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(H.E.R.O) Mission

By SaltAnon
Created: 2021-01-03 13:00:10
Expiry: Never

  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. //Initialized
  8. H.E.R.O.
  9. Greek Contingent
  10. Minor Research Station Omikron
  11. MRS Omikron Security Department
  12. Incident report #2247-02-089
  14. Personnel (Expand)
  15. Incident Summary (Expand)
  16. Casualties (Expand)
  17. Transcripts (minimize)
  19. The following is the transcript of a recorded interrogation with a witness/survivor of the incident that occurred on [REDACTED] Gregorian Calendar/ [REDACTED] Equestrian Calendar.
  21. Interviewer: Dekaneas[REDACTED]
  22. Interviewee: Holly Wreath
  25. .
  26. .
  27. .
  29. Interviewer: “Alright recording. This is Dekaneas[REDACTED] and I will be interviewing, please state your name and job title.”
  31. Holly Wreath: “H-Holly. Holly Wreath. And I w-work as um...I work as a junior botanist assistant.”
  33. INT: “Thank you. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, I’m sure you are tired and...disturbed, about what had just taken place, so, the quicker we get this done, the sooner you may retire to your dorm room to rest. If at anytime you need we can take a break.”
  35. HW: “Thank you.”
  37. INT: “Alright, so just start at the beginning.”
  39. HW: “Well…”
  41. ~~
  44. ”Alright, collecting sample, placing it in the bag.”
  45. >Using your magic, you enveloped the poison joke in your magic and placed it into the H.E.R.O. standard bag and sealed it shut.
  46. >”Good job Holly Wreath. Rendezvous with Cutie Quartz and meet up with the Sky Watch team. We’ll be wrapping up today.”
  47. “Roger that Dispatch.”
  48. >You are Holly Wreath.
  49. >Just your average mare with a...well not so average job.
  50. >You mean, you USED to have one.
  51. >You actually were really content with as a holiday decorations craftspony.
  52. >It WAS your special talent after all.
  53. >However, the maker had different plans for you.
  54. >A normal stroll in the woods looking for some flowers to put in some of your trade mark wreaths turned into a run in with some...unusual creatures.
  55. >Those large eyes, large cheeks, and mechanical voices really sent a cold shock down your spine.
  56. >But after you were done screaming and crying it turns out they WEREN’T out for your juicy mare meat, like the legends would have you believe.
  57. >But offer you a job!
  58. >You could’ve declined and literally forgotten the entire experience anyways, but the perks were just TOO good to pass up.
  59. >You were also extremely scared and didn’t trust they’d actually let you go and eat you if you refused. (You peed a little when they first captured you, it was embarrassing).
  61. >You can leave anytime you want, but, why would you?
  62. >You get to do so many cool things and go to so many cool places!
  63. >Like here on a mountain on top of a mountain in the infamous Everfree Forest!
  64. >It really wasn’t as bad as other ponies said it was.
  65. >So here you were, picking weird flowers for those urban myth guys.
  66. >”HEY HOLLY!”
  67. >You turn your attention the voice calling out your name.
  68. “Cutie! Look I got the flowers! I got poison joke, filly’s breath, ominous oleander...”
  69. >”Ahhhda da da da! Shush. Don’t need the specifics. The mission is almost over, and I don’t feel like hearing you ramble for thirty minutes...again. Let’s just find the Sky Watch team.”
  70. “Oh, yea sure! I think they might be over that way, although I’m not sure, I’ve been seeing them fly round and round and round over the mountain.”
  71. >”Well let’s find them quick. This forest is dangerous and these gems are heavy. Actually, I’ll just make contact with them.”
  72. >Cutie pressed into the button of the headset in her ear.
  73. >”Sky Watch Helix, Extraction Helix, we are ready for extraction.”
  74. >She scans the sky for a few moments to see if she can see the team.
  75. >”Sky Watch Helix, Extraction Helix...”
  76. >The gray mare sighed in impatient frustration.
  77. “You see ‘em anywhere? Are they pulling a prank?”
  78. >”No, Holly, I don’t think they are.”
  79. “Well they were making a lot of jokes on the way here.”
  80. >”Ugh, Holly, hold on let me call Dispatch real quick.”
  81. >Cutie pushes into her earpiece again.
  82. >”Dispatch, Extraction Helix Leader, our Sky Watch isn’t responding. Did they say they found anything?”
  83. >~bzzt~
  84. >”Roger. We’ve got their position. Sky Watch One reported landing to make a headcall and we haven’t heard from either since then.”
  85. >”Well, do you know how long ago that was?”
  86. >A few seconds pass before she gets an answer.
  87. >”Abooout...twenty five minutes ago.”
  88. >Cutie Quarts lets out an exasperated sigh.
  89. “You okay CQ?”
  90. >”Ugh, yes I’m fine. Dispatch, do you know where they landed?”
  91. >”Affirmative, they landed approximately 200 meters opposite of the ridge on the west side of the mountain. Rendezvous with them and head back.”
  92. >”Right roger. Come on Holly, I wanna go home and it’s getting dark.”
  93. “Right behind ya capn’!”
  94. >As you and Cutie make your ways down the ridge Celestia’s sun begins its slow decent.
  95. >The sky was a mixture of beautiful gradient from blue to orange and contrasted amazingly against the black Everfree.
  96. >Other than this place being dangerous, you really didn’t understand why Cutie wanted to go home so early.
  97. >It was so BEAUTIFUL out here!
  98. >It’s not like those golem things would let you get hurt out here.
  99. >…
  100. >Would they?
  101. >Naw, they are way to nice for that.
  102. >Maybe you should just ask Cutie why she’s being such a bummer.
  103. “Hey Cutie?”
  104. >”What is it Holly?”
  105. “Why do you wanna go back to the facility so soon?”
  106. >”I’m tired and I need sleep? You know it’s rotation season.”
  107. “Oh! You’re right! I can’t wait to meet all the new golems!”
  108. >Your team leader let out an annoyed grunt.
  109. >”It’s not like we’re able to interact outside of work and those mandated morale days.”
  110. “Do you not like the morale days!?”
  111. >”I honestly don’t think the golems like them. They aren’t allowed to take those masks off and have to wear full body suits. Besides, most of them can’t even speak Equestrian.”
  112. >That was true, less than two hours into any physical activity and only those extraction team guys are left in the games. Everyone else would have to sit down and take a breather.
  113. >Not that it was fair to compare. Those extraction guys train all the time to be able to go and do all the dangerous work ponies weren’t allowed to do.
  114. >The language barrier was also a problem.
  115. “Hey, why don’t we just learn their language then?”
  116. >The mare rolled her eyes.
  117. >”Typical new girl. Look if you wanna cross train into a coed research position or become an administrator of some form that’s up to you. I personally don’t want to learn Greek. I’m fine with my native language.”
  118. “Greek?”
  119. >”That’s what they call it.”
  120. “Hm...I expected something like golemese.”
  121. >”Yea, well, they actually don’t call themselves golems. We gave them that name.”
  122. “Well what are they called?”
  123. >Cutie shrugs.
  124. >”They’re secretive, remember?”
  125. “Oh, yea. Why does that have to be secret though?”
  126. >”Dunno, don’t care.”
  127. “Why not! They’re so interesting. Not every pony gets to work with a bunch of monster alien things and get to mess around and be entertained by all this really cool technology.”
  128. >”Yea, it’s all great. Look can you focus right now. Me wanting to go and rest hasn’t changed and we’re almost there. I wanna save my energy so I can yell at the inept captain.”
  129. “Oh...yea, sorry.”
  130. >As you two approached the edge of the forest Cutie began to call out.
  131. >”HELIX SKY WATCH! Do you guys need help pushing or something?”
  132. “Eww.”
  133. >”Oh shush, I’m not being serious.”
  134. >There wasn’t an answer.
  135. >”Sky Watch! Captain Blue Yonder? Lieutenant Thunderscreech? Ugh.”
  136. >Cutie made her way through the trees and you followed close behind her.
  137. “You don’t think something happened to them do you?”
  138. >”I hope not. Too sleepy to deal with any danger or, Celestia forbid, an interrogation.”
  139. “Right, they’re probably just-”
  140. >”UGH! Do you smell that?”
  141. >Cutie covered her muzzle and grimaced.
  142. “No? Wha- UGH!”
  143. >You could smell it to.
  144. >It was an awful sickly smell.
  145. >It wasn’t Sky Watches uh...bathroom break.
  146. >At least you don’t think.
  147. >No, nope, definitely not.
  148. >It was something else.
  149. >”I think it’s coming from over there”
  150. >You follow Cutie to find the source of the stink.
  151. >You couldn’t recognize it but it
  152. >Like, something in your mind, something innate, knows what the smell is.
  153. >And it’s giving you a pit in your stomach.
  154. >Something instinctual was telling you something was about to go wrong because of the smell but you don’t know why.
  155. >”Ugh, thank Celestia I had a light lunch before coming out here, that smell is making me gag.”
  156. >Every step you take the more you gut falls and the more your heart rate quickens.
  157. >The smell is growing stronger, causing you to tear up just slightly and to gag as well.
  158. >You attempt to voice your concerns to your squad leader.
  159. “H-hey Cutie, I think that we-”
  160. >*gasp*
  161. >Cutie pushes her hoof in your mouth and shoves the both of you behind a tree.
  162. >”Be quite!”
  163. >She whispers in a panicked tone.
  164. “Why, what did you-”
  165. >”Shhhh!”
  166. >Cutie looks again from behind the tree back to what ever she saw.
  167. >”Ohhhhhh. Oh sweet Celestia. Oh Celestia No.”
  168. >She softly whined and choked out.
  169. >You could faintly see the glistening of tears form in her eyes.
  170. >Curious, you carefully take a peek to see what she was, the horrible feeling in your gut was now causing a slight tummy ache.
  171. >The sight was...well, now you knew what the smell was.
  172. >In a clearing just a few scant meters away were the corpses of your late Sky Watch team being eaten by timber wolves.
  173. >Did they even need to eat? Or was this just some sick way to have fun?
  174. >The flesh and meat would make a sickening rip every time the wolves’ wooden jaws came down for another bite.
  175. >Bits of the limbs were picked clean, their white bones shinning in the late day sun.
  176. >One of the wolves went down to one of the guard’s abdomens and tore a hole in it, allowing the entrails to spill out.
  177. >That’s what got to you.
  178. >You hid back behind the tree and looked over to a distraught Cutie Quartz covering her muzzle with both hooves.
  179. >She was shivering and trying not to scream out in fear.
  180. “Hey, Cutie, shouldn’t we call a rescue team?”
  181. >She glanced over at you without changing her position and slowly nodded before feebly trying to compose her self.
  182. >”Y-yes. Yes we should. But first we need to get away from here.”
  183. “R-right.”
  184. >You carefully help Cutie to her hooves, careful not to make a sound.
  185. >The two of you carefully begin to make your way forward.
  186. >Careful now, every step has to be as quiet as-
  187. >*snap*
  188. >And, just like in a horror story, or a very VERY dark comedy, the stepping on a small twig stopped the feasting of the wolves behind the two of you.
  189. >The poor mare you still had a hoof over broke, knowing exactly what was gonna happen.
  190. >”RUN HOLLY, RUUUN!”
  191. The both of you made a mad dash for the edge of the woods, wanting at least to be out of the thick of the shrubs and mud.
  193. >A buzz shot into your earpiece.
  194. >”Roger that Extraction Helix! We have a Spartan team in the area who are en route! ETA is ten minutes! Can you tell us what the emergency is?”
  195. >”TIMBER WOLVES!!!”
  196. >”Roger!”
  197. “What are we gonna do Cutie?”
  198. >”We just have to make it to the clearing on the mount, we at least need to make it AH-!”
  199. >Cutie plummeted to the earth screaming for her life.
  200. “AH! OH MY GOSH CUTIE!”
  201. >A timber wolf managed to catch up to the poor mare and sink its jaws into her flanks.
  202. >She screamed and thrashed in pain attempting to get out of its grasp.
  204. >Another wolf sunk its teeth deep into her shoulder near her neck.
  205. >More wolves were very close behind them.
  206. >Fight or flight kicked in and with extreme guilt you ran from the scene.
  207. >Leaving your pleading coworker begging for her life and screaming for her life to her fate.
  208. >After ducking and jumping and dodging all the different rocks, logs, vines, and leaves on the trail you finally made it to mountain.
  209. >You weren’t safe yet however.
  210. >The growling and barking of wolves still close behind you.
  211. >You desperately tried to get to the ledged incline of the mountain.
  212. >You weren’t really sure why.
  213. >Wasn’t even a good idea.
  214. >Maybe you could lead the wolves a little ways up the mountain and jump back off the incline right before you too high up?
  215. >It was a stupid plan but you really didn’t have much help.
  216. >Using all the energy you could you rushed towards and then up the incline, the wolves following.
  217. >Taking a bet, you take a sharp turn left and jump off back onto the plateau just two meters down and attempted to go back into the direction of the woods.
  218. >You stumbled though, you weren’t a few three meters away from the ledge when you slid on some gravel.
  219. >Your face met the rocks and your skid to a halt.
  220. >You rolled over to meet the first wolf that caught up to you attempt to pounce on you.
  221. >You kicked up and stopped just a few inches from your face.
  222. >You screamed as the beast gnawed and lashed out at you.
  223. >You didn’t want to die.
  224. >Not like this.
  225. >You couldn’t just leave your friend for death and die pathetically like this.
  226. >Maybe this is what you deserve for doing such a thing.
  227. >”Epitrépetai mia thanatifóra máchi!”
  228. >Wait what?
  229. >”ALALAAAAA!”
  230. >A hulking force rammed into the wooden animal on top of you pushing it over a meter away.
  231. >You rolled over to see what happened.
  232. >A golem, mask, camouflage and all towered over the savage animal on the ground.
  233. >And...what was that tank on its back?
  234. >The wolf reared back ready to pounce.
  235. >Acting quickly the golem raised up a long tube with a tiny flame on the end.
  236. >Oh...oh that’s what the tank if for.
  237. >You should probably-
  238. >”ENKAVMA! PORNI!”
  239. >The resulting fire ball nearly blinding you.
  240. >The screeching from the wolf was deafening.
  241. >You’d be surprised if you didn’t have to file for disability after this.
  242. >In just a few short seconds the wolf was mostly burnt wood and ash.
  243. >Its trademark luminous green eyes were no more than dark empty sockets now.
  244. >Looking behind you, three other golems were lighting up the rest of the wolves as well.
  245. >That or scaring them off back into the woods.
  246. >”Alogo. Eísai kalá?”
  247. >You turned around back to the golem who saved you tears in your.
  248. >He was kneeling next to you now.
  249. >You stared at him for just a moment before latching onto him.
  250. “OH SWEET CELESTIA! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!”
  251. >Tears poured down your cheeks and matted your fur as you nuzzled into his chest.
  252. >”Ah! Boreíte na mou férete mia kouvérta?”
  253. >You don’t even know what he said.
  254. >It was hidden behind that alien language and garbled static.
  255. >You could probably guess though, since soon you were underneath a blanket and being comforted by your hero.
  256. >You felt a prick and winced.
  257. >Hey what was that...oh...ohhhhh.
  258. >Your mind spun and your heart rate lowered.
  259. >This was probably for the best.
  260. >Knowing them it was probably just the sleeping stuff and not the forgetting stuff.
  261. >They’d want to know more about what had just happened.
  262. >For now though you embraced the drug.
  263. >You hoped they’d find the bodies of your team mates.
  264. >You hoped that, by some miracle, at least Cutie Quartz would be okay.
  266. ~~
  268. Interviewer: “And is that it?”
  270. Holly Wreath: “Y-yes. That’s everything. I shortly woke up in the medical wing after I was injected.”
  272. INT.: Okay thank you. I believe that’s everything we need. You may go back to your-”
  274. HW: “Is she going to be okay?”
  276. INT: “I’m sorry?”
  278. HW: “Is Cutie Quartz going to be fine?”
  280. INT.: “I uh...That’s a question for medical.”
  282. HW: “I see...could I get an amnestic shot?”
  284. INT.: “That is also a question for medical.”
  286. HW: “W-will I at least be given some leave after all of this?”
  288. INT: “That’s what usually happens, yes. You won’t even have to talk to your supervisor. You can take a nice long rest.”
  290. HW: “I see.”
  292. INT.: “Right, well, if that was everything. We are done. Thank you for all of that Holly Wreath, you may go back to your room. Enjoy that week off.”
  294. HW: “Thank you.”
  296. [End Transcription]
  298. ~~

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.1

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.2

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.3

by SaltAnon

All Ends With Beginnings Pt.4 (END)

by SaltAnon

Monk Anon [This Green has been Abandoned]

by SaltAnon