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(Final Fight) Ultimate Boss Battle (10/25/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 23:11:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Velvet Room?, ???
  3. >Piano music plays in the background as a woman's voice sings an aria that could ease your tensions.
  4. >Twenty-two men, all wearing masks of Arcanas, awaken in the room they used to help save the dream they live in.
  5. "What the hell?"
  6. "Didn't this place collapse?"
  7. "Where's Igor?"
  8. >"I'm afraid my master's out helping another with their destiny."
  9. >The group looks up to see a blue alicorn they know all too well.
  10. >"Welcome back to the Velvet Room, dear guests. I'm surprised you've made your way back here."
  11. >"Most of the time, our guests arrive at the end of their journey and leave shortly afterwards. But you are all different."
  12. >Elizabeth smiles as she pulls out her compendium, flipping through its pages.
  13. >"Brand new Personae have manifested in you all, and you've taken them to very strange places."
  14. >"A dungeon that never was."
  15. >"A possible future you avoided."
  16. >"And now its come to me at last. Why do you think that is?"
  17. >The Arcanas look around to each other, but find no answer on any of their faces.
  18. >The alicorn giggles.
  19. >"It's quite alright if you can't find an answer. After all, this goes into the essence of the power of Persona itself."
  21. >"Personae and Shadows are the same thing: the darker parts of our psyche that ache to escape and be satisfied."
  22. >"By taming this Shadow, we are granted Personae to face our life's hardships."
  23. >"And Shadows have the strength to affect time and space itself."
  24. >"These new Personae you wield are your desires wishing for something else after your ride has ended."
  25. >"You lust for one more great battle, one that will end everything once and for all."
  26. >Elizabeth looks at them all with playful malice in her golden eyes.
  27. >"And I believe I can help you with that. After all, I never got to punish you all for gate-crashing."
  28. >She assumes an aggressive stance as icy chains wrap around one of the Arcanas!
  29. >"Prepare yourself!"
  31. Battle Start!
  33. >"Fight as though you've the intent to kill! I will not hold back either."
  34. (Shit! This was not what I had planned for today. This is Hierophant, who's on the field right now?)
  35. "Hanged Man!"
  36. "Strength here."
  37. "Justice present."
  38. "And I'm Star."
  39. (Got it. Let's do our best to kick her ass so we can all go home! I'll take care of scanning and Health/Spirit while HM's on the field.)
  41. "I'll go first. Come on out, Prometheus!"
  42. >The titan cloaked in crimson begins to exude a pale green fiery aura, preparing a powerful magic attack!
  43. "Papinijuwari, let's lower her defense!"
  44. >A gigantic cyclopean man with a club and torch glares at the alicorn, making her more vulnerable to attacks!
  45. "Perseus, slice her up!"
  46. >The golden-haired hero lunges at Elizabeth, dealing increased damage!
  47. "Since we don't know her weaknesses, let's start simple, Scheherazade!"
  48. >A tan, woman appears with a rapier and pointed ears.
  49. >She does circles with her hand, summoning a large sandstorm which slams into the attendant!
  51. >"Come, Charles Barkley!"
  52. >The famous basketball player shows up and tosses four ethereal balls into the air!
  53. >The basketballs home in and slam into the party for heavy damage!
  54. "Of all the things she could use..."
  55. >"Oh! I almost forgot. Persona!"
  56. >Barkley makes a pose as a dark film surrounds everyone on the field!
  57. >"Dark and Light attacks will no longer kill, only deal damage. So don't be afraid to bring your best out! Now..."
  58. >Elizabeth opens her compendium as a card rotates around it.
  59. >"Change, Father Time!"
  60. >The dankmaster vanishes as a familiar clockwork Persona greets everyone.
  61. "Wait, how in the world can you use His Personae?"
  62. >The alicorn gives a sly grin.
  63. >"As the one who rules over power, I have full control over every Persona created. Don't disappoint me, Arcanas."
  64. (Wasn't expecting her to change Personae on us, especially not the one we've used before. You guys remember their weaknesses, right? Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  66. HP:
  68. Hanged Man: 69%
  69. Strength: 65%
  70. Justice: 44%
  71. Star: 57%
  73. SP:
  75. Hanged Man: 90%
  76. Strength: 95%
  77. Justice: 100%
  78. Star: 80%
  79. Hierophant: 100%
  81. (Some of you guys look pretty beat up. Looks like we've got 8 Candies, 7 Potions and 7 Feathers. Don't ask me where they came from. Don't forget that I can use Frozen Penance for about a third of my spirit for Ice damage.)
  83. (Temperance! Tower! Swap with Justice and Star for now!)
  84. >The injured Arcanas tag in their new comrades as they prepare themselves.
  85. "If she's gonna slam us, I say we should slam back twice as hard! Persona!"
  86. >Prometheus lifts his finger to the air as a magenta orb begins to manifest.
  87. >However, it doesn't stop at it's original size, getting larger and larger until it threatens to touch the walls!
  88. >He throws his hand at Elizabeth's direction, unleashing the energy of creation at her!
  89. "I'm gonna try and get some health back. Persona!"
  90. >Papinijuwari slams his club down, dealing moderate damage while her blood seeps into his club, restoring Strength's health!
  91. "Let me patch up some of those wounds up. Sophrosyne!"
  92. >The titanic lizard-lady radiates heat from her body, soothing everyone's wounds and recovering everyone to full health!
  93. "Let's punch a hole through her, Lancelot!"
  94. >A shining silver and gold knight with a red-striped shield appears before Tower.
  95. >He proceeds to pull out his sword and raise it to the heavens, and light begins to accumulate on the blade!
  96. >Fully charged and azure in color, the knight thrusts into the alicorn, dealing heavy damage!
  98. >"Persona."
  99. >Father Time rotates his scythe around, giving a green shimmer to Elizabeth and boosting her agility!
  100. >"Once more!"
  101. >The clockwork man tosses his scythe like a boomerang at Strength!
  102. >Before it connected, Papinijuwari appears and takes the blow, sustaining less damage!
  103. >"Change, Merlin!"
  104. >An old wizened sage appears with an oak staff, ready to fight his previous owners!
  105. (Looks like she's changing Personae every turn. Let's keep that in mind while fighting! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  107. HP:
  109. Hanged Man: 100%
  110. Strength: 77%
  111. Temperance: 100%
  112. Tower: 70%
  114. SP:
  116. Hanged Man: 70%
  117. Strength: 85%
  118. Temperance: 85%
  119. Tower: 100%
  120. Hierophant: 100%
  122. >Tower looks over to Strength.
  123. "I think we might be able to pull something off with our Personae, Strength. But I am weak to Fire, so now might not be a good time."
  125. (Strength, Tower and Hanged Man, swap out with Fool, Fortune and Priestess!)
  126. >The three Arcanas make way for a fresh trio to get their shot at the alicorn.
  127. "I'll soften her up for you guys. Persona!"
  128. >Coyote slithers up and mockingly laughs at Elizabeth, demoralizing her and lower her stats!
  129. "Merlin's weak to lightning, isn't he? Athena, take her down!"
  130. >An armor-clad woman with steel hair and a wise gaze in her eyes launches her lance at the alicorn!
  131. >It connects, as lightning from the heavens above uses it like a lightning rod, dealing heavy damage to her and causing her to falter.
  132. "I think its time for an All-Out Attack!"
  133. "COME ON AND SLAM!"
  134. >The group proceeds to jam all over Elizabeth, dealing heavy damage!
  135. "Let's keep the assault up! Persona!"
  136. >Hickok fire five shots into the alicorn, dealing heavy damage, but not incapacitating her!
  137. (She's immune to Dizzy? That's not good...)
  138. "Just means we have to hit harder! Persona!"
  139. >Sophrosyne's frills begin to glow blue as a white-blue beam begins charging in her maw.
  140. >She unleashes it, dealing immense damage to Elizabeth's prone form!
  142. >After a while, she uses her wings to regain her balance and rushes at Temperance!
  143. >Using some cards like a sword, Elizabeth slices deep into Temperance, causing him to lose his balance!
  144. "Gah!"
  145. >Taking advantage of this opportunity, Merlin fires an azure flame at Fool, scorching him!
  146. >Following that, he begins to chant a long forgotten language as a gargantuan meteor comes flying at the team!
  147. >Priestess manages to avoid it, but everyone else suffers from this powerful fire spell, with Fortune writhing on the floor!
  148. >Once more, Merlin proceeds to spray fire at the group, singeing everyone and knocking Fool and Fortune out!
  149. >"Change, Nemo!"
  150. >A gigantic submarine floats in the air, weapons aimed at the Arcanas!
  151. (Holy shit! She must have incredibly powerful AoE magic on some of these Personae! We need to keep an eye on our weaknesses here! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  153. HP:
  155. Fool: 0%
  156. Priestess: 60%
  157. Fortune: 0%
  158. Temperance: 100%
  160. SP:
  162. Fool: 90%
  163. Priestess: 70%
  164. Fortune: 80%
  165. Temperance: 50%
  167. (Hanged Man, you take over.)
  168. {Got it! Priestess, Temperance! Swap out with Tower and Empress!}
  169. >They swap, the two Arcanas looking at their downed allies.
  170. "I'll leave them to you, Empress. Persona!"
  171. >Lancelot charges once more with his azure blade blessed by the gods, dealing considerably more damage thanks to Elizabeth's weakness!
  172. "Let's bring Fool back first. Persona!"
  173. >Gaea sends a vine over to the singed Arcana and drips healing nectar on him, reviving him half way!
  174. "Thanks, Empress. I'll get Fortune back up."
  175. >Fool tosses a feather at his fallen comrade like a dart, returning him to fighting condition!
  176. "Grr... she'll pay for that! Get her, Hickok!"
  177. >The half-jaw lawman takes careful aim and fires at Elizabeth's knee, causing her to fall over!
  178. "It's payback time, boys!"
  179. "Right on!"
  180. >The Arcanas proceed to pummel her while she's down, dealing considerable damage!
  181. {My turn now! Flames of Life, activate!}
  182. >Prometheus sends an inferno of viridian flame into the down alicorn, dealing immense damage!
  184. >The alicorn regains her balance and shatters her Justice card silently!
  185. >Nemo proceeds to fire multiple ice harpoons into the group!
  186. >Fool dodges swiftly and Lancelot shelters Tower, but Empress and Fortune take the assault head-on!
  187. >Following that, the submarine begins to generate a powerful vacuum that pulls Tower, Empress and Fool into a clustered mob!
  188. >When the last Arcana is in place, it charges, doing nothing to Tower, but dealing immense damage to Fortune and taking out Empress!
  189. >"Change, Baba Yaga!"
  190. >A chicken-footed hut appears, as cackling echoes from within.
  191. {Nemo hits like a truck, but I don't think we'll see him anymore. Someone should revive Empress and get you guys healed! Here's the party HP and SP:}
  193. HP:
  195. Tower: 26%
  196. Empress: 0%
  197. Fool: 50%
  198. Fortune: 6%
  200. SP:
  202. Tower: 100%
  203. Empress: 90%
  204. Fool: 90%
  205. Fortune: 80%
  206. Hanged Man: 40%
  208. {Tower, Fool and Fortune! Switch out with Death, Magician and Emperor!}
  209. >Some audible groans emerge from the mention of Death, but all comply, with Death skipping onto the battlefield in joy.
  210. "Welp, I suppose I should revive Empress here. Let's do this, Baron Samedi!"
  211. >A dark man painted like a skeleton and wearing a tuxedo, appears and walks over to the fallen comrade.
  212. >He lifts his cane, looking to do a spell...
  213. >...But proceeds to thwack the poor man upside the head, bringing him back from the fjords!
  214. "Ow! What the hell, Mary?"
  215. "Hey, you got up."
  216. >Empress sighs in exasperation and proceeds to guard his weak points.
  217. "Let's burn this house down! Persona!"
  218. >Fafnir appears once more in his draconic form and fires a purple-green flame at Elizabeth, scorching her and causing her to stumble!
  219. "Shall we?"
  220. "No."
  221. >Everyone looks at Death, staring as though the action could burst his head open.
  222. "I'm just joshing. Let's."
  223. >The assault commences, dealing heavy damage!
  224. "Time to go historical on her ass! Persona!"
  225. >Napoleon lights a cannon and fires, a white-hot steel ball careening towards her...
  226. >...And through the window.
  227. "..."
  228. "..."
  229. "..."
  230. >"..."
  231. "Well it was historically accurate."
  232. "Shut your face, Mary."
  233. {One more shot! Flames of Life!}
  234. >Another green flame tornado strikes her for heavy damage!
  236. >Elizabeth floats back up and shatters her card.
  237. >"Persona!"
  238. >A green vial pops out of the hut and shatters in front of the team, reducing their agility!
  239. >After that, the crone in the hut begins to mutter a spell, preparing the alicorn for a powerful magic attack!
  240. >"Change, Gilgamesh!"
  241. >The golden King of Heroes steps out, grinning confidently in your direction.
  242. {Weird that she changed to Gilgamesh... Her debuffs are about to wear off, and I don't have enough for another Flames of Life. Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  244. HP:
  246. Death: 100%
  247. Empress: 100%
  248. Magician: 100%
  249. Emperor: 100%
  251. SP:
  253. Death: 85%
  254. Empress: 90%
  255. Magician: 70%
  256. Emperor: 80%
  258. {Everyone, it's time to swap out! Hierophant, Priestess, Justice and Fool, come on out!}
  259. >The whole party swaps out, with battered members ready to strike!
  260. "Let's freeze her up! Iscariote!"
  261. >An angel robed in yellow and chained in frozen steel arises from the ground, crying in pain!
  262. >His eyes glint as jagged ice pillars strike up from below and knock Elizabeth off balance!
  263. "This is the time to strike!"
  264. "Aw yeah!"
  265. >The group jumps in and shows the prone alicorn what killed the dinosaurs, dealing heavy damage!
  266. "Once more, Athena!"
  267. >The goddess of art and war tosses her lance once more, lightning striking the downed alicorn for heavy damage!
  268. "Perseus, call down Zeus's wrath!"
  269. >The Greek Hero lifts his mirror shield up as dark clouds loom over him.
  270. >The bolt strikes the shield, reflecting onto Elizabeth for considerable damage!
  271. "I'll continue to weaken her. Persona!"
  272. >Coyote laughs while the alicorn is down, hurting her feelings and her stats!
  273. {Bottoms up!}
  274. >Hanged Man chomps down on a Candy as Elizabeth lifts herself up!
  276. >She gallops towards Hierophant, striking Iscariote, but not doing much damage to his severely frostbitten skin.
  277. >The attendant shatters the Strength Card, summoning Gilgamesh to laugh arrogantly, increasing the power of Elizabeth's next attack!
  278. >"Change, Don Quixote!"
  279. >The windmill-laden knight comes forth, assuming an aggressive stance towards the group!
  280. {Elizabeth looks half beat, but be careful guys! Don has a lot of powerful Physical and Magical skills, and she's double Charged now! Here's the team's HP and SP:}
  282. HP:
  284. Hierophant: 83%
  285. Priestess: 60%
  286. Justice: 44%
  287. Fool: 50%
  289. SP:
  291. Hierophant: 70%
  292. Priestess: 40%
  293. Justice: 80%
  294. Fool: 80%
  295. Hanged Man: 100%
  297. >Priestess nudges Justice's shoulder.
  298. "I think Athena and Perseus can do a combo, Justice. But I am weak to Wind, so let's be careful first."
  300. {No time for that. Priestess and Justice, swap out with Moon and Hermit!}
  301. "Fine, but I swear if we skip one more chance to combo..."
  302. >The two grumble back as Moon and Hermit take their place.
  303. "Hit her with Ice again, Iscariote!"
  304. >The traitor cries out in pain as spears of ice rain down on Elizabeth, knocking her down!
  305. "Once more, with feeling!"
  306. "Charge!"
  307. >The party showed Elizabeth an Ice time, dealing heavy damage!
  308. "Do your best, Lancelot!"
  309. >The shining knight makes some magic symbols with his hands and fire shards of frozen hell on the alicorn, dealing heavy damage!
  310. "Here's some protection for you, Hierophant! Skin-walker!"
  311. >A Native American man garbed in wolf skin pulls out a bear pelt and tosses it over Hierophant, protecting him from the next Physical attack!
  312. "And here's some magical protection for you, Moon. Persona!"
  313. >Dantalion reads from his ancient tome as a circle of runes encircle Moon, protecting him from the next magical attack!"
  315. >"Persona!"
  316. >The knight raises his shield, restoring Elizabeth's defenses back to normal!
  317. >The knight follows this with a maelstrom of devastating wind!
  318. >Hermit gets out of the way while Moon's runes harmlessly repel them, but Hierophant takes heavy damage while Tower falls to the ground unconscious!
  319. >"Change, Morgan le Fay!"
  320. >The beautiful sorceress points her topaz-tipped staff at you threateningly.
  321. {Tower's down and Hierophant's not looking so good! Don't forget to heal, guys! We've got 8 Candies, 7 Potions and 6 Feathers, so let's make sure to use them! Elizabeth still has her Power Charge, so be careful! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  323. HP:
  325. Hierophant: 53%
  326. Tower: 0%
  327. Moon: 100%
  328. Hermit: 100%
  330. SP:
  332. Hierophant: 40%
  333. Tower: 80%
  334. Moon: 90%
  335. Hermit: 90%
  336. Hanged Man: 100%
  338. {Hierophant, Moon and Hermit! Swap out with Devil, Lust and Star!}
  339. >The living trio fall back while the back-ups fill in.
  340. "Don't worry, Tower, I'll get you back up."
  341. >Devil lays a Phoenix Feather on top of the fallen Tower, granting him his health and fighting spirit back!
  342. "Let's hit her hard, Icarus!"
  343. >A young boy with majestic, life-like wings begins to stir up a storm, flinging the alicorn to the floor!"
  344. "Now's the time to beat the shit out of her!"
  345. "Got it!"
  346. >Another smackdown occurs, dealing heavy damage!
  347. "Let's hike up the damage, Scheherazade!"
  348. >The elven storyteller conjures a hurricane of sand and debris, causing serious damage!
  349. "Lancelot!"
  350. >The knight continues his assault, dealing heavy damage!
  352. >"Persona!"
  353. >The sorceress makes a symbol at Lust, sending a deadly bolt of lightning his way!
  354. >Lust manages to dodge, and Morgan fires a smaller version at Tower.
  355. >It connects, dealing heavy damage!
  356. >"Change, Tokoyami no Amaterasu!"
  357. >The corrupted sun goddess bares her fangs and prepares to strike!
  358. {Tower's taken some damage, and Star's HP is still low, but everyone else is good! Here's everybody's HP and SP:}
  360. HP:
  362. Devil: 100%
  363. Lust: 100%
  364. Star: 57%
  365. Tower: 37%
  367. SP:
  369. Devil: 100%
  370. Lust: 80%
  371. Star: 50%
  372. Tower: 80%
  374. {Star, swap with Strength! Hiero, you take over!}
  375. (You got it.)
  376. >The two Arcanas swap positions.
  377. "Tower, catch!"
  378. >Devil tosses over a Potion and Tower drinks it down, fully restoring his health!
  379. "Ready to kick her ass, Strength?"
  380. "Just warm her up for me!"
  381. "Persona!"
  382. "Persona!"
  383. >Papinijuwari shrinks down to the size of a mosquito as he flies into the air!
  384. >Lancelot pulls out his sword and charges at Elizabeth, making wide slashes that deal grievous harm and send blood flying upwards!
  385. >Left...
  386. >Right...
  387. >Diagonal...
  388. >Up!
  389. >The shining knight launches her up into the air, where she and everyone else notices what Papinijuwari was doing.
  390. >Engorging himself on blood, he had grown to a disproportional size and was hurtling down to the alicorn like a meteor!
  392. Team-up Attack: Sanguineous Starfall!
  394. >The two collide and crash into the ground, seriously harming Elizabeth!
  395. >"Guah!"
  396. "I think we're getting to her! Persona!"
  397. >Icarus kneels down as if in prayer, hands raised up as to call upon the heavens.
  398. >And the heavens indeed answer, firing a golden beam at Elizabeth and blinding her!
  399. >Unable to see, she falls over!
  400. "Charge!"
  401. "Yarrgh!"
  402. >Renewed in determination, they pummel her some more, dealing heavy damage!
  403. (Here's my last shot for now! Frozen Penance!)
  404. >Icy chains sprout from the ground and bind the prone alicorn, burning her skin with the cold and dealing heavy damage!
  406. >"Persona!"
  407. >The goddess howls as a red sun lashes a thorny vine at Tower, dealing heavy damage!
  408. >Following that, she makes a swipe at Strength, only to be stopped by a much smaller Papinijuwari.
  409. >"Change, M.A.R.A.!"
  410. >The thick, metallic girth hardens in excitement at the prospect of battle!
  411. "Uho!"
  412. "Hot guy..."
  413. (Let's focus here! We're getting close to defeating her, so let's keep at it! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  415. HP:
  417. Devil: 100%
  418. Tower: 24%
  419. Strength: 13%
  420. Lust: 100%
  422. SP:
  424. Devil: 100%
  425. Tower: 80%
  426. Strength: 85%
  427. Lust: 60%
  428. Hierophant: 10%
  430. (Almost forgot, your debuffs on her will wear off on her next turn. You might want to reapply them.)
  432. (Tower, Strength and Lust, fall back! Death, Fool and Lovers, take their place!)
  433. >The injured hobble off to the rest of the group while the new group steps in to fight!
  434. "Cain, hit her hard!"
  435. >The demonic farmer begins to coat his pitchfork with his blood, turning the weapon black and necrotic.
  436. >With a heave, he tosses it at Elizabeth, puncturing her abdomen and making her crouch in pain!
  437. "You guys ready?"
  438. "AW YEAH!"
  439. >Everyone looks at Death with a confused look on their face.
  440. "What? Even I agree sometimes."
  441. >Shrugging, their unrelenting beatdown continues, wearing away at the alicorn!
  442. "Your turn, Saturday!"
  443. >The Voodoo lord begins to dance feverishly as countless shadows begin to materialize all over!
  444. >At the peak of his madness, the shadows converges onto the attendant, dealing heavy damage!
  445. "Keep her weak, Coyote!"
  446. >The trickster spirit cackles harder at the poor pony, weakening her resolve!
  447. "Let's do some major damage, Diarmuid!"
  448. >The beautiful warrior emerges once more and marks his invisible square with his legendary weapons.
  449. >In a blink, he vanishes, with cuts and holes appearing everywhere on Elizabeth, hurting her greatly!
  451. >"Persona."
  452. >M.A.R.A. spews out a clear, viscous liquid over everyone but Devil.
  453. >The napalm ignites, dealing heavy damage to the affect other than Death, who smiles through the flames!
  454. >The tower continued it's spray, missing Fool and Death, but burning Devil and knocking Lovers out!
  455. >"Change, Maui!"
  456. >The rotund man with a fishing pole situates himself in front of Elizabeth, ready to endure any assault!
  457. >"This battle has reached its fevered finale! Do not disappoint me."
  458. (She's right! One more concentrated assault, and she's done for! Let's finish this once and for all! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  460. HP:
  462. Devil: 53%
  463. Death: 100%
  464. Fool: 1%
  465. Lovers: 0%
  467. SP:
  469. Devil: 80%
  470. Death: 55%
  471. Fool: 70%
  472. Lovers: 100%
  473. Hierophant: 10%
  475. (Fool, switch out with Judgement!)
  476. >The two swap, with some trepidation in their steps.
  477. "Cain, Mudoon!"
  478. >Another corrupted pitchfork strikes her, dealing heavy damage and sending her to the ground.
  479. "...Let's do this."
  480. "...Yeah..."
  481. >The assault was less spirited as before, dealing considerably less damage...
  482. "Get back up, you lazy ass."
  483. >A hearty thwack awakens Lovers.
  484. "Yeah, yeah..."
  485. >Another speedy assault slices Elizabeth apart...
  486. "What a disappointment..."
  487. >A glorious androgynous mecha, black in color and fire fuming from her head fires multiple missles into the air, ready to rain destruction on the ailcorn!
  489. >"...So you are not satisfied?"
  490. >Elizabeth blocks the barrage without even looking like she was trying!
  491. >She begins to glow a very dangerous golden aura as she summons Maui to swing at Death, knocking him to his ass painfully!
  492. >The powerful swings continue, cracking into Lovers and Judgement, dealing heavy damage!
  493. >"That won't do. This battle was meant to be a challenge to you, something to finally sate your lust. So let's continue. Oh, but one little caveat. Change, Helene!"
  494. >The regal siren perches above the re-energized alicorn.
  495. >"You will have 12 turns to defeat me before I end it. Good Luck~"
  496. (What the-? She just got her health back, and now she's permanently buffed in all areas! I don't think Debilitate will work anymore! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  498. HP:
  500. Devil: 53%
  501. Death: 46%
  502. Lovers: 38%
  503. Judgement: 56%
  505. SP:
  507. Devil: 80%
  508. Death: 55%
  509. Lovers: 100%
  510. Judgement: 60%
  511. Hierophant: 10%
  513. >Death walks up to Judgement.
  514. "Seeing as how we've apparently gotten a forced second round, what say we do a combo next turn?"
  516. (Devil! Swap out with Empress!)
  517. >With renewed vigor, the two switch places once more!
  518. "Empress, heal out wounds!"
  519. >The goddess pulls out a bowl of golden nectar that everyone partakes in, restoring the party's Health to full!
  520. >Judgement, who up until this time was in thought, nods at Death.
  521. "Yeah, I think now's a good time to combo her ass, considering how we're on a time limit."
  522. "Perfect! Although,"
  523. >Death gives a smug grin.
  524. "Who should take the lead, I wonder?"
  525. "Obviously me! Razgriz has the most powerful Almighty attack in the game!"
  526. "But what's Almighty when I've got the Voodoo?"
  527. "Persona!"
  528. "Persona!"
  529. >The friendly combination becomes a fierce contest to see who attacks first and the hardest!
  530. >The Valkyrie-esque machine loads up on multiple missiles, turrets and bombs, clearly the technologically superior of the two!
  531. >Meanwhile, the witch doctor summons legions of zombies, shadows and giant vipers, commanding the field in terms of magic!
  532. >Two sides face each other on the battlefield: Technology vs Magic.
  533. >And the supercharged alicorn is in the dead center of the action!
  534. >Both Death and Judgement release a battle cry as Baron Samedi's legions and Razgriz's armaments converge onto the enemy!
  535. >Zombies slash!
  536. >Turrets tear apart!
  537. >Shadows curse!
  538. >Bombs explode!
  539. >Snakes bite!
  540. >And missiles lock on and detonate into the chaotic orgy of the New and Old World!
  542. Team-up Attack: Leveler!
  544. >The dusts blows away, revealing a deep hole where Elizabeth was moments ago, now flying with her wings, but clearly damaged heavily by the assault!
  545. "I do so enjoy slicing my prey! Persona!"
  546. >Diarmuid tosses his weapons in the corners of the room and begins to strike at the attendant's weak spots!
  547. >While not doing as much damage as before, he manages to catch her off-guard with his final strike!
  548. "Let's take advantage of this!"
  549. "To run away! ...Into the carnage!"
  550. The group charges in, taking advantage of Lovers's lucky strike and pummeling away at the vulnerable alicorn!
  552. >With a slight movement, she flies away from the hole she was over and shatters the Lovers card!
  553. >The Lady of Troy flaps her winds as deadly needles of Ice are fired into the group!
  554. >Death deftly avoids them while Judgement shrugs them off, but Empress and Lovers are caught in the crossfire, dealing heavy damage to the duo!
  555. >She continues, fusing the ice shards into a berg that crashes into Lovers, knocking him out cold!
  556. >"Change, Solomon!"
  557. >The wise king sits in his throne, surveying the group with disdain.
  558. (Nice job on the damage, but be careful as well! Physical attacks cost quite a bit of HP, and I wouldn't be surprised if Elizabeth attacks at least once per turn! Here's the party's HP and SP:)
  560. HP:
  562. Empress: 51%
  563. Death: 60%
  564. Judgement: 60%
  565. Lovers: 0%
  567. SP:
  569. Empress: 60%
  570. Death: 15%
  571. Judgement: 20%
  572. Lovers: 100%
  573. Hierophant: 10%
  575. (We have 7 Candies, 6 Potions and 5 Feathers left.)
  577. (Death, Judgement, swap out with Magician and Temperance! I'll help myself to a Candy.)
  578. >Magician and Temperance make their way to the field as Hierophant restores his SP.
  579. "Restore Lovers again, Gaea!"
  580. >Vines wrap up Lovers wounds and recover them, restoring him to full fighting state!
  581. "Temperance, wanna do some physics?"
  582. "You mean like a combo? Sure, but what's your plan?"
  583. "One way to find out!"
  584. "Persona!"
  585. "Persona!"
  586. >Fafnir transforms into his bestial state as Sophrosyne begins to glow a dangerous light blue!
  587. "First we need to create a torus!"
  588. >Flames burst from the dragon's mouth and begin to circle around the alicorn, seemingly hollow in the center!
  589. "Then I fire this at it?"
  590. >The hybrid of monster and woman let's loose a bright blue beam of plasma into the torus, entering the hollow and spinning around rapidly!
  591. "Perfect! Now, with the magnetic fields on the torus we'll be able to-"
  592. "Magician, I think I've found a problem..."
  593. >Magician looks up to see the makeshift torus wobbling and distorting shape incredibly, radiation and flames burning Elizabeth greatly!
  594. "...Right, no magnetic fields..."
  595. "You're not really good at this, are you?"
  596. "Shut your face and take cover!"
  597. >The Arcanas dive into the corners of the room as the torus fully destabilizes and explodes from all the uncontrollable energy!
  599. Team-up Attack: Hell's Tokamak!
  601. >As the team gets out of cover, they can see the ruler over power with burn marks everywhere, but glee in her eyes!
  602. "I'll refrain on attacking this turn and heal you up, Empress. I think we have a combo together."
  603. >He tosses a Potion at Empress, shattering and restoring his health to full.
  605. >"Persona!"
  606. >Solomon raises his amulet as a blue ray shoots forth and strikes Lovers, draining him of spirit!
  607. >"And once more from me!"
  608. >She continues by charging at Magician, cutting deeper with her cards than before!
  609. >"Change, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto!"
  610. >The majestic moon god nocks an arrow and aims it straight at the party!
  611. (Be careful, guys! This Persona has very powerful Almighty magic! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  613. HP:
  615. Empress: 100%
  616. Magician: 56%
  617. Temperance: 100%
  618. Lovers: 100%
  620. SP:
  622. Empress: 45%
  623. Magician: 40%
  624. Temperance: 10%
  625. Lovers: 75%
  626. Hierophant: 100%
  628. (Hanged Man and Fool! Swap for Magician and Temperance!)
  629. >Arcanas are swapping, please wait warmly...
  630. "Hey Fool, it's our turn to combine our powers!"
  631. "Almost dead here, Hanged Man, but I'm ready!"
  632. "Persona!"
  633. "Persona!"
  634. >Prometheus and Coyote fly into the air as the scenery fades into darkness.
  635. "When mankind was created, we were peaceful, complacent."
  636. "But we lacked the spark of life to think, feel, live!"
  637. >Fires begin to light up as the titan and trickster focus into view!
  638. "Complacency is easy, and brings peace, but with it comes stagnation and death!"
  639. "It is with defiance and difficulties that we learn, we grow, we live!"
  640. "They understood that, and risked their very livelihoods to rebel against the gods for our sake!"
  641. >Flames begin to focus on the fire-thieves until it becomes a white blaze!
  642. "As they once stole fire and gave you life, so too will we grant you the strength to defy even gods!"
  643. "And with that strength..."
  644. "Truly live!"
  646. Team-up Attack: True Defiance!
  648. >The inferno washes over all the Arcanas, granting everyone immense power!
  649. (Holy-! Everyone's stats and crit rates just rose through the roof!)
  650. >Empress meanwhile was talking to Lovers this whole time.
  651. "So how exactly are we going to combo? Gaea's a passive Persona like Johnny."
  652. >Lovers gives him a smirk.
  653. "Just follow my lead, friend."
  654. "Persona!"
  655. "Persona!"
  656. >The beautiful earth goddess and hero emerge facing each other.
  657. >Diarmuid removes his half-mask, revealing his cursed love spot, and offers his hand to Gaea.
  658. >She accepts as the two begin to dance, innocently enough.
  659. >Suddenly, vines whip up and snatch the hero's legendary weapons, aiming them at Elizabeth!
  660. "How are you-?"
  661. "She's following my lead, so I'm the one attacking, not her."
  662. "...That's kind of bullshit, man."
  663. >Despite Empress's grumbling, the vines begin to slice at the enemy in time with the two Personae's steps!
  664. >As the tempo increases and the dance becomes more energetic, the weapons speed up and strike more vulnerable spots, as though like conductors with weapons for batons!
  666. Team-up Attack: Rites of Spring!
  668. >Spinning faster and faster...
  669. >Round and round...
  670. >The finale comes in like a crescendo and the vines thrust into the alicorn, dealing massive damage!
  671. >The blood from the attack is absorbed into the vines and transferred to the heavily injured Fool, restoring him to full HP!
  672. (And now my turn! Frozen Penance!)
  673. >Icy chains wrap around Elizabeth, binding her in place and dealing heavy damage!
  674. (I've got Elizabeth! Let her have it!)
  675. "All for one, and one for all!"
  676. >The active Arcanas charge in, bashing the alicorn and dealing heavy damage!
  678. >Elizabeth struggles out of the chains and shatters her Judgement Arcana!
  679. >The ethereal-haired deity pulls out a pure white arrow and fires it at Empress, dealing heavy damage!
  680. >"Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto!"
  681. >Another arrow fires into the heavens, creating a painted sky with a full moon!
  682. >The moon descends, crashing into everyone but Lovers, dealing immense damage and knocking Empress out!
  683. >"Change, The Musketeers!"
  684. >The diminutive trio touch their swords together and go into battle positions!
  685. (Moon Drop hurts like a bitch, but thankfully we won't see that again. Three turns have passed, so let's keep piling the damage while keeping an eye on our health! Here's everyone's HP and SP:)
  687. HP:
  689. Hanged Man: 28%
  690. Fool: 33%
  691. Empress: 0%
  692. Lovers: 100%
  694. SP:
  696. Hanged Man: 50%
  697. Fool: 20%
  698. Empress: 5%
  699. Lovers: 35%
  700. Hierophant: 70%
  702. (We've got 6 Candies, 5 Potions, and 5 Feathers left.)
  704. (Hanged Man, you and Fool fall back! Devil and I are going on the field!)
  705. {You got it!}
  706. >Analyzers change as Hierophant looks over to Devil.
  707. "We should be able to pull off a combo now. Think you're up to it?"
  708. "I don't know, Hiero. The Musketeers repel Ice, and you do know Niflheim. You sure this won't be Ice-related?"
  709. "There's only one way to find out."
  710. "Persona!"
  711. "Persona!"
  712. >Cain begins by impaling himself with his pitchfork, bleeding onto the earth and corrupting it!
  713. >The corruption reaches Elizabeth, dragging her down into the abyss!
  714. "Mind if I borrow that pitchfork, Devil?"
  715. "Go nuts."
  716. >Hierophant grabs the pitchfork as he and Iscariot begin to sink down as well, the fallen angel screaming in pain!
  717. >Inside, the alicorn can see nothing in the darkness.
  718. "Iscariote might be chained by his sins on the surface, but here he is free to exact his vengeance!"
  719. >Iscariote comes into view, his black chains struggling to keep the traitor in!
  720. >In a pained roar, he breaks free, the chains flying around Elizabeth and keeping her trapped in one spot!
  721. >Frozen wings unfurl as the necessary traitor shows himself in all his frost-bitten glory!
  722. >Hierophant hands Cain's pitchfork over to his Persona, then turns around to face the chained attendant.
  723. "Now face the wrath of the penitent sinner!"
  724. >Tightening his grip on the poisoned weapon, Iscariote begins to thrust rapidly into Elizabeth's vital spots, leaving behind blackened holes where he stabs!
  725. >His attacks become even faster, dealing more and more damage as his thrusts become too fast to truly see!
  726. >With the final stab, Iscariote roars in rage and sorrow, causing the abyss to collapse around the alicorn!
  728. Team-up Attack: Oblivion!
  730. >The earth finally spits up the alicorn, landing roughly on her side!
  731. "Good to know that was Dark. You guys ready?"
  732. "..."
  733. "Oh right, Empress is dead right now. Oh well, charge anyways!"
  734. >The surviving trio rushes in, pummeling away at her prone form and dealing lessened damage!
  735. "Come back to us, Empress!"
  736. >A Feather falls upon the downed Arcana, restoring his health back to fighting shape!
  737. "Thanks. I'm dry on Spirit, so I'll just block!"
  738. >Empress goes into a defensive stance, guarding his weak points!
  740. >"Persona!"
  741. >The Musketeers spark their blades and unite them, sending a bolt of electricity at Empress!
  742. "Not today!"
  743. >Lovers pushes him out of the way, taking the electricity like nothing!
  744. >Elizabeth responds by smashing her card again, leading the three to lunge at Lovers, dealing heavy damage!
  745. >"Change, Robin Hood!"
  746. >The long-nosed archer laughs confidently and nocks several differently-headed arrows at the group!
  747. >"This one and Cyrano were my favorites. Their long noses remind me of my master."
  748. {Looks like Robin Hood is on the field! Don't forget we can't crit his ass, and that he can debuff like a madman! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  750. HP:
  752. Hierophant: 70%
  753. Devil: 70%
  754. Lovers: 58%
  755. Empress: 100%
  757. SP:
  759. Hierophant: 40%
  760. Devil: 50%
  761. Lovers: 35%
  762. Empress: 5%
  764. {We've got 6 Candies, 5 Potions and 4 Feathers left.}
  766. {Everyone, swap out! Emperor, Lust, Magician and Sun, you're up!}
  767. >The team swaps out, a more energized one taking their place.
  768. "Lust, let's do our combo!"
  769. "Alright!"
  770. "Persona!"
  771. "Persona!"
  772. >Napoleon appears once more and fires a cannonball into the air.
  773. >However, rather than falling down with gravity, the orb rises higher in the air and starts to shine!
  774. >It continues to shine brighter until the ball was a crude mockery of the sun: all the shine, but none of the warmth.
  775. "Man's potential is great. The ability to create and imagine are things that few lifeforms have."
  776. "However, such potential can lead to assumptions and pride."
  777. >Icarus begins to fly towards the faux sun.
  778. "The thought that one can create the sun..."
  779. >The cannonball glows red as the winged boy draws closer.
  780. "Or the hubris that one can touch it."
  781. >Just as Icarus is about to put his hands on the cannonball, it explodes as if it were a bomb!
  782. >The resulting blast catches the boy's wings on fire as he hurtles down to the alicorn!
  783. "Such hubris does not go unpunished, and all around them feel the burn!"
  784. "Be humbled by the price of Pride!"
  785. >Like a flaming meteor, the poor boy crashes into Elizabeth, creating an explosion of flame!
  787. Team-up Attack: Hubris Combustion!
  789. >As the flames dissipate, the attendant is on the ground from the blast!
  790. "Now's our time!"
  791. "Who the hell does she think we are?!"
  792. >You believe in the them that believe in you, dealing heavy damage!
  793. "Let's go for super damage here! Fafnir!"
  794. >The crimson and black creature fires another purple and green flame at the prone alicorn, dealing heavy damage!
  795. "Unleash the power of the sun, Tonatiuh!"
  796. >The Aztec sun breathes out a gout of flame at Elizabeth, dealing moderate damage!
  797. {My turn! Flames of Life!}
  798. >The viridian inferno returns, dealing heavy damage to the attendant!
  800. >"Persona!"
  801. >The archer mockingly laughs at the group, returning everyone's defenses to normal!
  802. >"Robin Hood!"
  803. >He nocks four arrows and fires them into the group!
  804. >Emperor and Magician get out of the way in time, but Lust gets hit and Sun takes an arrow to the knee, falling down!
  805. "Fuck! I thought becoming a guard was Justice's thing!"
  806. >Elizabeth takes advantage of this by striking Magician, cutting deeper due to the lack of protective magic on the team!
  807. >"Change, Baast!"
  808. >The purple feline stretches, yawns, and lies down in rest.
  809. {...That's kind of weird. Guys, your defenses are neutral now, and your attack enhancements are wearing out next turn! It might be a good idea to reapply some of them! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  811. HP:
  813. Emperor: 100%
  814. Lust: 48%
  815. Magician: 12%
  816. Sun: 31%
  818. SP:
  820. Emperor: 40%
  821. Lust: 60%
  822. Magician: 10%
  823. Sun: 85%
  824. Hanged Man: 20%
  826. {Lust, Magician and Sun! Swap out with Fortune, Moon and Tower!}
  827. >Three retreat, three charge in.
  828. "I'm gonna punch that smug alicorn in the face! Yaargh!"
  829. >Emperor charges at Elizabeth, ready to pummel her!
  830. >However, she gracefully dodges his attack, his momentum sending him to the ground!
  831. {Shit, Emperor's Down!}
  832. "Yo, Emperor, you doing okay?"
  833. "...Yeah. I think I'm gonna lie down here for a while and question my life choices."
  834. >Fortune looks confused, then shrugs as he motions to Moon.
  835. "Ready to work together?"
  836. >Moon shrugs and preps his Persona.
  837. "Not really."
  838. "What? Well fine, then don't get in my way!"
  839. "Persona!"
  840. "Persona!"
  841. >Skin-walker and Hickok face Elizabeth on opposite sides, tomahawks and pistols at the ready!
  842. >As if a silent signal goes off, the two begin to circle around the alicorn, throwing frozen hatchets and electric bullets into her!
  843. >Some of the shots miss, however, and barely graze by the two Arcanas, their minds too focused on this attack!
  844. >The two Personae rotate faster and faster, throwing and shooting more and more projectiles until the alicorn is riddled with pellets and cold iron!
  845. >For a finale, Hickok and Skin-walker are dismissed as Fortune and Moon both charge at Elizabeth, jumping simultaneously and throwing a powerful punch each!
  846. >The blows connect, but make their way past their target and almost hit the other Arcana!
  848. Team-up Attack: Game of Rising!
  850. >The assault was enough to bring Elizabeth to her knees!
  851. "Ready for the beatdown, everyone?"
  852. >Emperor lies still on the floor.
  853. "...Okay. Onward, everyone else!"
  854. >The standing trio charge at the alicorn, dealing lessened damage without Emperor or enhancements!
  855. "Let's do this, Lancelot!"
  856. >The golden knight continues his previous incantation, summoning frost swords that cut deep into the attendant!
  858. >"Persona!"
  859. >Baast yowls, casting a green light on Elizabeth and recovering some of her health!
  860. "Oh what the hell man!"
  861. "Cheap!"
  862. >The alicorn looks at them humorously.
  863. >"Say the Arcanas with stocks of healing items. Now, defend yourself!"
  864. >Elizabeth carves into Fortune, dealing heavy damage!
  865. >"Change, Dullahan!"
  866. >The beautiful headless woman rides in and cackles at them, aiming her whip at the group!
  867. {Crap, I forgot that Baast could heal! It wasn't a full heal though, so let's just keep piling on the damage! Also, 6 turns have passed, so let's keep that in mind! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  869. HP:
  871. Emperor: 100% (Down)
  872. Fortune: 68%
  873. Moon: 100%
  874. Tower: 24%
  876. SP:
  878. Emperor: 40%
  879. Fortune: 40%
  880. Moon: 50%
  881. Tower: 60%
  882. Hanged Man: 20%
  884. {Everyone, swap out! Chariot, Lust, Sun and Temperance, you're all up!}
  885. >The three standing Arcanas pick up Emperor and his fallen pride and make way for the next group.
  886. "I'm gonna prep for this next one. Huitzilopochtli!"
  887. >The blue warrior shouts to the heavens, psyching himself for a powerful physical attack!
  888. "Go get her, Icarus!"
  889. >The winged boy prays to the heavens once more, a beam of light striking Elizabeth and burning her skin!
  890. "Now's the time to strike, friends!"
  891. "Begin the Joint Raid!"
  892. >Regardless of what that means, the group charges at the downed alicorn, dealing heavy damage!
  893. "Time to go all out! Persona!"
  894. >Tonatiuh charges solar energy and fires it at Elizabeth!
  895. >...Only for it to strike the wall, ruining the feng shui of the room!
  896. >Star turns his head in confusion, swearing he could hear a pained, over-dramatic female voice lamenting on the loss of such beautiful art.
  897. "I'm gonna eat a Candy, guys."
  898. >Temperance does so, restoring his spirit to full.
  900. >"Persona!"
  901. >The headless lady exudes a dark aura of malice, doing nothing to anyone but Lust, who begins to shiver!
  902. >"Dullahan!"
  903. >She proceeds to call out to Chariot!
  904. >"̨҉̸͟͟V͟͡͝e̸͝n̸̸̷̢͝ ̸̢c͏͘̕ò҉n̡̡͞͠m̸̸̸͞͝i͜g̷o̸͘͠,̡̀͜ ҉͟C̵̛͢h̶̀͟à̸͞ŗ̴i̛͘͡҉o̢̡̧͟͢t̷̡̀.̸҉̶͟ ҉̸S̵̡̡̛ú̧͘͠ ͜t̴i̵̢e̴͏͟͜m̢̕҉́͜p̶̛͘͠o̕͜͜͝͡ ̛́͟ś҉͏̡̨e͏̀͏̢͟ ̛̀̕͢a̢͠ć̷̨͜͞a͟҉̀b̶͟a̕͢͞,͏̡ ̴̕͝d̡҉̨ȩ̛͟͜҉s̴͢͝p̸̡̛͜͢u̡̡͢͏é҉́s̡̕ ̵̧̨̨͞d̀҉ȩ̸͘ ̴͘͟͢t͏͏o̧̧͏̶͏d͏̡̢̨ơ̢̨͟҉.̸͘"͘͡͏
  905. >The power of her voice hurts him greatly, causing him to fall to the ground!
  906. >Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dullahan tosses a basin of blood at the group!
  907. >It misses all but Temperance, drenching him in blood and making him look nauseous!
  908. >"Change, Johnny Appleseed!"
  909. >The peaceful farmer rides in, not truly interested in fighting.
  910. {Lust is afraid and Temperance is Poisoned! Try and fix that, 'cause Lust can't switch out as is! Johnny can heal, so we need to pile on the damage now! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  912. HP:
  914. Chariot: 27%
  915. Lust: 48% (Fear)
  916. Sun: 31%
  917. Temperance: 90% (Poison)
  919. SP:
  921. Chariot: 90%
  922. Lust: 40%
  923. Sun: 55%
  924. Temperance: 100%
  925. Hanged Man: 20%
  927. >Sun calls out to Chariot.
  928. "I think we can combo, but neither of us have the health to do so right now!"
  930. {Temperance! Swap out with Death!}
  931. >The two exchange places as Chariot recovers from some of his wounds.
  932. "Catch, Lust!"
  933. >A Potion crashes into the fearful Arcana, returning him to full strength!
  934. "Thanks! Here's one for you too, Sun!"
  935. >Sun catches his, drinking it and restoring his health!
  936. "Let's increase our crit chances! Tonatiuh!"
  937. >The sun god takes out a human heart and plunges through it with his knife, the blood sacrifice increasing everyone's chances to strike a weak point!
  938. "Time to shut our dear Lizzy up. Baron Samedi!"
  939. >The Voodoo lord takes out a primitive vial of light blue liquid and tosses it at the alicorn!
  940. >However, the vial sails past her and shatters harmlessly on the ground.
  941. "...Well shoot..."
  943. >"Persona!"
  944. >A miniature apple lands in Elizabeth's mouth, recovering minor health!
  945. >Johnny continues by creating a leaf cloak for the attendant, canceling any future fire weakness!
  946. >"Change, Tarzan!"
  947. >The jungleman swings in, brandishing his spear at the group!
  948. {Looks like she only recovered a small bit, but now Tarzan's on the field! He doesn't have any weaknesses, so you're gonna have to be creative! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  950. HP:
  952. Chariot: 42%
  953. Lust: 100%
  954. Sun: 100%
  955. Death: 60%
  957. SP:
  959. Chariot: 90%
  960. Lust: 40%
  961. Sun: 45%
  962. Death: 10%
  963. Hanged Man: 20%
  965. {We've got 5 Candies, 3 Potions, and 4 Feathers left.}
  967. {Lust, Sun! Swap out with Tower and Justice!}
  968. >The two swap for the battered duo, who ready their weapons!
  969. "Death, take this!"
  970. >Tower tosses a Candy at Death, who takes his time with it!
  971. "Huitzilopochtli, show her your power!"
  972. >The Aztec warrior charges in, his spiked war club swinging at Elizabeth!
  973. >It connects, dealing immense damage!
  974. "Time to Captain America this bitch!"
  975. >Justice charges in with his shield, throwing a metal punch right into her teeth!
  976. "42... 43... 44..."
  977. {Mary, what the hell are you doing?}
  978. "Oh, just trying to find out how many licks it takes to get to the Zap Apple center of a Zap Apple Candy."
  979. {Just eat the damn thing already!}
  980. "Ugh, fine."
  981. >Death swallows his candy and shatters his card, making Samedi release a pleasant smelling incense among the group, restoring everyone's health to maximum!
  983. >"Take this!"
  984. >Elizabeth takes a swipe at Chariot, but Huitzilopochtli protects him from most of the damage!
  985. >"Tarzan!"
  986. >The jungle warrior does a jumping kick at Justice, connecting with his solar plexus and sending him crashing to the floor!
  987. >"And now..."
  988. >She charges once more, cards cutting deep into Death and sending him down!
  989. >"The final attack!"
  990. >She slices at Chariot, his Persona taking the brunt of the blow!
  991. >"Change, Asmodeus!"
  992. >The sexy demoness of Lust blows a kiss towards the group, then leans on the air playfully.
  993. >"I do hope you aren't holding back for my sake, my dear Arcanas. As you can see, I'm almost out of Anonymous's Personae, and you're almost out of time. Do try to let it all out: holding it in is bad for healthy men like yourselves."
  994. {...Weird sexual innuendos aside, she does have a point. 9 turns have passed, so we don't have much time left! If we still have combos, they need to happen, stat! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  996. HP:
  998. Tower: 100%
  999. Chariot: 55%
  1000. Justice: 34%
  1001. Death: 39%
  1003. SP:
  1005. Tower: 60%
  1006. Chariot: 90%
  1007. Justice: 80%
  1008. Death: 80%
  1009. Hanged Man: 20%
  1011. {Chariot, Death! Swap out for Priestess and Empress!}
  1012. >The duos swap as everyone prepares to give it their all.
  1013. "Empress, have a Candy!"
  1014. >Tower passes another Candy to Empress, who eats it and regains his spirit!
  1015. "Justice, it's time!"
  1016. "JUST."
  1017. "Persona!"
  1018. "Persona!"
  1019. >The two Greek legends appear side by side, looking up to the heavens.
  1020. "Oh powerful Zeus, grant us this one request and aid us in our time of need!"
  1021. >As if responding, rain clouds begin to gather in the area and starts a storm.
  1022. >Torrents of water deluge the field and lightning arcs through the air!
  1023. >From the largest puddle on the ground, a mechanical-looking man arises.
  1024. >From head to toe, he appears to be heavily armored and bears an odd crown upon his head.
  1025. "Behold, the ruler of Olympus has appeared to aid his children!"
  1026. >Zeus motions the two Personae as they all get into fighting stances!
  1027. >In an instant, the three leap at the alicorn, Zeus's hands glowing blue with electricity!
  1028. >Perseus's scythe-sword gouges her side!
  1029. >Athena jabs at her wings with her spear!
  1030. >And Zeus is at the forefront, hammering away at Elizabeth's body, each blow clearly hurting greatly!
  1031. >After a while, Zeus jumps back and raises his arm, his armor converting from his body into a brilliantly shining blue lance!
  1032. >Athena and Perseus hold Elizabeth down, restricting her movement and leaving her wide open!
  1033. >The king of Olympus charges at speeds near impossible to see with the human eye at the alicorn, thrusting his powerful spear into her and causing great damage as a bolt of lightning surges through her!
  1035. Team-up Attack: Wrath of the Gods!
  1037. >Zeus vanishes shortly afterwards, taking the clouds and water with him.
  1038. >Free from the lance's hold, Elizabeth falls to the ground in pain!
  1039. "Time for an All-Out Attack!"
  1040. "DO IT!"
  1041. >Dreams aren't left as dreams as the group pummels the ruler over power, dealing heavy damage!
  1042. "I'll patch up those wounds. Gaea!"
  1043. >The earth goddess brings forth a bowl of golden nectar that all partake in, restoring everyone's health to full!
  1045. >"Persona!"
  1046. >The ruler of Lust turns the bull head on her shoulder towards the group, its eyes flashing green and unleashing a powerful gale of wind!
  1047. >Priestess dodges out of the way, but everyone else is tossed around by the attack!
  1048. >"Asmodeus!"
  1049. >Her snake tail turns towards the group and lunges at them, biting everyone and causing Tower and Priestess to fall to the floor in pain!
  1050. >"Once more!"
  1051. >The tail takes one more swipe at Empress, dealing heavy damage!
  1052. >"Change, Alucard!"
  1053. >The dhampir duelist brandishes his rapier at you, ready to attack!
  1054. {Be careful guys! Alucard has a very wide critical hit range, and that Revolution from earlier's still effective! We also have two combos left, in case you were wondering. Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  1056. HP:
  1058. Tower: 10%
  1059. Justice: 19%
  1060. Priestess: 45%
  1061. Empress: 28%
  1063. SP:
  1065. Tower: 60%
  1066. Justice: 40%
  1067. Priestess: 0%
  1068. Empress: 80%
  1070. {Everyone, change out for Chariot, Sun, Hermit and Star!}
  1071. >The next group steels themselves, ready to give everything they have!
  1072. "It's finally time, Chariot!"
  1073. "I'll warm her up for you!"
  1074. "Persona!"
  1075. "Persona!"
  1076. >As Tonatiuh charges solar energy for the attack, Huitzilopochtli lifts his club to the sky, the weapon glowing a bright white!
  1077. >With his weapon charged, he leaps at Elizabeth, releasing a vicious battle cry!
  1078. >The turquoise warrior swings his club with purpose, appearing to break several bones in the alicorn's body!
  1079. >Every swing leaves a bad burn mark upon her skin, a reminder of her vampiric Persona!
  1080. >After a few swings, he adds punches and kicks to the mix, dealing even more damage!
  1081. >Within the fevered beatings, Tonatiuh finally stores enough energy to unleash a pure, destructive beam of energy at Elizabeth and Huitzilopochtli's direction, flooding everywhere around her and the warrior with a blinding light!
  1083. Team-up Attack: Sinister Solar Slaughter!
  1085. >As everyone readjusts their eyes, they see Elizabeth on the ground, severely injured!
  1086. "Time to bring the pain!"
  1087. "Charge!"
  1088. >The Arcanas hammer away at the attendant, dealing heavy damage!
  1089. >Hermit looks over to Star.
  1090. "Let's show them our stuff, Star!"
  1091. "Bring us in, Hermit!"
  1092. "Persona!"
  1093. "Persona!"
  1094. >Dantalion flips through the pages of his book while the Arabian Elf grabs a hold of the prone alicorn.
  1095. >When he finds the right spot, a swirling vortex sucks the two combatants into the story!
  1096. Elizabeth finds herself in a vast desert as far as the eye can see, barren save for the sky that shines like one thousand jewels!
  1097. "In this tale, there are many stories. Each story would take 1,001 Nights to fully read!"
  1098. >At that cue, the stars begin to fade as people began to charge at the ruler over power!
  1099. "But while those tales have long met their end, we'll decide when our story is over!"
  1100. >A young thief slices at Elizabeth and snatches some bits off of her!
  1101. >A common man forcefully pushes her aside while running away from forty thieves, trampling over the alicorn!
  1102. "And with you, we will create our own night!"
  1104. Team-up Attack: 1,002 Nights!
  1106. >The rest of the tales continue the assault while Dantalion looks on from outside the book!
  1107. >As if receiving an unspoken cue, he closes the book shut, firing Elizabeth out!
  1109. >"P-Persona!"
  1110. >Alucard throws a fireball at Hermit, dealing heavy damage!
  1111. >"Th-this..."
  1112. >He continues with a lunge at Star, which he dodges easily!
  1113. >"This is what I was looking for! Change, Charles Barkley!"
  1114. >The Master of Slams and Jams holds his hands out, ethereal balls manifesting on them!
  1115. >"This is truly our fevered finale! Strike at me with all you have, or perish!"
  1116. {This power-! If she casts that, we won't stand a chance! But she's hanging on by a thread! One more push will end this! Here's everyone's HP and SP:}
  1118. Party HP:
  1120. Chariot: 30%
  1121. Sun: 60%
  1122. Hermit: 52%
  1123. Star: 57%
  1125. Party SP:
  1127. Chariot: 90%
  1128. Sun: 45%
  1129. Hermit: 50%
  1130. Star: 10%
  1132. Inactive:
  1134. Fool: 33%/20%
  1135. Magician: 12%/10%
  1136. Priestess: 45%/0%
  1137. Empress: 100%/5%
  1138. Emperor: 100%/40%
  1139. Hierophant: 70%/40%
  1140. Lovers: 58%/35%
  1141. Justice: 19%/40%
  1142. Fortune: 68%/40%
  1143. Strength: 13%/85%
  1144. Hanged Man: 28%/20%
  1145. Death: 39%/80%
  1146. Temperance: 90%/100% (Poison)
  1147. Devil: 70%/50%
  1148. Tower: 15%/60%
  1149. Moon: 100%/50%
  1150. Lust: 100%/40%
  1151. Judgement: 60%/20%
  1153. {Hiero, you take over!}
  1154. (Got it! Chariot, Hermit and Star, get back! Lovers, Death and Judgement, get on the field!)
  1155. >The final plan and team are filled with determination.
  1156. (I'll keep him still! Frozen Penance!)
  1157. >Icy chains wrap around Barkley's arms, interfering with his preparations and dealing heavy damage!
  1158. "No more messing around! Diarmuid!"
  1159. >The warrior throws his weapons in the air and begins his vicious assault before they hit the ground!
  1160. >Slices and pierces riddle the basketball player's body, causing his hands to mash into each other and solidify the two balls into one focused orb of death!
  1161. "Trying to outslam the True Slam King, huh? With me, Sun!"
  1162. "Don't recall you being my boss, but alright!"
  1163. >Samedi and Tonatiuh charge up their respective elements, a great contrast of light and dark permeating everyone's vision!
  1164. >Fully charged, the white and black beams fire, intertwining and becoming a spiral of destruction that slams Barkley's Jam and connects with the ball!
  1165. >A fierce battle of energy results: the team's slams versus the basketball player's jams!
  1166. >But the beam breaks through, destroying the spell that was charging and causing a great explosion as a result, dealing heavy damage!
  1167. "And now-?!"
  1168. >Before Judgement can act, he and everyone else feels a strange feeling they had felt once before!
  1169. (That was-)
  1170. {We can Legion!}
  1171. "Then what the hell are we waiting for?"
  1172. >The remaining Arcanas jump into the fray as 9 extra appear out of nowhere!
  1173. >Judgement raises his hand as everyone merges together into the shape of a giant drill!
  1174. "This is so fucking anime."
  1175. (Just do it, you nerd.)
  1176. >The drill begins to rapidly spin as Judgement charges Barkley, united weapon leading the way!
  1177. "This ends now!"
  1178. "ARS!"
  1179. "ARCANUM!"
  1181. Final Attack: Ars Arcanum Level 3!
  1183. >The drill jams into the Persona and rips him apart, leaving a huge hole where Judgement drove through!
  1184. >Charles Barkley begins to distort as black substance floods out of the wound like a broken faucet!
  1185. >After a while, the Slam-master falls, and the Arcanas face Elizabeth.
  1187. >The alicorn appears to be panting, but is otherwise in top form!
  1188. >"Do not worry, my dear Arcanas. You have won this battle entirely. How was it? Did it satisfy your lust?"
  1189. >Elizabeth looks expectantly at the group, awaiting an answer.
  1191. "A damn fine battle."
  1192. "Truly the ultimate battle I wanted, Lizzy."
  1193. "Yeah, Liz. I'm ready. Thank you."
  1194. >The alicorn shakes her head.
  1195. >"No, I'm afraid I must be the one who thanks you. Luna wasn't the only one watching in all of your adventures."
  1196. >"As an attendant of this Velvet Room, and the one who rules over power, I've watched you all make the choices you made."
  1197. >"Never giving up, always accepting people no matter what. You remind me of..."
  1198. >Elizabeth looks away, sorrow in her eyes.
  1199. >"...Someone I used to know. A man who was willing to give up everything in order to protect the ones he loved."
  1200. >She looks back up with a smile.
  1201. >"But you have a dream to go back to, don't you?"
  1202. >Everyone begins to nod...
  1203. >...Except for one Arcana.
  1204. "...I'll never be ready, Lizzy. Part of me will always want to be here, fighting the good fight and living in this world I was never meant for. But it's time. We can't let our desire to keep playing warp this place from the beauty it is now into something belabored and dull. Thank you Elizabeth. Catch you... next time, I guess."
  1205. >Elizabeth looks at the one particular man, his face resigned with the fact.
  1206. >"Well, I do have something for you, if you wish."
  1207. >The group looks up in confusion as the alicorn motions behind her.
  1208. >"There are 17 Reapers outside, due to that last attack, so you may wish to fight them."
  1209. "Only 17?"
  1210. >"...I could throw in 5 more-"
  1211. "AWW YEAH."
  1212. >Elizabeth's eyes widen at everyone's recovery and excitement over such an impossible challenge.
  1213. >"Such energy..."
  1214. >And she laughed.
  1215. >"Heehee, I suppose it was foolish of me to assume I could satisfy all of your hearts. Go on, then. Fight your fight."
  1216. >With vigor, the Arcanas wave her goodbye and charge through the door, roaring battle cries at the legion of faceless enemies!
  1218. "...I wonder if they'll be alright."
  1219. >Elizabeth shrugs and makes her way the opposite direction.
  1220. "It matters not. Their story may have begun, but my - no, our part in it is no longer needed."
  1221. >A tiny metallic clang sounds from under her.
  1222. >She looks down and levitates up a key.
  1223. >It bears a mask unlike any Arcana she has ever bore witness to.
  1224. >Except...
  1225. "Oh my, this is interesting indeed."
  1226. >This key must have been dropped by one of the Arcanas.
  1227. >Or perhaps...
  1228. "Perhaps this is the Room telling me to prepare for my own journey. My own journey... If not for him and those hearts, I'd never have conceived the thought."
  1229. >Elizabeth looks to the door, then back to the key.
  1230. "Perhaps I will make it later. After all, I already promised Master to help him with this new contract. I've even hear that it's a female this time."
  1231. >The ruler over power opens the door, looks back to the battered Velvet Room that seemed to have lasted twice as long as it did, then goes through the threshold and closes the door.
  1233. Ponyville, Morning, ???
  1235. >Sounds of groaning and pain can be heard all over town.
  1236. "That was not one of our brightest ideas..."
  1237. "Completely worth it, man."
  1238. "My leg!"
  1240. -END-

My Little Persona: Another Way Round 2

by DisgruntledAnon

Tower's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon

Hanged Man's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon

Death's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon

Empress's Epilogue (10/18/2015)

by DisgruntledAnon