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Created: 2020-12-30 16:18:01
Updated: 2022-01-22 12:54:52
Expiry: Never

  2. >Snowflakes.
  3. >You’d always loved snowflakes, little floating works of art, just lazily drifting down to melt away.
  4. >There were a couple drifting onto your muzzle that were melting away and forming tiny wet spots in your fur.
  5. >Chad had the watery remnants of a few snowflakes on his cheeks, and plenty in his hair that hadn’t started to melt yet.
  6. >Your phone was ringing, it was playing that little tune you’d downloaded a few nights ago, back when the world still made sense.
  7. >For a moment, nothing moved, there was just that tune ringing softly.
  8. >…
  9. >You’d smooched Chad.
  10. >Oh god you’d smooched him.
  11. >Right on the lips.
  12. >He was staring directly into your eyes, obviously surprised.
  13. >Your lips were still against Chad’s.
  14. >You pulled away, deciding it was best to just stare straight up in the sky.
  15. >Anywhere but at Chad, and his lips, oh god his lips why did they feel so nice against yours.
  16. >Half of you wanted to just kiss him again, because that had felt truly incredible, like a jolt of thunder up and down and sideways across your spine.
  17. >The other half hadn’t the slightest fucking clue what was going on and would like to politely ask the first half just what the fuck was going on right now and how would someone go about tearing themselves to pieces just out of curiosity, no real intent there just wondering what the logistics would involve exactly and mayb-
  18. >”Anonymous?”
  19. >You shook your head.
  20. >Chad chuckled, you felt his hand sliding up your neck and toying with your mane.
  21. >His fingers came up and rubbed against your cheek, then Chad started to scratch you behind the ear.
  22. >”Anonymous.”
  23. “YE-“
  24. >You stopped and took a deep, shaky, breath, still looking up.
  26. >Chad’s petting was calming you down, you could feel your heartbeat slowing with every motion of his.
  27. >Every little touch.
  28. >His heartbeat was so steady, and strong.
  29. >You sighed and turned yourself so that you faced Chad head on, with your butt planted between Chad’s spread legs.
  30. >Pouting, you bonked your head against his chest.
  31. >Why did things have to be so awkward and weird?
  32. >Chad chuckled softly, you just stared down at his chest, pawing at it with your fore hoof now.
  33. >You mumbled.
  34. “Yes… Chad?”
  35. >You still didn’t know what Chad found so funny to be laughing at it this much, but there he went again, laughing as he pushed your mane out of your eyes.
  36. >Chad set a hand on your chin and gently, very gently, he pushed your head up so that he could look at your face properly.
  37. >Your eyes met his, big blues to greys.
  38. >Chad smiled.
  39. >You just blushed, muzzle firmly scrunched and ears hard pressed to be unflopped.
  40. >”What’s up?”
  41. “I-I just… I dunno, it was just in the heat of the moment and I’m sorry that’s probably super weird and I know you probably don’t even like me like that like we’re friends like Jesus-“
  42. >Chad booped you on the snootle.
  43. >His finger was pressed right up against your snoot.
  44. >You pushed it away with a hoof and got back to your spiel.
  45. “I mean shit I’m a horse and that’s weird and you probably don’t even want to have sex with a horse and I wouldn’t blame you and-“
  46. >Chad booped you AGAIN.
  47. >What the hell was up with that anyway?
  48. >It was like he’d found your reboot button, every time he’d boop you your brain would just shut down and restart.
  49. >God your brain was frazzled.
  50. >Tears were starting to drip from your eyes and into your fur now as you slapped Chad’s hand aside.
  52. >You tried and failed to wipe the tears away with a hoof.
  53. “TAMMY. FUCKING TAMMY j-just and he just had to go and say that I probably l-like wanted to save myself for you and oh my god it’s not like we can get married we’re j-j-just-“
  54. >Chad leaned forward and kissed you, both hands against your cheeks, holding your head up.
  55. >It was full on the lips, your tongue begged to slip into his mouth in response.
  56. >Every second was whole and complete, like a symphony.
  57. >Then it was over.
  58. >Chad unzipped his coat and let you out, picking you up and setting you down on the ground before he stood up.
  59. >”Bus.”
  60. >As though in a trance, you turned your head slowly, looking back.
  61. >Chad was already at the bus, one foot on, one foot off, urging you to come.
  62. >There were tons of snowflakes in his hair now, and you could see them in your mane too, preserved like millions of little sparkling diamonds.
  63. >There seemed to be more snow than air tonight.
  64. >You gathered yourself up and trotted over, hopping into the bus.
  65. >The driver asked you for your pass and you took your wallet out as an afterthought, flipping it open with your mouth to show him the sticker on your student ID.
  66. >Then you trotted down the bus to Chad.
  67. >He was at the very back.
  68. >No one but you and him.
  69. >You hopped up in the seat beside him.
  70. >…
  71. >You’d kissed Chad.
  72. >Oh god you’d kissed him again.
  73. “What the fuck.”
  74. >Chad patted you on the back.
  75. >”Welcome back to earth, Major Tom.”
  76. >You shook your head, blushing already.
  77. “Chad I-“
  79. >Chad booped you.
  80. >”Anonymous. You’re doing that thing again.”
  81. >You whacked Chad’s arm with a hoof, frowning.
  82. “What thing? I don’t have a thing.”
  83. >Chad sighed with a tired old smile on his face.
  84. >”Every fucking time, you always take something and just overthink it to the absolute max. Way past any point of reason. Let’s just keep it simple, okay?”
  85. >Chad looked at you expectantly, one brow perked.
  86. “Alright.”
  87. >Clearing his throat, Chad spoke.
  88. >”You’re a horse, and you’re also a girl. But you’re still Anonymous. Always will be. Just because we’ve been friends for years, doesn’t mean this is weird and it doesn’t mean that you aren’t still Anonymous. Alright?”
  89. >You could feel relief flooding through you before you’d even processed all of what Chad had said.
  90. >A smile was already tugging at your lips, and your face was getting redder by the second.
  91. “Y-you’re alright with this?”
  92. >Chad scratched you behind the ear, it felt oh so nice.
  93. >”Why do you think I kissed you back? I’m game.”
  94. >Tears poured down from your eyes and you bull rushed Chad.
  95. >Slamming right into him, you wrapped your fore legs around his abdomen.
  96. >Chad held you close, petting your head gently.
  97. >Your eyes were shut and you were just feeling everything out.
  98. >The bus roared along dully, almost muffled like.
  99. >Chad’s touch was soothing beyond belief.
  100. >Slowly, you slid down Chad’s chest, coming in to lie on his lap.
  101. >You opened your eyes for a moment, just a moment before you yawned.
  102. >You were so, SO happy… And so, so tired…
  103. “mmGmmHPhm…”
  104. >Sleep hit you like a soft and cozy brick, knocking the alertness right out of your head.
  105. >Your eyes fluttered before drooping closed, your ears both flicked one last time each before they stilled.
  106. >And Chad just kept on petting you, easing you further and further down into slumber.
  107. >You felt Chad kiss you on the cheek.
  108. >”Sleepy head.”
  111. [LITTLE HORN]
  113. >Tap tap tap.
  114. >Shoes tapping on linoleum.
  115. >Or was that water dripping from a faucet?
  116. >Your brain was too fuzzy to tell, had you been sleeping?
  117. >Your eyes were closed and your eyelids felt like they weighed a couple tons.
  118. >You gave up on opening them almost immediately, instead, your ears flicked up into life.
  119. >Trudging along with your sleepy and sluggish brain, you listened and felt.
  120. >That was definitely shoes…
  121. >And…
  122. >You yawned daintily, your eyes opened just a crack.
  123. >It was fuzzy but you saw that you were on someone’s shoulder…
  124. >There was a… Whistling.
  125. >It sounded familiar, like a little tune for kids, something a teacher would have sung with you in preschool.
  126. >It stopped.
  127. >”Good evening Chad. Your little friend looks awful tired. Want to buy a pick me up for her?”
  128. >”Fuck you kindly Chad.”
  129. >Even half conscious, you could recognize Chad’s voice, it brought a faint smile to your face and warmth to your heart.
  130. >You let your eyes shut tight again, knowing you could sleep in peace.
  131. >More footsteps as Chad walked on, you were hardly even jostled around as he moved.
  132. >The gentle motions were soothing actually, drawing you back into slumber’s embrace as the seconds ticked by…
  133. >You heard the whistling again, but it was far away and getting farther, far too far away to really catch your attention…
  134. >Everything was far away, time just floated off…
  135. >”Alouette~ Alouette~ A-a-a-ah...”
  136. >Your eyes flew open and you peered about, frowning.
  137. >The singing was coming closer every second, with every foot tap.
  138. >”Alouette~ Gentille alouette…”
  140. >You were definitely on Chad’s shoulder, he was carrying you down…
  141. >You yawned…
  142. >The… Dorm hallway?
  143. >Yeah…
  144. >…
  145. >Your eyes closed again, and your train of thought slowed to a stop.
  146. >Then, suddenly, it was like someone had whispered directly in your ear.
  147. >”Alouette~ Je te plumerai.”
  148. >Who.
  149. >With every bit of your will, you forced your eyes to open again and see what could be seen.
  150. >There, down the hall.
  151. >Way down at the very end stood the Other Chad.
  152. >His face was so clear.
  153. >You could see the green in those heartless eyes of his as he waved casually to you.
  154. >There was a cruel sneer twisting the Other Chad’s face, shockingly surreal and emotive, a stark contrast to his normally soulless facades.
  155. >He strode away down a hall to his left, still staring at you as he went.
  156. >The instant the Other Chad was out of sight, sleep overtook you again.
  159. [WOOFR]
  161. >Tick, tick, tick.
  162. >Your watch ticked away the seconds, the minutes, the hours of the day.
  163. >Time ebbed and flowed and didn’t exist at all.
  164. >There was no time, just change.
  165. >Your watch was in truth, a pointless tool, even by the flawed human experience.
  166. >Time was relative after all.
  167. >But your watch ticked anyway, because that was its purpose, to change at the rate man was comfortable with.
  168. >You shifted your body over, yawning and stretching all four hooves.
  169. >They were met with feeble resistance by your blankets, your fur slid along against the fleecy material in comfort and warmth.
  170. >You smiled and smacked your lips before opening your eyes.
  171. >Your room was nice and clean for once, thanks to Chad you remembered.
  172. >Shining in a beam of sunlight from your window, your watch lay on your new black body pillow, right by your head.
  173. >You pushed it off the pillow and onto the bed where you could get a better look at it.
  174. >It was all in silvery stainless steel, with the inner workings and face embedded with little blue gems.
  175. >They were sapphires, and much of the metal inside was silver, you knew.
  176. >It had been a high school graduation gift from your mother, your family had a tradition of watches as gifts to celebrate achievements.
  177. >You smiled remembering how you’d told your mom to wait until you got a doctorate.
  178. >She’d told you, in no uncertain terms, that she’d be taking it back if you didn’t.
  179. >Your mom had always been a motivator.
  180. >Right now, the second hand was just turning past six, the minute hand was halfway between four and five and the hour hand was set on eight.
  181. >Perfect, great time to get up and get cracking.
  182. >You sat up, extending your fore hooves up high and yawning.
  183. >Your socks were off, you noticed, along with your hoodie.
  184. >Chad must have taken them off and tucked you in after carrying you back.
  185. >You giggled and shook your head, so much for the bar.
  187. >There’d be plenty of other nights though, maybe tonight even.
  188. >There was a tingle at the back of your mind, thinking of last night.
  189. >But you couldn’t quite remember the details, something about the OC…
  190. >Speaking of Chad though…
  191. >You turned your head, one brow perked with a sly smile on your muzzle.
  192. >Chad was sleeping at your desk, leaning back in your chair with his hands folded on his stomach.
  193. >He looked right out of it too, surely he wouldn’t be waking up soon.
  194. >You giggled and stood up proper before hopping down off of your bed.
  195. >The clack of your bare hooves was muffled by the rug at your bedside.
  196. >Making sure to step lightly, you trotted over to your closet across from your bed.
  197. >You hopped up on your hind legs, setting your fore hooves on the highest shelf you could reach.
  198. >Just perfect, your head came up to all your boxes of cereal.
  199. >You pondered your choices, Captain Crunch? Lucky Charms? Raisin Bran?
  200. “Crunch-a-tize me cap’n.”
  201. >You got your mouth around the cardboard box of Captain Crunch and pulled it down, setting it on the ground beside you.
  202. >Then you hopped up and got a bowl down from the shelf too.
  203. >You carried them both over, one at a time, to your mini fridge at the end of the bed and set them down on the floor.
  204. >Using your snout for leverage, you opened up the fridge and mouthed your two liter carton of milk out.
  205. >It was a bit of a delicate procedure, had to keep your head sideways all the while.
  206. >But you managed, and set it down next to your bowl.
  207. >Now you opened up the top of the Captain Crunch box, opening the flaps.
  208. “Soon…”
  209. >With dreams of a healthy balanced breakfast in your brain, you picked up your box of Captain Crunch with both hooves and poured out a decent amount into your bowl.
  210. >Then you did the same with your carton of milk, pouring out just enough before putting it back into the mini fridge.
  211. “Perfect.”
  212. >You smiled, proud of success at getting a bowl of cereal together.
  214. >On the floor.
  215. >Oh.
  216. >That smile turned into a sad little frown and your ears flopped down as you realized your conundrum.
  217. >The bowl was on the floor, filled pretty much to the brim with cereal and milk, and the only way you could carry it around was with your mouth.
  218. >But there was no way you could get it up on your desk without spilling it everywhere, you could hardly lift it up at all without spilling it everywhere!
  219. >So… You’d have to eat it on the floor, at least till you got enough cereal out of it to carry it around.
  220. >Like a… Dog.
  221. >Your eyes narrowed.
  222. >You had nothing against dogs, back home you had three of them and hell, you used to own your own dog Marley.
  223. >There was a picture of him on your desk, he’d been a hell of a happy cat killing, rabbit goring dog for as long as he lived with you, all twelve years.
  224. >But…
  225. >The pet thing was a sore point.
  226. >And you got a sort of suspicious feeling now, thinking about dogs.
  227. >Dogs had a tendency to hump people’s legs, you could only imagine the risks you’d run being around them now as a little horse.
  228. >You shook your head and got back to the problem at hoof, cereal.
  229. >You sighed and turned around.
  230. >Nothing for it, best to wake up Chad.
  231. >He was still sleeping in your chair, breathing deeply, in and out.
  232. >Rhythmic, peaceful, Chad looked like he was absolutely relaxed.
  233. >You grinned evilly and hopped up on his lap.
  234. >Chad shifted a little, but he didn’t wake.
  235. >Slow and careful, you craned your neck out, getting your snout right up in his face.
  236. >Taking your time, you gave Chad a big hard lick, starting at the chin and going all the way up to his forehead.
  237. >Chad frowned, his eyes cracked open a bit.
  238. >You giggled and licked him again.
  240. >”Wharfthafu.”
  241. “How poetic.”
  242. >Chad’s eyes were completely open now, he frowned at you grumpily, but more sleepy than anything.
  243. >You grinned back, the sun shone on your face with a heavenly glow.
  244. >His frown persisted for a while, but eventually it cracked into a smile.
  245. >Chad shook his head, wiping your saliva off.
  246. >”G’morning.”
  247. >You gave Chad a quick smooch on the lips before hopping off of his lap.
  248. “Morning. Could you give me a hand?”
  249. >Lips pursed, you pointed at your bowl of cereal on the floor.
  250. >Chad seemed confused at first, his gaze flicked between you and the bowl a couple times as his slowly waking brain worked out just what you meant.
  251. >Then he laughed, and laughed…
  252. >And laughed.
  253. >You sighed and stomped a hoof.
  254. “Please?”
  255. >Reining in his laughter to chuckles, Chad nodded and reached down without getting up from his chair.
  256. >He picked up the bowl with ease.
  257. >”Where did you want it?”
  258. “Just there on the desk.”
  259. >Chad obliged, pushing your laptop back a little so that he could set the bowl out in front of it.
  260. “Thanks, sorry for waking you up.”
  261. >Chad waved a hand dismissively.
  262. >”Don’t worry about it. I’ll probably fall back to sleep any second now anyway.”
  263. >You giggled and hopped up in his lap again, curling up on yourself comfortably, tail fanned out on his leg.
  264. “Alright.”
  265. >Your position was perfect.
  266. >The sunbeam shining in from your window struck you dead on, warming you right to the core.
  268. >You could reach your laptop easily, and your cereal even more so.
  269. >And to complete it all, you had Chad scratching you behind your ears.
  270. >Comfy.
  271. >Smiling warmly, you shoved your muzzle into your bowl of cereal and gorged down a few gulps of it.
  272. >It was a little messy, but you managed to keep any milk from spilling on your desk, and you kept your snout as clean as you could too.
  273. >Crunching on Cap’n Crunch, you booted up your laptop.
  274. >As it whirred softly to life, Chad’s scratching got less and less vigorous.
  275. >You giggled, watching his head bob steadily downward, meandering into slumber till he succumbed completely.
  276. >Finally your computer was up and running, with some effort, you strapped on your pens with the Velcro straps like before and started browsing the net.
  277. >It was funny, you could double click just fine with the mouse now, guess you’d really gotten used to your hooves.
  278. >You brought up some news sites, Twitter and 4chan, in-between mouthfuls of cereal.
  279. >As far as you could tell, Chad’s predictions had come true, faster than he estimated.
  280. >You were being covered by a few mainstream networks, generally with that whole “adorable internet sensation” spin.
  281. >But apparently Turkey was starting shit with Russia, so that took up the brunt of the news now.
  282. >Fine by you.
  284. >Twitter was still covering you though, your hashtags were exploding.
  285. >You turned on Winamp, playing MF DOOM low while you checked the top posts on #keyboardmasher.
  286. >All three selfies you’d posed for were up there, along with a picture of Chad holding that can of Monster up to your mouth outside of the Think Kitchen.
  287. >You smiled at the last one, it was super cute, your eyes were lidded and your ears were flopping in different directions as you drank.
  288. >Carl had a post up there, telling everyone he’d returned your hat.
  289. >Opinions were divided, some people believed him, others were saying he was pulling a hoax.
  290. >Quips back and forth about whether you’d actually gotten your tuque back or not filled most of #wheresherhat.
  291. >Your brow furrowed as you munched on some more cereal, you’d have to do something about that.
  292. >Some celebrities were retweeting pictures of you, hell, shows like MTV, the Tonight Show, SNL and The View were talking like they wanted an interview.
  293. >You weren’t sure how you felt about all that, it was freaking you out a little just thinking about it.
  294. >You sucked down the last of your cereal, lapping up the leftover milk.
  295. >It could wait for later though, on to 4chan.
  296. >You checked /b/ first.
  297. >Oh god.
  298. >Porn, porn everywhere.
  299. >You fucking Chad, you fucking Tammy, you fucking Thot, Tammy fucking Thot, Thot fucking Chad, Chad fucking Tammy.
  300. >...
  301. >You took your time scrolling past the smut of you and Chad, for uhhh...
  302. >No particular reason.
  303. >Your bits below might have had a say in it.
  304. >Maybe you took note of some of the positions they'd drawn the two of you banging in, tips and tricks you know?
  305. >Click click clicking away with the mouse.
  306. >Jesus, could you really bend that way?
  307. >Doubtful, you eased your hind leg up, holding it taut with your fore leg
  308. >Wow, you really could, all the way up behind your head...
  309. >ANYWAY.
  310. >They'd drawn pretty much every possible iteration.
  311. >But most of all, just you, showing off your goods in every pose imaginable.
  312. >One thread had a picture of you with your face down and your ass and tail up, pussy soaking wet and mouth gaping with your tongue out all over the floor.
  313. >The title was just “KEYBOARD MASHER ASS WORSHIP” and all the replies were more pictures of your ass with posters saying stuff like: “>she will never mash your keyboard” and “>you will never lovingly mash her ass.”
  314. >You started to bite your lip, blushing.
  315. >You felt another twitch down under…
  316. >Despite it, you kept on reading and looking.
  317. “ ‘Some porn’ my ass…”
  319. >Literally your ass, plastered everywhere…
  320. >Not all of the pictures were lewd though.
  321. >Someone had drawn an ISHYGDDT reaction image of you holding up a keyboard with your hooves instead of a baseball bat.
  322. >People were posting pictures of you with weird or cute expressions and saying stuff like: “Why is she so perfect?”
  323. >One thread had a ton of replies, a random anon had snapped a picture of you smoking with Frank in the Wal-Mart.
  324. >You half looked like Che Guevara in that one, cig held up and to the side in your mouth as you smiled with smoke rising out of your nostrils.
  325. >The people posting were a little divided on you smoking, but for the most part they thought it was cute, as far as you could tell.
  326. >Above all though, people seemed to love shooping that one shot of your face from the picture where Chad was helping you drink your Monster, with your mane askew, the silly half closed eyes, ears everywhere and wanton smile.
  327. >That made you feel pretty good, and you got a couple giggles out of all the silly things /b/ did with it.
  328. >So it wasn’t all bad.
  329. >You tapped your chin with the pen strapped to your hoof, thinking.
  330. >”So are you going to post something or what?”
  331. >You looked back, surprised.
  332. >Chad was awake, and staring at the screen curiously.
  333. >You blushed and closed all the tabs you’d opened of lewd threads, leaving only a thread filled with shoops of your “tfw Monster” face.
  334. “W-what?”
  335. >There’s a certain look a friend can give you, one that very few people, or in this case, ponies will ever get.
  336. >You were getting that look.
  337. >That: “I know you were looking at porn of yourself” look.
  338. >Chad chuckled and mussed up your mane.
  339. >”I saw it all. Really living up to that Narcissus wisecrack huh?”
  340. “Fuck off.”
  341. >You kissed Chad, but angrily.
  343. >You still got butterflies doing it, and your brain took a second to catch up again, but it was definitely angry.
  344. >Chad was surprised for a second, but then he reciprocated, holding you up by the back of your head.
  345. >Your tongue entered his mouth, and his tongue slipped into yours, a mutual connection of two halves for a whole.
  346. >Every second just made you want for more.
  347. >The kiss ended gradually, both of you pulling back with smiles.
  348. >It felt so nice, just to be open about how you felt, like there was a barrier you’d torn down between you and Chad.
  349. >As far as you could tell, Chad felt good about it all too.
  350. >That look on his face told you all you needed to know, he wasn’t humoring you or lying so that he wouldn’t hurt your feelings, Chad really did feel it too.
  351. >Then he looked away, back at the screen.
  352. >Chad yawned and reached over you, snatching up the mouse.
  353. >You perked a brow at that, watching him click around.
  354. “What did you mean by “post something”?”
  355. >”Exactly what it sounds like. You should put a thread up, talk to some of these people. Post a few pictures, nothing explicit of course.”
  356. >Chad was already typing.
  357. >You frowned.
  358. “ ‘Ask a little mare anything’? Seriously? Come on man.”
  359. >Chad frowned right back at you.
  360. >”And what would you rather do? Go on one of those Talk Shows? Become another cog in the leftist media propaganda machine? They’ll use you as a mouthpiece. Here, you say what you want to an audience that asks the questions they actually want to ask.”
  361. >You sighed and shook your head.
  362. “Someone’s going to choke one day, if you keep shoving pills down throats like that.”
  363. >But…
  364. >It wasn’t like you “wanted” to go on one of those shows anyway.
  365. >To be honest, just the thought of it made you really nervous.
  367. >Here, it wasn’t so bad, you were used to 4chan.
  368. >This was your element.
  369. >Plus it’d probably help limit the amount of people actively trying to dox you…
  370. >Or it’d do the exact opposite.
  371. >Whatever, at this point you hardly even cared, this was hardly life changing or final.
  372. “Fuck it. Fine.”
  373. >Chad nodded and grabbed his phone off of your desk.
  374. >You stuck a fore hoof out though, stopping him.
  375. >You met Chad’s eyes, perking a brow.
  376. >Craning your neck out to bring your muzzle up to his chest, you sniffed.
  377. “Go shower first though. You smell like mall and that cigarette stink is starting to get really bad.”
  378. >Chad seemed confused for a second, but then he shrugged, setting you down on the floor before getting up.
  379. >”If the lady of the castle doth command it.”
  380. >You rolled your eyes and stomped your fore hooves, standing as tall as you could.
  381. “I do, and the jackass of a knight shalt execute my commands.”
  382. >Chuckling, Chad threw off his jacket and waltzed out of your room.
  383. >You waited a few seconds…
  384. >Then you trotted over to the door, opening it just enough to stick your head out and peek up and down the hall.
  385. >Chad was already out of sight.
  386. >Quick as can be, you shut the door, snatched up a towel from your closet, tossed the towel on your chair and hopped on top.
  387. “Yessssss…”
  388. >Tongue stuck out, hunched over your desk, you navigated through /b/.
  389. >Looking for that one thread…
  390. >Come on…
  391. >Page 3 and you found it.
  392. >The first post read: “Post your Chad x Keyboard Masher faggots. I’ll start.”
  393. >The whole thread was just pictures of you and Chad, mostly lewd sex scenes, partly romantic ones.
  395. >You opened all of the images in tabs, blushing and biting down on your tongue.
  396. >That familiar warmth was building in your crotch, shivers crawled up and down your spine.
  397. >Thinking about Chad with you…
  398. >In you.
  399. >It was such a primal desire, something you definitely couldn’t come clean with yet.
  400. >You didn’t want to rush things but…
  401. >Oh god you wanted him already.
  402. >Panting, you spread your hind legs, letting your wet cunt out to the air.
  403. >You took the straps and pens off of your left hoof and lowered it down to your pussy.
  404. >With your right hoof, you scrolled through the tabs you’d opened.
  405. >Scenes unraveled before you as you rubbed yourself, Chad taking you roughly from behind, tugging your tail and biting your ear.
  406. >You impaling yourself wantonly on his cock, riding him cowgirl style with your tongue lolling out madly.
  407. >Licking your lips, you pushed against your lower lips even harder, brushing against your clit.
  408. >A kiss shared between you and Chad over a table laden with fine wine and candles in a high class restaurant.
  409. >Chad taking you gently in his arms, lowering you onto his length while you smiled and blushed up at him.
  410. >Your rubbing hit a fever pitch, hoof soaked and clit winking in and out and in and out over and over again.
  411. >A picture of you and Chad in the mall, when the two of you were examining that mosaic on the floor.
  412. >Chad sitting on a bed, looking up and moaning as you lovingly took his cock in your mouth.
  413. >You gasped as you came, juices spilling all over the towel you’d set out.
  414. >For a moment you just reveled in the moment, feeling all that pleasure, mulling over it along with your desire.
  415. >The smell of hay permeated the air, along with a sort of sweetness.
  416. >You giggled throatily and-
  417. >”I showered. You gonna go next? Cause you aren’t all that clean your-“
  418. >Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest.
  419. >Chad was there, right at the door, his foot was already through with his head catching up.
  421. >His eyes were on you.
  422. >Time stopped.
  423. >You worked that laptop of yours so fucking hard the Velcro straps came undone and your pens flew off, you closed every single tab clicking faster than the Fist of the fucking North Star.
  424. >You opened a new window, scrolled through your history to find the first page of /b/, opened that up and typed up Chad’s opening thread post again.
  425. >Then you deleted all of the history, but not before using a script to download all the images you’d opened onto a passcode locked USB hooked up to your laptop, which you promptly ejected and tugged off with your mouth before tossing it on your bed.
  426. >Finally, you hit play on Winamp again, Let Me Watch by Viktor Vaughn grooved its way out of your speakers.
  427. >”-self princesswhat the FUCK?”
  428. >You blushed, muzzle scrunching up as you pushed your soaked towel off of the chair with your hind legs, trying to pack it up into a ball and shove it under your desk out of sight.
  429. “I-I-I-It’s not like… N-No there’s not a-“
  430. >You closed your hind legs tight together, trying to hide how soaked you were.
  431. >Chad strode over, he looked absolutely shocked.
  432. >”How did you do that?”
  433. “…What?”
  434. >You tilted your head, still blushing but hopeful now that you might be off the hook.
  435. “W-w-what do you mean? Masturbating i-isn’t that hard to…”
  436. >You bonked your head with a fore hoof.
  437. >Just had to open your mouth again, so much for being off the hook.
  438. >Chad didn’t seem to pay all that much attention though, he looked from your fore hooves, which were desperately trying to hide your wet cunt, to your laptop.
  439. >”Anon do you… Did- Fuck. You just used that computer.”
  440. >You frowned, blush receding, breaths coming slower and slower.
  441. “Yeah? So?”
  442. >Chad rolled his eyes and booped you on the snoot, making you scrunch up and blush again.
  443. >”Dude. Look at your hooves.”
  444. >You looked at your hooves.
  445. >”You don’t have the pens.”
  446. “Wait… So I-“
  447. >Chad clapped his hands and grinned.
  449. >A smile crept up your muzzle.
  450. >You could type!
  452. >You pumped your fore hooves into the air victoriously, laughing and grinning.
  453. >Chad chuckled and went to bump his fist against your hoof.
  454. >But uhhh…
  455. >Oh.
  456. >Yeah…
  457. >Your heart was back in full throttle again, you grinned nervously as Chad pulled his fist away, one brow perked.
  458. >”You’re a little… Wet there.”
  459. >Chad’s mouth was a flat line, he stared right into your eyes, still with that brow up like a very real interrogation point.
  460. >You stared back, still grinning wide with a cold sweat breaking out all over as your eyes darted around.
  461. >It was a bit of a scene.
  462. >The sun shone just right, coming down through your window as a beam against your barrel, emphasizing how much darker all the pussy juice soaked parts of you were right now.
  463. >Chad’s eyes flicked down at it for a second, but he looked away to maintain a little bit of your dignity at least.
  464. >Out of the chair you hopped, keeping your tail flat against your bottom to hide your soaked area.
  465. “Yep! Yeah, real big mess and all. Better go shower huh? See ya!”
  466. >With a few titters of false laughter, you snatched up a clean towel from your closet and barreled through your door out into the hallway beyond.
  467. >You trotted down the hall at a brisk pace, not stopping till you rounded the corner.
  468. >The sounds of your hooves clopping free against the linoleum reverberated sharply, emphasizing your embarrassment every step you took.
  469. >You paused for a moment, taking the time to sigh with relief and have a little giggle at yourself.
  470. >You leaned up against the white plaster wall, smiling sadly as you shook your head.
  471. >Fuck you were an idiot.
  472. >Should have at least waited till you were in the shower.
  473. >Sighing again, you tossed your towel over onto your back.
  475. “How am I going to fuck him if I can’t even masturbate around him?”
  476. >You peered behind you, laughing at yourself.
  477. >Down that sanitized, nearly clinical white hallway, lit through fluorescence, there was a darting shadow.
  478. >Just a second of darkness as the lights in the ceiling flickered and popped.
  479. >But it was enough to make you frown, making you think back to last night.
  480. >What had happened?
  481. >Chad had carried you in…
  482. >You must have fallen asleep on the bus then, but what happened from that point on?
  483. “Green eyes…”
  484. >Something… Shimmered.
  485. >There had been a sneer.
  486. >It was all too vague to really bother thinking on for too long.
  487. >It was about time you got showered, thinking would be a whole lot easier after that.
  488. >So you trotted off, headed to the elevators.
  489. >Your mood picked up as you went, you even started to hum and sing a little, reciting little snatches of rhymes you remembered from DOOM.
  490. >Your pretty, but tiny little sing song voice carried on the conditioned air of the dormitories, melding with the general white noise of the medley of music radiating from everyone’s rooms.
  491. “There’s four sides to every story~, if these walls could talk they’d probably still ignore me.”
  492. >Thankfully, the elevator room was empty, leaving you alone with your reflections in the elevator doors and your echoes in the air.
  493. >You really felt like being alone right now.
  494. >Still singing quietly, you hopped up on your hind legs and pushed the elevator button to go down.
  495. “Contemplate war over a cup of warm coffee~ It’s really getting gory, tell your problems to Maury~”
  496. >A cup of warm coffee sounded nice right now, and you didn’t even like coffee.
  497. >Just…
  498. >Something warm.
  499. >Some hot chocolate maybe, you thought, sitting back down.
  500. “Don’t bore V with the glory hallelu-ey~”
  502. >”You have a very nice voice.”
  503. >You whipped your head around.
  504. >The elevator behind you was open and there was a kind faced Japanese girl smiling at you while she held the door.
  505. >She was beautiful, even though she was wearing pajamas with her long black hair in a bed head mess.
  506. >It reminded you once again of how filthy you were.
  507. >The poor girl could probably smell the sex on you from here, you couldn’t even imagine how bad it would be once you got inside the elevator.
  508. >You blushed and waved your hoof dismissively.
  509. “Naww, you go ahead. I’ll get the next one.”
  510. >The Japanese girl shook her head enthusiastically, straight black hair flipping around as she spoke with up again with her fairly thick Japanese accent.
  511. >”No no no. You shower right? You’re showering?”
  512. >She pointed at your towel, brows up, then she held her other arm out.
  513. >The girl had a towel too, with a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap in her grasp.
  514. >Smiling again, she motioned for you to come in
  515. >”I’m showering too. We can go together!”
  516. >You bit your lower lip and raised a fore hoof to your chest, hesitating.
  517. >God this girl was way too kind for her own good.
  518. >If it was you, you wouldn’t have even thought about taking the filthy, musky stinking horse along.
  519. >Mostly because it would have seemed really creepy on your part, but still.
  520. >Maybe she was a lesbian or something?
  521. >…
  522. >Fuck it.
  523. >You nodded quickly, still blushing, and entered the elevator.
  524. “Thanks…”
  525. >The girl tossed a smile at you and pushed the button to close the elevator doors before she sidled up alongside you on the far wall of the elevator compartment, bouncing on the balls of her feet joyfully.
  526. >You sat down mutely, making sure to wrap your tail around yourself and to keep your fore legs close to cover yourself up properly.
  528. >It didn’t help that your butt, back and barrel were all being reflected a million times over in the compartment walls.
  529. >But you managed to survive maybe thirty seconds of silence before the girl sniffed at the air.
  530. >”Peeeee-uuu!”
  531. >She giggled and waved her hand around in front of her face.
  532. >Your face turned beet red again, ears flopping down as you looked away from her.
  533. >The girl just smiled down at you.
  534. >”You really need the shower!”
  535. >More giggling.
  536. >”I saw you on Twitter! So kawa- Ah, no no. So cute! What can I call you? I am Asami!”
  537. >Why was this girl so cheerful?
  538. >Why did you have to shlick it this morning of all mornings?
  539. >You kept your head down, mumbling.
  540. “You can call me Keyboard Masher… Or just Keyboard if you like.”
  541. >Asami seemed to have a little trouble with your pseudonym, she had probably been hoping for something easier to say when she asked what she could call you.
  542. >Asami tapped at her chin, trying to pronounce it just right.
  543. >”Kii-bord-uh. Key bard uhh… Maash el.”
  544. >Then she ah-ha’d and grinned gleefully.
  545. >”Keyboard-uh Mash-uh!”
  546. >You couldn’t help but giggle.
  547. “Yeah, don’t wear it out.”
  548. >Somehow, Asami got even happier when you laughed like that.
  549. >Her eyes lit right up, her breath caught for a moment.
  550. >You paid special attention to her eyes just then, your mind wandering back to the blank spot in your memories from last night.
  551. >Asami’s eyes were amber though, not green.
  552. >Asami giggled with you, right till the elevator door opened up again.
  553. >Suddenly her eyes went all wide with surprise and she hurried out, calling you on with her hand.
  554. >”Come! Come!”
  556. >You smiled and followed.
  557. >This was going a lot better than you’d expected.
  558. >You trotted through the halls of the second floor, keeping close behind Asami.
  559. >It was still fairly early in the morning, no one but you and Asami were about, really.
  560. >After some walking and random outbursts of meeting each other’s eyes and giggling, the both of you reached the gym showers.
  561. >Just thinking back to that poor guy you’d terrorized the last time you were here made you grin and pause outside the doors.
  562. >But Asami was really excited to get inside.
  563. >”Come! Come!”
  564. >She pushed open the door to the girl’s washroom and held it for you.
  565. >It still felt a little weird walking in here, like you didn’t really belong.
  566. >You went in nonetheless.
  567. >The girl’s bathroom was much the same as the boy’s, except the tiles were all pink instead.
  568. >Trotting up to the benches, you laid your towel out.
  569. >Ah, you’d forgotten shampoo.
  570. >You turned around, Asami would probably let you borrow hers.
  571. >Asami was naked.
  572. “a”
  573. >Like.
  574. >Butt free, tits out, towel set on the bench, bar of soap in one hand, shampoo bottle in the other and nothing else sort of naked.
  575. >She was thin, petite.
  576. >If you were still human you’d probably have dwarfed her.
  577. >There was an underlying fitness in Asami though, she looked like she did some cardio with her smooth thighs and her flat tummy.
  578. “…Ah.”
  579. >It was really weird not popping boners at naked chicks anymore, ridiculously weird when you hardly got any arousal at all from ogling them.
  580. >Pon-E was a hell of a drug.
  582. >Asami smiled like nothing weird was going on at all.
  583. >”You are ready?”
  584. >Well, yeah.
  585. >You supposed nothing WAS weird, just two girls, taking a shower together.
  586. >You breathed deep, mentally prepping yourself.
  587. >Girl, you were a girl.
  588. >Had your girl licence right there, hidden away in your bottom, under your tail.
  589. >So you smiled god damn it, and it was the least awkward smile ever.
  590. “Yep!”
  591. >Asami smiled back and walked with you into the shower room proper.
  592. >She shook her head and laughed, looking at all the shower heads around the single central pillar.
  593. >”It’s so different. I still can’t believe it.”
  594. >Still shaking her head, Asami walked over to the nearest shower and set her shampoo and soap down next to it.
  595. >Then she turned on the shower along with the one beside it.
  596. >After some adjusting, she seemed to get the temperature she wanted for both of them.
  597. >Asami was staring at you now.
  598. >You shook your head and stepped forward, snapping out of your daze.
  599. >Asami giggled.
  600. >This girl sure loved to giggle at you a lot.
  601. >Muzzle scrunched, you trotted into the stream of water, getting yourself all wet.
  602. >Asami was sitting down next to you, facing straight towards the shower, letting the water soak into her hair.
  603. >She kept lifting her hair up towards the shower head, wringing it and letting it sit again.
  604. >You followed Asami’s example, sitting back on your rump.
  605. >Sitting and letting all that warm water wash over you really loosened you up and got the sticky, icky feeling out.
  606. >Your mane and hooves were a bit hard to handle though, and you couldn’t help but snort occasionally to keep the water out of your nostrils.
  607. >Every time you tried to lift your mane up to get it properly soaked, it just slipped out of your hooves.
  609. >And to think you could type with these damn things.
  610. >You frowned at them, then you tried to heave your mane up one last time.
  611. >”I can help.”
  612. >Suddenly, you felt gentle hands on you.
  613. >Asami was lifting your mane up and soaking it, smiling with water dripping down her smooth face.
  614. >She admired your gorgeous strands as she worked, seeing the water glitter against the pale gold.
  615. >Asami shook her head gently, a softer smile played on her mouth.
  616. >”You are so lucky, Keyboard-uh. This is beautiful.”
  617. >You couldn’t help but admire Asami too, that bed head from before had been hiding a stunning head of hair.
  618. >It shimmered darkly in the fluorescent shower lights, almost like it was oiled.
  619. >And her hands felt absolutely perfect too of course, you could sit here all day.
  620. >You just let Asami at it, closing your eyes and smiling.
  621. “You too, you’ve got beautiful hair and I can tell you take good care of your body.”
  622. >”Thank you.”
  623. >More mane soaking, just the rush of water on tile, the quieter drips blended in alongside Asami’s occasional humming.
  624. >It’d be nice to have Chad do this with you…
  625. >Bleh, lewd thoughts be gone.
  626. >Asami’s giggles made you open your eyes again, she’d stopped working on your mane.
  627. >She held up a finger, grinning.
  628. >”One second.”
  629. >Asami got her bottle of shampoo out, it was a quiet lavender colour, with Japanese characters in bold on it.
  630. >You watched Asami soak her hair once more before applying the shampoo, it came out purple and mussed up into clouds of white bubbles.
  631. >She was so…
  632. >Thorough.
  633. >Each movement of Asami’s got as much done as could possibly be done.
  634. >Her hair was sparkling by the time she’d mussed it once, gleaming when she did it twice.
  635. >You were a little awed by it, your mouth was mouth gaping slightly with your eyes wide open and your ears perked curiously.
  636. >Asami had a real long and healthy laugh when she turned to look at you and saw that expression on your face.
  637. >”You are so cute! Sugoi- Ah no no. Amazing!”
  638. >You giggled, bringing your fore hoof up to your mouth.
  639. “You don’t need to keep correcting yourself for me, I understand enough Japanese to get what you’re saying.”
  640. >For the first time, Asami blushed.
  641. >She nodded appreciatively.
  642. >”Thank you.”
  644. >You nodded back at Asami, smiling.
  645. >Something caught your attention though, a scent.
  646. >Idly, you sniffed at the air…
  647. >What was that smell?
  648. >It was faint at first, but it grew stronger as you took it in.
  649. >You craned your neck out of the shower stream towards Asami, towards the scent.
  650. >She stared back at you with her eyes wide, a little surprised.
  651. >You frowned for a moment, wondering, but then your brows unknitted and you just smiled.
  652. >It was so… soothing.
  653. >Your eyes shut gently as you drew the smell in deeper, it was sweet and gentle, like a caress against your muzzle.
  654. >…Someone was caressing your muzzle.
  655. >”Sooooo kawaii~”
  656. >Your eyes flew open, Asami’s hair was draped on your snout like a luscious black curtain, enveloping you in that beautiful smell.
  657. >Her soft hands were rubbing your snout gently up and down, rippling your white fur.
  658. >Asami giggled at you, amber eyes shimmering with light reflected off of the water.
  659. >You blushed and pulled your head away, snorting as you passed your snout back under the water again.
  660. >That just made Asami giggle more.
  661. >”You’re like my little sister, she was always so shy when we were...”
  662. >Asami tapped at her chin, mouth pursed as she thought.
  663. >You shook off your embarrassment and spoke up.
  664. “When you would bathe together?”
  665. >That immediately brought back all of Asami’s good cheer, she clapped her hands and nodded vigorously.
  666. >”Yes yes. But she loved the smell of all the shampoo and soaps, so our mother would buy new ones all the time.”
  667. >She grabbed the bottle of shampoo and held it up for you to see.
  668. >The Japanese characters were there, and as unintelligible to you as ever, but you saw now that there were pictures of purple flowers on the label too.
  670. “I thought it smelled familiar. Wisteria flowers right?”
  671. >Asami folded her legs underneath herself and shuffled closer to you, nodding and smiling.
  672. >”Yes. They’re my favorite.”
  673. >Nice.
  674. “They’re my mom’s favorite too, she has this huge wisteria she’s been growing up the side of the house, been there for about ten years now. Just a whole wall of purple in the springtime.”
  675. >You were surprised that Asami didn’t say “sugoi” there, her eyes lit right up when you answered her.
  676. >Instead she squeezed a bunch of shampoo out into her hand.
  677. >It was kind of funny, half of the time she was like a super enthusiastic fangirl, and the other half of the time she was just a regular super enthusiastic girl.
  678. >Asami was…
  679. >Ebullient.
  680. >You puffed your chest out, priding in your precision of vocabulary as Asami started to lather up your mane with her wisteria shampoo.
  681. >The best part of the stuff was that the smell of it wasn’t overwhelming at all, just a good balance of noticeable yet soft.
  682. >Your mane practically sucked the smell of wisteria right up, taking it on as Asami passed her fingers through.
  683. >As usual, she was very thorough and very fast, a couple go ‘rounds and she had your mane in the same state as hers.
  684. >The colour really came out now, your mane was like a banner of pale gold, molten and flowing free with the water.
  685. >Thoughts of Patrick shit talking your mane game came to mind as you held your strands up and marvelled at them in your hooves.
  686. >It made you smile, and it made you want to go see him to show his wrinkly old Scottish ass up.
  687. >…Also maybe a scratch or two behind the ears would be nice.
  688. >”Woooww~”
  689. >Asami held your mane up in her hands, letting it flow over her touch with her mouth agape.
  690. >Then Asami put on a dutiful expression.
  691. >Squeezing out more shampoo, she started on your back.
  692. >You giggled as she lathered up your fur, what passed as Asami’s serious expression was basically a really, really happy frown.
  694. “What’s up?”
  695. >Asami grabbed a clump of your mane and held it up to your eyes.
  696. >”Look at that! Is- Ah, no. IT’S beautiful! Your fur is beautiful too, it just needs to be cleaned!”
  697. >You giggled some more while Asami rigorously massaged the wisteria shampoo into your shoulder blades and down the sides of your barrel.
  698. >It was calming mostly, with a few twitchy jolts here and there when she shampooed around your bum and belly.
  699. >But Asami avoided your private parts, close as she got was did a quick pass down your tail, pressing your dock down.
  700. >Back, sides and tail done, Asami nodded and urged you to stand up.
  701. >You obliged, standing with your left side facing her, head under the shower stream.
  702. >Now Asami did your legs, grasping each one in turn with both hands and rubbing in the shampoo, up and down.
  703. >You giggled and flinched whenever she touched the bottoms of your hooves, they were pretty ticklish and all.
  704. >Asami made a game of it, smiling and sneaking pokes in when you got lax.
  705. >Once your legs were squeaky clean, you turned to face Asami and she put in the final touches on your chest, neck and face.
  706. >The chest was easy, neck too, but you started having problems with the face.
  707. >Asami raised her hand, moving to rub around your eyes, but you recoiled instinctively and snorted.
  708. >It felt… weird.
  709. >Sort of like the hoof kicks when people set you back down, but a whole lot stronger.
  710. >Her brows shot up in surprise.
  711. “Sorry.”
  712. >You stepped closer, craning your neck back out towards Asami.
  713. >Asami went slower this time around, starting on your cheeks where you wouldn’t flinch.
  714. >Then she moved down to your muzzle and around your nostrils.
  715. >You snorted a bunch, blowing suds back at Asami’s face, but you didn’t pull away.
  716. >She just giggled and brushed them off, then she started to move back up your face again, towards the eyes.
  717. >Just a nice slow creep, rubbing her thumbs in circles all the way till she got right under your eye.
  719. >Then Asami went up and around without a hitch, getting your fore head.
  720. >Perfect.
  721. >You tossed her a smile, then turned around and stuck your head under the shower, shaking yourself in the water to get the suds off.
  722. >Finally, you were clean.
  723. >You tossed your mane back and smiled.
  724. >Asami wasn’t wrong, your fur gleamed and glowed once it was clean.
  725. >A true and pure marble white to match your shimmering pale gold mane.
  726. >Your grin went right up to your ears as you trotted in a tight little circle, looking yourself over.
  727. >You stopped and posed, lifting a fore hoof, then you moonwalked back and forth a little before tossing your mane and posing again.
  728. >Your hoofsteps echoed against all the tile in the shower room, along with your voice.
  729. “Hot damn I’m fantastical.”
  730. >Asami giggled at you as she lathered herself up with her bar of soap, nodding.
  731. >”Fuk yes.”
  732. >Your brows shot past your hair line and settled themselves on Mars.
  733. >Asami didn’t seem the sweary type at all.
  734. >Or maybe you were just used to hanging around not so sweary gals, Thot and Tammy stuck to their darns and dangs pretty well.
  735. >”Keyboard-uh?”
  736. >You blinked, Asami was looking at you curiously.
  737. “Nothing, just surprised you sweared was all.”
  738. >Waving your fore hoof dismissively, you sat back on your haunches, watching Asami as she finished up.
  739. >Asami seemed a little concerned, her brows were furrowed and her gaze was locked with yours as she passed her hands up and down her taught thighs.
  740. >”I’m sorry. You don’t like swearing?”
  741. >You shook your head.
  742. “Nah, I swear like a mother fucker. I never figured you sweared too.”
  743. >Asami stared with her eyes wide, stock still.
  745. >That kept on for a couple seconds before she broke right down into a gigglefit.
  746. “What?”
  747. >You smiled, bemused, and tapped a hoof against the wet tile to catch Asami’s attention.
  748. >Her laughter relaxed a little and she held a hand up to stifle herself.
  749. >Asami shook her head and smiled with mirth.
  750. >”Sorry! Sorry!”
  751. “What?”
  752. >There was that giggling again, it was all tinkly and pleasant, like she was trying to stop every time she started.
  753. >Finally Asami got it back in the reins and she spoke.
  754. >”It’s just your swearing is soooo kawa- Ah Cuuuttteee!”
  755. >You rolled your eyes, grinning.
  756. “Oh fuck off.”
  757. >You got Asami to giggle and laugh all the way through the rest of her shower like that, just dropping adorable F bombs and saying shit at the littlest things.
  758. >Eventually though, the shower was over.
  759. >The both of you got up, dripping, and walked back into the changing room.
  760. >The laughs and giggles echoed against the tile with the water drops, reminded you of your days on the swim team.
  761. >Asami dried herself off while you did the best with your own towel.
  762. >You’d gotten better at it, you managed to get most of your body just rolling on the towel and pressing it against yourself with your fore hooves.
  763. >But your mane still put up a fight, Asami helped you then, getting it cozy and dry for you.
  764. >True to university habits, Asami just pulled on the same pajamas she came in with.
  765. >She had an extra pair of socks though, which she started to pull on, but stopped.
  766. >Asami stared thoughtfully at you waiting near the door for her, with her foot up on a bench, sock poised.
  767. “What’s up?”
  768. >Suddenly, she tossed you the extras and tugged on the plain black ones she came in with.
  769. >”You can have them.”
  771. >You stared in surprise at the gift, they were real nice socks too, black with a curious pink flower pattern.
  772. >Asami watched meaningfully as you pulled them onto your fore hooves.
  773. >They fit just right, good and long.
  774. >Weren’t super warm or anything, but that wasn’t really the point, they were meant to be more cosmetic than anything.
  775. >”It is 牡丹 (Botan).”
  776. >Nodding, you smiled.
  777. “Peony, or Bravery.”
  778. >Asami smiled back, grabbing her towel and shampoo.
  779. >”Yes, I hope you like it Keyboard-uh Mash-uh.”
  780. “I love it, thank you.”
  781. >You walked over and gave Asami a hug, hopping up onto your hind legs so you could grasp her waist with your fore legs.
  782. >Asami gasped and hugged you back, whispering.
  783. >”Sooooo kawaii~”
  784. >You giggled and let go, the both of you left the changing room and started down the hall to the elevator.
  785. >You’d gotten to the elevator room and pushed the up button when you spoke up again.
  786. “You can call me Anon or Anonymous if you want. That’s my real name.”
  787. >Asami nodded, then tapped her chin thoughtfully.
  788. >”Ahhhnonyuumouse. Ahnon. It’s a little hard, I’ll use Ahnon.”
  789. >You puffed your cheeks and let out a sigh.
  790. “Yeah, blame my mom for that one. Whole side of the family with the longest and most uncommon names you can think of. Mostly Latin.”
  791. >The elevator closest to Asami dinged and opened up, empty.
  792. >Asami smiled at you and let you trot in first.
  793. >”Like what?”
  794. >You shrugged and pushed the button for floor thirteen, Asami reached over you and hit twenty one.
  795. “My mom’s name is Genetrix, I have a cousin on that side called Hieronymus and my grandfather on my mother’s side is Praelatus.”
  797. >Asami had that flat line of a mouth with her eyes trained elsewhere look.
  798. >The “it’s worse than I thought” look.
  799. >You rolled your eyes as the elevator dinged and opened up.
  800. “Yeah, whatever. See you around?”
  801. >”Oh!”
  802. >All a flutter, Asami rummaged around in her pockets for a moment, pulling out a pen and a scrap of paper.
  803. >She pressed it up against one of the elevator walls and scrawled what you guessed was her cell number on it while you held the door open for her.
  804. >”Here.”
  805. >Asami rolled the scrap up and bent down, stuffing it halfway into one of your socks.
  806. >You smiled and nodded your approval.
  807. “Thanks, I’ll send you a text so you have my number too.
  808. >Asami waved and smiled wide as you trotted out of the elevator.
  809. >”Of course!”
  810. >A quick wave back later, and you’re trotting at an easy pace down the hall to your room.
  811. >You kept swishing your mane and tail around as you went, they just felt so nice and clean and cozy on your clean white fur.
  812. >Part of you wanted someone to walk by just so you could strut and show it off.
  813. >Which was kind of weird actually, you’d never have had thoughts like that before.
  814. >Image conscious.
  815. >That was new.
  816. >You frowned and stopped at your door.
  817. >Yeah, something in your thinking had definitely changed.
  818. >You weren’t sure how to feel about that exactly.
  819. >On the one hoof, from what you could tell, your personality was still the same and you still retained all of your previous views on things political and personal.
  820. >Along with that, there was no drop in the level of your thought, you could and still thought the same as you always had.
  821. >You sighed and sat down, staring pensively up at the ceiling.
  823. >On the other hoof though, there was that shift in subject.
  824. >You were thinking about things that you’d never have stopped to think about before the change.
  825. >Things like fashion and emotions felt a bit more important than before.
  826. >The fact that you used the word “felt” there was itself, indicative.
  827. >Was all that just incidental?
  828. >Or was it part of the change into a pony?
  829. >Because you were thinking about these different things, were other things you’d have normally thought about being pushed to the wayside or out your mind completely?
  830. >It all came down to whether your mind had seriously been altered or not.
  831. >You snorted and giggled a little half-heartedly.
  832. “Naw… not at all…”
  833. >Of course your mind had been fucking altered, you wanted to bang dudes now and you had an actual off switch for your fucking ability to execute actions consciously when you started estrus.
  834. >”What’s a pretty little pony looking so concerned about? Have the reptilians called you back to the mother planet?”
  835. >Your muzzle scrunched as you looked up into Chad’s eyes.
  836. >He was leaning up against your doorframe, tossing you a smirk as he puffed on his cigarette.
  837. “Fuck off Chad.”
  838. >”Touchy too. Seriously though.”
  839. >Chad reached down and gently ran his hand through your shimmering mane.
  840. >”Looks great. Like you had an entire team of meek Japanese bath servants clean and bathe you for two months nonstop.”
  841. >You rolled your eyes, blushing and grinning.
  842. “It was just the one, and she wasn’t meek or a servant.”
  843. >Chad chuckled and backed into your room, eyes on you as you trotted in with him over to your desk.
  844. >Felt nice to be admired a little.
  845. “She was really nice too, Asami was her name.”
  846. >Chad nodded, sitting down and leaning back in your desk chair.
  847. >You hopped up into Chad’s lap and wrapped your tail around yourself.
  848. >All of a sudden, the implications of what you just said seemed to dawn on Chad.
  850. >Chad’s brows shot up and he sat up quickly, nearly throwing you out of his lap.
  851. >”So wait, you showered with a Japanese girl. Nude? Well I mean, of course YOU were nude. But was she naked too?”
  852. >You winked and stuck your tongue out at him.
  853. “Yeah. We had hot lesbian mare on lady sex. It was hot. We totally made out.”
  854. >Just for a second, you could see Chad imagining that.
  855. >An instant where his eyes glazed over and his jaw went a little slack with awe at the thought of a scene like that.
  856. >Then he laughed and scratched you behind the ears.
  857. >”Sure. And the government hasn’t ever put supplements in the water supply.”
  858. >…You were really starting to understand first hand why Chad couldn’t pick chicks up.
  859. >Chad was so oblivious to it sometimes.
  860. >But you loved him for it, as much as you rolled your eyes at him now.
  861. “Asami and I showered in the nude, yeah. She was super fucking hot too. You should have seen her hair. I mean damn, just look at what she did with my mane in the span of a single shower.”
  862. >You swung your mane around, letting it shine that pale gold bright and proud in the sunlight for emphasis.
  863. “Imagine what I’ve got here, turned up to twelve and in the deepest black you can imagine.”
  864. >Chad nodded slowly, smiling and looking you over wordlessly.
  865. >He extended his hand and held your mane up for himself, watching it glimmer in the sun again.
  866. >Then Chad let it drop and he ran his hand up your neck and through your mane, feeling the silky, luscious strands.
  867. >”Doesn’t sound half as beautiful as you look right now.”
  868. >Your heart raced, but time stopped.
  869. >It felt like your cheeks were on fire you were blushing so hard.
  870. “F-faggot…”
  871. >You gave Chad a quick smooch on the lips and hopped out of his lap, trotting to the door.
  872. “Let’s guh… Go eat b-breakfast before we do this 4chan shit.”
  873. >Chad chuckled and got his things together while you pulled your hoodie out of your closet and got it on, along with a light pair of black socks for your hind legs.
  875. >They weren’t a perfect match for the ones Asami gave to you, but they’d do.
  876. >Till you went shopping again anyway.
  877. >Socks, you had to buy piles and piles of them.
  878. >How could you have been so blind to the opportunity of getting them yesterday?
  879. >You shook your head and turned your doorknob with your mouth as Chad pushed the door open.
  880. >One last check to make sure your wallet, phone and tuque were in your pockets and then you and Chad started down the hallway towards the elevators.
  881. >Guess you just hadn’t been in the right mindset for buying at the ti-
  882. >Mindset.
  883. >Mind.
  884. >You frowned as your train of thought came crashing to a conclusion.
  885. >You’d changed, your mind had changed with your body.
  886. >But you were… Aware.
  887. >Your frown got deeper as you turned the corner, into the elevator room, Chad was already pressing the down button.
  888. >Chad’s strong back was turned to you, muscles flexing under his plain grey hoodie as he rolled his shoulders.
  889. >Shoulders you could lean on.
  890. >Suddenly Chad turned around, he got a cigarette and a lighter about halfway to his mouth before he stopped and stared at you, a little surprised.
  891. >”Something up?”
  892. >You smiled and waved a fore hoof dismissively before walking up to Chad.
  893. >Taking a seat beside him, you answered calmly.
  894. “Naw it’s nothing. Thinking hard about breakfast.”
  895. >Chad lit his cigarette and took a drag, letting it out slow.
  896. >Then Chad shrugged.
  897. >”Breakfast is pretty serious business.”
  898. >You just kept on smiling, clopping out a little tune with your fore hooves as you hummed.
  899. >You’d thought it yourself, you were aware of the change.
  900. >Chad had said it himself, back on the bus last night.
  902. >You were still you.
  903. >You brought your fore hoof to your chest and sucked down a big lungful of air.
  904. >Then you breathed out, calm.
  905. >Old trick your mom showed you.
  906. >The elevator dinged and the rightmost doors opened up.
  907. >Chad walked in first and you followed him.
  908. >He went to press the button for the lobby but you beat him to it and smushed your snout against the button.
  909. >Chad chuckled as you rubbed your nostrils afterward, the steel was cold.
  910. >Infinite ponies rubbed their nostrils to your left in right in unison, reflecting off of the mirrors again and again.
  911. >You giggled, that never got old.
  912. >”So what are you having for breakfast anyway? You looked like you were thinking about it real hard.”
  913. “Ahh, I dunno. Maybe just the normal, bacon, eggs, toast.”
  914. >Chad nodded, taking another drag off of his cigarette.
  915. >”Meat huh?”
  916. >Standing up, you walked up to the doors, waiting for them to open.
  917. “Yeah, still don’t have the quite the same want for it or anything. But I figure I should try some. By the way…”
  918. >The elevator doors opened and you walked out, staring at Chad with a brow perked.
  919. “Are you really going to smoke in the main vein? Lots of people, definitely a few security guards.”
  920. >Chad smirked as he walked out of the elevator behind you, tapping on his cellphone a little.
  921. >”I think they’ll all be a little busy staring at someone else. Especially with your mane and your fur looking like that.”
  922. >You blushed for a moment, trotting along out of the elevator room and into the main lobby.
  923. >Then you just giggled and swung your mane around and smiled.
  924. >You hadn’t noticed at first, but you saw that your mane had little waves at the ends now.
  925. >It was longer than you first remembered too, falling a little bit past your chest.
  926. >Your tail was the same, very nearly trailing on the ground with waves of its own at the end.
  927. >Yeah, you looked pretty damn beautiful.
  929. >And there were cameras a plenty to capture it, people everywhere with their cellphones snapping pictures and sending them to each other.
  930. >That was a little less to your taste, but you kept on walking.
  931. >Chad kept on walking too, just ahead of you.
  932. >He’d put out his cigarette, probably too busy keeping people away from you to smoke it.
  933. >The both of you made your way towards the cafeteria, turning onto the main vein of the university.
  934. >It was just as packed as yesterday, huge line up at the Tim’s and all.
  935. >There weren’t so many people studying though, which meant a lot more people staring at you.
  936. “Ah well…”
  937. >You just smiled and waved every now and then, mane bobbing, ears flicking and turning as people chatted about you.
  938. >”Oh my god just look at her mane it’s gorgeous!”
  940. >”I’d LOVE hair like that.”
  941. >”She looks so happy too, her bouncer is as grim as ever though...”
  942. >Rolling your eyes, you upped your pace a little to walk beside Chad.
  943. >You bumped your hips against Chad’s legs and scowled up at him, tail swiping.
  944. “You don’t need to look scary all the time. They get the idea.”
  945. >Chad look down at you, concerned.
  946. >But then he put on a little smile as he shook his head.
  947. >”Alright.”
  948. >Chad wasn’t all smiles like you were as the both of you walked down the hallway together, but at least he wasn’t giving everyone that cold, hard stare like he was just about to beat the everloving shit out of everyone now.
  949. >Just a plain old neutral look, nothing special.
  950. >”Hey that’s better.”
  951. >”I guess Keyboard Masher and him really are good friends.”
  952. >”I dunno, I liked the constantly pissed off look. It was hot on him.”
  953. >But you loved him for it.
  954. >You bumped your hips against Chad’s legs again, but you tossed him a smile and a wink this time.
  956. “Thanks.”
  957. >”Eh, no problem. Figure you’re right anyway. Gotta work on the PR, especially with the thread you’re about to put up on 4chan.”
  958. >Nodding, you took a left turn just past the student lounge.
  959. >The cafeteria was at the end of this hallway, prim in wood and glass.
  960. >They’d finished revamping it last year, had this wooden modern look now.
  961. >As opposed to the soul crushing medical whites and blues.
  962. >You peeked behind you, flicking your mane out of your eyes.
  963. “Nobody’s following me.”
  964. >Chad chuckled and lifted up his cellphone.
  965. >”I put out a polite missive.”
  966. >You frowned.
  967. “Please tell me you didn’t threaten everyone on Twitter.”
  968. >Still chuckling, Chad unlocked his phone and pulled up his Twitter account.
  969. >There was a post he’d made on it, with a picture of you from before.
  970. >You were smiling and giggling, your mane was gleaming in a beam of sunlight as you trotted
  971. >Those waves in your mane were even more apparent than you thought, looking at this picture.
  972. >The waves seemed to shimmer individually with ripples of light, throwing off that banner of pale molten gold look.
  973. >You couldn’t help but smile back at yourself, you looked positively beaming there.
  974. “ ‘See how happy she is when you guys aren’t following her around?’ “
  975. >You considered it for a moment.
  976. >Jesus, it had been retweeted a fuckload of times, just about six thousand, with twelve thousand or so likes.
  977. “How’d you even get that out there anyway? Like, how did it get that much attention?”
  978. >Chad tucked his phone away, grinning.
  979. >”I had my fair share of followers to begin with, from back when I was spreading word about the Rothschild influence during the Arab Spring. Plus I know people with even more followers than me. They spread it around a little.”
  980. >You grinned back and giggled.
  981. “Thanks Chad.”
  983. >Chad mussed up your mane and smiled.
  984. >"No problem."
  985. >You were both pretty quiet the rest of the way down the hall, just walking along.
  986. >Not much to look at or think about, but maybe that was best.
  987. >You'd done plenty of thinking, and you had plenty more time to think even more.
  988. >Later, anyway.
  989. >Right now you had a jones for breakfast.
  990. >You practically pranced into the cafeteria entrance.
  991. >The new tile they'd put down was nice, sort of a faux worn stone look.
  992. >It felt nice on the hooves as you trotted up to the lobby desk, with Chad in tow.
  993. >You smiled cheerfully at the confused and stunned employee behind the desk before reaching into your pocket and mouthing out your wallet.
  994. "Morning!"
  995. >Then you tossed your wallet up and over onto his desk.
  996. "My student ID should be in the front pocket there. Sorry, but it's a bit hard to get it out with just my mouth."
  997. >The guy running the cash just stared at you.
  998. >Slowly, as though he was trying not to spook you, he pulled out his cellphone and snapped a picture of you.
  999. >You giggled and rolled your eyes, Chad just sighed, exasperated.
  1000. >Tilting your head and flicking your ears, you turned your cute up a little.
  1001. "Please?"
  1002. >That seemed to snap the guy out of it, he apologized profusely and got your ID out.
  1003. >But as soon as he looked at it, that confused look was there again.
  1004. >"Uhhh, Mister Anonymous?"
  1005. >You nodded.
  1006. "Miss now. But yeah, I'm Anonymous."
  1007. >The employee frowned and showed you your ID.
  1008. >Ah shit.
  1009. "Fuck. I forgot about that."
  1011. >There was a smiling and perfectly normal human male smiling back at you on your card.
  1012. >Felt real weird, you got that hint of recognition, but it was real dulled down now.
  1013. >Chad stepped up with his card.
  1014. >"I'll just use one of my guest passes for her then."
  1015. >The employee nodded, regaining his professional composure.
  1016. >"Alright."
  1017. >After a quick swipe of Chad's student ID, and after getting your walllet back, the both of you walked on into the cafeteria.
  1018. >It was nice and quiet, just the stragglers getting a late breakfast left.
  1019. >The cafeteria had a modular system, with different stands handing out different sorts of food for variety.
  1020. >Deli, grill, salad bar.
  1021. >Plus a stand just for breakfast.
  1022. >That one had always been your favorite, all the servers were cheery morning people.
  1023. >Chad and you both walked over to it.
  1024. >Maya was running the stand today, black gal from the Carribean.
  1025. >She didn't even flinch when you trotted up, just tossed you that same joyous smile.
  1026. >Chad and you both smiled back.
  1027. >"What would you like?"
  1028. "Just the normal Maya. Toast, fried eggs and bacon."
  1029. >Maya nodded and got your eggs and bacon sizzling on the stove beside her, then she turned to Chad.
  1030. >"I'll get the same Maya, thanks."
  1031. >"Coming right up!"
  1032. >Maya got busy cooking.
  1033. >You sat and waited patiently while Chad tapped away on his phone.
  1034. >Made you want to tap away at your phone too, to be honest.
  1035. >...
  1036. >Well, you could work a keyboard just fine...
  1038. >You shrugged and dug out your cellphone with your mouth, then set it gently on the ground.
  1039. >Moving your hooves delicately, you pushed the power button and brought up the home screen.
  1040. >...And then you just sorta stared awkwardly at your cellphone.
  1041. >What to do...
  1042. >Ah!
  1043. >You smiled and snatched up the scrap of paper Asami had stuck in the top of your stock.
  1044. >Setting it down next to your phone, you brought up your contacts menu with a quick few strokes on the touchscreen with your fore hoof.
  1045. >You laughed it was so easy.
  1046. >Next you created a new contact for Asami and copied her number.
  1047. >Finally, you sent off a little text saying hello and telling Asami it was you.
  1048. >Perfect.
  1049. >Just a quick couple of hoofstrokes and you had your phone locked again.
  1050. >"Nice."
  1051. >Chad was watching you, smiling.
  1052. >You smiled back and showed off both of your forehooves.
  1053. "They're made of gold man, I swear."
  1054. >You tucked your phone and the scrap of paper away in your hoodie pocket and stood up.
  1055. "Breakfast almost done there Maya?"
  1056. >"Yup!"
  1057. >Maya handed both yours and Chad's plates over the counter to Chad, grinning.
  1058. >"Thanks Maya."
  1059. "Yeah, thank you Maya."
  1060. >Maya winked at you and pointed over into a corner of the cafeteria.
  1061. >"No problem Nonny, Tammy and Thot are sitting over there by the way."
  1062. >You nodded back, smiling, as you and Chad walked off to find them.
  1063. >Guess word got out fast, thanks to Tam.
  1064. >Even faster since he- naw, she had that party with all her friends last night.
  1065. >"Hey Nonny!"
  1066. >"Good morning Anonymous."
  1067. >And there she was, along with Thot.
  1069. >As far as you could tell, Tammy was completely back to normal.
  1070. >Nothing pony like at all, her hair was red again, she had no fur and no huge honking horse cock between her legs.
  1071. >You were making an assumption on that last one, but it would be pretty hard to hide a cock under jeans as tight as the ones she was wearing, and Tammy couldn't tuck it up under her shirt since she was wearing a tube top.
  1072. >Hell, Tammy even had the same hair style back.
  1073. >You and Chad sat down opposite Tammy and Thot.
  1074. >It was the table the four of you usually sat at, top right corner of the cafeteria, complete with a window on your left overlooking the football field.
  1075. >Thot smiled and leaned forward, pushing her long hair out of her eyes and adjusting her turtleneck.
  1076. >Cozy black one this time, didn't look so itchy.
  1077. >"Nice mane Anon. I like the waves."
  1078. >Tammy grinned and reached over the table to run her hand through your mane, all smiles.
  1079. >"Wooowwww! Did you style it yourself? It looks and smells perfect!"
  1080. >You smiled and shook your head.
  1081. "Nope. Just woke up, showered, and there it was. Got longer too, I think it's the transformation finishing up."
  1082. >Tammy and Thot both nodded back, but it was a weird sort of slow nod, with a squint set to their eyes.
  1083. >You perked a brow at that, Chad just shook his head and laughed.
  1084. >You tried to toss a scowl at him, but he was too busy digging into his breakfast.
  1085. >So you turned your gaze back to the twins.
  1086. "What?"
  1087. >They both rolled their eyes at you, Thot even scoffed.
  1089. >"I mean sure Anonymous, mare's secret and all, but come on. You can tell your best friends at least."
  1090. >What.
  1091. >You frowned and angrily snapped up a strip of bacon.
  1092. >Which alleviated your anger really, bacon tasted just as good as before the change.
  1093. >Your frown turned up into a grin and you laughed nearly as hard as Chad.
  1094. "Seriously?! I didn't do anything to it, I don't even have the gear to do anything to it. Fuck, I don't even know what gear I'd need!"
  1095. >Tammy still had that squint, but Thot's suspicions seemed to have been eased.
  1096. >"If it helps, I never saw her use anything on it."
  1097. >Tammy just rolled her eyes at Chad.
  1098. >Along with you and Thot too, obviously.
  1099. >"Well of course you didn't."
  1100. >"You think Nonny wouldn't keep something that amazing a surprise?"
  1101. "No shit."
  1102. >Chad just threw up his hands in surrender and got back to eating, grinning all the while.
  1103. >You giggled and took a bite of your toast.
  1104. >Tam still shot you a look.
  1105. "Feah whafefer Senpai."
  1106. >You swallowed and pointed a fore hoof at Tammy.
  1107. "So you're all back to normal eh?"
  1108. >Tammy shook her head, smiling, and Thot spoke up.
  1109. >"Well yeah, pretty much. But-"
  1110. >Tammy hopped up and sat on the table, pulling her jeans down just enough to show you and Chad the right side of her butt.
  1111. >"I got to keep my butt mark!"
  1112. >And there it was, black freebird soaring.
  1113. "Huh."
  1114. >You stuck your hoof out and rubbed it against the mark.
  1115. >The skin itself had become black, no fur or anything.
  1116. >You peered down at your own butt.
  1118. >Must be the same under your fur.
  1119. >"Isn't it great? It's on the other side too! I always wanted tattoos."
  1120. >"Real nice Tam."
  1121. "I like it."
  1122. >Thot huffed though.
  1123. >"Yeah, and mom is going to give you a well deserved talking to when she learns how you got it."
  1124. >Tammy just giggled, pulled her jeans up and sat back down.
  1125. >"Oh shush Thotty. What she doesn't know won't hurt her."
  1126. >Thot shrugged.
  1127. >"I won't say anything, but good luck hiding it from her."
  1128. >You giggled around a bite of your second slice of toast, then stared out the window.
  1129. >No snow falling right now, but the grey clouds were out in force, covering the whole sky.
  1130. >The football field was covered in snow of course, drifts up and down the whole field.
  1131. >There were more than a few people out on it building snowmen and having snowball fights.
  1132. >You tore a bite off of your toast with your mouth and stuck it in your egg yolk before chomping it all up.
  1133. "Mmmmmm..."
  1134. >Next, another couple strips of bacon.
  1135. >Chad was chatting with Tammy and Thot, but you were thouroughly disconnected.
  1136. >Just eating your breakfast and watching people pummel each other with snowballs.
  1137. >All that was missing was a...
  1138. "Glass of milk."
  1139. >You hopped out of your chair and started out to the milk dispensers.
  1140. >Chad went to get up, but you flicked your mane and perked a brow, staring around at the cafeteria.
  1141. >Everyone had left already, it was just you, him, the twins and the people working the stands.
  1142. >Chad nodded and sat back down.
  1143. >On to the milk.
  1145. >You moonwalked over, just because you could.
  1146. >Hopped up to the counter, fore hooves clacking on the top.
  1147. >You grabbed a glass out of the basket with your mouth and set it out under the milk spout.
  1148. >Then you used your muzzle to push the lever up and dispense the milk.
  1149. >You made sure not to fill the glass up all the way, you'd learned your lesson from the bowl of cereal.
  1150. >Careful, you bit down on rim of the glass and slowly came down from the counter.
  1151. >You trotted nice and slow too, with your eyes up so you didn't bump into any chairs or tables.
  1152. >Bam.
  1153. >Home free.
  1154. >You set the glass down easy on the table, right by your plate, then jumped back up into your chair.
  1155. >Chad chuckled and patted you on the back.
  1156. >"Smooth."
  1157. "When am I not?"
  1158. >You gave Chad a quick peck on the cheek then got back to eating your...
  1160. >"ANON!?"
  1161. >Oh.
  1162. >Shit.
  1163. >Your face turned red quicker than you could type and your head must have swung up twice as fast.
  1164. >Tammy was standing up with both fists in the air like she just scored a game winning goal, yelling.
  1165. >Thot was flicking her gaze back and forth between you and Chad, stunned.
  1166. >Chad just shrugged and smiled when you turned to look his way.
  1167. >Then he planted a nice long kiss on your lips.
  1168. >God that was nice, sure as hell didn't help your blush.
  1169. >Especially when his tongue and yours darted against each other.
  1170. >As he pulled away he whispered.
  1171. >"Smooth."
  1172. >Tammy just kept on hollering.
  1175. >Thot kept on staring for a bit, but she shook herself out of it eventually.
  1176. >She smiled warmly and nodded.
  1177. >”I’m glad you’re both happy.”
  1178. >Chad nodded back for you, since you were busy hiding your beet red face behind your mane.
  1179. >”Thanks Thot.”
  1180. >”I told you Thotty! I told you last night I said: She LOVES him. I said: They’ll be all kay i ess ess i en gee in a tree before you know it.”
  1181. >You were about to speak up, but Tammy rushed around the table and pulled you into a big bear hug before you could, squeeing.
  1183. “fweeeeh…”
  1184. >Smoking had made you pity your lungs, hugging was going to make you look for a new pair.
  1185. >You tapped out feebly on Tammy’s shoulder.
  1186. >”Oh shoot. Sorry Nonny.”
  1187. >With a string of darns, Tammy set you back down in your chair and calmed herself a little.
  1188. “It’s- ah. It’s alright Tammy. It’s a real comfort, knowing you girls are both happy about it.”
  1189. >Tammy sat back down, smiling and nodding her head.
  1190. >Thot reached over the table.
  1191. >You sighed and put your fore hoof in the palm of her hand.
  1192. >She gripped your hoof reassuringly, smiling.
  1193. >”Of course we are.”
  1194. >Then Thot leaned in even further, right to your ear with a villainous grin on her face as she whispered.
  1195. >”So is he taking you out tonight?”
  1196. >And now you were blushing again , spluttering out a whisper back.
  1197. “W-well I uh, I umm… I guess w-we’re going to the bar t-t-tonight…”
  1198. >Thot leaned back in her chair with a mildly impressed smirk on her face.
  1199. >”Good start.”
  1200. >That smirk stuck to Tammy too, out of some sort of twin mind sync.
  1201. >…
  1203. “…”
  1204. >Thot and Tammy were both sort of uhh…
  1205. >Staring.
  1206. >At you and Chad in turn.
  1207. >Chad was oblivious of course, just finishing off his eggs.
  1208. >All that government surveillance he could pick up on but chad didn’t even twitch while a pair of girls sitting right across from him watched his every move.
  1209. >You rolled your eyes and tried to copy him, finishing your eggs, but the staring was somehow more unnerving than the constant public attention you’d gotten used to.
  1210. >A few minutes passed like that, Chad happily polished off his breakfast while you got most of yours down.
  1211. >Tammy and Thot stared, smiling and giggling and whispering.
  1212. >Your twitching ears caught every word.
  1213. >It was mostly Tammy saying “Knew it” with little tidbits of input from Thot like “The way they walk together is just the cutest”.
  1214. >All of a sudden though, Tammy cleared her throat dramatically and spoke up faux casually.
  1215. >”So Chad. Are you taking this fine mare out somewhere tonight?”
  1216. >Thot frowned and whispered to Tammy, telling her that she’d already asked you that.
  1217. >Chad answered though, after swallowing the last of his bacon.
  1218. >”Yeah, we’re going out to the bar tonight.”
  1219. >Then he looked at you, smiling.
  1220. >”Right?”
  1221. >It made you smile too, brought a bit of your pep back.
  1222. “Yep!”
  1223. >Date, you were going on a date with Chad.
  1224. >You giggled and lapped up the last of your milk.
  1225. >”Good breakfast. Hey, thanks again Maya!”
  1226. >As Maya hollered back to Chad, you rubbed your full tummy and hopped down out of your seat, satisfied.
  1227. >Chad, Tammy and Thot got up soon after, gathering all the dishes.
  1229. >The four of you walked over to the cafeteria exit, handing off the dirty dishes to the sorting guy as you went.
  1230. >Then it was down the hall again, towards the main vein.
  1231. >Tammy skipped along beside you, cheery.
  1232. >”So what are you both gonna do right now?”
  1233. “We’re headed back to the dorm, just to chill out for a bit.”
  1234. >Tammy and Thot both nodded, knowingly.
  1235. >…Even though there was nothing to “know”.
  1236. >Thot especially was tossing you looks as she spoke.
  1237. >”Alright Anonymous. Chad. We’ll let the both of you have your time together.”
  1238. >Chad looked up from his cellphone at Thot, surprised.
  1239. >”You sure? We only just caught back up with you-“
  1240. >But Tammy and Thot had already whisked themselves away, up a staircase to the second floor.
  1241. >Chad shook his head, watching them go.
  1242. >”Well shit. There goes the posse.”
  1243. >You rolled your eyes and bumped your hips against Chad’s legs, whapping him gently with your tail.
  1244. “You’re a dumbass. But you’re my Echo.”
  1245. >Chuckling, Chad mussed up your mane.
  1246. >”Narcissus is the idiot who drowned, remember?”
  1247. “Whatever.”
  1248. >You pranced on, right alongside Chad to the end of the hallway.
  1249. >Then the both of you turned onto the main vein.
  1250. >People were already starting to clear out here, but the few that remained didn’t hesitate to snap pictures of you and Chad walking together.
  1251. >Chad seemed cheerier than usual, he even tossed a thumbs up to some guy hollering “Hey Keyboard Bouncer!”
  1252. >You just stuck to making all sorts of silly faces for the cameras, sticking your tongue out, puffing your cheeks, blowing raspberries.
  1253. >And smiling, a whole lot of smiling.
  1254. >It was hard not to smile, really, things were looking up.
  1256. >You were starting to get excited about making that 4chan thread too.
  1257. >It’d clear up things, maybe push the public voyeurism back a little.
  1258. >Chad held the door into the elevator lobby open for you as you stepped through.
  1259. >And then there was the bar tonight.
  1260. >Made you wonder how quick ponies got drunk.
  1261. “Thanks.”
  1262. >You trotted up to the elevator buttons and pushed the up one with your snootle.
  1263. >Fucking freezing.
  1264. >Your muzzle scrunched up and you sat back on your butt, rubbing your nostrils.
  1265. >Steel, cold.
  1266. >Chad had a quick laugh at you before getting in the elevator.
  1267. >”You’ll never learn huh?”
  1268. >You scrunched your muzzle at Chad, walking into the elevator alongside him so you could swat his legs with your tail gain.
  1269. “Fuck off.”
  1270. >Chad just smiled and pressed the button for floor thirteen himself to spare your snoot.
  1271. “So that thread huh?”
  1272. >Nodding, Chad dug out a cig and his lighter.
  1273. >”Yeah, figure we’ll do that first things first.”
  1274. >Chad lit his rollie and took a couple drags off before shooting you a grin.
  1275. >”Should be fun huh? Wonder what they’ll ask.”
  1276. >You nodded and smiled back.
  1277. >It was a guarded smile though, cautious.
  1278. “Probably a ton of sex stuff. You saw all the porn they drew. Hell, I’m pretty sure I saw a few real images on there of me flashing my cooch by mistake.”
  1279. >Chad chuckled, then nodded thoughtfully as the elevator came to a stop at the thirteenth floor.
  1280. >”Yeah, but there’ll be at least a few posters interested in the other stuff.”
  1281. >You stepped out of the elevator, rolling your eyes.
  1282. “It’s 4chan. My expectations are set firmly on the bottom rung.”
  1283. >”Probably the safest place to keep them.”
  1284. >Chad led the way through the dorm, puffing away on his cig.
  1285. >You kept your eyes trained on the ceiling mostly, watching the fluorescent lights pass by one by one.
  1286. >You counted four broken lights and six flies.
  1288. >Suddenly, Chad stopped.
  1289. >The two of you had reached his room.
  1290. >”I’m going to do some digging while you start up that 4chan thread. That alright?”
  1291. >You nodded, a little surprised.
  1292. “Yeah. Yeah sure, see you in my room when you’re done then?”
  1293. >Chad butted out his cigarette on his neighbor’s door and nodded.
  1294. >”Yeah.”
  1295. >Kneeling down, Chad pulled you gently into a hug, planting a little kiss on your lips.
  1296. >There were little flutters in your barrel, a faint blush started up in your cheeks.
  1297. “S-see ya.”
  1298. >Sweeping your head away and around, you ended the hug early and galloped off to your room.
  1299. >To be honest, you weren’t really sure why.
  1300. >I mean, you’d pretty much gotten used to the whole kissing thing, and hugs were no big deal.
  1301. >But somehow, both in combination there in the dorm hallway just set you off.
  1302. >Galloping was good though, the exertion helped clear the fog out of your brain.
  1303. >You came to a sliding halt at your room, just barely stopping at the door.
  1304. >Up on your hind legs, you got your mouth wrapped around the door knob and turned.
  1305. >Success, your door pushed right open.
  1306. >Made you frown as you walked in, you had to get back in the habit of locking the door before someone stole all your shit.
  1307. >You bumped the door closed with your bum and shrugged off your hoodie on the floor before trotting over to your desk.
  1308. >Full of vigour, you hopped up into your chair grinning and booted up your laptop.
  1309. >While it whirred away, you jumped back down out of your chair and mouthed a can of Monster out of your fridge, setting it up on the desk.
  1310. >Then you snatched a new bowl and set it down next to it.
  1311. >This whole picking up stuff with your mouth thing was getting a little laborious really, with hands you’d have been able to get both of those things in just one trip.
  1312. >You sighed and crawled back up into your chair.
  1314. >Using your mouth to hold the can this time, you poured your Monster out into the bowl as you turned your web browser on and navigated over to 4chan with your fore hooves.
  1315. >Just seeing your hooves work like magic made you grin.
  1316. >With a snort, you bit down on and crushed up the can before tossing it away behind you.
  1317. “Alright…”
  1318. >You started typing up an opening post, lapping at Monster from your bowl.
  1319. >”Keyboard Masher here, reporting in. Ask a little mare anything.”
  1320. >Then you put in a tripcode, with the name Keyboard Masher.
  1321. “Timestamp.”
  1322. >With a sharpie and a scrap of paper from your desk drawer, you wrote down the current date and time.
  1323. >You knew all that time spent in elementary school learning how to write with your mouth would pay off.
  1324. >It took some doing, but you managed to get the paper nestled in your mane, right on your forehead in plain view.
  1325. >Then you turned on your webcam and snapped a picture.
  1326. >God damn you looked adorable with your eyes crossed looking up at your forehead like that.
  1327. >You attached the image to your post and hit submit.
  1328. >There you had it, your thread was made.
  1329. >Minutes passed in silence as you lapped lackadaisically at your bowl of Monster.
  1330. >The thread ticked down slowly through the pages.
  1331. >One.
  1332. >Two.
  1333. >Three.
  1334. >Four.
  1335. >Five.
  1336. >Six…
  1337. >Sev-
  1338. >One.
  1339. >A new post appeared on your screen.
  1341. >”>Implying a pure angel like her would even know about Malaysian picture boards.”
  1342. >You laughed and went to reply, but another post popped up, beating you to the punch.
  1343. >”This. Post sock on snootle for proofins.”
  1344. >That just made you giggle even more.
  1345. >You shook your head, smiling, and tugged off one of your black peony socks.
  1346. >Sock on snout.
  1347. >It was a bit stifling, but you only had to wear it long enough to snap a picture with your webcam anyway.
  1348. >Just a simple reply: “Better?” with the image attached.
  1349. >Submit.
  1350. >It took about three seconds before a flood of posts started to pour in.
  1351. >”no hoodie tho, lewd.”
  1352. >”POST CUNT”
  1353. >”How are you even typing?”
  1354. >”T A I L L I F T E R”
  1355. >Plus a ton of pictures of Ron Paul and “HAPPENING” in all caps.
  1356. >They’d made one of you too actually, out of your shocked expression back in the Atrium earlier yesterday.
  1357. “I am become meme. Destroyer of civility.”
  1358. >You giggled and put on some music to get the blood flowing as you scrolled through.
  1360. >”Where’s Keyboard Bouncer?”
  1361. >”How do you wipe your ass after taking big horse shits you fucking meme horse.”
  1362. >”>Become hoers. >Become immortal. You can’t explain that.”
  1363. >One question caught your eye: “Did it hurt?”
  1364. >So you typed out a response: “A bit, especially when the ears came in.”
  1365. >You added a picture of you with a can of Monster in your mouth for the anon who was asking what you had in your bowl and sent it all off.
  1366. >And it started all over again, more people freaking out and typing demands and questions in all caps trying to get you to notice.
  1368. >You just laughed and started typing up another post.
  1369. >First question: “What’s your lifespan now?”
  1370. >That drew a bit of pause from you.
  1371. >What WAS your lifespan?
  1372. >Had it been reduced to a normal ponies’ lifespan?
  1373. >That gave you twenty five, maybe thirty years total.
  1374. >Which was worrying, because going into the change you weren’t too far off from twenty five.
  1375. >But no.
  1376. >Your frown lightened a little as you ruminated further.
  1377. >You didn’t feel old at all, nowhere near the end of your life.
  1378. >In fact, you almost felt invigorated as a pony, you could run farther and faster and you just had more stamina in general.
  1379. >So naw, it seemed more likely that you had round about the same lifespan as any human being.
  1380. >You typed out the answer, smiling and satisfied: “I’m not sure, but I think it’s the same as yours.”
  1381. >Now the second question, you scrolled a little up and down, searching…
  1382. >There: “Is Keyboard Bouncer with you?”
  1383. >You started to type, hooves a whirl, but suddenly there came a knock on your door.
  1384. >You blinked and turned to look.
  1385. “Hello?”
  1386. >The knocking stopped.
  1387. >”Member in December.”
  1388. >You giggled and hopped out of your chair, trotting over to the door.
  1389. >Shaking your head, you mouthed open the door.
  1390. >Chad strode in, smoking a cig.
  1391. “I still can’t believe you made me memorize a different password for each month.”
  1392. >Chad just shrugged and walked over to the end of your bed to take a seat.
  1394. >”Not believing that something is true won’t spare you from the dangers of that something.”
  1395. “Yeah, yeah. And I should perform daily checks on my butt, make sure it hasn’t been probed by Roswell Greys.”
  1396. >You rolled your eyes and hopped up into your chair, getting right back into typing up your responses on 4chan.
  1397. >Alright, you deleted what you’d already typed about Chad and started again: “Yeah he’s h-“
  1398. >Butt.
  1399. >Something just poked your butt.
  1400. >You whipped around and stared at your hind end.
  1401. >It was Chad, he’d leaned forward and was gently poking your butt mark, looking carefully and curiously.
  1402. >You blushed furiously and coughed to catch his attention.
  1403. >Chad looked up at you, surprised.
  1404. >”Oh. I was just checking.”
  1405. >…
  1406. “The worst part is that I don’t know if you’re serious or if you’re flirting.”
  1407. >Chad smirked and leaned in even further towards your rump, using all of his fingers to feel your flank up.
  1408. >”Could be both. Your butt IS pretty BIG after all, good place to hide active alien probing devices.”
  1409. >Your muzzle scrunched up, your ears flopped down and your blush somehow got even worse.
  1410. >If only Chad would… Lower his hands a little, a little ways below your tail…
  1411. >Chad just chuckled though, gave you a quick grab on the buns and stood up.
  1412. >”Anyway. How’s the thread going?”
  1413. >What a fucking tease.
  1414. >You glared up at him, still blushing, still scrunching, but Chad was oblivious.
  1415. >…Fuck it, it could wait.
  1416. “Going alright. And by alright I mean the board has pretty much imploded on itself, mods have stickied the thread and everything.”
  1417. >”Nice.”
  1418. >Blush fading, you smiled and brought up your webcam.
  1420. “Yeah. They’re asking if you’re here with me, mind taking a picture?”
  1421. >Chad smiled and leaned down to pick you up.
  1422. >”Not at all.”
  1423. >Wrapping his hands around your barrel, he hefted you up in front of him before taking a seat in your chair.
  1424. >Then he set you down easy in his lap.
  1425. >You got comfortable, scooching your bottom over a little and wrapping your tail around yourself before setting your hooves to the keyboard again.
  1426. >Tapping away, you set the camera on a five second timer, then backed off, smiling and pressing your back against Chad’s chest.
  1427. >Chad smiled around his cigarette for the camera.
  1428. >”Cheese.”
  1429. “Cheese.”
  1430. >The webcam clicked and snapped a picture.
  1431. >”You look beautiful with your mane over one eye like that.”
  1432. >You giggled and bopped Chad’s nose with your hoof.
  1433. “Oh fuck off.”
  1434. >Chad shrugged and put out his cigarette on one of your many empty cans of Monster.
  1435. >”Really though.”
  1436. >Smiling wide, you attached the picture to your post and finished typing: “Yeah he’s here with me, having a smoke.”
  1437. >You were about to send it off, but Chad pointed out a question to you with his new, unlit cigarette.
  1438. >It was that ”How do you wipe your ass after taking big horse shits you fucking meme horse.” post again.
  1439. >Seems that people had taken to copypasting it over and over again.
  1440. >You rolled your eyes and sighed.
  1441. “Gross.”
  1442. >”How do you though? Do you just use a hoof or-“
  1443. >You shot Chad a glare.
  1444. >He chuckled and lit his cigarette.
  1445. >”I’m just messing with you.”
  1447. >Shaking your head, you hit submit.
  1448. >It was funny really, every time you posted something there seemed to be a second’s hesitation in the flow of posts.
  1449. >Then once everyone had read your new post they all came flooding in even faster than before.
  1450. >”You weren’t kidding when you said imploded, huh?”
  1451. >You smirked.
  1452. “Nope.”
  1453. >Tons of posts, tons of images you hadn’t even seen before with people asking you what you and Chad thought about them.
  1454. >”PET THE HORSE.” With a picture of you from the mall getting a good scratch behind the ears by Thot on a bench.
  1455. >”B O O P S N O O T.” Had a shaking gif someone drew of you scrunching your muzzle as you were booped by twenty fingers simultaneously.
  1456. >”>She will never sit in your lap.”
  1457. >Chad had a good laugh at that post, the image attached was a Wojak that looked just like him, matching hoodie, hair and cigarette.
  1458. >You had a couple laughs at some of the more creative shoops of your “tfw Monster” face, then got to answering questions again, just quick replies with no images.
  1459. >Stuff like explaining that Laughing Lark was a friend of yours who took just one Pon-E and that you’d been slipped your Pon-E though your bottle of acetaminophen tablets.
  1460. >Even after you said that you’d been slipped your Pon-E, there were still tons of posts asking where they could get the pills.
  1461. >Some more mundane things came up too though, like confirming that you did actually smoke cigarettes every now and then.
  1462. >A lot of people were asking if you sweared or not.
  1463. >Seems that little controversy you’d seen on twitter about you smoking ran a little…
  1464. >Your muzzle scrunched up as you scrolled further through the exchanged vitriol and hate.
  1465. >A hell of a lot deeper on 4chan.
  1466. >There were anons who believed you were pure as the driven snow, no drugs, beer, whatever.
  1468. >They thought you didn’t swear at all either, hell, they’d come up with all sorts of horse puns like buck instead fuck and hay instead of hell that they attributed to you in image macros.
  1469. >Chad chuckled, realizing what was going on.
  1470. >”They think you’re a cartoon straight from a show for little girls.”
  1471. “Not all of them, at least.”
  1472. >It was true, there was another camp of anons who figured you weren’t so innocent.
  1473. >Super cute, but a smoker, drinker, swearer, all that.
  1474. >And they loved you for it all the same, just as much as the “innocent” camp.
  1475. >You sighed.
  1476. “I almost don’t want to break it to them.”
  1477. >Chad took a drag off of his cigarette, smiling.
  1478. >”Gonna come out sooner or later anyway. Best to just do it.”
  1479. “Alright.”
  1480. >You typed up a new post: “I smoke sometimes, I like to drink beer on the weekends and I do swear. A lot, to be honest. Sorry to the anons who thought otherwise, but it’s just how I am.”
  1481. >Next you took a new picture, of you and Chad both shrugging, and attached it.
  1482. >You hovered over the submit button, biting your lip.
  1483. >…
  1484. >”Just do it Anon, it’s like ripping a band aid off, get it done quick.”
  1485. >Fuck it.
  1486. >You clicked submit.
  1487. >It took a second before your post-
  1488. >Oh shit.
  1489. >Chad lost it laughing, he nearly threw you out of his lap twisting and turning so hard.
  1490. >Your jaw just dropped, you were too shocked to laugh.
  1491. >You’d gotten satanic sextuplets.
  1492. >666666
  1493. “Fuck.”
  1494. >The thread exploded, your post was getting ten to twenty replies every second.
  1496. >Camp “Pure as the driven snow” was pretty much in shambles, with posters losing their shit.
  1497. >”NO”
  1498. >”DELETE THIS.”
  1500. >Images flashed by, most of them shaking gifs of you with your muzzle scrunched or looking otherwise consternated with “BUCK” and other horsey swears in big white letters.
  1501. >Camp “She is of mortal blood” rejoiced of course.
  1502. >”HAIL SATAN!”
  1504. >”>tfw pure virgin fags btfo”
  1506. >Satanic images abounded from their end, with plenty of quickly shooped images of you with the mark of Satan on your forehead and branded into your flank.
  1507. >One drawfag actually drew a picture of you with a red pointed tail and horns, smoking a cigarette while drinking beer and saying fuck with Chad in the back wearing leather and flipping the bird.
  1508. >Chad finally calmed down a little, just as you started remembering how to giggle.
  1509. >”Well. I’ll get your pitchfork.”
  1510. >You shook your head, still laughing as you smacked Chad’s shoulder with a hoof.
  1511. “Hold your forked tongue, demon, adversary of the divine.”
  1513. >Chuckling, Chad butted his cigarette out in the ash tray you never used.
  1514. >…NEVER used, as in that was literally the first cigarette to ever be butted out in it.
  1515. >You stared at it curiously, watching the ashes pool at the bottom of the white porcelain dish.
  1516. >”Well, I’m going to go take a piss in the Lake of Fire my heartless little succubus.”
  1517. >Chad picked you up, hands hitching up in the crook of your elbows as he stood.
  1518. >You gave him a look, perking one brow.
  1519. “Corny. But…”
  1520. >Wrapping your fore hooves over Chad’s shoulders and around the back of his neck, you turned your exasperated expression into a seductive smile.
  1521. “How about you give me an itty bitty piece of your soul? Just to keep me busy while you’re gone.”
  1522. >Chad smiled back.
  1523. >You stared on, narrowing your eyes and licking your lips.
  1524. >Chad shook his head and gave you a quick smooch.
  1525. >”I’m just going to take a piss, won’t be that long.”
  1526. >Chuckling at your scrunched up muzzle, Chad set you down and gave you a quick pat on the head before leaving.
  1527. >You got a good look at his butt before the door shut at least.
  1528. >Fucking tease.
  1529. “Soon…”
  1530. >Back to 4chan though.
  1531. >The rapid replies to your sextuples were slowing down already, with more questions coming in at a steady pace.
  1532. “Alright let’s see.”
  1533. >You scrolled down through the thread, skimming.
  1534. >There: “Are you typing all of this? Or is Chad helping you?”
  1535. >Giggling, you typed out an answer: “I’m typing all of this, I’ve got a keyboard on my butt for a reason I guess.”
  1536. >Then some more scrolling…
  1537. >Found one.
  1538. >“How much of that green death energy drink do you choke down every day anyway?”
  1539. >Your eyes narrowed.
  1540. >Everyone was always giving you shit for the Monster.
  1541. >You didn’t even drink it that often, you thought, lapping angrily at your bowl of Monster.
  1542. >You typed up an answer anyway: “Two or three a week. Usually more for all-nighters studying and shit.”
  1543. >Some more scrolling.
  1545. >You grinned and quickly sucked down the last of your Monster before pushing your bowl off to the side.
  1546. >People had started spamming again, this time it was pictures of you with your hat on.
  1547. >They were all asking if you’d really gotten it back.
  1548. >You replied to a bunch of them: “Yep! Check it out!”
  1549. >Then you hopped out of your chair, over to your hoodie on the floor.
  1550. >You got your mouth around the top of the hood and swung it out and up onto your bed so you could get at the pockets easier.
  1551. >Bit of snuffling with your snout and you got your hat out.
  1552. >Grinning wide, you trotted back to your desk with your tuque in your mouth and carried it up into your chair with you.
  1553. >Your grin faded as you spat your tuque back out into your fore hooves though.
  1554. >This was going to be tricky.
  1555. >You frowned, thinking on how to even start.
  1556. “Just… Drop it on?”
  1557. >Sticking your right hoof down into the hat, you brought it up over your head and tried to lower it on.
  1558. >Your ears just kept on flicking every time they touched the wool though, knocking it aside.
  1559. >Consternated, you got your left hoof up and hooked into the hat too.
  1560. >With a bit of grumbling, you managed to pull the tuque open wide.
  1561. >Next you had to get it over your damn ears.
  1562. >Tongue sticking out in utter focus, you stared up, lining up the holes just right.
  1563. “Come on…”
  1564. >Your eyes narrowed and your brow furrowed as you gave your ears one last flick each before willing them with all your might to be still.
  1565. >In one quick motion you pulled the hat down over your head, slotting your ears through the holes just right.
  1566. >Hooves out of the tuque and voila!
  1567. >Snapped right to your head.
  1568. >You smiled, flopping your ears in turn, testing the fit.
  1569. >Perfect.
  1571. >Now to-
  1572. >”Anon?”
  1573. >Your head whipped right around to the door.
  1574. “Chad?”
  1575. >”Yeah. Member in December.”
  1576. >Weird, usually Chad would just drop in after he’d used the password.
  1577. >Especially since the door was unlocked.
  1578. “Come on in.”
  1579. >Chad eased the door open and walked in, smiling at you.
  1580. >You just stared back, still confused.
  1581. >Which got him confused too, Chad shut the door behind him before walking over to you.
  1582. >”What’s up?”
  1583. “Wondering why you didn’t just come in, door’s unlocked.”
  1584. >Chad chuckled and picked you up, one arm wrapped around your front and another by your rear legs, just skirting your bottom.
  1585. >”Because…”
  1586. >He grunted a little, sitting down and letting you lie in his lap.
  1587. >”Last time I walked in unannounced, you were working yourself over.”
  1588. >You blushed and glared at Chad, kicking your rear legs trying to get into a better spot on his lap.
  1589. “I’ll fucking work you over.”
  1590. >With another chuckle, Chad pulled you up into a kiss, his arm wrapped around your withers to support you.
  1591. >That was better, no short smooching, no quick pecks.
  1592. >A kiss, a real kiss.
  1593. >Your tongue met his and intertwined, locking the both of you in a loving union.
  1594. >Chad’s fingers danced along your back and butt, tracing little patterns in your fur.
  1595. >He kept doing circles of the broken keyboard on your flank, every time Chad’s finger went round it sent tingles and sparks up all of your nerves.
  1596. >You pulled away for a quick breather, panting with desire.
  1597. “Ahhh…”
  1599. >Chad never stopped rubbing, he kept planting little kisses on your forehead and your cheeks while you breathed.
  1600. >One last peck on your nose and then the both of you locked lips again.
  1601. >You could feel Chad’s fingers moving lower, edging around the back of your buttocks, reaching around your tail.
  1602. “HmHp!”
  1603. >You blanked right out.
  1604. >Chad was brushing the very tip of his thumb against your pussy, parting your lower lips.
  1605. >You gasped again as his thumb moved back the other way, pulling the other lip of your cunt aside.
  1606. >Your tail flopped up, fanning out on your back.
  1607. >It was all so very there and…
  1608. >Tingly.
  1609. >It was a real lame word you knew, but you didn’t really know how else to describe it.
  1610. >Every little touch sent shivers through your whole body, right from the tips of your ears down to the frogs of your hooves.
  1611. “Fuuhhh…”
  1612. >Chad laughed, pulling out of the kiss.
  1613. >”Fuck?”
  1614. >You rolled your eyes and shoved yourself up against Chad’s fingers, grinding your cunt against his hand.
  1615. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh…”
  1616. >Smiling, Chad picked you up, cradling you in his arms.
  1617. >”Fuck? Right? Fuck what?”
  1618. “Fuk.”
  1619. >Chad stood up and carried you over to your bed, easing you down onto your duvet.
  1620. >You lay on your back, soaked and nearly catatonic with your hind legs spread wide to let your snatch out in the open air.
  1621. >Chad loomed over you, left hand planted on the bed, beside your head.
  1622. >Meanwhile his other hand was hard at work doing circles on your pussy, pressing in harder and harder.
  1623. >He grinned and leaned in close to your ear, whispering.
  1624. >”Fuck. You can say fuck at least. Fuck who? What? Where?”
  1625. >Through all that pleasure, you managed to glare.
  1626. >It was a panting, sweating, tongue lolling glare.
  1627. >But it was a glare.
  1628. >You snarled out an answer between moans.
  1629. “Fuck. Hahhhh… Me.”
  1630. >”There you go.”
  1632. >Chad stood up.
  1633. >Worst of all, the fucking idiot stopped feeling up your cunt.
  1634. “Get the fuaahk baaahk.”
  1635. >Chad, the insufferable asshole, just laughed and locked your door.
  1636. >”You’re in a hell of a rush.”
  1637. >You huffed and lowered your hoof, pleasuring yourself as Chad walked back over to your computer.
  1638. >Panting, you glared over and saw that he had Youtube open.
  1639. “Wahaaat the fuk ar-“
  1640. >A wicked sweet guitar riff cut you off, coming full blast out of your speakers.
  1641. >Led Zepellin was filling the room with a Whole Lotta Love.
  1642. >Chad grinned at you as he pulled his shirt off and unzipped his jeans.
  1643. >”I’ve always wanted to fuck a chick to this.”
  1644. >You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help grinning back at him, easing off on pleasuring yourself.
  1645. >While Chad pulled his pants and his underwear off, you tugged your socks off and tossed them aside before presenting yourself.
  1646. >Smooth and svelte, you rolled over on your belly and eased your ass up slowly above the rest of your body so that Chad could drink it all in as he approached.
  1647. >Giggling and with a wink from both ends, you flopped your tail over and onto your back to reveal your pussy, black and glistening between your two round, healthy buttocks.
  1648. >Chad stalked over to you, looming, powerful.
  1649. >Chad’s chest and abs rippled with muscle like coiled snakes waiting to bite, fitting for the snake tattoo on his right shoulder.
  1650. >His cock was already getting hard.
  1651. >You had to admit that after Tammy’s monster of a dick, Chad’s was a little anticlimactic.
  1652. >You smiled warmly as he approached, leading him over and getting him to sit on the bed with his back pressed against your pillows.
  1653. >With your hind legs spread wide, you lied on your stomach and let both of your forehooves rest on Chad’s thighs as you poked at his dick with your snout.
  1654. >It was a nice sort of anticlimactic though, comfortable and less imposing.
  1655. >Didn’t feel like his cock was going to jump out and nip you on the nose.
  1657. >Had a: “Sex in a car in a field in the eighties” sort of vibe.
  1658. >Especially with Led Zeppelin still tearing on and nothing but sunlight from your window to see by.
  1659. >You started slow, running just the tip of your tongue along Chad’s shaft, doing little flicks with it once you reached his glans.
  1660. >Chad grunted in pleasure, just lying back with his eyes on you, watching you work.
  1661. >Your gaze was firmly locked on Chad’s cock as you licked at it, watching the blood pump.
  1662. >It was rock hard once you started to really lick it, smothering Chad’s entire length with your tongue.
  1663. >Your clit was winking in and out of you, like a quick punctuation mark at the end of each pass of your tongue, a jolt of pleasure for you in tune with Chad’s.
  1664. >After a while you figured it was time to step up a bit, Chad’s grunts were coming less and less often.
  1665. >Without warning you sucked his cock right up, taking all of it down into your mouth.
  1666. >Chad moaned, looking up at the ceiling.
  1667. >You smiled around his dick, passing up and down the whole length, sucking and licking.
  1668. >At the third go round, you got his balls in too, filling your whole mouth up nicely.
  1669. >After a minute or so of just sucking and hilting him, you felt Chad’s cock twitch against your wide tongue and you tasted the salty hint of his precum.
  1670. >You stopped immediately, giggling and letting his cock pop out.
  1671. “Don’t want you blowing just yet.”
  1672. >Chad smiled down at you and started scratching you behind the ears.
  1673. >”Then let’s get started on you.”
  1674. >Steady and strong, Chad grasped your barrel and sat up.
  1675. >Chad moved deftly, propping you up onto your black body pillow before adopting the same pose you did before, with his head between your hind legs.
  1676. >You gasped when his tongue darted out and gave you a test lick.
  1677. >Still licking, Chad lifted you up a little so that he could get at you better, his hands pressed into your bum.
  1678. >With every lick, Chad pressed harder and harder, pushing a little into your pussy.
  1680. >Your clit winked faster in return, out and in, every now and then it rubbed up against Chad’s tongue and nearly sent you into convulsions from the sheer pleasure.
  1681. >Chad seemed to realize this about the third time it happened, and stopped, smirking up at you.
  1682. >With your eyes on him, Chad lowered his head again and took your clit and most of your pussy up in his mouth, sucking.
  1683. >The reaction was instantaneous, your legs shivered and shut tight on Chad’s head.
  1684. >A bolt of lightning seemed to fire up through your spine, striking your brain and sending it into a rapturous fog.
  1685. >You screamed.
  1686. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh~”
  1687. >And then you flopped, legs loosening up and letting Chad’s head back out, your back muscles relaxed and you leaned a little to the side.
  1688. >Chad chuckled as you sat there, panting.
  1689. >”You want me to do that again?”
  1690. >You couldn’t even talk yet, so you just nodded.
  1691. >”Alright.”
  1692. >And again that feeling hit you like a transport truck packed with nothing but pleasure, just as hard as the first time.
  1693. >Chad had some incomprehensibly perfect way of doing it that Tammy just hadn’t been able to pull off, the way Chad licked you and sucked on you as he took your clit in was so…
  1694. “MMMmmmmmmMMMmmaAAHHhh~”
  1695. >You giggled and breathed out, feeling heavy.
  1696. >Orgasmic.
  1697. >Your cunt was absolutely soaked, and so was Chad’s face.
  1698. >You helped him mop a little bit of your juices up, using your hoof as he used his tongue.
  1699. >Chad kept rubbing and scratching your tummy as he licked all the juice up too, laughing softly.
  1700. >”Tastes like Monster.”
  1701. >Your muzzle scrunched up and you blushed, pawing at his cheeks with your hoof.
  1702. “You’re fucking lying.”
  1703. >Chad just chuckled and got up on his knees, face to face with you.
  1704. >With his hands behind your head, Chad pulled you into a deep kiss, sharing his saliva and your fluids.
  1705. >…He wasn’t lying.
  1707. >You pulled out of the kiss, still blushing.
  1708. “W-whatever…”
  1709. >Chad shrugged, smiling as he gently caressed your cheek.
  1710. >”I think it’s kind of cute.”
  1711. >Always the fucking Monster.
  1712. >As far as you could tell though, Chad really was being honest.
  1713. >Cute.
  1714. >Yeah you were pretty cute.
  1715. >You smiled, all sexy like with your eyes half lidded and your ears ever so slightly tilted downward as you blew your mane out of your eyes.
  1716. “So how’s about we really get this started?”
  1717. >Chad nodded, you could see a spark of excitement in his eyes.
  1718. >The flair of sex was on the air, you could smell it coming off of the both of you, Chad’s musk and the now slightly tangy scent of your loins.
  1719. >Thick, heavy, odorous and so…
  1720. >AROUSING.
  1721. >Still with that smile on your face, you slinked out from your sitting position and onto your back, with your legs spread wide and your pussy out in the open.
  1722. >You shifted, turning yourself so that your ass was set out at the side of the bed, ready.
  1723. >Chad got the idea and stood up.
  1724. >You could see each individual muscle in Chad’s back, legs, and buttocks flex to propel his body.
  1725. >The tattoo on his shoulder especially caught your attention, it was something Chad had gotten based on your recommendation a few years back.
  1726. >It was a snake, adorned in black scales with emerald green eyes.
  1727. >Chad stepped powerfully toward you, lining his hips up with yours.
  1728. >The tattooed snake coiled around Chad’s shoulder, wrapping around taught and powerful muscle, but ultimately it died there, struck right through with a sword.
  1729. >Leaning forward, Chad gripped your stifles, his cock poised before your lower lips.
  1730. >Your thoughts were starting to build up into a rush now, it was a bit difficult to really focus.
  1731. >But you managed to remark to yourself that the tattoo was actually a symbol representing the Archangel Michael, the angel who was prophesized to slay Satan.
  1733. >Before Chad’s dick pressed against you anyway, then everything was blissfully wiped away by pleasure.
  1734. >Different thoughts raced through your mind now, of Chad inside you.
  1735. >Of Chad’s cock deep inside your cunt, hilted, breaking your hymen.
  1736. >Chad’s hands slowly moved up, rubbing along your barrel, passing over your fur.
  1737. >Every little touch was filled with sparks like the ones you’d seen in Chad’s eyes, jolts of pleasure darted under your fur and across your skin whenever Chad touched you.
  1738. “Aaaaahhhhhhh~”
  1739. >Chad’s thumb pressed against your tummy, rubbing in shapes..
  1740. >He paid special attention to your belly button, doing cute little circles around it.
  1741. >But most of the pleasure came from down below, where Chad’s hard shaft grinded against your thick black labia.
  1742. >You started to pant and your tongue lolled out of your mouth.
  1743. >Each breath was so loud to you, so there, like there wasn’t a single other sound.
  1744. >Chad was breathing too, long, hard, deep.
  1745. >Strong.
  1746. >If you really concentrated on, you could hear Chad’s powerfully heartbeat.
  1747. >Chad rubbed your cheek, speaking in soft tones.
  1748. >He was looking at you with genuine concern, his brow was furrowed slightly.
  1749. >”Are you ready?”
  1750. >You bit your lip and nodded, too deep in a fog from that rubbing on your pussy to really talk coherently.
  1751. >”Alright, stop me if it hurts too much.”
  1752. >You started to nod again, but gasped instead when Chad started to thrust carefully forward.
  1753. “AH! Ahhhhhhhhh…”
  1754. >The sensation was unreal, beyond the clit sucking.
  1755. >Beyond everything.
  1756. >The further Chad pushed his cock inside you, the more whole you felt.
  1757. >Pleasure upon pleasure, with every second your ecstasy grew.
  1758. >A single shot up your nerves turned into two, into four, into eight, into sixteen, into thirty two, into sixty four.
  1759. >And then you felt strain when Chad’s head started to push against your hymen.
  1761. >That built too, into pain.
  1762. >Your face twisted up and your breath caught in your throat.
  1763. >”Sorry.”
  1764. >Chad gritted his teeth.
  1765. >”Just like ripping off a band aid.”
  1766. >With a grunt, more from exertion than pleasure, Chad thrust hard into you.
  1767. >Pain flowed through your veins like hot iron.
  1768. >But there was a touch of carbon too, cold and tempering, to make it better.
  1769. >The rapturous feeling that made you whole, strong as steel.
  1770. >You gasped, your mouth opened wide for a scream in both agony and joy.
  1771. “MmmmGGGGGGGGGGAAAAaaaaaaahhhh!”
  1772. >Roused, you squirmed under Chad, working your hips and grinding against him.
  1773. >You could feel your muscles flexing down there in yourself, all on their own, contracting.
  1774. >Chad groaned with pleasure in response.
  1775. >Then he pulled out just as slow as he came in, moaning all the while.
  1776. >You worked him for everything he had, gripping hard to his dick.
  1777. >Moaning and at times shrieking in pleasure, you locked your hind legs around Chad’s hips, hooking your pasterns together.
  1778. >Chad got halfway back up his shaft before thrusting back in again, all the way to the hilt.
  1779. “AAAAAAAAHHHH! HaaaaAAHhh…”
  1780. >And again, faster this time.
  1781. >Chad gradually quickened his pace, pumping in and out of your pussy with force, and yet he still held a sort of gentleness.
  1782. >He planted kisses on your lips, on your belly, all over your neck and chest.
  1783. >And Chad rubbed you in just the right places, passing his fingertips over your teats and around your flanks.
  1784. >Like static to the storm that was every thrust deep inside you.
  1785. >In response you made yourself a hell of a hard catch, worming around and playing dirty rubbing your clit against the top of Chad’s shaft whenever he bottomed out.
  1786. >Soon it all hit a fever pitch.
  1788. >Chad was breathing heavy, each of his thrusts came faster than you could really register them.
  1789. >But all the while you felt whole, filled right up with Chad’s whole length.
  1790. >Your pussy held tight to him, you could FEEL Chad’s shaft against either wall of you.
  1791. >You panted and tossed your head back and forth, swinging your mane all about.
  1792. >You couldn’t even moan or groan or screech anymore, all that came out was strangled breaths as your whole body twitched and leaked and clenched in rapture.
  1793. >Then time…
  1794. >…Stopped.
  1795. >Everything just halted.
  1796. >Chad was looking down at you, both of his hands were pressed hard in the bed to either side of your head, balling up handfuls of your duvet in his fists.
  1797. >There was a smile on his face.
  1798. >Somehow you smiled back.
  1799. >Down there, in your pussy, you felt a slight touch.
  1800. >Something so radically different and minute compared to Chad’s hefty thrusts, but against all odds it didn’t get drowned out by all the noise of the senses.
  1801. >…Time picked up again.
  1802. >Chad came inside you at the very end of his last thrust, balls deep.
  1803. >You held him there with your cunt, milking him for everything.
  1804. >And he obliged, pumped you full of his cum, warm and whole.
  1805. >It was like a really really good hot chocolate, you know, with that warmth that spread all the way through your body?
  1806. >Only there was the electricity of the climax to compl-
  1807. >You sighed.
  1808. >Jesus fucking Christ that was a lame way of putting it.
  1809. >But you still smiled, making up for the sigh with a throaty giggle.
  1810. >Chad flopped down onto you, letting loose a chuckle of his own, muffled since his face was firmly smushed against your chest.
  1811. >You just lied there, you could lie there forever.
  1812. >Your eyes shut on their own, your ears flopped down on their own and your fore legs swung out to lie spread eagled to either side of you on their own.
  1814. >Hell, even your tail went limp.
  1815. >Every muscle in your body was throwing up a white flag, especially your vaginal walls.
  1816. >Your speech was punctuated with deep breaths.
  1817. “I… Am going to be… Soooo sore.”
  1818. >Chad turned his head so that his mouth was free.
  1819. >”I think you cracked one of my vertebrae, when you hooked your hooves behind me like that.”
  1820. >Your eyes shot open and you stared in concern at the top of Chad’s head.
  1821. “Seriously?”
  1822. >Chad chuckled again, patting you clumsily on the snout.
  1823. >”Naw.”
  1824. “Good, cause I haven’t gotten any insurance out on you yet. Wait a little while before you severely maim yourself, alright?”
  1825. >More chuckling from Chad, you could feel his powerful chest vibrate with each one.
  1826. >”That is probably the worst pillowtalk I’ve ever heard.”
  1827. >You smiled coyly, one brow perked.
  1828. >Staring off and around your room at nothing in particular, you spoke nonchalantly.
  1829. “Well, technically it’s dirty talk. Since you haven’t pulled out yet.”
  1830. >”Gotcha.”
  1831. >Grunting, Chad stood back up, making sure to plant a little kiss on your lips as he went.
  1832. >His cock plopped out of you, all a mess unfortunately.
  1833. >Some blood, lots of cum.
  1834. “Just use the towel under my desk.”
  1835. >Chad nodded and went to fetch it while you tried to be as still as possible.
  1836. >You could feel Chad’s cum dribbling out of you, it was almost surreal.
  1837. >Definitely not something you’d ever felt before.
  1838. >But definitely something you wanted to feel again.
  1840. >You are Chad.
  1841. >And to be honest you’re a little concerned.
  1842. >On top of some very reliable info you’d dug up recently about another upheaval brewing in Egypt, you now had concerns about this whole Pon-E pill finally taking off properly in Canada.
  1843. >But most of all you were worried about your lifetime friend and now girlfriend.
  1844. >Even the summer sweetness of sex with Anonymous couldn’t quite blow away the wintry winds you kept feeling at your back about this whole thing.
  1845. >It was just too convenient, too well timed.
  1846. >You looked at her computer, watching all the replies fly by, most of them now concentrated on whether she’d gotten her hat back.
  1847. >Looked like Anonymous had been in the middle of typing up an affirmative reply when you came in.
  1848. >Simple stuff.
  1849. >You sighed and wiped the cum off of yourself with Anon’s towel.
  1850. “I can’t believe all these people are still wondering whether you got your tuque back or not, the thread’s gone over a thousand posts already with people asking.”
  1851. >Inside your mind rushed on and on through all the nearly infinite permutations of the events unfolding because of the drug.
  1852. >NWO trying to sterilize the population?
  1853. >Illuminati attempting to disrupt corporate Luciferian interests?
  1854. >Luciferians trying to further their gains?
  1855. >Or maybe it was your old guard.
  1856. >Maybe the Grey Banner was flying again, out to destabilize and reinvent.
  1857. >Gabriel would have t-
  1858. >Your train of thought was cut off by Anonymous giggling lightly.
  1859. >You glanced over and saw that she was smiling at you with those big twinkly blue eyes of hers, her mane was all astray across the bed and her head.
  1860. >She was so relaxed.
  1861. >”People tend to worry about the smallest things. And from the look on your face, I bet you’re worrying about quarks and neutrinos”
  1862. >Anon had always been good at reading you, a laser precise analyser.
  1863. >You still didn’t really know why she couldn’t see the patterns like you did.
  1865. >With a mind like Anon’s, she should instantly see how all things are orchestrated.
  1866. >Outside you smiled back at Anonymous, but on the inside you weren’t so secure.
  1867. >…
  1868. >Maybe she was right though, maybe you were just making mountains out of molehills.
  1869. >You breathed deep and let go a little of your patterns and theories.
  1870. >But…
  1871. “But you’re pretty small aren’t ya?”
  1872. >You frowned good heartedly with one brow perked as you walked over to Anonymous and started wiping the cum from her vagina.
  1873. >Anonymous just gave you a puzzled look for a second, before her muzzle scrunched up and she shot you a glare from over her tummy and between her legs.
  1874. >”Fuck off. I’m not that small.”
  1875. >Both of Anon’s hind legs cocked back, poised to strike at your face.
  1876. >Her eyes narrowed and she grinned wickedly.
  1877. >”I’m only as big as Carl. Remember?”
  1878. >Your balls shriveled at the thought.
  1879. >Chuckling a little nervously, you finished up cleaning Anonymous as quickly as you could before standing up straight.
  1880. “Alright, alright. I was just joking around.”
  1881. >With minimal effort, you scooped up Anonymous and cradled her in your arms.
  1882. >You sat down at her desk and let her sit in your lap.
  1883. >…Jokes aside, she really was tiny.
  1884. >So light and fragile seeming.
  1885. >Back in middle school Anonymous used to protect you.
  1886. >You’d been real tall and gangly back then, and you hadn’t been diagnosed properly.
  1887. >Some kids thought you were funny, sitting at the back of the class and mumbling to yourself over and over again about plots and plans.
  1888. >Other kids thought it was funnier if they beat the shit out of you, because you wouldn’t fight back and it’d make your mumbling and shaking even worse.
  1889. >Anonymous didn’t find it funny.
  1891. >He must’ve kicked in every last kid’s balls at that middle school.
  1892. >But now…
  1893. >You looked down at the little mare your friend Anonymous had become, sitting cozily in your lap as she typed on her computer, hooves a whirl.
  1894. >Your fingers traced down Anon’s back, feeling each vertebrae of her little spine, her ears twitched and flopped around when you did.
  1895. >Anonymous sighed, half with pleasure and half with fake exasperation before she turned her head round to smile at you.
  1896. >”Fuck, man. Are you already going for round two?”
  1897. >Pearly white teeth, glittering wavy blonde mane and those big blue eyes.
  1898. >Anon looked like she was made of spun glass and talked like she was made of stone.
  1899. >You smiled back at her, for real this time.
  1900. >Anon’s father’s words came to mind, back when he’d talked to you alone at the mall.
  1901. >He’d been uncharacteristically serious, meeting your gaze directly he’d said simply: “Keep her safe.”
  1902. >All on their own, your arms wrapped around Anonymous and you pulled her into a snug and warm hug.
  1903. “I love you Anonymous.”
  1905. >Anonymous was utterly silent, her hooves had stopped dead mid-way into tapping out a new sentence and her mouth froze into a comical little o.
  1906. >She was like a pony shaped thermometer, with the blush rising up her cheeks like that.
  1907. >”Ihagpuab”
  1908. >You laughed and gave Anon a quick kiss on the cheek before hefting her up and tossing her gently onto her bed.
  1909. >Then you bent down and started to get dressed.
  1910. “Let’s both shower again. I don’t really want to walk around smelling like Monster and my own cum.”
  1911. >Anon didn’t say anything, she just nodded, blinking in slow motion.
  1912. >It was always adorable when she went catatonic like that, mostly because all of her movements slowed down so much.
  1913. >Anon’s tail barely swiped left and right, her hoof pawed with the speed of a glacier at her comforter and a fly managed to do three laps of her head before her ears finishing flicking.
  1914. >You just laughed and pulled your shirt over your head before snatching Anonymous up in your arms and walking out the door.
  1915. >Out in the hall, you were met with a wall of people milling about, chatting about exams and shit.
  1916. >Unsurprisingly, they all immediately turned their attention to Anon and started to whisper excitedly.
  1917. >Sighing, you elbowed your way through the masses, tossing dirty looks at anybody that got a little too close.
  1918. >Down and down the hall you went, towards your room to get some shampoo.
  1919. >Suddenly you felt something tapping against your chest.
  1920. >You almost yelled out, but it was just Anonymous trying to get your attention.
  1921. >She had a warm sort of resigned smile on her face.
  1922. >”You can put me down Chad, I’ll walk.”
  1923. >You nodded and obliged, setting her down right next to you before striding onward.
  1924. >The crowd thinned out quite a bit after that, by the time you and Anon reached your room there wasn’t a soul in the hall.
  1925. >Except for the Other Chad.
  1926. >He was leaning up against your door with a lit cigarette in his mouth.
  1927. >Anon’s face immediately twisted into an angry scowl.
  1929. >She really fucking hated Chad after all.
  1930. >You couldn’t blame her, but you also couldn’t quite hold the same level of distaste.
  1931. >Mostly because extreme Luciferians like the OC were easy to deal with, especially when they were so blatant.
  1932. >You pulled a rollie out of your sweater pocket and lit it, little bit of nicotine to keep your temper down.
  1933. >Anon on the other hand wasn’t so calm.
  1934. >”Get the fuck out of the way you creepy shithead.”
  1935. >Your head snapped to her like it was on a swivel, Anonymous hated the OC, but overt cursing wasn’t normal for her.
  1936. >You didn’t say anything though, Anon had that look on her face that said she was beyond reasoning with.
  1937. >Suspicion, hate and disgust carved her expression into a vicious mask.
  1938. >The OC on the other hand seemed perfectly hollow and calm as usual, offering only a slightly bemused expression in response.
  1939. >Then he chuckled in some perverted mirror of your own laughter and knocked the ashes from his cig.
  1940. >”Nice to see you too Anonymous. I heard Tammy enjoyed my gift.”
  1941. >You took a long draw off of your rollie and stood back, just watching.
  1942. >Had nothing to add really.
  1943. >Anonymous wasn’t letting go though, she scoffed, stomped a hoof down right next to the Other Chad’s foot and glared up into his eyes.
  1944. >With a furious snort, she retorted.
  1945. >”Fuck you, I turned those pills down you freak. Do you really think I’m just going to be all friendly with you after that and the creepy singing in the hallway? Are you retarded?”
  1946. >Creepy singing?
  1947. >The Other Chad and you both stared at Anonymous, confused.
  1948. >Then the OC started to laugh.
  1949. >”Delusions aside, you’re really turning into a fine pony aren’t you? Your mane has grown in nicely.”
  1950. >Anon looked shocked at first, then she flinched away and her face turned to sour disgust as the Other Chad started to bend down down to touch her.
  1951. >He never even got to bend his knees.
  1952. >You smashed him right in the jaw with the angriest right haymaker you’ve ever thrown.
  1954. >The OC went down like a marionette with its strings cut, just flopped right over with his arms and legs splayed everywhere.
  1955. >Blood shoot out of his mouth and spackled Anonymous’ pure white fur.
  1956. >That only fed into your cold, creeping wrath.
  1957. >The Other Chad didn’t even dare to look up into your face as you stomped up to him, he simply stared at the ground with an empty expression, bleeding all over the floor.
  1958. >You cracked your neck and took a long drag off of your cig.
  1959. “Try that again and you’ll be bedding down in a morgue before the day is up.”
  1960. >The OC nodded in acknowledgement, clenching his bent up cig in a false smile as he stood up slowly to face you.
  1961. >You saw right through it, down to the insecurity and the anger.
  1962. >It was the eyes that gave the Other Chad away, they were almost aflame.
  1963. >As obsessed as he was with getting money at any moral cost, the OC still had a tremendous amount of pride and a ballooned ego.
  1964. >He wouldn’t forget this.
  1965. >The OC made moves to pat you on the shoulder, but your eyes advised him against it so he just spoke instead.
  1966. >”Well. Let’s let bygones be bygones then. Stop by my room later tonight if you have the time. I’ve got plenty of alcohol this evening, all on sale for the occasion.”
  1967. >After performing an idiotic little bow, the OC left, walking off back down the hallway to his room.
  1968. >Anonymous tossed a string of curses intermixed with angry snorts and whinnies at his back, her tail was swiping around everywhere, whacking your legs and the wall.
  1969. >You sighed and unlocked your door.
  1971. >It was going to take a hell of lot to get Anon to cheer up again after something like that.
  1972. >She stomped into your room ahead of you, hopped up into and plopped herself down onto your bed with a frustrated huff.
  1973. >”Fucking fuck wants to fuck with me!”
  1974. >You busied yourself gathering up a change of underwear and some toiletries out of your wardrobe.
  1975. >”If I’d had my fucking dick I would have skullfucked that goddamn fucking…”
  1976. >Really it should only have taken you a second or two to get your stuff together, but you… extended it, to give Anon some time to cool down.
  1977. >Eventually her cursing quieted down into grumbling, then murmuring, then sullen silence and finally she spoke.
  1978. >”Thanks for all that Chad. If anybody asks, he swung first.”
  1979. >You turned away from your wardrobe with all the things you needed in hand and nodded to Anon.
  1980. “It’s what I’m here for. Wanna tell me about that creepy singing thing? Or…”
  1981. >That was probably the only part of this whole mess you found troubling, especially since the OC denied it so derisively.
  1982. >But it looked like it was going to have to wait a little, Anonymous pawed awkwardly at the comforter on your bed and stared a little unevenly at you.
  1983. >”It’s… Maybe later, I still don’t really remember every part of it enough to be sure.”
  1984. >On the outside, you gave Anon an understanding smile and helped her down off of your bed.
  1985. “Alright, there’s no rush or anything.”
  1986. >On the inside, your mind rushed through possibilities.
  1987. >Unreliable memory, which means it must have happened during a moment of inattention, since Anonymous’ memory was nearly eidetic.
  1988. >After locking your door behind you, you and Anonymous both started back down the hallway, to the shower.
  1989. >With every step and every drag off of your cigarette you plunged deeper and deeper down into the catbox.
  1990. >Another possibility was that her memory had been fractured by some outside force.
  1992. >Added effect of the Pon-E?
  1993. >Some sort of Luciferian ritual black magick that the OC performed?
  1994. >MK Ultra?
  1995. >You frowned and butted your cig out on the RA’s door.
  1996. >Too many possibilities.
  1997. >You rubbed your forehead as you walked now, mulling things over.
  1998. >”Hey Chad.”
  1999. >If it was the Pon-E then you should have seen effects like that in Tammy as well, but there had been none.
  2000. >Although there was always the possibility that the memory fragmenting came after a delay to discourage suspicion.
  2001. >”Chad.”
  2002. >MK Ultra.
  2003. >…
  2004. >No, that was unrelated, just a brain fart.
  2005. >”Chad. Where the fuck are you going?”
  2006. >Ritual magicks then, the OC must hav-
  2007. >”CHAD!”
  2008. >You spun around, surprised and a little dazed coming out of your deep contemplation.
  2009. >Anonymous was sitting down about twenty feet from you, in front of the door to the showers.
  2010. >She was giggling softly with her hoof up to her mouth.
  2011. >”You back in the real world?”
  2012. >You chuckled and shook your head as you walked back to her.
  2013. “Sorry, thinking about Luciferian magick.”
  2014. >Anonymous perked a brow at that.
  2015. >”Didn’t you say the Other Chad was a Luciferian once?”
  2016. >Sharp.
  2017. >You smiled and nodded as you walked into the dorm bathroom with her.
  2018. “Yep. He always wears a black titanium brimstone sigil under his shirt.”
  2019. >Anonymous trotted over to the shower stall and slid the door open with her snout.
  2020. >Then she gave you that coy look, with one of her eyebrows still perked.
  2021. >”You think the Other Chad is using magick to fuck with me. No, wait. I’m not quite getting at your level of crazy with that one…”
  2022. >You just laughed and started to undress.
  2024. >Anon pressed on though, thorough in her dissection.
  2025. >”Got it, you think the Other Chad used dark magick rituals or some crazy shit to fuck with my memory and that’s why I don’t remember everything about the creepy singing thing.”
  2026. >That got another chuckle out of you as you locked the door and got your underwear off.
  2027. “It was me going into deep thought right after you mentioned your shoddy memory that let you figure that out, wasn’t it?”
  2028. >Anonymous rolled her eyes and nodded.
  2029. >”Yep. And for the record, the reason why I don’t remember it so well was because it happened last night when you were carrying me back from the mall. You know, when I was seven eighths asleep and at the ass end of a three day, no sleep, and caffeine, alcohol and marijuana bender.”
  2030. >You put your face in your palm and sighed as you sat down in the shower stall.
  2031. “I’m a fucking idiot.”
  2032. >Giggling like a schoolgirl, Anonymous rubbed against you and turned the shower on.
  2033. >”You’re my idiot though.”
  2034. >If only you’d followed your very first train of thought rather than the more interesting one.
  2035. >You’d gone searching for a conclusion you wanted rather than searching for information and reaching the natural conclusion that that information entailed.
  2036. >Anonymous gave you a big wet hug with both forelegs.
  2037. >”Thanks for worrying though.”
  2038. >She whispered, pressing her face lovingly against yours.
  2039. >You reciprocated the hug, smiling.
  2040. >Her fur was so nice, and she had an alluring musk when she was wet.
  2041. >For a few minutes the both of you just revelled in the warmth of the shower, letting the water run freely down your bodies.
  2042. >Then you lathered up yourself with body wash, with a bit of unneeded but appreciated help from Anon.
  2043. >She mostly busied herself with your butt.
  2044. >You just laughed, you’d get your turn to tease her eventually.
  2045. >Maybe sneak in a little comment about the fact that she smelled a lot like Monster when she was wet or a couple quick little rubs in special places when it came time to wash her.
  2047. >Probably both.
  2048. >After rinsing yourself, you started to shampoo your hair.
  2049. >”Sit down, sit down.”
  2050. >Anon urged you.
  2051. >You shook your head, but you still obliged, smiling.
  2052. >Anonymous mussed your hair with her forehooves.
  2053. >It was pretty strange, her hooves proper were hard, but Anon handled them well enough that only her soft and smooth frogs made contact.
  2054. >Guess her dexterity stretched beyond just keyboards.
  2056. >It felt pretty nice actually.
  2057. >Smiling, you shut your eyes and let your head fall back.
  2058. >Anonymous kept on mussing, silent but for the occasional snort when she got water in her nose.
  2059. >This went on for a few minutes, but eventually you started to notice that she was slowing down.
  2060. >Then suddenly, Anon stopped and you felt her hooves drop onto both of your shoulders.
  2061. >You opened your eyes.
  2062. >And there Anonymous was, fast asleep.
  2063. >You chuckled softly and pushed her sodden mane out of her face.
  2064. “How do you even fall asleep in the shower of all places?”
  2065. >Guess the warm water and the steam had made her drowsy.
  2066. >She looked adorable though, with her chin resting on your shoulder like that, breathing softly through her nose.
  2067. >Three days and no sleep makes Anonymous a sleepy pony.
  2068. >Gently, making sure not to wake her up, you cradled Anonymous by the front and eased her over into your lap.
  2069. >Then you turned around so that you could rinse the suds out of your hair while you patted her.
  2070. >Anon really was conked right out, she didn’t even fidget an inch the whole time.
  2071. >Once you were rinsed properly, you grabbed your bottle of shampoo again and started to lather up Anon’s fur, beginning with her barrel.
  2072. >Her hooves moved a little then, kind of curling up like someone would curl up their toes when you tickled them.
  2073. >Next you started on Anonymous’ back, which made her tail give a little shake.
  2074. >By the time you’d finished her legs and started rubbing the shampoo into her cheeks, Anon’s eyes had started to drift open.
  2075. >”Mnguh…”
  2076. “Welcome back to the world of the living, Narcissus. You finally fell into that pool of yours.”
  2077. >Anonymous groaned, then she smirked and shot right back.
  2078. >”And you’re still cursed to repeat that same joke over and over again. Hera is truly cruel.”
  2079. >You laughed and started rinsing Anonymous off.
  2080. >Her fur seemed to gleam from all the beads of water dripping down it, Anon’s mane in particular was brilliant.
  2082. >It was kind of odd actually, almost magical.
  2083. >Anonymous was like a beacon in here, in this damp and dusky little shower stall.
  2084. >She sat bright and shining, and she hardly even noticed.
  2085. >Her precious blue eyes followed the water pouring from the shower head above, they twitched and flicked about, almost like she was tracing the movements of individual drops.
  2086. >Your eyes were steady as could be, watching Anonymous as closely as you could.
  2087. >And she hardly even noticed, till you smiled softly and reached out to scratch her behind the ears.
  2088. “You truly are beautiful. You know that?”
  2089. >For a second, you thought Anonymous was going to go catatonic again, just fizzle out like she always did.
  2090. >But she didn’t.
  2091. >Instead, Anonymous smiled far wider than you’d ever seen her smile before.
  2092. >It was beautiful, far more beautiful than any smile that had come before it.
  2093. >Then she kissed you.
  2094. >A long one, deep.
  2095. >It got the message across on its own, but Anonymous spoke anyway.
  2096. >”I didn’t get the chance to say it earlier, but…”
  2097. >Anonymous blushed and giggled, her hoof was on your chest now, prodding.
  2098. >Your heart was beating hard against your ribs, rushing like the water that rushed over your body.
  2099. >It felt like every thought in your brain just halted, grinded dead to a point at the end of a paragraph.
  2100. >No, the end of a chapter, of an era, of an age soon to be long past.
  2101. >Emotions scrabbled and raced across the rat race that was your life and your mind.
  2102. >Happiness, excitement.
  2103. >Like a typewriter, your life jumped and slid across and down the page, onto the next segment.
  2104. >You mourned not, because the next part could only be several times more wonderful than the last.
  2106. >You are Anonymous, and right now you’re going to tell Chad how you feel.
  2107. >Straightforward, no bullshit, no vague dodging sentences.
  2108. >No commas, no quotes, no embellishments of any kind.
  2109. >It would hardly be like you said it yourself, you knew.
  2110. >These words would come down like a commandment straight from God’s fingertips, down and onto the paper where you lived, woven so thoroughly into your story that no one could question it.
  2111. >You could feel Chad’s loving heart beating under your hoof, beating so hard and so steady like a gong.
  2112. >It was time.
  2113. >You licked your lips and spoke.
  2114. I love you.
  2116. >
  2117. >A
  2118. >And…
  2119. >And time pressed on.
  2120. >Chad pulled you near, deep into a kiss without borders.
  2121. >His hands grasped your head and your mane, it was so very there, like every hair on your head was a nerve.
  2122. >Your lips pressed against Chad’s like two pages meeting in a closed book, closed because the happy ending had just been read off, finished, wrapped up.
  2123. >The both of you were one and two, together.
  2124. >It felt incredible, and that was the incredible part, that you felt it.
  2125. >Love wasn’t just something you said or knew about anymore, you FELT LOVE.
  2126. >Straight from Chad’s heart to yours and from yours to his, giving and receiving.
  2127. >Love was endless and finite in that expanse of time, and you knew you could come right back to that feeling anytime you wanted now.
  2128. >Chad’s love belonged to you, just like your love belonged to him.
  2129. >All that love was like a warmth, deep in your barrel.
  2130. >Chad and you both pulled out of the kiss mutually, but the feeling persisted.
  2131. “I never want this to end.”
  2133. >You sighed and held on tight to Chad with all four hooves, pushing your belly against him.
  2134. >He held you too, with his hands pressing into your butt, pushing you up and into his chest.
  2135. >There was a playful smile building on Chad’s face, he shook his head and laughed.
  2136. >”Well, I kind of want to go for a walk around to be honest, have a smoke or five.”
  2137. >You rolled your eyes.
  2138. “Really slotting yourself into the romantic moment, huh.”
  2139. >But you still giggled along with him.
  2140. “Yeah, alright.”
  2141. >Chad simply stood up with you in his arms, then he swung you over and onto his shoulder so that he could turn off the shower.
  2142. >A cold shiver ran through your body when he slid open the stall door, the hot water that was soaked into your fur was cooling down rapidly as the steam left the room.
  2143. >Chad, being Chad, was unbothered of course.
  2144. >He just strode over to where he’d hung his towel and let you down.
  2145. >The tiles were damp and probably cold, but you hardly felt it thanks to your hooves.
  2146. >You smiled at the thought.
  2147. >It was always the little things.
  2148. >Suddenly you felt a fierce rubbing on your sides, it was Chad drying you off with his towel.
  2149. “Thanks.”
  2150. >”S’what I’m here for. Plus…”
  2151. >The rubbing got lower…
  2152. >Lower…
  2153. >Annnddd he was fondling your butt.
  2154. >Full on both palms to both of your butt cheeks and squeezing.
  2155. >You rolled your eyes and smiled some more.
  2156. “We just showered, let’s not get all dirty again.”
  2157. >Chad chuckled and moved his hands up to dry your mane instead.
  2158. >”Yeah, yeah. I don’t want to go around smelling like Monster flavored horse juices anyway.
  2159. >You scrunched your muzzle and delivered a swift buck to Chad’s knees.
  2161. >But he saw it coming and just hopped out of the way, laughing all the while.
  2162. >You grumbled a bit, and your muzzle stayed firmly scrunched, but that was all the kicking you did.
  2163. >Once your mane was good and dry, Chad tossed you a brush before he started to dry himself.
  2164. >It took some doing, but you got your fur, mane and tail all orderly and pretty again.
  2165. >Chad, meanwhile, just tossed his clothes on again.
  2166. >Then he got his things together and wrapped them all up in his towel, which he promptly plopped onto your back.
  2167. >You stared sideways at him, with one brow raised.
  2168. “Do I look like a pack horse to you?”
  2169. >Shrugging, Chad opened the bathroom door and stepped out.
  2170. >”You look like my girlfriend.”
  2171. “W-whatever…”
  2172. >Blushing, you trotted briskly behind Chad, following him up the now empty hallways.
  2173. >That grabbed your attention, this whole place had been packed full on the way over.
  2174. “What time is it?”
  2175. >Chad pulled out his cellphone.
  2176. >”Two thirty in the afternoon.”
  2177. >You blinked.
  2178. “Seriously? Let’s go get some lunch then.”
  2179. >As if on cue, your tummy started to rumble.
  2180. >Chad nodded and stopped at the turn off for his room.
  2181. >”Meet you down in the lobby at two fifteen then?”
  2182. >You bucked Chad’s toiletries off of your back then kicked them up into his waiting arms
  2183. “Sure.”
  2184. >Promptly, you galloped down the hall towards your room, just as Chad started walking towards his.
  2185. >You giggled and tossed your mane about as you went, suddenly filled with energy and an almost childlike glee.
  2186. >It had been too long since you had a good run.
  2187. >Your hooves clopped loudly on the hard tile flooring, echoing against flat white walls and the flat white ceiling.
  2189. >Doors passed you by, counting all the way up to your dorm room number.
  2190. >Your mane was whipping at the air, flying out behind you with your tail.
  2191. >If you didn’t have to pay attention to what was in front of you, you’d probably be staring at it the whole time.
  2192. >Your door flashed by.
  2193. >You started into a slide, trying to halt before you got too far past it.
  2194. >Your momentum was a bit too much though, so you wound up standing on your forehooves for a second.
  2195. >To compensate, you rocked back and onto your hind legs, kicking your fore hooves and snorting.
  2196. >It would have looked majestic as fuck, if both of your rear hooves hadn’t slipped and fell out beneath you.
  2197. >You fell onto your side with a loud bang, whinnying in surprise.
  2198. “OW! FUCK.”
  2199. >”Smooth moves loser.”
  2200. >Still wincing from the pain, you looked up and around, trying to find the person who just spoke.
  2201. >”Behind you dumbass.”
  2202. >Already frowning, you whipped your head around.
  2203. “Hey, fuck you buddy.”
  2204. >It was some random black guy.
  2205. >Pretty well built too, tall with obviously strong legs, plus biceps as big around as your head.
  2206. >No… wait, you knew him.
  2207. >His name was Tom or something, he was the quarterback on your university’s football team.
  2208. >He was also an edgy fuckhead, always wore his football jacket and a pair of sweatpants to remind people that he was actually good at something other than being an asswipe.
  2209. >Always smoked real cheap and shitty cigarettes too, like the LD he was butting out on your fucking door.
  2210. “I should just stomp your lungs out.”
  2211. >Tom or something pulled out another one of his cigs and lit it.
  2212. >He had a new zippo lighter to do it with too, it was done up in a real weird design though.
  2213. >All black with holes pockmarking the cap at random.
  2215. >”You wanna kill me? Good luck, I’ve already tried about five times.”
  2216. >You huffed and stood up defiantly, puffing your chest out at Tom with a glare as you walked back towards him and your room.
  2217. “Just get the fuck out of here.”
  2218. >Tom’s green eyes narrowed like he was going to say something, but he just turned round and walked off instead.
  2219. “Prick…”
  2220. >You spat under your breath as you pushed your door open.
  2221. >That had really dampened your mood, there were so many fucking assholes in this dorm.
  2222. >Dragging your hooves, you strode into your room and snatched your hoodie up off of the floor with your mouth.
  2223. >You swung it over your back and zipped it up, then checked the pockets to make sure your wallet and your cellphone were still in there.
  2224. “Good to go.”
  2225. >Things picked up a bit once you started to get your other clothes on, finally you’d be able to show off your new scarf!
  2226. >Smiling faintly, you scanned the room looking for it while you pulled your all black socks on.
  2227. “Huh.”
  2228. >The scarf was nowhere in sight, Chad must have put it away somewhere.
  2229. >You nosed around a bit through some of your old clothes lying on the floor but no luck.
  2230. >You’d found your saddlebags, but you didn’t think you’d really need them.
  2231. >So on you pressed on to your wardrobe.
  2232. “Gotcha.”
  2233. >Your scarf was lying neatly on top of a pile of t shirts.
  2234. >You nabbed it and slid it on, then you checked yourself out in the full-sized mirror on your door.
  2235. >Adorable.
  2236. >The scarf complemented your mane perfectly, navy blue tassels against random lengths of your wavy blonde mane.
  2237. >Your hoodie and socks matched your fur nicely, black worked with pretty much everything after all.
  2238. >Now you just needed your hat.
  2239. “Oh shit.”
  2241. >Your eyes went wide and flicked over to your computer screen.
  2242. >You’d forgotten all about your thread.
  2243. >Not sparing even a second, you dashed over to your desk and jumped up into your chair.
  2244. >A couple clicks with the mouse and you got your computer to wake up again.
  2245. >The thread was still alive, better than alive actually, it had long ago broken the thousand post mark and it had been pinned by the mods.
  2246. >There were loads of people wondering where you’d gone though, interspersed with some anonymous posters trying to pass as you.
  2247. >You smiled and dug your hat out from behind your laptop.
  2248. >With a lot less finagling than before, you got it on and snapped a quick picture with your webcam.
  2249. >You wrote: “Hey, sorry about the delay, got distracted. Here’s one last picture before I go, and yes, that guy Carl and his friend Brandon were the ones who returned it. Hope to see you all again some other time.”
  2250. >Submit.
  2251. >Annnnnndddddd… It was up.
  2252. “Cool.”
  2253. >You didn’t bother to wait for replies, the clock on your laptop told you it had already been ten minutes since you parted with Chad.
  2254. >It was time to head down to the lobby.
  2255. >You locked your laptop up and moonwalked out of the door, making sure to lock that too, before galloping down the hall.
  2257. >You passed a couple people on your way over to the elevators, garnering stares and photos for the most part, maybe a hello and a wave here and there.
  2258. >Real tame, no pushing or shoving or chasing.
  2259. >You smiled and slowed your gallop to an easy trot, no longer nervous.
  2260. >Seems you were still too relevant and new to be ignored, but at least you weren’t such a surprise to people anymore that they felt the need to assault you.
  2261. >Things were going great.
  2262. >It wasn’t until you reached the elevator that you thought that splitting up with Chad might have been a bad idea.
  2263. >There was already a group of four people waiting to head downstairs and get some lunch.
  2264. >They all turned to look at you the second you rounded the corner.
  2265. >You scrunched your muzzle.
  2266. >Suddenly the elevator dinged and opened wide to reveal another four people inside.
  2267. >You stared awkwardly between each group of four, your tail was twitching.
  2268. >”Ahnon?”
  2269. >That made your ears perk right up.
  2270. “Asami?”
  2271. >”Hey Ahnon!”
  2272. >You turned your gaze back to the elevator just in time to see Asami peeking her head out from behind the group of four.
  2273. >Then the elevator doors closed.
  2274. >A second or two passed as you stared, bemused.
  2275. >When the doors opened again Asami was at the front of the press, laughing.
  2276. >She smiled and waved, holding up her phone.
  2277. >”I got your text!”
  2278. >Relieved that you wouldn’t have to ride alone with eight strangers, you giggled and trotted straight into the elevator with everyone else.
  2279. >Asami bent down and hugged you tight as the doors closed, giggling with you.
  2280. >You smiled and hugged her back with your forelegs.
  2281. “Great to see you again.”
  2283. >You pulled out of the hug and Asami stood up proper, still beaming at you.
  2284. >Asami couldn’t stop smiling, she seemed to brim with even more energy than this morning.
  2285. >It was funny to watch actually, she had a bit of a tic where she tapped all of her fingers in waves on her outer thigh every time the elevator stopped at a floor to pick people up.
  2286. >After stopping on the seventh floor, the elevator had become a hell of a lot more crowded than you could really handle.
  2287. >You were backed right up in the corner with Asami to your left and there was still one more person getting on.
  2288. “Shit”
  2289. >Then, suddenly, you felt Asami’s arms around you again.
  2290. >Asami hefted you up with a bit of difficulty, but she still managed.
  2291. >Pretty surprising for her small frame.
  2292. “Thanks.”
  2293. >Asami kept quiet, since elevator awkwardness had set in double time with you around.
  2294. >Everyone tried to look at no one in particular, especially not at you.
  2295. >You scrunched your muzzle up, but there was still a smirk playing on your lips.
  2296. >Absolute silence.
  2297. >For about half a second.
  2298. >Then you snorted, and giggled.
  2299. >And then everyone laughed together.
  2300. >By the time you and Asami finally got off the elevator you were ten friends richer and your heart was ten pounds lighter.
  2301. >Felt real nice to just laugh like that, got all the annoyance and anger from earlier flushed out of your system.
  2302. >You smiled, trotting down the main vein with Asami beside you.
  2303. >”So where are you going?”
  2304. >Your smile turned into a grin.
  2305. “Well I’m already on top of the world. Nowhere left to go really.”
  2306. >Asami rolled her eyes and giggled.
  2307. >”I have to go meet my family soon, so I can’t stay with you for too long.”
  2309. >You nodded.
  2310. “Mm. Yeah I’m headed to meet Chad at…”
  2311. >Now that you thought about it, Chad hadn’t told you exactly where he’d meet you in the lobby.
  2312. >You peered around, but you couldn’t make out any of his features in the crowd that was on its way outside.
  2313. >A quick scan of the bustling Tim Horton’s got you nowhere either.
  2314. >Asami followed your gaze, curious.
  2315. >”In the lobby?”
  2316. “Yeah, he never said where though.”
  2317. >Still looking around, Asami suddenly snapped into a pose with her right hand flat across her brow like a visor, her left hand balled up in a fist pressed against her hip and her back bowed at a fourty degree angle.
  2318. >You smiled wryly and mimicked her as best as you could, staring out at the crowd again.
  2319. “I think you’d really like my friend Tam-“
  2320. >”OH! I see him! Right over there!”
  2321. >You snapped your gaze over to where Asami was pointing.
  2322. >And there was Chad, leaning on the vending machine, sipping down a can of pop.
  2323. >He looked a little muted, talking honestly, like he was thinking a bit harder than usual.
  2324. >Your smile turned up a couple dozen notches into a grin and you galloped off to meet him.
  2325. >Giggling, Asami jogged along beside you, ducking and dodging around people in the crowd.
  2326. >You dashed between a few legs yourself, stirring up attention and pulling in stares, but you didn’t care.
  2327. >Chad needed cheering up.
  2328. “Hey!”
  2329. >Eyes darting down in surprise, Chad grinned haphazardly.
  2330. >”Oh, hey!”
  2331. >You laughed and buried your head in Chad’s legs.
  2332. “You looked quiet over here. Figured I’d come and wake you up some.”
  2333. >Chad chuckled and tossed his empty drink can in the trash before reaching down to scruff up your mane.
  2334. >”My eyes are wide open.”
  2336. “Wide open and staring at the ground yeah. Say hi to Asami.”
  2337. >Smiling, and with a knowing look in your eyes, you swung your fore leg out and pointed at Asami as she jogged up.
  2338. >”Hello!”
  2339. >Cheery and smiling broadly, Asami stuck her hand out at Chad for a shake.
  2340. >…And held it there for a full five seconds.
  2341. >Chad just stared at it, then at her face, all with a suspicious slant to his eyes
  2342. >You rolled your eyes and huffed in frustration.
  2343. “Fine, you don’t want to shake her hand because mind control drugs are transferred through handshakes or whatever. At least say hi!”
  2344. >Chad kept staring, his eyes were locked with Asami’s.
  2345. >”I thought it’d be too cold for bugs like you to just walk around."
  2347. >Your brow furrowed at that, what did Chad even mean?
  2348. >Asami was confused too, although she still smiled.
  2349. >”I don’t un-dah-stand?”
  2350. >The suspicious look in Chad’s eyes didn’t fade.
  2351. >Chad was about to open his mouth again, probably to repeat himself.
  2352. >But you bit down hard on Chad’s left sleeve and promptly drug him into the nearest hallway.
  2353. >Snorting furiously, you glared up at him.
  2354. “Hey, what was that about? Did you just call Asami a bug?!”
  2355. >Chad shook his head, looking surprised at your outburst.
  2356. >Then Chad crouched down to your level and spoke low and even so only you could hear him
  2357. >”No not at all. Well, maybe. If she actually is a bug then yes, that’s exactly what I did and I totally called it.”
  2358. >You sputtered incoherently.
  2359. “What.”
  2360. >Chad laughed and patted you on the head.
  2361. >”You’re too adorable when you’re confused man I’m sorry. But really.”
  2362. >Suppressing his laughter, Chad met your eyes seriously.
  2363. >”This is about some information I got online. There’s another drug like Pon-E out there, except it changes people into pony shaped bugs that can shapeshift. It’s incredibly popular among women in Japan now as a replacement for cosmetic products.”
  2364. >You sighed and rubbed your muzzle with a hoof.
  2365. >Also, you snuck in a quick peek over Chad’s shoulder, making sure Asami wasn’t hearing all this.
  2366. >She seemed to be texting someone, probably her family wondering where she was now.
  2367. >You would have to get this over with quick, but still, you mumbled.
  2368. “This is almost as bad as the interdimensional pedophile stuff man. No… No this is definitely worse.”
  2369. >Chad perked a brow and his mouth became a thin line.
  2370. >He grabbed your shoulder firmly, but also reassuringly.
  2371. >”I’m dead serious. They’re called changelings, they feed on emotions, especially love.”
  2372. >You met Chad’s gaze and held it for a minute or two.
  2373. >He really did look serious.
  2375. >If these changelings did exist…
  2376. >Then what a fitting name they had, love thieves just like the faeirie baby changelings of legend.
  2377. >Maybe you really were a sucker for this sort of stuff.
  2378. >Sighing, and with your muzzle scrunched, you looked away.
  2379. “What do you suggest, then?”
  2380. >Chad gave you a pat on the back, mostly as a pretense to pull you closer for a more private conversation.
  2381. >He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little white tablet.
  2382. >”I borrowed this from that Tylenol bottle by the way, sorry.”
  2383. >You didn’t say a word, just watched and listened.
  2384. >”If changelings take Pon-E, nothing happens, since they’ve already taken the C4NG3 variant. Therefore, if we sneak this to Asami-
  2385. >It was high time you fucked that watching and listening shit, you thought.
  2386. “You want to slip Asami a fucking date rape drug. Nice.”
  2387. >You always made it a point to hear Chad out on these sorts of things, because whenever he was right, you’d wind up regretting it if you didn’t.
  2388. >But Asami had a life to attend to, and you couldn’t just take twelve hours from her on a hunch.
  2389. >Chad was about to answer you, but you spoke first, and you spoke plainly.
  2390. “Even if Asami was a changeling… Why would that make her evil?”
  2391. >”Asami, as you know her, could be an act. Changelings feed on all sorts of emotions, maybe she saw you were happy and showed up for a free meal?”
  2392. >You rolled your eyes and stood up, you were done with this conversation.
  2393. >He sighed heavily while he did it, but Chad pocketed the Pon-E tablet and followed you.
  2394. >Asami waved at your approach and you waved right back, smiling again.
  2395. >”Hallo.”
  2396. “Hullo, sorry about that.”
  2397. >Not that you thought she was actually bothered, Asami looked as cheerful as ever.
  2398. >Suddenly though, Asami sighed.
  2399. >You blinked curiously and stood closer to her.
  2400. “What’s up?”
  2402. >Asami shrugged and spoke with a hint of abandon.
  2403. >”My parents have pushed back our trip. So I won’t actually be seeing them today.”
  2404. >Your gaze flicked to Chad…
  2405. >And you were in luck, Chad seemed to be too busy typing something on his phone to have really heard what Asami just said.
  2406. >You looked back at Asami and bumped her leg sympathetically.
  2407. “That sucks, sorry to-”
  2408. >With a giggle and a hop, Asami bent down to scratch you behind the ears.
  2409. >And it felt oh so nice, nice enough that you didn’t really see the point in finishing what you were going to say.
  2410. >”It’s okay, they’re just really really busy at work.”
  2411. >Suddenly, Chad spoke up with a smile on his face.
  2412. >”Did you wanna hang out with us then?”
  2413. >Instantly you thought that Chad must be trying to slip Asami that pill behind your back
  2414. >But the extra wide smile Asami had on now told you there really weren’t any brakes on this train.
  2415. >Asami stood up straight and shot her right fist up with a gorgeous vitality.
  2416. >”Yes! Yes! Yeesssss!”
  2417. >You still laughed and stuck your right hoof up alongside the girl, despite it all.

Assorted Anonpone Stories




Untitled Mothpony TF


Alicorn Filly Anon


How I learned to stop worrying and love being the sluttymare