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Southern Hospitality (incest)

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-21 03:38:56
Expiry: Never

  1. > Wake up in orchard, get found by Appuls.
  2. > Get hospitalitied, hard.
  3. > Currently on couch, finishing off the best apple pie you have ever tasted.
  4. > Apple family standing around, Apple Bloom takes the plate when you're done.
  5. "Thank you so much, that pie was amazing!"
  6. > Applejack smiles.
  7. > "Aw shucks, it's mighty kind of you to say so. Would you like to join one of us, or are we keepin' you from something?"
  8. "I'd love to join with you all, and don't worry, I have all the time in the world."
  9. > She looks surprised.
  10. "All of us? Well, Apple Bloom can't rightly participate, an' Granny can't on account of her hip, but Big Mac an' me'd be happy to oblige you."
  11. > "Eyup."
  12. > What?
  13. > The two siblings turn their backs to you, and twitch their tails out of the way.
  14. > Applejack's marehood winks at you.
  15. "Ah, ha ha, sorry about the mix up, I meant I'd be glad to join you, Applejack. No offense, Big Mac."
  16. > He turns around and nods at you.
  17. > "None taken."
  18. > Applejack shifts a little.
  19. > "It's alright, Anon. Any time you're ready."
  20. > You drop your pants and pull out your dick.
  21. > You glance at Big Mac, and he nods amiably.
  22. > This is so messed up.
  23. > Apple Bloom returns from the kitchen, and sees what's going on.
  24. > "Aw, when is it gunna be mah turn?"
  25. > Applejack swishes her tail in irritation.
  26. > "When you're older, sugarcube. Now hush, you're distractin' Anonymous from ruttin' me."
  27. > You step up, and gently press the tip of your cock against her slit.
  28. > Applejack smiles at you over her shoulder.
  29. > "Make yourself comfortable, y'hear?"
  30. > This is so messed up.
  31. > While her brother and sister watch, you rest your hands on Applejack's hips and slowly press through her warm, wet folds.
  32. > She sighs in pleasure, and presses up against you.
  33. > Oh hell yes.
  34. > Your pelvis practically has a mind of its own, instinctively pounding that sweet apple ass.
  35. > Applejack braces herself against your thrusting, lifting her plump rear for better access.
  36. > You keep up a steady rhythm, and start rubbing those glorious flanks.
  37. > Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Apple Bloom sidling around for a better look.
  38. > Applejack looks over her shoulder at you in concern.
  39. > "Everything alright? You haven't spilled your seed, an' it's been near a minute since you started."
  40. "It just takes me longer, that's all."
  41. > She smiles reassuringly.
  42. > "Well, that's alright then. Ah'm havin' a right fine time, so take as long as you need."
  43. > Apple Bloom draws a up a chair, and sits down on it to watch, not less than two feet away.
  44. > You'd get self-conscious, but you are hilting inside a mare, and having her sister watch kinda turns you on.
  45. > You pick up the pace, striving to penetrate deeper.
  46. > Applejack grunts when you brush against her cervix, and a small surge of marecum flows around your cock.
  47. > Your fingers dig into her fulsome plot, spreading her cheeks.
  48. > Applejack moans, then blushes at you.
  49. > "Beggin' your pardon, ah don't know what came over me."
  50. > You knead her ass a little, and her blush deepens.
  51. "I don't mind. Just do what ever feels natural."
  52. > She nods, and slowly lowers her front half to the ground.
  53. > Apple Bloom's eyes are wide as you pound her sister like a jackhammer, Applejack happily pressed against the floor with each thrust.
  54. > Applejack's hat falls off, and you are treated to the sight of her blonde mane framing her pleased and dazed face.
  55. > It's too much.
  56. > You plunge yourself as deep as you can go and let loose, painting the entrance to her womb with your cum.
  57. > Applejack cries out in ecstasy, startling her siblings.
  58. > She closes around you, her walls undulating against your dick, coaxing more semen into her marehood.
  59. > Apple Bloom stutters out,
  60. > "A-are you alright, b-big sis?"
  61. > Applejack sighs as her body comes down from the sexual high.
  62. > "Ah've never been more alright in mah life."
  63. > You pull out, and sit down on the couch to rest.
  64. > Applejack lays flat on her belly, her marehood still twitching, and fully exposed.
  65. > "Apple Bloom, why don't you clean Anonymous up? Ah don't know if ah can, right now."
  66. > Apple Bloom jumps off the chair happily.
  67. > "Finally!"
  68. > What.
  69. > The filly gets up on the couch beside you, and puts her hooves on your thigh.
  70. > You stop her before her head can descend on your manhood.
  71. "Is this really okay?"
  72. > Apple Bloom smiles up at you.
  73. > "Don't you worry none, ah practiced plenty on Big Mac."
  74. > Speaking of which, the stallion had moved over and begun licking the trickle of your seed from Applejack's pussy.
  75. > Each time his tongue licked at the flow, Applejack twitched.
  76. > This family is so messed up.
  77. > Returning your attention to the waiting filly, you reply,
  78. "Alright, I'll trust you."
  79. > She smiles, and immediately gobbles up the head of your dick, her lips sealing around it as she sucks off the juices.
  80. > You tousle her mane, and her eyes crinkle in happiness.
  81. > You exit her mouth with a pop, and she props your dick up with a hoof.
  82. > Then she starts licking from your balls to the top of the shaft, working her way around.
  83. > When she has licked the entire way around, she takes your entire length into her mouth, her cheek bulging heavily from containing you.
  84. > With a slow, careful suction, she removes the last of the juices coating your cock, and leaves it to dry in the air.
  85. > In the mean time, Applejack has recovered, and gives you a smile.
  86. > "Ah was thinkin', if you don't have a place to stay, you can bunk here with us."
  87. "Are you sure? I'd hate to impose on you, when you've already helped me so much."
  88. > "Ah'm sure. If it'll ease you're mind, we could use your help plowin', 'specially after a long day buckin' trees."
  89. > You are pretty sure that was two euphemisms.
  90. "I like the sound of that. I'll stay."
  91. > Amid the smiles and cheers, your boner thanks you.

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