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(H.E.R.O)An Email

By SaltAnon
Created: 2020-12-20 07:25:12
Expiry: Never

  1. //Initializing…
  2. [Verifying clearance]
  3. [Clearance verified]
  4. Welcome researcher [spoiler]47 6f 6f 64 61 6c 6c 0d 0a[/spoiler]!
  5. Notice: You have one(1) new message!
  6. Status: Secret
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. To: Head of Native Worker Affairs
  11. From: HHQ:RM/H.E.R.O.
  12. Ma’am,
  13. We have recently received and reviewed your request, and have denied it.
  15. Such a request would be required to be passed by the Senate back homeside and due to it’s nature as to what it proposes would never be entertained. We understand your arguments about how our Asian allies have allowed such actions among their staff, but as you know that has been a point of contention and has fostered controversial attitudes among the rest of us in the Organization.
  17. We also understand that you are trying to apply a similar argument to the rest of the native staff that was used for you when you entered into union with Security Advisor [REDACTED].
  19. Understand, that you were an exception, the both of you were rendered infertile via unfortunate and unrelated circumstances, the Senate at the time was filled mostly with reformist Populares (recent political incidences resulted in a conservative Optimate majority), and Sec:Adv [REDACTED] had no religious or moral qualms and was fully willing to enter the union. As a reminder, the union will be allowed to continue if the both of you maintain secrecy.
  21. We are however, welcome to other proposals and ideas to help ease tension between the native working staff and our own researchers.
  23. Field work for our own agents is extremely hazardous and some more fraternizing interaction with the native staff seems to improve morale. (And if some recent studies are to be believed, improve recovery if injury has occurred.) Just keep in mind to come up with proposals that do not violate or pose a threat to the confidentiality of the organization, or the health of our own researchers.
  25. We look forward to more socially acceptable and appropriate means of bonding between our research agents and the native working personnel. May the bonds of our two species grow.
  27. From: The Office of RM/H.E.R.O. Representational Senator
  28. Q. [REDACTED]
  30. ~~~~
  31. >The mare grumbled and slouched back into her seat.
  32. “Socially acceptable and appropriate? To THEM maybe!”
  33. >She shut her computer, hopped out of her seat, and left her office for the night.

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.1

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All Ends With Beginnings Pt.2

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All Ends With Beginnings Pt.3

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All Ends With Beginnings Pt.4 (END)

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