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Cheerilee Dating Green.

By HisLordOfLongLeaf
Created: 2020-12-22 17:11:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >You take another step closer and smile at the small teacher horse.
  2. "You uh... wanna be my special somepony?"
  3. >Cheerilee recoils ever so slightly but quickly gains her composure.
  4. >"Me? and uh, you? I don't think that's proper Mr Anonymous, what would the others think of an interspecies relationship such as this, well there would be scandal"
  5. >She blushes slightly and looks away.
  6. >"No I don't think this will work out at all... Unless... No, we can't"
  7. >She slips off her chair and moves away from you, getting a few feet distance before stopping again.
  8. >A hoof goes to her face before she picks up speed and moves away from you, leaving you sat alone at an empty table.
  9. >Cheerilee continues to trot off as you stare down at your half eaten sandwich.
  10. >You push away the plate and stand up, half knocking over your chair in the process.
  11. >You opt for the suave approach of following her and asking 'why not?'
  12. >After all this worked so well for you in High School.
  13. "Hey, Cheerilee!"
  14. >You wave your hand over your head as you swiftly gain ground on the teacher of tiny equines.
  15. >"Mr Anonymous I do insist that you leave me alone!"
  16. >Her eyes are red and puffy, as she turns to face you, holding back tears.
  17. "What's up buttercup?"
  18. >You smile warmly as she lets out a sob.
  19. "Hey, no don't do that"
  20. >You kneel and wrap her in warm embrace, feeling her heavy breathing, she returns the hug after a second and you feel warm wet tears soak into your shirt.
  21. >"I've, never had a special somepony..."
  22. >You feel your heart in your throat as you rub a hand up and down her back.
  23. "You wanna know a secret? neither have I"
  24. >You hold the hug for what feels like an eternity, just you and small teacher horse together, after a few more seconds you pet her head and pull back to look down at her.
  25. "So, you wanna go on a date?"
  26. >"I'd like that..."
  27. >A day passes, with the two of you in discussion of what your date should be.
  28. >after all you'd met up several times beforehand for sandwiches and that never felt like a date.
  29. >After some time you eventually come to conclusion that your first date should be special, somewhere the two of you could be alone and talk.
  30. >The hill overlooking Ponyville would do perfectly you both agree and so you set about making a picnic to share.
  31. >Apples, ponies sure do love apples and carrots and beets too.
  32. >with a picnic basket laden down with good food you set about walking to Miss Cheerilees house.
  33. >You've done this walk dozens of times since arriving in Ponyville but never have you done it with such a spring in your step or with such a broad smile on your face.
  34. >Knocking on her door you wait a few seconds before the door is opened by in your opinion, the most beautiful mare in the world.
  35. >She hasn't changed a thing about her looks except for a small flower tucked into her hair, a buttercup.
  36. >"Mr Anonymous, you're just in time"
  37. >She smiles up at you and your heart melts, gone are the tears and sobs, replaced by a warm caring look in her eyes.
  38. "Shall we be off?"
  39. >You smile back, gesturing to the hill overlooking Ponyville.
  40. >"Yes, lets"
  41. >You're about to take her hoof in your hand but the impracticality of her walking 3-legged puts you off.
  42. >Instead you walk side by side in relative silence as you make your way up the hillside.
  43. >The sun hanging heavy in the sky illuminates the two of you as you reach the top of the hill, overlooking her small town.
  44. >You spread out the blanket and place the picnic basket in the centre where she can easily reach inside.
  45. >Sitting either side of it you smile at Teach Horse before looking out to the sunset.
  46. >"I wasn't entirely truthful with you Mr Anonymous...
  47. "You can call me Anon"
  48. >"I wasn't entirely truthful with you Anon, although I've never had a special somepony, despite my many efforts, I've also never been on a date."
  49. >You nod in silence as she explains her lack of dating knowledge.
  50. >"It's not for lack of trying you see, however I was very busy learning to become a teacher and then even busier with the job, now with Twilights establishment up and running there has been no need for my little schoolhouse."
  51. >She bites into a daisy sandwich and chews slowly, looking at you as she does so.
  52. >"Well anyway, that's all behind me now and I'm a free mare"
  53. >You nod again, biting a shiny red apple.
  54. >The sun slowly sets and the moon rises as the two of you share the polite silence and tasty meal together.
  55. >After a while Cheerilee yawns and gets up, she makes her away over to you.
  56. >"when you hugged me yesterday, I realized that in all my years I've never been held like that, I'd like for you to hold me again... Anon"
  57. >You nod and lift up the small pony, placing her in your lap, feeling her fluttering heartbeat against your own steady rhythm.
  58. >She lets out a soft sigh and nestles up close to you, your arms wrapping around her as the two of you watch the moon together.
  59. >You rest your chin on top of her head and smile up at the dark sky.
  60. >"Thank you Anon, this means a lot to me"
  61. >Holding her in place you feel her shift slightly and ease into the embrace.
  62. >Some time passes with the two of you sharing each-others silent company.
  63. >...
  64. >You wake up, a heavy weight on your chest and your arms feeling numb.
  65. >You squint in the early morning light, feeling Miss Cheerilee shifting her weight on your stomach and chest.
  66. >She slowly stirs awake and looks into your eyes, her pupils dilate and she smiles up at you.
  67. >"Good morning handsome, did we"
  68. "Good morning Buttercup"
  69. >You stroke her mane and reposition the flower in her hair, causing her to blush and look away.
  70. >"We should get up and head back into town."
  71. >You nod, neither of you move however.
  72. >She nuzzles into your neck and whispers.
  73. >"Anon, seriously, we need to get up"
  74. >Still, neither of you move.
  75. >After a pleasingly long time the you shift your weight and she rolls off your with an "eep"
  76. >Standing up you pick up the blanket and basket before leading the way down the hill.
  77. >rubbing the back of your head you smile down at the pony by your feet.
  78. "Lets get you home"
  79. >She nods before trotting along after you.
  80. >Down the hill and towards her house you move and make idle chatter as you pass the ponies in the market setting up their stalls.
  81. >"All night! I can't believe we spent all night together and cuddling under the stars, oh how magical"
  82. >She continues to talk about how happy she was, you never noticed it before but when she talks like this she seems to radiate a certain energy.
  83. >After a few minutes more you reach her front door, sitting on the step she turns to look up at you.
  84. >"Anon, could you kneel down for a second?"
  85. >You do as she requests and kneel down to look her in the eyes.
  86. >In a flash she pecks you on the lips, pulling back with a heavy blush and averted gaze.
  87. >"Thank you, for a wonderful evening."
  88. "Don't mention it, I had a great time too, see you again some time?"
  89. >You smile at the small horse before getting up to walk away.
  90. >"How does tomorrow sound?"
  91. >She blurts out, holding onto your sleeve with her hoof.
  92. >"I mean, if you're not busy? we can go to Canterlot and maybe visit a museum?"
  93. >You nod and smile.
  94. "Canterlot museums sound good, I'll pick you up tomorrow!"
  95. >she lets your sleeve go and you head off towards your own house, basket and blanket in hand and a rather large grin on your face.
  96. "Tomorrow is going to be great"
  97. >Heading back home you pass by the many market stalls that fill up the streets of Ponyville.
  98. >walking near a florist you notice the many bunches of flowers neatly arranged out the front.
  99. >They all look so pretty and well organised, you wonder if Cheerilee would like fancy flowers you muse to yourself.
  100. >After a few seconds you realise the impracticalities of wondering around museums with a bouquet of flowers.
  101. >You continue on your journey, wondering if she'd even want gifts.
  102. >Reaching your homestead you slip out of your date clothes and crash on the couch.
  103. >Seconds pass by before you drift off to a dreamland of small teaching equines.
  104. >You awaken, it's midday and your stomach growls.
  105. >sliding off the comfortable resting position you head to the Fridge where you prepare yourself a simple lunch.
  106. >As you chew through your meal you stare out the window and see the Equestrian World pass you by.
  107. >You've just been on a date with Cheerilee you think to yourself...
  108. >This thought comforts you, you can still smell her on your shirt.
  109. >The day continues to pass by with little incident and before long you're tucked up in bed, eagerly waiting for tomorrow.
  110. >Night-time engulfs you with the thought of Miss Cheerilee and you sleep, happy for the first time in you don't know how long.
  111. >You awake the next day feeling well rested, the sun blocked by an overhang of clouds.
  112. >As you head downstairs to make breakfast you ponder over the day before.
  113. >You didn't actually give Cheerilee a time of day, 'see you tomorrow' you said/
  114. >Cursing your forgetfulness you roll your eyes and figure you can collect her anytime you want.
  115. >Not that you'll be putting off seeing her, the sooner the better in fact.
  116. >You slip into something casual and head out the house.
  117. >Passing by several ponies who smile politely at you, you nod a friendly greeting back and head to Cheeriliees' house.
  118. >Knocking on the door you wait, straightening your shirt as you hear the sound of hooves trotting downstairs.
  119. >Opening the door she smiles up at you, the most beautiful mare in the world.
  120. >"Anon! I was hoping it would be you, are you ready?"
  121. "I'm ready yeah, should we head to the station? It's a bit of a trek to Canterlot"
  122. >She nods and steps past you, closing the door behind her.
  123. >"I'm sure it will be a pleasant trip, especially with you"
  124. >She trots ahead of you, moving with purpose towards the train station.
  125. >You reach the train station with Miss Cheerilee practically skipping ahead of you like an excited filly.
  126. >Paying for your tickets you take your seats and she sits next to you in an empty carriage.
  127. >She hooks her hoof round your arm and nestles in close, smiling up at you for the entire journey to Canterlot.
  128. >You've never seen her this excited before but the high energy suits her.
  129. >"Anon, which museum should we visit first? there's the museum of Equestrian history or the natural history museum, or there is a private collection that's a little out of the way on the hill but it has a small aquarium"
  130. >The torrent of choices leave your head spinning, who knew ponies enjoyed history so much?
  131. "Let's try Equestrian History, then natural history and finish it up with the Aquarium and collection?"
  132. >She smiles up at you and lets out a soft squeal of joy before resting her head against you.
  133. >"Oh Anon, I'm so happy that you're my special Somepony!"
  134. >You smile down at her as the train reaches it's stop in Canterlot.
  135. >Heading out of the carriage you both smile at each other as you make your way to the first museum.
  136. >The day passes by in a flurry of ancient exhibits and little brass plaques that explain in the least amount of detail what you're looking at.
  137. >Eventually the two of you reach the top of the hill and head towards the private collection.
  138. >Wandering around the museum you make idle chatter about the shape of spears or the type of togas ancient ponies wore.
  139. >After around an hour of wandering you reach the Aquarium entrance and step inside.
  140. >Fish, so many fish you wonder, all shapes and sizes and a myriad of vibrant and beautiful colours.
  141. >"Oh Anon, they're all so pretty!"
  142. >She exclaims, looking through the thick glass, her eyes wide with excitement.
  143. >Sitting on a bench the two of you cuddle up close and count the strange aquatic creatures for at least another hour.
  144. >Soon after she looks up at you, those wide Green eyes of hers and you embrace one another in a kiss.
  145. >A slow lingering kiss that seems to make the world stop turning if for only it's duration.
  146. >As you finally pull yourself away from Miss Cheerilee your eyes stay locked.
  147. >She wraps herself around and smiles up at you.
  148. >"I've never felt this way about anypony before, thank you Anon"
  149. >In a haze the two of you make your way out of the museum and down the hillside.
  150. >Reaching the train station you manage to catch the last train to Ponyville.
  151. >The trip is spent in each others arms, cuddling, kissing and whispering sweet nothings as you share the empty carriage.
  152. >Reaching your stop, the two of you hop off the train and wander back to her house.
  153. >Sitting on the step she lets out a content sigh, and pats the step next to her, inviting you to sit.
  154. >Getting down next to her you wrap an arm over her shoulder and she cuddles up close to you.
  155. >"Anon, I'm so happy you asked me to be your very special somepony."
  156. "I'm glad you accepted"
  157. >She giggles and nuzzles into your side.
  158. >"I think I love you Anon"
  159. "I think I love you too"
  161. Hope y'all liked this, not written green for some time but this was a lot of fun to write

Cheerilee Dating Green.

by HisLordOfLongLeaf

Pulp Spike and MS Paint - search for Neverbloom Cactus

by HisLordOfLongLeaf