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(Bonus) Devil Bonus Dungeon by BDM (10/18/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 23:09:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >The unconciousness between dream and reality....
  2. >In a place where time has no meaning, and dreams obtain form...
  3. >Your call was heard, a trial arranged....
  4. >If you wish to rise to the challenge, decide the bonds that will be your companions....
  5. >And proceed to see that which once haunted the mask of the Devil Arcana....
  7. >The room is cozy, full of red and black velvet. The soft glow of the moonlight coming through the window gives it a haunting and quiet atmosphere
  8. >The air is stale, and despite the comfort provided by the soft velvet armchairs, bed and cushions, something feels slightly off....
  9. "Wait a minute...Something is off..."
  10. >Hanged Man raises his head, slowly snapping out of his doozed off state.
  11. >He stands up from the soft armchair as the springs creak loudly, looking around. Bringing one hand to his face, he feels his own mask, emitting a soft glow
  12. "What?"
  13. "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep."
  14. >The other four arcanas present grumble, but slowly raise their heads, masks also glowing
  15. "Wait, where..."
  16. "How did we get here?"
  17. "Why is my mask glowing?"
  18. >The confusion slowly gives way, and the five anons leave their resting places, looking around in confusion
  19. >From the window, it's possible to see the red sky with green tinted clouds.
  20. >An owl seemingly existing in two dimensions, made completely of shadow and with two blank holes for eyes sits on a tree and hoots sadly
  21. "Is this a dream?"
  22. "Why the fuck would you be in my dream?"
  23. "Actually, I think this might be..."
  24. >As the words slowly start to form, two glowing eyes appear in front of the Hanged Man mask. The human goes silent for a moment, before the eyes fade.
  25. >("Shit. I got bad news and good news.")
  26. >The masked man's voice seems to be transmitted through fog, almost an echo from the future as he doesn't open his mouth to speak and yet is heard perfectly fine.
  27. >("The bad news is, this looks like a fantasia.)
  28. "Fucking WHAT?"
  29. >(Hold on, I'm speaking. The good news is....It seems we have personas of our own here. They're....Not all that compared to what we used to have, but they're not all bad.)
  30. "Fan-fucking-tastic. What now?"
  31. "Well, what else? There should be shadows lurking about. If we defeat them..."
  32. >(As a matter of fact, yeah. I can... I "know" there is a powerful shadow lurking around.)
  34. >(Seems like my Persona can analyze through visions, like an oracle.)
  35. >The five man party looks around once more to take in their surroundings. The walls are decorated with what seems to be shadowy drawings of puppets, some hanging in front of paintings and others fallen down with strings cut
  36. >Curiously, the floor is full of small bumps, one after the other that make clear paths. From the bed, to the closet, to the door, to the window. Fittingly enough, the rest of the carpeted floor outside of the small paths seem to contain a bigger ammount of dust than the rest
  37. "Shouldn't Luna know about this?" Empress asks
  38. "Maybe SIHN is back?" Justice ponders
  39. >(I don't remember anything about it, only falling asleep normally. For now I think we should focus on getting out of here.)
  40. >The party groans in agreement, rushing for the old door leading out of the room and into a long hallway, extending itself through many, many pairs of doors.
  41. >Only a few steps in, and the doors start shutting themselves loudly. Justice grabs a doorknob, trying to force it open in vain as Fool rushes ahead to try and get to the nearest open door, which also shuts loudly in front of him
  42. "Is this trying to stop us from dungeon bypassing?"
  43. >(I'm not getting a vision about anything inside those rooms. Maybe we should just rush through the hallway, there's no door on the other end.)
  44. >As one, the five green man run down the corridor. Doors slam hard as they run by, echoing loudly in the otherwise deserted mansion.
  45. >(I can see the end! We just have to...Wait! Stop!)
  46. >The party comes to a half as Hanged Man's mask is once again lighted up by two fiery eyes!
  47. >Just then, two doors slam open in front of the party, and shadowy figures slip by, sliding on the walls before snapping out. Four small figures, block your passage, two of them hunched, thin creatures carrying a short whip, and with heaps of string coming out of their joints and a mask instead of faces
  49. "Shadows, already?"
  50. >(I saw them coming! There are two types.)
  52. Puppet Imp
  54. Arcana: Devil
  56. Resist: Dark
  57. Weak: Light, Electric
  59. >(I only got one of them, though. I'll have to try and scan the big ones. Don't fuck up.)
  63. HP:
  64. Fool: 100%
  65. Fortune: 100%
  66. Justice: 100%
  67. Empress: 100%
  69. MP:
  70. Fool: 100%
  71. Fortune: 100%
  72. Justice: 100%
  73. Empress: 100%
  75. "I've always wanted to do this!" Fool grins, as a floating blue card materializes in front of him. "Persona! Coyote!"
  76. >With a practiced movement, he raises his finger and taps the card, shattering it!
  77. >With the echo of a distant laughter, mist gathers in front of him, obscuring the vision of the being inside except for its sillhuete
  78. >It seems to be the shadowy form of a huge canine, completely black except for a very white grin that shines through the fog and two yellow, gleaming eyes.
  79. >The fog twists, and the creature inside rushes forward, dashing around and inbetween the shadows, evading and laughing as they try to hit him in vain!
  80. >Coyote spits a dark liquid at each of them, making the shadows shiver and lowering their defense before dissapearing with another laugh!
  81. "Hey, not bad. Let me try. Persona! Bring the thunder, Hickok!"
  82. >Fortune shatters the floating card, and in front of him appears a long haired cowboy with a black, spotless wide flapped hat
  83. >Hickok grin and faster than the eye can follow, draws two long barreled pistols from their holsters, spinning them next to each other at blinding speed
  84. >The metal barrels touch each other, producing sparks, and in a moment bullets brimming with electricity fly through the room, piercing the two imps and lodging themselves into the bigger shadows behind them!
  85. "Let's rock it, Perseus! Persona!" Justice shouts, raising his arm and bringing it back down, snapping his fingers towards the shadows and shattering his card.
  86. >An imposing greek warrior with a gleaming silver shield and a dark, adorned helmet materializes himself in front of the imps, glaring at them fiercely.
  87. >With a battlecry, Perseus raises his shield to the ceiling, from where a powerful lightning bolt crashes through striking the shield and being reflected towards the quartet of shadows!
  88. >The two imps squirm as the powerful current jumps from one to the other, and disintegrate into blackened ashes as the other two shadows squirm in pain, twitching and letting off smoke even after the electricity has died.
  89. >(Not bad, you two. Those imps were pretty weak so they never stood a chance.)
  90. "Let's cut them down to size, Gaea. Persona!"
  91. >Empress breaks through his card with a downwards punch, and vines and roots break through the floor and carpet, forming themselves into a green throne, where sits a beautiful, tall woman with eyes gleaming with power, skin like smooth wood and hair colorful as a peacock's tail.
  92. >The goddess of earth raises her hand, producing a deep purple flower, brimming with polen. She blows on it, sending a huge ammount of polen and petals towards the last remaining shadows
  93. >Quickly, the shadows glue themselves to the walls once again, evading the polen and staying healthy.
  94. >(Do you remember what I said about NOT fucking up, Empress?)
  95. "How about you shut the fuck up and do your job?"
  97. >The two sharply dressed shadows unglue themselves from the wall, squeaking. One of them raises its pair of wooden crosses, and black string materializes itself from them and slithers down the floor.
  98. >With a quick yank, the shadow drags another puppet from under the rug!
  99. >(Argh, they're those kinds, they keep respawning enemies. Just kill them quickly, they're not that strong either)
  100. >The second puppeteer tilts his head to the side, and quickly starts hopping from one foot to the other, waving his wooden crosses as strings materialize from them and freeze, before lashing out at the party!
  101. >Fool, Fortune and Empress quickly avoid the lashing strings, but Justice is quickly ensnared by the neck, and then repeatedly slashed at by the remaining icy strings, falling down and covering his face in pain!
  102. "Argh! Fuck! It hurts!"
  103. >(Justice is downed!)
  104. >Taking the opportunity, the small puppet summoned jumps towards Justice and smacks the downed man hard with its flail, dancing happily around the squirming human and hitting him here and there
  105. >(Someone help the poor guy up. Also, got the stats for the big ones. Just take them out before they bring out more.)
  107. Imp Puppeteer
  109. Arcana: Devil
  111. Resist:Ice
  112. Weak: Light, Fire
  114. HP:
  115. Fool: 100%
  116. Fortune: 100%
  117. Justice: 30%
  118. Empress: 100%
  120. MP:
  121. Fool: 95%
  122. Fortune: 85%
  123. Justice: 85%
  124. Empress: 90%
  126. >(Wait, I think I might be able to help. Back off a bit! Persona!)
  127. >In the back, Hanged Man closes his fist and taps the edge of his card from behind
  128. >A gray iron ring with a piece of rock appears on his finger, and behind him a stone monolith forms itself, from which a bound man hangs by his wrists, held on by big iron chains that wrap around his arms and legs as well.
  129. >At the base of the monolith, a twisted, short tree grows, exposing a hollow from which shines a bright flame.
  130. >(Oh yeah, I got it. Take this! The Fires of Life!)
  131. >Prometheus opens his eyes, which shine with fiery gold. From the hollow tree erupts a blazing tornado of fire that misses the party by a hair, going towards the trio of shadows!
  132. >The small shadows quickly try to escape into the walls, but they are engulfed by the inferno before they can scurry away!
  133. >Prometheus closes his eyes, and the Fires of Life die down, leaving only the charred remains of the puppeteers and a very singed imp
  134. >(Nothing personnel kid)
  135. "Show off. Persona!"
  136. >Fool taps his card, summoning Coyote. The shapeshifter grins, and with a twist of fog, the sillhuette turns into that of a snake. Slithering quickly towards the burned imp, Coyote lashes out at the area, biting like crazy before sinking his fangs into the downed imp, lowering its attack. With an amused snicker, Coyote vanishes.
  137. "Set us up, Bill!"
  138. >Fortune breaks through his card, and the long haired cowboy appears. With a grin and a loud "YEEEHAW!", Hickok fires off two shots in the air. From the barrel of his guns comes a golden glow of gunpowder that raises your instincts and wrap around you, raising your defenses.
  139. >Empress shakes his head, looking at the fallen Justice
  140. "Well, I can't let you just die, I guess. Persona!"
  141. >The earth goddess glances at Justice and smiles warmly, waving her hand in a circular movement and causing a spring to erupt near Justice
  142. >As soon as the fresh water flows over his body, his injuries are quickly healed!
  144. >The puppet squeaks angrily, waving his flail around in a threatening motion, running towards the party and preparing to take a leap....
  145. >....Before slipping on the rug, as the flail sails right past Fool's head and the imp falls face first.
  146. "That's kinda sad."
  147. "Yeah, it really is."
  148. >(Let's kill it.)
  149. "JUST"
  150. Fool, Empress and Fortune all rush towards the fallen imp to stomp on it repeatedly, hitting the shadow with their weapons until it breaks down into splinters and vanishes!
  152. "Urgh....Fucking...why Ice?" Justice complains as he gets back up
  153. "Because you touch yourself at night?"
  154. >(It seems like the path is clear from here on. Leave it for later, let's get out of here. I think....The powerful shadow is outside, high up.)
  155. >Gathring themselves, the five resume running through the corridor. The doors slam shut as soon as they come close, but sooner rather than later they reach the end and find themselves in the second floor of what seems to be a luxurious lobby. The hall splits into two, each leading to a velvet covered staircase leading down and out into the gardens.
  156. >The floor is still covered with the same small bumps from before, this time leading down the left staircase. Despite both appearing to the exactly the same, it's clear that the right side has never been stepped on before
  157. "What's with the motif here? Puppets and guidelines?" Fool questions aloud
  158. "The other shadows were of the Devil arcana. Is this Diamond Tiara's Fantasia?" Empress questions
  159. >(I can't really see anything other than us and the shadows, here. My visions aren't as reliable as Argus or Python, but I think I would've seen DTR if she were around. In any case, we'll have to go out to the gardens to find the boss, but there's probably some other surprise waiting for us.)
  160. "Well, ain't that just peachy. Let's keep going."
  161. >The five man party makes their way down the staircase, rising dust clouds with every step
  162. >The door to the gardens creaks ominously as they push it open and step into the cool night air and into a very unkempt and very huge garden
  163. >Bushes and mushrooms spot the overgrown grass here and there, and tall trees find themselves randomly spread throughout the scenario
  164. >At the very center of the garden, a bigger concentration of trees is bent together towards each other, keeping what seems to be like a luxurious if long abandoned treehouse as big as a small house, fashioned after what seems like a theater
  165. >(That's where the shadow is. Let's go!)
  166. >Picking up the pace, the party rushes through the garden towards the treehouse, and the trees rustle in the windless night
  167. >From the sides, sounds of hooves, wheels and whips come, first from afar but closing in quickly!
  168. "Damn it! They're trying to cut us off!"
  169. >(We can't outrun the shadows! But looking at these trees gave me an idea, if you distract them and give me a moment to focus, I think Prometheus can show me where they'll step. My Fire of Life might not be enough to take out a whole shadow, but I think I can crush one of them with a tree)
  170. >(I won't be able to scan while I focus, though. You'll have to deal with them yourseves for a turn, but I can still show you your status.)
  172. >What will you do?
  174. "Go ahead, we'll handle this!"
  175. "They won't get through!"
  176. >(Roger that!)
  177. >Just as the party reaches a consensus, from the trees burst three black carriages, each pulled by a dark, wood-like horse with headers over their eyes and being driven by hunched headless figure, each holding a jack-o-lantern with devilish masks carved in one hand, and a whip on the other!
  178. >The jack-o-lanterns scream order to the horses as the bodies whip them to make them go faster, and Hanged Man vanishes among the trees as the three carriages circle around the remaining four, like wolves closing in on prey.
  179. >(The Puller Marionetes and the Headless Coachmen are different shadows, you're dealing with six of them here. Good luck!)
  183. "Alright, let's go. Coyote!"
  184. >Fool taps his card, summoning the mist-covered shapeshifter to the field!
  185. >With a distant hissing sound, the sillhuete of Coyote morphs into that one a huge two-headed cobra, quickly lashing out against the carriages and landing one quick bite on each shadow
  186. >The poison decreases their attacking power, and Coyote vanishes with a laugh
  187. "Six might be a pain in the ass, let's protect ourselves. Persona!"
  188. >Fortune crushes through his card, summoning Hickok
  189. >The cowboy lets out a triumphant cry and fires his pistols upwards, causing a golden light to erupt from the barrels and fall over the party, boosting their defenses.
  190. "Enough of that, let's DO IT! Persona!"
  191. >With a snap of his fingers towards the moving carriages, Justice summons Perseus with his shield risen high!
  192. >The Son of Zeus shouts to the heavens, and a golden lightning bolt comes crashing down, hitting the reflective shield and splitting into six different bolts, hitting each shadow dead on!
  193. "I don't like the look of those lanterns. Persona!"
  194. >Empress punches through his card, summoning the Earth Goddess to aid in the battle
  195. >Gaea closes her eyes and smiles at Fortune, extending her arms towards the faceless human with her palms turned upwards. At her motion, the earth rumbles and raises as thick roots erupt from the ground and wrap themselves around Fortune like armor.
  196. "We're set. Here they come!"
  198. >One of the marionetes, following the crack of a whip, throws itself towards Fool, crashing right into the human and throwing him against a tree with a loud crack before resuming the circular run
  199. >Two of the coachmen raise their jack-o-lanterns high, and from inside the pumpkins shoot out a storm of small flames like corn popping on a pan.
  200. >The flames rain down on the party, burning them badly except for Fortune, whose root armor protects by letting fall some of the roots that were hit by the fire, slowly burning on the ground
  201. >The third remaining coachman lashes out his whip and the carriage goes at full speed towards Fortune. The whip cracks in the air, directed at Fortune, but the armored human ducks, letting the sharp tip crack harmlessly in the air above him!
  202. >However, before he can stand up, the horse raises on its hind legs, huffing angrily. Despite its covered eyes, the puppet like horse turns its head directly at fortune and stomps hard on the ground, sending a shockwave of dark energy that crashes into Fortune, making him fall to the ground shaking!
  203. >(He's down! That was dark magic!)
  204. >Finally, the third horse also rises on its hind legs, and lashes at Empress with its hooves, hitting him painfully in the mask with a loud "crack!" before resuming the run around the party!
  206. "HM! We could really use some support right now, you know!" Justice shouts out
  207. >(Yare yare, what would you faggots do without me? But no worries....I see them. He'll step in place in three...)
  208. >From the trees, a flame tongue shots out, striking a tree!
  209. >(Two...)
  210. >The tree's trunk is quickly burned off by the flames, and starts falling down...
  211. >(One!)
  212. >A moment before it hits the ground, one of the horses, unable to see where its master leads, runs under the tree and is quickly crushed under its weight, throwing the headless coachman from the carriage and into the ground!
  213. >(Puller Marionete neutralized. But I can't do that again, it gives me one hell of a migraine....Which type should I scan?)
  215. HP:
  217. Fool: 63%
  218. Fortune: 0%
  219. Justice: 71%
  220. Empress: 42%
  222. MP:
  224. Fool: 90%
  225. Fortune: 80%
  226. Justice: 70%
  227. Empress: 85%
  229. >(Oh yeah, your defense boost and their attack penalty are about to wear off. Now, about that scan...)
  230. "I'll rip them apart! Persona!"
  231. >Fool breaks through his card, and the canine sillhuete appears before him, smiling through the fog at the shadows.
  232. >Coyote shakes and trembles for a moment, before shapeshifting into the hulking figure of a bison that paws angrily at the ground and charges the shadows with a powerful tackle
  233. >Coyote runs anti-clockwise, pursuing every shadow and flinging them around like ragdolls before vanishing among the trees with a giggle
  234. >(Guys?)
  235. "One more time, Perseus!"
  236. >Justice snaps his fingers, summoning the greek warrior to sent another round of thunder towards all the enemies with his shield!
  237. >The lightning crackles from one enemy to the other, dealing heavy damage. The coachmen shiver and let off smoke, and the puppet horses trip every few steps.
  238. >(That's good, but...)
  239. "Gaea, if you would. Persona!"
  240. >Gaea erupts from the earth, sitting atop her throne and clasps her hands together, causing huge flowers to raise from the ground all around the party. The flower's sweet nectar drips from the petals into your mouths, filling you with strength and vitality.
  241. >(You're actually...Well, alright, they're almost done for anyway.)
  243. >The remaining shadows gather together, and charge at the party at the same time, both horses and coachmen angrily lashing their whips, except the coachman with no horse that lags behind
  244. >The chaotic charge is easily avoided by the two of the three remaining humans, but Empress is thrown to the side by a body slam from one of the horses.
  245. >The two coachmen lose balance from their missed whip slashes and fall to the ground, with one of the puppet horses tripping and crashing down.
  246. >The coachman on foot rushes behind and raising his jack-o-lantern, lets off another rain of fire from the insides towards the party.
  247. >The fiery rain sings your clothes, but the damage itself is softened up by the support spells until it becomes negligible
  248. >(I think dicemaid is happy, for a change. Your buffs and debuffs are gone, but they're almost done for, so keep it up! Don't fuck up now!)
  250. HP
  252. Fool: 70%
  253. Fortune: 0%
  254. Justice: 88%
  255. Empress: 54%
  257. MP
  259. Fool: 90%
  260. Fortune: 80%
  261. Justice: 50%
  262. Empress: 70%
  264. "Oh, I'll fuck something up, alright. Persona!"
  265. >Fool taps through his card once more, and this time Coyote materializes already mid-charge, taking the form of a hulking longhorn!
  266. >The trickster charges directly at the pile of enemies, grinning maniacally before piercing through all five with his horns, thrashing his head wildly to maximize damage.
  267. >The coachmen squirm and fall apart in blobs of shadow, and before the marionetes can recover, Coyote charges again with his head held low and crashes through a thick tree in one strike!
  268. >The marionetes fall apart in a bunch of dark wood splinters and are blown away by the wind, and Coyote's sillhuete changes back into the canine, and with a triumphant laugh the mist dissipates, leaving no trace of the shapeshifter.
  269. "And that's all of them." Fool says, dusting his hands.
  270. >(Damn. Not bad.)
  271. >The party gathers together around the unconcious Fortune, trying to wake him up to no avail
  272. "Well, shit, what now?"
  273. "We do have one feather, might as well, right?"
  274. "Shit man, why do we never carry more of this stuff?"
  275. >(Hold on, now that the fight is over, I can focus. Let me try something.)
  276. >Hanged Man's mask lights up with two golden fire eyes, and behind him Prometheus materializes. From the twisted tree trunk at the bottom of the monolith, a clear smoke comes and covers Fortune's head, returning him to life
  277. "Hng..."
  278. >Fortune sits down, putting one hand to his head and looking around
  279. "You guys finished the fight without me? Gee, thanks."
  280. "You would have just gotten rekt again."
  281. "Well, they only used dark magic once, so maybe you were just shit out of luck"
  282. >(Anyway, I can bring someone back, but only when there is not a battle going on. I can see no other shadows, except the final one atop the treehouse. You're all kinda wounded, though, maybe you'll want to patch up before we go.)
  284. HP:
  285. Fool: 50%
  286. Fortune: 10%
  287. Justice:88%
  288. Empress: 54%
  289. MP
  290. Fool: 90%
  291. Fortune: 80%
  292. Justice: 50%
  293. Empress: 70%
  295. >(Empress can heal everyone back up and that'll leave him with 35% MP. We still have 1 Phoenix Feather, 2 Potions and 3 Zap Apple Candies.)
  297. "I think we'll be fine for now, leave the candies to the boss"
  298. "Yeah, no biggie. Patch us up, Empress."
  299. "You could say please"
  300. "Please patch us up, faggot."
  301. >Gaea lets everyone drink from earth's gifts, healing up injuries and giving back lost strenght
  302. >After a five minute breather pause, the party marches forward towards the treehouse high up in the trees.
  303. >A diamond incrusted ladder awaits at the foot of the bigger tree, leading into an open trapdoor on the bottom of the treehouse.
  304. >One by one, the five man party goes up the stairs, finding themselves in a spacious theater-like room, standing on the stage.
  305. >A couple rows of chairs are turned towards them, all empty except for what seem to be drawings in a style you all recognize
  306. "Those....Look like DTR's" Fool mentions, picking one up.
  307. "So this really is her Fantasia."
  308. "But I thought we helped her already?"
  309. >(Well, I think that might give us a few answers.)
  310. >Atop a small altar in the stage stands a jewel incrusted ivory urn, shaking slightly. Heavy chains are wrapped around it, but even then the lid lets out some black smoke.
  311. >Suddenly, Prometheu's eyes light up, and you all share a vision!
  313. ———————————-
  314. >A huge hulking cloud, thundering...And on the side, a scene of you first meeting Diamond Tiara...
  315. >The cloud retracts itself, becoming weaker as your visits proceed and Diamond Tiara realizes that her future is full of limitless possibilities....
  316. >In a flash, the raging smoke is being sucked into the jar as you and DTR leave for Sugarcube Corner near Hearth Warming's Eve...
  317. >-”I always thought my cutie mark meant I was destined to only be good at one thing. Something I couldn’t actually do.”-
  318. >The lid of the jar slams shut
  319. >-”But I was wrong. I was so focused on the one thing I couldn’t be, I didn’t think about everything else I could do.”-
  320. >The jar shakes angrily, but the being inside is unable to break free
  321. >—”I’m not sure what I’m going to lead… I don’t know what kind of company I’d want to make or anything like that. But I think… this is like getting a second chance at discovering who I am. And I’m going to have fun figuring that out.”-
  322. >With a long, angry wail the jar stops shaking and only black fumes slowly escape through the lid.
  323. >—”But whatever I end up doing… I know it’s going to be thanks to you, Sensei. You’re more than just my friend, or my teacher. You're almost like a second father to me. So… I want you to have this.”-
  324. >With a small "click", the chains appear around the jar, sealing it forever.
  326. ————————————
  327. >The vision ends, with all five staggering for a moment as your conscience returns.
  328. >Every single one of you is with a grin on your face, remembering fondly the moment
  329. "...Hah. So that's it?" Justice asks with a grin. "It's nothing but an enemy already defeated!"
  330. "But it's still around. Maybe we're here to remember those things never go away."
  331. "And yet, it's still trapped. It wants to get out.... So we're here to remind this darkness that no matter what..."
  332. >(It will never be stronger than our bonds!)
  333. "Let's go!"
  335. >Without hesitation, you pull away the chains, and take off the lid.
  336. >A tornado of black smoke rises from the jar, forming a hulking figure of shadow, but not nearly as big as back in the vision
  337. >In fact, the enemy before you....Seems almost already weary.
  338. >The smoke then spins intensely, gathering in the form of a black Djinn with a devilish mask, floating high above you, connected to the jar by the waist, which is nothing but smoke
  339. >The white Devil mask is then dirtied by many leters in a long forgotten language, denoting the cursed nature of the disgraced genie
  340. >Heavy gold and silver chains materialize around its body, stretching in a wide circle binding the smoke as if it was still inside the jar and stopping the genie's form from growing larger.
  341. >The Djinn crosses its arms and looks down on you, ready for a battle!
  343. "Come on, then! I hope DTR's watching!"
  347. Bound Djinn
  349. HP:
  351. Fool: 100%
  352. Fortune: 100%
  353. Justice: 100%
  354. Empress: 100%
  356. MP:
  358. Fool: 90%
  359. Fortune: 80%
  360. Justice: 50%
  361. Empress: 35%
  363. "Hey, Hanged Man, feel free to do your thing now."
  364. >(I'm on it. I'm not letting you idiots go at a boss with no support.)
  365. "A cursed genie....Bound by chains...Hell, now I understand all the puppets. Persona!"
  366. >With a determined strike, Fool taps through the blue Nº0 Card and summons his mist covered ally.
  367. >Coyote glances up to the Djinn and laughs haughtly, before leaping with animal agility on Fool's head, then using it as a stepping stone to jump closer to the high up Djinn!
  368. >Coyote gives the shadow his best shit eating grin, before quickly morphing into a cobra and biting right through the Djinn's cursed mask, lowering its attack!
  369. "Come on, Hickok! We'll need some stamina here!"
  370. >Fortune shatters his card, and the long haired cowboy merrily shouts in challenge, flicking his silver star in the air like a coin and letting its silver radiance wash over the party, making all more resilient!
  371. "Strike him down, Perseus! Persona!"
  372. >Justice snaps his fingers towards the Djinn, and Perseus materializes in front of him, hunched down, and then takes a powerful leap towards the djinn!
  373. >Perseus brings up his sword in a half-moon upwards strike, and the bronze slices through the black smoke of the Djinn's chest and leaves a scratch on the shadow's mask before dissapearing alongside the hero.
  374. "Let's try to avoid getting the rektal exam this time, alright?" Empress says towards Fortune. "Persona!"
  375. >Gaea's throne grows from the wooden walls of the treehouse, and the goddess extends one arm towards Fortune, causing roots to grow from the wood foundation and wrap themselves around Fortune, granting him Fire resistence.
  376. "Here he comes!"
  378. >High up, the Djinn raises one fist, and its body becomes smaller....Yet his hand gathers smoke until it stretches the precious chains, forming into a solid ball of smoke and metal
  379. >The Djinn then brings it down with an enraged roar!
  380. >In a flash, Hickok appears near Fortune and gives him a firm kick, right out of the stage and out of the attack's path before dissapearing himself
  381. >Empress follows suit, rolling out of the stage and taking cover under a chair, but the other two have no such luck.
  382. >The dense smoke gained the constitution of rock, and the Djinn's fist slammed hard against Fool and Justice, pressing their bodies painfully against the stage and cracking the wood!
  383. >(Fucking ouch, be careful! That thing still hits harder than anything we've found here.)
  384. "No...Shit." Justice groans.
  385. "Thanks for nothing, asshole."
  386. >(How about you stop whining and look at the new info I have for you?)
  388. Bound Djinn
  389. Arcana: Devil
  390. Null: Dark, Light
  391. Resist: Fire
  392. Weak: Wind
  394. >(This thing hits hard. Your persona attacks also take away some of your HP, so be careful. Hitting it with your weapons might be good sometimes since Empress can't heal all damage at once.)
  396. HP:
  398. Fool: 63%
  399. Fortune: 100%
  400. Justice: 53%
  401. Empress: 100%
  403. MP:
  405. Fool: 85%
  406. Fortune: 75%
  407. Justice: 50%
  408. Empress: 30%
  410. "Let's take him down a notch again. Persona!"
  411. >Fool summons the mist cloaked Coyote high the air, and the grining shapeshifter whispers something in the Djinn's ears that make the genie shiver and try to slap Coyote away in vain!
  412. >Laughing merrily at the slowed down strikes, Coyote vanishes
  413. "Put him down, Hickok! Persona!"
  414. >Fortune shatters his card, summoning the sharply dressed gambler, and Hickok takes out his guns, spinning them in different directions.
  415. >He aims one of them at the Djinn, firing six shots in quick succession, lightning leaping from one bullet to the other and exploding in golden sparks as each strikes the Djinn in the chest, building up to a huge final spark!
  416. >The Djinn groans as the electricity arcs between his smoke body and the heavy chains binding him
  417. "My turn, now!"
  418. >Justice leans backwards, raising a sharp metal boomerang behind his head, taking aim and letting it fly
  419. >The boomerang goes right through the Djinn's chest, turns back mid air and comes back through the shadow's neck, making spots of smoke dissapear and making the Djinn grow even smaller before returning to Justice's hands.
  420. "Keep it up! Persona!"
  421. >Gaea extends her hands towards the party, making flowers grow from the ground and drip healing nectar on the party's mouths.
  423. >The Djinn raises his arms to the sky and grasps the chains surrounding his body, and his arms start spinning like tornados, wrapping the gold and silver links around them like armor
  424. >With a piercing roar, the Djinn punches towards the party with both arms, which fire off like rockets!
  425. >Fool and Justice leap over the speeding attack, avoiding impact by a few inches, but Empress and Fortune are not so lucky
  426. >The Djinn's attack hits like a truck, impacting towards their entire upper body before throwing them violently against the walls, which crack and start to fall down towards the garden
  427. >The two humans manage to scurry back onto solid floor before falling down the the wall, but are left breathless from the powerful attack
  428. >(It's still not using all its power, but it's damaging you all a little more than what you can heal. Be careful and try to take it down quickly before it stops messing around.)
  429. HP:
  431. Fool: 88%
  432. Fortune: 74%
  433. Justice: 78%
  434. Empress: 74%
  436. MP:
  438. Fool: 80%
  439. Fortune: 55%
  440. Justice: 50%
  441. Empress: 15%
  443. "Hey, Fortune, wanna try something?"
  444. "Can we even do it by ourselves?"
  445. "Fuck if I know. Fool, cover us!"
  446. "Roger that! Persona!"
  447. >Fool, Fortune and Justice break through their cards at the same time!
  448. >The sillhuete of the shapeshifter once again leaps towards the high up genie, licking its lips before spitting the magic substance right on its mask, lowering its defense.
  449. "Perseus! Charge up!"
  450. >The demigod once again rises his shield to the air, and a barrage of eight golden lightning bolts crashes down on the silver shield, and the surface of the shield lets off smoke and start trembling and cracking as the godly power is absorbed and supercharges the metal.
  451. >Perseus hunches down and darts forward on the field, taking position under the Djinn and pointing his shield towards Hickok.
  452. >The cowboy stomps down with enthusiasm before taking away his pistols, rapping the barrels against each other to produce sparks and taking aim at his own reflection!
  453. "How good is your aim?"
  454. "Where I put my eye, I can put a bullet!"
  455. >Perseus inclines his shield back, changing the reflection from Hickok to the Djinn floating high above
  456. >The cowboy takes aim, and lets fly four electrified bullets towards Perseu's shield!
  457. >The bullets strike the clear surface, exchanging electricity and changing polarity as they're deflected upwards and like eight glimmering spears pierce right through the Djinn's body, ascending towards the clouded skies!
  458. "Eight came down, eight went up...."
  459. "Now here comes the two aces!"
  460. >Perseus raises his shield high up, now completely reflecting the Djinn as the shadow looks down and sees his own distorted reflection staring back at him!
  461. >Perseus's voice echoes through the night as the demigod cries out to Zeus, and a huge blue laser....No, a super charged blue lightning bolt erupts from his shield!
  462. >Just then, from the skies crashes down a deep red spear of thunder, and the two discharges hit the Djinn at the same time, causing the shadow to scream and convulse in pain as the air is filled with plasma and the smell of ozone!
  464. Team Up Attack: Thunder God's Hand!
  466. >(Damn. Alright, that was pretty cool.)
  467. "Fuck yeah it was!" Empress says, swallowing a Zap Apple Candy and restoring his own mana!
  468. >Recovering from the assault, the Djinn's body changes from deep black to blood red!
  469. >Clapping his hands together, the Djinn's form dissolves into smoke and starts spinning like a typhoon!
  470. >The gold and silver chains slash through the air like huge swords as the storm crashes down on you like a meteor!
  471. >Empress quickly jumps out of the trapdoor, grasping the ladder to stay near as Fool, Justice and Fortune take the violent assault head on.
  472. >The rest of the ceiling of the treehouse theater, along the other walls is completely blown away, and the Djinn rises back up, assuming humanoid form again and stretching against its chains, in a futile attempt to free himself while the party is down.
  473. >(Well, you definitely pissed him off. You're halfway there! Take him down!)
  475. HP:
  477. Fool: 58%
  478. Fortune: 44%
  479. Justice: 48%
  480. Empress: 44%
  482. MP:
  484. Fool: 80%
  485. Fortune: 25%
  486. Justice: 20%
  487. Empress: 100%
  489. "Everyone, PILE ON!"
  490. "Except Empress, you gotta heal."
  491. >Three of the humans run forward with weapons in hand!
  492. >They knock down the jewel incrusted jar, and the yank pulls down the Djinn just enough for them to reach and lash at the red shadow
  493. >The Djinn throws one chain around Fortune's arms to stop it in its tracks, but is defenseless against the assault from the other two
  494. >Each strike takes away a small chunk of the shadow's body, now cut down to half size.
  495. >With a roar, the Djinn spins its chains around and flings back the assaulting humans.
  496. >As they gather themselves, Gaea heals their injuries with nectar once more
  497. >(Weird...)
  498. "What's it, HM?"
  499. >(I kinda felt something for a moment, but.... I think it was just a missed vision. Look out, it's coming for more!)
  501. >The Djinn slams its palms together, and the blood red smoke becomes filled with golden streaks as hellish fire erupts from its body and flies in a stream towards the party!
  502. >Hickok quickly materializes, slinging Fortune over his shoulder and leaping out of the spell's way, letting the rest of the party to take the punishment
  503. >The three take the fiery blast and are pushed back dangerously close to the edge of the platform, twitching in agony as they try to pull out the fire, and Justice crashes down in pain as soon as he can afford to stop moving
  504. >(Shit, that was a critical. He'll be fine in a little bit though.)
  505. >(Oh yeah, your defensive spell is going to wear off before you strike again, and his attack penalty is going to be gone before his next turn.)
  506. HP:
  508. Fool: 44%
  509. Fortune: 69%
  510. Justice: 29%
  511. Empress: 40%
  513. MP:
  515. Fool: 80%
  516. Fortune: 25%
  517. Justice: 20%
  518. Empress: 85%
  520. >(Let me help push him back. Do it, Prometheus! Fires of Life!)
  521. >Hanged Man summons Prometheus, and from the tree on the bottom of the titan's prison, a huge stream of fire erupts towards the Djinn.
  522. >Despite the resistance, the Djinn is pushed back and some of his smoke body is reabsorved into the jar as he grows even smaller
  523. "Let's go for the final push soon. Coyote!"
  524. >Fool summons Coyote, and the shapeshifter canine leaps at the Djinn as its neck extends like a snake, landing a deep bite in the Djinn's mask before vanishing
  525. "Keep us up, Hickok!"
  526. >Fortune punches through his card, and Hickok shouts enthusiastically, flipping a silver star into the air and letting its silver light get your defenses up once more!
  527. >Justice produces a bottle of zebra healing potion from his pocket, and quickly takes out the cork and gulps it down to put himself back in fighting shape.
  528. "Close to the end or not, if he takes us down now we're gonna be in deep shit. Gaea, let's go!"
  529. >The earth goddess appears sitting on her throne and clasps her hands together, and golden bees fly from a beehive atop her throne to drip sweet honey on the party's mouths, revigorating them.
  531. >The Djinn's fire dies down, and the cursed genie looks directly at empress as his body becomes pitch black.
  532. >The Djinn speaks in a tongue long forgotten as the characters in his mark light up with black light, and Empress crashes down without a sound.
  533. >(Shit, he took down Empress with Dark magic. But aside that you're all still on good shape.)
  534. HP:
  536. Fool: 69%
  537. Fortune: 94%
  538. Justice: 100%
  539. Empress: 0%
  541. MP:
  543. Fool: 75%
  544. Fortune: 20%
  545. Justice: 20%
  546. Empress: 70%
  548. >(Come on, go down! One more time, Prometheus!)
  549. >From its hideout below the titan, the Fires of Life shoot out towards the Djinn, striking it in the chest and pushing the shadow even further back into the jar!
  550. "You know, thinking about it, this doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean, this IS an already solved issue"
  551. >Fool quickly darts towards Empress and sticks a phoenix feather in his suit.
  552. >The feather burns brightly and vanishes, and Empress stands back up
  553. "To be fair, it's not really the weirdest thing we've done. I mean, I still wonder about that time we..."
  554. >Justice turns to the arguing party, cutting off the conversation
  555. "Can we focus?! Persona!"
  556. "I'm just saying! Persona!"
  557. >Justice and Fortune strike through their cards together, summoning Hickok and Perseus back to the battlefield!
  558. >The demigod raises his shield, calling down the lightning of Zeus and reflecting it towards the Djinn while Hickok pumps twelve shots of electrified lead into its chest!
  559. "Here, let me get that. Persona!"
  560. >Empress punches through his card, and Gaea raises from her throne and makes a circular motion with her arms towards Fool, causing a natural spring to burst from the ground and revigorate him
  561. >The Djinn crosses his arms, staring straight ahead as the curses in his mask once again light up and he speaks in a forgotten tongue
  562. >This time, the whole party looks away and covers their ears, avoiding the magical incantation completely!
  563. >(Fortune and Justice are out of juice, but that shadow is almost defeated! If you go at it with all you have you can take it down!)
  565. HP:
  567. Fool: 100%
  568. Fortune: 94%
  569. Justice: 100%
  570. Empress: 100%
  572. MP:
  574. Fool: 75%
  575. Fortune: 0%
  576. Justice: 0%
  577. Empress: 55%
  579. "JUST!"
  580. >The four man party raises their weapons and rush forward, ready to assault the shadow with everything you've got.
  581. !
  582. !
  583. !
  584. !
  585. >However, only a few steps in, you suddenly feel a powerfull pulse coming from their chests...
  586. >The pulse beats along with your hearts, and you feel strength surging in, in a familiar feeling...
  587. >(This...! This is it! This is what I felt before! I don't know what this is, but it's big....It's some sort of power! Everyone, call out to it!)
  588. "This....I know what this is..."
  589. "We've felt like this before....When we all fought together..."
  590. "It's the same! This power is all of our hearts beating together!"
  591. >Five rays of light erupt from your chests and fire into the sky!
  592. >And in a moment, six rays of light fall down, each drop exploding in a flash and showing another arcana!
  593. >Six faceless green men joined the group, adding up to ten and they all look around confused, but surging with the same power as your hearts beat together!
  594. >One of you raises his hand, in a practiced movement, staring straight at the Djinn
  595. >And the call comes!
  597. All Anon Party Special Move: Lvl 1!
  599. "UNIIITE!"
  601. "HAND!"
  603. >As one, nine of the men jump into the air and gather around one's arm, forming a huge fist!
  604. >Anon rushes forward, and delivers a powerful uppercut to the Djinn, throwing the being into the air before leaping after it!
  605. >Raising his fist once again, the human delivers a powerful downwards blow, sending the Djinn crashing down to earth, right on top its own jar!
  606. "Alright...One more push! Let's go!"
  607. >Anon raises his other hand and the United fist shares its power, making both the same size as they are joined together and brought down in a powerful hammer strike!
  608. >The united attack connects with the Djinn, causing a long wail of pain as the genie is forcefully thrown back into its prison!
  609. >The single human jumps back as the united legion bursts apart with six of the anonymous men vanishing in a flash, leaving only the original party.
  610. >A shiny emerald lid materializes over the jewel incrusted jar, slamming down hard on the opening.
  611. >With loud clangs, chains slide over the jar and lock down with an echoing "click", sealing the shadow once more.
  613. Bound Djinn - CLEAR!

My Little Persona: Another Way Round 2

by DisgruntledAnon

Tower's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon

Hanged Man's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon

Death's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon

Empress's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon