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Fool's Epilogue (10/25/2015)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 23:14:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Canterlot Castle, Evening
  3. >In a plain bedroom, the Fool sits alone at a writing desk, wrapped in a heavy blanket.
  4. >His hands are smudged with ink as he stares down at the pages before him.
  5. >The Fool. One of 22 beings whose hearts were allowed to remain in this dream.
  6. >The one who represents the number zero.
  7. >Of all the ones to return, he alone returned without a mask.
  8. >Upon his arrival, he was happy to see everyone.
  9. >He treated his friends kindly, and spoke closely with them all.
  10. >But when his fellow Arcana returned to those whose bonds had called them back, the Fool was one whose bond was never anyone in particular.
  11. >Still, he did not act bothered by this, and simply requested a room in Canterlot Castle to call his own.
  12. >For a few days he lived well as a resident of the castle.
  13. >He spoke with the princesses, with Judgement and Empress, and with the staff.
  14. >But as time went on, he ventured out less and less.
  15. >He would request meals in his room instead of eating with the others.
  16. >He chose to watch the sun and moon rise and set from his window, rather than witnessing the beautiful display of the princess’s magic.
  17. >When asked to go out for a walk in the gardens, or to spend some time playing games, he would simply look at his clock and groan uncomfortably.
  18. >The Fool would tell them it wasn’t a good time.
  19. >There was writing to be done, and he hadn’t been as productive as he wished.
  20. >Their story as it happened should be chronicled and preserved, so those willing could learn of their tale.
  21. >Days would pass where he wouldn’t leave his room at all, and the only ones to see him were the staff who brought him food.
  22. >He’d thank them with a smile, wish them a good day, and that would be the end of it.
  23. >Today was a day like that.
  24. >That is, until a knock came at his door.
  25. “Yeah?”
  26. >”May I enter?” Luna’s voice asks.
  27. >The Fool covered himself more tightly with the blanket.
  28. “Uh, yeah. You can come in.”
  29. >Opening the door with her magic, Luna stepped into the room, sniffing the air audibly.
  30. >”It doesn’t smell very good in here.”
  31. "I know.”
  32. >”Have you not been to the bath lately?”
  33. “I haven’t really had time. But it’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
  34. >”Even if you aren’t you should still take one.”
  35. “I’ve been busy, okay? I just keep forgetting. I’m trying to focus on writing, so if I take a break I’ll lose my momentum.”
  36. >”Fool.”
  37. “What?”
  38. >Luna looks concerned as he snaps at her.
  39. >”Why are you doing this?”
  40. “Because people want to read about what happened with us. This is a good opportunity for me.”
  41. >”That isn’t what I mean.”
  42. “Then what?”
  43. >”Everyone else is living their dream of a happy ending. Why is your dream to be alone?”
  44. >The fool pauses, turning away and taking a deep breath.
  45. “It’s just…”
  46. “It doesn’t feel realistic to think I’d be any different.”
  47. “This was all I could do before. There’s no reason that should change.”
  48. >”You’re saying you think nothing has changed?”
  49. >The fool stares up through the window.
  50. “Nine years ago… I looked up at the full moon one night and thought about what I wanted to do with my life.”
  51. “I decided that what I wanted more than anything was to make people smile.”
  52. “It didn’t matter too much how I did it. I just wanted to be someone that could make people happy.”
  53. “And I wanted to spread that happiness as far as I could. To as many people as possible.”
  54. “But I don’t feel like I’ve grown as much as I should have.”
  55. “Somehow I still feel like I’m at zero.”
  56. >Luna reaches over the Fool from behind, placing her hoof on his shoulder.
  57. >”I understand if you feel disappointed in yourself. But to think you’re at zero is utterly foolish.”
  58. >”Zero is what happens when you don’t try at all. You’ve not only tried, but you’ve made people laugh, cry, and smile in your time. You’ve even forged new bonds.”
  59. >”Even if you’re not at 100 yet, I won’t let you say that what you’ve accomplished is zero.”
  60. >”You are a dreamer. And dreamers are often unsatisfied with reality.”
  61. >”But you’ve worked to make that dream reality, Fool. Even if you didn’t reach everything you wanted, you’ve learned things. You’ve grown.”
  62. >Luna leans against the human, hugging him from behind.
  63. >”Are you really going to tell me that you’ve gained nothing?”
  64. >The fool quietly shakes his head.
  65. “Yeah… it might not have been everything I ever dreamed of, but I shouldn’t think that means it was a waste either.”
  66. “I guess I just have really high expectations for myself.”
  67. “I might not be meeting them just yet, but I’ll keep trying my best to reach for them.”
  68. >”Working to make your dreams real isn’t easy. But I think it’s a noble pursuit.”
  69. >”But becoming a skilled writer isn’t the only way you can make people smile.”
  70. >”Just go out there and see your friends. You’ll make them smile right away.”
  71. >The fool turns in his chair, awkwardly hugging Luna.
  72. “Thanks, Luna. I get kinda mopey like that from time to time. Thanks for setting me straight.”
  73. >”Any of your friends would be glad to.”
  74. “Yeah, I should go spend some more time with them.”
  75. “But I guess there is another reason I haven’t been doing that so much.”
  76. >”What is it?”
  77. “Well… I never meant to be one of the ones taking a key.”
  78. “I always meant for that to be a reward for everyone else’s hearts.”
  79. “I wondered if it was really okay for me to join their happy ending like that. Even when I did take a key, it was the one that didn’t have any bond associated with. So I wouldn’t be stealing anyone’s waifu.”
  80. >”Understandable.” Luna nods. “But the fact remains you did take it, though you did not have to. So why?”
  81. >The human leans back and rubs the back of his head, thinking of how to put it into words.
  82. “I guess… because it sounded like fun.”
  83. “I kinda did want a chance to hang out with those guys.”
  84. “Maybe give Death a good punch in the jaw for giving me such a headache all those times.”
  85. >”Then you should go see them. And what of your marefriends? Will you be spending time with them too?”
  86. “Maybe… just as friends. I’m mostly gay, y’know.”
  87. >”That’s right, I do think you said something like that.”
  88. “Besides, if I got them pregnant I’d be a terrible father.”
  89. >Luna smiles and tilts her head. “Why would they need to worry about that?”
  90. “Oh! I kind of didn’t mention it yet, but it sort of fits in with the theme of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’ that’s been going around for the whole story.”
  91. “See, I figured that once the true ending is obtained, the human anons end up becoming something real that actually belongs in the world instead of a dream held down by your heart. And since they’re something that belongs in this world now, they’ll actually be compatible this time and be able to make satyr children, or some kind of hybrids anyway. Start a family, you know? Be able to make a real home.”
  92. >Luna’s smile quickly vanishes.
  93. >”Did you tell else yet?”
  94. “Nah, you’re the first one. I’ve been busy with other stuff.”
  95. >Luna pauses and stares at the fool.
  96. >”Don’t you think those mares would appreciate knowing this information?”
  97. “... Ohh.”
  98. “Ohh… shit.”
  99. >”Yes, indeed.” Luna says through gritted teeth.
  100. “I mean I don’t even know if it actually happened but uh, I-I should probably tell them that!”
  101. >”You probably should.” Luna glares.
  102. “Uh, okay how do we… uh, can you take me to Ponyville?”
  103. >”Not with you smelling like that. You’re going to the mirror and telling them right now.”
  104. “Okay, me put on pants first!”
  105. >”You aren’t even wearing pants?!”
  106. “I write better without pants!”
  107. >”You…”
  108. >”FOOL!!!”
  109. >I guess I’ll always be a fool.
  110. >For the rest of my life.
  111. >A foolish dreamer always striving to reach infinity.
  112. >And at long last, it’s time to put down the pen… and face reality with a smile.
  114. FIN
  116. PERSONA!

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