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Monk Anon [This Green has been Abandoned]

By SaltAnon
Created: 2020-12-08 05:09:30
Expiry: Never

  3. >Your eyes crack open.
  4. >You stretch and yawn, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
  5. “Another beautiful day to get stuff done.”
  6. >You throw on your robes, say your morning prayers, and wander outside for your morning stroll, enjoying the beauty of God’s creation before getting started on all the work that needed to be done for that day.
  7. >A thought enters your head.
  8. >Maybe a walk down town?
  9. >You hardly visit the pony village. Usually because encounters with the yellow one end in disaster.
  10. >May God above someday save her from her vices for the flesh.
  11. >Or at least the understanding of the concept of “vow of chastity” you monks were known for.
  12. >Though, despite your distaste for the pegasus, you miss the quaint and peaceful town of Ponyville.
  13. >Even the bubbly and over active nature of the pink one.
  14. >An hours walk finds you in the heart of the town.
  15. >All of the technicolor equines waving hello to you, greeting you with warm smiles.
  16. >Though the majority are non-believers, the heathens from your world partake and far worse atrocities.
  17. >Human sacrifices and blaspheme, you find none of that here.
  18. >Just genuine neighborly love.
  19. >You happen upon the stand of the Apple family.
  20. >“Anon! It’s been a while! How’ve ya been!”
  21. “Applejack! Great to see you too! I’ve been fine for the most part. How is your grandmother?”
  22. >”Ah she’s fine. Whole family is!”
  23. “That’s great to hear! Have a lovely morning.”
  24. >You attempt to continue on with your walk before the farmer mare stops you.
  25. >”Hol’ up there Anon, Ah, know you ain’t about to just offer small talk and then hurry off. Why dontcha stay and chat for a while?”
  26. “Well, Applejack, I’d love too, but I have a lot of work to do back at my cabin. I’m just here on a walk to clear my head.”
  27. >”Are ya sure? The day is still young! Even ah know when to take short breaks from the chores on the farm.”
  28. >You ponder for a moment. The walk has left your parched and you could use a bit of rest.
  29. >Surely indulging in some cider and enjoying the town wouldn’t hurt.
  30. >You highly doubted rest would be tantamount to sloth.
  31. “You know what...the walk to down did make me thirsty. I suppose I could rest and have a drink.”
  32. >You pay her the bits and grab a mug of cider from her stand.
  33. >You allow the golden liquid to flow down your dry throat, relief given to you in an instant.
  34. >Applejack converses with you more.
  35. >How life on the farm was, how the cabin was holding up since she WAS the one who built it for you, how her friends were doing.
  36. >That was when she mentioned...her.
  37. >You began to get uncomfortable.
  38. >”What’s wrong Anon?”
  39. “It’s your friend.”
  40. >”Oh! Fluttershy? She’s STILL givin’ you trouble?”
  41. “Unfortunately. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t assaulted me this morning, thank the lord.”
  42. >”Ah honestly thought she was over all of that the last time we spoke to her.”
  43. “When was that?”
  44. >”The last time you were in town if ah remember? Guessin’ that wassssss, hm, 4 weeks ago?”
  45. “I’ve been having to chase her away from my cabin at least twice a week now. Though I will admit she has gone from being incredibly upfront and creepy to just being creepy. She just stands in the distance and stares at me while I’m working.”
  46. >”Yea that uh, that is a problem ain’t it? Tell ya what, ah’ll get with the rest of mah friends and see if we can’t have an intervention.”
  47. “You tried that recently no?”
  48. >”We did, buuuuut, ah was wonderin’ more so if y’all could be present for it.”
  49. “You’re asking me to be in the same room with her?!”
  50. >You nearly spilled your cider at the mention of such an idea.
  51. >You thought back to the fathers of the church reminding you to stay away from the near occurrence of sin.
  52. >Attending the intervention sounds like you’d be breaking and entering into its home.
  53. >”Don’t worry your little head there Anon! We’ll keep her from doin’ anything.”
  54. “I believe you’ll ATTEMPT to do so, but excuse me for not believing you’ll succeed.”
  55. >”Y’all sayin’ we can’t?”
  56. >The orange mare glared at you. Almost offended by your words.
  57. “I’m sorry, but if you recall one of the weeks I first got here it took all five of you plus more to try and remove her from me.”
  58. >You shuddered at the memory.
  59. >You had to burn your favorite cloak after that day.
  60. >Her nether regions stained it to the point to where the smell just wouldn’t get out of them.
  61. >”Anon, ah promise, nothin’ will happen to you at this intervention. You bein’ there will help out a lot. Say things you need to say from your perspective, Fluttershy from hers, and it’ll all be over lickity split!”
  62. >You sighed and rested your face into your palm.
  63. >You REALLY didn’t want to do this.
  64. >Though she may be right. You actually being there to say your piece may have an effect on the lustful mare.
  65. >You shuddered again.
  66. >God help you a lustful woman will not lay her eyes off of you, but a lustful EQUINE!
  67. >Though hardly were they beasts in behavior, laying with one was a sin, and even if it were not, you still had that whole chastity thing going on.
  68. >You furrowed your brow.
  69. “All right, Applejack, if you think this intervention will work, I will be willing to try it.”
  70. >She smiled.
  71. >”Glad we could finally see eye to eye Anon! I won’t keep ya’ much longer now! Y’all finish your walk and get on them chores.”
  72. “Of course. See you later. God bless.”
  73. >You both waved goodbye to each other and you continued on your way.
  74. >All the while loathing the choice you made.
  75. ~~~~
  76. >You clenched the rosary in your hands.
  77. >You gulped as you stared down the entrance.
  78. >You straightened all five fingers on your hands and began to make the sign of the cross on your body.
  79. “In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
  80. >You studied the door of Fluttershy’s cottage.
  81. >You received a letter to come here a day after your talk with Applejack.
  82. “But why HERE?”
  83. >No. No that wasn’t the question you should’ve been asking yourself.
  84. >”What would Jesus do?”
  85. >Better question.
  86. >Your mind wandered to John 2:15
  87. >Hm...no. No, that wouldn’t do. Her friends may be against that.
  88. >…
  89. >You saved that idea for later. Worst comes to worst.
  90. >You knocked on the door and waited.
  91. >You could hear moving coming from inside the cottage, but no answer.
  92. >You knocked again, a little louder.
  93. >No answer.
  94. >You grunted.
  95. >Were they seriously not going to answer the door?
  96. >With a slight bit of hesitation, you grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.
  97. >Convenient it wasn’t locked.
  98. >Then again, why would it be if all her friends were over?
  99. >You peaked your head inside.
  100. “Hello?”
  101. >You looked around.
  102. >”A-ah! Anonymous! Please, come in!”
  103. >You could hear Flutter’s voice coming from the kitchen.
  104. >You stepped inside and got a very, VERY good look at the surroundings, making sure to NOT close the door.
  105. >You made note of all the windows, doors, and any other potential exits.
  106. >”Sorry for not answering! I’m setting up tea for us!”
  107. >Your turn your focus back to the kitchen.
  108. “Afternoon Flutershy. That’s alright, uhm...where are the others?”
  109. >The pegasus walks into the room and places a tray with a kettle of tea and some china on her coffee table.
  110. >”Others? What do you mean Anon?” She beams up at you with a large smile on her face.
  111. >A bit too large.
  112. >You begin to sweat.
  113. “Have your friends not told you about what’s going on today?”
  114. >”Oh! That! How silly of me. But I don’t think you understand Anon!”
  115. >You eye her with suspicion.
  116. “Fluttershy, if you mean to try anything suspi-”
  117. >Fluttershy interrupts you with her laughter.
  118. >”Oh Anon, I won’t do anything you won’t enjoy.”
  119. >Her deceivingly soft voice was soaked in ulterior motivation.
  120. >”Have a seat with me and enjoy some tea! It must have been a long walk from your cabin. You must be tired.”
  121. >You weren’t ready to put up with any of her games today.
  122. >You furrowed your brow and headed for the still open door.
  123. “Alright, clearly, the letter I received was some sort of forgery. I’m leaving Fluttershy, you should know that I have no intention on talking with you until ALL of your friends are here and we can iron out your lust issue.”
  124. >You were almost at the door when it slammed shut, causing you to jump back a little bit.
  125. >A large brown mass of fur stared you down and moved to get right in between you and the most practical means of escape.
  126. >”Anonymous, I know you don’t plan to leave SO soon. You don’t come down to Ponyville to often anymore you know?”
  127. >You focused your attention to all the other possible means of escape.
  128. >All now being blocked by various animals of various sizes.
  129. “Fluttershy, w-we can both be adults a-about this y-you know?”
  130. >The yellow demon smiled and took a sip of her tea.
  131. >”I agree Anonymous! Please come and sit down with me!”
  132. >She pat her hoof on the couch next to her.
  133. >You walked over and took a seat.
  134. >Bravery Anon, courage was a heavenly virtue. Be brave.
  135. >”Much better! Now please have some tea.”
  136. >You looked down at the brown liquid, then back to her.
  137. “Nothing is in this is it?”
  138. >”Anon! I thought we were going to be adults! I would nev-”
  139. “You tried lacing my wine I use for communion with tranquilizers.”
  140. >Fluttershy didn’t say anything for a few seconds before letting out an annoyed sigh and continuing.
  141. >”I would never do that to you...again.”
  142. “Fluttershy.”
  143. >Fluttershy raised a hoof in the air and place her other on her chest.
  144. >”I promise Anon, there are NO tranquilizers in your tea. I’m even drinking it. You did see me pour both cups from the pot after all.”
  145. >You looked down at the cups.
  146. >She was correct.
  147. >And you had to admit, you were kind of thirsty from that long walk.
  148. >You took a small sip and smacked your lips a bit.
  149. >The mare across from you smiled again.
  150. >”Wonderful! See? No tranquilizers. May we talk now?”
  151. “Sure, I suppose we can.”
  152. >It wasn’t like you had a choice any ways.
  153. “You do know WHY I’m here, right?”
  154. >”Of course!”
  155. >…
  156. “Well?”
  157. >”Well what?”
  158. “Well, are you finished? Are you quite done with trying to seduce me? Kid nap me? Do...ughh...immoral things with me?”
  159. >”Do you not find me seductive?”
  160. “Wha-CLEARLY NOT! Fluttershy, we are not married nor will we ever be! I have been sworn to celibacy, we are not even the same species!”
  161. >”That doesn’t mean anything here Anonymous.”
  162. “It would be a sin! Fluttershy, why did you even bring me here to talk if you were just going to do more of the same? Albeit in an oddly civilized way for you.”
  163. >”We ARE both adults aren’t we Anon? If we are, I’m sure you can handle more...adult...topics, as well as give me the respect to at least lay out my feelings for you. By the way, go ahead, finish your tea.”
  164. “Ugh. That isn’t the point.”
  165. >You cupped your face into your hand.
  166. “The feeling is NOT mutual. You were a good and kind mare when you found me Fluttershy. I wish to see more of that from you, you were a good friend!”
  167. >You took another sip of your tea.
  168. >”Well...at least let me say what I need to.” Fluttershy gave you a pout.
  169. >An adorable pout at that.
  170. >You sighed and laid back a bit.
  171. “If doing so will help get this mess behind us...go ahead.”
  172. >You took another sip of tea and poured another cup.
  173. >Fluttershy seemed pleased with that.
  174. >”Well, Anon, you may not be a pony. But you take care of yourself. Very good care of yourself. You’re kind, seemingly always happy, and...strong. Really strong. Most wizards in Equestria don’t take care of their body and work like you do.”
  175. “I’m not a wizard.”
  176. >”I mean, they don’t let themselves go, but, you could rival Rainbowdash, and Apple Jack sometimes. And it’s clearly working out for you. Seeing you work in your field in nothing but your pants is...very exciting for me to watch.”
  177. >You began to get uncomfortable.
  178. “Fluttershy, you told me you were going to say what you had to.”
  179. >”Oh, I am.”
  180. “Yea, well, I’ve noticed when you stare at me whilst I work on my land. And, yes of course I take care of my self, not doing so would be slothful. Unless this is just catharsis for you I see no reason as to why you are telling me all this?”
  181. >”Oh. I’m just stalling for time. In fact! I believe it should be working right about now!”
  182. “What?”
  183. >You began to feel really warm. The couch you sat on incredibly soft.
  184. >Your head began to get woozy.
  185. “Fluttershy!”
  186. >You glanced over to her. She was bobbing her head as well, trying to keep it up.
  187. “Flutters...what-”
  188. >”Birdies! Whuuu...NOW!”
  189. >A flock of blue jays descended upon you and began tying ropes around you, binding your arms.
  190. >You tried getting up to run away but you fell onto the floor.
  191. “F-Fluttershy, what is...you said no tranquilizers.”
  192. >The mare chuckled before collapsing to her side as well.
  193. >”T-that wasn’t a tranquilizer Anon, fuu...that was a potion of sleep.”
  194. >DAMN IT!
  195. >You mentally kicked yourself.
  196. >You were smarter than this.
  197. >Of course she’d try something like this.
  198. >The world around you began to get fuzzy, the warmth in your body growing.
  199. >Even the wood of the floor began to feel unbelievably comforting.
  200. >A few of the critters in the cottage scurried over to check Fluttershy who had already been taken under the sandman’s spell.
  201. >You could feel something grab your feet and drag you away before your eyelids closed for a final time.
  202. ~~~~
  203. >…
  204. >The world slowly began to come back to you.
  205. >At first it was just you spinning inside of your own head.
  206. >Next you could feel just how soft and warm the material you were resting on was.
  207. >You were dangerously close to regurgitating the contents of your stomach onto what you assumed to be a mattress.
  208. >You tried to move yourself into a more comforting position but you were bound tightly by rope.
  209. >Memories of what had just transpired began swelling your mind.
  210. >Assaulting you with images of one unfortunate and avoidable event after another.
  211. >It must have been an act of God himself to make you act so foolish.
  212. >And if this were the case, why would he put you in such danger?
  213. >To learn a lesson? To accomplish something?
  214. >There was movement beside you.
  215. >You use the tiny amount of strength in you to force an eyelid open and inspect the area around you.
  216. >You lay on a mattress in Fluttershy’s room. Orange light from the setting sun spilled into the room.
  217. >A noticeable lack of animals this time.
  218. >”Mmmm, you’re awake?”
  219. >You shift your head, turning it to the other side of the bed where you were previously facing.
  220. >Beside you laid the element of kindness herself, half awake, or possibly just giving you bedroom eyes.
  221. >The thought made you shudder.
  222. “Youhmmm...whaa, fuuoooo?”
  223. >You attempt to speak words but your mind has clearly not made the required connections for that to be possible yet.
  224. >”Shh now Anon. You had more than me, you need to take it a little slower.”
  225. “What...did...you...do?”
  226. >The mare chuckled and lazily dragged a fore hoof across the length of your back.
  227. >”A little something from Zecora. Just enough to get you in the one place I need to convince you to be with me.”
  228. “Fluttershy...I can not...ugh, with you. I WILL not do it.”
  229. >Your words were beginning to take more form, more so how you normally speak and less so you on a more relaxed evening with the extra unblessed communion wine.
  230. >Fluttershy grinned and continued rubbing your back.
  231. >You tried to jerk away but the rope was too tight.
  232. >”Oh Anon! But we are meant for each other! Just you wait. All you’ll need is a day in bed with me.”
  233. >NOPE!
  234. >You needed to find a way to get out of these bounds.
  235. >Scream?
  236. >No, you didn’t have the energy to do so. Plus your throat was about as dry as a desert.
  237. >...Oh! There’s an idea.
  238. “I-i’ll definitely have to think about that one. Hey Flutterys before we...ugh, do you mind getting me water first?”
  239. >The mare eyed you suspiciously.
  240. >”You aren’t planning anything naughty are you?”
  241. “N-no! Lord up in HEAVEN no! I-it’s just, I’ve always imagined being fed or...given water before the uhm...act.”
  242. >She continues to give you an inquisitive stare. Studying every detail of your face, trying to fiure out what exactly you’re up to.
  243. >You were gonna have to pull out the big one huh?
  244. >May God forgive you.
  245. “You know Flutters…you could, ugh...”
  246. >”I could what?”
  247. “You could say that...guhhh, that being takin care of before intercourse is...is my f-fetish.”
  248. >Her wings extended and a blush painted her face. She stumbled off the bed and onto the floor. In a moment she was out of the room and down the stairs.
  249. >Rather unceremoniously as well. The sleeping potion wasn’t ENTIRELY out of her system. Those few bumps in her way down stairs was entertaining to say the least.
  250. >Though, enjoying the schadenfreude of your predator would have to wait. You had to try and get out of these ropes at the very least.
  251. >As you wrestled with the knots in the back, you allowed your mind to wander just a little bit. Only on what could be important.
  252. >This didn’t feel right.
  253. >Not only because you were a Catholic monk in the house of a talking mythical flying horse that has tied you up and was about to rape you.
  254. >Wow sounds like the start to a bad joke.
  255. >No. Something else felt wrong.
  256. >This definitely wasn’t the Fluttershy you had met all those months ago.
  257. >The change was slow and gradual. She started out kind and welcoming but soon began to grow more and more perverse in her ways.
  258. >Hell it happened so slow you didn’t even notice the change and assumed it was just her revealing more of her true intentions over time.
  259. >Though now you aren’t so sure.
  260. >Something was wrong. But there is no possible way of telling what could have possessed her!
  261. >Huh...possessed?
  262. “Gah!”
  263. >The rope was so tight that it managed to peel the top layer of your skin away and leave a blister, however, you were finally in a position to undo the rope.
  264. >The sound of hurried hoofsteps could be heard from the hallway.
  265. >Flutteryshy was on her way back with the glass of water...shit.
  266. >You hurried your efforts.
  267. >One hand over the other.
  268. >Feed the rope from that end into, no, OUT of the other.
  269. >Yes! It’s loose, now all that’s left is-
  270. >”A-anon! I’m back. M-momma has the water she’ll help you drink.”
  271. >You grabbed the loose rope and tightened it behind your back with all your might, trying to make it appear you are still bound together.
  272. “A-Ah! Yes. Of course, let me just-”
  273. >”NO NO!…let mommy do allll the work.”
  274. >Her tone turned sultry. Lust dripped thick from her lips.
  275. >She positioned you up and placed the glass to your lips.
  276. >She slowly brought the glass up, allowing the water to flow into your mouth and down your throat at an even and drinkable pace.
  277. >You had to admit, though you were in a very dangerous predicament, she was kind enough to get the water...even if it was in attempt to help pleasure you sexually.
  278. >Which it didn’t.
  279. >Still, the cool water managed to lubricate and refresh your coarse throat.
  280. >It still baffled you how a liquid that wasn’t supposed to have taste could have such a strong, amazing, and refreshing flavor.
  281. >After the last few drops of the heavenly liquid graced your throat, your captor lowered the glass and stared deeply into your eyes.
  282. >A soft blush painted on her cheeks, her eye lids drooped, she seemed to be penetrating your soul with lustful desires and passionate longing.
  283. >”H-how was that Anon?”
  284. “Amazing thank you...I just have one thing to say.”
  285. >You loosen your previously tightened grip around the rope and let some of it fall, you made sure to keep a good grip on the ends of the rope though.
  286. >Fluttershy’s muzzle began to inch closer to yours.
  287. >”What is it?” Her voice now a soft whisper.
  288. “John 2:15.”
  289. >”Wha-?”
  290. >You reach your arm around and push your self backwards.
  291. >Using the ropes that had once bound you into a makeshift whip, you made sure to strike at the Pegasus, though trying not to hit the face.
  292. >The rope managed to slap her on the side of her barrel.
  293. >Fluttershy yipped and launched backwards off her bed.
  294. >Picking yourself up you glare at your ex-captor.
  295. >She seemed shocked, almost betrayed.
  296. >”A-anon? What are you-EEP!”
  297. >Too bad she was rapist otherwise you’d feel sorry.
  298. >You had swung your rope around the mare and pulled her into a tight grip.
  299. >Next you took the remaining end of the rope left in your hand and tied it around your muzzle.
  300. >You had to thank Apple Jack for allowing you to help on her farm when you first arrived here.
  301. >You stood back and looked at your handy work.
  302. >Fluttershy lay there, shaken, scared [spoiler]And slightly aroused[/spoiler] at what you may do to her.
  303. “Being tied up like that doesn’t feel too comfortable does it?”
  304. >You began to look around the room for a certain something.
  305. >If your hunch from earlier was correct. You may have a way to end this once and for all.
  306. >Flutters followed you with her eye as you searched your room.
  307. >Scanning the bookshelf, looking in drawers.
  308. “I gave you a gift a long while back Fluttershy. When I first arrived here, as a way to better understand my religion and culture. Knowing your infatuation for me you would have probably kept it near by and used it as an...AHA! There it is. Hm! And still dry! No stains, doesn’t smell like fish. I’m impressed!”
  309. >Fluttershy began to struggle against her bindings as you opened the Bible to the page you were looking for.
  310. “Ah! Here it is! Psalm!”
  311. >Something carnal in Fluttershy began to make her thrash around.
  312. >She seemed terrified.
  313. >Poor mare. You’d have to make this quick
  314. “In nómine Pátris, et Fílii, + et Spirítus Sancti. Amen. Exsúrgat Deus et dissipéntur inimíci ejus: et fúgiant qui odérunt eum a fácie ejus. Sicut déficit fumus defíciant; sicut fluit cera a fácie ígnis, sic péreant peccatóres a fácie Dei.”
  315. >…
  317. AN:
  318. I'm abandoning the green. I've thought and fought over it. Not to the point to where it was a stressor for me but I've ultimately decided I wasn't happy with it. The why doesn't effect me writing more so as a tl;dr for what's coming up, all you need to know is that I was unhappy with how it turned out and I've had at least two or three more ideas I've wanted to work on. I'll be back to writing more one offs and longer greens in the near future, hopefully none of it Flutterrape. See ya!
  320. Okay, for the faggots who care. I originally loved the idea of a monk showing up in Equestria. It was...different. We've seen plenty of average joes, soldiers, gary stus, etc. But I haven't seen a monk yet, and from my discussions in several threads it seems that others share an interest in a green WITH a monk, or a holy man of some religion or another. It interests the hell out of me to inspect and see the reactions of the theology and philosophy of religion (especially Human religion) within Equestria that doesn't boil down to "God not real, Nihilism blah blah" garbage that no one besides people who have vaguely heard of Nietzsche will care about. Nor do I want the ponies to shriek in terror once hearing about Ragnarok. Like, actual wonder and intrigue for this alien religion for monkeys woven into a story that isn't the author projecting his feelings of religion. Whether praising religion because gay people exist and those are icky, or demonizing religion because their mom made them go to church even though his favorite cartoon was on.
  322. Clearly I wasn't able to capture that and only managed to make a horribly written story that's been done thousands of times before. I was running with a concept with out a story and just let my hands type what ever they wanted. I don't even know how it became Flutterrape! I don't even read Flutterrape! It probably just sounded funny in my head that this pious and chaste man was being hit on by quiet butter.
  324. So, an interesting concept I couldn't make work. And a story I hated. Better to use this as a learning experience I suppose. I will definitely have similar ideas return. Not exactly as a monk in Equestria but...well, it goes back to one of the ideas I had in the thread. An idea a certain Anon was confused about because "the humans were monsters" or what ever. Well, a large organization working from home will need some religious services! A lot of people may not understand what I mean, but I'm working on it. The idea is more so a universe for stories and less so just one story with its own universe. More on that later though, and now is time to focus on what I've been wanting to. Which is a LOT simpler.
  326. Thanks for understanding, I don't like premature endings either but this was a real obstacle for me. See you faggots in the threads.
  327. ~Salt

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.1

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.2

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.3

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.4 (END)

by SaltAnon

Monk Anon [This Green has been Abandoned]

by SaltAnon