Quick Summary
Futa Fluttershy uses hypnosis to seduce Anon.
>Be Fluttershy
>You took a deep breath, putting a hand over your ample breast as you looked through the window towards the road.
>The weather schedule had called for a moderate summer night, and just like every other like it, you had the house mostly to yourself.
>Your animal friends had meandered to the surrounding fields or forests to enjoy the weather, perhaps pad down in burrows they’d made in spring at night.
>Nights like these were fairly lonely for a mare like you, who had gotten used to sleeping among her animal friends.
>You didn’t like being alone.
>But tonight was different.
>You had a guest coming.
>You stood up from your chair and strode into the kitchen, peeking your head around the archway to once more verify the snacks had been prepared and laid out.
>Popcorn with extra butter, soft pretzels, and some fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies in case he wants something sweet.
>All his favorites.
>No soda.
>The DVD with today’s movie lay on the countertop nearby.
>You’d already seen it.
>Having made your... *additions* required you to go frame by frame through the footage, trying to find the right moments to splice in an image here, a subliminal tone and whisper there.
>As a result you’ve spoiled the entire thing for yourself in a way few ponies, save the original editors, could say they had.
>Every cgi error and inconsistency had been laid bare.
>Every plot hole thoroughly brought to light.
>The movie had been genuinely ruined for you.
>None of that mattered though. As much as you loved the Guardians of Harmony series, it had been a worthy sacrifice for Anon.
>At least, it would be if it worked.
>A shudder ran through your frame.
>You’d rather not think about what might happen if you failed.
>His adoptive mother Twilight had a protective streak that could make a dragon look tame, but even then, you think she could forgive you.
>Instead, your stress had been focused like a laser on Anon, or rather, what he might think of you if he realized what you tried to do.
>His face, adorable and handsome in equal measure, flashed through your mind with a betrayed expression.
>The hurt he’d feel… it made your chest ache just to think about.
>But it was nothing compared to thinking about him with another mare.
>Your fingernails dug into the plaster until they had left four neat indents.
>You’d made up your mind, and it was too late to back out now.
>Besides, despite your current anxiety, you knew, logically speaking, that you’d left no room for error.
>You’d pored over every frame with painstaking care, measured every sine wave to the utmost precision.
>Everything had been meticulously edited, and with the potion catalyst you acquired from Zecora, the only way this wouldn’t work was if he were naturally immune.
>You bit your lip, nearly drawing blood.
>That thought did little to calm your nerves though.
>Still, even if you did get cold feet, you had no backup.
>Because of your sleepless nights, you forgot to buy a clean DVD just in case… or maybe you purposefully did that to prevent yourself from backing out?
>You were too frazzled to think straight so who could say what you were thinking.
>You let out a long sigh, and a loose strand of hair listlessly fell across your face.
>Speaking of frazzled…
>You strode to your bedroom, stopping in front of your full length mirror and began checking yourself over while combing back some hair.
>The faint lick of dark circles under your eyes peeked through your makeup, though your hair had stayed shiny and neat after your perm yesterday.
>You thought about adding a few black streaks, something rebellious to catch his eye, but Anon had always complimented the color of your mane so you settled on subtle rose highlights.
>For clothes you’d fussed for several hours and eventually settled on a low cut, green sweater dress.
>It was one that Rarity had made you some time ago, a piece that exposed your shoulders and felt tight and low around your ample chest, meanwhile scarcely coming more than a few inches below your rear.
>With a white, pleated microskirt and some matching thigh highs, your outfit was just barely outside slutty and instead probably more subtly risque.
>Underneath it all, you’d forgone a bra and wore a pair of thin side-tie panties, perfect for “accidentally” giving peeks while bending over.
>You bit your lip, imagining Anon’s eyes lingering over your bottom, driving his young mind wild.
>Of course, you’d have the opposite effect if he noticed your testes through the fabric so you couldn’t do that.
>A frown tugged at the corners of your lips as your eyes lingered over your crotch in the mirror.
>You’d taped your cock down beneath your legs to try and minimize it, as well as give yourself just enough time to get settled in for the movie before you tented your dress.
>But being that you were about 8 inches and fairly thick, there was only so much you could hide.
>Your testes were even more difficult to deal with, as they tended to imprint on fitted clothes.
>There was a reason you tended to wear sundresses around Anon.
>You let out a long sigh as you rotated your body, checking every angle to make sure your bulge wasn’t *too* obvious.
>It would have been so much better if you hadn’t been born with a marecock.
>Even if it was normal.
>In Equestria, about 55% of the female population was hermaphroditic, and another 10% simply had a cock instead of a vagina, like you.
>Twilight once mentioned it had something to do with adapting to the gender disparity, since mares outnumbered stallions 8 to 1 as far back as anyone could remember.
>That meant the vast majority of ponies were sporting a little something extra between their legs, and that in turn was reflected in female clothing lines, models, and the culture at large.
>Mares typically had larger penises by a significant margin compared to males too, so it was generally considered quite feminin and alphamare to have a big cock.
>Mares would tent, imprint, show a bulge or even have a bit of their penis peek out, and it was generally pretty normal.
>Mares would even go bottomless sometimes, stripping off their lower clothes for comfort, provided there wasn’t anypony of the opposite sex around.
>They may have the same parts, but that didn’t mean it was couth to just expose your cock to a colt, you know?
>Of course, none of this was something you’d have thought about normally.
>It would have been just part of life.
>But you were made aware because, for Anon, it was different.
>Futas were all but unheard of in his world, and he showed quite a lot of discomfort about seeing what he felt were “male” genitals on females.
>You think maybe, at one point, he could have been eased into the idea of being with a futa, but he’d had some bad experiences when he first came here as a teen.
>You see, Anon had small, foalish eyes and a furless body that exposed his skin and muscle in an incredibly erotic way.
>He was also charming, classy, cool, athletic, kind and—
>You felt the tape on your cock tighten.
>A-Anyways! Anon was a catch and all the mares his age knew it.
>Problem was, futas could be very aggressive and forward, being that there was so much competition if they wanted to catch a male’s attention.
>And young mares don’t know the meaning of taking it slow or taking ‘no’ for an answer.
>They’re just so hormonal at that age it’s hard for them to think with their brain and not their lady bits.
>Thankfully nothing bad happened, but Anon had developed a bit of a discomfort towards mares who were, erm, as Dash called it, ‘packing heat.’
>Mares like you.
>Of course, you were his favorite ‘Aunt’ and he never hesitated to give you a hug or spend time together.
>And his eyes would often linger on your chest and hips, something that gave you a giddy feeling each time.
>But that didn’t change the fact Anon didn’t want to be with a mare unless she only had a vagina.
>Just remembering the time he said that made your stomach ache.
>So here you were, about to betray that trust.
>Your ears lay back and you bit your lip.
>Part of you wanted to believe it was because you didn’t want to see him with some hussy who didn’t appreciate how amazing he was.
>Or maybe because you wanted to believe, however desperately, that Anon would be okay with a dickmare if only he gave you a chance, and so you were just easing him into the idea.
>But really?
>You looked down at your crotch, feeling the tape already straining to hold you back after thinking about him.
>You frowned, a lump forming in your center.
“I’m just a pervert…”
>Your doorbell rang.
>The sound made you jump, your hand going to your chest to steady your heavily beating heart before your eyes snapped back to your crotch.
>You weren’t tenting yet but you could feel your libido rising at the subconscious realization that tonight was really happening.
>Okay okay, this is fine. You’re fine. Just don’t think about anything lewd for once in your pathetic life, you told yourself as you speed walked to your front door.
>Another ring.
“C-Coming!” you said, breaking into a trot as you neared the door, already feeling your loins begin to tingle.
>As soon as your hand touched the handle you flung the door open.
>There Anon stood, looking up at you with wide eyes as you stood there panting.
>A frayed, army green backpack looped around one of his shoulders and he held a pillow under an arm—everything he needed for his overnight stay.
>After scarcely more than a second, his gaze slid down and locked onto something below your chin.
>You followed his eyes and found yourself staring down at a mile of cleavage, your breasts having nearly come out of your dress as you ran.
>So much so, in fact, that a small bit of pink from your areolas subtly peeked over the hem.
>The moment you realized you were practically giving your best friend’s son a peepshow, you felt your face heat up, equal parts humiliation and arousal warring within your mind.
>You such a classless girl…
>”Auntie, um,” Anon said, battling to keep his eyes away from your heaving bosom.
>Even as your face felt like it was about to overheat, you weren’t willing to pull your dress up.
>It might just draw even more attention to your depravity, so you simply straightened your back and smiled sweetly, hoping that an air of innocence might preserve what little modesty you had left.
“Anon, y-you’re here.”
>Anon blinked.
>“Uh yeah. Were you… in the middle of changing or something? You seem a bit—I mean, you remembered it’s movie night, right?”
>Celestia it’s all you’ve thought about for a week straight.
>You forced a giggle, all too aware of how the sound made your chest jiggle.
“Oh Anon, you’re so silly. No, everything is ready for tonight. We have snacks, pillows and blankets and I was able to get the movie. The real deal too, not a bootleg.”
>His jaw dropped.
>“No way...!”
“I hope you’re ready for…”
>You crossed your arms and struck what you hoped was a cool looking power stance (you’ve been practicing), pausing for dramatic effect.
“Guardians of Harmony II: The Rod of Ruin.”
>You want to be a cool Aunt, okay?
>Thankfully Anon smiled as he adjusted the shoulders of his backpack.
>”That’s crazy. Wasn’t it just in theaters? How’d you get ahold of the DVD before it was released?”
>By leveraging every modeling contact you had, bribing several ponies, and subjecting yourself to some incredibly raunchy photoshoots on the condition those pictures never leave Photo Finish’s private collection.
“Well, um, why don’t you come inside and drop your things upstairs? Oh and um.”
>You took a deep breath.
“C-Can I have m-my...”
>You held your arms up towards him, dropping your gaze and hoping he wouldn’t make you ask.
>Anon smiled and stepped into your embrace, his arms wrapping around you.
>It only took a moment before you returned the hug, holding him against you as if, should you let go, he might drift away.
>His scent enveloped your mind, an entrancing mixture of soothing body wash entangled with the undercurrent of a virile, young male.
>It always made your legs feel weak.
>His warmth spread across your chest, filling you with a thrill and nearly making you writhe, as if your body wanted to somehow feel even more of his body pressing against yours.
>Feeling him against you like this was the thing you looked forward to most when he visited.
>You always got two hugs, one in greeting, and one in parting, each far too short and only serving to make you breathless and yearning.
>It was like drinking salt water.
>You knew it would only make your need that much worse yet you couldn’t help yourself one bit.
>After a moment that felt like scarcely more than a blink, he pulled away, and you reluctantly let him go.
>Anon gave you a genuine smirk that made your heart melt.
>“Alright, I’ll just put my stuff away and we can get started. You need any of my help with the snacks?”
“N-No that will be quite alright. Go ahead and get settled in,” you said.
>Anon gave a nod then turned to head up the stairs.
>With his departure, you let out a long sigh of relief, and not more than a few seconds later, the tape holding your cock back gave way.
>A noticeable tent pushed up against the hem of your dress.
>You put your face in your hands, knowing from the bottom of your heart you were a filthy, depraved mare.
>But there was no more time to lament your perversion.
>There was one last task to do.
>You headed to the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets.
>Inside sat a bulbous, glass potion bottle with a cork stopper, large enough to fit in your dainty palm and filled to the neck with a bubbling, violet potion.
>You carefully lifted it out and came back to the snacks for the night.
>This was the catalyst, the potion that would make changing Anon possible.
>It was possible to influence a mind without one, but those effects wouldn’t last much longer than the length of the session.
>This potion would allow you to open his mind and allow for true, lasting influence.
>And so long as you abstained from snacking on anything, you’d be safe from accidentally doing anything to your own mind.
>At most, you’d feel aroused and filled with desire for a short time, which wasn’t any different than your usual nights with Anon anyhow.
>With a grunt and a pull, the cork popped out and a waft of purple steam issued forth from the bottleneck.
>You wouldn’t need much.
>It wasn’t about hiding the taste or coloring. Those would dissolve after a few seconds.
>Zecora had said you’d only need a light drizzle, as the potion could be quite potent, and you had the cost to consider.
>You’d confided in Zecora, and she’d sympathized with you enough to offer the solution you held in your hands, but the potions weren’t free.
>Each brew came with a favor to be repaid in the future.
>Zecora was a good mare, and she’d treat you fairly as a friend, but how many of these potions could you really afford on good will and favors alone?
>Surely a potion like this should be worth hundreds of bits...
>At the same time, you couldn’t help letting your mind wander over the possibilities.
>What could you get Anon to do for you after tonight?
>Zecora said it would take some time for effects to show, but maybe if you used a little extra…
>Your eyes darted back and forth between the food and the bottle in your hand, your arousal and your good sense warring against one another in turn.
>Then you heard Anon stomping down the stairs, and as your heart leapt into your throat, your hand slipped and you spilled everything into the popcorn.
>It was difficult not to stare.
>It’d been four years since Anon had come to Equestria, and you’d watched him grow into a handsome young man under Twilight’s motherly care.
>It made you envy her.
>She got to live with him as a nurturing mother figure, getting to dote on him in ways you could only dream of.
>You didn’t get to tuck him in.
>You didn’t get to cook for him or fix his hair in the mornings.
>She got to experience things you could only fantasize about.
>How many times had he walked around the treebrary, body still glistening from a freshly finished shower, wearing only a towel?
>How many times did she do his laundry and have the chance to give his unmentionables an experimental sniff, only to get hit with the full force of his male essence?
>She’d walked in on him changing once, you know that much.
>After a few glasses of wine she’d confided with you about it, saying he was indeed growing into a healthy young man, though it made her embarrassed to have even thought as much.
>She had so much time with him, and you had movie night once a week.
>It wasn’t fair.
>With his interest in arcane and the studies that followed, and you living on the outskirts tending to forest guardianship meant you didn’t get to see him nearly as much.
>And it was this reason that made it so hard not to drink him in from your corner of the couch.
>The room was dark, only the changing hues from the TV lighting his handsome face as you watched him.
>Anon had chosen a spot on the floor, leaning up against your sofa near the opposite end. >The popcorn bowl sat in his lap, already half eaten.
>Holy Glory’s capture played in the background, probably around the twenty one minute mark by the sounds of it, and that meant it wasn’t long before your first splices would come in.
>You’d nestled yourself into the corner of the couch, legs drawn up slightly with a pillow in your lap to cover your raging erection.
>It was no surprise, considering what kind of mare you were, but you think even a classy mare would have a hard time staying flaccid like this.
>After all, you were alone with a virile, handsome, barely legal colt who had changed in a loose tank top and pajama pants.
>And he was about to become very aroused.
>Your cock twitched at the thought and you stifled a small gasp, your knuckles going white on the pillow as you instinctively grinded into it.
>Anon took that exact moment to turn to you and hold out the popcorn bowl.
>“Auntie, you want some? I feel like I’m hogging all the snacks here.”
>Your heart nearly stopped and you once more cursed your endowments, but thankfully the poor lighting had probably covered you.
>You gave Anon a thankful look, or at least one that you hope came off that way, and waved him off.
“Oh, n-no thank you, dear. I’m on a diet.”
>His eyes flicked down to your chest.
>”Uh… really?”
>Yes, please look at me, your lust-drunk brain screamed.
>You need this boy to grope your fat tits already!
>Your breathing, which had started to climb, moved your chest up and down, which was oddly the thing that broke his gaze.
>Anon shook his head.
>”Er anyhow. If you change your mind, just ask,” he said, turning back to the movie.
>You let out a breath as quietly as you could.
>Celestia you were horny.
>But that was to be expected.
>The first edit set was coming up.
>On screen, Snowball, a busty supersoldier with a creamy white coat and wide hips, had been sent flying by her adversary, only to make a three point landing and give a grunt of pain and frustration.
>As she was bent over, she flashed the camera a bit of her cleavage, and during frames 5, 8, and 11 of that shot, for no more than a sixtieth of a second each, you had spliced in a matching pair of voluptuous, bare breasts over her own.
>Far too fast for the conscious perception, but well within the ability of the subconscious to pick on.
>At the same time, you had subtly pitched her voice when she landed, making her sound more pleasured than pained.
>Anon paused, popcorn halfway in his mouth for a moment before he shifted in his spot and finished his snack.
>It was the first of many subtle edits in this fight scene, all designed to turn him on and begin opening his mind.
>Your heart beat hard in your chest as you watched Anon closely.
>Another edit rolled by, a seductive whisper mixed with an overlay of Snowball’s bare ass as she charged at her foe.
>This section would determine if all your work had been for nothing, or if Anon was going to...
>You shuddered as you felt a heavy glob of pre-cum squirt from the tip of your cock.
>Onscreen Snowball took a heavy hit sending her tumbling.
>Frames 7, 22, 30, and 45 all contained different artist renditions of her with a fucked-silly face, covered in fresh cum.
>Anon cleared his throat and shifted again.
>Please work, please work, please work!
>Snowball leapt up and threw a punch, only for her to take a sound shattering uppercut to the gut.
>A barely audible moan played as the camera pulled in a few pixels, better framing her chest as she heaved for air and gritted her teeth.
>At the same time, a filter designed to blur the pixels around her breasts by a few points came in, further drawing Anons eyes to her cleavage.
>Snowball heaved for breath, breasts straining against her tight uniform while a subtle frequency whispered ‘let go’.
>You held your own breath as Anon leaned forward, eyes taking on an odd look.
>The scene continued with splice after splice, multiple sets of layered audio to slowly lull his mind into a deeper state, each one making him squirm a little more each time.
>By the time the fight came to a close, Anon had become tantalizingly hard under his pajama bottoms and even began panting at one point.
>Gallant Show, the mare who played Snowball, was a sexy and beautiful mare, but that couldn’t account for this level of stimulation.
>It was working.
>How far your suggestions would go was yet to be seen, but your edits only got more intense from here, eventually culminating in a section designed to put Anon in a relaxed state where he’d be open to suggestion and have lower inhibitions.
>You let out a soft moan and your hips ground into your pillow once more.
>What would he do when that happened?
>It was impossible to know for sure until you reached the end of the movie.
>Being the depraved girl you were, a million scenarios rattled off in your head as you wondered what would happen.
>But you wouldn’t have to wonder long.
>Most mares learned to foster strong imaginations in Equestria.
>It came with the territory considering your libidos, as no amount of internet porn could sate a futile crush on a colt in your life.
>You still remember Quick Flash, your first filly crush at Flight School, and how many gallons you blew to him as teen.
>There had even been one afternoon when you heard he got pantsed in the colts locker room (they still got one even though there were only four boys in your class), and your mind went so wild with the image you ended up ruining your bedsheets that afternoon.
>You shifted in your seat, now used to the feel of your hefty balls.
>You were always a high volume gal.
>All of your friends had crushes like that and raunchy things they liked to fantasize about when they were alone.
>But never in your wildest dreams did you imagine one coming true.
>Anon gave a contented sigh as he lay against you, his head cradled in your tits as yet another sequence of erotic suggestions and tantalizing mare-flesh assaulted his vulnerable mind.
>Your cock, practically ready to shatter diamonds, speared through his thighs and rested against his own member, brushing against his soft pajamas everytime he moved.
>The pair of lacy, side-tie panties you wore had since given up, laying somewhere beneath you.
>You’d also drenched the couch and Anon’s own pants in so much pre-cum that you doubt your scent would ever come out.
>It was like something out of a dream—Anon, sitting on your lap.
>Something so simple yet so impossible because of the thing between your legs, but here you were, with this wonderful amazing boy nestled into you like it was the most natural thing in the world.
>To say your work had been effective would be an understatement.
>After the scene with Snowball, there had been a brief cooldown period, followed by several more scenes interspersed with nudity and suggestive mood setting, then back to more cooldowns.
>The alternating between pressure and relief kept the mind from growing numb, and it helped you line up the eroticism with scene context, as well as the actions of the curvaceous cast.
>Seriously, you’re so lucky Anon liked this series.
>The mares were gorgeous and that gave you plenty to work with when it came to suggestive alterations.
>Several of them were packing too...
>But turning him on was only the start.
>Scene after scene of subliminal messaging and soothing frequencies opened his mind until he had been lulled into a pleasant calm, and finally, the stronger sections could come in.
>What followed were more brazenly edited scenes—rapid-cut eroticism; Suggestions above the auditory threshold to really push the results.
>These interspersed with the real scenes made the sequences feel dreamlike, hopefully allowing Anon to recount the basic plot in the morning without losing any potency.
>No matter how you looked at it though, the results still amazed you.
>The scene with Thunderlick laying in bed, thinking about her past, came with a deluge of ‘lay with me’, ‘touch me’ and ‘I need to feel you’s interspersed with artful shots of a writhing mare.
>You’d gathered enough courage to ask him if he’d like to sit in your lap then, and he’d done so as if it were the most natural thing in the world to him.
>Then came the sections designed to break down the mental barriers he’d set up.
>The grappler Rose Hip’s fight with Rough and Tumble came with flashes of close up futa cocks as they wrestled in the gladatory slime pit.
>The edits started slow and subtle to ease him in, but eventually ramping up as the scene went on, eventually giving the impression that the characters' cocks were hard and dripping with fresh juice down their voluminous testicles as they frotted against one another.
>You’d followed up that cocklust section with three more to really send the idea home—marecocks were’t bad. Marecocks were good. They are pretty and nice and very sexy. You like marecocks. They’re tasty and feel good to touch.
>Anon, who had tensed unconsciously when your cock touched his, seemed to relax more and more as those scenes played, making your heart leap.
>Everything tonight was more perfect than you could have imagined.
>You could have gone to bed that night a happy mare, satisfied in being able to do something you’d only dreamt of.
>Then, you hit the finale.
>It was your most ambitious attempt at inception, something you didn’t think you could get away with tonight, but you hoped to set the groundwork for the future.
>Mare cum.
>The feeling of it on your skin, the taste of it on your tongue, the thrill of seeing a pretty girl’s cock shooting all over you.
>That was the message the finale had set out to embed in Anon.
>There was hardly anything left of the real final scene, most of which was a foregone conclusion anyhow.
>The heroes would fight and win. That’s how it always went. And so you felt no need to hold back if he’d made it this far.
>Apparently you had been really pent up when you made this, because you didn’t remember it being this intense.
>Torrents of creamy cum oozing from virile, delicious marecocks flashed across the screen, relentless in their assault.
>For you, the one who made it, the sequence still made you lick your lips.
>You groaned at the idea of fresh, warm spunk painting your face and gushing into your mouth.
>For Anon, who had consumed so much of the potion, you couldn’t imagine what this was like.
>It made you feel guilty, disgusted with yourself when you stopped to think about it.
>But you couldn’t stop, not now.
>You pulled him closer to your body, pushing your face into his shoulder and taking a deep breath.
>You need him.
>It hurt so badly to imagine anything else.
>Your cock twitched and another viscious glob of pre-cum slid down your head and onto Anon’s cock.
>You groaned at the sight.
>Celestia you’re such a filthy mare...
>Your ears flicked.
>You heard something, quiet and subdued compared to the sounds of slurping mouths and moaning futamares.
>“Auntie, could I maybe get a drink?”
>Your heart leapt as you realized Anon had spoken to you, albeit in a voice that sounded like he was mumbling in his sleep.
>You looked down to see him staring up at you like a sleepy puppy, a dopey smile on his face as he pushed his cheek into your breasts.
“Oh! Yes of course, sweety. What would you like?” you said, trying to ignore the surrealness of the situation.
>Here you were with your marebits not only fully exposed to a male, but shoved between his thighs as he used your fat tits as a pillow, meanwhile cum spraying every which way on screen.
>“Maybe a milkshake?” Anon said in a lurid daze. “I don’t really know. I’m craving something creamy I guess.”
>Your knuckles went white and your cock twitched.
>Be still my perverse heart.
“Okay, I have some vanilla ice cream. I can blend you a shake if you’d like, dear.”
>He gave a small sound of approval that made you bite your lip.
>”That sounds amazing right now… do you want me to pause the movie?”
“Oh no, thank you. I know how it ends. Could you move over so Auntie can get up, please?”
>Anon stood, his crotch absently brushing against your hardon and making you suppress a gasp.
>H-Holy earth-mother below.
>W-Why did that feel that good!?
>”Thanks Auntie. I love you,” Anon said as he flopped down on the floor.
>Shoot shoot shoot, whydidthatfeelsogood stop stop!
>Before anything else could happen, you bolted upright, hand over your mouth to cover your moaning, and dashed into the kitchen.
>You gasped for breath as soon as you cleared the corner, your legs giving out as you sank to the floor.
>Your whole body had an electric tingle running through it like you were about to cum, but you knew you weren’t.
>You’d only just been touched.
>It just felt as good as cumming when you did it alone.
>That scared you a little.
>If you felt this good, what would happen if you actually came?
>You lowered your hands, staring down at your member with growing horror.
>Could you… actually die from cumming too hard?
>You decided, in the end, you didn’t want to find out.
>Instead you stood up, albeit on shaky legs, and resolved to get that shake for your boy.
>It didn’t take long for you to gather the things you needed—milk, some sugar, and vanilla ice cream— though as you opened the ice cream container to add to the blender, you found it was nearly empty.
>You put a palm to your face, silently berating yourself for not checking before tonight.
>Vanilla was his favorite. You should have made sure you had some.
>Now what?
>It’s not like you can go to the store at this time of night, and there wasn’t exactly a substitute for ice cream or anything in the house… right?
>It was at that time you were reminded of a simple fact, one that you often cursed when it came to your own libido.
>Futamares had exceptional imaginations.
>Perverse, warped, lurid imaginations that would make a colt blush if he’d even the slightest inclination of what the mares around them were thinking.
>And for whatever reason, your mind chose that moment to give you one of the filthiest ideas you’ve ever had.
>Your eyes drifted down and locked onto the tip of your erect penis, the latter of which sported a small dribble of opaque liquid at the end.
>Anon wanted something white and creamy right?
>A long, electric shudder rolled through you at the idea.
>You were disgusting, revolting! What kind of mare thinks these kinds of things?
>You’d need lube anyways… which you had in your bedroom.
>Somehow you found yourself quickly retrieving the lube from your room and bringing it into the kitchen before staring at it as if maybe, if you stared hard enough, you’d find some easy out.
>There was plenty left in the bottle.
>You sighed.
>Okay, come on Fluttershy, you weren’t seriously considering this were you?
>No, of course you weren’t.
>But… if you did, it probably wouldn’t take you long. You could give Anon what he needed.
>A groan issued past your lips as you realized you’d already gripped your cock.
>It felt firm and hot in your hands, with plenty of weight to it.
>A true virile marecock.
>Your hips jerked forward on instinct, your mind raging at you to breed as your hand absently brushed against the head and your eyes returned to the bottle of lube.
>You reached out and picked it up.
>Oh Celestia.
>This was… so lewd.
>Wrong, but insanely, irrefutably, incomprehensibly lewd.
>The blender tapped against the tile of your kitchen as you placed it at your feet, heart beating like mad in your chest.
>You shouldn’t be entertaining the idea. You need to stop now before it’s too late.
>But the thought was too lurid and enticing, too much for a mare like you to resist.
>You didn’t want to do it, you swear you didn’t.
>It was so filthy and indecent and perverse.
>But the idea made you shiver, and sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your skin.
>Before you could stop yourself, you poured a generous line of lube on your cock, gingerly spread it to cover your member, then gave your marecock a single, tentative stroke.
>The sensation was enough to pull a low moan from you as your knees nearly buckled.
>Pleasure, white hot and more intense than anything you’d ever felt before, exploded in your crotch like a cluster of firecrackers.
>You threw your head back, moaning like a cheap harlot at the sensation.
>Your cock was sensitive.
>Far too sensitive…
>In that moment, you knew you shouldn’t have done that.
>You’d thought on some level it’d be like dipping your toe into a cold lake just to satisfy your curiosity before heading away to shore.
>It was just one stroke so what could it hurt?
>But you were too horny, too pent after everything tonight.
>And your own desire proved to be too much.
>Any vestige of self control left in you died in that moment as you started to pump away at your cock, doing your best to aim towards the blender.
>Your body seized up at the sudden sensation and you gasped, but there was no stopping now.
>You were going to have him drink it…
>Oh Celestia, you were going to make a cute colt drink your cum like it was a delicious smoothie!
>Your cock twitched, a glob of precum swelling at the tip of your cock and dripping into the blender.
>The sight of it only served to drive you further as you bit your lip, squirming at your own touch.
>You could imagine it now.
>Anon slurping down your warm, thick spunk—long strands of it drooling down his chin.
>You’d help wipe it up with a finger, gently teasing him for being such a messy boy before offering it to suck on.
>He’d put his mouth around your finger, giving little moans as he extracted all the creamy, salty goodness from your digit, before you’d go back and wipe away another thick glob from his face.
“There you go, you silly boy,” you’d say. “Say ‘aw’ for Auntie Fluttershy and be a good boy and eat it all.”
>The muscles in your crotch spasmed as yet another helping of pre burbled up and oozed into the blender.
>Oh gods, this was so filthy.
>But it was so hot!
>Already a layer of pre-cum had settled into the mixture, and there was so much more to come.
>Your other hand found your breast, sinking deep into your braless chest as you kept pumping, feeling your balls undulate under you and wishing you had another pair of hands to massage them.
>The whole kitchen already reeked of a futamare in heat, rich pungent musk radiating off of you as your climax steadily approached.
>Celestia, you want to cum so bad!
>You sped up, setting an even more vigorous pace as you gyrated your hips in time with your strokes.
>Wet slaps echoed off the tiled floor, mixing with your moans to create an obscene symphony for the sweet innocent boy was in the other room.
>You knew such things wouldn’t reach him consciously, but the idea drove you mad either way.
>Maybe one day you could pump your cock right in front of him without breaking his lucid state.
>Your balls tightened as a violent shudder ran through you.
>You were such a filthy, vile mare with a disgusting, depraved marecock.
>And you were going to one day make him crave it.
>You mewled as a spark of pleasure ignited in your center.
>This was the point of no return.
>You were going to cum into a blender and give Anon your huge, gooey load because you were a sick, horrible mare.
>You were going to corrupt and ruin him because you had no self control.
>You were going to make him your sexy little cum addicted, marecock loving colt-slave and hold him tight as he drank your cum!
>A yelp issued forth from your mouth as you thrust forward.
“H-Heck…” you said, eyes going wide as a powerful surge of pleasure traveled up your spine.
>Oh Celestia, you’re gonna…
>Your arm became a blur, pumping your cock like a train piston gone wild.
>All the while the image of Anon slurping down your seed played over and over in your mind.
>Your bodies were pressed together, his back to you as you whispered sweet encouragement in his ear.
>He was drinking more of your hot, virile cream.
>This time from a whole pitcher filled to the brim.
>You eased the pitcher up, forcing him to drink more and more as you cooed in his ear.
“There you go. Get it all, young man.”
“Remember not to waste any. If you dribble I’ll just wipe it up and feed it to you.”
“That-a-boy, you’re almost halfway. Keep going.”
“My, your tummy is going to be very full, huh?”
>Mascara ran down your face, hot lustful tears ruining all the work you’d done as your tongue lolled out of your mouth.
>Every nerve in your body felt like it had been ignited, every fiber of your being screaming out in ecstasy.
>You squealed and panted like a mare possessed, tossing your head back as more and more pleasure filled you until finally you felt that first, intense jolt of pleasure signalling you’d hit the finale.
>Your balls clenched, muscled locked up, and the first jet of cum exploded into the blender as you cried out.
>Your first shot lasted nearly five full seconds, half of which splattered around the rim and hit the kitchen floor, but there was more to come.
>So much more.
>It was all you could do to hold on as raw, pure, and unrestrained lust overcame your mind, but even in the white-hot inferno, there was one thought still persisting above it all.
>You whispered Anon’s name over and over as a fresh jet of spunk battered your now cum-slicked blender.
>He was your liferaft, your object of affection, your boy.
“Anon…. Anon… Anon I love you so much…”
>Rope after rope shot from your cock in a near endless torrent, painting your kitchen floor and filling the blender to the brim as you pumped away.
>You don’t know how long you came honestly, but eventually, the explosive orgasm began to peter out, each shot of cum growing smaller than the last, until finally, your hips gave a last final jerk as a dollop of white dripped into the overfilled glass.
>Your muscles stayed tense as you absently massaged your cock, the dregs of your orgasm still keeping its hold on you, but finally, like a puppet with its strings cut, your body sagged.
>And then folded to the floor in a heap a moment later.
>A pained groan issued forth from your lips the moment the euphoria drained from your body and the fatigue and muscle pain came back to the forefront.
>It felt like you’d run a marathon, and it was all you could do to breathe.
>Note to self… next time… you need to masturbate... before he comes over.
>It took something like ten minutes before you could so much as move your head, and when you did, the first thing you did was check your handiwork.
>As expected, you’d left quite the mess.
>The blender had been filled though not by precise aim so much as overwhelming volume.
>Viscous, thick cum pushed above the lip of the glass, saved only by its own generous surface tension.
>Not that it would have made a difference if it had spilled over the side anyways.
>The glass itself had been thoroughly smeared in your cream, though an even greater, white quagmire of sticky goo surrounded the glass, further evidence of your poor aim in the throes of orgasm.
>You bit your lip.
>Not much you could have done, you suppose. Maybe use a bowl next time?
>Anyhow, most mares would be proud of blowing such a load, but for you, it came with a strange mix of emotions.
>On one hand, it was a reminder of how much a perverted, high volume mare you were and how Anon could never love a mare like you.
>At least not without the proper conditioning, you had to remind yourself, trying to stay hopeful.
>On the other hand...
>You put your hands on your face, peeking through your fingers.
“Anon’s going to drink that…” you whispered to yourself, scarcely able to believe it.
>Your cock twitched, and to your dismay, it slowly grew to its full girth once more, hard and eager for more.
>You groaned and lay an arm over your eyes, uttering a small apology to Anon before getting to work.
>You returned to the living room, the cup shaking in your hand as you held it out like it might bite you.
>After having recovered a bit and cleared your head, the weight of what you were doing had once more settled in.
>You were actually going to do it.
>You’re actually going to hand a cup of your thick spunk to the object of your affection like your life was some cheap porn flick.
>It was hard not to laugh.
>Even through the haze of your insatiable arousal you could tell this was ridiculous but that didn’t stop you from putting one foot in front of the other like the walking dead.
>Through the kitchen entryway, into the living room...
>Soon you stood in front of Anon, the young man looking up at you expectantly.
>The TV had rolled credits some time ago and sat blank, but his stupor would last for a few hours more, it seemed.
>His gaze slid down to the cup.
>The smoothie cup looked normal enough, sans the glops of cream dripping down the sides.
>It was one of four you managed to blend up, adding in some vanilla and sweeteners to hopefully make it taste good.
>His mental state made him more tolerant to lewd things, not immune to them, so you figured best not to push it.
>And, you know… you want him to enjoy them.
>Your heart beat like a drum in your chest as you gulped and reached out, offering him his drink with an unsteady hand.
>Anon, with a kind of sleepy lethargy, took the cup, gave it a sniff, and then, as you held your breath, took a long sip.
>He smiled and licked his lips before saying something that made you faint.
>”Wow, Autie. This is delicious.”
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Vanilla Swirl (Fluttershy, futa, seduction, hypnosis, cum fetish)
By SickandWrongCreated: 2021-01-05 17:15:08
Expiry: Never
by SickandWrong