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[RGM] Sword and Shield (Part 1)

By NickBeard
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-29 00:20:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Table of contents:
  3. ACT II: INTO THE STORM (Line 770)
  4. ACT III: BAPTISM OF FIRE (Line 1677)
  5. ACT IV: STRANDED (Line 3204)
  10. >you are Sword Glitter, Private First Class
  11. >you are a unicorn royal guard, living to serve
  12. >honor and duty, these are your mottos
  13. >and protecting Her Highness, Princess Celestia to your last breath, if it need be
  14. >you're a pretty average royal guard though
  15. >all the other guards hold the same principles
  16. >and there are many unicorns among them, too
  17. >you're pretty different in one aspect though
  18. >in that, you're a mare
  19. >not many mares get accepted into the ranks of the Guards
  20. >but you got what what it takes to get through a strict selection process, and also the rigorious months of basic
  21. >but now, here you are, standing tall and proud, guarding the castle of the Supreme Ruler
  22. >wearing the standard issue armor of the royal guards
  23. >that you always wanted to wear
  24. >it's a dream came true to you
  25. >becoming part of something bigger than you are
  27. >that gilded armor is sure looking good on you
  28. >secretly, when no one other is looking, you can admire yourself in the mirror for minutes
  29. >that tight body, and shapely flanks you already had, only became tighter and more shapely as the result of your training
  30. >you are pretty much aware of that
  31. >you are a bit ashamed of this, but you know you are a pretty mare
  32. >long lashes, silky mane and a perfect tail
  33. >that, unlike other mares in service, you didn't trim
  34. >you simply do your tail into a bun every morning
  35. >of course, not much of that is visible under the armor
  36. >and no one knows that you're a bit full of yourself
  37. >everyone knows that you are a dignified, humble and duty-bound guard
  38. >looks shouldn't be important, you think, but somewhere deep down, you remained a pretty Canterlotian unicorn
  39. >but these two things can coexist, why not
  40. >you don't have to be the Guard Code walking on four legs
  41. >especially, if it's someone like you, always strifing to be the best
  43. >and you are pretty great, no question
  44. >always there at your posts on time
  45. >always doing the right amount of rounds
  46. >knowing all the manners, and executing them perfectly
  47. >knowing exactly what angle your hooves should close with your forehead when you salute
  48. >and always strifing to be even better
  50. >it's another morning, another day of service
  51. >you woke up, did your tail, donned your armor, and after the morning briefing, assumed your position ready for duty
  52. >you gonna patrol the Castle Courtyard this shift, and around the living quarters, no less
  53. >this is something that requires much responsibility
  54. >not many guards get to do this this early into their service
  55. >as you'd begin to do your rounds though, a pony in fancy clothing approaches you
  56. >it's one of them royal curiers...
  57. >he has a letter in his hoof
  58. >"Private First Class Sword Glitter. Is that correct?"
  59. >"Correct. How can I help you?"
  60. >"I've got a letter for you. Your eyes only"
  61. >you take the scrolled up letter from the curier
  62. >it has the Royal Seal on it, no less
  63. >the scroll also has a different seal, saying "Confidental"
  64. >"Who's it from?" you ask
  65. >"I'm not supposed to tell. But please, only read the letter when you're alone"
  66. >"Understood"
  67. >"Then we're done here. Good day"
  68. >"Good day..."
  69. >the curier quickly takes his leave
  70. >he wasn't very wordy, to say the least
  71. >but that doesn't matter
  72. >what can be inside this letter?
  73. >and who sent it to you?
  74. >could it be...?
  75. >no that can't be...
  76. >you're not nearly that important
  77. >but at any rate, you have to resume your duty right now
  78. >you can find out about the letter later
  80. >it's breaktime
  81. >instead of the barracks, you go to the shades of the Royal Gardens this time
  82. >it's not like you breach protocols with that, or anything
  83. >you can go almost anywhere on the castle grounds during breaktime
  84. >so, you take out the letter you got earlier
  85. >you break the seal, and unscroll it
  86. >you begin to read it
  87. "To my most faithful and inspired guard, Sword Glitter"
  88. "Dear Sword Glitter! I've been tracking your progress in the last few months, and I found that you're one of the best that served within my ranks in the last few years. I think it's time for you to move to the next level, and meet some very special ponies, that could use your skills just as much as you could use their guidance. If you feel like you're ready, and up to this, report to me in the throne room, tomorrow at 8 AM"
  89. "I'm eager to meet you, Corporal Sword Glitter"
  90. "Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia"
  92. >wow
  93. >WOWOWOW!
  94. >can that be?!
  95. >Princess Celestia HERSELF wrote a letter to YOU?
  96. >and such an informal one, too
  97. >and she wants to meet you?!
  98. >sure, you already met her when you were officially inducted into the Guards, but that's protocol, every new guard gets to experience that
  99. >but aside from that, only the highest ranking guards get to meet her
  100. >the ones guarding the throne room, and the inner chambers
  101. >veterans
  102. >and you're far from being a veteran
  103. >what could she want from you?
  104. >and wait, did the end of the letter said "Corporal Sword Glitter"?
  105. >does that're promoted?
  106. >just like that, in a letter?
  107. >and what ponies could "use your skills"?
  108. >there are a hundred questions swirling around your head right now
  109. >all of this has really put you off
  110. >but you have to pull yourself together
  111. >there is still the second half of your shift
  112. >you have to follow protocols, you can't be distracted
  113. >you scroll the letter back up, and put it away
  114. >anything that letter implies for the future, can wait until tomorrow
  115. >it's time to hit up the barracks now
  116. >you gonna eat something, too
  118. The next day...
  119. >today, you woke up earlier than usual
  120. >you get out of the barracks, and search for your commanding officer
  121. >you find him nowhere
  122. >well, of course not, the morning briefing isn't supposed to begin for another half an hour
  123. >so, he must be in his office then
  124. >you go to the commanders' barracks, and knock on his door
  125. >"Come in"
  126. >"Lieutenant Ironclad..." you salute
  127. >Ironclad looks up
  128. >"It's a bit early, isn't it Corporal?"
  129. >wait, he knows???
  130. >"Um, Lieutenant, it's just that... I have a meeting with Princes..."
  131. >Ironclad puts up his hoof
  132. >"I know, Sword Glitter... You are excluded from duty for today"
  133. >"I don't need a whole day... Probably the meeting will be over quickly"
  134. >"If the Princess wants to meet you personally, it's probably pretty important, and will take a bit more than just some briefing, innit? Besides, I don't even know if you're ever gonna serve under me again"
  135. >"Because?!... Er, I mean... Sir?"
  136. >"I don't know. Really. Maybe the Princess has plans for you. But she's gotta tell you whatever it is"
  137. >"You don't know, sir?"
  138. >"No, I don't"
  139. >"Please, just give me a hint, sir. Like a soldier to a soldier..."
  140. >Ironclad stands up
  141. >he smiles, and walks up close to you
  142. >"Listen, Corporal Sword Glitter. I. Don't. Know. Even if I knew what the Princess wants from you, I couldn't tell you anyways. But please, go now. We both have our duties"
  143. >"Sir..."
  144. >"Dismissed, Corporal"
  145. >you understand that
  146. >he either doesn't know, or not supposed to tell
  147. >you salute, and leave the room
  148. >there's still 45 minutes left until your big meeting, but as you're getting closer, you're getting more and more nervous
  149. >some answers would have been good, but whatever now
  150. >with nothing better to do until then, you begin to slowly walk towards the inner castle
  152. >you reach the inner castle
  153. >there are still 30 minutes left
  154. >in an emergency, there would be 2 minutes to gallop down this same distance
  155. >you're thinking about just going up to the throne room, being a bit early is okay
  156. >but not this early...
  157. >that would be against the protocols
  158. >if the Princess said 8 AM, then 8 AM it is
  159. >so you gonna pass the time somehow
  160. >you take off your helmet, and hang out in the courtyard a bit
  161. >you bump into Lancer, one of the night shifters
  162. >"Hey, Sword. You were on night shift, too? Didn't notice you in the evening"
  163. >"Hi Lancer. No, I wasn't. I'm supposedly off duty today"
  164. >"How so?"
  165. >"I have a meeting with uh...Confidental"
  166. >"With Confidental? Now who's that? In which unit he serves?"
  167. >"Hehe... Sorry, I can't tell you Lancer. I think it's a secret"
  168. >"Secret? How much of a secret it can be if it's gonna happen on castle grounds? Come on Sword, just give me a name"
  169. >"Okay, I guess you have a point... Princess Celestia"
  170. >"You gonna meet... THE Princess? For what?"
  171. >"I swear I don't know, Lancey. And I'm really nervous about it"
  172. >"I would be too... So when's that gonna happen?"
  173. >"At 8 o'clock"
  174. >"Well, break a leg, and all of that, Little Dagger. I'm heading to the briefing now"
  175. >"Yeah sure, and thanks. But hey, don't call me that!"
  176. >Lancer laughs, and walks away
  177. >chucklehead has it easy, his shift is ending
  178. >but your longest shift ever might just be beginning
  180. >it's almost 8 AM now
  181. >it's time to begin this meeting
  182. >you go up to the throne room doors, and salute
  183. >the two guards there salute back
  184. >damn, you always admired these guys
  185. >they are the last line of defense between the princess and whatever outside threat that may approach, at any time
  186. >you state your business
  187. >"Yes, the princess is expecting you, Corporal. You may enter"
  188. >the guards open the heavy double doors, and you walk inside
  189. >there stands Princess Celestia, right in front of you
  190. >for a moment you are so humbled, that you almost do a bow
  191. >luckily, it quickly springs to your mind that you must salute
  192. >she is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, after all
  193. >"Corporal Sword Glitter, reporting for duty, Your Majesty"
  194. >"Rest, Corporal Glitter. I was expecting you. Please, follow me"
  195. >well, that didn't explain much
  196. >it seems whatever the Princess wants from you should be shown, instead of told
  197. >so you don't ask anything, and just follow her
  199. >you two go to the other wing of the castle
  200. >the aisle you walk is totally empty, as if the castle was abandoned
  201. >you are silent, as you are still pretty nervous about all this
  202. >and even if you weren't, protocols don't really allow you to speak to the Supreme Commander, unless asked
  203. >although knowing the Princess, it would be probably okay to speak up
  204. >but you will wait this out now
  205. >"So, Corporal Glitter. You aren't even curious about where are we going?"
  206. >"I understand you're going to tell me when the time is right, Your Majesty"
  207. >"Oh, so strict about those rules, Corporal" Celestia chuckles "But, you are curious then, after all?"
  208. >"Yes, I indeed am. And very humbled and nervous, to be honest, Your Majesty"
  209. >"But you shouldn't be. Nothing bad is going to happen. We won't be walking into an ambush, or anything. Oh and please... Stop with the "Your Majesty". "Princess" is well enough"
  210. >"Oh. Yes. Understood, Yo... Princess"
  211. >Celestia visibly holds back a chuckle
  212. >"Tell me, Sword Glitter: What makes a good soldier?"
  213. >huh?
  214. >is that a trick question?
  215. >it's strange the Princess asks something like this, but you're kinda starting to guess where this is going
  216. >"It's...Following...the protocols correctly?"
  217. >well, it worked out for you so far...
  218. >Celestia raises an eyebrow
  219. >okay, you messed up...
  220. >"Seriously, Sword? That is all?"
  221. >Sword? That is so informal... Although the Princess, technically, isn't required to follow any rules, tenets, or protocols
  222. >ah, screw this, Sword. You're not supposed to be a soldier RIGHT NOW. Now you're just another pony
  223. >have some common sense
  224. >"Well, Princess... My unit commander always said: "A good soldier thinks with his mind, but sees with his heart" I think that's the most true statement out there. Probably because that doesn't just apply to soldiers"
  225. >"A very wise statement indeed" Celestia smiles "Courtesy of Lieutenant Ironclad, yes?"
  226. >"Yes. That's him"
  227. >Celestia goes silent for a minute, then speaks up again
  228. >"In the aftermath of the...banishment of Nightmare Moon, I realized I'll need an armed force, protecting Equestria. But I also realized, and pardon my wording, that the average soldier of the EUP won't be able to protect Equestria from the most special threats"
  229. >"And that's why you formed the Wonderbolts"
  230. >"Well, yes. But against threats of the more magical kind, not even they were adequate. And there were always... more delicate matters, that the average guard wouldn't be able to handle"
  231. >Huh? What are you speaking about, Princess? The Royal Battlemages are able to handle anything, magical or not
  232. >maybe she forgot about her own special unit?
  233. >"And that's why you formed the Royal Battlemages...right?"
  234. >"Well, yes... But there is one more unit..."
  236. >as you walk down the aisle, you take a left turn, then a right
  237. >and then reach a dead end
  238. >is this your destination?
  239. >"Sword Glitter..." Celestia lowers her voice "Have you ever heard of the...Royal Paladins?"
  240. "No, never... Who are they?"
  241. >"Hm... and you were not supposed to. They are my special unit, ready to strike in the blink of an eye, if the situation requires. They were my sword and shield in situations where my Royal Guards would have not been adequate, but my presence would have been... diplomatically unacceptable"
  242. "A secret unit?"
  243. >"Very much so. Outside of me, only about a hundred ponies know about their existence. And now, you do too"
  244. "It's an honor that you entrust me with such information. But why? You don't suggest that...I join them?"
  245. >in the meantime, Celestia adjusted a painting on the wall, which then resumed its position
  246. >then she stepped out of her front-right horseshoe, and touched the wall
  247. >magical circles appeared around her hoof, and the wall opened, revealing a spiraling starcase, going down
  248. >"This way, please"
  249. >you take the lead, and begin walking downstairs
  250. >when you reach what looks like an abandoned basement, Celestia resumes the conversation
  251. >"Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting, Sword Glitter. Ever since Captain Twilight Velvet retired, I was looking for a new member"
  252. "Yet again, I'm honored. But I'm hardly a veteran soldier, Princess. My short service record might seem...impressive, but that doesn't replace experience. So... Why me?"
  253. >while you're saying this, you move through several long, dark rooms, approaching one that's actually lit up
  254. >not like there's much to see here, aside from cobwebs, and ages old clutter
  255. >"As I stated in my letter, I was tracking your progress. But that doesn't just mean your service record. I was looking for a pony with your mindset. Humble and friendly, yet strong and focused. I wanted to introduce some new blood into my unit anyways, and for a good while now. You're not just a replacement. I know you're probably a bit overwhelmed now, but things will come together on their own. You are young and determined, Sword Glitter. I know you can do it. So, you're in?"
  256. >you exhale audibly
  257. >that's a lot to digest at once, indeed
  258. >Celestia stops before the entrance of the lit up room
  259. >now you can see it's some kinda training room actually
  260. >you can feel she expects an answer from you right now
  261. >but this is a hard decision, some that shouldn't be made quick
  262. >You? Being part of a super-secret special unit?
  263. >yesterday you were just a run-of-the-mill Royal Guard, making her rounds around the castle
  264. >but now, you're here, facing possibly the toughest decision of your life
  265. "Must I give an answer right now?"
  266. >"Of course not. You can think a bit"
  267. "Oh, great! We should meet again tomorrow then, Princess. This is a very tough decision, that shouldn't be taken lightly"
  268. >"Although I appreciate that you don't take this lightly... I'd expect an answer sooner. After all, a great soldier can make big decisions quickly..."
  269. >well Sword, there you are
  270. >you have to decide right here, right now, after all
  271. >"Of course, I can take "no" for an answer. I that case, you can return to your original unit among the Guards. And don't worry, you will retain your new rank, whatever you answer"
  272. >the prospects of the future make you afraid
  273. >this seems like too much, too soon
  274. >but one sentence echoes in your head: "I know you can do it"
  275. >if Celestia has faith in you, why don't you have faith in yourself?
  276. >you always wanted to be the best of the best, and this is your big chance
  277. >a chance, that surely won't come back if you turn it down now
  278. >so what's with the hesitation?
  279. >there's only one possible answer
  280. >"So?"
  281. "Princess Celestia? I'm in"
  283. >Celestia gently nods
  284. >"Then enter the training room, Sword Glitter, and meet your new unit. Meet Phoenix Squad"
  285. >you step inside the room, and six ponies walk to the middle, revealing themselves
  286. >they wear similiar armor to that of the Guards, but they also wear blue robes underneath, with elaborate embrodiery
  287. >you recognize this outfit, this is basically the same the Battlemages wear
  288. >you also know that the embroidery is actually fine gold threads vowen into the fabric, enchanted, so it gives better protection against magical attacks
  289. >but their helmets are different
  290. >they don't have their snout guards, instead, they have a three-piece visor, that is retracted right now
  291. >you can only wonder how good the visual awareness can be wearing that thing
  292. >finally, you notice the insignia on the chest
  293. >fittingly, it depicts a rising phoenix
  294. >overall, this whole set looks pretty neat
  295. >these are your thoughts as you lift your right hoof to salute
  296. "Corporal Sword Glitter, reporting for duty"
  297. >a mare, looking like 40, steps out from the group
  298. >aside from her, there is another mare, who looks younger
  299. >and four stallions
  300. >one, who looks the oldest, wearing small glasses
  301. >a really big, muscular one
  302. >one, with a slightly mischievous, cocky expression
  303. >and one, who looks only a few years older than you, wearing a pretty friendly expression
  305. >"Right... What the hay kind of name is Sword Glitter, eh? Seriously, are you the best the Guard has to offer nowadays? You don't look too tough to me..."
  306. >the mare looks at Celestia
  307. >Celestia momentarily looks at the ceiling, then back at the mare
  308. "Go easy on her, Starstorm. This is her first day on the unit"
  309. >"Going easy is not how you're going to get your finest soldiers, Princess"
  310. "Officer and gentlemare, Starstorm. Officer and gentlemare..."
  311. >"Right, the attitude... So, are you SURE about this, Princess?"
  312. "We've gone through this a few times by now, Major. She's going to be just fine. She is the best. Probably even better... You'll see"
  313. >"O-kay... So, I guess an introduction is due, considering you don't really know us yet. I am Major Starstorm, as you might have put together already. I'm the commander of Phoenix Squad, and its ranged combat specialist"
  314. >Starstorm continues
  315. >"The other lady of the group is Staff Sergeant Sabersong, our long range combat specialist. She also knows a bunch about magical artifacts and enchantments, dangerous or not"
  316. >Sabersong just gives you an unimpressed look
  317. >"The old guy here is Captain Scroll Writ, the intel specialist. He basically knows everything about anything. There's a whole library in his head. Seriously"
  318. "Welcome among the Paladins, Corporal" he greets you
  319. >"The big guy over there is Lieutenant Breakpoint, our close quarters specialist. He excels at hoof-to-hoof combat, and as you could have guessed, he's also very strong. 'Nuff said"
  320. >Breakpoint nods
  322. >"And he's Gunnery Sergeant Longrun, our recon specialist. The best damn scout you will ever meet. Also, he's quicker than a pegasus in flight"
  323. >mischievous one, check
  324. >fittingly enough, he gives you a "watching you" gesture, but also winks at you
  325. >"And last, but not least, this young'un is Sergeant Shield Edge. He doesn't have a special role yet, but he's shaping up alright. And as he's no longer the resident rookie here, he'll gladly pass that title to you"
  326. "Hello there, Corporal. Glad to have you here"
  327. >friendly one, check
  328. >"So, that would be us" Starstorm resumes once again "Now, don't think we're some rock-paper-scissors unit, each of us could do any of these special roles. It's just that, with time, you gonna find out what you really have a penchant for, and hone those skills even more. Any questions?"
  329. >actually, you would have lots of 'em
  330. >but first and foremost: Why did you need to be such a flankhole at first, Major?
  331. >ah, well
  332. >maybe you were used too much to the "softie" Royal Guard customs
  333. >this is a tough unit, with tough ponies
  334. >so maybe you have to toughen up yourself
  335. "No questions, Ma'am. And I'm honored to be a part of your team. And I guess now I will also introduce myself a bit better, since you..."
  336. >"Spare the words. We already know plenty about you, Rookie. We read your files. Welcome among the best of the best, recruit. Hope you can live up to your hype"
  338. >Celestia has left you with your new unit
  339. >you just donned your new armor, and obviously, you gonna see how you look
  340. >good thing there's a big mirror in this dressing room
  341. >you take a good look at yourself
  342. >ah, it's perfect
  343. >you didn't notice it on the others, but this armor is bit tighter fitting than the standard Royal Guard one
  344. >you stretch your back a bit, and yes, it emphasizes your shape pretty well
  345. >Sword, no matter what you wear, you look great
  346. >okay, enough of that...
  347. >but one more good look won't hurt
  349. >"Did you 'mire yourself enough?"
  350. >you turn back
  351. >it's Sabersong, standing in the doorway
  352. >damn, you didn't even notice her
  353. >you must have left the door open
  354. " mean, I just checked if the armor fits well enough"
  355. >"In front of the mirror?!"
  356. "I just checked for dents. You know, it's a habit..."
  357. >"Dents on brand new armor? Right... Whatever, Rookie. Right now though, Starstorm is expecting you in the -Arena-"
  358. "Arena?"
  359. >"Yeah. We've got a little test for you. Every new recruit have to go through this one"
  360. >"Okay. I'll follow your lead"
  362. >as you walk through the undergound compound towards this "Arena", you ask Sabersong
  363. "Sooo... What I'm getting into in this "Arena"?"
  364. >"You'll see"
  365. >ah okay, fair enough...
  366. >you walk some more, and try to melt the icy aura with another question
  367. "Are all Paladin training facilites underground?"
  368. >"Most of them"
  369. >ah, right, ice queen
  370. >a last one, maybe something a bit more personal?
  371. "How long have you been serving with Phoenix Squad?"
  372. >"Seriously, what's with all the questions?" Sabersong snaps "You will learn everything you need to know in due time"
  373. "Okay, sorry if I was too nosy then" you answer, trying to not sound too offended
  374. >"I really don't get what Princess Celestia's seeing in you... Starstorm is right: you don't look anything special... And what's up with this tail anyway? Why don't you wear it trimmed like any normal guard would?"
  375. >so she's picking on your tail now?
  376. >is this supposed to be some low-effort hazing?
  377. "I just like to wear it this way. It doesn't get in the way of anything, and that's what's important"
  378. >"You must have to do it every morning like this then, don't you? That's very impractical"
  379. "I can do it really fast, so it's not like that is a problem"
  380. >"Really fast, huh? Maybe you should have gone a hairdresser then, instead of a Guard"
  381. "Hey... I can do yours too, if you decide to grow it. I mean, I guess that's where we're getting with this conversation"
  382. >Sabersong doesn't answer immediately
  383. >guess she was baffled by your sass
  384. >"Right... We'll see how fast you really are very soon"
  386. >you arrive at the Arena
  387. >seems it's some kinda obstacle course
  388. >it doesn't seem too hard at first glance
  389. >there must be some catch...
  390. >"Welcome to the Arena, Rookie" greets you Starstorm
  391. >the rest of the squad is there too
  392. >"In this test, you have to navigate the arena grounds, while defeating enemies on the go. Skipping an enemy unless I specify you can do so results in a penalty. Otherwise, you have 60 seconds"
  393. "Enemies, Ma'am?"
  394. >"They might not seem like much, but you can surely notice the several lumps of rocks, scattered around the arena. Those are actually golems, in their disassembled state. When I give the order, Swordsong will cast a spell, that will bring these things to life. Now, these golems can actually cast combat spells, and powerful ones. Forget the make-believe "live fire" exercises you had with the Royal Guard, Rookie, this is for real. If you get hit it, you will actually feel it, although your armor will protect you. But it will still cost you 5 seconds as a penalty. Everything clear?"
  395. >okay, now there's the catch
  396. >this actually sounds serious
  397. >golems, just for training?
  398. >this stuff must cost a lot
  399. >also, it sounds hella dangerous
  400. >but can't back out from this
  401. >and you won't...
  402. "E-everything's perfectly clear, Ma'am...Shall I start?"
  403. >"Of course. Step to the line. Are you ready?"
  404. >you just shut your helmet's visor as an indication
  405. >"Then 3...2...1... GO!"
  407. >you shoot yourself out from the starting line, and notice one of the golems assembling right away
  408. >you fire your basic combat spell at it, instinctively, but it doesn't seem to register
  409. >damn, are your magic bolts that weak?
  410. >probably they are, your royal guard training instructs you to disable your assailants if possible
  411. >so you only ever casted these kinds of spells
  412. >"Hit 'em harder, Rookie, that tickle you cast won't cut it!" instructs you Starstorm
  413. >okay, so you have to "kill" them instead
  414. >you take cover, and charge up your spell
  415. >two golems begin to move in on your position
  416. >you pop your head out, and release your spell
  417. >the one you hit falls apart into pieces
  418. >Success!
  419. >now for the other one
  420. >you'd try to hit it, but you feel your magic is still recharging
  421. >you won't have enough power to stop it
  422. >think creatively, Sword...
  423. >what could substitute here?
  424. >Ah, you got it!
  425. >the tree trunk itself you use as cover seems a pretty good weapon
  426. >you grab it with your telekinesis, and whack it into the second golem
  427. >it falls apart as well
  428. >good, you move on, along the only route that seems to carry you forward
  429. >now three golems spring to life, in a wider, more open area
  430. >moving out there would be "suicide"
  431. >good thing there is ample cover on your side
  432. >now you can charge up your spell once again
  433. >you pop out your head, aim, fire, but you miss
  434. >"Damn it!" you say, but not too audibly
  435. >you don't have time for this...
  437. >you search for something to TK into the golems again, but nothing seems adequate
  438. >but what if...?
  439. >you pop out your head, and try to aim for the spot on the golem where the magic holds together one of the legs and the body
  440. >you fire one of your weaker magic bolts, but it's enough to dissipate the magic joint, and the golem falls on its face
  441. >you change cover, and do the same to the second golem
  442. >the third one charges at you, but you remain in cover
  443. >you're all outta magic
  444. >it reaches your position, and as a last resort, you initiate a close-quarters takedown
  445. >you are most surprised when it actually works, and you plant the stone construct face-down into the dirt
  446. >nice work, but you don't have time to celebrate, you must move forward
  447. >the last area seemingly wants to imitiate a forest
  448. >here the two golems take cover, instead of being on the offense
  449. >so you gotta attack
  450. >you go from tree to tree, closing the distance between you and your targets
  451. >they take potshots at you, but you are too fast to actually get hit
  452. >when you are close enough to one of them, you charge up your spell, and shoot its head clean off
  453. >it collapses
  454. >now for the other and last one
  455. >then again, not enough magic for another strong combat spell, but an idea pops into your head
  456. >you take off your helmet, and throw it out of your cover
  457. >the golem seemingly mistakes your helmet for you, and fires at it
  458. >you take the opportunity in a heartbeat, and sprint to your enemy
  459. >you tackle it, and violently kick it apart with your armored hoofsies
  460. >that's it, you defeated all your hostiles, now to run to the finish line
  461. >you quickly cross it, finishing the course
  463. >Starstorm lazily walks up to you
  464. >"52.67. You did it Rookie, but it's nothing too special. You'll need more than that in the future to keep up. Just for comparison, Longrun holds the squadron record with 19 seconds"
  465. "I-I thought for first try, just finishing..."
  466. >"No Rookie, there is no "just finishing". If you indeed want to be the best of the best, if you want to PROVE you are worthy to be part of the best, you must try harder. Understood?"
  467. "Yes, Ma'am. I'll try much harder. I'll prove to be worthy of this unit. I swear..."
  468. >"You'd better do. Okay, take a breath now, but don't get too comfortable. I'll have some more tasks for you soon"
  470. >Starstorm and the rest of the team leaves the Arena
  471. >you hang your head, and breathe out
  472. >phew, that was a toughie...
  473. >and here you thought you did good. and yet, it wasn't enough
  474. >you can't even think what is to come right now, and just sit down
  475. >you should indeed take a little rest
  477. >"Hey...Sword"
  478. >ah, an ambush!
  479. >you got startled, although it's just Shield Edge, as it turns out
  480. >these paladins sure have a way of sneaking up on you, don't they?
  481. >maybe that's actually part of your training...
  482. "Oh, hello..."
  483. >"Tough obstacle course, isn't it, Sword?"
  484. "It sure is... And I sure blew it" you say in a bit defeated voice
  485. >"Don't be so hard on yourself. I'd say you aced it! You got really creative out there, and used all your skills to win the day. That's a very "paladin" thing to do!"
  486. "Heh...thanks. But...Major Starstorm didn't seem to think so"
  487. >"Major Starstorm is just like that. It's really hard for her to give any praise. And I'll tell you a little secret: Most of us didn't do any better times on this course when we were beginners. Look at me for example: I did 55 seconds or so when I first ran the Arena. So you really have nothing to be ashamed of"
  488. "R-really? It's really nice of you to say that. I hope you didn't just make all that up to make me feel better"
  489. >"Totally not. Believe me, Sword"
  490. "Okay...I do. Thank you" you smile
  491. >"You're pretty alright, Corporal" Shield winks "Just keep that up, and you will end up one of our best"
  492. "It's hard to believe the rest of the squad thinks the same way though"
  494. >"Each of us is a pretty different pony. So I wouldn't say it just like that" answers Shield after a bit of thinking "I think they all secretly think you're fine. Except maybe Sabersong. She always wants to one-up everyone..."
  495. "She did seem pretty hostile to me... Although I'm not complaining, or anything. I think she just wants to give me some rite of passage, or something"
  496. >"Uh...what did she say this time?"
  497. >this time?
  498. >so, maybe there were more recruits before you
  499. >recruits who failed...
  500. >you wonder for a second how many inspired newcomers did this unit "use up" before you ended up as the next rookie
  501. >provided your guess is correct
  502. "Oh, she just said how weird it is I wear my tail this way. Said I should trim it"
  503. >"Yeah... Typical Sabersong. Now I really don't want to talk behind her back like this, so I'll just tell you to don't worry about it. Her attitude is harmless, as your skills speak for themselves. And besides, your tail is beautiful as it... Er, I mean it's fine until you can maintain it, so it doesn't get in the way"
  504. >you chuckle
  505. "Thanks...Sergeant. That's what I told her as well"
  506. >"Of course... Just chill. And besides... how did you know my rank?"
  507. "Well, I noticed my robes have two little lines as a distinct marking, yours have three. So, I guessed that's the rank insignia"
  508. >"Ah, you're pretty...observant. Good. Well, see you. Rest a bit. You need it"
  509. "One more thing. I'm pretty thirsty. Can you maybe lead me to the mess hall, or the equivalent? This underground base of yours is a maze to me"
  510. >"Sure, happily. Come this way, Sword"
  513. >"Thank you for coming, Scroll. Most appreciated"
  514. "Princess, please. I do as you wish"
  515. >"Like when you refused to become squad leader, and I promoted Starstorm instead?" Celestia gently teases
  516. "Your Highness, I always told you I'd do anything, except becoming the leader of the unit. And I will remain consistent about that. Especially since my retirement is drawing close. But it's not without hope..."
  517. >"Which brings us to the point: What about my Sword? Is she all right? Is she all I imagined her to be?"
  518. "I can already say you were right about her. Physically she is very fit, and has good all-around common sense. Although her actual combat skills are somewhat lacking due to her initial Royal Guard training, she is making up for it by improvising on the spot. She even seems to know fencing, if I judged it correctly from the spear fight she had with Breakpoint. Impressive for such a young mare, with not even a year of duty"
  519. >"She was actually the Youth Fencing Champion when she was 17. And if she is already so good, just imagine her a year later..."
  520. "Well, *I* have no doubts about her. And what's even more important: she seems to posses many passive skills the other members of the unit mostly lack. With the exception of Shield, but you know about that"
  521. >"Ah, very good. Just as I have foreseen! I felt my Paladins have been lacking ponies like her and Shield. Hopefully in the future, the old pony values will be embraced by my unit once again"
  522. "You mean like friendship, compassion, empathy and such? The Paladins saw a turning away from that for decades now. And after Twilight Velvet left, it became Starstorm's world. And she doesn't think these values have any place in a military unit... Damn, speaking about my comrades like this... It almost feels like betrayal, Your Highness. You know about these issues, I should really just stop talking"
  524. >"Starstorm thinks I'd like a unit I can use as my personal hit squad. Like some hammer I can just drop on problems. But that is not true. There were times when Phoenix Squad only consisted of three members. And they were still very effective. They were more like family, not just a unit. A tradition I'd like to bring back"
  525. "Well Princess, YOU convince Starstorm the Fire of Friendship isn't just an old pony legend, for example. Or that your Ponyville Six are so capable because they're friends"
  526. >"I'm afraid that this is gonna be a lengthy process, and it won't necessarily begin with Starstorm. But make no mistake, she is an excellent soldier, and her skills are indisposable to me. As a matter of fact, I have to speak to her..."
  527. "So, we DO make a move, then"
  528. >"Correct. But please, don't spoil the fun for her"
  529. "Sure. Shall I direct her to you?"
  530. >"No. I'll just send the Courier"
  531. "I bet poor guy would like it better if you sent him on a mission already"
  532. >"Come on, Scroll. He has a child now. He'll be better off in Canterlot for a while"
  533. "Fair enough, I guess. I'll take my leave then"
  534. >"Scroll? One more thing..."
  535. "Yes, Your Highness?"
  536. >"Sword Glitter might be very skilled, but she is also very green. keep an eye on her"
  537. "You mean...we should bring her along?!"
  538. >"Yes, that's exactly my request. Let's throw her in at the deep end..."
  540. >"Come on Rookie, this isn't your Aunt Fanny's dance! Keep up the pace!"
  541. >this is your 67th lap on the running course, and you could spit out your lungs any moment now
  542. >good thing you're topside and not wearing any armor, but still, this is more than you bargained for
  543. >you imagined the 10 kilometer endurance test much easier, but actually running it is a bit different
  544. >there goes your personal "Sword Glitter is very fit" meme
  545. >68th...
  546. >only 33 laps now...
  547. >Starstorm looks at you with her usual stark expression
  548. >she seems a bit angry too, like always
  549. >that's basically her base expression
  551. >while making the laps, you can see the others around, too
  552. >Breakpoint have been pumping iron all this time
  553. >what a guy...
  554. >Sabersong is casually chatting with him, while randomly levitating some ball around
  555. >Shield Edge is working the jump rope
  556. >you can't see Scroll Writ or Longrun anywhere, but it's not like you really care right now
  557. >who you can see though, is a pony in fancy clothing approaching
  558. >it's one of them royal couriers again...
  559. >as the pony comes closer, you can see he is actually the same one that delivered that faithful letter to you...
  560. >he walks up to Starstorm, and whispers something into her ear
  561. >"Alright, thanks. I'll be there very soon" she says with a nod
  562. >the courier leaves, then Starstorm shouts
  563. >"Hey Breakpoint, can you fill in for me? I have to go and speak with the Big Mare"
  564. "Sure thing, Ma'am"
  565. >Breakpoint puts down his barbell, and comes over
  566. >"Just pick up the pieces when she's finished, okay?"
  567. >the big stallion nods, and Starstorm trots away
  568. >27 laps remaining...
  569. >lung status: liquified
  571. >during your 81st lap, you finally collapse
  572. >you never ran this much this fast in your entire life
  573. >but you couldn't finish...
  574. >whatever comes next, you surely won't resist in the next fifteen minutes
  575. >you're just that exhausted
  576. >as you lie in the fine gravel, you only have enough energy to turn your eyeballs around
  577. >you can see Shield have put down his jump rope, and looking at you
  578. >he seems concerned
  579. >Sabersong doesn't seem to care
  580. >well, no surprises here
  581. >and Breakpoint slowly walks up to you
  582. >"Finished, Corporal?" he asks in his deep voice
  583. >you can't tell in your state if his tone contains a pinch of mockery or sympathy
  584. "Ahm...used up" you huff
  585. >Breakpoint doesn't react initially, just walks to your other side, positiong himself between you, and the burning sun
  586. >"It's alright, Corporal Glitter. You're not supposed to finish the track anyway"
  587. "W-whaaat?"
  588. >"It's an endurance test. You run as much as you CAN run. And your time was pretty good, so you shouldn't be TOO concerned"
  589. >you steel yourself, and slowly get up into a sitting position
  590. "But the Major said I should finish or else..."
  591. >"Yeah, yeah. The Major is a flankhole, everyone knows that. But she also wants to bring out the best from you. You were hyped up to her, so she will go even harder on you. You did okay so far though, so you should chill"
  592. >you don't know what to say, but that's definitely good to hear
  593. >you also stand up properly and sweep off the gravel from your coat
  594. "Thank you. That's high praise coming from you" you finally manage to say
  595. >"I'm just saying the thruth, no need to thank me. Now if you excuse me, Imma do some more curls. My barbell is crying missing me"
  597. >Breakpoint walks away, and you pick up your canteen to drink some
  598. >you take a good chug, but spit it out
  599. >of course, it was in the sun this whole time
  600. >although your standard issue Royal Guard canteen is insulated, the water in it still got pretty warm
  601. >maybe this is a later model, with reduced insulating lining...
  602. >you throw down your canteen, and just go for the shade
  603. >you really need some rest now
  604. >meanwhile, Shield also got closer to the running track, but now that you're alone, he walks up to you
  605. >"Hey Sword. Everything okay?"
  606. "Out of breath. Thirsty. Tired" you simply say, but not without a smile
  607. >Shield has been nice to you ever since you joined up Phoenix Squad
  608. >and he never missed a chance for conversation either
  609. >"Saw that. Here, take mine. Have a drink. Of course, if you don't mind that I already drank from it"
  610. "Nah..."
  611. >you usually never drink after others, but this is gonna be an exception
  612. >strangely, Shield's canteen doesn't feel unsanitary to you, despite that being the reason for your usual aversion
  613. >you take the canteen, and chug down a few mouthfuls
  614. >the cool water now feels like if it was some magic potion, and rejuvenates you
  615. >you wipe your mouth, and give back the canteen
  616. "Thanks. I really needed that"
  617. >"Don't mention it. So how was your running? How many laps did you manage?"
  618. "I just passed the 8km mark. Breakpoint said I did fine"
  619. >"You indeed did fine. I watched you doing your laps, and was amazed how well you kept up your speed. You have good stamina, Sword. And for a new recruit, incredible"
  620. "Aw, shucks. Thank you... But you really give out praise too easily, Shield. It will go into my head if you keep that up..." you answer, while also doing a little "oh you" gesture
  621. >wait, what?
  622. >that felt very...flirty to you
  623. >you don't do things like that
  624. >pull it together, Sword!
  625. >Professionalism!
  627. >"That's not true. I really only give praise when praise is due. But maybe I am a bit soft-spoken compared to the others, that might be true. I say many in the military think you can only be tough if you have an attitude. Falsely. You're tough if you have the right training and act bravely in the face of danger. And that doesn't require you to be an abrasive little shit, pardon my wording"
  628. "Well put. I agree. Luckily, I served in a company that almost felt like family, and had a super cool unit commander to boot. And none can say the Royal Guards aren't tough!"
  629. >"I can agree with that. I learned a bunch about their past feats at the Academy. Too bad I never actually served with them"
  630. "You didn't? Where did you serve then? And wait...The Academy?
  631. >"Ah yes. You see, I graduated with honors at the Military Academy of Canterlot. I wanted to be an officer in the Guards. But before I could be transferred to my unit, I got a letter with an offer. Probably similiar to the one you also got. Of course, I just couldn't refuse it"
  632. "Fascinating... But you're a sergeant. If you graduated, then you should be an officer. As in, 2nd Lieutenant at least"
  633. >"Ah yes. Funny story! When I got into the squad, Starstorm got me demoted, saying it could lead to some bad blood between me and some of the guys if she didn't do so. Admittedly, it would have felt strange a rookie outranking half the unit..."
  634. "When put like that, it's actually understandable. Really, can you tell me about Phoenix Squad before I got here? But only if it's not against protocols, of course..."
  636. >"I don't think sharing unit history would break any of the rules" Shield laughs "Well, I can only really tell about the short time I was already here. So... You were maybe told you fill in the place left by Twilight Velvet, our previous magic expert. She was a skilled, but compassionate Paladin. She was always pushing against Starstorm's more rough ways of leading. She was actually called "Unit Mom" by Longrun and Breakpoint. It was kinda fitting, since she's actually a mom... She retired for good about half a year ago, but they say once a Paladin, always a Paladin... She and Scroll were the oldest members of the unit. And on very good terms too, since they both dabbled in magic on the scholarly level. You know, intellectuals. He was actually pretty sad when she left. Said Phoenix lost its best"
  637. "I don't even know how could I fill in for her then..."
  638. >"You don't have to fill in for anypony, Sword. Each and every member of Phoenix Squad adds his or her own value to the unit. We might have lost a mage with Twilight, but got a cute...I mean, cool Royal Guard in turn"
  639. "Um, uh...heh... So, can you tell me more?"
  640. >"Well... You might have guessed by now that we Paladins have pretty diverse backgrounds. We were not all soldiers when we signed up for this. Scroll was a sort of a mage before, just like Twilight. Breakpoint worked in the private sector, and always described himself as an "advanced bouncer". Longrun lived on the frontier in southern Equestria, where he basically did what he still does best: he was a scout and tracker. Funnily enough, Sabersong used to be a Royal Guard just like you. Maybe that's why she doesn't like you. She sees you as competition"
  641. "Huh. She never told me"
  643. >"Well, she only spoke about those times on a few occasions, and always called the Guard "incompetent fools", so she probably didn't like it there"
  644. >ah, the nerve!
  645. >how dares that little...
  646. "Or maybe then she just simply looks down on me, doesn't she?"
  647. >"Maybe. But you're everything, but incompetent"
  648. "Heh...Erm...And anything about Starstorm? If we're already gossiping, let's go all the way..."
  649. >"Oh, yeah. Her. I don't know what she was. She never spoke about her past to us. Twilight apparently knew about it, but she kept it a secret. I dunno why though. Maybe it's shameful, or it's just painful to her? But Starstorm blew her fuse when Longrun once asked her, so I guess it better remains a secret"
  650. "Amen to that. No one should tease that mare. She seems angry enough anyways, and all the time"
  651. >"Yup. So, are you feeling better? Or still short on breath?"
  652. "Nope, I'm alright. I guess listening to you rejuvenated me!" you joke
  653. >"Alright, good to hear! So...up for some tennis as a post-workout stretch?"
  654. "Wait... There is even a tennis court around here? Never knew about that"
  655. >"Yeah, a small one... It's supposedly for officers only, but hey, I'm -technically- an officer!"
  656. "Alright then, El-Tee. Lets' go!"
  658. >you've been playing with Shield for half an hour now
  659. >you're not a big tennis player though, actually, last time you played was in grade school
  660. >you just missed another serve, but it's not like you really want to win
  661. "Ow, missed another one. I'm not much of a challange eh, Shield?"
  662. >"Come on, Sword. You're already getting the hang of it. Besides, we're playing just for fun, don't we?"
  663. "I do... But you're still acing it. And actually knowing how to play well must be more fun than the opposite"
  664. >"That is true... But you're a proper sportspony, Sword. A dozen more matches, and you'll wipe the court with me!"
  665. "Oh yeah..." you say, lowering your racket for a bit "That's like saying a dozen more weeks of training, and I'll become the most skilled Paladin ever..."
  666. >"Whatever you mean? Don't sell yourself short. Sure, it will take more than a dozen weeks, but you DO have the potential to be the greatest Paladin ever. Have faith"
  667. "Thanks, but... Ahhh! I guess I was just too much used to the fact that I was an instant expert at everything I tried in life so far..."
  668. >as you say that, you wave around your racket a bit, thinking about your fencing skills
  669. "...Guard duty felt like a breeze compared to this. You're saying I'm doing good, but I'm struggling. And I don't know how much longer I can keep up"
  671. >"Of course you're struggling. This is Celestia's most elite unit, after all. I think you're supposed to struggle. The Princess didn't pick you because she thought you an instant expert, but because she saw the potential in you to BECOME one. Don't give up, Sword. Just keep walking the walk"
  672. "You mean: Keep running the 10 kilometers..."
  673. >"Yeah, hehe. That's one way to put it. So, did my EXPERTLY constructed pep talk convince you to don't worry about things you're not supposed to worry about?"
  674. "I think it did... Hey, do they teach that at the academy?" you ask teasingly
  675. >"Well, I did learn motivational speech. It can actually be an invaluable skill in the repertoire of an officer"
  676. "I bet it comes right before the "commanding your soldiers in battle" skill"
  677. >"Nonono, it's actually before the ""proper etiquette in the mess hall" skill" he responds to your light-hearted nonsense
  678. >you laugh
  679. "So, finally I meet a proper "officer and gentlepony" in this unit"
  680. >"Bow ties and top hats not included..." he says really fast
  681. >you laugh again
  682. "Right... Then let's finish that game I was about to lose, shall we?"
  684. >you resume playing, but after a few minutes, a loud and raspy voice interrupts you
  685. >"Drop your rackets this instant!"
  686. >you get startled, but instead of dropping it, you hold up your racket like a sword
  687. >you look at the source of the sound, but see it's actually just Longrun
  688. >damn, these Paladins are REALLY good at startling you
  689. >"Lower your weapon Corporal, comply!" continues Longrun, in the same voice
  690. "I surrender!" says Shield
  691. >"Good. Now you. Come on girl, I can't keep up this voice much longer"
  692. >you decide to go with the banter, and drop your racket
  693. >Longrun always seemed like the least serious member of Phoenix Squad, so why not
  694. >"I...Win...Again! Ahem... So, about the serious stuff: Starstorm expects everyone of us in the briefing room. She sorted through her papers, and she very rarely does that, so this is probably serious. We better hurry"
  695. "Okay. Let's go, Sword"
  696. >"Not so fast, Sergeant. I have to talk with you" says Longrun, stopping Shield
  697. >"Alright... Then just go ahead, huh Sword?"
  698. >you just nod, and begin to go towards the briefing room
  699. >you let the two guys talk, as it's probably some secretive Paladin stuff
  701. >the briefing room is part of the underground base of Phoenix Squad
  702. >there are certain secluded parts of the castle which provide access
  703. >right now, the access from the southeast wing seems the closest, so you gonna go there
  704. >Shield and Longrun are lagging behind somewhat, outside of hearing range
  706. MEANWHILE...
  707. >"So, Shield... She's real pretty, right?"
  708. "Huh, what?"
  709. >"You'd rail her, wouldn't you?"
  710. "What sort of talk is that?!"
  711. >"Come on, Shield. You can't fool me. You look smitten. And with good reason. I mean, I also think "Oh wow, dem legs!!!" You have good taste like me"
  712. "Stop this! I don't think anything of the sorts"
  713. >"Nuh huh. Because you actually think "I could really take up offensive formation in that pussy!"
  714. "I solely think of her as a comrade, nothing else. And stop being this rude!"
  715. >"Pssssh... Dude, that talk is more canned than our rations. But what do you think of her tail? It's beautiful, isn't it? Personally, I love mares with a long tail"
  716. "How she wears her tail is none of our concern"
  717. >"Oh, so you're not a tail-stallion then, okay. So, to cut this short, as I see you can barely contain your true feelings anymore: out of 10, how is she?"
  718. "I'd say she's a 9, if you asked her combat skills, that is"
  719. >"I don't think you think that only applies to her combat skills, but whatever Mr. Academy Guy"
  720. "Surely you can read my mind, but let's get serious now: What about this briefing? Are we going on a mission?"
  721. >"I know as much as you. But the Major seemed unsettled. And you know what that means..."
  722. "I actually don't. She can actually be like that?"
  723. >"Oh yeah. That means, my friend, that shit's gonna start flying"
  725. >you arrive in the briefing room
  726. >Shield and Longrun come in too about a minute later, and close the door
  727. >"Is everypony here? Good. Gather 'round"
  728. >everyone steps closer to the huge table in the middle of the room
  729. >you look with a bit of awe, as all of this is super exciting to you
  730. >you never had briefings like this at the Guard
  731. >you feel like a general, or something, with the huge map lying on the table, with assorted papers and folders around
  732. >now you notice that this map isn't that of Equestria
  733. >it's a map of the whole world
  734. >Major Starstorm starts the briefing
  735. >"Phoenix Squad. About an hour ago, I had a talk with Princess Celestia about our alliance with the Hippogriffs, and her personal good friendship with Queen Novo. Words upon words, the gist is this: we gotta rescue an important Hippogriff diplomat from here - Felin al Kot, the capital of Abyssinia..."
  736. >the Major points it out on the map
  737. >that's literally the other side of the world...
  738. >"...Which city will be hit by the Storm King's forces in less than 24 hours. We have to snatch this guy before the city gets taken over. Especially because he also happens to be an old friend of Novo. I know this is a bit confusing all at once, but... Scroll, please take over"
  740. >"Squad, we already had a briefing about the Storm King's growing presence in the southern hemisphere, but the situation got serious recently. If our Hippogriff informants are correct, he have amassed an army so large by now, that he can easily steamroll all realms in the south. All, except Mount Aris. The Hippogriff air and land forces could still stand a chance against them, but obviously Novo wouldn't want to risk an open conflict against the Storm King just yet. So that's why she pleaded Celestia to do this instead. Introducing a third faction into a conflict is always risky, but we're far enough from the Storm Army that they'll probably never reach us. As Novo would be ready to stop them by the time they'll reach Mount Aris"
  741. "So then" Longrun interferes "Why do we even have to take part in this conflict? Novo just defeats Stormy Kid when he gets too bold, and that's that. And that diplomat can just fly away. I hear Hippogriffs are some of the strongest flyers in the world"
  742. >"Because wise guy, if the Storm King decides to attack Equestria instead, we can count on Novo to send help. All because of one little favor" says Starstorm angrily
  743. "And why would he attack us instead?" Longrun insists
  744. >"Because" Scroll takes over once again "the Storm King recently taken to hoarding magical artifacts. No doubt to empower his army even more. He already has an army of combat airships. Now imagine this same army outfitted with magical weapons. He would become utterly unstoppable. And to answer your question directly: Equestria has more than half of the world's magical trinkets and gizmos. Roughly speaking"
  746. "I get it now: now we do the dirty work for Celestia AND for Novo as well" says Longrun his conclusion
  747. >"You're a real smart cookie, Longrun. How did you figure THAT out?" chimes in Sabersong, who was surprisingly silent so far
  748. "Because I'm smarter than you, Songy Blades. You're just jello of my intell..."
  749. >"SHUT IT! Both of you" Startstorm interrupts the banter "I get it we're all unenthusiastic about going on a mission so far from home, that is basically about bartering loyalties. But think about it this way: this is a mercy mission. We're picking up some hapless paper pusher, before the enemy could reach him. We all saw the intel about how brutal the Storm King can get, so we're still the good guys here. And there is a silver lining: if we're fast enough, we can beat the Storm King's forces to Abyssinia, and escape with the diplomat without firing a single magic shot. Now, is all of this clear?"
  750. >all silence
  751. >you're silent too, but mostly because you're overwhelmed with all this information
  752. >who knew Celestia had an alliance going on with the Hippogriffs?
  753. >...whose queen is called Novo?
  754. >and an entire ARMY is rampaging in the south? that's just scary
  755. >and what is even more scary, is that you only got to know this now
  756. >how many more things there are, that you wasn't aware of as a simple Guard?
  757. >time will probably tell...
  759. >"Okay, no questions then? Good. Then I want all of you dressed up, armed and ready in the airship bay within the hour. This means you too, Rookie. Welcome to the big time"
  760. >you're surprised
  761. >you thought you would be excluded in the last moment, as a new recruit wouldn't be of much use for such a difficult mission
  762. >but it seems the commander thinks otherwise
  763. >you're happy about that, but also scared
  764. "Wait, SHE comes too? With all due respect Major, but what the hay?!"
  765. >"Discipline, Sabersong. Yes, she comes too. Celestia insists that Phoenix is one, so ALL members shall participate. I would have chosen a simpler mission for her first one, too. But let's admit, she'll learn more this way than if she remained and scrubbed up the base"
  766. "But..."
  767. >"No buts. Time is of essence! Phoenix, dismissed!"
  771. >you're looking at the pony, clad in armor, wearing a bit frightened expression
  772. >she's almost ready to move out, just needs to put on her helmet
  773. >she is unsure about what is to come, but whatever it might be, probably won't be simple
  774. >it never is
  775. >as Sword Glitter's looking back at you from the mirror, you realize how wrong your mindset is
  776. >you shouldn't fear what's to come, but take it as a challenge
  777. >but also, this is your first real mission, your baptism of fire
  778. >you aren't just a former Royal Guard, you're a Paladin
  779. >you were born to do this!
  780. >you will prove just how good you are, and help win the day
  781. >whatever it takes
  783. >you adjust your chest plates one last time
  784. >the padding underneath feels just right, it provides a tight fit for your armor
  785. >you're just wondering how hot this outfit will be where you're going
  786. >as far as you know, Abyssinia has an arid mediterranean climate, which turns into deserty at some places
  787. >it will be probably worse than wearing the Royal Guard armor, which only features a thin felt lining
  788. >but at least you will surely make it out alive wearing the Paladin armor
  789. >this is seriously some heavy duty stuff
  790. >the plates are much more stiff, and the padding is thicker
  791. >and don't even mention the robes underneath
  792. >it almost feels like the armor is wearing you, and not the other way around
  793. >of course, this isn't a problem, you just hope those storm creatures (you hopefully won't actually face), aren't faster than you in armor
  795. >last, but not least, you pick up your Close Quarters Defense Weaponâ„¢
  796. >it's a short, retractable, spring-loaded spear
  797. >like your armor, it has a glossy, gilded look, and it's almost indistinguishable from it when it's unequipped
  798. >it can be worn on your side, and two claws hold it firmly in place, so it doesn't dangle all around when on the move
  799. >it feels unique, yet practical, like every Paladin equipment you encountered so far
  800. >despite that, the rest of your team doesn't like it, as it's extra weight added to the already heavy armor
  801. >they probably know what they're talking about, as all of them have mission experience
  802. >Starstorm says magic is a Paladin's preferred weapon anyway
  803. >but you will bring it along anyway
  804. >even if your combat spells aren't that strong, at least this arm will give you some peace of mind
  806. >ready to move out, you go to the airship bay
  807. >there you see her once again, the Wind Razor, the fastest airship in Equestria
  808. >it was purpose built for the Royal Paladins, and it's the only ship of its class
  809. >its engines are pure magitech, apparently based on some ancient design shared by Celestia
  810. >Shield states it's actually alicorn tech, hence there aren't anything like it in the recorded history of engineering
  811. >the ship itself is sleek, and just looking at it tells the viewer it must be fast
  812. >the envelope resembles a swordfish, the gondola is also long and narrow
  813. >it features three decks, the topmost one being the observation deck, the one under having firing ports is the "combat deck", and the bottom one is the crew deck
  814. >Shield have told you much about the ship, but now it seems you're actually gonna ride it
  816. >"Okay Phoenix Squad. I hope everyone is ready for a long ride, and for whatever the situation throws at us. We'll fly over the ocean to the southeastern continent and land in Abyssinia. We'll be moving into territory where most of the populace potentially never even heard of ponies, so don't expect a friendly welcome. And although the cat people living there are reported to be...sleazy, they're rather peaceful, so there's that. And finally, remember: our priority will be extracting the hippogriff dignitary, not fighting a war. We go there, pick him up, and get the hell out"
  817. "That sounds WAY too easy" says Sabersong
  818. >"It will actually be easy if we can beat the Storm Army there. Then it will be a non-combat mission. So let's not waste anymore time. Squad, onboard!"
  820. >you march onto the ship, and look around
  821. >it's actually rather spacious inside, considering it's only for a single squad
  822. >a strange feature you only notice now, is that the steering wheel is right here, on the crew deck
  823. >two view ports, looking forward, separated by the gondola's spine provide visual awareness
  824. >"Right, everyone's onboard. Longrun, you're at the wheel..."
  825. "Aww, again?!"
  826. >"...Breakpoint, you release the ship, and open the hangar bay doors"
  827. "Aye!"
  828. >Longrun walks to the end of the deck, and opens a door
  829. >it leads to the engine room
  830. >the engine looks really compact, without any obvious moving parts
  831. >that makes you curious
  832. "Shall I jumpstart it, ma'am?"
  833. >"Give it some juice, sergeant!"
  834. >Longrun casts a spell on the engine, which syphons the magic inside itself
  835. >it starts up with a strange buzzing sound, which is followed by the whizzing of the propellers
  836. >Longrun leaves the room, and slams the door behind himself
  837. "Yup, up and running"
  838. >"Good. Now, Breakpoint, the ropes!
  839. >the big pony unties all the ropes around the ship, while Longrun assumes the driving position
  840. >finally, a big lever is pulled on the hangar wall
  841. >you await for the ceiling of your secret base to open up, but that doesn't happen
  842. >instead, the wall facing the bow of the ship slides apart
  843. >now you can see the hangar is actually positioned right behind one of Canterlot's many waterfalls
  844. >that's some seriously nice camouflage
  846. >the ship begins to move a bit, and after the bay doors fully open, flies right through the waterfall
  847. >"Woohoo, that's right! My favorite part!" says Longrun with enthusiasm
  848. >"Take it easy, cowboy. Circle around the mountain, and ascend above cloud level. Then flank speed to the southeast"
  849. >Starstorm sits down
  850. >"Well, here we go Rookie. I hope you aren't afraid of heights. Or flying"
  851. "...Or getting shot at" Longrun quips from the front
  852. >"No, ma'am. I'm okay with them. Actually, I already rode in an airship once"
  853. >"Psssh! Then it was just one of them civvie cruising ships" says Breakpoint from the other side of the deck "They ain't nothing like this baby. This one's hull is made from dual-layered wooden planks, with steel plates sandwiched in-between. It's practically indestructible!"
  854. >"Don't paint Tirek on the wall like that, Breakpoint..." (StS)
  855. >"I see. Impressive. But then we must be one heavy ship. That engine is really something else, if we can fly this fast with all that extra weight" you say
  856. >you hope can tease out some more info about that freakshow called an engine
  858. "Ah yes" answers Scroll "The engine is pure magitech, presumably of an ancient alicorn design, as it was Celestia who shared it with the ship's builder. Which was more than a hundred years ago, by the way"
  859. >"The ship is THAT old?!"
  860. "Indeed. But you should really ask "ONLY that old?" instead. As the Paladins had a ship of this class for hundreds of years by now. It's just that sometimes it was completely rebuilt, as nothing lasts forever. So only the current incarnation of this ship, the Wind Razor, is about a hundred years old"
  861. >"Then this ship must have seen a lot"
  862. "Definitely true. And it always served faithfully. I like to say she is the only permanent member of Phoenix Squad. If only she could talk..."
  863. >"...Then she could tell all the horror stories about Longrun's erratic driving" chimes in Sabersong
  864. "Hey! It's not "erratic", it's simply making well-defined turns, okay?" (LR)
  865. >Sabersong only snickers in response
  866. >"Going back to the engines a bit" you talk to Scroll Writ again "Are they reliable? Do they need much maintenance?"
  867. "Not at all. And this is one of the wonders of magitech. It can serve thousands of miles without as much as looking at them. You only need to charge up the magic container crystals from time to time. So don't you worry, Corporal. Even if nothing else, this ship will surely pull through"
  868. >well, that surely gives you peace of mind
  869. >if anything, at least the next group of paladins can inherit the ship from the perished squad
  871. >you've been riding for some time now
  872. >at this point, you're over the ocean, getting further away from the coastline
  873. >you've never seen Equestria from this angle
  874. >and you've never seen such pure, azure sea, that's all around you
  875. >it's really too bad you can only get a look through your viewing port
  876. >looking at them from the top deck would be real nice
  877. >actually, why not...
  878. >"Ma'am?"
  879. >Starstorm looks at you with her usual expression
  880. >"Requesting permission to get topside"
  881. "For what reason?"
  882. >"Just to get some fresh air? And maybe to stretch my legs a bit"
  883. "Granted"
  884. >you nod in appreciation, and go towards the stairs leading to the combat deck
  885. >"Just don't get lost on your way there, huh?" says Sabersong as you pass her
  886. >you just roll your eyes without further reaction
  887. >this mare is an idiot
  889. >you are on the observation deck now
  890. >the high winds of the sea blow through your mane, as you just took off your helmet
  891. >the scenery from up here is beautiful
  892. >you can see almost the entire Equestrian shoreline
  893. >and in the other direction, the seemingly endless ocean
  894. >you feel really comfy right now
  895. >you wish you could remain here for the whole ride
  897. >but obviously, that's not to be
  898. >Shield comes up to the deck
  899. >"Hello Sword. Sorry to interrupt your pleasant sojourn, but Starstorm wants you to get back to the crew deck. Protocols and what not..."
  900. "Okay... Though I hoped I could stay a little longer. It's so comfy up here"
  901. >"Well... I could say I checked up on the rigging. And you helped me"
  902. "Gee, thanks! Then let's stay a bit. I love this salty air!"
  903. >"You love it? Heh, turns out a sailor's been lost in you!"
  904. "A sailor? Please... A pirate!"
  905. >you close one of your eyes to do a silly impression
  906. "Arr, ye landlubber rats! Ye going overboard right now! Get on the plank!"
  907. >"Heh. I'm sure not even /actual/ pirates have thick accents like that"
  908. "You'd know, wouldn't you, El-Tee?"
  909. >"Well, if you WANNA know... One of my first missions with Phoenix Squad was chasing away a group of pirates that got dangerously close to national waters"
  910. "In the SKY?!"
  911. >"They were SKY pirates, Sword. Harpies, or somesuch. On an airship. We even got boarded! Hence I heard them talking"
  912. "N-no way... And what happened next?"
  913. >"Luckily, they realized quickly enough what they were up against, and left with broken pride and smoking tail feathers!"
  914. "You don't think we could encounter them on our way to Abyssinia, right?"
  915. >"No pirates were sighted since then, so I guess we should be in the clear"
  916. "Okay. But it's not like I fear them, or anything. As a matter of fact, I could fight anything right now!"
  917. >"I believe you, Sword. But at any rate, you can always count on me"
  918. "Heh... Thank you, Shield" you blush a bit "But I feel like I am ready. Let this mission throw anything at us, I'll prevail"
  920. >"Nice of you to join us, sunshine..."
  921. >you get startled as your "dearest" squadmate shakes you up
  922. >you dozed off for a bit there
  923. >no wonder, you've been up for almost 24 hours now, after running almost ten clicks
  924. "Sit down, Sabersong... Scroll, what do we have?"
  925. >Sabersong sits back down on the other side of the deck, while still giving you that nasty look of hers
  926. >Scroll Writ speaks, who just came back from the observation deck
  927. >"I have no good news, Major. I can already see some Storm Army ships on the horizon. They're still really far though, so in the case we find Ambassador Seabeak fast, we could still pull this off without bloodshed"
  928. >the Major looks at the floor with visible concern
  929. "Do we know exactly where in the city the ambassador lives? Do we have an address?"
  930. >"Sadly, no. Apparently these cats are rather finicky with their street namings anyway. They like to change them every few months or so. That's probably why the hippogriffs didn't include an exact address in their intel. As to don't confuse us"
  931. "So all we have is: "southeastern portion of the city"?"
  932. >"I'm afraid so, Major"
  933. "Damn, so we will have a bloodshed, after all..." says Starstorm quietly
  934. >"You knew that from the start. Otherwise we wouldn't have been sent..."
  935. >all of Phoenix Squad looks together
  936. >it's not a look of fear, more like the silent acceptance of something inevitable
  937. >maybe not even the battle hardened veterans are REALLY up to this?
  938. >right now, you're not too sure about the prospects of the immediate future either
  940. >"Alright, listen up" says Starstorm, again in her usual, loud voice "You all heard what Scroll have said. The Storm King's army is close, and they will probably hit the city while we search for this Seabeak guy. That means he will also need extraction once we find him, and it's VIP protection 101 from then on. With the added little fact it will all happen in a war zone. So be extremely mindful of your sorrundings, and always have the VIP in a place where he can be easily guarded. Since we'll have to haul flank fast, this will probably be a box formation on the move. Not easy... But I have confidence in us"
  941. >now Starstorm looks at you
  942. >"As for you, Rookie... I just want to ask you to don't get yourself killed. You will surely face combat, and I know you're not a hundred percent prepared for this, so just use whatever skils and spells you can. And stay close to one of us, preferably me or Scroll. I never had to write a KIA letter, and I don't want to start it today, so watch yourself, okay?"
  943. >you look right into Starstorm's eyes and pull out your most determined voice
  944. "You won't have protect me, or watch after me, Major. I will be just fine. I won't bring shame to Phoenix Squad, I promise"
  945. >"Well, let's just hope then Celestia was indeed right about you. You have the stage to shine, Rookie. Just don't try to play a hero, or this can turn into a tragedy"
  947. >a small time later, Longrun speaks up at the wheel
  948. >"Ten minutes, and we reach the coast, Major"
  949. "Good. Circle around the peninsula, and land in the desert. We don't want any unnecessary attention"
  950. >"Ma'am?"
  951. "You heard that right, Sergeant. Go around the city. Better if these cat people don't notice us. Play it safe"
  952. >"Ironic you say that with an army not far out... Why don't we just dock to a tall building or tower? I can already see there are some of those. Screw these cats, they can gawk all they want. It's much faster than taking a hike from the desert"
  953. "Really, wise guy? And what if they are ACTUALLY prepared for the Storm King's assault? They could easily mistake us for one of their recon ships, and open fire at us"
  954. >"And with what? Weaponized catnip?"
  955. "Just follow your orders, you understand Sergeant? Dammit..."
  956. >"Yessmaam. Landing in the desert..."
  957. >Longrun settles with his definite orders, but very soon speaks up again
  958. >this guy seemingly just can't shut up, even when on the brink of a battle
  959. >"Hey Breakpoint, I heard these "Storm Creatures" are really big guys. Almost as big as you..."
  960. >"Really now? Well, even if they are THAT big, there's nothing a good whackin' can't do"
  961. >"Or a shot to the face, hehe!" speaks up Sabersong as well
  962. >"Try to take this seriously, lads. These creatures tower over the average pony. Yes, even you Breakpoint" says Scroll "And they are wearing armor as well. They will be hard to take down in any way. And we know nothing about their magical resistance. If they have any, we might just have the most difficult fight ever ahead of us"
  963. >"Whatever!" continues Sabersong "They're dangerous, but we're as well. And nothing says that better than a charged up magic bolt to the face. Isn't that right, Rookie?"
  964. >Sabersong winks at you, but you heard her sarcastic tone
  965. >she knows your combat spells aren't really up to snuff
  966. "Spells are fine, but I have this too" you say, slightly levitating up your CQDW "And I happen to know some advanced fencing skills. I'll manage"
  967. >"Ohhh, damn! I'm sure those Storm Creatures are gonna run in fear when they'll see you swinging that thing... Well, whatever Rookie, just don't make us babysit you"
  969. "You won't have to. I already told the Major that" you answer coldly
  970. >"Come on, Saber" Shield speaks up "We're a team, and we help each other as needed. Being a soldier isn't a solo game, and it never was"
  971. >"Right, but if you aren't good enough, you're just an unnecessary burden on your team. You can expect help, but also have to play your part"
  972. >"Yes, and I am pretty sure Sword will do just fine. Maybe her combat spells don't have the same yield as yours, for example, but you saw her sparring with Breakpoint multiple times. Her telekinetic skills are excellent. And if that's not enough, she can still just use the old Noble-Double in a pinch"
  973. >"Yeah... First, that's for wussies, second, it's only good for better penetration of hard targets"
  974. >"And that's exactly what these Storm Creatures are. They wear armor, so you need to punch through that first to get any results. Pulverizing shots won't do much good before that"
  975. >ah yes, the so-called "Noble-Double"
  976. >it got its name from a Paladin of old named Noble, who invented this spell
  977. >the spell is basically two weaker magic bolts fired in such quick succession that they hit the exact same spot
  978. >so their penetrative power is also doubled
  979. >it's perfect for casters who can't charge up their magic quickly enough to cast one stronger destruction spell
  980. >like you
  981. >it sounds simple enough in theory, but this spell still requires great skill and concentration, as one needs to cast twice almost at the exact same time
  982. >Shield suggested this technique to you, and you tried it on the firing range, but you obviously didn't become an instant expert
  983. >"Okay, academy guy. We'll see how tough that armor is, but I doubt I will have any problems. In other words, I'm gonna be right"
  984. >"Saber, combat never determines who is right, only who is left. On the ground. Dead"
  985. >"Pff, bwahaha! What the hay Shield, did you take philosophy courses as well at the academy? What sort of talk is that? I bet if I was facing off against..."
  986. "Shut it already! Stop arguing, we don't need any of that right before a mission" Starstorm cuts them off
  988. >meanwhile, your ship flew past the peninsula where Felin al Kot is located, and reached the desert
  989. >you watch the landscape through your viewing port, and it seems like all of Abyssinia is a desolate wasteland
  990. >the city itself mostly has single storey buildings, with flat rooftops
  991. >and an impressive palace near the port
  992. >that's probably the King's residence
  993. >besides, you can feel the temperature rising already
  994. >taking that sort of heat, in armor, will be a challange in itself
  995. >"How much further I should go?" asks Longrun
  996. >"Steer the ship towards that large sand dune, and land on its other side. That should provide ample cover from any prying eyes"
  997. >"It's not like they couldn't see us already, but fine by me"
  998. >the Wind Razor starts to descend, and soon hits the sandy surface of Abyssinia
  999. >you've arrived
  1001. >"This is it ponies" Starstorm speaks after you landed "We're gonna leg it from here to the city. And since we'll stick out like a sore thumb among these cat people, they will surely give us looks. But play it cool, we're just merchants here, wanting to do some trade. Got that?"
  1002. "Sure! They will probably just think we're selling our armor! Nothing suspicious about that!" says Longrun, mouthing up the situation yet again
  1003. >"I thought about that part..."
  1004. >Starstorm pulls out a few white, hooded robes from a closet, and presents them to the squad
  1005. >"...They won't see our armor underneath these. And they will also double as protection from the sunlight"
  1006. "Oh, great! I have no further questions, Major!" says Longrun sarcastically
  1007. >now most of the squad smiles, including Scroll, who's otherwise always very focused and professional
  1008. >"But really Major" he says "Wouldn't it be better to just play it straight, and tell our business? Maybe these poor souls don't even know yet what threat they are facing"
  1009. >"No game, Scroll. Such honesty can backfire. We might just induce panic with such info, and we'll have plenty of that anyways when those airships hit the city"
  1010. >"You're the commander..."
  1011. >"Don't worry captain, it's gonna be alright... Okay Phoenix, don these robes, and let's move out. We have an ambassador to save!"
  1013. >after you all put on the robes, Starstorm drops down the ramp to leave the ship
  1014. >compared to the dim interior of the Wind Razor, the sudden desert sunlight almost blinds you
  1015. >you walk down the ramp, with Scroll being the last
  1016. >he closes the ramp, and locks it down with the security spell only squadmembers know
  1017. >except you, as you weren't told during your short service with the team
  1018. >probably nopony expected you would be sent on a mission so soon
  1020. >stepping on the sand, you can already feel it's even hotter than the air around you
  1021. >it heats up your armored horseshoes in seconds
  1022. >you try to show discipline, but the other members of the squad apparently have the same problem too
  1023. >"Damn... This desert surely wasn't made for ponies. I'll get cooked in my armor here!" exclaims Breakpoint
  1024. "Yeah..." answers Longrun "Next time we could really ask Celestia to turn it down a bit..."
  1025. >you look up at the Sun for a moment, squinting your eyes
  1026. >thinking about it, it indeed almost feels like Celestia is playing a cruel joke on certain parts of the world
  1027. >but probably it's part of the "great natural balance of things" you learned about in school
  1028. >that makes sense, but some realms definitely got the short stick
  1029. >anyway, you start to walk towards the sand dune, then circle around it
  1030. >from here, you can already see the city gate
  1032. >you find something that could be called a road with some goodwill, and walk it down right up to the gate
  1033. >the gate is flanked by a guard tower on both sides
  1034. >the gate itself is open, and only two cat folks stand guard
  1035. >one of them steps right before Starstorm
  1036. >"Halt! State your business! And also: just who are you creatures anyway?"
  1037. "Greetings to you! We're travelling pony merchants, and we just want to sell some...product. On the market of the great Felin al Kot. Can we enter please?"
  1038. >for the first time ever, you heard Starstorm being actually polite
  1039. >so that's a thing too...
  1040. >"What kind of "product" do you ponies sell?" the guard asks back
  1041. "Um...rare herbs and medicine. Straight from Equestria!"
  1042. >"Equestria you say? That's where you ponies are from?"
  1043. "Indeed! We're from there!"
  1044. >"Say... Can it happen y'all came with that airship that just touched down in the desert ten minutes ago?"
  1045. "Well... Yes! We are travelling merchants, after all"
  1046. >"Strange. I never saw a merchant travelling in an airship" says the guard, while he slowly starts to walk around the squad "And I also never saw a merchant wearing...a HELMET!"
  1047. >just as he said that, he pulled off Shield's hoodie
  1048. >then yours, then quickly everypony's
  1049. >so much for Starstorm's plan
  1050. >these cats aren't stupid after all
  1051. >now the other guard steps ahead too, readying his spear
  1052. >somepony should really say something, real quick
  1053. >before this whole situation ends in a shootout
  1055. >Starstorm starts babbling something, but before she could say a coherent word, you decide to take over the conversation
  1056. >you fear some hothead might just shoot one of the guards, and then you'll have to fight your way INSIDE the city as well
  1057. "Listen, please. We're indeed not merchants, you're right about that. We're actually Princess Celestia's honor guards, and we're bringing an urgent message to the feline king. But we're undercover because...the message is secret. And we aren't sure who we can trust"
  1058. >"I see..." says the guard "Well, if that's the case, just give the message to me. I will relay it to our king. You can surely trust me, ponies, I'm a member of His Majesty's military"
  1059. "We... can't. King's ears only. That's what we were told. Sadly we are only supposed to tell him personally, that's why we wanted to enter the city"
  1060. >the cat guard puts a paw on his chin
  1061. >he turns to his comrade
  1062. >"Hmmm. What do you think, Leaper? Shall we let them in?"
  1063. >"I dunno. You're the boss. But we could, I guess. They seem pretty peaceful. And I never heard anything bad about ponies either"
  1064. >"You never heard ANYTHING about ponies at all, smartass..."
  1065. >the guard turns back to you
  1066. >"Alright, here's the deal: I'll let you in. You'll go straight to the royal palace, and state your business there. And you won't start any trouble, or the city guards will beat you up, then kick you out. Simple, right?"
  1067. >"Of course. We're not here to cause any trouble. We're just here to relay that important message!" says Starstorm, taking back the conversation
  1068. >"Then you may enter now. And remember: we'll be watching you"
  1069. >all of you nod as you move past the guards, inside the gates
  1071. >once you're a bit further away from them, Starstorm takes off her sheepish grin
  1072. >"Phew, that was a tough one... I thought for a moment we wouldn't make it"
  1073. "Good thing Sword remained on top of the talking game. Good going, Sword!" says Shield
  1074. >you just blush a bit, but say nothing
  1075. >"Indeed nice one, Rookie. And I'm glad you didn't spill the beans about our actual objective" Startsorm continues
  1076. >"I was just sticking with what you said, Major"
  1077. >"At least now we know you're good at lying, if nothing else" Sabersong chimes in too
  1078. >you give Sabersong a nasty look
  1079. >why is she so preoccupied with giving you a hard time, even during a mission?
  1080. >"Quit that shit Saber, and concentrate. You can continue being a hardass on the Rookie AFTER the mission. Okay squad, let's find Mr. Seabeak, then get the hell outta here. We're getting really short on time"
  1082. >you start to walk the streets, and get a glimpse of city life
  1083. >the streets aren't paved, there is only sand under your hooves
  1084. >there are cat people everywhere, and they all basically tower over you
  1085. >you get many weird looks, and lots of comments too
  1086. >most of these cats never saw a pony before, obviously
  1087. >"Damn, what are these creatures?"
  1088. >"Who let these freaks in?"
  1089. >"I wonder if they are poisonous..."
  1090. >"Really weird camels, they are"
  1091. >"Nowadays, we just let in every creature into our city. Big mistake..."
  1092. >as the cats pass you, they look behind themselves as well
  1093. >their gazes are starting to become unnerving to you, although the rest of the squad seems pretty chill
  1094. "Well, we're a sore thumb alright... So, where are we supposed to look after that dignitary? Southeastern portion of the city, right?" (StSt)
  1095. >"Yup" says Longrun "But I doubt we're anywhere near the embassy. This seems to be the poor district of the city. And no Hippogriff would hang out in a place like this"
  1096. "Then maybe we should split up. We'll choose a recognizable landmark, and meet there in, let's say, 30 minutes. That way one of us will surely find the embassy building"
  1097. >"Y'all just get lost without me. This is a big city. And I'm not too fond of splitting up anyways"
  1098. >"I'm with Longrun on this one. Splitting up would be a mistake at this point. Trouble can strike at any moment. And after that, have good luck finding each other..." says Breakpoint, in a lowered voice
  1099. >"I suggest we should ask one of these merchants. Perhaps they are a bit more comfortable talking to such "weird creatures" than the citizenry" (SW)
  1100. >"Or we could just ask one of the guards. Ultimately, the ones we talked to seemed okay with us..." you suggest, after hearing the alternatives
  1101. "Forget it Rookie, that will just make us suspicious" Starstorm snaps at you "I said: no talk about the attack"
  1102. >"Would it be so bad if we helped these folks a little? Perhaps if the guards knew it first, they'd have a way to calm the citizens. We don't know their culture. Maybe there is..."
  1103. "I said NO!" Starstorm interrupts Scroll "Let's just ask a merchant, that seems a solid idea"
  1104. >you and Shield look at each other
  1105. >the situation is starting to get a bit tense...
  1107. >the street you're walking right now is lined with many merchant stalls
  1108. >they're mainly selling clothes and other smaller trinkets
  1109. >Starstorm stops momentarily
  1110. "Okay, let's ask around a little. Shield, you have a penchant for this: who is the most sympathetic out of those merchants?"
  1111. >"In all honesty Major...none of them? They all seem kinda sleazy..."
  1112. "Damn right... Then let's just start with the nearest"
  1113. >you all walk up to the nearest stall
  1114. >the merchant, a younger female cat, measures you up, with some amusement on her face
  1115. >she probably finds it funny that a bunch of little ponies are gonna be her next "customers"
  1116. >Startstorm starts up the "deal", forcing a smile on her face
  1117. "H-hey, hello! Nice stall you have here... Can we ask something?"
  1118. >"Why hello there! Of course you can ask! And please, peruse my goods. And if you like what you see, I have even more stuff under the counter"
  1119. >she talks fast and snappy
  1120. >she's obviously used to "talking up" her customers
  1121. >if it's gonna be up to Starstorm to get info out of her, this will be a long conversation...
  1123. "We really just wanna know where the hippogriff embassy is. There is one in the city, right?"
  1124. >"Yes, that's correct. But please, choose first! Just look at this silk, so soft!"
  1125. "Um, can you tell us where it is then? It would be really important"
  1126. >"Of course. But please, make your purchase first. Then we'll talk all about it!"
  1127. "We don't actually want to buy anything. We just want to know this single little thing"
  1128. >"Oh, you don't?!" says the merchant, sounding a bit offended "Then why do you expect me to give up information for free? Everything has a price, you know..."
  1129. "O-kay. How much it would cost then? We just want some directions, really..."
  1130. >"The better question is: How much do you have?"
  1131. >oh, now you get it
  1132. >the cat is getting into a thing called bartering
  1133. >it's a big thing in some cultures, and apparently, in this one too
  1134. >you expect now comes the part where you just leave this cat alone, and move on
  1135. >but to your surprise, Starstorm pulls out a small satchel, and levitates some bits out of it
  1136. "I can give you 50 Bits at most. That's all I have"
  1137. >"Bits? Excuse me?"
  1138. >the Major levitates the Bits closer to the cat's face
  1139. "Bits. Equestrian currency. They're really valuable"
  1140. >"Yeah, no. We don't accept such trash here. Only Feline Crowns, or maybe Camel Coins. But not that whatsitsname..."
  1141. "Right. I... understand" says Startstorm, obviously forcing herself not to blow her fuse "Is there maybe some other way to strike a deal? That info would be really important to us..."
  1142. >"Without proper money? No way. But... I know a cat who collects all kinds of old and rare coins. Maybe he would be interested in your "bits". And then maybe you could come back to me, with real money you got for them"
  1143. "And... Where is this cat?"
  1144. >"He lives on the other side of the city. Near the port"
  1145. "Okay. Then I guess we will just find that embassy on our own"
  1146. >the cat merchant shrugs
  1147. >"Suit yourselves"
  1149. >"Well, that was a disaster" says Longrun, a bit further away from the merchant's stall
  1150. "Indeed, she was a real hardass. But there are still a few stalls we can try... I say we split up. One of them ought to say something useable. Then we can still make it to the target location in the nick of time. We'll meet at the end of the street in ten minutes"
  1151. >"Aw, come on Major! This didn't work, and won't work. I say, let's just grab some lonely cat, bring him into an alley, and beat the information out of him. No guards involved..."
  1152. "Are you out of your mind?! After the act, ALL the guards in this damn city will be after us! Get it out of your head, Sabersong, not everything can be solved with violence"
  1153. >"With all due respect Major, that might be true, but your method wasn't very effective either..."
  1154. "Well then how about you stop talking to me, and start asking more Celestiadamned cats about where that Celestiadamned embassy is?!"
  1155. >"S-sure, but..."
  1156. "I don't want to hear even one more damn "but". Merchant asking, now! Move out squad, double time!"
  1158. >the Major's quiet, but agressive backlash all spread you out on the street, doing as she told
  1159. >but you have to agree with Sabersong on this one
  1160. >this probably won't work
  1161. >the intel was right: these cats are sleazy
  1162. >you're indeed getting out of time now
  1163. >probably the Major is used to missions where the problems can be solved by shooting it enough times
  1164. >but this is not one of those missions, at least not yet
  1165. >at least she's trying though
  1166. >as you're walking up to a merchant stall further up the street, you see a pair of kittens in an alley
  1167. >they're arguing about something
  1168. >one of them has a small pouch, and the other tries to take it away from him
  1169. >this gives you an idea...
  1170. >what if you asked the kids about that damned embassy?
  1171. >they might know too, and kids tend to be pretty friendly in general
  1172. >so they might just tell you exactly what you need
  1173. >all you need to do is walk up there, gently break up the conflict, then act as a mediator between them
  1174. >then they'll gladly tell anything you will ask them
  1175. >it's the perfect plan!
  1176. >with great confidence, and with great determination, you walk up to them
  1178. "Hello, kids! How it's going? Why are you arguing?"
  1179. >the kittens get frozen in their act, and stare at you
  1180. >one of them, who's only wearing some rags, seems only surprised
  1181. >the other, seemingly from a richer background, wears a little coat and shorts, and seems a bit scared
  1182. "You know, whatever conflict you have, you can talk it out! You don't need to fight over it. You seem friends, so why don't you handle this like friends?"
  1183. >they still just stare at you, saying nothing
  1184. >of course, you could have guessed that butting into the situation just like this would cause confusion
  1185. >but it seemed such a solid plan at first...
  1186. >finally, the ragged one talks
  1187. >"Whoa, just who are you, freak?"
  1188. "Um... I'm a pony. My name is Sword Glitter. I'm here because I'm searching for a hippogriff friend of mine. But I saw you might need some help with your problem"
  1189. >"Then go and search for your friend. We don't have a problem, and we wouldn't need help from a weirdo like you anyway"
  1190. >the kitten sticks his tongue out to you
  1191. >rude...
  1192. >but now, the other kitten begins to talk as well
  1193. >"That's not true! We always have this problem. He has catnip, and he doesn't want to share it! Last week, I had a whole bunch, and gave more than half of it to him. But now he doesn't want to share back..."
  1194. >"Yeah, because you always have a lot, but this little I got should be mine. That's how it's fair, since you always have a lot!"
  1195. >"Not true! Your mom always said sharing is caring. I will tell on you that you didn't share!"
  1196. >"And I will tell on YOU that you're using catnip! And your momma will whoop your ass, because you're just an itty-bitty kitten who shouldn't do such a thing"
  1197. >"Oh no, you wouldn't..."
  1198. >"Oh yes, I would..."
  1199. >"It's treason, then!"
  1200. >the kittens promptly resume their little tug of war over the catnip
  1201. >well, damn...
  1202. >this way, you will never get to the actual point
  1204. >who would have thought you'd need serious pedagogical knowledge to dissolve a seemingly simple conflict?
  1205. >because right now, you're pretty clueless as to what to do
  1206. >you should say something nice and inspiring, but that didn't exactly work last time either
  1207. >and these kids don't seem that friendly anyway
  1208. >at least not the ragged one
  1209. >and besides, isn't catnip some sort of drug?
  1210. >this just feels so wrong
  1211. >at any rate, you don't want to say or do anything that would hurt their feelings
  1212. >they surely won't tell anything then
  1214. >suddenly, Longrun appears next to you
  1215. >"Hey Swordie. Having fun? What are you up to?"
  1216. >"Oh look, another weirdo... How many more of you are out there?" says the rude kitten
  1217. >"Five. And about three million in Equestria" Longrun says casually "So Corporal, what's the deal with these kids?"
  1218. >you pull Longrun aside, and lower your voice
  1219. "I thought about getting the info out of them, since they might actually know, but I just can't do anything with their conflict! I need to solve that first to make them talk"
  1220. >"But why?"
  1221. "Well, would angry little disappointed kids talk about adult things?"
  1222. >"Are you for real, Sword? That's not how you deal with kids. I bet you're a single child..."
  1223. "Correct... But do you have an idea then?"
  1224. >"Sure. Just watch"
  1226. >"Heyyy, kids! Are you arguing about something?"
  1227. >"Yeah! This meanie won't share his catnip! Despite I shared mine with him last week!"
  1228. >"Oh, that is all? Gimme that thing"
  1229. >Longrun snatches the catnip from their little paws
  1230. >"Since you were such little inconsiderate kittens, here's a new deal: Whichever of you tells me where the hippogriff embassy is, will get ALL the catnip. Tempting, right? Here's a little help: we're looking for a huge building with banners on it, in the southeastern portion of the city. Another weirdo lives there, with wings and a beak"
  1231. >"No deal, freak" says the rude one "The catnip is mine. So give it back. Or I call the guards..."
  1232. >"Oh really? They would just confiscate it. You're just a kid. But maybe your friend is smarter than you..."
  1233. >the other kitten actually starts to talk
  1234. >"Oh, that rings a bell. That's not far from where I live"
  1235. >"Where?"
  1236. >"Corktail road. You walk down this road, then turn slightly to the right at the large intersection. Then walk for another good ten minutes, and you're there at the fancy building"
  1237. >"Thanks! And don't do drugs, kids!" says Longrun as he tears up the pouch, and lets the contents blown away by the wind
  1238. >on the kittens' face, you see utter betrayal
  1239. >but before you could react anything, Longrun turns back, and walks away
  1240. >the information you seeked finally collected, you don't see much point in staying either
  1241. "Heh heh... When you grow up, you'll understand. See ya!"
  1242. >with that, you quickly leave the scene as well
  1244. >you catch up with Longrun
  1245. >"See Sword? That's how it's done. But admittedly, you had the right idea about the kids. They indeed knew shit"
  1246. "Perhaps you could be a bit nicer next time... But admittedly, your method was most effective"
  1247. >"I know right? Old Starstorm could learn a thing or two from me!"
  1248. >the rest of the squad is already assembled on the street
  1249. >you walk up to them
  1250. >"I've got the location. Corktail road, about 1,5 clicks to the east. Follow my lead" says Longrun
  1251. >"Whoah..." Starstorm says with a bit of awe "I knew you were a good tracker Longrun, but this is something else"
  1252. >"Don't thank me, the tracker this time was Sword. I just gave a push in the right direction in the end"
  1253. >"Well then... Good job Rookie. Bringing you along might not have been a mistake, after all... Okay squad, after Longrun. On the double, let's go!"
  1255. >you and the squad start to walk in the direction the unlikely informant suggested
  1256. >Longrun takes the lead, you all follow him
  1257. >as you make progress, you slowly start to leave the poor district of the city
  1258. >the buildings are becoming more elaborate, and the citizenry on the streets less downtrodden
  1259. >after some time, you indeed reach an intersection, just like the one described to you and Longrun
  1260. >you take the slight right turn here
  1261. >"Now we should be close" says Longrun
  1262. >as you're walking on, the street view really clears up
  1263. >you are now obviously in the middle district of the city
  1264. >there are more guards around as well
  1265. >you get many looks from them also, but you trot on, racing against the time
  1267. >finally, you reach a larger building, with two Hippogriff banners on the front
  1268. >this is it, you found the location
  1269. >now, you just need to get inside
  1270. >"Well, about damn time!" says Starstorm relieved "Now, on me"
  1271. >she tries to push inside the courtyard door, but it seems to be locked
  1272. >"Huh?!"
  1273. "Well, there we go..." says Breakpoint a bit amused
  1274. >"Oh, come on!" Starstorm exclaims in a muffled voice "Why everything needs to be so difficult?"
  1275. >"Just shoot the lock, Major? We're in the finish line, after all. I bet your horn itches, too"
  1276. >before Starstorm could answer to Sabersong's idiotic suggestion, Longrun chimes in
  1277. "Now, I know you ladies are eager to rip each other's head off, but before any squadmember would do anything stupid, take note THAT guard over there is watching us, and will probably come here within a minute asking what the hay are we doing, so let me take over this..."
  1278. >Starstorm visibly takes a second to get over the cockiness, then says
  1279. >"This better be good, Sergeant"
  1280. >Longrun takes out a lockpick and a pocket knife, and starts working his magic
  1281. >the door opens in seconds
  1282. >then he pushes it wide open for everyone
  1283. "See Saber? Easy"
  1284. >"Prick..."
  1286. >the squad walks through the courtyard, right up to the embassy's door
  1287. >since you are the closest to it, you gently knock
  1288. >"So Longrun... You pulled that trick a lot you're such an expert?" asks Breakpoint while you're waiting for someone to answer the door
  1289. "Nah. Only when I needed a room for the night"
  1290. >"Whoa buddy" Breakpoint chuckles "On which side of the law you stand actually?"
  1291. "That depends on my momentary needs..."
  1292. >"Shush! Someone's coming..." Starstorm interrups the banter
  1293. >you indeed hear steps closing in, then very slowly, the door opens
  1294. >a cat in a tuxedo gives you all a good, (and not too friendly) look before he speaks
  1295. >"Yeees? How could I help you?"
  1296. >Starstorm speaks up
  1297. >"Greetings. We're at the Hippogriff embassy... right?
  1298. >"That would be correct" answers the cat, his voice lacking any sort of enthusiasm
  1299. >"Great! We're here on the behalf of Princess Celestia of Equestria AND Queen Novo of the Hippogriff Kingdom, and we have to speak to Mr. Seabeak urgently. He is inside, right?"
  1300. >"I'm sorry, but the audience with Mr. Seabeak is out of session. Please come back tomorrow"
  1301. >the cat starts to close the door, but Breakpoint puts his hoof between it and the doorframe, then forces the door open
  1302. >the cat gets a bit surprised, but also a bit angry
  1303. >"Perhaps you ponies didn't hear it correctly last time, but..."
  1304. >this is the moment Starstorm loses her cool
  1305. >"Listen Mister, this is an emergency, and we don't have time until tomorrow. As a matter of fact, we don't even have an hour. Now, is the ambassador here, or not?!"
  1306. >"He is here, yes, but he is also very busy right now, so there is a good reason he's not welcoming anyone right no...WHOA!!!"
  1307. >Startstorm pushes the aide aside, and enters the building
  1308. >"Come!"
  1310. >you all follow inside, with you being the last
  1311. >you feel a bit bad about how this all came together, but you close the door behind yourself anyway
  1312. >"What is the meaning of this??? I'm gonna go and call the city guards! You can't just break into an embassy! What do you ponies think of yourselves?!"
  1313. >the cat aide is really mad
  1314. >and with a reason, you have to admit
  1315. >but your reasons for being forceful might be justified right now
  1316. >"Lead us to the ambassador. Now. No stupid moves, no shouting" says Starstorm
  1317. >"Please... It really IS very important" you add
  1318. >Startorm gives you a weird look, just as the aide
  1319. >well, he's probably weirded out by the dichotomy of the two requests
  1320. >"All right... I'll give in to the violence. But I assure you, none of you will get away with this, unless you give a REALLY good explanation" says the aide, as he starts to lead you upstairs
  1321. >"Oh buddy, if only you knew... Not a single soul might get away with what's gonna happen real soon" quips Longrun
  1322. >"Shut it" says Starstorm
  1323. >the cat aide looks back, both weirded out and curious, but doesn't say a word
  1324. >soon, he stops in front of a door, and knocks on it
  1326. "Yes? Who is it? Jeeves, if it's you, you can just come in"
  1327. >"Actually Sir, it's... Augh!"
  1328. >Starstorm gives the cat a little cautionary punch
  1329. >"It' May I come in?"
  1330. "Yes, that's what I was saying, you can always come in Jeeves!"
  1331. >Jeeves opens the door, and jumps inside
  1332. >"I'm so terribly sorry, Sir! I swear, I can explain! Th-these burglars, these pony burglars, they shoved me inside when I answered the front door, then DEMANDED that I lead them to you! We should probably alarm the City Guard, but who knows what they would do if we did..."
  1333. >the Hippogriff ambassador looks up from some folders behind his desk
  1334. >he takes off his monocle as you pour into the room
  1335. >"Mr Seabeak, I assume?" Starstorm asks
  1336. "Yes, correct. And you are the pony "burglars", I assume?" he adds, with the hint of a smile
  1337. >"No sir. We're Equestrian Special Forces. We're here to... Relay a very important message to you from Queen Novo. Your ears only"
  1338. >at this point, you've all taken off your hoodies, revealing your helmets
  1339. "Special Forces? So military? Hm, very well... Jeeves, could you leave us alone for a minute?"
  1340. >"Um... Of course, Sir" says Jeeves, with a bit dumbfounded expression
  1341. >he's probably surprised his superior isn't freaked out like he is
  1342. >he makes a little bow, and slithers out the door
  1344. >Seabeak turns back to Starstorm
  1345. "So um...ponies, what is that message you have to get accross?"
  1346. >"Uh-hum... Breakpoint?"
  1347. >Breakpoint casually kicks the closed door with one hind leg
  1348. >a somewhat high pitched "Meooowch!!!" comes from behind it, then the sounds of footsteps moving away
  1349. >Seabeak nods with approval, as someone who knows he's constantly eavesdropped upon
  1350. >"Sir, let me introduce myself. I'm Major Starstorm, commander of Phoenix Squad. And we're here to get you out of here"
  1351. >the hippogriff raises an eyebrow, but Starstorm continues
  1352. >"In less than an hour, the forces of the Storm King gonna hit this city with a sizable fleet of airships. There are so many of them that the city will SURELY be overrun. Your Queen doesn't want you to be here when that happens. Due to some... diplomatic considerations, we are your escort team. I know this is very sudden right now, but I implore you to grab your most, but ONLY your most important belongings, and follow us. We have an airship landed outside of city bounds, if we move out right now, we can still make it without a firefight... Sir"
  1353. >Seabeak waits a few more seconds, as if waiting for a punchline, then bursts out laughing
  1354. "Oh-hohohoho-hahaha! Oh please, you must be kidding me! That's rich, that's indeed very rich! The Storm King? That creature? The Storm King is just a petty little tyrant from one of the smaller island states, with a loud mouth, but little actual power. One of those "southern despots" that we Hippogriffs throughoutly despise, but make no mistake, would crush in a heartbeat, if he would be of any significance. He is an annoyance, but surely not a menace. But you ponies are a riot! You have some more?"
  1356. >"Mr Ambassador! I'm not joking! Do you think we would have come all this way here from Equestria to just crack some jokes?"
  1357. "I understand what you're saying, but it's just so... unbelievable. Do you perhaps have some evidence to back up these claims?"
  1358. >"Evidence? We saw the Storm King's ships with our own eyes on the way here! Isn't this enough?"
  1359. "To be quite honest? I think even if an "army" is approaching right now, Abyssinian forces will surely be able to handle it. These cats can be fericious warriors, you know. I'm sure the Storm King's pathetic army will be scattered in no time"
  1360. >"Maybe he had only a small force some years ago, but this is an invasion fleet we're dealing with right now! Times are changing ambassador, and it seems you're out of the loop. Whole realms are going to go down in flames very soon, and Abyssinia is the next on the Storm King's list"
  1361. >Seabeak puts together his claws
  1362. "I still think you're giving that cloven-hooved mongrel too much credit. We're in no danger whatsoever. And if -I- was in danger, the Feline King would have surely warned me. We're on quite good terms, you know"
  1363. >Starstorm is almost bursting from anger at this point
  1364. >"Aggggh... Why do I even bother?! You're coming with us, like it or not. You're not staying here for the attack"
  1365. "And what are you gonna do? Just drag me away?"
  1366. >"If I have to..."
  1368. >as you're listening to these two thickskulls arguing, you realize you gonna be here for a while if up to them
  1369. >since neither of them budge, somepony else should do something
  1370. >you're just surprised that Scroll, who's by far the smartest out of you, didn't interfere yet
  1371. >so you gotta do something
  1372. >"Hey Scroll" you say "Do you have anything that could convince Mr Seabeak to come with us?"
  1373. >"I still have Novo's letter to Celestia on me. That ought to do it. Here. Show it to the ambassador"
  1374. >Scroll discreetly levitates the letter over to you
  1375. >"Wow, cool. But Scroll... Why didn't you say so you have this? You could have broken this argument before it even begun!"
  1376. >"Oh, you know Sword, I am too old for this. And Commander Starstorm just likes her hardass role too much, so I better not interfere"
  1377. >oh, well...
  1378. >that's pretty weird, but you can't think about that now
  1379. >you should give the letter to Seabeak instead
  1381. >"Ahem. Excuse me. Can I have a word?" you speak up in the middle of the heated argument
  1382. >both the Major and the Ambassador looks at you
  1383. >"Would THIS maybe convince you that the threat is real?"
  1384. >you levitate the letter over to Seabeak
  1385. "What is this?"
  1386. >"A letter from your ruler to ours"
  1387. >he puts on her monocle, and starts to read it
  1388. >as he makes progress in the letter, his expression visibly darkens
  1389. >he finally finishes, and puts down the letter
  1390. "I see... Well, perhaps we could give my dear Novo a visit, and talk this out with her"
  1391. >"Finally... But hey, if you're still not convinced, just fly up into the sky a bit, and look towards the sea" says Starstorm
  1392. "No, no need... Let's go. Time's-a-wastin'. We still have to pick up my family, after all"
  1394. >"Y-y-y-your WHAT???!"
  1395. >Starstorm almost gets a shock
  1396. >the squad grumbles, too
  1397. >this is indeed not good
  1398. >there was only supposed to be one VIP to extract
  1399. >but if this hippogriff has a family, he surely won't leave without them
  1400. "Why yes" Seabeak continues "My dear wife, and little Flurry Tides. And she was already born here. It's high time she saw her homeland anyways"
  1401. >Starstorm turns to all of you, and says in a defeated voice
  1402. >"Okay, change of plan squad: THREE VIPs. Get ready for the mission of you lives"
  1404. "You seem surprised. You wasn't informed I moved here with my wife when I became ambassador?"
  1405. >"I surely wasn't... Scroll?"
  1406. >Starstorm looks at the Captain
  1407. >"The intel we got didn't contain it. But it's not like it would change anything at this point"
  1408. "Then I'm so sorry... It seems Hippogriff intelligence made a mistake. They also made a mistake that *I* wasn't informed of an impending attack... Gentleponies, I suggest we leave right now. I'll make sure to be as little burden as possible"
  1409. >"Thank you for that, but I'm afraid that's not how it works... But anyway, grab what you need, and let's move out"
  1410. >Seabeak opens a safe behind his desk, takes out a folder, and puts it away
  1411. "I'm ready. Let's go"
  1412. >"You sure don't need anything else? This place will be captured by the Storm King's forces, and all the intel within"
  1413. "They can have it" Seabeak scoffs "What is really sensitive, I have right here" he says, showing his briefcase
  1414. >"Alright then, Mr. Ambassador. Lead us to your home then, pick up your family, and try to leave before this city goes down in flames"
  1416. >you all leave the ambassador's office, and go down the stairs to the hall
  1417. >there you see Jeeves, the cat butler
  1418. "Just a moment, please..." Seabeak excuses himself
  1419. "Jeeves, my good friend, I have to leave urgently... I have an..."
  1420. >Seabeak looks back at the squad
  1421. >Starstorm very subtly shakes her head
  1422. "...emergency meeting with Queen Novo, and I honestly don't know how long it will take, so please, take care of the place while I'm away"
  1423. >"Of course, Sir. That's just natural, Sir"
  1424. "And please... don't invite over your friends to party like last time, right Jeeves?"
  1425. >"But Sir, how could I... Whatever you mean?!"
  1426. "It's alright... Just take care of yourself, right? Goodbye to you, and... stay safe"
  1427. >"Of course, Sir. Goodbye, and have a good travel. I hope you'll come back soon"
  1428. >Seabeak nods, then turns to Starstorm
  1429. "Alright. Let's go"
  1431. >you leave the embassy, and turn right, continuing down the same street
  1432. >the huge Hippogriff merely walks, but his long legs propel him fast enough you have to trot to keep up
  1433. >good thing too, you must be almost out of time by now
  1434. >"Please tell me you don't live very far" says the Major
  1435. "Oh no, my house is just further down the street. We'll be there shortly"
  1436. >along the way, the ambassador is greeted by the city guards, and in turn, you also don't get weird looks
  1437. >it seems he is well known around these parts
  1438. >well, he better be, he is the ambassador
  1439. >luckily, Mr Seabeak was right, you indeed arrive to a tidy house in no time
  1440. >it's much smaller than the embassy building, but it still stands out among the houses of the locals
  1441. >it's facade also bears all kinds of sea themed masonry, giving it an elaborate look
  1442. >Seabeak walks through his garden, and enters the house
  1443. >you all follow inside
  1445. >the first thing that strikes you, is the luxury of the place
  1446. >it's nothing like the relatively simple insides of the embassy
  1447. >there's expensive stonework and furniture everywhere
  1448. >the second thing you notice, is the young cat maiden, dusting off the shelves
  1449. "'Afternoon, Katja, I'm home" the ambassador greets her
  1450. >"Ah, Mr Seabeak, greetings! You're home so early! Of course, it's a welcome surprise, but I'll be honest, I didn't even begin making dinner yet. Oh, and you have guests, too... Greetings, and feel welcomed!"
  1451. "Don't worry Katja, I'm leaving soon anyway. Where's my wife?"
  1452. >"Oh, she went out for some shopping to the market. She told me it wouldn't take long, and she's been away for awhile now. Could be home at any moment"
  1453. "I hope so..." answers Seabeak, with some concern in his voice "And what's with Flurry? Where is she? Is she all right?"
  1454. >the questions seemingly surprise the cat maiden
  1455. >she can't possibly know why his master is concerned...
  1457. >"She is in her room, of course. Sleeping. Peacefully"
  1458. "Did you check on her?"
  1459. >"I just did ten minutes ago. She's alright"
  1460. >but Seabeak flies upstairs anyway, and comes back with her baby daughter
  1461. >he seems nervous now
  1462. "Katja, you sure my wife didn't say when she'll come back?"
  1463. >"Why yes Sir, she didn't say a specific time. Just: Soon"
  1464. >the ambassador turns to you now
  1465. "Well, my wife is known to take her sweet time... I never minded it, but right now, I just don't know what to do. I could go after her, but I'm afraid we might just miss each other"
  1466. >"Honestly, I'm more concerned about the baby. Are you gonna carry her along just like that?" asks Starstorm
  1467. >the baby Hippogriff, comically small compared to her father, still sleeps wrapped up in her blanket, obviously not aware of the oncoming danger
  1468. "What do you mean?"
  1469. >"Two Hippogriffs already stand out as good targets for the enemy, but with a baby in your claws, you just gonna get her killed. Isn't there something around to protect her? Like some armor, or the like"
  1470. "A-armor? For a baby?!"
  1471. >Starstorm looks at the ambassador as if that was the most natural thing in the world
  1472. >well, she is a soldier, not a parent...
  1473. "I'm afraid we don't have anything of the sorts. But I'm sure my wife will think of something. If only she was here..."
  1475. >the Major turns back to you
  1476. >"If she doesn't come back in 10 minutes, one of us will have to go, and look for her"
  1477. >"We split up? Now? Very unwise. If we get hit while one of us is out there... I won't continue..."
  1478. >"ONLY if she doesn't come back soon... Calm down Scroll, this ain't like you"
  1479. >"You know she won't. And things will go fubar as soon as one of us goes out there searching for Mrs Seabeak"
  1480. "I have to agree with your comrade, Major" Seabeak chimes in "You would get lost on your way to the market. It's rush hour. And you're small. You wouldn't see anything with all the cats on the streets right now. I'll just send Katja out there. She knows the city very well, and knows the routes my wife usually takes"
  1481. >"Hmm... Fine" Starstorm gives in "But I won't let her go without escort. One of us will have to go with her"
  1482. "That's all good. Katja will lead the way, while one of you will act as a bodyguard. Although I hope that will turn out unnecessary..."
  1483. >"So which one of us will go?" asks Longrun
  1484. >"We still have some time..."
  1485. >"Why wait, Major?" says Shield "The sooner the three VIPs are together, the better. You heard the Captain, Mrs Seabeak probably won't be back anytime soon"
  1486. "I can only support that notion" says Seabeak
  1487. >"Then call your maiden here, Mr Ambassador" answers Starstorm, but not without a slight grimace
  1488. >she's probably not delighted she can't fully be in control
  1489. >then she turns to you
  1490. >"Corporal Glitter? You're going with the cat"
  1492. >"Yes Ma'am" you respond without a hitch in your voice, although feeling uneasy about the situation
  1493. >"What?! Why her? You want the Rookie to escort back the VIP?" huffs Sabersong in protest
  1494. >"Calm yourself, Saber. I have my reasons... Corporal, I understand you have some serious crowd control and escorting skills"
  1495. >"Yes, Major. As a Royal Guard, I was trained to act as a stand-in escort for the Princess, if the need arises. Although I could never put that skill into practice..."
  1496. >"Well, then now's the time Rookie. You have to make sure Mrs Seabeak makes it back here unscathed. These cats will go crazy when the Storm Army attacks the city. Panic will ensue, and you have to cut a way through the crowd"
  1497. >"Um..."cut" a way through?"
  1498. >"Do whatever it takes, Rookie. Improvise"
  1499. "Just make sure to use a non-lethal approach" says the Ambassador in a lowered voice "These cat folks really don't deserve what will hit them soon, so no need to pile on that... Um, Katja, do you have a moment please?"
  1500. >the cat maiden pokes her head in from the neighbouring room
  1501. >"Yes, Master?"
  1502. "Please Katja, go after my wife to the market. And take this pony with you. She will help you in the search. Find her, and take her back immediately"
  1503. >"Right away, Master Seabeak. But could I ask why you and the Mistress need to leave so suddenly?" asks Katja, now right in front of her Master
  1504. "Oh yes, Katja. You see... I have an emergency meeting with Queen Novo, and...decided my family should visit home too. So that's why"
  1505. >"Ahh, makes sense! Duty calls, right Master? Very well, I'll go and bring back the Mistress right away!"
  1506. >"Alright Rookie. Move out. And make it fast" gestures the Major towards the door
  1508. >you and Katja leave the house and hit the streets
  1509. >the maiden, still donning her distinctive outfit, didn't seem very streetwise to you, but now that she's out here, started wearing a very different expression
  1510. >that of someone who knows exactly what she's doing
  1511. "This way. Less crowded here"
  1512. >you take a turn to the alleyways
  1513. >this seems like a longer route, but you can definitely move faster
  1514. >now that it's less busy around you, Katja speaks up
  1515. "So, who are you anyway? Are you with the pony military? Or some mercenaries?"
  1516. >"Former. We're...uh...Princess Celestia's honor guards. We're here to act as escorts to the Ambassador"
  1517. "Strange... Why didn't he get hippogriff escorts? He's a hippogriff..."
  1518. >"Because... We also had an urgent message for your king, and if we were here, well, why not escort back the Ambassador too?"
  1519. "That story is smellier than camel dung. Why don't you tell me why you guys suddenly showed up? If you can't, by all means don't, but I'm still not gonna believe your tall tale"
  1520. >damn these cats are REALLY smart
  1521. >especially this one
  1522. >right now you feel all your lies weighing down on your shoulders
  1523. >they have the right to know the truth, yet you were ordered to shut up about it
  1524. >and you rolled with it...
  1525. >but now you feel like it would be time to tell it, even if to this cat only
  1526. >she doesn't seem like one who would start to panic...
  1527. >"I have strict orders not to tell this to any of the locals but... If I tell it to you, do you promise not to panic, and still lead me to Mrs Seabeak?"
  1529. "I grew up in the slums, my little pony... My parents were very poor, so much that I resorted to petty thievery and begging to get food sometimes. I think I can take a shitty deal, whatever that might be. And don't worry, we'll find you Mrs Seabeak. They were always nice to me, and I owe them this much. Because, let me guess, it's not an "emergency meeting" they have to leave for?"
  1530. >"Indeed not. It's an attack on this city by the Storm King's forces. We have to escort them out of the city before it happens. In a nutshell"
  1531. "Well, no shit... You guys indeed lied to us big time. But here's the deal: We'll go the market, and find the Mistress. Then I'll go, and find my parents. Maybe we can still seek shelter before any of this happens. Then maybe try to find a way out of the city, as I feel I won't really serve any hippogriff ambassadors anytime soon"
  1532. >"You indeed won't..." you blush in shame "Most likely the city will be overrun in no time. The Storm King has a massive army of creatures and airships. Not sure how well your military will hold up..."
  1533. "Honestly, I don't care... It was always every cat for themselves in this damn city. I'll take my parents, and try to start a new life somewhere else. I have some saved money. Luckily, the Seabeaks payed me really well"
  1534. >"I'm sorry I -we- lied to you. To all of you... Maybe your military could have prepared a bit if we told our business to the guards right away"
  1535. "Save your apologies, they won't change anything now. And stop feeling bad about lying, we cats do that all the time"
  1536. >"But, I'm really so..."
  1537. "Shush! I'm not actually mad, so stop apologizing already. Let's stay focused, and find our hippogriff lady instead. You don't want to disappoint your boss, do you?"
  1539. >you reach the market with Katja in no time
  1540. >now that you're here, it would be good time to start looking for Mrs Seabeak
  1541. >except that all you can see are cat tails and bellies
  1542. >as you are about that tall compared to them
  1543. >you also realize that bipedal creatures can crowd up a place even more than quadropeds
  1544. >you solely have to rely on Katja to find Mrs Seabeak now
  1545. >thing is, you can't really move forward in the crowd to search all of the market
  1546. >and it seems to be a really big market
  1547. >at least a hippogriff should really stand out from the crowd, so you will surely notice her when she's close
  1548. "Damn it, this is really too much, even for rush hour!" complains Katja "All we seem to do is to go with the flow"
  1549. >"Don't try to simply push away folks. Push them with one hand, AND squeeze your body through to move forward. I could show you if I were taller..."
  1550. "Hey, don't you try to teach a street cat how to handle a crowd! I'm doing my best, all things considered"
  1551. >"I'm just giving some advice..."
  1552. "You're one mouthy little pony... Listen, I know what I'm doing, and I'm......"
  1553. >Katja bumps into a fellow cat head-on
  1554. >or, it seems more like the cat bumped into Katja
  1556. >and the cat speaks, too
  1557. >"Katja! What a pleasant surprise! And it's been a long time..."
  1558. "Capper... What are YOU doing here?"
  1559. >"Oh, just perusing the merchants' goods... You know"
  1560. "Yeah, I know you must be planning something with Chummer"
  1561. >"Now, that would be the last thing I would resort to... Hey, who -or what- is this?!"
  1562. >the cat named Capper points to you
  1563. "It's a pony. But none of your concern"
  1564. >"Ah, what a colorful creature... Friend of yours?"
  1565. "Told you Capper, it doesn't concern you... Instead, could you do me a quick favor?"
  1566. >"So, we're doing business again, Katja? How delightful!"
  1567. "Business?! It's no business, Capper, you still owe me after that failed casino gig... So, did you see the hippogriff ambassador's wife? She should be hanging around here at the market"
  1568. >"If I tell you Katja, will you forgive me, and everything will be like in old times?" asks Capper with kitty-cat eyes
  1569. "If you tell me, I won't claw your face off... Now spit it out. Fast"
  1570. >"Okay, okay. I saw your hippogriff at the pearl diver's stall, about five minutes ago. The old sack only brought up some seashells again, but the hippogriff's all over it anyway"
  1571. "Perfect. Come on pony, let's catch Coral"
  1572. >"Anything else, my most wonderful partner in crime?" asks Capper
  1573. "Yeah. Let us not speak ever again"
  1574. >"Alright, Katja. See you soon!"
  1576. >Katja doesn't answer, and starts moving on instead
  1577. >luckily, the crowd thinned out a bit, so you can make some good progress
  1578. >with less commotion around, Katja speaks again
  1579. "That was Capper. A fellow street cat. Or at least used to be. We helped each other out on occasions, but he's even sleazier than most. Ah, doesn't matter.. Old story"
  1580. >"Strange character. But who's Coral?"
  1581. "That would be Mrs Seabeak's proper name. Coral Waves. She actually prefers it. Try to call her that if you wanna make a good first impression. Well, if that matters right now..."
  1582. >"Okay. Are we still far from her? This marketplace can't be THAT big"
  1583. "Not that far, but the pearl diver has his stand set up on the other side of it. Heh... Coral likes to hang out there. Admires the seashells Water Whisker brings up. It reminds her of her home. She misses it..."
  1584. >"I can understand that. This seems like a desolate place for a hippogriff, no offense"
  1585. "It's a desolate place for cats too, except for the really rich. But as I understand, Coral will go home very soon... Lucky her"
  1586. >"Yes, it seems..." you blush, understanding the implication
  1588. >atfer a few minutes, you arrive
  1589. >Katja points at a slender female hippogriff
  1590. "There she is, Coral Waves. She will know the way back. And with that said, my journey here is over"
  1591. >"Don't you wanna say goodbye to her? You said you liked her"
  1592. "No game. She'd try to convince me to go with them, and I really don't need that conversation right now. I never liked to be a burden anyway. Maybe say goodbye for me, but that's it"
  1593. >"Alright then. Thank you for leading me here, Katja. Very much appreciated"
  1594. "No need for thanks, you seemed fine to me...uh...I don't even know your name. How can I call you, pony?"
  1595. >"Sword. Corporal Sword Glitter. It was my pleasure too, Katja. Too bad we had to get to know each other in such circumstances"
  1596. "I feel like it wouldn't have happened in any other way... But I'll take my leave now. And take care of them hippogriffs, would you? They don't deserve to get hurt"
  1597. >"That's exactly what we will do. And... Thanks again"
  1598. "Yeah... Well, goodbye Sword Glitter. May you have nine lives!"
  1599. >"Goodbye to you too, Katja. And take care"
  1600. >with that, Katja hurries away, and disappears in the crowd
  1601. >you turn back, and approach the hippogriff
  1602. >it's time to do what you came for
  1604. >you step closer to the cream-colored hippogriff
  1605. >she is perusing the assortment of sea shells on the market stall in front of her
  1606. >the owner, a cat with long whiskers forming a mustache, looks on with some satisfaction
  1607. >the hippogriff, properly named Coral Waves, doesn't notice you initially
  1608. >she seems having great joy browsing the sea-related goods
  1609. >"Um, excuse me?" you speak
  1610. "Oh?!"
  1611. >she turns to you, putting down the shell she was examining
  1612. >the merchant also looks at you
  1613. >out of the two, he seems the more surprised
  1614. >he probably doesn't see many ponies, and in armor, nonetheless
  1615. >"Greetings, Miss. I'm Corporal Sword Glitter, Equestrian Special Forces. I was asked to escort you back to your residence, where your husband and my squad are awaiting you. It's imperative that you come with me right now. I know this seems sudden, but I swear, everything will be clear very soon"
  1616. >well, that was a mouthful
  1617. >it actually sounded a bit more official than you were going for
  1618. >very Royal Guard-ish
  1619. >which wouldn't be necessary right now
  1620. >but you just can't defy your Guard training
  1621. >and you're not a full Paladin yet anyway
  1622. >at least you don't feel like so
  1624. >Coral Waves looks down at you, silently for a moment
  1625. >probaby she's still processing what you just said -or more like, declared- to her
  1626. >it's funny how tall she is
  1627. >it feels like you're talking to Celestia
  1628. >and funnily enough, her voice is a bit like hers too
  1629. >at least, it's a nice voice to listen to
  1630. "Equestrian military? This is about my husband, isn't it?"
  1631. >she speaks quietly, and in a serious tone
  1632. >in a tone someone uses when they wanna share a secret
  1633. >"Yes. And you. Please, follow. Your husband will explain to you everything once we...Whoah!"
  1634. >Coral Waves grabs you, and puts you down several yards away after a wing-assisted leap
  1635. "I don't need any expaining. I knew it would come to this. My husband has vital information that HAS to escape the city before -they- arrive"
  1636. >and whoah again
  1637. >this mare is in the knows
  1638. >maybe YOU'd need some explaining right now
  1639. >you lower your voice too
  1640. >"You know..."
  1641. >the hippogriff bends down to you, expecting what's coming to be sensitve
  1642. >"...about the impending attack? From the Storm King?"
  1643. "I don't, but I was expecting this. How far away are they?"
  1644. >"We could already see them as we came here"
  1645. "Damn... Then let's go. Now"
  1646. >Coral turns back and says goodbye to the merchant
  1647. >gotta pretend everything's alright, yeah?
  1648. >before you'd throw yourselves into the sea of cats in the market, you extend a leg in front of your VIP
  1649. >"Crowd's real thick. I gotta make way for us to advance faster. Don't worry ma'am, I have training"
  1650. >the hippogriff looks at you with a somewhat bemused face
  1651. "I really appreciate the offer, Corporal" she says, as she extends her wings "But I don't think that will be necessary..."
  1653. >oh yeah
  1654. >you almost forgot she can fly
  1655. >well, that makes things easier
  1656. >"That seems the fastest way home for sure... I guess I'll see you there" you say, in a slightly defeated voice
  1657. "Don't speak nonsense, Corporal Sword. You're coming with me. We don't have much time anyway"
  1658. >"Indeed not, but I'm afraid in my armor I would prove to be far too......Eeeep!"
  1659. >you can't finish the sentence, as Coral Waves grabs you under the forelegs, and lifts you into the air like you were a pillow
  1660. "We fly, Corporal! Hang on!"
  1661. >you can't really react to the sudden air hike, so you hang in your huge VIP's claws like some unlucky prey
  1662. >your armor and robes aren't configured for these sort of rides, so they begin of slide off from your back and flanks
  1663. >luckily, they are strapped on pretty good, so they don't fall off
  1664. >as you gain some altitude, you can see the dusty marketplace, and the crowd of cats, between your spread legs
  1665. >honestly, you feel pretty awkward right now
  1666. >this trip isn't very becoming of a Royal Guard, let alone a Paladin
  1667. >you try to regain some semblance of control, and pull up both hind legs next to your body
  1668. >now it's not full ragdoll mode, at least
  1670. >but as you rise above the roofline, you see something in the corner of your eyes
  1671. >you turn your head, and now it's clear
  1672. >a bunch of airships are already floating above the seaport
  1673. >so this is it
  1674. >it begins
  1678. >the mighty Storm Army is here
  1679. >there's no doubt about it now, this mission won't end without combat
  1680. >not that you expected it, but you still had some dim hope
  1681. >now even that is gone
  1682. >you call out to Coral Waves, notifying her, but as she seems to do, interrupts again
  1683. "Yes, I noticed. We have to get back quickly now"
  1684. >she doesn't sound scared though
  1685. >only begins to fly faster
  1686. >strange
  1687. >you'd expect a freakout from a civilian after a sight like that, but she is awfully calm, considering everything
  1688. >"You seem calm..."
  1689. "I learned to remain calm while serving with the Royal Marines" she says, panting a little
  1690. >seemingly the higher speed, along with your extra weight, is starting to tire her out
  1691. >"Wait... You're military, too?!"
  1692. "Yes, although I was just a reservist. But my training was still tough. I don't scare easily"
  1693. >"Then I'm really glad to have your aquintance NOW"
  1694. >Coral Waves doesn't answer anything, just chuckles a bit
  1695. >after all, she needs all her energy now
  1697. >as you behold the terrible sight of the enemy fleet, you hear a low-pitched growling sound
  1698. >at first you think it's thunder, but that can't be, it's sunny skies all over
  1699. >indeed, the weather is in an ironic contrast with mood of the situation unfolding
  1700. >after the first growl, you hear a second, then a third
  1701. >then a whole lot of them, one after another
  1702. >now they are louder too, and sound closer to a "BOOM"
  1703. >a few seconds later, you hear an elongated, high pitched whizzing
  1704. >and then, the first building in Felin al-Kot crumbles to dust
  1705. >it's not thunder, it's gunfire!
  1706. >they have godsdamned cannons!
  1707. >just moments later, you hear a whole salvo firing, and very soon, multiple buildings get hit in the not-so-far distance
  1708. >looking at the ships, you can even see the smoke from the guns now
  1710. >it suddenly dawns on you, that you're flying above the roofline, presenting yourselves as perfectly good targets
  1711. >moving, and probably too small to hit, but still
  1712. >"Ms Waves... Let's fly lower, in the cover of the buildings. Those guns could hit us this way..."
  1713. "Nonsense, we're too small..."
  1714. >a shot lands just half a block away, emphasizing your point
  1715. "...for that"
  1716. >the hippogriff looks a bit angrily in the direction of the hit
  1717. >maybe only because she was interrupted...
  1718. >otherwise, she doesn't seem to be concerned
  1719. >unlike the crowd, that's starting to go crazy in the street underneath you
  1720. >they're running in all directions, confused, desperately trying to seek cover
  1721. >the few guards around are tyring to direct them, to no avail
  1722. >nothing will stop the panic now
  1723. >it usually can't be stopped...
  1725. >you're actually reminded of the Battle of Canterlot by this
  1726. >when the citizenry were suddenly striked by an army of Changelings
  1727. >your Royal Guard couldn't do much either
  1728. >or you
  1729. >you were only a teenager, and didn't even think of joining up yet
  1730. >you remember the look on your father's face when he swung the front door open
  1731. >if was a face of horror, an expression you never saw him wearing
  1732. >he rushed home from work to check if you two were okay
  1733. >you two, as in you and your mom
  1734. >you were both hidng under a table, trying to reassure each other that things are gonna be okay
  1735. >just in case, you had your fencing rapier ready
  1736. >that you luckily didn't get to use
  1737. >when your dad arrived, he joined you under the table, hugging your mom
  1738. >she was the more scared out of you two
  1739. >thinking back, this event was pushing you towards your eventual destiny
  1740. >as in, becoming a guardsmare
  1742. >the sound of a cannonball striking close snaps you out of reminiscing, and get you back to the reality of the situation
  1743. >you have almost arrived, the hippogriff residence is in sight
  1744. >you start to descend, and your partner release you above the garden
  1745. >you were a bit too high, so you take a few tumbling steps when landing to keep your balance
  1746. >Coral Waves now seems significantly more tired
  1747. >it was a mad rush here, after all
  1748. >she's breathing heavily
  1749. >as you stand among the haunch-high flowers, you look outside
  1750. >good thing the stone-and-metal garden fence is so tall, that it can't be possibly leaped by the cat people
  1751. >if they did, they'd try to get inside the house to seek shelter
  1752. >and then...they would probably be shot by your squadmates, fearing the VIPs are in danger
  1753. >yeah, a panicked crowd like this can be dangerous
  1754. >so good thing you don't have to deal with that
  1756. >Coral steps to the door
  1757. >as she raises her claws to knock, the door opens
  1758. >"Quickly, get inside!" a familiar voice urges her "You too, corporal!"
  1759. >you both enter, and Starstorm closes the door behind you
  1760. >"Glad you're here, Mrs. Seabeak. Are you all right? You weren't hurt, were you?"
  1761. >Mr Seabeak rushes to her wife, and they hug each other
  1762. >with the baby Flurry Tides being in middle
  1763. >Mrs Seabeak only answers from the embrace:
  1764. "Yes, I'm fine. Your corporal warned me just in time of the attack"
  1765. >"Good. Glad to hear that"
  1766. >"And so am I!" says the ambassador, releasing her wife "I'm thankful to you, Corporal Glitter, for helping my wife. But... where is Katja?"
  1767. "She's not here?" asks Coral his husband, raising an eybrow
  1768. >"No. I sent her with Corporal Glitter, so she could help finding you. But she didn't come back with you two"
  1769. "I didn't see her at the market, either"
  1770. >now both Mr and Mrs Seabeak looks at you, questioningly
  1771. >and your squad too
  1772. >especially the Major
  1773. >damn, she's angry
  1774. >she probably has a good guess what's up
  1776. >oh well, you were gonna tell it anyways
  1777. >"Katja went her own ways. Saying she was gonna find her parents before the attack hits..."
  1778. >you glance at Starstorm
  1779. >her brows come closer and closer to a "V" shape
  1780. >you can't possibly sugarcoat this now
  1781. >"...I might have told her about the attack that just happened. He didn't believe the lie we agreed upon telling every cat. So I just...told her the truth... Ma'am"
  1782. >the Major's expression is beyond angry now
  1783. >she is seething, although she didn't even speak yet
  1784. >yet...
  1785. >"Corporal Glitter, you just defied a direct order with your act. I could courtmartial you for that when we get back! Do you know what is the reason we agreed upon not to tell anyone about the attack? It's that!" she says, pointing outside
  1786. >sure there's panic on the streets, but that didn't happen because of you
  1787. >"With all due respect Ma'am, the attack would have happened whether we tell about it, or not"
  1788. >Starstorm raises her voice
  1789. >she never shouted with you, but her voice is grating enough that it's worse than others' shouting
  1790. >"Dammit Glitter, it's about the principle! What sort of soldier are you, if you can't follow orders?!"
  1791. "Please Major, stop this now!" interjects Coral Waves, raising a foreleg "We have more pressing troubles on our hooves and claws now. Our servant is better off this way. She was a street cat, she will manage. Better than to drag her into what's gonna happen"
  1792. >"I agree" says Scroll Writ quietly "Let's start to think about how we will escort our VIPs. As there's WILL BE combat"
  1793. >"That might not be the case... I have a plan" says the ambassador, looking all smug while doing so
  1795. >"I'm open to suggestions right now" turns the Major to Seabeak, now being somewhat calmer "Until the crowd outside doesn't dissipate somewhat, we're sitting ducks in here"
  1796. >at this moment, the chandelier rings a bit
  1797. >and some pieces of paint fall down from the ceiling
  1798. >"And until the bombardment doesn't stop" she adds
  1799. >Seabeak takes a seat, and rests one foreleg on the table next to him
  1800. >"Right... It is said the embassy building -the hippogriff one, of course- was built upon the foundations of a noble house centuries ago. The owner of this house, whose name escapes me right now, made an escape tunnel in his basement, that ran all the way to the southernmost gate of the city. Now, I never saw the entrance for this tunnel in the basement, but there is a good chance it was simply walled up, and can be blown in easily with some...magical assistance. So in other words, all we need to do is to reach the embassy building, and we might have a straight shot to our escape"
  1801. >the members of the squad look at each other
  1802. >they all seem kinda skeptical
  1803. >honestly, rightly so...
  1804. >Starstorm is the first to speak up
  1805. >"So the existence of this tunnel is...dubious at best, if I take this right?"
  1806. >"And even if it exists" continues Longrun "It might be collapsed, hehe...heh..."
  1807. >he laughs, but his funny guy seems to be weaker now
  1808. >"I say, let's go for it. What can we lose?" says finally Breakpoint "And if it's collapsed or anything, we'll just continue as normal"
  1809. >"Yeah! And shoot our way through any pathetic creature that dares to stand in our way" adds Sabersong
  1810. >she sounds like some psycho
  1811. >and she might be one...
  1812. >"But Major, what until then?"
  1813. >the question came from Shield
  1814. >it's a good one, but you know what the Major will say to it
  1815. >"Until then Sergeant, we wait"
  1817. >waiting is the worst part
  1818. >you can't tell if it was 30 seconds or 30 minutes that have passed
  1819. >the artillery barrage has been constant, and closer hits always shook the building a bit
  1820. >the Ambassador assured you though, that his house is sturdy enough, and it wouldn't collapse even from a direct hit
  1821. >nevertheless, the Major have sent down the hippogriff family to the basement, just to be sure
  1822. >but the artillery isn't what ails you
  1823. >you know what's coming, and you'd rather just get over it quickly
  1824. >yeah, right...
  1825. >avoiding a direct confrontation would be the best obviously, but this is not that kind of profession
  1826. >it's hard to admit, even to just yourself, but you're afraid
  1827. >afraid of combat
  1828. >this is no longer training, or even the practice golems
  1829. >no longer telling an overenthusiastic citizen that he can't just enter the castle grounds without permission
  1830. >no longer levitating a kitten off from a perfectly trimmed Canterlotian tree
  1831. >you thought you were ready, but you are not
  1832. >not ready to hurt, and potentially kill
  1833. >these thoughts are grating
  1834. >wish they could just go away...
  1836. >the rest of the squad doesn't seem all that concerned though
  1837. >or they just hide it well
  1838. >Starstorm and Scroll Writ are their usual stoic selves
  1839. >with the added angery expression in the case of the Major
  1840. >Sabersong and Longrun are exchanging banter, and seemingly having a good time
  1841. >yeah, figures Ms Psycho would enjoy the situation...
  1842. >Breakpoint is being pretty chill as well, but he is just sitting on his flanks, alone
  1843. >well, resting before a firefight makes sense too
  1844. >only Shield seems a bit restless, pacing around slowly
  1845. >maybe you could talk to him, he would surely understand what you feel
  1846. >it would take a bit of weight off your shoulders
  1847. >yeah, that feels right
  1848. >better than fuming about things inside
  1850. >as you open your mouth to talk, the artillery stops
  1851. >the silence seems eerie in comparison to the mumbling and booming of the gun shots and hits
  1852. >everyone stays motionless for about a minute, awaiting what's gonna happen
  1853. >did the arty really stop, or is it just a small intermission?
  1854. >eventually, Sabersong breaks the silence
  1855. >"Well, it was about damn time"
  1856. >"Let's hope it's indeed over" reacts Starstorm, looking over each member of the squad
  1857. >eventually, her eyes stop at Longrun
  1858. >"Sergeant Longrun, give us some recon"
  1859. "What sort?"
  1860. >"It was mentioned this building has a roof access. Get up there, and do a look around. Then report back quickly"
  1861. "Aye-aye, Ma'am"
  1862. >he starts to go, but Starstorm stops him
  1863. >"Remember Longrun: recon only. No combat, no firing upon anything. Got that?"
  1864. "Ah, don't worry Major. I'm a lover, not a fighter"
  1865. >Starstorm's tired-of-your-shit expression basically dismisses the scout, and indeed, he takes the hint
  1866. >he disappears trotting up the stairs
  1868. >just a few minutes later, Longrun returns, galloping down the stairs
  1869. >he almost crashes into the set dining table
  1870. >he looks concerned
  1871. >all eyes are drawn to him
  1872. "Major, we have a situation!"
  1873. >"Go ahead Sergeant"
  1874. "The storm creatures are rounding up civilians on the street. They are entering every house, shoving the cats outside. And what is worse, about a platoon-sized unit is coming right this way!"
  1875. >"Damn, seems like they invaded the city while their guns covered them... How far they are?" asks Starstorm, now visibly concerned
  1876. "Two minutes, and they're here. Guess they noticed this fancy house"
  1877. >"Alright then... Squad, gather around me!" she waves around her hoof
  1878. >you all come closer
  1879. >time for a quick pep talk
  1881. >Starstorm speaks
  1882. >"Okay, we all knew it would come to this, but a few things to keep in mind anyway. First, this is an organized army, and these are trained soldiers. This won't be target practice like with the swamp trolls. Secondly, these creatures are HUGE. If it comes to close quarters, you're screwed, they can probably pound you to dust faster than you can blink. Yes, even you Breakpoint..."
  1883. >Breakpoint makes an angry frown
  1884. >he looks at Longrun
  1885. >"You already saw them... Are they really that big?"
  1886. "They sure are, buddy. Taller than a cat, and all muscle. And armored"
  1887. >Breakpoint looks at the ground momentarily
  1888. >this surely didn't make him happier
  1889. >Starstorm resumes
  1890. >"Yeah, you heard him... So, here's the plan: we're protecting VIPs here, so we can't take any chances. We have to hold out here until there is an opening, so we can make a rush back to the embassy. Let's just hope this Seabeak guy is right about that tunnel... And about the rules of engagement: I know these are sentient creatures, and this is not the "pony way", but let's be honest... We're on the ass end of the world here without any support. We don't just have to watch each others' backs, but we have to protect the hippogriffs too. So don't hesitate, and shoot to kill. Aim at center of mass, and put down those hostiles. I know this is cruel, but I don't see any other way"
  1892. >you gulp
  1893. >these last few sentences hit you hard
  1894. >"shoot to kill"
  1895. >yeah, if you were trained to do that...
  1896. >Royal Guards are never supposed to do that, only as a last resort
  1897. >although this counts as a last resort more than likely
  1898. >so a Royal Guard would shoot too, right Sword Glitter?
  1899. >yeah, except a Royal Guard would never get into the conflict of two distant nations
  1900. >but you're not with the Royal Guard anymore...
  1901. >so, you just have to stay strong
  1903. >you surely don't look the part, as the Major turns to you
  1904. >"And about you, Rookie... This must be overwhelming, but you have to stay focused. Remember your training. Stay in cover, check your sorrundings, aim, charge up spell, shoot. Don't try to be a hero, don't get yourself killed. I see you're afraid, but trust me: when you begin to focus on combat, you simply won't have the time to be afraid. Got that, Rookie?"
  1905. >you got that, but you don't even know how to react
  1906. >you probably have 30 more seconds to ask for advice, or just "simply" for a detailed defense plan of the house
  1907. >so instead, you answer like any good soldier does
  1908. >"Y-yes, M-ma'am"
  1909. >"Good. Then this is it, Corporal. Welcome to the Paladins"
  1911. >Starstorm engages her magic, and folds her visor into position
  1912. >the rest of the squad does the same
  1913. >"Alright, spread out! Find cover!" she yells, then she herself takes position behind a pillar facing the entrance
  1914. >to the left of this pillar is another
  1915. >Sabersong choses this
  1916. >Longrun now turns over the table he almost accidentally did so a few minutes ago, shattering all the fine kitchenware in the process
  1917. >Breakpoint joins him behind the table
  1918. >the dining room and the hall are the same space, so they have a great shot at the entrance, and at a distance
  1919. >Shield turns a wardrobe perpendicular to the wall, while Scroll simply hugs the wall on the other side
  1920. >everyone assumed their firing positions, except you
  1921. >you're behind Starstorm and Sabersong, pretty much out in the open
  1922. >you quickly levitate a sturdy-looking drawer to yourself, and call it a day
  1924. >only seconds later, you can see the Storm Creature platoon arriving in front of the house
  1925. >they don't hesitate, and enter the garden
  1926. >"They're here. Stay cool, squad..." exclaims the Major in a lowered voice
  1927. >the creatures approach the door
  1928. >you can hear their steps closer and closer
  1929. >a few of them spread out in the garden, and try to look inside through the windows
  1930. >luckily, there are curtains on and it's so bright outside that they can't see much from the relatively dim interior
  1931. >good thing too, at least you will have an element of surprise
  1932. >but you know that only lasts until the moment the engagement starts
  1933. >the creatures stop before the entrance
  1934. >they start banging hard on the door, saying -or more like, growling- something along with it
  1935. >probably that you should open up
  1936. >as obviously no answer comes, and the door doesn't open, they begin to break it down
  1937. >these Storm Creatures don't screw around
  1938. >one kick, two kicks, three...
  1939. >just as they pound at the door, you can feel your heart pounding your chest from the inside
  1940. >this is it...
  1942. >the door finally gives in, and falls inside with a loud thud
  1943. >three Storm guards shove themselves through the doorway
  1944. >one by one, as it's not sized for them
  1945. >you peek over the drawer
  1946. >you now see just how big they are
  1947. >Longrun was right, they are HUGE
  1948. >and they are indeed seem to be one big hunk of muscle
  1949. >they have white fur around their heads, and wear metal chest plates and some sort of face mask
  1950. >they also wield long spears
  1951. >this is the amount of tactical information you could gather about them in a moment
  1952. >because the next moment, a loud, somewhat raspy voice shouts the command
  1953. >"OPEN FIRE!"
  1955. >Startstorm and Sabersong poke their heads out from behind the pillars, and take down the first two Storm guards in a heartbeat
  1956. >the flurry of magic bolts surprise only the third guard in the back, as the other two couldn't even react before they fell over
  1957. >he steps aside in an attempt to avoid his demise, and to probably make a move
  1958. >but he won't
  1959. >adrenaline rushes through your body as you realize the game is on, and your comrades' lives are at stake
  1960. >you lean over your cover, charge up your magic, and...
  1961. >but before you could release, a perfectly placed shot of magic hits him in the side, right between where the chest plate and back plate meets
  1962. >the creature groans in pain, as he grasps where he was hit, and falls to his knees
  1963. >then quickly to the ground
  1964. >he's done...
  1965. >you look at the source of the shot
  1966. >it was Shield, from behind the wardrobe
  1967. >his horn is still lit up, scanning for more targets
  1969. >he doesn't have to wait much, as the noises draw the attention of the other Storm guards
  1970. >the ones in the garden move towards the door
  1971. >there are three of them, just like in the previous group
  1972. >also, the ones still outside the tall garden fence take up formation
  1973. >one creature from the group of three would just step inside the house, but notices the corpses of the previous group
  1974. >he stops in the doorframe, and quickly steps back
  1975. >he takes cover with the other two, right next to the door
  1976. >you can hear them mumbling something, and deducing from the shadows, give out hand signals to the group outside the fence
  1977. >good thing you can see straight outside, so you notice a warrior with a tower shield leaving the formation
  1978. >he walks straight at the door, slowly, with basically no part sticking out from behind the shield
  1979. >as he approaches, he also draws out his sword
  1980. >a normal, one handed one, but for a pony, that's like a claymore
  1981. >since you're the only one seeing outside, you see fit to call out the threat:
  1982. >"Watch out team, enemy shield unit is approaching. I think the rest will use him as cover to enter the building"
  1983. >Starstorm and Saber nod back an affirmative
  1984. >you look at the other members
  1985. >they all look back at you, indicating they got the info
  1987. >the shield-toting warrior steps through the doorway, with his comrades in tow
  1988. >this is the moment, as if your brains were linked, you open fire at the enemy, along with the Major and Sabersong
  1989. >you aim, charge up, and release, and score hits on the heavy shield, but it doesn't seem to take damage
  1990. >the other two mares hit harder, with Starstorm firing a whole volley of purple bolts at the enemy
  1991. >but the shots only leave black marks, with a few outright plinking off the angled piece of armor
  1992. >this is the moment when the rest of the squad joins the action
  1993. >Scroll and Shield simply hit the flanks, shooting the creatures out from behind the mobile cover
  1994. >in just seconds, the support unit remains without creatures to support
  1995. >and even he only musters a faint "Uh-oh..." before falling victim to another well placed shot from Shield
  1996. >you have to admit, this guy is savage, compared to how soft spoken he is normally
  1997. >the rest of the creatures bail, seeing they won't really enter this house anytime soon
  1998. >they don't fall back too far though, just behind the garden fence
  2000. >you see the Storm creatures poking out their masked faces from behind cover, as they scan the entrance
  2001. >they are probably planning their next move
  2002. >now that you can take a bit of breath, you can also contemplate the fact that your first real engagement with enemy forces was over, and you survived
  2003. >sure, you didn't have to do much, but still, you were part of the team effort
  2004. >actually, you're kinda happy you didn't have to kill any creature
  2005. >you only wonder how some of the others take it, like Shield
  2006. >he is such a nice pony, surely the pure concept of killing disturbs him, too
  2007. >but of course, kill, or be killed
  2008. >such is the law of combat
  2009. >but this only goes through your head for a second before returning to the realty of the situation
  2010. >you have to admit, you held the house pretty well
  2011. >the interior acts as a makeshift little fortress, with the squadmembers spread out in such a way that no matter what amount of hostiles enter, they will surely be mowed down
  2012. >this actually seems easier than you thought it would be
  2013. >actually, it seems a bit too easy...
  2015. >"These guys are easy, hehe" says Sabersong, as if she could read your thoughts "Hey Longrun, you keepin' count for me? I mean, at least do something if you don't even shoot!"
  2016. >before he could answer, the Major disciplines your psycho squadmate
  2017. >"Stop with that, and focus. This isn't over yet"
  2018. >it indeed isn't, but you wonder why the rest of the creatures aren't attacking yet
  2019. >they just take small peeks at you between the iron bars of the garden fence
  2020. >as if they decided to just wait you out to take the next move
  2021. >or...
  2022. >they are waiting for something else
  2023. >like, for another platoon to encirle the house
  2024. >isn't there a back entrance, too?
  2025. >and what about the roof access?
  2026. >oh shit...
  2028. >just as these thoughts spring to your mind, you turn back to check these things
  2029. >in that moment, the door to the back room gets slammed down by a Storm creature
  2030. >with you being the closest target, he raises his crossbow, aiming right at your head
  2031. >the bolt fires, whizzing past your left ear
  2032. >the next moment, almost instinctively, a fully charged bolt of magic leaves the tip of your horn
  2033. >it strikes his armor at a zero angle, penetrating it and leaving a burn mark on his coat
  2034. >and although he staggers, he doesn't seem to be seriously injured
  2035. >but as you would charge another shot, six bolts hit the creature simultanously
  2036. >the savage arcane assault came from all your squadmates, sending the unfortunate assailant flying back a bit
  2037. >but you don't have time to say thanks
  2038. >the front entrance is under attack again!
  2039. >"Watch out!"
  2040. >everypony turns their attention back to the front
  2041. >at least six Storm guards enter the house, all wielding their signature double-pronged spears
  2042. >no careful approach anymore, it seems
  2043. >they will just try to overwhelm you
  2045. >the well dug-in positons in the front of the hall break up
  2046. >Starstorm and Sabersong leave cover and back off as two-two creatures are lounging at them
  2047. >Scroll and Shield try to back them up, but they get occupied by even more fighters entering the house
  2048. >at the same time, you see a creature coming down the staircase
  2049. >"Watch out, they're coming down the stairs!"
  2050. >now Longrun and Breakpoint get their own fights too, and try to fend the monstrous things off
  2051. >it's up to you to help
  2052. >you know your spells aren't the strongest, but they might be enough to distract them while your buddies deal the finishing blows
  2053. >Saber seems to be in the deepest shit
  2054. >as she fires her bolts at the attacking creature, she always needs to dodge his spear thrusts
  2055. >she misses all her shots
  2056. >but before she gets backed into the corner, she grabs the spear, and keeps it in place
  2057. >with her next move, she kicks the spear out of her attacker's hand, then finishes him off with a few shots to the face
  2058. >ouch
  2060. >meanwhile, the other Storm creature turned his attention to you
  2061. >you take steps back as he closes in
  2062. >compared to their size, they aren't that fast actually
  2063. >must be due to their short and thin legs, relatively speaking
  2064. >That's it! That must be a weak spot!
  2065. >and at this close quarters, you should be able to hit their legs
  2066. >acting upon your idea, you fire at your attacker's legs and indeed, that does the trick
  2067. >you quickly do enough damage to get him off his feet
  2068. >he tries to get up from the ground, but can't
  2069. >you blasted those kneecaps pretty good it seems
  2070. >but he still has his spear, and two huge arms
  2071. >he would lounge at you, but you shoot the weapon straight outta his hand
  2072. >the remaining arm you just hold down with your telekinesis
  2073. >you know full well it's cruel, but you have to deal the coup de grace to the crippled combatant
  2074. >you remove the face mask, but as you charge up your horn, you realize you don't have enough magic
  2075. >doesn't matter, you will just knock him out
  2076. >that's also more in line with the "pony way"
  2077. >as you bring down his face to kicking level, you decide to just headbutt him
  2078. >his bare face meets your visor, and he's done for good
  2079. >you release your TK, and look around for targets
  2081. >everypony is occupied, fighting at least two Storm guards
  2082. >Starstorm is actually fighting three, but manages to take out all three of them at once with an impressive display of combat magic, a storm of magic bolts
  2083. >her name really does suit her
  2084. >those creatures got hit at least a hundred times before hitting the ground
  2085. >"Rookie, you and Shield go and cover the rear!" she yells the order, in the single moment of intermission, as another creature is already going at her
  2086. >you comply, and hurry to the back room, with Shield in tow
  2087. >you now see there are actually two back rooms, both with huge windows
  2088. >those will be used as entrances for sure
  2089. >and just as you think that, three Storm creatures enter through them
  2090. >"Sword, I'll handle these two, you have the one in the other room!"
  2091. >you go to the other room, where there is the back door you thought about a bit earlier
  2092. >and this Storm creature, which makes a mad thrust at you
  2093. >magic is not that good at this close quarters
  2094. >the room is occupied with chairs and sofas, and you almost tumble as you back off from the charging creature
  2095. >fuck, like this, you will just use up your magic pool, without hitting him even once
  2096. >then, it comes to mind you have a close quarters weapon too
  2097. >you take out your CQDW
  2098. >you disengage the latch, and the internal spring mechanism extends the spear to full lenght
  2099. >which seems awfully short now
  2100. >you'd really need the range now
  2101. >of course, you can hold the spear further away from yourself, but the further the object is, the less precise the levitation becomes
  2102. >the creature strikes, but this time, you deflect the blow with your own weapon
  2103. >then parry another strike with it, but you also notice just how light your weapon is
  2104. >counter-hits will be impossible this way
  2105. >you know from your fencing days that the counter weapon should be at least as heavy as the attacking weapon
  2106. >this obviously isn't the case now
  2107. >surely, it was designed with pony-sized targets in mind, and not with these behemoths
  2109. >as the duel rages on, the creature gains ground
  2110. >you try all the fancy telekinetic moves in your disposal, but it merely slows him down
  2111. >as you make a badly calculated move, your magical grasp momentarily weakens
  2112. >in the next moment, the creature whacks your spear away with his own
  2113. >it flies a good distance
  2114. >with your weapon lost, you jump behind the nearest sofa for momentary cover
  2115. >then, you see it...
  2116. >a huge, gilded trident displayed high up on the wall, just above your nemesis
  2117. >it seems to serve more of a decorative surpose, but it actually has pointy tips, and what's more important, it's huge
  2118. >would be perfect against these goons...
  2119. >the Storm guard strikes above the sofa, but you quickly bend down, and he only strikes thin air
  2120. >with his spear momentarily out of the way, you use his own arm as a bridge, and leap on the creature's head
  2121. >then from his head, you jump up to the trident, and grab it
  2122. >now you have an adequate weapon
  2123. >now, it is a real fight
  2125. >the sudden moves surprised the brute, but he quickly resumes the attack
  2126. >he strikes, but you easily parry it with your newfound heavy weapon
  2127. >"How do you like that?!" you taunt him
  2128. >he seems surprised, but thrusts hard nevertheless, but with a perfect riposte you save yourself
  2129. >now he's not just surprised, but seems to have lost his nerve as well
  2130. >you exploit the momentary weakness, and using the trident as a hammer, deal a savage blow to his knees
  2131. >he falls down on them
  2132. >for a second, you're face to face, but not for long, as you raise your waepon...
  2133. >and strike so hard that his face mask gets deformed
  2134. >it's finished, you won
  2135. >although you really wouldn't want to look under that mask now
  2137. >you quickly realize this is the best way to defeat these fighters in such extreme close quarters
  2138. >you keep the trident close, and rush to the other room, where Shield is struggling with multiple hostiles
  2139. >he has a small magical namesake conjured up that he uses do deflect blows
  2140. >then at the right moment, he counterattacks with energy bolts
  2141. >but as he takes out one, another Storm guard enters the fray
  2142. >now that you're here, this one engages you
  2143. >he lounges at you, but you parry with a wide circular motion
  2144. >with his spear out of the way, you strike at his feet, tripping him
  2145. >he falls on his back, but before he could react anything, you strike him down, dealing a savage blow to his armored chest
  2146. >again, the armor gets bent, and another creature remains on the ground
  2148. >a 2vs1 is still going on against Shield
  2149. >you step in to help
  2150. >with a sudden idea, you step on the tail of the one a bit closer to yourself
  2151. >as he would step forward, he trips, falling on his back
  2152. >using the great opening, you kick off his mask
  2153. >then rear up, and come down in his face with your front hooves
  2154. >your armored horseshoes do a quick and effective job
  2155. >one less Storm creature to worry about
  2157. >meanwhile, Shield gets the upper hand against the other fighter
  2158. >he releases his shield spell, and fires off a quick telekinetic burst, sending the combatant back a bit
  2159. >using the opening, he gets creative, and picks up a huge vase from the ground...
  2160. >and smashes it on his opponent's head
  2161. >that does the trick, the fight is over for him
  2162. >you both pant heavily
  2163. >but there is no time for celebration, the others might still be in trouble
  2165. >getting back to the hall, you see your squadmates finishing off their last targets
  2166. >the rest of the creatures finally seem to get the idea, and flee
  2167. >"Cease fire! Cease fire!" yells Starstorm
  2168. >everypony stops casting, and looks around
  2169. >finally, you all can get a breather
  2170. >"It seems that was the last of 'em. Gimme a quick sitrep. Anypony injured?"
  2171. >luckily, nopony gives a positive response
  2172. >"Right... Okay, we might have defeated these bums, but this is no time for celebration yet. We still have to get out of the city. But before, I'm allowing us a quick rest. Two minutes. Let's admit, this was a tough fight"
  2174. >you look at each other with Shield
  2175. >"H-hey Sword... Th-thanks for coming for me. You helped a lot" he pants
  2176. "Don't mention it. We're comrades, aren't we?"
  2177. >Shield smiles and nods
  2178. >"That we are, Sword. And I'm glad we are"
  2180. >you smile back at Shield
  2181. >his compliment felt good, even if it was for something that is a basic thing between squadmates
  2182. >even more so, as this was the first feel-good thing that happened to you since you came here
  2183. >as you have a minute of breather, you sit down, and rest your newfound trident next to the wall
  2184. >but as you can now concentrate on something else than combat, the sight in front of you quickly dissipates your good feelings
  2185. >the hall that became a battlefield for the last twenty minutes or so, is literally full of corpses
  2186. >or even if not all of those Storm Guards are dead, they are dying or at least unconcious
  2187. >as you never seen anything dead before in your life that was bigger than a fly, this greatly unsettles you
  2188. >indeed, as a Royal Guard, you never had to deal with such a thing
  2189. >but right now, you have time to exchange a few words with Shield
  2190. >maybe that will put you at ease somewhat
  2191. "Shield, does this...this sight...the result of combat... How do you cope with it?" you ask quietly
  2192. >"I just try to don't think about it. That's the best way. And knowing the fact that if not them, then my squadmates or me" he says slowly, looking at the ground
  2193. >his voice carries a serious tone
  2194. >and also some regret
  2196. >"It's never good to kill sentients" he continues "But sometimes, there just isn't another way. This is my first time, too. So I feel you. But you just have to stay strong for your buddies, that's how I look at it"
  2197. >those are indisputable facts
  2198. >your favorite squadmate made hella good points, yet you only manage to say a weak "Yeah..."
  2199. "Yeah..."
  2200. >"It's okay, Sword. You will pull through. And don't worry, not all of our missions are like this. This is a particularly tough one, and I'm actually impressed how well you did despite everything. And hey, after this, no mission will be too hard!" he says, while trying to force a smile
  2201. >but you can't smile back
  2202. >now he steps closer, and softly nudges you with a hoof
  2203. >"You're a tough little blade of determination, Swordie. You'll prevail"
  2204. >at these words, you can actually smile back
  2205. >they don't feel pep talk-y, they feel... emotional
  2206. >"If you say so, El-Tee" you wink
  2208. >as you turn back towards the corpse-filled hall, you catch the attention of you ever-observant Major
  2209. >"Rookie, if it's too much, just go down to the basement, and fetch us the hippogriffs. We're moving out in a minute"
  2210. >okay, right, this should be better then thinking about how your squad made dozens of dead creatures in just half an hour
  2211. >nevertheless, you still have to slalom between the huge bodies to the basement door
  2212. >ugh...
  2213. >you turn the knob, and take a few steps down
  2214. "Mr Seabeak! Mrs Seabeak! It's safe now. You can come up"
  2215. >for a few moments, there is no response
  2216. >then, the Ambassador shows up first
  2217. >then his wife with the baby
  2218. >"Is it all clear? Have you killed them ALL?" he asks
  2219. >great, you get reminded...
  2220. "Y-yes, we did... We should get moving. Please, come"
  2222. >you go back to the hall
  2223. >you are greeted with the sight of Sabersong piling up corpses in one of the corners
  2224. >it's horrible, but it makes sense
  2225. >she just made way for the squad to the entrance, as it was completely blocked away
  2226. >"Hey Major" she asks as she lifts up the body of a particularly huge Storm Guard "This one's still breathing. What about him?"
  2227. >"Well, what about him?!"
  2228. >"Shall I...?"
  2229. >"Don't bother. Just make us way. We're not here to clean house"
  2230. >Psychomare just shrugs in response, and throws the unlucky creature on top of the pile
  2231. >thank Celestia she didn't get the order to finish him off
  2233. >meanwhile, the Ambassador and his wife arrive from the basement
  2234. >Mr Seabeak looks horrified
  2235. >he even puts a hand to his face
  2236. >"Heavens and seas! What has happened here? All our fine kitchenware! All our furniture! All those claw-painted vases we got from Novo herself! This place is a mess!"
  2237. >damn straight, Ambassador...
  2238. >"Well yes, I have to admit you ponies are pretty effective at what you do" adds Coral, with a hint of sadistic satisfaction in her voice "But dear, it's not like we'll come back here anytime soon. Let it go"
  2239. >"We just did what we had to do" says Starstorm, looking up at the tall pair
  2240. >"Yeah, and everything else was these Storm freaks' doin'" adds Longrun, coming through the entrance
  2241. >then she turns to Starstorm
  2242. >"The streets are clear. For now. Let's move out while we can, huh Major?"
  2243. >"We will. Okay squad, get yourselves ready for another round. We're going back to the embassy" she barks, then turns back to the hippogriffs "Mr and Mrs Ambassador, I want you to always stay close to us, and always, I mean ALWAYS stay in cover. And never try to engage any hostiles, only if your lives depend on it. Are we clear?"
  2244. >"And what if YOUR lives depend on it?" asks back Coral
  2245. >"That shouldn't be your concern, Miss. We're here to protect you, not the other way around"
  2247. >the Major signals a rally
  2248. >"Alright Phoenix, here's the plan: Longrun, you take point, and make sure the coast is clear. If not, I'll be there with you to take out any hostiles in front of us, IF it's necessary. Breakpoint, Shield, and Rookie, you stay around the VIPs, and make sure no harm can reach them. Shield, it's especially important now to always have your barrier spell ready"
  2249. >Shield nods
  2250. >"And Scroll, you will cover the back with Sabersong. No one will hit us from behind"
  2251. >"Sure" says Scroll
  2252. >"Alright then. Any questions?"
  2253. >the squad is silent
  2254. >"Ambassador?"
  2255. >"I understood everything. Let's hope for the best" he says with a bit trembling voice
  2256. >Seabeak would get going, but Coral speaks up
  2257. >"Wait a moment... Is that my Ancestral Trident?"
  2258. >she's looking at you
  2259. >she looks even a bit awestruck
  2261. >"Dear, we don't have time fo..."
  2262. >"Shush! Corporal Glitter..."
  2263. "Yes, I mean, I suppose? I took it off from the wall in the back room. It was a moment of emergency, but it proved to be a most effective weapon. But it belongs to you I take it, so here you are"
  2264. >you try to levitate it back into her claws, but she doesn't take it away
  2265. >"This weapon belonged to my grandfather, but it was in my family for many generations. He said only a true warrior should wield it. I never felt worthy enough, so I kept it merely as a decoration. But you Sword... You used it to defend us and your comrades. You are worthy. It should belong to you"
  2266. "No, no" you turn her down "If it means so much to your family, you should carry it. And it's actually advisable to have a weapon on you in such a situation. Just in case. And I'll just pick up one of these"
  2267. >you give back the trident to Coral a bit forcibly, and pick up one of the Storm Guard spears from the ground
  2268. >it's heavy as well, and it's even a bit longer than your previous, gilded weapon
  2269. >"The Corporal here makes a good point, but can we move out now?!" says Starstorm impatiently, obviously addressing it to Coral
  2270. >"But of course, Major" she responds, while getting a good hold of the Trident "Let's get out of here"
  2272. >the squad moves out to the courtyard, and takes up formation with the hippogriffs in the center, just as planned
  2273. >it's a bit ironic that you are the bodyguards, yet they are sticking out from among you
  2274. >they are much taller than any of you
  2275. >"Okay Longrun. Do your thing" orders Starstorm
  2276. >the stallion peeks his head out of the garden entrance, and looks in both directions
  2277. >"The streets are empty. We should be good"
  2278. >"Or they could wait in ambush... Run up to that house, and check ahead" the Major responds, pointing out the building
  2279. >Longrun does as ordered, and trots to the house that partially blocks view of the road ahead
  2280. >he then disappears around the house
  2281. >and about fifteen seconds later reappears, giving an "all clear" hoof signal
  2282. >"Alright, let's go, let's go!" urges the Major
  2284. >the team hurries up to the house
  2285. >now you can take a good look around too
  2286. >the dusty streets are completely empty
  2287. >it's hard to imagine that just an hour ago, they were busy with city life
  2288. >now, it's almost eerie
  2289. >but at least, there aren't any hostiles either
  2290. >the team hugs the wall, and Breakpoint makes sure the hippogriffs do the same
  2291. >he has a leg in front of them, preventing them stepping out from cover, and potentially into the line of fire
  2292. >Shield is behind them, looking more focused than ever
  2293. >Scroll and Saber are a bit further behind you, guarding the group's back
  2294. >meanwhile, you are scanning the houses on the other side of the street, looking at the rooftops and balconies
  2295. >they are the perfect place for a crossbow user to strike at you or the VIPs
  2296. >but you detect nothing, luckily
  2298. >"Alright Sergeant. Same drill" says Starstorm in the very front
  2299. >"Aye-aye"
  2300. >Longrun does recon once again
  2301. >there is a slight curve in the road right after this house, so again, you can't see what's up
  2302. >but the fast scout returns in a minute
  2303. >"It's clear almost all the way to the embassy. The road curves a bit again further ahead, so that's still a question mark" he says
  2304. >"It seems you have successfully stalled the Storm Army's advancement in this part of the city. I'm impressed!" says a very happy ambassador
  2305. >"Or they're just advancing from another direction" answers the scout
  2306. >"Longrun is right. Anything could happen. I wouldn't be happy yet..." says the Major, then looks at Sabersong
  2307. >"Saber, you cross the street, and remain on that side. You will watch out for the rooftops just above us while we remain on this side with the VIPs"
  2308. >"Roger that. Damn, can't wait to shoot more bad guys..."
  2309. >"Focus, Sabersong. Okay Phoenix, on Longrun, let's go!"
  2311. >you begin moving at a good pace down the street
  2312. >as ordered, Sabersong is on the other side, falling a bit behind
  2313. >probably wanting to make sure nothing can ambush you from the opposite direction
  2314. >right in front of you trots Shield, visibly on the "edge"
  2315. >luckily, everything seems calm so far
  2316. >and in front of her walks Coral Waves, wearing a special harness holding the baby
  2317. >that's a pretty dangerous way of carrying an infant right now, but it's not like you'd know better
  2318. >although she has her wing half-open, covering the little fella
  2319. >not if a crossbow bolt couldn't penetrate both...
  2320. >but still, it's peace and quiet right now
  2322. >suddenly, Longrun stops, and hoof signals a "Stop" to the squad
  2323. >everyone stops in their tracks
  2324. >maybe you spoke too soon...?
  2325. >"Damn! Storm Army patrol, dead ahead!" he whispers, hurrying back to Starstorm
  2326. >"Did they spot you?" asks the Major
  2327. >"No, but they're moving in fast"
  2328. >"Right..." she says, then turns to the squad "Get back to that alley we just passed. We'll hide there. We won't engage if we don't have to"
  2329. >you all go back to the aforementioned alley
  2330. >there are many crates and giant water jugs lying around here
  2331. >these cats seemingly have a habit of storing their stuff outside
  2332. >luckily though, as it should provide cover from anyone looking in this direction from the street
  2334. >everyone hides behind a piece of cover, suiting their needs
  2335. >the hippogriffs are of course shoved to the back, the furthest from the alley's entrance
  2336. >you get to hide behind a huge wooden box closest to the street, Starstorm likewise, just opposite from you
  2337. >Saber stands behind a huge jug, as lying down would expose her
  2338. >the guys use crates as cover, except Longrun, as there aren't enough crates lying around
  2339. >there is only a basket left, albeit a huge one
  2340. >but that's still small for a stallion, so he switches places with Saber, who doesn't seem happy about it
  2341. >"I can't believe it'd ever come to ME hiding under some damned basket..."
  2342. >nevertheless, the basket exactly fits the mare's size
  2343. >in a less serious situation, it would be actually funny
  2344. >but not now, as judging from the sound of the footsteps, those Stormtroopers are closing in fast
  2346. >"Alright squad, stay frosty now. Nopony moves. Stay quiet..." whispers the Major
  2347. >the patrol is almost here
  2348. >as you look in the direction of Longrun, you can see him madly whispering something
  2349. >or more like, just mouthing a single word, looking at you
  2350. >as if he's trying to say "TAIL! TAIL! TAIL!"
  2351. >tail?
  2352. >as in, your own tail?
  2353. >you look down at your tail, and see it's partially out of cover
  2354. >it seems your perfectly groomed tail lost its single hairpin holding it in a neat package
  2355. >must have happened during the firefight
  2356. >how you didn't notice?
  2357. >now your long tail lays next to you in its full luscious glory
  2358. >you grab it quickly, and put it in your lap
  2359. >phew, that was close
  2360. >that tail sure would have been visible against this sandy ground
  2361. >and the Major thinks too, as she's visibly mad
  2363. >but this is not the time for discipline
  2364. >the Storm Army patrol arrives
  2365. >the soldiers pass the alley, without caring to take a look, luckily
  2366. >they're probably heading for the Ambassador's residence
  2367. >well, they're in for a sight if they indeed go there...
  2368. >judging by the sounds and footsteps, the patrol consists of at least 30 creatures
  2369. >good thing you let them pass, taking them on in the open street would spell doom for the squad
  2370. >or at least the VIPs
  2371. >everyone is motionless while the patrol passes away
  2372. >you hear less and less footsteps, and they are getting more distant
  2373. >you almost have a sigh of relief, but suddenly, one guard steps right into the alley
  2375. >he doesn't come further, but he is pretty close
  2376. >you can actually hear him breathing
  2377. >you look at your Major
  2378. >surprisingly, she looks somewhat scared
  2379. >you can imagine why
  2380. >if this creature takes just a few more steps, he will alert his entire platoon
  2381. >or who knows, maybe an entire company is somewhere nearby
  2382. >but that doesn't happen
  2383. >judging from the rythm of the two steps he makes, he just turned around
  2384. >but he stays in place
  2385. >and the metallic clank indicates he just put his spear on the ground
  2386. >he doesn't go away
  2387. >it seems he's taking a break...right here?
  2389. >about five minutes pass
  2390. >Starstorm's scared expression slowly turns into annoyance
  2391. >just like Longrun's, who peeks out from behind his jug for the third time
  2392. >it seems this damn Stormie just doesn't want to piss off
  2393. >but now the squad's scout seemingly got an idea
  2394. >his horn is glowing
  2395. >and he fumbles with the left side of his armor
  2396. >finally, he pulls out his "lucky" magic knife
  2397. >what's his plan?
  2398. >you get your answer right out, as he throws the short emitter to you
  2399. >you catch it just before it could hit your chest armor, and potentially alarming the guard
  2400. >now you hold the emitter with a silent levitation spell
  2401. >actually, Longrun himself tought you this one, as the normal levitation spell of unicorns produces a rather distinctive "humming" sound
  2402. >it's not so audible to ponies, especially unicorns, as they are used to it, but a non-pony creature could definitely hear it, he told you
  2403. >that must be true, especially in the silence right now
  2405. >now that you have the knife, you also know what he expects you to do
  2406. >after all, you are the closest to the guard
  2407. >and Starstorm...
  2408. >although, the creature actually stands a bit closer to your side of the alley
  2409. >you look at the Major, to see what is her reaction
  2410. >maybe she'd rather wait this out?
  2411. >that would be safer maybe...
  2412. >but no, what you get is confirmation
  2413. >she makes the unmistakeable horizontal hoof gesture at her own neck
  2414. >Take. Him. Out.
  2415. >the order rings in your head, yet you didn't hear any words
  2416. >but you know that's what you have to do now
  2417. >you can't linger for any longer
  2418. >after all, every lost second plays into the hands of the enemy now, potentially cutting you off from your escape routes
  2419. >okay Sword...
  2420. >deep breath
  2421. >do it
  2423. >you activate Longrun's weapon
  2424. >a blade of pure magic envelops three sides of the emitter
  2425. >you step out from behind the crate very carefully, holding the knife right in front of you
  2426. >the blade of energy hums only a very little bit louder than your TK spell
  2427. >the target doesn't hear it
  2428. >he's unaware of your presence
  2429. >you take a few silent steps forward, closing the distance
  2430. >now you are in striking range
  2431. >you could stab him in the back already, but he would scream, alerting the rest of them
  2432. >or maybe they are far away enough that you could just go for it?
  2433. >you can't be sure of that
  2434. >you have to murder this being silently
  2435. >you gulp
  2436. >cutting through the throat, including the voice box would be an obvious choice
  2437. >no scream, quick suffocation
  2438. >the thick mane shouldn't be a problem either, as this blade can cut through anything
  2439. >or so you were told by your comrade
  2440. >although this still won't be a super quick death this way
  2441. >and if there's something you'd hate to see, it's suffering
  2442. >if you have to kill, at least let it be quick and clean
  2443. >but you have to do it
  2444. >your squad depends on you to do this right, and don't get them killed
  2446. >so, you raise the magic blade to neck level
  2447. >the guard still doesn't expect anything
  2448. >he's leaning on his spear, getting some rest
  2449. >now suddenly, it dawns on you
  2450. >you are a Royal Guard
  2451. >you have training...
  2452. >his spear...
  2453. >in a moment's notice, you grab the creature's spear, and put it horizontally at his neck
  2454. >as he was leaning on it, he falls, but you you grab him an inch above ground
  2455. >then release
  2456. >all the while you violently pull the spear towards yourself
  2457. >the guard grabs it with both hands, but your magic is so strong he can't take it away from his throat
  2458. >he starts to suffocate
  2459. >you start to count slowly...
  2460. >1...2...3...4...
  2461. >...10
  2462. >you loosen the pull, but he can't grab the spear anymore
  2463. >he was already on the ground, but now his whole body slumps down
  2464. >good work, Sword
  2465. >he's gonna have a nasty headache when he gets up
  2466. >but you won't be here by then
  2468. >you bring the body further into the alley
  2469. >now everyone looks at you, seemingly checking out your work
  2470. >the Major comments first
  2471. >"Well Rookie... This isn't what I was implying...but it works"
  2472. "I just couldn't bring myself to killing an unaware combatant" you say as you put the creature down behind some crates
  2473. >"Wait... You didn't kill it?!" says the Major, recoiling a bit
  2474. "No. That would have required fifteen seconds longer suffocation. He's just unconcious"
  2475. >"Okay, but you can finish him off now" she points at the still living body
  2476. "That's not necessary. He'll stay this way for a good ten minutes. Or more"
  2477. >"And we'll be far away by then, I get it... Okay squad, move out! But stay low"
  2478. >Starstorm begins to move, but only takes a single step before turning back to you
  2479. >"Oh, and Rookie... Get rid of that damned tail. Now"
  2481. >oh yeah
  2482. >your tail
  2483. >it caused trouble just minutes ago
  2484. >as you still have Longrun's knife on you, you decide to get rid of the problem quickly
  2485. >you activate the emitter, and lift it just under where the tailbone ends
  2486. >and with a quick cut, most of the skirt falls down
  2487. >now it looks just like the tail of the other two mares
  2488. >utilitarian and unimpressive
  2489. >but oh well, this is not the time for bawling over it, and give back the blade to Longrun
  2490. >"Aw" he says as he puts away the weapon "But I liked how it looked..."
  2491. >you can only give him a sheepish smile as an agreement
  2493. >you start to move, and you're happy how smartly you solved this situation
  2494. >every Royal Guard reduces killing to a minimum, if possible
  2495. >and it was possible now
  2496. >even if it's against such a despicable enemy such as the Storm King and his minions
  2498. >you make it back to the embassy without further trouble
  2499. >luckily, there aren't any Storm Forces around the building either
  2500. >so far, so good
  2501. >if everything goes well, the mission should be a cakewalk from now on
  2502. >that is, if you find that tunnel in the basement the Ambassador mentioned
  2503. >as you're moving through the garden, Major Starstorm gives a quick hoof gesture
  2504. >"Phoenix, prepare for door breach. Stack up"
  2505. >but as soon as you get into position, you see that someone beat you to it...
  2506. >the doorknob is missing, and the lock is torn out
  2507. >the door is slighly open as well
  2508. >"So, we won't be alone then" reacts Longrun
  2509. >"Or maybe they already left" answers Breakpoint
  2510. >"Don't count on it..." says the Major "Rookie, I want a tactical entry. You and Shield. Do it"
  2512. >you take up positon in front of the door
  2513. >this is one of baseline tactics you already learned in your few weeks of training
  2514. >Shield is to your left, slighly behind you
  2515. >you push in the door very slowly with your hoof, while your horn is lit up, ready to shoot
  2516. >you scan the main hall, as more and more is revealed of it through the gap
  2517. >not a soul can be seen
  2518. >when the door is fully opened, you move inside with Shield, in perfect unison
  2519. >you check the area previously blocked by the door, then behind the door itself
  2520. >luckily, there's nobody there
  2521. >"Clear right"
  2522. >"Clear left" says your squadmate
  2523. >the rest of the squad now enters too, along with the VIPs
  2524. >now that you look at the interior a little better, you see that everything is perfectly intact
  2525. >except for the door, of course
  2526. >no fighting took place here
  2527. >but whoever entered, forced himself inside
  2528. >the obvious answer would be Storm Creatures
  2529. >but are they still in the house?
  2531. >"Okay squad. We'll systematically search the building before going to the basement. But first, we'll block the entrances. No in or out from now on"
  2532. >acting upon the implied order, Shield closes the door, and moves a massive drawer in front of it
  2533. >then piles another one on top
  2534. >"That ought to do it"
  2535. >"Good" says Starstorm "Mr Ambassador, is there another -official- entrance?"
  2536. >"Yes" he answers "There's a back door too. That somehow reminds me... I hope my poor Jeeves is alright, and was able to escape all this trouble"
  2537. >"We can't care about your cat now. We must move on" says Starstorm, cutting him short
  2538. >Seabeak looks around with a frown, then at her wife
  2539. >"It's okay dear. I'm sure he's fine. And after all, we both have precious cargo we have to concentrate on right now" she says
  2540. >"You're right" answers Seabeak, steeling his expression "Those are really more important than anything. One to us, and the other to our entire nation..."
  2542. >you slowly walk through the hall
  2543. >there's nothing so far
  2544. >you can see there is an entrance to a hallway, that goes both directions
  2545. >and there is also the mezzanine, with multiple rooms as you can remember
  2546. >"Alright" speaks Starstorm again "I need two of you to check out this hallway. It leads to, uh... Ambassador?"
  2547. >"Multiple rooms and the kitchen"
  2548. >"...Thank you. So, clear those out if need be. Other two I need upstairs. Same drill. The rest of us will stay here with the VIPs. If there is any serious trouble, then shout. If not, just shoot"
  2549. >"Then I'll take this hallway and the rooms" says Sabersong "Longrun, you comin'?"
  2550. >Longrun looks unamused
  2551. >maybe because he couldn't crack a joke in the last ten minutes?
  2552. >heh...
  2553. >"Whatever"
  2554. >"And me and Scroll will go upstairs" says Breakpoint "How does that sound, Scroll?"
  2555. >Scroll is as stoic as ever, and just nods
  2556. >"Fine. Then let's go team. Hurry up!"
  2558. >the two pairs of Paladins go their separate ways while you, Shield and Starstorm remain where you are
  2559. >as precaution, you move over to one of the corners of the hall, to be less exposed
  2560. >you can never be too careful, as the Major rightly points out
  2561. >a few minutes pass, and Starstorm is visibly restless
  2562. >she's shifting her weight from her one side to the other, then back again
  2563. >you and Shield look at each other
  2564. >then Seabeak looks at you
  2565. >finally, he speaks up
  2566. >"Perhaps I could show you the basement while the others are conducting their search. Wouldn't that be a good idea, Major?"
  2567. >the Major looks back
  2568. >"No" she simply says
  2569. >"But you seem restless. And the house is most probably empty. We should just..."
  2570. >"No. We will wait here for the others. And you will do exactly what I say while we're escorting you"
  2571. >"Oh. I see... Very well" answers Seabeak, sounding a bit offended
  2572. >he looks at her wife
  2573. >"We should really just do as we're told. For now..." she says
  2574. >Starstorm turns her head back upon hearing the "For now" part
  2575. >Coral's face doesn't hitch in the slightest
  2576. >for a few seconds they stare down at each other, but neither of them says anything
  2577. >finally, the Major just turns back towards the hall
  2578. >well, that was a bit tense
  2579. >you can only hope these two won't have any serious conflicts for the rest their time together
  2581. >one more minute passes, and you can hear movement right above you
  2582. >or more exactly, as if someone was dancing around in iron boots
  2583. >maybe your comrades are in trouble?
  2584. >hopefully they can handle it, but one of you could maybe check it out
  2585. >Starstorm seems to think that too
  2586. >"Damn this ruckus... Rookie, you go up, and check that out! I want a sitrep in a minute! Move out!"
  2587. >you give a quick salute, and look up at the mezzanine
  2588. >you are ready to strike, your horn is lit up
  2589. >now, as if you heard furniture moving about
  2590. >a moment later a confused Stormie swings out a door just above you on the mezzanine
  2591. >you are charging up your magic to strike him down, but he seems to ignore you, and turns back, with his spear in hand
  2592. >another moment later you hear screaming, and the creature gets launched towards the railing
  2593. >"AAAAAARGH!!!"
  2594. >but it's not the creature's scream, as it turns out, but a battlecry
  2595. >Breakpoint charges at the brute, and the baddie doesn't even have a chance to defend himself
  2596. >his body breaks the railing, while Breakpoint is latched onto him
  2597. >"OOF!" he falls to the ground, and the huge stallion falls on him
  2598. >but your comrade stands up upon the creature in a moment, and stomps him in the face
  2599. >even though he still had his face mask on, he gets knocked out cold
  2600. >"ASSHOLE!" swears Breakpoint, panting heavily
  2602. >"You alright?" you ask, still in a bit of shock from the happening
  2603. >"Yeah, I'm good. This unlucky thing was the only one upstairs, hehe. The Major?"
  2604. >you gesture towards the small group in the corner
  2605. >Starstorm looks disapprovingly at the Lieutenant
  2606. >"You know, you could have just shoot him..."
  2607. >"The walls were too thin, could have hurt Scroll with a missed shot"
  2608. >"Sure, showoff... Right, that must have been heard throughout the house. Guess the other two didn't find anymore hostiles then" answers the Major, then shouts "Longrun, are we clear?!"
  2609. >*PEW!!!*
  2610. >"Clear!" comes the answer, but from Sabersong
  2611. >half a minute later, both her and Longrun returns to the hall
  2612. >now the full team is assembled again
  2613. >"How come you fired your single shot only now?" asks Starstorm, a bit flummoxed
  2614. >"I just wanted to make sure that goon's extra dead. Longrun already knifed him before, but you know..." answers Sabersong, smiling sadistically
  2615. >"Fine. But did you block the back entrance?"
  2616. >"We got that covered too"
  2617. >"Good, we're in the clear then. Anypony got hurt?"
  2618. >no answer
  2619. >now the Major looks specifically at Breakpoint
  2620. >"Lieutenant?"
  2621. >"I swear I'm fine, Major"
  2623. >Starstorm now looks at the Ambassador
  2624. >"Mr Seabeak, now is the time. Let's go to that famous basement of yours"
  2625. >"Of course. This way please"
  2626. >the Ambassador leads you through the back part of the house, to an unassuming brown door
  2627. >he grabs the handle, but the door doesn't open
  2628. >"Oh, of course. It's locked. I never really had any business down here. Only Jeeves brought here excess supplies sometimes. Then he always took back the keys to my office. So, if you excuse me for a moment..."
  2629. >"No time" Starstorm cuts him short "Sabersong!"
  2630. >Saber promptly shoots the lock, and the door opens on its own
  2631. >she peeks down into the basement
  2632. >it's rather dark in there
  2633. >"Alright. Rookie, you take point"
  2634. >you act upon the order, and step through the doorway
  2635. >conjuring up a wide-coned lighting spell, you take a few steps down the stairs
  2636. >you look to your left, casting light upon the dark room
  2637. >you immediately scan for hostiles, but there's nobody down here
  2638. >no big surprise, considering the huge cobwebs hanging from everywhere
  2639. >no one must've been down here for weeks
  2640. >you go all the way down the stairs, taking the cobwebs with you
  2641. >of course, you didn't let your visor do that, you cast a little TK for the job
  2642. >now in the basement proper, you take another good look, casting light on everything
  2643. >your spell casts sharp shadows on the walls from all the crates, and the assortment of discarded homeware
  2644. >but you see no tunnel entrance at all
  2646. "It's all clear down here!" you shout up to your commander
  2647. >your buddies all trot down, with horns brightly lit up similiarly to yours
  2648. >the Hippogriff family follows closely
  2649. >once everyone's in the basement, Starstorm asks
  2650. >"So Ambassador? Where is that tunnel?"
  2651. >her voice carries a bit of disdain
  2652. >obviously, she doesn't see any tunnel entrance either
  2653. >"Well, I guess it was walled up then? We should check" Seabeak answers, his voice not being too confident "I'd need some more light. I can't seem to remember all this clutter here, either..."
  2654. >Starstorm looks at you, and you get the hint right away
  2655. >you take out the torches from their sconces, and light up each and every one
  2656. >now the lighting in the room seems much less artifical
  2657. >"Thank you. Now, about that tunnel" says Seabeak
  2658. >the hippogriff starts to fly around the basement, looking behind crates, and randomly knocking on the walls
  2659. >surely, if that tunnel was walled up, somewhere the knocking would report hollow space
  2660. >"Hmmm" the Ambassador puts a claw on his chin "Maybe behind this old wardrobe..."
  2661. >he grabs the wardrobe, and although you step there to help him, the huge hippogriff effortlessly moves it away
  2662. >he knocks there too, but nothing
  2663. >it doesn't seem like any tunnel ever existed leading from here, sadly
  2664. >"Oh dear..." he quietly exclaims
  2665. >Starstorm scrunches up her muzzle
  2666. >"So, much ado about nothing then?" she says
  2667. >"Ah, I told you Major to just take the obvious route, and shoot our way out of here!" Sabersong speaks up "These Stormfaggots are easy. Surely we would be back at the airship in half an hour that way. Or less"
  2668. >the Major looks momentarily at your psycho squadmate, but doesn't answer
  2669. >it's the Ambassador's turn to speak right now
  2671. >"Well, this is unfortunate. But please remember I never stated this tunnel existed for sure"
  2672. >the whole squad grumbles a bit
  2673. >but it is the Major who speaks
  2674. >"You sounded pretty sure about it, nonetheless"
  2675. >"I am so sorry. I understand our situation just became most dire. I can hope at least my loved ones you ponies can save. And my... Suitcase"
  2676. >"Honey, we'll all make it. Don't worry" Coral interjects
  2677. >"Although I hoped for an easier solution, we can still probably just rough it, and do this the straightforward way, as my squadmate said" says Starstorm "But what's so important about that suitcase that you would put it before your own life?"
  2678. >"Well, just to put this into perspective..."
  2679. >"No, you can't tell! You know you can't tell!" Mrs Seabeak cries out
  2680. >"No, Coral. This is on me. The Storm King would want me, if it ever came to that... And these ponies deserve to know the stakes. They risked their lives for us"
  2681. >Seabeak turns back to the Major
  2682. >Coral Waves still doesn't seem okay with her husband's decision, but the Ambassador is adamant about a confession
  2684. >"In my years spent here as an "ambassador", I conducted research about an artifact from ancient times, about one we just call "The Pearl". This is a most powerful magical device, whose powers and effects I'm not at liberty sharing with you. But let's just say, in the wrong hands, it could mean total world domination. All I found out about it, and the way to use it, I recorded in my journal"
  2685. >Seabeak adjusts his bag where his journal is put away, then continues
  2686. >"All of it is highly encrypted by me, of course. But after seeing the army the Storm King amassed, now I wouldn't put it past him he could find ways to decipher my journal, and learn the secrets of the Pearl for himself. And that's why it is so imperative that necessarily not me, but my journal, gets back to Novo. Without my research, she can't use the Pearl in defense of our Kingdom against a potential Storm King attack. But if escape is no longer possible, we should just destroy the journal right now. Rather that than to let it fall into enemy hands"
  2688. >there is silence for a good few seconds
  2689. >Starstorm cocks her head, and lifts an eyebrow
  2690. >but she doesn't say anything
  2691. >you're speechless too, but it's not like you'd WANT to say anything
  2692. >from the reactions from your squad (or rather, from the lack of it) you can tell this is extraordinary even for them
  2693. >although you still don't know the full extent of missions your squad participated in before you joined, but being stuck in the middle of an invasion was probably wasn't on their roster too many times
  2694. >all YOU know though, is that you're pretty much overwhelmed, and you feel so little right now
  2695. >because this is about saving the world now, right?
  2696. >if the Storm King gets the Pearl, it's all over for the free nations the world, isn't it?
  2697. >that's what the stakes are now
  2698. >that is, if the Researcher-Ambassador wasn't exaggerating, and told everything as they are
  2700. >nevertheless, Longrun starts talking
  2701. >"So THIS is the actual reason we were sent, huh? It's about the magic thingie and not about the ambassador. Do I get this right, guys? We are now deliveryponies, basically?"
  2702. >"Uh-huh. And pony lives are cheap I guess, so that's why we have to do the dirty work" chimes in Sabersong "I'd say we dump these hippos, and just deliver the pearl itself. Much easier to protect than three VIPs anyway"
  2703. >Seabeak gives a very disconcerted look at the sadistic Sergeant, while Coral looks furious
  2704. >now Breakpoint turns to Saber
  2705. >and he doesn't look exactly calm
  2706. >"How can you say that?! You'd just leave them behind, along with a baby? A BABY?! I always knew you wasn't exactly empathetic Sabersong, but this is something else"
  2707. >you can understand Breakpoint's perspective
  2708. >he himself is a father of two kids
  2709. >but Saber doesn't budge
  2710. >"And??? Crucial information was kept from us, and now it's expected to just continue the mission as if nothing happened?"
  2711. >"If you're incapable of showing any mercy, at least show discipline, soldier!" seethes Breakpoint "We have orders, which is to escort VIPs. This new info doesn't change anything about that"
  2712. >"Well, if you're so..."
  2713. >"QUIET!" the Major interrupts her mid-sentence
  2714. >"Major, you heard all of this. I can't believe you're okay with..."
  2715. >"No, Saber" she interrupts her once again "I'm not okay with it, but Breakpoint is right. We have our orders. And we will follow them. And we will accomplish our new objective as well. That magic trinket won't fall into enemy hands. We won't let the Storm King become anymore powerful"
  2716. >Starstorm now looks at each and every one of you, and continues
  2717. >"We are Phoenix Squad, dammit! We never falter, we never let down. We are Celestia's elite, Equestria's most lethal weapon. And if the stakes are higher, it only means we are TRULY needed for this. Big White wouldn't have sent us here for nothin"
  2719. >Seabeak gives a smile to the Major
  2720. >"I knew you had a kind heart under all that armor, Major" he says "I am most thankful to you. And let me correct your squadmate a bit: I don't actually have the Pearl with me"
  2721. >"It's not about kindness, Ambassador" she answers "It's about duty... Wait, what?! Then what was all this fuss about? Where is that pearl, then?"
  2722. >"Luckily, it's in a highly guarded vault back at Mount Aris. I just have the...manual, so to say"
  2723. >"So, all you have is the journal, then? I don't think that alone would be valuable enough to the Storm King. He seeks magic, not papers. I think you worry about nothing"
  2724. >Seabeak seems a bit baffled at this answer
  2725. >and Scroll rolls his eyes as well
  2726. >that must mean the Major just said something Sabersong-tier stupid
  2727. >"Major, please understand..." Seabeak says while wildly gesturing with both front legs "If the Strom King finds out about the true powers of our weapon -I dare to call it that- he will surely launch a full-scale attack against Mount Aris. And we're not prepared for such an invasion yet. He would capture the Pearl, and go on a rampage. And no free nation could repel his army then"
  2729. >Starstorm's change of expression seems to indicate that he gets the full picture now
  2730. >you get it too, although you never doubted that years of research about magic would be important in itself
  2731. >although the Major seems flustered that she got taught so hard (compared to the Ambassador's otherwise very mild demeanor), she pulls herself together, and just says:
  2732. >"Fine, Mr Seabeak. Then we will do it like that. We will escort each of you out of here, along with that journal. Sounds good?"
  2733. >"Yes. Thank you. And I thank you for sticking up to us so far"
  2734. >the Ambassador has a thankful smile, and even bows a little, with a hand on his chest
  2735. >unlike his wife, who seems strangely smug about the situation
  2736. >so far, she looked mad, no doubt about the squad's insurrection
  2737. >and by "squad", you mean two members
  2738. >well, really just one, because Longrun simply pointed out that you were rused by the initial mission briefing
  2739. >but he was right
  2740. >mercy mission your ass, this is all about some implicit power struggle
  2741. >and you, the (formerly) simple Royal Guard, never would have guessed any of it
  2742. >even less so that you will be a part of it
  2743. >but now that you're a part of it, you also understand the stakes of it, and maybe in a roundabout manner, but even Equestria is at stake here
  2744. >because if the Storm King got a super weapon, he would surely come up against your homeland eventually
  2745. >at least, now you know it's truly a cause worth fighting for
  2747. >and now, you also know why Coral is so smug
  2748. >she speaks to Starstorm
  2749. >"I'm glad we could settle things, Major. But it's time I helped fighting. You'll need every warrior you can get now"
  2750. >the Major waves a hoof
  2751. >"Still a no-go, Miss. We cannot put you in harm's way, no matter the circumstances. Rather, we need a plan. A battlefield will be welcoming us when we get out of here"
  2752. >"Major, I was with our Royal Marines. Surely, you don't think I can't handle myself"
  2753. >to emphasize her point, Coral spins her Ancestral Trident, and whacks its base on the ground
  2754. >"Miss, I appreciate your good intention, but I need to point out that........"
  2755. >you don't hear the rest of Starstorm's sentence
  2756. >a strange sound grabbed your attention
  2757. >it was very subtle, but you heard it
  2758. >when Coral put down her spear, the ground rang a bit...hollow?
  2759. >as if there was a hole in the ground, covered up
  2760. >maybe that's the entrance to the tunnel, which may indeed exist then?
  2761. >you must point out your observation, as nopony else seemed to pick up on it
  2763. >"...and that is my final word. Please, let's not continue this. We're already out of time"
  2764. >it seems you caught the end of the argument
  2765. >it appears though that Coral Waves still has something to say, but you take the opportunity instead
  2766. "Major, can I have a word?"
  2767. >"Make it fast, Corporal..."
  2768. >you walk up to Coral, and stomp a bit on the ground
  2769. >right where the trident touched it
  2770. >yup, you were right about it
  2771. "Major, the ground here is hollow"
  2772. >"And?!"
  2773. "What if this is where the tunnel entrance is hidden?"
  2774. >"Wa-ha-ha, of course!" Seabeak jumps up with happiness, flapping his wings "A trap door! How could I be so ignorant? It makes sense, really: you can only dig a tunnel deeper down into sandy ground. So the tunnel must begin down there!"
  2775. >the hippogriff flies up, and points down to the ground, beaming with a smile
  2776. >"Then what are we waiting for? Let's check it out!" responds the Major, not fully hiding her newfound enthusiasm
  2777. >Coral steps back a little, and you two begin to remove the fine sand from the spot, that otherwise covers the whole basement
  2779. >the squad gathers around you, seeing if the hype is real or not
  2780. >to speed things up a little, Scroll casts a minor wind spell, removing the dusty sand in a jiffy
  2781. >unassuming stone tiles are revealed, and Coral inserts a claw between two of them
  2782. >she tries to move it, but it doesn't budge
  2783. >now you try to simply levitate a tile out of the many, but you can't wrap your magic around any of them
  2784. >they are just too tightly placed next to each other
  2785. >such a simple problem, yet it stalls the progress of seven trained Paladins
  2786. >well okay, six...
  2787. >but luckily, the solution comes quickly
  2788. >"Ah... I'm so sorry Grandfather" says Coral, and lifts up her trident
  2789. >then strikes with the business end of it at the stone tiles
  2790. >actually, between two tiles
  2791. >using it as a makeshift crowbar, she forces the tiles apart, then lifts one of them
  2792. >you quickly remove that one with magic, and part of a wooden grille is revealed underneath it
  2793. >and through the holes of the grille, you see black emptiness
  2794. >surely, this must be the entrance to the tunnel!
  2795. >with some access to the other tiles now, the squad gets to work
  2796. >each member grabs a tile, and removes it with ease
  2797. >in not even half a minute, the full grille is revealed, which is indeed a trap door
  2798. >"Well just look at that. It's the tunnel entrance indeed. Very observant, Swordie!" Shield compliments you, with a hint of a smile
  2799. >you blush a little bit at that
  2800. >good thing that's not visible under the helmet
  2801. >you wouldn't want to distract him right now
  2803. >"I told you ponies, didn't I? We'll be on our way home soon!"
  2804. >Seabeak is happy for a reason, although you're not quite there yet
  2805. >looking at the trap door tells you it's very-very old
  2806. >the rusty hinges also indicate that
  2807. >and if the door is in such a state, what about the tunnel?
  2808. >at any rate, you will find out soon
  2809. >without further ado, you lift up the door, accompanied by loud creaking
  2810. >you light up the hole with your horn as you look down to the bottom
  2811. >the rest of the squad peeks down too
  2812. >some path indeed seems to begin down there
  2813. >but also, the rectangular hole itself isn't very wide
  2814. >and it goes straight down for at least 5 meters, along with a fixed ladder
  2815. >it was built by the feline creatures of this land after all, who are tall and slim
  2816. >and bipedal
  2817. >but none of you will get down there easily
  2818. >not even the hippogriffs
  2819. >they simply wouldn't have room to flap their wings
  2821. >but such a simple issue can't stop the magical commandos of Equestria
  2822. >"It seems one of us has to levitate each of us down there" says Starstorm the solution "Corporal Sword, will you do the honors?"
  2823. "Yes, Ma'am!" you comply
  2824. >"But insert Breakpoint first, just to be sure. Who knows, maybe some giant spider lives down there..."
  2825. >"Not for much longer then, hehe" says the largest squadmember with a grin
  2826. >the squad lines up in front of the hole
  2827. >Breakpoint is first, as it was told
  2828. >you completely wrap him with your aura of magic, and gently levitate him down the hole
  2829. >he moves inside the tunnel a bit, then shouts back
  2830. >"Yep, it's all clear! And the tunnel seems to be in pretty good shape too! At least as far as I can see"
  2831. >"Very good!" says the Major with some satisfaction "Corporal, send down the rest!"
  2832. >you do the same to Shield as you did to Breakpoint
  2833. >then Longrun
  2834. >"Hey, that tickles!" he makes a quick joke while you levitate him
  2835. >then comes Scroll and Saber
  2836. >well, the lady surely doesn't seem happy that you just grabbed her like that, but you're not happy about her in general, either
  2837. >it's Starstorm's turn, but she stops you
  2838. >"The VIPs should go before me. Just in case something pops up at the last moment"
  2839. >makes sense, if a squad of Stormies would charge the basement while you deal with the VIPs, you couldn't defend them alone
  2840. >so they go first, then Starstorm
  2841. >finally, you remain alone in the basement
  2842. >considering you left the basement door open, and the torn up floor tiles right in front of you, any hostile would surely get the idea where they should go after the "fugutives"
  2843. >but that won't be a problem if you just move through the tunnel fast enough
  2844. >so you shrug, and jump down the hole anyway
  2845. >right before you could hit the ground, the Major stops you in the air, then releases her magic
  2846. >now everyone down here, it's time to get a move on
  2847. >Celestia knows, but you might even get out of this city in one piece
  2849. >it is said that in warfare, if things go too smoothly you're running into an ambush
  2850. >you definitely don't think that right now as you and your squad are moving through the tunnel
  2851. >as it's so narrow that a pony can barely walk single file, let alone there being room for an actual ambush
  2852. >except if it's some vile tunnel mice, but you don't fear that too much
  2853. >he-he, as if!
  2854. >you're being a bit happier right now, that you successfully found this tunnel
  2855. >the Ambassador also seems golly, he's even humming a bit
  2856. >maybe this indeed'll be a cakewalk from now on?
  2857. >maybe not, as Longrun, walking in the front, stops the squad
  2858. >"Whoah, slow down fellas... I don't like the look of this"
  2859. >"What is it?" asks the Major
  2860. >"See that? Sand is seeping from the ceiling of this section of the tunnel. Could collapse any minute... I'd say we go back" says the scout, pointing out the aforementioned issue with a hoof
  2861. >you peek over Breakpoint's flank to see what Longrun's talking about, and indeed: grain by grain, but the ceiling is giving away
  2862. >"That's normal" says the Ambassador "The ground has so much sand here, it will obviously let away some in a tunnel like this. The support beams are what matter, and they are in good shape"
  2863. >Longrun lifts an eyebrow so high as if he wanted to knock down the ceiling itself
  2864. >"You an engineer Mr Ambassador? Cause I saw quite a few mine tunnels from where I came from, and this isn't a good sign in any way. I suggest we turn around immediately"
  2865. >sure, Longrun came from the Equestrian frontier, and he has lots of common sense
  2866. >but what he didn't point out is what you hear now, during some momentary silence in their conversation
  2868. >"thud-thud"
  2869. >or more like: "boom-boom"
  2870. >you put up a hoof
  2871. "Listen..."
  2872. >everyone stays quiet for a few seconds, and looks up
  2873. >the sound indeed comes from above
  2874. >and the low-pitched thumping can be only one thing: artillery
  2875. >"Great, the arty resumed..." exclaims Breakpoint
  2876. >"Okay, I think this the big evidence we need to get out of here right now" continues Longrun "The shelling causes the resonance that causes THIS"
  2877. >he points up once again for emphasis
  2878. >"If we move fast, we could make it... The tunnel doesn't seem to give in just yet"
  2879. >"Ah, for heaven's sake... Major, you call the shots, talk some sense into this Hippogriff, cause we're gonna get buried if we stay down here"
  2880. >Major Starstorm steps forward, and gives a good look at the spot with the seeping sand
  2881. >at this moment, another silent thump can be heard
  2882. >and the ceiling spits out some more sand again
  2883. >"No, it's too risky now... If the artillery resumed, that means there's battle up above. If we get cought in crossfire, the VIPs can get mowed down, no matter how much we protect them. We'll just double time it"
  2884. >Longrun looks at the Major with disbelief on his face
  2885. >"Ma'am?!"
  2886. >"You heard that right. Take point, Sergeant"
  2887. >"Aye-aye, Ma'am..."
  2888. >Longrun hesitates some, but resumes walking
  2889. >you look back at Shield with concern
  2890. >you see concern on his face, too
  2891. >you can only hope things will turn out okay...
  2893. >as you move deeper inside the tunnel, you notice that it widens somewhat
  2894. >also, the ground is becoming different
  2895. >there are spots that are paved, and that amount increases as you move further in
  2896. >but this affects your grip, as the ground is still predominantly sandy
  2897. >with the faster pace you're moving at, one of your hooves slip sometimes on the fine sand
  2898. >even more so, as the tunnel is sloping down
  2899. >you're definitely deeper now than the first section of the tunnel
  2900. >after about five more minutes of walking, you end up in a huge chamber
  2901. >now that's surprising...
  2902. >it's a bit less claustrophobic than what you had so far
  2903. >but as you look around what this place is, you're faced with horror
  2904. >you gulp...
  2905. >there are skulls everywhere
  2906. >cat skulls
  2907. >hundreds of them
  2908. >actually, they are embedded in the walls, and they are all "looking" at you
  2909. >now you see there is also a central section, with multiple slots in its walls
  2910. >each slot has a casket
  2911. >so, this must be a crypt of sorts?
  2913. >"Wheeep, now that is something else..." whistles Longrun, the squad's resident funny guy
  2914. >but even his voice carries a bit of dread
  2915. >no wonder...
  2916. >"What is this place, Ambassador?" asks Breakpoint
  2917. >"It looks like an ancient feline burial chamber" comes the answer "And from this grim display you see, I'd surmise it's the final resting place of some warrior clan. In olden times, it was custom that the skull was removed from the rest of the skeleton after the body completely decomposed. Then, the skull was placed in a wall like this, face outside, so the noble warrior could look after those still living"
  2918. >"Lovely..." reacts Breakpoint
  2919. >you shiver
  2920. >this place gives you the creeps
  2921. "It's a very messed up custom, no offense to those cats" you say
  2922. >"Yeah, but let's make sure we don't join them" says Starstorm "If you lot finished gawking, we could move on"
  2923. >you all begin walking again, but Seabeak turns back to you
  2924. >"It indeed is, Miss Glitter. But to these cats, this is normal. Or at least, used to be normal"
  2925. >you ponder upon that for a moment
  2926. >"normal"
  2927. >what normal is, is very relative
  2928. >for example, you don't think hanging out in a crypt for a bunch of ponies is normal, even if they are special forces
  2929. >especially if aforementioned crypt is located on the other end of the world
  2931. >you move on from the crypt, into the next section of the tunnel
  2932. >this is also of the more "quality" kind previously encountered
  2933. >it has a paved floor also, and stone arches holding up the ceiling
  2934. >therefor, this section also doesn't seem to crumble in any way, despite the shelling you can hear from above
  2935. >but after several minutes of trotting forward, this section ends in an intersection
  2936. >one way seems to have completely collapsed, or more like, deliberately blown in
  2937. >no escaping that way
  2938. >the other one though is still intact, and this tunnel is again the more flimsy type, as in the beginning
  2939. >"This crypt was probably part of the monastery's catacombs, located further inside the city. It seems this escape tunnel used it as a part of its own, so less digging had to be done. Hence this intersection" comments Seabeak, checking out the debris blocking the way
  2940. >"Well, it's not like we would escape towards the city center anyway" says Starstorm "How much further until the exit?"
  2941. >"We should be near now. We came quite the ways. This tunnel should lead us straight to the southern city gate. Or somewhere around it. Sadly, I don't know where EXACTLY we will pop up"
  2942. >"Let's hope not between the legs of a Storm Creature. Okay squad, hustle up"
  2943. >you'd begin to walk, but Longrun hesitates
  2944. >he points at the ceiling
  2945. >"The sand..."
  2946. >"Yes, I get it Sergeant, but if the tunnel didn't collapse so far, maybe it will hold out now, too. Besides, Mr Seabeak just said we are close now"
  2947. >"Close to being potentially dead... Soo, should I take point?"
  2948. >"No need... Squad, on me"
  2949. >with that, the Major finishes the conversation, and steps into the dangerous-looking tunnel section
  2951. >with no other option, the squad follows down Starstorm into the tunnel
  2952. >although aside from Longrun, the others don't look that concerned
  2953. >maybe the scout indeed just worries too much?
  2954. >you can't tell, but nevertheless walk with a good pace towards the exit
  2955. >at least you hope...
  2956. >Shield is still behind you, with Breakpoint walking right in front
  2957. >then the Hippogriffs, Scroll, Sabersong, Longrun, and the Major, in this order
  2958. >a few minutes pass with basically nothing happening, just you going forward
  2959. >luckily
  2960. >but then, you hear it again
  2961. >"thud, thud!"
  2962. >but this time, it's louder
  2963. >before you could voice your concerns to anyone, a huge amount of sand falls down from above, along the full lenght of the tunnel
  2964. >it hits your armor with a distinctive noise
  2965. >your muzzle gets some of it too, but you hastily shake it off
  2966. >the squad stops in its tracks
  2967. >you can hear rumbling...
  2968. >now THAT doesn't sound good
  2969. >and it's accompanied by even more sand falling down
  2970. >Longrun yells:
  2971. >"Damn, the whole fuckin' tunnel's gonna collapse! Everypony run!"
  2972. >you all begin galloping down the tunnel, through the occasional curtains of sand
  2973. >it's a mad rush for your lives
  2974. >dangit, Longrun told you so, and now here it is
  2975. >you survived the Storm Army, but this damned tunnel might just become your graves
  2977. >a bit further down, there is a sharp turn in the tunnel
  2978. >everyone slows down a bit to take the turn
  2979. >you too, losing precious seconds
  2980. >you resume running, but now you're a bit behind
  2981. >you gallop, but another hit from above shakes the tunnel, and you lose your balance momentarily
  2982. >by the time you regain it, you see the tunnel in front of you giving away
  2983. >you run to push through, but a huge rock falls down right in front of your legs
  2984. >you stop and see the support beams cracking
  2985. >the old, dry wood easily gives in, and the closest one to you breaks in two at the top
  2986. >huge amounts of sand and dirt begins to pour down, filling up the tunnel
  2987. >you can still see your squad, who have noticed the happening, and stopped
  2988. >Breakpoint shouts:
  2989. >"Sword, come on, you can still push through this! Don't get left behind!"
  2990. >maybe HE could, but you don't dare to enter the stream of sand
  2991. >"Crap!" swears Shield from behind "We gotta get back to the squad! Help me!"
  2992. >he casts a shield in front of himself, then angles it upwards, entering the stream of sand
  2993. >the magical barrier flickers as it gets hit by pieces of rocks among the sand, and Shield has a hard time keeping up the spell
  2994. >you try to help her, but the shield spell you cast breaks in a second
  2995. >no wonder, you learned that one only a few days ago
  2996. >meanwhile, you notice the support beams BEHIND YOU cracking as well
  2998. "Quickly Shield, the tunnel is collapsing behind us too!!!" you scream, getting panicked
  2999. >"I can't...hold this up! AGHHH!" he grunts, visibly straining himself
  3000. >you can now barely see the rest of your squadmates through the veil of sand, who are shouting and gesturing to you from the looks of it, but you hear nothing of it through the rumbling
  3001. >finally, Shield gives up, and jumps out of the way towards you
  3002. >the section in front of you completely collapses
  3003. >you backpedal, as more and more of the tunnel gives in
  3004. >"We must get out of here!" shouts your squadmate
  3005. >instinctively, your legs turn you back, and begin running in the other direction, with Shield in tow
  3006. >you don't know how will you escape yet, but this being the only way right now, you don't have many choices
  3007. >a support beam breaks in front of you
  3008. >in the nick of time, you can cast a spell of telekinesis to hold it together, just for enough time that both of you can move past underneath it
  3009. >the rest of the tunnel seems just stable enough that you can run along it, right back to the intersection where the catacombs begin
  3010. >finally you stop, catching your breath
  3011. >a few moments later, the section you just left caves in too
  3012. >but you're safe here, relatively speaking
  3013. >the stone construction of this section will probably hold up
  3015. >after about a minute, you've rested enough that you can think more clearly
  3016. >that is, now you realize you are completely, totally screwed
  3017. >you walk up to the sand and debris that almost killed you just a minute ago, and nudge it a few times with a hoof
  3018. >this is tough stuff, no unicorn magic can dig through this
  3019. >you turn around, lean against the debris, and sit down on your haunches
  3020. >out of desperation, you break down crying
  3021. "W-we're sh-shurely, dead now, Sh-shield! We're dead m-meat! It's over for u-us...!"
  3022. >you bury your face in your hooves
  3023. >you cry like this for a little bit, then you stop
  3024. >you're like a little filly
  3025. >this is really unbecoming of you
  3026. >unbecoming of a Royal Guard, let alone a Paladin
  3027. >you rub your eyes, trying to see through your tears
  3028. >Shield is looking at the direction of the crypt, then back to you, while holding a hoof to his chin
  3029. >then he walks up to you
  3030. >"Are you all right now?"
  3031. >you look up at him, and just nod
  3032. >"Hey, pull yourself together! Are you injured? Can you walk?"
  3033. >you get up to your feet, and answer properly:
  3034. "I'm alright. I can walk. I'm sorry. I just... I just don't know what we will do now"
  3036. >Shield looks you straight in the eyes, then answers:
  3037. >"Simple enough. We will walk back the way we came from. Then...then we will hold out until extraction"
  3038. >you don't answer right away, just make a few limp steps forward
  3039. "That part of the tunnel probably collapsed too. We're trapped down here, Shield"
  3040. >"You can't tell that now, can you?"
  3041. >Shield puts a hoof on your shoulder, then continues
  3042. >"Look, I know this is tough, but we can't lose hope. We need to stick up to each other, more than anytime! We WILL get out of this alive. I WILL stick up to you. Can you do the same, Swordie?"
  3043. >you wipe away one last tear, and also put a hoof on his shoulder
  3044. "Yes, I can. I will. Sorry. I just... I just got really panicked for a bit"
  3045. >you also try to force a smile
  3046. >Shield smiles back at you
  3047. >"It's okay, Sword. It happens. Not always you get a cave-in during a mission, heh... Now, are you ready? Can we continue?"
  3048. "Yes. Just...give me one more minute, okay?"
  3049. >"Okay...... Hey, I learned a technique at the Academy that might help you calm down. Follow my steps: Breathe in, count to four....Breathe out. Breathe in, 1, 2, 3, 4, breathe out. Try it!"
  3050. >okay, you can do that
  3051. >you breathe in
  3052. >1, 2, 3, 4
  3053. >breathe out
  3054. >you repeat
  3055. >....
  3056. >breathe out...
  3057. >honestly, this ain't doing much
  3058. >but you look at poor Shield, and see how he tries his best to help you
  3059. >and to say nothing about the fact that technically, he is now the commanding officer of this "squad"
  3060. >both of you now are his responsibility
  3061. >you better not place anymore burden on him than there are already
  3062. >besides, it's time anyway to pony the fuck up
  3063. "Thank you, Shield. That helped! We can move out"
  3064. >"Great! I'm so glad. Okay then... It's only the two of us now, so be extra careful of our sorroundings. Let's go"
  3066. >Shield moves out, and you're right behind him
  3067. >you're still a bit panicked, but you try to shove your dark thoughts into the back of your brain
  3068. >mainly, for his sake
  3069. >you don't want to get him killed because you can't focus
  3070. >because let's admit, even if the two of you can get out of here, what will welcome you outside?
  3071. >fighting, that's what
  3072. >the artillery barrage on the surface wasn't for nothing
  3073. >Abyssinian forces and the Storm Army probably battle it out right now
  3074. >and you more than likely can't just walk out of the city between the two of them
  3076. >with only the two of you left, you feel very-very alone down here
  3077. >the clanking and clamoring of your armors are echoed by the tunnel walls
  3078. >with every sound seemingly intensified, you feel like you could be easily tracked and followed
  3079. >in your current state, you turn back, but of course, nobody's following you
  3080. >but really, who could follow you anyway?
  3081. >aside from you, only the dead resides down here...
  3082. >this doesn't mean the rest of your squad, of course
  3083. >they have surely made it out of here alive
  3084. >right?
  3085. >after all, the last moment you can remember, their part of the tunnel wasn't collapsing
  3086. >only you and Shield was so unlucky
  3087. >right?!
  3088. >but you rather ask Shield, in no small part because the silence is becoming dreadful
  3089. "Hey buddy... You mentioned some "extraction". So, the rest of Phoenix escaped successfully, didn't they?"
  3090. >Shield turns back his head
  3091. >"Of course! Phoenix Squad doesn't die in some cave in. We're tougher than that!"
  3092. >that sounded like a line from some motivational speaker...
  3094. "You're just saying that or...?"
  3095. >"No. I saw them. Their part of the tunnel wasn't collapsing"
  3096. >right, so he saw too
  3097. "So they will come back for us, right?"
  3098. >"Sheesh, sure they will... Phoenix is one! We leave no pony behind"
  3099. "Cool! Very good! I'm glad!"
  3100. >"You still sound afraid... Come on Sword, we'll get out of this alive. Trust me!"
  3101. "I'm not afraid! I pulled myself together!"
  3102. >"You're just saying that or...?"
  3103. "Nope! I mean it! See?!"
  3104. >you can only muster the most faked grin possible as a reassurence
  3105. >Shield stops, so he can see your "reassuring smile"
  3106. >it looks so genuine, that it surely reassured him...
  3107. >Shield stops and smiles back at you, then gently puts a hoof on your shoulder
  3108. >"That'll do, Corporal!"
  3110. >some more minutes pass, and you get back to the burial chamber
  3111. >the sight of the skulls sends a chill down along your spine again
  3112. >but now, you also feel the skulls are laughing at you
  3113. >they're staring at you, and they're mocking you
  3114. >in stereotypical sleazy feline voices
  3116. >you close your eyes as you walk along, but you can still hear them
  3117. >"Come, and rest with us! You earned it! Rest! Rest! FINAL REST!"
  3118. >you can't take this anymore...
  3119. "Shut the fuck up!" you cry out loud
  3120. >Shield immediately stops, and turns back to you
  3121. >"What's wrong, Sword? What happened?! Who are you talking to?"
  3122. "Me?... The skulls! They were mocking me! They...They were laughing at me!"
  3123. >but you quickly realize you shouldn't have said it like that...
  3124. >"The skulls??? Sword, are you sure you're alright? This whole situation is really getting to you"
  3125. "No! I'm fine. It's just that... I'm a bit claustrophobic. That is all. That's why I'm a bit stupid right now. You needn't worry about me"
  3126. >Shield lifts an eyebrow
  3127. >"Fine. Okay... Let's just get outta here quickly then"
  3128. >he turns back towards the exit, and trots out of the crypt
  3129. >you follow him, cursing yourself along the way
  3130. >now he surely thinks you're half-crazy...
  3131. >at least the claustrophobia bit isn't untrue
  3132. >you really don't like tight, enclosed spaces
  3133. >but that's your slightest concern right now
  3135. >you make it back to the first, very tight section of the tunnel
  3136. >and fortune smiles on you, this section didn't collapse
  3137. >although there are small piles of sand on the floor, it doesn't seep from the ceiling anymore
  3138. >"Well, the artillery stopped. Should be safe to move through right now"
  3139. >you consider Shield's words, then consider what happened just fifteen minutes ago
  3140. "And what if a shell strikes above us just as we move through?!"
  3141. >"Then...then we die. But if we don't even try, we will stay here forever. There is no other way out"
  3142. >you say nothing, just stare in front of yourself
  3143. >"...then we die" echoes in your head
  3144. >you look back at Shield, but still say nothing
  3145. >"Oookay, I'll just go first, and you follow. Is that good? Yes? Now, come on!"
  3146. >Shield moves into this untrustworthy part
  3147. >if he dares to do so, why not you?
  3148. >you try to empty your mind, and steel yourself
  3149. >and without further ado, follow in Shield's footsteps
  3151. >Shield moves quickly, and you follow closely behind
  3152. >you fear trouble can strike any moment, but you try to shoo away these thoughts once again
  3153. >you try to think of nice things...
  3154. >Canterlot...
  3155. >its platforms, with its beautiful white cobblestones
  3156. >and the scenery!
  3157. >whole Central Equestria can be seen from there!
  3158. >after basic ended, it was on one of these platforms where your company was officially inducted into the Guard
  3159. >with Celestia herself present, and the Flag of Equestria flying high, you made your oaths
  3160. >and after all that, the Guard Choir played and sung the National Anthem
  3161. >the National Anthem
  3162. >your National Anthem...
  3163. >you begin to sing, quietly
  3164. "The fire of friendship lives in our hearts"
  3165. "As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart"
  3166. "Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few..."
  3167. >Shield now notices, and he glances back
  3168. >"Sword, you're singing?"
  3169. >you don't answer, just continue
  3170. "Laughter and singing will see us through"
  3171. "Will see us through!"
  3172. >you continue, but with humming
  3173. >Shield glances back again, now smiling
  3174. >"Sword, you're singing our Anthem..."
  3175. >and with that, you resume singing, now a bit louder
  3176. "We are a circle of pony friends"
  3177. "A circle of friends we'll be to the very end!"
  3178. >but for the next verse, Shield joins too
  3179. "Though the winter brings all its cold and storm"
  3180. >"...cold and storm"
  3181. "The glow in our hearts keeps us warm"
  3182. >" warm"
  3183. >you two are pretty de-synced as you trot along together, and probably off-key too, but what the hay!
  3184. >you keep up the singing
  3185. "The friends we now call our family"
  3186. >"...our family"
  3187. "Will always see us through"
  3188. >"...see us through!"
  3190. >you run along the tunnel like that, singing your National Anthem
  3191. >and by the time you get to the end of it, you get perfectly in-synch
  3192. "A circle of friends we'll be to the very end!"
  3193. >as you reach the last line of the last verse, you also reach the end of the tunnel
  3194. >you made it, and you made it alive!
  3195. >singing the Anthem give you strength and determination, just like it did on that fateful day, when recruit Sword Glitter became Private Sword Glitter
  3196. >you look at Shield, who seems pretty relieved too
  3197. >"We did it, Swordie. You patriotic little mare, you!"
  3198. >you smile sheepishly, and look up into the light, at the open trap door, where you descended not so long ago
  3199. >if the fact that you're both still alive, and mostly unscathed is any indication, there is hope yet for you
  3200. >and as for hope? there is always some hope
  3201. >even if it only means you survived a caved-in tunnel, and get the chance to die in a different manner today
  3205. >you just ascended from the tunnel that almost claimed your lives a little while ago
  3206. >now you are both in the basement of the embassy
  3207. >again
  3208. >you look around to see that nothing of importance happened here since you left
  3209. >thank Celestia, maybe that means the house proper is also unoccupied
  3210. >although that doesn't mean much in itself, as it's the streets you're concerned about
  3211. >they are probably crawling with Storm creatures, so just slipping out of the house unnoticed wouldn't be possible
  3212. >let alone moving along those streets...
  3213. "The coast is clear. No hostiles in sight" you give a little sitrep to Shield
  3214. >not like he wouldn't see that that, or anything
  3215. >but you wanted to say something, affirm to yourself you didn't yet slip away under the weight of the situation
  3216. >"Okay. Let's move up quietly"
  3217. >the de facto "squad leader" gestures you behind himself, and slowly scales the stairs
  3218. >you're in tow watching his back, just in case
  3219. >Shield engages his magic, and slowly opens the basement door
  3220. >yeah, the one with the blasted lock
  3221. >if anything, that should have been apparent to anyone searching the house
  3222. >based on that, there shouldn't be anyone up there
  3223. >like, if you were them, you'd search the house throughoutly before doing whatever an invasion army does with a captured embassy
  3224. >and if the lock of a door is shot, that'd mean someone is probably behind that door
  3225. >so you'd check that out
  3226. >but that wasn't the case, so probably the house is empty as well
  3227. >or the the Storm King's minions are just very-very incompetent...
  3229. >now you are both in the corridor that sort of splits the house into two halves
  3230. >one is the main hall, and the other is the kitchen, staff rooms, storages, etc.
  3231. >you're in the latter half now
  3232. >Shield is still at the front, carefully moving forward
  3233. >you reach the kitchen door
  3234. >it's still open, just like your squad left it when you left
  3235. >you stack up next to your buddy, and you both peak in, with horns lit ready to fire
  3236. >the kitchen is empty
  3237. >the cupboard placed in front of the back door as a blockade, is there too
  3238. >the corpse of the creature Longrun killed, too...
  3239. "I don't think anyone was interested in this house while we were out" you say to Shield in a lowered voice
  3240. >"Yeah. I'm starting to think we might even be able to slip out of the building unnoticed. Maybe their main force isn't this far into the city"
  3241. "And if they are?"
  3242. >"Then we'll just hold out here. And hope Commander Starstorm will save us"
  3243. >you gulp
  3244. >you know "Phoenix is one" and all that, but you're not so sure about the Major
  3245. >would she risk the rest of her unit to save two ponies who might be already dead?
  3246. >especially if one of them is you?
  3247. >like, losing you, from a strategic standpoint, would be a much smaller loss then losing everypony else trying to save you
  3248. >of course, here's Shield too, but he'd be just a "collateral loss" at that point
  3249. "I hope very much you're right..."
  3251. >you move on from the kitchen, and finish checking out this half of the house
  3252. >it's all clear, luckily
  3253. >now you move on to the main hall, which is empty too
  3254. >except of course for the trooper Breakpoint knocked out earlier
  3255. >he is still lying there, probably dead like the one in the kitchen
  3256. >none of you checked for lifesigns, or anything, but you're pretty sure he would have gotten up by now if he wasn't dead
  3257. >of course, none of you expected coming back here either
  3258. >you walk up to him, while Shield walks slowly next to you
  3259. >you look up to the mezzanine, which seems empty and clear
  3260. >then you look at the creature
  3261. >his face mask is cracked, and there is a nasty wound on his temple too
  3262. >it seems Breakpoint knows exactly where to strike, as this one won't get up anytime soon
  3263. >now Shield looks at him too
  3264. >"Hm. It was a bit irresponsible from Breakpoint to leave him like this. He should have finished the job properly"
  3265. "What are you talking about? This enemy IS dead. Look at him. He's limp and all"
  3266. >you levitate up one of his arms a bit, then release it to demonstrate your point
  3267. >the huge, muscly arm indeed falls back to the ground like it belonged to a puppet
  3268. >now you feel bad a bit you just did that to a corpse
  3269. >even these brutes deserve some respect, even if they are invaders of a peaceful land
  3271. "See? Dead"
  3272. >you say that to Shield in a bit huffy voice
  3273. >you didn't really like what he said, it felt unlike him
  3274. >you'd expect talk like that from Sabersong, not Shield
  3275. >"I'd shoot him, but I don't want any commotion now. We still didn't check outside"
  3276. "Well, maybe YOU should have shot him back then, no?" you grumble
  3277. >Shield doesn't respond, just walks up to one of the windows
  3278. >the windowframes are high enough that you can't just look outside from the middle of the room
  3279. >luckily, that also means no one would see you from outside
  3280. >when closer, he ducks down a bit
  3281. >he takes a peak, but immediately lowers his head back
  3282. >"Damn, it's a bloody convention out there... Stay low, Sword"
  3283. >you stay low, but also take a peak outside
  3284. >in the second you could assess the situation, you could pick out about thirty Stormtroopers
  3285. >all armed and armored of course
  3286. >so, you won't just slip out of the house it seems
  3288. "Ehhh... What now, Shield? Guess we won't engage THAT group"
  3289. >"No, we won't..." answers Shield, ducking right next to you "Let's wait for a bit. Maybe they'll just go away"
  3290. >from his voice you could surmise he didn't really mean that last part seriously
  3291. >although it's still better if he just said "yeah Sword, we're screwed"
  3292. >but whether said or not, that's the truth right now
  3293. "Lemme take another look" you say, and peek out of the window again
  3294. >you couldn't put your hoof on it, but something's not right here
  3295. >and it's not just what are they waiting for...
  3296. >it's one of them troopers
  3297. >he looks out of place here...
  3298. >but you need a better angle
  3299. >you sneak over to the window on the other side of the front door
  3300. >the door is still blocked, another testament to the "unoccupied house" theory
  3301. >you take a look from here, and now you see clearly
  3302. >one of those soldiers isn't really one
  3303. >he looks like a... mage
  3304. >he wears elaborate robes, although combined with smaller plates of armor
  3305. >maybe he's a battlemage then?
  3306. >he also holds a staff, and the crystal at the tip is a dead giveaway that it's a magic staff
  3307. >it also has a metallic glint to it
  3308. >metal magic staff? That's unusual
  3309. >so this must mean the Storm King ALREADY has access to magical weaponry
  3310. >not good...
  3312. "Shield! Shield! Look outside!" you whisper "Can you see that mage? What's up with that? What is he doing here?"
  3313. >the question is partially poetic, as you can only guess he acts as some sort of commander on the field, or an elite soldier
  3314. >but you want Shield's insight too
  3315. >he's the real professional out of you two, after all
  3316. >"I can't see him...?" he says, as he also takes the effort to remain hidden by the windowframe
  3317. "The one wearing the robes... Ah, just come over, you can see him from here"
  3318. >Shield walks over to you, and scans the enemy forces
  3319. >"Aw, damn... That's a mage alright. And his staff...Never saw anything like that"
  3320. "Not that I am an expert or anything, but... What's with the staff? Is it something special? Apart from it being metallic?"
  3321. >you don't know much about magic staves, about as much as the average unicorn
  3322. >during Basic Magic in high school, you learned that staves are usually made from wood, or some other organic material, because in those magic flows much better
  3323. >metals are the very last materials anyone would want to enchant
  3324. >they conduct magic poorly, and are very hard to work with
  3325. >yet, in the hands of that Storm Army mage, that's clearly a metal staff
  3327. >"That's indeed what looks like steel" answers Shield "And if that staff actually works, that means the Storm King already has access to magic powerful enough to enchant even metal"
  3328. "Do you think it's a destruction staff? And anyway, what are they waiting for? I don't think they all just stand there for no reason"
  3329. >"Well, destruction would definitely go well with their theme... And I dunno, maybe..."
  3330. >Shield looks at you for a second, then at the dead Stormie lying on the carpet
  3331. >"I think they are waiting for THEM" says Shield, looking back at you
  3332. "So we just took out their scouting party, then? Would make sense. Too bad they will never report back now..."
  3333. >"Yeah... I'll give them five minutes to get tired of waiting, and attack the house to find out what the hay is going on"
  3334. >that also makes sense
  3335. >and you just pictured in your head the mage with his deadly staff leading the charge
  3336. "Uh-huh. S-so what are we going to do now?"
  3337. >"We'll wait. And stay vigilant. And if they attack, we can still retreat upstairs. Make a last stand"
  3338. "So this is it, Shield? We're done for?"
  3339. >"I didn't say that, but... I doubt the rest of Phoenix will get here in time"
  3340. >Shield's words sadden you
  3341. >you knew your prospects were bleak the moment that Celestia-forsaken tunnel collapsed, and cut you two off, but still
  3342. >you really don't want to go out this early in life
  3343. >but you're not dead yet, and your buddy neither
  3344. >so you muster up all your determination, and look him straight in the eye
  3345. "Whatever happens Shield, I'm with you. If we go down, we go down together. I promise you this"
  3346. >Shield smiles at you in response, and slowly nods
  3347. >then, probably in his moment of weakness, he leans in, and hugs you
  3348. >at first you think about telling him to stop, as this is unprofesional and all, but then you embrace him as well
  3349. >it comforts you, at least somewhat
  3350. >and after all, who knows if this isn't the last hug you'll ever share
  3352. MEANWHILE...
  3353. >you are Captain Scroll Writ, second-in-command of Phoenix squad
  3354. >you and the remainder of the unit just emerged from the escape tunnel
  3355. >and luckily, you're all still in one piece
  3356. >the tunnel actually lead outside the city walls, right into the desert
  3357. >this would be just perfect
  3358. >if Corporal Glitter and Sergeant Edge were still with you
  3359. >but they got cut off
  3360. >you saw as both tried really hard to get through the torrent of sand
  3361. >but they eventually had to let go, and probably escaped in the other direction
  3362. >probably...
  3363. >now, if they made it, they are alone in a city invaded by the army of a violent despot
  3364. >Celestia told you Sword is your responsibility
  3365. >that she has so much potetntial, but is also so green, so you should keep an eye on her
  3366. >and you have failed at your task
  3367. >you didn't push against Starstorm's rash decisions during the mission, as you believed Sword needs to see not only the enemy can cause the hardships
  3368. >not once, her wit shined through
  3369. >but in the tunnels, you should really have spoken up
  3370. >like how you always did when Starstorm was her usual reckless, far too straightforward and to-the-point self
  3371. >like how always Twilight Velvet did when she was still a part of the unit
  3372. >oh Twilight, how you miss her...
  3373. >but it's too late now
  3374. >now you can only think about how to get things right
  3375. >and speaking out against Starstorm would be useless anyway now
  3376. >as you know there will be someone who will do that anyways...
  3378. >"Celestia frickin' damnit!!! Just dammit! Aggggh!!!"
  3379. >Longrun rages as she looks around in the desert
  3380. >he turns to Starstorm
  3381. >"I told you this was gonna happen. I told ya! But you just had to push us on! Now they are stranded! If not worse..."
  3382. >"Sergeant..."
  3383. >Starstorm tries to answer, but he gets cut off by a very angry Longrun
  3384. >now he turns to the Ambassador
  3385. >"And you... Hippogriff... The tunnel is stable, eh? You really have clouds for a brain, don't ya?!"
  3386. >"I'm so sorry about this turn of events, but how could I..."
  3387. >as poor Seabeak tries to answer, Longrun cuts him off too
  3388. >"Ya'll...ya'll should have just listened to me THIS ONCE! I'm not the damn scout of the team for nothing! But YOU always have to be wiser, don't you Major Starstorm?!"
  3389. >you can tell Longrun is beyond angry now
  3390. >when he is, he slips back to his thick southern Equestrian accent, that he otherwise keeps in check
  3391. >"Sergeant Longrun, you're to..."
  3392. >the Major tries to speak again to no avail
  3393. >"I get it it's always mission first for you, but you have gone too far this time! You are no squad leader, just an irresponsible prick! Maybe YOU should have been left behind"
  3394. >"Buddy, that's enough..." says Breakpoint, trying to calm the seething scout
  3395. >but it was surely enough for Starstorm...
  3397. >"I'm really getting sick of your lip, Sergeant... Turn back, and get a move on. NOW"
  3398. >"No Major. I'm not not going ANYWHERE until Sword and Shield aren't back with us. And I'll save them alone if I have to"
  3399. >"Gunnery Sergeant Longrun, you are to fall in RIGHT NOW, or I will consider this insubordination, and you'll face a courtmartial! Secondly, we WILL go go back for the corporal and the sergeant, but not before we secured the VIPs. Is that clear?"
  3400. >"So it REALLY just about the mission for you, huh Major?" answers Longrun, whose anger has lost some of its steam
  3401. >good thing you know the Major only throws around threats like that when she is really angry, and she more than probably won't courtmartial Longrun
  3402. >"Sergeant, we go back to the airship. That's an order. THEN we'll think about saving them"
  3403. >"But we don't have ANY time. They're facing an army. Alone! And they're not the most experienced paladins either. They'll get overrun in no time"
  3404. >at this point, you think you have heard enough, and speak up
  3405. "Longrun....."
  3406. >you wait for the scout to look at you, and have his attention
  3407. >you don't speak much, but when you do, they usually pay attention to you
  3408. >you have that effect on ponies, luckily
  3409. "Longrun, the Major is right about the hippogriffs. Better not cause ourselves more trouble than we already have. We'll need to take the airship anyway if we want to save our squadmates. We can't do without close air support if we're going to search the city for them. Also, we'll spot them much easier from the air"
  3410. >Longrun thinks for a moment, then answers in a much calmer voice than he used in the last few minutes
  3411. >"If we gonna loiter above the city with the Razor, we're just gonna make ourselves a big fat target for those airships. And if I see it correctly, they're going for a full blockade right now. That will mean no escape in any direction. We'll have to do the search on hooves. I suggest MAJOR STARSTORM flies the Razor to the RV point with the VIPs, while it's still possible. Meanwhile, the rest of us stay here to search for Sword and Shield. Then we'll just find our own ride out of here"
  3413. >Starstorm reacts to Longrun's proposition with a raised eyebrow
  3414. >"Just when did you become the squad leader, Sergeant?"
  3415. >"When you clearly became incapable of fulfilling that role" comes the answer
  3416. >Starstorm scrunches up her muzzle for a moment, then does a grimace like if she bit on a lemon
  3417. >after this, what was probably in place of expletives, she answers her (in)subordinate
  3418. >"I'll pretend I didn't hear that for the sake of our squadmates in trouble. Although the Captain's idea sounds risky, it's something we can do. We'll do a quick flyby over the city, then try to land INSIDE the city, and continue the search on hooves. And if they are holding out inside a building, they'll be probably holed up in the embassy. Otherwise I'd expect Shield to follow protocols, and make a run for the Razor. Now let's move out. With every moment wasted, we risk losing them"
  3419. >Longrun now looks at the Major
  3420. >then at you
  3421. >"Okay Captain...I think I can get behind that"
  3422. >he surely said that to you specifically to defy the Major
  3423. >but also, he now seems to be calm enough to get back in line
  3424. >with that, he begins to walk towards the Wind Razor
  3425. >Breakpoint follows suit
  3426. >"Finally! Let's do this! Our buddies are awaiting rescue!"
  3427. >then the rest of you move out too
  3429. >as the squad trots along in the desert towards the airship, Starstorm breaks formation, and falls behind
  3430. >but only as much that you catch up to her
  3431. >you usually stay a bit behind, guarding the back of the team
  3432. >but what Starstorm just did, is a bit unusual
  3433. >the other members look back at her
  3434. >especially Sabersong
  3435. >that mare has much respect for the Major
  3436. >no doubt, as her hot-headed attitude gets along well with Starstorm's straightforward way of looking at problems
  3437. >but Starstorm doesn't like gawking
  3438. >"Keep your eyes forward, team! I guard the back with Scroll"
  3439. >but you know she just wants to say something to you
  3440. >she maybe even wants counsel...
  3441. >and indeed, as you trot along next to each other, she leans in closer to you
  3442. >"So... Who's your money on his time?"
  3443. "Her"
  3444. >"Huh? You mean the Corporal? If you said "them", I could maybe understand. Shield is the clearly more experienced out of them. If they get out of this alive, it will be because of him"
  3445. "I don't know Major. But Celestia believes in her. And honestly, I do too. There's something about her...some hidden tenacity? I just feel she won't break so easily. She will make it. And of course, Shield too"
  3446. >"I don't feel the same about her, but I truly hope you're right. And just between us...this mess is kinda on me"
  3447. >Starstorm lowers her head a bit
  3448. >it's not often she is humble like that
  3449. >and even then, she'd only admit something like this to you
  3450. >which is understandable, considering all the years you two served together
  3451. >she surely trusts you
  3452. >maybe even respects you
  3453. >in her own way, of course...
  3454. "I know... But it's too late to undo it. We can only fix it now"
  3455. >"And I WILL fix it. Even if I have to go through Tartarus itself to do so"
  3458. >you are Corporal Sword Glitter
  3459. >you slouch back at the wall right under the window
  3460. >you're waiting for the inevitable, while Shield is back at the other window, keeping owerwatch
  3461. >you were keeping watch too, but now you feel like you need a second to compose yourself
  3462. >you look at the corpse of the Storm Guard, lying on the floor along with pieces of broken railing
  3463. >you don't really know why you look at him
  3464. >you should just look away
  3465. >it's ugly and disturbing
  3466. >or maybe you except him to suddenly get up?
  3467. >he is pretty much dead, that won't happen
  3468. >but when you just want to look out the window again, he actually moves a bit
  3469. >to your greatest horror and surprise, he lifts his right arm a bit, and clenches his paw into a fist
  3470. >WHAT THE HAY, zombie Storm Trooper?
  3471. >or you know, he's maybe not ACTUALLY dead
  3472. "Sh-shi-Shield! Look!"
  3473. >Shield looks in the direction of the "corpse", and gasps audibly
  3474. >he is surprised too
  3475. >seems like you successfully (and falsely) convinced him of this creature's demise
  3476. >but now there he is, slowly trying to get up
  3477. >he touches his head, and lets out painful grunts
  3478. >he didn't notice you two yet, as he's facing the other direction
  3479. >but it's only a matter of time
  3481. >the guard gets on his knees first, being on all fours
  3482. >then pushes himself up
  3483. >he doesn't really seem to know where he is
  3484. >you and Shield stay motionless, waiting for the situation to unfold
  3485. >the trooper looks around, still facing away from you
  3486. >then he seemingly recollects what's his purpose was here
  3487. >he is a bit wobbly, but NOW he turns around
  3488. >he actually looks surprised, as you can see his eyes widening under the mask
  3489. >well, one eye at least
  3490. >the other is very swollen form Breakpoint's armored hoof strike
  3491. >what will happen now?
  3492. >if either one of you shoots, that will be surely heard outside
  3493. >and then, the rest of the Storm Guards will surely attack the building
  3494. >and buying yourself some time would be advisable
  3495. >after all, maybe Phoenix squad will indeed come back for you
  3497. >while still all three of you are flummoxed enough to stay still, you get an idea
  3498. >the most Royal Guard-iest idea you can think of
  3499. >you will tell this confused creature to stand down
  3500. "Shield, hold your fire..."
  3501. >"Okay?..."
  3502. "Hey, you! Yeah you! Listen to me! We don't have to fight, you know. Just surrender, and we'll spare you. What do you say?"
  3503. >you surely got the Storm Guard's attention, as he's looking right at you
  3504. >but you're not sure anything you just said registered
  3505. >he doesn't react, although doesn't seem surprised anymore
  3506. >"I don't think he understood any of that, Sword..."
  3507. >yeah, right
  3508. >you're not sure what you expected actually
  3509. >maybe SOME reaction
  3510. >you try once again
  3511. "Hey, do you hear me? I'm talking to you"
  3512. >you can't make out much expression from under that mask, but it's as if he looked at you a bit differently now
  3513. >maybe this will work after all?
  3514. >the Stormie makes a low-pitched grunt, and grimaces some
  3515. >then touches his swollen eye socket, and hisses
  3516. >his face now definitely looks angry
  3517. >it probably all came back to him
  3518. >the fall, and how bad Breakpoint messed him up
  3520. >he looks at you, now being outright furious
  3521. >he grabs his sidearm, a dagger with the blade lenght of your foreleg
  3522. >his intention is quite obvious, but you're at the ready too
  3523. >he charges at you with his blade in hand
  3524. >there is a good ten meters between you, so you can charge up your magic, and shoot
  3525. >the magic bolt strikes him in the chest, in the place where the armor is the thickest
  3526. >he falls face down, but it's a controlled fall
  3527. >you didn't kill him at all, he tries to get back up
  3528. >you charge your magic again, but Shield beats you to it, and finishes off the creature
  3529. >he trots over, and says:
  3530. >"And that's why you always finish them off! You alright?"
  3531. >he sounded a bit angry as he said that, understandably, but you don't answer
  3532. >you look out the window
  3533. >every Storm Guard outside is looking at the building
  3534. >and the mage among them indeed seems to be an officer, or something
  3535. >he directs the troops to different positions in front of the house
  3536. "I'm good. But I dunno how much longer..."
  3537. >now Shield is next to you, too
  3538. >"They are attacking. Prepare yourself, Sword"
  3539. "Oh, can't you see how prepared I am?!" you say, hyperventilating
  3540. >"Good. You stay here. I have the other window. We should try to get as many of them as possible before they reach the house. Because once they break in, we'll become sitting ducks"
  3542. >you sure Shield understood your sarcasm, but now neither of you have the luxury to have anything less than laser focus
  3543. >but what he proposes is a sound tactic
  3544. >you kinda wonder why you didn't just shoot outta the windows back at the Hippogriff residence
  3545. >sure, the windows there were much smaller, and there wasn't enough for every one of you
  3546. >and kinda hoped them Stormies would just pass the building, however unlikely that seemed
  3547. >but that doesn't matter now
  3548. >you levitate a coffe table under the window, as it is too high up for comfortable shooting
  3549. >you step on it, and now it's perfect
  3550. >you can see everything, but the thick walls provide great cover right up to your neck
  3551. >and now, it begins
  3552. >hapless Guardsmare vs. an army of violent brutes: Round 2
  3554. >you can see about ten Storm Guards pour into the courtyard
  3555. >Shield shatters his window with a telekinetic blast, and starts picking off targets
  3556. >you have to admit, the guy is real business
  3557. >he already killed three by the time you fired off your first shot
  3558. >at least your bolt strikes too, and in the head, none the less
  3559. >the face masks these troopers wear aren't thick enough to stop a fully-powered magic bolt
  3560. >your target falls behind almost in a comical manner
  3561. >maybe you should aim at the head from now on?
  3562. >maybe, but you actually got lucky with that strike, you're not a markspony
  3563. >still, you get another creature with a headshot, then another with three good hits to the torse
  3564. >meanwhile, Shield lowered back from the window to let his magic recharge
  3565. >you fight for about half a minute alone, with good results
  3566. >you get another two Stormies
  3567. >that's unprecedented
  3568. >you almost scare yourself
  3569. >maybe these are second-grade troops with thinner armor?
  3570. >strange
  3571. "These guys are easy... Almost too easy" you say to Shield as now you wait for magicka to flow back to you
  3572. >"Yeah" he says between too shots "I think they are just testing our defenses. The real attack is surely about to come"
  3573. "I hope you're wrong..."
  3574. >but you know he isn't...
  3576. >after you felt your magical powers potent enough again, you get back to it
  3577. >meanwhile, your Paladin buddy thinned out the Storm Guard ranks considerably
  3578. >as you search for a target you could hit, it comes to mind the mage is nowhere to be found
  3579. >he was here right before the attack, but now he isn't
  3580. >maybe he saw you two are tough stuff, and just fled?
  3581. >that doesn't really seem like the Storm Army's style
  3582. >but maybe you spoke too soon, because he is right there
  3583. >on the other side of the street, he emerges on the top of a building
  3584. >his staff is with him too, of course, and he is definitely up to something
  3585. >he is pretty far away, you couldn't possibly hit him from here
  3586. >but you sure somepony else could...
  3587. "Shield! The Storm mage! One o'clock, top of building!"
  3588. >the mage has a perfect angle to strike at you
  3589. >and he probably would, but Shield fires at him multiple times
  3590. >to your greatest surprise, Shield's shots dissipate right in front of the creature
  3591. >he holds out his staff in front of himself, with a magical barrier conjured up
  3592. >so, he can block your shots
  3593. >"Dammit!" exclaims Shield
  3594. >as you have a slightly different angle of fire, you have a shot at him too
  3595. >maybe together, you can take him down
  3596. >but your shots are blocked too, as his barrier is seemingly wide enough
  3597. >this is gonna be a tough fight...
  3599. >as you point your horn at the mage and charge up your magic, you can see he is doing the same with his staff
  3600. >you let go of your charge-up as you can now see a big blue orb flying towards you
  3601. >you can barely duck down as the huge magical projectile flies right above you, through the window, into the building
  3602. >it hits the opposite wall with an explosion
  3603. >Dangit!
  3604. >this guy doesn't just aim well, his staff is powerful too
  3605. >just as Shield speculated
  3606. "This ain't gonna be good!" you say in a slightly horrified voice
  3607. >"He'll probably cover the advance of the next wave like this. We'll be forced out of the windows, so we can't shoot at his troops before they reach the buil..."
  3608. >Shield can't finish his sentence properly as the next magic orb is adressed to him
  3609. >luckily, it only hits the windowframe, but the explosion could have taken him out if he didn't jump back
  3610. "Or he'll just shoot apart the whole house like this!" you react
  3611. >"Doubtful. Staves have limited charges. He won't waste it on demolition"
  3612. >so far, Shield's knowledge of military science was spot on
  3613. >too bad he doesn't have any advice for a "2 versus thousands" situation
  3614. >Shield doesn't go back to the window
  3615. >he actually urges you too to stay as far behind as possible
  3616. >he didn't have to say so, you got the idea when the Storm mage's projectile almost obliterated you
  3617. >"Now we wait. I'll give them two minutes to attack again"
  3619. >not even a minute passes when the front door literally gets blown in along with the drawers in front of it
  3620. >no doubt the mage wanted a quick entrance for his troops
  3621. >the Storm Guards begin to pour into the house, at least five
  3622. >these ones have kite shields too, along with their signature spears
  3623. >you both engage them, from the back of the room
  3624. >no doubt this is it
  3625. >you will get overwhelmed any minute now
  3626. >you also feel tired, at least in the arcane sense
  3627. >you shot out so much combat spells, that your head starts to hurt
  3628. >your bolts are weaker and weaker, and they have a decreasing effect on your hostiles
  3629. >even less so, as these aren't just target practice
  3630. >they make an effort to block shots with their shields, and they try to use openings to move forward
  3631. >luckily, your comrade doesn't have issues like you, and mowes them down all the same
  3632. >it actually feels a bit unfair how effective a magical unit can be against regular grunts
  3633. >that reminds you that mage could join the fray at any moment
  3634. >and you're sure he will...
  3636. >after the first five or so troopers were taken care of, at least ten others replace them
  3637. >this is starting to look like the shotout at the Hippogriff residence, except there are only two of you
  3638. >at least half of the attacking force goes for you, but you don't shoot
  3639. >you can't
  3640. >you're not trained enough for this, you'd need rest
  3641. >your last bolts were already very weak, and your head hurts
  3642. >"Sword, what are you doing?! Shoot! Shoot 'em, defend yourself!"
  3643. >Shield calls you out, but you don't answer
  3644. >he has enough targets of his own
  3645. >you won't tell him what's up, or he might take it upon himself to try and defend you too
  3646. >and that could cost his life very quickly
  3648. >you get backed into the corner of the room
  3649. >a Stormer charges at you, and raises his shield to strike you down
  3650. >very bad idea, he should have used his spear...
  3651. >in a moment's notice, you grab his shield, and stop it mid-strike
  3652. >he is visibly surprised, but you don't let him react, and with powerful TK, you whack his temple with the shield still attached to his hand
  3653. >he violently falls into the wall, so much that it even shakes a bit
  3654. >you take the opportunity, and jump on him, then buck him in the back of the head with your hindlegs
  3655. >he won't get back up from that anytime soon
  3657. >this sudden victory reinvigorates you, and realize: you should just go up close and personal
  3658. >you know the protocols dictate you should keep melee units at range, because at swinging distance, they can gang up on you, while you're occupied with one
  3659. >but considering how fast you've dealt with this one, now you know what you have to do
  3660. >telekinesis comes much more naturally to you than combat spells, and you are a fencer anyway, so you will do this your way
  3661. >you grab the spear of your downed opponent, and go at the next Stormie
  3662. >meanwhile, you hear some high pitched, wheezing sound, but that doesn't matter right now
  3663. >you start to fight your opponent, but the wheezing only gets louder until you can feel the whole house shaking
  3664. >using the distraction, you strike the baddie down, but it seems now you have a bigger problem
  3665. >was that...artillery??? Again???
  3666. >and it was a direct hit too, so that means they have you zeroed in
  3667. >but don't they care they have many of their own in here too???
  3668. >it seems it's not the Storm King's style to care about such trivialities
  3669. >at any rate, you have to get out of here
  3670. >but how if you're occupied by these goons?
  3671. >and more and more just flow into the house...
  3672. "Shield! Shield! We're under fire from their arty! We have have to get out of here NOW!"
  3673. >"I know! Go for the back door, clear the way! I'll cover you. Give me a shout if I can go too"
  3674. "F-fine!" you say, as the building gets hit again
  3675. >then again
  3676. >than again and again
  3677. >you tumble a bit, but make it to the kitchen, where the back door is located
  3678. >of course, as your luck, a number of troops are already working on getting inside
  3679. >they can't push in the door because of the cupboard, but they're getting there
  3680. >meanwhile, the house gets shaken again from multiple hits
  3681. >what do now?
  3682. >this way, you walk into storm creatures
  3683. >the front door is the same
  3684. >and remaining in the house is suicide
  3685. >but maybe...
  3686. >getting back to the basement is viable
  3687. >even if the house collapses, you can survive there
  3689. >you run back to the hall to get Shield
  3690. >he's still there, but barely holding out against the onslaught
  3691. "Shield, the back yard is swarming with bad guys, we can't escape that way. Our only chance is the basement. Come on!"
  3692. >"That doesn't lead anywhere anymore!"
  3693. "It's still better than the whole house collapsing upon us. Come on already!"
  3694. >Shield shoots one last Stormtrooper, then follows you
  3695. >you both swing out to the corridor leading to the kitchen and the basement
  3696. >awful grumbling and mumbling can be heard from above, and huge chunks of the ceiling begin to fall
  3697. >one such piece falls right in front of you, but you jump over it, and continue running
  3698. >but just as you'd reach the basement door, one of the main supporting beams comes down along with huge amounts of debris
  3699. >the door to the basement is now blocked
  3700. >you turn back to Shield, who now begins running in the other direction
  3701. >"We have to go to the kitchen! No other way out!"
  3702. >you'd stop him, but you can't
  3703. >you could still levitate away this amount of debris...
  3704. >but the ceiling is coming down all the way along this corridor
  3705. >and more Storm creatures have just arrived from the main hall
  3706. >they don't seem to be bothered with the collapsing building, only with killing you, the idiots
  3707. >so you just rush after Shield to the kitchen, but it collapses as you'd enter
  3708. >you see the squadmate dearest to you getting hit by a huge chunk of the roof, and getting buried
  3709. "Shield!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
  3710. >you'd start digging him out, but you know the enemy is still on to you
  3711. >you turn back, and madly start to fire at the incoming creatures
  3712. >you gonna make them pay, even if this is the last thing you do in life!
  3713. >but that doesn't come to pass, as literally half the building comes down on them
  3714. >now there's an exit, but you too get hit in the head by something heavy
  3715. >despite the helmet, that hurt
  3716. >really hurt
  3717. >doozily, you try to walk forward, but hear the creaking and mumbling you did just seconds ago
  3718. >as you look up, the rest of the house is coming down
  3719. "OH SHI....."
  3720. *everything goes dark*
  3722. >...........
  3724. >you are Corporal Sword Glitter
  3725. >or you only *were* Corporal Sword Glitter?
  3726. >everything is dark
  3727. >you cannot move
  3728. >maybe, you are really dead now, and this is afterlife
  3729. >a whole building collapsed upon you, so your demise wouldn't be unrealistic
  3730. >but if this is the afterlife, then it's hot, cramped, and smells of clay and stone
  3731. >you cannot move, although you can feel your left foreleg stuck under something
  3732. >maybe, just maybe, this isn't afterlife, and you are actually alive?
  3733. >as you try to recompose yourself, and make sense of things, you wriggle around a bit in your armor
  3734. >this familiar feeling finally confirms that you AREN'T dead
  3735. >now you can even recollect the events of the immediate past: The Storm Army invasion, the hippogriffs, the firefights...
  3736. >the escape tunnel, the collapse, the embassy, then another, final collapse...
  3737. >the collapse...
  3739. >you scream, as you are right now under Celestia knows how much debris, and there is no way of getting out!
  3740. >and there is no way someone will come, and save you
  3742. "WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!...."
  3743. >you are trying to move, but you can't, and you're trying to free your stuck foreleg, but you can't, and oh sweet Celestia, this doesn't do any good to your claustrophobia, however slight it is
  3744. >you try to concentrate, and use your magic, maybe you can move something around or above you, and get out of here
  3745. >your horn lits up, and just barely, it illuminates what is around you
  3746. >now you see that actually some larger piece of the building stopped right above you
  3747. >that's why you weren't crushed to a pulp, and that's why you still have some breathing space
  3748. >you focus on this larger chunk of rubble, and try to move it upwards
  3749. >to your greatest surprise and joy, and can lift it a little
  3750. >your left foreleg gets unstuck, and you can even move the rest of your appendages
  3751. >with great effort, you lift this piece of wall or whatever even more, and manage to brace against it with all fours
  3752. >now with the combined power of your muscles and magic, the huge chunk of debris moves upwards inch by inch
  3753. >it feels as if all the muscles in your body wanted to explode, but you press on, no matter the pain
  3754. >you won't remain buried alive, not here, not today
  3755. >now you can even see some daylight seeping in through a tiny fissure
  3756. >with this glimmer of hope, you salvage all your remaining strength, and with one last push of legs and magic, you upturn the chunk of stone trapping you
  3757. >now you can see the sky above you, and though it's blinding after all the darkness, you couldn't be happier for it
  3758. >it would be a perfect blue, if not for the clouds of black smoke above the city
  3759. >and if not for the dust still lingering above this ruined embassy
  3760. >but you're alive, and that's what is important, although this isn't the first time today that you almost became K to the IA
  3762. >right now, you're just lying on your back, trying to catch your breath, still in your "hole" among the debris
  3763. >if someone were to watch this ruin, he wouldn't even notice you being here
  3764. >it's not so bad after all, although it's not like you could move yet, due to the effort you just extorted out of yourself
  3765. >"not so bad"
  3766. >you're only in the middle of a war-struck city, among the ruins of a bombed-out building...
  3767. >you will probably remain like this for a few minutes, then decide what to do
  3768. >yeah, that works...
  3769. >still lying, you look over your own body
  3770. >miraculously, you only have a few scratches in the places where the armor didn't protect you
  3771. >and the armor itself also have just a few dents
  3772. >heh, lucky pony...
  3773. >then, if lightning struck you, a thought comes to you
  3774. >Shield!
  3775. >your heart starts to beat faster, and your muscles spasm a bit
  3776. >Shield was with you, and he is under the ruins still!
  3777. >you get a hold of yourself, and get up on your legs
  3779. >you climb out of the pit that was almost your grave, and take a look around
  3780. >you're still dizzy a bit, probably from the hit you got just before the building collapsed upon you
  3781. >oh and yeah, probably the collapse itself didn't help either
  3782. >the dust didn't settle either in the area, so you can't see very far
  3783. >logically, you scan for hostiles before conducting any search, but you can't see anyone
  3784. >since you seem to be safe momentarily, you think about where you should look
  3785. >or maybe Shield have already got out from under the rubble?
  3786. >you saw with your own eyes how he disappeared under a torrent of debris
  3787. >actually, a whole chunk of the roof have fallen on him
  3788. >so if he got out, he had to dig his way out just like you did
  3789. >you think about his relative position when you were knocked out
  3790. >he was in the kitchen, so he can't be that far
  3792. >you can see as much that the street is behind you about twenty meters
  3793. >so the former kitchen is a few meters to your left
  3794. >you limp over the rubble to this position, and stop with wobbly legs
  3795. >the pieces of stone interspersed with wooden supporting beams under you don't exactly provide a stable ground
  3796. >as you see no signs of digging, Shield must be still underneath all of this
  3797. >oh gosh...
  3798. >this doesn't mean anything good
  3799. >you don't exactly know how much time has passed since the collapse, but it mustn't have been that much if the dust is still lingering around
  3800. >although even if the debris didn't outright smash him, this is just enough time to suffocate under it
  3801. >with the hopes that you will find a living pony, you start to dig
  3802. >at first, just with your hooves, resting your magic a bit
  3803. >your armored horseshoes prove to be excellent ad-hoc digging tools, and the smaller chunks of stone get removed easily
  3804. >as you get deeper, you encounter bigger pieces of this former embassy, so now you engage your magic too
  3805. >by now, you dug a proper little crater, but you still didn't get to the bottom of it
  3806. >maybe you misjudged the location?
  3807. >you weren't under THIS much rubble
  3808. >nevertheless, you continue on, until you don't get to a larger section of the roof
  3810. >using TK, you remove this piece too
  3811. >then, you see him...
  3812. >a hunk of flesh and armor, initally almost unrecognizable
  3813. >you almost gasp a little, but manage to keep it inside
  3814. >with the dreadful thought of not getting an answer, you call out to your squadmate
  3815. "Sh-sh-shield?!"
  3816. >you don't get a response, let alone any reaction
  3817. >is he...?
  3818. "Shield, please respond!"
  3819. >now, as if you could see a slight ear twitch
  3820. >he's alive!
  3821. "Shield, if you hear me, please say something!"
  3822. >he doesn't seem to hear you, although his ear twitches a little again
  3823. "Shield!!"
  3824. >seeing that you won't get anywhere like this, you decide to simply remove him from the crater, and see to his wounds
  3825. >he is pretty banged up, but on closer inspection, not as badly as it initially seemed
  3826. >he has many scars and bruises on his face, which give him a horrifying look, but most of those are just surface wounds
  3827. >but you don't know how much his body was injured
  3828. >his armor is in much worse shape than yours, so he could've gotten bone breaks, too
  3829. >also, you don't know if he has any spinal injuries or not
  3830. >so you actually decide against moving him at all
  3831. >at first, he should get conscious, so you can get a better idea how well he is
  3833. >at any rate, you remove one last piece of debris from his legs
  3834. >damn...
  3835. >one leg remained mostly undamaged, but his right one looks shattered
  3836. >it's all bloody, with an open wound
  3837. >you again put a hoof to your mouth
  3838. "Dammit Shield... Oh gosh"
  3839. >for a few moments, you just watch as he lies there on his side, all four legs spread apart
  3840. >then you get an idea
  3841. >you take out your canteen
  3842. >somehow, it remained on its harness after all these misadventures
  3843. >you remove the cap, then carefully levitate it down to your injured comrade
  3844. >you pour some water on his mouth
  3845. >instinctively, he sticks out his tongue, and licks some drops from his lips
  3846. >good sign, so you pour a little more
  3847. >the reaction is the same, and now he starts to breath a bit more quickly
  3848. >slowly, he opens his eyes
  3849. >for a few moments, he seems confused, but then his one visible eye stops at you
  3850. >"S-Swhord?" he wheezes
  3851. >finally!
  3852. >he can talk, that's great!
  3853. "Shield! I was so worried I lost you! Are you alright? What do you feel?"
  3854. >Shield lifts his head a little, as if he tried to look around
  3855. >then he realizes this isn't possible in his current state, and his head limps back unto the ground
  3856. >"Is the...area...cleared of hostiles?!"
  3858. >what?!!
  3859. >he's a bit short of a corpse, and these are his first words?
  3860. >dang, these pro officers, mare!
  3861. >maybe, he isn't in THAT bad of a shape
  3862. "Yeah, I guess you will walk it off..." you say under your breath
  3863. "I think we're in the clear" you say now normally, looking around again "The whole embassy was blown upon us, but we survived! Now tell me how are you! Can you move your legs? Can you move AT ALL?"
  3864. >Shield moves three of his legs individually, but he hisses when he tries to move his right hind one
  3865. >"Yeah, I can... But this one is all messed up"
  3866. >partially relieved, you let out a little sigh, but you're still concerned by this fourth leg
  3867. "That's some good news, no spinal injuries then. So come on, lemme get you out of this blasted pit and patch you up!"
  3868. >you reach out with your telekinesis to pick him up, but he stops you
  3869. >"No, wait... I feel something... A presence"
  3870. "What? What are you talking about? What "presence"?"
  3871. >"Magic..." he answers, visibly in pain from his leg
  3872. "Ah, come on Shield, you're just too..."
  3873. >but in that moment, you feel something too
  3874. >suddenly, the dust settles all around you
  3875. >as if gravity changed to a much stronger form, and sucked everything to the ground
  3876. >you look behind your back
  3877. >it's him
  3878. >the Storm Mage
  3880. >the mage stands a considerable distance behind you, on the street, without any of his troops
  3881. >he just stands there, alone, with his staff in hand, which glimmers in the sunlight
  3882. >no doubt, it was him who removed the dust from the site
  3883. >and there is also no doubt what he wants, as he is looking right at you
  3884. >although you can't see anything from his mask, you can FEEL that his gaze pierces through you
  3885. >you turn back to Shield, but keep one eye on the mage
  3886. "The Storm Mage is back" you say in the most casual manner possible
  3887. >"Thought so..." says Shield, with his voice weakening "Just run"
  3888. "What?!!! And leave you here? No way! I'm gonna save you!"
  3889. >"You can't fight him. His staff is too powerful. You saw what it can do. Flee while you can"
  3890. "If he finds you here alone, he's gonna execute you. I can't allow him to do that. Now hang in here while I smooth this out..."
  3891. >with that, you turn away from Shield, and start to walk towards your nemesis
  3892. >you could hear your buddy saying something along the lines of " acceptable loss...", but you paid it no mind
  3893. >you walk off from the rubble pile, and stand in the middle of the garden
  3894. >the garden fence has been blasted to smithereens too, so now this, and the wide street in front of you sort of form an arena
  3896. >the mage starts to talk
  3897. >in a deep, guttural voice
  3898. >"Pathetic creature, who incurred upon the dominion of the mighty Storm King!"
  3899. >wait, he speaks your language?!
  3900. >that means he can understand you too, probably
  3901. >"Your interference resulted in the loss of many of my troops, and therefor, slowing the advance of our great King. NONE shall be allowed such disrespect. But seeing you are a warrior, I will be merciful, and grant you a warrior's death"
  3902. >whoah...
  3903. >despite his monstrous voice, his tone carries some intelligence
  3904. >well, no wonder, if he is capable of using a magic staff
  3905. >also no wonder that he is pissed about you
  3906. >your squad indeed killed many of his guys
  3907. >and you added some to that number, too...
  3908. >but unlike last time, you can maybe indeed talk this out
  3909. >you retract your visor into your helmet, so you appear more friendly and personal
  3910. >that matters here, right?
  3912. >you begin with a bit trembling voice
  3913. "G-greetings to you, great warrior. I'm truly, deeply sorry for the losses we've caused you, but I'm sure this is all just a big misunderstanding. We're not here to stop the Storm King from conquering. We just came here to extract a hippogriff diplomat, that is all. Your creatures must have thought we're here to help the cat folk fighting. But we're not! We're simply..."
  3914. >"ENOUGH!" says the Storm Mage loudly, whacking his staff to the ground with a metallic clang "EVERTHING his mighty influence touches belongs to the mighty King! Your hippogriff belongs to him! YOU belong to him! You are all his slaves now!"
  3915. "Please...please... just let us go in peace. I even have wounded here. I really mean no harm to any of you"
  3916. >but as your voice turns to begging, his turns even more furious
  3917. >"You expect us to show mercy? NO! There is only one option remaining for you now: To die!"
  3918. "No, no... Please! Let us discuss this in a civilised mann..."
  3919. >but you aren't allowed to finish your sentence, as the Storm Mage starts his attack, and lobs a giant ball of magic at you
  3920. >you can only barely jump out of the way
  3921. >getting up, you realize: there was never a chance for diplomacy here, not even from the very start
  3922. "All right, then have it YOUR way!" you shout, and close your visor
  3923. >this is gonna be the duel of your life
  3925. >but you don't even have a moment to breathe, as another huge magic projectile is flying towards you
  3926. >you made sure to have the maximum possible distance between you, so you can strafe-evade whatever he sends at you
  3927. >as this one misses its mark too, the mage lets out a roar of anger, and sends another ball of energy at you
  3928. >but this one was poorly aimed, and although you felt the heat from its explosion, you use this little opening to counterattack
  3929. >the best defense is a good offense, right?
  3930. >so you shoot out a quick burst of magic, aiming at the mage's body
  3931. >in a moment's notice, he turns a switch on his staff, and blocks your shots
  3932. >it's the shield spell he used earlier, when you tried to snipe him
  3933. >you shoot again, to no avail, as he blocks these too
  3934. >you just circle strafe each other for a few seconds, then he turns the switch again, and you prepare for another magic ball
  3935. >but instead, a flurry of magic bolts fly at you
  3936. >you can't possibly dodge all of those!
  3937. >you duck, you run, you evade, but eventually one finds its mark, and hits you
  3938. "AHHHHGH!"
  3939. >you flinch
  3940. >the projectile hit you in the chest, but thanks to your Paladin robes, you could tank it
  3941. >of course, you could still feel all the heat from it, and it hurt, but it didn't take you out
  3942. >it only left a hole in your armor...
  3943. >you quickly regain your balance, but you meet several more projectiles flying towards you
  3944. >this mage is REALLY determined to kill you
  3945. >but two can play that game...
  3947. >luckily, your magic recharged enough that you can shoot at him again
  3948. >too bad he is so quick with his staff, that he switches to shield mode by the time you shoot
  3949. >and he also anticipates your shots by looking at when you lower your head
  3950. >like most Royal Guards, you can only aim your magical projectiles by aiming your horn at the target
  3951. >unlike your fellow Paladins, who can "angle-shoot", that is, release their shots from their horns at an angle
  3952. >this makes for quicker aiming, and more unpredictable shots, but needs much practice to be perfected
  3953. >despite all this, you would only need one or two good hits, and the mage would go down
  3954. >he doesn't wear that much armor
  3955. >so you switch tactics
  3956. >you try to get closer to him
  3957. >he won't be able to track you so efficiently when you're right in his face
  3958. >and it will take only a few steps to circle him instead of all this running
  3959. >with your last two shots, you cover your advance, and now you're indeed much closer to him
  3960. >he spams his smaller magic balls again at you, but now he has a harder time, as you easily run circles around him
  3961. >sometimes, he tries to switch it up, and shots a big ball of magic also, but you pay attention, and use this to get even closer to him
  3963. >the Storm Mage, probably thinking you getting closer might not end exactly well for him, uses the switch on his staff again, and shots at you
  3964. >new spell again...
  3965. >damn, scattershot!
  3966. >a rare and difficult combat spell, that is very effective at a range this close
  3967. >it's many smaller magic bolts shot out at once, in an unpredictable pattern
  3968. >you manage to dodge, but this puts you at a challange again
  3969. >but also, you're really close now
  3970. >he manages to get in one last shot, but he misses
  3971. >you and your slick moves...
  3972. >you smile
  3973. >you are now in melée range
  3974. >of course, your opponent notices, and steps back
  3975. >and also, switches modes again
  3976. >now a tight energy sphere envelops the head of the staff, and he starts to use his weapon as a hammer
  3977. >this staff already looked like a long-hafted flanged mace, with the four flanges surrunding the crystal
  3978. >now it's literally that, with some added juice to it
  3979. >he tries to smash you, but you piruette away all the time
  3980. >some freestyle fencing, this is!
  3982. >meanwhile, you take shots at him, but he skillfully deflects them with the head of the staff
  3983. >damn, going on like this, you will never defeat this guy
  3984. >he is just too good
  3985. >surely, Commander Starstorm would have already killed him, but you are not her
  3986. >you are just some Royal Guard in a Paladin's outfit
  3987. >but you won't give up
  3988. >and after a wide, sideways swipe, you see an opening, and take the shot
  3989. >it hits him in the belly, but he only flinches
  3990. >his robes must be enchanted like yours, at least somewhat
  3991. >so you go for a good kick, but you miscalculate it badly, and just hit the robes between his legs
  3992. >THWACK!!!
  3993. >that's all he needed to get back at you, and the magically charged mace-staff sends you flying across the "arena"
  3994. >luckily, he only hit you in the side, where the armor, padding and robes all protected you
  3995. >but as you land, you hit your head hard into a piece of sharp debris
  3996. >helmet or not...
  3997. >...everything goes dark again
  3999. >...
  4000. >you open your eyes
  4001. >you could've only lost your consciousness for a few seconds, but you can already see the Storm Mage power walking towards you
  4002. >no doubt he is going in for the kill
  4003. >he switches modes, his staff is probably on magic blast again
  4004. >and readies it too, with the head aimed right at your head
  4005. >he could shoot already, but he doesn't
  4006. >probably wants to savor the moment up close and personal
  4007. >you don't dare to move
  4008. >you just let him walk right up to you
  4009. >now the tip of his staff almost touches your muzzle
  4010. >it's so close that you can see the magic swirling around in its light blue crystal
  4011. >he softly cackles
  4012. >"Could there be any other end?"
  4013. >you look along the lenght of the staff
  4014. >the mage's hand isn't on the switch
  4015. >by a sudden idea, you reach out with your TK, and turn the switch counter-clockwise right before he casts
  4016. >now the staff simply casts its shield
  4017. >"Whatthe...?"
  4019. >exploiting his momentary confusion, you spring to your hooves lightning fast, and grab a good hold of the whole staff
  4020. >of course the bad guy doesn't let it go, and you both try to yank it away from each other
  4021. >meanwhile, he also tries to reach the switch with his hand, but your strong TK basically glues his palms to the haft
  4022. >so he yanks on the staff even harder
  4023. >and with each yank his hand comes closer to the switch
  4024. >eventually, he succeeds, and switches the staff to the energy-mace mode
  4025. >now he stops the yanking, and tries to push the head of the staff into your face
  4026. >and that would melt it off, no doubt
  4027. >when it gets really close, you even start to feel the heat from it
  4028. >suddenly, you lower your head with a quick motion, and roll forward
  4029. >the energy sphere slides across your back, and it hits the ground
  4030. >at the same time, you kick the hands holding the staff, and with the grip loosening, you manage to take it away from the Storm Mage
  4031. >with that same motion, you violently swing it into him, sending him flying back a bit
  4032. >he gets up, but realizing what happened, he reaches out toward you, and pleads:
  4033. >"No, please, let us discuss this in a civilised mann..."
  4034. >you don't wait for the sentence to end, and just fire six bursts of magic into him from the staff
  4035. >grouping the shots tightly, the last two penetrates, and he clanches the spot
  4036. >he lets out one last grunt, then collapses
  4037. >that's it
  4038. >finally
  4039. >he's finished
  4040. >you let out a long sigh, and walk over
  4041. >you look at the corpse with disdain, and throw the staff next to him
  4042. "I have nothing to discuss with you"
  4044. >now that the Storm Mage has been dealt with, it's time to get back to Shield
  4045. >you turn away from your dead nemesis, and climb the pile of debris, that once was the Hippogriff Embassy
  4046. >of course, Shield is still in the same place you left him
  4047. >he's somewhere between being awake and unconscious
  4048. >poor guy...
  4049. >you stand over him, blocking out the scorching sun
  4050. >he lifts his head a bit, and turns his eyes
  4051. >noticing that the source of the shadow is you, he seems kinda surprised
  4052. >"Sword?! You... You're alive..."
  4053. "Of course! What did you expect? That I'll be killed, and then you'll die here too, alone?"
  4054. >you try to say that with a bit of bravado, despite the fact that you were actually almost killed
  4055. >Shield seems a bit confused with the answer though
  4056. >he's overall in a pretty bad shape
  4057. >must be a bit delirious by now
  4058. >after all, he lost a lot of blood, then you left him to bake under the hot Abyssynian sun
  4059. >but you didn't have a choice
  4060. "I came back for you, buddy. So let's get you out of this blasted pit, and lemme start patching you up"
  4061. >you reach out with your magic
  4062. >as it wraps around him, he speaks again
  4063. >"Wait... The Storm Mage... Where's the Storm Mage?"
  4064. >you lift him up, then answer, in the most casual manner possible
  4065. >you wouldn't want to make him worry right now
  4066. "Oh, he's dead. He lies over there"
  4068. >as you carry Shield over the remains of the building, you turn him slightly towards your fallen foe
  4069. >for the first time since you found him, he has an actual expression
  4070. >a little smile
  4071. >"Dang Sword... Dang!"
  4072. >and you also hear a little pride in his voice
  4073. >in his state, this is probably the equivalent of "Dang good job Corporal, you did it!"
  4074. >but you won't bask in the glory of some wetwork, especially not now
  4075. >you get clear of the ruin, and put your comrade down on stable ground
  4076. >now, to see to his wounds
  4077. >you're no medic, but fortunately, you're pretty good at first aid
  4078. >unfortunately, all you have on you is antiseptic and some bandages
  4079. >the more advanced supplies are carried by Breakpoint, who also acts as the squad's de facto medic
  4080. >as you look at Shield's leg wound again, you can see it began bleeding again
  4081. >it probably opened up as you moved him here
  4082. >and looking at him, it seems more and more to you that he's actually...dying
  4083. >his head is on the ground, and his breathing is pretty slow
  4084. >it's as if he's bleeding out, but the leg wound doesn't bleed that heavily
  4085. >except if...
  4086. >...that's not the source of it
  4087. >it can be internal bleeding, and if that's the case, there is not much you can do
  4088. >and by simple logic, that's probably the case
  4089. >oh godsdammit!
  4090. >you look at your dearest squadmate again, as life escapes his body second by second
  4091. "Hey Shield, look at me, look at me, buddy!"
  4092. >he indeed looks at you, and can still answer, albeit in a very weak voice
  4094. >"Sword... You did great. I just wish... I could've been there to help you. I'm sorry..."
  4095. >he starts to close his eyes, but you don't let him
  4096. >you almost startle him with your voice
  4097. "You did help actually! I was thinking about you the whole fight! That gave me strength. How I you after I defeated that mage!"
  4098. >Shield is almost just whispering by now
  4099. >"How valiant of you, trying to save me... But I'm afraid it's too late now"
  4100. >no, no, no, no, this can't be!
  4101. >come on now!
  4102. >you grab Shield's right hoof
  4103. >not with magic, but with your own hooves
  4104. "Shield, no, look at me! Right into my eyes! I'll save you okay? I'll save you!"
  4105. >"Swordie, listen... Sometimes, you just need to let go... There's nothing you can do now"
  4106. >he starts to close his eyes
  4107. >but you startle him again
  4108. "SHIELD! I'll find a way! I'll just, I'll just..."
  4109. >as you search for words, and try very hard not to drop your first tear, Shield interrupts you
  4110. >"Look Swordie... I tried too. But I lost my Healing Stick... That's the only thing that could have saved me. By now, maybe not even that..."
  4111. >as you listen to Shield, you're hit with the realization
  4112. >of course, the Healing Stick!
  4113. >.........
  4114. >....
  4117. >you are Corporal Sword Glitter, and this is the third day of your Paladin training
  4118. >every new day, and every new hour you get introduced to a special tactic or accessory that you didn't think could have existed
  4119. >like right now
  4120. >Major Starstorm stands in front of you, levitating a small, thin, wooden stick
  4121. >"Alright Rookie. What you see here is a very important part of your Paladin equipment. This is the Instant-Healing Magic Canister, or as we simply call it, the "Healing Stick". It contains a very powerful, pre-charged healing spell, that is able to heal all, but the most grevious of wounds. This is your last chance if you get seriously injured during combat, but still have enough consciousness to take it out, and use it. To do so, simply break the stick roughly in half, then the spell will do the rest. They are rather flimsy, but don't worry, they come with their own protective canisters. Also very important to note, that the spell isn't tied to anyone. It will heal or try to heal whichever living creature is closest when it gets released. So you can even use it on a squadmate if the situation demands..."
  4123. >....
  4124. >.........
  4125. >the memory rushes through your head, then you take out your own Healing Stick
  4126. >every squadmember carries one, and only one, as these are incredibly hard to make
  4127. >but you still have it, despite everthing you went trough
  4128. >Shield must have lost his during the building collapse
  4129. >you screw off the top of the small canister, revealing the stick inside
  4130. >it has very unassuming looks compared to what it can apparently do
  4131. >Shield looks at you, then comments on your intentions as you levitate the Stick closer to him
  4132. >"Don't...Don't waste yours on me now, Sword... Just run. You might need it later..."
  4133. "And you don't try to be a hero so damn hard!" you snap at him "Now shush, and lemme concentrate!"
  4134. >but you don't really need to concentrate, just take a step back, so the magic will surely affect Shield, and Shield only
  4135. >then you take a deep breath, and snap the stick in half
  4136. >you see a burst of magic, golden in color, that swirls around and envelops Shield's body
  4137. >his whole body starts to spasm, as the powerful magic overwhelms him
  4138. >this is technically normal, at least according to your training
  4139. >now, his whole body has a homogenous golden hue, so bright that you need to cover your eyes a bit
  4140. >then this magic is seemingly gets absorbed by his body, and he remains there lying
  4141. >well, that was quick...
  4143. >the first thing you notice is that his leg wound is all but gone
  4144. >only his coat having some irregularities there indicates he had a bad wound in the first place
  4145. >his many scars and bruises have also disappeared
  4146. >oh joy, this "Healing Stick" is indeed a miracle!
  4147. >now just wait for him to get up
  4148. >you know that such strong magic streaming through a pony's body would knock out anyone, even powerful unicorns
  4149. >Starstorm said that even she would remain dazed after a Healing Stick usage
  4150. >so you don't start to panic, this is the normal side effect
  4151. >but also, you're still in a war torn city, and Storm Guard reinforcements could show up at any moment
  4152. >it was strange enough that the Storm Mage wanted to duel you, but his troops won't wait for him forever to get back
  4153. >in other words, it's about time to leave this place
  4155. >you nudge Shield a bit
  4156. "Shield? Are you alright? How do you feel?"
  4157. >Shield opens his eyes
  4158. >your gazes meet
  4159. >just from his eyes, you can tell this isn't the looks of a dying pony
  4160. >so he must be alright
  4161. >"Sword...everything is...spinning around"
  4162. >you gently help him up to a sitting position
  4163. >for some reason, you don't do this with your magic, you just use your hooves...
  4164. "You're still dazed. Side effect of the Healing Stick I just used on you. It should go away in a few minutes"
  4165. >Shield exhales loudly, then looks at you
  4166. >"I know..."
  4167. >then after some pause, says:
  4168. >"..thanks"
  4169. >he smiles at you
  4170. >you smile back, and pat his shoulder
  4171. "You're very welcome! Welcome back to the living, El-Tee! And... Try to don't become a hero in such an inglorious manner, okay? It's unbecoming of an officer... After all, we still have plenty of opportunities for that"
  4172. >Shield shakes his head
  4173. >"I'm sorry, just... I wasn't sure if a Healing Stick was enough anymore or not. And I didn't want to take yours"
  4174. "I wasn't sure either, but damn if I still didn't try. And look at you now... Anyways, can you stand up? Or are you still doozy?"
  4176. >"I can" he says, as he fully gets up, although on wobbly legs "I'm fine. The world now only spins a bit"
  4177. "Good! Because we should get a move on. I bet more Storm Creatures are on their way here"
  4178. >"True. I'm actually surprised they didn't arrive yet...OUCH!!!"
  4179. >as Shield tries to step, he quickly raises his -apparently- healed leg back off from the ground
  4180. >and he keeps it that way
  4181. "What is it?!"
  4182. >"Dangit! When I placed my weight on it, it started to hurt! And now it hurts even more. Surely, my leg must have been broken"
  4183. >that would make sense
  4184. >the Healing Stick is worse at mending bones than flesh
  4185. >that's what you were taught
  4186. "Oof. That's bad..."
  4187. >"Don't worry, I can still walk" he says, as he limps forward a few steps
  4188. "That's perspective. But to me, that ain't walking" you say, already seeing you will never escape the city this way
  4189. >"I sorry. But I'm afraid I don't have any alternatives right now. And I can't levitate myself"
  4190. >wait
  4191. >that's not a bad idea actually...
  4192. "You can't, but I can! I will just carry you around, and put you down if there is a fight. And then we can both excape"
  4193. >"And I'll be an awful burden again... Sorry that things turned out this way. Again"
  4194. "Ah, stop this self-loathing already!" you say, already picking him up "You can still shoot, right? Then you won't be a burden, but my helper. You know how "good" at combat spells I am..."
  4195. >"You might have a point. Let's go then, "my legs"!"
  4196. >you start to move in the direction of the southernmost city gate, levitating Shield next to you
  4197. >that's where you entered the city, and that way you should meet your squad, if they indeed didn't just left you behind
  4198. >but you must have hope, because without them and the airship, you will never escape this place
  4200. >luckily, the streets seem to be empty in front of you
  4201. >but you don't make it too far before you hear something
  4202. >you stop
  4203. "Wait, Shield..."
  4204. >"Yeah, I heard it too. Put me down right there"
  4205. >so you put him down behind some crates, while you take cover on the other half of the street
  4206. >this way, you can see things in a wide angle while remaining in cover
  4207. >a minute passes, but you spot no hostiles, or anything noteworthy at all
  4208. >"False alarm I guess?"
  4209. "Ugh, yeah" you say, after getting back to Shield "This would be so much easier if I had Starstorm's magical prowess. I would just charge in, and start blasting things"
  4210. >"That would be a suicidal tactic nonetheless. Don't worry though, your combat spells will improve with time and training. And about blasting: How did you got that hole on your armor? You're weren't hit, were you?!"
  4211. "I was. That Storm Mage used his staff with true skill. But in the end, he got a taste of his own medicine"
  4212. >"You shot him with his own staff?!" Shield responds, being in some disbelief
  4213. "Yeah, I did! Ironic, right? He never saw it coming"
  4214. >"But then that's an unlocked staff! And you left it there?! Sword, you could just..."
  4215. >the realization hits you too, even before Shield could finish his sentence, so you finish it instead
  4216. "...go back for it, and use it to shoot our way out of here!"
  4217. >"Exactly! Oh gosh, how amateurish, a battlemage using an unlocked staff! Quickly now Sword, go back! I'll wait here"
  4218. >you carefully look around before leaving cover
  4219. >you're not far away from the former embassy yet, actually, you can still see the ruins
  4220. >since the coast is clear, you make a run for it, and gallop back in no time to the site of your previous battle
  4222. >of course, the Storm Mage still lies there, with his staff next to him
  4223. >thinking about it, it's indeed unusual that a mage wouldn't put a magical lock on his own staff, so that others couldn't use it
  4224. >it's actually a mandatory safety precaution for destruction staves in Equestria
  4225. >except if... this staff didn't originally belong to the Storm Mage
  4226. >but that only runs through your head for a moment before you pick it up
  4227. >you rush back to Shield
  4228. "I'm here" you pant a bit "This is it. Fancy a closer look?"
  4229. >"Oh yeah" says Shield, taking the staff away from you
  4230. >he admires it with much enthusiasm
  4231. >well, no wonder, guy's basically a military scholar
  4232. >this must be a real gem for him
  4233. >now he's at the switch, eyeing it with furrowed brows
  4234. >"These inscriptions... I know I already saw them somewhere, but I just can't put a hoof on it. Hmmm..."
  4235. "That's the fire mode switch you're looking at. Can you tell me which position goes with which mode? I can only tell it's at magic blast right now, as that's what I left it at. Oh, and the one next to it is the magic barrier. I just can't remember in which direction you have to twist it. Does that help?"
  4236. >"Sorry Sword, but I can't actually read it. I'm afraid you'll have to just try it out in practice... Which I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities for"
  4237. "I'm sure of it too" you say, as Shield gives the staff back to you "So, should we move on now?"
  4238. >"Of course. Let's stall no longer"
  4239. >you put the staff across your back, and it remains there as expected
  4240. >like most staves, it has a "sling" spell in place, so its user can carry it comfortably
  4241. >then you pick up Shield too, and start to walk the empty street towards the city gate
  4243. >as you walk, you see something strange in the not so far distance
  4244. >a bunch cat people, marching towards you
  4245. >not of their own accord though
  4246. >they are handcuffed, and chained together
  4247. >they are...enslaved
  4248. >so the Storm Mage didn't lie to you at all
  4249. >whatever the Storm King's "mighty influence" touches becomes his slave
  4250. >luckily for you, their guards didn't notice you yet
  4251. >you bring Shield into a courtyard, and you both take cover behind the stone fence
  4252. >and ready the staff, just in case
  4253. >the group gets closer, but the guards don't seem to pay any mind to their surroundings
  4254. >instead, they're focusing on abusing their unlucky prisoners
  4255. >they are pushing them around, probably to make them move faster
  4256. >but how could they, the poor souls, when their legs are cuffed too?
  4257. >after the encounter with the Storm Mage, you started to really dislike the Storm King's forces
  4258. >but right now, you're starting to hate them
  4259. >sure, it's not within your right to act as a judge
  4260. >but any normal creature would deem this cruel and wrong, don't they?
  4261. "Shield...we should really do something. Don't we?" you whisper
  4262. >"There is too much to risk here. Just let them pass"
  4263. "But this is cruel! They're being dragged away like slaves! And you'd just watch?!"
  4264. >"I know Sword, this is cruel. But there is nothing we can do about the cats. This is not our war. We can't fight it for them"
  4265. "We can't, but we can save THESE cats! See with your heart a bit, Shield! We selfishly came here for our own reasons, while these cats are fighting for their lives, for their country! Now we could make a little difference... And besides, we have this too"
  4266. >you levitate up your staff a bit, indicating your point
  4267. >"No, it's just too risky. And besides, think about it: would THEY do it for us, if our roles were reversed? I don't think so. Most nations beyond Equestria only care for themselves. Like these cats surely do, too"
  4268. "Maybe so... But I'm not a cat"
  4269. >with that, you leave your cover, and start to march towards the group of slaves
  4270. >you can hear a faint "Stop now, that's an order..." from behind, but you made up your mind
  4271. >it was enough fearing these damnable beasts
  4272. >you have the medicine for them now anyway
  4274. "Hey you! Yeah, you there!" you shout out to the group
  4275. >the cats look in your direction, surprise on their faces
  4276. >the Storm Guards likewise take an interest in you, and they ready their spears to emphasize this
  4277. "Release those prisoners RIGHT NOW! You have five seconds to comply!"
  4278. >although your voice was loud and confident enough (befitting for a Royal Guard), unlike in Equestria, this didn't solve anything
  4279. >instead, you got some angry grunts as a response
  4280. >and the next moment, the Guards take up formation for an attack
  4281. >just as you expected, really
  4282. >okay, so plan B then
  4283. >you aim your staff at the closest one, and fire off a shot
  4284. >it hits him in his midsection, penetrating the armor, and taking him out
  4285. >reacting to their fallen comrade, the rest of the creatures charge at you, but you're at the ready with your weapon
  4287. >the sound of the magic blasts ring in your ear, as you take out the members of the charging group one by one, before any of them could even get close to you
  4288. >you have to admit, this staff is indeed brutally effective
  4289. >that Storm Mage knew his stuff
  4290. >or whoever enchanted this weapon
  4291. >only one hostile remains, behind the group of slaves
  4292. >you obviously won't fire at him like this
  4293. >but his living shields decide his fate, as they all duck down suddenly, opening him up for an attack
  4294. >heh, smart
  4295. >you take the opportunity, aim high, and shoot
  4296. >he's done for, as the rest of the guards
  4297. >you walk up to the group of slaves
  4298. >they now stand up, all looking really happy about their newfound freedom
  4299. >"Thank you!" a tidier-looking female cat says "You are our saviour! Can you please remove our chains too? We would be forever grateful"
  4301. >meanwhile Shield also came over
  4302. >or more like, skipped over on his three good legs
  4303. "Sure, -we- can" you answer to the cat lady
  4304. >"We?!" asks back Shield
  4305. "Yeah, we!"
  4306. >Shield doesn't budge, but you start to pry open the first cuff with your TK anyway
  4307. >a paw with a lockpick in it beats you to it though
  4308. >"I think brute force won't be necessary anymore" says the cat who just released himself from his chains "At least it won't be necessary here. But we have troops scattered all over the city, still holding out against the Storm Army. They could use someone like you. And yeah, thanks for chiming in"
  4309. >the smooth-voiced cat continues working his lockpick on the rest of the cuffs and padlocks
  4310. >it seems you're indeed not needed anymore
  4311. "In return, can I ask something from you?" you say, addressing the question to the whole group
  4312. >the cats perk their ears, obviously willing to answer a question for their saviour
  4313. "Did you see any other ponies in the city just recently? Like us, wearing armor?"
  4314. >the cats look at each other, with some confusion on their faces, while saying "don't knows" and "not sures" between each other, and their variants
  4315. >then one cat says it out directly to you:
  4316. >"You know, we were kinda preoccupied with being enslaved. We didn't pay attention to any ponies at all"
  4317. >that's a bit of a bummer
  4318. >you hoped you could get some information out of them regarding the fate of your team, but this is less than little
  4319. >oh well, this mission is FUBAR anyway
  4320. "Okay, that's understandable. Thanks anyway. Take care now"
  4321. >meanwhile, the smooth cat finished unlucking all the chains, and the group quickly disperses
  4323. >you remain alone with Shield
  4324. >and he looks kinda pissed...
  4325. >"You know, if asking for info was your plan from the start, you could have just told me..."
  4326. "It was really just an afterthought. But did you see that?! I saved all them cats!"
  4327. >"Yeah, I saw it. And I also saw you being the most reckless, irresponsible, order-defying, near-suicidal NCO that ever graced the ranks of the paladins"
  4328. >you'd open your mouth to answer to this outburst, but he continues
  4329. >"But I also saw the most heroic, kind and tenacious paladin to ever serve. And I don't just mean that regarding this incident, but the whole day. I know I should be mad at you, but I just can't be"
  4330. "Sooo... That means you won't courtmartial me?" you ask a bit teasingly
  4331. >"I'm afraid I won't. Plus, I'd hate to stand in a queue"
  4332. >you chuckle
  4333. "Lucky me"
  4334. >"But even still, I am your commanding officer right now. You have to follow my orders"
  4335. >as he says this, he leans in really close to your face
  4336. >but honestly, you don't hear that much authority in his tone
  4337. >you never did
  4338. >Shield always treated you as an equal, despite the fact he outranks you
  4339. >but not just because of that you feel like that he's maybe...a very little bit more than just a squadmate
  4340. >like, he is Best Squadmate Ever, or something like that
  4341. >but no more than that though, really!
  4342. "Alright then, Officer. Command me!" you say, while extending a front leg towards your destination
  4344. >you're on the move again, still carrying Shield with you like an oversized purse
  4345. >the street is empty in front of you, and eeriely quiet
  4346. >strange enough you think, as you would have expected to run into another group of Storm Creatures by now
  4347. >while it's peace and quiet, Shield starts to speak
  4348. >"Sword?"
  4349. >you look at the stallion wrapped in your purplish magic aura
  4350. "Hm?"
  4351. >"Seriously now. That little stunt you did earlier... I know that staff gives you confidence and all, but don't you forget: every spell, every piece of equipment you have at your disposal is a leverage, not a tool of invincibility. One of a soldier's greatest enemies is overconfidence. So don't fall victim to your own"
  4352. "I know that I was reckless, but I'll be careful now. It was just good feeling...powerful. But you know, it's not just that. I don't feel the same since I defeated that mage, and it's NOT because I aquired this staff. For the first time ever since I signed up for this unit, I feel like...I can do it. That I'll make it. That I don't just flow with the events around me"
  4353. >"Great to hear you're mindful of this. And that you have now what you should've had from the beginning. Celestia was right about you. You have the potential to become the greatest Paladin ever"
  4354. >you blush a bit
  4355. >you're actually a bit embarassed by this praise
  4356. >not sure if Shield actually means it, or if he's still overwhelmed by the little fact saved his life
  4357. >surely, that can sway ponies' opinions on others
  4358. "Wow, I don't even know what to say... Thanks"
  4359. >"I'm just saying the truth. The pony who should be thankful here is only me"
  4360. >you don't answer anymore, just continue trotting down the sandy street
  4361. >some feelings are hard to put into words anyway...
  4363. >you are more than halfway to your destination when you notice corpses of Storm units in the middle of the street
  4364. >some have long arrows sticking out from them
  4365. >you stop, and put down Shield
  4366. >you both look around
  4367. >"Surely, this wasn't us"
  4368. "It's probably the cats' doing. Nice to see they can still put up a fight. That can only mean good for us"
  4369. >"Yep. Provided those who did it are still alive. But at any rate, they aren't here, nor any Storm Creatures. So let's move along"
  4370. >you nod, and without hesitation, pick up your buddy, and continue towards the city gate
  4371. >the street here is widening, and if you remember correctly, an intersection should be near
  4372. >you also hear the sound of battle becoming louder and louder
  4373. >and indeed, as you reach the intersection you anticipated, you can see a company of Stormtroopers battling it out against just a few dozen cats
  4374. >the larger, more open area here provide a good battleground, at least for the Stormies, as they are starting to encircle the feline soldiers
  4376. >also, more and more minions of the Storm Army join the fray from the adjacent streets, trying to turn the tides quickly
  4377. >it seems the front lines are still shifting rapidly in the city
  4378. >just earlier you saw slaves along with their captors moving about undisturbed, but here a bitter fight is put up by the cats
  4379. >and you're still walking the same street
  4380. >as the ground here is sloping down somewhat towards the intersection, you can see every moment of the battle perfectly
  4381. >luckily, you aren't noticed, but your staff is at the ready
  4382. >you already put down Shield earlier, and he is monitoring the battle, probably pondering what to do
  4383. "I will really let you decide what to do this time... But just saying, those cats are losing rapidly"
  4384. >"I'm not sure joining this brawl would do us any good. We should just wait this one out"
  4385. "Then deal with the remaining Stormies? That would be easier while they are distracted" you say, levitating the staff from one side of your body to the other, being a bit nervous
  4386. >"Either way, we'll need a plan. And until then, we can just let them take each other out"
  4387. Suggested interlude music:
  4389. >you're still in the same spot you stopped at, along with Shield
  4390. >about two minutes have passed, but he's still just looking at the battle
  4391. >no doubt he's thinking hard about the plan, but something should be done
  4392. >the cat soldiers are falling rapidly
  4393. "So, do you have a plan already?" you ask eventually
  4394. >"Kinda. Let's just try to sneak past this whole battle. See that back alley? We should be able to cut off this intersection, and get closer to the city gate"
  4395. >Shield points toward what he speaks about
  4396. >he makes sense, but you feel somewhat bad about this plan, leaving the cats for death
  4397. >but it's not your war, so...
  4398. "Okay" you answer "But isn't that the way the Storm Creatures are coming from? We'll just cut off the way to meet more of the same"
  4399. >Shield visbly ponders your concern for a few moments, then looks back at you
  4400. >"We should be able sneak past them anyway. We are small enough to use any cover to hide. You noticed how these cats store all kinds of clutter on the streets"
  4401. >you are not exactly convinced by this, but whatever
  4402. >you won't pull a private op again like previously
  4403. "Understood Sarge. Let's go then"
  4404. >Shield gives you a bit weird look
  4405. >probably because you always called him by his proper name so far
  4406. >he probably thinks something is wrong, you're just teasing him though
  4407. >you can understand his reasons behind choosing to opt out from the battle
  4409. >"Okay. Follow me"
  4410. "Shouldn't I carry you?"
  4411. >"No need. Rest your magic a bit. And besides, we can both stay down this way"
  4412. >okay, makes sense
  4413. >you sling the staff on your back, and follow your squadmate
  4414. >Shield hugs the walls on the right side of the street
  4415. >he takes it slow, not like he could move faster with his bad leg
  4416. >you reach the alleyway designated by him, but just as you'd take the turn, a Storm Guard pops up from the alley the exact opposite side of the street
  4417. >he notices you, and growls something loudly as he takes out his crossbow from his back
  4418. >well, so much for stealth...
  4419. >as you feel there isn't enough time to take out your own weapon, you aim right at his crossbow, and shoot it out from his hands before he could take aim
  4420. >of course, Shield is on top of the situation yet again, and takes out the trooper with a precise headshot
  4421. "Nice hit" you compliment him
  4422. >"Likewise. Let's just go before more..."
  4423. >but Shield can't finish the sentence, as more creatures turn toward you from the battle
  4424. >they can do so, as the cats can barely put up anymore resistance
  4425. "Guess we'll have to do this the hard way, yeah?" you say, now actually pulling out your staff
  4426. >"Do we have a choice?" says Shield, audibly put off by the turn of events
  4428. >at least five Stormtroopers charge at you in an irregular formation
  4429. >Shield starts to pick them off while you fumble with the switch on the staff
  4430. >you search for the mode that excites you so...
  4431. >"What's the hold up, Sword?! Fire!" Shield cries out
  4432. "Hold on a sec... That's it, I got it!"
  4433. >the mode that almost dealt with you a bit earlier is now yours to deal out punishment with
  4434. >magic mace!
  4435. >you charge forward, and swing the staff right into the Storm Guard that is closest
  4436. >BHWOOOM!
  4437. >the magical energy discharges upon contact, and the unlucky warrior gets stripped all of his armor, flying backwards
  4438. >now more and more creatures join the fray, focusing their attention on you
  4439. >Shield does a good job thinning them out, but you work the staff to great effect as well
  4440. >BHWOOOM!
  4441. >another unlucky combatant meets the same fate like the previous
  4442. >then another
  4443. >and another
  4444. >now a trooper is advancing towards you, wielding a kite shield as well
  4445. >you're not sure about this, but swing your weapon into him as well
  4446. >and it deals with him no problem, as his shield doesn't stop the magical discharge
  4447. >you move forward, with Shield behind you
  4448. >the brawl in front of you disperses more and more, with the few survivng cats getting some breathing room
  4449. >with a sudden idea, you switch modes on your staff at random
  4450. >not risking anything, you fire at a tight group of Stormies, away from any of the cat soldiers
  4451. >it's the giant magic ball, and about four baddies fly in four different directions after the explosion hits
  4452. >you do the same with a similiar group
  4454. >at the same time, cat archers appear on the rooftops
  4455. >they wield longbows, and start to pick off hostiles one by one
  4456. >they don't spam their arrows, they make each of them count
  4457. >leaping from rooftop to rooftop, they try to have a better shot at the attackers of their comrades
  4458. >now it seems the tides have turned
  4459. >the Storm Creatures are confused
  4460. >they are getting picked off by the cat archers, while the magical onslaught is going on still from you and Shield
  4461. >now the streets are littered with their corpses, with some of them being the reddish mane variants of these beings
  4462. >so far you didn't know what difference that made
  4463. >now you get an idea
  4464. >the last one of those just got hit by an arrow, and he doesn't seem to take it well
  4465. >he collapses, and upon seeing this, the remaining, about 25 creatures start to flee
  4466. >so, these must have been officers, leading their troops
  4467. >the rank and file start to run back into the alleys where they came from
  4468. >but the archers show no mercy, and send arrows after them, some of them even give chase upon the rooftops
  4469. >miracously, some of the cat soldiers on the ground survived
  4470. >their uniforms battered, and whiskers crooked, but they are alive
  4471. >they look around in awe, sabers still in hand, searching for the origin of the sudden magical help
  4472. >so you put away your staff, and try to approach the closest one
  4473. >maybe he knows something about your unit
  4475. >but as you walk forward a bit, a cat from the rooftops shouts at you
  4476. >"HALT! Stay where you are!"
  4477. >he has his bow fully drawn back, with the arrow being aimed right between your eyes
  4478. >you obviously don't move
  4479. "Put down your weapon. We're friends"
  4480. >you peek back at Shield
  4481. >he is motionless too, but giving a nasty look to the rooftop cat
  4482. >"Friends, huh? And I'm supposed to believe because...?"
  4483. "We just helped saving your fellow warriors. Isn't that proof enough?"
  4484. >"I see that you fight the Storm Army as well. But the enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend"
  4485. >the cat still has his bow drawn
  4486. >now that you look around, you see another cat has his aim on Shield
  4487. >Shield speaks
  4488. >"Look, you don't have to believe us. Just let us go. We're trying to get out of the city. We really mean no harm"
  4489. >finally, the cat lowers his weapon
  4490. >his fellow archers do as well
  4491. >maybe he is their commanding officer?
  4492. >"Except to those Storm Creatures, huh? Right, I'll give you the benefit of doubt. But I still don't see how ponies come into this big nasty equation. So care to explain?"
  4493. >"We were supposed to act as the Hippogriff ambassador's escorts" Shield continues "But we got cut off from the rest of our team, another five ponies. Maybe you saw them?"
  4495. >"So, you're bodyguards then" says the feline archer, as he puts back his arrow into its quiver "And there are more of you? Where did you got cut off?"
  4496. >"Um, uhhh... At the embassy. We got cut off by the embassy. Our team has an airship in the desert, that's where they headed. Maybe you saw the airship? It's a small, sleek skiff, unlike the ones the Storm Army uses"
  4497. >good thing Shield didn't share more details about your mission
  4498. >that would just raise more questions in this cat warrior
  4499. >although you really hope he will give a negative answer to Shield's question
  4500. >if he actually saw it, that must mean he saw it in flight, and that means your squad has already left
  4501. >but you doubt he could pay any attention to such a thing...
  4502. >"A sleek airship? Now that you say it, one like that whizzed over our heads, and went towards the port. It was strange enough, as it didn't bear any insignia. No double lightning, no anything... It definitely wasn't a Storm Army ship"
  4503. >ah, so that's it
  4504. >he DID see the Wind Razor, and it has already left
  4505. >your only means of escape, gone
  4506. >why did you even think there was any hope?
  4507. >but after a moment of pause, the cat continues
  4508. >"...And what's even more strange, is that this ship actually landed, inside city bounds! I wanted to investigate of course, but I got called upon to reinforce troops in this part of the city. Well, if you ponies aren't here to kill us, it seems your buddies just came back to pick you up"
  4509. >WAHAHA!
  4510. >you can just barely contain your happiness
  4511. >you started to think it's over, but it seems dang ol' Starstorm won't leave you two here!
  4512. >now things are starting to look a LITTLE BIT up
  4514. >"Splendid!" answers Shield "Can you tell us where it landed?"
  4515. >"Yeah... I can" says the cat, while putting a paw on his chin "It landed further inside the city"
  4516. >"Can you give us some directions?!" says Shield, now visibly eager to move out
  4517. >as much as you can see from down here, the cat looks at both of you with a smug expression
  4518. >and that can't mean good...
  4519. >"I...could. But you'd never make it there on your own. This city is a real maze, you know... But I could escort you there. Provided you do us a little favor..."
  4520. >of course
  4521. >there's the catch
  4522. >"Which is...?" asks your comrade, audibly fearing the answer
  4523. >the answer comes, which is about what you expected
  4524. >"You two seem pretty well aquianted in combat. You both cast deadly combat spells that can take out dozens in minutes. Help us fight these damned Storm Army troops, and in return, we will escort you to your ship"
  4525. >"Oh, nonono! Thanks but I'm afraid we'll opt out, you see we..."
  4526. >"Shield!" you interrupt
  4527. >this stallion makes no sense!
  4528. >this is your chance!
  4529. "Will you excuse us for a sec?" you turn back to the cat momentarily
  4530. >the cat indicates with a paw you're free to do so, still with that sleazy smile on his face
  4532. >you walk up to your comrade
  4533. >loudly whispering, you begin:
  4534. "Shield this is our big chance, dangit! We just need to help them a bit, then we'll be ESCORTED back to our ship! Think pony, think!"
  4535. >at a similiar volume, he answers
  4536. >"No, YOU think! We don't know how much fighting we would be dragged into! And who knows if he would live up to his word... These cats are sleazy, even intel says that much"
  4537. "Well, do we have a choice? I don't know the city, do YOU? And besides, we still have the staff. Until then, we are basically unstoppable. You saw how we dealt with this group. We'll do the same again, then we'll get help as gratitude!"
  4538. >Shield puts a hoof on his face
  4539. >he growls
  4540. >"Ahhh, Sword! For ponies' sake! Firstly, you know staves have limited charges, right? Even a crazy huge crystal like this one has gets empty eventually. If that happens in the middle of a big fight, you're screwed! Secondly, you still can't tell..."
  4541. "I know, I know, if we can trust them... But what if we gave them a chance? What if we acted nice a bit?"
  4542. >now Shield is visibly angry
  4543. >he snaps at you
  4544. >"And what if you started to use your brain instead of your heart?! Everything is crumbling to dust around us, and you still think this can be solved "nice"?"
  4545. "Why, you!..."
  4546. >you scrunch up your nose
  4547. >that hurt
  4548. >so, he thinks you're brainless?!
  4549. "Well, sorry mister pro officer that I can't operate as cold and emotionless like you!"
  4551. >Shield would answer, but he is cut short by a third voice from behind
  4552. >it's the cat
  4553. >"Sorry to interrupt the lovers' debate, but can I get an answer now? It would be urgent. My fellow troops need help. I understand if you refuse my assistance, in that case I'll say my goodbye and we depart in peace"
  4554. >you step a bit closer, and look up at him
  4555. >you know what is the right answer
  4556. >you will make things work out just fine
  4557. "*I* will help. Provided it's not disproportionate compared to what I can do. I can win a fight for you, but not a whole battle"
  4558. >"And that's all I ask. A company of infantry still holds out against the Storm Army at the southern city gate. That's the last remaining point of extraction for our civilians. Help us beat back the Storm Army there, and we will escort you to your airship. Sounds fair, right?
  4559. >now thinking back, there is a large square in front of the southern gate
  4560. >if the cats are holding that, it must be a bitter fight
  4561. >you don't even try to think how it could be fighting the Storm Creatures in a more open area
  4562. >so far it was pretty close quarters, with the enemies basically funneled to you
  4563. >but you don't see any other way
  4564. >you don't know the city, you have no idea where the Wind Razor landed
  4565. "Sure, fair. Let's go"
  4566. >"And your buddy?" the cat points to Shield
  4568. >you peek back at Shield
  4569. "So, buddy?"
  4570. >he looks at you angrily
  4571. >"You know I can't walk properly on my own, and therefor don't have a choice. I just wish you had a little sense of discipline. But whatever now. Let's go..."
  4572. >you shout back to the cat as you lift Shield with your magic
  4573. "Yes, he comes too!"
  4574. >"Good! Then follow me!"
  4575. >the cats start to leap from rooftop to rooftop, towards the southern gate
  4576. >you follow them on the ground, with Shield in your pinkish-purple aura
  4577. >you levitate him a bit closer
  4578. "Look, I know you're still angry, but I thought about this: If we help the cats here, that means WE have support too. We won't have to fight those hostiles alone. And when we're done, we'll get back to our own in the shortest way possible. Don't say we wouldn't have run into Storm units if we've choosen to go on our own..."
  4579. >Shield doesn't react for a few moments, then looks at you
  4580. >"Yeah, but knows how much MORE Stormies we will fight this way? Two ponies alone don't attract as much attention as a whole company of these feline creatures"
  4581. "But the Stormies' attention will be split as well. And we'll just provide support from the sides. Remember, we are the ranged units"
  4582. >"Yeah, we are. And what if the cats lose anyway? Did you think about that?"
  4583. "Yeah, well, I..."
  4584. >you trot along a bit flummoxed
  4585. >that's indeed a good one
  4586. >what if every cat dies, and you two remain there alone?
  4587. >then there will be no escort, no matter how much the cat archer would have helped you
  4588. >but you try to answer anyway
  4589. "Well Shield, then I guess we really need to bring our best, don't we?"
  4591. >you arrive at the site of battle
  4592. >it's chaotic, to say the least
  4593. >there are many makeshift barricades, with cat troops behind them
  4594. >some of them are armed with shortbows, but many only have slings
  4595. >it seems proper longbows are in short supply
  4596. >there are also groups of cat lancers, holding off Storm units where there are holes between the barricades
  4597. >your cat helper jumps down from the rooftop right next to you
  4598. >"Alright ponies, this is it" he points towards the battle "This is where we need to beat back these Storm Creatures. If we succeed, a big group of civilians can leave the city safely"
  4599. "Where are they now?" you ask
  4600. >"Just behind those buildings to the right, barricaded away. They are ready to move out, but they can't until this onslaught is going on"
  4601. "Okay then. Let's thin out these hostiles a bit" you say, readying your staff
  4602. >"Hold on a moment" Shield chimes in "This will only worth anything if we split up, and help out whoever needs it most. That barricade to the far left? It needs reinforcements ASAP. And this one right in front is a great firing position. Regroup some archers here, they can cover this whole flank"
  4603. >wow, not bad
  4604. >Shield assessed the whole situation in a second
  4605. >it seems those academy years have paid off for him
  4606. >wish you had that sort of tactical insight
  4607. >"Alright! You cats, you heard the pony, help this group!" the cat officer barks the command "Meanwhile, I will regroup some troops to that other barricade! Move out!"
  4608. >now he turns to you
  4609. >"Those were some nice observations. Almost as if I made them! Besides, I don't even know your names yet. What can I call you ponies?"
  4610. >"Sergeant Edge"
  4611. "Corporal Glitter"
  4612. >"And I'm Captain Pawly, at your service. I thought your ranks were the other way around but heh, different armies, different customs, right?"
  4613. >"Yeah, almost me too..." Shield remarks sarcastically
  4615. "Well, there are plenty of fighting to go around, so I think I will help those troops at the far left barricade" you say, feeling a bit bad about Shield
  4616. >you dragged him into this, yet he is still helpful
  4617. >"And I will stay at this barricade, and provide fire support. I can't move around too much anyway"
  4618. >"Alright then friends, let's do this!"
  4619. >Cpt. Pawly charges into the battle, and you follow him
  4620. >after some barricades, he veers off, probably trying to assemble troops to where you are going now
  4621. >you move past many barricades, getting some weird looks from the cat soldiers
  4622. >surely, they never expected a small armored equine helping them out
  4623. >but they don't pay too much attention to you, as the battle itself occupies them enough
  4624. >you arrive at the barricade you were going for
  4625. >the cats here work their slings masterfully, but they are definitely losing
  4626. >this seems to be the weakest barricade
  4627. >if the Storm infantry can come close, they can easily break through here
  4629. >you peek over the wooden barricade, to see what's going on out there
  4630. >to do this, you have to stand on your hindlegs
  4631. >not very comfortable, as even like this, you have to stretch your neck a bit
  4632. >damn, these cats are tall
  4633. >so their stuff won't be pony sized either, obviously
  4634. >the cat warriors seem flummoxed by your appearence, but don't have any time to comment
  4635. >many platoons of infantry is coming right at the barricade
  4636. >you place your staff on top of the wooden structure
  4637. >it acts like a makeshift mount for it
  4638. >you twist the switch
  4639. "Okay, watch this!"
  4640. >you trigger the staff, and it begins to spew its deadly projectiles downrange
  4641. >the azure balls of pure magical energy mow down the charging Stormies with ease
  4642. >their armor don't do much, and loosening their formation doesn't either
  4643. >two dozen fall in about ten seconds
  4644. >the cats themselves recoil, even forgetting to fire their slings
  4645. >the rest of the Storm units fall back into the street they came from, but only a few make it
  4646. >you don't show any mercy, however cruel that is
  4647. >you're not allowed to
  4648. >this battle can still go both ways, and the numbers aren't in your favor
  4650. >there's a minute of breather in the battle, thanks to your efforts
  4651. >the cats beside you all look at you in awe
  4652. >one of them cries out
  4653. >"J-just who are you?! With that devil's device by your side?"
  4654. "I'm Corporal Sword Glitter, Equestrian Special Forces. Long story short, Captain Pawly sent me here to help you"
  4655. >the cats still seem baffled, and seem almost as afraid from your recent display of power, as they were when fighting the Storm Army on their own
  4656. >"Equestria?" one of them asks back
  4657. >"Captain Pawly?" asks another
  4658. >"That's right trooper. And stop gawking, the pony here is our friend" says the mentioned officer, who now got back with reinforcements
  4659. >he turns to you
  4660. >"Thank you for your help. This barricade will hold its own now, but more help is needed in the center. Can you assist?"
  4661. "I guess so..." you say, spinning your "devil's device" in the air once
  4662. >wait, what's a "devil" anyway?
  4663. >you never heard of it, so it must be some feline expression
  4664. >though it's not like it is important right now...
  4665. >"Then this way. We're needed at the barricade by the statue"
  4667. >you follow the Captain towards the middle of the square
  4668. >the white stone statue here actually depicts some cat warrior, holding up a sword towards the sky
  4669. >if only he could help winning this battle...
  4670. >you arrive to the barricade mentioned by Pawly
  4671. >this one is the closest to the western side of the square, and encircles the base of the statue
  4672. >so this barricade is also the one that meets the enemy first
  4673. >cats with javelins make short work of some soldiers that were attacking
  4674. >now there is some breather here, too
  4675. >you wonder for a moment why your assistance is needed right here
  4676. >taking the opportunity, you look for Shield
  4677. >you search the rightmost barricade with your eyes, and indeed, he pops up for a moment among the other defenders
  4678. >he seems fine to you from here, thank Celestia
  4679. >well, no wonder, he is the better fighter out of you two
  4680. >only this staff turned you into a post-pony warrior
  4681. >but your attention is turned back to the frontline by Cpt. Pawly's yelling
  4682. >"Alright everyone, here comes the next wave! Prepare yourselves!"
  4684. >the next wave of Storm Creatures are made up from shield-bearers only
  4685. >they are grouped together tightly, and only their spears are poking out between the shields
  4686. >you switch your staff to the giant magic ball mode
  4687. >you remember how well it dealt with units packed together like this before
  4688. >but Cpt. Pawly stops you from moving up to the barricade
  4689. >"Spare your magicks, Corporal Glitter. I have the medicine for these ones..."
  4690. >the Captain turns back, and shouts:
  4691. >"Archers!"
  4692. >suddenly, cat archers pop up on the rooftops behind you, and start to rain down arrows on the enemy formation
  4693. >with their group broken, the javelineers next to you also start to throw their projectiles
  4694. >and the Captain himself also nocks an arrow
  4695. >you think this is your cue
  4696. >you walk up to the wooden construct, but suddenly, several cats fall around you
  4697. >"MEOOOOW!"
  4698. >the pained yelling isn't localized next to your place, you hear it from the other barricades as well
  4699. >what the Tartarus is happening here?
  4700. >looking around, you see nothing
  4701. >but after another falls right next to you, you realize he was hit by an arrow
  4702. >or more like a bolt...
  4703. >you search for the assailant, but there are none on the rooftops
  4704. >those are the cats' playground anyway
  4705. >but Cpt. Pawly's shouting gives it away to everyone
  4707. >"Watch out! Enemy arbalisters, right on top of the city walls! Far left! Everyone, get some cover!"
  4708. >and indeed, the bastards somehow got up there, and begun to rain down death upon you
  4709. >but the barricades aren't positioned in a way to protect from the sides, and the cats fall one by one
  4710. >the defense, which went relatively well so far, is now rapidly falling apart
  4711. >you yourself run to the base of the statue, and take cover there
  4712. >so does the Captain
  4713. >"Damn these dirty Storm rotters!" he says, seething "And we were starting to do so well!"
  4714. >but you pay no mind to him right now, as you try to find Shield
  4715. >and there he is, having a magical barrier set up in front of himself
  4716. >several cats are taking cover behind it as well, but they are being sitting ducks
  4717. >and like that, they are perfect targets, as you can see several bolts hitting the magic shield
  4718. >each hit causes a ripple, and each hit like that drains your comrade's magic
  4719. "Captain, we need to take out those enemy crossbow units. Otherwise, we've lost. And I need to save my comrade, too"
  4720. >"Well, I'm pinned down. And the archers on the rooftops were the first to fall. I'm sorry, friend. But I'm still open to ideas"
  4721. "I could take them out with the staff, but I don't have a shot. And I can't risk running out there. These bolts could penetrate even my armor"
  4722. >"Can't you just take potshots at them? You can spam magic so fast with that stick, one projectile would surely find its mark"
  4723. "I can try..."
  4725. >Pawly's suggestion isn't stupid, but it's not likely to work either
  4726. >regardless, you twist the switch to the rapid fire mode, and peek out from your cover
  4727. >you fire a quick burst, then quickly return to hiding
  4728. >but you see the real issue now
  4729. >it's not just that you can't aim properly in a pinch, these magical balls have too wide spread to hit far targets
  4730. >you start to examine the staff
  4731. >by now, you roughly learned which position on the switch corresponds to which fire mode
  4732. >and each fire mode is represented by a unique rune on the switch
  4733. >magic mace
  4734. >shield
  4735. >rapid magic bolts
  4736. >giant magic bolt
  4737. >scattershot
  4738. >then you twist it to its final position, to a mode you realize you never used
  4739. >you don't know what it can be, as you can't read these runes
  4740. >so what about finding it out?
  4741. >maybe it's something useful...
  4742. >you aim the staff to the sky
  4743. >in the hopes it's not some self-destruction setting, you activate it...
  4744. >and a beam of magic is shot out with a very high pitched "PEW!"
  4745. >wait, is this some...sniper mode?
  4746. >the thin beam surely implies high accuracy to you
  4747. >maybe, you just found out what to use against those arbalisters...
  4749. >you are Corporal Sword Glitter
  4750. >in the middle of a losing battle, and with your buddy in big trouble once again, you better get to work
  4751. >after finding a new way to use your favourite toy, you ought to take out those Storm Snipers
  4752. >but you still have to find out how to aim it properly
  4753. >surely, a "sniper" staff shouldn't be fired from the hip
  4754. >after some examination though, you notice each of the metal flangs have notches running along the edges
  4755. >and these edges are perfectly straight, and run parallel with the staff's handle
  4756. >you bring the staff to eye level, and lo and behold, you can aim downrange using the notch
  4757. >perfect
  4758. >now you'd just need an opportunity to aim at those arbalisters, and take them out one by one
  4759. >surely, one shot would be more than enough for each of them
  4760. >you peek out from behind the base of the statue, and try to get one of the hostiles into your sights real quick
  4761. >aim, fire, PEWWW!
  4762. >the magic beam travels really fast, and actually sends the unlucky victim backwards, so much that he falls down on the opposite side of the city wall
  4763. >whoah!
  4764. >and whoah again
  4765. >this firing mode actually has some noticable recoil, which is unusual for staves
  4766. >but it just shows how powerful it is
  4768. >but you don't try your luck too much, and get back to cover quick
  4769. >meanwhile, the remaining cat soldiers decided to go up close and personal against the charging Stormtroopers on the ground
  4770. >at least this way, they won't get shot at
  4771. >indeed, the arbalisters don't risk hitting their own comrades
  4772. >they seem to care more about their own than the arty that destroyed the embassy...
  4773. >of course, this means they pay more attention to everything else
  4774. >they start to pound Shield's barrier now, who is slowly limping closer to you
  4775. >the cats using it as cover left when they had the chance, and joined the close quarters battle
  4776. >now you really have no chance, but to kill off those crossbow units real quick
  4777. >Shield looks at you
  4778. >you shout at him
  4779. "Don't worry, I got this!"
  4780. >but do you really got this?
  4781. >from this distance, you can't take out if Shield's reaction was a smile, or an annoyed grimace
  4782. >you wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter...
  4783. >you peak out again from cover, and take out another hostile
  4784. >now you also notice, the precise magic bolt leaves a visible trail behind itself along with the very loud "PEW"
  4785. >and in that same moment, a crossbow bolt strikes the stone right next to your face
  4786. >you immediately back off to cover
  4788. >you risk another peek, but it seems the remaining shooters tracked the beam to its source
  4789. >you move around the statue, trying your luck on the other side
  4790. >no game, they are expecting you, and almost get your head penetrated
  4791. >the bolt only missed you by a few inches
  4792. >you have to admit, they are a crack shot
  4793. >now what?
  4794. >you move back to cover
  4795. >luckily by now, Shield reached a position where there is the statue between him and the ranged Storm units
  4796. >he disengages his shield spell, and hop-skips up to you
  4797. >and he doesn't seem to be too happy with the situation that unfolded
  4798. >"Real nice going Sword! Real nice..."
  4799. >he furrows his brows at you while he pants heavily
  4800. >poor stallion, it must have been hard maintaining that spell this long
  4801. >you can fully understand his anger, and you kinda screwed up (again) but...
  4802. "I'm sorry. Really. But who would have expected those arbalisters?"
  4803. >"You have to expect the UNEXPECTABLE in war, Sword! This is the reason I wanted to avoid another big engagement! You might never know what could happen, the tides can turn in a moment's notice. And it just happened. Now look at this mess..."
  4804. "Right. But we can still win this. We just need to take out those arbalisters"
  4805. >"No! We need to fall back. This is unwinnable at this point"
  4807. >now Captain Pawly chimes in
  4808. >"None of us will go anywhere until those crossbow creatures are intact. We need to take them out first before we could do ANYTHING"
  4809. "Like he said" you say "I still have the staff. I can easily take them out, I just need something to draw their attention away from me. Or someone..."
  4810. >"Don't look at me. I still have magic fatigue from holding up that shield spell for so long" says Shield, then adds "And your ideas didn't exactly work out so far. I'd rather go back to the sergeant-leads-the-corporal setup"
  4811. "Yeah, except when I killed that Storm Mage, right? Then healed you?"
  4812. >"And you still have my gratitude, but this situation turned from bad to worse. Your plan was bad from the start, and I told you so"
  4813. >before you could answer, the Captain interrupts your argument, like he already did before
  4814. >"Stop this. The corporal is right. We need a bait"
  4815. >"As I said, I won't be it" Shield snaps at him
  4816. >"No, you won't. I'll be it" says Pawly, pointing at himself "There are many craters left around by their artillery strikes. I will move from cover to cover, while the good corporal takes the enemies out"
  4817. >"Works for me..." answers Shield, now in a much calmer voice "I can actually take potshots at them from one side, while Sword works her staff from the other. But this is all I can do"
  4818. "And that will be enough! I will take out those Storm bastards real quick, you can trust me Captain Pawly!"
  4819. >"So we reached an agreement finally? Good, then take up your positions. I will run out there as soon as you are ready"
  4821. >but Shield hesitates a bit, and doesn't move
  4822. >he speaks to the cat
  4823. >"But I really hope that after all this, you will help us reach our airship. You remember our agreement, don't you?"
  4824. >"Of course I do. I'm a cat of my word. As soon as these goons are down, I'll escort you there"
  4825. >with that said, the Captain climbs up the pedestial of the statue, and takes cover behind one of the legs
  4826. >Shield circles around, and starts firing at the snipers' position
  4827. >the Captain takes this as his cue, and moves between the legs, and jumps down from the pedestial
  4828. >you're at the ready too, and while the distraction is on, you peek out, and take aim
  4829. >PEWWWW!
  4830. >another Storm Creature dead, several more to go
  4831. >Pawly takes cover, and you pull back as well
  4832. >Shield does too
  4833. >a few seconds later, Pawly shouts
  4834. >"I'm making a move, cover me!"
  4835. >same as before, you peek out, use the notch to aim, and fire away
  4836. >the very high pitched sound announces the demise of another unlucky Storm sniper
  4837. >but now Pawly doesn't take cover fully, instead pulls out an arrow, and draws his bow
  4838. >surely the thinned out ranged Stormies are less effective now, but damn
  4839. >to help the cat you risk it, and fire again, hitting your mark
  4840. >then fire once again, but the recoil of your staff didn't feel as prominent as before
  4841. >strange
  4842. >nevertheless, you hit, and took down your target
  4843. >you get back to cover, as Pawly did so too
  4845. >a little bit later, you hear the daring Captain again
  4846. >"Making a move!"
  4847. >as soon as he leaves cover, Shield starts firing at the remaining arbalisters
  4848. >and you quickly take position as well, aim down the sight, and fire
  4849. >but to your great surprise, the magic bolt dissipates mid-flight
  4850. >what the heck?!
  4851. >you readjust your aim, and concentrate your magic really hard on the haft
  4852. >you know a faulty triggering spell can cause a misfire with staves
  4853. >so now with full control, and determination to take down the last few arbalisters you aim...
  4854. >...engage the triggering spell...
  4855. >...and the staff lets out a puff of magical smoke
  4856. >you lower your staff, and return to cover
  4857. >good thing Pawly took cover too, because you don't know what in the wide Equestria is going on
  4858. >you inspect your staff
  4859. >to your greatest horror, you realize: the crystal is dim, and it has lost its slight blue luminescence
  4860. >indeed, you can't see the magical energy swirling inside
  4861. >and you have no ways to recharge it
  4862. >the fearsome weapon that made the hapless guardsmare into the ultimate warrior, is now gone
  4864. >this also means though, that you can't cover Pawly anymore
  4865. >yet, you hear him
  4866. >"Changing positions, cover me!"
  4867. "No, no, Captain Pawly, wait! NO!"
  4868. >you drop the staff, and run out of cover, as you're not sure he heard you
  4869. >and indeed not, as he's running out in the open
  4870. >"Sword, get out of there!" Shield shouts at you
  4871. >indeed, now you're a target too, and you have no means of a counterattack
  4872. >Shield tries to provide supressing fire for the both of you, but not even his magic has the range or precision required to score a hit
  4873. "Captain, wait! The staff is out of magic!"
  4874. >but it's too late...
  4875. >as the good captain would jump into the next crater, a bolt strikes him in the chest
  4876. >now he doesn't jump as much as he falls into the crater
  4877. >"Sword, get back here! That's an order!"
  4878. >but you pay your friend no mind, and jump after the unlucky cat into the crater
  4879. >he is still moving, and for a moment, you think his wounds aren't that great
  4880. >but the next moment you see it: the tip of the bolt sticking out of his back
  4881. >poor fella got completely skewered
  4882. "Captain Pawly!" you shout
  4883. >you don't actually know what you expect from addressing him
  4884. >you know he's a goner
  4885. >but still, you shouldn't just let her go out like this
  4886. >although you can't do anything...
  4888. >hearing your voice, the dying captain uses one arm to turn around on the ground
  4889. >the other arm still grasps the longbow
  4890. >he now faces you
  4891. "Captain Pawly, talk to me!"
  4892. >"Little pony... I'm sorry I have to let you go... My troops... those civilians..."
  4893. >the captain coughs some
  4894. >it's the cough of a dying warrior
  4895. >"Heh... It seems I ran out of lives finally..."
  4896. >he smiles weakly
  4897. >but even in his last smile, there is some of that feline sleaziness
  4898. >"I know I promised you escort... Won't happen now... You just go west, towards the port. Through the alleyways. When you start to see a tall tower...
  4899. >the dying captain coughs some more
  4900. >...above the rooftops, you will know you're heading in the right direction... Follow that tower, and you'll reach a the Great Temple of Cattura. Next to that temple is a large square. That's the only place where your airship could have landed..."
  4901. >you look the Captain into the eyes
  4902. >he shared you the information you need to know
  4903. >you want to say "Thank you" but somehow it just doesn't feel appropriate right now
  4904. >you don't feel that's how someone should be sent away
  4905. >"Well Corporal, goodbye for now. Maybe we'll meet again in a better place. Until then...have...nine lives..."
  4906. >with that, Captain Pawly draws his last breath
  4907. >his eyes close, and his head becomes limp
  4908. >his paw finally releases his bow too
  4909. "Rest in peace, brave Captain"
  4911. >you never saw someone dying before
  4912. >well, someone that wasn't a hostile...
  4913. >but now, that happened too
  4914. >and although you can't say you knew him well, it's still saddening
  4915. >this cat died like a hero, and that's enough to earn your respect
  4916. >you're also sure he would've lived up to his promise, and escorted you if...if he lived
  4917. >but there is no time for mourning during a battle
  4918. >Shield's voice drives that point home real quick
  4919. >"SWOOOORD! Leave him alone, he's gone! Come back here, we're falling back!"
  4920. "I can't!"
  4921. >"Come on! We can't stay here! The frontline is crumbling!"
  4922. "I can't! Some of those Storm snipers are still intact. I can't risk it!"
  4923. >"Don't mind those, I'll cover you! Just come on already!"
  4924. >but you remain
  4925. >and with a sudden idea, driven partially by a lust for revenge, and partially by the desire to cover your own flank, you grab the late Captain Pawly's longbow
  4926. >an impressive weapon, it has a height greater than that of an average stallion
  4927. >you also grab his quiver of arrows
  4928. >you never used a bow and arrows before, but it can't be that hard right?
  4929. >thank Celestia to your good telekinesis, you can manipulate things other unicorns wouldn't even try reaching out to
  4930. >you nock an arrow, with the bow parallel to the ground
  4931. >this way, you can remain in cover while ready to shoot
  4932. >you peek out a bit, scanning for targets, but a few bolts almost find their marks again
  4933. >no doubt those Stormies can see your helmet crest
  4935. >well, be they damned, they won't shoot around for much longer
  4936. >you saw the Captain's arrows didn't reach their targets, although he tried his best
  4937. >naturally though, as crossbows have a much longer range than bows
  4938. >but you're a unicorn, and magic is on your side
  4939. >you extend your levitation spell all around the bow
  4940. >and overdraw it so much, that it becomes a flat "zero" shape
  4941. >but it can't snap, since your levitation all around holds it together
  4942. >you peek out just for a moment
  4943. >you see exactly where they are
  4944. >you release the bowstring, without aiming directly at the target, still being in your ditch
  4945. >gravity will do the rest
  4946. >and indeed, next time you scan for a target, you can see one less of them
  4947. >success!
  4948. >you now know how to deal with them even without the staff, and rinse and repeat this tactic for your next victim
  4949. >he's down, and the last two snipers apparently not wanting to share his fate, just flee
  4950. >too bad though, they had their names on your next two arrows...
  4951. "For Captain Pawly" you mutter to yourself silently
  4953. >with that, you are free to leave your cover
  4954. >and you also consider this your respects paid to the brave cat warrior, who was willing to help you
  4955. >you go back to Shield's position, who is still behind the base of the statue
  4956. >"You're just in time" he says, sounding concerned
  4957. "For what?"
  4958. >"For our funerals, dammmit!" and points at several dozen Storm Army troops, finishing off the last of the cat soldiers
  4959. >you're being encircled too, as Stormies are pouring in from the direction of the embassy too
  4960. >you thought that area was secured, but it seems they found their way to take it over
  4961. >what Captain Pawly said, to go through the alleyways, is now impossible
  4962. >it is now being blocked by these brutes, and there are far too many of them
  4963. >maybe not too many for a magic staff-wielding ultra-Sword Glitter, but that staff now lies on the ground, with its crystal being completely depleted
  4964. >as the circle of Stormtroopers close in, you and Shield face them back-to-back, with your haunches literally touching
  4965. >and you're waiting for one of the troopers to attack, as to kick off your very last battle
  4966. "I am sorry Shield... I am so very-very sorry. You were right about everything... The staff... The cats falling... Now my stubborness and lack of discipline will cause our demise"
  4967. >you are sad
  4968. >you will now die, but the worst of it, a much better pony will go down with you
  4969. >BECAUSE of you
  4971. >but Shield doesn't answer immediately
  4972. >he moves to the left in the "circle", where the buildings with the alleyways start
  4973. >you're sticking close to him, facing the opposite direction, having every Stormie in your field of view
  4974. >"It's a bit late for being sorry, isn't it -Corporal-?"
  4975. >you can hear the blame in his voice
  4976. >and he's totally right
  4977. "I'm... I know. I just...thought I was doing the right thing. Seems I wasn't. I was wrong. I'm...sorry"
  4978. >"Stop with that" he answers, now in a completely different tone "Help me instead reaching those alleyways. I can't walk fast, as I'll need you fighting too, you can't carry me. So you better use your magic and that bow to great effect"
  4979. "You think we have a chance? There's too many of them!"
  4980. >"What? These few dozens? Sword, a paladin never backs down, never gives up. A paladin fights on! Now are you a paladin, or not?"
  4981. >as he says these, the enemy gets closer and closer
  4982. "I am..."
  4983. >"SWORD! I can't hear you! ARE YOU A PALADIN?!"
  4984. >he is now in full officer mode
  4985. "Yes I am, Sergeant Edge, sir!"
  4986. >"Good! Then pick your first target, and FIGHT!"
  4987. >as Shield finishes saying this, he fires away at the Stormtroopers on his side
  4988. >and with newfound vigor, you get to work too
  4990. >you decide at first, you will use up your quiver of arrows you picked up from Pawly
  4991. >you draw your bow with the previous, powerful method, and fire away
  4992. >now up close, the effectiveness of this tactic is apparent
  4993. >your first arrow overpenetrates an unlucky trooper, and kills the one behind him too
  4994. >your second strike sends the enemy skidding in the dust for meters
  4995. >your third one hits a Stormie near a wall, and the powerful arrow pins him to it
  4996. >this makes the others around recoil in shock, but an officer urges them on
  4997. >of course, the officer!
  4998. >earlier, you saw how these goons fled when their commanding officer was taken out
  4999. >now you will try the same
  5000. >you draw, aim...
  5001. >but unfortunately, the Storm officer blocks the shot with his shield
  5002. >he also takes out a small clay sphere from his belt, and does a sweeping motion with it
  5003. >then throws it at you
  5004. >as it rolls towards you, you realize
  5005. >it's a blasting powder bomb!
  5006. >before it could get any closer, you quickly grab it, and throw it away in a random direction
  5007. >it explodes with a loud BANG in the air
  5008. >as the officer holds his position, his goons constantly attack you
  5009. >but you take them out one-by-one with your bow
  5010. >actually, you score a few more double hits, and that demoralizes the cannon fodder even more
  5012. >eventually, only the officer remains on your side, with a few of his loyal troops
  5013. >these troops have shields as well though, just like the officer
  5014. >Shield also thinned out the Storm Army ranks nicely, but he has not even one red-maned enemy standing
  5015. >no doubt these are higher ranking officers
  5016. >their shields are actually more elaborate then what their soldiers hold
  5017. >as you look eye-to-eye with these remaining units, reinforcements replace the fallen
  5018. >the way towards those alleys are still blocked, and you barely have a few arrows left
  5019. >after this, you will have to resort to close-quarters combat
  5020. >although the new units are all tower shield toting badasses, so that won't be easy
  5021. >after every creature is in formation, the officers signal the order, and they start marching towards you
  5022. >their shields are raised, and their spears fixed at you
  5023. >your comrade starts firing at them once again, but these are the type of troops not even Starstorm could handle head on
  5024. >his shots get deflected by the heavy shields
  5025. >your overdrawn bow isn't enough to penetrate the heavy plate either, although you could leave a dent in it
  5026. >looks like this time, indeed this is it
  5027. >but at least you will go down fighting
  5029. "Well, it was a real honor fighting alongside you, buddy" you say to Shield, with your voice getting almost drawn out by the sound of the encircling Storm Creatures
  5030. >"Never fear until you see me!" Shield answers, staying confident
  5031. >actually, you can't see him...
  5032. >so you peek back
  5033. "You have a plan?"
  5034. >"Maybe..." comes the answer "Although I never tried this... Oh Celestia!"
  5035. "Then let's get to it VERY QUICK, whatever it is!"
  5036. >now there are only like 30 feet between you and the Storm Army circle
  5037. >"Alright, I just need to focus... Alright, face me Sword!"
  5038. "What??"
  5039. >"Just face me, okay? Turn around"
  5040. >you do as your best buddy comrade told, and face him
  5041. >"Right, now wrap your hooves real tight around my neck, and hold me... And drop that bow..."
  5042. "Wh-what? Sh-shield, is this really the time to...?"
  5043. >"Just do what I say!!!"
  5044. "Okay!"
  5045. >Storm units: 20 feet away
  5046. >you basically hug Shield, and hold him close
  5047. >neck next to neck
  5048. >this would be actually quite nice if not for the... everything else, really
  5049. >"Okay, now stay still, I have only one shot at this!"
  5050. >what does he want to do?
  5051. >you see his horn lighting up, charging some spell
  5052. >you can actually feel the great amount of magic coursing through his body
  5053. >like unicorns usually can upon physical contact
  5054. >Storm Army circle of spears: 10 feet away
  5055. "Shield, what are you doing?!"
  5056. >"TRUST ME!"
  5057. >the spears are almost in striking range now
  5058. >5 feet
  5059. >4...
  5060. >3...
  5061. "SHIEEELD!"
  5062. *POP!*
  5063. >you get blinded by a bright light all around...
  5065. >you materialize on one of the sandy streets of Felin al Kot
  5066. >at first you are confused, but as you release Shield, you realize what just happened
  5067. >he just teleported both of you away
  5068. >BOTH of you
  5069. >that's a big deal, even for a talented unicorn like him
  5070. >seeing his singed eartips and tail though, you know it didn't go smoothly at all
  5071. >those are the giveaways of imperfect spell castings, when the amount of magical energy used is much bigger than required
  5072. >that results in the excess magical energy violently dissipating all over a unicorn's body
  5073. >luckily, the most that does is what you can see right now
  5074. >as you look around, you see you are not so far behind the Storm Forces that encircled you moments ago
  5075. >heh, they must be surprised that you two just disappeared!
  5076. >Shield speaks:
  5077. >"Phew! I wasn't sure that would work. It did though, so now let's get out of here. Before they realize what happened"
  5078. "And I didn't even know what you wanted to do until you just did it. But it was a real pro-mage move. Scroll would be proud"
  5079. >"I know. He taught me teleportation. So, which way?" asks Shield, looking around
  5080. "Captain Pawly told me we need to go west. Our airship landed next to some sort of temple, as that is the only large enough space it could have landed"
  5081. >"That's a bit vague, but good enough for now. Let's go then"
  5082. "At least we can lose any would-be pursuers in the alleyways, as that's where we'll head through" you answer, and wrap your magic around Shield, ready to carry him along
  5083. >but he wildly shakes his head, and gestures with a hoof to stop
  5084. >"No no no. I'll just come normally. Spare your magic"
  5085. "But your leg..."
  5086. >"Sword, I have complete magic fatigue from this spell. You will be the only one who can cover us for a while. So you'll need all your magic you can spare for a potential encounter"
  5087. >you're not sure about this
  5088. >you saw Shield limping around, and he would surely slow both of you down
  5089. "Ehhhh..."
  5090. >"Don't worry, I'll manage. You take point. Let's move out"
  5092. "Roger roger!"
  5093. >you do a quick salute, and move into the alleyways
  5094. >between the first two houses you stop, waiting for Shield to catch up
  5095. >he is indeed limping faster than before, but it still only amounts to a faster walk
  5096. >you could point this out to him, but you're done arguing, and when you did argue, it turned out you wasn't right
  5097. >it actually landed you in the situation you are in right now
  5098. >if you listened to Shield earlier, maybe you would've already found the airship on your own
  5099. >so now you will just do this as he suggested, and move forward bit by bit
  5100. >he has catched up, so you move up, taking a peak around the corner
  5101. >all clear, so you take a right turn, driven forward purely by instinct
  5102. >you obviously don't know the way, but neither does Shield, so he follows you without question
  5103. >actually, moving between the houses like these, there wouldn't be enough space for two ponies side-by-side
  5104. >so one would necessarily take the lead with the other following
  5105. >as you move forward in the tight spaces, the clamoring of your armors makes a distinctive echo
  5106. >maybe here you cannot be seen, but surely can be heard even several bends and forks away
  5107. >but at least...
  5108. "Good thing though that those Storm freaks are just too large to reach us here, huh Shield?"
  5109. >that thought came out loud, as you didn't speak to each other for at least ten minutes
  5110. >but Shield doesn't answer anything
  5111. >although he seems to be doing nicely, when he catches up to you, you can see he is in pain
  5112. "Hey, I told you I'd carry you. You don't have to do this to yourself..."
  5113. >as you say this, you point at his chest armor, gently touching it
  5114. >but he gently sweeps your hoof away
  5115. >"I'm okay. Continue on"
  5116. "You're in pain. Let me help"
  5117. >"No. I'm a soldier, I can take it"
  5118. "Don't be dumb. You don't HAVE TO. Lemme just..."
  5119. >"SWORD. Get a move on" he says sternly
  5120. >you take a deep breath, and manage to hold back a slight outburst
  5121. "Understood Sergeant..." you simply say
  5123. >you move forward, and by your calculations, you made some good progress
  5124. >you paid close attention that despite the twists and turns, you re-oriented yourself westward as soon as you could
  5125. >you also notice the alleys are starting to get wider
  5126. >this must mean they will end in normal-width streets pretty soon
  5127. >this also permits you to walk next to Shield
  5128. >although he said you to take point, the coast is clear, so you try to lighten the mood a bit
  5129. >you are in a long, straight section of the alleys anyway
  5130. >you speak
  5131. "So, when you teleported us away... You basically told me to hug you... That was solely for practical purposes, riiight?!"
  5132. >Shield stops for a moment, and looks at you
  5133. >you can't read his expression well, as he resumes walking quickly
  5134. >or more like, limping
  5135. >"Of course" he answers "I had to concentrate the effects of the spell on both of us. And that is far more easy when there is close physical contact"
  5136. "Right! Just as I assumed! I was just asking though, but yeah, just as I thought!"
  5137. >you can't hide your slight disappointment with that answer, although you don't know what you were expecting
  5138. >that he would spend the last moments of his life hugging you romantically?
  5139. >instead of having an actual, working plan?
  5140. >haha Sword, what grand and intoxicating innocence!
  5141. >sure, he could have said something like "It was necessary, but I enjoyed it too!"
  5142. >that would have made you REALLY happy
  5143. >that would ha-...AH STOP!
  5144. >Sword, focus!
  5145. >you're in the middle of a warzone, and you're being all dreamy
  5146. >Shield is a comrade, and your sergeant to top it off
  5147. >the only permitted feeling here is camaraderie, nothing else
  5148. >so from now on, Sword "Professionalism" Glitter shall be your name
  5150. >after taking several turns, you start to see what Captain Pawly told you to watch out for
  5151. >the tip of the temple tower, now visible above the rooflines
  5152. >so, you WERE moving in the right direction, after all!
  5153. "Look Shield, the temple tower! That's where we're headed" you point it out to him
  5154. >"If they indeed landed there, they must have set out to search for us. I hope they didn't spread out too far, otherwise we'll have to hold out at the ship until they come back"
  5155. "We'll just shoot up a flare spell into the sky to indicate our presence. They can see that from anywhere, and come back to us quickly"
  5156. >"Yeah, considering if they'll see it among the houses. Or against the bright blue sky. If they notice it at all, as they're probably battling their way towards the embassy"
  5157. >Shield's slightly concerned voice is unnerving you greatly
  5158. "You're not suggesting we should have headed BACK to the embassy?!"
  5159. >"Not at all. That area must be fully occupied by now. And the Major probably wouldn't risk going all the way there. Considering the overall enemy presence in the city at this point, she would think us dead. And turn back the unit to prevent further losses... Ah, just get a move on Sword!"
  5160. >you don't answer, but now Shield said what you were concerned about earlier
  5161. >why would Starstorm risk the remainder of the unit to extract two stranded troops?
  5162. >no sane soldier would, unit creed or not
  5163. >"Always weigh the risks and the gains when making decisions during combat" you were told during basic
  5164. >you didn't think much of it until today, but now you exactly see how it applies
  5165. >and if YOU were a unit commander, maybe you would apply it too
  5166. >but this should be a concern for later
  5167. >right now, you should be preoccupied with reaching that damned temple
  5169. >only moments later, you see shadows moving about the next corner
  5170. >no doubt, Storm units are lurking here
  5171. >after all, you were left in peace for far too long, huh?
  5172. >of course, you warn Shield immediately
  5173. >"Yeah, I saw them. Let's be careful"
  5174. >you go forward, and take the corner, but you only see a cat making his escape, climbing on one of the rooftops
  5175. >good for them, you think, they aren't bound to the ground as much as you
  5176. >you let out a sigh of relief
  5177. >being glad it wasn't a Storm Guard, you press on, closing in on an intersection
  5178. >you're both ready for an ambush, as this place basically begs for it
  5179. >you're slowing down as you arrive, and indeed, two Storm Creatures jump out at you
  5180. >the one closer to you strikes, but he was TOO close, and you duck under his spear thrust
  5181. >retaining your momentum, your do a quick 180, and violently kick his unarmored leg
  5182. >you hear a snap
  5183. >that must have hurt
  5184. >these orichalcum-celestium horseshoes are no joke!
  5185. >now facing away from him, you deal out some hurt to the other one too, in the form of a few magic bolts
  5186. >he staggers, and as the one behind you collepses on his knees, you kick him in the gut, then in the face as he gets on the ground
  5187. >now, you charge up your magic, and finish the staggered one with a clean headshot
  5188. >taking away his spear, you turn back again, and skewer the one you kicked to the ground
  5189. >it's over for both of them
  5190. >you spin around the spear, looking around for more hostiles
  5191. >but there is none, you seem to be in the clear for now
  5193. >"Fweeee, that was impressive!" whistles Shield approvingly a few steps behind you "Almost in a single motion. Like a deadly dance!"
  5194. "I'm glad you enjoyed the display. Although I can't say the same" you answer, in a deliberately disapproving tone
  5195. >you're also a bit surprised
  5196. >complimenting kills ain't like Shield
  5197. >that's Psychomare's territory, or maybe Longrun's
  5198. >"Now don't get me wrong, I'm just glad you could fend them off so well. I wasn't congratulating you on the slaughter"
  5199. >oh, like that...
  5200. "You better not. You know I'm not enjoying any of this"
  5201. >"I know. But you did enjoy using the Storm Mage's staff... Didn't you?"
  5202. "That...was different. I merely enjoyed being powerful for the time being. And the fact I could protect the both of us effectively"
  5203. >"Sure, sure" he says, waving a hoof "I just tried to point out that despite losing the staff, you didn't lose your confidence. Which is a good thing"
  5204. >Heh...yeah. Can we get a move on now?"
  5205. >"Oh sure... On your lead, Corporal"
  5206. >that was abrupt, but you didn't want to pull the "I did it for you" card
  5207. >and honestly, as cheesy as that would have sounded, it's true
  5208. >poor Shield went through so much during this mission, that you're trying to stay strong for him
  5209. >academy graduate pro officer, or not, he needs a good sidekick
  5210. >well, a good subordinate...
  5211. >or a good comrade?
  5212. >friend?
  5213. >.....?
  5214. >let's just stay at comrade...
  5216. >after a few more turns, the alleys finally end, and you're walking a normal-width street again
  5217. >that also means now you can encounter any number of Storm Guards, as they can fit here no problem
  5218. >good thing you kept the spear from your previous fight, it might come handy later
  5219. >also, the temple tower, which is your destination, now seems much closer
  5220. >and this street seems to lead in its genral direction, so you will really have no problem finding that LZ now
  5221. >but as things can't just go smoothly, you can see a huge Storm Army patrol emerging from a curve in the road further ahead
  5222. >luckily, on the left side of the road, there is a long barn or warehouse, or somesuch
  5223. >it runs parallel to the road
  5224. >its large double doors open at the end of the building, and you take cover right in front of them
  5225. "We should move to the other side of the building" you say quietly "They will spot us here when they pass"
  5226. >indeed, between this barn and the building next to it, there is space wide enough for a pony
  5227. >"I have a better idea. Let's move inside. We can wait them out there" comes Shield's suggestion
  5228. >you don't answer, just nod
  5229. >this could indeed be a good idea, you just fear the patrol will hear the creaking of the door as you open it
  5230. >it looks all kinds of old, and the hinges are pretty rusty
  5231. >but those goons are still far away, and maybe won't hear anything
  5232. >so you lift the door bar, and push in the right door a little bit
  5233. >you poke your head inside, and take a look
  5234. >the place is indeed some sort of barn, and it's completely empty inside save for a few bales of hay, and a small cart
  5235. "Clear!"
  5236. >you move inside, and Shield follows you
  5237. >you peek back outside, and levitate the door bar inside, and bar the door with it
  5238. >any patrol that will pass now, they won't guess anything
  5240. >now being inside, you feel a little safer
  5241. >but also, you feel trapped a little
  5242. >after all, your goal is to reach the Wind Razor ASAP
  5243. >but you will remain here until that large patrol passes
  5244. >luckily, there is another set of doors on the other end of this barn
  5245. >and there is also a mezzanine, which could be used as an observation floor
  5246. "I will go up there, and look for enemy activity. You just...stay here. Right Shield?
  5247. >you look at your best bud commanding officer
  5248. >he is visibly tired
  5249. >his injury, the resulting pain, and all the fighting today must have worn him out
  5250. >also the fact that he strained his bad leg
  5251. >you told him he shouldn't, but of course he didn't listen
  5252. >the stubborn mule...
  5253. >but considering that his leg didn't become incredibly swollen at this point, must mean it didn't actually break
  5254. >it's probably just a torn tendon or muscle
  5255. >or several
  5257. >as he didn't answer, you ask him some more
  5258. "Is something wrong? Aside from the obvious, I mean. How's your magic fatigue? Can you cast now?"
  5259. >Shield wears bit of a whacked out expression
  5260. >he answers slowly
  5261. >"Sort of..."
  5262. >he casts a "blank spell", just lighting up his horn
  5263. >"I guess I'll manage" he says, and violently shakes his head, as if he wanted to shake off water or something "Sorry. I'm just very tired. I'll admit, I wanted to come inside to finally sit down, and rest a bit. I just can't move on otherwise I think. Just gimme ten"
  5264. >with that, he indeed sits down on his rump
  5265. >poor Shield
  5266. >good thing you're here, huh?
  5267. "Well, don't you worry Sarge! I will look out for everything while you rest! Then I will carry you to the LZ, and we'll all go home!"
  5268. >that came out very chipper, as if everything was confirmed safe and easy from now on
  5269. >of course that's not true, but you'll be damned if you won't try everything to make it so
  5270. >Shield smiles at you
  5271. >"Thank you Swordie...Corporal"
  5272. >you smile back and nod
  5273. >at this moment, you have an urge to reach out and hug Shield, but you resist
  5274. >remember: Professionalism!
  5275. >that is your middle name
  5277. >you move upstairs, and peek out the window
  5278. >there is no glass in the frame, so you could poke your head out fully
  5279. >you don't do that, but this way you can clearly hear everything that happens outside
  5280. >like, you can't see the Storm Army patrol yet, but you can hear their marching already
  5281. >when they are audibly getting closer, you step away from the window
  5282. >you won't risk getting spotted
  5283. >but when you hear them moving away under the window, you look after them
  5284. >the patrol consists at least twenty creatures, all well armed and armored
  5285. >good thing you didn't engage them
  5286. >without the super-staff, you wouldn't stand a chance against them
  5287. >you wait a few minutes for them to move on
  5288. >you can hear them even in the distance, through the thin wooden walls
  5289. >looking back at Shield, he's also following the patrol with his head, just as if he saw them
  5290. >surely, hearing so many hostiles moving about so close is a bit unnerving
  5291. >but eventually, the clamoring dies down, and there's nothing to be seen outside
  5292. >you move downstairs, back to Shield
  5293. "They have moved on. I know you didn't rest much, but there isn't a single soul on the streets right now, as far as I could see. We should make a run for it...I think"
  5294. >"Very well" says Shield, standing up "Let's indeed go then. My leg be damned"
  5295. >you both walk to the opposite door
  5296. >you try to push it open, but it doesn't budge
  5297. >you also try to gently ram it, but your small and light pony frame won't do much against a heavy door like this
  5298. >"It must be barred from the other side" says Shield "Let's just go around"
  5299. "Nah. I can force it open. Let's not walk more than what's abslutely necessary, huh?"
  5300. >you look at Shield's leg
  5301. >he seemingly gets your point, and steps back:
  5302. >"It's all yours Sword..."
  5304. >when you're so close to escape, a simple door cannot stand in your way!
  5305. >even if you could just use another with a bit of extra walk...
  5306. >you'll just use your extreme telekinesis to open this silly double door
  5307. >that door bar will surely snap when you apply some REAL force
  5308. >with that, you focus your magic on both doors, and start to push them
  5309. >suddenly, as if you felt something snapping on the other side
  5310. >but at the same time, the doors move a bit towards you
  5311. "What the...?"
  5312. >you let go of your magic, and in that moment, both doors violently swing open
  5313. >the right wing whack you in the face with such force, that you land on your back, skidding a bit
  5314. >dang, what the hell???!
  5315. >you look up from the ground, and you see it: a HOMONGOUS Storm Creature broke inside, and it roars violently!
  5316. >it's almost twice the size of any other unit you saw before
  5317. >its huge tusks are slightly reddish
  5318. >no doubt from his previous kills...
  5319. >and with killer instinct in his eyes, he steps towards you
  5320. >but Shield is at the ready
  5321. >his magic bolts strike the creature in the chest, and now it turns to him
  5322. >but no matter how hard Shield fires, it barely registers on the brute
  5323. >the giant quickly closes the few steps of distance between them
  5324. >Shield would backpedal, but his leg fail him
  5325. >the brute grabs him like he was a puppet, and takes his head in his palm
  5326. >and his body in his other palm
  5327. >and he begins to squeeze...
  5328. >although Paladin armor is very though, you can see it deforming quickly
  5329. >he will squish his head like it was an egg!
  5330. "NOOOOOO!!!"
  5332. >you jump to you feet, and begin to cast your best combat spells
  5333. >but he doesn't care, he's determined to finish your comrade first
  5334. >your combat spells are weaker anyway than Shield's, so it's not like you could hurt him that way
  5335. >but you know what WILL hurt this monster
  5336. >you reach out to the spear you aquired earlier
  5337. >you WOULD reach out to it...but where is it?!
  5338. >oh dammit Sword, you idiot!
  5339. >you left it upstairs!
  5340. >you maniacally look around for something to use as a weapon
  5341. >ah, the cart!
  5342. >you grab the small cart you saw earlier, and smash it over the brute's head
  5343. >take that!
  5344. >that indeed grabs his attention, and drops Shield
  5345. >poor stallion's armor looks so wrinkled as if it was from paper, but don't see blood, or missing body parts
  5346. >now the Storm Heavy turns to you again, and lunges at you with his clawed paws
  5347. >you backpedal quickly, and throw hay bales at him
  5348. >wow, good show Sword!
  5349. >that will surely stop him
  5350. >although the Heavy can only knuckle-walk, unlike the normal gait of his smaller comrades, he closes up the distance quickly
  5351. >he also swipes at you with his tusks, which are almost as big as a mammoth's
  5352. >you can dodge all of his strikes, and manage to run upstairs
  5353. >sure enough, your spear was indeed here
  5354. >you grab it, and jump back to ground level
  5355. >the Heavy, meanwhile, throws a hay bale at you, but you dodge, and get ready to charge him
  5356. "Alright you freak, take THIS!"
  5357. >you get a good hold of the large spear, and CHARGE!
  5358. >you gallop towards him, but as you thrust with the combined momentum of your TK and speed...
  5359. >...he manages to grab the spear, and it takes a moment too late to disengage your magic around the weapon's haft
  5360. >he basically pulled you really close to himself with that move
  5361. >you realize the mistake soon enough, but you can't back up, as he now goes for a mad tusk-swipe
  5362. >you jump up instead, and the tusk moves past under you
  5363. >but you didn't watch out enough, and grabs you by the tail, and lifts you up into the air
  5365. >you spared your magic for a later moment, but it has come prematurely
  5366. >you are eye-to-eye, and at face level with the creature
  5367. >you charge up your spell, and aim at his eye
  5368. >if you can't kill him, you will blind him
  5369. >you release the spell, and score a hit
  5370. >the creature roars up in pain, but it's not enough to drop you
  5371. >he instead starts to shake you around violently
  5372. "Aaaaahhhhh!!!"
  5373. >finally, he throws you to the ground, HARD
  5374. >as you hit the ground squarely with your back, you grasp for air for a few moments
  5375. >meanwhile, you can see the Heavy is MAD
  5376. >he still has your spear, and grabs it with both hands
  5377. >he lifts it up to strike
  5378. >in panic, you sit up a bit, and charge your magic, but it's not likely you can stop him now
  5379. >but before you can release, you hear a very loud, high pitched "PEW!"
  5380. >the creature's hands stop in the air
  5381. >and you notice a tiny, burnt hole in his abdomen
  5382. >he lets out a high-pitched grunt, and falls over towards you
  5383. >the body only misses you by a foot
  5384. >and then you see her, the source of the shot
  5385. >"Corporal Glitter? You're alive!"
  5386. >it's Major Starstorm!
  5387. >she came back for you
  5388. >and for the first time ever, you heard some actual concern in her voice
  5389. >concern...for you
  5391. >the Major trots closer, as you didn't respond
  5392. >"Can you move, Corporal? Are you injured?"
  5393. >finally, you get up a bit, and answer
  5394. "I'm fine Major, but Shield..."
  5395. >you point at your unlucky comrade
  5396. >Starstorm looks at Shield
  5397. >at the same time, good ol' Longrun bursts into the barn
  5398. >"What the hay happened here?! Ah dang! Sword!" he gasps as he sees you "Boy, am I glad to see you!"
  5399. "Likewise Gunny" you respond
  5400. >Longrun is beaming that he found you alive, but Starstorm quickly interrups his cheer
  5401. >"Longrun, check up on Shield. He's injured"
  5402. >the Major now turns back to you
  5403. >you manage to get up now, on your own accord
  5404. "Thank you for saving us, Major"
  5405. >"Thank your neverending luck. We came in the nick of time... Wait, what is that?!"
  5406. >Starstorm points out the hole in your chest armor
  5407. "Oh, this? Long story... I encountered a Storm Army mage after Shield and I got stranded, but I managed to defeat him. But I got THIS in the process"
  5408. >"A mage?! Whoah... You two must have gone through a lot. And what happened to Shield?"
  5409. "The creature you just killed did a number on him. He almost got squeezed to a pulp"
  5410. >with that said, you look past the Major to check out what's going on with your best bud
  5411. >you can see that his helmet has been removed, and Longrun tries to wake him
  5412. >uh-oh...
  5413. >that can't mean any good
  5415. >you trot up to them, not minding your own dock, hurting like a sonofagun
  5416. >your back also hurts, but screw that too
  5417. >you're concerned about Your Sarge
  5418. >and damn, he looks bad
  5419. >bruises on his temple, and a blood trail leads from his nostril
  5420. >you put a hoof to your mouth
  5421. >bad habit, probably your mother's influence in mannerisms
  5422. >"Hey buddy, buddy! Wake up, it's me, Longrun! You're saved, so get up, and let's get home!"
  5423. >luckily you can see Shield is still breathing, but you don't know how serious his injury is
  5424. >the Major walks up next to you
  5425. >"Longrun, situation?"
  5426. >"I dunno ma'am, but he got beaten up pretty badly. He doesn't react to my voice. And I don't like the nose bleeding either... Perhaps brain damage, anything goes"
  5427. >you take away your hoof from your mouth, and gently nudge your comrade
  5428. "Shield, Shieldy... If you're still in there, please respond to me! To ME! You can't just leave us hanging now, in the finish line! You're needed! We need you! I need you..."
  5429. >but Shield doesn't move...
  5430. >"Alright, that was enough... Longrun, give him the Stick!"
  5431. >"Aye-aye ma'am! That would've been my suggestion as well"
  5432. >Longrun begins to search Shield's armor for -more than likely- his Healing Stick
  5433. "C-can y-you do that?!" you stutter "I-I already used a Healing Stick on him earlier"
  5434. >"You what?" Starstorm turns to you, with a raised eyebrow
  5435. "Shield got seriously wounded earlier, when the embassy collapsed upon us. I used my Healing Stick on him, as his got lost"
  5437. >"You got caught in the collapse?! We saw the ruins from the airship, but believed you somehow got away. But I never would have thought... Let's just say, all that will make one helluva AAR, Corporal"
  5438. "You bet..." you say under your breath, remembering your little "private mission"
  5439. >"What was that Corporal?"
  5440. "I'm...just concerned that using two healing sticks on the sergeant so close to each other might have serious after-effects. Ma'am"
  5441. >"Not using one will have after-effects. Longrun, here, use mine"
  5442. >Longrun levitates over the Major's stick to Shield
  5443. >"You know Sword, you could have told me a bit earlier not to search for his..." he says, rolling his eyes
  5444. >with that, the Gunny breaks the stick in half, and the golden aura once again envelops your friend's body
  5445. >and if the previous usage was any indication, he'll be alright in a minute or two
  5447. >you indeed don't have to wait much for the effects to kick in
  5448. >the magic gets absorbed by the injured body, and Shield opens his eyes
  5449. >he coughs a little, and his gaze stops at Longrun
  5450. >"Thanks..." Shield says, lifting his head up a little
  5451. >"You alright fella? You better be! Celestia's magic ain't cheap! You're hurting the taxpayers, pony!" the scout answers, in his usual style
  5452. >wait, the healing sticks are made by CELESTIA herself?!
  5453. >that golden hue WAS familiar...
  5454. >"I'm good" says Shield, in a barely audible voice
  5455. >then he notices Starstorm too
  5456. >"Sergeant Edge, ready for duty Ma'am! And...thank you, too"
  5457. >"At ease, Soldier" reacts Starstorm, with a a hint of a smile in the corner of her mouth "Give yourself a few minutes"
  5458. >you rarely saw Starstorm like that
  5459. >her voice was almost motherly
  5460. >it must've been a great relief for her that she found you two alive
  5461. >seeing that things are gonna be okay, you give Shield a snarky smile
  5462. "Hey Sarge... Have some deja vu?
  5463. >"You saved me again..." he says, turning his head away for a moment "You have my gratitude, Sword"
  5464. "Oh no, I meant the healing stick... But, you're welcome anyway!"
  5465. >"You know, I just want to set a new record for healing stick usages. Guess I'm making progress!"
  5466. >"We still have a few, so don't hold back yourself now!" Longrun chimes in, while watching the entrance with the broken doors
  5467. >indeed, you're still in the middle of a warzone
  5468. >you might better get a move on
  5470. >Shield pushes himself up into a sitting position
  5471. >then extends his forelegs, and manages to properly stand up
  5472. >he also stomps the ground a little with his bad leg
  5473. >"Hey, my leg... It completely healed!" he says giddily "It seems all it needed was another healing stick!"
  5474. >you grin at him
  5475. "Then one more, and you'll even fly!"
  5476. >he grins back
  5477. >you feel your cheeks turning rosy, but the Major's voice puts you back into the reality of the situation
  5478. >"We can all do that when we get back to the Razor. We put her down near here next to a temple. So let's move out before another one of those Tanks show up"
  5479. >Shield trots a little in place, and lights up his horn
  5480. >"I'm ready Ma'am! Let's do this!"
  5481. >"Glad to hear it, Legs. Corporal?"
  5482. >Starstorm looks at you
  5483. >what could you say?
  5484. >your back hurts, your dock hurts, your body is full of bruises, but your spirit is fully intact
  5485. >you and Shield made it through almost the impossible, and after all this, you can't imagine there could be anything you couldn't tackle
  5486. >and although you lost what you thought made you powerful, you realized it was with you all along
  5487. >you just needed it awakened
  5488. >was it all the extreme situations this mission threw at you? Or was it just...him?
  5489. >either way, you have this strong feeling of determination, a sort of determination you think only a PALADIN has
  5490. >you feel determined, and you feel READY
  5491. >you yank out the spear from the dead Tank's hands, and step to the exit
  5492. "Ma'am? Paladin Glitter is prepared for combat, and ready to move out!"

[RGM] Sword and Shield (Part 1)

by NickBeard

[RGM] A Hearth's Warming Patrol

by NickBeard

[RGM] Sword and Shield (Part 2)

by NickBeard