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Eldrich Anon in Kinderquestria

By Anonistrator
Created: 2020-12-26 04:24:44
Expiry: Never

  1. (By Anonstigator)
  3. >Be Anon, best babysitter in Equestria
  4. >Be done babysitting the living tornado known as Flurry Heart
  5. >Seriously how did she get a chainsaw to run rampant with?
  6. >Ponies here couldn’t handle anything sharper than a spoon without freaking out
  7. >Doesn’t matter because Princess Candy Ass sure does pay good
  8. >20 bits an hour for 6 hours a day 4 days a week
  9. >You were even able to afford an apartment in the Crystal Kingdom to make your commute shorter
  10. >Time to get your pay for the day
  11. >Walking with Flurry cradled in your arm you make your way to Cadence’s room
  12. >You get a few odd stares as you walk down the halls, you always do
  13. >Probably because these ponies know just how much havoc Flurry can wreak
  14. >Ah well, doesn’t really matter
  15. >Arriving at the door you’re about to knock when you hear the faintest noise inside
  16. >Straining to hear you put your ear against the door, but to no avail
  17. >The movies made this look much simpler
  18. >Giving up you knock on the door
  19. > A muffled “Just a minute” can be heard
  20. >Cadence must have been shouting her ass off for you to hear that
  21. >A couple seconds pass before the door sings open revealing Cadence looking a little disheveled
  22. >”Ah Anonymous, is it that time already?”
  23. “’Fraid so Princess, hate to part with the little tyke but she needs her mama too.”
  24. >”As always Anonymous I am ever grateful you look after Flurry. Your pay as usual.”
  25. >Cadence simultaneously levitates Flurry from your arm and deposits a purse of bits into your hand.
  26. >You open up the bag to check the bits
  27. >Well not really, Cadence was always good on her pay
  28. >It just felt nice to see the fruits of your labor
  29. “Yup, all there Princess. As always, it’s a pleasure.”
  30. >You nod your head goodbye before being stopped by Princess Cadence
  31. >”Anonymous, wait a moment if you would. There is something I would like to ask of you.”
  32. >Cadence’s tone didn’t sound too happy; shit did she want to fire you?
  33. >She didn’t find out about how much danger Flurry’s been in did she?
  34. >Shit just deny, deny, deny
  35. “Sure Princess what did you want to ask?”
  36. >Okay going well, just don’t spill your spaghetti
  37. >”It would be best if we talked about this in private.”
  38. >SHIT
  39. >She is SO gonna fire you
  40. >without waiting for confirmation she turns around and walks into her room
  41. >taking a deep breath you follow
  42. >Looking inside her room Cadence had obviously hastily tried to tidy up
  43. >It was in worse shape than she was
  44. >Cadence was shuffling some paperwork on her desk and without turning spoke
  45. >”Anonymous have you noticed anything out of the ordinary lately?”
  46. >Immediately your mind is flooded with incidents from just this week alone
  47. >There was when Flurry got abducted by pirates
  48. >Rampaging Flurry with a chainsaw
  49. >Fluttershy getting kidnaped by a Chimaera at a picnic she, Flurry, and you were having
  50. “No”
  51. > Keep it simple, that’ll keep you together
  52. >”Are you sure, nopony acting suspicious or anything?”
  53. “Not that I’ve seen.”
  54. >Cadence eyes you and you begin to sweat
  55. >Finally after what feels like forever she speaks
  56. >”If you say so Anonymous, I’m sorry to have kept you. Please Enjoy your weekend, I’ll see you back on Tuesday.”
  57. >What?
  58. >That actually worked?
  59. >As if on auto-pilot you exit the room and head back to your apartment for the night
  60. >Damn you’re good
  62. >Be Princess Cadenza Mi Amore
  63. >Be rocking Flurry’s crib while thinking about what Anonymous just said
  64. >He hasn’t noticed his growing following?
  65. >Has he not seen how his follower’s gather around his apartment every night and chant?
  66. >Can one stallion be so thick skulled?
  67. >You gaze wanders to a picture of your loving hubby Shining Armor
  68. >You remember how long it took for him to notice your love for him
  69. >but this is different
  70. >The Princesses told you to keep an eye on Anonymous
  71. >To see if he is ready to join the pantheon
  72. >Even your niece Twilight was getting antsy
  73. >In terms of shear mental capacity he rivals Celestia herself
  74. >Power wise, he’s able to keep up with Flurry and not even you could do that
  75. >There are just a couple of problems
  76. >For one, he seems to either have no knowledge of his following or actively ignores it
  77. >A Princess must treat their followers with the respect and loyalty their followers have for them
  78. >Secondly is his following with the other races
  79. >For the longest time, the other races of Equis remained silent on additions to the pantheon
  80. >But every day you received more and more petitions to have Anonymous sent to his “rightful place” among whatever race the sender was
  81. >Some of them were even written in pencil, meaning they came from the highest authorities in their respective nation
  82. >If Equestria acknowledged Anonymous as belonging to the pantheon the other races might feel as if Anonymous was stolen from them
  83. >You shuddered at the thought
  84. >the name calling would be vicious
  85. >It might even erupt into another pillow war
  86. >You glance back down at the picture of Shinny
  87. >You need to rest, it’s been a long day
  89. >Be Anon, chilling in Casa de Anon
  90. >It’s been a week so you’re treating yourself
  91. >Apple Cider, cause it’s the closest shit to alcohol they got in this kiddy place
  92. >You take a swig, its tart and has a slight aftertaste
  93. >Not as good as the shit from Sweet Apple Acers, but you aren’t paying the inflated import tax on that.
  94. >One thing you miss about home is the ways to distract yourself after a long day at work
  95. >Maybe you should go for a walk
  96. >Nah, Cadence was worrying about suspicious ponies so you should probably play it safe
  97. >Then again the meanest thing you’ve encountered, outside your escapades with Flurry, was a mare who tried to cuddle you without asking
  98. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on your door
  99. >Opening it you see one of your neighbors
  100. >A crystal pony named Brilliant Gleam
  101. >The naming conventions of this place were hard to get used to
  102. “Hey Gleam, your faucet leaking again?’
  103. >About a week after you moved here you became the go to handyman when you showed everyone you knew how to unclog a toilet
  104. >She shakes her head
  105. >”N-no not this time.”
  106. >Is she blushing, it’s hard to tell with how translucent crystal ponies are
  107. >There’s an awkward scilence for a couple of seconds
  108. “So… what brings you to my doorstep then?’
  109. >”Oh, right.”
  110. >Okay now she is definitely blushing
  111. >You swear one of these days you’ll die of a heart attack
  112. >Brilliant Gleam pulls out what looks to be a letter
  113. >”This came for you just now.”
  114. >taking the letter away you look for the sender’s address
  115. >Huh that’s strange, no sender
  116. >you look up to try and ask Brilliant who the sender was, but by then she’s already gone
  117. “Whelp little letter, looks like it’s just you and me.”
  118. >Sighing, you head back inside to read the letter
  119. >Opening it you’re not greeted by pony anthrax and instead a card
  120. >A Father’s day card
  121. >There aren’t any signatures on it so you can’t figure out who sent the card still
  122. >Is it Father’s day today?
  123. >You go check the calendar to check and sure enough the day is marked with a pre-highlighted holiday marker
  124. >You aren’t actually a father but you might as well be considering how childish these ponies are
  125. >seriously you said hell once and half of Ponyville gasped
  126. >the other half fainted
  127. >you pin the card to your fridge and decide to continue with your nighttime walk idea
  129. >Be Brilliant Gleam, high priestess of the cult of Dadnonymous Crystal Empire branch
  130. >You are over the moon
  131. >The All Father accepted your offering of thanks
  132. >You can only hope that it ends up on the sacred alter known only as “The Fridge”
  133. >You must let the followers know
  134. >The Ceremony will proceed with the All Fathers blessing
  135. >The time is right
  136. >You exit your apartment
  138. >Be Anonymous about 2 hours later sitting in the park
  139. >It may be night, but with how clear the sky is, the moon provides enough light to see
  140. >With nothing but the crisp night air to distract you, you begin to think
  141. >Why is everything here so kid friendly?
  142. >No booze, no sharp corners, nothing
  143. >Violence is extremely tame here and a scrape larger than your pinky nail is considered a life threatening injury
  144. >Was it always like this?
  145. >Do you even want to know?
  146. >If anyone were to know it’d be one of the Princesses
  147. >When you first arrived here and noticed the Kindergarten mindset you asked Celestia that same question
  148. >She just looked at you like she was rebooting and then moved on
  149. >Didn’t even acknowledge your question
  150. >Something’s up here but you’re not quite sure what
  151. >You’re interrupted from your inner monologue by the smell of something burning
  152. >You panic for a second looking around before seeing some ponies sitting on logs roasting marshmallows
  153. >you should probably head over there
  154. >They’ll need adult supervision
  155. >how’d they even start a fire?
  156. >Getting closer you notice some familiar faces
  157. >There are some of your neighbors, including Brilliant
  158. >There’s the Baker across the street from the castle
  159. >Are they singing Kumbayah? Or the pony equivalent at least
  160. >this is gonna be interesting
  162. >Be High Priestess Brilliant Gleam
  163. >The ceremony is in full swing
  164. >The sacred chants are reaching their peak
  165. >The flames are roasting the sacrifices nicely
  166. > When disaster strikes
  167. >Brother Knead strayed too close to the sacred pyre and has his hoof engulfed in flame
  168. >He wails in pain but none of the other followers intervene, lest they themselves be engulfed
  169. >When suddenly, as if by miracle, All Father Anonymous himself descends on brother Knead and extinguishes the fire with one simple kiss
  170. >You address the followers
  171. >”Truly this day is blessed; the All Father himself has descended from his lair to save brother Knead from his own demise.”
  172. >Cheers ring out from the followers as Anonymous gives a nod and sits
  173. >He is here to moderate the ceremony obviously
  174. >We must offer him a sacrifice
  176. >Be Anonymous
  177. >The Baker Knead Love had a little singe on his hoof from accidently sticking it in the campfire
  178. >You kissed it to ease him and pet his back to calm his crying
  179. >” *sniff* th-thank you Anon, it r-really hurt.”
  180. >Ugh your one weakness, sad ponies
  181. “Hey it’s alright Knead, just trying to help.”
  182. >How could crystal even get singed?
  183. >Petting Knead let you know the crystal they’re made of is really strong
  184. >Before you can continue down this line of thinking Brilliant walks up to you and offers you a smore
  185. “Aw thanks Brilliant that’s very kind of you”
  186. >You take the smore from her and begin to munch down
  187. >It’s loaded with sugar, like everything else here, but it’s good
  188. >”You’re welcome Anon, anything for a friend.”
  189. >Brilliant beams a smile at you
  190. >You pass the rest of the night singing campfire songs with the Ponies before bidding them goodnight
  191. >Taking a walk was your best decision yet
  192. >Be Cadence waking up the next day
  193. >Today you must report to Celestia on whether Anonymous is right to join the pantheon
  194. >Celestia herself is arriving in order to hear you reasoning
  195. >You’ve prepared as much as you could but it’s not enough
  196. >You remember what happened when the last acolyte to ascend wasn’t ready
  197. >Poor Sunset
  198. >But Anonymous isn’t an acolyte, he’s…
  199. >Frankly you aren’t sure what he is
  200. >He seems to not follow any of the rules
  201. >No matter how much harm comes to him, he never seems to notice
  202. >He seems to be able to keep up with Celestia mentally, if not surpass her in some areas
  203. >Areas such warfare, logic puzzles and many more
  204. >Is he… something more?
  205. >Before you can continue down this line of thought a knock shakes you back to reality
  206. “C-come in”
  207. >The door swings open to reveal
  208. >CELESTIA?
  209. “P-p-princess, how nice of you to drop by, I-I-I was just preparing…”
  210. >”Silence”
  211. >you immediately snap your mouth shut
  212. >”Follow me”
  213. >Without another word she turns and walks away
  214. >You know better than to keep the princess waiting so you levitate only the most important documents and follow
  215. >Harmony protect you
  216. >Be Anon, waking up around midday
  217. >Hey it’s your day off; you can wake up when you wanna
  218. >Pour yourself a big bowl of frosted Luna-O’s
  219. >You’re 99% certain its pure sugar but damn if it doesn’t taste good
  220. >As you munch you begin to recall last night
  221. >Man that was a fun campfire party
  222. >You were surprised that many ponies could stay up that late
  223. >Most were clocked out at 9pm exactly
  224. >Some of the “late night” establishment such as taverns stayed open until about 10pm and even then pony’s eyes were drooping
  225. >That bonfire party lasted until midnight at least
  226. >You had more s’mores and cider that night than any other time in your life
  227. >Still why didn’t Brilliant tell you about that party last night when she delivered your card?
  228. >She didn’t even tell you she was going
  229. >From your, admittedly limited, experience parties like that were a whole town kind of deal
  230. >Maybe the crystal ponies were just warry of you
  231. >After all they lived up here with a tyrant for centuries
  232. >At least what this world considered a tyrant
  233. >Still living in fear tends to make people distrust outsiders
  234. >You finish your cereal and go to put your dishes away
  235. >After that you go to check your mail
  236. >Down in the lobby there isn’t a soul to be seen
  237. >Not even the receptionist is behind her desk
  238. >You check your mail to see a copy of the newspaper and some miscellaneous letters
  239. >Unfurling the paper you see the front page headline
  241. >Huh so the princesses are visiting, maybe you should go say hi
  242. >After all, it’s been some time since you saw them in person
  243. >Just because it’s your day off doesn’t mean you can’t visit the castle
  244. >And with that you head out to the castle
  246. >Be Brilliant Gleam, waking up with a splitting headache
  247. >The fog of your mind begins to fade as the events of last night’s ritual begins to come back to you
  248. >The chants, the sacrifices, brother Knead nearly dying, then…
  249. >Then your lord came and saved him
  250. >Truly he is the most benevolent of deities
  251. >But the past is the past, and you must prepare for more ceremonies
  252. >With the new chants passed down from your lord, the next gathering shall be even better
  253. >But that can wait too, for you must resume your civilian life until next you meet
  254. >For now you are no longer Brilliant Gleam the High Priestess
  255. >No, now as you slip back into the hum drum of civility, you are Brilliant Gleam the Royal Guardsmare
  256. >And on this shift, you are faced with both a blessing, and a curse
  257. >For you and your squad are to look after Flurry Heart
  258. >Anonymous give you the strength to look after his chosen disciple
  259. >It’s going to be a long day
  261. >Be Cadence
  262. >Be currently sweating your cutie mark off
  263. >Not only is Celestia here to judge your assessment, but her sister Luna is here too
  264. >Should they be displeased with your findings you could very well face banishment… or worse
  265. >Celestia and Luna were currently pouring over the folder of notes and letters you had compiled on Anonymous
  266. >They hadn’t yet asked any questions of you but that made you all the more anxious
  267. >Finally after what felt like ages the silence was broken
  268. >”Hmm, quite remarkable don’t you think sister.”
  270. >Oh thank Harmony
  271. >”But…”
  272. >oh no
  273. >”… there is a problem with his… popularity… with the other races”
  275. >”Well why don’t we pose this conundrum to our gracious host”
  276. >Both princesses turned their heads towards you with a look that can only be considered malevolent
  277. “O-of course.”
  278. >You swallow saliva nervously and continue
  279. “P-perhaps we could… discus with the other races about how to handle his ascension?”
  280. >you tried to phrase it like a statement but your voice betrayed you
  281. >They both stare at you for a minute
  282. >”An excellent idea, don’t you think Luna?”
  284. >Wait what?
  285. >”After all most of these races seem extremely serious about making their case, why don’t we hear them out.”
  286. >Is… is this actually working? Are you actually not gonna get thrown into Tartarus?
  287. >”And who better to put this plan into action than the mare who suggested it.”
  288. >Oh sweet Harmony
  289. >So that’s their plan
  290. “Of course Celestia, I would be honored”
  291. >You bow as it’s the only thing you can do
  292. >Suddenly a knock at the door draws all of your attentions
  293. >”You may enter”
  294. >A guardpony pokes their head from behind the door
  295. >”Sorry to interrupt your highnesses, but Anonymous is here to see you.”
  296. >”Ah wonderful, please send him in.”
  297. >Oh merciful Harmony this day just keeps getting better and better
  299. >Be Anon
  300. >Currently be waiting for the guard to come back
  301. >You’re getting a bit impatient but a small explosion across the room draws your attention
  302. >The doors are blown off their hinges when a familiar ball of energy comes barreling towards you
  303. >Flurry slams into your gut knocking the wind out of your sails
  304. “Oof … hey Flurry good to see you”
  305. >You strain to regain your breath as Flurry just cutely chuckles in your arms
  306. “Say shouldn’t there be someone watching you right now?”
  307. >As the words leave your lips a squad of guardponies comes rushing in to the waiting room
  308. >”Has anyone seen Flurry Heart?”
  309. “Yeah… over here”
  310. >You wave over the guards to come collect the little rugrat
  311. >”Ah Anon, thanks for the help.”
  312. >A guardsmare trots up to you, she seems strangely familiar
  313. >as you start to hand of Flurry she grabs on to your sleeve and won’t let go
  314. >How does she do that with just hooves?
  315. “Now, now flurry it’s been fun but you’ve got to go with the guards”
  316. >Flurry shakes her head rapidly
  317. >”Un-uh, Non-non”
  318. >You give the guardsmare an apologetic smile and turn your attention back to Flurry
  319. “Come on Flurry, now is not the time. It really was nice but I’m here to see your momma.”
  320. >Flurry just grips even tighter at your words
  321. >”He’s right Flurry it’s your lunchtime, and then a nap. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
  322. >Oh boy, lunchtime with Flurry was always a chore; it must be hell on these tiny ponies
  323. >”NON-NON, NON-NON”
  324. >Flurry is really starting to get on your nerves
  325. >Time to break out the big guns
  326. “Flurry, go eat lunch with the nice mare… now.”
  327. >It always makes you feel bad to use your “dad voice” but it’s for the best
  328. >As you’re speaking you see some of the ponies around you flinch, and Flurry stops screaming
  329. >Flurry looks at you and
  330. >Oh good god no… she’s gonna cry
  331. >Her eyes well up and…
  333. >Oh god, oh fuck, this is bad. Like up shitscreek bad.
  334. >Think Anon think
  335. “Uh… uh…Hey Flurry after I’m done talking with you mom… uh we can go get some pasteries.”
  336. >Really faggot that’s the best you can come up with
  337. >Shut up brain it was you who came up with it
  338. >While you’re having an internal monologue you begin to notice the crying suddenly fades into sniffling
  339. >”P-pwoma?”
  340. “Yeah Flurry I promise.”
  341. >Flurry, still somewhat sad, releases her death grip on your sleeve and gets on the back of the Guardsmare
  342. >”Thanks Anon we were having a lot of trouble handling her.”
  343. “Sure, no problem.”
  344. >As the guard carries Flurry on her back, Flurry turns and waves at you
  345. >”Bye, Non-non”
  346. >You give her a small wave as they exit the now destroyed doorway
  347. >From the opposite door another guard enters
  348. >”Anonymous, the princesses will see you now. Please follow me.”
  349. >That’s your cue
  350. >Time to go say hi
  351. >And maybe tell Cadence about the door…
  352. >Nah
  354. >Be Guardsmare Brilliant Gleam
  355. >Be feeding Flurry Heart
  356. >You were not expecting to see your lord Dadnonymous today
  357. >His chosen disciple Flurry must have sensed his arrival because of the bond they share
  358. >You remember vividly his demeanor when he was scolding the chosen disciple
  359. >You shudder at the thought as you remember how his voice pierced the veil of reality showing, if only for a moment, his wrath
  360. >Even you, versed as you are in peering behind the veil, were shaken deep to your core
  361. >The pressure he exerted nearly broke you, luckily your guard training helped you hold firm
  362. >Then it disappeared as quickly as it came
  363. >It let up so quickly you almost thought it was never there
  364. >Flurry burps as she finishes up her meal of mashed carrots and hay
  365. >Time to put Cadence’s spawn to bed
  366. >As you make your way to Flurry’s room a thought crosses your mind
  367. >Is Flurry truly the spawn of Cadence and Shining Armor?
  368. >You have no doubt the love goddess is the mother to this child, but could a mortal stallion like Shining Armor really help in conceiving this child?
  369. >Flurry has far too much power and energy
  370. >Even when factoring in that Shining is one of the most powerful unicorns out there, the raw power and near limitless energy Flurry displays is far too much
  371. >As you’re tucking in Flurry you notice some arcane symbols scrawled on parchment strewn about
  372. >they’re crude but… familiar
  373. >you’ve seen these symbols before…
  374. >Anonymous
  375. >Of course, it all makes sense
  377. >Be Anon
  378. >Be currently looking at what apparently is a top secret meeting of the princesses
  379. >It’s honestly just a glorified tea party
  380. >You notice a small folder with the words “SUPER SECRET DOCUMENTS’ written in crayon with little hearts and flowers drawn around it
  381. “Afternoon Princess Celestia it’s a lovely day isn’t it”
  382. >Celestia gives you a warm smile
  383. >”Ah Anonymous what a pleasure it is to see you, it has been too long.”
  384. “I agree princess but working with Flurry keeps me pretty tide up”
  385. >Sometimes literally
  386. >You let out a small chuckle and look over at Luna who seems to be pouting a little
  387. “And Princess Luna, did you honestly think I forgot you?”
  388. >”Thou couldst have made it a tad more obvious.”
  389. >Luna huffs a little but seems to ease up a little
  390. “Do you princesses mind if I sit down?”
  391. >”Not at all Anonymous, and do help yourself to the refreshments.”
  392. >You grab a seat opposite Celestia
  393. >Since you arrived here the only creature that has a similar mindset to you has been Celestia
  394. >It makes a bit of sense considering she’s just about the oldest living being on the planet
  395. >Even then she still displayed some childlike mentality
  396. >”So Anonymous what have you been doing with Flurry that keeps you so occupied
  397. >Ah shit, quick think of something non conspicuous
  398. “Oh you know, this and that”
  399. >”Forgive our ignorance sir Anonymous, but we do not. After all tis why our sister posed the question.”
  400. >Crap, Luna’s got you there
  401. “Well, I have been teaching Flurry cursive. It’s slow going, but we’re making good progress.”
  402. >Great save Anon
  403. >At least it would have been, if the Princesses didn’t look at you like deer caught in your headlights
  404. >”C-cursive”
  405. >”But Anonymous, cursive is so challenging.”
  406. >”Indeed, and for you to start her so young… truly it is too much for her.”
  407. >You expected some surprise but not in this way
  408. “Actually she’s really gotten the hang of it. She can even write her own name. I mean sure her penmanship is a little sloppy but she’s still young, she’ll improve with time.”
  409. >The princesses turn to look at each other then back to you
  410. >Princess Celestia speaks up
  411. >”If you’re certain Anonymous, but please go easy on Flurry.”
  412. “I assure you Princess; I’ll take the lessons slow.”
  413. >You pass some time talking about various non-topics
  414. “Well, it was great talking with you Princesses; we really should do this again sometime.”
  415. >”Of course Anonymous it’s always lovely seeing you.”
  416. >”Indeed, we shall miss thee.”
  417. >You wave goodbye to them and start walking away
  418. >You still have one more pony to see today
  419. >Flurry Heart is gonna love Knead’s pastries
  421. >Be Cadence, back in your room
  422. >Be VERY confused
  423. >Anonymous is teaching Flurry Heart the secret sigils known as Cur’sv
  424. >Even Celestia has yet to master those sacred runes
  425. >Yet Anonymous feels confident enough to teach it?
  426. >This fact troubles you, yet you can’t seem to understand why
  427. >Perhaps you should start responding to the foreign dignitaries
  428. >Take your mind off things
  429. >You look down at the list of names
  430. >There was Golden Touch, the Minotaur Princess
  431. >Gale Force, the Gryphon Prime Minister
  432. >Maggie, the Diamond Dog’s current Alpha
  433. >Ember, the Dragon Princess
  434. >Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen
  435. >That’s not even the full list and already your head is spinning
  436. >You take out your official Princess Pencil and being writing letters
  437. >After about two hours of grueling paperwork it’s time to review
  438. >…
  439. >…
  440. >…
  441. >Yes this is good enough, time to mail these letters and get ready for dinner.
  442. >At least now you’ll get to spend time with your loving family
  444. >Be Anonymous
  445. >Be giving Flurry Heart a piggyback ride to Knead’s bakery
  446. >Luckily it’s a short walk, so it doesn’t take long
  447. >As you enter the bakery the smell of freshly baked sweets hits your nose
  448. >The bell at the top of the door rings, alerting Knead to your presence
  449. >Knead Love pokes his head up from behind the counter and perks up instantly
  450. >”Anon it’s so good to see you, did you want your usual?”
  451. >You give a warm smile back and shake your head
  452. “I’m not hear for me today, I’ve got this little tyke to treat”
  453. >You jostle Flurry so her head pokes up over your shoulder
  454. >Knead’s eyes go wide as he notices the royal heiress
  455. >”Oh of course Anon, pick whatever you want. It’s on me today.”
  456. “Knead I can’t just take your delicious pastries without paying, I wouldn’t feel right.”
  457. >Knead frowns and stomps his hoof
  458. >”I insist Anon, you saved my life and I need to repay you.”
  459. >Saved his life? All you did was kiss his burn and pat his back.
  460. >It wasn’t like it was a bad burn either
  461. >You sigh. You really don’t want to just take his goods, but it seems like he’s not gonna back down anytime soon
  462. “All right Knead you win, thank you for your generosity.”
  463. >Knead looks a little shocked then blushes a little
  464. >Did he expect you to argue a little more?
  465. >About a minute passes with a silence permeating the room
  466. >You cough to break the silence
  467. “Soooo… about my order”
  468. >Knead snaps out of his trance at your words looking somewhat embarrassed
  469. >”RIGHT… ehm right, what you like?”
  470. >You browse the selection and settle on a raspberry tart and a black coffee
  471. >Knead flinches at your mention of black coffee
  472. >Ponies here can’t handle anything more bitter than a cupcake
  473. “What do you want Flurry?”
  474. >Flurry puts her hoof to her chin before pointing at…
  475. >A cake…
  476. >Please let her only want a slice
  477. “Do you want a slice of that cake?”
  478. >She shakes her head, oh boy…
  479. “So you don’t want that cake then?”
  480. >Flurry frowns at you and points harder at the cake
  481. “Flurry you can’t have an entire cake.”
  482. >Flurry looks as if she’s about to try and convince you when Knead of all ponies speaks up
  483. >”Well why can’t she?”
  484. >Was Knead serious?
  485. >Was he really okay with giving up an entire cake?
  486. >Comped or not you couldn’t just take an entire cake
  487. “She can’t because it’ll ruin her appetite for dinner, plus I don’t feel right taking an ENTIRE cake from you Knead even if you say I saved your life.”
  488. >The air around you suddenly felt really heavy
  489. >You could tell the mood dropped from just a second ago
  490. >Quick say something idiot
  491. >Okay don’t shout at me brain
  492. “Look Flurry you can still have a slice, just not the whole thing.”
  493. >Flurry starts giving you puppy dog eyes
  494. >Don’t give in Anon, be strong
  495. “Flurry what if other ponies want to have some of that cake also?”
  496. >You hate playing the guilt trip card but it has to be done
  497. >Don’t want her to grow up spoiled
  499. >Flurry looks at you a little dejected but nods
  500. >It hurts you to do this now but it’ll all be good in the long run
  501. >You come up with the greatest plan to get her to smile again
  502. >The old thumb trick
  503. “Hey Flurry watch this”
  504. >Flurry stares intently as you make it look like you tore your thumb in half then magically reconnect it.
  505. >Just as predicted Flurry begins to laugh
  506. >”Here you are Anon, one raspberry tart, on slice of double fudge cake and one… black…. Coffee”
  507. >Knead had to strain to say that last part but you just smile and thank him
  508. >You grab your order and pick a seat next to a window and let your mind wander
  509. >… Did you remember to tell Cadence what you were doing with Flurry?
  511. >Be Mi Amore Cadenza
  512. >And you are FREAKING OUT
  513. >Flurry heart is missing and you’re going to have the butt of whoever was in charge of watching her on a silver plater
  514. >You’re storming off to the guard barracks to question everypony there
  515. >As you’re making your way, you run into Shining on your way
  516. >”Oh hello dear, where are you going? Dinner is this way.”
  517. >He gives you a stupid smile, god you love that smile. It almost makes you lose your anger
  518. >Almost, you have to tell him about what happened
  519. “Shining our daughter is missing and I’m on my way to the barracks to *Talk* with the ponies who were watching her today.”
  520. >Shining’s smile quickly fades into shock and horror as the words leave your lips
  521. >”W-what? She’s missing? Come on I know whose squad was on watch today.”
  522. >Without another word you both rush to the barracks
  523. >In less than a few minutes you both burst through the door
  525. >A silence sweeps through the barracks as everypony turns to look at one mare
  526. >Singled out, Brilliant Gleam walks forward and bows
  527. >”Good evening princess, captain. What can I do for you?”
  528. >”Brilliant Gleam, where is our daughter? Your squad was in charge of the protection of our beloved child. WHERE IS SHE?”
  529. >Brilliant Gleam looks up without a care in the world
  530. >You are furious
  531. >”Flurry Heart is safe she’s with dad.”
  533. >”But isn’t Anon her dad?”
  534. >You’re stunned, and so is Shining. To think that she thinks Anonymous is Flurry’s father. This time it’s your turn to be angry
  535. “Brilliant Gleam let me be clear, ANONYMOUS IS NOT FLURRY’S FATHER. Do not EVER think otherwise, Shining and I went through Tarturus to have Flurry and I will not have you spreading lies.”
  536. >Brilliant Gleam doesn’t flinch but you can sense her emotions
  537. >She’s torn up inside
  538. >Shining has calmed down somewhat and speaks up
  539. >”Did he at least say where he was taking her?”
  540. >Brilliant puts her hoof to her chin before lighting up as she remembered
  541. >”Right, he said they were going to Knead’s bakery across the street”
  542. >”And you didn’t think to inform us of this?”
  543. >Brilliant lowers her head, her voice almost a whisper
  544. >”I’m sorry.”
  545. >Shining sighs, sensing his emotions you see he’s also torn up inside
  546. >You can understand why
  547. >Brilliant was hand selected by him to join the Crystal Guard, and she was extremely talented too
  548. >But as her commander he had to make the hard decisions
  549. >”Brilliant Gleam, for failure to carry out your duty to watch over our daughter, and then lie to us… I must sentence you to 1 full day time out.”
  550. >Most ponies are shocked, and you are to.
  551. >But for a different reason no doubt
  552. >Shining here was being extremely lenient with her punishment
  553. >It was at this moment you saw Brilliant Gleam breakdown crying
  554. >Even after all she had done, it hurt you to see her like this
  555. >”P-p-please, I c-can’t go to time out. My reputation will be ruined.”
  556. >”You should have thought of that before doing what you did.”
  557. >…
  558. “Darling perhaps you’re being a little… to… harsh?”
  559. >Shining turns to you surprised, you are to
  560. >Shining opens and closes his mouth a few times, but settles on turning to Brilliant
  561. >”Perhaps I was caught up in anger. Upon thinking it over perhaps I was too harsh.”
  562. >Brilliant stops crying and looks hopeful
  563. >”But, you must still be punished”
  564. >Brilliant’s ears drop in sadness
  565. >”Brilliant Gleam your punishment will be amended to one week leave from the guard, effective at the end of your shift. This meeting is over.”
  566. >As the verdict leaves Shining’s mouth, a sigh of relief wafts through the barracks
  567. >One thing is clear; you need to talk to Anonymous.
  569. >Be Anonymous
  570. >Be walking a contented Flurry Heart back to the castle
  571. >You still felt bad about taking that order for free, but every time you brought it up Knead just shot it down
  572. >Ponies here seem to be very generous
  573. >Like scarily generous
  574. >Back when you first arrived here you stayed at Twilight’s treebary
  575. >She told you how friendship is magic and you had assumed it was just something like a saying
  576. >Doing a little research quickly told you that it was actually literal
  577. >And when Twilight told you about the elements of harmony, she told you about how the elements influence the everyday lives of ponies
  578. >You thought that too was just hyperbole, but it seems that from your recent encounters it’s true as well
  579. >It’s funny, maybe that’s why everything is so kid friendly here
  580. >As you approach the castle gate you’re greeted by a flustered looking Cadence and Shining
  581. >Shit, guess you owe them an explanation
  582. “Hey Princess, Shining. Sorry I kind of ran off with Flurry, she wanted to hang out so I took her to get some cake.”
  583. >You hand off Flurry to Cadence who breathes a sigh of relief
  584. >”It’s all right Anonymous, were just glad to see she’s safe”
  585. >Cadence hands Flurry to Shining who walks back into the castle
  586. >”Anonymous can I talk to you for a minute”
  587. >Ah shit here it comes
  588. >”Anon, the Guard who was looking over Flurry today told us something really mean.”
  589. >Wait, does she just want to rant?
  590. “Well what did they say? Can’t be that bad.”
  591. >”Anon, she called you Flurry’s Father.”
  592. >Wait what? You, Flurry’s father?
  593. >Sure you spend a lot of time with her but you don’t remember banging Cadence
  594. “Uh… sorry, I’m not sure I heard you right. Did you say she thought I was her Father?”
  595. >”Uh-huh, right in front of Shiny too”
  596. >Well… shit, you kind of feel like shit now
  597. “Well what happened after that?”
  598. >”Shiny sent her home for a week, though that was after I talked him down”
  599. >Really? Only a week of leave? Are the punishments here kid friendly too?
  600. “What did he want to give her a time out?”
  601. >You say half joking
  602. >”Yeah, he did. Brilliant may have lied to us about where Flurry was, but she’s still only a pony.”
  603. >This fucking place
  604. >Wait did she say Brilliant?
  605. “Uh what did you say her name was?”
  606. >”Brilliant, Brilliant Gleam.”
  607. >Ah crap, now it makes sense
  608. >This is gonna be hell to explain
  609. “Listen, Cadence I think I know why she called me Flurry’s dad. A lot of ponies, especially those I’m friends with, consider me a father figure. So I think she may have gotten confused.”
  610. >”What if Flurry sees you as a father figure too, more than Shiny her actual father?”
  611. >Fuck, it’s not looking any easier
  612. “I’m certain Flurry knows, and sees Shining Armor as her father.”
  613. >”But how can you be sure?”
  614. “Just trust me.”
  615. >There’s a long pause, as the weight of the matter hangs in the air
  616. >”… okay Anonymous, I’ll trust you”
  617. >Phew, crisis averted
  618. >You gotta talk to Brilliant when you get back to your apartment
  619. >”Oh and Anonymous… could you maybe not babysit Flurry next week. I know I said I trust you, but…”
  620. ”I understand, you and Shining enjoy your time with Flurry.”
  621. >Cadence gives you a smile
  622. >”Thank you… I’ll make it up to you.”
  623. >You wave goodbye to Cadence and head back home
  624. >Since you and Brilliant have the same week off, she’s not gonna get away from your little talk
  626. >Be Brilliant Gleam, citizen now
  627. >Your life is over
  628. >One week of leave, what’s next? They fired you in all but name.
  629. >You should be thankful you won’t have a… time out record at least
  630. >That’ll help you get another job later
  631. >But the guard was your life
  632. >You lifelessly go through the motions of making your dinner
  633. >Pull the tab off a can of ravioli, and dump it in a bowl
  634. >The food is magically kept warm while in the can for ease of consumption
  635. >The perfect cry food
  636. >You weep while shoving the warm cheese filled ravioli into your mouth
  637. >It makes you feel a lot better actually
  638. >Still what are you gonna do with your time now?
  639. >As you’re about to eat another spoonful a knock at your door draws your attention
  640. “Just a minute, I’ll be right there”
  641. >Getting up you drop your spoon back in the bowl
  642. >Opening the door, you’re wondering who it could be at this hour when
  643. “ANON?”
  645. >Be Anonymous
  646. >And you think you’re going to go deaf from how loud Brilliant yelled your name
  647. “Hey, Brilliant. We’ve talked about this, just because I’m tall doesn’t mean I can’t hear you.
  648. >”Oh… sorry Anon, I was just surprised to see you at this hour.”
  649. “That’s all right Brilliant, just remember next time.”
  650. >Brilliant giggles
  651. >Fuck that’s cute
  652. >Wait Anon, remember why you’re here
  653. “Hey Brilliant, I was at the Castle today and were you in charge of watching Flurry today?”
  654. >Her demeanor instantly shifts
  655. >”O-oh, uh yeah I thought you recognized me”
  656. >Things are getting kind of akward, man this is gonna be hard
  657. “Hey Brilliant, you mind if I come in?”
  658. >”Oh, sure thing Anon. Make yourself at home.”
  659. >Stepping inside you take stock of Brilliant’s room
  660. >Yup, just like you remember it
  661. >Minimal furniture: A couch, a table, and a bookshelf.
  662. >On the left there’s a little kitchen den, and on the right a door that presumably leads to her bedroom
  663. >You say presumably, because you’ve never been in there
  664. >Brilliant walks over to her couch and sits
  665. >She gestures for you to sit next to her, which you do
  666. “Brilliant, this is going to be tough to say so I’m just gonna ask. Why did you tell Cadence that I’m Flurry’s father?”
  667. >”But Anon, aren’t you her father? After all you’re with her so often, and I saw cursive in her room. You’re the only one I know who can write cursive.”
  668. >God damn this is making you uncomfortable
  669. “Brilliant, I’m going to say this only once, so pay attention.”
  670. >Brilliant turns to you gazing intensely
  671. >Fuck it good enough
  672. “Brilliant, I. AM. NOT. FLURRY’S. FATHER. Just because I spend a lot of time with her doesn’t mean I’m Flurry’s father. I’m just her sitter, okay?
  673. >”Oh… okay Anon. Sorry I made trouble for you.”
  674. >Her ears droop and you feel like shit
  675. >You knew this was gonna be hard but it’s for the best
  676. >”Hey Anon, I know I made trouble for you but… I lost my job today… could you maybe stay a bit?”
  677. >Lost her job? She’s on one week leave. She’s basically on a forced vacation.
  678. >Still by the standards of this world that might be much more vicious of a punishment
  679. “Sure Brilliant, I can stay for a bit.”
  680. >Brilliant nods sadly and goes back to eating her… is that ravioli?
  681. >As you sit on her couch you begin to absentmindedly pet Brilliant
  682. >As tough as Crystal ponies are, they’re surprisingly pleasant to pet
  683. >Brilliant finishes up her ravioli and begins to does off
  684. >She curls up on your lap and starts to sleep
  685. >Fuck you really don’t want to wake her up but you’ve got to get her to bed
  686. >You look down at the pony napping on your lap… Maybe just a few more minutes
  687. >Be secretary Anon
  688. >And you are fucked
  689. >Seriously Mayor Mccheese got into a huge scandal regarding Birdie and a certain golf game
  690. >And now, because you’re his secretary, people think you were in on the whole thing too
  691. >You have to find any record you can about this, anything at all
  692. >If you didn’t come out and show how against this you were, you could kiss your political career goodbye
  693. >You’re rummaging through your desk when someone enters your office
  694. >you quickly look up to try and see if you can pretend you’re not here
  695. >Strange she looks familiar… wait
  696. “Princess Luna?”
  697. >The princess of the night smiles at you
  698. >”Indeed Anonymous, we are flattered thou has not forgotten us.”
  699. >You calm down a bit
  700. >Given that Princess Luna is here it can only really mean one thing
  701. “I guess I’m dreaming aren’t I.”
  702. >Princess Luna smiles and the scene around you fades leaving you both in an empty void
  703. >Knowing that you are dreaming you conjure up a couple of chairs offering one to Luna
  704. >She graciously accepts the offer and you both sit
  705. “So, any particular reason you came here tonight?”
  706. >”Of course not Anonymous, I simply wished to see you, after all we see each other so rarely these days.”
  707. “Uh-huh, you do know we just saw each other today right”
  708. >Luna seems taken aback by your words
  709. >”Doth thou truly despise my presence so?”
  710. >You know Luna is only joking, but still, guilt tripping?
  711. “Come on Princess, you and I both know dream walking takes a lot out of you. You wouldn’t come if you didn’t have a good reason.”
  712. >Luna looks at you like she’s genuinely hurt
  713. >Okay maybe you took it a little far
  714. >”Is talking with us truly so terrible”
  715. “Come on, I didn’t mean it like that. If you just want to talk, that’s fine. What did you want to talk about?”
  716. >She looks a little tired, and sighs.
  717. >”Anonymous, we wish to ask you a… personal question.”
  718. >A personal question? If one of the highest powers in the world is asking you something personal, it’s gotta be serious.
  719. “What’s up Luna?”
  720. >She pauses for a second before leaning in
  721. >”Anonymous… what was your previous life like?”
  722. >Was Luna serious, your world?
  723. >To be honest it had been a while since you had thought about your previous life.
  724. >Twilight had been pestering you since you first arrived in Ponyville but after seeing just how kid friendly this place was, you knew better than to ruin it by telling her just how fucked up Earth is
  725. >You look at Luna. Maybe she could handle it? After all she’s almost as old as Celestia, so she should be able to handle a story more graphic than Cinderella.
  726. “To be honest Princess there isn’t much to tell. I lived day to day, working at my job, hanging out with the few friends I had, just trying to keep my head down while the world kept on spinning.”
  727. >You pause to gauge Luna’s reaction but so far she seems to be invested. So you continue.
  728. “My job wasn’t anything special either. I worked at a bowling alley. I fixed the machines mostly, but also helped the porters clean up every now and again before the leagues, or a big party came in. After words a couple co-workers would invite me to get drunk.”
  729. >You felt something wet roll down your cheek. Are- are you crying?
  730. >Can you even cry in a dream?
  731. >You look to Luna who seems a little shocked at a rare display of sadness from you
  732. “Sorry, sorry… gimme a sec here.”
  733. >”We are the ones who should apologize Anonymous, we did not wish to make you relive bad memories.”
  734. “No… no these aren’t bad; I just… didn’t… realize how much I missed my old life.”
  735. >You wipe away some of your tears and take a couple breathes before continuing
  736. “I wasn’t really in contact with my family anymore, we were too far apart for a visit and my parents were too busy for a call.”
  737. >”Enough Anonymous we have heard enough.”
  738. >You look up to Luna who’s crying now.
  739. “Everything alright Princess? Do you need a minute?”
  740. >”Anonymous, *sniff*, we are… so sorry to hear you could not be with your family. Did you even get to say goodbye.”
  741. >Shit probably shouldn’t mention family to the goddess who was banished by her sister
  742. >What’s the best move here? Should you lie…?
  743. >Fuck it, no use in lying
  744. “*Sigh* no princess I didn’t get to say goodbye to my family, we actually parted on somewhat of a sour note.”
  745. >You turn away from Luna before you feel her hooves wrap around you
  746. >She softly sobs into your shirt as you see the dream fading before you
  747. >Probably wasn’t a good idea to tell her all this
  748. >Guess even Luna isn’t that mature
  749. >You pat her back
  750. “Luna, it’s time for me to wake up.”
  751. >She rises from your shirt and clears her throat
  752. >”Very well Anonymous, should thou ever need a shoulder to cry on we shall be here.”
  753. >She gives you a weak smile
  754. >Yeah no, if you ever tell her about the rest of your life she’d need your shoulder
  755. “Sure Luna, I’ll keep it in mind.”
  756. >”Promise?”
  757. >You smile
  758. “Promise.”
  759. >And with that your vision fades to white as your eyes open
  762. >Be Princess Luna, Goddess of the Night
  763. >You are very worried
  764. >Anonymous’ story hit you harder than you thought
  765. >But that should have been obvious since it made even Anonymous weep
  766. >From the criminally small time you have spent with Anonymous, not once have you seen him show sadness
  767. >Once you witnessed as he was mortally wounded by a clumsy guard
  768. >You were certain that was the end for him
  769. >Yet he got back up and attended to the guard
  770. >Yet when he recalled his home, he wept
  771. >He claimed it was in reverence, yet…
  772. >His family, when he recalled them you sensed a shift in his mood
  773. >Something is wrong with him and he needs help
  774. >You hope your sister shall agree to let you take more action
  775. >If he is to ascend, he must be protected from this
  776. >You shall be the one to protect him
  777. >You must
  779. >Be Brilliant Gleam
  780. >Be waking up from the most comfortable sleep you’ve had in forever
  781. >You yawn and blink a few times to adjust to the sunlight
  782. >You feel something soft, yet firm under your head
  783. >You shift around to try to get a better look without leaving your comfy spot, to no avail
  784. >Begrudgingly you lift your head and turn to see
  786. >You wrack your brain to try and process just how you came to nap on the lap of the All-Father
  787. >Slowly it starts to come back to you
  788. >You lost your job, cried into ravioli, Anonymous came to your door
  789. >He comforted you, yet also accosted you
  790. >Then he…
  791. >he…
  792. >Pet you
  793. >It was SOOOOOO comfortable
  794. >His appendages glided across your fur so delicately, yet purposefully
  795. >They knew just where to stop and scratch
  796. >He worked out stress in places you didn’t know you had
  797. >As you’re reminiscing a thought eats at the corner of your mind
  798. >Why did he pet you?
  799. >For your lord to pet you, and right after he reprimanded you
  800. >You’re confused, it hurts to think, you feel… warm
  801. >The familiar warmth of madness envelops your body, and threatens to overtake you
  802. >N-no, you are High Priestess Brilliant Gleam
  803. >Servant of the All-Father
  804. >You are steeped in the mystical
  805. >You shall not succumb to the madness
  806. >You get up, and unsteadily make your way to your kitchen
  807. >Your hoof shakes as a wave of madness threatens to overtake your mind
  808. >You fight to keep sane and turn on your faucet
  809. >You can barely hold on as the last of your sanity fights to hold fast
  810. >With the last of your strength you plunge your head into the rushing ice-cold water
  811. >With the shock the madness recedes back into the depths of your mind
  812. >With your sanity restored the full impact of the Icey water hits you and you reel back
  813. >You lose balance and slip, falling onto the floor
  814. >You lie there, tired and drenched, thankful that you still have your sanity
  815. >That was close
  816. >Too close
  817. >Though you are a high priestess it seem that being in contact with your lord for too long is dangerous even for you
  818. >It terrified you, just how powerful he is
  819. >Even though you spent most of your days in the Castle, building up an immunity to the madness the princess’ produce
  820. >Yet he could bring you to the brink of madness after just one night
  821. >You are tired
  822. >So tired you don’t notice as Lord Anonymous picks you up
  825. >Be Anonymous, waking up to a loud bang
  826. >Shit, what the hell was that?
  827. >You take stock of what’s around you and notice Brilliant isn’t around
  828. >Shit what did she get into?
  829. >You quickly look around and notice that sound of running water
  830. >The Kitchen
  831. >You rush to the Kitchen to see Brilliant lying on the floor in a puddle of water and the faucet running
  832. >You don’t have time to worry about that though, Brilliant needs help
  833. >You scoop her up and take her to the couch so you can see if she’s injured
  834. >You comb through her mane but find nothing out of the ordinary
  835. >You move on to her back but again, everything is in order
  836. >You check her hooves
  837. >Fine
  838. >Her Snout
  839. >Fine
  840. >She seems fine, if a bit stunned
  841. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  842. >You look towards the closed door behind you
  843. >You’ve never been in that room but you think it leads to her bedroom
  844. >You look down at Brilliant
  845. >She seems to be asleep
  846. >You hope she doesn’t mind you going into her room without her permission
  847. >But it’s for a good cause, she needs sleep and a couch is no place for a nap
  848. >Unless you’re desperate, but she’s not
  849. >Picking her up, you make your way to the door
  850. >Shifting Brilliant around you turn the doorknob and push open the door
  851. >As you walk inside you’re greeted by the scent of sandalwood
  852. >Interesting, choice of incense
  853. >Scanning the room you confirm that this is indeed her bedroom
  854. >Her bed is, to you, a full size bed with pink satin bedsheets with lace trim and a mountain of pillows
  855. >You lay her down beneath the sheets as you tuck her in
  856. >Pulling the sheets over her you sigh
  857. >You really are like a father to some of these little ponies
  858. >Looking around you notice a framed paper hanging on the wall opposite to you
  859. >Getting a closer look you see it’s her guard academy certificate of excellence
  860. >Shit, no wonder she thought her life was over
  861. >If she got something like this, she must have dedicated her life to being a guard
  862. >You exit Brilliant’s room and make your way to the kitchen to turn off the faucet
  863. >While you’re here, you decide to make some breakfast for Brilliant
  864. >And maybe a little for yourself
  865. > looking through her cupboard you take out some oat cereal and pour two bowls
  866. >In her fridge you take a couple eggs and some fruit
  867. >You fry up the eggs. Over easy for you, scrambled for Brilliant
  868. >As you set up the spread for you and Brilliant you wonder how she got in that position
  869. >As you munch on your cereal you resolve to ask her when she wakes up
  870. >Damn this is some good cereal
  873. >Be Princess Cadence
  874. >And you are worried
  875. >Today is the first day in a long time that you and Shining are going to take care of Flurry
  876. >You have everything planned out today
  877. >Well, you HAD planned everything out
  878. >But your plan got tossed aside once it was clear Flurry had her own plans for today
  879. >You were currently chasing her halfway across the palace
  880. >How does Anonymous keep up with her?
  881. >Where was Flurry leading you anyway? There wasn’t much in this wing of the palace.
  882. “Flurry *huff* dear… it’s time for *huff* you to go with daddy now… *Puff* he’s… he’s probably waiting for us at the barracks now.”
  883. >You and Shining were supposed to trade off responsibility at lunch so that neither of you got too behind on your work
  884. >Oh thank Harmony, Flurry seems to be stopping
  885. >In front of a tapestry of some sort
  886. “Okay Flurry, did you get all that out of your system? You ready to go see Daddy?”
  887. >Flurry doesn’t respond
  888. >She simply stares at the tapestry
  889. >You turn to study the tapestry as well, to see what has enthralled your daughter
  890. >It’s old, very old
  891. >Depicting the former King Sombra, fighting wendigoes
  892. >Why would Flurry be drawn to this?
  894. >Be Brilliant Gleam
  895. >You have a splitting headache
  896. >What’s going on right now?
  897. >You had a weird dream where Anonymous came to your door
  898. >He pet you and then you dreamt that you fell asleep together
  899. >You get up out of bed as you think
  900. >Funny, you don’t remember going to bed
  901. >You freshen up in your bathroom before going to get some breakfast
  902. >A nice big bowl of Oats will clear things up
  903. >Why would you dream something like that though?
  904. >Was Princess Luna trying to tell you something?
  905. >Or was it your mind that had something to say?
  906. >You suddenly feel very uncomfortable as you walk out of your room to see…
  907. >Oh by the Princesses it wasn’t a dream
  908. >At your table sits your Lord
  909. >Something feels… off about this
  910. >You feel… something… stirring inside you
  911. >He hasn’t noticed you yet, somehow
  912. >Maybe you can sneak back into your room and hide till he leaves
  913. >*SQUEAK*
  914. >You had subconsciously taken a step back when you accidentally stepped on a squeaky board
  915. >Anon’s eyes snap up to meet yours filling you with a primal dread you can’t explain
  916. >His expression softens as he sees you, giving you a small smile
  917. >You feel… strange
  918. >He reaches out a hand offering you a seat opposite him
  919. >You’re uncertain about how this day will proceed, but one thing’s for certain
  920. >You need some oats
  923. >Be Anon, currently finishing the last of your breakfast
  924. >The food you make doesn’t have the same flavor as if you ordered it
  925. >You never could figure out how these ponies make the food taste so good
  926. >Probably magic of some kind
  927. >But just because you aren’t magic doesn’t mean you can’t make something passable
  928. >*SQUEAK*
  929. >Your eyes bolt up to see
  930. >Oh it’s just Brilliant
  931. >She’s looking well
  932. >Hopefully she doesn’t have any lasting damage
  933. “Hey feeling alright?”
  934. >She looks a little confused
  935. >Shit does she have some brain damage from her fall?
  936. >”I’m fine Anon, thanks for asking.”
  937. >You breathe a sigh of relief
  938. >She seems fine but she’s speaking kind of softly, she sounds almost distant
  939. >She takes the seat across from you and begins picking at her eggs
  940. >You two eat in mostly silence occasionally broken by a cough or burp
  941. >It’s… nice, eating with a friend
  942. >”Anon, did you cook this?”
  943. >Wait, she’s only NOW asking who cooked?
  944. “Uhhh, yeah? Why, is something wrong with it?”
  945. >”O-oh no, I just… didn’t know you could cook.”
  946. >Really? It’s just eggs and cereal, not like you made some five star quail’s eggs and hollandaise.
  947. “I mean, yeah. I gotta know how to cook since I live on my own.”
  948. >She looks a little embarrassed
  949. >Fuck she’s cute when she gets embarrassed
  950. >But there’s something more important on your mind
  951. “Say, Brilliant. Are you sure you’re okay? I don’t mean to pry, but you looked like you had a big fall. What’s up with that?”
  952. >She snaps out of her embarrassment looking puzzled
  953. >”I… I don’t really remember.”
  954. >You’re pretty sure she’s bs-ing you, but you probably shouldn’t pry
  955. >Time to get your day sorted
  956. >What are you gonna do?
  958. >Be Anon
  959. >Be finishing up breakfast with your impromptu sleepover buddy
  960. >Brilliant is being pretty quiet
  961. >You don’t know how she acts normally during the morning; she’s always been really chatty when you hang-out with her
  962. >Maybe you should invite her to go somewhere
  963. >You need to pick some stuff up, maybe you could make a day out of it
  964. “Hey, Brilliant, you doing anything today?”
  965. >Brilliant looks up from her bowl with a puzzled face
  966. >”No, I think I’m free today”
  967. “Great, I need to pick up somethings from the grocer, do you wanna join me?”
  968. >Brilliant stares at you for a minute
  969. >And stares
  970. >And stares
  971. “Helloooo! Equestria to Brilliant. You there?”
  972. >Huh maybe she did hurt herself, you can’t really tell
  973. >Maybe if you poke her
  977. >Restoring memory…
  978. >…3%
  979. >…24%
  980. >…76%
  982. >Loading…
  983. >Load complete
  984. >Welcome User
  985. >Executing CutePoner.exe
  986. >Be Brilliant Gleam
  987. >D-di Anonymous just ask you on a-a-a
  988. >A date?
  989. >”-stria to Brilliant. You there?”
  990. >You feel something prod your cheek snaping you back to reality
  991. >Huh wha?
  992. >Oh right Anon was asking you on a d-date
  993. “U-uh s-sure An-Anon, that sounds f-fun.”
  996. >…
  997. >so why do you want to?
  998. >”Cool, get ready and we’ll head out in a minute.”
  1000. >You quickly rush back into your room and bathroom locking the door behind you
  1001. >What have you gotten yourself into?
  1004. >Be Princess Cadence
  1005. >You finally got Flurry to go with Shiny
  1006. >Harmony help him, that girl is a ball of energy
  1007. >You can finally get to work
  1008. >As you enter your office you see a pile of letters sitting on your desk
  1009. >Unsealing the top letter you quickly skim the letter
  1010. Dear, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza
  1011. We from the, Blah, Blah, Blah… In the hopes that you will Yadda, Yadda, Yadda… Meet with the pantheon at a specified date.
  1012. Sincerely Prime Minister Gale Force
  1013. >It seems the leaders wish to finally meet
  1014. >This is good, now you may put your plan in motion
  1015. >….
  1016. >….
  1017. > How to begin
  1018. >Ah perfect
  1019. >You write your response telling them to meet in one week from now
  1020. >In Canterlot
  1021. >A shiver runs down your spine
  1022. >Harmony help those poor souls
  1023. >But if they wish to meet with the pantheon
  1024. >They will
  1026. >Be Anon, a half hour later
  1027. >Be walking around town square with Brilliant
  1028. >Is it considered a town square in a city?
  1029. >The market square
  1030. >You’re walking around the market square with Brilliant
  1031. >You’ve been walking around for a bit and picked up what you needed
  1032. >Milk, cheese, bread, cereal all that jazz
  1033. >You decide against going to the gryphon deli for now, you don’t want to gross out Brilliant
  1034. >Brilliant’s been kinda fidgety the whole time though
  1035. >You look down at her
  1036. >She’s nervously looking around
  1037. >You wonder what’s got her on so edge
  1038. >Maybe a snack will help calm her down
  1039. >Glancing around you spot a small café on the corner
  1040. “Hey Brilliant, you hungry?”
  1041. >”Huh wha? O-oh yeah Anon I c-could go for a bite.”
  1042. “Awesome”
  1043. >You guide Brilliant to the Café and sit down
  1044. >The Chairs outside your apartment have always been a bit small, but you make do
  1045. >You two look over some menus provided at the door and decide on what to snack on
  1046. >You decide on a cup of Earl Grey tea, and a slice of pound cake while Brilliant decides on a cup of apple juice and daisy sandwich
  1047. >Your afternoon snack goes by relatively calmly, though Brilliant still seems to be a little wound up
  1048. >tbh Brilliant’s been acting kinda weird lately
  1049. “Hey, Brilliant is everything alright? You seem kinda stressed.
  1050. >She seems to snap out of deep thought at your voice
  1051. >”Oh, yeah Anon, everything’s fine. I’m just… just thinking is all.”
  1052. >Okay yeah, she’s not fine
  1053. >Then it hits you
  1054. >She “lost” her job for a week and what are you doing?
  1055. >Fucking parading around town like everything’s hunky dory
  1056. >She probably doesn’t want to be out right now and risk being seen by one of her co-workers
  1057. >As big a city as the capital is, it’s still fairly tight knit
  1058. >God you feel like a bit of an ass right now
  1059. >How are you gonna make it up to her?
  1062. >Be Brilliant Gleam, and you don’t exactly know who you are right now
  1063. >Ever since your over-exposure to Anonymous things have seemed…
  1064. >Off?
  1065. >Different?
  1066. >Things just don’t make sense anymore
  1067. >Not everything… just certain things
  1068. >When you ate lunch with Anon, you noticed just how sweet everything was
  1069. >Was food always that sweet?
  1070. >And when you were shopping with him, the prices of things didn’t make sense to you
  1071. >One bit for an egg, but two for a carton?
  1072. >You couldn’t figure out why… but it seemed off
  1073. >Things weren’t making sense
  1074. >You glance at Anonymous
  1075. >You realize you’ve stopped adding Lord to his name
  1076. >Why? He was still Lord Anonymous the All-Father.
  1077. >He was still all powerful
  1078. >…
  1079. >…
  1080. >So why does it feel wrong?
  1081. >You glance at his “Hands” as he calls them
  1082. >Something happened when those descended upon your form
  1083. >Perhaps if you could recreate that sensation things might make more sense
  1084. >Yeah… that’s the reason
  1086. >[spoiler]They feel really good though[/spoiler]
  1087. >No… bad head
  1088. >But how to get him to pet you more?
  1089. >”Hey Brilliant.”
  1090. >You snap away from your Fana… planning.
  1091. “What’s up Anon?”
  1092. >Anon sheepishly puts his hand behind his head and smiles
  1093. >”Uh… I wanted to apologize.”
  1094. “What for Anon? Have you done something bad?”
  1095. >”I guess. I forgot that you had been given mandatory leave and yet asked you to come along like nothing was wrong.”
  1096. >To be honest you had almost forgotten about that
  1097. >Sure you didn’t want to see your co-workers right now but…
  1098. >WAIT
  1099. >This is your chance
  1100. >”Anyway I can make it up to you Brilliant?”
  1101. >It’s now or never Brilliant, don’t let this slip through your hooves
  1102. >FOR THE PETS
  1103. >… for science of course
  1104. “Uh, yeah I can think of one thing.”
  1105. >He looks relieved
  1106. >”Ah, sweet what is it?”
  1107. >Deep breaths Brilliant
  1108. “Co-c-could y-you…”
  1109. >Come on B brave face
  1110. “Could y-y-you m-mayb-be p-pet m-me?”
  1111. >Anon looks at you confused
  1112. >”Um could you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you”
  1113. >Oh sweet Harmony
  1114. “Y-yeah, could… you …please…”
  1115. >come on Brilliant you’re almost there
  1116. “Um if you want maybe… pet me?”
  1117. >He looks a little confused still
  1118. >sweet harmony, don’t make you do that again
  1119. >”Uh sure I guess.”
  1120. >He shrugs
  1122. >*cough* for science *cough*
  1123. >Anon reaches out a hand and
  1124. “W-wait Anon.”
  1125. >What, isn’t this what you wanted?”
  1126. “Well, yeah. But not here, it’s too embarrassing in public.”
  1127. >”Oh…OH…oh.”
  1128. >He somewhat blushes
  1129. >[spoiler]Cute[/spoiler]
  1130. >He pays for your lunch and you both make your way to the apartment building
  1131. >this day is looking up
  1133. >Be *&%@$&*%@!#%
  1134. >This stallion tempts you with sustenance
  1135. >You shall abide for now
  1136. >You shall wait for now
  1137. >Wait for him to return
  1138. >Wait for him
  1139. >Wait
  1141. >Be Princess Luna, Champion of the Night
  1142. >Princess Cadence has just informed you and your sister of her intentions to host talks with the other leaders.
  1143. >Here
  1144. >In Canterlot
  1145. >You’re no stranger to madness, but this was utterly insane
  1146. >And yet it was absolutely brilliant
  1147. >The pressure you three would bear down on them, it might break there very will
  1148. >And, you mustn’t forget, Anonymous’ own form of pressure
  1149. >He’ll sit right next to you and…
  1150. >No, you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself
  1151. >You swore to protect him, and you shall do just that
  1152. >Tis a mere coincidence that you can best protect him if he were to be by your side
  1153. >For now you must wait
  1154. >Wait… and make everything perfect
  1156. >Be Brilliant Gleam
  1157. >And you are in heaven right now
  1158. >Seriously, Anon’s “fingers” feel so good on you
  1159. >This was your best idea ever
  1160. >You can’t even begin to describe how relaxed you are
  1161. >You could just… fall asleep… right now…
  1162. >*Sigh*
  1163. >Wait!!!
  1164. >Brilliant, remember why you’re doing this
  1165. >[spoiler]Because it feels nice[/spoiler]
  1166. >Because you need to test… something?
  1167. >What was it?
  1168. >Sleep?
  1169. >yeah… that was it
  1170. >NO!!!
  1171. >You need to test if Anon… has… affected you in anyway
  1172. >You don’t feel any different
  1173. >…do you?
  1174. >Think Brilliant, think
  1175. >But it’s so hard to think when you’re so relaxed
  1176. >no, what did it feel like before?
  1177. >it was
  1178. >it was
  1179. >A warmth
  1180. >That’s right you felt a warmth deep within you
  1181. >Wait, was that after you had woken up?
  1182. >Maybe you should sleep, to test if you’ll feel that warmth again
  1183. >Yeah
  1185. >Be Anonymous
  1186. >Brilliant just fell asleep on your lap
  1187. >You thought this might happen, after all that went down today
  1188. >Looks like she’s sleeping in your apartment this time
  1189. >Still there are worse things to happen
  1190. >after you put the groceries away, Brilliant all but demanded you pet her
  1191. >what was it with her and pets
  1192. >She acted all demure and shy in public, but now she was forceful and assertive
  1193. >You seriously hope this is as platonic as you think
  1194. >Well, not much you can do now
  1195. >A thought crosses your mind
  1196. >where will you two sleep tonight
  1197. >The obvious answer would be, in your bed
  1198. >The ponies here are innocent enough that something like that wouldn’t be TOO much of a faux pa
  1199. >the ponies would believe you two were just really good friends
  1200. >But you weren’t a pony
  1201. >She’ll have the bed then
  1202. >And you the couch
  1203. >Ah well, the couches here were as comfortable as any bed
  1204. >Time for bed
  1206. >Be Knead Love the baker
  1207. >Things had been slow these past couple days, but you were making due
  1208. >You were busy closing up shop for the night
  1209. >A long process but a rewarding one
  1210. >Lord Anonymous smile upon your store
  1211. “(*Q@^&$*(^@#$^*(@^!#()$#$&^”
  1212. [spoiler]”Knead Love come”[/spoiler]
  1213. >Your ears perk up, something was wrong
  1214. “)($Q&#*()@!$&#”
  1215. [spoiler]”The Park”[/spoiler]
  1216. >You feel compelled
  1217. >quickly gathering your things you finish closing and head out
  1218. >You should head home
  1219. >You want to head home
  1220. >But…
  1221. “)($&()!@&@($”
  1222. [spoiler]”Go, Now.”[/spoiler]
  1223. >something spurs you on
  1224. >Towards the park
  1225. >As you arrive you wait
  1226. >you don’t know what for but you wait
  1227. “!)@$(&!%$#@(%^)!&@$)!”
  1228. [spoiler]”In the bushes.”[/spoiler]
  1229. >hesitantly you approach the bushes
  1230. >Something is there
  1231. >Something dark
  1232. >your hoof reaches to part the bushes when you stop
  1233. >The air turns cold
  1234. >You feel a primal urge
  1235. >RUN it yells at you
  1236. >Something is beyond this bush that frightens you to your very core
  1237. >And yet…
  1238. >The bush parts from your path and you see
  1239. “You!”

/kinder/ Napping Stand for Bats [ONE-SHOT]

by Anonistrator

/kinder/ Lawyer Anon [ONE-SHOT]

by Anonistrator

/kinder/ Heart of Hearts [INCOMPLETE]

by Anonistrator

/kinder/ /mlp/ SCP-064

by Anonistrator

/kinder/ /mlp/ SCP-083

by Anonistrator