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How I learned to stop worrying and love being the sluttymare

Created: 2020-12-28 00:06:01
Updated: 2022-01-22 12:53:04
Expiry: Never

  2. >Wake up
  3. >Check the mail
  4. >There's a package, which is strange because the stuff I ordered off amazon isn't supposed to be here for a few more days
  5. >Open it
  6. >What the fuck?
  7. >It's a well made plush of the OC I made to shitpost on /mlp/
  8. "This is fucked up, I just moved, who even has my address?"
  9. >In the box there's a card with a few words
  10. >"Keep it up, we'll be seeing you soon"
  11. >Well, that's not ominous as hell or anything
  12. >It's decently sized, it's fairly accurate and it's actually pretty cuddly
  13. >Leave it on the desk and get ready for work
  15. >Get off work, stop by the store to pick up something to make for dinner
  16. >Decide to try something different, pick up some vegetables and stuff to make a salad
  17. >Watch some TV, eat some dinner, drink some wine, go to bed
  18. >Can't sleep, spend a half hour tossing and turning
  19. >Fuck this, I'm going for a jog
  20. >Light jog turns into legitimate running
  21. >Fuck yeah, sprinting down the hill that leads to my apartment
  22. >Smoke some pot, take a shower, grab the new toy and hop in to bed
  23. >Fall asleep instantly
  24. >Dreams of flying, fuck yeah
  26. >A few days pass
  27. >I haven't been lifting as much, but I've been running a lot more
  28. >So goddamn horny all the time, jerkin' it much more than normal
  29. >Fucked the plush a few times, but haven't finished in it out of a desire to keep it clean
  30. >Enough is enough, text an old fuckbuddy
  31. >I'm in luck, she still wants to hook up
  32. "I know this is going to sound a little strange, but I really just want you to abuse the shit out of me"
  33. >She does and it's awesome
  34. >"You're looking good Anon, those highlights look nice on you"
  35. >pokeface.png
  36. >Head home, check the mirror to see my normally brown hair has orange highlights around the ears
  37. >I've lost weight too, not that I was a fatass before, but the skinnyfat belly is gone
  38. >Nice
  39. >Jerk off again and fall asleep, cuddling the toy (fuck you it's really soft alright)
  41. >A week has passed, things have started to get a bit weird
  42. >I'm clumsy as hell with my hands, I feel awkward when I'm running and I've been getting weird looks from people
  43. >It's gotten to the point where I can't focus at work, I spend my lunch and all the breaks I can on the roof just taking in the view
  44. >I've got some vacation days saved up, might as well take some time off work
  46. >Day two of vacation
  47. >Figure I'll go for a hike, there's a nice mountain near by that's an easy climb
  48. >Pack a lunch and head out (with the plush in my bag. I like having it around, lay off)
  49. >Drop my fucking keys trying to lock the door
  50. >Seriously, what is with me lately
  52. >Get to the top of the mountain
  53. >It was a pretty easy hike, but my backpack was irritating my back something fierce
  54. >Lay out a blanket, take out my lunch, set out the plush (Yay for weekdays, I haven't seen a single person all day)
  55. >It's getting hot out, so I take off my shirt to let my pasty-white ass get some sun
  56. >Normally I'm pale as shit, but my skin's actually starting to get a bit of color
  57. >Sure, it's more orange than tan, but anything's good, right?
  58. >Eating lunch, enjoying the view, feeling a bit sleepy
  59. "What's the harm in a quick nap, eh buddy?"
  60. >Oh good, I'm talking to it now, nothing crazy about that at all
  61. >Beat it into some leaves, bury them real quick and take a nap on the blanket
  63. >Wake up, the sun has set and something is seriously wrong
  64. >Try to stand up, only succeed in tumbling over myself
  65. >Catch myself and land on all fours
  66. >What the fuck is going on with my hands
  67. >Why don't I have hands
  68. >Why do I have marshmallow hooves
  69. >Look back, see only delicious mare flank and a long orange and brown tail []
  70. >Jump into the air in shock
  71. >Where the fuck did these wings come from and why am I not falling back down
  72. >The wings snap shut, I fall spread eagle on the blanket
  73. >The cool ground feels so good on the burning mound between my legs
  74. >Oh god the burning
  75. >Where is my dick and why am I so goddamn horny
  76. >Look over at the toy, that dumb grin makes it seem like it's mocking me now
  77. "Oh fuck you, man"
  78. >At least I can still speak
  80. >I'm officially freaking the fuck out
  81. >Why the hell did I have to make my OC such a goddamn slut
  82. >At least I can fly (oh god flying is awesome)
  83. >I can still kind of operate my phone thanks to wingfingers
  84. >With a bit of practice I'm pretty sure I won't be completely useless
  85. >But I can't clop with these goddamn hooves
  86. >I was always disgusted by the idea of a brony meetup, but now I desperately a friendly horsefucker
  87. >Wait, the note! It said someone would be seeing me soon!
  88. >If I can find whoever sent that package maybe they'll fuck me
  89. >Yes, I just have to get home
  90. >Throw everything in the backpack, sling it awkwardly around my neck and fly home (I'll give away my car later or something)
  92. >Why did I lock my door?
  94. >Briefly consider bucking down my front door or crashing through a window
  95. >Decide I might as well practice doing things the right way
  96. >At least it's late, none of my neighbors are awake to see this
  97. >After a few minutes of figuring out how to hold things with hooves, I manage to open the door
  98. >Safe at home, but what the fuck do I do now?
  100. "0245, restate my assumptions"
  101. "One: Someone from /mlp/ has turned me in to a pony"
  102. >I haven't posted CropTool outside of 4chan, so it has to be one of them
  103. "Two: They are aware of CropTool's behavior patterns and 'special needs'
  104. >I've gone out of my way to make it clear that she's a slut, and this note >implies that they've been watching me for a while
  105. "Three: If I keep a thread going long enough, the person responsible will emerge"
  106. >They didn't exactly leave a phone number, and I can't exactly think clearly anyway
  107. "Therefore, I'm going to have to learn to use this goddamn computer"
  108. >Grinding the arm of my sofa is good enough for now, it's time to get down to business
  109. >After grabbing an icepack from the freezer for my burning crotch, I manage to sit in my office chair
  110. >It's crazy uncomfortable, but with a bit of work I'm able to tap out a message, one letter at a time
  111. "Hey guys, has anyone gotten any unusual mail lately? Also, if there's anyone in the [REDACTED] area who would legitimately fuck a marshmallow pony, let me know."
  112. >No replies
  113. "…Please respond, I'm in kind of a bad situation here."
  114. >"lol gtfo horsefuckers"
  115. >"plz go RPfags"
  116. >"check these dubs"
  118. >"OP, I got a plushie of my OC in the mail yesterday. Is that what you're talking about?"
  119. "Yeah, exactly! Did yours come with a note or anything? I'm trying to find out where mine came from."
  120. >"There was a note but it threw it out, it was real vague though, no return address or anything. What do you need a horsefucker for anway?"
  121. "Don't worry about it"
  122. >"I'm just outside of [REDACTED] and I would totally fuck a cartoon horse"
  123. "Is there somewhere nearby we can meet? I've got something important to show you"
  124. >"No way man, I'm not getting raped by some faggot brony"
  125. "Trust me dude, you gonna say no to hot candy vag?"
  126. >"Whatever, there's an empty parking lot across from the gas station on [REDACTED]"
  127. "Oh shit, I know where that is. Meet me there in fifteen"
  129. >It only takes a few minutes to get to the parking lot. It's a big fuckin' parking lot in the middle of nowhere, so it's easy enough to find from the sky
  130. >Goddamn flying is awesome
  131. >I'm too nervous to actually fly up to the clouds, but doing loops and rolls and stuff is great fun
  132. >I figure enough time has passed, so I land on the roof of the gas station and keep watch for anyone approaching the lot
  133. >My eyesight is pretty great, I can see pretty far down the road in either direction even though it's still dark out
  134. >Hearing's not too good though, I don't even notice the guy that's climbed on the roof and is approaching me from behind
  135. >I feel the sting of a dart, the world goes dark as a bag goes over my head
  137. >I open my eyes, but the blindfold keeps me from seeing anything
  138. >I try to shake it off with no luck
  139. >"Well, looks like my pretty little pony has finally decided to wake up"
  140. "What the hell man">is what I would be saying if it weren't for the gag in my mouth
  141. >"I guess I didn't need to load the dart so heavily, you're just the cutest little thing. So lightweight too!"
  142. >He's got me all bound up, hanging by my forehooves
  143. >My hindlegs are bound, tight enough to spread my legs, but not enough to provide any real support
  144. >I am absolutely dripping wet, this is even better than flying!
  145. >God I hope he's going to fuck me soon
  146. >I struggle with the gag a bit more. It's fun to play along!
  147. >"Now I'm going to remove the gag, but I want you to behave, alright?"
  148. >Mmmhmmm, I nod
  149. "So now that you've caught me, what are you planning on doing with me"
  150. >"Why, I'm going to clean you up of course. Just look at your mane, you haven't brushed it at all, have you?"
  151. "Seriously? You caught your very own talking pony, you know she wants you to fuck her, and all you want to do is brush her mane?"
  152. >"Once I've done your mane and your makeup, I've got all sorts of pretty dresses for you try on"
  153. >This is just like that fucking clopfic that TAW wrote
  154. >I'm burning up now. If it weren't for this damn blindfold I'm sure I'd see a puddle beneath me
  155. "You're sick, you know that?"
  157. >Admittedly, him brushing my mane does feel very nice
  158. >He's quite gentle and very thorough at removing tangles
  159. >Still, it does nothing to sate the fire in my loins
  160. "Come ooooooon, just fuck me already"
  161. >"Well aren't you a dirty little pony. Am I going to have to wash your mouth out with soap?"
  162. >I groan, but shut my mouth like a good little pony
  163. >"Furthermore, that attitude won't do at all. I've seen you post in the OC threads, how can you post all of those dirty pictures of yourself? Don't you have any decency?"
  164. >I shudder as he grabs my flank, but instead of delicious inter-species rutting he just starts to brush my tail
  165. >"And what about your poor OC husband? Does your marriage mean nothing to you?"
  166. "Not really, I wanted to get a pic with a gold medallion that says 'Open Marriage' like Tracy Jordan, but I never got around to requesting it"
  167. >"Tsk tsk, what a sad relationship"
  168. "Plus, Heartbreak was a changeling anyway, it's not like there was any real love there in the first place"
  169. >His long, smooth strokes feel great. It's all I can do to stop from squirming in my chains.
  170. "He liked abuse, I liked abuse, then he stopped posting so I shipped my OC with other OCs, what's the big deal?"
  171. >I can hear him walking away and setting down the brush
  172. "So now that my mane is all pretty, we're gonna fuck now, right?"
  173. >"Such a dirty little pony! No, we won't be doing that"
  174. "Come ooooon! I'm dying here!"
  175. >"You really should learn some self control"
  177. "At least take the blindfold off and give me a mirror, I want to see how nice my mane looks"
  178. >"I won't be doing that either, not yet anyway. Trust me when I say it looks very nice."
  179. >I struggle a bit more with the chains, maybe I can grind a wall or something?
  180. >"You are going to be a very pretty pony when I'm done with you, but I still have some work to do."
  181. >No use, I must be hanging in the middle of the room
  182. >"Now stay still, I'll be right back"
  183. >The wait feels like an eternity
  184. >A river of juice is matting down the hair on my thigh
  185. >"I know you haven't been a pony very long, but you're going to have to learn to take care of yourself"
  186. >Great, now what
  187. >"I'm going to show you how to file your hooves, so the blindfold is coming off"
  188. >I squirm a bit more as he puts a strap on my neck so I'm unable to turn my head
  189. >He replaces the blindfold with a set of blinders
  190. >He's got a mirror in front of me, I can't really see any of the room, so I eye myself up and down
  192. >Goddamn I look good
  193. >He's got my hair looking perfect, my marshmallowy body is lithe and slender, with just a bit of padding
  194. >My wings are fully erect but starting to get tired
  195. >God I hope he does my wings next
  196. >They could use a good preening, the feathers are an absolute mess from my trip here
  197. >"Now, normally you're only going to need this once a month or so."
  198. >He's got a file, I audibly gasp as he grabs a hind leg
  199. >I try to hold it together, but I'm so sensitive I climax as he works on the first hoof
  200. >"Already? I would punish you for that if I didn't know how much you would enjoy it."
  201. >He's on to the second, I'm shaking in my shackles despite my best efforts
  202. >"Come on now, this is a makeover, not an orgy"
  203. >This really is like that goddamn clopfic. What the fuck is with this guy.
  204. >He files my forehooves, I keep it quiet squeaks, with an occasional gasp
  205. >"Much better. Normally you would need to trim your fetlocks too, but they haven't grown in yet"
  207. "Please, please, PLEASE FUCK ME ALREADY."
  208. >"Soon, lets take care of those wings first"
  209. >Ugh, close enough I guess
  210. >"To really do this right you'll have to do it yourself by mouth, but I'll get you started by hand
  211. >I absolutely lose it when he grabs the base of my wings
  212. >The muscles are so tired and sensitive, even his gentle touch is enough to put me over the edge again
  213. >"Easy buddy, I can't do this if you're going to be spazzing out every time I touch you"
  214. >I try to speak but all that falls out of my mouth is some guttural moaning
  215. >With a few deep breaths, I try to regain my composure
  216. >Every feather he adjusts is like a bolt of lightning in my veins but like a good little pony I keep my mouth shut
  217. >Another eternity later he stops, my wings are finally in order
  218. "Are you done yet? Please tell me you're almost done."
  219. >"So eager to give it away. You're lucky I don't make you sit through an etiquette lesson."
  220. "You don't understand what it's like, am I going to be like this all the time?"
  221. >"How would I know, it's your character"
  222. "Why are you doing this to me anyway, did you send me the doll?"
  223. >"No, but I've got a pretty good idea who did"
  225. >"But that's not important right now, what is important is getting you ready for your date"
  226. >Wait what?
  227. >He's holding up a dress and a maid outfit
  228. >"Normally I would dress you in both and let you decide, but I really don't think you're ready to be a pretty pony maid. I'll be saving that one as a reward for when you learn some manners"
  229. >I whine softly
  230. >I really, really wanted that maid outfit
  231. >Oh well, at least I still get a pretty dress!
  232. >Having the guy dress me is absolute torture, it feels like I've been hanging for hours
  233. >Every muscle in my body is both sore and sensitive to an absurd degree
  234. >It's a simple dress, light purple and very thin fabric
  235. >Conveniently enough, it's open underneath, allowing my sopping marehood to breathe
  236. >He removes my blinders, unhooks the clasps and gives the dress a few adjustments before setting a pink hat on my head
  237. >"We've arranged a date with someone in a situation similar to yours. You should be able to help eachother out"
  238. >I'd like to ask this guy some questions but my mind is too foggy from the bondage makeover I just went through
  239. >Instead I just sort of admire myself in the mirror
  241. >He leads me out of the bondage room into a small dining room
  242. >A short table is set with candles, bowls of salad and cushions to sit on
  243. >I take a seat, he tells me to wait a moment and he'll bring in my companion
  244. >In trots a handsome male earth pony, about my height, dark brown coat with a light brown mane []
  245. >"CropTool, this is Hard Rock. Hard Rock, this is CropTool. You two play nice, I'll be back later to check up on you"
  246. >As the marshmallow stallion takes a seat across from me I catch a glimpse of his cutie mark, an erect cock
  247. "So, you thought it'd be fun to make a slutty OC too, huh?"
  248. >"Yup"
  249. "Any idea what's going on or who's doing this to us?"
  250. >"Nope"
  251. "Wanna plow?
  252. >"You have no idea"
  253. "Help me out of this dress first, I don't want to ruin it."
  254. >"Kay"
  256. >Undressing is actually fairly easy, I guess I'm starting to get used to these fuckin' hooves
  257. >That, and the dress seems to be designed to be torn away without being damaged
  258. >Pony stripper clothes, who would have guessed?
  259. >With the dress safely folded and placed off in a corner, I turn my attention to the task at hand
  260. "This is all kind of new to me, any ideas for how this is supposed to go?"
  261. >In response, he mounts my back
  262. >Oh god yes, my body is ready
  263. >He jams it in
  264. >After all the build up and teasing he finally jams it in
  265. >It's even better than I imagined
  266. >He certainly lives up to his name
  267. >He's got a solid rhythm, slowly pounding faster and faster
  268. >I have no idea how either of us have lasted at all
  269. >He leans in close and whispers something in my ear, but I don't hear it
  270. >Too focused on the pounding
  272. >Soon enough, he's reached his limit, and his warmth floods inside
  273. >He slides out with an audible 'pop'
  274. >Oooh that's nice, even as he's backing off
  275. "Is that all you've got?"
  276. >"Give me a minute alright? Besides, I'm starving."
  277. >I am too, I can't remember the last time I ate
  278. >We sit on opposite sides of the table, eating in silence
  279. >I can't keep my eyes off his horsecock, it's already hard and starting to drip
  280. >He catches me drooling
  281. >"At least you'll have cycles of heat, pretty sure I'm stuck with this thing all the time"
  282. >I nod along, but I'm not really listening
  283. >It's all I can do to keep from jumping over the table and mounting him now
  284. >Manners and all that nonsense
  285. >We finish our salads
  286. "Think we can go again before that guy comes back for our plates?"
  287. >"Probably" he sighs
  288. >Fuck propriety, I leap over the table (fuck yeah wings), pin him down and impale myself on his length
  289. >True to his name, he's as hard as diamond
  290. >His style of steady pumping is nice, but now that I'm on top it's time to go bananas
  291. >Using my wings and thighs in tandem, I lift myself nearly off the top and slam down as hard as I can
  293. >Over and over again, pounding the shit out of the poor stallion that I've only just met
  294. >At least he looks like he's enjoying it
  295. >I hope that's what that face he's making means, anyway
  296. >Not that I really care, I'm having far too much fun going up and down
  297. >Up and down
  298. >Up and down
  299. >Soon enough, he groans and shoots another load
  300. >I roll off to the side, exhausted but unsatisfied
  301. >We're both catching our breath when there's a knock on the door
  302. >"I hope you two are decent, there's someone I would like you to meet"
  303. >In a flash, I'm back on my side of the table
  304. >Of course, Rocky's semen is still dripping out of me, but at least I tried, right?
  305. >He's a mess too, I wasn't exactly gentle with him
  306. "Uhh, come in?"
  308. >Even as a human, I never really felt true shame
  309. >Sure, I had had some embarrassing moments
  310. >I've certainly done dumb shit to put myself in compromising situations
  311. >But nothing could compare to how I felt now
  312. >But I'll rewind a minute and show you why
  313. "Uhh, come in?"
  314. >I'm exhausted and unsatisfied, my dripping cunt is burning as badly as it was when I was tied up
  315. >Hard Rock looks like he's about to pass out, but he's sitting up for now
  316. >I wish I had tried to put the dress back on, but it's too late for that
  317. >The door opens, the man walks in followed by none other than Princess Celestia herself
  318. >At first I'm too stunned by her mere presence to react, but as soon as I recognize her I throw myself to the floor
  319. >She's more beautiful than I could have imagined, her flowing mane sparkles with all the colors of the glorious dawn
  320. >Here I am groveling like a street rat, I missed the man's introductions and Celestia's request for him to leave the room
  321. >She addresses the two of us, I snap myself awake enough to actually listen to her speak
  322. >"Welcome, my little ponies. I trust my ambassador has explained why you're here?"
  323. >Resisting the urge to jam a hoof in my crotch and clop to the sound of her voice alone, I come up with an answer
  324. "Not really. He sort of just tied me up and set me on a date with this guy"
  325. >"Tied you up? Oh my, I left very specific instructions that you were to be treated with the utmost respect!"
  326. "Don't get me wrong, I kind of enjoyed it, but there was pretty much no respect and he definitely didn't explain anything to me."
  327. >"This is most disturbing news indeed. And what of you, Hard Rock?"
  328. >"He locked me in a closet for a day or two with a bowl of water. Whenever I asked for food he just gave me pills that made me sleepy"
  329. >"I see. Please excuse me for just a moment."
  330. >She exits the room (dear lord what a plot) and returns a moment later
  331. >"The human has been dismissed from service, you no longer need to fear him. Please accept my deepest apologies, I do try my hardest to protect my little ponies, but there is only so much I can do in this world"
  332. "And when you say 'dismissed from service?'"
  333. >"I've cast him into the sun, but that's not important. I am sure you both have many questions about the changes you have experienced, and I will gladly answer them for you in time. However, we have a long journey ahead of us and we should leave immediately."
  334. "Journey? Where are we going?"
  335. >"Why, the magical land of Equestria, of course"
  336. >Hearing those words, in her voice is enough to put me over the edge
  337. >With a soft 'squee' I stain the pillow I'm laying on
  339. >It's finally happening
  340. >I'm wearing my pretty dress, riding in a flying chariot with Celestia and Hard Rock
  341. >She explains that she's been 'recruiting' humans to increase the pony population and diversify pony culture
  342. >She offered me a chance to return to life as a human, which I immediately declined
  343. >She tells me that pony estrus is a normal thing and I should be back to normal after a week
  344. >We're getting close to the drop off point, Rocky and I will be sent to a small town that's mostly populated by converts
  345. >Celestia has a few more pickups to make so she won't be going with us, but she's assured us that everything on the other side will be taken care of
  346. "Before we go, there's one last thing I would like to ask of you Princess."
  347. >I'm a bit nervous, but it's now or never
  348. >"You would like a private audience with me, would you not?"
  349. >I nod
  350. >"Seldom is anypony brave enough to ask. While I certainly can schedule something in the future, I must warn you: Few mortals have experienced an encounter with me, and none have survived the attempt."
  351. "…Oh. Maybe not then"
  352. >"Send a letter if you change your mind"
  353. >With that, the chariot drops us off in a clearing in the middle of a forest
  355. >It's basically a Stargate, with a small shed off to the side where I assume the controls are
  356. >We're greeted by a pair of friendly unicorns to immediately get to work preparing the portal
  357. >"All right, everything's ready here, the gate opens in thirty seconds"
  358. >"For you this will be a one way trip, anything you'd like to take care of before we send you off?"
  359. >I make sure my pretty dress is on correctly and the maid outfit I stole before we left is still folded nicely
  360. "I'm ready, let's go"
  362. And with that, CropTool the slutty mare went to Equestria and lived happily ever after

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How I learned to stop worrying and love being the sluttymare