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Twilight's Treatment P3 (END)

By Nehem
Created: 2020-12-19 20:35:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >You get no acknowledgement as Twilight lays on the table, relishing in the afterglow of her orgasm.
  2. >This crazy girl probably doesn't even know her disguise disappeared.
  3. >And here you are yet again, two fingers deep in her pussy.
  4. >You still can't pull them out.
  5. >Trying to grab her attention, you clear your throat.
  6. >"Ahh... Oh my, you seem to be quite good with your fingers, Doctor. I feel better already!"
  7. >If you could see your own face right now, you'd be pretty sure you could call yourself the least amused sapient being in this world.
  9. "Twilight, I know it's you."
  10. >She puts on an act of confusion.
  11. >"I'm sorry, what? I look nothing like her! Besides, that mare is probably off reading books somewhere."
  12. >You grab the hoof mirror that's supplied in each room in this place.
  13. >Then you hold it up in front of her face.
  14. >Her face is priceless.
  15. >You'd laugh if you weren't stuck inside a vagina finger trap.
  16. >Seriously, those crappy traps from China have nothing on this.
  17. "The gig's up, Twilight. Now tell me what the hell is going on!"
  18. >The nervous librarian's eyes dart around the room, looking for an answer.
  19. >You tug with your trapped hand again.
  20. "Hey, hold that thought. Can you please loosen yourself? I'm starting to lose feeling in my hand."
  21. >Her pupils shrink even further than they already are.
  22. >"S-sorry! Sorry! I'm sooo sorry!"
  23. >At last, you feel the pressure on your digits start to slowly go away.
  24. >Still trying not to hurt her, you pull out at a steady pace.
  25. >Then you hear her moan, and another wave of moisture pours out on your hand.
  26. >WHAT.
  27. >THE ACTUAL.
  28. >FUCK.
  29. >Does this chick just get off on being mortified?
  30. >You try to get Twilight's attention, but her tirade of apologies drowns out your voice.
  31. >"I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! Please, don't hate me!"
  32. >Maybe you should refer her to a psychologist...
  33. >A knock on your door can be heard just barely through all of the sobbing.
  34. >You run to it and crack it open just enough to show only your eye.
  35. "Yeah?"
  36. >It's one of the nurses.
  37. >"What in the world is going on in there?"
  38. >You cock you head back over to the table to see Twilight curled into the fetal position.
  39. "Uhh... it was a miscarriage!"
  40. >The door slams shut before the nurse can tell you that this isn't where the babies are delivered.
  41. >Turning around, you had back to the occupied table while scratching an itch on your nose.
  42. >That's when you realize you never took your gloves off.
  43. >A string of Twilight's marecum connects your hand and nose.
  44. >Dammit.
  45. >After disposing of the gloves and cleaning yourself, you move your chair to face the still crying bookhorse.
  46. >You opt to say nothing, and give her time to compose herself.
  47. >Her chokes and gasps of sadness die down eventually, leading into steady breathing.
  48. >On closer observation, she appears to have fallen asleep.
  49. >Well, at least she wouldn't be able to teleport out before you get the chance to talk to her now.
  50. >You look at the clock.
  51. >3:25.
  52. >Work doesn't get out for another five hours or so.
  53. >You can't just leave her here, either.
  54. >Looking outside, you see one of your co-workers.
  55. >A smirk comes to your face.
  56. "Hey, Doctor Monitor, you remember that bet we had? The one with the whipped cream?"
  57. >He looks up at you, looking like he knows where this is going.
  58. "Yeah, I'm calling that in. Take care of my patients until I get back."
  59. >Sighing, he replies.
  60. >"Alright, alright, I got it..."
  61. >The best part is, he gets to bribe the patients to keep their mouths shut about this.
  62. >You work quickly, packing up your tools in the proper spots, then go to grab Twilight.
  63. >Jesus, she's still dripping wet.
  64. >This is something you can't do.
  65. >Carrying a pony covered in her own arousal through town in the broad daylight would be terrible for your image, and hers.
  66. >Not really thinking, you grab a few tissues and wipe her lower body, between the legs and all.
  67. >With that out of the way, you pick the purple pony up and sneak to the door.
  68. >After asking for directions to Twilight's room, Spike points you in the direction of where to go.
  69. >You gently place the snoozing unicorn on her bed, and exit the room without making a sound.
  70. >The wooden stairs of the old tree house creak under your feet as you descend back into the main area.
  71. >Once you arrive, you stand in the middle of the room wondering what to do.
  72. >This is the kind of thing that you can't just leave unattended.
  73. >You're not okay with being used as a piece of meat to quench female desire.
  74. >But at the same time you are.
  75. >Gotta have that puss, man.
  76. >Spike is scurrying around doing various cleaning duties.
  77. >An idea makes it's way into your head.
  78. >A sadistic one.
  79. >You make your way to the kitchen, and open the freezer.
  80. >Perfect.
  81. >...
  82. >You watch devilishly as Spike chows down on the biggest bowl of ice cream you could make.
  83. >"Thanks for the ice cream, Anon! I didn't even see you leave to get it!"
  84. >A chuckle escapes your mouth as you stealthily dispose of the ice cream cartons.
  85. "No problem, Spike! I just saw you working so hard, and thought I'd get you something for your hard work."
  86. >It's the perfect plan.
  87. >You gain the trust of Spike, and drain Twilight of ice cream.
  88. >Genius.
  89. >But now, you tire.
  90. >That couch over there will have to suffice for now.
  91. >With the grace of a whale, you jump in the air and plop down on the piece of furniture.
  92. >Within minutes, you are asleep.
  93. >...
  94. >You wake up with a start.
  95. >"SPIKE! Didn't I tell you to take it easy on the sweets?!"
  96. >Ohboy.
  97. >"B-but Twilight! Anon said-"
  98. >He is interrupted by the loud voice of his friend.
  99. >"Wait, Anon?"
  100. >This is your cue.
  101. >You roll off of the couch, and sneak up behind her.
  102. >"When did he-"
  103. "AYYYY!"
  104. >Twilight almost jumps out of her fur with your outburst.
  105. >"Waah!"
  106. >Twilight falls to her haunches.
  107. >You double over in laughter.
  108. "Ha! I wish they had camcorders here, that was great! You should have seen your reaction!"
  109. >Your friend looks up at you with a mixture of fright, embarrassment, and confusion.
  110. >Before she can utter another word, you reach in your pocket and look at Spike.
  111. "Here, get yourself something, buddy. Me and Twilight gotta talk for a bit."
  112. >You take your hand out, revealing around sixteen shiny coins.
  113. >They fly through the air as you toss them to the young one.
  114. >His eyes light up, and he runs to the door.
  115. >"Thanks! Take all the time you need!"
  116. >You turn your head back downward.
  117. >The dark furred mare looks up at you.
  118. >"What are you doing here?"
  119. >Sitting down on the floor with her, you start.
  120. "Just checking on you after today's incident, that's all."
  121. >She starts sweating at the mention, and looks down at the floor.
  122. >"There go my hopes of it just being a bad dream..."
  123. >You lean back on your hands.
  124. "Didn't seem all that bad for you until you got caught..."
  125. >Twilight groans at the mention.
  126. >"I... I don't know what came over me... After I ran away that day, I was too afraid to ever look at you again. I was so embarrassed, but the next day I... I..."
  127. >For about the third time in the past few days, you witness Twilight begin to cry.
  128. >"I took adv-vantage of you! I l-lied about who I was just to get you to do that again, just because I realized how much I liked it!"
  129. >You let out a little laugh.
  130. "I don't see what the big problem is, Twi. You should have told me! It's pretty much considered a compliment if you're able to bring someone else to orgasm."
  131. >Twilight doesn't comment, still sniffing.
  132. >You roll your eyes.
  133. "Listen, I see more private areas than I can imagine every day at my job. It's nothing new to me. I can understand your distress though, never being touched like that before. I just want you to know though, I'm not upset. If you ever want to talk, I'll be available."
  134. >You trail off.
  135. "And... if you ever want to take it a bit further, you can talk to me about that as well."
  136. >Leaning over, you wrap your arms around the small pony.
  137. >Surprisingly, she returns the embrace.
  138. >"Th-thanks... It means a lot to me..."
  139. >You pat her back.
  140. "Any time."
  141. >All is silent for a while.
  142. >"Anon?"
  143. "Mhm?"
  144. >"When you said that we could take things further, did you really mean it?"
  145. >You pause.
  146. "...Yes. Were you thinking..?"
  147. >She falls over her words a bit.
  148. >"Could we?"
  149. >Silence again.
  150. "I don't see why not."
  151. >Twilight looks at you with a mix of excitement and anticipation.
  152. >Your hand begins to be surrounded by a purple blob of magic, and you get dragged towards the stairs.
  153. >There's nothing you can really do as your feet bump against each step going up.
  154. >What have you just gotten yourself into?
  155. >Into a pussy, that's what.
  156. >Soon, you are in Twilight's bedroom.
  157. >The door closes behind you.
  158. >Rape time?
  159. >It's not rape if you offer it.
  160. >Guess you'd better start getting these clothes off.
  161. >You begin by taking off your white coat, not realizing that you are still in uniform until now.
  162. >Before you can get to your shirt though, you notice a certain purple pony staring you down.
  163. >"Do you think I could... do that?"
  164. >What's the harm in that?
  165. "Go for it."
  166. >A squeak of excitement comes from her as she stumbles her way to you.
  167. >"I've never done this; where do I start?"
  168. >You toss your coat to the ground.
  169. "Wherever you want to, really."
  170. >Twilight looks over your body for a while, before abruptly propping herself up on your legs, and nuzzling at your shirt.
  171. >Is she trying to take it off?
  172. >Well, you don't really expect ponies to pick up on how human clothing works. You're the only one of your kind, and the education systems don't really find the need to educate the young about you.
  173. >The inexperienced pony keeps her fruitless efforts up for another minute before huffing and lighting up her horn.
  174. >Your shirt slips off before you can even react.
  175. >When your sight returns, you are met with the face of a satisfied unicorn.
  176. >She pushes off of your legs, and gets her nose close to your groin.
  177. "There's a zipper you gotta-"
  178. >You are shushed.
  179. >"I wanna figure this out on my own."
  180. >Well then.
  181. >Your pants are poked and prodded by curious hooves, until she peels your fly apart to reveal the zipper.
  182. >Twilight grins and leans in, taking the zipper in her teeth.
  183. >Her head travels down the length of your zipper, and stops halfway.
  184. >"..."
  185. >You look down at your partner.
  186. >Somehow, fucking somehow, she got her tongue stuck in your zipper.
  187. >It took about ten minutes of comforting Twilight to convince her that her mistake was no big deal.
  188. >With enough moral support, and a repaired sense of self-esteem, she tries again.
  189. >This time, she keeps her lips and tongue away from the teeth of the zipper.
  190. >She pulls it off without a hitch.
  191. >You are standing in your underwear now, awaiting Twilight's final action before the show begins.
  192. >Tentatively, the mare leans in and grabs the waistband of your boxers with her teeth.
  193. >Twilight's warm fur brushes against your skin as her horn traces a line down from your belly to your pelvis.
  194. >Your underwear now lay around your feet, so you take the liberty of stepping out of them.
  195. >"S-so, how should we..."
  196. >You point at the bed.
  197. "That's usually the best way to start.
  198. >The jittery unicorn makes her way to the bed on your command.
  199. >Once she gets there, you climb up on the mattress next to her.
  200. >You lay on your side, facing your purple partner.
  201. >"W-wow, I never realized how... big you are..."
  202. >This is quite true, you dwarf the small mare by quite a bit.
  203. >"My books said that foreplay usually comes up first."
  204. >Of course she read books on sex.
  205. "Yeah, that's usually how it goes. Is there anything in particular you'd like to try?"
  206. >A look of deep thought crosses her face.
  207. >"Well, I hear that a good way for both partners to get ready is oral stimulation."
  208. >Blowjob, eh? Sounds pretty good.
  209. "I can go with that."
  210. >Twilight nods, and shifts herself to face your flaccid member.
  211. >She eyes it is if it is some strange new specimen never seen by mortal eyes.
  212. >Sticking her tongue out, she takes a few curious licks.
  213. >It's enough to get you started, to say the most.
  214. >Her licks get more confident as your body begins to respond to them.
  215. >Little by little, your cock begins to stiffen, until it's as hard as it can get.
  216. >The awkward unicorn stares at it for a while, then looks into your eyes.
  217. >You give a nod of approval, then she does the same.
  218. >Your penis is engulfed in a moist warmness as Twilight takes part of it into her mouth.
  219. >Her tongue teases the head of your shaft, preferring to stay near the tip.
  220. >Deciding to take a bit of charge yourself, you place your hand on the back of her head, and gently push her toward your pelvis.
  221. >It isn't the best head you've ever had, but it will do.
  222. >Time passes as she gets used to sucking on your phallus.
  223. >Now, she's bobbing her head up and down your shaft.
  224. >Her tongue is still doing it's job, licking what she finds to be the most sensitive parts.
  225. >Sure, she hasn't taken in your entire organ yet, but the time will come.
  226. >To your surprise, it's been good enough to make you space out.
  227. >You really should join in.
  228. >Without telling Twilight, you lift her up, and place her on your chest.
  229. >She lets out a muffled squeak of surprise, but manages to regain her composure.
  230. >You move the the pony's dark tail out of the way, getting a face full of her vulva and anus.
  231. >Deciding not to waste anymore time, you dive in with your tongue.
  232. >A wave of cold assaults your dick as Twilight jerks her head away in surprise.
  233. >"A-Anon! Wa-HA-rn me when you do that!"
  234. >You grin through the face full of pussy.
  235. >Twilight soon returns her head to where it once was.
  236. >This time, though, she goes deeper than ever.
  237. >At first, she struggles with her gag reflex, but gets used to it soon enough.
  238. >As her movement gets more vigorous, so does yours.
  239. >Your tongue goes from licking her outer lips to the entrance of her vagina.
  240. >The mare's moans vibrate against your cock as you lap up her arousal.
  241. >You feel as her clitoris winks against your chin, drenching it even more.
  242. >It isn't long before Twilight's moans reach a peak, and you end up nearly drowning in her wetness.
  243. >How the hell does she make this much?!
  244. >Well, it's about time you get started with the real thing.
  245. >You lift the librarian off of your body, and flip her to meet you.
  246. >"Oh no, did I do something?!"
  247. >Shaking your head, you speak.
  248. "Nope, just thought it was time for the real deal."
  249. >Twilight pants while listening to you.
  250. >"Y-yeah, I'd like that..."
  251. >You smile.
  252. "So, position?"
  253. >She gives you a confused look.
  254. >You resist slapping your own face.
  255. "What position do you want to be in when I stick it in?"
  256. >The meaning of your words hits her as she realizes what you mean.
  257. >"O-oh... W-well..."
  258. >Twilight begins to tap her hooves together.
  259. >"I-I'd like to... to be facing you."
  260. >Good enough for you.
  261. "Okay, just lie down on your back, and I'll do the rest."
  262. >You pick her up, and flip yourself over.
  263. >She's still panting from your earlier activities.
  264. >Gazing at her body, you see how much sweat and secretions cover her body.
  265. "Are you ready?"
  266. >With a small smile, she nods.
  267. >Going by instinct, you grab your penis, and aim it at Twilight's opening.
  268. >Her face tells you that she's ready.
  269. >You apply pressure with your cock.
  270. >"Ohh..."
  271. >The inside of her tunnel almost feels like you're sticking your dick inside a really soft, really wet heater.
  272. >"Keep going..."
  273. >This is doable.
  274. >You continue to push until your pubic bone presses against her rump.
  275. >Then you begin to pump.
  276. >For a creature with a bigger vagina than a human's, this pony sure feels tight.
  277. >It's almost too tight to pull out, but it's still manageable.
  278. >Now that her mouth is empty, you can hear just how vocal this girl is.
  279. >You are caught off guard when Twilight suddenly wraps her front two hooves around her.
  280. >There is no escape.
  281. >At least she can't scratch the hell out of your back.
  282. >This... is actually pretty good!
  283. >You keep going, just enjoying the ride.
  284. >In the middle of the action, you remember what happened that lead to all this.
  285. >Quite possibly, you had found her g-spot when she was disguised back at the office.
  286. >Shifting a bit, you start aiming in the direction of where you can remember the area being.
  287. >An almost deafening shriek confirms you hit the correct spot.
  288. >"AAAAAHH! YES!"
  289. >Damn, blow out your fucking eardrums why don't ya?
  290. >Surrounded by the sounds of Twilight's yelling, you thrust harder and harder.
  291. >Her grip tightens until she has you tightly pressed against herself.
  292. >How strong is she, anyway?
  293. >Still able to rock your hips, you keep the fuck up.
  294. >You're getting close, faster than you thought you would.
  295. >The muscles surrounding your dick begin to tighten.
  296. >"Anon! I'm gonna-"
  297. >Twilight cuts herself off as she has her fourth orgasm today.
  298. >You feel it.
  299. >It's happening.
  300. >The ponyvag tightening around your cock sends you over the edge, and you unleash a torrent of white fluid into her womb.
  301. >Honestly, you didn't expect to even get anything out of this.
  302. >Not bad, not bad at a-
  303. >Twilight's hoof moves from your back to your head.
  304. >It pushes your face down inter her own, where she locks her lips with yours.
  305. >Oh god, you really don't need to know what your dick tastes like.
  306. >The pony lets your head go, allowing you to back off.
  307. >"Th-that was great..."
  308. >Her grip loosens completely, and you lie down next to her.
  309. "You know what? It was pretty good for me, too."
  310. >You move yourself a bit, slipping an arm under Twilight, and bringing her closer to your body.
  311. >She snuggles up next to you, burying her face in your chest.
  312. >Minutes pass in silence as you both enjoy the afterglow of tonight's activities.
  313. >Just as you are about to fall asleep, Twilight's voice brings you out of your drowsiness.
  314. >"Anon, I know I might be asking a lot, but could we do one more thing?"
  315. >You roll over a bit to look at her.
  316. "What's that?"
  317. >"Well, I was reading yesterday..."
  318. >She trails off.
  319. "And..?"
  320. >You're not sure you like where this is going.
  321. >"Well, I hear some mares can reach orgasm through anal penetration.. and well... I kind of... wanted to try it..."
  322. >Never mind, you totally like where this is going.
  323. "Are you sure you wanna go through with this, Twi? I don't mean to be that guy, but as the person who stuck a proctoscope up there a few days ago. I know what's happened in there, and I'd hate for it to happen again. Besides, you seemed pretty uncomfortable when I shoved my-"
  324. >Twilight cuts you off.
  325. >"I'm sure, Anon. Just get some lubricant, we should be fine."
  326. >Good enough method for you.
  327. >You are about to get up to retrieve it, when a square container floats to you inside a bright purple glow.
  328. >That's convenient.
  329. >The cap floats off of the container.
  330. >Without hesitation, you stick two fingers in the slippery goop.
  331. >You be sure to get them as slippery as possible before removing them.
  332. "Before we do the real thing, I thought we might get some practice."
  333. >Her eyes light up in excitement.
  334. >"Good idea! How do you want to do this?"
  335. >You absentmindedly scratch your chin with your non-lubricated hand.
  336. >The plan forms in your head.
  337. "How's about you bend over my legs?"
  338. >You scoot to the edge of the bed and hang your legs over it.
  339. >"Okay."
  340. >Twilight does as she is told, and lays down on your lap.
  341. "You ready?"
  342. >With a hint of apprehension, she replies.
  343. >"...Yeah."
  344. >Moving her tail out of the way, you start probing at her dry anus with two of your fingers.
  345. >You are met with a bit of resistance when you only get to the first knuckle.
  346. "Try pushing out, it will make it easier."
  347. >The mare does as you suggest again, letting your fingers slip all the way in.
  348. "This should emulate the thickness of my penis, to a given amount."
  349. >You've never really paid attention to Anon Jr.'s thickness, so you can't really say that with sureness.
  350. "You doing alright?"
  351. >Turning your eyes to her face, you see a minor look of discomfort on Twilight's face.
  352. >"G-give me a moment... to get used to this."
  353. >Her rectum tightens around your fingers.
  355. "The same applies to when my fingers aren't moving, Twilight. Pressing out like you're trying to have a bowel movement still makes it easier."
  356. >Again, you feel her muscles shift.
  357. >You both maintain this position for a while, until Twilight speaks.
  358. >"I think I'm ready, Anon."
  359. >This is your cue.
  360. >You begin to move your hand back and forth, keeping a steady pace.
  361. >"Ngh..."
  362. >She's doing better, but could still use a bit of work.
  363. >"Don't stop yet... I don't want to give up yet..."
  364. >You keep moving at her request.
  365. >About three minutes go by, and she finally starts looking like she's enjoying herself a bit.
  366. >"Hmm... This isn't really that bad..."
  367. >You're so proud of her; she's come such a long way since you first fingered her ass in that doctors office.
  368. >Now's not the time, brain.
  369. >"I think I'm ready for the real thing, Anon."
  370. "Alright, I'm going to pull them out."
  371. >You slip your fingers out, and Twilight gets off of your lap.
  372. >To your relief, there is no signs of poop on your fingers.
  373. >The container of lube is floated your way again, and you take this as your signal to oil up.
  374. >You take a few nice globs of it, and slather your penis with it.
  375. >Hope this reduces any risk of irritation.
  376. "Okay Twi, when you're ready, find a position you'll be comfortable in."
  377. >"Got it!"
  378. >You observe her as she props herself up on the bed with her two front hooves.
  379. >"Will this work?"
  380. >Not a bad choice.
  381. "Yeah, that will do just fine."
  382. >You get on your knees behind her, and position yourself just above her anal cavity.
  383. "Last chance to back out."
  384. >Twilight shakes her head, her multicolored mane buffing your face as she does.
  385. >"I'm not going to give up on this. I'm ready."
  386. >Welp, this is it.
  387. >Placing your hands on her flanks, you probe at the outer ring, and for the first time, you aren't met with any blockades.
  388. >A grunt escapes your lips as you try to fit your penis into the tight hole.
  389. >"Nggh... ow... Go a litter... harder..."
  390. >You feel her rectum push against you, and you slip all the way in abruptly.
  391. >"YeOW!... Ha... Ha..."
  392. >Shit.
  393. "Are you okay, Twilight?"
  394. >The pony pants before responding.
  395. >"I'm okay... I'm okay... I just wasn't... expecting it to be so big..."
  396. >You probably shouldn't have pushed so hard.
  397. >Yet again, you stay still, letting her get used to your cock.
  398. >"Go on..."
  399. >You pump.
  400. >"Ngh..."
  401. >You pull.
  402. >"Mmph..."
  403. >Then pump.
  404. >"Mmm.."
  405. >Out again.
  406. >"That's it..."
  407. >Good, she's starting to like it.
  408. >Her rectum starts tightening, stopping your thrusts.
  409. "Woah, what's..."
  410. >And then it pushes.
  411. "Oooohhh... Damn..."
  412. >That's definitely a nice feeling.
  413. >"Do... Do you like it?"
  414. >Hell yeah.
  415. "Yeah, you're doing a great job..."
  416. >You start pumping again.
  417. >"I read that this is something stallions might find... mmmmph... pleasurable... I wanted to do this to... to thank you..."
  418. >Wait, huh?
  419. "You did this... for me?"
  420. >She grunts, and responds.
  421. >"Yes... After putting up with me after the doctor incident... and helping me a few minutes ago... I thought this might make a good way to prove I was grateful."
  422. >Now you feel kind of bad.
  423. "You didn't have to... do this... Mph... I thought you didn't seem okay with this..."
  424. >She least out a moan of what you can now tell is pleasure.
  425. >"I didn't at first... But now... Just... Just keep going."
  426. >You try to protest.
  427. "But-"
  428. >Your pelvis is pulled closer to her ass, moving you all the way in.
  429. >"I told you to keep moving."
  430. >There is no escape. You're okay with this.
  431. >Time flies by, the room containing nothing other than the sounds of you and Twilight's grunts, and vocal announcements of enjoyment.
  432. >At this point, you've been rubbing Twilight's marehood with your free hand, giving her some method of release.
  433. "Twilight, I think it's time..!"
  434. >Your thrusts pick up, traveling at an erratic rate.
  435. >With one final thrust, you hilt within her, and release the first squirt of your load into her bowels.
  437. >As an added bonus, she tightens herself as much as she can, trying to milk out every last drop of your cum.
  438. "Gah... G-g-OD DAMN!"
  439. >Hoooly shit, this feels pretty good.
  440. >Bad time for a pun, brain.
  441. >Your hand strokes faster, trying to get Twilight to join in on the fun.
  442. >The effort you put in is met with success as the moisture from her cunt begins to increase.
  443. >You stick a finger in, and pump.
  444. >"W-oah..!"
  445. >She loses concentration, and her rectum loosens.
  446. >Finding it safe now, you pump again before you loose hardness.
  447. >"O-ohhh myy..."
  448. >Her grunts start coming in full force.
  449. >And within seconds, so is she.
  450. >The room falls silent, save for the pants coming from both of you.
  451. >"Those fingers of yours are amazing...I'm so lucky to have a... Anon..?"
  452. >She looks at you, seemingly unsure of something.
  453. "Something wrong, Twilight?"
  454. >Still wearing the same look of uncertainty, she starts talking again.
  455. >"We never discussed what this means for our relationship... I was going to call you a friend just now, but... After what we just did... Do you like me like that?"
  456. >Huh, you never thought about that.
  457. >You've never been in a relationship with a native of this world.
  458. >Would you be opposed to that?
  459. >...You just fucked one of them. pretty sure there's no problem there.
  460. "Do you like me like that? Or do you just like me for my abilities?"
  461. >She blushes. Hard.
  462. >"N-no! Not like that! I, I mean, I like you in that way, but not for that! I.. I just.. Uuggh..."
  463. >You can't resist. You laugh.
  464. "I'm just kidding, I'm pretty sure I know what you mean. Here's my answer. If I'm willing to go through this stuff just to make you happy, then I don't mind going the extra mile."
  465. >Twilight looks at you, noticeably a lot less flustered.
  466. >"R-really?!"
  467. >You hold your arms out.
  468. "Really."
  469. >The unicorn leaps into your arms, connecting her mouth with yours as she does.
  470. >You fall over backwards, her landing on your chest.
  471. >She backs lifts her head up, giving a sheepish grin.
  472. >"Heh... sorry.."
  473. >With a grin, you pull in for a hug.
  474. "It's okay."
  475. >Yeah... You could get used to this.

Suddenly, Fluttershy Part 1 (OLD)

by Nehem

Suddenly, Fluttershy Part 2 (OLD)

by Nehem

Tale of a Traumatized Pegasus

by Nehem

Twilight's Treatment

by Nehem

Twilight's Treatment P2

by Nehem