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[MLP] Persona: Equestrian Shadows CYOA by JESTER (6/17/2016)

By DisgruntledAnon
Created: 2020-12-24 23:20:08
Expiry: Never

  1. It's half past midnight, on this wonderful new year. The fireworks have long ended at the park, parties are slowly ending, and the body is getting cold.
  3. The woman has long stopped crying, and the sigil carved onto her back seems to have stopped leaking blood. The knife that did the deed is spotless, but...
  5. There's still cleaning to do. No clothes to dispose of, her teeth can be pulled out later, fluids have been wiped off. So why can't I relax?
  7. What was even her name?
  9. I feel like someone replied to me.
  11. I want to woop but my throat is dry from fasting. It was aimful enough, just chanting as I sacrificed the woman...That's her name. Terra. Terra Enigma.
  13. I recognize that name. Maybe if I just try to ignore this bad thoughts, Our Lady will still accept this sacrifice as pure.
  15. I look down at my hands for confirmation. They shake their heads. No, to hell with you both. She will take this soul! How DARE you imply I waste [You may not.] time! Damn, this wind chills me.
  17. I pull out the box. Wait no, it's called a phone. She must be taking my meek intellect as compensation for my failures. Damn, I hate my hands for being right. I hear them snicker.
  19. I was not even aware that I turned on the application. To anyone else it seems like a simple design, but if they had the eyes I did, they would scream in terror at the beast watching from beyond. I would sing praises to his destructive majesty, personally.
  21. I send in the photo of Terra's corpse with my message to [Never you mind.] without hesitation. I hear a growl, and recognize it as her pet. He can handle whatever it is, please please please PLEASE RESPOND [Leave him. Begone.] I BEG OF YOU
  23. I get the response. I can no longer comprehend the words she sends, but they do not matter. I hear her speak.
  25. "Please, grant me one more chance! You will get your rightful host," I cry to the heavens with newfound strength, "PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME!"
  27. ...
  29. I realize I should've remembered my place, until I hear her speak yet again.
  31. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
  33. I'm not sure if you're still there, but did you hear that?! We shall be together at last, Ec[You shall regret forcing my hand.]
  35. [Steed Cetus uses Ocean's Wrath!]
  36. [You are struck down!]
  37. [The party is dead...]
  39. [Fear not. This is not even your story, my friend. That begins now.]
  41. [I am not the one you were defeated by. If you wish to know my name, remember your will to survive. We shall then meet again. Until then, enjoy your life.]
  43. Your headphones really need to be fixed or replaced. This music's cutting out, and it's hard to ignore your seasickness without relaxing pieces.
  45. You get your parents are into the ocean, but come on, you just want to take an airplane again. At least you could sleep on those!
  47. Your pseudo-brooding isn't helping matters. You ought to wall around. Maybe Uncle Jo will have something to say? Maybe you can find something to do down here. Or you can just watch the ocean that seems to hate you so much, try to make peace with it. Yeah, not any time soon, but there might be a dolphin out there.
  49. You turn off the music. Your headphones are, quite frankly, pieces of shit. Hopefully you can find a good hardware store and pick up a pair of MDR-V6's.
  51. You sit up and get off the creaky, somewhat lumpy couch. After taking about four seconds to calm your gut, you walk up the stairs, on deck.
  53. The scent of the sea becomes stronger. You've outgrown your irrational, repulsive reaction for it, but you're kind of getting sick of salty brine and whatever the hell. Still, you ought to do what any young man at sea does when he's bored. That's right, watch for dolphins because you've already slept most of this voyage away and you're not tired enough yet!
  55. You proceed to watch the waves go by. Not a single animal to be seen. You still have an urge to puke, but at least you can toss cookies into the big blue.
  57. You hear footsteps behind you. Must be Uncle Jo.
  59. "Hi, Uncle Jórisar. No dolphins yet."
  61. You know he loves dolphins. Well, more like "is somewhat fascinated by them." He's not aloof or apathetic, he's more stoic than anything.
  63. "That's a shame, but that's not my name."
  65. You turn to your right in surprise. There's... someone else besides your uncle and you?!
  67. "Oh, did I startle you? My apologies, Sun of Man."
  69. The other man is about 6'5", outsizing you by a few inches. His skin is rather pale, with a touch of pink. A rather rare color, you've heard. His grey hair is shaved off the top and short all around, like a monk's. He's wearing what appears to be a poncho, but soaked and looking remarkably like it was made with weaved seaweed.
  71. "I am not your enemy. Today is the first day we met, in fact. But even today, common cpurtesy requires an introduction."
  73. The eccentric man bows. "My name..." He hesitates, looking down solemnly. "I'm sorry. I was not prepared for this, Sun of Man. I can only say to call me Percy."
  75. You are already weirded out by this guy, but he hasn't pulled out a knife. He's strange, but not dangerous. Still, Percy? Not many folks have a one word name. Definitely an odd one out in many ways.'
  77. "Well, though my first impression may be eternally botched, I wish to know your name. That is the expectation of a greeting." He then looks out to the ocean. "Hmm. I doubt my conversation skills are up to par with humanity's."
  79. He then looks to you once again. "If you do not wish to grace me with your name, I accept that. However, I have an admittedly odd request. I need you to sign something." He reaches around in the poncho that hides his body below his neck and above his knees, before reaching out with a pen with strange bumps on it, and a paper. Now that he's reaching out, you notice that the poncho's consistency IS seaweed-like, and he has velvet sleeves. He must be wearing something below.
  81. The paper is written in a cursive font. It reads;
  83. >Wherever my path take me, I shant abandon it.
  84. >x__________
  86. That's where you sign, you assume.
  88. You take the pen and paper. You realize this pen looks like a big skeleton key from a fantasy movie. Maybe this could open one of the trunks downstairs! They're just books, and you saw them already when you and your uncle were bringing in luggage, but you just wanna try unlocking something with this oversized pen key hybrid. You want to use this power while you have it!
  90. Man, you are bored. You already signed your first name, and are moving on to your surname, when you realize you should show Percy some courtesy, too.
  92. "My name is Ness Enigma."
  94. You finish signing your name, and offer the pen and paper, as well as a handshake. Percy takes it eagerly with both hands, shaking with reserved excitement,
  96. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Sun of Man! Unless you prefer Ness. Keep the pen, by the way. Or should I say, the Velvet Key."
  98. >Obtained Velvet Key.
  100. "As for the was actually a contract. Well, given the terms were clearly there, I'm sure you saw through my deceit. I must apologize either way."
  102. He takes the paper and pulls it beneath the seaweed poncho, before turning to the ocean, and leaning on the rail like you did not too long ago.
  104. The two of you watch the waves silently. Though you only met him, you already feel...comfortable. It's like you're hanging out with your lifelong best friend.
  106. Maybe you're just already clinging to someone that talks to you, but his very existence seems mysterious. There's definitely more than meets the eye.
  108. ...You would prefer to let this moment of serenity last, to be honest. However long it does.
  110. "I should return."
  112. Percy stands up straight, and...jumps on the railing?! He squats on it like some nautical ninja.
  114. "I doubt my fellow retainer is back from her...well, I don't know. We try to avoid each other. I can't wait to see you again, Ness."
  116. He gives you a joyous smile, that seems it would befit an elementary school boy's face than his, before he jumps into the water. You almost reached out to him, but you figured that's how he got here.
  118. You definitely agree with him, in any case. It's clear you haven't seen the last of him, and you're curious, no doubt.
  120. Strange. You don't feel seasick, now that you have time for yourself.
  122. More importantly, the foghorn blows. You appreciate Uncle Jo's alarm to wake you up, but you can see it yourself.
  124. "LAND HO!"

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