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Strength's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 22:59:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >My name is strength
  2. >I am one of 22 beings born from the bonds created by Anonymous, a being of myriad hearts
  3. >The birth of my 21 brothers and myself was one met with happiness and confusion among the citizens of Ponyville
  4. >It’s been sometime since that day and my brothers have joined those who bonds they represent
  5. >Me? I live a simple life at Sweet Apple Acres with the apple family
  6. >There’s plenty of work to do on the farm and I’m guaranteed to not go hungry
  7. >It was a little difficult at first, I tried harvesting apples in a similar way to the apple family by charging at the trees softening the impact with my shoulder
  8. >I could only get roughly a third of the apples off the tree and I’d do serious damage to the tree and myself
  9. >Well thats what AJ says anyway, I end up with some scratches and a sore arm the next day but I can’t say the same about the huge dent in the trees
  10. >So instead I do general repairs around the farm and only harvest apples when someone injures themselves
  11. >I do see some of the others on occasion
  12. >I see Emperor helping Applebloom and her friends every now and then while working on the farm
  13. >And every so often I see Priestess, Chariot, Sun, Star and Temperance and their respective marefriends on double dates and in some occasions sextuplet dates...oh and whenever theres some kind of crisis in town we tend to help out
  14. >”Soups on Sug’, Ya Comin’?”
  15. Be there in a sec AJ!
  16. >Truly I couldn’t have asked for a better life
  17. >Life maybe peaceful now but I can feel something coming
  18. >Something that requires the 22 of us to come together again
  19. >And when that time comes I hope my strength will be enough
  20. --------------------------------------------------
  21. >After a whole day of fixing, repairing and touch ups around the farm I decided it’s high time to kick my feet up and relax with some cider, Sunbutt knows how much I needed it after the mess I had to deal with
  22. >as I entered the quaint little farm house I headed to the kitchen and notice that Applejack had the same Idea I had
  23. >”Ah, hey Sug’. I saw you headin’ in an got you one too.
  24. Thanks Honeybuns, I really needed that
  25. >”Ahm glad we’re on cutsie nickname terms but is “Honeybuns” really the name you wanna be calling me, especially when ma kin is around?”
  26. Well your flank is the sweetest thing on the farm by far
  27. >”Can’t argue with that, you sweet talker.”
  28. >”Thanks for fixin’ that pig pen, them lil’ porkers have been more destructive than usual as of late”
  29. That reminds me I’ve been meaning to ask you, why do you guys have a pig pen when ponies don’t eat meat? You’ve had it since before Gilda or me and the other guys showed up
  30. >“Well we gotta have somethin’ to give our non-compostable left overs”
  31. Why not just throw it in the trash?
  32. >”Because we don’t like to waste the food we make so we feed the pigs what can’t be used for farmin’”
  33. Hmm, makes sense. I was just thinking that without that pig pen we could add an industrial juicer or a cider distillery to the farm
  34. >”But that’d remove the best thing about our product, the Apple family quality an’ care. It’s what ponies enjoy the most outta our cider and juices because they know they’re gettin’ the best quality products for their bits”
  35. But it’d be a smart investment; it’ll save so much time and ener-
  36. >”Not another word Strength! It is outta the question an thats final!”
  37. >Applejack storms off upstairs
  38. Dammit! I try to soften her up for sexytimes and I let my mouth run off
  39. >Something tells me tonight is another night spent alone on the couch quietly masturbating
  40. --------------------------------------------------
  42. >My god I’m so fucking sick of that rooster waking me up every day but I’ve learned to live with it
  43. >As I slowly adjust myself to the morning sun I notice that Applejack has already gotten up
  44. Huh? AJs never up before that faggot bird; I wonder whats up with her
  45. >I get out of bed and get ready for the day in my usual suit and head down to the kitchen
  46. >As I enter the kitchen I see Applejack scribbling some notes down on a stack of papers scattered across the table
  47. Hey, you’re up early
  48. >”Well I gotta be to finish planning the family reunion”
  49. Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that
  50. >”You’d ferget your head if it wasn’t attached to ya”
  51. Hey I’m not that I?
  52. >”You are a bit but ah’m just teasin’”
  53. So what have you got planned so far?
  54. >“well I got various games fer the young’uns around the farm, a sewing circle for the old folk, a cooking area to prepare for the huge feast we have every year and we have a lot of ponies in the family that are musicians so after dinner we’ll be havin’ them perform together, which reminds me could you help Big Mac build a stage for them?”
  55. Sure thing Honeybuns, you sound like you’ve got your hooves full on this
  56. >”Yeah, I planned the last one which didn’t go quite how I wanted it to. I ended up over planning things and nopony ended up having fun, so this time I’m being a bit more lenient but this is still really stressful”
  57. Don’t worry AJ; I’m here to help you when you need it
  58. >”Thanks Sug’ I know I can count on you, now could you go out and get some wood for that stage?”
  59. Oui Capitaine!
  60. >”Sometimes I worry about him”
  61. >Charging outside with determination I head into town to get some wood for the stage
  62. >Knowing exactly what I need I head straight into the hardware store
  63. >After grabbing a few screws and nails I see Hermit browsing the shelves with a contemplative look on his face
  64. Yo Hermit! What’s up?
  65. >”Oh hey Strength, I’m looking for a little personal project to keep my hands busy but I can’t think of what I want to do so I came here hoping that browsing through here would give me ideas. I don’t like not having something to do.”
  66. Well if you’re looking for a project why not help out at the farm? Big Mac and I are building a stage for the family reunion this weekend
  67. >”Hmm, sure why not. I tend to think better when I’m working on something anyway, so what is the stage going to be used for?
  68. A musical performance
  69. >”Looks like we’re gonna need a lot of wood, hehe”
  70. >With that little piece of innuendo we purchase the wood we need for the stage and head back to the farm
  71. >Having only two people carry all these planks of wood made the trek back a little difficult but with all the work I do on the farm and all the construction Cranky has Hermit do we ended up fairing much better than what most of our brothers would have if they were in this situation
  72. >As we head into the farm we see Big Mac waving us over to a large empty space where the stage is going to be built
  73. Thanks Mac, is AJ still stressing out about the reunion?
  74. >”Eeyup, though she’s learnt from last year and decided to take a break before the planning gets to her. She’s out in the orchard harvesting”
  75. Oh good, I don’t want to see her stressed out. The stories you’ve told me about when she does makes me worry
  76. >”Eeyup!”
  77. >We then get to work on the measuring out the area for the stage; after Big Mac informs me of how many ponies in the apple family are musicians we decide to have a medium sized stage, larger than most community stages but smaller than a theatre stage.
  78. >Either Applejack has a large family or her family just has a natural talent for music
  79. >Or both
  80. >While pondering on the possible size of this reunion Hermit snaps me back to reality
  81. >”So Strength, how’s life with the Apples?”
  82. It’s good, I truly feel like an accepted part of the family. I enjoy working around the farm as well; it feels good to have your work appreciated.
  83. >”That’s good to hear but what about your relationship with Applejack, how’s that going?
  84. We’re doing well, we support each other where we fall short, a kind of power duo as it were but I feel like she’s the better of the two of us. At the end of the day I’m utterly exhausted while she still has energy to spare, she’s also the more romantic of the two of us; she’s always setting up the dates, making the picnic lunches, being more flirty after dinner...
  85. >As I say this I hear Big Mac grunt in annoyance and start to hammer louder presumably to drown out the thought of his little sister being the flirt in our relationship.
  86. >I’m still amazed at how a pony can use a hammer without hands or magic
  87. Anyway what I’m trying to get at is I feel like I’m not doing enough for our relationship.
  88. >”Well why not do one hugely romantic gesture to make up for it?”
  89. And how am I going to do that smart guy?
  90. >”By listening to your heart, man. How do you feel when you’re with her?”
  91. Like I want the world to know how lucky I am to be with her
  92. >”Then do it!”
  93. But how?
  94. >As I go back to hammering the stage together I ponder on what Hermit is hinting at...Then it hits me
  95. THAT’S IT!!! I’m gonna make this one reunion she’s never gonna forget! Hermit can you finish this up for me? Thanks!
  96. >With that I sprint off to town with determination in every step
  97. >”Wai-what? Strength, get back here! Dammit, YOU OWE ME FOR THIS!!!”
  98. >I haven’t felt a fire in my heart like this in a long time; this feeling feels familiar as if it’s telling me I have to do this
  99. >I find my way over to Vinyl’s music store and burst through the door with a grand entrance
  100. Yo Vinyl! You in here?
  101. >”No sir she’s on her lunch break, how can I he-oh Strength what’s up?”
  102. Tower? What are you doing here?
  103. >”I work here now, I handle the front desk when Vinyls out and I also do private lessons”
  104. Perfect! Tower I need to learn the bass by this weekend!
  105. >”Bass guitar, what’s so important that you need to learn bass guitar?
  106. It’s for AJ, she has a fascination with the bass guitar
  107. >”Ah, say no more but it’s gonna cost you”
  108. Oh come on, can’t I get some sort of discount? We are brothers after all
  109. >”Ugh, fine. Lessons are 60 bit a session but for you they’ll be 50”
  110. I was hoping for more like 10 bits
  111. >”45”
  112. 15!
  113. >”43”
  114. 20!
  115. >”38”
  116. 24!
  117. >”20”
  118. 45!
  119. >”15”
  120. 70!
  121. >”Deal!”
  122. DEAL! SHIT!
  123. >”Keep it at 50?”
  124. *sigh* Fine
  125. >For the rest of the week I’d go to see Tower for bass lessons around noon while Applejack is none the wiser
  126. >The weekend has arrived and some of the family have already shown up
  127. >Applejack introduces me to the constant flow of apple product named ponies
  128. >”And this is mah aunt and uncle orange”
  129. And here I thought all of your relatives are named after apples
  130. >”Not all of them but most are”
  131. Hey do you mind if I head out to town for some last minute preparations
  132. >”Leavin’ it a little late there Sug’”
  133. I know and I’m sorry, I’ll be back as quick as I can
  134. >”Ok then just hurry back ok”
  135. I will Honeybuns!
  136. >”What have I said about callin’ me that in front of mah kin!?”
  137. >I head of to the music shop where Tower works for my final lesson
  138. >After the session
  139. >”Well then, do you think you’re ready?”
  140. Ready as I’ll ever be, thanks man I owe you big time for this and thanks for letting me borrow this bass tonight
  141. >”Just make sure you don’t break it, if you do you’re gonna have to pay big time”
  142. Yeah, yeah, yeah it’s expensive I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow man
  143. >”Go get her big guy!”
  144. >As I run back towards the reunion something in my brain clicks and I freeze in my tracks
  145. FUCK! How did I forget the most important part of the plan? Think man, think!
  146. >As I let my vacant hamster wheel I call a brain work its magic I find a solution to my predicament
  147. RARITY!
  148. >I sprint to Rarity’s place hoping she has what I need
  149. >As I open the door I hear the dingalinging of the bell above the door getting the attention of the white coated mare
  150. >”Welcome to Carousel Boutique. Where everything is chic, unique and magnifique!”
  151. >”Oh Strength what brings you here?”
  152. Hey Rarity, I’m kinda in a bind that only you can help me with. Do you have any rings?
  153. >”Rings? *gasp* Are you doing what I think you’re doing?
  154. Knowing how you think, yes
  155. >”AHHHHHHHH! I’m so happy for you and Applejack, I have a fine selection of rings perfect for the occasion free of charge”
  156. Wow Rarity, thank you so much
  157. >”Oh don’t mention it, I’ve been wanting to see Applejack settle down with a nice man for a while now and knowing I get to help makes it all the sweeter”
  158. I hate to rush things Rarity but I really don’t have much time, I’ve spent way too long in town and family is in town.
  159. >”Oh yes the reunion, here come with me”
  160. >After searching for the perfect ring I thank Rarity one more time and head directly back to the reunion
  161. >As I head into Sweetapple Acres I’ve noticed that the number of ponies here have tripled
  162. >I try to hide my panicked state behind a calm smile as I go and put the bass backstage
  163. >While behind stage I introduce myself to the musical side of the family
  164. >turns out AJ’s family is both large and musical, good thing we built the stage big enough
  165. >I inform them of my plan to propose to AJ and they agree to go along whole heartedly
  166. So when does the show start?
  167. >”We start in about an hour” says the mare who introduced herself as Fiddle Sticks
  168. Righty-o then I’ll be back in a sec guys
  169. >I walk all around the farm looking for Applejack to find her helping herself to some apple fritters
  170. There you are AJ!
  171. >”Wha! I wasn’t sneakin’ apple fritters! Strength, what took you so long!? I’ve been wanting to introduce you to the family but you were gone. I was starting to get a little anxious thinking the new arrivals i didn’t introduce you too will think ah’m Lyin’”
  172. I’m sorry Applejack I had some very important business to take care of for the reunion, why don’t we head down to the stage and join the hoedown?
  173. >”Well ah did just have a few fritters but what the hay, why not?”
  174. >As we headed down to the stage we see that a hoedown has already started
  175. >”Ah darn, it’s already started”
  176. Like that’s gonna stop us
  177. >I take AJ and join in the rest of the crowd, quickly getting into the rhythm as if I was there from the beginning
  178. >”Woah, since when do you dance?”
  179. I don’t!
  180. >As time flows by the whole extended family has joined in one large hoedown
  181. >This is it, no turning back
  182. AJ, could you stay here? I have something that needs doing
  183. >”Sure, I could use a break after all that dancin’”
  184. >I head to the back of the stage and grab the bass Tower lent me
  185. >I take a few deep breaths to steel myself before walking on stage
  186. >I set up a microphone at the centre of the stage, the feedback gaining the crowd’s attention
  187. >”Strength, What are you up too?” Applejack says to herself
  188. >With everyone’s eyes on me I turn to the band
  189. Alright, listen, this is a country riff in B, watch me for the changes and try to keep up ok?
  190. >The band looks at me quizzically as if I’m speaking another language
  191. J-just follow my lead ok?
  192. >The band nods to each other and readies their instruments
  193. Hello everypony, I’m Strength and this song goes out to the wonderful mare in my life
  194. >As Applejack hears this she quickly runs to the front of the crowd
  195. >As the harmonica finishes it intro the band kicks in as well as I
  196. >As the improvised song kicks in ponies in the crowd start to stomp their hooves to the beat
  197. >The cacophonous sound of the stamping hooves tell us that it’s working and to throw everything we have into this song
  198. >Applejack eyes widen at the sight of Strength pouring out his heart on stage just for her
  199. >”So this is what he was planning”
  200. >A few mares join me for backing vocals for the second half of the song adding to the passion I’ve put into the song
  201. My, oh, my, yeah she's a down home southern saint
  202. She tells it like it is and won't go sayin' things that ain't
  203. Sweet as apple cider and with spice enough to spare
  204. And I won't ever want no other, I do declare
  205. There is none who holds a candle on this side of anywhere
  206. >As the song finishes I hear a loud stamping of hooves signifying a standing ovation
  207. >Exhausted I take the microphone in my hands
  208. Thank you, thank you everypony. I’d like to bring up on stage the mare that made all of this possible, come on up here Applejack
  209. >With another thunderous applause Applejack joins me on stage
  210. >”Strength that was amazin’, I didn’t know you played bass”
  211. I learnt just for you AJ
  212. >”Ah’ve never seen anything so romantic in mah life, thank you so much!”
  213. We’re not done yet AJ
  214. >As I say that I kneel down to her eye level
  215. Applejack, you are the most amazing pony I’ve ever met. Just being with you makes me feel happy and fulfilled in life and every word in that song is the honest truth
  216. >I take out a small box from my pocket
  217. AJ, will you make me the happiest man in Equestria?
  218. >I open the box and reveal to Applejack the ring that was given to me by Rarity
  219. >An audible gasp is heard from the entire crowd
  220. >I notice Applejack starting to tear up then jumps on me and embraces me in a hug happily weeping into my shoulder
  221. >I take the microphone
  222. I think thats a yes folks!
  223. >The crowd of ponies explode into congratulatory whistles and applauses as we share a deep passionate kiss on stage
  225. >At the feast there is a plethora of apple related foods waiting to be eaten
  226. >There’s probably enough to feed the entirety of Ponyville here
  227. >As everyone sits to eat Applejack starts tapping some utensils on a glass to get everypony’s attention
  228. >”I’d like to thank you all for coming to this year’s family reunion, one Ah’m sure nopony is ever gonna ferget”
  229. >”And ah’d also like to thank my now fiancé Strength fer puttin’ on one heck of a show and makin’ this the happiest day of mah life” she says fighting back the tears
  230. >”Ah’d like everyone to treat him just as you would treat each other and welcome him into our family”
  231. >”WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, STENGTH!!!” They all say in unison
  232. >And as the day ends so must this story
  233. >the story of a man who was one of many, who got his own life in exchange for another’s, who now works on a farm and fell in love with a horse
  234. THE END
  235. >Also some mad sex happened when everybody left

My Little Persona: Another Way Round 2

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Tower's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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Hanged Man's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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Death's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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Empress's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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