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Silver Spoon and Anon greentext

By GaryD12
Created: 2020-12-25 01:17:14
Expiry: Never

  1. >"So Mr. Anonymous, I have a favor to ask you."
  2. >You looked up from your tea that Silver Speed's maid had handed, er, 'hoofed' you.
  3. "Yes Silver Speed?"
  4. >"I'm going on a business trip for a few days, and my maid is going on her honeymoon tomorrow. So I was wondering if you could watch Silver Spoon until I return? I'll pay you, of course."
  5. >You pondered the idea of foalsitting the gray filly, and decided it would be nice.
  6. "Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard, and I could use some bits."
  7. >"Thank you, Anonymous, how does 150 bits sound?"
  8. "Good,"
  9. >You shook her hoof on it, she got ready to go tell Silver Spoon.
  10. >"Oh yes, I almost forgot to ask you, Silver Spoon's birthday is coming up, I'll be back that day. Would you mind helping me start setting that up before I return, I'll add in 25 bits."
  11. >You nodded your head at the pony.
  12. "Sure, I'll help."
  13. >She thanked you again and went upstairs to tell Silver Spoon.
  14. >You couldn't help but notice she had a nice sway to her flank.
  15. >The filly came downstairs soon after and looked up at you.
  16. >"Hi Mister Anon, so you're going to be my foalsitter?
  17. >She looked cute with her glasses and braid as she looked up at your much taller stature.
  18. "I sure am, unless you've got any objections?"
  19. >"Nope, you always have got funny stories!"
  20. >Unlike her mother, She said this enthusiastically, and warmly smiled at you.
  21. >Hopefully this filly wouldn't trigger a heart attack by the time you left.
  22. >Silver Speed showed you to the guest room.
  23. >The flooring had a nice carpet, and there was a single twin sized bed.
  24. >"It's not very large, but I'm sure you're not going to be spending a lot of time in here, especially with a young filly running around."
  25. >"You're welcome to anything you need, as long as I do not come home to a huge mess.
  26. "I'll keep the place as tidy as I can with Silver Spoon."
  27. >"Oh don't worry, she's not a very hyperactive filly. She's actually quite mature for one her age if I do say so myself."
  28. >You nodded in agreement, and followed Silver Speed to the kitchen.
  29. >"And lastly, I should have enough food to last for the next few days. But if you need food or any other necessity, use the bits I'm leaving you."
  30. >With that, she hoofed you a bag of bits.
  31. "Not to be rude, but how much is there?"
  32. >"200 bits, not that I don't trust you, but remember to only use it for emergencies."
  33. >You promise to that, and then she calls Silver Spoon.
  34. >The filly quickly enters the kitchen from the living room.
  35. >"I love you Spoon, make sure to be exquisite for Anonymous until I return from my trip okay?"
  36. >"Okay mother, I love you too. See you on my birthday!"
  37. >The mother and daughter finished their goodbyes, then Silver Speed left for her carriage.
  38. >Silver Spoon sniffled lightly, but shoot it away then turned to you.
  39. >"So, what do you want to do? I was thinking about a board game in the living room."
  40. "Sounds great, I like tabletop games."
  41. >Silver Spoon clapped her hooves and retreated with you to play some games.
  42. >You and Silver Spoon played tabletop games for a while, then you mad some vegetable soup for dinner.
  43. >The both of you took a seat at the dining table with the soup.
  44. >"I totally beat you in that chess game. Mr. Anonymous."
  45. >She said this with a smug grin, and ate a bite of her soup.
  46. "Just wait until tomorrow, nobody beats Anonymous twice!"
  47. >You had to best her tomorrow, you beat Twilight Sparkle at chess, Silver Spoon must have won by luck.
  48. >"Sure you will Anonymous."
  49. >She said this with a giggle and a lick of her chops.
  50. >…That expanded dong.
  51. >You cleared your throat and tried to act normal.
  52. >Luckily dong became flacid again by the end of dinner.
  53. >Silver Spoon yawned, you had made dinner pretty late after all.
  54. "It's eight, would you like to go lay down Silver?"
  55. >"Yeah, I had to get up early today for school, luckily we have until Tuesday off this week, and my birthday's on Monday."
  56. >She kind of frowned after that sentence, but she shook it off.
  57. "Alright, I'll clean up the table, have a good night Sliver Spoon."
  58. >"Are you gonna tuck me in Anon?"
  59. >That kind of suprised you, but you still agreed.
  60. "Oh, sure, I'll meet you up there."
  61. >She thanked you and kind of bounced upstairs.
  62. >After you put away everything, you went up to Silver Spoon's room.
  63. >You entered and saw her in her bed. Her braid was undone, letting her silvery mane splay out, and her glasses were off.
  64. >HNNNG was all that you could think as your heart nearly skipped a beat.
  65. >She smiled and held up a story for you.
  66. >"Don't tell anybody but I still kind of like those fairytales I would be read when I was little, s-so I was hoping you could maybe read me one?"
  67. "Yeah, no p-problem."
  68. >You read her the story 'Sleeping Filly' until she fell asleep.
  69. >You leave her room and go back into the guest room to sleep.
  70. >It was Sunday
  71. >Yesterday you had gone to the theater and play outside with Silver Spoon.
  72. >But today had been kind of lazy.
  73. >You and the filly sat on the couch.
  74. >She was showing off her Coltemon collection.
  75. >"This one is Diamondmon, It kind of reminds me of Diamond Tiara."
  76. >Her face kind of scrunched up after saying her name.
  77. >Should you ask her what's wrong?
  78. >Yeah, probably.
  79. "Are you angry at Diamond Tiara or something?"
  80. >Silver Spoon looked kind of suprised, then looked at you, then back down at the card.
  81. >"O-of course not. It's not fine of me to do so."
  82. >The scrunchy face intensified after this sentence, and she seemed to get angry.
  83. >Good job Anon, you pissed off the filly.
  84. >"I need some time alone!"
  85. >She exhaled frusteratedly and walked up the stairs in a composed manner to her room.
  86. "Was it something I said?"
  87. >You grumble this awkwardly to yourself and sip off your coffee that you had.
  88. >After about 15 minutes you decide to go see if she was alright.
  89. >You heard some gentle crying on the other side of her door.
  90. "Hey, ah, Silver Spoon? You good?"
  91. >"Leave me be please!"
  92. "Oh, okay."
  93. >"W-wait, nevermind, come in."
  94. >You entered the room as she got off her bed and fixed her glasses.
  95. "You want to come back downstairs and have some tea?"
  96. >"Yeah, I could use some white tea, please."
  97. >The two of you sit on the couch and she begins to tell you things, a lot of things.
  98. >"After Diamond became friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, well, I feel kind of awkward hanging out with all of them."
  99. >"Also, mommy told me not to tell anybody, but I've been going through filly changes."
  100. >wat.png
  101. >"Y-you don't mind me telling you right."
  102. >It feels as if you are beggining to lose spaghetti.
  103. "Erm, n-no, I wouldn't tell anyone else you did though."
  104. >"Okay, I can understand that. Maybe it would be easier if I showed you."
  105. >Your spaghetti levels are lowering severely.
  106. >Next thing you know, there's a face full of fillybits underneath you.
  107. >You begin to feel your jimmies rustle underneath your slacks.
  108. >Bueno.
  109. >The filly's legs were spread open, and she was blushing.
  110. >"I read one of my mom's romance stories, and it went deep into, erm, sex. It made me feel good, and mom told me it will be natural for a filly my age to start feeling this way."
  111. "Y-yeah, well, what would you like me to do?"
  112. >That was all you could think of saying.
  113. >"I was hoping you could do some of the stuff in the book, if you don't mind of course."
  114. "W-what was in that book?"
  115. >"Maybe you could use your, well, hands to make me feel good?"
  116. >You were gonna lose your virginity to a filly. A cute and wealthy filly at that.
  117. "Okay, tell me to stop if it hurts alright?"
  118. >She nodded her approval, and you brushed your hand over her mound.
  119. >She whimpered lightly, and put her hoof on your hand.
  120. >Then she whispered some cute pleas as she got wetter.
  121. >You placed your hand down harder, and she twitched a little.
  122. >"Anon, p-put in a finger."
  123. >You rubbed your index finger across her clit, earning a cute gasp.
  124. >Slowly you put it in more, then added another one.
  125. > She showed no signs of disapproval, just more ecstasy, then she took off her glasses and began to undo her braid.
  126. >You started thrusting the two fingers in and out of her tight hole,
  127. >She thrusted her hips in the same rhythm.
  128. >"Faster Anon!"
  129. >You obeyed and thrusted them in and out faster.
  130. >She whimpered louder and her silvery mane spread over her face.
  131. >It looked cute as it covered her lustful face.
  132. >"I-I feel itchy!"
  133. >You stopped after that and undid your pants.
  134. > She stared at you pleadingly but realized what you were planning when yoy got your dick out.
  135. >"Anon, yes, please."
  136. >You smiled and put it on her folds, gently rubbing it against the velvety outside of her cunny.
  137. >Your dick already felt really aroused, so you lined it up and put in into her little filly hole.
  138. >You pushed it in slowly, and felt resistance against her hymen.
  139. "Are you ready Silver?"
  140. >She bit her hoof and nodded.
  141. >You gave a good thrust and popped her cherry.
  142. >After giving her a minute to recover, she wrapped her hooves around your neck and nodded in approval.
  143. >You started to thrust in and out faster.
  144. >She moaned and made other cute noises as you thrusted, moving her hips again in rhythm with yours.
  145. >"Oh, A-Anon, the itch is coming back I-I think I'm gonna, ah!"
  146. >She screamed in pure ecstasy as she orgasmed against your dick.
  147. >You felt the pussy tighten around your dick and kept thrusting.
  148. >She twitched against you more and tightened her grip around neck, lightly choking you.
  149. >Then she wrapped her lips around yours and pushed her tongue into your mouth.
  150. > You deepened the kiss as you gave one final thrust while wrestling tongues with her.
  151. >You grunted as you came inside her, filling her up with semen.
  152. >You and the filly you shared losing virginity with laid down on the couch, panting in each others embrace.
  153. >Today was Silver Spoon's birthday.
  154. >Yesterday had been probably the best day so fat since you cane to equestria.
  155. >You made Silver Spoon a good breakfast with eggs, waffles, and orange juice.
  156. >She couldn't stop talking about the sex you two had yesterday.
  157. >"Can we do it again sometime?"
  158. >You looked at her and nodded.
  159. "Yeah, but remember not to tell anybody about it okay?"
  160. >"I won't, cross my heart."
  161. >She crossed it and finished her breakfast.
  162. >Then she kept close to you all morning as you baked her cake and got the house ready for the party.
  163. >Silver gave you a peck on the cheek and ran upstairs to get herself ready for her party.
  164. >You got ready too by wearing your suit and tie, and also wearing a fedora.
  165. >At eleven, a knock sounded at the door.
  166. >It was Silver Speed.
  167. >She was dressed in a gray dress and a feathered hat.
  168. >"Hello there Mister Anonymous, it smells quite nice, and that hat matches quite fine with your suit.
  169. >"But I digress, how was Silver Spoon?"
  170. "She was great, we had quite a good time."
  171. >"Great, great, I am happy to hear that."
  172. >She put a bag on the kitchen counter and took some wrapped presents from it.
  173. >"Everypony should be here by one, by the way, where is Silver Spoon?"
  174. "She is getting ready for the party in her room."
  175. >"Good filly. I'll go see her, oh, here's your pay."
  176. >She handed you a bag of bits that had Anon:Foalsitting written on it.
  177. >Ponies stared to enter the villa over the next hour, and Silver Spoon looked stunning.
  178. >She was wearing a fitting lavender dress that hung off of her young body beautifully in your opinion.
  179. >Only some ponies dressed up, others, like the past CMC, came bare bodied as usual.
  180. >At one the lunch bell sounded, and you sat down next to Silver Spoon.
  181. >She gave you a quick smile, then looked over at Spoiled Rich.
  182. >"I hate her, a lot."
  183. >Silver Spoon whispered in your ear.
  184. "I can see why, Isn't she Diamond Tiara's mother?"
  185. >"Yeah and she's a-"
  186. >"Happy Birthday Silver Spoon!"
  187. >Silver Spoon looked at Diamond Tiara who sat on the opposite side of her.
  188. >The two girls starred chatting and you kind of blanked of until another bell ring went off.
  189. >Silver Speed sat upright in her chair and cleared her throat for everypony's attention.
  190. >"Hello everypony, I would like to thank you all for coming to my daughter's 13th birthday party."
  191. >You joined in with all the ponies' applause.
  192. >"My daughter is a very good filly, and I enjoy every minute with her. I can't believe how much she has grown sometimes, and I love her with all my heart, even when I am hard on her."
  193. >Another round of applause sounded.
  194. >Lastly before we eat, I would like everypony to thank Mister Anonymous for this wonderful cake and decor."
  195. >A round of applause went out to you, and best of all was Silver Spoon's smile she gave you.
  196. >This was going to be a good afternoon.
  197. >That night everything was calm.
  198. >You patted your full stomach and sighed.
  199. >Silver Spoon had asked you to stay a little while after.
  200. >When you went to go talk to her she had a gloomy countenance.
  201. "What's the matter?"
  202. >She looked up at you, surprised by your sudden appearance.
  203. >"Oh, hi Anon, take a seat."
  204. >She patted the cushion next to her on the coach.
  205. >When you sat down she sighed and turned to you.
  206. >"I feel frankly quite irritated that mother invites all of these ponies over, then barely spends any time with me."
  207. >You hug the frusterated filly and she pushes her face into your suit jacket.
  208. >The door opens and Silver Spoon retracts her face from your jacket.
  209. >"Hello Anonymous, hello Silver Spoon."
  210. >Silver Speed enters the living room and puts down her purse.
  211. >"It's getting late Silver Spoon, you should probably get some sleep."
  212. >"Okay mom, goodnight Anon."
  213. "Goodnight Silver Spoon."
  214. >She went upstairs and Silver Speed looked at you.
  215. >"So Anonymous, I was planning to give you one last payment before you go home, come to my room with me."
  216. "Okay, sure."
  217. >You walk to her room with her, and when you enter she shuts the door and asks you to sit on the bed.
  218. >You sit down and look at the pegasus mare.
  219. >Next thing you knew, she was trying to pull your pants down.
  220. "Wh-whoa, what are you doing Silver Speed?"
  221. >"Giving you your last repayment, if you don't mind that is."
  222. >By now she had your pants down and was getting ready to work on your underwear.
  223. >You got ready to reply but then-
  224. >"Mom, what are you doing my Anon?!"
  225. >Oh shit, code red.
  226. >"What do you mean your Anon?"
  227. >She looked from you to the filly after saying this.
  230. Codered.png
  233. >"We should tell her Anon."
  234. >You sigh and nod at the filly.
  235. "Ma'am, your daughter and I started dating."
  236. >"Oh, I never would have guessed, you're not that old Anonymous, and you seem to be a responsible young man. So I can agree with this relationship as long as it doesn't go too public."
  237. >Silver Spoon squeed and hugged you.
  238. >"But I still want you to pay me now that I've accepted this relationship."
  239. >She gave you a small wink at that.
  240. >That's hot, you think to yourself.
  241. >"Now that I'm old enough to date him, can I join in mom?"
  242. >"Sure honey, you don't mind do you Anonymous? "
  243. "N-not at all ma'am."
  244. >You and the two ponies were bare bodied on the bed.
  245. >Silver Speed gave your dick a lick, and Silver Spoon giggled as it popped up.
  246. >Silver Speed put the tip of it into her warm, wet, mouth and began bobbing her head up and down.
  247. >Silver Spoon gave your lips a kiss and ran her tongue against your lips, you accepted and french kissed the filly again.
  248. >You gave a grunt as Silver Speed used her wings to brush up and down your thighs.
  249. >You closed your eyes, which only intensified the amazing pleasure, and next thing you knew a familiar feeling was building up.
  250. >You gasped after you stopped the kiss with Silver Spoon to get some air.
  251. >Another grunt-like moan was released from your mouth as you came in Silver Speeds mouth.
  252. >She suckled it dry before releasing it and swallowing your seed.
  253. >"How was that Anonymous?"
  254. "G-goddamn amazing."
  255. >"What about me?"
  256. >Silver Spoon asked this with a slight frown, and her mother smiled.
  257. >"Anonymous, how would you like teaching my daughter the feeling of cunnilingus?"
  258. "Great,"
  259. >Silver Speed showed Silver Spoon how to get situated over your face, and then her young pussy was in full sight once again.
  260. >You pressed your tongue against her folds, and she bucked lightly against you.
  261. >Next you pushed it in, then explored deeper into her warm cunny.
  262. >"Oh Anon! Ugh, t-that feels amazing!"
  263. >Getting ready to give her an entire new definition of the word, you press your lips around her winking clitoris and suckle.
  264. >She gave a loud moan and thrust against your face a few more times before speeding up and releasing her mare juices all over your face and into your mouth.
  265. >"Good filly,"
  266. >Her mother cooed into her ear as she
  267. rubbed her daughters mane and withers.
  268. >"Good job Anon, I think that is going to deserve another reward, hmm?"
  269. >She propped herself against the back of the bedframe, and spread out
  270. her legs.
  271. >Her vagina was wet already, probably from watching her daughter receive a tonguejob.
  272. >You positioned yourself until your dick was matched up well with her pussy.
  273. >She used her wings against you again as she rubbed your outer thighs with them.
  274. >You gave a thrust into her vagina, almost earning a squeak from the mature mare.
  275. >"Good boy Anonymous, keep that up and you'll make me orgasm."
  276. >The way she talked turned you on hard for some reason.
  277. >You kept thrusting, your balls slightly aching from your last orgasm.
  278. >She aided you by gyrating her hips and moving her soft wings onto your loins, where she rubbed them all around.
  279. >You felt another pressure form in your balls, and felt her pussy begin to tighten.
  280. >You came first, and emptied a smaller but nonetheless filling amount of cum into Silver Speed.
  281. >She moaned as she came with you, and the mixture of mare and human fluids poured onto the bed.
  282. >Removing the messy blanket, you covered up in the bed with the two girls with another one.
  283. >Silver Speed smiled at the two of you, and Silver Spoon gave you another kiss and snuggled into your arms.
  284. >Soon after the three of you fell asleep, all pleased sexually and mentally.

Silver Spoon and Anon greentext

by GaryD12