. >Anon grunts, his grip firm as he grinds her inner most barrier against his cock.
  128. >"Damn, you're a tight one aren't you Dash? Wonder if that's all athletes, or just the pipsqueak ones?"
  129. >Dash has neither the mind or the air in her lungs to respond as her tongue hangs out and she tries to catch her breath.
  130. >A task made hard as Anon slides her off of him until only the tip remains, then slams her back, her cervix flexing under the first of what soon becomes a series of hard impacts.
  131. >Legs going limp and swaying beneath her, Dash's eyes become lidded as she's rocked back and forth.
  132. >"And now you're dripping onto my floor? You just love making messes, huh?" Anon asks with a growl. "Look at those suits. One of your best friends worked so hard to make them, and you go and do something like that."
  133. >A more powerful thrust and him grinding into her follows.
  134. >"Apologize," he says.
  135. >"Wh-wha-?" she responds, blinking.
  136. >He stops moving completely.
  137. >"Look at what you did, and apologize."
  138. >She looks at the suit jackets and the dark stains on them.
  139. >"I- I'm sorry..."
  140. >"Sorry for what? I won't keep going if that's how sincere you're going to be."
  141. >"I'm sorry for c-cumming on your clothes."
  142. >"The clothes poor Rarity made for me. Maybe we should go find her so you can tell her sorry to."
  143. >"No!" Dash shouts, eyes going wide.
  145. >She could never let the girls find out how she let herself be dominated by a colt.
  146. >And especially how much she's liking it.
  147. >"Then you better convince me that you're really sorry, then," Anon continues.
  148. >She tries to look back, but Anon keeps her sight firmly planted on his ruined jackets.
  149. >"I-I'm sorry I broke into your house a-and tried to steal your underwear! I'm sorry I hid in your closet and watched you masturbate, and- and I'm sorry I jilled off and came all over your jackets!"
  150. >"There, was that so hard?" the man asks as he slides himself fully from her and starts walking backwards.
  151. >"H-hey! You said you would keep going if I was sorry!"
  152. >"And I am a man of my word," he responds, shifting his hold on her once more so that one arm is over her chest, pinning her wings to him while the other pulls her tail to the side to be trapped between his palm and her firm ass.
  153. >The back of his knees strike the edge of the mattress, and he falls back, aiming the mare in his arms expertly as he comes down.
  155. >In one smooth motion, Anon slams her back down onto his cock with the aid of gravity, plowing into her cervix, and not stopping.
  156. >Dash's eye's go wide, pupils pinpricks as the the air catches in her throat on its journey of being knocked out of her, the final barrier within finally giving way to let Anon fully hilt himself.
  157. >The man makes a guttural groan as he feels the tight ring of her stretched cervix gripping just beneath the head of his dick as he grinds against the back of her womb.
  158. >He remains there, a hand running gently over her belly a few times before giving a firm push.
  159. >Dash shutters and groans as Anon feels himself twitching just beneath her rib cage.
  160. >"So deep," she rasps, a hoof coming to rest over his hand.
  161. >"See?" Anon whispers against her ear. "There's advantages to being such a small mare."
  162. >"N-not that small~" she mewls, but there's little heat behind her words as she starts to grind herself on his lap, feeling him scraping against the back wall of her womb. "M a big mare."
  163. >"Sure you are," Anon says with a smile before lifting her up.
  164. >Her ascent stalls for a few moments as he struggles to free himself from her womb, leaving her panting at the odd sensation, but eventually, he pops out and brings himself less than an inch from leaving her fully.
  165. >Then he slams her back down, forcing his way through her cervix far easier the second time and getting her to scream.
  166. >He feels her clamp down on him, his lap becoming noticeably wetter, but doesn't stop as he fights against her powerfully rippling muscles to pull her back off and down again.
  167. >Dash hardly noticed, the man's actions only serving to extend the latest and most powerful orgasm since he started fucking her like a toy.
  168. >She had two smaller ones prior to this, and after the one she gave herself in the closet, her body is quickly giving out on her.
  170. >The fact that her weary sex still has the energy to milk the giant member buried in her now with such strength is testament to how intense it really is.
  171. >For his part, Anon's preparing to give the mare just what her body so desperately wants as he picks up the pace, her pixie cut mane bouncing around her drooling face as he feels his balls pull up and his member begin to pulse.
  172. >Slamming her down one last time, Anon bites her ear, something he knows from the porn mag that mares love, and grunts.
  173. >Penetrating to her deepest depths, rope after rope of heavy cum floods her womb to be trapped behind her cervix as Rainbow's body is rocked with the tremors of multiple, smaller orgasms.
  174. >When Anon is finally finished, a task that took nearly thirty seconds after edging twice before his final release, he lets go Dash's ear and falls onto his back, One hand still on the mare's slightly swollen belly as the other comes to wipe sweat from his brow.
  175. >Dash just remains sprawled across his chest, wings and forelegs outstretched as she breathes heavily, her own coat matted with sweat.
  176. >Neither say anything as Anon's member softens and slips out of her, surprisingly not followed by a deluge of white.
  177. >It's all trapped to tightly inside of her to leak out, and a distant part of the mare's mind wonders if she should be worried.
  178. >Can humans and ponies have foals?
  179. >She'll have to ask Twilight.
  180. >"So..." Anon breathes. "I guess that's your punishment carried out. Are you gong to see yourself out, or...?"
  181. >In answer, Dash rolls over and wraps her hooves around his chest.
  182. >"You really think I can fly after that?" she questions. "You better hope I can perform at the show, jerk, or I'm pranking you hard."
  183. >"Hey, at least you're still conscious right?" he asks jokingly.
  184. >An answer doesn't come, and he tilts his head down to look at her.
  185. >"Right...?" he repeats, only to receive a loud snore in answer.
  186. >He blinks at the sleeping mare, and smirks.
  187. >"Heh, guess you have the right idea, " he mumbles as his head fall back onto the mattress and his eyes drift close.
  188. >It's not long before he's snoring right along side her.
  190. >The next morning, the girls, tired from hardly any sleep and filled with worry, are just about to march over to Anon's home and rescue their friend, Pinkie be damned.
  191. >The party pony just has a knowing look and smirk on her face as she continues to assure them that Dash is fine and that she wouldn't appreciate them barging in.
  192. >It's a good thing that the pegasus in question finally shows up then, coming down in a rough landing in front of the crystal castle and walking inside with an uneven gate.
  193. >Her friends are so busy asking her questions that they hardly notice the pair of underwear she holds out triumphantly before them.
  194. >She got them alright, and that makes her the All-Time Truth or Dare Champion of the slumber party.
  195. >She doesn't mention that, after explaining to Anon what the whole thing had been about, and he let her use his shower so she didn't reek of sex like his room now did, he decided to let her borrow the underwear on the condition that she'd bring it back that night and be prepared to take him on a date.
  196. >The girls are at first confused by what was clearly not a testicle bra, then amazed that Dash stood before them now, mind and body still intact.
  197. >"We thought for sure that colt did ta you what he did ta Lyra. Matter o' fact, are ya okay? Ya look like ya hurt your leg."
  198. >"Nah, I just fell asleep in one of your trees and fell out."
  199. >"Dagnabbit, Dash! How many times I gotta tell ya that ma family's trees ain't your personal napping spots?"
  200. >"Until you get less comfortable trees. And as for Anon, nah, he isn't scary at all."
  201. >Her cocky grin becomes challenging.
  202. >"As a matter of fact, I bet you could dare me to nab another pair of his underwear, and I'd come back with three."
  203. >"Gee, I don't know, Dashy," Pinkie says with a grin. "You could barely fly after taking one!"


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