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My Little Persona: Social Links Are Magic Gaiden 1 (11/8/2017)
By DisgruntledAnonCreated: 2020-12-24 23:38:32
Expiry: Never
Shizuka...! Celestia...!"
>A sharp pain roars through your mind as you look at your friends, badly injured and unable to protect themselves against these thieves, these murderers.
>You were supposed to be her son, you were supposed to have the happy ending you all fought for.
>But these people, your "brothers", aborted the very concept of you without a second thought, then happily lead the life you were meant to have.
>Who cares about the contract? Who cares about accepting the consequences of our actions?
>You never got the chance to live, none of this is fair!
>And your attempts to fix this with the Nightmare have been resisted by none other than the ones you love.
"I want to see everyone again!"
"I want to live!"
"Is that so wrong?"
"I don't want to disappear again..."
>A loud, booming voice pierces the miasma of your fears, dispelling the shadows weighing down on you.
>You look up, tears unintentionally welling up in your eyes, as your mother trots up and embraces you.
>"My son, you're wanted in this world we all fought for. I love you, and I know the others do as well. Never forget that, Dream Magus."
>Nodding as you dry your tears, your lucid dreaming kicks in as the scenery changes to something more pleasant.
"Thanks, mother. Sorry you had to see that, thought I finally would stop having those dreams..."
>Luna sits next to you, a comforting hoof around your shoulder as she gives you a sympathetic look.
>"What happened last year was an ordeal for everypony involved. Even now, my mind occasionally drifts back to that fateful day I became Nightmare Moon."
>She holds up her other hoof, not quite finished with her thought.
>"These dreams may never truly go away, but know that you should never let them bind you. No matter what happens, we'll all be here for each other, together."
>You smile and lean into Luna, her motherly embrace warm and welcoming like a blanket as her wing covers you as well.
>Eventually, the two of you break the sideways hug as she moves over to look at you face-to-face, a serious look on her face.
>"Speaking of last year, it wouldn't be a surprise if something like that happened again."
"Yeah, everyone sure likes to cause a real shitshow when the barrier between dreams begins to weaken."
>Your mother nods as she continues.
>"Indeed. As such, I want you to keep an eye on anything particularly odd happening. I've talked to your brothers about this as well, which was particularly draining."
>A small yawn escapes Luna's lips, the bags in her eyes a bit more noticeable than usual.
"I understand, mother. If anything happens, we'll try to resolve it as quick as possible so you can rest for tonight."
>"Thank you, my son, I will certainly sleep better with you all keeping watch in my stead. Just, try not to enjoy yourselves too much as you do your, what's it called?"
>A mischievous grin takes over her face as you get a bad feeling about this.
>"A 'Dance-off', as it were? I certainly hope you don't take after your aunt's skills."
>You can smell the linguini as Luna chuckles at your plight.
>"Regardless, please do have fun today. Nightmare Night only comes once a year, no?"
"I plan on it, at least. It feels like its been forever since we've all been together."
>A smile crosses your lips as you think about all the stuff you've done with your friends over the year.
>Nightmare Night, when Tower spoke out loud and embarrassed himself in front of his waifu.
>Hearthswarming Day, when Justice somehow manage to catch fruitcake on fire while he helped out Lovers.
>Taco Grande Thursday, which you have all made a blood oath to never speak about, but was 100% Death's fault.
>As you recall these memories, a warmth grows in your heart: a reminder of the bonds you made when you were Anonymous, as well as the bonds you've made as Dream Magus.
"It's almost morning, isn't it?"
>"Yes, and I must get back to set the Moon for Celestia. Get some more rest before you awaken, my dear."
>She leans over and kisses your forehead, before unfurling her wings and taking off, disappearing out of sight."
>Your eyes begin to grow heavy as the lull of sleep drags you back to slumber.
>Nightmare Night, Morning
>You awaken to the chirping of the birds in the garden, stretching your limbs as you hop out of bed and onto your feet.
>Walking over to the bathroom, you take a morning shower and look at yourself in the mirror.
>Blank as usual, save for when you do things such as opening your mouth and change expressions.
>A blue mask with the Roman Numeral "I" lays nearby, along with a familiar amulet.
>Being "born" as a pony, you feel more comfortable in a pony's body than the human one you're in, so you often wear the amulet.
>Fortune was kind enough to allow you to keep hold of it, though you do lend it back when he asks.
>Not to mention the occasional grumbling about the amulet by your fellow brothers, but you're used to that by now.
>Placing the mask on your face, you slide the amulet around your neck, feeling the transformation magic take effect as you begin to shrink.
>Eventually, your transformation completes, revealing an alicorn around Twilight's height.
>As luck would have it, you hit the jackpot and managed to avoid the red/black color scheme: instead, your forest green coat meshes well with your black mane, thankfully avoiding the inevitable "edge" jokes your brothers would make.
>The blue mask you wear doesn't fit in your color scheme, but you know it's value for today, of all days.
>22 Arcanas.
>22 Bonds.
>22 Masks.
>This body used to be called "Magician", but in truth was originally nothing more than an empty shell, doing nothing but what was asked of him.
>Last Nightmare Night, you managed to cut through the boundary of dreams and fill the void in Magician.
>However, you were so fueled by fear and the Nightmare that you hurt and nearly killed the ones you loved.
>Everyone eventually forgave you, though not without a few friendly knocks on the head, and you were renamed into Dream Magus: Magician, but not quite.
>Over the last year, you've been living in this world, having fun, but also helping your mother with certain royal duties.
>You have the royal blood in you, so it would be remiss not to do your part.
>Finishing your preparations, you step out into the hallway and consider who's currently in the castle.
>Fool is most likely in his room, writing his new draft with six mugs of coffee next to him.
>Shining Armor and Cadence are here as well, so it would not be surprising for Justice to be here as well.
>Hanged Man came over yesterday to welcome Sunset Shimmer back from her "games", though you can't quite recall the details.
>Empress and Lust are probably eating right now, waking up with Celestia's raising of the sun and all.
>Which one of your brothers should you bother before heading out to Ponyville?
>Your growling stomach interrupts your thoughts, as the scent of freshly made food wafts through the halls.
"Food is pretty tempting right about now."
>Navigating through the halls, you end up in front of Fool's room, thankfully on the way to the dining hall.
>It might be a good idea to get Fool out of the room for food, you think to yourself as you reach up to the door and knock on it.
>"...Door's open."
"Pardon my intrusion, then."
>You open the door and see Fool almost completely like you though you'd see him: slouched over the writing desk in his room, with several unfinished drafts and coffee stains littering the floor.
>Only five cups, though, an improvement over last time for certain.
"Morning, Fool, did you sleep well? Did you even sleep at all last night?"
>Looking up from his work, you can feel his annoyed glare as he stretches his arms and legs.
>"I did sleep last night, as a matter of fact. Luna saw to that when she talked to me in my dream."
>A yawn escapes his lips as you grin knowingly, all too familiar with his late night escapades.
"That's good. I was just about to go to the dining hall to grab some food. You in?"
>Fool thinks about it for a moment, then goes back to his work, waving his hand dismissively at your request.
>"I'm still working on this last bit, then I'll be done. If you could grab some grub for me, that would be great."
>Your horn lights up as the back of his shirt begins to tug up, dragging him slowly off the chair and onto the ground.
"You need to socialize more, Fool. Leave it alone for now and eat with the rest of us. The draft most certainly can wait."
>Fool grumbles at your telekinetic persuasion, then rummages through his drawer.
>"Fine, fine, just let me get some pants."
>Fool starts up a conversation as you make your way to the dining hall, as you prick your ears up.
>"How're you doing today, Dream Magus? Shit's been pretty busy as of late, so we haven't had much time to talk like this."
>You nod as the two of you finally reach the hall, with Empress and Lust chomping away further in.
"It's been somewhat busy. Royalty and politics are far too complicated for its own good. Sometimes I understand Shadowbutt's short temper for their shenanigans."
>He nods sympathetically, the two of you grab some food of your own: eggs, bacon of the hay and pork variety, and fruit.
>Empress notices the two of you first, waving you over and elbowing Lust midbite to get his attention.
>"Hey, if it isn't Boss and our resident Prince! Fancy seeing you two up so early, considering."
>"Not everyone has a personal alarm clock sleeping with them, Empress."
>Lust swallows before leaning in with a conspiratorial grin.
>"Implying you wouldn't want to wake up every morning praising that sun."
>The four of you laugh as you look around, but can't seem to catch where your aunt has gone.
"Speaking of, where is Celestia anyways?"
>Empress and Lust take a while to think, before Empress speaks up.
>"I recall Tia mentioning that she wanted to get the Day Court out of the way as soon as possible. Probably wanted the evening free for tonight."
>You nod as you take another bite, the hay bacon pleasing your horse mouth pleasantly.
"I was thinking about leaving soon for Ponyville, check up on the other guys. You guys wanna come with?"
>As expected, Fool shakes his head as Empress politely declines.
>"Still need to finish that draft before our fun can start."
>"And I'm planning on waiting a while longer on Tia so I can cook her some lunch."
>Lust finishes his meal and stands up, carrying his dish to the kitchen as he calls out behind to you.
>"I'm done with breakfast, so sure. I'll meet you at the station in 30."
>Finishing your food as well, you excuse yourself and clean up before leaving.
>After politely denying a royal entourage, you and Lust make your way through the busy streets of Canterlot, doing your best to ignore the stares and unnecessary bows everywhere you go.
>Being the son of Luna and the Nightmare, that makes you technically royalty, and so the townsfolk, nobility in particular, tend to treat you as they would a hungry lion.
>It took quite a while to get used to the disconnect, but you keep your chin held up high as you make it to the station, where familiar faces are waiting for you.
"Justice, Hanged Man, happy to see you guys here!"
>The four of you participate in a sweaty, manly hug as you wait for the next train.
>"Good to see you're doing alright here, Dream Magus, Lust. Happened to find Hanged Man waiting around the Castle, so we left Shining and Cadence to go check out on the other guys."
>You nod, then turn over to Hanged Man, his posture a bit depressed as he tries to hide it.
>"So Sunset hasn't arrived yet?"
>Lust enquires, as Hanged Man shakes his head
>"nah, i didn't catch her at the castle today, and no one around here has seen her. i hope nothing bad has happened..."
>Justice puts a hand on his shoulder and gives a playful punch.
>"Relax, man. She probably just has a few things to take care of before getting here."
>Hanged Man nods, his demeanor lightening as the train makes its way to the station.
>"you're probably right. who knows, maybe she's in Ponyville right now."
"That's the spirit!"
>The four of you laugh as you enter the train, quickly finding some comfortable seats as Justice, Lust, and Hanged Man talk about their lives lately.
>Perhaps it was due to the nightmare earlier, but you feel your eyes growing heavy on you, lulling you into slumber.
>You hear the soft melody of a piano in the distance, a voice singing a familiar song as you open your eyes.
>A blue library surrounds your vision as you see the Velvet Room of your memories once more.
>It appears mostly fixed from back when you fought Elizabeth, with only the crater in the center of the room sticking out like a sore thumb.
>Try as you may, you do not see the long-nosed Igor sitting at his desk to welcome you.
>Instead you see an alicorn similar to Elizabeth, but clearly male, a more angled hat on his head as he desperately cleans the room.
>"Oh, I knew I shouldn't have taken that month-long break! It's so hard to tidy up a battlefield with only your magic..."
>He stops when he notices you, turning around in surprise before smiling professionally at you.
>"Welcome to the Velvet Room, dear guest. My name is Theodore, a resident in this Velvet Room, along with my master and sisters. I trust you've met Elizabeth and her violent tendencies before, no?"
>Chuckling softly, he levitates a familiar board with a page on it.
>"It would seem you are not quite yet done with our services, and as such, we offer you a renewal of your previous contract."
>As you grasp it with our own magic, you feel a chilling gaze from the alicorn in front of you.
>"Do try to follow the contract this time, alright?"
>You look down with a shiver and read the all too familiar text.
I, __________, chooseth this fate of mine own free will.
>You sign the contract, and Theodore pulls the board back from you, placing it on the desk as his expression turns serious.
>"My master is not with us currently, as he has matters elsewhere to attend to, so listen well."
>"As you're probably aware, a new darkness threatens your dreams, though it is not only from without, but within. This darkness will target you and the ones closest to you, and you will need to rely on your bonds more than ever."
>"It is my duty, as a resident of this Velvet Room, to assure this darkness does not consume you, and I will assist to the best of my abilities."
>You nod, and the alicorn smiles, his features much softer than before.
>"I have complete faith that you will succeed in this endeavor, so trust your bonds. They will be your light in this darkness."
>Theodore looks around the room before facing back.
>"It would appear your time is up, dear guest. Return to the waking world, and hold onto this. I'm certain you are aware of its importance."
>Theodore hands you a key with a black and white mask on it, the Velvet Key that allows you access to this room.
>"I will be certain to have cleaned this mess by next we meet. Farewell, dear guest."
.>"Earth to Dream Magus. We're at our stop, so ya gotta wake up now!"
>Justice's shakes you out of your slumber, your eyes snapping open as you realize you've made it to Ponyville.
"Oh, sorry about that. Must've dozed off while I wasn't paying attention."
>You get up and leave the shuttle as Spike is standing outside, waiting for you.
>"Magician, you're here! Oh, sorry, I guess it's Dream Magus now..."
>Smiling, you pull the dragon close for a bro-hug, realizing how much bigger he's gotten as your pony head reaches his stomach.
"It's fine, my main man. You're certainly much taller than the last time we got together. How've you been?"
>Spike grins as the other three go their own ways, leaving the two of you to each other.
>"It's been doing great! Rarity and Star have just finished the Knight costume I'm gonna where tonight, and we're all getting back together to dance."
"Bet Twilight was thrilled to hear that news."
>You chuckle as Spike grimaces at the thought
>"Don't even get started. Twilight couldn't dance to save her life. But that isn't for a couple more hours, why did you come here early?"
"I wanted to see how everyone was doing around here. Hang out with the guys before I decimate them with my sick dancing skills. Do you know where they are?"
>Spike scratches his chin as he tries to recall.
>"Well, Strength and Lovers are over at Sweet Apple Acres cooking up the food for tonight,"
>"Hermit and Tower should be at Tower's place, getting cooking supplies,"
>"I think Devil and Emperor went to the School to pick the girls up,"
>"Judgement's doing paperwork over at City Hall,"
>"I know that Chariot is helping Star out with the costumes at the Carousel Boutique,"
>"Sun's helping Pinkie out with the candy for tonight,"
>"Moon's helping Zecora out with some of her tricks for tonight,"
>"Priestess is helping Hierophant out with his findings over at the castle,"
>"Temperance is likely at Fluttershy's place,"
>"And I have no idea where Death and Fortune are."
>"I'll follow you, Magus. Where do you want to go?"
"Not knowing where Death is rather disconcerting, but we'll worry about that later. Let's start with Tower and Hermit, maybe they'll need help with moving supplies."
>"Good idea, let's get going!"
>The two of you go into town, the sights, sounds, and smells of Nightmare brewing as the morning churns on.
>After some time, you reach the house Cranky gave Anonymous, Trixie, and Gilda, where Tower and Lovers live as well.
>You see Cranky outside, talking with Trixie and looking at the house with a look of exasperation on his face.
"Hey Cranky, Trixie! How're you guys doing?"
>The two of them look at you with relief as Cranky speaks up.
>"Ah, Sleep Wizard, you sure came at an opportune time."
"Dream Magus."
>"Dark Magician, I came over here to check up on Hermit and the house, and found Trixie over here waiting outside with this worried look."
>Trixie points to the house, where you hear two shouting voices further inside.
>"Tower, Hermit, and I were supposed to be helping the others at Sweet Apple Acres by moving the supplies we stored here."
>She pinches her nose in exasperation as she continues.
>"Then Tower brought something up I can't for the life of me remember, and the two have been bickering ever since. It's been at least 30 minutes of mindless argument, and I've tried everything to get them to stop."
>You nod as you motion Spike to follow.
"No worries, Trixie, those two are like cats sometimes. I'll think of something to get them to stop."
>"Thank you, Magus. I love that idiot, but he's too stubborn sometimes."
"Spike, ready the bomb."
>"Aye-aye, sir."
>The two of you set up for a breach maneuver, your hoof on the door while Spike readies for the toss.
>You tear the door open and hear the two bickering away in the kitchen.
>"Open your eyes, Hermit, they made EQG canon with the finale!"
>"Plausible deniability, Tower. The Sirens can exist in the past without the school being canon!"
"Now, Spike!"
>The dragon lobs the flour bomb into the kitchen, the explosion surprising the two Arcana and causing them to cough as you rush into the room.
"That's enough out of the two of you knuckleheads. You're supposed to be helping Trixie move these supplies over to AJ's place."
>Tower finishes coughing and looks surprised at your mention of Trixie.
>"Shit, you're right! We needed to move these a while ago. Might as well get to work, then."
>As he and Hermit pick up a couple of boxes, you can hear the two still mumbling.
>"Don't think this is over, old man."
>"1v1 me, you little shit."
>Satisfied with the small victory you and Spike made, the two of you begin to leave, as something catches your eye.
>Anonymous's warhammer lies on the floor next to one of the chairs, slightly dusty, as if nopony touched it after the Reaper fight.
>You lift the weapon with your magic and blow the dust away, coughing lightly as you remember the times you all fought with the Dream Team to kick Sombra in the teeth.
>A part of you wants to take the warhammer with you, but you can't help but feel like it belongs here, where he left it.
>Placing it back onto the ground, Tower and Hermit finally start moving the boxes outside, as Trixie trots up to you, relief in her eyes.
>"Thanks for that, Magus. We're a bit delayed, but we should easily be able to move these things to Sweet Apple Acres in good time."
>"No problem, Trixie."
>"If you want, we could always use an extra pair of hooves in moving these boxes. Applejack mentioned she'd have some snacks for us after moving them."
>You consider Trixie's offer, especially with Apple Family-styled snacks on the line.
>There's still time before noon, so who should you hang out with next?
>While the temptations of free snacks are alluring, you summon the discipline to ignore their sugary distraction.
"I think we'll pass, Trixie. Spike and I are gonna check up on some of the others before our dance-off."
>"Fair enough. See you later tonight!"
>You say your farewells and make your way towards the school.
"Seems rather early to complete classes, even for a holiday like this."
>Spike nods, then recalls something.
>"Perhaps Hierophant's cataloging required her knowledge as well. There aren't much teachers around here to cover for her."
>Believing the likely story, you see Devil, Emperor, Diamond Tiara, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the distance, talking and laughing away.
>Emperor notices you first and goes in for a bear hug.
>"Well, if it isn't our local Prince! How've you been holding up, in that castle and all?"
>You cough a bit and squirm in his iron, vice-like grip.
"Okay, more or less. Still need my oxygen, though..."
>Noticing your distress, he drops you back down with an apologetic look on his face.
>"Sorry 'bout that, you ponies all look so darn huggable. I couldn't resist!"
>Devil laughs as you catch your breath, helping you back on your feet.
>"It is good to see you well, Magus. Came in early to get a headstart on the dancing?"
>You shake your head, you composure returning back to normal.
"No, I just wanted to see how you guys were doing. And check on our little friends over here."
>You walk over to Diamond Tiara, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, the latter three sporting Cutie Marks they received over the last few months.
>You can still recall the celebration you had for the three of them finally figuring out what to do with themselves.
"How's school been for you girls? Bet you're enjoying the early release."
>The girls nod, Applebloom beaming as she pulls out some cute paper jack-o'-lanterns from her satchel.
>"Mr. Hierophant came this mornin' and taught us how ta make these 'paper mashay' pumpkins before we got released."
>Scootaloo pipes up next, followed by Sweetie Belle as well.
>"We're planning on putting them all over town and Sweet Apple Acres!"
>"They're so easy to make that we've got a whole ton of them to place everywhere. It'll be like Easter!"
>DTR motions to Devil and Twilight's castle nearby.
>"Devil and I were planning to check out what Hierophant got during his last adventure, so I gave the pumpkins I made to those three."
"Still working for that dream museum?"
>She puffs her chest in pride as she pulls out her report card: A's across the board, with some A+'s on the side.
>"Of course. I won't stop until I get a museum that's so full of cool things that nopony ever gets bored in there!"
>DTR pauses, and leans over to the CMC in a whisper that you barely make out.
>"Don't forget, you three, we've got a study group tomorrow for the test coming up. We'll be waiting!"
>Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle look at each other with slight worry as she and Devil make their way to the castle.
>"Ah think Diamond Tiara's gotten scarier, now that she's our friend..."
>"You said it."
>You chuckle as Emperor walks up to you, pointing at Devil and DTR with the back of his thumb.
>"You wanna come with one of us? We're both bound to run into someone else, if you don't already got plans.
>If you went with Emperor and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, you'd be going into town, where Sun, Star, Chariot, and Judgement are doing things.
>On the other hand, leaving with DTR and Devil would lead to Twilight's castle, where Priestess and Hierophant are working, in addition to the road to Sweet Apple Acres.
>Which brothers should you check up on next?
"Sure, we'll go with you guys for a bit. Sounds like Judgement's finally gotten a solid job now."
>"Great! Come on, girls, it's time line the streets with pumpkins!"
>The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheer as their infectious joy reaches your lips, curving them into a smile, the six of you going into town.
"That reminds me. Emperor, you didn't happen to see Death or Fortune anywhere, have you?"
>Emperor scratches his head as the little ones run around, leaving their jack-o'-lanterns in all sorts of places.
>"I haven't seen him, personally, but I betcha Fortune's keeping an eye on him to honor the armistice."
>"Yeah. You haven't been here often, so you wouldn't know, but Death and RD have been locked in a Prank War over the year."
>Your mind immediately goes to whoopee cushion landmines and squirt machine guns, but Emperor's serious demeanor makes you pause on your jokes.
"It's really that bad?"
>"Neither side wants to back down, and they've got connections all over town for their pranking rampages. Pinkie also hasn't helped any whenever she visits, playing neutral and giving shit to both sides."
>Spike looks around for anything remotely funny looking, before leaning in to you two.
>"If Death's being watched by Fortune, who's keeping an eye on Rainbow Dash?"
>Emperor points over to the Carousel Boutique, closed early for the festivities.
>"Rarity's having her and Chariot help out with costumes. A horrible fate, but an acceptable one for now."
>You notice Town Hall in the nearby distance, finally reaching your destination as Emperor helps hide some of the pumpkins.
"Looks like this is our stop. See you at the dance competition!"
>"Lates, Magus. Try not to be too disappointed when I thrash you!"
>Rolling your eyes, you and Spike enter the government building as the gleeful sounds of fillies and grown manchildren disappear off into the distance.
>The Town Hall is rather busy, considering the relaxed nature of the town, mares and stallions running around with piles of paperwork and coffee.
>After parting the Pony Sea, you notice Judgement at one of the larger desks, still hunched over as he signs off several papers.
"Judgement, finally became a productive member of society, huh?"
>He looks up in surprise, only for a goofy grin to dance his lips as he waves you over.
>"Dream Wizard, Spike, you came over to see little old me? I'm touched."
>He shakes his hand as he motions over to the book-sized amount of paperwork left to complete.
>"Yeah, decided being a layabout wasn't really my thing, and minimum wage is actually good here. Plus, having hands really makes you invaluable in this line of work."
>Nodding, you notice a familiar face walking up with two cups of coffee in each hand.
>"There you are, Magus. Was wondering where you and Spike ran off to. And here's your shot for the day, Judgement."
>He hands a cup of joe to Judgement, who wastes no time drinking half of the cup.
>"Phew, this is why you're the cooler Strength, Lust. So, Magus, what brought you here? We aren't doing the fun stuff until after Lunch."
"Just wanted to see how you guys were handling yourselves. And judging by your condition, you're probably enjoying yourself.:
>Judgement shrugs nonchalantly as he completes a few more papers mid-conversation.
>"I mean, it's not my dream job, but there's advantages to working here. Take this, for instance."
>He pulls out a signed form for food ingredients, similar to the boxes you saw Tower and Justice lugging over to AJ's place.
>"It's a lot easier to get foodstuff when you're the approver of the movement."
>Spike looks somewhat nervous as he looks around for prying eyes.
>"Isn't that cronyism, though?"
>Judgement chuckles as he finishes his cup, leaving it on the empy side of the desk.
>"It ain't until I get caught. Besides, it's not like I'm smuggling shit or putting folks into power."
"Well, it was nice to see you guys again. Don't get too buried in paperwork that you forget how to boogie!"
>The two of you leave Lust and Judgement to their business as you walk back out into the streets.
>As you wonder where to go next, you notice Spike's gaze lingering on the Carousel Boutique nearby.
"Can't wait to see her, eh, Spike?"
>"O-oh! Nonono, it's fine. Visiting Rarity can wait if you want to go somewhere else."
>He says that, but you see his eyes betray his words, looking at the Boutique while he thinks you're not looking.
>Where should you go next?
"Hold on for a little longer, buddy. I want to see how Pinkie's doing with the desserts on her end."
>Slightly dejected, Spike relents as the two of you head for the Sugarcube Corner, the sweet smell of chocolate and high fructose death permeating the outside.
>"The 'cooler Strength', huh? I thought he and Strength finally became close friends with their axes."
>You reach the door and open it for Spike, admiring the skull donuts and bat bites dotting the stands.
"Personally, I think it's just a slip of the tongue. Judgement called Lust that quite a lot before Hearthswarming, and bad habits die hard."
>As you say this, you hear a loud rumbling in the cooking area as Sun and Justice are fighting over a poor, stretched out bag of sugar.
>"Hands off, Sun, I grabbed it first! I need that shit for the brownies."
>"I was here first, so my stuff has priority first. Fuck off until I'm done!"
>The two Arcanas butt heads with each other as you sigh and motion over to the scene.
"Case in point. Hey, Sun, Justice, nice to see you guys again."
>They stop when they hear your voice, untangling from each other, but keeping a close eye on the sugar bag.
>"There you are, Magus, nice to see you finally drop by."
>Sun gives a wave as Pinkie hops in from the back are of the kitchen, a new batch of goodies balanced on her back and nose.
>"Oh, Sunny, could you help me out with these pastries? We've got a barrel load more of 'em to stock up before tonight!"
>Justice's hand begins to hover over the bag as Sun attempts to voice an objection, only for it to die when he sees Pinkie's bright expression.
>With a defeated sigh, he moves from the back of the counter and begins to move the sweets onto the shelves, his rival wasting no time using the sugar for his own devices.
>"And Dream Magus is here with Spike, too! Are you here to help out with the baking?"
>You shake your head, the saccharine scent of the kitchen powerful as you continue.
"I was just here to check up on you guys. Looks like the sweets are coming along nicely."
>Pinkie beams as she places some of the baked goods on the lower counters.
>"It totally is, thanks to Sun and Justice helping out with the workload. I'm still a bit rusty from all that time in college, but it feels great to be cooking again!"
>Spike stealthily attempts to swipe a donut, only for Sun's hand to smack it down with surprising finesse.
>"Probably helps that Nightmare Night's a kingdom-wide holiday, so most campuses cancel tomorrow as well for travel."
>As you talk amongst each other, you hear the door open, Shining Armor and Cadence walking into the store.
>"Wow, this place smells delicious. My compliments to the chefs."
>You wave at the two as Justice and Shining do their totally heterosexual greetings, an obvious bulge surrounding Cadence's torso.
"Looks like you and Shining got busy while you were away."
>The seven of you laugh as Cadence lovingly rubs her bump, Shining putting a hoof around her shoulder.
>"We're expecting a girl soon, and we've been going through names for months. How does Flurry Heart sound?"
>"I think it's good. So, uh, what kind of pony are we expecting here?"
>Spike inquires as the two lovebirds look at each other with uncertainty.
>"Well, I am an alicorn, but was originally a pegasus before I ascended."
>"And my family's been mostly unicorns on my mom and dad's side, minus Twily's transformation."
>Sun shrugs as he finishes off his placement and walks back into the back.
>"I wouldn't worry too much about it. We've already got five alicorns, couldn't hurt to add one more."
>You feel singled out, but ignore that as you look at the nearby clock, about an hour until noon.
"Well, I think Spike and I are gonna get going and meet some of the other guys before we duke it out later."
>Pinkie's ears perk up as she tosses you and spike a cupcake each, with a cute little sugar pumpkin on top.
>"There's an exclusive freebie to give you incentive to come back! Toodles!"
>The two of you say your goodbyes as you leave with treats in hand, Spike midbite as he looks to you.
>"Where do you wanna go next, Magus?"
"Alright, let's go see how Rarity's doing! Who knows, maybe we'll get first dibs on costumes while we're at it."
>"Costumes, right."
>Spike can barely hide his excited grin as the two of you make your way to the Carousel Boutique.
>Festive 'cobwebs' gracefully adorn the top of the building, as impeccable costumes stand on display in the windows.
>You even catch a few papier-mâché pumpkins hidden in corners, a signature card for the CMC and Emperor's deeds.
>"Ughh! It's so boring in here, just standing around!"
>Rainbow Dash's groans as you make your way inside, trapped in one of many planned dresses for her to model.
>"You've nopony to blame but yourself, dear. Armistices and the like are to be honored, you know."
>Rarity continues to prod her with needles as she corrects some of the adjustments on it, so absorbed in her work that it take Chariot to notice you.
>"Well, lookee here, if it isn't Dream Magus. Come to torture the Chariots with even more manual labor?"
"Not really, I just wanted to check up on you guys. Didn't think this 'Prank War' would escalate to literal POW's, though."
>Star motions over to the fancily dressed pincushion that is Rainbow Dash, as Spike cuddles and talks with Rarity.
>"Mary and RD really don't know when to back down, you know? One minute it was thunderclaps and slam cards, the next they were flinging pies and jury-rigged joy buzzers."
"And so there was an amistice made?"
>"Technically it was an ultimatum for the two to not start that business until tonight. And since we don't trust either of them as far as we can throw them, we're keeping an eye on Rainbow while Death's being watched by Fortune."
"What about Chariot? He doesn't sound like he was participating in those shenanigans."
>Chariot gives an exaggerated shrug as he leans back from his work.
>"Well... Remember that brawl last year? You might not, since you didn't exist at that point, but me and Star got all the way to the finals."
>You can feel death radiating from Rarity's stare as he continues.
>"So I maybe, might have, possibly used his unconscious corpse as a weapon."
>"What? Tower's immune to physical shit with that Lancelot of his, and I got caught in the moment. Didn't hurt that it was kinda fun... Ow!"
>A ruler flies through the air like a throwing knife, bashing Chariot on the side of his head as Rarity sighs in exasperation.
>"Honestly, I hope your child has more manners than you two when he grows up."
>That's right, Rainbow was pregnant last year with Chariot's kid, the tot sleeping quietly nearby and thankfully out of the target zones.
"Glad to see the kid's doing alright. Prism Blitz, right?"
>Rainbow's expression softens as she looks at the sleeping satyr, her maternal instinct kicking in.
>"Yeah, little scamp's a bundle of energy most of the time, but thankfully he's sleeping like a rock for now."
>Rarity halts her work as she pulls out several racks of completed costumes, handing a particularly gallant knight one to Spike before facing you.
>"Spike's costume just got finished, thanks to Star and Chariot's work, and I've got some extra ones you're welcomed to try out. You might find one you really like."
>You look at the array of costumes and wonder if there's something in there that might tickle your fancy, as well as consider who you should check up on next.
"Well... it wouldn't hurt to try out a costume or two..."
>Star and Chariot giggle maniacally as they manhandle you into a dressing room.
>"Oh, how we've waited to hear you say that. Chariot and I've got some prime options for you, right?"
>"Yeah, you're really gonna like this."
"...I need an adult."
>The final view of the outside world you see is Spike holding his hand out in vain to pull you from this hell.
>"Et voila, my little princeling. So, what do you think, Magus?"
>Star asks as Chariot pushes you towards a mirror, and everyone gathers around you to get a closer look.
>You can hear the barely contained snickering of Chariot and Rainbow behind you, your purple spiraled costume giving you deja vu from earlier.
"... Just about what I expected from you guys."
>Unable to restrain themselves anymore, Chariot and RD fall to the floor in their laughter, Star with a completely shameless grin and Rarity covering her mouth in an attempt to save face.
>"Ahahaha! Oh my Celestia, you look ridiculous in that!"
>"O-oh hush, Rainbow Dash, i-it's perfectly... Unique."
>"Yeah, snrk, uniquely like an edgy streudel."
>Attempting to keep your cool, you dust yourself off and make your way to the door.
"Thanks for the costume, Rarity. I'll catch you two bozos later."
>"Later, Magus, have fun with your costume."
>"Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!"
>The laughter hounds you out of the Boutique as Spike catches up with you.
>"If it helps, I think purple meshes well with green."
"It's fine, Spike. Now, let's go see how Moon and Zecora are doing with her theatrics."
>With the increased activity into the Everfree, and Zecora's hut in particular, some bits have been put aside for a maintained path.
>The two of you make it to Zecora's hut with little difficulty as a large puff of green smoke bursts out in front of you!
>"Halt, who goes there? Beware, for you might find more than you dare!"
"Hey, Zecora. Was just checking up on how you and Moon were doing with the show tonight."
>A gust of wind disperses the smoke, revealing Zecora with her usual getup for the holiday, Moon in the back with Farfalla, tinkering with some green dust.
>"Ah, if it isn't Spike and the princeling himself.Welcome, Dream Magus, I hope you're in good health."
>You're pretty sure she's cheating somewhere, but ignore it and walk with her over to the others.
"Since our dancing competition isn't until later, I thought it might be good to see how everyone's been doing."
>Moon looks up from his work and waves you over, with Farfalla yawning and stretching her limbs.
>"Hey, Magus, glad to see you're here early. Before you ask, we've been trying to refine and improve the magical energies in the dust Zecora uses for the show."
"And Farfalla?"
>She rolls her eyes and sighs, shifting her face and raising her voice to mimic who you can only assume to be Twilight.
>"Alright, you layabout, your boyfriend's going to Zecora's to help her out. Now, you can either go with him, or you can help us here with dusting off these relics."
>"Aw come on, Farfalla, you've been a great help with your magic and transformation knowledge."
>Moon pulls the sulking horse in for a hug as she looks away nonchalantly.
>"I must agree, your skill is inspiring. Hanged Man, as well, should be bringing what we're requiring."
>As Zecora mentions this, you notice Hanged Man coming up the path with a handful of vials and fruits.
"There you are, HM. I was wondering where you went."
>"sorry about leaving you with just spike. i went to Twilight's first to see if she saw Sunset today, but it doesn't look like she's answering her book."
>You and Moon go up to Hanged Man as he hands Zecora and Farfalla the supplies holding the amulet around.
"Tell you what, Hanged Man, the emulet makes travel through the mirror not ponify. So if Bacon doesn't get here after we dance away, I'll lend you this and you can drag her back through for us."
>"... i think i'll hold you on that, though i feel like we won't need to."
>"Come on, HM, Magus needs to catch up with the others, so let's get to work on that poly-dust project we've got."
>Moon squats down and boops your nose, scrunching your face in annoyance.
>"That's our little secret for now. Go on, you two, git!"
>With that, the four of them return to their workstations as you and Spike leave the Forest, Fluttershy's cabin and Sweet Apple Acres relatively nearby.
>"Looks like it's almost noon. Who should we hang out with next?"
"Fluttershy's nearby, so let's hang out with her and Temperance next. With hope, we can find Discord there too and find out where Mary is."
>Growing more concerned by the lack of Death's presence, the two of you walk up the path up to Fluttershy's cottage, clearing your throat before knocking on the door.
>Moments pass until the door opens to reveal Temperance, palette in hand, and several woodland animals with facepaint wandering around.
>"Ah, Dream Magus, Spike, what a pleasant surprise. Please, do come in, Flutters and I are finishing some prep for the little ones tonight."
>You enter the homely abode, Fluttershy putting the last touches on Sir Bearington's skull face.
>"There we go, Sir Bearington, I think you look plenty spooky for tonight. Make sure you don't scare somepony too badly, alright?"
>Bearington bear hugs her in happiness before making his way out of the cottage.
>"Flutterbutter, we have guests."
>Fluttershy perks up and turns around, smiling when she sees you and Spike entering the room.
>"Oh my, welcome! I wish I knew you were coming sooner, I would have made snacks. What a nice costume you have, Magus."
"Thanks, Fluttershy. We wanted to check how you all were doing, since I've got some free time before the dancing competition."
>Temperance begins to pet Fluttershy like a cat as he motions you and Spike to take a seat.
>"Well, thankfully you came when you did, we've been busy all morning with decorations and facepaint for the critters around here. We aren't expecting any business calls until tomorrow, so today's a lazy day until our fun begins."
>Chuckling at Angel Bunny's dilemma as a painted carrot, you turn over to Temperance with a serious look in your eyes.
"There was another reason why we came: neither of us, nor the other Arcana today have seen where Mary's gone to. In fact, all anyone's said is that Fortune's keeping an eye on him."
>Raising an eyebrow in interest, Temperance scratches his chin in thought, then shrugs nonchalantly.
>"If you're looking for answers, I'm afraid I don't got them. We've only heard what you already know."
"Then we need to find the one closest to Death, and find out from him. We need-"
>"Did you call, my young prince?"
>Bolting up and turning around, you see Discord suspiciously entering through the door like a normal pony.
>The draconequus smirks and takes a small curtsy, spontaneously clothed in a fancy dress.
>"The one and only, at your service, sire. Now, what did you want to know from little old me?"
"Death's been AWOL all day so far. Everyone I've asked has essentially said the same thing about being with Fortune. You should know where he is."
>Detaching a claw for a backscratcher, Discord hums loudly as if he has to really think about it.
>"Well... I did recall him mentioning something about basketballs last we met. Perhaps he's at the sport store?"
"Wait, how do you not know where he is? The two of you are practically inseparable!"
>Popping his arm back, Discord huffs at your accusation.
>"Hmph! What do you think I am, my bond's keeper? Besides,"
>He pulls out a group of envelopes with no writing on them, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.
>"I've got my own promises to keep. Well, TTFN, catch you in a few!"
>Before you can catch Discord, he snakes through the open window and vanishes, as Fluttershy and Temperance grab your attention.
>"I'm sure it's nothing crucial, Magus. Fortune's following Mary around like a bloodhound, so we'll know if he tries to start shit."
"I suppose. Well, I guess Spike and I will-"
>A loud grumble comes from both your and Spike's stomachs, betraying the time on the clock: noon.
>"Oh my, look at the time. I think now's a good point to take a break and have some lunch, my love."
>Temperance nods, then turns to you.
>"I know that you're worried about Mary, so don't force yourself to stay if you're busy. But some food in your stomach wouldn't hurt, right? We've got plenty of room at the table."
>You consider the offer, as well as who to check up on next.
"I appreciate the offer, Temperance, but I think we'll be bothering the Apples now. Enjoy your lunch with your waifu."
>"Alright, then. Take care, Magus, Spike, keep us in the loop when you find Mary!"
>Saying your farewells, you motion to Spike as the two of you leave, a slam looming over you.
>Nightmare Night, Noon
>You finally arrive to Sweet Apple Acres, your stomachs ready to revolt as your nose catches a familiar apple scent.
>Seeing Applejack and Strength helping Hermit and Tower out with the supplies brought in, you wave at them as Applejack comes up to greet you.
>"Well, if it ain't Magus and Spike! Howdy, y'all finally decide ta help out?"
>You begin to respond, but your stomach releases another gurgle, surprising the three of you.
"Well, we were mostly here to see if you guys were having lunch..."
>Applejack's surprise changes to a smug grin, as Strength finishes his box and walks over.
>"I see, hoping to piggyback on that good ol' Apple hospitality, eh? Whaddya think, sugarcube?"
>"Well, if Dream Wizard here wants to eat, he should at least help with some of the heavy lifting."
>A pair of fully packed boxes face you menacingly as you and Spike get to work unpacking the supplies.
>It takes a while, but eventually the boxes are unpacked and the supplies placed in the correct areas.
>You and Spike wipe the sweat from your brows as Strength leads you over to a picnic table where Lovers, Gilda, Hermit, Tower, and Trixie are setting things up for lunch.
>"Now that you've worked up your appetite, this shit's gonna taste amazing."
>You notice Gilda, Hermit, and Tower sneaking glances at your costume and giggling up a storm.
>"N-nice costume, you dweeb, really bring out the purple."
>"You poor bastard, Star caught you, didn't he?"
>Groaning in both stomach and mind, you ignore the comments and get ready for lunch.
>The menu certainly has Gilda's touches on it, but Applejack's influence is undeniable, with apple tarts, apple smoked burgers, and daisy sandwiches for the pony-inclined.
>As you bite into your meal, an explosion of apples and apple byproducts cakes your tastebuds, the pleasant hums of approval from the others putting smiles on the cooks' faces.
"This is delicious! I'm almost tempted to take off the amulet to try out the burgers as well."
>"Well, don't eat too much: this stuff's only a taste for tonight. I have to say, Applejack."
>Gilda takes another bite out of her burger and swallows before continuing.
>"You might be apple-eccentric, but you've got a lot of good recipes for them."
>Applejack puffs her chest with pride, ignoring Gilda's first remark as she goes on an apple rant.
>"Apples go along with gol-near everything, ya know? In addition to the nutritional aspect of eating them, they're naturally sweet, so they can add unique twists to existing dishes. They also can be sliced and diced into new ingredients for even more variety."
>You turn your attention from the delightful lesson, and grab the attention of your Whopper-devouring brethren.
"Have any of you guys seen Mary around? Everyone I've asked has mentioned that Fortune's keeping an eye on him, but don't know where they are."
>The four shrug as Tower pulls out a familiar envelope.
>"Discord did hand this out to me earlier, though if it's a prank, I'm not seeing it."
>He hands it to you as you read the text.
"And you gave him the hairpin."
>"He did help me out on a particularly busy day in the shop, and just called it a favor. Besides, it's just a hairpin."
>Strength, Hermit, and Lovers begin to pull out similar letters as you read the demands from each of them.
>A hairpin.
>4 apples.
>6 nails.
>2 rubber bands.
>And you've no doubt Discord's envelopes have been given to every Arcana in town, grabbing rather innocuous junk for some unknown purpose.
>Finishing up your meal, you put your dishes away as Strength sees you out.
>"Thanks for coming to lunch, and all. This might be a bit of a random guess,"
>He scratches his ear for a bit before continuing.
>"But have you considered checking out the mailing department? I think Derpy's still doing some business over there before it closes."
"I'll consider that. Enjoy your faux Whoppers, man."
>The two of you brohug before you take off, Spike waiting for you at the entrance.
>"That sure was a really good meal. Who should we check up on next?"
"I think it's time we find our rogue Mary. To the mail office!"
>One cool segue I can't write, but was really cool, I swear, later...
>You arrive at the mail office to see several workers punching out, pardoning yourselves through them to see Derpy moving packages to some of the lower slots.
>Before you can announce yourself, her ears shoot up and she runs up to you with a beaming smile, nearly tackling you with her hug.
>"Magus, it's so good to see you again!"
>Returning the hug, you look around to see everypony else inside moving around and preparing shipments for tomorrow.
>"Likewise, Derpy, I'm glad to see you well. How've you been?"
>Breaking the hug, Derpy points to the packages nearby as she pick another one up.
>"The postal service is closing soon for Nightmare Night, and we need to get these shipments ready for early Hearthswarming deliveries."
>You help place some of the envelopes in their containers before turning to Derpy.
"Have you seen Fortune or Death anywhere? We haven't been able to find them all day."
>To your relief, Derpy nods knowingly and motions to the back of the shop, where you can faintly hear music.
-ome on and-
>"Fortune and Death volunteered to work as well, that way we can all be done sooner."
-if you wanna-
"I see, since it looks like the total work's almost done, I'll leave you to it and check up on those two."
-ey, you, whatchu gon-
>"Alright, have fun!"
To jam, all in your face. Wassup, just feel the bass .
>The music becomes clearer as you move further in, a vinyl player to your left as Fortune and Mary work.
>"Just work that body, work that body! Make sure you don't hurt nobody!"
>"God, kill me..."
>Seeing Fortune's apparent suffering, you lift the arm and kill the music, the two of them turning around almost immediately.
"There you are, Mary. How in the hell did you manage to grab a vinyl with 22 variations of Space Jam?"
>"The internet, duh."
>You shake your head in exasperation as you begin to help move the packages with your magic.
>"So the others didn't know where I was, and you all freaked out and assumed the worst? Ha!"
>Death guffaws and slaps his knee as Fortune finishes up the last package in the section.
"I mean, you know why we'd assume the worst."
>"Look, Dark Magician, I am a man of supreme culture. I've been honoring the armistice all day; missed some prime moments too."
>You look to Fortune, who just shrugs.
>"Don't look at me, man, the only thing he's been doing other than helping us with packages has been playing that music.
"But what about Discord, the letters he gave everyone?"
>Mary's eyes light up as he pulls out an unassuming box from behind him, and presents it to you.
>"Go ahead, Magus, open it."
>With trepidation, you take the box and slowly open it, a crack first, then more and more until you see-
"...A toy?"
>"A Machine, my brother: Super Longitudinal Automotive Machine, to be precise. This is just a model, though. Those things I've grabbed are essential to the real beaut."
>Spike picks up the box and give a closer look at the machine, which whirrs and releases a tiny strip of paper.
>"What does this Machine do, anyways?"
>Unfurling the paper, the words "" appear, a faint sound coming from the box.
>"That, my big friend, is a secret. It's still got some chinks I must fix before tonight."
>Accepting the unbelieveable fact that Mary's innocent, for now, you hear a whistle from the front of the office, followed by cheering.
>"Welp, looks like we're all done for the day. Ready to behold the power of [N O S H A M E], puny mortals?"
>Fortune smirks at Death's dare before walking off and waving behind him.
>"You fellas go on before me, I promised Derpy I'd walk home with her before the fun started. He's your problem now, Magus."
>And with that, you, Spike, and Death all make your way through the building and make your way to Twilight's castle.
>"You know, it'll take forever to get there the normal way. Follow me, into my magical realm."
>Before you can object, an outhouse forms out of nowhere as Mary drags you in, taking the two of you on an adventure of wonder.
>With a loud pop, the three of you appear right in front of the main doors, Death nonchalantly opening the door and waltzing in as you and Spike recover from the shock.
"That was... magical?"
>"I don't think basketballs are meant to bend like that..."
>Shaking your heads, the two of you follow after Death as a group of your brothers are already here chatting amongst themselves.
>You notice Priestess and Hierophant talking amongst each other, a uniquely shaped staff on the table.
"Hey, Priestess, Hierophant, what's that particular relic?"
>Hierophant lifts the staff into the air as he deepens his voice.
>"Behold, Dream Magus, the Staff of Sameness! One of the great mage Meadowbrook's nine enchanted items. capable of removing a pony's Cutie Mark! Some say a powerful sorceress once created an entire village of ponies with no Cutie Marks, only sameness..."
>Wow, this Staff of Sameness certainly sounds impressive, you think as you look closer.
>"Nah, it's just some gnarled seawood I found on the way back home. Certainly looks cool, though."
>With a shrug, he tosses it back onto the table as Twilight enters and clears her throat.
>"Alright, guys, I know you want to have some fun today with your dance-off, but I feel like I need to set some ground rules for you."
>A list pops up and rolls down as some of the Arcanas groan at the nonfun.
>"Both Spike and Fluttershy are going with you to keep an eye on the competition. No using anyone else as anything other than a dance partner; I'm looking at you, Chariot."
>Chariot huffs as Twilight continues.
>"To make this more interesting, I think it would be best to have you all divide into pairs for the competition. The goal will be to outstyle your opponents and synch with your partner's movements, and the most stylish of all will win."
>Twilight brings Fluttershy and Spike together and whispers to them as the Arcanas begin talking amongst themselvesto choos their partners.
>Since Spike will be a judge, you consider which of your brothers would be the best teammate for the dance-off.
>After a while to consider, you think Lust will be a perfect dance partner.
"Hey, Lust, let's team up and wipe out the competiton."
>The Oriental-costumed Lust takes your hand and shakes it, a look of shared determination in his eyes.
>"Sure thing, Magus, but are you sure you want to do this with the Amulet on? Not sure we want a repeat on Tia's performance like last year."
"Don't worry, I've taken some lessons on the side. I think I can dance at least competently."
>As you decide your partner, it appears everyone else has chosen theirs as well, Spike and Fluttershy moving to the center of the group.
>"Looks like we're all good to go, Twilight."
>Twilight blankets the crowd with a sleep spell as your eyes grow heavy once more.
>Dance Arena, Fantasia
>The Arcanas awaken to find themselves in a brightly-lit stage with spotlights of different colors surrounding its edges.
>"Alright, fellas, let's see how well you can shake that thing! Who wants to go first?"
>In the face of Spike's enthusiasm, he's surprised to see the group of colorfully costumed men shuffle their feet and look away.
>"...You guys did prepare for this, right?"
>Quiet mumbling can be heard from the crowd.
"This rule system seems complicated..."
"Do we get to choose the music?
"I've got [ N O S H A M E ], but even I need preparation for double dancing."
>Fluttershy flies up to grab everyone's attention as she lands on the stage, an idea gracing her eyes.
>"If nopony's confident enough right now, why don't we have a sort of tutorial to see how it's done?"
>Approval spreads throughout the Arcana as Spike joins her and points to two random groups.
>"Let's see, Fool & Death vs Priestess & Hierophant, you'll test the waters."
>The two groups make their way up: the superhero-like Fool and cartoony Death on one side, and the crossdressing Priestess and draconic Hierophant on the other.
>[Here's how it will go, we'll pick a random tune for you guys to dance to, and you'll have to outstyle and outsynch your opponents.]
"Twilight mentioned that, but how will that go, exactly?"
>[Let's just start with the music first.]
- (Jump Up, Super Star!)
>A powerful drum roll into a jazz ensemble that carries throughout the stage, the Arcanas in the audience juke and jiving to the rhythm.
>[Fool, Death, try dancing to the rhythm!]
"Aww yeah!"
>Death wastes no time and moves like a champ, clapping to the rhythm as Fool tries to follow his lead.
>There's no denying the style exuding out of the duo, but the two don't seem to be able to find a pace they can keep together.
>Beating to the rhythm of his own drum, Death always seems to be one step ahead of Fool as they continue to jive to the beat.
>Eventually, the two finish their routine, to the applause of the crowd, Spike's voice echoing from Ouroboros.
>[That was pretty stylish, but it seemed like the two of you couldn't quite stick together. Priestess, Hierophant, you're up next. Try to add a dance move to it!]
"I think I've got an idea. Priestess, try gliding in time with your feet."
>Priestess nods as the two hit the dancefloor, the jazzy trumpets blaring at their arrival.
>The two begin to slide their feet elegantly across the stage, matching their movements up in good synch, with only minor hiccups.
>As a result of their planned and mirrored movements, even their style seemed to be improved as a result, matching Death's bravado with their synchronous dance moves.
>The song reaches its conclusion as Hierophant takes Priestess by the hand, leading him through fancy twirls and spins, earning loud applause as the two lean close, and whisper something into each others ears.
"No homo, tho."
"Definitely no homo."
>[And so you see, the more stylish you are with your moves, the more you stand out against the other side.]
>[The more in synch you are with your partner, the more fluid and appealing you are against your opponents.]
>[Using an opening dance move to preface your dance can help improve your synch and affect your style as well.]
>[Both your style and synch will be judged by both me and Fluttershy, and the one with the highest score wins and moves forward.]
>Fluttershy interjects as she pulls out two names from a bowl.
><So, the first match will be Hermit and Tower versus Devil and Emperor.>
>Hermit with his sound mage set and Tower's gear-infused armor versus Devil's demonic facade and Emperor's flaming designs: who will dance through the dream?
>The two group crack their joints and stretch as Spike and Fluttershy begin the countdown.
>[Are you ready?]
><Get set...>
- (This Is True Love Makin')
"Hey, Tower, let's do that thing we've been working on!"
"Alright then, time to go to town."
>Hermit positions himself behind Tower as the latter begins to swing his hips to the music.
>[An interesting move to start with. I wonder what the two will do next?]
>As Tower begins to lower himself with each swing, Hermit slides around him in near-perfect synch, his hands on top of his partner.
>With the two partners in excellent synch, it accentuates the stylishness of the dance moves, the audience cheering and applauding the sort of gay dance style.
><It seems the audience quite enjoys the synchronous movement of these two. It certainly looks stylish from here.>
>Eventually, Tower runs out of space between his hips and the floor, silently motioning to Hermit for the second phase in their dance.
>Hermit nods and moves his hands down lower to hold his partner's hand, acting as an anchor as Tower slides his knee around and pulls himself up.
>With the two Arcana up, they shuffle like a mirrored projection of themselves in several directions: backwards, forwards, and side-to-side as they finish their routine with a dramatic pose!
>[What a strong finish from Hermit and Tower! Let's see how Devil and Emperor hold up against those expectations.]
"Alright, Devil, let's show these ponies what's hip and hop. Follow my lead!"
>Emperor begins to hop in time with the music, criss-crossing his legs effortlessly as Devil joins in on the fun, the two synchronizing well as the audience cheers them on.
>With little warning, Emperor drops to the ground, propping his fall with a hand as his knee slides around the floor before lifting to the air as he spins around on his back and arms!
>This goes on for a while until Emperor uses his legs to shoot himself upright to applause, as he motions for Devil to try next.
"I'm not sure I can do the same thing like you."
"Don't worry 'bout it, it's all in good fun!"
>Gathering his courage, Devil drops to the floor like Emperor did, catching his hand against the floor as he spins around with his knees.
>Where he couldn't mimic his partner's back spins, Devil made up for in alternating his knees, spinning around like a top as even the opposing side cheered him on.
>Using the final knee spin to lift himself back up, Devil and Emperor begin to jam out as the song reaches its conclusion, moving their bodies around to the music with deliberate throw-downs and slides.
>At the final note, the two go back-to-back, arms crossed and nodding to the audience, who clap and have a small giggle at their performance!
>[That was amazing, you guys! I think both groups did a very good job, so if you didn't win, don't feel down.]
><Oh yes, the four of you were so well in synch, that I'm sure it made your style even better as a result. Here's my verdict, Spike.>
>Fluttershy hands Spike afolded piece of paper as he opens it and announces the winners of the first match.
>[Alright, for the first match, the winners are... Hermit and Tower! Congratulations!]
>Hermit and Tower cheer and hug each other in a completely heterosexual way, as the other two give each other fist bumps.
>The two groups shake each others hands and compliment the others performances as Fluttershy picks out the next contestants.
><Next ones up are Hanged Man and Moon versus Priestess and Hierophant. Good luck, you guys!>
>The sheepish Hanged Man and cryptic Moon make their way up as Priestess and Hierophant step on the dancefloor once more, prepared by the tutorial from earlier.
>But will that experience help or hinder them as they continue to dance through the dream?
>[Get set!]
- (Achy Breaky Heart)
"You ready to go, HM? Let's keep this one simple."
"got it. i'll follow your lead."
>Moon takes the floor with Hanged Man by his side, beginning a fairly simple box movement with his feet.
>Forward, right, backward, left.
>Hanged Man follows suit, keeping his movement in time with his partner, to the blase reaction from the audience.
>Forward, right, backward, left.
><The two of them really have a nice synch to them.>
>[But it's so boring! Is this what we're looking forward to for this whole dance?]
"no offense, Moon, but i think we're losing their interest."
>Moon smirks confidently at Hanged Man's worries, unflinching at the dead crowd.
"No need to worry about it. This, my friend was simply the warm-up. Get your arms ready."
>Before he can ask for more information, Moon begins to swing his arms in wild, but deliberate movements, which Hanged Man quickly catches onto.
>The Arcana in the audience notice that something is finally happening, and finally get invested as the two begin to alternate their rotational speeds.
>Forward, right...
>Backward, left.
>Moon slows down his movement while Hanged Man begins to increase his own speed, creating a clashing visual effect!
>[Oh? Looks like the beginning was a ruse to lure in attention from the crowd! How devious.]
"You having fun yet, HM?"
"a little, yeah."
"Well, shit's gonna get even more fun!"
>With graceful fluidity, Moon shuffles his box step so that his back is facing Hanged Man's own, creating a bizarre mirror effect as the two return to matching speeds!
><Oh my, that certainly seemed to catch the favor of the crowd again. Not that it's difficult to see why.>
>The two continue to dance like this until Moon signals Hanged Man, and the two move back to face the crowd, wrapping up their routine with flashy slides to the edge of the crowd.
>[It looks like the two decided to play it slow and steady, which seems to have grabbed everypony's heart! But how will Priestess and Hierophant pull out, with their previous experience?]
"You thinking what I'm thinking, Hierophant?"
"Oh, I think I definitely know."
>The pair laugh menacingly amongst each other as they take their positions once more.
>To everyone's surprise, the duo break out into a colorful display of tapdancing and skillful shuffles!
><Riverdancing? What an interesting choice, considering the song choice. I wonder how they'll work with it?>
>In comparison to the last pair, these two easily beat them in the style department: the energy is through the roof, as Priestess and Hierophant tapdance ferociously.
>The skill is undeniably there, but the crowd can feel something is missing from the performance.
>It's almost a repeat with Death and Fool, but instead of it being a synchronous problem of tempo, it feels like there's an experience gap.
>Hierophant's cultural experiences from his travels are clear with his dancing being second neature, but it feels like Priestess simply read a book on how to riverdance, and never quite experienced it himself.
>The two finish with a final tap, and break into laughter as they catch their breath.
"Probably not the best idea, huh?"
"It was fun, though."
>[I really liked your performance, Priestess, Hierophant, but there was certainly a gap in experience between the two of you. Fluttershy, your thoughts?]
><Well, Hanged Man and Moon kept the base fairly simple and managed to make it more complex as it went on. I think we both know the winner of this round.>
>[Alright, then, the winner of this round is Hanged Man and Moon. Congratulations!]
>The two groups meet up and talk about each others performances, laughing at some of their aspects as Fluttershy pulls out another two papers.
><Next round will be... Justice and Sun versus Magus and Lust.>
>The ornately armored Justice and the long-nosed funky Sun versus the sorcerer Magus and the Oriental Lust.
>Who will continue dancing through the dream?
><Get set.>
- (Motor Booty Affair)
"Let's be honest here, I think we all know our plans. So let's just go at it!"
>Everyone else nods at Sun's comment as the four break out into dance, spinning and jiving to the fuckadelic music.
>[Wow, both teams are really going at it! It's hard to separate between the two groups."
>As Spike says, Sun, Justice, Magus, and Lust seem to have made a silent truce and are dancing in near perfect synch with each other.
>True to his word, Magus appears fully in control of his pony form, keeping up even with his human brothers.
"I'm half surprised you can keep up, Lust."
"With Tia's skills, you just learn to adapt to pony dancing."
><Everypony's doing so well, it's hard to decide a major lead either way...>
>Both teams seem like mirrors to the other side, funking out to the cool bassline and letting loose.
>Suddenly, Sun's eyes light up as a familiar shining card appears next to him.
"Come, Tonatiuh!"
>Crushing the card, the ancient sun god floats above the stage, its reflective skin catching the multicolored lights from the stage, creating a faux disco ball effect and covering the area in a dazzling array of lights!
>The crowd goes crazy at this, cheering loudly and joining in the funky dancing, the synch on everyone near perfect as they groove on the dance floor.
>[Woah, Sun managed to summon his Persona with his stylish moves! And it looks like it fueled the Disco Fever in the audience, as they're all dancing on stage now.]
>The music eventually funks into silence as the audience moves back off the stage, leaving two groups of winded, but satisfied teams.
>Sun and Justice walk over to Magus and Lust, offering hands to shake as they look each other in the eyes.
"No matter what happens, you two are our Funk Brothers for life."
"Same here, man."
>[That last dance was so neck to neck, it's hard to decide which team won.]
><But I think we both agree that Sun's capability to summon Tonatiuh makes them the ultimate winners. Congratulations, you two!>
>The two groups congratulate each other as they leave the stage, Fluttershy pulling out two more names from her bowl.
><Next up is Lovers and Temperance versus Fool and Death. Good luck, Temperance!>
"Looks like you've got a fan in the judges section, eh?"
"It'll be fine, I know Flutterbutter wouldn't cheat like that."
>The angelic Lovers and vampiric Temperance take one side of the field as Fool and Death return to make up for the tutorial.
>Who will continue to dance through dream?
><Are you ready?>
"Alright, time to make up for last time! Spike, my man, run Number 15805!"
>[You got it, Mary.]
- (Uptown Surprise)
"Can't use my slams too early, you know? With me, Fool!"
>Now more prepared for Death's crazy style, Fool has no difficulties keeping in time with his crazy leg crossings and spins, moving his arms around like a professional.
>[How smooth! These guys sure know how to move with it.]
>Swinging their arms in alternating patterns of three, the crowd cheers them on as Lovers and Temperance nod at each other.
"I think it's time to really smoke it!"
>The duo begin with a simple circular movement with one of their hands, then slowly meld in some footwork as they get into the rhythm of the beat.
>With a few hiccups and trips, the two swing their arms in a wider arc before returning to the flow Fool and Death set for them, clapping to the beat as the two face each other down.
>As the music reaches the chorus, Death's eyes light up as another card appears next to him.
"Aww yeah, is that what I think it is? Show these plebs how we really dance, Baron Samedi!"
>Death crushes the card, summoning the Voodoo god, dapper as fuck with his vest, slacks and top hat.
>Baron Samedi joins in on the side of Fool and Death, moving and jiving with the two as he steals the crowd's attention and affection.
"Wait, we can use Persona while dancing? That should be cheating!"
><Well... Sun did use Tonatiuh while he was dancing. And the rules don't explicitly state you can't use Persona."
"Never underestimate my tactical prowess! We're gonna Uptown Funk you up."
>Lovers and Temperance try to keep up with the now trio of performers, but there simply isn't enough synchronization between the two of them to compete with the sheer numbers on the other side.
>As the music reaches its conclusion, the audience of Arcana are focused on Fool and Death, Baron Samedi finally fading away in a sick pose.
>As the violins bring the song to its end, it's very clear who won that competition, considering the reactions on everyone's faces.
>[That was an amazing performance by Fool and Death! What do you think, Fluttershy?]
>Noticing Fluttershy's worry, Temperance turns towards her and gives a winning smile and thumbs up.
"Don't worry about it, Flutters, we had fun."
><Okay. The winners of this round are Fool and Death. Congratulations!>
"Aww yeah! Didn't even need a jam to slam y'all."
"God dammit, Mary..."
>Even with with bravado and grumbling, the two groups leave the stage amicably, talking about their performances as Fluttershy pulls out the next contestants.
><Up next is Strength and Judgement versus Chariot and Star.>
>The mech golem Strength and mech angel Judgement make their way onto the stage as the fierce Chariot and dazzling Star face them off.
>Only one can keeping dancing through the dream!
>[Get ready...]
><Get set...>
- (Robot Rock)
>As the music buzzes in, Chariot and Star look at each other with confidence, pointing at the overtly bulky costumes Strength and Judgement are wearing.
"You guys really didn't plan this through, did you? You probably can't even move that well in those things!"
"I think it's only fair to challenge the robots at their own game. With some robotic dance moves of our own."
>The two move their body parts jankily as Strength and Judgement simply watch the two going at it.
>Stiffly, the two accidentally trip on each other a few moments, but manage to capture the iconic swinging arm, to the applause of the audience.
><It's certainly a more stiff dance style than the others we've seen today.>
>As they finish, Chariot and Star face the determined looks of their opponents, smiling in presumed victory.
"Are you done yet? Judgement, my friend, let's show these clowns what real robot dancing is like!"
>The two mecha Arcana take the floor and immediately begin to mirror each others still, but strong movements.
>To everyone's amazement, the bulky costumes didn't appear to stifle the dancing capabilities of the duo, shuffling their feet to add extra movement and weight to their jerky stops and starts.
>As Judgement begins to alternate his movements opposite his partner, he notices a card floating next to him.
"Oh, come on..."
"Hey, it just means we're so well in synch. Come, Razgriz!"
>With a determined shattering of the card, the mechanized valkyrie of war hovers down from on high, to cheers from the audience.
>Positioning herself behind the dancing robo-nerds, she begins to synch her own robotic movements with her posse, creating a trinity effect.
>[Man, some groups are really utilizing their Persona!]
><They sure are. I hope they don't forget about the Reapers and unintentionally summon one in their heated matches...>
>With timely switches back and forth, the trio finish their own routine with a triple arm swing and "shutdown" effect as Razgriz fades away, making the crowd go wild!
>[That was great, you guys! Even with those bulky costumes, thhose guys really can move.]
><Oh yes, I think that was an excellent performance. Here's my verdict, Spike.]
>[And the winner of this round is Strength and Judgement! Congratulations, you guys!]
"So much for the 'less bulky' advantage, right? Looks like we just Robot Rocked your world!"
"Ah well, can't get to the top every tournament."
>As the two groups make their way down, Spike speaks up and grabs everyone's attention.
>[Alright, since Empress and Fortune lack opponents this round, our highest scoring team that lost, Magus and Lust, will go up against them for a chance to get back into the game!]
>Magus and Lust reenter the battlefield as the Egyptian Empress and green, grinning Fortune face off against them.
>Will this be the opportunity needed to jumpstart a team's dance through the dream?
>[Get set.]
- (Wow Wow)
"Oh yeah, finally time for some wholesome music for the kiddies. Ready to lose again, Magus?"
"Not likely, friend. With me, Lust!"
>Empress and Fortune stand back as Magus and Lust take center stage, hopping to the beat as they swing their arms with invisible lassos.
>It's a bit difficult, with Dream Magus's quadrupedal form, but thankfully Lust's experience kicks in as he moves to his partner's attempts.
>Where the two of them lacked in style that popped out, they made up in perfect synch, anticipating each others movements as they rocked through the melody.
>Magus sees his Persona card materialize, and wastes no time tapping its face, unleashing the ferocious dragon Fafnir!
>[Amazing! It looks like things are about to heat up with Magus and Lust's routine.]
>As Magus and Lust put their hooves and hands together to alternate kicks against each other, Fafnir releases a gout of flame that spreads throughout the stage!
>Thankfully, it doesn't appear to be literal fire, simply illuminating the two as they roll their arms around as they circle each other.
>Magus and Lust finish their routine with slides across the floor that send the faux fire flying over the audience in a dazzling spectacle!
>The two take their bows, as Empress and Fortune pose with their hands on their hats that clearly weren't there earlier.
"That's pretty good, but I think you fellers don't quite understand how to truly Will Smith."
>With little warning, Empress and Fortune jump to the center of the stage, legs open and their hands on their hips.
>Their hips begin to move forward, then left, backward, and right before dancing around with their hands rotating with invisible lassos of their own.
>The difference of style between them and Magus and Lust is like night and day, effortlessly sticking together as they do a crab walk with their legs as not one, but two cards float down!
><Amazing, they're so in synch and stylish that both of their Persona have awoken!>
>The two slicks crush their cards together as the Earth goddess and desperado form next to their hosts.
>Wasting no time, Empress takes his Persona by the hand as he begins to dance with her, Fortune jiving with his cowboy partner as the crowd goes wild!
>[We've seen Death use Baron Samedi to move with his routine, but I think this is the first time we've seen someone dance with their Persona personally!]
>With the grace of a gentleman, Empress and Gaia glide across the dancefloor as most of the crowd grumbles about "Persona waifus".
>Fortune, on the other hand, is having the time of his life with Hickok, the usually straight-faced Persona rocking out in perfect synch with him.
>The music reaches its finale as Empress finishes with a hold that even makes some folks in the audience's hearts go *doki doki*, as Fortune and Hickock pose back to back, pistols up like an outlaw.
>With a bright flash, the two Persona fade away as Magus and Lust stand their, jaws agape as Empress and Fortune make their way up to them.
"What was that?"
"That, my Dream Wizard, is how one properly Will Smiths."
><Both contestants did amazing this round, but I think I speak for both of us that one group performed near perfectly.>
>[You said it, Fluttershy. The winner of this comeback round is Empress and Fortune. Congratulations!]
>While Magus and Lust seem disappointed at their lost opportunity, the two groups leave the stage excitedly talking about their own performances.
>[And with that, the first round of dancing is now complete! Now we're off to the Semi-Finals, with Fluttershy pulling out the first contestants.]
><The first round of the Semi-finals will be Fool and Death versus Justice and Sun.>
>The two funky groups face off against each other as Death cracks his knuckles and Sun taps his toe to some silent beat.
>Who will be the first to dance through this dream?
><Get set...>
- (Crazy Noisy Bizarre Slam)
"Welp, looks like it's time to unleash my real slams. Hope you guys are ready to jam with the best!"
>Death and Fool take the field with their hands in their pockets, facing down as they stand motionless in the opening of the song.
>Bouncing their heads to the beat, the duo dance step side-to-side before snapping out in perfect synch, their legs stretched as people in the crowd realize what was coming.
"They're not gonna do that, are they?"
"That shit's style suicide!"
>Ignoring the crowd's murmurs, Death and Fool step around in a near perfect 180, facing away from the audience as their arms go from their sides upwards.
>Immediately, the two spin around and dance back with their arms forward, but low, like a beckoning lure to focus on them.
"Why does this mesh so well? This shit shouldn't be this perfect!"
><It's nearly art how the moves work with the music.>
>Almost as if waiting for a chance, a card floats down to Fool as he crushes it while grooving.
"Let's see how you'll do, Coyote!"
>The multi-colored shadow cackles as it releases smoke from its body, creating a club-like atmosphere as Death and Fool reach towards one direction, then punch gradulally lower in alternating directions.
>Sliding up with their arms grasping upwards, the two hold their hips suggestively as they slide down and do a fake moonwalk before posing once more.
>After some more slides, they wave their arms in a hunched position, before grooving slowly at the reprise and continuing their near perfect movements.
>Rolling into a pointing pose, Death and Mary get back up and finish their routine with several wide steps with downward punches, stopping awkwardly before running back to their spots.
"That's gonna be hard to win against, Sun. How can we deal with such perfect meme dancing?"
"Simple, with meme dancing of our own."
>Wavily moving his arms as he bump out with his butt, Sun makes his way onto the dancefloor, doing a double point at Justice and the spot next to him.
>With little warning, Sun reaches over and practically lifts Justice over to him, spinning him around before sending him spinning away like a human top.
>[A rather odd choice, sending your partner flying off.]
>Justice manages to catch himself before spinning off the stage, and returns to Sun, where they begin to Cossack Kick and spin.
>Moving their arms and legs up one at a time, the two shake their butts to the rhythm, doing a little dance with their index fingers as well.
><They're not as together as Death and Fool were, but Justice and Sun are oozing style right now.>
>The crowd cheers on as the two start some fancy footwork that Justice trips over a bit, continuing into a catwalk as they bear the shirts under their costumes.
>Everyone goes crazy over that, as a card floats down to Justice, smoothly dancing with his arm out.
"Alright, Perseus, let's do this!"
>The Greek hero emerges onto the field, and the three dancers step-slide their way forward, snapping to the rhythm as the ass shaking continues.
>Shooting their arms up, they go for the one-legged hop, and go crazy with Cossack Kicks and jogging in place, before going for one final pose.
>Perseus vanishes as the crowd erupts in applause as the two groups bow, Spike and Fluttershy talking amongst each other.
>Both teams grooved in their own special ways: Fool and Death synching up near perfectly in their dancing, while Justice and Sun dominating in their style.
>Who won?
>Which team will continue?
>Whose routine reigns supreme?
><The winner of this round, by a single point, is Justice and Sun. Congratulations, you two!"
"We beat Mary at his own game? Aww yeah!"
>Even with Death's theatrics, the two groups shake hands as they leave the stage, Fluttershy pulling out the next contestants.
><The next two teams are Hermit and Tower versus Strength and Judgement.>
>The two teams make their way onto the battlefield, facing each other off with unbridled determination in their eyes.
>Spike and Fluttershy countdown as the dancing through the dream sparks up!
>[Get set!]
- (Brotherswing)
"Well, Tower, I gotta ask. How well can you swing?"
"Hermit, you're gonna break something if you swing me around in full armor."
"I build houses, man. Swinging someone around in armor can't be that much more difficult."
"Swear to god, I'm washing my hands on your wellbeing."
>Sighing in defeat, Tower follows Hermit's lead, hand in hand as they begin to twirl around to the jazzy swing.
"Let's tap those feet, Judgement!"
>While Hermit and Tower were bickering amongst each other, Strength and Judgement kick off with a wicked tapdancing routine.
>Despite their headstart, however, the duo's routine just doesn't seem to catch the audience's favor, though not losing it either.
><Strength and Judgement's tapdancing is very skillful, but it feels like there's something missing.>
>[I know what you mean. It's not really good, but not terrible. Sort of bland with its execution.]
>On the other side, Hermit and Tower's energetic dancing seems to overshadow the competition, both sides taking turns spinng the other and rocking out with their entire bodies.
>Kicking their legs on the sides, the duo notices two cards floating down, holding each other close platonically as they shatter the cards.
>The multifaced demon and knight in shining armor follow their hosts' example and take each other for a crazy swing as Hermit swing Tower and leans him down close to the floor.
>Face mere inches of each other, the two look into each others eyes as Hermit leans closer.
"Tower, there's something I need to tell you..."
"Hermit, I..."
><O-Oh my...>
>[Fluttershy, are you alright? You look like you've got a fever!]
"You're really heavy with that armor on."
"You dumbass geezer! I told you it might be a problem."
"Sh-shut it."
>Straining to pull Tower back up, Hermit recovers as the two continue to swing around the stage, their Persona mimicking their style and synch as the two finish their dance with a parting spin and pose.
>Dantalion and Lancelot take a bow, as they begin to disappear and their hosts move out of the way.
>With their spectacle over, Strength and Judgement finish their tapdancing with a crazy finale of clicks and clacks, nearly tripping over with their momentum, but skillfully making it look like they intended to do that.
>A loud snap and pose completes their performance, which receives a healthy amount of applause from the audience.
><That was certainly... interesting, to say the least.>
>[I'd say. Though I think we all agree that Hermit and Tower knocked it out of the park with their routine. Congratulations, you two!"
"Gonna be honest, Hermit, Tower, that was pretty fucking gay."
"Whatever it takes to win, even with a nearly broken back."
"Fucking told you, man."
"Oh, don't even start."
>The four groups make their way off the stage as the remaining contestants make their way up.
>Hanged Man and Moon take to the stage on one side as Empress and Fortune face them off.
>Who will continue to dance through the dream into the finals?
>[Are you ready?]
><Get set...>
- (Pastel)
"Hope your fiancée's tastes have rubbed off on you, HM. On my mark, Fortune!"
>Empress counts to three fancily spinning his wrist with each count, before they shoot their arms wide and bring them back together.
>The two dancers shuffle to the left and right as they mimic pulling from one direction to the other, swinging an alternating arm at the peak of the directional shuffle.
><This reminds me of a show I watched with Sunset a while ago. I can't recall the name, though.>
>Posing in alternating directions with hand guns, Empress and Fortune take turns crouching and pushing up, before making a heart symbol on their chest with their hands.
>As the crowd looks on with general disinterest, Empress does aerial leg rotations on one leg as Fortune does a faux catwalk into an alternating tapping pattern.
>Empress does a low shimmy before the duo pulls out two pairs of pom-poms out of seemingly nowhere, flashing them in one direction, then the next before placing their hands on their hips and shaking them to the rhythm of the beat.
>Kicking upwards, the Arcana remain in excellent synch as they punch right and left, shooting their arms out wide as they went up and down as well.
>Adorably putting their pom-poms to the sides of their heads, Empress and Fortune sway side to side before posing outwards with them and tossing them into the air.
>Fortune moves his hands to his shoulders, counting to three as their earlier routine kick in once more into the finale, where the duo pose with a flexed arm up.
>[That was pretty well synched, but it doesn't seem like it lit a fire in the crowd...]
>True to Spike's interpretation, the crowd gives a lukewarm applause as Hanged Man and Moon make their way to the center stage.
"...okay, we can do this. are you ready, Moon?"
>The cheeky cunt gives a confident grin and a thumbs up as Hanged Man assumes a somewhat sassy pose with his hand next to the back of his head.
>Suddenly, he runs in place, swinging his arms madly around before holding his right arm out, hand flat and open as he sidesteps once to the right, then to the left.
>Unfurling his arms, to the sides, Hanged Man criss-crosses back to the right, Moon taking this as his cue to jump in as the two point to the sky, fast as lightning, before moving their point to the left and sliding the now open hand across their faces.
><There's another familiar dance. The show's name is on the tip of my tongue...>
>Placing their clenched fists on their hips, the dancers swing to the steady bass beat, moving their right hand up as a fake wave to the audience, who seem to go wild at the response!
>[Whatever Hanged Man and Moon are doing, it seems to only be working in their favor. They look so stylish doing that dance!]
>Moon sees a card float down in the middle of the routine, and silently crushes it, unleashing the primal Skinwalker, who joins on the opposite side of Hanged Man.
>The man and his Persona begin to clap in a square formation as Hanged Man begins to dance on his own pattern, doing a little salute with his index finger as he opens his arms wide open once again.
>Putting his fists on his hips once more, Moon and Skinwalker roll their arms from the bottom right to left before clapping once more, Moon in particular doing a rotation with his index finger pointing up and a sly wink to the crowd.
>The crowd goes crazy at this display as Hanged Man pushes Skinwalker back as Moon takes center stage and does a little walk looking kawaii as fuck.
>With a short jog back, the trio hops to the left and right before taking a low stance and moving their open right hand towards the top of the stage.
>A quick wide-arm spread and light facepalm later, the three of them spin their pointing arm out towards the audience before doing some more fancy hand movements into wagging fingers from one side to the other.
>Pumping both arms up and down, Hanged Man, Moon and Skinwalker make a swooping arc with their arms back towards the front of them, before moving them towards the crowd, hands crossed.
>Immediately, they do a flurry of arm thrusts into swings going up and down, shaking their fists around playfully as they present their open palms outward.
>They continue this gesture, swinging to the beat before enclosing them and making a pumping motion at their hearts, wagging their fingers as they alternate shrugs.
>Grooving their arms one at a time, like a dancing swimmer, the trio does a spin before they kneel, getting back up for a hop left and right as Hanged Man spins and poses with his finger threatening to pierce the heavens and Moon and his Persona kneel and pose with jazz hands.
>Energized applause roars from the audience as Skinwalker finally disappears into the aether, Hanged Man suddenly becoming far more self-conscious at his posing and making his way swiftly off the stage.
>As Moon follows close behind, Spike and Fluttershy talk amongst each other as the contestants await the verdict.
>[I think both teams were very well in time with each other, but Hanged Man and Moon certainly had a flair Empress and Fortune were missing.]
><I agree, I think we both agree that the winner of this round is Hanged Man and Moon. Congratulations, you two!>
"Drat, looks like you really took off after your waifu, huh?"
"i think you guys did pretty good as well. good game."
>The losers make their way off the stage as Justice, Sun, Hermit, and Tower make their way up, determination in their eyes and a beat in their step.
>[Since we've got three teams competing now, Fluttershy and I have decided that it will be a triple face-off!]
>Everyone suddenly notices the judge table just below the stage, Spike and Fluttershy sitting on both sides as an unexpected third judge relaxes in the middle.
"Mary? What are you doing there?"
>The contrarian shrugs with a shiteating grin as he pulls out a pen and paper.
"I've got nothing else to do, as Justice and Sun slammed me out early, and these guys need a third judge. Don't worry, I'm completely unbiased."
><That's just how it is, sorry. So the rules are that each group will do their own dance routine with their own music.>
"We'll grade your style and synch from 1-20 each, for a total of 40 points, though really skillful sections might give you extra points."
>[As the winner of last round, Hanged Man and Moon will go first, then Hermit and Tower, then finally Justice and Sun. Good luck, you guys!]
>With the rules slightly changed, the six dancing men huddle up and shake each others hands, wishing good luck as they all prepare themselves.
>The finale is in sight!
>Who will be the final pair dancing through the dream?
>[Get set!]
"First one up is our lovable weeb pair: Hanged Man and Moon! Break a legs, fellas."
- (Safety Dance)
>Taking center stage, Hanged Man and Moon start off slow, rocking side-to-side to the rhythm of the song, clapping once before stepping forward and turning round for another step the other direction.
>The duo turn back towards the audience, posing with a half-kick up as they dance around in a circle while twisting their legs and feet to the music.
>Whether due to the unintentional double jeopardy or nerves, Hanged Man hiccups a group clap by a second, but manages to keep his cool and pretend he intended to do that.
>[The style from these guys is great as always. You can definitely tell there's minor differences between their synchronizing, though.]
>Swaying their arms and hips left and right, Hanged Man and Moon criss-cross to the left and slide back to the right, transitioning into a perfectly timed clap that makes the crowd go wild.
>Posing with one foot slanted at the ground, the dancers undulate their bodies suggestively, then shimmy their hips before walking backwards and stylishly flaunting their forms.
>With a nod between themselves, Hanged Man and Moon do a mirrored spin that ends up with the two facing opposite directions as they sway from one side to the other.
><Looks like they're trying to increase their style with a reverse dance number! I wonder if they'll be able to stay together while their facing away?>
>Fluttershy isn't wrong, as Hanged Man and Moon occasionally drift past each other for a moment before correcting and shuffling like pros.
>The two reach the climax of their dance and song, taking each others arms and swinging around before Moon slides below his partner and reclines to the audience as Hanged Man himself poses towards the sky.
>The crowd goes wild, as Spike, Fluttershy and Mary applaud as well, writing their scores on their sheets.
"Nice performance you two. Next!"
"wait, you're not gonna tell us our score?"
><We decided that, in order to keep everypony in optimal confidence levels, that we'll announce the rankings after the dances.>
>[Alright, next is Hermit and Tower. Good luck, you two!]
- (Runaway Baby)
>A lone spotlight shines down to the next contestants as they raise a hand to the sky, blotting out the light before lowering it down next to their faces, snapping to the left and right as the lights all turn towards the center.
>Spreading his arms and legs out, Tower grooves with his hand motions while Hermit rocks his non-existent hair around, before taking his partner's arm and spinning into him.
"Try to not make this shit as gay as last time."
"I promise nothing."
>Breaking apart and shuffling with their arms pushing down, the duo pose in opposing directions while pointing up before crossing their arms and shuffling to the left.
>Tower and Hermit rotate their bodies in a wide circle, shimmying their shoulders as they wave their left arms towards the crowd, driving them crazy.
"An interesting maneuver, if I do say so myself. Their synchronizing isn't anything to write home about, but they sure got style."
>Tower shuffles to the right, making an "S" symbol with his arms as Hermit stays on center stage, determination in his eyes.
"Get ready, Tower, it's time for the Perfect Cast!"
>Jumping to the tips of his toes, Hermit hops onto one foot while swinging his right arm around, before jumping once more and kicking his heels.
>The crowd cheers on as he spins effortlessly and moonwalks past the waiting Tower, where the duo hops and swing their arms, pointing right.
>Pumping their fists into the air, the dancers continue with a hop to the left as they swing their arms along, kicking their heels before facing the audience back-to-back.
>[Whatever dance style their doing, the audience is eating it up!]
>Grooving to the end of the song, Tower and Hermit end their routine with their hands once more reaching towards the sky.
>Everyone applauds the performance as the judges write down their scores, the duo making their way off the stage as the final contestants take the stage.
><Finally, we've got Justice and Sun. Let's see what they can do!>
- (Thriller)
>An eerie sound of a door opening echoes through the stage as fog rolls in, as Sun and Justice shoot their right shoulder up three times before posing sideways, right arm down and back while left arm forward.
>Moving forward slowly, they hook their arms forward as they slide up, switching sides before shuffling to the right, then shooting a pose out to the left.
>With one knee out, Justice and Sun lift themselves up and down before closing their legs and clapping, shuffle-sliding to the left.
>They turn their heads to the left before repeating the previous move, the crowd cheering them on.
"Let's see if the funk of forty thousand years can spell the other dancers' dooms!"
>The two suddenly go to opposite sides of the stage, grooving out to the beat, arms out wide as they do the iconic zombie swing, causing the crowd to go ballistic.
>Swinging their legs to the right, they shoot out a pose before moving back together all zombie-like, hopping once they reunite and rotate their bodies around.
>Justice and Sun continue to swing one arm as they hop and spin, facing the crowd one moment, then away from them the next.
>They continue their energetic arm movements, before hunch shuffling away from the crowd and walking back, letting all hell loose as they get to the peak of their routine.
>Catwalking back to the front, the two spin around and shuffle with their legs before repeating the zombie swings, before swinging away from the crowd hunch-legged one final time before jumping around and posing to the audience!
>Everyone claps for the dancers as the three at the stand put their finals scores together.
"That's everyone, right?"
>[Certainly looks like it. I hope you guys enjoyed the dance-off, that was a really close battle!]
><It certainly was. Well, here are the rankings for the competition. Third place goes to... Oh no...>
>You are Dream Magus, and you've got this terrible feeling you can't quite shake off.
>The dance-off, so far, has been nothing but high-octane fun, even though you and Lust missed your chance to keep going past the first round.
>But something has been... off, since you've gone back to the crowd, something weird in the air.
>At first, you just ignored it as the aftereffects of adrenaline and the shitty feeling of losing twice, but now it's almost palpable in the air.
>Perhaps it's because of your closer link to Luna, or your dream-diving assistance, but something bad is happening in Fantasia right now.
>[Fluttershy? What's wrong?]
>It seems you're not the only one to notice something off, as Fluttershy is now frantically reading something in Argus.
><There seems to be a huge spike in magic growing in Fantasia. It's source appears to be very far away from us, so I didn't notice until now, but it's gotten to the point where it's about to explode!>
>Fluttershy's revelations cause everyone to forget about the competition and pull out their Hearthswarming weapons they received from Luna last year.
>"In case you might need them," was her logic, and it's a good thing you were all expecting something like this to happen.
>"Figures this would happen right when we're finishing up our dance-off."
>"Aww yeah, time to kick some Nightmare Night ass!"
>You brandish your custom war scythe and call out to Fluttershy.
"Keep an eye on it and tell us when we can fight it!"
><Right! Three minutes before contact...>
>Standing next to Lust and his lucerne hammer, you brace yourself as you face towards the incoming energy source.
><Two minutes before contact...>
>Your brothers let out war cries and psyche each other up as you suddenly get a heavy feeling in your gut.
><One minute before contact, but there seems to be something wrong.>
>'Wrong' is an understatement, this doesn't feel like any kind of living thing, even Princess-levels of magic would have some vitality in the signature.
>This feels like pure and utter destruction.
><That isn't an enemy coming at us, its an explosion! 30 seconds before impact!>
"There's no time to escape; brace yourselves!"
><10 seconds before impact!>
>You see the barest of traces of the magical burst cruising towards the lot of you, and the last thing you see is everyone flying in the air from the force of the impact.
>Crashing hard into the ground, you lose consciousness.
>You open your eyes to see the Velvet Room once more, now with the crater in the center all patched up.
>Theodore is standing at the ready, smiling gently as he notices you awake.
>"Welcome back, honored guest, to the Velvet Room. It seems your visit, while timely, was not intentional."
>You try to recall what exactly happened, your head throbbing as you recall being in Fantasia.
>That's right, you and your brothers were having a competitive dance-off, and got to the finals before a huge explosion of magic sent you all flying.
>"That's right, it appears that the darkness threatening you and your friends dream has finally surfaced. If left to its own devices, your world will be shrouded in darkness and fear."
>Using his telekinesis, Theodore offers a deck of cards to you, a small table already set up for him to place them down.
>"Fear not, our guest, for you do not walk this treacherous path alone. Pick three cards from the deck, and I shall show you your immediate comrades-in-arms."
>Hesitating for a moment, you pull three random cards from the deck and place them face-down on the table, Theodore flipping them around and revealing their true nature.
>"It would appear the cards you picked were Lust, Justice, and Sun. No doubt you will inevitably run into your other brothers: either on the field, or in trouble."
>The three tarot are shuffled back into the deck as Theodore returns to the newly placed desk.
>"I'm afraid your time here has run out, dear guest, and you'll soon return to the waking world. Follow your heart, do not falter, and victory shall be yours."
>"Until we meet again."
>You awaken to the hard, grainy feel of dead soil on your side, groggily getting back up on your feet as your survey your surroundings.
>It appears you landed in an abandoned farmhouse, as shown by the two holes in the ceiling, trickling in sunlight.
>As you walk around the building, you notice a familiar form lying on the ground.
"Lust, are you okay?"
>Galloping over to Lust, you hear a pained groan as he moves up into a more comfortable sitting position.
>"Ugh, remind me to pack pillows next year..."
>The two of you talk about what happened, but it appears neither of you know what happened after the blast.
>Lust grunts as he lifts himself up, picking up both of your weapons as he walks up to the door.
>Tossing your weapon back, he leans up next to the aged wood, gripping his weapon tightly.
>"Well, we have to leave the barn sooner or later. On the count of three. One..."
>You both kick the doors open, revealing the strange world outside.
>The surrounding farm lands appear ancient and dead, with a flurry of dust storms raging in the fields as the wind picks up.
>As you look back at the barnhouse you fell into, you notice the warped wood and slight swaying of the building as the blistering wind howls.
"Look, Lust, the sky's all messed up now."
>The sky looks like a cosmic soup of reds, browns, and blacks, a baleful orange sun bearing down on you like an oppressive eye, watching your every movements.
>"I don't think we're in Equestria anymore, Magus."
"Agreed, let's not waste much more time here."
>The two of you leave the desolate farm, with naught but the winds wishing you farewell.
>After what seems like ages of walking, you see a group in the distance that makes their way over to you.
>As you get closer, you see Spike, Sun, Justice, Pinkie and Shining Armor coming closer, so you and Lust rush to meet them halfway.
>"Magus! Lust! You're alright!"
>Spike traps you in a tight hug as the others discuss the situation.
>"So it appears we've all been transported to some unknown world."
>Sun scratches his chin in deep thought as Shining Armor searches around the area with a subdued desperation.
"Shining, are you okay?"
>Your question catches him off-guard, as he jumps a little before looking at you with a worried expression.
>"I was with Cadance before all of this, but when I came to, she wasn't anywhere. I have to find them..."
>Justice pats Shining Armor's shoulder, giving a confident grin and a thumbs up.
>"Don't worry, my man, we'll definitely find her. That's what heroes do, right?"
>Reluctantly, Shining smiles at his friend's attempt to cheer him up, as Pinkie's body starts to move around like crazy.
>"Uh oh, my Pinkie Sense is tingling, and it looks like we've got trouble!"
>As she mentions this, creatures burst out of the ground, revealing themselves to be Shadows with bleached skull-shaped masks on their bodies!
"Looks like we've got company! Shining, stay behind us for now, one of us will keep you safe while we deal with these things!"
>"I can handle myself, Magus! If these things know where Cadance is..."
>You shake your head as Pinkie pulls out her cannon, Justice, his shield, and Sun his elaborate lance-like blade.
"These things can't be harmed unless you have a Persona. I'm sorry, but please stay out of this while we deal with them!"
>Shining attempts to argue, but looks down dejected as Spike summons Ouroboros, circling around him into Analysis Mode.
>"I'll handle the scanning, so pick who'll take care of these enemies!"
>You feel an extra weight in your costume and pull out 5 Zap Apple Candies and Zebra Healing Potions, surprised by their appearance.
>Preparing your war scythe, you stare down the Shadows as the battle begins!
>[Alright, Magus, there appear to be two Ghastly Mayas, two Killing Hands, and an Operating Table. Which should I scan first?]
"Spike, scan the Killing Hands first. Lust, stay back for now and keep an eye on Shining!"
>Lust gives you a thumbs up as he falls back, Pinkie, Justice and Sun taking combat positions as you materialize your card.
"Let's see how that Table handles brute force. Come forth, Fafnir!"
>Tapping its face, the card shatters, summoning a brilliant crimson dragon that looms over the Shadows.
>With a ferocious roar, Fafnir brings down a terrible claw on the Operating Table, dealing moderate damage as it gets pushed back.
>"C'mon, Apollo Medicus, it's time to blunt those fangs!"
>Pinkie shoots her card, the radiant sun god rising from the ground as he plays a minor song on his lute, causing the enemies to shudder in weakness.
>Shield-bashing his card, Justice's Persona raises his sword to the heavens, as a flurry of bolts rain down from up high, striking the crowd of Shadows heavily.
>"I bet I can take most of these bozos out in one swoop. Persona!"
>Tonatiuh's sun disk begins to shine brighter with every second, absorbing the nearby light as it prepares its special attack.
>A huge beam of destruction explodes from the Persona, obliterating the Ghastly Mayas completely and catching one of the Killing Hands before sputtering out.
>The remaining Killing Hand hops up and snaps, a bright light appearing above Sun's head.
>Suddenly, a huge, golden fist crashes down from the heavens, smashing Sun into the ground before disappearing!
"Sun! Are you alright?"
>With a grunt, he pulls himself back up, brandishing his weapon once more.
>"I'm not out of the game yet!"
>The Operating Table goes crazy, the surgical tools on it flying around as a large fireball forms above it.
>Before you can react, the flame flies straight at you, striking your side and sending you reeling onto the ground, a nasty burn where the spell connected!
>Seeing an opportunity, the Table makes a weird shriek, healing the opponents' injuries, but not entirely.
>"Shit, I forgot Fafnir was weak to Fire!"
>[Are you alright, Magus?]
>Grunting in the affirmative, you struggle back up, wincing as your side screeches in pain.
>[Wow, that's a pretty nasty burn you've got. Be careful around Wind attacks, alright? Here's the info I got on the Killing Hand.]
Killing Hand (Death)-
Resist: Physical
Weak: Wind
>[Here's everypony's current status:]
Dream Magus (Burned): 64% HP, 100% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 90% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 80% SP
Sun: 80% HP, 60% SP
>[Remember that we've got five Candies, Potions, and Feathers. Don't be afraid to use them.]
>While you wonder where the Phoenix Feathers came from, Justice nudges your unburned side.
>"By the by, snrk, nice weapon you got there."
>Sun chuckles a little as Pinkie seems to miss the joke you're subjected to.
>"I'm sure you'll kill them all with that razor-sharp edge."
>Groaning from the mixture of pain of the jokes and the burn, you focus on what to do next.
>[I'll see if I can't get a scan off the Operating Table.]
"So the Hand's resistant to Physical, huh? Might as well continue breaking that Table, then. Persona!"
>Fafnir swoops down from the skies and rakes the ground below it, leaving deep gashes in the Operating Table as it falls backwards.
>Apollo Medicus serenades your ears as the glowing melody patches your wounds completely, save for the burn.
>Justice and Sun look at each other with a competitive spark in their eyes, crouching down in anticipation.
>"You ready, Sun?"
>"Get ready to be left behind in the dust, Justice."
>As if goaded by a pistol shot, the two Arcana rush at the two remaining Shadows, ramming into them as they begin to quarrel amongst each other.
>"Ha, I got there first!"
>As if, I was at least ten seconds faster than you!"
>Striking their targets mercilessly while arguing, Sun and Justice swap opponents at one point, then continue their onslaught.
>Justice caves the Operating Table in with his shield, as Sun skewers the Killing hand with his extended sword, before the two jump back.
>"Alright then, Sun, let's see if you outspeed me in this, then!"
>Near simultaneously, Perseus and Tonatiuh direct their weapons at the Shadows, electricity crackling around Perseus as a radiant glow emanates from Tonatiuh.
>With perfect synch, two beams of electricity and light shoot out and arc towards the battered enemies.
>As they travel, the two beams begin to twist around each other, creating a spinning vortex of death and destruction that completely washes over the enemies!
Combo Activated: Me First!
>Covering your eyes, you open them to reveal the remaining Shadows dissolving as Justice and Sun continue to argue.
>"Just admit I beat you, man. Everyone clearly saw I defeated them first!"
>"I'm not the one in denial, you're the one that keeps lying to everyone!"
>You leave your brothers to sort it out as you catch up to a shocked Shining Armor, still processing what exactly happened in the last battle.
>"I recall those creature now, those were like the ones that tried to invade the Crystal Empire! And those things you summoned..."
"It's a power called 'Persona', and they're basically a way to even the field with Shadows. I exaggerated earlier when I said you couldn't fight them without one, but they're tough to take out without a Persona of your own."
>Realizing the situation, Shining looks downcasted as he sighs in defeat.
>"So I really am dead weight in this situation. Fine, I'll stay back while you deal with those Shadows."
>You nod and smile thankfully towards Shining, realizing how awful he must feel about not being able to help.
"Alright, guys, let's try and find out where we are exactly. It looks like there's a sign just up ahead."
>The seven of you make your way down the dusty road as the sign grows larger with every step you take.
>Taking a closer look, you see oddly shaped, yet familiar text etched into the wood.
"Beware, unknowing travellers, for you step hoof onto the magnificent kingdom of T-"
>"Magus, look out!"
>Before you can finish deciphering the text, you feel a heavy force push you out of the way as chills run up your spine.
>Looking back, you see Shining Armor where you were just at, kneeling in pain as a huge chunk of ice weighs down on him!
>[Magus, this isn't good! There were Shadows hiding somewhere I couldn't find them, and they've ambushed us!]
>You all make your way to Shining, acting as a barrier as you prepare your weapons against the skull-faced wizard, as well as its minions.
>"This isn't good, we haven't gotten the chance to rest up after our combination..."
"We'll just have to fight our way through. Let's go!"
>Shining Armor hisses in pain as the ice on his side weighs down on him like an iron satchel.
>He looks around to his friends, surrounding him and protecting his useless self, when it should be him doing the protection.
>This just wasn't fair: despite his best efforts, Cadance and their unborn child are missing, he's too weak on his own without a 'Persona', and now his comrades have to deal with both an ambush and his injured self.
>Why did I push Magus out of the way? Now I'm more than worthless...
Do you give up?
>A stern voice echoes throughout his mind, seemingly unheard by everypony else.
Your sword is broken, your shield is shattered, your armor frail. Will you surrender to this fate?
>Shining unintentionally thinks back to Cadance's bright smile, her beautiful laughter, the way things just felt right when they were together.
She will never see you again, if you accept your lot. You will never hold your child if you surrender.
>Fueled by these images, Shining struggles back up, grunting as the ice shifts.
>"I won't give up...!"
That's right, to surrender is to accept death: accept a false justice. I have seen your resolve, and offer you a pact.
>As the mysterious voice says this, his eyes shoot wide open as a searing pain tears through his mind, causing him to yell in pain!
>Everyone turns in shock to see him convulsing with his hooves on his head, a card with a solitary sword slowly floating down.
I am thou, thou art I. Fairness is earned, not received, and I shalt be the unerring lance that shalt lead thou to thine own Justice!
>A magical burst radiates from Shining, theShadows halt their advance and the ice shatters, the card facing his pained resolve.
>"So this... is Persona? Very well, I accept your pact, St. George!"
>With an determined kick, Shining shatters the card, a centaur decked from head to hoof in white and blue armor spawning above him.
>Pointing its gargantuan lance forward, it rears its legs as Shining looks at you.
>"I think I can take them on now, no?"
>Shaking off your surprise, you nod and prepare your war scythe once more.
"Alright, let's take these things out!"
>[There appears to be one Killing Hand, two Cursed Tiaras, and two Plague Magi. Which would you like me to scan first?]
"Sun, Justice, stay back for now. Lust, Pinkie, you're with us!"
>You shatter your card, summoning Fafnir wreathed in flame as it unleashes hellfire upon the Shadows, striking all but one of the Cursed Tiaras and a Plague Magus.
>The other Magus isn't so lucky, however, as its clothes catch fire and it shrieks in pain, rolling around on the dirt.
"Once more!"
>The inferno rages on, the Killing Hand managing to escape before it engulfs the group of Shadows, burning the already downed Magus while catching its comrade ablaze.
"All shall burn! Leave nothing standing, Fafnir!"
>The dragon roars in anger as another gout of flame erupts from its jaws, incinerating one of the Magus and leaving the other dazed from the assault!
>Unfortunately, the other Shadows manage to escape the blast, as Pinkie aims her Cock Cannon at one of the Tiaras.
>"Say cheese!"
>With an abrupts bawk, two shells burst from the cannon, striking the Shadow and sending it reeling back!
>"Wow, this thing sure feels a lot more accurate now. Maybe college helped my aim?"
>As Pinkie ponders the mysteries of the Cock Cannon, Lust summons forth Icarus, who flaps his glorious wings strongly, creating a massive tornado that catches all the enemies and sends them crashing into each other.
>The Killing Hand, in particular, goes flying, creating an ideal opportunity for Lust!
>"C'mon, Icarus, let's send these bozos flying!"
>Another hurricane of pain crashes onto the field, tearing the Killing Hand to pieces as the other Shadows fall back to the ground.
>Shining Armor crushes his card, St. George's lance radiating an incandescent glow as he hurls it into the crowd of Shadows.
>The Cursed Tiaras don't seem particularly affected by the resulting explosion of light, but the final Plague Magus bursts as the explosion tears it apart!
>The most injured Tiara glares at you and begins to shine menacingly at your direction.
>You find yourself overcome with a feeling of dread, jumping back by instinct, revealing a brightly etched circle where you once were, ethereal chains shooting out with no one to catch.
>Making a shrill shriek, a green mist circulates around the area, you, Pinkie, and Lust avoiding its influence by holding your breath.
>Unfortunately, Shining unintentionally catches a breath of the magical smoke, leaving him literally speechless as it fades away.
>[You guys really brought out the pain on those Shadows! Only the Cursed Tiaras are remaining, so here's a scan on them:]
Cursed Tiara (Death)
Resist: Bless
Weak: Curse
>[Looks like Shining's Persona is sealed: he won't be able to use skills in this state! Here's everypony's stats:]
Dream Magus: 96% HP, 55% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 90% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 70% SP
Shining Armor (Silence): 100% HP, 85% SP
"This is the end for you!"
>Leaping at the most injured Tiara, you swing down like a guillotine, bisecting it cleanly before it melts into the ground.
>"Let's see if we can't get a double performance. Bombs away!"
>Pinkie aims her cannon at the remaining Shadow and fires, releasing two more artillery shells that catch the Tiara blind-sided, slamming it to the ground!
>"Hail to the Queen, baby! Ready to go all-out, Magus?"
"You know it, Pinkie!"
>The four of you go to town on the downed Tiara, slicing, dicing, shooting, and smashing the Shadow into a finely ground paste.
>[Nice job, guys, the Shadows have been eliminated.]
>Sighing in relief, you see Shining Armor fall to the ground, catching himself with a knee.
"Shining, are you okay?"
>"Don't worry, just a killer headache right now, like I partied too hard last night. So that was Persona, huh?"
>It certainly looks like it, but it didn't look like any Persona summoning you've ever seen: no Shadow Self, no need to accept themselves.
>Could it be that he's already accepted his faults, back when you were all still Anonymous?
"Either way, take a breather, guys. I''ll take Spike and we'll finish reading that sign from earlier."
>Spike follows you as you return to the aged sign, still swaying lifelessly in the howling winds.
"Beware, unknowing travellers, for you step hoof onto the magnificent kingdom of Tambelon. Gaze upon our glorious feats and lands, and pledge yourselves to Tambelon's service."
>Spike takes a closer look at the sign, sneaking glances around the desolate landscapes.
>"Not very glorious if you ask me. Still, I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before..."
"Either way, we know where we are now, so let's regroup and figure out what to do next."
>You group takes shelter next to a husk of a house as you relay your discoveries.
>"Tambelon, huh? It certainly sounds familiar, like an old fairytale I might have heard when I was a colt."
>As Shining scratches his chin, Justice's eyes light up, standing up and pointing to the sign.
>"If we're at the outskirts of a kingdom, perhaps we'll find the others by makeing our way there. Who knows, there might be some kind of magical spell that can send us back home!"
>Everypony murmurs in agreement as you look over the collective injuries taken from the double whammy.
"Before we do that, I think it might be a good idea to make sure everypony's in good condition.
>Spike resummons his Persona as he relays the information to you, scanning the area as you read.
>Overall Stats:
Dream Magus: 96% HP, 55% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 80% SP
Justice: 70% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 50% HP, 30% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 85% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
>[Remember, Magus, we have 5 Zebra Healing Potions, 5 Zap Apple Candies, and 5 Phoenix Feathers, in addition to Pinkie's healing magic. Also, it looks like there are two groups of four ponies wandering nearby, though I can't quite tell who is in each group. One's to the East, while the other is to the West. Once you've patched everypony up, think about which group you want to contact with first.]
"Could you focus your hearing on both groups? We might be able to tell who's where if you can catch something."
>[I'll try, Magus, but this place has this weird frequency to it.]
>After a moment of silence from Spike, he pops back up with new findings.
>[The group to the west almost definitely has Rainbow Dash with them: I could hear her yelling something, but couldn't catch what it was. The group to the East, however, seems to be fighting something right now, with all the scuffling and sounds of explosions coming that way.]
>You consider this information as you continue your work.
"I think we can soldier on a little longer. Let's get moving East, explosions are never a good sign."
>Your comrades finish their rest as you follow Spike into this mysterious kingdom called Tambelon, the orange sun unmoving in the sky.
>As you make your way closer to the location Spike pinned down, sounds of summoning and explosions faintly echo across the dusty hills.
>"Looks like we're entering another combat zone. Are we close enough to get a clear transmission, Spike?"
>Spike nods at Sun's request as Ouroboros comes out again, encricling his vision.
>[Let me see what I can hear... I think I've got a solid connection! Here's a link, Magus.]
>You begin to catch what Ouroboros is catching, two familiar voices arguing as the ground erupts around them.
>"Swear to God, when I find the bozo that interrupted our dancing competition, I'm gonna cast fist all fucking day."
>"You won't be casting anything at all, with your reckless fighting. I'm the one with the bulky Persona, so let me take the vanguard."
>"Just because I got stuck with the nerd Persona doesn't mean you get all the glory. I literally got weapons meant for punching shit!"
>"Against literal artillery rounds! We don't even know if these are regular Fantasia rules yet."
>An exasperated sigh echoes in your mind as Spike turns off the link.
>"Well, we at least know there's people there."
"Right. Alright, everypony, let's hurry and assist them!"
>Finally, you find yourselves in what appears to be a war-torned hamlet, half the buildings on fire as booms echo in the distance.
>After some moments of searching, you see a battered, but not broken, capital building in the distance.
"If there are survivors anywhere, it'd definitely be there. Time to keep moving."
>Keeping an eye out for particularly nasty customers, your intrepid crew make their way across the potholes and torn ground as you open a door and go inside.
>To your surprise, there appear to be a large amount of ponies wandering the building: some keeping tabs on themselves, others exploring parts of the broken building.
>Most of them, however, appear to be utterly terrified at the brand new alien world they've been thrusted into.
>"Well, look who the cat dragged in."
>You turn to see a slightly battered Tower and Hermit making their way towards you, both parties clearly glad to see each other well.
"It's good to see you guys okay, though perhaps in a more pleasant situations."
>"Yeah, that magic wave or whatever sent the two of us crashing into what I can only assume was some poor soul's house."
>Hermit comments as Tower points over to the huddled group of ponies, where you now notice Trixie and Cranky doing their best to help out.
>"We found Trix and Cranky nearby, as well as some roving bands of ponies being harrassed by Shadows. We've holed up in this capital building, hoping to find a hole to break through, but we've got a problem."
>A high pitched whistle shrieks through the air as the building shudders under a round of artillery shells.
>"Ever since we got here, there's been this unending roving band of tank Shadows firing on our asses whenever we look outside."
"Knowing you two, I would've thought you'd have smashed through them by now."
>"Oh, believe us, we tried: those things just keep coming back, and we were running low on supplies to keep us in good condition."
>With innocent civilians hiding in this building, the idea of it collapsing under cannon fire makes your skin shiver with goosebumps.
"Maybe we can add some extra manpower and help clear them out with you guys."
>"Hmm... And you've probably got extra supplies too. That's a good plan, but what about Shining over there?"
>Shining Armor confidently smiles, determination in his eyes.
>"Don't worry about that, I've somehow managed to obtain a Persona of my own."
>Tower and Hermit look at each other before shrugging, preparing their club and caestus for combat, respectively.
>"Good enough for me, boss. Lemme tell Trix and Cranky the plan, then we'll give 'em hell."
>You see Tower talking to Trixie and Cranky about the plan, a heartfelt hug between him and Trixie before leaning his bat-like club on his shoulder.
>With no time to waste, the nine of you make your way out of the building to find a troop of Heartless: 3 tank-like ones along with two dancers and a beetle.
"Alright team, we can't let those things near the building. Time to clean these streets!"
>[Pick three teammates to help you out first, then switch the others in when you need to. There are currently three Damned Turrets, two Macabre Dancers, and one Four-Star Beetle. Which would you like for me to scan first?]
"Spike, get a scan on those Turrets. Come, Fafnir!"
>You shatter your card, unleashing a torrent of flame that singes all but one of the Turrets, burning one of the Dancers terribly.
>"Let it shine, Apollo Medicus!"
>The sun god unleashes a barrage of razor-sharp light disks that shred one of the Damned Turrets and the two Macabre Dancers to pieces!
>Apollo summons a baleful sun that beats down on the remaining Shadows, but unfortunately none of them seem affected by it.
>"Ah fiddlesticks. I guess my lucky run had to end somewhere."
>"Blow 'em away, Icarus!"
>The winged man unleashes a massive tornado, sending the remaining Shadows flying around, crashing into each other as the spell does heavy damage!
>Hermit shatters his card, summoning forth the multi-faced demon, chanting from its book a terrible verse that causes the Four-Star Beetle to turn over while dealing heavy damage to the Turrets!
>"Here's some protection, Pinkie!"
>A reflective barrier forms around Pinkie, shining a dark purple against the backdrop of fiery hell.
>One of the Damned Turrets aims its cannon at you, but strangely enough doesn't fire any rounds.
>Instead, a miasma of darkness seeps out, slowly at first, then bursting out like a firehose out of control!
>Thankfully, only Lust takes any real sort of damage, as Fafnir block the blow for you, and the remaining darkness bounces back to the Turret, thanks to Dantalion's protection.
>The other Turret unleashes a gout of flame that catches all of you ablaze, sending you and Lust writhing on the ground!
>Sensing a prime opportunity to strike, the Shadow fires grapeshot from it's cannon, striking everyone but Hermit, disorienting Lust in combination with the fire!
>Thankfully, Fafnir repels the artillery back to the Damned Turret, punishing it heavily as the Four-Star Beetle focuses for its next attack.
>[Oh no, this doesn't look good! Those Damned Turrets have a nasty group of spells for this type of group, and Lust's too dizzy to do anything. Here's a scan on the Damned Turret:]
Damned Turret (Death)-
Resist: Curse, Fire
Weak: Ice
>[Other than you and Lust, you can swap teammates in, if you need to. Here's everypony's stats:]
Current Team:
Dream Magus: 56% HP, 40% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 75% SP
Lust (Dizzy): 18% HP, 55% SP
Hermit: 82% HP, 75% SP
Justice: 70% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 50% HP, 30% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Tower: 100% HP, 100% SP
"Pinkie, fall back for now. Let's see what you can do, Tower!"
>The two swap places as you leap at the weakest Damned Turret, cutting deep but unable to take it out before having to jump back.
>"So, those tanks are weak to Ice, huh? Kinda wish I knew that ahead of time. Give them hell, Lancelot!"
>Tower crushes his card, summoning a knight in shining armor who begins to chant as his sword glows bright blue with runes.
>With a slice of his sword, three spears of ice cruise through the air, striking all the Shadows, obliterating one of the Turrets, and knocking the other one down!
>"You're up, Hermit!"
>The two friends give each other a high five as Hermit takes the opportunity to summon Dantalion once more.
>Dantalion utters an eldritch passage, the fabric of reality shattering into projectiles that strike the remaining Shadows, flipping the Four-Star Beetle over!
>"You ready to bring the Pain Train down on these suckers?"
"Let's do this!"
>"One-Two, Three-Floor!"
>With Lust out of comission, you, Tower, and Hermit go to town on the felled Shadows, pummeling them into submission as they burst into a fountain of sludge!
>[Good job, guys, Shadows eliminated!]
>Letting out a slightly pained groan, you look back to your teammates as Lust struggles back up.
>"Ugh, next time we do this, please don't let me tank the tank."
"From what you two were talking about, I thought this would be longer."
>As Tower is about to comment, another shell flies out from the distance, striking the ground where the Shadows originally were!
>[It looks like Hermit and Tower weren't wrong. I've got readings on another group of Damned Turrets and other Shadows coming this way!]
"From the time it spent whistling through the air, I think we've got enough time to prepare before they arrive. Let's patch ourselves up before they arrive."
>[Alright, Magus. Here's everypony's current stats:]
Dream Magus: 56% HP, 40% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 75% SP
Justice: 70% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 50% HP, 30% SP
Lust: 18% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hermit: 82% HP, 60% SP
Tower: 100% HP, 85% SP
>[We have 6 Zap Apple Candies, 6 Zebra Healing Potions, and 8 Phoenix Feathers, along with Pinkie's healing magic. How do you want to patch everypony up?
>[According to my scans, three more Damned Turrets, two Musty Sigils, and an Execution Sword are coming for us. Which do you want me to scan, when they get here? Also, who do you want on the starting team?]
"Pinkie, patch us up with Apollo."
>"You got it, chief! Horseona!"
>Apollo Medicus strums a beautiful melody with his lyre, recovering everyone's health back to full.
"Spike, scan the Musty Sigil when they get here."
>[You got it, Magus!]
"Alright, Pinkie, Sun, and Tower, you're with me. Let's give them what for!"
>The four of you position yourselves as the Shadow make their way down the street, barrels aimed at you.
>Fafnir blazes forth, unleashing a torrent of hellfire that sets the Shadows on fire, leaving the Sigils' pages charred from the flames!
>Sun and Pinkie huddle together, whispering conspiratorially amongst each other.
>"I think it's time we did 'that', my dear Pinkie."
>"Now? Oh, how bold of you!"
>As Pinkie giggles, the two prepare their cards at the charred Shadows.
>Tonatiuh makes his way up to the heavens, slowly gathering light from the fires around him, as Apollo begins to batter the opponents with disks of light.
>The disks hit their mark, slicing the Musty Sigils horribly while the rays from Tonatiuh's 'sun' begin to sap the Shadows strength away!
>Eventually the light radiating from Tonatiuh is grossly incadescent, bathing the area in a sickeningly white glow.
>"I think that's enough. Pinkie, my dear, it's time to show this sorry lot the light!"
>"You got it, hun!"
>Apollo charges one final disk before flinging it at Tonatiuh, shattering the Persona and unleashing the huge store of blessed light upon the sorry masses!
Combo Activated: Breaking Prominence
>Unable to escape the gods' judgement, the Shadows are buried under the heavenly fire, smiting the Sigils out of existence while heavily damaging the rest!
>[Thanks to that combination attack, the remaining Shadows have lowered attack!]
>"Bloody expensive though, in my opinion. Freeze the rest of them, Lancelot!"
>The knight summons a flurry of ice spears that tear the Executioner Sword apart while knocking the three Turrets down!
>"The stage is set, boss!"
"Let's give them hell!"
>"You fellas like swift and painful, or slow and painful?"
>The four of you charge at the downed Turrets, tearing them apart as the Shadows burst from the senseless violence!
>[That was quick, all Shadows defeated. Doesn't look like there's any more out here.]
>Taking a sigh of relief, you and the others sit on the ruined pillars, catching your breath as you can't shake a feeling.
"I still feel like that was too easy. Those Turrets ate shit after we learned their weakness, and those other Shadows weren't remotely threatening."
>"Eh, you worry too much, Magus. We trashed them so easily because we burned our SP like dried paper."
>Nodding at Hermit's comment, you close your eyes, slowly accepting the fact that you've managed to take out the threat.
>...Only to hear a large explosion boom throughout the town: not from the outside, but from inside the Capital Buiiding!
>No wonder why these Turrets were so damn easy, they weren't the real threat.
"It was a distraction from what the Shadows were really planning: an attack from the inside!"
>"Shit, Trixie and Cranky have no way to fight the Shadows. We need to move, now!"
>[Hold on, Tower, your energy reserves are pretty exhausted. A quick Candy may mean the difference between life and death!]
>Spike has a point, the last few battles have left some of you with very low SP, especially your only healer, Pinkie.
>On the other hand, what if somepony gets hurt in the moments between pulling out a few Candies and eating them?
>You need to make a decision though, as the situation becomes far worse than before.
"We've don't got time for that, we need to leg it to the Captial Building. Sun, switch out with Shining, and let's get going!"
>Everyone nods at your plan, and your group hurries back to the building, the loud bangs and booms greeting you.
>Reaching the doors, you wrench it open, revealing complete and utter chaos: giant, muscular men-like Shadows are grabbing ponies and dragging them off, groups of Turrets herding the terrified civilians into their arms.
>Shining and Hermit go to town on the pony-handling Shadows while Tower smashes his way through the Turrets, deadset on finding Trixie in the mess.
>"Trixie! Where are you, Trixie?"
>You clear the Shadow patrols, Persona-free, as you find yourselves in the main room where the majority of ponies were.
>To your horror, you find a gargantuan tank, more janky and top-like compared to the ones you've fought before, bearing down on a bloodied Cranky on the floor, while Trixie tries her damnedest to keep her ground.
>As you burst into the room, you see a group of fillies and colts cowering behind Trixie, Tower and Hermit rushing past you and brandishing their weapons at the tank.
>"Hey, Cranky; open your eyes, you creaky fossil!"
>"Trixie, get the foals and Cranky and get out of here! We'll hold this thing off."
>Trixie shakes her head, motioning to the colt furthest back, one of his hind hooves stuck under the rubble.
>The giant tank makes a loud whirring sound, releasing three new Damned Turrets that begin to surround you, as new muscle men add to the mob.
"We're getting cut off by those Shadows. We don't have a choice but to try and brute force our way out!"
>"No way out..."
>Trixie mutters under her breath as you feel another strange feeling emanating from her and Cranky.
>Some time before, Nightmare Night, Tambelon Capitol Building
>"And for the Great and Powerful Trixie's next amazing trick, she requires an assistant."
>A colt eagerly waves his hoof in the air as Trixie play-pretends to look around before focusing on him.
>"What might your name be, to dare request to perform with the Great and Powerful Trixie?"
>"U-um... Chipcutter, ma'am."
>The colt nervously stands up as she ushers him up to the 'front stage' that was a ruined pillar.
>"Very well, Chipcutter, prepare to amaze and be amazed as the Great and Powerful Trixie makes you... disappear!"
>As the audience of foals claps and cheers, Trixie thinks back to earlier today.
>She was getting ready to help Zecora later tonight with her show, dressing up in her trademark starry cloak and hat.
>Tower was gone with the other boys for a dance-off, and far be it for Trixie to deny him a little celebration before later tonight.
>Suddenly, there was a violent shift to the ground as she got hit by a violent blast of magic, sending her to a hellish town.
>She found Cranky, Tower, and Hermit nearby, and the four of them manage to collect survivors and hole up in a slightly tattered Capitol Building.
>Ever since, the building's been under assault from some malignant force outside, with Tower and Hermit trying to make a hole.
>Magus and his friends managed to make their way to the building as well, and Tower told her that they were going to finally take care of this.
>It frustrated Trixie that she couldn't do anything to help them out, instead hosting magic shows to keep the foals as calm as possible while Cranky wanders around, reinforcing the walls.
>"Now, behold as the Great and Powerful Trixie's assistant, Chipcutter, disappears with this mystic cloak!"
>Untying the cloak from herself, she covers the nervous colt as she lights her horn and unleashes a bright light!
>As the foals blink away the shine, Trixie pulls back the covers, revealing a blank space!
>Foals were always the best audience, Trixie thought to herself as she places the cloak back her invisible assistant and dispels her spell.
>It's less technical than she'd like, but there really aren't props and set pieces nearby, so basic invisibility spells are the second best thing.
>As the audience claps away, Trixie motions to Chipcutter, as the two of them bow.
>The little pegasus is absolutely elated at the applause and returns to the back of the crowd, where he originally was.
>"And for the Great and Powerful Trixie's next trick, she'll-"
>A loud boom cracks through the room as the floor behind Trixie bursts out, causing her and the foals to fly back before crashing onto the floor.
>She gets up and hears the sounds of a colt in pain, rushing over to see Chipcutter crying as one of his hindlegs is trapped under a pile of rubble.
>"Trixie, help, it hurts!"
>Without a second thought, she begins to throw off the rubble stacked on the poor colt, barely noticing as a large shadow begins to loom over her.
>"Look out,Trixie!"
>An old, but firm body rams into Trixie's side, Cranky moving her as the collosus of a human slams down on the donkey.
>The blow connects, sending him to a knee before he turns around and bucks the creature back, sending it crashing into the pillar she was on a moment ago.
>"I'll stall this thing while you get that foal out, then you all need to get to safety!"
>Trixie nods as she continues to lift the larger pieces of rubble from Chipcutter's stack, Cranky cracking down on the man-like creature.
>"You sure don't like learning your lesson, huh, you oversized wrestler?"
>Cranky smacks the giant man around, the aches of age rumbling through his body with each swing.
>Age is probably not the only variable, however, as the creature is taking these attacks in stride, a smug grin leaking past his skull mask.
>It's only one, though, and Cranky's body is far from frail, with his experience in carpentry and manual labor.
>Back in the day, he even had a few scraps in the towns he was staying in while looking for Matilda.
>But for every five strikes he dealt, the man got one solid punch that screams through his body, with force greater than a normal thing.
>"Urgh... I can't keep this up at this rate. Time for the classic roudabout!"
>Cranky feints an upper strike, the creature anticipating that and guarding while he instead goes for a sweep of the legs!
>The creature, unable to keep his balance, topples over the nearby rubble, the stubborn mule of a man standing above him.
>"You've got brawn, but no experience."
>With a sharp buck the man goes out cold, before dissolving into some black ooze,surprising Cranky for a moment before immediately turning his attention towards Trixie's efforts.
>She was doing fairly well, for a mare under stress, nearly clearing enough rubble to pull the little scamp out.
>He limps over to Trixie and opens his mouth before a startling explosion, followed by a blinding pain, engulf his vision.
>Trixie looks back to see Cranky on the floor, bleeding and out cold, as a huge top-like vehicle with tanks protruding out of every side emerges from the hole.
>In addition, more creatures begin to close in on her group, the foals behind her crying in terror.
>She looks back to the nearly cleared rubble, realizing there simply won't be enough time to completely take it off before they descend upon them.
>The foals look up to her with teary eyes, scared, but also with a hint of hope and admiration of her.
>"I might not be able to get Chipcutter out in time, but I won't let any one of you creatures past me!"
>Trixie positions herself between the creatures and the foals, horn lighting up with offensive magic as she tries her best to keep the creatures at bay.
>"Trixie! Where are you, Trixie?
>Her ears perk up as she hears Tower's worried voice over the chaos: all she has to do is keep these little ones safe until he gets here.
>Tower and Hermit rush over the debris, as Magus and the others take positions in front of Trixie, Hermit holding Cranky in his hands.
>"Hey, Cranky; open your eyes, you creaky fossil!"
>"Trixie, get the foals and Cranky and get out of here! We'll hold this thing off."
>Revealing to the group that Chipcutter's stillstuck in the wreckage, the giant vehicle summons a group of smaller ones, as two more creature emerge from the darkness.
"We're getting cut off by those Shadows. We don't have a choice but to try and brute force our way out!"
>Magus's words cut Trixie deep, the realization that she took too long to save Chipcutter, and now there's no escape.
>No way out...
>Cranky hears some voices around him, familiar rough hands shaking his pained form around.
>Took Hermit long enough, but would it kill him to not toss Cranky around like a ragdoll?
>Opening his eyes, he notices the encroaching mobs of creatures slowly surrounding them, a huge vehicle with cannons likely the one that took him out.
>Cranky attempts to move, but pain aches through his body, stopping that nonsense, as he considers the folly of his decisions.
>If I had simply ran off on my own, I wouldn't be so badly injured and about to die.
>I probably won't be surviving long in this state, and I likely won't see Matilda again.
>Why didn't I act more selfishly?
>"No way out..."
Indeed, this appears to be quite the pickle you're in.
>Trixie looks around her, shocked as a mysterious voice contacts her telepathically.
>"Who are you?"
Who am I? What's more important is who are you? Are you not the Great and Powerful Trixie?
>That is her stage persona, but it's not like she has the extraordinary magical potential like Twilight's.
Ah, but one doesn't simply need powerful magic to become Great and Powerful. Have you already forgotten? It's the hopes and dreams of those who love you that make you thus.
>Trixie looks back at the undying hope in the foals' gazes towards her, and at Tower, willing to sacrifice life and limb for her.
That's right, a mask you may wear for those looking at you, but with everypony's hopes and dreams at your side, becoming Powerful and Great is foal's play!
>"You're right, I need to fight!"
Very good! Now let us make a pact.
>"Why didn't I act more selfish...?"
No pony's an island, my old friend. Even donkeys must connect with others to truly grow.
>Cranky is slightly alarmed by the strange new voice, but tiredly just accepts it, thinking about Matilda and the life they planned together.
>"If I looked more out for myself, I'd be able to see her again. Now I'm gonna die here, because of a foolish impulse."
You say foolish, but is that how you truly feel? Remember back in the good old days: back when you helped those in need and gave the baddies what for?
>Memories of the past flow through Cranky, the brawls in taverns with Steven Magnet, the nights spent under a starry sky as towns kick the two out over a nasty scuffle.
Tell me, why did you fight back then? Why fight when its easier to look after oneself?
>"...Because it was the right thing to do. It's still the right thing to do, fighting to keep children safe."
Now you have truly remembered, and now we can make a pact.
>Trixie's head begins to throb and ache, as Cranky begins to do the same, his wounds mysteriously healing as he struggles back up.
I am thou...
Thou art I...
Belief can defy death and change the world. Wear the hopes and dreams of the world and give them a show to remember!
The fight to save the innocent requires many forms, many faces. Look deep inside yourself and be confident in your path!
>Two cards glide down, a tower and eye on them, respectively, as the two look at them with determination in their eyes.
>"Very well, I accept your contract, Houdini!"
>"This old mule's not ready for retirement yet. Come, Proteus!"
>A young, blonde magician with a ring-covered top hat and flowing cap, along with a color-changing orb that shifts around like aetherial water appear above Cranky and Trixie, their doubts and injures gone.
>It looks like those two have awoken to their Persona as well, you think to yourself as Trixie casts a protective barrier around the foals.
"Looks like we've the cavalry we needed's here. Let's blow through these tanks!"
>[Looks like Trixie and Cranky are ready for combat, but feel free to choose from three teammates in the group. Scan says there's three Damned Turrets, two Revenant Gigas, and a Glorious Panzer. Which do you want me to scan first?]
"Trixie, Tower, Pinkie, you three are with me. The rest of you guys keep the foals and barrier safe!"
>[I'll scan the Panzer for weaknesses.]
>You tap your card, summoning Fafnir once more and unleashing a torrent of flame that washes over the Shadows.
>However, one of the Turrets manages to narrowly avoid the inferno, while the other two barely flinch at the damage.
>"Come on out, Apollo Medicus!"
>The sun god summons another dreadful sun, but only affects one of the Damned Turrets, the coat of paint on its body crumbling in the oppressive heat.
>"Alright, let's see what you can do, Houdini!"
>Trixie shatters the card, the magnificent magician pulling out a peculiar wand and releasing a phantasmic barrage of chains that bind around all the Shadows, save for the incredibly agile Damned Turret from earlier.
>The Turret that is enervated squirms in agony as the chains around it shine a brilliant purple, burning its metal further!
>"That tank sure doesn't like getting hit. Let's see if we can't change that!"
>Lancelot unleashes a flurry of frozen spears, striking two of the Turrets and freezing one of the Gigas in place.
>Almost as to spit in your faces, the rogue tank continues to evade the icicles, even evading the second round that knocks the weakened tanks out cold.
>"Shit's almost as rigged as the Ar- oh wait..."
>The Glorious Panzer focuses its energy into the cannons adorning its sides, readying for its next attack.
>Like the little trickster it is, the Damned Turret still standing, unscathed, unleashes a barrage of grape shot, missing Pinkie but catching your side hard enough to know the wind out of you and striking Trixie and Tower!
>Taking the opportunity to strike once more, the tank charges at Trixie, grazing her side before knocking her back a bit.
>"Trixie! Magus!"
>"I'm alright, Tower, it'll take more than that to topple Trixie in her A game!"
>The Revenant Gigas still mobile laughs tauntingly at you, a feeling of general weakness washing over you.
>You groan as you lift yourself back up, Spike's voice catching your attention.
>[You've manage to incapaitate three of the enemies, but the Glorious Panzer's charging up for something! You've also got lowered defenses, so be careful! Here's everypony's stats:]
Dream Magus: 65% HP, 30% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 20% SP
Trixie: 77% HP, 85% SP
Tower: 78% HP, 40% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 100% HP, 0% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hermit: 100% HP, 90% SP
Cranky: 100% HP, 100% SP
>[Oh! I almost forgot, but here's the scan on the Glorious Panzer:]
Glorious Panzer (Death)-
Repel: Bless, Curse
Weak: Nuke
"Pinkie, swap out with Cranky!"
>The two change positions as you uncork one of the Potions in your satchel and quaff it down, restoring your wounds.
>"Houdini, take care of Cranky's fire weakness!"
>The magician takes off his cloak and enshrouds Cranky with it, acting as a buffer for incoming fire attacks.
>I've got you now, you wily machine. Persona!"
>Tower summons forth Lancelot, who unleashes another barrage of icicles at the mass of Shadows, skewering them all, including the previously agile Damed Turret!
>"Once more!"
>The frigid onslaught continues, shredding the two previously Dizzied Turrets and sending the final one onto its back, but missing the still standing Revenant Gigas, who ducks through the ice!
>"Alright, Proteus, let's see what you can do!"
>Cranky smashes his card, summoning forth the shimmering orb, which begins to break down the nearby molecules within itself.
>Eventually, a bright, cyan light shines from its center, unleashing a beam of destruction that knocks the Panzer to the side and outright shatters the frozen Gigas!
>Another beam of nuclear destruction slices through the Shadows, injuring, but not flipping the Panzer, while the Gigas once more avoids it like a pro.
>"These Shadows are becoming a real pain! Something that big shouldn't be able to move like that."
>The Glorious Panzer moves itself upright as it's top flips open, revealing a myriad of mechanical arms that lift the remaining Damned Turret into its body.
>You watch as the Shadow gets dismantled and absorbed back into the Panzer, restoring some of the wounds as the top closes back down and it begins to whirr again.
>The remaining Gigas lunges at Trixie, catching her before she can react and slamming her down on his knee!
>"I'm gonna rip you in half for that!"
>Suddenly, you hear a ding coming from the Panzer, as three new Damned Turrets make their way out of its enormous top.
"So it can heal itself with the Turrets, and make more of them too?"
>[If this keeps up, we'll lose this battle of atrophy! But I've got a plan, Magus.]
"Hit me, my man."
>[The Glorious Panzer's top appears to be the production and disassembly line for those Turrets. If we can crush it with that crumbling pillar above him, we should be able to knock the Turret threat out for good!]
"That could work, but those things will see it coming if we go out of our way to do that."
>[So pick one of our teammates fighting to jump out for a while and take it out. All we'd have to do is keep the Shadows' attention away from the teammate, then they can execute the plan.]
>Well, that would certainly make things easier, if this works.
>You consider your teammates on the frontlines, as well as the ones that you could bring up to do the job.
>[By the way, here's the scan on the Revenant Gigas:]
Revenant Gigas (Death)-
Resist: Curse, Physical
Weak: Wind
>[And here is everyone's condition:]
Dream Magus: 100% HP, 35% SP
Trixie: 38% HP, 80% SP
Tower: 83% HP, 10% SP
Cranky: 100% HP, 70% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 20% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 100% HP, 0% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hermit: 100% HP, 100% SP
"Tower, we'll distract the Shadows while you sneak around and break the pillar!"
>"Sneaking isn't exactly my forte, but I think I can handle that. Stay safe, everyone!"
>Tower taps out of the fight and slinks into the shadows, waiting for a chance to get closer.
"Let's keep these Shadows preoocupied; come, Fafnir!"
>The crimson dragon unleashes an inferno into the Shadows, missing one of the Damned Turrets, but leaving a severely burned Turret in its wake and incinerating the final Gigas!
>Houdini waves his wand around, a wave of soothing colors and sounds surrounding Trixie and restoring her to her full strength.
>"I am thou... Proteus!"
>Cranky smashes his card, a frigid blizzard howling through the building and striking all of the opponents, one of the Turrets becoming engulfed in ice.
>"Heh, hate to put ya on ice, kid, but I've got something else in mind. Persona!"
>A radioactive beam of destruction slices through the stage, striking the three turrets and dealing heavy damage to the ones burned and frozen, but unfortunately missing the Panzer.
>Seizing this opportunity, the Glorious Panzer's top opens once more, grabbing one of the downed Turrets and disassembling it, restoring it's wounds further.
>It also focuses all cannons onto Cranky before firing a vollet of rounds at him!
>Surprisingly, Cranky manages to dodge and weave through the shots like nothing, surprising even himself.
>The burning Turret fires grapeshot at you all, striking your side hard again as you fall to the floor, Trixie and Cranky taking the assault as well.
>Wasting no time, the Shadow charges Trixie, catching her blindsidedly as it catches her and slams her into the ground!
>Wheels whirring into overdrive, the Turret attempts to run Cranky over as well, missing as the old mule gracefully dives to the side.
>"Looks like young folk these days need to work on their dodging."
"I don't want to hear it, Cranky..."
>Noticing the coast clear, Tower hurries over behind the Shadows, the pillar almost in range to strike.
>[You guys have been getting a pretty bad stroke of luck, but Tower just needs a little more time to enact the plan. Stay strong! Here's everypony's stats:]
Dream Magus: 56% HP, 25% SP
Tower (Special Command): 88% HP, 10% SP
Trixie: 22% HP, 70% SP
Cranky: 67% HP, 40% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 20% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 100% HP, 0% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hermit: 100% HP, 100% SP
"We just need to buy a little more time for Tower. Persona!"
>Fafnir roars before clamping its jaws down on the frozen Turret, dealing extra damage as the iced metal cracks against the force of the dragon's jaws.
>"I'll patch us up, then. Come forth, Houdini!"
>Soothing waves of sounds and colors immerse your forms as the wounds on your bodies begin to completely fade away.
>"Let's try this again, you overly agile junk. Proteus!"
>A raging blizzard sweeps through the area once more, missing the Panzer, but striking the frozen and burned Turrets, knocking them down as the ice weighs down on them.
>"You're not getting away that easily!"
>Yet another beam of nuclear power bursts through the aetherial bubble, finally flipping the Panzer over and wiping out the remaining Damned Turrets!
>"If we're going to strike, now would be the time, kid!"
"With me, everypony!"
>"I'd really hate to be you right now."
>With that, you, Trixie, and Cranky charge at the downed Panzer, slicing and pummeling it as hard as your bodies can allow.
>Unfortunately, with one of your teammates out of the action, your blows seem to not be enough to take the giant Shadow down, as it begins to whirr once more.
>"I don't think so, you oversized top!"
>Tower finally manages to close the distance to the pillar, gripping his club tightly before leaping at the decaying architecture, swinging as hard as he can at the decaying base.
>The club solidly slams against the pillar, the force of the impact causing it to shudder before crashing into the top of the Panzer.
>Victim to gravity, Tower has little choice but to ride the crashing pillar as it pierces through the production area of the Panzer, finishing it off!
>He pulls himself from the wreckage, flexing his arm in triumph as Trixie kisses and hugs him tightly, before hurrying back to finish her excavation of the trapped colt.
>After a quick medical examination it appears that, besides some major bruising fixed by Houdini's healing, the colt's in peak condition, considering.
>The fillies and colts look up to Trixie and Cranky with smiles and tears of adoration and relief, Trixie taking the praise amicably while Cranky gives off a little humph.
>Still, there's no hiding the faint trace of a smile as he pulls a slightly burnt blond toupée from the nearby wreckage, dusting it off before putting it back on his head.
>"So that's where it was. Thought for a moment you left home without it."
>Hermit's snarky remark earns him a solid kick to his leg as you attempt to assess the damage.
>Despite your best efforts, it seems that some Shadows managed to escape with ponies in hand.
>'We've taken count, Your Majesty, and we're missing Cherry Berry, White Lightning, and Minuette."
>The unicorn called Amethyst Star tells you, as you furrow your brow in frustration: you're supposed to be the leader in this situation, and you can't even keep everypony safe!
>A hand clasps on your shoulder, as you turn to see the sympathetic faces of Lust and the others behind you.
>"It's alright, Magus, we can't have a perfect run on the first go. Besides, we can still catch up with those Shadows and save them."
>Sensing your brothers and friends' support, you nod and turn to Amethyst.
"We're going to chase after those Shadows and save those ponies. Do you think you guys can handle being here on your own?"
>Amethyst nods with a confident smile on her face.
>"Of course, Your Majesty, I was the best organizer in Ponyville before Twilight came along. We'll manage to hole down somewhere safer thanks to you getting rid of the threat."
>Satisfied with her answer, you turn to your now enlarged group of eleven.
"Alright, everypony, let's keep moving and find those Shadows!"
>You notice an unopened Candy and Potion nearby, grabbing them before going outside with the others.
>With the grateful farewells of the ponies remaining, you take your leave to the West, hoping to find Rainbow Dash and her group.
>[Hold on, Magus, I'm not getting Rainbow's signal to the West anymore. She might have moved on with her group.]
>After pinging the surroundings once more, Spike turns to you with excitement in his voice.
>"I think we might have killed two bird with one stone here. It looks like there's a huge anomaly straight North from where we are currently, and Rainbow Dash's group is heading that way right now!"
"That's definitely good news. We'll need to leg it double time if we're going to catch up with them."
>"Before we do that, we're all a bit exhausted from the previous battles. If you want, using some supplies and magic to patch ourselves up shouldn't waste too much time."
>You consider whether or not to do so as Spike shows you everypony's condition:
Dream Magus: 100% HP, 30% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 20% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 100% HP, 0% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hermit: 100% HP, 100% SP
Tower: 88% HP, 10% SP
Trixie: 100% HP, 45% SP
Cranky: 100% HP, 10% SP
>Opening up your satchel you count your supplies to be 7 Zap Apple Candies, 6 Zebra Healing Potions, and 8 Phoenix Feathers.
"Sun, Tower, Pinkie, pop some Candies just in case."
>The three of them chomp down on the sweets in your satchel, restoring their energy back to full capacity.
>As you feel your load getting lighter, you recall Fluttershy's ability to transfer energy between teammates, a very useful ability that would mean the world right now.
>Regardless, you must soldier on, as your group continues their way to the North, towards Rainbow Dash and the anomaly.
>Surprisingly enough, you notice the ground become less lifeless as you keep going North: the soil appears rough, but farmable, and the buildings you see around here are far less aged than back where you came.
>"You think people lived here, or something? This place still looks like a ghost country."
"The only place we've seen with great detail has been the Southern part of Tambelon. Perhaps there was a war that devastated the land down there."
>As you comment on the scenery, towers begin to sprout up over the horizon, tempting you to increase your pace.
>Clearing the final hill, you find yourselves gazing upon a tall, proud city, walled off from the rest of the land with a grandiose castle in the center.
>[Looks like we've finally reached Tambelon.]
>"It's only a model."
>In the distance, near the front gate, you see two groups fighting amongst each other, spells flying in every direction.
>[I'm reading Rainbow Dash, Chariot, Star, and Rarity's voices down there. Let's get down there, quick!]
>Rushing down the hill, you reach the battlefield, your allies slightly winded at the knightly Shadow guarding the gate.
>"For the love of Celestia, this Shadow doesn't know when to quit! Get out of our way, now!"
>Rainbow Dash's harsh threats to the Shadow only serve to summon two lion-faced wheels, a balance, and a winged archer, which aid in the defense.
"Rainbow, Rarity, Star, Chariot!"
>You call out to your allies, who are surprised at first before falling back to you.
>"It's so good to see you all doing alright."
>Rarity sighs in relief as Rainbow resumes her offensive stance towards the siege defenders.
>"We can talk later, Rarity. This bozo and his clowns are the only thing keeping us from entering the city, and I need to get in there!"
>Nodding at Rainbow's comment, you prepare your war scythe as the Knight points its lance at you all, menacingly.
>[Looks like those things are the gatekeepers to the anomaly from earlier, so let's bust through them!]
>[It looks like Rainbow's group had some extra supplies, so we've got 5 Zap Apple Candies, 6 Zebra Healing Potions, and 9 Phoenix Feathers now.]
>[The enemies on the field are a Death Knight, two Torture Wheels, a Life Balance, and a Corrupted Cupid. Which Shadow should I scan first?]
"We'll begin with Star, Rarity, and Hermit. Everypony else, get ready to switch in when we need you!"
>Rainbow begins to argue against that idea, but stops herself and falls back, your three chosen comrades taking her place.
"Let's tear through that Cupid, Fafnir!"
>The greed-driven dragon cleaves the Corrupted Cupid, dealing moderate damage as it spins in the air from the impact.
>"Come, Scheherazade!"
>Star summons forth the elven storyteller, her sword sending deadly waves of air at all of the Shadows, dealing moderate damage to all of the Shadows, save for the Cupid, who swiftly flits out of the way.
>The Knight, however, deflects the sword wave directed at him, sending it back to its sender as Star gets sliced apart by his own Persona's attacks!
>You and Rarity look at the shredded Star with concern as Hermit reluctantly checks up on him as well.
>"I'm good, just wasn't expecting that Shadow to hit me with my own medicine. Give 'em hell, Rarara."
>"As if you have to tell me. Persona!"
>Peter Pan comes forth, a violent glae sweeping through the area and crashing into the Shadows, missing one of the Torture Wheels by a margin, but catching the rest of them in the maelstrom!
>Knocking the Wheel stuck in the storm down, Rarity seizes the opportunity and unleashes yet another hurricane, missing the Death Knight, but striking the rest of the Shadows: knocking the other Wheel over and blinding the Cupid with its biting winds.
>"I think now would be an excellent time to do a combination attack, don't you, my dear Star?"
>"It's a bit premature, considering our progress, but eh. Why not?"
>Scheherazade and Peter Pan take to the field once more as the latter prepares his strongest wind attack towards the former.
>The large excess of wind shoots out at Scheherazade, who catches its momentum with a skillful, rapid momentum of her blade, quickly compressing the energy.
>"Alright, Sir Douchebag, try to reflect this!"
Combo Activated: Atomspheric Rift
>Unable to hold the compressed energy any longer, the storyteller turns her blade towards the enemies, the compressed air acting like a razor-sharp whip, slicing through everything and recovering Star's lost health as well!
>The compressed wind shreds one of the Wheels, the Balance, and the Cupid to shreds, as well as heavily damaging the Death Knight.
>Seeing itself alone in its duty, the Knight rears his horse pulling back before crushing forwards like a speeding truck, missing you, but devestating the others, knocking Hermit flat on his ass.
>Taking this opportunity, the Shadow mutters an ominous chant, a circle of dark magic surrounding Star, but unable to do anything as it fades away.
>[Looks like we managed to clear out most of the Shadows, but that Wheel's not destroyed yet, and the Knight's incredibly threatening with his power! Here's the scan on the Death Knight:]
Death Knight (Death)-
Repel: Physical
Weak: Bless
>[Here's everypony's stats:]
Dream Magus: 90% HP, 30% SP
Star: 36% HP, 70% SP
Rarity: 31% HP, 55% SP
Hermit: 57% HP, 85% SP
Pinkie Pie: 75% HP, 100% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 100% HP, 100% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 100% HP, 85% SP
Tower: 93% HP, 100% SP
Trixie: 100% HP, 55% SP
Cranky: 100% HP, 40% SP
Chariot: 100% HP, 100% SP
Rainbow Dash: 100% HP, 100% SP
"Star, switch with Sun, we'll finish this now!"
>Limping out of the battlefield, Star gives his brother a nod as Sun jumps in.
"We can't use physical attacks against the Death Knight, but this should soften up that Wheel. Persona!"
>Fafnir roars before clamping down on the dizzied Shadow, however its tough shell prevents most of the fierce dragon's jaws damage.
>"Shine some light on this Knight, Tonatiuh!"
>Sun summons forth the diety, his obsidian knife draining the light from the surrounding area while lighting itself up.
>Eventually, only the knife can truly be seen in the darkness as Tonatiuh tosses it at the Death Knight, the blade striking true and through the Shadow's chest before it violently bursts into an explosion of light!
>"I'll finish this, then. Persona!"
>Peter Pan flicks his own dagger around, creating a moderately sized tornado that shreds the defenseless Torture Wheel and blowing the drawbridge crashing down!
>[Good job, Rarity, all Shadows eliminated!]
>Everyone visibly relax as they check up on each others conditions.
>"So Shining Armor, Trixie, and Cranky have all awakened to Persona of their own? And in such an odd way as well."
"I think it would be safe to say that everything we know about Persona Awakenings are not going to help us right now."
>As you all continue explaining your adventures, you notice Rainbow Dash making her way towards the gate, oblivious to anything else.
>You make your way over to here and place a hoof on her shoulder, making her jump for a moment before recognizing you.
>"Oh, hey Dream Magus. What's up?"
"Are you acting alright, Rainbow? It looks like you're in a hurry: far more than usual, anyways."
>As you look at her face, eyes slightly red and tear stains on her face, you realize there's somepony missing in this entourage.
"Prism Blitz."
>Noticing your staring, Rainbow looks back at the gate, avoiding your gaze.
>"...When I came to, Chariot was nearby, but Prism wasn't anywhere to be found. We found Star and Rarity a bit later, and noticed Shadows patrolling the area, grabing ponies."
>She looks up at the now broken gates, maternal anger in her eyes.
>"They must have stolen my baby and took him here. I'm gonna find Prism, and give these Shadows hell to pay."
>Rainbow's anger is contagious in a way, as you feel her fury against the creatures that stole her son, but you keep your cool and face her.
"Rainbow, I swear upon my name that we will find Prism Blitz and crush those bastards that took him. Right now, though, we should find out what exactly is going on."
>Rainbow hesitates for a moment before nodding, her anger and sorrow fading into the background as the others finally catch up.
>"So, this is Tambelon Castle, huh? Looks a bit Dracula on the outside, doesn't it?"
>The looming castle spires and crooked towers loom over the walls, as you all pass along the drawbridge, a tingling feeling surrounding you as you pass through the arch.
>Making your way inside, you're all surprised to see the bright glare of a healthy sun as you find yourselves in a bustling marketplace.
>Rams, sheep, and donkeys trot around, bartering and coversing amongst themselves as they go along with their normal day.
"This can't be right. Everywhere outside is either dead or ancient, these folk look like they have plenty to eat."
>The crowds take ambivalent gazes at your group as you try to not make a scene, sneaking off into an alleyway before assessing the issues.
>"There's no way I'm buying this being real. We've all seen what's outside, and that weird feeling we got when we entered."
>"I'm with Cranky, we're probably in one giant illusion spell, trying to fool us into thinking we're somewhere we're not."
>Pinkie chomps on one of the pastry samples you avoided on the way here, swallowing before commenting.
>"I dunno, these rolls are deliciously real to me."
"Regardless if this is real or not, this is almost certainly where we need to be. I just have this gut feeling about it."
>[Here's some more proof besides that: there's a ton of signatures coming from that huge bulding over there!]
>You all look up and notice the Colosseum-like building in the distance, standing out against the otherwise idyllic scenery.
"Let's check that out, then."
><...Magus? Dream Magus, is that you?>
>A familiar voice enters your minds, a wave of relief washing over the group.
"Fluttershy, you're alright!"
><Alright might be a subjective word at this point. We're trapped in the Colosseum, forced to entertain the audience or else risk the lives of innocents!>
>"Then what are we waiting for? We need to book it over to that building!"
><Just be careful: there's something sinister in this town, and it might be keeping tabs on your activities. We'll try an->
>[Magus, we've got trouble, there's - Oof!]
>You look to see a skull-faced cop knock Spike out cold, as a heavy blow to the head sends you out of it.
><Oh my! Magus? Magus!>
>You awaken once more in the Velvet Room, getting somewhat annoyed by the forced entries, as you notice Theodore reading a familiar book.
>"Ah, so you have returned once again under unwanted circumstances, it seems. I must say, you're quite the accident prone guest, aren't you?"
>Chuckling to himself, he finishes the final page and closes the book, tossing it over to where you sit.
>Lifting the novel up, you notice a familiar title to it: "My Little Persona: Social Links are Magic", the book Igor finally finished last year for you to read.
>"It is certainly a remarkable tale of heroics, bonds, and good versus evil. In fact, it seems the lure of adventure keeps dragging you all away from your perfect dream."
>Theodore pulls out two more books, far smaller than the one he initially passed to you, with your mask on one of them, and a type of arena on the other.
>"I wonder, what makes soldiers pine for the times of old: where there is naught but conflict, tears, and fear? Are they forever dissatisfied with the peace they themselves fought for?"
>Taking all three books and placing them at the table, Theodore looks back at you with an odd look on his muzzle.
>"Or is it perhaps the nostalgia of the past: tricking the senses and entrapping ones thoughts? Far too often do those who look to the past remain trapped there: prisoners of their own making."
>You ponder Theodore's questions as he continues.
>"Regardless, my dear guest, such worries are not meant to keep you stuck in thought either. It looks like you're about to awaken once more, in the real world. I hope you visit us once more, hopefully under more willing conditions."
>"Until we meet again."
>Tambelon Colosseum, ???, Nightmare Night
>You awaken to the sounds of drums and distant cheering as you pull yourself off the floor and notice the harsh scenery around you.
>It appears to be an open jail of sorts, with sand-colored architecture and huge gates and guards blocking the only ways out.
>A quick search on your person reveals that your weapon has been taken away, most likely when you were out of it.
>Noticing your comrades surrounding a heavily guarded kiosk, you hurry over there, noticing Twilight, Priestess, Lovers, Gilda, Hierophant, Cheerilee, Strength, Applejack, Judgement, Temperance, and Fluttershy with your other teammates.
>"Ah, it looks like you're finally up. They didn't rough you up too much, did they?"
>You shake your head at Twilight's concern, with only some minor aches and bruises on your head and side.
"I'm fine, Twilight. More important, though, who is that overly smug goat?"
>Motioning to the sleazy-looking creature in the kiosk, Twilight opens her mouth to answer, only for the thing to interrupt her.
>"So the runt finally rakes up from his nap, eh? Good, Tambelon wants to see a massacre, and by the almighty Grogar, they'll be gettin' one!"
>The name, as with Tambelon from earlier, hearkens to something you heard about before, but the aches in your head keep you from thinking too much about it.
>"Now listen up, ya vermin! Ya want to leave with yew and yer other vermin friends' lives? Then ya gotta fight for yer lives: five battles against the Colosseum's deadliest creatures, and going against the Champ!"
>Gilda cracks her knuckles in annoyance, attempting to murder the goat with her piercing glare.
>"Then just let us fight them, already!"
>The kiosk clicks his tongue at her outburst, pointing over to a huge tablet next to him.
>"Ya ain't gonna last five minutes without the favor of the crowds. Read them rules over there, get ready, then talk to the guard on the other side of the Bloodworks. He'll give ya yer toys back to die for the crowds' amusement."
>The goat dryly cackles as you all gather around, the non-combatant civilians doing their best to not gain the attention of anypony.
"So this is where you've been chained up this entire time. If what you said earlier was true, we don't have a choice in the matter to fight."
>Fluttershy nods in defeat as Twilight reads the rules aloud:
>"Hmm... it looks like we'll only be able to bring eight of us per battle, pluss Fluttershy. Dream Magus, would you be alright with leading us?"
"I'll do my best, Twilight. So I'll need to pick seven teammates to take with me?"
>Twilight nods, motioning to Cheerilee and Gilda steeling themselves for combat.
>"Cheerliee and Gilda managed to awaken to their Persona for some reason, and judging from Fluttershy's scans, it looks like Big Brother, Trixie, and Cranky have also awakened to them as well."
>Spike walks over, his fighting spirit ablazed with determination.
>"And with Fluttershy taking over, I can do my part and help you guys out too. Ouroboros and Fafnir are kind of identical, but I'm sure I can do things you can't."
>Fluttershy activates Argus, scanning everyone once more before pulling up their stats.
><I can transfer SP from one teammate to another before each battle, if you wish. Who do you want to bring with you for the first round?>
"We'll start with Pinkie, Hierophant, Cheerilee, Rainbow, Chariot, Gilda, and Temperance. That should give us enough coverage for now."
>"Hold still then, Magus. Horseona!"
>Apollo Medicus restores your wounds along with Pinkie's as Fluttershy transfer's Strength's reserves to the two of you.
>"Good luck, Dream Magus, we'll do our best to cheer from the sidelines."
>Readying yourselves, your group makes their way to the lumbering guard positioned in front of a rust-colored gate, looking at you all for a moment before handing you your missing weapons.
>"Try not to attempt a jailbreak, slaves: the weapons have been enchanted to dull their edge and power outside of the arena."
>And with that, the gate opens as your team walks up the dreary stairs into an outdoor arena, populated by an enormous crowd of goats, sheep, and donkeys that jeer and mock you as a voice booms out.
>"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once more to the glorious Tambelon Arena! Countless slave, five elite teams of death, endless entertainment for the whole family!"
>The audience cheers with the voice, demanding for your blood and entertainment.
>"Then let's not waste any more time! Our first team comes straight from the executioner's block, ready to enact our prisoners' death sentences. Give it up for... The Fortress of Despair!"
>A towering fortress of a Shadow with two legs forms in front of you, as well as a rotating pillar of heads, two pairs of forcefully conjoined twins, a lean ghost-like figure, and an hourglass with arms, legs, and a blades hoop around its "torso".
>"Let's hope these prisoners can stay alive long enough for a good show. Let the match begin!"
><Magus, I'll keep an eye on your popularity on the field while you can focus on defeating these Shadows! Pick three teammates to start the fight with, and stay safe, everypony!>
><It looks like there's a Haunted Castle, a Gallows Tower, two Bloody Twins, an Ancient Phantom, and a Mortal Sand. Which do you want me to scan first?>
CURRENT POPULARITY: 5% Team Magus vs 95% Fortress of Despair
"We'll start with Rainbow, Cheerilee, and Hierophant. Fluttershy, scan the Haunted Castle!"
><Right, scanning the Shadow now.>
"Burn them to cinders, Fafnir!"
>You tap your card and summon forth the ferocious dragon, a wave of hellfire erupting from his maw that misses the Castle and Tower, but spreads to the remaining Shadows.
>The Mortal Sand seems almost unaffected by the flame, but both of the Bloody Twins shriek and fall to the floor, one of them suffering a major burn!
>The crowd goes wild at your skill, a good feeling welling up inside you as you prepare for your next move.
"You're up, Rainbow!"
>High-hoofing Rainbow, you stand back as she uses this opportunity to lunge at the Sand, wingblades stretched out and ready to eviscerate the Shadow!
>... But just when it looks like she's about to connect, the Shadow warbles out of the way, leaving Rainbow with only the air to kill.
>"Think you're a funny guy, huh? Let's see how you deal with 300,000 gigavolts!"
>Thunderbird comes forth, shooting a massive beam of electric fury from its raygun, striking all the Shadows!
>Unfortunately, it appears the Twins appreciate the charge, their wounds moderately healing as they continue to lie on the ground.
>Likewise, the Mortal Sand absorbs the energy into itself, restoring the burns cause by your previous move, the crowd mockingly laughing at you.
>"I guess you deal with it pretty well, huh..."
>"Let's teach these things a lesson, Sherlock!"
>Cheerilee summons the cloaked detective with a solid-looking cane in his hand, as he uses it to unleash a psychedelic wave upon the enemies!
>The Shadows are unable to avoid the onslaught, but the Ancient Phantom merely absorbs the energy aimed at it back into its body, restoring some of its wounds, as the Sand continues to mockingly remain impervious to your efforts.
>"It's certainly a hard crowd to please."
>Cheerilee comments as the crowd begins to lose interest for your efforts.
>"Come forth, Iscariote!"
>A huge achors crashes down from the sky and sinks into the ground, sinking further and further before pulling out the chained betrayer, howling as its frosty chains burn its own skin.
>As Iscariote howls, the ground under the Shadows rumbles and shakes before a myriad of spikes burst out of it, skewering the Shadows!
>The Gallows Tower seems to ignore the damage for the most part, but the remaining Shadows take heavy damage from the assault.
>"So that's your Persona, Hierophant? It's a lot scarier than I expected."
>Cheerilee's comment catches Hierophant off guard, as he fumbles for an excuse.
>"O-oh, um, it's based off of Gnostic teachings and all that. It was a lot cooler back when I suggested it two years ago, and-"
>"He's quite powerful, though, and there's a sense of stoicism in the face of tribulations exuding from it. Not an exact fit for you, but I like him a lot."
>"Y-you too..."
>"It appears that is all the prisoners can do for now. Let's see how The Fortress of Despair will react!"
>The Haunted Castle lets out a terrible shriek that claws at your ears and makes you feel more vulnerable to enemy attacks.
>Rather surprisingly, the crowd boos at the Castle's actions, a sense of sympathy exuding towards you as the commentator notices.
>"Oh my, it appears that the Fortress decided it has enough of the crowd's popularity to spit some into the wind. Hopefully it won't bite itself later."
>The Gallows Tower spins its heads around as dark magic circles begin to form around all of you, harmlessly going through you while Rainbow and Cheerilee deftly avoid their own.
>Iscariote, chained down for his sin, is unable to avoid the dark enclosing him, but roars in defiance as he effortlessly sends it back towards the Tower.
>The Shadow is unable to escape its own spell as the dark seeps into its heads, dissolving them one by one until nothing remains!
>"Looks like the Tower got a taste of its own gallows, much to the amusement of our wonderful crowd. Kudos to the prisoners for their ingenuity!"
>One of the Bloody Twins pulls themselves off the ground before cackling to themselves and unleashing a barrage of bolts onto the field.
>You manage to dodge out of the way in time, and Rainbow manages to repel the bolts back to its source, unintentionally healing some of the Twins's wounds as Cheerilee and Hierophant get shocked.
>You feel the crowd's slowly increasing support for you, as your body begins to harden up, negating the effects of the Haunted Castle.
>The other Twins get up once more as well, swooping their bodies towards you, but missing by a long shot and falling back onto the ground.
>Muttering to itself, the Ancient Phantom spews forth an aged smoke from itself that attempts to latch itself onto you, but you mange to hold your breath long enough to avoid its affects.
>Swaying its hourglass figure, the Mortal Sand unleashes a torrent of flames upon you, singing all of you and knocking you flat on your ass as it takes this chance to send a fierce bolt of lightning at Hierophant!
>"Looks like things are really heating up for our prisoners. Will they live to fight another day, or will the Fortress of Despair bury them?"
><Everypony seems pretty beat up, it might be wise to heal or switch out while you can. Here's the scans on the Haunted Castle:]
Haunted Castle (Death)-
Null: Ranged
Weak: Wind
><And here's how the crowd views us right now:]
CURRENT POPULARITY: 28% Team Magus vs 72% Fortress of Despair
Dream Magus: 71% HP, 85% SP
Rainbow Dash: 72% HP, 85% SP
Cheerilee: 21% HP, 85% SP
Hierophant: 45% HP, 85% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 100% SP
Chariot: 100% HP, 100% SP
Gilda: 100% HP, 100% SP
Temperance: 100% HP, 100% SP
>Fafnir emerges once more and unleashes a devestating fireball that incinerates one of the Bloody Twins into ash, to the wild cheering of the crowd.
"Once more, Fafnir!"
>Charging another orb of flame in its mouth, the fell dragon burns down the other conjoined Shadow, before you high-five Hierophant and stand back.
>Taking advantage of the free turn, as well as the approval of the audience, Hierophant repeats his earlier performance, a myriad of dark spike piercing the floor and dealing moderate damage to all the Shadows.
>"Time to finally take these baby's out for a spin. Take this!"
>With a stylish, multicolored spin, Rainbow sweeps around the Ancient Phantom and manages to cut deep with her blades, knocking the Shadow over effortlessly!
>"Ha! Still got it!"
>Rainbow finishes off the Shadow, the crowd going wild over the flashy takedown as the Phantom is bisected.
>"I'm not out this fight yet. I summon thee, Sherlock!"
>Cheerilee shatters her card, the detective tossing his cane aside and assuming a fisticuffs stance against the Mortal Sand.
>He feints in one direction and, while the Shadow takes the bait and dodges, lands a hard, solid punch on its pseudo-glass surface, knocking it to the ground!
>"You're up, Rainbow Dash!"
>Passing her turn over, Cheerilee winces as her body aches while Rainbow wastes no time and summons Thunderbird once more.
>"Open fire, with extreme prejudice."
>The guns on the jet fighter light up as a torrent of bullets rain across the field, missing the Haunted Castle, but finishing off the hourglass Shadow while it's defenseless on the ground!
>"Come forth, Iscariote!"
>The chained sinner cries out as dark chains emerge from tne ground and wrap around the Castle, burning its body with the excess dark energies.
>Noticing Cheerilee's weakened condition, the Haunted Castle aims all its cannons at her, firing a volley of shots that she can't possibly avoid!
>Suddenly, Hierophant jumps in and uses Iscariote to block the damage intended for the teacher, who looks to him in surprise.
>"Hierophant! Are you okay?"
>Grunting a bit from the onslaught he grins and give a thumbs up, brimming with confidence.
>"This is nothing, as long as I know you're safe, love."
>"Oh, Hierophant..."
>"It appears that true love has truly saved those two prisoners. But will it keep them alive later? The Fortress of Despair has turned into the Fortress of Solitude, and it looks like the crowd is starting to change sides."
><Everypony seems injured, especially with all of those Physical skills being used. Now might be a good time to switch out or heal up. Here's our stats:>
Dream Magus: 71% HP, 65% SP
Rainbow Dash: 57% HP, 85% SP
Cheerilee: 6% HP, 85% SP
Hierophant: 29% HP, 75% SP
Chariot: 100% HP, 100% SP
Gilda: 100% HP, 100% SP
Temperance: 100% HP, 100% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 100% SP
><And here's our popularity with the crowd:>
CURRENT POPULARITY: 48% Team Magus vs 52% Fortress of Despair
"Cheerilee, Rainbow Dash, fall back for now. Gilda, Temperance, you're up!"
>The two ponies nod and retreat towards Fluttershy while Temperance and Gilda take uparms beside you.
"This ends now. Time for a deconstruction project!"
>Kicking off the ground with your war scythe, you flip in the air and slice through the Haunted Castle's defenses, sending it crashing into the ground!
"Consider this your receipt, friend. Everyone, now's the time to strike!"
>"I've been waiting for this!"
>You all charge in, slicing, clawing, whipping, and chopping the Shadow down to size, feeling more secure against surprise attacks as the crowd goes wild.
>Gilda clicks her tongue at the fallen Castle, before turning around back to the opening gates.
>"Geez, I finally get a chance to let out my aggressions and it just dies in one hit. Talk about lame; let's blow this joint."
>You all follow the disappointed Gilda back into the Bloodworks, the crowd's cheering fading into the background.
>As you near the bottom of the stairs, you hear what appears to be a scuffle in the waiting area.
>Rushing down the rest of the stairs, you see Hermit standing between a particularly bulky creature and a shivering pink pony with blonde mane and tail.
>"You want a fight, big guy? Why not skip the lady and deal with a real challenge?"
>Realizing the disadventageous situation he's in, the creature quickly makes his exits as Hermit turns around and helps the pony up.
>"Th-thank you."
>"Eh, it was nothing. He didn't hurt you anywhere, did he?"
>As Hermit talks with the rescued pony, it becomes clear to you that the Bloodworks aren't anywhere as safe for the ponies residing here.
"Twilight, we should try and find a way out as soon as possible. The longer we're here, the more in danger these ponies are."
>She nods, looking over at the patiently waiting goat in the kiosk, his smug grin ever present.
>"Not to mention I doubt we're going to leave so easily, being his new 'entertainers', as we are. We'll try and look for some way to escape while you guys keep the masses entertained."
>Nodding, you make your way to the goat, who cackles before handing you a parcel.
>"Good job surviving the first round, vermin! The crowd liked that performance so much that some have decided to gift you with items."
>Opening the parcel, two Candies and Potions fall out, which you put back into your bag.
>"Better rest while you can, vermin, 'cause you're gonna be up against the 'Dice of Fate' next."
>As you walk back to the others, Fluttershy finishes her scan and turns towards you.
>"From my scans, it appears our next opponents are one Acheron Seeker, two Bone Dice, a Slaughter Drive, and a Useless Gene. It might be wise to choose out starting lineup and moves before we make our way onto the field."
>You consider your options as Fluttershy shows you everyone's condition.
"Let's go with Shining, Cranky, and Gilda for the starting lineup. Hiero, Trixie, Pinkie, and Lovers can be our back-up."
>"Good luck , everypony, stay safe while the rest of us look for an escape route."
>Pinkie patches everyone up while Fluttershy transfers Chariot and Judgement's SP into Cranky and Trixie respectfully, the nine of you making your way back into the Arena.
>"It's time for Round 2, And it doesn't look like our prisoners have offed themselves just yet. I wonder if they'll wish they had when they go up against... The Dice of Fate'! The Wheel is turning, only one group will survive; let's roll!"
>Fafnir extends itself as a burst of fire covers the Acheron Seeker, dealing moderate damage as the force of the blow knocks it back.
>"'Dice of Fate', huh? Let's see how your fate handles against pure skill. Come on out, Freyja!"
>Gilda swipes her card with her claws, summoning a tall, heavily armored woman with a winged helm and fearsome spear at her side.
>Spinning the weapon around at high velocitites, Freyja creates a myriad of emerald spears that pierce one of the Bone Dice, pinning it to the ground right through its six-dotted face!
>"You're making this too easy!"
>The Persona repeats her actions, striking down the other Dice before turning to Cranky and giving him the 'Okay' as the crowd goes wild.
>The amorphous orb releases a subzero frost that floods the other Shadows, missing the Useless Gene but striking the others and encasing the Slaughter Drive in a block of ice!
>"That Gene's giving me a bad feeling. Take it out, Saint George!"
>Shining kicks his card, summoning the centaur dragonslayer as he flings his holy spear at the Useless Gene!
>...Only to barely miss as the Shadow once again evades the blow.
>"Looks like we've got ourselves a slippery one, here."
>Cranky bucks his card, summoning Proteus and unleashing a beam of pure destruction that hits all but the Gene, who scurries behind the Slaughter Drive.
>The Acheron Seeker dances around tauntingly, smugly grinning at all of you in an attempt to goad a reaction.
"You know we're not all like six years old, right? Only an idiot would take that level of bait-"
>"What are you smiling at, you cheeky bundle of eyes? I'm gonna tear that smile right off your face!"
>Gilda is practically fuming at the Shadow's taunt, a mixture of worry and disappointment flowing through you.
>The least injured Bone Dice pulls itself back together as it unleashes a flurry of bolts, striking you, Shining, and Cranky while Gilda manages to avoid them angrily.
>The other Dice gets up and rushes all of you, glowing brightly before violently exploding, dealing heavy damage and staggering you!
>Wiggling baway from the frozen Slaughter Drive, the Useless Gene begins to focus its energy for its upcoming attack.
><Oh my, this doesn't look good at all. Gilda's too angry to reason with, and everypony's injured badly! That Useless Gene seems to be able to avoid moves easily, but it looks like your popularity with the crowds have given a boost to your accuracy. Here's the scan on the Slaughter Drive:>
Slaughter Drive (Death)-
Resist: Ranged
Weak: Bless
<Here's everypony's stats, as well as our current popularity:>
Dream Magus: 46% HP, 55% SP
Gilda (Rage): 54% HP, 80% SP
Shining Armor: 81% HP, 75% SP
Cranky: 43% HP, 70% SP
Trixie: 100% HP, 100% SP
Lovers: 100% HP, 100% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hierophant: 100% HP, 75% SP
CURRENT POPULARITY: 35% Team Magus vs 65% Dice of Fate
"We need to calm Gilda down. Cranky, switch out with Lovers; Lovers, find some way to bring Gilda back to her senses!"
>Cranky nods as he retreats back to Argus, Lovers jumping out and looking at Gilda's condition.
>"Hmm... Doesn't look like words will be able to get to her. Once something pisses Gilda off this bad, only a love tap will be able to bring her back."
>Lovers stretches his arm, and before you can ask what he meant by "love tap", he gives Gilda a good smack upside the head!
"Isn't that a bit over the top?"
>Gilda shakes her head as her rage-fueled expression dies down, wincing at her newly formed welt.
>"Dammit, that hurt like a bitch, Lovers. Did you have to swing that hard?"
>He shrugs as he helps her back up, smiling as gently as he was earlier.
>"Only when you take such obvious bait, dear. Now that you're in your right mind, wanna tear these Shadows to shreds?"
>"Think you have to even ask, you dweeb?"
>Diarmuid and Freyja face the unsuspecting Shadows, spears in hand as they charge into their foes: piercing their shadowy flesh and splattering oily liquids across the arena!
>Almost poetically, Diarmuid's twin spears and Freyja's greatlance dance across the arena, intimately skewering the same enemies and slicing through them in tandem.
>"Shall we dance, my love?"
>Gilda sputters a bit, considering the company surrounding them, but takes Lovers's hand as their Persona begin to copy the movements as well!
>With a final striking pose, the two Persona leap into the air and plunge their spears into the ground, obliterating the ground near them and creating a huge hole in the arena!
Combo Activated: Bloody Honeymoon
>The Bone Dice and Useless Gene are mercilessly wiped out by the loving violence, as the Slaughter Drive staggers under its icy shell.
>However, the Acheron Seeker seems mostly unaffected by this: simply lazing about as Shining focuses his sights on the weakened Drive.
>"This will finish it. Persona!"
>Saint George launches his radiant lance at the immobile Shadow, creating a gargantuan hole through its center as it quickly dissolves into the ground!
>"Magus, you're up!"
>High-hoofing Shining, you summon forth your card and tap it, unleashing Fafnir who roars violently and sends a terrible claw at the Seeker.
>Just as the blow is about to hit, the Shadow smirks as a reflective shield appears around it, sending a mirrored version of the dread dragon's claw straight at you!
>The claw strikes its mark, sending you flying back as the pain begins to cloud your mind, before everything turns to black...
"Well, this isn't good."
>Lovers obviously remarks as the crowd begins to mockingly laugh at Magus's poor display.
><Oh no, the Acheron Seeker managed to repel Magus's Physical skill right back at him!>
>"Hoho, looks like one of our prisoners decided to get cocky because his target was alone. Serves that vermin right."
>Wasting no time, the Seeker roars in fury, sending a flurry of fireballs down upon the remaining group, missing Lovers and Gilda, but striking the unmoving Shining, burning his fur.
><Everypony's health is really low and Magus is unconscious; we need to do something to remedy this, quickly! Here's a scan on the Acheron Seeker:>
Acheron Seeker (Death)-
Repel: Physical
Weak: Ranged
><Here's everypony's stats, and our current popularity:>
Dream Magus: 0% HP, 55% SP
Lovers: 70% HP, 100% SP
Gilda: 24% HP, 80% SP
Shining Armor (Burned): 57% HP, 65% SP
Trixie: 100% HP, 100% SP
Cranky: 43% HP, 70% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hierophant: 100% HP, 75% SP
CURRENT POPULARITY: 50% Team Magus vs 50% Dice of Fate
"Guess I'm the de facto leader now. Shining, switch out with Trixie; Trixie, Gilda, keep that thing busy while I wake Magus up."
>Shining, still nursing the burn, nods and retreats back while Trixie makes her way back on stage.
>"So we've got to keep that bozo busy, eh? Hey, Trix, you thinking what I'm thinking?"
>Gilda's cheeky grin is mirrored by Trixie, as Lovers desperately attempts to shove a Phoenix Feather down Magus's unconscious throat.
>"Oh, I do believe I am, my little kitty."
>Beaming confidently at the crowd, Houdini spins his cane around before flinging it into the air, releasing a myriad of psychic pellets that slam into the Acheron Seeker.
>Freyja stabs her spear into the ground, summoning forth four electrical orbs that spin in a cross-like formation before flinging themselves into the Shadow, each of the orbs mercilessly pounding into it along with the pellets.
>"All together now!"
>Freyja throws her electrified spear at Houdini's staff, the two drawn to each other almost magnetically as they stick together like a cross.
>The staff shoots out a psychedelic beam while the spear surges with lightning, the cross spinning as fast as a saw and slicing the battered Seeker in half!
Combo activated: Grand Cross
>A sharp feeling in your throat activates your gag reflex as you shoot up from the ground, Lovers looming over with surprise and relief.
"You do realize that's not how the Feathers work, right?"
>"Sorry, panicked a little bit. But hey, we won, didn't we?"
>He's not wrong: it seems whatever Trixie and Gilda just did won the hearts of the crowd and killed the Seeker as well.
>"What an amazing performance by the vermin prisoners. It seems the Dice of Fate rolled fairly for them, but who's to say how it will roll next?"
>Tired of the stupid prattling of the announcer, and nursing your throat, you leave towards the Bloodworks along with your victorious teammates.
>As you return to the Bloodworks, you notice Rainbow Dash and Applejack hoofwrestling out of boredom as Twilight greets you back.
>"Good work on staying alive, vermin! Looks like you pleased the crowd again, AND I'm getting a tidy sum too."
>The goat in the kiosk cackles as you receive another parcel with two additional Candies and Potions: a nice reward turned patronising with his jeering.
>"Magus, I need to talk with you. Not here, though, too many unfriendly ears: follow me."
>You follow Twilight to a surprisingly empty area, most likely where the guard who Hermit intimidated used to be.
"What is it, Twilight? Did you manage to figure out a way out?"
>"Not exactly, but I think I've finally managed to get some context for where we are. Tell me, do you remember the tale of 'Gusty the Great'?"
>The name certainly rings a bell: you recall hearing bits and pieces of the story while walking through Canterlot and Ponyville, as it's a popoular story for foals.
"I'm familiar with the old mare's tale, why do you ask?"
>"Trust me when I say that old mare's tales tend to hold fistfuls of truth in them. Grogar was the antagonist of the story: a brutal, merciless ram who grew stronger amidst fear and oppression. It's said that his empire's capital, Tambelon, was banished into the Shadow World along with its ruler."
>And with that, pieces begin to fall into place, though not entirely completing the puzzle before you.
"So you're saying that we're in the literal city of a long dead empire that was banished into the Shadow Realm?"
>"Shadow World,"
>Twilight corrects you as she looks around at the clearly living goat at the kiosk and his guards.
>"And it shouldn't make any sense. Tambelon was supposedly banished 500 years ago, during the War of Shadows. None of these goats, sheep, or donkeys should even be alive!"
>You recall the weird feeling you had when you first entered the derelict city, and the oddly lively interior.
"They might not be... But that's a problem to deal with once we're out of here. Have you managed to find a hole in the security?"
>Twilight nods, motioning to the rather suspicious looking wall behind her, before kicking it and revealing a hidden passage.
>"I believe this is how they manage to smuggle in new prisoners into the Bloodworks. There might be some way to disenchant our weapons and be able to fight our way out in there."
"I'm sensing a 'however' coming up."
>Twilight frowns as she uses her telekinesis to close the wall again, a guard mindessly wandering by without a second thought.
>"However, if we don't manage to keep the old goat's attention away from here, we're just as likely to get caught and lose our only out. So we need you to keep fighting up there."
"No problems here, Twilight: we've been doing pretty well with keeping the crowd's attention, so we should be good. Let's go back and let the others know about this."
>Twilight nods as the two of you return and relay Twilight's findings to your teammates.
>"Sounds like fun, Twiggles. What's the battle plan, then?"
>Twilight counts everyone present again, before leaning everyone closer and whispering.
>"We're going to need seven of us, six fighters and somepony with Analysis, to sneak into the walls and find a way to disenchant this curse on our weapons. The rest will fight with Magus and wait in the Bloodworks, so as not to draw suspicion."
>Priestess raises his hand politely, as if he was a student in class.
>"How exactly are we going to manage two active Persona groups running around in such a close proximity? I love my Reaper fights as much as the next guy, but this isn't exactly the best time."
>"You're not wrong, Priestess, which is why I'm suggesting that only one group should be active at any one time. After this next Round, demand a break from the goat at the kiosk. He's an jerk, but with your recent good performance, he'll want you to stay in good condition."
>Strength nods as he begins to catch on to Twilight's plan.
>"Then, while Magus and the others are catching a break, this other group will make their own move and get going."
>"Exactly. There's no doubt rec areas for the guards stationed in that passage. This other group will make their way to a foothold, then let the other group know they can continue, with the help of an Analysis Persona."
>Judgement scratches his head while Tower considers the merits of the plan.
>"That doesn't really sound like the fastest way to get things done. Still, we've got at least three more Rounds left before this 'Champ' shows up."
>Everyone nods in agreement as you consider who should be part of this second team: as much as you want to try and help with that, you'll likely stand out as missing, considering your unique appearance.
>There's also who to bring with you for this next round to consider: since the second team will not be able to return, you'll have to accept that seven teammates will not be available.
>"Before you decide, Magus, here's our condition:"
Dream Magus: 100% HP, 55% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 85% SP
Justice: 100% HP, 50% SP
Sun: 100% HP, 90% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 55% SP
Shining Armor: 52% HP, 65% SP
Hermit: 100% HP, 85% SP
Tower: 100% HP, 100% SP
Trixie: 100% HP, 70% SP
Cranky: 43% HP, 70% SP
Chariot: 100% HP, 40% SP
Star: 100% HP, 70% SP
Rarity: 100% HP, 48% SP
Rainbow Dash: 100% HP, 85% SP
Lovers: 70% HP, 100% SP
Gilda: 24% HP, 50% SP
Temperance: 100% HP, 100% SP
Fluttershy: 100% SP
Priestess: 100% HP, 100% SP
Twilight: 100% HP, 100% SP
Hierophant: 100% HP, 75% SP
Cheerilee: 100% HP, 85% SP
Strength: 100% HP, 20% SP
AJ: 100% HP, 100% SP
Judgement: 100% HP, 45% SP
Spike: 100% HP, 100% SP
"For now, let's bring Twilght, Priestess, Spike, Lust, Applejack, Strength, and Cheerilee for this next Round. Rainbow Dash, take Pinkie, Trixie, Tower, Lovers, Judgement, and Hierophant into that service tunnel and find a way out of this place."
>Rainbow nods, stretching out her limbs with fire in her movements.
>"You got it, Magus. Been bored out of my mind, just sitting here and listening to that idiot in the box."
"As for SP management, I think we'll spread it around and just use three of the Candies we've got. That way both groups have enough for emergencies."
><Alright, Magus, transfering SP now..>
>As everyone 's energy returns to them, the two teams wish each other luck, before taking their positions.
>Rainbow Dash's group waits somewhat close to the service tunnel, far enough away as to not draw unwanted attention.
>Meanwhile, you take your team and make your way up the stairs, leading back into the Colosseum.
>"And it looks like the vermin have made it back for Round 3! This is typically where even the most battle-hardened of our fighters perish, so let's see how these ones fair with... The Gluttons of Death!"
>Upon the mentioning of their title, five Shadows spawn in the room, reveling in the cheers of the crowd as they turn to you.
"Alright, everypony, we need to make this a fight to remember so Rainbow and her team have a good window. With me!"
><Looks like we're dealing with a Jotun of Bones, a Baleful Cyclops, two Dying Hableries, and a Valuing Nyogo. Which one do you want me to scan first?>
CURRENT POPULARITY: 25% Team Magus vs 75% Gluttons of Death
"Let's try out something different . Come, Fafnir!"
>The crimson dragon roars and prepares to strike the Nyogo, only to change his claws' direction and backslap the Shadow, sending it toppling back, with little other effect.
>"That Jotun looks like bad news. Priestess, soften it up while Spike and I prepare a combination attack!"
>"You got it, babe, one slightly charred group of Shadows coming right up. Persona!"
>Athena spins her spear around, charging her energy before slamming to the ground and unleashing a torrent of lightning bolts into the group of Shadows.
>The lightning strikes true, shocking all but the Baneful Cyclops, which manages to flip and spin away just in time.
>"Alright, Spike, just like we practiced!"
>"Yeah, I've ben waiting for this!"
>Nimue makes arcane motions with her hands as water begins to surround the Jotun of Bones while freezing up in spherical layers.
>Ouroboros unleashes a white-hot beam of plamsa that pierces through the shell and strikes the Shadows, adding the heat to the continuous pressure Twilight's creating.
>"Just a little more, Spike!"
>"Time to rev up the heat!"
>The white-hot beam changes to a majestic magenta, it's light shining even through the myriad of layers as the tightening prison changes from ice to plasma!
Combo Activated: Thuban
>The miniaturized star erupts gloriously, dazzling the audience while absolutely destroying the Jotun, without even ashes left in its place!
>Recovering from the lightshow, the Baneful Cyclops spins around before looking down at Twilight with a bloodshot, oppressive eye, draining her strength away.
>One of the Dying Hableries saunters up to Spike, licking him with its decaying tongue and sapping part of his life force from him.
>The other one cackles at Twilight, shooting a nuclear beam from its mouth at her weakened self.
>Priestess manages to push her out of the way in time, taking the blow for himself as he falls to a knee.
>The Nyogo saunters around tauntingly, filling you, Twilight, and Spike with a murderous rage, forsaking any form of tactics in your anger!
>"Guys, this is a tree. Please tell me we aren't getting pissed off by a tree."
>You can barely acknowledge Priestess's exasperation as you magically grip your war scythe tighter.
><This is bad, Twilight's badly injured, but we can't switch with her when she's so angry! That said, since the Jotun was destroyed, here's the scan on the Baleful Cyclops:>
Baleful Cyclops (Death)-
Resist: Wind, Bless
Weak: Psy
><Here's everypony's condition, and our current popularity:>
Dream Magus (Rage): 90% HP, 100% SP
Twilight (Rage): 1% HP, 60% SP
Priestess: 62% HP, 85% SP
Spike (Rage): 89% HP, 60% SP
Fluttershy: 100% SP
Lust: 100% HP, 100% SP
AJ: 100% HP, 100% SP
Strength: 100% HP, 100% SP
Cheerilee: 100% HP, 100% SP
CURRENT POULARITY: 35% Team Magus VS 65% The Gluttons of Death
>"Things are getting a bit too hot for me. Lust, time to switch out!"
>Priestess retreats back to Fluttershy, Lust taking his place and preparing his lucerne hammer for combat.
>Letting out a furious roar, you leap at the Nyogo that taunted you earlier, slipping around its defenses and cutting deep into its bark, sending it toppling of the the side!
>Seizing the opportunity, you strike the poor Shadow while it's down, dealing more damage, but not fuly able to make it disoriented.
>"Twiggles, drink a Potions; you're not you when you're thirsty."
>Lust hands one of the five potions to Twilight, who drinks it down and feels her wounds closing while her mind clears.
>"Thanks, Lust, that was a bit embarrassing. Everypony's health seems too low to safely use Amrita, so let's fix that, Nimue!"
>The Lady of the Lake takes some of the cool, magical water and showers your team with it, restoring your wounds, if not your mindsets.
>Spike charges the Baleful Cyclops, sending the chained Shadow spinning by the force of his infuriated fists.
>Recovering from the attack, the Cyclops uses the spin to its advantage, firing a myriad of chain links that tear through the party, dealing heavy damage!
>One of the Hableries fires a radioactive beam from its mouth, striking Twilight for moderate damage, while the other rolls it's disgusting tongue on you, draining your health.
>Pulling itself back up, the Nyogo shivers as putrid green gas spreads throughout the field, making you all more suceptible to ailments.
>You feel the rage clouding your mind begin to recede as you catch Fluttershy's comments.
><Be careful, everypony, if that Nyogo manages to use it's rage attack again, you might all be in serious danger, especially with your low health! Here's the scan on the Valuing Nyogo:>
Valuing Nyogo (Death)-
Drain: Ice
Weak: Fire
><Here's everypony's stats, as well as our popularity:>
Dream Magus: 16% HP, 100% SP
Lust: 54% HP, 100% SP
Twilight: 54% HP, 50% SP
Spike (Rage): 41% HP, 60% SP
Fluttershy: 100% SP
Priestess: 62% HP, 85% SP
AJ: 100% HP, 100% SP
Strength: 100% HP, 100% SP
Cheerilee: 100% HP, 100% SP
CURRENT POPULARITY: 35% Team Magus VS 65% Gluttons of Death
"Lust, pull back and swap with Cheerilee. We're going to need her Psychokinesis powers!"
>Giving a thumbs up, Lust falls back, Cheerilee taking his place and facing off against the Baleful Cyclops.
"Spike, come to your senses, man!"
>You shake the enraged Spike with a free hoof, calming the angry dragon as he shakes the effects off.
"No more of that bloody tree rage, I say. Persona!"
>Fafnir roars before belching out a huge fireball that catches the Valuing Nyogo ablaze, leaving nothing but cinders!
>Fueled by the cheering of the crowd, you prepare to strike once more-
"Wait, I was planning to swap to Twilight so we could patch up."
>For a moment, the world seems to falter somewhat, as if there was a cosmological entity presiding over you that lacked reading comprehension and almost screwed you over with a clerical error.
>And as quickly as that moment comes, it vanishes, shrugging off the odd feeling as you pass your opportunity over to Twilight.
>"With this extra power, a minor healing spell should do the trick."
>Shooting her card with her magic, Twilight calls forth Nimue, who proceeds to sprinkle you all with rejuvenating water, completely closing Twilight and Spike's injuries while healing most of yours.
>"Now that everypony's patched up, its time to put one of those overgrown mouths on ice. Persona!"
>With an elegant wave of her hand, Nimue calls forth a frigid blade that leaps at the Hablerie, cutting the Shadow deeply.
>"That Cyclops is far too dangerous to keep alive. Let's take it down, Sherlock!"
>The detective unleashes a bolt of concentrated psychokinetic energy at the Shadow, the psychedelic round cruising towards it at breakneck speeds!
>...Only for the Cyclops to drift to the side, avoiding the spell altogether as Cheerilee looks on in surprise.
>"Well... That wasn't supposed to happen."
>"Come forth, Ouroboros!"
>The eternal dragon launches out and swipes with one of its blackened claws, cutting deep into one of the Dying Hableries, but not quite taking it out.
>Moving back into position, the Baleful Cyclops summons a shadow-like chain from the ground, launching it at Cheerilee and catching through her, knocking her out!
>"Ladies and gents, this is truly the pinnacle of Tambelonian spirit! Not only is he not satisfied to get hit by these vermin, but he's taking them out one by one!"
>The least injured Hablerie floats up to Twilight, licking her long and hard, draining her magical reserves and restoring its own.
>The remaining one fires a nuclear beam at Spike, hitting its mark as the blast knocks him back a bit.
>"What's wrong, vermin; where did the vim and vigor from the last two rounds go?"
><Stay strong, everypony! Cheerilee might be down, but the enemies are starting to thin up now. Stay focused, and we'll be able to win this! This is the scan on the Dying Hablerie:>
Dying Hablerie (Death)-
Resist: Nuke
Weak: Curse
><Here's everypony's condition, and our current popularity:>
Dream Magus: 91% HP, 90% SP
Twilight: 100% HP, 30% SP
Cheerilee: 0% HP, 90% SP
Spike: 74% HP, 60% SP
Fluttershy: 100% SP
Lust: 54% HP, 100% SP
Priestess: 62% HP, 85% SP
AJ: 100% HP, 100% SP
Strength: 100% HP, 100% SP
CURRENT POPULARITY: 45% Team Magus VS 55% Gluttons of Death
"We need Cheerilee up and running!"
>You snap one of your Phoenix Feathers in half, releasing the innate regenerative magicks within into Cheerilee, bringing her back up to fighting condition.
>"Sorry about that. I'll be more careful next time."
>"Might be best ot conserve SP this turn, and go for a more Physical approach!"
>Twilight swings at the most injured Hablerie, the blade of her Naginata poised to bisect the Shadow...
>...Only for her hoof to catch on some littered foodstuff and send her sliding off to a nearby wall, slamming into it with a solid thud and leaving her prone on the ground!
>"You've been quite the pain, Mr. Cyclops. I think it's time to put you in Detention!"
>Cheerilee shatters her card, the great detective taking another psychic shot at the Baleful Cyclops and striking it solidly in the chest, sending it clattering to the ground!
>"Don't think I'm letting the rest of you off the chain so easily, either!"
>Slamming his rod into the ground, Sherlock unleashes a barrage of mental missiles that obliterate the Baleful Cyclops and heavily damage the remaining Hableries!
>"Class dismissed."
>Cheerilee coolly walks back, the crowd going nuts over her display of power as Spike charges the heavily injured Hablerie.
>A magenta blaze surround his fist, scorching a sizeable hole through the Shadow before it dissolves into the ground.
>"I'm not done yet!"
>He batters the remaining Shadow, the blows staggering the mobile mouth.
>Being all alone now, the remaining Dying Hablerie fires a nuclear beam straight at Cheerilee, who catches it hard and crashes into the ground!
>Seizing the opportunity, the Shadow rolls its dead tongue across your face, draining your energy as its wounds begin to patch up.
><This is it, everypony, there's only one Shadow remaining! Twilight and Cheerilee won't be able to switch out this turn, so keep that in mind. Here's everypony's stats, as well as our current popularity:>
Dream Magus: 83% HP, 90% SP
Twilight: 100% HP, 30% SP
Cheerilee: 77% HP, 65% SP
Spike: 74% HP, 60% SP
Fluttershy: 100% SP
Lust: 54% HP, 100% SP
Priestess: 62% HP, 85% SP
AJ: 100% HP, 100% SP
Strength: 100% HP, 100% SP
CURRENT POPULARITY: 65% Team Magus VS 35% Gluttons of Death
"It's time to end this!"
>Using your weapon as a pole, you flip through the air and skewer the Shadow cleanly through the middle, pinning it there!
"Everypony, with me!"
>The four of you rampage all over the Hablerie, obliterating the Shadow under your concentrated assault and finishing the arduous round!
><Good job, everypony! Shadows eliminated.>
>"What an interesting roundabout victory by the vermin: will their luck continue, or will the relentless assault of our fighters finally do Tambelon a great service?"
>"Man, we really need to shoot a fireball or something at the announcer."
"I can't help but feel like that's a bad idea, Spike."
>"What? It's not like there's any rules saying we can't do that, plus we can just 'accidentally' send one his way."
>On that note, all of you make your way down to the Bloodworks, ready to enact the second portion of your plan.
>"A BREAK?! You think you filthy vermin deserve a break?"
>Unflinching at the Kiosk-goat's fury, you coolly respond.
"Considering how we're not only winning our fights, but excelling them, you should be grateful that we're only taking a break now."
>"Grr... fine, you vermin can have your little break. But the moment, the VERY moment you filth slack behind, you're gonna wish you never asked for it."
>You ignore the thinnly-veiled threats, taking the parcel containing three additional Potions and Candies and meeting up with Twilight.
"Did I buy enough time for our friends?"
>Twilight nods, looking back where Rainbow and her team were but a moment ago before diving into the passageways.
>"I made sure to remind Hierophant to let us know when we can safely summon our own Persona, and we'll have to do the same for them as well. All that's left to do is wait and trust our friends."
>Nodding, the two of you take a well-deserved, yet tense, rest with the others.
>Rainbow Dash and the others silently make their way through the old, dank halls of the service tunnels with Rainbow in the lead.
>Rats scurried around with their every movement as the flickering candlelight, along with the cracks to the outside world, were the only things lighting the way.
"Have to say, shit's pretty decrepit for a service tunnel. Especially with all of the fine-looking architecture outside."
>Trixie nods at Judgement's comments, catching herself as a pack of vermin scurry past her in a miniature stampede.
>"Perhaps nopony ever found the tunnels, making patrolling pointless?"
>"That, or whatever's guarding this place doesn't care about the general upkeep."
>As the group continued to theorize and speculate, Rainbow stops in her tracks, hugging the corner of the nearby wall.
>"Shh! Looks like we've found our first post: got a couple Shadows wandering around, along with... food stores?"
"Why would Shadows be protecting food in such a perishable area? My money's on armaments and supplies we could use."
(Doesn't really matter either way, Tower, since we're going to kick their asses anyways. My scans are showing two Dirty Fuzz, a Revelation Pesce, Nevermore Raven, and Tempest Pot. It might be best to plan our starting team and attack plan before jumping them.)
>The team consider who would be best to start with for the coming battle, as water slowly drips down from the ceiling.
>Rainbow silently motions to herself, Pinkie, Trixie, and Judgement before charging into the surprised group of Shadows!
>"Let's start with a bang, Thunderbird!"
>The cerulean jet fires a barrage of arc gun shots, blanketing the field and knocking the two Dirty Fuzzes into the ground as the Raven dodged and the Pesce harmlessly reflected it!
>"I doubt I can do much more with this opportunity. Trixie, show them what you can do!"
>High-hoofing the determined magician, Rainbow flies back to position as Trixie shatters her card releasing Houdini.
>The escape artist tosses rings at the Shadows, stopping just before impact before firing powerful magenta beams that strike all of them and leave the Revelation Pesce on the ground!
>"These Baton Passes seem to increase our spell power. You're up next, Judgement, let's try to keep the momentum flowing!"
>Judgement nods as he crushes his card with confidence, the metallic valkryie Razgriz descending from the heavens.
"Create new breathing holes for these cretins, Razgriz!"
>Her hands spread out as gun silos reveal themselves dotting her entire body, unleashing a barrage of bullets that tear through the Shadows and clipping the Nevermore Raven's wings!
"Coincidence is a bitch, ain't it? I'm surprised we've managed to get the right team on the word go."
>"Oooh, oooh! Pick me next!"
>Consenting to Pinkie's demands, Judgement passes the baton as Apollo Medicus unleashes the power of the sun upon his foes, knocking the Tempest Pot over!
>"Looks like we've got a great moment for an All Out Attack, Dashie!"
>"Let's do this!"
>The four combatants swarm the poor group of Shadows, tearing them apart on the word go!
(And there goes the battle! All Shadows eliminated everyone.)
>Rainbow scoffs as everyone searches the stores for anything good.
>"That was way too easy, I almost fell asleep! Why even bother doing that stupid Arena stuff, when we can just blaze through this?"
"I agree with Rainbow, it feels like we've been in that Colosseum for weeks. I say we should keep going and get out of here."
>Hierophant thinks about the option as the team murmurs their agreement to it.
"Not that I think it's a bad idea, but it might be best to consult Magus and the others before we do so."
>"I'm bored."
>Hermit's words manage to rise above the socializing and fraternizing as you turn to look at him with the pony he save in his arms like a cat.
"They barely just left, Hermit. If anything, it would be a surprise to hear from them so soo-"
>(This is Hierophant, calling Magus and Fluttershy. Only Iscariote's out, so don't worry about responding.)
>Surprised to hear from the second team so soon, you gather with everyone else as Fluttershy summons Argus Panoptes.
><This is Fluttershy, Magus is right next to me. What's the matter, Hierophant, is something wrong?>
>(Not even close: we managed to defeat the enemies surrounding the first outpost in one fell swoop!)
"That's amazing news, Hierophant, but that does make our attempts to broker a break somewhat redundant."
>(That's how it is sometimes, boss. Anyways, with our fast progress, we should be able to find our exit and break the enchantment in record time. If you want, we'll be able to get you guys out of here without another round in the Arena.)
"That would certainly save time, if we can get through all of that as quick as just now."
>Everything seems to point to Hierophant's plan being the most efficient and smart, since you'll all be able to escape faster.
>Your mind goes back to the mocking and jeering crowds, the asshole announcer and goat in the kiosk, a part of you wanting to show those shitheads you can beat them at their own game.
>Not to mention the free supplies are also good, though you shake that thought out of your head.
>The others look at you for what to do next, as you consider whether or not to complete the challenges laid before you.
"We've got too many ponies imprisoned and missing, including our own brothers, to waste time trying to prove ourselves to these people. Hierophant, go ahead and make your way through the tunnels; the moment you guys find an exit, let us know, and we'll throttle these guards in the Bloodworks and follow you out."'
>(You've got it, boss. Alright, folks, break time's over, let's find that exit, pronto!)
>The feed dies off, as Fluttershy dismisses her Persona, everyone looking at each other with renewed determination.
"The other team's still too close for us to truly clear out, but be ready to jump when we get the all clear."
>As everyone gets ready, you look back at the guards and the goat at the kiosk, then back up to the entrance to the Arena, a troubled thought entering your mind.
>Why would they leave countless prisoners in a single area with a handful of guards and some goat in a kiosk?
"Alright, folks, Break time's over, let's find that exit, pronto!"
>Rainbow's team finishes their searching, revealing an extra Candy, Potion, and Feather that they add into their inventory.
"These things work only because we in particular believe they'll work in Fantasia, right? Then I wonder why we're finding them in a completely unrelated area?"
>"Maybe they don't look like Potions, Candies, and Feathers to these guys. It could always be that it's a matter of perspective."
(Heads up, everyone, it looks like we've got some company ahead of us. Scans show a Lich King, two Kagero Mushas, and two Still Bambinos; we can put our group and plan together before jumping in, like last time.)
>Hierophant pulls up a list of everyone's condition as the group decides who to patch up and start with.
Rainbow Dash: 100% HP, 85% SP
Pinkie Pie: 100% HP, 85% SP
Trixie: 100% HP, 85% SP
Judgement: 80% HP, 100% SP
Hierophant: 100% SP
Tower: 100% HP, 100% SP
Lovers: 100% HP, 100% SP
Items: 4 Candies, 6 Potions, 5 Feathers
(I'll go ahead and scan those Still Bambinos.)
>"I'm gonna charge up for a big one and blast these suckers out later. Persona!"
>Rainbow soars through her card, Thunderbird morphing into its mechanical state as it consolidates its energy for the next attack.
>"Musha begone, show these Shadows the light, Apollo Medicus!"
>With a loud clap of his hands, Apollo Medicus summons forth an array of beams that pierce the enemy, though the Kagero Mushas seem to anticipate and nimbly avoid the attacks.
>" The sooner we can defeat these enemies, the sooner we can find an exit. Come, Houdini, let us dazzle these Shadows into submission!"
>Trixie shatters her card, the flamboyant magician unleashing a myriad of rings that surround the opponents and unleash psychic beams that strike through everything.
"Spreading out the pain seems like a solid tactic. Persona!"
>Tower summons forth Lancelot, his sword's runes glowing an icy blue as giant ice spears pierce one of the Musha and both the Bambinos.
>Unfortunately, the other Musha manages to avoid the attacks, while the Lich King seems completely unaffected by the barrage.
>Smiling sinisterly, the Lich King begins to exude an aura of terror, though everyone seems unaffected by its display.
>One of the Kagero Musha leans back into a stance, its blade sheathed as it gathers strength for the next attack.
>The other Musha wastes no time and bears down a powerful overhead swing at Trixie, striking her with all the brute force and sending her staggering back!
>Crying from the wounds afflicted onto it, one of the Still Bambinos gets into a fit of rampage as powerful waves of energy strike everyone but Tower hard, Lancelot's shield protecting him from the blast.
>The remaining Bambino waddles over to Pinkie, like a newborn babe.
>"Aww... You're a cute big baby, aren't you?"
>In response to Pinkie's remarks, the Shadow tackles her with its bulk, dealing moderate damage.
>"I think somepony needs a timeout."
(Trixie's pretty beat up, and that Musha's Power Charge makes me uneasy. Thankfully, the Bambinos' are almost down, so keep it up! Here's the scan on the Still Bambino:)
Still Bambino (Death)-
Resist: Bless
Weak: Fire
(And here's our current status:)
Rainbow Dash: 55% HP, 75% SP
Pinkie Pie: 72% HP, 70% SP
Trixie: 25% HP, 70% SP
Tower: 100% HP, 85% SP
Hierophant: 100% SP
Judgement: 80% HP, 100% SP
Lovers: 100% HP, 100% SP
(I doubt it would be much use against the Lich King, but I wanted to remind you guys that I can use Frozen Penance to do some extra damage, if need be.)
>"Let 'er rip, Thunderbird!"
>The mechanized titan focuses its energy into its closed fist, power arcing out as Thunderbird lunges at the weaker Kagero Musha.
>Unable to escape its wrath, the Shadow takes the brunt of Thunderbird's strike, sending it crashing back into the nearby wall from the impact!
>"Now that's a lotta damage!"
>"Here's a little pick-me-up for everypony. Horseona!"
>Apollo strings a beautiful melody with his harp, the enchanting tune restoring everyone's health and strength.
>"Burn them all, Houdini!"
>With a skilled flip of his staff, Houdini releases a volley of sparklers that unfortunately miss the Bambinos entirely...
>But more surprisingly, set the Lich King ablaze and on the ground, rolling to put the flames out as the Mushas tank the blows!
>"Well, that's a pleasant surprise. You've got this, Pinkie Pie!"
>Bouncing back for another go, Pinkie fires at her card, the sun gond unleashing a powerful wave of light that smites one of the Still Bambinos and a Musha, missing the others.
>Tower smashes his card, summoning Lancelot as he makes a wide slash at the Shadows, heavily injuring all of them with his divine blade.
>Pulling itself upright, the Lich King tottles over to Pinkie and thwaps her with its scepter, dealing minor damage and making her bounce backwards.
>The focused Musha wastes no time with its opportunity and charges forth, its blade coming down in a devestating overhead slash!
>Only to clang against Lancelot's own as Tower looks on, thoroughly unimpressed by the assault.
"A shamefur dispray, I must say, especially with all that build-up."
>Reaching out to the skies, the nearly dead Bambino remaining sends rays of light that fly towards your group, striking Rainbow and Trixie, but missing Tower by a hair.
>Apollo back-smacks the rays aimed at Pinkie, and the light swallows the screaming baby whole, leaving nothing but echoes.
(We've got the upper hand, everyone, now we've got to keep pushing! Here's the scan on the Lich King:)
Lich King (Death)-
Null: Ice
Resist: Curse
Weak: Fire
(And these are our current stats:)
Rainbow Dash: 85% HP, 65% SP
Pinkie Pie: 79% HP, 40% SP
Trixie: 70% HP, 55% SP
Tower: 90% HP, 85% SP
Hierophant: 100% SP
Judgement: 80% HP, 100% SP
Lovers: 100% HP, 100% SP
>"Full power to the main cannon, Thunderbird, it's time to vaporize these two!"
>All the energy remaining in the mech's fist diverts to its arc-blaster, a brilliantly shining light blinding the room as the Musha is completely disintegrated and the Lich King suffers the deadly assault!
>"Looks like the King's all that's left. This looks like the job for some old-fashioned regicide, Apollo!"
>Clapping his hands together, a radiant blade of light forms between them before slicing through the Shadow and sending it staggering back.
>"For our next trick, the Great and Powerful Trixie will make this Shadow... Disappear!"
>Trixie shatters her card, Houdini tossing a fist-sized orb at the Lich King's feet before it explodes in a violently orange blaze, leaving nothing but ashes!
>"Exit, stage right."
(Alright, everyone, all Shadow's eliminated! We've got a fairly large room to look for exits in, so let's be thorough before moving on.)
>You hate to admit it, but Hermit had a fair point: it's really boring to wait for your friends to find an exit.
>Due to your relative location, you can't even do anything in the Arena, even if you wanted to.
"Guess it's time to do the one thing of last resort: socializing."
>One could swear to hear a generic gasp and scream at the mere mentioning of such a horror, but you manage to shake it off and check on everyone.
>Since there's nothing to do here, it appears that everyone's gathered in different groups, doing different things.
>Twilight, Priestess, Shining, and Justice are currently engrossed in a pile of books Twilight must have had in her satchel before the attack.
>Spike is helping Rarity and Star patch up some of the holes in their own costumes, a few frayed patches reminding you of your own's condition.
>Hermit is talking rather excitedly with Fluttershy and Temperance, a look of tired exasperation on Temperance and Cranky's faces.
>Cheerilee, on the other hand, is having a delightful conversation with Chariot, Lust, and Sun, the chuckles and cheers reaching even you.
>Gilda is currently venting her frustrations on a poor punching bag, while Strength and Applejack keep hold of the creaking sandbag.
>There's only free time right now, wouldn't hurt to hang out with one of those groups, right?
>You feel like hanging out with Cheerilee right now, seeing as her group seems to be enjoying themselves quite a bit over there.
>While you make your way over, you notice the civilian ponies sticking together in large groups, perhaps a long-dormant herd mentality coming back from stress.
>Keeping the sight in mind, you overhear the cheery, chatty group.
>"You were great out there, Cheers! I didn't even know you could slam fools like that."
>Chariot's hurrah reddens Cheerilee's cheeks as she rubs the back of her head.
>"Oh, I wasn't any better than the others. I even managed to get knocked out by one of those Curse spells."
>"That was just the result of bad luck; in every other instance, you did pretty well. Not to mention Sherlock Holmes is a great Persona."
"For a first try, I have to agree with them."
>The four stop and turn around at your comment, before smiling and offering you a seat next to them.
>"What's up, Magus, finally got dragged into the depths of boredom along with the rest of us?"
"Kind of, but I also feel like a lot this situation has been moving pretty fast for all of us. Now that we've got time to pause, I wanted to see how you all were holding up."
>Lust shrugs while Sun jots something down on the back of one of the posters lining the Bloodworks.
>"I am a bit disappointed I can't lead the charge to get out of here. I cannot wait to tear this Grogar a new one for taking our kid."
>Chariot snarls as his grip on one of the nearby bars tightens in understandable fury, before letting it go and turning to the rest of you.
>"But I know my Dashie, she'll tear through those tunnels in no time. The only real problem is the sheer boredom of waiting."
>You nod, as Cheerilee looks around at the civilians on edge around you all, slightly worried.
>"Something I've noticed with the ponies taken here, but it seems that all of them are at least in the prime of their lives. Look, there are no elderly or foals down here."
>"If I had to take a gander,"
>Lust comments as he eyes the nearby guards looking sadistically at the scared ponies.
>"It's not as fun for the Colosseum to use fighters that don't look the part. Better to get rid of the weak links by moving them elsewhere."
"All the more reason to get out of here before things get worse. Say, Sun, what are you jotting down there?"
>Stricken out of his writing trance, Sun looks up surprised, then shows you all the list he's been making.
>"I've been in a bit of a writer's block for a while, which was driving me mad, so I decided to take a break for a while. Then an idea came to me: it might be easier to get what I want done by making a list of sorts, so I can focus on the important things."
"That certainly sounds like a solid strategy, if you can make it work for you. That being said, it doesn't look like it's all list-related things."
>Sun motions silently to the patrolling guards, as well as the goat in the kiosk surprisingly mellow and tired-looking.
>"I'm keeping an eye on their patrols and conditions, that way we can effectively ambush them hard and get outta here."
>That certainly works as well, you think to yourself as you all continue to converse.
>There's some more time to hang out with another group, unless you wish to prepare yourself for the escape opportunity.
>Also, if there's something in particular you wish to talk about with the folks in this group, now would be the perfect chance.
"Carry on, guys."
>The four of them return to themselves, the conversation from before flaring back to life as you think about who to talk with next.
>At first, your thoughts go to Twilight and her reading pals, perhaps she had found something in the handful of books she brought with her.
>On the other hand, you look back to Gilda, Applejack, and Strength, hammering away at some of the older equipment lying around.
>Being more action-oriented, it's not surprising to see the three looking for more physical things to do while waiting.
>Hell, neither AJ or Strength have fought anything while in the Colosseum, even with you bringing them to the last fight.
>It might be best to see how their doing, as well as fix any potential issues from such inaction.
>The sandbag creaks under the force of Gilda's clenched claw, Strength's support the only thing keeping it from flying across the room.
>Before you can open your mouth, Strength holds up his hand, not even looking at you as he comments.
>"I swear to god, if you make a 'background pony' joke, I'm gonna implant you into the ground."
"Um... Actually, I just wanted to talk, see how you guys were holding up. At the very least, you seem somewhat annoyed."
>He motions to Gilda as the two switch spots, Applejack looking over with sympathy and understanding.
>"Strength's been looking forward to a good ol' tussle for a while, and he's upset you didn't bring him up in the last fight."
>"I'm not upset!"
>"...Okay, maybe I'm a bit rustled. Don't get me wrong, I love that I've got a monster like Papinijuwari as a Persona, it's just that we've got so many Physical-based Persona that I feel a bit redundant."
"I wouldn't say that, exactly. Sure, Papinijuwari's focused on Physical skills, but you've got terrifying skills like Pralaya, which is practically Tower's attacks on everything."
>"Not to mention the fact that you can steal health and lower defenses on the fly. I'd say those are rather practical skills."
>Strength's features soften from the praise, though his blows are as strong as ever.
>"I guess you all have a point. Just, you know, give me a chance to smash these guards' shits up, at least for a while."
"I'll see what I can do. Say, Gilda, Applejack, I'm curious what you two remember before being brought here."
>Gilda scratches her beak as she recalls the events earlier today.
>"Well, after you and Spike left, me and Applejack finished up all the cooking and managed to get everything stored for the party. A party that clearly wasn't on the schedule, since we've been cooped in this cage for what feels like days."
>Applejack nods, a stern expression on her face as she swaps with Strength.
>"'Fraid I'm almost clear out of patience fer this Arena business, it's good that Twilight was able to find a way out."
"You know, I think Chariot's in a similar position of repressed aggression. Maybe you four should do something together with the time we have?"
>Gilda's eyes shine with a devilish idea, looking around at all the somewhat drowsy guards.
>"I dunno what this deal with 'the shadow of death' is all about, but I doubt we need Persona to mess with those guards a bit. Maybe tie their shoelaces up or loosen their weapons."
>Strength and Applejack look at each other with slight concern, only for him to shrug as he looks over to Charfiot whittling his time away.
>"I don't see the harm in it, since we're clearly only battering this poor sandbag. If Chariot's up for it, we might as well have a bit of fun."
>"We'll see if we can't get Chariot's spirits higher while we wait. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about, Magus?"
>You clearly have enough time to visit the other groups, unless you wish to prepare for the escape riot.
>If you have anything else to say to this group before leaving, now would be the best time.
by DisgruntledAnon
by DisgruntledAnon
by DisgruntledAnon
by DisgruntledAnon
by DisgruntledAnon