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Temperance's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 23:03:57
Expiry: Never

  1. My name is Temperance. I was once part of a collective group of Myriad Hearts. We were called Anonymous and we were created by the Alicorn of the Night, Princess Luna to protect half of her heart from the being named King Sombra.
  3. Our tales is one of friendship and identity, of epic battles... and love. But that's for another time. How I came to be, I'm not sure. After we defeated the being of Chaos, Nyarlathotep, the being of Order Philemon offered us these keys, each one representing the Arcana of each unbreakable bond we had formed over our journey.
  5. I don't why my heart specifically became Temperance, either I got to it first or I was best suited for it. All I know is that I became Temperance and 21 other hearts claimed the other keys and became the other arcanas. The rest of my brothers? I wish I knew what happened to them, but I know they live on through the 22 of us.
  7. It was... awkward readjusting to life again. Some of our friends assumed the end of the world seeing 22 Anoymouses. However, it was not the case. Even though there are 22 of us, we, individually, are not Anonymous rather, we are the hearts that made him, the facets of the Arcana that we represent and the qualities that formed the unbreakable bond in the first case and even made our respective Social Links fall in love with.
  9. For example, Chariot and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash still has a goal of being in the Wonderbolts while still being with her friends and Chariot helps her achieve that goal. Both are very driven when it comes to what they want and they are very competitive with each other, pushing each other to the limits. But Chariot knows what buttons to press and which words to say to turn Dash into an adorable, blushing mess.
  11. Same goes for the others. Priestess and Twilight are awkward in an adorkable type of way. Gilda and Trixie still live together along with Lovers and Tower. Now that's a lively group. And that's just the top of my head.
  13. As for me, I balance a quiet, peaceful life with Fluttershy and a more... excitable life with Shizuka when she comes out to play. It's honestly quite hard to keep up with both of them especially when it comes to the Yakuza side of her life. Thankfully, Fugo-san is still very helpful. I feel like I have my own split personality when it comes to Fluttershy and Shizuka, assertive when Shy is out and timid and submissive when she is channeling Shizuka. Makes life interesting, that's for sure.
  15. The other Arcanas and I get together occasionally, mainly for a "Bros night out" talking about our partners or just other stuff. Sometime Spike joins us. Can't be a bros night out wuth out the biggest bro himself y'know?
  17. We still dream and reminisce of our time together as Anonymous. The world of Fantasia is gone but sometimes Princess Luna allows us access to the dream world she patrols in case we ever want to use our Personas or just become Anonymous again.
  19. It's bittersweet when we do but we remember what our sacrifice was for and seeing the smiling faces of our friends, lovers, and the Princesses and the lives we have with them makes it worth it.
  21. >"Temperance? Is everything all right?"
  22. >I was soon knocked out of my reminiscing for a quick moment as Fluttershy entered our room.
  23. >Ever since the Keys Incident, I've been living with Fluttershy at her cottage. All of the other Arcanas have been living with their respective Bonds. Well, most of them at least.
  24. "I'm fine! Just doing a bit of thinking is all."
  25. >Shy pouted.
  26. >"Now Temperance, I know you were thinking about your time as Anon."
  27. >Shit. I tried to think of a lie but her pout is every bit as effective as her Stare.
  28. "Gah, I hate it when you do that. Guilty as charged Shy. Am I that bad?"
  29. >Shy trotted up to me in our bed and plopped down right next to me, leaning her head against me.
  30. >"Well, sort of. Everytime you start to remember, you kind of sit there and just stare. If you had a face I would think that it's exploding with emotions."
  31. >"Sorry Shy. I know it's been a while but I'm still finding it hard to adjust."
  32. >"I understand, I'm not going to try and tell you I know how you feel but I can try to imagine what it's like."
  33. "What really worries me is how I came to be Temperance. I mean, why me? When I look at the others and how happy they are and how well they mesh together, I just don't know if-"
  34. >Fluttershy cut me off by covering my mouth with her hoof.
  35. >"Now don't you dare say anymore Mister!" Her eyes turned red and I found myself talking to Shizuka.
  36. >"You may not be Anonymous but you were and still are apart of him." She pushed me onto bed and I could only submit to her more dominant personality.
  37. >"And regardless of that, out of all the keys, you became Temperance."
  38. >"For some reason, when all of the hearts rushed for those keys, you chose Temperance, you chose me."
  39. >She then put a hoof on my chest, where my heart was, and put her other hoof where hers was. Her eyes turned back to Aqua and she was smiling.
  40. >"That shows that we are linked to one another, that our bond, OUR LOVE was so strong that amidst the chaos, you took me and never looked back. You never hesitated."
  41. >She was panting. I guess she's really getting into it.
  42. >"As you helped me to accept all of myself, I, Umaguchi Shizuka will accept all of you as well."
  43. >I couldn't help but smile and start tearing up a bit.
  44. >"Let's go make our own happiness shall we?"
  45. "Yeah."
  46. >As I started to sit up I found myself being assaulted with yellow and pink as Fluttershy kissed me.
  47. >I leaned into it as our tongues fought for dominance. The make out session lasted for a bit and we found ourselves lying in bed again.
  48. "That was pretty assertive of you. Was that Fluttershy or Shizuka?"
  49. >She gave me a playful wink. "That's an Umaguchi secret! Come on, we were supposed to meet up with Chariot and Rainbow Dash. She's got some new tricks to show us."
  50. "Yeah, yeah."
  51. >I sat up with Fluttershy in tow, snuggling into my chest. She lifted her head and whispered into my ear, "And above all else, remember, I love you."
  52. "I love you too Shy."
  54. >Fluttershy and I eventually made our way to the meadow where Rainbow Dash's cloud house was located.
  55. >I could see Rainbow Dash already in the air, presumably warming up, and there was Chariot, lying in the grass watching her.
  56. >Dash noticed us and flew over us, waving us over while Chariot sat up and looked over us.
  57. >"About time you two slowpokes showed up! What took you so long?"
  58. "We uhh... got caught up in a conversation and weren't paying attention to the time."
  59. >Dash had a skeptical look her face and then had this sly look on her face.
  60. >"'Caught up in a conversation huh' ?"
  61. >Fluttershy had this look of realization, like she had forgotten something while I just groaned and facepalmed at the same time. "It wasn't anything like that Dash, now are you going to show us these tricks or what?" I replied, giving her an annoyed scowl.
  62. >Dash instantly backed off looking a bit hurt. "All right, geez, lighten up. I was just poking a bit of fun."
  63. >I cringed with regret at what I said once I saw her face. "Sorry Dash, I'm just not having a good day."
  64. >A tiny smile appeared on Dash's face once I apologized. "It's all right Temperance, once you see these tricks of mine you'll be cheered up in no time. Let's go Fluttershy!"
  65. >Rainbow Dash flew up in the sky and Fluttershy flew up after her, probably to get a better view and cheer her on.
  66. >I sat down and turned to Chariot and he was staring at me with a concerned look on his face.
  67. "H-hey Chariot," I stuttered out, "what's up?"
  68. >His gaze only intensified, the concern on his face growing. "What's really wrong Temperance?"
  69. >I shrunk under his gaze, no way I could escape him now, especially when he was like this.
  70. >I sighed and put my head in my arms.
  71. "I got depressed and self-deprecating again."
  72. >"Are you still worried about all that stuff Temperance?"
  73. "Yeah..."
  74. >Other than Fluttershy, Chariot has been an helpful ear for when I get like this.
  75. >I consider to be closer to him than the rest of my brothers along with Priestess and Hanged Man.
  76. >But he and Fluttershy are the only ones that I talk to about this.
  77. >Chariot placed a hand on my shoulder.
  78. >"So what if you're not exactly the "best fit" for Temperance? What does that have to your life right now?"
  79. " A lot! You, Priestess, and Hanged Man mesh with your partners and fit your respective arcanas so well."
  80. "Not only does Priestess share Twilight's love of reading, he's also a really good research assistant from Spike tells me. You're so confident and driven when it comes to Dash, it's like your dream is to help Dash accomplish her dreams. And Hanged Man, as responsible as he is, you and I both know that his "daily excursions" to Twilight's Castle is just him sneaking into the portal to visit Sunset and do God knows what."
  81. "Me? I'm just an envious, self-deprecating mess with Dom/Sub tendencies and no idea how to live up to his arcana."
  82. >"Then don't."
  83. >I lifted my head and looked towards Chariot.
  84. "What?"
  85. >"If you're freaking out about trying to live up to your arcana, then don't. It's that simple."
  86. >I gave him a flat stare.
  87. "Is it really?"
  88. >Chariot looked up in the sky to where Dash was flying around. "Remember what Philemon said when he showed us the keys?"
  89. >I thought back to that hectic moment.
  90. "If you wish to return, take a key, cast away your identity, and send your heart to their world to fulfill these dreams."
  91. >"And whose dreams was he referring to?"
  92. "The girls, our friends, all of our social links."
  93. >"And in that moment, what were their dreams?"
  94. "For us, or rather, Anonymous to come back to them."
  95. >!
  96. >The realization had hit me.
  97. >"You never had to live up to your arcana, Temperance."
  98. >As the feeling left I began to laugh uncontrollably, a mixture of insanity and stupidity coating the tones.
  99. "Heheheh.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god!"
  100. >"Dude, are you okay?"
  101. >I double facepalmed.
  102. "Was I really freaking out over nothing? Was it just some expectaion that I randomly put on myself for no reason at all?
  103. >"Pretty much. The whole "meshing with your partners thing"? It isn't just some sort of coincidence or pairing of fate, it is what we choose to do to fulfill their dreams. Don't forget, we grabbed our respective keys for our own reasons as well. Those reasons about me, Priestess, Hanged Man that you picked up? Those are because we love our partners and our willing do anything for them. You love her as well, right?"
  104. "Of course! You didn't even have to ask!
  105. >"Then help her fulfill her dream, whatever it is and live out your life the way you want to with her. Don't let some silly Arcana business dictate that."
  106. >I chuckled.
  107. "You make it sound so simple."
  108. >Chariot just smirked at me. "That's because it is. For a bright guy like yourself, you're kind of an idiot sometimes."
  109. "Ain't that the truth. Thanks man."
  110. >"Anytime."
  111. >We both stood up and did the high five into hug.
  112. >"On a side note, who wouldn't sneak into the portal for a piece of Milfset?"
  113. >I laughed and smacked Chariot upside the head. Good thing HM isn't here.
  114. >"Hey!"
  115. >We looked above and saw Dash and Fluttershy hovering above us.
  116. >"Did you two even watch me practice?"
  117. "Of course we did! That nosedive into the pull up cloud drill was amazing!"
  118. >I totally made that up.
  119. "Heh, thanks Temperance! I got the idea from when you guys went on about 'piercing the heavens' or something like that."
  120. >Holy shit, I can't believe that worked.
  121. >"Anyways, I'm beat. Me and Chariot are going to head up to my place for some 'post-workout relaxation." She wasn't even trying to hide the shit-eating grin. "Later!"
  122. >We waved goodbye to them but right before we started to head back to the cottage...
  123. "Hey Shy..."
  124. >Yes Temper- EEP!
  125. >I picked her up and gave her an eskimo kiss, smiling at her
  126. "You're my dream come true."
  127. >She smiled back, a small blush adorning her face. "You're my dream come true too Temperance," as she started to hug me, "thank you for coming back to me."
  128. >I returned the hug.
  129. "Anything for you Shy."
  130. >I put her on my back as we headed back to the cottage.
  132. They say that the Temperance Arcana is about balance and moderation. As someone who is supposed to represent it. I am anything but.
  134. My name is Temperance. At the cost of our identities, I came here with my brothers to fulfill the dreams of our loved ones. All of this time, I thought I had to do so by being the personification of the Arcana I had choose to become. I was wrong, I just had to live my life with Fluttershy, because by choosing to become Temperance, I had already fulfilled her dream just by coming and taking up my current identity. And now, I'm going to take a page out of my brother's books and do whatever it takes to fulfill any other dreams Fluttershy has.
  136. >"You think he got the memo?"
  137. >"I'm pretty sure he did."
  138. >Chariot could feel Rainbow Dash give ab exasperated sigh from her position on top of his head.
  139. >"Good!" Dash exclaimed. "I love Fluttershy to death but I can only take so much of her worrying.
  140. >Chariot smiled in response, "It only shows how much she cares about him."
  141. >Dash scrunched up, dismounted from her perch on Chariot's head and floated front of him, "Anyways, what that part you mentioned about Sunset Shimmer?"
  142. >"N-nothing!"
  143. >"Whatever it is, Twilight better not find out. You know how she is about unauthorized access."
  144. >"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Chariot swiped Dash out of the air and cradled her close.
  145. >"Hey Chariot?" Dash mumbled, nuzzling into his chest.
  146. >"Yeah, Dash?"
  147. >"You're my dream come true."
  148. >Chariot brought her up for a hug and nuzzle of his own, "You too, Dash."
  149. >Dash could only blush and twitch her ears in minor embarassment as they made their way back to Dash's cloud house.

My Little Persona: Another Way Round 2

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Tower's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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Hanged Man's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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Death's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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Empress's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

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