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Hierophant's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 22:47:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >As the sun begins to set I sit on a Train Station bench with a big notebook in my hands, scribbling something down.
  2. >"Well met my friends, my name is Hierophant. As my 21 brothers I used to be a part of a being known as Anonymous. Some of you may even heard of him. Having such a long name resulted in the only natural outcome, my friends and brothers call me simply Hiero."
  3. >I make a pause to put on my worn off, brown leather hat so the sun won't blind me as I try to start writing my journal.
  4. "Good grief, where is that train? It must be late again."
  5. >After looking on the horizon again - with no train in sight - I look back at my notes.
  6. >"Since I remember I always was the reasonable one. I wasn't really that good at fighting so I usually stayed quiet and was patiently waiting for other Arcanas to solve the situation. My strong side on the other hand was the reason itself. Whenever we've faced a difficult decision or we were having a problem with uderstanding something I always did my best to assist them."
  7. >I had to make a pause as I started to giggle because of the memory of Nightmare Twiscepter that turned into a brick.
  8. >"But that's behind us now, I am my own being. Free to follow my dreams and even more free to turn them into reality. I belive that the most important thing is knowledge. Now when I live with my soon-to-be wife Cheerilee I'll have a lot of time to pursue that credo. She's the sweetest mare I've ever known. Since the moment I saw her, her dedication, spirit and zeal I knew she was the special one."
  9. >Couldn't help but smile while thinking about her.
  10. >"She's a teacher in Ponyville and whenever I'm not on one of my expeditions I'm with her helping with the History lessons. Ah yes, did I forgot to mention? From the moment when Twilight showed us her books about the ancient secrets, lost Alicorn kingdoms, history of Equestria and such I knew exactly what I my dream is. Well one of my dreams. Exploration! But later on that."
  11. "Oh?"
  12. >Far on the forizon I've noticed a moving black smoke.
  13. "FINALLY, I was worried I'll be stuck here forever."
  14. >Back to the writing, I still should have a few minutes before the train stops on the station.
  15. >"Lately I've made quite a lot of new friends. I guess it has to be this way since I'm traveling more than I'm spending my time in Ponyville. Not that I'm avoiding the place. Every month I had to suffer through these "Anonymous Secret Club Meeting" nonsense. Still... it's nice to bully Mary from time to time, have a good laugh with my brothers and show them my newest discoveries and small artifacts I've found. They used to be me and I used to be them, but now I feel like I can communicate with some better than with others. They are my brothers but also my best friends: Fortune and Devil they're called. Quite a combination I have to say. We share a lot of bonds, interests and memories we've spent toghether with our Waifus. Except Devil, poor fella has to wait till his marefriend hits 15 moons. But if you think he's lonely you'd be mistaken. He's such a nice lad I always ask him to take care of Cheerilee for me when I'm busy with my research."
  16. >The train is almost here. I take my journal and put it in my leather bag filled with old books, research notes, pencils, maps... and Cheerielee's picture.
  17. "I'll be home soon, my love."
  18. >As the train stops I jump inside and take a sit in the last carriage far on the back.
  19. "It should be nice and quiet her-"
  21. "Nevermind."
  22. >As the train started to move again I've sit comfortably in my lodge and decided to finish the first entry of my journal.
  23. >"I've mentioned my dreams, now is the time to reveal them. My biggest dream is to make my marefriend the happiest mare in all of Equestria. I want to protect her smile and make her proud of me. It's kinda hard with all that traveling lately but I'll figure it out in no time! My second dream is to... leave something. Something that will last generations, long after I'll be already dead. And the best part is - I know EXACTLY what it's going to be. Back in Canterlot I had a chat with Celestia and some of the City Elite. They had a museum, a gigantic libarary, I've even heard something about the Agency dedicated to fight Cataclism-Level dangers and beasts. But there was something they didn't had. Something that never even existed. That was it, my dream, my legacy, my... "League of Explorers"! This is my dream, and I'll chase it till my final breath. To create a place, a building but much more than that! A beacon of wisdom, mysteries, ancient artifacts and most importantly - bonds of friendship. A place where all Ponies, Griffons, Donkeys and such interested in history and exploration could meet up, plan an expedition, share their knowledge, present their discoveries and artifacts to the world... oh what a wonderful place it is going to be. And I'll put a big-ass sign above the main entrace: "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it".
  24. "Glorious..."
  25. >"Maybe I should start with that adventurous mare Rainbow Dash once told me about... But for now I'll have to end this entry. I've decided to start this journal just in case. Maybe some day somepony will find it - forgotten and hidden in the oldest section of my League of Explorers's library - and it will inspire him to follow his dreams and listen to his heart. There are wondeful adventures that await us in the future. I can't wait to write it all down so you can enjoy them as much as I had."
  26. >"Goodbye, my friends. And see you on the next page."
  27. >"Hierophant - Head of the League of Explorers"
  28. >As the sun has almost completely disappeared behind the mountains I've decided to put my journal back in the bag and slide my hat so it covers my eyes. A quick nap before we arrive in Ponyville sounds like a good idea. Should be still around 2 hours before I'll be there.
  29. "Hah... I bet Hanged Man is working his ass off to keep other Arcanas out of trouble..."
  30. >I guess I should help him from time to time, after all... I also know how it is when you can't have your Waifu by your side every day.
  31. "Waifu..."
  32. >With a smile on my face and a memory of her I've almost fallen asleep.
  33. "I'll be home soon, my love... soon..."
  35. I am Hierophant, my Credo is Knowledge. I belive in my heart that our dreams will come true, together.

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