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We were there

By Anonymous
Created: 2020-12-23 03:53:23
Expiry: Never

  1. "You mean you wanna ride this roller coaster with me?"
  3. >"That's right! You got the guts to ride it?" she mockingly questions your manliness.
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be a teacher in a field trip
  7. >Be making sure the students don't do stupid shit in Day 1 at Didney Worl
  8. >Be confronted by one of your more arrogant students
  9. >It's pretty early in the morning, quite a few hours before noon
  10. >The students in the class you're looking after are still pretty sluggish, save for Rainbow Dash, probably because she's a super athlete >You don't really feel like just walking around for several hours before retiring to the inn for the day
  11. >Why the hell not? Beats doing nothing
  13. "Alright, hotshot. I'll take you up on that." you queue up on the rather short line to the stationary vehicle of death
  14. >Rainbow Dash lines up right beside you. There seems to be, like, three people in front of you. Two kids and what looks to be a single mom. At least she looks happy
  15. >"You better not chicken out on me now." Rainbow maintains her smug demeanor "
  17. Your first time here?" you ask, knowing that she's probably rode this coaster before already
  19. >"N-not exactly..." you notice her shuddering, you presume from a bad memory
  21. >You'd prefer not to prod into it unless you really need to
  22. >Your attention is directed to the sounds of the ride taking in its first customers
  23. >Moving past the gates, you take a seat at the very front "You ready?" you query the girl, who's now sweating bullets. That's odd, where'd all her hot air go?
  24. >She's shaking where she stands, like she's having a PTSD-moment
  26. "You know, we don't have to do this. We can leave right now if you want." you give her a chance at getting mercy
  28. >"N-n-no! I-I can go!" she stammers. Just the response you expected.
  30. "Well then, hop on in."
  32. >In just a bit, a female employee sets the mechanism to lock the passengers in place >"Please remember to keep your hands and feet in the roller coaster at all times." she advises, as per protocol
  33. >The roller coaster starts to slowly move. As it elevates more and more, it starts to pick up some speed.
  34. >Oddly enough, you actually feel some excitement the higher you go, contrary to the behavior of your student next to you. You almost feel a little bad for her.
  35. >Eventually, the roller coaster hits its peak. It slows down to a stop... only to ultimately come barrelling down at the speed of light. Well, at least it felt like it was at the speed of light
  37. "Aaaaaaaaahhh!"
  38. >"Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!!!!!"
  40. >Both screams could be heard, one of thrill and one of terror
  41. >Rainbow's high-pitched scream would probably pierce your ears if you weren't so loud yourself
  42. >After a few twists and turns and loops, the ride ends as fast as it finished. It looked pretty long from from the ground when you were looking at it, but goddamn that was pretty fast
  43. >You didn't really expect this, but you feel exhilarated right now
  44. >Although, your elation comes to a halt when you take notice of the shaking mess next to you
  45. >Oh jeez, oh jeez, oh jeez
  46. >She looks like she just got traumatized severely
  47. >You're no Guidance Counselor, but her water works are coming down strong and you really feel like calming her down
  48. >The passengers behind you have started to take their leave, others just staring at Rainbow and you as they walk away.
  49. >Even the female employee's staring. She looks like she's about to ask you to leave
  50. >The mother from earlier passes by your vision. You notice her looking at Rainbow with concern, and then at you with eyes that say "Go do something to help her!"
  52. >You have no damn clue what to do about her at this point
  54. >...
  56. >Goddamn it
  58. >In the least awkward way you could possibly attempt, you... hug your young student...
  59. >You can feel her tears dampening your shoulder
  60. >Grasping her close and tightly, you feel her slowly steadying herself from her shaking >Your warm embrace soothes her considerably "Hey, it's okay, Dash. We're safe now..." you figure that stroking her hair and reassuring how secure she is should make her fine once again >You'd probably get fired if anyone from the school caught you, but you don't really care about that right now
  61. >You care more about helping your student from her terrible distress
  63. >Thankfully, you manage to get her down to just sniffling with little tears
  64. >Holy shit. Nice save, Anon
  65. >Patting her on the back, you guide her out of the speedy ride of terror
  66. >"Th-thanks... for back there..." the cocky-turned-timid girl thanks you for your heroic(not really) support
  67. "Hmmmm? Oh, yeah. Don't mention it."
  69. >Finding a way to brighten the mood, you went to a retro diner with Rainbow. Treating her to a milkshake seemed like the appropriate thing to do at the time
  70. "How holdin' up, champ?" you wanna make sure she's really okay now
  72. >"Y-yeah, it's just... I thought I could take it this time." you see her frown from the thought. She's not exactly scared, but for some reason, it pains you to see her sad
  74. ""Hey now, you did it though. you got through the ride." you point out to her.
  76. >Her moody attitude quickly shifts to a bright smile that rivals one of your pink students that you swear overdoses on joy everyday
  78. >"Yeah... you're right. I did!"
  80. "Maybe someday you can enjoy it too like I did."
  82. >"I-I enjoyed it too! I wasn't scared or anything!" the still-shaky girl poorly defends herself.
  84. "Your banshee screams told me otherwise." you playfully mock her.
  86. >"W-whatever!" a crimson blush overtakes her flustered face. Good to see she's back on track
  88. >After finishing your milkshake, you stand from your seat, "Well, I better go now. That was pretty fun, Rainbow."
  90. >You feel something pulling at your sleeve as you try to leave, “Wait, here you go.” she pulls out a few dollars from her bag.
  91. “For the milkshake? Keep it, it’s on the house.”
  93. >”No, I don’t take charity. You don’t have to foot the bill.”
  95. “Nah. Like I said, keep it.”
  97. >”Just take the money.” she forcibly stuffs the money in your grasp, to which you simply drop it on the floor.
  99. “You’re not just gonna leave that there, are you?” she’s getting nae-nae’d so hard right now.
  101. >Rainbow Dash is visibly starting to get more and more ticked off, but she lets up with a sigh.
  103. >Picking up the dropped cash, she asks, “Well if you won’t take my money, then is there some other way I can repay you?”
  105. “Depends, what are you willing to do?”
  107. >”Anything to pay back a debt I owe. Well, you know, so long as it’s fair enough, then I’ll do it.”
  109. “Anything, huh?”
  111. >”ALMOST anything.” she corrects you.
  113. After giving her words some thought, you come up with an idea, “Hmmmm… alright, come with me.”
  115. >”Where are we going?” her curiosity ushers her to question your intentions.
  117. “Just follow me. I hope you’re ready.” you feel yourself smiling at the impending doom that awaits your student as you make your way out of the diner.
  121. >”I shouldn’t have agreed to this.” Rainbow grumbles begrudgingly
  123. “Hey now, you’re the one who said you’d do ‘ALMOST anything’.” you quote her, to remind her that her current seat of shame is ultimately her doing
  125. >Currently, you’re seated in yet another roller coaster with Rainbow Dash. Perhaps this one is even worse than before, well, that’s mostly because this one has a small, circular track with one little hump for some “suspense” and “thrill” when it travels at a whopping “one” mile an hour. Hell, it’s more like a carriage than a roller coaster with the protective windows they put on the doors to make extra sure that kids don’t somehow fall off
  127. “Anon, this is literally a ride made for children.” your student complains to you
  129. >“Yeah, I know.” you bluntly acknowledge
  131. >Frustratedly, Rainbow scoots herself into her seat even more. There’s only two seats in the entire ride, and they’re both kiddie-sized. But hey, there’s no age limit for adults in the ride so what the heck
  133. >”Anon, this is embarrassing! Someone could see me, or worse, someone could see us!”
  135. “I don’t know about you, but I’m having a blast.” you casually tell her as you pass about 1/64th of the ride already
  137. >It’s still pretty early in the morning, but some passersby are already giving curious and concerned looks your way
  139. >”What the hell is such a ‘blast’ about this?”
  141. “Well, look at this.” you plant your hand by the window to your left, which leaves a moist handprint stained on it, “I’ve left my mark on this ride now.”
  143. >”So? That’s just gonna fade away in, like, a few minutes.” she asks, not getting your point
  145. “I know that, but that’s not gonna change the fact that I touched it. So many people have been on this ride, adults and children alike. Perhaps two friends had been here before and touched this glass as well, only to end up as lovers years later. You’re sitting in a seat where thousands have sat, a seat where memories were made.” your student leans in, focusing to the words that you hold great meaning to
  147. You continue, “Eventually, someone’s gonna touch this glass too when we’re already off doing something else without a clue as to who’s currently occupying these seats. While we’re gone, this ride will still be here, making memories for people, and I’d like to make some memories too. Someday, when I’m all alone, I’d like to at least remember some good times. When I come back to this ride years from now, I’d smile when I remember that I enjoyed your company here on this very ride, as childish as it is. Whether you feel embarrassment or grief right now, please, just remember this day positively.”
  149. >”Sorry, Anon. I… I didn’t know you were just trying to have memorable moments here.” Dash replies, now embarrassed from her previous rants
  151. “Hey, that’s alright, champ. At least you stuck this one out and actually rode the ‘Kiddie Coaster’ with me.” you reassure her. Although she’s only “paying back what she owes”, you really are happy that she agreed to hop on this ride with you, as reluctant as she was
  153. >An awkward silence plagues the air between you and your student. The non-existent space between you two isn’t helping either
  155. >”Why…?” Dash silently starts
  157. “Hmmm? Why what?” you ask, unsure of what she means
  159. >”Why do you think you’ll be alone when you get older?” you can feel that her question is genuine, like her concern comes from the heart.
  161. “Ah, well, people have their own lives, Dash. Someday they’ll all be busy with their own things. The only thing that anchors you to a person is true love, and well, love’s not for me, buddy. I don’t think I’ll ever come to meet someone that feels that way about me and vice versa. Loneliness will simply be my best friend one day, might as well be ready for it. Hell, at least you’re here with me right now.”
  163. >The ride crosses the small hill quite slowly for about the 7th time already, indicating that the ride is almost over. It’s pretty slow, but it gets across the bump quickly enough.
  165. >With the absence of your student’s reaction to your answer, you give her a glance.
  167. >You notice her timidly moving her hand across you to the window on your side as she lands her hand next to your fading print, which leaves a cute, feminine handprint on the glass..
  169. You can’t help but smile at what she’s done, “Thank you, Rainbow Dash.”
  171. >Adorably, she beams right back at you
  173. >The ride abruptly ends, making you and Rainbow leave immediately to stretch for comfort. It was certainly a delightful experience, but the cramped space did take a toll on your body
  175. “I guess that’s that, Dash. Thanks for humoring me. I’ll see you around then.” you start to leave before your neglect of your duties bring dire consequences
  177. >“Say, why don’t you hang out with me today, teach? You seem pretty cool and all my other friends are in different buses.” Dash sweetly offers, however, you must respectfully decline
  179. “Sorry, I’ve

We were there

by Anonymous