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Lovers's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 22:50:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Velvet room between space and time...
  3. >"Go quickly!" I snap awake my mind hurts like someone left a jackhammer inside it. Pushing and shoving is all I can comprehend as my vision slowly returns.
  4. >I see a key, a rather elaborate key adorned with a man and woman are enscripted along the length, whose hands claps togetherforming the loop and a pink and blue heart that make the teeth.
  5. >Around me people in suits reach forward to grasp the key but quicly withdraw as if stung, reaching for the key myself I brush the length and recoil as the feeling of electricity shocks me.
  6. >"There is great joy and sorrow in coming to understand another, will you bare such a burden?"
  7. >Some of the figures turn away walking into the blackness of my sight, a crouching figure holds another key a tower of brick he mumbles something before rushing away somewhere beyond my vision.
  8. >Is life simple because it is or do we only perceive it that way? If so then what is progress or achievement?
  9. >Do these things happen by chance or are they acted upon by someone... somewhere? Shaking my head I reach out to the key I know it weird and I know it feels even stranger, but that's why things happen right?
  10. >Because its strange because its weird, that's why as I grabbed the key I knew whatever comes out of this is my decision and that's all that matters even its right or wrong.
  11. >My hand tingles slightly as I pull it towards me my vision becoming clear my headache dissapearing altogether.
  12. >As I raise my fist to stare at the key someone grabs my collar as I'm launched off my feet, the last thing I saw was a man in butterfly mask waving goodbye.
  13. >My name is Lovers, I and my 21 brothers were born into this world through the efforts of a single person... Anonymous.
  14. >Although he has left this world we represent what he values most in it, and while he's gone we will continue to cherish and protect it until the day he returns.
  15. >I don't speak for the rest of my brothers but this is my decision, as a being that represents the Lovers arcana I know about decisions and that the easy road is rarely ever rewarding, the road I have taken is long and hard full of sorrow but its full of joy too and that has made all the difference.
  17. Mc Double's afternoon...
  19. >"Triple order of pancakes and 2 hayburgers for table 3!" Yelled Gaston the griffon manning the grill.
  20. "On it!"
  21. >Stepping over your tiny coworkers you put the plates on a tray, shifting the weight to manage the load.
  22. >Table 3 is by the window along with a obviously well fed customer.
  23. >"Hi!, two orders of hayburgers and one bouble stack of pancakes?" Don't cringe, don't cringe. "yes oh thank you, you can't imagine how long I've been waiting for my meal!?" He all but splatters spittle on the table and it was 10 minutes by the clock buddy.
  24. "Well enjoy and pay for your meal at the front with the register"
  25. >Outside I can see Fortune pushing a wheelbarrow filled with a soaked Death, I wonder what happened?
  26. >A minute later Magician bursts through the restraunt's doors "Hey Lo..!" Without a word I instinctively launch my notepad into the maw of Magician as he tumbles back falling to the floor.minutes
  27. "be quiet, will you!?"
  28. >I whisper shout before grabbing him by the hand I pull him up notepad still in his mouth
  29. "If your looking for Death I saw him out with Fortune somewhere"
  30. >sighing I extract the notepad carefully from Magician's maw
  31. "Alrighty then, hey Diner Dan go set up table 69, be expecting more than a couple dozen".
  32. >"You got it boss" the stallion round's up a few of the wait staff before heading to the back of the diner, "He's not the boss I am!!" Cries an indignant voice from behind the cloud of kitchen smoke.
  33. >"You lost that position when you were serving undercooked food you cheapskate" yelled one one of waitresses.
  34. >"Yeah and Lovers pays more too!"one of the waiters yells before getting a notepad to the back of the head.
  35. >It's amazing the amount of time it took for them to figure out what minimum wage was,"now what's everyone having?" I say pulling out a second notepad.
  36. >"E-everyone?" Magician finally cure's his silence, albeit rather poorly. I reach under the register pulling a glass of water, before setting it on a table.
  37. >In the back of the store a grandfather clock chimes its 8o'clock bell, almost immediately everypony stops what they're doing staring intently at the glass.
  38. >Thump...thump...thump... with each heavy quake the cup slides closer to the edge before falling to the floor.
  39. >Magician snatches the cup passing it to the buscolt who starts scrubbing it clean. I point outside as a dust cloud begins to grow bigger showing 20 green men pushing and shoving each other as they bull rush towards the entrance.
  40. >Pulling a chair I stand atop it crossing my arms as everyones attention flows to me "Today is a day we've all come to know and fear as workers of the service industry, but have faith not in me but of yourself for it is battles such as these that are won by pony's, griffons minoutars, and donkeys alike, you will live to go home and sleep but for now remember what today is forever!!" Rasing my fist the patrons and staff alike began to stomp and cheer.
  41. >From the side a small filly ask's her mother "What's today mommy? Is it carnival day?" The mother looks sadly to her daughter patting her head "no my dear its Friday".

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